Leeds Community Foundation

Who they support

The aim of the Foundation is to attract income from a wide range of sources (private sector donations from individuals and companies, management of local and central government funding streams, profits on fundraising events etc). This is then made available to local charities and voluntary & community groups by way of an open grants programme(s).

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £11 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.




Leeds Community Foundation
51a St. Pauls Street

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1096892
Charity Commission for England and WalesFacebookInstagramTwitter
Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 2,122 donations have been made totalling £19,952,636 to 845 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport 30% 20%
The National Lottery Community Fund 29% 23%
Sport England 15% 8%
Co-operative Group 13% 9%
Garfield Weston Foundation 12% 8%
Sir George Martin Trust 11% 8%
Power to Change Trust 9% 4%
The Henry Smith Charity 9% 5%
BBC Children in Need 8% 4%
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales 8% 6%
Sole supporter: 55% by number, 39% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
19/03/2024 £2,484 LEEDS PRINT WORKSHOP We are rebuilding our activities since the pandemic, with one of the main challenges being the effect of the cost of living crisis on our income from courses, and the increasing costs of our overheads. Our strategic direction has centred on ways to adapt our focus and seek funding to work with partner organisations and various groups to increase the diversity of our participants and grow our community. We have recently been successful in securing funding to deliver free printmaking sessions for young people throughout 2024, providing opportunities for them to consider creative careers and support their mental health.
19/03/2024 £2,500 FEED LEEDS 2022 - 2023, Feed Leeds led the successful Sow a Row Xtra campaign encouraging people skills and resources to grow extra edible seedlings to share with others. These 'Xtra' seedlings were shared via the Little Veg Libraries (LVL) for people to collect or directly to community groups including refugees and asylum seekers via the Growing Friendship project. The challenge with this approach is that it is reliant on people growing surplus. It is time to scale it up & engage more people. Feed Leed recognizes the need for creating good comms material to ensure as many people get involved.
19/03/2024 £1,640 HUNSLET AND BELLE ISLE COMMUNITY PROJECT Hunslet & Belle Isle Community Project is a new CIO which has emerged from the existence of Hunslet Initiative - whose experiences informed, shaped and inspired the new organisation. Since Covid rebuilt through investing in links and partnerships with broad range of local organisations and people. We intentionally sought out activities that reach OUT to local people (e.g. sports in community, detached work, home visits) to engage hard to reach beneficaries. We have less paid hours within organisations meaning success has relied on the input and commitment of volunteers. Funding is increasingly hard to access - particularly within LCCT.
19/03/2024 £2,492 AFRIKINDNESS In the past two years, Afrikindness has achieved notable strategic successes in expanding its reach and impact through successful parent webinars, children’s activities and engaging educational content. Registered with Charity Commission – a key achievement to commitment to accountability and transparency. The organization faced challenges in navigating funding uncertainties and adapting programs to the evolving circumstances, demonstrating resilience amid external challenges. Successfully launching the "Identity" awareness campaign in 2023 marked a strategic success, fostering inclusivity in schools and communities. Afrikindness remains committed to overcoming obstacles, leveraging successes to refine strategies, and advancing its mission to support children's social and emotional well-being.
19/03/2024 £10,000 £380,118 PLAY BRADFORD Grant to Play Bradford
18/03/2024 £2,500 INTERCULTURED FESTIVAL CIC In the last 2 years, Intercultured Festival has presented over 50 events, reaching over 20,000 people in live events, and over 50,000 in online engagement. The festival has grown from a small series of community talks to a busy 10-day programme of events that is growing yearly. In 2023, we were awarded a 2-year revenue fund of £10K per annum from Bradford Council for 2023 and 2024. Our biggest challenge is the capacity to seek income to sustain the CIC and festival. We want to make sure we can both sustain ongoing development and focus on community engagement.
18/03/2024 £2,500 SUNNAH SPORTS COMMUNITY CIC We have a successful 7 days a week timetable of activities. Starting up has been a challenge, one of our directors was previously involved in a charity, but our other two weren't so it has been a lot of new things to over come.
18/03/2024 £2,400 £60,787 UNDERCLIFFE CEMETERY CHARITY Firstly, since the pandemic, we have had to work hard to re-engage with our audiences. We have a Trustee who is dedicated to publicising activities on social media, and our usual tours have built back up to pre-pandemic levels. However, we need to engage local more and with this in mind we have worked with Peel Park Primary, and Carlton Bolling on projects to build links. We want to capitalise on these links now with the Festival to further develop our relationship with the local community, and also hope that this will reduce vandalism which remains a challenge.
18/03/2024 £2,500 SPORTS CAMPAIGN AGAINST RACISM More recently, SCAR has undergone a transformative phase with new leadership taking charge. Given the founders' step back due to health reasons and other commitments, our emphasis has shifted towards revitalising the organisation. Despite limited recent initiatives amid the transition and the challenges posed by COVID-19, our current strategic priorities involve updating policies, enhancing governance structures, and laying a robust foundation for sustained impact. The key success lies in the commitment to building a renewed and resilient organisation poised for meaningful community engagement and anti-racism efforts.
14/03/2024 £2,250 ISPACE5 CIC Grant to iSpace5 CIC
15/02/2024 £20,000 £87,763 TRUST LEEDS Grant to Trust Leeds
15/02/2024 £20,000 HUMANS BEING Grant to Humans Being
15/02/2024 £26,843 OBLONG Grant to Oblong
15/02/2024 £30,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
15/02/2024 £29,989 £390,541 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
15/02/2024 £15,000 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Grant to Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative CIC
15/02/2024 £9,413 MAFWA THEATRE Grant to Mafwa Theatre
15/02/2024 £17,629 SHORE-UP CIC Grant to Shore-Up CIC
13/02/2024 £50,000 £145,991 THE SPORTING MEMORIES FOUNDATION Grant to The Sporting Memories Foundation
13/02/2024 £23,912 SEASON WELL CIC Grant to Season Well CIC
13/02/2024 £17,590 SHINE BRIGHT (NS) CIC Grant to Shine Bright (NS) CIC
13/02/2024 £20,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
13/02/2024 £20,000 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC Grant to Living Potential Care Farming CIC
13/02/2024 £20,000 £1,277,449 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
13/02/2024 £16,335 £137,894 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON Grant to Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London
13/02/2024 £19,969 £5,590,489 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
13/02/2024 £19,962 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
13/02/2024 £16,827 THE APPLE BOX COMPANY Grant to The Apple Box Company
13/02/2024 £19,995 £85,892 BATTLE SCARS Grant to Battle Scars
13/02/2024 £15,000 LEEDS ACTION TO CREATE HOMES (LATCH) Grant to Leeds Action to Create Homes (LATCH)
13/02/2024 £49,698 £601,672 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
13/02/2024 £49,020 CALM AND CENTRED C.I.C. Grant to Calm and Centred C.I.C.
13/02/2024 £49,819 £2,238,315 ADVONET Grant to Advonet
13/02/2024 £49,999 £3,485,551 LEEDS MIND Grant to Leeds Mind
12/02/2024 £19,714 GIVE A GIFT We have a children and young people safeguarding policy in place with an appointed safeguarding lead. All staff and volunteers working with young people must be DBS checked and undertake, at a minimum, the online Leeds Children Safeguarding Partnership Training. Employed staff are expected to attend the more advanced training courses that enable them to assess risk, be aware of how to protect young people, and know their legal responsibilities. In order to enhance safeguarding for this type of work, we: • Consider the physical environment within which any delivery will take place to ensure its appropriateness and attempt to use venues deemed to be neutral; • Adhering to our safeguarding policy for recruitment of any staff and volunteers • Obtaining parent / carer consent for participation within the younger age group; • Supervision of all activities carried out with high-risk young people • Implementing online safeguarding practices for any digitally related delivery and ensuring that staff have also completed this facet of safeguarding training. • Ensuring the young people are aware of how to report any incident and also making sure the support required is in place with a referral system to the relevant agencies in place.
12/02/2024 £21,770 £548,158 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NWCA has a safeguarding team consisting of 3 safeguarding officers and a Safeguarding Lead. All staff have there basic safeguarding and are aware of NWCA policies and procedures as per staff handbook and are aware they have a duty of care of to all children, young people and adults. If any staff has concerns this is reported to a safeguarding officer and escalated if necessary to the safeguarding lead. Parents volunteers who support the Healthy Holidays program will be asked attend an induction session on safeguarding, Professional Boundaries and Confidentiality before supporting the program.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £13,518 MOORTOWN WEST COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION We have a safeguarding policy and several trustees who are fully child protection trained due to their jobs in the police and social care. We have a safeguarding Lead who is fully trained and works in a similar role in the NHS. Any volunteers/tutors that are running groups are required to be DBS checked and have minimum level 2 safeguarding training. We also provide in-house safeguarding training to volunteers and guidance on what to do in the event of a disclosure. We have processes in place to ensure policy is followed and CFC record kept including what action was taken. The member of staff we hire with this grant will be fully child protection trained and DBS checked and take lead responsibility for ensuring volunteers have read the policy and taken the in-house training and are aware of their responsibilities.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £186,028 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION The Foundation has Safeguarding and Child Protection policies in place (both reviewed in 2022), and has a Primary and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer. It has two Trustees from a local school with extensive Safeguarding expertise both of whom can provide supplementary support and advice; it also benefits from its close association with the football club, which also has a Safeguarding Officer and attendant FA compliant policies. Given that the Camps would take place in school setting, its Safeguarding staff are also on hand to offer advice. All Foundation staff directly involved with the activities have current and regularly updated DBS Certificates (with Barring List) and have received Safeguarding training. Further staff refresher training is currently planned and the Operations Manager has training sessions scheduled with Leeds Children's Safeguarding Partnership, to be completed in early 2024. The Safeguarding Policy includes Definitions and Terminologies; Types of Abuse; Rules, Regulations, Processes and Procedures; Training, Recruitment and DBS. It is supplemented by policies relating to Child Protection, Intimate Care and Health & Safety. External providers are also expected to provide evidence of DBS clearance and where they are unable to provide this, they are supervised by Foundation staff in the setting at all times.
12/02/2024 £16,481 £663,838 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION As an organisation, we have 4 designated safeguarding leads, and all our staff attain a level 2 safeguarding certificate and have undergone safeguarding training so are informed of the approach we must take to deal with any safeguarding concerns. All members of staff attain up-to-date DBS checks. For all our work, we conduct risk assessments that are verified by our designated safeguarding leads who will be on call for the session, from when young people arrive to when young people leave the session. This process is the same for trips, where we also gain consent from parents or carers through a digital form.
12/02/2024 £21,636 £2,275,635 HEALTH FOR ALL All HFA staff delivering the programme are DBS checked and have an up to date certificate in safeguarding training. In addition, all HFA staff hold an up to date First Aid certificate. The line manager is either present or fully contactable throughout the full delivery of the programme should any staff need to make a disclosure. All the community centres we use are fully risk assessed for each activity. Staffing ratios are consistently higher than what is legally required. All necessary information will be gathered from the child’s parent carer on registration, ensuring we have correct contact information, any additional requirements or needs and ensure the correct procedure is followed for drop off and safe collection of the children
12/02/2024 £22,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE When recruiting staff, sessional workers and volunteers we ensure they all have an up to date Enhanced DBS with Barred List check. We also ensure they all have safeguarding training. If they do not have these, we pay for a DBS and sign them up to safeguarding training. During the induction process our policies are sent via email, which include our safeguarding policies. These are also highlighted in our sessional worker handbook which we go through together, discussing our procedures. They are told to report any issues to the Lead coordinator which includes a written statement. This is then passed onto the Hyde Park Source safeguarding lead and dealt with immediately. We review our policies annually and keep staff/session workers and volunteers up to date with any changes.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £927,238 HUNSLET CLUB All of our activities and services are delivered within the strict framework of our robust safeguarding policy which is reviewed and updated on a regular basis. All of our staff and volunteers receive training and understand the actions they need to take to implement the policy in their day to day work at the Hunslet Club. The policy includes a safe selection policy that means all staff or volunteers under go background checks, DBS checks and receive safeguarding training before they work with any children or young people. Staff receive regular updates on their safeguarding training and safeguarding is a standing item on monthly supervision sessions. Children and young people are made aware of safeguarding arrangements when they attend the club which is part of ensuring safeguarding is at the center of all of the work we deliver for children and young people.
12/02/2024 £21,680 £1,277,449 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE We have a robust safeguarding process within our organisation. Every member of staff within the organisation including our receptionist, café staff and care taker are train at a minimum of level 1 in safeguarding and we have over 8 Designated Safeguarding leads across our staffing team that includes every project lead and senior manager.
12/02/2024 £22,000 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Each Holiday Club week starts with a safeguarding briefing for the whole team. We remind everyone of the signs of abuse and the reporting process. We also have specific systems in place – EG All small groups have a leader and an assistant and adults are not left on their own with children nor do they enter the toilets. Most activities take place in one large room with multiple groups and team members present. Our culture of inclusion ensures all staff/volunteers know how to get help. New staff/volunteers are given an experienced person as a mentor who they can go to for support and can approach for advice/to ask questions. Our safeguarding policy is regularly reviewed, and we have created a “Safeguarding Summary” guide for easy access and quick answers. Key staff undertake level 3 safeguarding training. All team also undertake internal training appropriate to their role. We have a ConnectingCrossgates Safeguarding Lead as well as leads within LCCT. DBS checks are undertaken by LCCT through ThirtyOneEight where appropriate. Our high ratio of staff/volunteers to children means that we are able to take the time to listen to children and gain trust. We notice signs that others might miss.
12/02/2024 £22,000 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS DAZL has strict policies and procedures in place when safeguarding the children and young people in the care of DAZL. All DAZL practitioners, Tutors, volunteers and dance leaders have to undergo mandatory safeguarding training/ All have safeguarding level 1, First Aid, Equality and Diversity level 2. We have a designated safeguarding offer and all the team are aware of the steps to be taken when safeguarding children and young people. We have a page on the DAZL website so parents and carers can be familiar with this and this is also clear in our online consent form. All staff and volunteers obtain an enhanced DBS prior to any delivery on any DAZL programme.
12/02/2024 £21,995 £412,605 GETAWAY GIRLS We have a safeguarding Policy. All staff, Trustees and volunteers have an enhanced DBS check every 2 years. All staff, Trustees and volunteers have completed Safeguarding training. Safeguarding is included in all inductions, supervision and team meetings. There are additional training sessions offered every 6 months. Procedures are outlined within the policy.
12/02/2024 £21,186 £361,591 THE ZONE Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is reviewed and renewed annually. All staff receive an enhanced DBS check and references required before a position can be filled. Senior Leadership Team are Designated Safeguarding Leads for campus. There is always 2 first aiders on site. All staff go through child protection and safeguarding training (Level 2 minimum) with ongoing training. Staff agree and sign a confidentiality agreement and safe practices at work. Our policy is on our website to be viewed.
12/02/2024 £21,420 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Complete Woman has a safeguarding policy, code of conduct, and safeguarding procedures in place that are regularly reviewed and up-dated by our safeguarding lead (Eve Maloba) to ensure they are fit for purpose. This takes place twice a year at minimum or following an incident/near miss. All new staff and volunteers who work with Complete Woman must review these documents as part of their induction process into the organisation. All Safeguarding training is logged and reviewed regularly to ensure that we are compliant, in addition to this we have records to ensure that all those who require a DBS check have a valid and up-to date document. We are committed to ensuring that everyone involved with Complete Woman knows how to recognise, respond, record and report safeguarding concerns to keep our beneficiaries safe.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £5,943,364 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE All staff who facilitate Go Wild Healthy Holidays are fully enhanced DBS checked and have attended appropriate safeguarding for children & vulnerable adults training. It is a requirement of the role that Each individual is given a copy of Groundworks Safeguarding policy to read and familiarise themselves with. Each staff member understands that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and not just the person leading the session and any signs or causes for concern must be reported in the first instance to the session leader who will then inform the Safe guarding officer. A written report of any concerns or information disclosed will be passed on to the safeguarding officer who will ensure that the correct procedures are followed up and reported accordingly. All communities team staff are required to attend refresher training every 2 years and Groundwork safeguarding policy is reviewed annually by the senior management and safeguarding officers.
12/02/2024 £21,916 £292,117 GFS COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE (THE OLD FIRE STATION) We have a robust safeguarding policy and procedures in place. All staff are DBS checked and complete safeguard training every two years. All registered volunteers have completed safeguarding training and are supervised. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead oversees the enactment of the policies, supporting staff who come across issues or experience a young person disclosing information to them. As a public building with daily activities for people of all ages we are experienced in handling safeguarding issues and following our procedures to support the person concerned, make appropriate reports and ensure safety where possible. All events and activities are planned and risk assessed considering safeguarding principles.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION The Healthy Holidays project proposal has been reviewed with the Foundations Heads of Safeguarding to discuss how we can best support this project. An overall and daily risk assessment will be completed and signed off by the Foundation and the school for each camp. Individual risk assessments will be completed for any vulnerable children who may be at risk. We have a safeguarding policy which outlines all of the protocols and procedures we have in place at the Foundation, so all of our staff are aware that our organisation promotes equality diversity and inclusion. We have a safeguarding team of DSO’s who are easily accessible by all staff. All concerns on camps will be reported to our DSO’s so they can be dealt with in the most appropriate way, putting the child first. The concern will also be reported to the school’s safeguarding team, where that child attends and will be put on My concern which is our online logging system for concerns. All of our LUF staff have completed their FA safeguarding training and have regular safeguarding training updates. They also have regular training sessions and take part in a Healthy Holidays Camp CPD before each camp starts.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £1,030,559 LEEDS MENCAP As an organisation that works primarily with children and young people we prioritise safeguarding. We follow our safer recruitment procedure which includes all staff, volunteers and trustees having references undertaken and enhanced DBS checks prior to starting work with us. We have a safeguarding handbook which all staff, volunteers and trustees read during their inductions. Our safeguarding handbook contains our safeguarding policy and procedure. It also contains who we should contact when we are concerned about a child and our whistleblowing procedure. We also have safeguarding basic cards displayed in each of our nursery playrooms, which contain information about the different types of abuse, what you should do if you are concerned and who you should speak to, for example, our designated safeguarding leads. All staff complete the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership ‘Introduction to safeguarding children and young people training’. Designated Safeguarding Leads also attend Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership ‘Working Together to Safeguard children training’.
12/02/2024 £21,943 £5,590,489 BARCA LEEDS All staff and volunteers attend Barca Safeguarding training on our policy and procedures as part of their induction. They also attend the local safeguarding boards training level one as a minimum with the ability to attend other training as offered. Barca use an online secure database to record all safeguarding concerns and as part of our good governance this is quality assured quarterly to ensure that data inputting is timely, accurate and followed up. We also take learning to our leadership meetings to be disseminated back to teams through their team meetings Staff are supported through debrief, supervision and group reflective practice. All staff are clear on who is their safeguarding line manager for the day if their direct line manager is not available and our CEO is our designated lead. Staff and volunteers are DBS checked and any appropriate risk assessments put in place. DBS’s are renewed every three years
12/02/2024 £22,000 £291,259 CATCH LEEDS Safeguarding leads are on site or contactable Everyone 18+ has a DBS check Training provided to all volunteers Copies of our policies and procedure are given to all volunteers Safeguarding is incorporated into CATCH’s Super Stars volunteering app
12/02/2024 £12,275 GIPSIL Our Safeguarding procedures begin at the point of job advert. We also ensure any staff member shortlisting and sitting on interview panels are Safer recruitment checked. All of our staff and Volunteers at the point of onboarding are taken through Safeguarding induction, including intro to Safeguarding training via LSCP ( online) and within 3 months of recruitment, in house face to face Safeguarding training. At this point we also overview our procedure and Policy and request new staff and volunteers familiarise themselves, in addition we train staff to use our Safeguarding recording system. All new staff, including volunteers are recruitment checked (including references and DBS checked) prior to any work with young people. We include Safeguarding as a regular agenda item within monthly Team meetings to ensure best practice and shared approaches, we also use supervisions to review any Safeguarding disclosures and risk assess accordingly. Within our service alone we have 6 Safeguarding leads ( see procedure attached) staff receive a copy of our Safeguarding procedure for reference, which is reviewed regularly. Safeguarding leads are all trained to working together Level 2 ( LSCP) and more recently Level 3 ( Neil Lee training). Please see Policy and procedure attached.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £687,532 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE All staff and Volunteers will have completed and have up to date children and young people Safeguarding training (NSPCC online training) and all have up to date DBS checks. All DBS to be provided to our HR. We have 2 safeguard leads at Leeds GATE, with a manager present on site each day in order to support with any safeguard matters. Risk assessments will provided for every activity, which is to be shared with all staff/volunteers with the assessment being signed off by Safeguard Lead. All staff and volunteer to have read children and young peoples safeguarding policy (updated every 2 years). All staff to have signed off that they have read this.
