Friends Provident Foundation

Who they support

The Foundation's overarching aim is to transform the use of financial systems into an informed activity that offers social as well as economic benefits, alleviating social disharmony and inequality.

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £3 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.

Grant criteria

Our Developing a Fair Economy grants programme focuses on how we can make a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable as this is where the flaws in the system are most obvious, not just in terms of poverty but also inequality.

Application procedure

We use a two stage application process. This means we ask for enough information to make sure your application feels like a good fit before asking you to complete a fuller application. Our eligible Stage One applications are reviewed by an expert Programme Advisory Group who bring a mix of policy expertise and practical and lived experience to the process. Our Stage Two applications are reviewed by a member of the team or one of our experienced assessors and then by our Trustees at their quarterly meetings. Because of this it can take up to six months from submitting a stage one application to being awarded a grant if successful.



Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1087053
Charity Commission for England and WalesTwitter
Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 93 donations have been made totalling £8,536,447 to 63 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust 51% 32%
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation 40% 30%
Paul Hamlyn Foundation 36% 21%
Trust for London 35% 19%
The Tudor Trust 29% 14%
John Ellerman Foundation 26% 13%
Lankelly Chase Foundation 23% 13%
Gower Street 18% 10%
Barrow Cadbury Trust 16% 10%
Samworth Foundation 15% 8%
Sole supporter: 46% by number, 28% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
08/02/2024 £9,636 £241,413 ARKBOUND FOUNDATION To provide a series of participatory workshops for disadvantaged and under-represented people from our community hub in Glasgow and to collate their ideas and voices through online and offline material (blogs, videos, podcast, ebook, audiobook and physical book).
31/01/2024 £80,000 TAX JUSTICE UK LIMITED Core funding in support of Tax Justice UK (TJ-UK)'s campaigning work and in support of their vision that everyone in the UK should benefit from a fairer and more effective tax system.
01/10/2023 £57,874 THE BLACK ECONOMISTS NETWORK LTD TBEN will provide a vital alternative to failed mainstream economic orthodoxy by building the vital infrastructure to nurture Black economists who can drive financial modelling that reflects a variety of economic experiences and reduces inequity.
01/10/2023 £100,000 £4,829,241 FAIRSHARE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (OPERATING AS SHAREACTION) Core funding in support of ShareAction's work
29/09/2023 £120,000 COMMUNITY ACTION GROUPS OXFORDSHIRE Oxford has a wealth inequality problem, with roots entwined in colonialism, institutional racism and classism. This obstructs progress towards a fair and sustainable economy for the City. Recent commitments from the University, OUH, and City and County Councils suggest forward progress. This combination of wealth and political willingness should offer great opportunities for leveraging wealth and assets into community ownership. Owned by Oxford (ObO will co-create a just and regenerative economy through community wealth building that is "grassroots up" - led by those with lived experience of the structural inequalities, racism and inequity identified; Support the training and resourcing of new and emerging economic actors from Black, minoritised and economically marginalised communities and businesses that are locally rooted, trading for the benefit of and accountable to the local community; increase community ownership and control of assets, addressing historic roots of inequality.
25/09/2023 £10,700 THE SOCIAL CHANGE NEST CIC We envision a future in which everyone can create value, has a voice, and collectively can direct it towards neighbourhood wellbeing. We will begin to deliver our vision for neighbourhood empowerment through new community finance infrastructure and a community wellbeing exchange platform designed to democratise local investment.
25/09/2023 £9,895 PLANET B PRODUCTIONS LTD Macrodose is your weekly fix of everything economics. Host James Meadway brings you a 15-minute update on the key stories making the news, and the analysis you need to make sense of them. Macrodose is about democratising economics education, cutting through jargon, and building an alternative vision for the economy.
01/09/2023 £9,991 TRADEMARK BELFAST A project to build the capacity and networks for supporting the transition towards a more democratic and fair economy in Northern Ireland. This is conceived as preparatory work for the establisment of a Centre for Democratic Ownership and Participation.
30/06/2023 £80,000 STIR TO ACTION LTD Over the last ten years, Stir to Action has been field and capacity building for new economic change, engaging a diverse movement of communities, campaign groups, business federations, think tanks, and social change agencies.
20/06/2023 £86,028 SOLIDARITY ECONOMY ASSOCIATION We want to continue our work of developing a grassroots Solidarity Economy Organisers Network (SE-ON), to weave relationships between and build capacity in grass-roots solidarity economy groups that both serve, and are organised by, those living at the forefront of systemic oppression and economic marginalisation. We are applying for funds for a further two phases of development of the SE-ON network, bringing in a further six groups and holding two in person events over the next two years, in order to empower local and national organising, and build collaboration and coordination between often disparate groups.
01/05/2023 £100,000 STRATEGY AND COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Core funding in support of the ECU's vision of a fair, sustainable, prosperous and resilient economy where everyone has the freedom and security to live a good life. ECU work to accelerate this transition by growing the impact and power of the UK 'new economy' movement and building support for its ideas in politics and society.
