Finance Score: 5
Governance Score: 5
Support Score: 8
  • Good reserves management: +3
  • Strong growth: +2
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Mainly male board: -1
  • Overall weighted support: +8
Overall GiG Score: 18 ?


The organisation will conserve rehabilitate and improve the rivers streams watercourses and water impoundments of the catchments comprising the rivers of Norfolk including adjacent estuarine and coastal areas for the advancement of environmental protection and improvement for the benefit of the public.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • Reserves management has been consistently within official guidelines
  • There has been strong growth in spending over the last 5 years
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and dynamic in terms of composition

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • The Board is predominantly male
  • Over half the Board have joined recently

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 11.1%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 11.2%
Highest pay band: Less than £60,000
Liabilities/Assets: 29%
Liabilities/Income: 25%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 47%
Reserves/Spending: 3.9 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 9 months
Quick Ratio: 2.5
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 13 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies House
Listed activities
  • Environment/Conservation/Heritage
GiG Classification
  • Environment conservation & animal welfare advocacy
How it operates
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • Norfolk,
Who it helps
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs£792,786
Esmee Fairbairn£76,650
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Norfolk Rivers Trust
£3,650 20/02/2023
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF601 22/23-Broadland Rivers
£15,000 01/04/2022
The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5101 22/23-North West Norfolk
£15,000 01/04/2022
The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5001 22/23-North Norfolk Rivers
£15,000 01/04/2022
The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW 0756-CF1620-Bayfield Wetland 2122-20k,2223-30k
£2,414 01/04/2022
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW 0875-CF1831-Middle Yare restoring natural processes 2223
£3,754 01/04/2022
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW 0682-CF1983-Fish Passage in the River Bure and Yare-2122-20k,2223-15k
£14,981 01/04/2022
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW 0587-CF1986-Yare Valley Green Infrastructure 32100 (2021),48K (2122), 60K (2223), £50K (2324)
£59,995 01/04/2022
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW 0520-CF2004-Stiffkey Total Catchment 2021 (£75k-2021, £75K-2122, £75K-2223)
£75,000 01/04/2022
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Norfolk Rivers Trust
£73,000 19/05/2021
Towards project costs restoring the River Stiffkey, building wetlands and connecting floodplains to improve water and habitat quality.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5101_2122 - North West Norfolk - Catchment Host Funding
£15,000 01/04/2021
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF601_2122 - Broadland Rivers - Catchment Host Funding
£15,000 01/04/2021
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5001_2122 - North Norfolk Rivers - Catchment Host Funding
£15,000 01/04/2021
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0784-CF1593 - Securing Norfolk Crayfish (2122-10k, 2223-10k)
£2,757 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0724-CF1579 - Reducing nitrate in East Anglia Groundwater Catchments, 2122 - 14k
£12,479 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0367-CF1544 - Lark and Thet diffuse pollution (£20K allocated for 19/20, £10K for 20/21,£10K for 21/22, £10k for 22/23)
£8,835 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0520-CF1516 - Stiffkey Total Catchment 2021 (£75k-2021, £75K-2122, £75K-2223)
£75,000 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0683-CF1501 - Long Meadow Stage Zero 2122
£14,498 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0680-CF1486 - Middle Yare Restoring Natural Processes 2122
£25,556 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0756-CF1449 - Bayfield Wetland 2122-20k,2223-30k
£17,586 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0630-CF1443 - Reducing Impacts of run off in Norfolk Chalk Streams 40k(2021)+25k(2122)+25k(2223)
£25,000 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0587-CF1440 - Yare Valley Green Infrastructure 32100 (2021),48K (2122), 60K (2223), £50K (2324)
£15,328 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0784-CF1422 - Securing Norfolk Crayfish (2122-10k, 2223-10k)
£7,051 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0682-CF1414 - Fish Passage in the River Bure and Yare-2122-20k,2223-15k
£17,311 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0587-CF1388 - Yare Valley Green Infrastructure 32100 (2021),48K (2122), 60K (2223), £50K (2324)
£32,672 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0589-CF1367 - River burn Plan 2021 £10K (2021), £10K (2122), £10K (2223)
£10,000 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0724-CF1276 - Reducing nitrate in East Anglia Groundwater Catchments, 2122 - 14k
£1,422 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0680-CF1275 - Middle Yare Restoring Natural Processes 2122
£4,444 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0682-CF1273 - Fish Passage in the River Bure and Yare-2122-20k,2223-15k
£2,689 01/04/2021
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
DCMS - GRCF2020: Restoring biodiversity: building a mink-free East Anglia
£114,600 11/11/2020
Green Recovery Challenge Fund 2020-21. The wider aim of the scheme is: The Green Recovery Challenge Fund is a short-term competitive fund to kick-start environmental renewal whilst creating and ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF601-20/21 - Broadland Rivers
£15,000 15/05/2020