12/02/2024 £21,997 £835,254 PHOENIX DANCE THEATRE Phoenix Dance Theatre is committed to the practice which protects children from harm and ensuring all children who take part in the organisation’s activities, have a safe, positive and fun experience, whatever their level of involvement. The welfare of all children is paramount. All children participating in our activities, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability, have the right to enjoy dance activities in an environment safe from abuse of any kind. We recognise the importance of safeguarding children within the dance community and are committed to developing, and implementing policies and procedures which ensure that everyone knows, and accepts, their responsibility in relation to a duty of care for children. We are committed to ensuring there are correct and comprehensive procedures for responding to, recording and reporting child safeguarding concerns and a code of conduct for staff. All staff employed as part of the Healthy Holidays provision, and therefore being in direct contact contact with children will have a current and valid DBS check.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £5,943,364 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE All staff who facilitate Go Wild Healthy Holidays are fully enhanced DBS checked and have attended appropriate safeguarding for children & vulnerable adults training. It is a requirement of the role that Each individual is given a copy of Groundworks Safeguarding policy to read and familiarise themselves with. Each staff member understands that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and not just the person leading the session and any signs or causes for concern must be reported in the first instance to the session leader who will then inform the Safe guarding officer. A written report of any concerns or information disclosed will be passed on to the safeguarding officer who will ensure that the correct procedures are followed up and reported accordingly. All communities team staff are required to attend refresher training every 2 years and Groundwork safeguarding is reviewed annually by the senior management and safeguarding officers.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £5,943,364 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE All staff who facilitate Go Wild Healthy Holidays are fully enhanced DBS checked and have attended appropriate safeguarding for children & vulnerable adults training. It is a requirement of the role that each individual is given a copy of Groundwork's Safeguarding policy to read and familiarise themselves with. Each staff member understands that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and not just the person leading the session and any signs or causes for concern must be reported in the first instance to the session leader who will then inform the Safe Guarding officer. A written report of any concerns or information disclosed will be passed on to the safeguarding officer who will ensure that the correct procedures are followed up and reported accordingly. All communities team staff are required to attend refresher training every 2 years and Groundwork safeguarding is reviewed annually by the senior management and safeguarding officers.
12/02/2024 £16,823 £19,785,483 ST GILES TRUST We have developed a rigorous safeguarding framework that informs all our services. This work is overseen by our Safeguarding Panel, and supported by a Staff Recruitment Risk Panel, consultations with NSPCC and regular training for all staff. We have a robust set of policies and practices covering working with CYP, these policies are reviewed annually, or when policy/practice changes. They are comprised of: • Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy • Safeguarding Clients at Risk Policy • Safer Recruitment Policy • DBS Checks Guidance Policy • Staff Risk Assessment Policy • Managing Allegations Against Staff working with Young People and Children policy • Criminal Records and Self-Disclosure policy Our Safeguarding procedures are led and overseen by our Safeguarding Panel. This is comprised of a Safeguarding Lead, a Deputy Safeguarding Lead, and 8 Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO). All Panel members hold a management role within our organisation and attend Safeguarding refresher training every two years, or when policy or practice changes. Each member provides safeguarding expertise, and their contact details are made available to all staff via the organisation’s intranet. The Panel is responsible for coordinating all safeguarding activity including responses to safeguarding incidents and reviewing our policies and working procedures.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £479,312 HOLBECK TOGETHER Holbeck Together and Premier Education both have safeguarding policies and procedures including ensuring that all staff and volunteers have the appropriate DBS check. Staff members and volunteers are safeguarding trained. The designated safeguarding lead for the Healthy Holidays sessions reviews all safeguarding incidents and takes the appropriate action.
12/02/2024 £13,663 £18,965 TEAM DANIEL Bee Happy Kids are an Ofsted Registered Childcare provider so have to meet Ofsted requirements like schools. All staff have to complete Safeguarding, First Aid and Food Hygiene courses before they are able to start working. Staff are also required to undertake Enhanced DBS checks and complete forms to say no one in their househould partakes in any criminal activity. All staff are required to read all policies before they start and participate in regular in-house Safeguarding training.
12/02/2024 £18,036 £47,396 HUNSLET RUGBY FOUNDATION We review our safeguarding policies annually. All staff are subject to enhanced DBS and safer recruitment checks. DBS checks are repeated every three years. Our sessions will be attended by our designated safeguarding lead and will prioritise the well-being and safety of young people. We make sure that young people are aware of our policies and procedures and create a safe space for them to raise concerns or make disclosures, whether this relates to themselves or another member of the group. Our safeguarding policy outlines our procedures for recording and reporting concerns. This includes escalation procedures and responding to an emergency. We ensure that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and provide mandatory safeguarding training to our staff annually. The safeguarding policy is available to all staff and has clear procedures that must be followed.
12/02/2024 £18,325 £2,275,635 HEALTH FOR ALL All HFA staff delivering the programme are DBS checked and have an up to date certificate in safeguarding training. In addition, all HFA staff hold an up to date First Aid certificate. The line manager is either present or fully contactable throughout the full delivery of the programme should any staff need to make a disclosure. All the community centres we use are fully risk assessed for each activity. Staffing ratios are consistently higher than what is legally required. All necessary information will be gathered from the child’s parent carer on registration, ensuring we have correct contact information, any additional requirements or needs and ensure the correct procedure is followed for drop off and safe collection of the children.
12/02/2024 £21,480 £2,275,635 HEALTH FOR ALL All HFA staff delivering the programme are DBS checked and have an up to date certificate in safeguarding training. In addition, all HFA staff hold an up to date First Aid certificate. The line manager is either present or fully contactable throughout the full delivery of the programme should any staff need to make a disclosure. All the community centres we use are fully risk assessed for each activity. Staffing ratios are consistently higher than what is legally required. All necessary information will be gathered from the child’s parent carer on registration, ensuring we have correct contact information, any additional requirements or needs and ensure the correct procedure is followed for drop off and safe collection of the children.
12/02/2024 £18,260 £1,617,011 THE TETLEY (PROJECT SPACE LEEDS) The Tetley is committed to safeguarding the well-being of children and vulnerable adults in all aspects of its operations, encompassing gallery visits, participation in activities, and interactions both on and offsite. Our safeguarding policy aligns with legal frameworks such as the Children Act 1989, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. Key to our approach is the active promotion of well-being and empowerment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults. All staff, including employees, freelancers, contractors, and volunteers involved in regulated activities, undergo satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. We maintain an open-door working environment, avoiding one-to-one situations whenever possible and conducting all practices in open spaces. Our Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO), Jack James, and Deputy DSO, Bryony Bond, ensure the ongoing efficacy of our safeguarding policies. The DSO acts as the first point of contact for staff and volunteers concerning safeguarding matters and oversees policy updates and training.
12/02/2024 £21,982 SEACROFT COMMUNITY ON TOP All SCOT volunteers and paid members of staff have an up to date DBS, they also have their Prevent qualification which is about the risk of radicalisation and Safeguarding Children qualification. The paid members of staff have further quals which including mental health awareness and first aid training. All policy's and procedures are in place to run a safe and successful project.
12/02/2024 £21,299 LEFT BANK LEEDS We have a safe-guarding policy that is reviewed annually and a dedicated safe-guarding officer. All staff and volunteers supporting the programme receive an enhanced DBS check and risk assessments are conducted ahead of the programme and all activities. We work with the whole family for the younger children’s activities and therefore a parent or guardian is on site for the entire session with their children. Children over 12 years are able to attend without an adult for 2024 assigned a key worker for the day. All activities for this programme are delivered in a dedicated area.
12/02/2024 £21,112 £566,752 ST LUKE'S CARES We have clear safeguarding policies and procedures in place to keep young people and workers safe. There is a safeguarding team in place with a safeguarding lead. All staff and volunteers are safeguard trained so they know how to react in such situations. Safeguarding has constantly been reviewed to ensure we are meeting all requirements at a high level. We have monthly safeguarding meetings to discuss any previous issues and to ensure all staff are informed of updates. We have a culture of professional youth work, including DBS checks, Safeguarding Training both in-house and external and continuous professional development training such as Trauma-informed practice, contextual safeguarding and working with young people with additional needs etc. Our commitment to young people living in South Leeds is instrumental to the vision of the youth projects.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION The Healthy Holidays project proposal has been reviewed with the Foundations Heads of Safeguarding to discuss how we can best support this project. An overall and daily risk assessment will be completed and signed off by the Foundation and the school for each camp. Individual risk assessments will be completed for any vulnerable children who may be at risk. We have a safeguarding policy which outlines all of the protocols and procedures we have in place at the Foundation, so all of our staff are aware that our organisation promotes equality diversity and inclusion. We have a safeguarding team of DSO’s who are easily accessible by all staff. All concerns on camps will be reported to our DSO’s so they can be dealt with in the most appropriate way, putting the child first. The concern will also be reported to the school’s safeguarding team, where that child attends and will be put on My concern which is our online logging system for concerns. All of our LUF staff have completed their FA safeguarding training and have regular safeguarding training updates. They also have regular training sessions and take part in a Healthy Holidays Camp CPD before each camp starts.
12/02/2024 £22,000 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION The Healthy Holidays project proposal has been reviewed with the Foundations Heads of Safeguarding to discuss how we can best support this project. An overall and daily risk assessment will be completed and signed off by the Foundation and the school for each camp. Individual risk assessments will be completed for any vulnerable children who may be at risk. We have a safeguarding policy which outlines all of the protocols and procedures we have in place at the Foundation, so all of our staff are aware that our organisation promotes equality diversity and inclusion. We have a safeguarding team of DSO’s who are easily accessible by all staff. All concerns on camps will be reported to our DSO’s so they can be dealt with in the most appropriate way, putting the child first. The concern will also be reported to the school’s safeguarding team, where that child attends and will be put on My concern which is our online logging system for concerns. All of our LUF staff have completed their FA safeguarding training and have regular safeguarding training updates. They also have regular training sessions and take part in a Healthy Holidays Camp CPD before each camp starts.
12/02/2024 £20,467 CHAMPIONS COMMUNITY SPORT AND HEALTH CIC We have all the appropriate safeguarding measures and policies in place. Staff will create and maintain an ethos where children are encouraged to talk and are listened to. They will have an awareness of the indicators of abuse and always take any concerns seriously. If staff have any suspicion that a child is being abused they will report this to: The Head Teacher or Designated Officer at the school the child attends. Inform Craig Gilmore if a child discloses she/he has been abused, staff cannot promise to the child that this will be kept a secret. All staff who have unsupervised access to or contact with children are required to recognise and accept their responsibilities. Develop awareness of the issues which can cause children harm. Report concerns following the procedures in our policy. Document all that has happened using an incident report form. All our staff are DBS checked and safeguarding trained, via VAL. Our safeguarding policy is communicated to all our staff. Our qualifications are updated every two years.
12/02/2024 £22,000 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST All our employed staff undergo safe guarding training and first aid training and are DBS checked as are our Freelance staff. Our Children and Families manager is a former assistant head teacher and is well versed in safeguarding and she holds
12/02/2024 £22,000 STITCH-UP CIC We have an up to date safeguarding policy and dedicated safeguarding lead which all staff are provided with. All staff are fully DBS checked. We provide an induction to any new staff starting to go through the policies.
12/02/2024 £21,894 NIGERIAN YORKSHIRE COMMUNITIES NETWORK UK CIC NYCN Children Safeguarding Policy (NYCN CSP) is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and accepts our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people who attend our annual activities. in accordance with the Care Act 2014. As above our organisation do have an up to date safeguarding policy, all our volunteers are DBS checked, safeguarding training with first aid training too. Our safeguarding policy highlights the following key areas such as All staff, volunteers and trustees offered a role within NYCN will be subject to an Enhanced DBS check and will be required to complete Safeguarding training. All staff, volunteers, and trustees must have an enhanced DBS before starting with NYCN, and a copy of our policy can be supplied if requested
12/02/2024 £22,000 £186,917 REESTABLISH The welfare and safety of all those involved as part of Reestablish is of upmost priority for us. All our team and volunteers have safeguarding training and are DBS checked. They are equipped to risk assess on the ground and to ensure all are as safe as possible when they are in our care and have regular supervision. They know our policies, procedures and systems and the importance of recording concerns, not asking leading questions when a disclosure is made, who is responsible for what and the importance of passing on information immediately to our safeguarding officer. Parental-consent forms are completed for all who attend. We have a very skilled team and ensure our team to young people ratio’s are on point. We also split our young people by age, developmental and behavioural need. How a safeguarding incident is dealt with depends on the disclosure/concern, severity of the incident, around concerns of neglect: a case-log is built over time, discussions had with the duty-care team and support put in place as and when necessary. Safeguarding incidences that require immediate action: are dealt with by our safeguarding lead, being referred immediately to social cares duty of care team and the police.
12/02/2024 £21,800 EAST LEEDS PROJECT The East Leeds Project has in place a robust Safeguarding Policy which is reviewed annually, with a named lead (Claire Irving, Communities Director). All staff working on our Healthy Holidays project have DBS checks and are provided with appropriate training prior to starting work with us: this includes a session to collectively work through the Policy document together and discuss any issues arising. Our Safeguarding Policy document is provided to all team members as a PDF at the point of contracting and is kept on site in hard copy in the Information Folder during project delivery in case it need to be referred to. Having delivered our pilot Healthy Holidays project in 2023, we now have examples of specific scenarios that we can work through and discuss how all team members should respond to these. As mentioned above, we also have support from Bellbrooke Surgery's Patient Ambassadors and will bring them into training sessions prior to project delivery where possible. Where that is not possible we will talk them through the Policy during their first session working with us and ensure they are aware of the appropriate responses should any incidents occur, including reporting to Leeds Community Spaces (Rachel Dodson).
22/01/2024 £1,500 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Nature Friendly
22/01/2024 £1,500 OTLEY 2030 Nature Friendly
22/01/2024 £1,500 HOPE THROUGH MUSIC Carbon Reduction
18/01/2024 £9,812 £663,838 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
18/01/2024 £8,042 £801,419 FIRST STORY Grant to First Story
18/01/2024 £10,000 £260,294 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Grant to SNAPS (Special Needs And Parent Support) Yorkshire CIO
18/01/2024 £10,000 £57,720 BASECAMP ADVENTURE TRUST Grant to Basecamp Adventure Trust
18/01/2024 £10,000 £412,605 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
18/01/2024 £9,998 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC Grant to Living Potential Care Farming CIC
18/01/2024 £10,000 £291,259 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
18/01/2024 £8,153 FIRSTBASE Grant to Firstbase
18/01/2024 £8,000 £51,397 IMAGINE IF THEATRE COMPANY Grant to Imagine If Theatre Company
18/01/2024 £10,000 CHAMPIONS COMMUNITY SPORT AND HEALTH CIC Grant to Champions Community Sport and Health CIC
17/01/2024 £10,000 YORKSHIRE SWIM WORKS Grant to Yorkshire Swim Works
18/12/2023 £20,000 £11,434,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
18/12/2023 £18,650 £1,617,011 THE TETLEY (PROJECT SPACE LEEDS) Grant to The Tetley (Project Space Leeds)
18/12/2023 £19,934 £211,303 MUSIC HOUSE Grant to Music House
18/12/2023 £10,000 SKIPPKO ARTS TEAM Grant to Skippko Arts Team
18/12/2023 £19,240 RETREAT 2 REBIRTH PROJECT CIC Grant to Retreat 2 Rebirth Project CIC
18/12/2023 £20,000 £558,499 RETAS LEEDS (REFUGEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING ADVICE SERVICE) Grant to RETAS Leeds (Refugee Education and Training Advice Service)
18/12/2023 £10,000 GET OUT MORE CIC Grant to Get Out More CIC
18/12/2023 £10,000 £288,756 MARGARET CAREY FOUNDATION (MCF) Grant to Margaret Carey Foundation (MCF)
18/12/2023 £10,000 LADS WEST YORKSHIRE CIC Grant to LADS West Yorkshire CIC
18/12/2023 £10,000 £119,527 THE HIVE SILSDEN CIO Grant to The Hive Silsden CIO
18/12/2023 £10,000 £156,662 MANNINGHAM PROJECT LTD Grant to Manningham Project Ltd
18/12/2023 £10,000 BANGLADESHI YOUTH ORGANISATION (BYO) Grant to Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
18/12/2023 £10,000 £194,509 SHAPE-UK LTD Grant to SHAPE-UK LTD
18/12/2023 £5,848 £343,636 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Grant to Leeds Asylum Seekers' Support Network
13/12/2023 £300 LEEDS COMBINED ARTS We are beginning afresh, following the sudden death of our LCA project manager in July 2021. Workshops like this had been undertaken in the past and we now wish to reintroduce them. We formed a new Committee in April 2023 and have since been offering a range of beneficial activities. These have included such things as a book group, park walks, longer country walks, performance evenings and even a day trip to Knaresborough. We would dearly love for arts-based workshops to become available again, hence this application.
13/12/2023 £1,765 FIRSTBASE We succeeded in gaining charitable status in 2021 Over the last 4.5 years we have worked with over 450 participants. Of those over 80% said their self confidence and musical skills have improved Young people have performed at Leeds Carnival and the Black Music Festival, and taken part in a joint performance with RJCDance for Lives not Knives. Our main challenge is finding funding to enable us to return to 2 sessions a week as we have young people waiting to join.
13/12/2023 £2,498 RE-START CREATIVE OUTREACH CIC Our CIC was only incorporated in July 2022. Our Founding Director, Jess Taylor, is an Art Teacher, with Long Covid herself. During her research phase, she could only find in-person art courses available locally, which were not accessible to house bound or isolated people. Therefore one challenge has been successfully demonstrating the positive impact that an online group can have on wellbeing and that online is the best option for some groups. Also, there is the challenge of running an organisation when a number of the committee are either suffering from a chronic illness or care for someone who does.
13/12/2023 £2,500 HERITAGE CREW We are about to run our first pilot project with a Leeds Inspired grant. Four grant applications are submitted to fund the 2024 programme including to ACE NLPF and 3 charities. Our challenge since inception (June 2023) has been to establish the organization at a rate that meets young people’s expectations of. They want to get going and it takes time to build a new organization to safely support projects. Taking a transparent approach we share information/thinking on developing the organization so this is part of young people’s learning on what’s needed to build/operate all aspects of a new organization.
13/12/2023 £2,500 APNA SPORTS GROUP The main success story of our Group has been the continued existence of our Yoga Group, which has been loyally attended by the regular members, since 2007. Some members have left due to personal circumstances, sadly a few elderly ladies passed away during 2020-2021 during the Covid pandemic, which was hearbreaking for the Group. However, many new members have joined, and absolutely enjoy the warm welcome they receive, and the company of very pleasant ladies is a big plus point. Sadly we never have enough funds to offer the ladies anything else apart from yoga sessions.
08/12/2023 £2,460 CLAYTON ESTATE COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP (CECAG) As we emerged from the pandemic our community was immediately thrust into a growing cost of living crisis. This meant growing inflation and food and fuel costs compounded by the withdrawal of additional 'covid' benefits affected our community disproportionally. We immediately increased our crisis support and gained funding to enable us to support more people as well as building partnerships with organisations able to give advice and utility top ups. Demand for our services have increased but our core funding hasn't as grants currently availiable buy goods but hold limited development support.
08/12/2023 £2,500 £40,943 BRADFORD BABY BANK Bradford Baby Bank was established as a community organisation in 2017. We registered as a charity in 2022. Initially we collected pre-loved items and redistributed to those in need. Any surplus donations were held in the homes of our trustees and volunteers, St Luke's Hospital and Tesco Peel Centre also held donations. We rented a room at the Cooperville Centre which allowed a greater volume of stock to held. In August 2023 the Cooperville Centre closed down, so we have rented our own base in Lister Mills, this increases our potential to help and our overheads to fundraise!
08/12/2023 £2,000 £53,611 WYKE FOODBANK (WYKE CHRISTIAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES) We have seen the demand for our service double over the past two years; this has been a challenge to secure funding to continue our work and encourage an increase in donations from the community and local bussinesses to meet this demand. We have sucessfully opened a coffee shop with free advisors to support those within our community enabling our clients to access support that is available and they are unaware of.
08/12/2023 £920 ISSE A recently established organisation, ISSE Ltd, founded in August 2023, has encountered both promising strategic successes and notable challenges within its brief existence. The main successes include the structured development of ISSE, built on a foundation of prior voluntary work in the community. This groundwork allowed us to quickly define our mission and goals. Challenges include the initial stages of building organisational capacity, securing funding, and creating a dynamic online presence through website development. Despite these hurdles, ISSE is determined to overcome challenges through dedicated efforts and community support to realise its mission of fostering resilience and well-being in Bradford.