01/05/2023 £100,000 £208,093 WELLBEING ECONOMY ALLIANCE SCOTLAND Core funding in support of WEAll Scotland's mission
01/04/2023 £118,000 COMMUNITY ENERGY ASSOCIATION (ENGLAND) LTD The community energy sector has shown considerable ingenuity, determination and impact, but ongoing lack of policy mechanisms combined with a rapidly-evolving landscape of opportunities means a new phase of support and advocacy is needed. We want to evolve the support we provide to an increasingly diverse sector and play a stronger facilitative and coordinating role to ensure that learning is shared effectively, duplication of effort reduced, and sector capacity and skills are increased. This will aim to reduce the sector's vulnerability to changes in central government support and help them to build more resilient business models that transform local communities.
01/04/2023 £110,000 £742,303 FINANCE INNOVATION LAB Core funding in support of Finance Innovation Lab's work to transform the financial system for people and planet. Finance Innovation Lab cultivate a community of systems-changemakers and work on transformative but practical initiatives that impact mental models and power dynamics for deep, lasting change.
01/04/2023 £10,000 CLIMATE VANGUARD CIC Through the simple act of skipping school, the youth climate movement forced climate breakdown into the political limelight. The demand was simple: leaders must "listen to the science" and act accordingly. However, since then our arc towards climate catastrophe has only intensified. Asking leaders to listen to the science is an ill-suited demand if the economy to which they are bound is hardwired against the interests of people and planet. Subsequently, the youth climate movement must not only demand economic transformation, but create a program of policy demands that shift the predominant economic paradigm towards one that is decolonised, democratised, and decentralised - the exact enabling conditions for decarbonisation. Climate Vanguard has been set-up to shepherd the evolution of the UK youth climate movement into a new economic actor with a plan to win.
01/04/2023 £9,950 THIS IS RUBBISH CIC TiR has been campaigning for an end to poverty and food waste, calling for an environmentally and socially just food system. This work will build the capacity of under-resourced organisations to speak truth to power. This work will focus on the systemic flaws that lead to the need for food aid. Futuring / visioning methods will be used to explore what an alternative economy that centres care and fairness would look like from their perspective for a future without food banks.
30/03/2023 £25,000 £3,425,774 INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH LIMITED Research to investigate the levels of potential for greater philanthropic giving in support of the new economy movement un the UK.
14/03/2023 £100,000 £611,127 REPCE Core funding in support of Rethinking Economics work to build a diverse movement of people who challenge, interrogate and renew the practice and teaching of economics.
01/03/2023 £10,000 HUDDLECRAFT CIC Funding in support of the Money Movers programme which seeks to create a movement of women moving their personal finances for climate action.
02/01/2023 £75,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE NEST CIC Decolonising Economics wants to focus on its emerging relationships with Black and People of Colour systems change organisers, which we have developed over the past three years. We are seen as an organisation that offers strategic analysis, educational frameworks and creative exploration, and are excited to have identified others who are building an economy rooted in racial justice. Our resources have only enabled us to run adhoc events or workshops with little organisational infrastructure or financial certainty for future planning. Now we are fiscally hosted, we want to grow our organisational capacity by bringing in communications, project management and financial skills so that we can safely run year-long processes with our community
02/01/2023 £100,000 £3,503,610 NEW ECONOMICS FOUNDATION (NEF) Core funding in support of NEF's strategy
02/01/2023 £179,000 NEW ECONOMY ORGANISERS NETWORK NEON's work aims to directly contribute to a strong and diverse movement for new economic thinking and acting in the UK. The organisation will support the movement to better challenge the structural problems that are embedded in our economy, and work to envisage and create a new economic system that meets our political, social and environmental needs.
01/01/2023 £150,000 POSITIVE MONEY LTD Core funding in support of Positive Money's strategy.
01/11/2022 £10,000 GREEN FINANCE COMMUNITY HUB CIC Funding to support community voice in the development of a Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) in Cumbria. The CFA aims to address the challenge that climate mitigation [net zero] and adaptation projects face several hurdles in accessing climate funding and one major reason for this is that business models and project proposals may not be 'investment-ready' and, or, that there is low visibility of available local investment opportunities among the investment community.
01/09/2022 £85,802 KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON National debt lies at the heart of UK economic policy, and positions on it strongly condition choices about whether to fund social and welfare schemes that support society's most vulnerable. Yet the quality of public debate about national debt is poor, with morality plays and misleading metaphors of nation to household squeezing out level-headed deliberation over policy options. This project responds by convening a 100 person citizens' assembly dedicated to understanding national finances and voting on contrasting policy proposals. The immediate aim is to transform the debate on UK public finances, but the broader aim is to develop an alternative model for economic policymaking which brings in the voice of citizens in a powerful way.
