Finance Score: -1
Governance Score: 2
Support Score: 12
  • Reasonable growth: +1
  • Fundraising costs high: -2
  • 12+ Trustees: -1
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Overall weighted support: +12
Overall GiG Score: 13 ?


We are the national charity dedicated to supporting individuals affected by bipolar. We provide a range of services including information & advice, a network of support groups, eCommunity, workplace training & telephone & email peer support. We also work in partnership with research organisations and campaign for new developments to tackle key issues.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • There has been reasonable growth in spending over the last 3 years relative to the previous period
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • There are 14 trustees whereas the Charities Commission recommends a maximum of 12

Financial issues to consider:

  • Fundraising costs are high relative to funds raised

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 24.9%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 26.6%
Senior Staff Costs/Total Spending: 6%
Highest pay band: £60,000-£70,000
Liabilities/Assets: 12%
Liabilities/Income: 13%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 93%
Reserves/Spending: 11.6 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 7 months
Quick Ratio: 3.8
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 39 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseFacebookInstagramX
Listed activities
  • Disability
  • Education/Training
  • The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives
GiG Classification
  • Outpatient support services
How it operates
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • Throughout England And Wales,
Who it helps
  • Children/Young People
  • Other Defined Groups
  • People With Disabilities
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
National Lottery Community Fund£417,934
Department of Health£400,000
City Bridge Trust£249,806
Wolfson Foundation£40,000
Comic Relief£40,000
Co-Operative Group£16,545
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Bipolar UK
£246,846 13/04/2024
£246,846 over three years (£80,305, £80,740, £85,800) for 0.6 FTE Senior Peer Support Officer salary, 0.1FTE Peer Support Manager salary, 0.3 FTE Deputy CEO salary, set up and running of an ....more
Cambridgeshire Community Foundation - In-person Cambridge Bipolar Peer-led Group Support
£3,000 15/02/2024
to continue Cambridge Bipolar Peer Group sessions for 12 people in-person this September (following their transition to online following COVID), and training and mentoring two lived experienced ....more
Cheshire Community Foundation - Cheshire Bipolar Peer Support Services
£1,000 17/05/2023
Fund 20 people with fortnightly 2-hour group support sessions in Chester and Warrington. Providing telephone and email contact, and access to an e-community support network. A grant will enable us to ....more
Devon Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£4,200 28/03/2023
12 month pilot of the delivery of clinical supervision for volunteers
Quartet Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£1,937 26/01/2023
To reopen the face to face Bristol Bipolar Peer Support Group enabling those impacted by bipolar in Bristol to stay well.
Cumbria Community Foundation - Carlisle & Penrith Bipolar Group Support Services- face2face reopening
£1,971 15/12/2022
Carlisle & Penrith Bipolar Group Support Services- face2face reopening
National Lottery Community Fund - Bipolar Self-Management Wales
£9,568 25/10/2022
Bipolar UK Ltd will provide self-management support groups for people living with bipolar across Wales. £9568 will fund staff administration and rent. Bydd Bipolar UK Ltd yn darparu grwpiau cymorth ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Building Bipolar Communities 2022-24
£250,000 04/05/2022
The project is using funding to sustain its online peer support services and pilot online self-management courses for people affected by bipolar disorder. The funding will be used to deliver ....more
Cheshire Community Foundation - Warrington Bipolar Peer Support
£1,718 14/04/2022
Warrington Bipolar Peer Support
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£1,500 24/02/2022
to support people with bipolar disorder and their families and carers across Southend district
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£1,500 24/02/2022
to support people with bipolar disorder and their families and carers across Maldon district
Sussex Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK - Sussex
£4,939 17/11/2021
Funding was provided for 2 video peer support groups and face to face meeting in Horsham and Lewes.
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Bipolar UK - 16/08/21
£1,500 07/09/2021
Penzance & West Cornwall Bipolar Peer Support
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£2,924 14/04/2021
St Albans District Local Peer Support Group
Community Foundation for Surrey - COVID19 - People with disabilities
£4,048 05/03/2021
Funding to enable virtual support groups for people with Bipolar amid the Coronavirus pandemic
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£2,000 14/01/2021
to support a self-help group in Maldon for those with bipolar, their carers and families using adapted methods of communication due to the pandemic
National Lottery Community Fund - Bipolar Volunteer & Staff Learning Management System
£9,949 18/12/2020
The funding will be used to set up a Learning Management System to improve existing inefficient processes and upskill volunteers and staff. The project aims to enhance the service they provide to ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - COVID-19 - Wales Bipolar Digital Peer Support
£9,240 07/12/2020
Bipolar UK Ltd will use £9240 to provide online peer support services for people across Wales with bipolar whose mental health has been adversely affected by COVID-19 Bydd Bipolar UK Ltd yn ....more
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Watford Bipolar UK Peer Support Group
£2,632 24/10/2020
The Watford Bipolar UK Peer Support Group provides a safe space for people who are affected by bipolar disorder.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Bipolar UK Liverpool Peer Support Group
£2,928 24/10/2020
This Peer Support Group reaches out to and supports people in their local community who have a bipolar diagnosis.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Bromley Bipolar UK Peer Support Group
£3,135 24/10/2020
The Bromley Peer Support Group reaches out and supports people living in their community who are affected by bipolar disorder.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Guildford Bipolar UK Peer Support Group
£3,876 24/10/2020
The Peer Support Group will provide a safe space for people who are affected by bipolar disorder.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Camden Bipolar UK Peer Support Group