08/12/2023 £2,120 BRADFORD CITY OF SANCTUARY In May 2022 a new project lead came into post and we have significantly upscaled our Schools and Colleges of Sanctuary project in terms of quantity and quality - redesigning the awards process; developing new staff training; and new lessons, workshops and resources. Over the last academic year, we trained 220 school staff and delivered workshops to approximately 1500 primary and secondary pupils. One challenge has sometimes been hearing back from schools however, this year we are working in ten schools who we have very positive relationships with. We are also running education workshops with new arrivals in temporary accommodation.
21/11/2023 £9,300 £5,716,735 BID SERVICES Grant to BID Services
21/11/2023 £9,300 £682,900 SOUTH LEEDS ALTERNATIVE TRADING ENTERPRISE LTD (SLATE) Grant to South Leeds Alternative Trading Enterprise Ltd (SLATE)
21/11/2023 £9,300 £87,763 TRUST LEEDS Grant to Trust Leeds
21/11/2023 £9,300 £53,273 OUT TOGETHER Grant to Out Together
21/11/2023 £9,300 LEEDS BLACK ELDERS ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Black Elders Association
20/11/2023 £10,000 BANGLADESHI YOUTH ORGANISATION (BYO) Grant to Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
20/11/2023 £10,000 £472,865 PARTICIPATE PROJECTS Grant to Participate Projects
20/11/2023 £10,000 £156,531 ROOTED IN Grant to Rooted In
20/11/2023 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING Grant to Bradford Community Broadcasting
20/11/2023 £10,000 £334,963 WORD UP NORTH LIMITED Grant to Word Up North Limited
20/11/2023 £10,000 £288,756 MARGARET CAREY FOUNDATION (MCF) Grant to Margaret Carey Foundation (MCF)
30/10/2023 £3,240 £133,352 LEEDS BABY BANK Grant to Leeds Baby Bank
30/10/2023 £2,779 £137,894 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON Grant to Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London
30/10/2023 £3,000 HALTON MOOR AND OSMONDTHORPE PROJECT FOR ELDERS (HOPE) Grant to Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe Project for Elders (HOPE)
30/10/2023 £2,993 £134,766 BURMANTOFTS COMMUNITY FRIENDS Grant to Burmantofts Community Friends
30/10/2023 £2,829 £1,110,637 PEOPLE IN ACTION Grant to People in Action
30/10/2023 £3,000 HIDDEN HOMELESS Grant to Hidden Homeless
30/10/2023 £3,000 PRIDE OF PLACE LEEDS LIMITED Grant to Pride of Place Leeds Limited
30/10/2023 £2,982 £164,520 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS Grant to Flourishing Families Leeds
30/10/2023 £2,918 £771,799 FEEL GOOD FACTOR Grant to Feel Good Factor
30/10/2023 £1,500 £1,425,620 AGE UK LEEDS Grant to Age UK Leeds
30/10/2023 £2,482 £34,601 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
30/10/2023 £2,634 £94,180 INTERACT CHURCH AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Grant to InterACT Church and Community Partnership
30/10/2023 £2,580 £10,875,235 COMMUNITY LINKS Grant to Community Links
30/10/2023 £2,940 £286,069 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
30/10/2023 £2,930 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Kirkstall Valley Development Trust
30/10/2023 £1,762 £422,522 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
30/10/2023 £3,000 £872,589 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
30/10/2023 £3,000 £284,632 WETHERBY IN SUPPORT OF THE ELDERLY Grant to Wetherby In Support of the Elderly
30/10/2023 £2,650 GRACE AND CARE Grant to Grace And Care
30/10/2023 £2,950 £592,993 SPACE2 LEEDS Grant to Space2 Leeds
30/10/2023 £3,000 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES PUDSEY Grant to MHA Communities Pudsey
30/10/2023 £2,830 £174,676 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
30/10/2023 £2,676 BEETEY DIN Grant to Beetey Din
30/10/2023 £2,829 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
30/10/2023 £3,000 £204,168 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
30/10/2023 £3,000 £4,298,768 CARING FOR LIFE Grant to Caring for Life
30/10/2023 £3,000 £184,390 ST. PAUL'S, IRELAND WOOD Grant to St. Paul's, Ireland Wood
30/10/2023 £2,000 LYCHEE RED Grant to Lychee Red
30/10/2023 £1,460 LEEDS STP COMMUNITY Grant to Leeds STP Community
30/10/2023 £2,581 £575,226 OLDER WISER LOCAL SENIORS (OWLS) Grant to Older Wiser Local Seniors (OWLS)
30/10/2023 £1,500 £18,850 FRIENDS OF FARSLEY REHOBOTH BURIAL GROUND Nature Friendly.
30/10/2023 £1,407 FRIENDS OF HORSFORTH HALL PARK Carbon reduction:
30/10/2023 £1,500 HAREHILLS ACTION TEAM Nature Friendly
30/10/2023 £1,500 ZION COMMUNITY GARDEN Successes: -We have recruited a team of dedicated volunteers who regularly attend the fortnightly volunteering drop-in sessions. Most of the volunteers attend the resident church so feel a strong connection to the garden. -We have established relationships with residents from the immediate neighbourhood who use the garden as a thoroughfare. Creating access to the garden from the adjacent housing association site was a crucial factor in this. Challenges: -Creating a garden in a churchyard has required sensitivity and respect as we work with and around the graves, ensuring that any living relatives are comfortable with our use of the space.
20/10/2023 £20,000 £116,117 BRADFORD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Grant to Bradford Youth Development Partnership
13/10/2023 £4,000 £390,541 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
28/09/2023 £4,000 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC We will generate income through selling our apple juice at local shops. We already sell juice in one shop, and eggs in several locations, and we would like to expand on this. The demand is already there, and we would like to meet this demand. There is no locally produced apple juice in the area. There is Yorkshire Orchards, however they are based in East Yorkshire. Leeds Urban Harvest and Fruit Works produce some locally produced juice, however there is more demand than product available, and we work in partnership with both organisations. Fruit Works are the only local Fruit Tree Nursery that graft their own trees in the area. Other garden Centres sell trees, but they are not locally produced. We will work in partnership with Fruit Works to deliver this project, so it will not be in competition with them. Our local Garden Centre (East Keswick Plant Centre) have said that they want to sell our trees when they are ready. The members will work to market their own produce – talking to shopkeepers and promoting our produce on social media. They will spend time with our Marketing volunteer to establish a marketing plan. Our product is significantly different to anything on the market as it is made by adults who live with significant challenges, and have to overcome these on a daily basis. Our product is unique and each tree and bottle of juice comes with its own back-story of overcoming adversity.
28/09/2023 £3,950 BRAVE WORDS CIC We intend to work closely with local partners to create an income-generation model that allows for a regular Brave Words group for learning disabled young adults to become a sustainable and permanent provision in the local area. With the mentorship of Mind the Gap and Mencap we will learn how to set up programmes so that participants pay through personal budgets, and work with People in Action to explore how to best connect to people in the local area. Initial marketing will be undertaken through the series of Community Engagement workshops - connecting Brave Words to a broad range of local people with a learning disability and their families. The performances of In Mind will support this promotion, and partnerships with organisations will allow us to access members of their mailing lists, social media followings and to visit groups. Longer term, we want to develop a relationship with the adult services team as a trusted provider - a weekly session that young adults who are interested in drama and the creative arts can be referred to. We will ensure we do not clash with other local provision that could be seen as similar (Buzz Creative Arts Course on Mondays & Tuesdays, Mencap sessions, People in Action, Purple Patch Arts etc.) but will also differentiate ourselves by working specifically with young adults, by basing our activity in the East Leeds area and through our focus on developing independence and supporting wellbeing through theatre with those transitioning to adult services.
28/09/2023 £3,980 INSPIRED-NATION CIC Through the consultations we will look at a variety of ways to become sustainable through charging for the retreats and festivals and during the consultations we will be able to look at a variety of price points and affordability and how we can look at our U.S.P. (Unique Selling Point). Currently there are no other retreats or festivals running in Leeds for this particular community therefore we know that this type of activity is unique and this is where consultation is really important in terms of developing this project further. Having worked within the community with a variety of music, art and wellness projects we understand how these kinds of therapies improve mental health and is much needed in the city. We know there is some similar provision around art and music but nothing that is set in the outdoors. We are already delivering a project that looks into web3 and AI and we are not aware of this kind of work happening across the city, we want to be trail blazers in this area of development as technology is very much part of the future and we want the learning-disabled community to be involved and feel empowered and included in this.
28/09/2023 £3,948 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS The courses will have a graded suggested payment schedule, online booking depends on the honesty and generosity of participants. The course descriptions will include an explanation of the ethos and rationale of our approach. The course fees will include the option to add a discounted light lunch, to boost the base income of the café and awareness of it. There is also scope for additional produce sales. TCV will make use of its well followed and developing social media accounts: • Facebook; 3500 followers, some posts reach 600 people. We share posts to other groups locally and use a few ads to boast our reach. • Twitter; 2720 followers, Instagram; followers) TikTok; launched May 2023 so far 7 followers • Our direct marketing is run via a Mailchimp newsletter and we have options to create subgroups e.g. ; that subscribers can opt into. • We have a separate Mailchimp for professionals e.g.; linkworkers. • Hardcopy publicity on site, in local libraries and community centres. • Word of mouth is very important. Some similar courses are run by Leeds Wood Recycling, Meanwood Valley Urban Farm (willow crafts etc) Leeds Permaculture Network. Full day charges are typically £60 -£70, a few offer concessions. TCV Hollybush’s courses are part of a wider environmental volunteering centre, the setting is attractive and distinctive. Each provider has a different immediate local catchment. Kirkstall Valley Farm may expand their offer as facilities develop, Rodley Nature Reserve do some events although their core offer is nature and wildlife.
28/09/2023 £11,784 TAKING BABY STEPS CIC 'Taking Baby Steps into Leeds' will be launched on social media when we have been notified of the 'Ideas that Change Lives grant'. (https://facebook.com/takingbabysteps www.instagram.com/takingbabysteps) We will also contact the Leeds local press to inform them of our service. In March this year we contacted a local news company and they published an article about our company which gained a lot of attention in the Harrogate area (https://thestrayferret.co.uk/midwives-launch-harrogate-district-support-service-with-drop-in-session-for-covid-parents/). We will also visit in person and 'mailshot' GP practices and Community Hubs to raise our profile. We have already been seeing clients from the Leeds area and have used funding awarded by the National Lottery for this. We also have income generated from donations as well as 'in house' fundraising and would launch a further initiative later this year to support or work. We know that other ‘baby loss’ support services exist however we created ‘Taking Baby Steps’ as a professional, evidence based, midwife experienced service. We also appreciate that the bereaved report experiences of trauma feelings which is why we combine the support sessions appropriately. We feel this puts us in a unique position to provide an exceptional service.
28/09/2023 £11,790 GETTING CLEAN CIC Our soap costs approx 75p per to produce and easily sells for £3.50 upwards. As part of our business plan, we will pledge to maintain an employees/volunteer base majority of recovering addicts for our core activities. This is fundamental to our B2C and B2B value proposition for digital consumers and local employers, who want to ensure that their money is given to a virtuous and socially impactful organisation. Drawing on Social Value Act legislation, we will bring revenue from corporate CSR/ESG budgets to make sure that it drives a real difference for the people and environment of Leeds. Competitors in the soap game typically focus on eco-friendliness but none of them provide real social value in the way that Getting Clean does. There are countless artisan home-made soap businesses but none of them are able to provide a real value proposition that Getting Clean does. This is how we are different: - we provide an ethical product which will draw massive support from a large B2C demographic (this has been demonstrated already in our B2C sales and will be focused on as part of our B2C marketing strategy and potentially investment strategy too) - we provide demonstrable social value which will allow us to enter the B2B market (companies looking to increase ESG and CSR scoring for their company image and to win public sector contracts) - we are eligible for funding and donations We will also seek to bring revenue in from our repair jobs while up-skilling our volunteers/members.
25/09/2023 £10,000 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
25/09/2023 £10,000 £186,917 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
25/09/2023 £10,000 £566,752 ST LUKE'S CARES Grant to St Luke's Cares
13/09/2023 £2,500 BRADFORD BELLES In 2022 we carried out organisational development work with Bev Morton of My Next Chapter. Developing our identity as a group, identifying our strengths and a common direction for the organisation. This has brought a new energy to the group of facilitators who are now all directors of this new Community Interest Company. We feel stronger having control of our own business and want to keep this dynamism going, this funding will enable us to achieve this and move us on to the next stage..
13/09/2023 £2,324 SPACE TO INSPIRE The post Covid world has brought many challenges. Schools were not allowing visits or visitors so we produced kits to build bird boxes. This last year schools have begun allowing visits again so we have been doing space days involving planetarium and greenhouse in space.
13/09/2023 £280 ACCESSIBLE INCLUSIVE MUSIC (AIM) Our most recent success is becoming a registered charity after running as a non-profit voluntary led community organisation for 2 years. Charity status was part of a longer-term strategic plan to expand our provision and position within the non-profit sector. Since setting up Accessible Inclusive Music (AIM) in 2021 challenges have included running our existing online inclusive choir for free for its first year solely on community fundraising. However, funding success was achieved in 2023 through a Scope connecting communities grant, recognising the benefit of our online inclusive choir, and enabling it to run for free into year 2.
13/09/2023 £2,500 THAT NAME WOMAN Over the last two years, we organised various workshops and holistic events all set up to empower, motivate and transform women and girls. Our purpose is to support women build their confidence and take care of their well being and mental health. By organizing these diverse workshops, coaching and mentoring programes, some of these women get to understand their greatest potentials. Networking and connection is important to us. We liaise with other multi agencies through signposting. Our main challenge is not having an office space to run our activities. Most of the women are affected by high cost of living.
13/09/2023 £2,500 BREAKING BARRIERS TENNIS ASSOCIATION Completing a successful feasibility study, achieving 100 + sign-ups in target communities, buy-in and support of 4 tennis clubs in neighbourhoods which meet our target IMD. This removes barriers: a) accessibility, in that the clubs are located in mixed communities, and b) weather, all 4, have full year-round indoor and outdoor facilities. This leaves the challenges of a) costs (hence this application), added to which preliminary conversations with the LTA indicates a willingness to support, and eligibility to future funding, b) external community and tennis infrastructure perceptions of who tennis is for (pilot is the first step to overcoming that).
13/09/2023 £2,500 £10,937 CONVERSATION CLUB LEEDS The organisation continued through the Covid pandemic with some on-line and outdoor meetings, but on a small scale. As restrictions decreased we were able to expand and now use two venues rather than one. The number of guests has increased and some who have continued to come to meetings over the years now contribute by sharing their experiences, helping with translation of requests for help and with completing official documents. This loyalty is an indication of guests' appreciation of the Club. Among the challenges are requests for more activities, which this project is designed to satisfy.
13/09/2023 £2,500 SEASON WELL CIC A strategic success was developing from a start-up with little track record to becoming a trusted delivery partner organisation for repeat projects, equally at home developing new projects with high-profile partners like the Royal Horticultural Society or with grassroots community organisations. A challenge is to balance enterprise, which is mostly smaller projects or one-off workshops, with larger grant-funded programmes. Also developing to be able to apply for larger, multiple-year funding bids. This micro funding will enable delivery of a much-wanted service whilst we develop a larger funding proposal to bring different strands of work together.
13/09/2023 £2,500 EUROPEAN DROM C.I.C. As we are a new organisation, our first success is we have been able to obtain the funding from National lottery heritage fund. We are able to promote our Roma culture across the Bradford District. We are part of the World Roma network and have been at World Roma Congress. We are part of the Nation Roma network and collaborate with lots of Roma organisations in UK. Part of World Roma Women network. We had two successful events at Great Horton Hub. We have Facebook group with 1K members.
13/09/2023 £2,397 SAIF SPACE CIC Our main strategic successes have been initially gaining seed funding from UKSPF to open our café, building meaningful partnerships and above all, building our user base via word of mouth and by working in partnership with our local secondary school. We have been featured in local and national press via Bradford T&A and Asian Times which has further promoted our activities and our community focused ethos. We have built a successful offer from the ground up based on an identified community need. The challenge currently is obtaining funding as a relatively new organisation to ensure our vital service continues.
08/09/2023 £9,911 £470,178 COMMON WEALTH THEATRE LTD Grant to Common Wealth Theatre Ltd
08/09/2023 £10,000 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
08/09/2023 £9,900 £206,945 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Sandale Community Development Trust
08/09/2023 £9,567 £273,269 DANCE UNITED YORKSHIRE Grant to Dance United Yorkshire
08/09/2023 £8,308 £155,064 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Grant to Scholemoor Beacon
08/09/2023 £5,370 £22,477 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Grant to Inspire Highfield
08/09/2023 £9,500 MEDIA ARTS AND CULTURE LTD Grant to Media Arts and Culture Ltd
08/09/2023 £9,520 £174,617 FREEDOM STUDIOS Grant to Freedom Studios
08/09/2023 £6,690 £24,802 BRADFORD DISABILITY FOOTBALL CLUB Grant to Bradford Disability Football Club
08/09/2023 £5,000 MIZKAST - THEATRE AND MULTI MEDIA ARTS Grant to MIZKAST - Theatre and Multi Media Arts
08/09/2023 £9,231 £247,850 WEST-BOWLING-COMMUNITY-ADVICE-AND-TRAINING-CENTRE Grant to West-Bowling-Community-Advice-and-Training-Centre
08/09/2023 £10,000 THE UNITED ART PROJECT Grant to The United Art Project
08/09/2023 £9,277 £84,811 EQUITY PARTNERSHIP (BRADFORD LGBT+ STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP) Grant to Equity Partnership (Bradford LGBT+ Strategic Partnership)
01/09/2023 £18,000 £331,547 ST CHADS Grant to St Chads
29/08/2023 £10,000 £173,609 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Grant to SNAPS (Special Needs And Parent Support) Yorkshire CIO
29/08/2023 £10,000 BRAVE WORDS CIC Grant to Brave Words CIC
29/08/2023 £10,000 £319,859 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
29/08/2023 £10,000 £375,892 SNOOP Grant to SNOOP
29/08/2023 £10,000 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to Hollings Youth Association
24/08/2023 £2,157 £294,702 IN2OUT Grant to In2Out
24/08/2023 £9,890 £4,842,338 BID SERVICES Grant to BID Services
24/08/2023 £10,000 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
24/08/2023 £9,954 £134,766 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Grant to Burmantofts Senior Action CIO
24/08/2023 £9,160 THE HIGHRISE PROJECT Grant to The Highrise Project
24/08/2023 £9,945 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
24/08/2023 £5,000 £506,976 RETAS LEEDS (REFUGEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING ADVICE SERVICE) Grant to RETAS Leeds (Refugee Education and Training Advice Service)
24/08/2023 £10,000 £204,168 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
24/08/2023 £10,000 YOUR BACK YARD CIC Grant to Your Back Yard CIC
24/08/2023 £10,000 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
09/08/2023 £10,000 PEOPLE'S PROPERTY PORTFOLIO Grant to People's Property Portfolio
14/07/2023 £12,315 £51,397 LEEDS MUSIC TRUST Grant to Leeds Music Trust
14/07/2023 £15,338 £155,064 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Grant to Scholemoor Beacon
14/07/2023 £20,000 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Kirkstall Valley Development Trust
14/07/2023 £19,644 REFRESH CARERS Grant to Refresh Carers
14/07/2023 £19,539 £410,454 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
14/07/2023 £20,000 HORTON COMMUNITY FARM CO-OP LTD Grant to Horton Community Farm Co-op Ltd
14/07/2023 £17,213 GROW WAKEFIELD Grant to Grow Wakefield
14/07/2023 £19,760 REFLECTIONS YORKSHIRE CIC Grant to Reflections Yorkshire CIC
14/07/2023 £18,742 £76,657 SURVIVORS WEST YORKSHIRE Grant to Survivors West Yorkshire
14/07/2023 £19,956 IMPACT NORTH LTD Grant to IMPACT North Ltd
14/07/2023 £16,991 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
14/07/2023 £12,092 £298,133 HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Highfield Community Association
14/07/2023 £19,915 THE HIGHRISE PROJECT Grant to The Highrise Project
14/07/2023 £19,847 £61,693 MILLAN CENTRE Grant to Millan Centre
14/07/2023 £20,000 £191,620 STAR BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE Grant to Star Bereavement Support Service
07/07/2023 £4,868 £17,000 SPRINGAID INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT UK Carbon Reduction
07/07/2023 £3,976 THE MORLEY SHED Nature Friendly
07/07/2023 £4,975 SEASON WELL CIC 1 Carbon Reduction
07/07/2023 £4,985 ASSEMBLY HOUSE Grant to Assembly House
07/07/2023 £3,695 ALWOODLEY 2030: CLIMATE ACTION HUB Carbon Reduction
07/07/2023 £4,930 FRIENDS OF BEDFORD FIELDS Carbon reduction
07/07/2023 £5,000 £9,538 FRIENDS OF GLEDHOW VALLEY WOODS Carbon reduction
07/07/2023 £5,000 £24,982 GATEWAY BUILDING TRUST Nature Friendly
07/07/2023 £5,000 INCREDIBLE EDIBLE LEEDS Carbon reduction
07/07/2023 £2,588 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
07/07/2023 £4,972 CHAMPIONS COMMUNITY SPORT AND HEALTH CIC Grant to Champions Community Sport and Health CIC
09/06/2023 £3,250 £388,201 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
06/06/2023 £24,985 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
06/06/2023 £9,795 £3,057,733 ST GEORGE'S CRYPT Grant to St George's Crypt
06/06/2023 £9,570 CREATIVE FRAME Grant to Creative Frame
06/06/2023 £24,727 CLOTH CAT STUDIOS LTD Grant to Cloth Cat Studios Ltd
06/06/2023 £24,968 £5,214,185 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
06/06/2023 £24,290 £30,843 WORDS FOR WELLBEING Grant to Words For Wellbeing
06/06/2023 £15,000 £12,598,558 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Grant to St Vincent's Support Centre
06/06/2023 £23,865 LEEDS RHINOS FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds Rhinos Foundation
01/06/2023 £2,500 HORVATH INTEGRATION CIC In the past year, the biggest challenge was to cover our core cost, and to raise the awareness of our new organisation. We are now working very hard on developing new services where we can generate our own income, so we can be financially secure, and we do not have to completely depend on grants.
