Finance Score: -1
Governance Score: 5
Support Score: 5
  • Poor Liquidity: -1
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Mainly male board: -1
  • Overall weighted support: +5
Overall GiG Score: 9 ?


Our Charity has three main aims. We primarily assist people in need, chiefly through the provision of donated household goods and new furniture and white goods at affordable prices. We also offer training and work experience placements and employment. We protect the environment by collecting items that would otherwise go to waste. We work with City of York Council and charities to furnish homes.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • Spending has increased over the last 3 years relative to the previous period
  • There have been no material income shortfalls in recent years
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and dynamic in terms of composition

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • The Board is predominantly male

Financial issues to consider:

  • Liquidity appears to have been slender at the latest year end

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 0%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 0%
Highest pay band: Less than £60,000
Liabilities/Assets: 28%
Liabilities/Income: 6%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 79%
Reserves/Spending: 1.5 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 1 months
Quick Ratio: 1.6
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 18 years
Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseFacebook
Listed activities
  • Economic/Community Development/Employment
  • Environment/Conservation/Heritage
  • Other Charitable Purposes
  • The Prevention Or Relief Of Poverty
GiG Classification
  • Other education support
How it operates
  • Other charitable activities
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • City Of York,
Who it helps
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
  • Other Defined Groups
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
National Lottery Community Fund£10,000
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust£7,000
The Shears Foundation£5,500
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
The Shears Foundation - Community Furniture Store (York) Ltd
£5,500 08/04/2024
IT Reuse Project
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust - IT ReUse
£7,000 15/02/2022
Funding towards running an IT Re-Use Scheme, which provides hardware and software to people experiencing digital poverty in York by reconditioning and distributing donated devices
CAF - Grant to Community Furniture Store (York) Ltd
£5,000 08/06/2020
Grant to Community Furniture Store (York) Ltd to support the organisation through COVID19
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting vulnerable households through the COVID-19 crisis
£10,000 24/04/2020
The funding will be used to enable the organisation to meet increased demand to deliver essential furniture and electrical goods to people in crisis due to COVID-19 and other circumstances.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Purchasing a second-hand van for collections and deliveries
£5,000 16/02/2016
To purchase a third delivery van to support their busy collection and delivery services to the community

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (8)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Trustees: 49-83
  • DAVID JAMES NASH (Chair) Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Charitable Foundation Partner Manager
  • DR MATTHEW FARRELLY Appointed: 2017, Occupation: Engineer
  • GRAHAM MITCHELL Appointed: 2013, Occupation: Retired
  • NICHOLAS THOMAS DENNISON Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Head Of Homes Charitable Foundation
  • PRAKASH MISTRY Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Management Accountant
  • TIMOTHY JOHN LEONARD Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Marketing Director
  • TOM JENKINS Appointed: 2016, Occupation: Retired
  • VERA VAN GOOL Appointed: 2023
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 08/06/2006, number: 1114605
  • Registered at Companies House on 20/03/2006, number: 05748697
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
17 returns made; AR16: 22 days late,
Main office

Unit 29 Raylor Centre
James Street
YO10 3DW


a. To relieve generally or individually persons who are in conditions of need, hardship, or distress for reasons including, but not limited to, lack of resources, sudden emergency, ill-health, disability, or other disadvantage.b. To provide by gift, sale, or otherwise, furniture, household goods and other items or services to relieve need, hardship or distress and prevent exclusion from essential services.c. To raise public awareness of, and encourage recycling, reuse, or repurposing of furniture and other household items, including by collecting unwanted items and making them available for others to use.d. To promote and provide life and work skills support and work experience for people who are unemployed or would otherwise benefit from such services.e. To promote any other charitable activity that is consistent with these objects, which shall be selected by the trustees at their absolute discretion.

Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

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Giving is Great