01/08/2022 £100,000 £1,624,258 GLOBAL FEEDBACK LTD We will address the British Empire's role in the current industrial, extractive, destructive food system and seed a transformational, commons-based approach to reparations for British agribusiness' current and historical destruction of nature, human rights abuses and decimation of communities. We will identify avenues to pursue reparations claims against London Stock Exchange-listed British food and agribusiness corporations, develop a framework for attributing current and historical damages associated with these, and ultimately build a coalition of various actors to pursue changes and transform the debate on current and historical reparations nationally and internationally.
01/08/2022 £100,000 £398,723 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS The IWA is an independent Welsh think tank, developing politically independent ideas to make Wales better. Our vision is to help create a Wales where everyone can flourish. Since its inception in 1987, the IWA has been at the forefront of conversation in Wales, developing and publishing insightful, high-quality content relating to our various areas of interest. We work collaboratively and across sectors to provide constructive public commentary on issues of relevance to Wales. We are described by partners as a trusted, credible convenor of conversation.
01/07/2022 £90,000 £923,139 CENTRE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC STRATEGIES (CLES) A request to continue core funding that was first granted 2 years ago
30/06/2022 £85,000 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE The goal of the Financing the Just Transition Alliance (FJTA) is to support system-level innovation that enables investors and the financial sector to deliver a just transition in the UK. In the second phase of its work in 2022-23, the Alliance will focus on delivering three main priorities to achieve the mainstream adoption of the just transition within the financial system and build capacity for place-based investment: 1. Integration - ensuring the just transition is a core element of financial sector transition plans 2. Application - deepening and broadening investment engagement and building capability and capacity for local climate finance 3. Transformation - making the just transition a part of delivering net zero in UK policy
15/06/2022 £110,000 £2,502,572 INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH LIMITED This proposal aims to: 1 - Shape a consensus and wider public debate around taxation, with a focus on delivering economic and environmental justice 2 - Limit and counter an agenda of tax cuts (and departmental expenditure cuts) as well as regressive or environmentally damaging tax reforms 3 - Put forward, and build a consensus around, a small number of deliverable but ambitious proposals for a fairer system of taxation in the UK We will use the IPPR Centre for Economic Justice's profile in Westminster and the media to make strategic agenda-setting interventions in debates around tax reform and further develop relationships with specific media outlets to shape how tax reform is reported in the mainstream media.
15/06/2022 £200,000 £3,577,190 NEW ECONOMICS FOUNDATION (NEF) This project seeks to create 5-year plans to transform three regional economies at the Combined Authority level (North Tyne, South Yorkshire and West Midlands). Whist the initial plans are for five years the intention is for these to evolve into programmes of activity with at least a 10-year vision behind them.
01/06/2022 £88,800 THE CLASS WORK PROJECT TCWP is a worker's co-op of people from poor & working-class backgrounds. For 3 years we've developed theory & practice around class oppression. Using publishing, workshops, & redistribution we're addressing the social, material, & cultural aspects of the class system & the ways it's reproduced in our movements & campaigns. The most successful movements for social change have always been led by those directly impacted, so we aim to center the leadership & knowledge of the poor & working class in creating a fair economic system. We want to continue & grow this work but need financial support to create a sustainable organisation. This means rebuilding our finances post-Covid & recruiting new worker-members.
15/04/2022 £122,000 £2,840,140 FAIRSHARE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (OPERATING AS SHAREACTION) Whilst the moral case for addressing ethnicity pay gaps is clear, the business and investment case is not sufficiently acknowledged. This campaign in key sectors of the economy will address this
05/04/2022 £10,000 £1,096,207 THE 10:10 FOUNDATION Emergency funding in support of a strategic re-think at RS
13/03/2022 £80,000 BALANCED ECONOMY PROJECT We are establishing an expert hub of anti-monopoly expertise, analysis and activism to 'change the weather' on how to tackle excessive corporate power. Monopolisation is a huge barrier to a fair and sustainable economy. Competition policy has been weakened to the point that it tolerates and even encourages rapid concentration of economic power. This has led civil society to ignore it, and fall behind even the regulators. We will drive systemic change by engaging with policymakers to change the structures regulating monopolies, and by building capacity for NGOs, journalists, academics and citizens to do so too. Changes will include a far more aggressive stance to rein in economic power, how competition policy is made, and by whom.
08/03/2022 £25,500 ETHICAL CONSUMER RESEARCH ASSOCIATION LTD We want to drive carbon divestment in the retail fund sector by highlighting best practice and sharing our findings with consumers. There are more than four hundred 'sustainable' funds on the UK market. Many of these products market themselves as 'sustainable', 'responsible' and 'environmental' or reference 'climate change' in their branding. But there are significant disparities in how funds justify these claims. We feel it is important for the public to be able to separate genuine 'fossil free' funds from funds that are sustainable in name only. To achieve this, we developed a five-star, points-based ratings system for comparing funds based on their commitment to tackling climate change and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
01/03/2022 £150,000 £1,103,279 STUDENTS ORGANISING FOR SUSTAINABILITY We want to mobilise student power and university influence to drive transformative change in the finance sector. Over two years, we will focus on three areas of significant impact identified by our current Invest for Change campaign. These will be core to transforming university investment practices and, given universities' collective influence in society, position as clients in the investment sector and home to future leaders, wider systems. 1) Reforming responsible investment policies to be comprehensive, ambitious and unambiguous; 2) Democratising financial governance, enabling productive engagement from student representatives; and 3) Mobilising university power, through student pressure, to support growing shareholder activism.