01/06/2023 £2,500 £6,013 BABY WEEK The main strategic successes were: 1. Receiving interest from national partners where we had hosted an event with around 20 other cities /regions wanting to find out how Baby Week has become such a successful partnership. 2. The Royal Foundation wanting to hear about Baby Week and have done a case study on Child Friendly Leeds featuring Baby Week as good practice. Princess Catherine came to speak to Sadiya: https://centreforearlychildhood.org/latest-learnings/case-studies/what-is-child-friendly-leeds/ 3. Having our first highlights film made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcmvwSdF2XM 4. Hiring our first ever freelance worker on a 6 month contract. Challenges is long term funding and capacity to recruit trustees.
01/06/2023 £2,500 ALPHABET COLLECTIVE Improved mental health /knowledge and development of coping strategies . Supported into education and training, Assisted in their care and housing needs being met, Members developed their understanding of a wide spectrum of intersectional identities and awareness of the way others identify. Friendships formed within the group/ peer support/ allieship eg LBT members supporting Trans members Increased confidence to visit new places and navigate public transport with support to becoming more independent Members reported Improved physical skills and mobility eg. learnt to skate board, roller-skate and ride bikes, now group skating on a regular basis, joined a roller-derby team, .
01/06/2023 £2,500 LEEDS LGBT+ COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM Over the last two years we have increased the number of events we have offered and the numbers of tickets booked for these events have increased year on year too. We have recruited 3 volunteers who have particular roles covering monitoring, social media and promotion of events. In 2021 TransLeeds joined LLCC and have an active representative on the management group. In June of 2022 LLCC became a registered charity with the Charity Commission. The main challenge is reaching those in the local LGBTQ+ community who we aim to provide sessions and events for.
01/06/2023 £2,362 CREATIVE FLARE YORKSHIRE Lockdown has had a negative effect on our community, we have adjusted our work to help women and families. We became lockdown champions for helping families stay active and improve mental health with arts, walking and pebble hunts with 100s of children involved. We Set up a sustainable community football club, ran by local dad which provides a warm meal for over 35 children every Friday. We helped 2 women with no qualifications, through a courses, gave work experience and now both have jobs. We Set up a voluntary breakfast café which serves breakfast, giving work experience to the volunteers.
01/06/2023 £2,500 £8,030 THE ROMANI FOUNDATION Strategic Successes: 1. Rebranding to The Romani Foundation - Help for Dependency to address stigmatisation. 2. Completion of a Change Document (2022 to 2025) to ensure future resilience of the charity - grant from Give Bradford. 3. Completion of NSPCC qualifications by the CEO, PA & a Trustee. 4. Repurpose & submission of the Governing Document to The Charity Commission. 5. Increased usage of the website & social media platforms. 6. Small lottery grant to establish database of regional dependency/addiction services Challenges: 1. Lack of external funding. 2. Unsuccessful appointment of Trustees. 3. Connections in Bradford have been hard to establish.
01/06/2023 £2,500 LADS WEST YORKSHIRE CIC We have developed robust policies for our organisations and successfully recruited 2 new directors. We have a business plan for the year ahead, and one of the objectives is to roll out the CHOICES program successfully. We have given our first full accounts to companies house, and into the second year, we have been successful in securing further funding for our drug workshops (Mayor's office), further funding for our peer groups and a new heritage program that looks at young men and elders in the south Asian community.
01/06/2023 £2,500 INSPIRED-NATION CIC Successes - generated income by winning public funding to deliver two main projects currently in progress and delivered two successful mindfulness day retreats. We're just over one year old and beginning to raise our profile within the learning-disabled community and already made many connections across the city to begin some exciting collaborations. Challenges - Having time to establish with both income generation and setting up phase Not having external expertise and extra income which is specific to our strategic development needs and growth. Needing time and income to work on the business brand and showcase our achievements on our website.
30/05/2023 £500 BEESTON IN BLOOM Nature Friendly
30/05/2023 £1,000 HORSFORTH CLIMATE ACTION - NATURE GROUP Nature Friendly
24/05/2023 £9,500 MISSING PEACE WELLBEING + SUPPORT Grant to Missing Peace Wellbeing + Support
28/04/2023 £10,000 CANAL CONNECTIONS Grant to Canal Connections
28/04/2023 £6,737 £307,502 THE ZONE Grant to The Zone
28/04/2023 £8,000 £94,971 NORTHERN OPERA GROUP Grant to Northern Opera Group
28/04/2023 £5,006 £196,502 WRONGSEMBLE Grant to Wrongsemble
28/04/2023 £10,000 £173,384 COMPASS LIVE ART LTD Grant to Compass Live Art Ltd
28/04/2023 £9,792 £132,338 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
28/04/2023 £9,610 THE RETREAT TO REBIRTH PROJECT Grant to The Retreat to Rebirth Project
28/04/2023 £8,900 £47,602 JAZZLEEDS Grant to JazzLeeds
28/04/2023 £10,000 MEETUP GROUP CIC Grant to Meetup Group CIC
28/04/2023 £9,000 THE MUSIC BOX YORKSHIRE CIC Grant to The Music Box Yorkshire CIC
28/04/2023 £7,500 £196,083 LEEDS LIEDER Grant to Leeds Lieder
28/04/2023 £6,810 SEAGULLS RE-USE LTD Grant to Seagulls Re-Use Ltd
28/04/2023 £3,600 £21,629 YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR MUSIC AND SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Grant to Yorkshire Association for Music and Special Educational Needs
28/04/2023 £7,200 £43,863 MADE WITH MUSIC Grant to Made with Music
28/04/2023 £9,972 £12,099 CHAPEL ALLERTON FESTIVAL Grant to Chapel Allerton Festival
28/04/2023 £4,216 £33,489 PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT Grant to Pudsey Community Project
28/04/2023 £1,157 LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS Grant to Life Without Limits
25/04/2023 £2,323 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £2,032 OAKWOOD LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Oakwood Luncheon Club
25/04/2023 £2,032 £509,593 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
25/04/2023 £2,032 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £2,032 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £2,032 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £2,032 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY Grant to MHA Communities Farsley
25/04/2023 £1,742 MOORTOWN BAPTIST DAY CENTRE Grant to Moortown Baptist Day Centre
25/04/2023 £1,742 £161,481 MORLEY ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Morley Elderly Action
25/04/2023 £1,742 £161,481 MORLEY ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Morley Elderly Action
25/04/2023 £2,032 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY Grant to MHA Communities Farsley
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY Grant to MHA Communities Farsley
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES PUDSEY Grant to MHA Communities Pudsey
25/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES PUDSEY Grant to MHA Communities Pudsey
25/04/2023 £2,323 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH Grant to MHA Communities Horsforth
25/04/2023 £2,323 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH Grant to MHA Communities Horsforth
25/04/2023 £2,323 NAMASTE Grant to Namaste
24/04/2023 £1,742 COMMUNITY VALUES CIC Grant to Community Values CIC
24/04/2023 £1,742 CHRIST CHURCH HALTON Grant to Christ Church Halton
24/04/2023 £2,323 DRIGHLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH Grant to Drighlington Methodist Church
24/04/2023 £1,742 £134,766 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Grant to Burmantofts Senior Action CIO
24/04/2023 £2,323 £20,751 AL-KHIDMAT CENTRE Grant to Al-Khidmat Centre
24/04/2023 £2,323 £20,751 AL-KHIDMAT CENTRE Grant to Al-Khidmat Centre
24/04/2023 £1,452 ALWOODLEY METHODIST CHURCH Grant to Alwoodley Methodist Church
24/04/2023 £1,742 £132,482 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
24/04/2023 £1,742 £132,482 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
24/04/2023 £2,323 £256,131 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £2,323 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
24/04/2023 £2,323 £1,251,091 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
24/04/2023 £2,032 BEETEY DIN Grant to Beetey Din
24/04/2023 £2,032 £168,975 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
24/04/2023 £1,742 £64,496 BRACKENWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Brackenwood Community Association
24/04/2023 £1,742 £134,766 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Grant to Burmantofts Senior Action CIO
24/04/2023 £1,742 CHAPEL ALLERTON TOWN STREET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Chapel Allerton Town Street Lunch Club
24/04/2023 £1,742 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Kirkstall Valley Development Trust
24/04/2023 £1,742 £161,856 LEEDS BLACK ELDERS ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Black Elders Association
24/04/2023 £1,742 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
24/04/2023 £2,323 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
24/04/2023 £2,032 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
24/04/2023 £2,032 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
24/04/2023 £2,323 LYCHEE RED Grant to Lychee Red
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £1,742 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
24/04/2023 £1,742 £390,999 GREENSIDE METHODIST CHURCH Grant to Greenside Methodist Church
24/04/2023 £1,742 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
24/04/2023 £1,742 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
24/04/2023 £1,742 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
24/04/2023 £1,742 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
24/04/2023 £1,742 HEADINGLEY METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Headingley Methodist Luncheon Club
24/04/2023 £2,323 £204,168 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
18/04/2023 £2,323 SEACROFT FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS Grant to Seacroft Friends and Neighbours
18/04/2023 £1,742 ST CHAD'S LUNCH CLUB Grant to St Chad's Lunch club
18/04/2023 £1,742 £583,111 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
18/04/2023 £2,032 £255,035 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
18/04/2023 £2,032 £255,035 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
18/04/2023 £2,032 £255,035 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
18/04/2023 £2,323 £127,588 TRINITY NETWORK Grant to Trinity Network
18/04/2023 £2,032 SILVER LINING LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Silver Lining Luncheon Club
18/04/2023 £1,742 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
18/04/2023 £2,032 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
18/04/2023 £2,032 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
18/04/2023 £2,032 POLISH DAY CENTRE Grant to Polish Day Centre
18/04/2023 £2,323 £51,131 SWARCLIFFE GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME Grant to Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme
18/04/2023 £2,323 ST JOHN'S LUNCH CLUB (STANNINGLEY) Grant to St John's Lunch Club (Stanningley)
18/04/2023 £2,032 £174,676 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
18/04/2023 £2,032 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
18/04/2023 £1,742 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
18/04/2023 £1,742 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
18/04/2023 £2,323 SUMANGAL GROUP Grant to Sumangal Group
18/04/2023 £2,032 £33,489 PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT Grant to Pudsey Community Project
18/04/2023 £2,032 SAWAN VIHAR Grant to Sawan Vihar
03/04/2023 £30,000 BRAMLEY BATHS & COMMUNITY LIMITED Connections to ethnic minority groups in the area Information and access to relevant networking groups Promotional advice as a Leeds based organisation with facilities and expertise to support other services.
03/04/2023 £30,000 £592,993 SPACE2 LEEDS Working as part of a citywide partnership to better understand changing need and challenges and make the case for increased, recurrent core funding at a city and national level.
03/04/2023 £30,000 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Unsure - would be interested in discussing all areas on offer to ensure we access something pitched right for our needs.
03/04/2023 £30,000 £555,537 LS14 TRUST We would certainly benefit from any support with promotion and brand identity and we would value advice and support with partnership development and land/building acquisition.
31/03/2023 £30,000 £404,361 SUPPORT AFTER RAPE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEEDS (SARSVL) We'd love to receive any advice or support about diversifying income streams in the way we've described, as well as recruiting a diverse range of new trustees.
31/03/2023 £30,000 COME PLAY WITH ME CIC Business sponsorship would be most beneficial (I.e. organisations, even outside of our sector, that would benefit from LGBTQ+/Trans Inclusion training.)
31/03/2023 £30,000 MAFWA THEATRE We are interested in working with Leeds Community Foundation to identify organisations that can support us on good practice in governance and recruitment of trustees with lived experience.
31/03/2023 £30,000 £92,207 JAMAICA SOCIETY LEEDS Financial Modelling / Accounting : Help with rebuilding our post pandemic financial resilience and stability.
31/03/2023 £30,000 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST We would like to learn more about procuring service contracts from council and LCP which fit within our mission and values,
31/03/2023 £30,000 £306,848 GETAWAY GIRLS Strategic planning Sustainability Planning focusing on reshaping our funding model Corporate fundraising/ Income generation Measuring and demonstrating impact
31/03/2023 £30,000 £271,894 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS/CHAPEL FM ARTS CENTRE Rebalancing our governance model Reshaping funding model Horizon scanning and SWOT analysis Using MEL as a learning tool to drive future change Stakeholder mapping
31/03/2023 £30,000 £80,545 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO BSA would welcome support and guidance, particularly in the following areas: Operational change, how to improve culture, governance, and leadership Financial reporting, sustainability, and growth Recording, measuring, and showing impact
31/03/2023 £30,000 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Staff development to understand organisation needs, training and development needs and analysing, and planning. Strategy and planning: Developing greater awareness of the external environment, developing our organisational strategy, annual planning.
31/03/2023 £30,000 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC We would value connection to organisations who can provide support andguidance on; - Organisational structure (charity/CIC) - Business planning - Vision and strategy setting - Measuring outcomes - Diversifying income
28/03/2023 £18,000 £161,082 OBLONG Grant to Oblong
28/03/2023 £9,991 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Grant to Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative CIC
28/03/2023 £12,920 HUMANS BEING Grant to Humans Being
28/03/2023 £12,122 £100,524 TRUST LEEDS Grant to Trust Leeds
28/03/2023 £4,638 SHORE-UP CIC Grant to Shore-Up CIC
28/03/2023 £19,973 MAFWA THEATRE Grant to Mafwa Theatre
28/03/2023 £15,000 £8,866,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
28/03/2023 £18,000 £168,975 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
14/03/2023 £20,000 £72,077 GRASSROOTS ENTERPRISE FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION AND POVERTY RELIEF Grant to Grassroots Enterprise for Social Inclusion and Poverty Relief
14/03/2023 £13,670 MAFWA THEATRE Grant to Mafwa Theatre
14/03/2023 £19,744 NIGERIAN YORKSHIRE COMMUNITIES NETWORK UK CIC Grant to Nigerian Yorkshire Communities Network UK CIC
14/03/2023 £4,000 £436,146 LEEDS CHILDREN'S CHARITY Grant to Leeds Children's Charity
14/03/2023 £13,250 £2,924,299 LEEDS MIND Grant to Leeds Mind
14/03/2023 £13,503 £592,993 SPACE2 LEEDS Grant to Space2 Leeds
14/03/2023 £3,888 £5,325 COMMUNITY UNITY Grant to Community Unity
14/03/2023 £11,997 ST LUKE'S CARES Grant to St Luke's Cares
14/03/2023 £13,530 £173,609 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Grant to SNAPS (Special Needs And Parent Support) Yorkshire CIO
14/03/2023 £20,000 £133,352 LEEDS BABY BANK Grant to Leeds Baby Bank
14/03/2023 £5,250 PROVERBS31WOMAN CIC Grant to Proverbs31Woman CIC
14/03/2023 £2,591 £390,467 LEEDS SPACE NETWORK (LSN) Grant to Leeds Space Network (LSN)
14/03/2023 £7,740 £234,452 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
14/03/2023 £15,112 £319,859 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
14/03/2023 £20,000 £548,449 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE Grant to Zest Health for Life
14/03/2023 £4,994 £34,601 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
14/03/2023 £19,721 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
14/03/2023 £18,380 £100,524 TRUST LEEDS Grant to Trust Leeds
14/03/2023 £10,000 £3,057,733 ST GEORGE'S CRYPT Grant to St George's Crypt
14/03/2023 £14,629 £88,526 RAINBOW JUNKTION Grant to Rainbow Junktion
14/03/2023 £20,000 POSITIVE FUTURES WY CIC Grant to Positive Futures WY CIC
14/03/2023 £19,720 PROJECT HOPE LEEDS Grant to Project Hope Leeds
14/03/2023 £19,300 £149,479 LEEDS COMMUNITY SPACES Grant to Leeds Community Spaces
14/03/2023 £19,950 £306,848 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
14/03/2023 £4,600 £1,032,758 PHOENIX DANCE THEATRE Grant to Phoenix Dance Theatre
14/03/2023 £7,533 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Grant to Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative CIC
14/03/2023 £12,885 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
14/03/2023 £18,032 £271,894 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS/CHAPEL FM ARTS CENTRE Grant to Heads Together Productions/Chapel FM Arts Centre
14/03/2023 £20,000 THE CANOPY HOUSING PROJECT Grant to The Canopy Housing Project
10/03/2023 £250 £256,131 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
08/03/2023 £6,018 £70,153 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Grant to Christ Church Armley (Meeting Point)
08/03/2023 £6,648 £156,884 WELLSPRINGS TOGETHER Grant to Wellsprings Together
08/03/2023 £6,648 £105,998 THE SUTTON CENTRE Grant to The Sutton Centre
08/03/2023 £10,000 £432,000 INN CHURCHES Grant to Inn Churches
01/03/2023 £10,000 £194,662 KEIGHLEY CREATIVE CIO Grant to Keighley Creative CIO
27/02/2023 £9,800 LEEDS UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Ukrainian Community Association
20/02/2023 £2,500 £205,142 HIVE Grant to Hive
20/02/2023 £2,500 HAPPY HEALTHY YOU BRADFORD & BEYOND Grant to Happy Healthy You Bradford & Beyond
20/02/2023 £2,500 HORTON COMMUNITY FARM CO-OP LTD Grant to Horton Community Farm Co-op Ltd
20/02/2023 £2,475 MIZKAST - THEATRE AND MULTI MEDIA ARTS Grant to MIZKAST - Theatre and Multi Media Arts
20/02/2023 £2,400 SUMMAT CREATIVE CIC Grant to Summat Creative CIC
16/02/2023 £2,500 HAREHILLS LANE ACTION TEAM Grant to Harehills Lane Action Team
16/02/2023 £1,889 SHENANIGANS (ARMLEY) Grant to SHEnanigans (Armley)
15/02/2023 £4,370 £388,201 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
15/02/2023 £4,400 £375,011 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
15/02/2023 £4,400 £49,697 KUMON Y'ALL Grant to Kumon Y'all
15/02/2023 £4,400 ISPACE5 CIC Grant to iSpace5 CIC
15/02/2023 £3,416 £307,502 THE ZONE Grant to The Zone
15/02/2023 £1,000 £415,700 PROJECT CHALLENGE Grant to Project Challenge
03/02/2023 £20,000 £436,146 LEEDS CHILDREN'S CHARITY Grant to Leeds Children's Charity
03/02/2023 £17,644 NIGERIAN YORKSHIRE COMMUNITIES NETWORK UK CIC Grant to Nigerian Yorkshire Communities Network UK CIC
03/02/2023 £20,000 STITCH-UP CIC Grant to Stitch-Up CIC
03/02/2023 £19,876 £927,238 HUNSLET CLUB Grant to Hunslet Club
03/02/2023 £19,876 £927,238 HUNSLET CLUB Grant to Hunslet Club
03/02/2023 £18,346 KICKING FOR GRASSROOTS CIC Grant to Kicking For Grassroots CIC
03/02/2023 £18,562 £307,502 THE ZONE Grant to The Zone
03/02/2023 £20,000 £4,989,809 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE Grant to Groundwork Yorkshire
03/02/2023 £20,000 £4,989,809 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE Grant to Groundwork Yorkshire