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5101-20/21 - North West Norfolk
£15,000 15/05/2020
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5001-20/21 - North Norfolk Rivers
£15,000 15/05/2020
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0520-CF907 - Stiffkey Total Catchment 2021 (£75k-2021, £75K-2122, £75K-2223)
£15,371 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0589-CF1091 - River burn Plan 2021 £10K (2021), £10K (2122), £10K (2223)
£10,000 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0633-CF1067 - Waterlife Recovery East
£19,000 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0580-CF1104 - Wymondham Fish Passage 2021
£40,000 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0520-CF1100 - Stiffkey Total Catchment 2021 (£75k-2021, £75K-2122, £75K-2223)
£59,629 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0630-CF1101 - Reducing Impacts of run off in Norfolk Chalk Streams 40k(2021)+25k(2122)+25k(2223)
£40,000 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0587-CF1103 - Yare Valley Green Infrastructure £50K (2021), £30K (2122), £0K (2223), £50K (2324)
£32,097 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - PGW0367-CF1090 - Lark and Thet diffuse pollution (£20K allocated for 19/20, £10K for 20/21,£10K for 21/22, £10k for 22/23)
£12,917 01/04/2020
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Wissey Catchment plan implementation and restoration work highlighted in walkovers
£13,897 01/04/2019
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Wymondham Fish Passage
£7,602 01/04/2019
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Lark and Thet diffuse pollution (œ20K allocated for 19/20, œ10K for 20/21,œ10K for 21/22, )
£18,248 01/04/2019
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - River Burn Plan
£10,000 01/04/2019
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Stiffkey Total Catchment Management Project
£15,000 01/04/2019
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5001-19/20 (NORTH NORFOLK) WFD GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2019
Water Environment Improvement Fund - Catchment Partnership Action Fund (CPAF) 2019/20
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5101-19/20 (NORTH WEST NORFOLK) WFD GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2019
Water Environment Improvement Fund - Catchment Partnership Action Fund (CPAF) 2019/20
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF601-19/20 (BROADLANDS RIVER) WFD GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2019
Water Environment Improvement Fund - Catchment Partnership Action Fund (CPAF) 2019/20
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - Snettisham Fish Pass
£5,000 01/04/2018
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - NORTH NORFOLK WFD CRF GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2018
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Hosting for Catchment Partnership for 1819
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - NORTH WEST NORFOLK WFD CRF GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2018
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Hosting for Catchment Partnership for 1819
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - ROADLAND RIVERS WFD CRF GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES
£15,000 01/04/2018
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Hosting for Catchment Partnership for 1819
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - Barriers to fish passage in the River Bure and Yare 18/19
£78,132 01/04/2018
Partnership Grants for England (PG) is a payment mechanism enabling us to provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations for projects which protect and enhance the water environment ....more
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - The River Burn - a forgotten chalk stream
£10,000 01/04/2017
To provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations to deliver projects to protect and enhance the water environment and deliver other EA objectives
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - North Norfolk
£15,000 01/04/2017
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Catchment Based Approach National Support Group Work Programme 1718
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - North West Norfolk
£15,000 01/04/2017
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Catchment Based Approach National Support Group Work Programme 1718
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Broadland Rivers
£15,000 01/04/2017
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Catchment Based Approach National Support Group Work Programme 1718
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - CamEO Slowing the flow and reducing impacts of sediment
£36,000 01/04/2017
To provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations to deliver projects to protect and enhance the water environment and deliver other EA objectives
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (7)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Trustees: 35-62
  • BENJAMIN STEWARD Appointed: 2015, Occupation: Commercial Director
  • DR GEOFFREY BRIGHTY (Chair) Appointed: 2014, Occupation: Director
  • DR RICHARD COOPER Appointed: 2023, Occupation: University Lecturer
  • KERRY ANNE FOSTER Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Consultant
  • NIGEL SAVORY DL Appointed: 2017
  • ROBERT JOHN COOKE Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Director
  • THOMAS JAMES DEARDS Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Solicitor
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 10/02/2012, number: 1145854
  • Registered at Companies House on 10/10/2011, number: 07803739
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Complaints handling
  • Conflicting interests
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
11 returns made; AR18: 1 days late, AR14: 13 days late,
Main office

Norfolk Rivers Trust
Unit 15
Bayfield Brecks



Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

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