Finance Score: 0
Governance Score: 9
Support Score: 12
  • Poor Liquidity: -1
  • Multiple Deficits: -2
  • Fundraising costs low: +3
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Overall weighted support: +12
Overall GiG Score: 21 ?


NPC provides independent research and advice for charities and funders, to help them achieve greater impact. We offer this advice based on in-depth research of social issues and on our unique method of analysing charities. We encourage debate about what makes a charity effective, and build knowledge and tools to support charities and funders in their efforts to increase their own effectiveness.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from multiple prominent grant makers recently
  • Fundraising costs are low relative to funds raised
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition

Financial issues to consider:

  • Liquidity appears to have been slender at the latest year end
  • On several occasions in recent years income has been less than spending

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 5.8%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 5.3%
Senior Staff Costs/Total Spending: 8%
Highest pay band: £100,000-£110,000
Liabilities/Assets: 32%
Liabilities/Income: 16%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 50%
Reserves/Spending: 1.9 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 3 months
Quick Ratio: 1.7
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 23 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseX
Listed activities
  • General Charitable Purposes
GiG Classification
  • Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion
How it operates
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides services
  • Sponsors or undertakes research
Where it operates
  • Throughout England And Wales,
Who it helps
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
  • Other Defined Groups
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
City Bridge Trust£205,000
National Lottery Community Fund£153,652
Tuixen Foundation£140,000
Garfield Weston Foundation£130,000
Indigo Trust£130,000
Paul Hamlyn Foundation£120,000
William Grant Foundation£112,500
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£10,000 12/01/2024
NPC work with philanthropists and charities to improve the impact of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation and making tools and advice available to all.
William Grant Foundation - Everyone's Environment, year 2
£37,500 10/10/2023
To support the costs of co-ordinating one or more strands in a collaborative UK-wide initiative to accelerate action by social charities in response to the climate and nature crises. Keywords: ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 06/07/2023
NPC work with philanthropists and charities to improve the impact of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation and making tools and advice available to all.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£170,000 28/02/2023
£170,000 over two years (£103,000; £67,000) to review and collate research into the impact of the climate crisis on disabled and older Londoners and those from ethnic minority communities, and to ....more
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (2 Years) award
£80,000 17/02/2023
Everyone's Environment
BBC Children in Need - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£47,650 31/01/2023
The project will deliver research materials exploring the impact of climate change on young people in the UK, including consulting cyp on action they would like the youth sector take. This aims to ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£10,000 14/12/2022
NPC work with philanthropists and charities to improve the impact of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation and making tools and advice available to all.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£35,000 23/08/2022
£35,000 over six months towards the costs of a research project identifying and disseminating best practice in embedding service user involvement across third sector organisations.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 29/06/2022
NPC work with philanthropists and charities to improve the impact of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation and making tools and advice available to all.
William Grant Foundation - The social sector and the environmental crises
£75,000 21/06/2022
To support the costs of co-ordinating one or more strands in a collaborative UK-wide initiative to accelerate action by social charities in response to the climate and nature crises. Keywords: ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£60,000 05/08/2021
Towards project costs towards the My Best Life digital project, a collaboration to increase digital capacity in the youth sector to meet increasing demand for support from young people
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Covid-19 Emergency Funding
£20,000 09/06/2021
New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) is the think tank and consultancy for the social sector. They help charities, foundations, philanthropists, impact investors, social enterprises, corporates, and the ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 05/05/2021
NPC work with philanthropists and charities to improve the impact of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation and making tools and advice available to all.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award
£50,000 12/02/2021
NPC’s Covid-19 response support for the social sector
Indigo Trust - Open Philanthropy Project
£25,000 05/02/2021
To support NPC's Open Philanthropy Project
Indigo Trust - Open Philanthropy Project
£25,000 05/02/2021
To support NPC's Open Philanthropy Project
Comic Relief - My Best Life
£49,600 15/09/2020
My Best Life is NPC?s collaborative project, partnering with youth charities (UK Youth, The Mix, Leap Confronting Conflict, and Founders & Coders), digital agency, and a local authority to test ....more
ZING - Funding toward prototyping solutions identified through the "My Best Life" digital priorities research
£15,000 01/07/2020
Paul Hamlyn Foundation are covering Phase 2 of the MyBestLife project, running design sprints with young people from the user base of UK Youth, The Mix, Leap and Princes Trust. Founders and Coders ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 24/04/2020
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving measuring impact and using data and technology.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - COVID19 Emergency Funding
£100,000 15/04/2020
Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