03/02/2023 £20,000 £132,338 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
03/02/2023 £20,000 £160,500 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
03/02/2023 £20,000 £12,598,558 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Grant to St Vincent's Support Centre
03/02/2023 £20,000 CANAL CONNECTIONS Grant to Canal Connections
03/02/2023 £19,991 £5,214,185 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
03/02/2023 £19,819 MISSIONAL GENERATION Grant to Missional Generation
03/02/2023 £14,375 £26,384 HUNSLET RUGBY FOUNDATION Grant to Hunslet Rugby Foundation
03/02/2023 £19,230 £2,174,546 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
03/02/2023 £15,000 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
03/02/2023 £20,000 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
03/02/2023 £12,083 £158,016 INVOLVE Grant to Involve
03/02/2023 £19,890 £233,496 GIVE A GIFT Grant to Give A Gift
03/02/2023 £19,574 SEASON WELL CIC Grant to Season Well CIC
03/02/2023 £20,000 £1,030,559 LEEDS MENCAP Grant to Leeds Mencap
03/02/2023 £16,800 LEFT BANK LEEDS Grant to Left Bank Leeds
03/02/2023 £20,000 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Kirkstall Valley Development Trust
03/02/2023 £20,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE Grant to Hyde Park Source
03/02/2023 £20,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE Grant to Hyde Park Source
03/02/2023 £19,940 £602,671 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
03/02/2023 £13,332 £18,965 TEAM DANIEL Grant to Team Daniel
03/02/2023 £19,821 EAST LEEDS PROJECT Grant to East Leeds Project
03/02/2023 £19,438 £1,032,758 PHOENIX DANCE THEATRE Grant to Phoenix Dance Theatre
03/02/2023 £19,982 £555,537 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
03/02/2023 £19,925 £128,982 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
03/02/2023 £19,759 £555,537 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
03/02/2023 £19,500 £509,593 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
03/02/2023 £4,962 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds United Foundation
03/02/2023 £19,560 ST LUKE'S CARES Grant to St Luke's Cares
03/02/2023 £20,000 £234,452 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
03/02/2023 £20,000 £204,168 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
03/02/2023 £19,903 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds United Foundation
03/02/2023 £19,750 £271,894 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS/CHAPEL FM ARTS CENTRE Grant to Heads Together Productions/Chapel FM Arts Centre
03/02/2023 £20,000 £583,111 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
03/02/2023 £19,903 £1,760,986 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds United Foundation
02/02/2023 £17,608 CHAMPIONS COMMUNITY SPORT AND HEALTH CIC Grant to Champions Community Sport and Health CIC
02/02/2023 £20,000 £390,467 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Grant to Connecting Crossgates
02/02/2023 £20,000 £388,201 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
02/02/2023 £14,773 CREATIVE FRAME Grant to Creative Frame
02/02/2023 £19,450 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
12/01/2023 £10,000 £160,500 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
12/01/2023 £10,000 £132,338 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
12/01/2023 £8,220 £319,859 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
12/01/2023 £10,000 ST LUKE'S CARES Grant to St Luke's Cares
12/01/2023 £10,000 JASON ROBINSON FOUNDATION Grant to Jason Robinson Foundation
12/01/2023 £7,666 £1,987 COMMUNITY LEEDS AFTER SCHOOL STUDY SUPPORT Grant to Community Leeds After School Study Support
12/01/2023 £9,660 PINGPONG4U Grant to Pingpong4u
12/01/2023 £9,860 THAT NAME WOMAN Grant to That Name Woman
11/01/2023 £9,595 £168,975 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
11/01/2023 £3,250 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
10/01/2023 £9,958 MAFWA THEATRE Grant to Mafwa Theatre
10/01/2023 £10,000 £89,730 MOVE THE MASSES Grant to Move the Masses
10/01/2023 £9,708 PINGPONG4U Grant to Pingpong4u
03/01/2023 £10,000 RETAS LEEDS (REFUGEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING ADVICE SERVICE) Grant to RETAS Leeds (Refugee Education and Training Advice Service)
20/12/2022 £10,000 £206,945 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Sandale Community Development Trust
20/12/2022 £10,000 £171,988 SHINE (WEST BOWLING) Grant to Shine (West Bowling)
20/12/2022 £10,000 £376,212 PLAY BRADFORD Grant to Play Bradford
20/12/2022 £10,000 ROOTED IN Grant to Rooted In
20/12/2022 £10,000 £254,756 PRIMETIME AT THE VINE Grant to Primetime at The Vine
20/12/2022 £10,000 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD Grant to Bierley Community Association Ltd
20/12/2022 £10,000 BRADFORD MOOR PLAY AND SUPPORT SERVICE Grant to Bradford Moor Play And Support Service
20/12/2022 £10,000 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to Hollings Youth Association
20/12/2022 £10,000 £59,871 ACAP (AFRICAN CARIBBEAN ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT) Grant to ACAP (African Caribbean Achievement Project)
20/12/2022 £10,000 THE GOOD SHEPHERD CENTRE Grant to The Good Shepherd Centre
20/12/2022 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING Grant to Bradford Community Broadcasting
20/12/2022 £10,000 £100,341 ILKLEY & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS Grant to Ilkley & District Good Neighbours
20/12/2022 £10,000 £108,103 CAPITAL OF CYCLING Grant to Capital of Cycling
20/12/2022 £10,000 CAFé WEST - HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Café West - Healthy Living Centre
12/12/2022 £6,820 £81,146 LEEDS REFUGEE FORUM Grant to Leeds Refugee Forum
30/11/2022 £10,000 FUTURE TRANSFORMATION CIC Grant to Future Transformation CIC
30/11/2022 £10,000 £470,178 COMMON WEALTH THEATRE LTD Grant to Common Wealth Theatre Ltd
30/11/2022 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING Grant to Bradford Community Broadcasting
30/11/2022 £10,000 £670,228 CITY OF BRADFORD YMCA Grant to City of Bradford YMCA
30/11/2022 £10,000 £383,838 PARTICIPATE PROJECTS Grant to Participate Projects
17/11/2022 £10,000 £690,859 GREENSVILLE TRUST Grant to Greensville Trust
16/11/2022 £15,802 £161,320 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
16/11/2022 £30,034 £382,589 RAVENSCLIFFE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Ravenscliffe Community Association
16/11/2022 £28,552 £467,291 INNOVATIONS FOR LEARNING Grant to Innovations for Learning
16/11/2022 £10,612 IMPACT GAMERS C.I.C Grant to Impact Gamers C.I.C
15/11/2022 £9,857 MAFWA THEATRE Grant to Mafwa Theatre
15/11/2022 £9,483 £70,153 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Grant to Christ Church Armley (Meeting Point)
15/11/2022 £6,814 £24,425 HAREHILLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROJECT (H.E.L.P.) Grant to Harehills English Language Project (H.E.L.P.)
15/11/2022 £9,349 £123,020 SMART WORKS CHARITY (LEEDS) Grant to Smart Works Charity (Leeds)
15/11/2022 £10,000 OTLEY WELCOMES CIC Grant to Otley Welcomes CIC
15/11/2022 £2,500 CHAPELTOWN COMMUNITY NETBALL CLUB CHARITY INCORPORATED ORGANISATION Grant to Chapeltown Community Netball Club Charity Incorporated Organisation
15/11/2022 £2,480 MORLEY DIGITAL Grant to Morley Digital
01/11/2022 £2,500 £23,547 UNITY ACADEMY Grant to Unity Academy
01/11/2022 £2,000 £36,363 ILKLEY & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS COMMUNITY TRANSPORT Grant to Ilkley & District Good Neighbours Community Transport
01/11/2022 £2,450 KEIGHLEY PHOTO HUB CIC Grant to Keighley Photo Hub CIC
01/11/2022 £2,300 £22,477 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Grant to Inspire Highfield
14/10/2022 £14,019 £39,701 TADCASTER VOLUNTEER CARS & SERVICES ASSOCIATION Alleviate hardship associated with fuel poverty and promote innovative energy related environmental impact, etc Support Community Hubs with crisis planning Support communities to decarbonise
14/10/2022 £6,990 £423,999 HARROGATE AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY ACTION (HADCA) Alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and promoting innovative energy-related environmental impact and energy efficiency
14/10/2022 £20,000 £582,860 CARERS TOGETHER FOUNDATION The Carers Financial Wellbeing Service will aim to achieve the programme theme by alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and promoting innovative energy-related environmental impact and energy efficiency.
14/10/2022 £19,897 BASIS YORKSHIRE Alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and promoting innovative energy-related environmental impact and energy efficiency
14/10/2022 £8,784 £192,157 PITSMOOR ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND This project aims to alleviate hardship associated with fuel poverty and promote innovative energy-related environmental impact and energy efficiency by training key frontline workers and volunteers in domestic energy efficiency and then cascading this out information through community sessions.
14/10/2022 £6,989 YORK COMMUNITY ENERGY CBS LIMITED 1) Alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and promoting innovative energy-related environmental impact and energy efficiency & 4) Supporting communities and/or community organisations to lower their carbon footprint
14/10/2022 £18,763 £1,061,641 YOUR VOICE COUNTS Alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and promoting energy efficiency. We will develop and deliver training, support and signposting to better equip people to understand and manage their energy usage and finances.
14/10/2022 £7,412 THE RAINBOW CENTRE Alleviating hardship associated with fuel poverty and sharing and promoting energy efficiency information. We will provide training, support and signposting to better equip people to understand and manage energy usage.
11/10/2022 £12,000 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING Grant to Leeds Wood Recycling
11/10/2022 £4,000 £274,940 WELLSPRING THERAPY & TRAINING Grant to Wellspring Therapy & Training
11/10/2022 £4,000 KARMA DANCE (MENTAL HEALTH & TRAUMA) CIC Grant to Karma Dance (Mental Health & Trauma) CIC
11/10/2022 £4,000 £13,178 FRIENDS OF DOROTHY Grant to Friends of Dorothy
11/10/2022 £11,950 £47,888 THE WREN BAKERY Grant to The Wren Bakery
11/10/2022 £1,700 £14,319 NORTH & WEST YORKSHIRE ASBAH Grant to North & West Yorkshire ASBAH
20/09/2022 £5,120 £253,592 HOME-START LEEDS Grant to Home-Start Leeds
20/09/2022 £5,100 £143,510 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON Grant to Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London
20/09/2022 £5,077 £4,138,506 LEEDS JEWISH WELFARE BOARD Grant to Leeds Jewish Welfare Board
20/09/2022 £5,100 £256,131 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
20/09/2022 £5,100 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
20/09/2022 £4,850 £548,247 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION (UHC) Grant to United Hebrew Congregation (UHC)
20/09/2022 £5,100 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
20/09/2022 £5,100 £9,993,445 COMMUNITY LINKS Grant to Community Links
20/09/2022 £5,071 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
20/09/2022 £4,975 £534,564 SPACE2 LEEDS Grant to Space2 Leeds
20/09/2022 £5,026 £1,116,753 PEOPLE IN ACTION Grant to People in Action
20/09/2022 £5,050 GRACE AND CARE Grant to Grace And Care
20/09/2022 £4,450 £174,676 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
20/09/2022 £7,600 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
20/09/2022 £4,900 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
20/09/2022 £4,100 £245,834 MIDDLETON ELDERLY AID Grant to Middleton Elderly Aid
20/09/2022 £7,454 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
20/09/2022 £6,429 £278,987 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
20/09/2022 £5,100 £317,208 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
20/09/2022 £4,479 £548,449 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE Grant to Zest Health for Life
16/09/2022 £5,000 BURLEY-IN-WHARFEDALE MENS SHED Grant to Burley-in-Wharfedale Mens Shed
16/09/2022 £10,000 £49,595 BRACKEN BANK & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Bracken Bank & District Community Association
16/09/2022 £30,000 £97,969 HOME-START CRAVEN Grant to Home-Start Craven
16/09/2022 £29,450 £2,172,545 AIREDALE VOLUNTARY DRUG AND ALCOHOL AGENCY Grant to Airedale Voluntary Drug and Alcohol Agency
16/09/2022 £28,289 £987,552 JOINT ACTIVITIES & MOTOR EDUCATION SERVICE (J.A.M.E.S) Grant to Joint Activities & Motor Education Service (J.A.M.E.S)
16/09/2022 £12,275 £6,478 SCAR COVER UP FREEDOM FUND Grant to Scar Cover Up Freedom Fund
16/09/2022 £29,267 SPECIALIST AUTISM SERVICES Grant to Specialist Autism Services
16/09/2022 £5,000 LADS WEST YORKSHIRE CIC Grant to LADS West Yorkshire CIC
16/09/2022 £14,975 £328,043 SELFA Grant to SELFA
16/09/2022 £4,967 MANY HANDS 25 C.I.C. Grant to Many Hands 25 C.I.C.
16/09/2022 £4,991 KEIGHLEY PHOTO HUB CIC Grant to Keighley Photo Hub CIC
16/09/2022 £29,960 £65,754 KEIGHLEY CREATIVE CIO Grant to Keighley Creative CIO
16/09/2022 £12,000 POSITIVE STRENGTH TRAINING CIC Grant to Positive Strength Training CIC
16/09/2022 £4,390 THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT Grant to The Neighbourhood Project
16/09/2022 £30,000 £428,384 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING Grant to Keighley Healthy Living
16/09/2022 £14,936 £28,519 HAINWORTHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Hainworthwood Community Centre
16/09/2022 £4,500 £17,400 COUGAR FOUNDATION Grant to Cougar Foundation
14/09/2022 £1,561 £1,373,161 VOLUNTARY ACTION LEEDS Grant to Voluntary Action Leeds
07/09/2022 £19,874 £2,174,546 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
07/09/2022 £19,440 SHINE BRIGHT (NS) CIC Grant to Shine Bright (NS) CIC
07/09/2022 £19,990 £1,870 CIRCUS LEEDS Grant to Circus Leeds
07/09/2022 £15,321 BUILDING FUTURES TOGETHER Grant to building futures together
07/09/2022 £19,818 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
07/09/2022 £20,000 £526,306 WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS Grant to Women's Health Matters
07/09/2022 £17,836 LET'S DO MORE CIC Grant to Let's Do More CIC
07/09/2022 £20,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
07/09/2022 £1,500 £1,395 PEER SUPPORT PLUS CIO Activity: Recruit, train and induct four additional volunteer support group facilitators. Where will it happen: Mainly at Lovell Park Mental Health Hub and online by Zoom. Faciltators may attend accredited training courses elsewhere.
07/09/2022 £1,402 REFRESH CARERS We are running a 6-week course focusing on personal development goals, confidence building, and well-being sessions.
06/09/2022 £2,495 BRADFORD BELLES Grant to Bradford Belles
05/09/2022 £5,000 SEASON WELL CIC Grant to Season Well CIC
05/09/2022 £5,000 £134,095 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS Grant to Flourishing Families Leeds
05/09/2022 £5,000 £376,212 PLAY BRADFORD Grant to Play Bradford
05/09/2022 £5,000 £243,020 BRADFORD ORGANIC COMMUNITIES SERVICES (BOCS) Grant to Bradford Organic Communities Services (BOCS)
05/09/2022 £5,000 HORTON COMMUNITY FARM CO-OP LTD Grant to Horton Community Farm Co-op Ltd
05/09/2022 £3,333 £17,366 CROSS GREEN GROWING TOGETHER Grant to Cross Green Growing Together
05/09/2022 £5,000 LEEP 1 CIC Grant to Leep 1 CIC
18/08/2022 £10,000 £132,338 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
18/08/2022 £9,548 BRAVE WORDS CIC Grant to Brave Words CIC
18/08/2022 £10,000 £388,201 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
18/08/2022 £9,784 £92,198 ST CHRISTOPHER'S FAMILY CENTRE Grant to St Christopher's Family Centre
18/08/2022 £9,956 £173,609 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Grant to SNAPS (Special Needs And Parent Support) Yorkshire CIO
18/08/2022 £9,792 £161,320 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
18/08/2022 £10,000 £375,011 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
18/08/2022 £10,000 £5,214,185 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
18/08/2022 £9,972 £376,212 PLAY BRADFORD We want to develop a Strive to Thrive programme of enrichment and support for young people aged 9 + to aid transition, maintain confidence/self esteem and create opportunities for ongoing personal development. We have considered making a mini-film or documentary to howcase the programme, potentially have celebration events and link in with wider youth based partners in this patch.
18/08/2022 £5,000 £346,383 TUTTI FRUTTI PRODUCTIONS Grant to tutti frutti productions
18/08/2022 £9,960 £153,143 THE GERALDINE CONNOR FOUNDATION Grant to The Geraldine Connor Foundation
18/08/2022 £9,848 £92,846 BANGLADESHI YOUTH ORGANISATION (BYO) Grant to Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
11/08/2022 £10,000 £80,545 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Grant to Burmantofts Senior Action CIO
11/08/2022 £10,000 YOUR BACK YARD CIC Grant to Your Back Yard CIC
11/08/2022 £10,000 £123,020 SMART WORKS CHARITY (LEEDS) Grant to Smart Works Charity (Leeds)
11/08/2022 £10,000 THE HIGHRISE PROJECT Grant to The Highrise Project
11/08/2022 £10,000 £455,453 MEANWOOD VALLEY URBAN FARM Grant to Meanwood Valley Urban Farm
10/08/2022 £18,500 IMPACT HUB BRADFORD The grant will be used to support the development of Bradford Giving, specially the management and admin costs of this including recruitment, trial investment programmes, developing governance, messaging and implementation.
03/08/2022 £2,500 £14,745 BRADFORD REFUGEE FORUM Grant to Bradford Refugee Forum
03/08/2022 £2,500 ROOTED FOR GIRLS Grant to Rooted For Girls
21/07/2022 £3,000 NIFTY SUSTAINABILITY CIC Supporting Leeds Third Sector Visibility Project (TSVP) with evaluation, co-facilitation, methodology design, collating shared learning, and reporting.
19/07/2022 £5,000 BASIS YORKSHIRE Preparing sex workers for and helping sex workers to access volunteering, training and employment.
14/07/2022 £7,670 DJ SCHOOL UK Providing additional free places to our inclusive studio-based youth-led DJ Clubs for 16 young people who will benefit most from our activities but who cannot afford them and are not otherwise funded by our main partners.
14/07/2022 £9,948 BRAVE WORDS CIC This grant would allow Brave Words to recruit a Trainee Producer - Rheanna Atkinson - to grant the extra capacity of a third team member to a small company bursting at the seams, and enhance a two-year period of growth and development.
14/07/2022 £9,608 £319,859 KIDZ KLUB Project to encourage children to enjoy each arts experience listed, empower vulnerable children to assess the Arts for some for the first time. We would like funding to so support children with the following activities; Theatre trip for 30 children aged 4 – 11 years; Pottery workshop e.g. Jackrabbits for Kidz Klub children aged 4 – 11 years; Theatre Workshop e.g. Slunglow for Kidz Klub children aged 4-11 years; Dance / Music Worksop e.g. Vibe or Bloxed Beat for Kidz Klub children aged 4-11 years; Alhambra Theatre trip to see a West End Show e.g. Joseph for our Young Leader’s aged 11 – 18 years; Yorkshire Sculpture Park Trip for our Young Leader's aged 11 – 18 years; Yorkshire Playhouse or Yorkshire Dance production for our Young Leader’s aged 11 – 18 years.
14/07/2022 £9,990 THE MUSIC BOX YORKSHIRE CIC To deliver an inclusive programme of music activity for children and young people focusing on music making: playing musical instruments, collaborating and performing live music in bands and singing & songwriting. We will deliver a 2 year-long music-based programme for young people aged 11-17 living in Leeds with an overall aim to boost mental health and wellbeing in young people. The programme will be split into 2 main projects: Band project (supporting people who play an instrument to create live music bands) and Music Makers Project (opportunity to learn instruments and perform).
14/07/2022 £4,730 £46,697 ALIVE AND KICKING THEATRE COMPANY To use drama to support children’s post-pandemic recovery and growth, whilst schools face ever-increasing financial pressures and the arts curriculum is under threat. Specifically, to deliver The Museum of Untold Stories*, a cornerstone A&K project, to 600 children (20 classes) in socially and economically disadvantaged communities, where the effects of the pandemic are particularly keenly felt; and at a subsidised rate.
14/07/2022 £10,000 £91,752 SUNSHINE AND SMILES - LEEDS DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK We would like to work in partnership with Music House in Leeds to develop a number of groups and activities providing accessible music sessions for children and young people with Down syndrome. We also want to develop specific groups for children and young people who have a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome & Autism and for children who have Down syndrome but also more complex health needs which means it can be difficult to access some of our other Sunshine sessions.