01/02/2022 £2,500 £5,390,000 FORUM FOR THE FUTURE Promising Approaches funding in support of taking the Power Paired resource other parts of the UK - particularly allowing translation work for Wales.
31/01/2022 £100,000 TAX JUSTICE UK LIMITED Core funding request
01/01/2022 £85,000 £165,663 ECUMENICAL COUNCIL FOR CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY (ECCR) Core funding in support of ECCR's work
01/01/2022 £35,000 £23,771 JUBILEE SCOTLAND Jubilee Scotland wants to end the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Scotland. Funding public projects with PPPs is expensive, it leads to declining service standards and a loss of democratic accountability. Scotland needs a new public financing model and during the campaign a broad coalition of stakeholders will develop a policy plan for this. A cross-party working group will be established at the Scottish Parliament to draw high-level political traction to the plan. The crucial achievement of the campaign will be that a Member's Bill targeting PPPs is introduced with cross-party support while a feasible alternative to PPPs will be ready for implementation in Scotland.
01/10/2021 £50,000 350.ORG is partnering with GND UK to campaign for a Green New Deal, a national action plan to tackle the climate crisis and transform our broken economy, as we recover from the pandemic. While we are actively campaigning for government action, direct advocacy alone is not enough for us to win. We are training new campaigners to provide the movement "muscle" to achieve our demands. Our Green New Deal Rising Youth Leadership Programme is a 6-month training for people passionate about and with some experience in social change, ages 16-30, living in areas hit hard by the pandemic and by climate/economic inequality. The training will build skills and leadership, and support participants to kickstart Green New Deal campaigning in their community.
01/10/2021 £30,000 POWER FOR PEOPLE LTD We are running a national campaign to establish a Right to Local Supply by seeing the Local Electricity Bill made law. This would empower communities to sell renewable energy that they generate, unlocking the huge potential for local economies across the UK to benefit from a just transition to renewables. To achieve this, we are bringing people, community groups, local councils and national organisations together to support the Bill and call on MPs and the government to ensure it is enacted by Parliament. We know that this campaign is winnable and how to win it as we led the campaigns for the Climate Change Act, the Home Energy Conservation Act, the Warm Homes Act, the Sustainable Energy Act and over 20 other legislative changes.
14/09/2021 £148,200 £428,283 MEDACT The crisis of the pandemic has been decades in the making, shining light on how deep-seated economic inequalities are health inequalities. We want to support health workers to challenge narratives that public health and economic wealth are in tension, campaigning for an economy that centres health and wellbeing. We want to ensure no return to the pre-Covid status quo, and that new health inequalities which have emerged during the pandemic do not become entrenched. In the medium-term we seek to bring the strength of the public health voice to campaigns on specific issues around livable incomes and welfare, secure housing and tax justice. In the long-term, we want to help bring about a fundamental change to how our economy is organised.
26/08/2021 £55,797 £1,082,626 CENTRE FOR LONDON We want to investigate how the assets and spending power of local authorities and their partners can be used to improve economic and social outcomes for their residents in London and other big cities and how residents can shape this process. London local authorities are interested in the "Preston model" for procurement and spending but it's not easy to apply this in a large urban context with complicated governance, and where people often live, work and socialise in different local authority areas. We will build a coalition of support around a set of practical, evidence-based suggestions for community groups, businesses, local authorities of all political colours, the GLA, and central government.
01/07/2021 £3,500 £91,669 ARKBOUND FOUNDATION We wish to present various different alternative economic models as part of a landmark publication timed for the COP26 summit. These models, which also include working case studies, are authored by people around the world, with an emphasis on women and people of colour from the Global South, because people from these backgrounds are traditionally excluded from present narratives. The content and book as a whole presents a systems change approach and it fills a huge gap in literature - looking at community rooted, bottom-up approaches in the context of a systemic transition brought about by the needs of climate change.
01/07/2021 £9,000 £369,399 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS Follow on work to extend the reach of the previous 3 year grant of the same name funded by us
01/07/2021 £16,000 THE FINANCIAL INCLUSION CENTRE Promising Approaches funding in support of FIC's previous grant - to allow further development of some of the policy recommendations emerging from the Time for Action report.
15/06/2021 £200,000 £251,046 ECONOMY A request to renew core funding currently held until the end of September
01/06/2021 £15,000 £378,435 DECOLONISING ECONOMICS Hosted by Finance Innovation Lab this funding is entirely focused on support for Decolonising Economics in becoming an established, constituted organisation. Approved by SM under Chair's delegated authority.
