Finance Score: -2
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 6
  • Accounts filed more than 5 days late: -2 times
  • Multiple Deficits and declines: -5
  • Future income +5
  • No PartB
    • Large volunteers +3
    • Overall weighted support: +3
    Overall GiG Score: 4 ?


    The charity activities include but are not limited to: LGBT community members advocacy, LGBT supportive policy advocacy, training & related online and direct educational services, research, information resources creation & dissemination, volunteering, partnering activity to support LGBT and LGBT Allies in counteracting anti-LGBT behaviour & discrimination across Dorset, Wessex & beyond (UK level)
    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • This charity has been successful in attracting volunteers relative to its size
    • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government and there are significant future grants due to be received

    Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

    • Over half the Board have joined recently

    Financial issues to consider:

    • A PartB annual return has not been required and so detailed financial information is not available from the online data
    • Accounts have been filed late on 2 occasions over the last 5 years and the current period appears to have been extended
    • Income has been volatile and on several occasions in recent years less than spending

    Financial Data ?

    Income & Spending ?
    Sources of Income ?
    Y/E Income
    Deficit £k
    Cost £k
    Funds £k
    Funds £k
    Staff Volun-

    Highest pay bracket: less than £60,000
    Balance Sheet History
    Established: 8 years


    Charity Commission for England and Wales
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • Arts/Culture/Heritage/Science
    • Education/Training
    • General Charitable Purposes
    • Human Rights/Religious Or Racial Harmony/Equality Or Diversity
    GiG Classification
    • LGBTQ+ support
    • Emotional support, counselling or therapy
    How it operates
    • Provides advocacy/advice/information
    • Provides services
    • Sponsors or undertakes research
    Where it operates
    • Bournemouth, Dorset, Hampshire, Poole, Wiltshire,
    Who it helps
    • Children/Young People
    • Elderly/Old People
    • Other Defined Groups
    • The General Public/Mankind

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Major supporters in last 5 years
    National Lottery Community Fund£24,629
    LGBT Consortium£4,500
    Dorset Community Foundation£2,000
    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    National Lottery Community Fund - Portland Prison and LGBTQ+ homeless community initiatives consolidation project
    £8,169 03/02/2023
    The funding will be used to continue training and support based on LGBTQ+ inclusion. The project aims to improve the wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people who are homeless in prison and from ethnic minorities.
    Dorset Community Foundation - BCP & Dorset LGBT homeless and Portland Prisons LGBT support project
    £2,000 10/02/2022
    Supporting young LGBTQ+ people at risk of homelessness in BCP and Weymouth by providing training & support to Dorset Police and Bournemouth & Poole College, and supporting vulnerable LGBTQ+ ....more
    National Lottery Community Fund - LGBT homeless NHS & LGBT mental health support and LGBT & prisons project
    £7,500 07/01/2022
    The funding will be used to create resources (intranet and short videos) and training sessions for frontline staff in the NHS mental health trusts prison staff and for those working in the homeless ....more
    LGBT Consortium - Grant to LGB&T Dorset Equality Network
    £4,500 22/01/2021
    Continue activities and services during the covid pandemic, including core admin and phone/email support, virtual meetings and strategic networking, training and advisory.
    National Lottery Community Fund - Network Outreach & Development project
    £8,960 23/10/2019
    Network Outreach & Development project
    National Lottery Community Fund - Dorset LGBT community outreach project
    £9,038 27/09/2017
    The funding will be used to provide a wide range of support to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, to help break down social barriers, developing positive community ....more

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?

    Trustees (4)
    Current Trustees appointed
    Gender Split

    • ALAN MERCEL-SANCA Appointed: 2024
    • CONNOR DYBOWSKI Appointed: 2024
    • DANIEL CLARKE Appointed: 2024
    • ERIN GREENSLADE Appointed: 2016
    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in England & Wales on 06/03/2017, number: 1171911
    Gift Aid
    • NOT registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
    Policies in force
    • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
    • Complaints handling
    • Complaints policy and procedures
    • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
    • Paying staff
    • Safeguarding policy and procedures
    • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
    • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
    • Volunteer management
    Filing Record
    6 returns made; AR23: 36 days late, AR19: 50 days late, AR18: 60 days late,
    Main office

    Gipsy Cottage
    CT4 5HJ


    (1) The promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit in the UK (including rural areas such as but not restricted to Dorset and adjacent areas, conurbations, such as but not limited to Bournemouth-Christchurch-Poole, and metropolitan areas), and in the broader British Isles (UK and Ireland), by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity by;(a) advancing education and raising awareness in the issues (such as prejudice, poor mental health due to prejudice, hate, discrimination, superficial acceptance, rejection) faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans & non-binary people (‘LGBT+’ and ‘LGBTQ’);(b) promoting activities and services, orientated towards practical and policy solutions to the issues faced by LGBT+ & LGBTQ people, and in conjunction with the latter to foster understanding between LGBT+ & LGBTQ people and those from other backgrounds;(c) conducting or commissioning research on LGBT+ & LGBTQ issues, particularly for more marginalised or disempowered sections of the LGBT+ & LGBTQ community, publishing the results to the public, and creation and provision of related information resources to assist in addressing LGBT+ & LGBTQ issues;(d) cultivating a sentiment in favour of LGBT+ & LGBTQ inclusion, and equality and diversity.

    Data Sources

    Charity Commission for England and Wales
    360 Giving

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    Giving is Great