01/07/2022 £57,100 £298,315 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK The project will be established and run on a model of self-help - facilitated by a Community Development Worker and some admin hours (for website updates) managed by an experienced Volunteers/Hosting Manager. The work will help support the choices of Ukrainian Refugees by building on existing Local Authority investment and spread the benefit to a wider migrant population.
26/06/2022 £9,000 £555,537 LS14 TRUST Additional grant to for development of a website and database which will exist initially as a pilot, and which could integrate with other websites in the future, as part of the Third Sector Visibility project currently being funded by Leeds Community Foundation.
22/06/2022 £10,429 £583,111 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE To reach out and work with an existing cohort of around 16 marginalised groups in Leeds and to support and train them so that they are able to secure funding and resources more successfully for their ongoing activities which benefit communities. The cohort were supported with previous DCMS funded activity last year and this project will build on and review the progress and deliver an additional 3-4 workshops to such groups to address any capacity building issues identified These will be in accordance with support needs.
20/06/2022 £10,000 £188,214 WELLSPRINGS TOGETHER The grant will enable our coordinator Kaneez Khan to continue their invaluable work supporting small UKME and faith based community groups that work to bring people together from diverse backgrounds so that they live together well in the UK. Priorities will include: 1-1 support to 15 UKME led/faith based community groups around helping to address funding inequalities experienced by them; 2 workshops for UKME led/faith based community groups on applying for grant funding; raising awareness of funding opportunities; exploring the potential for mentoring scheme between UKME led/faith based community groups; exploring potential barriers to groups receiving funding including looking at the funding application processes.
27/05/2022 £6,000 £7,578,844 TOUCHSTONE Explore sustainable approaches to data collection, sharing and asset mapping for Leeds' third sector - ie becoming ‘data champions’ for the sector, supported by Forum Central and partners.
27/05/2022 £3,000 £549,879 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Working with Forum Central and a small group of third sector organisations to test, learn and shape a sustainable approach to information gathering and sharing (asset mapping) for the third sector, in order to enhance our collective understanding of third sector health and care related assets across Leeds.
26/05/2022 £5,000 £335,019 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK We'll help asylum seekers, refugees, and other migrants to make a new home in Leeds by linking them with local volunteers who will help to support, empower and integrate them into British society.
24/05/2022 £500 FRIENDS OF HORSFORTH HALL PARK We have managed to obtain a piece of land in Horsforth Hall Park, Leeds, for local residents to establish a community garden. A group of volunteers will create the garden and grow vegetables, herb, fruit and flowers. This Garden will be created for the community by the community
20/05/2022 £315 INCREDIBLE EDIBLE MORLEY Incredible Edible Morley (IEM) is a new volunteer-lead community gardening group which: grows fruit and vegetables in accessible spaces in Morley; gives the community access to free food; helps people understand where food comes from; gives people a chance to learn how to grow in relaxed non-judgemental settings with like minded people and offers opportunities to contribute to planning, fundraising and organising events.
20/05/2022 £500 ACTION FOR SEACROFT We would like to set up a scrap reuse art/craft project in our area this is to reduce waste destined for landfill but also it would encourage recycling, there is one in the Leeds area but this is a 1 hour bus ride away and there Ida similar one in the Bradford area which is approximately 45 minutes away by car and isn’t accessible by bus from Leeds.
20/05/2022 £350 1ST BEESTON BROWNIES Girl Guiding Leeds have booked an event for all Brownies at Diggerland in Castleford, the cost is £18:00 per child plus transport to the event making a total of £28:00 per child
18/05/2022 £30,000 £161,320 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
18/05/2022 £30,000 £200,915 MUSLIM WOMEN'S COUNCIL We would like to use the grant to help sustain the services and activities we are delivering to support local families facing poverty due to being homeless or other factors, through our Curry Circle free food project. And our organisational development to enable us to become more effective and efficient.
18/05/2022 £30,000 £323,819 STEP 2 YOUNG PEOPLE'S HEALTH PROJECT Grant to Step 2 Young People's Health Project
18/05/2022 £30,000 £441,847 ST LUKE'S CARES As set out in our expression of interest St Luke’s CARES intend to launch and sustain a much needed family support project in South Leeds. We are absolutely sure this is needed based on our 15 year history of youth work which has put us in regular contact with parents and families more widely. The grant will be spent in two clear ways. Firstly on the management and future sustainability of the new family support work. And secondly on the family support work itself which has already began as our youth workers support parents of our young people.
18/05/2022 £30,000 £488,757 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
09/05/2022 £2,100 £54,188 MAPA BRADFORD Key area of focus will be: management fit for purpose - increase in Trustees with relevant skills and experiences for the development of the Charity- i.e Fund Raising, Policy writing/updating, and equality representation; review business plan in light of COVID; management functions - How to survive a minor or major unforeseen impacts on service delivery; volunteer/staff training - youth& community work methods; volunteer enrolment campaign; develop a Funding Strategy to employ more staffing to deliver our diverse programmes; review how and what services we deliver in the future.
09/05/2022 £2,475 MISSING PEACE WELLBEING + SUPPORT Over the next 12 months, one of our main opportunities is to focus on increasing our resilience and sustainability by focusing on what we can do to increase different sources of income such as contracts and traded income, so that we are not solely reliant on grant funding.
09/05/2022 £2,250 £44,804 BRADFORD UNDER FIVES ASSOCIATION Bradford Micro Grants funding will allow us to spend time business planning for the coming three years, build a robust funding plan, work with our trustees to develop smart ways of working in the era of ‘new normal’ and to create a business plan to reflect these new challenges.
09/05/2022 £2,280 BRADFORD SOUTH ASIAN HERITAGE FORUM We aim for the GiveBradford fund to pay for an external facilitator to work with us over 6 sessions between May to December 2022 to work on our visioning, organisational structure and development of our board and staffing. We would also like to hire a bid writer to support us to write bigger funding bids, which would release our capacity to focus on strategy.
06/05/2022 £4,466 £236,811,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH We will create two activities to promote intergenerational interactions and friendships. Centred on loneliness and social isolation prevention, raising awareness of older people’s issues and promoting community action, this project will bring both old and young together in a way which is beneficial to all.
06/05/2022 £4,175 £278,987 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS We aim to deliver a creative and digital community project which will recall memories, exchanging skills and helping each other to get to understand the different generation, disabilities and understand barriers people face in life. The project will bring young people, adults with learning disabilities and our older people together with in the community.
04/05/2022 £256 POSITIVE FUTURES WY CIC Grant to Positive Futures WY CIC
20/04/2022 £2,616 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
20/04/2022 £2,616 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
20/04/2022 £2,616 OTLEY ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE Grant to Otley Action for Older People
20/04/2022 £2,616 OAKWOOD LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Oakwood Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £199,223,000 LEEDS WEST HUNSLET SALVATION ARMY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Leeds West Hunslet Salvation Army Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £3,488 £365,465 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) Grant to Older People's Action in the Locality (OPAL)
20/04/2022 £2,616 ST CHAD'S LUNCH CLUB Grant to St Chad's Lunch club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £509,593 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
20/04/2022 £3,488 £235,635 DOVER STREET LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Dover Street Lunch Club NET
20/04/2022 £2,616 £80,545 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Grant to Burmantofts Senior Action CIO
20/04/2022 £2,616 £235,635 HALLIDAY COURT LUNCHEON CLUB - NET Grant to Halliday Court Luncheon Club - NET
20/04/2022 £3,488 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY - LIVE AT HOME SCHEME Grant to MHA Communities Farsley - Live At Home Scheme
20/04/2022 £3,488 £165,960 TRINITY NETWORK Grant to Trinity Network
20/04/2022 £3,052 RVS ST JAMES LUNCH CLUB Grant to RVS St James Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £235,635 ST BENEDICT'S LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to St Benedict's Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £235,635 CROSSHILLS COURT LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Crosshills Court Lunch Club NET
20/04/2022 £3,488 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
20/04/2022 £2,616 £320,894 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 CALVERLEY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Calverley Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £3,488 £233,003,000 ST ANDREW'S METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to St Andrew's Methodist Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £3,052 NAMASTE Grant to Namaste
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 ST MARY'S LUNCH CLUB Grant to St Mary's Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 HUNSLET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Hunslet Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 COTTINGLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Cottingley Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,616 MOORTOWN BAPTIST DAY CENTRE Grant to Moortown Baptist Day Centre
20/04/2022 £3,488 £224,687 SEACROFT FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS Grant to Seacroft Friends and Neighbours
20/04/2022 £3,052 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
20/04/2022 £3,052 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
20/04/2022 £2,616 £575,226 ALL HALLOWS LUNCH CLUB Grant to All Hallows Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £3,488 SAWAN VIHAR Grant to Sawan Vihar
20/04/2022 £3,052 LYCHEE RED Grant to Lychee Red
20/04/2022 £3,488 SUMANGAL GROUP Grant to Sumangal Group
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES PUDSEY Grant to MHA Communities Pudsey
20/04/2022 £3,488 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH Grant to MHA Communities Horsforth
20/04/2022 £2,616 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY Grant to MHA Communities Farsley
20/04/2022 £3,052 ST JOHN'S LUNCH CLUB (STANNINGLEY) Grant to St John's Lunch Club (Stanningley)
20/04/2022 £3,053 £256,131 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
20/04/2022 £2,616 £97,425 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
20/04/2022 £3,052 SILVER LINING LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Silver Lining Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £3,488 £51,131 SWARCLIFFE GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME Grant to Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme
20/04/2022 £3,488 £204,168 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
20/04/2022 £2,616 £20,823 NAYA SAVERA Grant to Naya Savera
20/04/2022 £2,616 MEMORY LANE TRUST CIC Grant to Memory Lane Trust CIC
20/04/2022 £2,616 £575,226 BRAMLEY ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Bramley Elderly Action
20/04/2022 £1,556 MOORSIDE TARA COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Moorside Tara Community Centre
20/04/2022 £2,489 £174,676 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
20/04/2022 £2,178 £245,834 MIDDLETON ELDERLY AID Grant to Middleton Elderly Aid
20/04/2022 £2,180 £1,251,091 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
20/04/2022 £1,867 £161,856 LEEDS BLACK ELDERS ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Black Elders Association
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 WESTBOURNE GARDENS LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Westbourne Gardens Lunch Club NET
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 ASTLEY COURT (PRIMROSE) LUNCHEON CLUB NET Grant to Astley Court (Primrose) Luncheon Club NET
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 VICTORIA CLOSE LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Victoria Close Lunch Club NET
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 PRIMROSE HOUSE LUNCHEON CLUB NET Grant to Primrose House Luncheon Club NET
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 HOLLINS GROVE LUNCH CLUB - NET Grant to Hollins Grove Lunch Club - NET
20/04/2022 £2,180 £315,957 CHURCHVILLE (MICKLEFIELD) COMMUNITY CENTRE LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Churchville (Micklefield) Community Centre Lunch Club NET
20/04/2022 £400 CHAPEL ALLERTON TOWN STREET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Chapel Allerton Town Street Lunch Club
20/04/2022 £2,243 CHRIST CHURCH HALTON LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Christ Church Halton Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,180 £583,111 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
20/04/2022 £2,180 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
20/04/2022 £1,556 £161,481 MORLEY ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Morley Elderly Action
20/04/2022 £1,556 £161,481 MORLEY ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Morley Elderly Action
20/04/2022 £2,180 £233,003,000 SOUPER MONDAY Grant to Souper Monday
20/04/2022 £2,180 £98,967 HOPS - HAWKSWORTH OLDER PEOPLE'S SERVICES Grant to HOPS - Hawksworth Older People's Services
20/04/2022 £2,180 HEADINGLEY METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Headingley Methodist Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,180 BEETEY DIN Grant to Beetey Din
20/04/2022 £2,180 £64,496 BRACKENWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Brackenwood Community Association
20/04/2022 £2,489 £20,751 AL-KHIDMAT CENTRE Grant to Al-Khidmat Centre
20/04/2022 £2,180 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
20/04/2022 £1,867 ANNAPURNA ORGANISATION Grant to Annapurna Organisation
20/04/2022 £2,180 £69,942 PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT Grant to Pudsey Community Project
20/04/2022 £2,180 £132,482 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
20/04/2022 £2,180 £132,482 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
20/04/2022 £1,867 £168,975 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
20/04/2022 £2,178 £11,554 FARNLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Farnley Luncheon Club
20/04/2022 £2,180 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS Grant to MHA Communities South Leeds
20/04/2022 £2,180 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
31/03/2022 £9,200 £142,800 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS To allow young people with a learning disability to gain a qualification whilst explore their feelings, aspirations whilst focusing on their ability not their disability through the use of dance, movement and digital media. Alongside this creative element we will have a one minute documentary series and weekly podcast which focuses on their unique perspective on life in these challenging times and to highlight their ambitions and interests, Using the hashtag #AbilityNotDisability.
31/03/2022 £22,314 MAFWA THEATRE Damya is a brand new play for young people by Mafwa Theatre’s Associate Artists, drawing on their lived experience of seeking sanctuary on British shores, using puppets and song to explore why people are forced to move here, and the lives they create when they arrive; Damya uses drama to humanise stories of welcome to inspire and engage young people through the arts.
31/03/2022 £25,720 £275,943 TUTTI FRUTTI PRODUCTIONS To develop and deliver a three-year programme to support primary aged children in Gipton & Harehills by engaging them in high-quality, free arts and cultural activities, where there is a distinct lack of provision and barriers for them to travel to other facilities or clubs.
31/03/2022 £29,106 BRAVE WORDS CIC Our Pay-What-You-Can Youth Theatres are accessible, high quality drama sessions based in disadvantaged communities of Leeds, with a focus on raising confidence, communication skills and using drama, character, fun script work and storytelling to raise literacy levels, support children's wellbeing and self-expression, and enable them to take their first steps in exciting lifelong journeys in the arts
31/03/2022 £19,500 BALBIR SINGH DANCE COMPANY (BSDC) Bones, Bodies and Beats is an exciting new arts project for local children in LS17, comprising creative dance workshops, arts events and performances co-created by children, teachers and artists that bring to life the science of nutrition, bone health and well being through movement and the arts with a range of artistic outputs including a final exhibition and celebration performance at Thackray Medical Museum.
30/03/2022 £7,447 £3,762,780 LEEDS JEWISH WELFARE BOARD Work with a qualified professional mosaic artist to create a large community mosaic of size 120cm x 90cm alongside members of the local community; install the mosaic on the outside of our Community Centre for enjoyment by all; Build a positive working relationship with a professional mosaic artist; Enthuse members of the community by encouraging creativity and engaging people in new art forms; Bring together approximately 200 members of the local community to celebrate the artwork and development journey, coinciding with commemorating the Queen's Jubilee.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £138,125 RJC DANCE The Leeds Fund will aim to cover vital additional core staff requirements which have arisen as a result of changes to delivery and support long-term sustainability during COVID and beyond. Continued Professional Development for the Director to further grow the strategic vision and plan to help the organisation to maintain consistent delivery for stakeholders & beneficiaries; and to secure employment for local, regional & national diverse freelance artists. in addition the fund will support training and development needs; increase hours for Organisation Assistant and create additional hours for freelance digital expert.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £161,082 OBLONG The fund will allow focused facilitation and an opportunity to allocate dedicated time to tasks, developing strategy and five-year business plan, making the most of the physical building occupation and developing theory of chance, with opportunity to develop strategy, delivery model, and planning to increase resilience and sustainability. We would also use this funding to dedicate time and resources to back room functions that will help us strengthen the organisation , such as policy reviews and development, review of our HR systems, and strengthening our governance structure and systems.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £400,357 LEEDS SOCIETY FOR DEAF AND BLIND PEOPLE Aim to use the opportunity to put into place practices to increase resilience such that service users would not again be in a position of facing continued isolation and lack of access to services & information, that arose during the pandemic. The aim is to increase the availability of digital communication and establish regular support groups, seek new opportunities and develop as a more adaptable, strong and sustainable organsiation, demonstrating value and measure impact. We will reflect on successes and identify areas for development for more efficient service provision.
24/03/2022 £9,605 £61,900 LEEDS IRISH ARTS FOUNDATION The innovative ‘Welcome!’ project will be eighteen afternoon and evening Irish music and spoken word activities including participatory and performance workshops, indoor and outdoor events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Throughout the month of June 2022 we will deliver this creative and cultural community project in Leeds.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £91,719 INTERACT CHURCH AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP We need to grow our staff team but have had neither time nor headspace to act on this; we need to understand what it looks like for us to be a community hub (we were just beginning to unpick this when 2020 happened!); we need time and space to bring our team together again - or for the first time in some cases; we need to redress some imbalances in our governance arrangements; and we need to revisit the vision in light of the last two years. The grant would give us time, a focus for coming together, and it would enable us to prioritise important over urgent more than we’ve been able
24/03/2022 £30,000 £142,800 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS We want to have capacity to strategically look at the organisation’s direction, our services, our finance structure, our delivery model and how we can get better outcomes for the communities that we serve. We would use this grant to establish Administration and Logistics capacity in DAZL, which will free current staff time to plan the strategic development of DAZL and our new DAZL HQ building for the future. We truly need this support for our key people to have more time to develop a plan for future strategy and capacity building. This will give DAZL the opportunity to really dig deep and look at the whole organisation and the services we deliver.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £200,065 JOANNA LEEDS THE JOANNA PROJECT The funding will help to develop a more informed and comprehensive 3-year strategic plan, with the need to consider our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion stance. We would like to undertake workshops with an outside consultant. This links to providing a ‘women only space’ and including those identifying as transgender, for which we anticipate the need for careful consideration and input from collaborative partners. In addition, we have the opportunity to change the culture of Joanna House drop-in. During the pandemic our service continued, adjusting swiftly to a mobile delivery model. We are keen to explore how to ensure that what we offer in our building continues to meet the needs of our current service users.
24/03/2022 £6,629 £27,307 PORTOBELLO COMMUNITY FORUM LTD The grant will be used to create an original piece of theatre with music, inspired by the Queen's Coronation. Portobello Community Forum will engage the local community to work with young people and older people to explore living stories of the Queens Coronation in 1952.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £143,510 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON The funding will help develop robust plans for collaboration with other organisations, new initiatives focussing on more sustainable hospital discharges for older people. We need to look at how ways of working, track record and flexibility can complement the work of the local care partnerships to the betterment of local older people. The grant will afford us breathing space to focus on alternative sources of more longer-term funding and to develop plans to bring the whole organisation with us on this journey.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £158,785 LIGHTHOUSE WEST YORKSHIRE Moving towards a permanent Day Care provision, with need to rethink staffing structure, successful planning and appropriateness of location. This is a key moment to work strategically with the Crypt to see what the future might hold, but all our staff time is currently geared toward frontline operations. Your funding would enable us to dedicate management time to exploring these things in-depth, being proactive in planning rather than reactive, potentially increasing our effectiveness, sustainability and capacity.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £91,752 SUNSHINE AND SMILES - LEEDS DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK The funding would help us to plan & deliver on the outcomes from our consultation process; we have had some funding to help us with the actual consultation process but being able to increase staffing capacity and look at more specialist roles would enable us to be more effective in developing a strategy for the charity which focusses on short, medium & long term aims & objectives. The funding would also help us to devote time to working in partnership with other key organisations such as Leeds Community Healthcare and the Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment & Planning team (SENSAP) to evidence the need for consistent pathways for people with Down syndrome to reduce inequalities within health & education.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £111,599 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO We have strong plans in place for sustainable fundraising to continue supporting on going delivery costs. We know that if we could offer more of what we do, there would be demand and have an opportunity to think creatively; to really listen to our families’ and grow our service to meet their needs. We are looking at options for expansion into sites for physiotherapy and considering what additional services we can offer. For the longer term, we need time to consider how SNAPS could have its own building, giving us more control, and opportunities. Foundation funding would enable SNAPS to recruit additional staff giving the capacity to explore service delivery options, income generation streams and evaluate them while maintaining our current, crucial core delivery.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £218,214 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE We are requesting assistance from this innovative and supportive funding stream to allow the Chief Executive to continue connecting the organisation to the strategic meetings/plans etc by having an individual focus on the reshaping of the staffing structure in addition to supporting with the larger bid writing and submission which would ease the burden of relying on really short term funding. Applying for longer (2-3 year funding) for the organisation enabling the recruitment of staff to raise and move away from the lateral staffing structure.