01/04/2021 £174,406 COMMUNITY ACTION GROUPS OXFORDSHIRE We are a consortium of stakeholders including the Community Action Groups Oxfordshire Network (CAG), Makespace Oxford, The Solidarity Economy Association (SEA) and Oxford City Council. The process of recovery from the Covid-19 crisis offers an opportunity to transform our failing and unjust economic system. Our vision is to rebuild a more inclusive, democratic and localised economy in Oxford which serves the health and wellbeing of people and the environment. We have ambitious plans to: a) analyse the impact of Covid-19 on the local economy; b) identify opportunities for procurement and apply community wealth building approaches; and c) provide support to aid the development of a stronger community business sector through and beyond Covid
01/04/2021 £200,000 £262,056 REPCE Core funding in support of Rethinking Economics' work
01/04/2021 £103,325 WESSEX COMMUNITY ASSETS LTD Our project will show how the economy of a typical small town can be transformed through linking the primary production of key sustainable resources (timber and "woody fibres"- flax and hemp), the development of new processing and fabrication infrastructure (a Fablab and a Woodhub) and the design and prototyping of ecological and affordable housing. The project addresses three interlocking crises - the lack of affordable housing, the lack of training and decent jobs, and the unsustainable nature of present production and consumption. The aim is to achieve a fair transition to an ecological and equitable local economy, and develop a model that can be adopted widely - based on the creation of key community-led assets and networks.
22/03/2021 £120,000 STIR TO ACTION LTD This application is for two years of core funding for Stir to Action to expand our unique role in creating meaningful and effective connections between 'in-place' practitioners and national 'systems change' policymakers and researchers in the UK. We aim to: - Build effective relationships between practitioners and policy makers - Elevate the value of practice within policy culture - Utilise local intelligence for more effective distribution of funding - Introduce locally sensitive approaches to policy implementation - Interpret bold policy proposals into useable tools for 'in-place' practitioners We will do this through: -Programmes and events -Publishing and resources - Strategic interventions
01/03/2021 £101,200 COMMUNITY ENERGY ASSOCIATION (ENGLAND) LTD Our ultimate aim is to increase community energy's contribution to the transition to a fairer, decentralised, decarbonised and democratic low-carbon economy. We want to achieve this by building upon our existing activities to increase the impact of our advocacy at national and regional levels in order to create more supportive policies to encourage and facilitate community-led energy projects and remove structural barriers. We want to further develop our strategy and expertise to more effectively tailor our messaging and identify new avenues of influence, as well as strengthening our voice to help create the conditions for community energy to more easily form, and implement projects that help to transform their local communities.
01/02/2021 £5,000 £39,915,000 POWER TO CHANGE The consortium was formed around a shared recognition that there is a 'community moment' waiting to happen; and that the idea of 'community power' (local control and influence) could become the key defining story of our times. The consortium recognises that there is a wider existing network of individuals and organisations committed to 'community power' which could increase their influence if they came together around a single cause. There are also potential allies to be won over, most importantly Conservative backbench MPs, that could help tip the scales. A public campaign can acts as a vehicle for this type of alliance-building and this will be the consortium's focus for 2021 ("the campaign").
01/02/2021 £260,663 WOMEN'S BUDGET GROUP WBG and WEN are seeking funding for a project to develop and build support for a Feminist Green New Deal in the UK. The climate crisis requires an urgent and fundamental economic and social reorganisation to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions. Proposals for a Green New Deal recognise the importance of social justice and equalities in tackling climate change, but in the UK there is limited engagement between the environmental, women's social and racial justice sectors. We want to bring together key stakeholders from these sectors to develop a framework and action plan for implementing a feminist green new deal that would increase rather than undermine equality in the UK.
04/01/2021 £80,000 OWNERSHIP FUTURES We want to undertake a three-part project analysing the asset management industry: its role in shaping FTSE 350 company behaviour; the impact of long maturity bonds issued by fossil fuel companies on pension funds; and the sector's role in driving corporate consolidation during the coronavrius crisis. The modules will present new findings and set out recommendations to democratise asset management and address the climate emergency. Where possible, we will also aim to produce topical briefing notes. Working with partners, we aim to mainstream our findings and recommendations to 'insider' policy-makers and the wider new economy movement, and enhance public understanding of the sector's systemic role via advocacy, media, and social media work.
01/01/2021 £300,000 £2,840,140 FAIRSHARE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (OPERATING AS SHAREACTION) Core funding in support of ShareAction's work
01/01/2021 £150,208 £200,915 MUSLIM WOMEN' COUNCIL We want to establish a 'Think + Do Tank' that engages Muslim women on their lived experience of poverty, barriers to employment, enterprise and finance, to take them from the margins to the heart of designing better economic systems and policy that benefit them and others in similar situations to them. This includes identifying how and why the existing neo-liberal capitalist system is perpetuating inequality towards Muslim women; and to recommend alternative economic systems that would have a material impact on the lived experience of Muslim women.This will contribute to the long-term ambitious vision of influencing systemic change across economic policy, commercial and political strategies and systems of the UK.