Gatsby Charitable Trust - Research to influence charity funding in response to coronavirus
£50,000 14/04/2020
Research to influence charity funding in response to coronavirus
Gatsby Charitable Trust - Research to influence charity funding in response to coronavirus
£50,000 14/04/2020
Research to influence charity funding in response to coronavirus
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£124,914 01/04/2020
The Youth Investment Fund aims to expand, create and strengthen the sustainability of open-access youth services in six disadvantaged regions in the country. It will also expand the evidence base of ....more
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£124,914 01/04/2020
The Youth Investment Fund aims to expand, create and strengthen the sustainability of open-access youth services in six disadvantaged regions in the country. It will also expand the evidence base of ....more
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital (NPC)
£20,000 25/03/2020
This grant is going to support State of the Sector 2020 research.
Indigo Trust - Digitisation Programme
£30,000 20/03/2020
Core unrestricted funds.
Indigo Trust - Digitisation Programme
£30,000 19/03/2020
Core unrestricted funds.
Indigo Trust - Mapping the Social Sector Data Ecosystem
£10,000 23/01/2020
Mapping the Social Sector Data Ecosystem - Undertake research and to present initial findings at TicTec 2020.
Indigo Trust - Mapping the Social Sector Data Ecosystem
£10,000 23/01/2020
Mapping the Social Sector Data Ecosystem - Undertake research and to present initial findings at TicTec 2020.
National Lottery Community Fund - N/A
£153,652 29/10/2019
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 28/06/2019
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - State of the Sector 2020
£15,000 11/06/2019
A contribution towards the second iteration of npc's State of the Sector research.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£9,780 23/04/2019
Funding for two conferences, one in London and one in Manchester, to bring civil society together with the following aims: raise awareness of the issues facing the sector post-Brexit; galvanise the ....more
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£124,914 01/04/2019
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£124,914 01/04/2019
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Collaborative digital project – ‘My Best Life’.
£100,000 10/12/2018
New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) works with charities, philanthropists, funders and social enterprises to maximise their social impact. This grant will support NPC to collectively develop digital ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£29,950 23/07/2018
Towards updating, publication and dissemination of impact practice resources on theory of change and measurement frameworks, to be freely available to small and medium charities.
National Lottery Community Fund - Inspiring Impact
£600,000 15/06/2018
The project is a programme of free online tools and guidance, peer learning events and grant funding to help charities and social enterprises improve their impact management practice. It is delivered ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 11/06/2018
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Indigo Trust - Data for Impact - Homelessness
£5,000 21/03/2018
To use data sources, including 360 Giving, to analyses homelessness and related grant/foundation activity.
Indigo Trust - Data for Impact - Homelessness
£5,000 21/03/2018
To use data sources, including 360 Giving, to analyses homelessness and related grant/foundation activity.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - European Economic Area citizens pooled fund
£200,000 11/12/2017
New Philanthropy Capital will run a pooled fund, which will make grants to civil society organisations across the UK to help secure the rights of European Economic Area (EEA) nationals to remain in ....more
Unbound Philanthropy - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£375,000 15/11/2017
For support of a pooled fund for rapid response grantmaking to organizations to assist European Economic Area nationals to secure their status in the UK 
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£7,625 11/09/2017
Communications support for NPC theory of change for systems change research, including report design and launch campaign.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£30,000 28/06/2017
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Digital youth journeys
£15,000 15/05/2017
New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) will work with partners to map young people’s journeys through multiple products and services, and their experience of navigating their own personal issues, ....more
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£124,914 08/05/2017
The Youth Investment Fund aims to expand, create and strengthen the sustainability of open-access youth services in six disadvantaged regions in the country. It will also expand the evidence base of ....more
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£99,931 08/05/2017
The Youth Investment Fund aims to expand, create and strengthen the sustainability of open-access youth services in six disadvantaged regions in the country. It will also expand the evidence base of ....more
DCMS - Youth Investment Fund Learning & Impact
£99,931 08/05/2017
The Youth Investment Fund aims to expand, create and strengthen the sustainability of open-access youth services in six disadvantaged regions in the country. It will also expand the evidence base of ....more
ZING - "My Best Life" youth sector digital priorities research
£15,000 01/03/2017
Co-seed funding with Paul Hamlyn Foundation, NPC and The Mix for researching the priorities for digital technology in the youth sector. This is a user-centred mapping out of a young person's journey ....more
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Research - Theories of Change
£24,205 12/12/2016
To research whether theories of change affect or facilitate systems thinking
Cripplegate Foundation - Grant To New Philanthropy Capital
£5,000 09/12/2016
towards the costs of sponsoring place based approaches to the State of the Sector research
Hazelhurst Trust - Grant
£10,000 05/09/2016
Philanthropy research
Barrow Cadbury Trust - State of the Sector
£15,000 25/08/2016
A programme of research to identify and develop responses to the changing context for the charity sector
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Inspiring Impact - programme years 4-6
£15,000 05/07/2016