24/03/2022 £30,000 SOCIAL BUSINESS BROKERS As the organisation has grown, it makes sense for our co-directors to focus more of their time on more strategic tasks - designing new projects, supporting staff, developing stakeholder networks, etc. Employing staff to deliver on our projects has helped to free up some co-director time to do these things. So the opportunity lies in better positioning ourselves so that funders understand what we do - whilst really focusing on our design approach which is centred around engaging local people and organisations in coming up with people-powered solutions to problems.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £235,635 NEIGHBOURHOOD ELDERS TEAM The services and support required means we need to adapt our services to be more intergenerational and offer regular, sustainable support. Working with a wider range of agencies means our client base will continue to increase significantly. The database system is limited; for the sustainability and diversity of the organisation, we need a new system which can grow with us to enable us to confidently monitor and report performance for our funders. With a new database or CRM (Customer Relations Management) system, we would be able to confidently record essential information required by funders, and for our organisation, to develop our services and ensure we are GDPR compliant. Recording, storing, monitoring and analysing data is integral to identifying the needs of the community and essential to our resilience in taking our organisation in to the future.
24/03/2022 £30,000 HUMANS BEING This funding would give Humans Being the stability needed to make a step change and grow into a more sustainable and responsive organisation. It would allow us to: strengthen mechanisms for our members to direct the organisation; develop and market our staff training programme; develop multi-year grant applications; develop new collaborations with our partners, including a project by and for our trans and non-binary members, develop social media audience targeting to reach ‘the new left behind’ - lost jobs, bereaved, traumatised through illness, long covid, lonely, relationship breakdown.
24/03/2022 £30,000 LEEP 1 CIC We want to use the funding to create some extra management capacity and secure training which will help to improve: Governance, Planning & Development, Resourcefulness, Quality Management.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £335,019 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Additional funding will increase capacity for the Director and Office Manager to address issues identified by LASSN Trustees: A strategic review; Develop a new business plan that will support an organisational restructuring, succession planning and allow more effective delegation of responsibilities from the Director; Increase the amount of time spent fundraising, donor relations/development and diversification of income sources; Collaborate with commissioning and delivery partners; Ensure a sustained focus on staff and volunteer welfare – through group supervision and coaching, to strengthen reliance and prevent burnout; Undertake a Governance & policy review to ensure our hybrid ways of working are safe, effective.
24/03/2022 £30,000 £227,838 GIVE A GIFT The opportunities available to us to increase our resilience are; Expanding our food hub and becoming a key foodbank provider thus plugging a void for communities with specific cultural needs; Build on our partnership approach and develop a consortium that works collectively to deliver services and secure funding; Growing our role as a conduit between the larger third sector providers, statutory agencies, and the community to meet the identified needs (e.g. mental health provision, women's support services etc) through developing these services; Structuring our volunteer programme to better recruit, retain and support our volunteer base. The funding will help in this regard by allowing a staff member to work on the above and not be operationally focused. It will enable us to deliver our sustainability strategy and ensure we are firmly embedded in the sector for a prolonged period
24/03/2022 £30,000 LEEDS COMMUNITY BAKERY We have recently developed the bakery by adding more meeting space that can be used by groups. We hope to develop the flexibility of the space so that it can create a good volunteering and training environment. We would like to change the scheduling of how we use the bakery to enable this, and these changes require planning, financial modelling and trialling. With this new space, our diversity of skills and existing links with charity organisations, we have the opportunity to solidify our offering as a social enterprise.We believe that with the right research, planning, and development we can provide a healing and empowering space, which may also lead to further employment opportunities using skills learnt at the bakery. With this funding, we would be able to explore and research how we can build on this model to create an official membership to which we can be accountable, including doing the relevant monitoring and outreach to ensure that we are inclusive with our approach.
24/03/2022 £9,550 £200,915 MUSLIM WOMEN'S COUNCIL Our idea is to hold 9 workshops hosted by Arabic Calligrapher Razwan Ul-Haq, for local Muslim women to discuss and contribute to the development of the art through calligraphy. These workshops will help them express their feelings and interaction with art. We expect to work with around 50 local women.
24/03/2022 £5,927 £77,966 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO BSA working with East Street Arts will host: (A) weekly art group, (B) create a glossy art publication, (C) Jubilee celebration event for local residents. Over 8 weeks BSA will host a group managed by BSA’s Activity Coordinator. And facilitated by local artists from East Street Arts including Programme Producers, Designers, Photographer and more, and supported by BSA volunteers.
24/03/2022 £6,937 £1,193,358 PEOPLE IN ACTION As part of the celebrations for the Queen’s platinum jubilee, we want to put on a Variety Performance, showcasing the best performing talent from within our membership and sector.
24/03/2022 £9,794 £92,050 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT CITY OF SANCTUARY We will run a series of creative music sessions leading up to a celebration afternoon on Sat June 4, at the Art House Wakefield. Our target group is asylum seekers, refugees, people of different faiths and none, people of different ethnic backgrounds, and local residents.
24/03/2022 £9,962 £161,320 THE VALLEY PROJECT TVP’s Young Leaders have brainstormed creative ideas they feel local CYP would enjoy. The list was huge so they narrowed it down to 4 main events, plus a range of smaller daily activities. June will be a month of creation, TVP’s weekday play sessions will be filled with a range of open-ended and specific creative resources/activities, these will include scrap building, pendulum painting, water art, tie-dye, karaoke, dance marathons, flower pressing, laminator art, poem writing, body art and much more. Young Leaders have chosen to direct most of these activities themselves, with staff support where needed. Culminating each Saturday with a giant creative celebration event including professional artist workshops.
24/03/2022 £10,000 £442,478 WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS Inspired by the Queen’s Jubilee, Women’s Health Matters and The Tetley propose ‘See Me, Hear Me’, an event that gives voice to the lesser represented women in our community. We will bring together the many women WHM supports to celebrate their diversity and unique journeys through creativity. Following the event, the backdrops will be exhibited at The Tetley for two months (including the Jubilee weekend) with information about the groups of women who access WHM support.
24/03/2022 £9,978 BELLE ISLE TENANT MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION LIMITED ‘Belle Isle Stories’ will be produced in collaboration with Red Ladder Theatre Company. Their ethos places the transformative potential of creativity at the centre of its activity, championing equality and justice not only in the content it produces onstage, but through open access outreach and participatory work across Yorkshire.
24/03/2022 £10,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE The Queen's jubilee and the creation of Seacroft coincided 70 years ago and to celebrate we would like to co-create an arts festival with residents, artists and local organisations. The 'We Are Seacroft' festival will take place over the bank holiday celebrating the jubilee and animate the Village Green in the centre of Seacroft with music, theatre, circus and performances.
24/03/2022 £9,950 £197,309 CAFé WEST - HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Cafe West in partnership with Brick Box wishes to deliver 8 workshops sessions with 1 artist exploring predominantly digital techniques however honouring traditional methods culminating into a single large piece of art that will be displayed and explored on the jubilee weekend in conjunction with other celebrations activities we have planned.
24/03/2022 £2,639 £209,700 THE OLD QUARRY ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND The funding will enable our disadvantaged children and young people, who have limited/if any access to the arts to experience and partake in drama workshops for three days during the June school holidays, in celebration to mark the Queen's Jubilee.
24/03/2022 £5,511 £54,488 FRIENDS OF MIDDLETON PARK Friends of Middleton Park are joining with Balbir Singh Dance Company to create a celebration jubilee extravaganza taking place on Sunday 5th June. Together we will create a new dance performance, inspired by the 7 decades of Queens speeches, and including themes of colour, food and memories. We will hold a series of workshops with other local community groups during the week leading up to the main celebration event, on 1st and 2nd June.
24/03/2022 £10,939 £15,697 ROTARY CLUB OF HORBURY & OSSETT PHOENIX Horbury Show Committee would like to work with Edgelands Arts to engage the community in the creation of the Horbury Platinum Parade which will be presented at this year's annual Horbury Show, around the same time of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Sunday 26 June 2022.
24/03/2022 £10,000 £84,763 BRADFORD DEAF COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Working with cultural partner, Surface Area Dance Theatre, Bradford Deaf Community Association will reach the local D/deaf community those of all ages, identities, and abilities, to take part in a BSL accessible dance project celebrating the Queen’s achievements through the eyes of her D/deaf ancestor, Queen Alexandra.
24/03/2022 £9,647 BRADFORD MOOR PLAY AND SUPPORT SERVICE Bradford Moor PASS will host a Bradford Moor Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration event in the community. The event will take place over the two days of the Queen's Jubilee weekend in June 2022. The event will be a community based culture and arts focused festival. Over the two days, we will have live performances from vocal artists as well as performance artists that involve direct engagement and an interactive approach with community audiences.
23/03/2022 £12,000 £2,389,602 ST GEORGE'S CRYPT St George's Crypt wishes to developed our registered provider status so that we are able to access central government capital funding and enhanced levels of housing benefit. We also want to build on existing staff skills to ensure we are best placed to deliver our plan.
23/03/2022 £15,000 POSITIVE FUTURES WY CIC We will use this grant to fund 1:1 work with individuals, using tools like systematic instruction to break down and organise tasks in the workplace and, discuss work routines, develop small talk and communication skills, role boundaries at work, effect on benefits payments, explain wage slips, or address any other concerns a person has. The grant would support the development of all aspects of our business, supporting the development of a website and marketing to allow us to engage with and build a variety of employer networks.
23/03/2022 £12,279 £7,689,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Develop a social enterprise around woodwork, gardening and crafting sessions at Hollybush, complementing the established health & wellbeing outcomes experienced by people with care and support needs, who enjoy our non-judgemental, accepting environmental volunteering centre.
23/03/2022 £4,000 LEEDS OLDER PEOPLE'S FORUM The intention is to seek investment from existing partners such as Leeds City Council’s Public Health Department, sponsorship from local businesses such as solicitors and home care services, to sell advertising to local traders and to make funding applications in partnership with organisations such as Leeds Museums and Art Galleries and Libraries. We also intend to create models of subscription and crowdfunding.
23/03/2022 £3,880 SONGPATH In April 2022 we will bring our unique and impactful work to Leeds for the first time in two public events as part of the internationally renowned Leeds Lieder festival, alongside a series of workshops for mental health charity Leeds Mind. The grant would be used to support this project, and help lay a foundation for our future work in the Leeds area.
15/03/2022 £3,437 CIRCLES OF LIFE VOICE OF MEN We will encourage increased mental health conversations with men, and co-create increased knowledge of mental health / suicide prevention services, amongst communities experiencing deprivation and living in LS6, 8, 9 and 11 - areas of Leeds with high suicide rates.
15/03/2022 £9,750 £218,214 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Breaking the Silence will raise awareness of suicide within the black communities and support those who are presenting most at risk along with family members.
15/03/2022 £20,070 HUMANS BEING Through 12 six week, bespoke courses run over two years, Survive and Thrive will reduce social isolation and suicide risk factors for at-risk Leeds men, working with over 100 frontline volunteers to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence to act as men’s wellbeing supporters, whilst ensuring their own wellbeing is looked after as they volunteer.
15/03/2022 £23,072 £1,544,957 YORKSHIRE MESMAC The project will improve the mental health of and reduce suicide and suicidal ideation by LGBT+ folk by harnessing key assets of Leeds' vibrant LGBT+ communities by recruiting and training peer supporters, host and facilitate mental health support groups and by delivering culturally appropriate counselling directly.
15/03/2022 £15,422 £4,588,524 BARCA LEEDS The West Leeds Men’s Network will reduce social isolation and improve mental and physical health through a regular programme of group meetings offering hands-on activities, exercise and discussion based sessions with a peer group of men primarily from LS12 and LS13.
15/03/2022 £24,950 £1,786,992 HEALTH FOR ALL A multi agency, partnership project directly supporting vulnerable men and care experienced young adults at risk of self harm and suicide, providing sensitive, one to one care to help individuals identify, articulate and address the challenges they face, connecting them swiftly to specialist health and support services depending on care needs and to sources of ongoing local supportive, life enhancing groups, underpinned by a publicity/information campaign alerting families, friends neighbours to warning signs/sources of help
08/03/2022 £14,976 HALTON MOOR AMATEUR BOXING CLUB We have the space, facilities and the staff to train the kids that come to our club but unfortunately due to the size of the building and the construction of the club it gets so cold inside which restricts what we can do and can cause health & safety issues, it is the opposite in summer, it gets too hot within the gym so extra care has to be taken and training restricted if needed.
01/03/2022 £20,000 £234,693 LIFE CONNECTIONS Our project is for salary costs to deliver an award-winning employability programme to disadvantaged young people who are not in education, employment or training in inner-city Leeds.
01/03/2022 £10,000 SOCIAL BUSINESS BROKERS All children and young people in Leeds will have access to the kit and equipment they need to take part in sport, exercise and activities. #NoKitNoBarrier Together for Sport will unlock the resource of second hand sport kit and equipment and ensure it is distributed to children and young people who need it most.
01/03/2022 £4,646 £277,306 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) A Carers and Caree’s Group that meets fortnightly for peer support, friendship, information and activities.
01/03/2022 £19,650 £442,478 WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS Rosebuds provides peer group and 1-2-1 support for women from abusive relationships whose children have been, or are at risk of being, removed from their care. We help keep 1-in-4 families together. Three-quarters of children in care have increased contact with their birth mother, 70% of children have reduced risk of being removed into care.
01/03/2022 £19,308 £403,927 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION StreetSafe aims to change attitudes to violence and crime among young people, providing wrap-around support at street level – a setting where parents, schools and most other services have little reach.
01/03/2022 £7,633 HAREHILLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROJECT (H.E.L.P.) The pandemic radically affected the way we work, and we now aim to build on our commitment to the local community by continuing to grow the capped numbers of our face-to-face classes, to offer online 1:1 tuition and to strengthen our resilience to cope with the possibility of further restrictions.
01/03/2022 £5,000 £637,459 MARTIN HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE A grant of £5000 will contribute to the salary of one Doctor for one month of work with families exclusively from Leeds; the hours in the month will not run consecutively as families access the Hospice on a need be basis but over the course of one year, we are confident that the 124 families from Leeds will have had in excess of one months’ worth of Doctors time and care at Martin House.
01/03/2022 £19,535 £280,745 ZARACH At Zarach we are on a mission to support the 5000+ children in Leeds who don’t have a bed to sleep on through bed, food and basics provision and ongoing support to parents.
01/03/2022 £20,000 £91,729 LEEDS BABY BANK This funding will enable to retain key staff members and continue delivering a service to hundreds of families per month.
01/03/2022 £10,828 £77,966 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO This project is designed to improve and increase the overall volunteer participation within BSA, increase the total number of volunteers supporting BSA's work (and in turn increase the volume of activities available to members), create new and varied volunteering roles, boost the advertising of roles and recruit partners across the city to create a steady stream of volunteers and improve the management of volunteers both by introducing new admin processes and funding additional staff hours.
01/03/2022 £10,635 £445,360 THE WHARFEDALE VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP A safe and neutral place to provide support for families following a difficult separation with service provisions to help reduce the additional pressures.
01/03/2022 £20,000 £33,227 LEEDS POWERCHAIR FOOTBALL CLUB To provide 4 new specifically designed football powerchairs to enable more players to enjoy, improve and be able to train and compete at a level that they wish.
01/03/2022 £14,960 £38,037 BETTER ACTION FOR FAMILIES Improving the health and wellbeing of adults/children with learning disabilities and their families through targeted and inclusive action to make dreams come true
01/03/2022 £10,799 HYDE PARK SOURCE 'Rosebank Rangers' will bring together children aged 6-12 from a diverse and deprived community (targeting children living in temporary hostel accommodation and/or living in poverty), improving their health and wellbeing through connecting with their local green space, and making positive changes to this community resource which will encourage more people to use and enjoy it.
01/03/2022 £12,762 £70,153 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Help to provide a safe drop-in and group activities for refugees and asylum seekers in which they can access short and long term support in the form of food, clothing, computer access, sports activities, English classes, skills based activities/learning, volunteering opportunities, the opportunity to work on an allotment, receive support and advocacy, social togetherness and a feeling of purpose and belonging - for individuals and families
01/03/2022 £19,500 THE CANOPY HOUSING PROJECT The project provides independent and welcoming homes in East Leeds, supporting people out of homelessness
01/03/2022 £19,748 £4,588,524 BARCA LEEDS We want all young people to feel included and for hardship (i.e. poverty, financial exclusion, family trauma) to not be a barrier to that inclusion. We will be working with young people and their families providing mentoring, advocacy and activities that breakdown barriers and enable the young person to thrive. Our primary focus will be the Seacroft and Manston Clusters however we will also take referrals from the other high SOA clusters when appropriate.
01/03/2022 £9,853 £3,609,387 CARING FOR LIFE As part of our Horticulture Project, a therapeutic daytime activity which provides beneficiaries with the opportunity to grow and nurture plants, we are seeking to set-up a new garden for growing vegetables, fruit, and flowers for the use and enjoyment of our beneficiaries, enabling them, many of whom do not have access to a garden as they live in high-rise flats, to learn outdoor gardening skills and grow different plants.
01/03/2022 £5,457 CONNECT IN THE NORTH We will support people with learning disabilities, who have experienced loss to understand their feelings and find ways to manage their grief and we will support family carers to be able to have difficult conversations.
01/03/2022 £10,634 £534,564 SPACE2 LEEDS Co-designing a programme of work with community residents that supports Covid recovery and responds to climate crisis, spotlighting the Wykebeck Valley Way as a wonderful green space to support wellbeing and connection to nature. This will include creating a large-scale community show performed at Leeds Playhouse, July 2022; a series of In Conversations with diverse speakers; exhibition and outdoor projections at The Old Fire Station during Season Of Light, November 2022 to February 2023.
01/03/2022 £12,000 £253,528 UNITY IN POVERTY ACTION (UPA) UPA will work with St Anne's and partners to deliver a range of activities to help support for the homeless through: - Working with St Anne's to provide food / friendship on an evening 5 days a week - Providing befriending and items to support people in their houses. - Providing Emergency B&B accommodation and meals to Glen Garth B&B. - Providing signposting material - Bringing groups and services together through Homeless Charter working groups.
01/03/2022 £10,635 £91,752 SUNSHINE AND SMILES - LEEDS DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK To develop two distinct employment posts to enhance and develop two areas of the services we provide: a. Employment Development Worker - to develop training & employment skills and create links with other local employers to develop & expand work opportunities & improve skills for people with Down syndrome, in Leeds and the surrounding areas. b. Family Support Worker - to offer a wide range of family support as & when it is needed.
01/03/2022 £1,441 £669,874 LS-TEN An inspirational, engaging and exciting beginner's skateboard club for young people in the area including all equipment and coaches, aiming to raise aspirations and promote diversity through wheeled sports.
28/02/2022 £6,000 £337,446 LS14 TRUST Working with Forum Central and a small group of third sector organisations to test, learn and shape a sustainable approach to information gathering and sharing (asset mapping) for the third sector, in order to enhance our collective understanding of third sector health and care related assets across Leeds.
28/02/2022 £6,000 £453,392 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Third Sector Visibility: Connecting organisations to test, learn and shape an approach to information gathering and sharing for the third sector.
28/02/2022 £6,000 £335,019 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Working with Forum Central and a small group of third sector organisations to test, learn and shape a sustainable approach to information gathering and sharing (asset mapping) for the third sector, in order to enhance our collective understanding of third sector health and care related assets across Leeds.
28/02/2022 £6,000 £218,214 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Working with Forum Central and a small group of third sector organisations to test, learn and shape a sustainable approach to information gathering and sharing (asset mapping) for the third sector. In order to enhance our collective understanding of third sector health and care related assets across Leeds.
28/02/2022 £6,000 £6,676,669 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Support the partnership to gather information for the public directory of services to enhance the understanding of health and care related assets across Leeds.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Activities will include creative arts, sport, cooking, music, drama across Easter and Summer. At Christmas activity packs and hampers will be distributed and a Christmas party and seasonal trips for families.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £231,852 THE OLD FIRE STATION The main objective of the sessions will be for the young people to engage, try new things and have fun, whilst delivering important messages about nutrition and health. Using our feedback for last year we plan to do more of the more popular activities such as cooking sessions with Season Well and Leeds Cookery School, these sessions were very well received and explicitly included nutrition and health elements.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £90,516 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Activities will include sports, arts & crafts, learning about birds of prey, trip to farm, games and Christmas party.
24/02/2022 £18,723 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC A core activity programme will be delivered each day including 2 hours of structured activities and 2 hours of semi-structured free time with 1 hour for lunch and breaks. Music, arts and crafts, drama, board games, reading, lego and sports are examples of some of the activities we are able to offer on site. We will ensure that all children and young people are provided the opportunity to take part in 60 minutes of physical activity in line with the Governments Guidelines.