01/01/2021 £209,941 NEW ECONOMY ORGANISERS NETWORK We want to power the next generation of civil society movements and organisations for a fairer, sustainable economy with a new £200k grant to invest in our Movement Building Hub. By providing a rigorous programme of leadership development, strategic coaching and mass trainings, we will help increase the impact and scale of civil society organisations - including a number of organisations Friends Provident supports - who are leading change towards a fair transition to a new economy that works for all. Using our tried and tested methodology, we will continue to build on our thriving national network to find the most promising movement leaders, equip them and their groups with a shared language and tools, & support them to collaborate
08/12/2020 £240,000 £378,435 FINANCE INNOVATION LAB Core funding in support of FIL's work
01/12/2020 £232,085 £15,106 WELLBEING ECONOMY ALLIANCE SCOTLAND Scotland, a small country with huge ambition, stands poised to accelerate the change required to build a wellbeing economy. To realise this ambition & ensure the pioneering but fragmented work already underway achieves more than the sum of its parts requires coordination & strategic direction. WEAll Scotland will work with partners to achieve this by establishing sector-specific clusters - focal points to champion institutional & corporate change by co-creating, testing & lobbying for alternative policies, practices & models within their own sectors, &by identifying the cross-sectoral opportunities for fundamental systems change. Through its networks WEAll will amplify the clusters' successes so they can be replicated in the UK & beyond.
02/11/2020 £200,000 £3,577,190 NEW ECONOMICS FOUNDATION (NEF) Core funding in support of CLES' strategy.
13/10/2020 £123,000 TRADE JUSTICE MOVEMENT Trade deals have the potential to support efforts to tackle climate change. But for too long, they have instead created barriers: contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions, preventing the dissemination of green technology and hampering governments' ability to develop local green industries. Following the 2019 election, the UK will regain full sovereignty over trade policy, with negotiations starting in February 2020. This provides a unique opportunity to craft deals that are in line with UK climate commitments - and COP26 provides an ideal context. The Trade Justice Movement has developed an outline proposal to restructure trade deals. This project will allow us to hone our proposal and build an alliance behind a low-carbon vision
15/09/2020 £60,000 £11,506,000 THE BARROW CADBURY TRUST Fair By Design (FBD)’s vision is for a UK where poor and low income people pay a fair price for essential services. FBD’s mission is to eliminate the poverty premium by 2028.
01/09/2020 £97,000 ENERGY GARDEN Energy Garden invests in renewable energy to fund community development. We foster resilience in local communities, economies and ecologies. Starting with London's transportation network, Energy Garden is working with all six transport operators to transition them to low-carbon energy and provide community groups access to rail-side space for greening, air quality, biodiversity and eco-learning. Our FCA-approved investment model (of £100 Million) aims to deliver environmental & social change with the revenue from energy sales, as well as selling social and environmental outcomes to corporates (fully accredited, paid youth training programme, refugee integration support, schools' programmes and adult mentoring and inclusion for elderly.
01/08/2020 £100,000 £369,399 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS The IWA is Wales' leading independent think tank, with a track record of shaping debates and influencing change in Wales through policy research, publications, and agenda-setting events. Our recent policy work has been funded on a per-project basis. We want to increase our core capacity to: 1. Develop, deliver and communicate high quality, responsive economic policy analysis and influencing 2. Run economic policy events with communities and partners to develop and share our intelligence on what matters most in enabling successful local economies 3. Resource the development of future policy research projects This will help ensure communities in Wales benefit from an economic policy framework informed by their needs and aspirations.
01/07/2020 £100,000 £787,670 CENTRE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC STRATEGIES (CLES) Core funding in support of CLES' work
01/07/2020 £90,000 £1,506,598 SUSTAIN: THE ALLIANCE FOR BETTER FOOD AND FARMING We are in a time of climate and nature emergency, with land use and commodification key drivers of ecosystem harm, but also with major opportunities to cut emissions, restore nature and become more resilient. As with renewable energy, good practice exists, but to meet the Paris 1.5 degree warming limit, fairly and sustainably, a deliberate and rapid transition to agro-ecological production is needed at scale, supported by new trading models, financial incentives, appropriate technology and major reform of the financial relationship between farmers, citizens, retailers and consumers. Building on prior influential work, Sustain will play a game-changing, catalytic role in achieving this, and is uniquely placed and highly motivated to do so.
01/07/2020 £180,000 £3,345,640 NEW ECONOMICS FOUNDATION (NEF) The New Economics Foundation wants to work on the ground in communities heavily reliant on high carbon employment to build local just transition plans that tackle the climate crisis and ensure a sustainable and resilient economic future. These plans will be co-designed with local communities, workers, unions and broader civil society and will be linked into the powerful movement for change that is calling for urgent action on the climate crisis in the UK. We will conduct robust national policy development and advocacy, interwoven with insightful framing and narrative advice, to ensure that the places we work in are not islands of change but the bedrock of a national Just Transition to a sustainable and more equal economy.