A contribution to the costs of year 4 of Inspiring Impact, the programme to help charities increase their impact through improvements in their use of evidence and evaluation.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Inspiring Impact (Years 4-6)
£15,000 22/06/2016
A contribution to continuation of the Inspiring Impact initiative, to broaden and deepen its reach.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£25,000 22/06/2016
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Indigo Trust - Research into Data and Philanthropy
£15,000 09/05/2016
To support their research work into data and philanthropy.
Hazelhurst Trust - Grant
£15,000 27/11/2015
Philanthropy research
National Lottery Community Fund - Inspiring Impact: Year 4-6
£600,000 20/08/2015
This is the continuation and development of the project to be delivered over three years. The project aims to help charities, funders and social enterprises across the UK better understand, measure ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£25,000 13/07/2015
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital (NPC)
£4,925 15/05/2015
To edit, design and print NPC’s LankellyChase-funded research to map the landscape of systems change thinking as it applies to social problems and the social sector.
ZING - Digital Transformation in the Social Sector programme seed funding
£10,000 01/05/2015
Seed funding to support the setting up of their Digital Transformation in the Social Sector
Hazelhurst Trust - Grant
£10,000 25/02/2015
Philanthropy research
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Inspiring Impact Year 3
£10,000 29/09/2014
A grant to New Philanthropy Capital Inspiring Impact Year 3
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£23,250 03/07/2014
To map the landscape of systems change thinking as applied to social problems and the social sector, and to provide a critical summary of what is currently known about systems change in order to ....more
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£25,000 01/07/2014
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
National Lottery Community Fund - Commission on Ageing and the Voluntary Sector
£174,087 02/08/2013
Commission on Ageing and the Voluntary Sector
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Inspiring impact - year 2
£10,000 26/07/2013
A grant to New Philanthropy Capital for Inspiring impact - year 2
Northern Rock Foundation - Grant awarded to New Philanthropy Capital (North East & Cumbria)
£10,000 01/07/2013
To support the Inspiring Impact programme.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£20,000 01/06/2013
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Northern Rock Foundation - Grant awarded to New Philanthropy Capital (North East & Cumbria)
£5,000 22/02/2013
Developing funder practice in supporting impact measurement and reporting.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£15,000 01/07/2012
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Impact practices survey
£10,800 28/05/2012
Impact practices survey
National Lottery Community Fund - Inspiring Impact
£280,000 21/05/2012
This project will encourage charities and social enterprises to plan and manage their work on the basis of its impact. This three-year Inspiring Impact project feeds into a 10-year programme of work ....more
Nesta - AC00251
£50,000 27/03/2012
Timebanking programme grant to New Philanthropy Capital Grant Ref AC00251
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Impact Measurement Survey
£6,000 22/03/2012
A grant to New Philanthropy Capital for Impact Measurement Survey
Northern Rock Foundation - Grant awarded to New Philanthropy Capital (North East & Cumbria)
£5,000 16/12/2011
Towards the costs of a survey of voluntary sector support needs.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£45,000 01/12/2011
Towards a sales and marketing manager to test the wider market for a web based survey tool to establish and assess children's well being.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£10,000 01/07/2011
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving the appropriate measuring of impact.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£10,000 01/07/2010
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving measuring impact and using data and technology.
Tuixen Foundation - Core grant to New Philanthropy Capital
£20,000 01/03/2010
NPC work to improve the effectiveness of the not for profit sector by research, discussion and provocation, especially involving measuring impact and using data and technology.
Indigo Trust - towards the costs of a programme
£63,000 09/04/2009
Towards the costs of a programme to assist charities working with offenders and their families to develop systems and tools to measure and articulate their effectiveness in reducing recidivism.
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (10)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Trustees: 33-73
  • DELROY CORINALDI Appointed: 2020, Occupation: Strategic Communications Consultant
  • EMILY SARAH WHEELER Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Head Of Development
  • FIONA JENNIE RAWES Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Philanthropy Director
  • JULIAN RAMA MAY Appointed: 2024, Occupation: Self Employed
  • LUCY MANUELA DE GROOT Appointed: 2017, Occupation: Retired
  • MEERA CRASTON Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Independent Consultant
  • PETER SPENCER WILLIAM WHEELER Appointed: 2001, Occupation: Investment Banker
  • PRINCE ALBERT TUCKER Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Consultant
  • SIR HARVEY ANDREW MCGRATH, Occupation: Company Director
  • VAUGHAN EMERSON LINDSAY (Chair) Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Director
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 27/03/2002, number: 1091450
  • Registered at Companies House on 02/07/2001, number: 04244715
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Campaigns and political activity policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Engaging external speakers at charity events policy and procedures
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
20 returns made; all on time
Main office

New Philanthropy Capital
Unit 3
Floor 2
93 Great Suffolk Street



Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

Tips for Selecting Charities

Which areas of philanthropy are most effective?
The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
Our Top Tips for Philanthropy
Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your brain, as well as your heart You....more
How to become a Philanthropist
In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they are having. Effective philanthropy is immensely rewarding for donors,....more

Giving is Great