£3,975 24/10/2020
We would like to provide a safe space for people in the community who are affected by the devastating condition of bipolar disorder.
Cheshire Community Foundation - Cheshire Bipolar Video Peer Support
£3,160 03/09/2020
1. Bipolar UK is dedicated to supporting individuals with the devastating condition Bipolar Disorder through a programme of integrated peer support services involving groups, online forum and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Covid-19 COVID Emergency Bipolar Video Peer Support Groups -Wales
£24,314 31/07/2020
Bipolar UK will support their ‘face2face’ peer support groups in Wales to move online. The meetings will be open to anyone affected by bipolar disorder including people with a diagnosis those ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - COVID Emergency Bipolar Peer Support eCommunity Scotland
£4,938 25/06/2020
This group will use the funding to facilitate an online forum for people who are bipolar to reduce loneliness and isolation exchange self-care tips and provide emotional support.
Comic Relief - Covid-19 Recovery Funding
£40,000 23/06/2020
COVID19 Recovery funding
Wolfson Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£40,000 11/06/2020
Digital and IT equipment. Grant converted to unrestricted funding June 2020 in response to Covid-19 pandemic.
National Lottery Community Fund - Bipolar UK Online Peer Support Service ( Incl: London Funders - Wave 2 app)
£99,925 02/06/2020
The funding will be used to run a digital service peer support groups and webinars for people affected by bipolar to reduce relapse rates and suicides caused by the Covid-19 crisis.
Department of Health - Covid Funding
£200,000 22/05/2020
Support for Mental Health Charities
Cumbria Community Foundation - Staff, IT, volunteer costs
£1,500 13/05/2020
Staff, IT, volunteer costs
CAF - Grant to Bipolar UK
£2,500 27/04/2020
Grant to Bipolar UK to support the organisation through COVID19
Community Foundation for Nthn Ireland - Bipolar UK Peer Support - Northern Ireland
£6,072 21/04/2020
towards 3 proposed Northern Ireland Covid emergency replacement Bipolar VPSGs to connect and support increasingly isolated and vulnerable attendees of face to face groups forced to close
Department of Health - Bipolar UK
£200,000 17/04/2020
The grant funding provided a period of support for charities providing vital services to ensure they could meet increased demand as a result of COVID-19, while continuing their day-to-day activities ....more
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Bipolar UK
£2,960 13/04/2020
A grant of £2,960 to fund the essential and urgent costs outlined in the application, so that the organisation can carry on providing support to Londoners.
National Lottery Community Fund - Bipolar Peer Support Services Database
£10,000 17/10/2019
Bipolar Peer Support Services Database
Comic Relief - Bipolar Chatbot
£40,700 03/07/2019
According to research conducted by Bipolar UK (the only charity specifically focused on bipolar) there are 1.3 million people living with bipolar in the UK. They propose a chatbot that helps users ....more
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (3 Years) award
£100,000 22/05/2019
Core costs in respect of Integrated Bipolar Peer Support Services 2019-2022
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Bipolar UK
£200,000 10/01/2017
£200,000 over three years (£65,300; £60,500; £74,200) towards 25% of the full-time Information & Support Manager’s salary; part-time Moderators; eCommunity platform development; IT support ....more
John Ellerman Foundation - Core costs
£60,000 24/11/2016
Towards the core costs of their work improving the quality of life of people with bipolar disorder and supporting their families.
Masonic Trust - Bipolar Support Line
£60,000 19/10/2016
Bipolar Support Line service consisting of a trained team providing immediate online and phone support to people affected by Bipolar Disorder.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Bipolar UK
£40,000 31/05/2013
Bipolar UK provides supports people affected by bipolar disorder. Its national network of self help groups provide peer support to their members, reduce isolation and help people to understand and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Volunteer training programme for bipolar self-help group facilitators
£10,000 03/11/2011
This is a project by a charity in London, serving beneficiaries across England. The group will use the funding to develop a training programme for volunteers who facilitate self help groups for ....more
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (14)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Trustees: 33-66
  • ALICE LOUISE FILKIN ALPHANDARY Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Manager
  • BILL WALDEN-JONES Appointed: 2015, Occupation: Policy Consultant
  • DANIEL WHITLAM Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Head Of Safer Gambling
  • DERRICK RALPH DALE QC Appointed: 2019
  • DR ADITYA SHARMA Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Doctor
  • EDMUND BUTCHER Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Head Of Business Development
  • GUY DAVID PAISNER Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Investment Analyst
  • HILARY SAMSON-BARRY Appointed: 2015, Occupation: Leadership And Professional Development Coach
  • JEREMY CLARK Appointed: 2015, Occupation: Civil Servant
  • LOUIS CONSTANDINOS Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Scientist
  • MELISSA ELIZABETH VOKES BARNETT-WELCH Appointed: 2019, Occupation: Public Affairs Associate Director
  • NADIA ANGELA MIMI SILVER Appointed: 2019, Occupation: Barrister At Law
  • ROBERT STEPHEN PRINT Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Manager
  • SARITA DENT Appointed: 2015, Occupation: Group Commercial Director
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 10/02/1986, number: 293340
  • Registered at Companies House on 07/11/1985, number: 01955570
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Campaigns and political activity policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Engaging external speakers at charity events policy and procedures
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
20 returns made; AR05: 15 days late,
Main office




Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

Tips for Selecting Charities

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The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
Our Top Tips for Philanthropy
Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your brain, as well as your heart You....more
How to become a Philanthropist
In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they are having. Effective philanthropy is immensely rewarding for donors,....more

Giving is Great