16/06/2020 £10,000 POWER FOR PEOPLE LTD We are campaigning for the Local Electricity Bill - that we wrote - to become law. This would empower communities to set up locally renewable energy companies, unlocking huge potential for local economies across the UK to benefit from a just transition to renewables. To achieve this, we are bringing people, community groups, councils, businesses and national organisations together to support the Bill and call on MPs and the government to ensure it is enacted by Parliament. We know that this campaign is winnable and how to win it as we led the campaigns for the Climate Change Act, the Sustainable Communities Act, the Home Energy Conservation Act, the Warm Homes Act, the Sustainable Energy Act and over 20 other legislative changes.
09/06/2020 £190,000 £5,390,000 FORUM FOR THE FUTURE Achieving net-zero by 2050 means the end of fossil fuel power stations, internal combustion engine factories & gas boilers. As plants close/are repurposed, people & communities risk being stranded, as when coal mines closed. However, net-zero industries (e.g. electric vehicle manufacturing) offer scope to increase economic resilience. To enable rapid, resilient transitions we aim to: -Empower at-risk communities to design & implement transition plans -Engage business in piloting pathways to fair transitions -Show that multiple sectors can benefit from engaging communities in their net-zero pathway -Develop positive narratives to shift mindsets around decarbonisation -Support scaling across sectors & activate wider levers for change
01/06/2020 £38,000 MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY This project aims to fill a major gap in economic understanding, by developing new teaching resources on economic policy-making institutions, on the basis of an original appraisal of the state of knowledge in this regard within the economics profession. The project will make a unique contribution to the development of economics teaching, and more generally our understanding of power, politics and institutional processes in the production and reproduction of economic structures. The project also facilitates a new collaboration between researchers and lecturers in higher education, the Rethinking Economics campaign organisation, and wider policy-making communities.
01/06/2020 £10,000 £340,933 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS This short piece of work will fund engagement with key stakeholders to explore attitudes and motivations around and barriers and enablers of community involvement in land use. It will focus on landowners (public and private); policy makers (national & local); and community organisations. The end output will be a report and launch event which brings participants together, sets out the areas of consensus, and seeks a way forward on those issues where there is not. They would use this to put together a larger proposal and as the basis for engagement with the 2021 Assembly elections.
20/05/2020 £10,000 £278,222 PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH CENTRE Core funding in support of PIRC's work
16/04/2020 £15,000 £21,459,726 LOCAL TRUST We are seeking funding to extend and develop the Community Wealth Fund Alliance's (CWFA's) campaign for a new independent permanent endowment to invest in our most 'left behind' neighbourhoods. Our aspiration is to create a £4b fund supported by an estimated £2b in new dormant assets matched by the private sector. The most important distribution principle is that funding decisions would be devolved to communities as we believe this to be the best means of realising our goal which is to build strong social and economic capital in these neighbourhoods, generating individual and collective confidence and resilience, whilst giving power back to communities who feel disenfranchised and disempowered.
13/04/2020 £80,000 £2,671,203 FAIRSHARE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (OPERATING AS SHAREACTION) Too often, UK policy development around sustainable finance is conducted in piecemeal fashion, skirting around the edges of financial regulation. This reflects a conservative mind-set amongst policy makers and is exacerbated by the fact that no single department has "ownership" of sustainable and responsible investment. ShareAction wants to initiate the enactment of a Bill bringing together all aspects of responsible investment, which will have a transformational impact and propel the UK finance sector towards a more sustainable pathway. We see this as a vital piece of work if we are to succeed in halting the climate crisis, and one which will put the UK front and centre of the sustainability movement ahead of COP 26.
01/04/2020 £144,000 THE LANDWORKERS' ALLIANCE We are proposing a three year project to develop innovation, skills and knowledge of direct sales and local supply chains in agroecological farming. The project will be based around 4 strands of work: 1. Sharing innovative examples of direct sales and local supply chains models 2. Developing new models though collective analysis by groups of farmers 3. Farmer-to-farmer exchanges to visit and learn about successful models 4. Direct sales and local supply chain support through advice, handbooks and connecting producers. Through this work we aim to develop more innovative models for direct sales and local supply chains in food and farming, and to support more farmers to transition to these kinds of approaches.
10/03/2020 £141,220 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Our goal is to stimulate and support system-level innovation in the UK that will enable investors and the financial sector more broadly to deliver a just transition. The work will seek to implement the key recommendations of the Investor Roadmap for the just transition, which was launched on 1 October 2019 and developed in partnership with the Foundation (see Over an 18-month period from April 2020, the project will focus on achieving positive impact through shareholder engagement, capital reallocation (including place-based assets) and policy advocacy at the local and national levels. COP26 in Glasgow will be a key milestone to show how financing a just transition can generate stronger climate ambition.
10/03/2020 £100,000 £2,288,102 RESOLUTION FOUNDATION To create the UK's first social investment fund aimed at developing and growing ventures seeking to harness technology to improve the prospects, power and career-choices of workers - particularly those on low-pay or in insecure employment.
12/12/2019 £6,300 THE GREEN VALLEYS (WALES) CIC Promising Ideas Funding identified by staff to maximise impact of the original successful grant and to ensure momentum is not lost in the search for next stage funding from the Welsh Government.
10/12/2019 £100,000 £389,994 FINANCE INNOVATION LAB Core funding in support of FIL's work
10/12/2019 £10,000 BEHAVIOURAL INSIGHTS LTD Behavioural insights gives us the tools to better diagnose and understand why markets don't deliver the outcomes we want. It can also help develop better solutions to address big policy challenges like inequality. Building these insights into economic policy offers a more empirical, pragmatic and optimistic view of how markets can deliver for most consumers and citizens. We will write an extended outline that will form the basis of a fuller report (or set of papers) targeted at policymakers setting out the case for this, and proposed directions for future research.
06/12/2019 £2,500 STIR TO ACTION LTD Small grant in support of Stir to Action's New Economy training programme
25/11/2019 £100,000 ETHEX INVESTMENT CLUB LTD. Ethex has huge ambitions to scale the amount of finance that everyday people can provide to community organisations addressing some of societies biggest challenges - communities in crisis & social inequality. Based on our track record we believe that with the right strategic funding Ethex can take mainstream ethical investing & generate £100 m of people powered finance over 5 years to enable another 100+ enterprises to grow. To realise our ambition we need to make a strategic investment in our existing platform in order to drive transformational change enabling Ethex to capitalise on new opportunities. With the right technology & products, we can scale our community of investors providing catalysing finance to many more organisations
06/11/2019 £5,000 £21,459,726 LOCAL TRUST A programme of events on community wealth building w/b 18th Nov. Our intention is to focus each discussion session out of London on a particular principle or pillar of community wealth building (so for example, building local assets in the form of land and property) and to look at it through the lens of neighbourhood level economic development
04/11/2019 £58,276 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE This funding proposal is designed to enable the early implementation of the Investor Roadmap for a Just Transition in the UK during the six-month period from October 2019 to the end of March 2020. The core goal of this funding is not just to maintain the momentum that has been achieved, but to translate this into practical action.
01/11/2019 £146,000 TAX JUSTICE UK LIMITED There are two elements to this project. The first involves polling and focus group discussions to understand the public's views on tax and ensure that we can develop an evidence-based framing for our communications that resonates with the widest audience possible. The second element builds on the framing work by using the media to amplify and influence a public debate on tax in order to reach new audiences and generate political momentum for tax reform. This is a key component of TJ-UK's theory of change. A more progressive tax system is an essential part of Friends Provident's aim to create a more resilient economic system that is also fairer and more sustainable.
01/10/2019 £136,850 £405,404 MEDACT Medact is looking for resources to strengthen our existing economic justice work. Our purpose is to support those that work in the health system to strategically advocate for an economic system in which health is the primary outcome. We plan to do this through training health workers (within our existing membership and as a means to gain new members) on a structural analysis of health inequalities, and identify key macro policies that would bring about a transformation in the economic and political system. We will train health workers to intervene in the media narrative around inequality, poverty and wage insecurity by proposing an alternative that will bring about health justice and equity.
01/10/2019 £123,000 £1,754,780 GREEN ALLIANCE TRUST This projects aims to accelerate local climate change action by highlighting how Local Authorities (LAs) can deliver on their net-zero ambitions. At least 50 councils in England have declared a climate emergency but several lack the resources to develop and implement a robust plan. Over 15 months, this project will work with 2-3 LAs, strategically chosen, to demonstrate ways to meet their net zero targets and build greater local economic resilience. The project will achieve clear policy road maps for local authorities to plan and meet their ambitious climate targets and also offer guidance on how central government can support local authorities to reach a national net zero goal from the bottom up.
01/10/2019 £180,000 £228,959 ECONOMY Economy will offer a range of activities to support people, particularly those currently furthest from power, to feel informed, confident, capable, curious and connected when it comes to their economy. Economy will launch a national network of citizen economists and work with the media to facilitate diverse, inclusive and critical public conversation about the economy and what matters. We will launch Economy as a movement to push for systemic and cultural change around how we think, talk about and shape the economy.
10/09/2019 £145,300 £4,987,230 NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS We want to build on our progress with divestment, and the new impetus for zero carbon by 2025, to encourage and support universities to urgently move their endowments to impact investments and new renewables. We will work with ten universities, that we already work with on divestment, to show this is both possible and desirable, encouraging other universities to follow suit. Alongside this we will support students' union officers to call on their universities to introduce good quality responsible investment policies. These will help the sector move from being default lay investors to active investors that strive to deliver public good through their investments and endowments, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable economy.
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Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£380,000 ECONOMY
£300,000 REPCE
£285,050 MEDACT
£50,000 350.ORG
£10,000 THE 10:10 FOUNDATION
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Data sourced via 360 Giving

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Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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