24/02/2022 £10,645 KICKING FOR GRASSROOTS CIC Our programme will incorporate physical activity, healthy eating and nutrition through engaging, inclusive and fun sessions. The project has been created for 30 children across the area, with local schools promoting the activity and referring young people to our programme.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £214,650 CATCH LEEDS During 2022 Healthy Holidays we intend to further develop areas of our space and deliver a mixture of indoor and outdoor activities utilising our different spaces, with arts and crafts, cooking/baking, quiz games, table games, youth cafe, gardening workshops and field sports. We will be providing a healthy snack pack to each participant attending and recipe cards for home cooking.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £750,822 HUNSLET CLUB Delivered over five, six-hour days each week, the project will provide a one-week programme of activities during the Easter holiday; a four-week programme during the summer holiday and a one week programme at Christmas. Each day will start with children and young people eating a healthy breakfast together. Children and young people will then be offered a selection of activities to take part in each morning and afternoon. These will include a very wide range of sports and arts such as drama, dance, gymnastics, basketball, football and creative play.
24/02/2022 £11,935 £325 TEAM DANIEL We will provide a range of fun, engaging, inclusive and positive activities for children aged 8+ who are in receipt of free school meals. Activities will include Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, Animal Yoga and a variety of Sports (Ping Pong, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Obstacle Courses, Football, Beachball Games, Balloon Tennis etc.). We are also planning to provide at least one special activity per holiday period. For example, having a Magic Show at Easter, visiting the Leeds Sailing & Activity Centre during the summer to take part in raft making, kayaking and team building skills etc. and organising a Cinema Trip at Christmas
24/02/2022 £19,770 £343,596 GETAWAY GIRLS Easter, Summer & Christmas activities will be provided, with sports, games, arts, music etc with food provision.
24/02/2022 £19,995 £1,043,623 LEEDS MENCAP We will deliver 30 full days of activity, with sessions running from 8-4. This will consist of 5 days at Easter, 20 days at Summer and 5 days at Christmas. Children will receive healthy meals whilst participating in meaningful activities. Activities will be delivered at our centre, The Vinery centre, situated in East Leeds.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £549,879 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
24/02/2022 £15,000 £403,927 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION We are planning on running a wide range of activities across the Healthy Holidays programme, with the aim of engaging out target group (ages 11-16). It will be open access provision; however, we will have specific activities which meet the needs of an older audience. We always want to ensure that young people are at the centre of the decision making and that the activities suit their interests.
24/02/2022 £17,800 SEASON WELL CIC Activities will include food growing activity sessions, cooking activity sessions, hot food provision, and Christmas activities would be making edible gifts and food tasting.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £10,292,900 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE We are looking to provide activities and food provision for children of school age (from ages 4 up to 16) within the local area during school breaks and holidays. Activities will range from craft sessions, trips out, workshops (of varying interests such as music, theatre and educational) as well as group work which encourages physical activity.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £1,612,878 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE Healthy Holidays Go Wild programme will consist of themed activities such as sports, trips and exploring, healthy eating and cooking.
24/02/2022 £16,407 £225,035 THE ZONE Activities across holidays will include multi sports, arts and crafts, cookery, youth support service.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Over the holidays we will have 15 days youth camps for children of all ages to participate in a mixture of creative and sports activities at Kentmere Community Centre.
24/02/2022 £19,051 £441,847 ST LUKE'S CARES The RSHP will run Tuesday to Friday 12-4pm during the holidays and is designed to appeal to a wide range of young people in the South Leeds community. With an expansive range of activities including multi-sports, fitness, crafts, baking, games, arts and drama workshops.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £6,676,669 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE We plan to use this grant to run an open access playscheme during the Easter and Summer & Winter holidays this year. The playscheme will run five days a week (Monday – Friday) for 1 week during Easter, 4 weeks during the Summer and 1 week during the winter holidays. The sessions will include structured activities such as:• Crafts;• Health cooking & Baking;• Multi-sports and fitness sessions;• Day-trips;• Outdoor activities such as: den building and gardening
24/02/2022 £20,000 £142,800 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS We will provide dance and wellbeing activities which include Change 4 Life activities, dance, Multisport, crafts and creative activities. These activities are provided by the DAZL team and our experienced workers plus thatt of our partners.. We will also be offering a cook along sessions via the DAZL wellbeing worker and this can be in person and via our healthy lifestyle page. The young people will be also be able to access these at home after attending our face to face activities.
24/02/2022 £20,000 STITCH-UP CIC We will deliver 24 days of front line delivery plus one day for a family/ celebration event at the end of the Summer. We will provide a Free, fun, exciting, creative and enriching programme of craft & design workshops for young people in Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays. Workshops will include sewing, knitting, weaving, paper crafts, drawing & painting, clay, printing, jewellery making, filmmaking as well as contributing to a collaborative installation which will be displayed at the community centre.
24/02/2022 £19,338 BRAVE WORDS CIC Our days will be split into Morning (10am - 12pm) and Afternoon (1pm - 3pm) sessions, with an hour for lunch and a snack break during each session. In the mornings we will deliver fun and accessible drama activities - starting with opportunities for children to get to know each other, warmups and fun games - and developing to share creative ideas and make performances. The afternoon sessions will be creative arts and crafts.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £317,208 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
24/02/2022 £20,000 £388,336 LEEDS CHILDREN'S CHARITY The time will be spent at Lineham Farm, in Leeds and whilst at the centre the children will take part in a wide variety of activities - low ropes; climbing; bouldering; orienteering; mountain-biking; animal care; environmental work; night lines, and bushcraft.
24/02/2022 £19,898 £4,588,524 BARCA LEEDS We would like to deliver a range of activities during each school holiday that are local and accessible for young people and families to enjoy. We have planned a programme which will provide a range of activities to encourage physical activity, health and well-being, social interaction and play opportunities.
24/02/2022 £19,638 £262,817 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS/CHAPEL FM ARTS CENTRE Grant to Heads Together Productions/Chapel FM Arts Centre
24/02/2022 £15,239 CREATIVE FRAME Grant to Creative Frame
24/02/2022 £20,000 CYCLE PATHWAY CIC Our aim is to engage 30 YP per day. we will split the group in to two groups with two coaches and two volunteers per group, one participating in a Mountain Bike or BMX skills session and the other in Woodland adventure skills (Bush craft). the groups will come together at meal times and swap activities.
24/02/2022 £19,535 PINGPONG4U We want to deliver fun, stimulating table tennis based sessions, at a range of community centres and schools in: Harehills, Lincoln Green, Seacroft, Gipton, Holbeck and other parts of the city.
24/02/2022 £19,900 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST We will deliver an outdoor activity program on the Kirkstall Valley farm (Christmas will be indoors at our community hub) for children to attend with their parents/carers. The program will be play focused and will include a range of activities each day including arts and crafts, woodcraft skills, exploring nature, growing and harvesting, cooking, sports and games.
24/02/2022 £18,125 £1,786,992 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
24/02/2022 £8,000 £1,786,992 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £20,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE The programme of activities will include: beekeeper sessions, sports dat, foodwise camps, smoothie making, bushcraft sessions, intergenerational days at Cross Green Growing Together, outdoor trips.
24/02/2022 £20,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE The programme of activities will include: beekeeper sessions, sports dat, foodwise camps, smoothie making, bushcraft sessions, intergenerational days at Cross Green Growing Together, outdoor trips.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £7,689,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS TCV Skelton Grange staff and volunteer team will deliver 24 days of fun, outdoor, experiential sessions with children and young people at Skelton Grange Environment Centre in Stourton. The sessions will be designed to be engaging, active and sociable, with a range of outdoor play and activities to interact with the natural environment and have fun! We work with a high ratio of staff to young people to allow us to offer engaging hands on activities for the young people to challenge themselves and do activities like firelighting that they may not have had the opportunity to do before.
24/02/2022 £19,940 £453,392 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION This year the Healthy holidays will be a mixture of Physical, Creative Art, Drama, Family Treasure hunts and Trips so there is something for everyone to join in.
24/02/2022 £20,000 GIPSIL We will delivery 24 days of activities for young people across the schools holidays that include meals and hot meals where possible alongside healthy eating advice/information.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £337,446 LS14 TRUST The programme will incude: 6 x street parties for fun activities and food; 8 x Sports Days; 5 x large scale community celebration events held in different areas of Seacroft; 5 x Food and fun classes where young people families learn about food and nutrition and cook meals and eat together.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £337,446 LS14 TRUST The programme will include 4 x Community Celebrations - food, music, games and activities; 17 x Activity Days - With a focus on Sporting Activities but also covering - baking, arts and crafts, jewellery making, fridge magnets, Xbox, pool, dance, tablets on offer to use, events, shows, bug finding; 3 x large community celebration events held in different areas of Seacroft.
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £15,295 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Activities provided will include multi-sport activity, workshops on relevant topics to each target group including healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and police workshops, and Leeds United bag with rewards.
24/02/2022 £10,000 £467,394 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE Feel Good Factor - to provide young people with basic skills in a number of activities including, cooking and food preparation along with knowledge of healthy lifestyle, healthy choices including physical activity and basic food hygiene practices. Sessions will include cooking and food prep, crafts, games, first aid, dance, sport (Yorkshire County Cricket Club) and a trip out to a local park such as Roundhay Park, Lotherton Hall or Stockeld Park. We will also be delivering ‘Time for Tea’ bags to local families on The Nowells estate which will contain FREE ingredients and recipe cards to make hot meals together. We will work with local schools and community groups to identify families.
24/02/2022 £20,000 £253,528 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Each day there will be a different carousel of activities which will include a balanced mix of indoor/outdoor game and a variety of approaches designed to engage with children in a number of different ways. For example, interactive/individual activities, independent discovery/guided sessions, table based static/kinaesthetic tasks, relaxed and restful spaces/places to engage in more concentrated thought, creativity through drawing/painting and through imagination and building etc. Interspersed throughout the time will be educational elements such as healthy eating and simple cooking skills /resilience building / disability awareness etc.
24/02/2022 £19,392 MISSIONAL GENERATION Each week we will deliver a planned programme of activities including creative skills, fitness and healthy mind and body, all with the aim of bringing lots of fun to those taking part.
23/02/2022 £23,000 £1,107,102 LEEDS CULTURE TRUST We are requesting £23,000 match funding towards an Arts Council National Lottery Project grant, that will allow LEEDS 2023 to develop and deliver a project that will commission 23 artists to experiment with co-creation and ways of working post-pandemic, to enrich the creative voice within the heart of Leeds’ communities.
23/02/2022 £5,000 £10,292,900 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE We would like to continue with this project, offering even more individuals within our community the opportunity to explore their creative side, have some child-like fun and discover hidden talents through the medium of performing arts. We would like to create an inclusive and intergenerational environment in a community pantomime The Wizard of Osmondthorpe”.
23/02/2022 £5,000 £90,516 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION This additional funding would be used to support two Projects which would involve young people from different age groups.
23/02/2022 £5,000 £253,528 HUNSLET INITIATIVE The top-up grant would provide "real life" events, activities or projects that bring people together around a range of tasks or themes. Community life has been so disjointed for many for such a long time - this funding will be a crucial springboard to rebuild community and connection across the generations. We anticipate delivering 6-8 events with our partners.
23/02/2022 £5,000 £1,471,736 EAST STREET ARTS (ESA) To expand and develop on last year’s Summer School, with a ‘My Environment’ focus, requested by the Young People in 2021. We will provide more opportunities, doubling the 2021 cohort to 25 young people, aged 10-12, and older residents from Lincoln Green, Mabgate and Burmantofts, to explore ideas around the natural environment, housing and sustainability.
11/02/2022 £500 SHENANIGANS (ARMLEY) SHEnanigans is a local women only (and anyone who identifies as a woman) activity, fun and friendship group with members from the Armley area.
28/01/2022 £40,000 £1,408,222 BRADFORD CYRENIANS LTD Grant to Bradford Cyrenians Ltd
28/01/2022 £40,000 £2,297,361 BRIDGE PROJECT (BRADFORD) Grant to Bridge Project (Bradford)
28/01/2022 £40,000 £2,770,991 THE SAVIOUR TRUST Grant to The Saviour Trust
28/01/2022 £40,000 LEEDS ACTION TO CREATE HOMES (LATCH) Grant to Leeds Action to Create Homes (LATCH)
28/01/2022 £40,000 £360,853 SIMON ON THE STREETS Grant to Simon on the Streets
25/01/2022 £7,857 £1,838,479 GROUNDWORK SOUTH AND NORTH TYNESIDE We wish to offer practical help for people in crisis this winter, offering support to at least 50 of the most vulnerable households in South Tyneside with fuel vouchers, LED lightbulbs and warm blankets and food through partnership with Hospitality and Hope Food Bank.
25/01/2022 £7,857 £379,977 THE THORNBURY CENTRE Working with schools and Job Centre to target families experiencing hardship, with help for welfare/benefit/housing advice, food packs, winter emergency packs etc to help escape the cycle of crisis.
25/01/2022 £7,858 £37,039 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
25/01/2022 £7,858 £79,065 BRADFORD DEAF COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Provision of slow cooker, stocking up pantry and providing nourishing meals to maintain contact with client group and ensure they don't fall through the gaps in provision.
25/01/2022 £7,858 £595,269 EAST DURHAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST LTD Increase capacity of existing emergency food parcel projects and hot meal delivery project with an addition 750 meals delivered and 600 emergency food parcels, as well as access to fuel vouchers to alleviate fuel poverty.
25/01/2022 £7,857 £415,321 NORTH EAST WINDHILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Supporting families who have struggled over Christmas with food parcels, signposting for advice and help with gas, electric, debt issues.
25/01/2022 £7,857 NORTHERN COMMUNITY POWER CIC Fund 4 weeks of food packages and support a drive for new participants of Cedarwoods Nourish Community Food Project.
30/12/2021 £2,500 £43,939 SORTED CHURCH Your support would contribute to the costs of a consultant to support our board and leadership team as we consult with local people, strategically plan for the next 5-years and evaluate our work with young adults.
14/12/2021 £800 DISABILITY FAMILIES OF MIDDLETON To build back our group get togethers after Covid, building confidence for families affected and getting back to supporting each other, reducing isolation and improving health and well being.
14/12/2021 £999 THE OLD FIRE STATION GIPTON FILM CLUB An inclusive/ accessible community film night held in the Old Gipton Fire Station venue; run by volunteers bringing together an intergenerational audience of local older people, with people with disabilities and long-term mental health issues, a range of families including some living in poverty and people newly moving into the area for a fun, community building experience.
14/12/2021 £1,377 £74,698 COMMUNITY MATTERS YORKSHIRE Our activity will bring families who have children with additional needs together through the enjoyment of music and movement, craft activities combining them with an opportunity to befriend marginalised members of the community who often feel segregated in main stream activities because of the fear of being judged.
14/12/2021 £1,950 £173,609 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Parent carers of children with additional needs face huge stresses and strains, we want to help them cope with feelings of distress, anxiety and isolation by delivering three crisis support counselling sessions to 12 people.
14/12/2021 £1,764 £132,482 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Community gardening sessions to engage elderly BAME individuals with visual impairments within the community once more.
14/12/2021 £1,975 HEY MAMA Hey Mama is a peer support community for mothers and their families impacted by mental ill health.
10/12/2021 £18,923 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Halo Heritage Cafe - Work based training for People with Learning Disabilities
10/12/2021 £19,902 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL A network of peer support work clubs located within warm, welcoming community spaces will raise the aspirations of local people with learning disabilities, providing one to one support, group activities, connections. information, guidance, practical help and peer support which help members overcome barriers they face in identifying, securing and maintaining paid employment while raising the profile of the immense value people with learning disabilities bring to their employers, customers and fellow workers within workplaces.
10/12/2021 £19,500 £243,565 PYRAMID OF ARTS This 12 week programme is a pre-employability programme for people with learning disabilities, supporting with initial engagement and transitions into further education, employment or training and built upon two elements: health and wellbeing and work readiness.
10/12/2021 £9,635 £480,162 LIGHTHOUSE FUTURES TRUST A citywide Job Coaching training programme, specifically targeting key workers already supporting people with learning difficulties, so as to significantly increase the pool of skilled job coaches in Leeds.
08/12/2021 £20,000 £85,623 AHLULBAYT CULTURAL CENTRE A heritage project to capture the stories of primary diaspora community founders, their stories and journeys to Leeds. The project will engage young people with journalism skills to film, edit and compile these stories for publication.
08/12/2021 £19,739 ADVONET We intend to amplify the voices of the learning disabled and neuro-divergent people of Leeds , past and present, by collecting and sharing their stories; the purpose of the project is to explore how both people’s lives and the attitudes of the wider community have changed over time and to use these reflections to influence the city’s vision for all of its citizens going forward.
08/12/2021 £19,880 BALBIR SINGH DANCE COMPANY (BSDC) BSDC, FGVW, and ABA will work with a team of multi disciplinary artists and local volunteers to uncover secret heritage of Gledhow Woods and stories of the diverse local people it serves. Findings and stories will be woven into 6 walks with live performance en route, a temporary outdoor exhibition and 4 podcasts each year through a seasonal lens. Short films, digital exhibition and heritage map will be created and launched on the final walk.
08/12/2021 £19,039 £65,244 LEEDS MUSIC TRUST We will research and document the music history of the Old Chapel Studios, placing it in the context of the historic building and local area, and provide interactive visitor tours, and learning, to a previously hidden gem for all to enjoy including musicians, music fans, local residents and people interested in history.
08/12/2021 £20,000 £94,062 JAMAICA SOCIETY LEEDS Activities illuminating the Jamaican and wider West Indian presence in Leeds as part of The Out of Many Festival celebrating the heritage, culture and art of Jamaica in 2022/23
08/12/2021 £14,000 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES Beeston Community Cinema will uncover the hidden heritage of our former cinema, and the often-overlooked rich heritage of our local communities. Bringing community together to celebrate the Pavilion Picture Palace, film, and each other. We will discover the rich cinema heritage of our local area, with tours and workshops, and we will screen films once again. This community cinema will be set up, run by, and run for the local community around the Beeston Hill area.
08/12/2021 £20,000 SOUTH ASIAN ARTS-UK (SAA-UK) PLATFORM is a project that will proactively connect, listen and empower diverse South Asian communities who have made Leeds their home since the early 20th Century, to present and share their hidden and often unheard stories.
08/12/2021 £10,000 LITTLE LONDON ARTS Making time for talking about, listening to each other and sharing our diverse lives and roles in the city (before its too late).
07/12/2021 £10,000 £91,202 BRADFORD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Our Development Manager through this funding, can work with the BYDP Board to develop a Strategic Plan, carryout test and learn initiatives, explore new partnership working arrangements, identify challenges and opportunities for meeting longer term aims and objectives of BYDP and take it to a place that is more secure, stable, sustainable and resilient. We need to use next year to have an in-depth review and evaluation of our delivery model, governance and staffing structures, partnership / collaborative working arrangements, training & volunteering development.
01/12/2021 £6,180 KICKING FOR GRASSROOTS CIC We would like to run a program of activities at the local academy in Middleton including takeover sessions in a classroom environment and then a physical session afterschool.
01/12/2021 £4,510 £424,975 LS-TEN An inspirational beginners skateboarding club helping to tackle inactivity, provide opportunity, promote diversity and build confidence while making friends through an exciting alternative sport.
01/12/2021 £10,000 £87,998 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS The Flourishing Futures Project is a 2-year project to launch our successful in-person Family Literacy clubs, Story Tellers, in East Leeds, allowing children and parents/carers to all develop confidence in their literacy skills and remove barriers to learning through stories, games and crafts before families then access an online Story Tellers library where books and craft activities are delivered weekly to homes and families can watch supporting YouTube videos, enabling on-going family reading in homes.
01/12/2021 £10,000 £275,425 THE RUNNING CHARITY The Running Charity Leeds programme consists of both person centred youth work and meaningful integration of wellbeing activities to support young people experiencing homelessness and complex needs to lead healthier, happier lives
01/12/2021 £2,500 READ EASY LEEDS Helping over eighteens to improve their reading and employment prospects through personally driven one to one tuition in a friendly, uncompetitive and discrete environment.
01/12/2021 £9,732 BRAVE WORDS CIC Our Pay-What-You-Can Youth Theatres are high quality sessions based in disadvantaged communities of Leeds, with a focus on raising confidence, communication skills and using drama, character, fun script work and storytelling to raise the literacy levels and support the wellbeing of children from the local areas
01/12/2021 £9,400 £13,255 LEEDS CHILDRENS CIRCUS Bringing Circus to young people across Leeds through a series of taster sessions, workshops and new classes, building on our current programme of ground-based and aerial circus and enabling young people across the city to experience the physical challenge and joy offered by this accessible, engaging practice.
01/12/2021 £10,000 LET'S DO MORE CIC Bringing Basketball Back to Leeds.
01/12/2021 £3,430 £253,528 HUNSLET INITIATIVE Through the spring and summer 2022 we will host informal sports sessions in the heart of the Hunslet community engaging local children and young in positive physical activity, broadening their horizons to a variety of sports and raising their aspirations and ability for ongoing sporting involvement.
01/12/2021 £3,309 SOUTH LEEDS LAKERS The Lakers Aspire Project will provide a gateway for children to first class athletics facilities, which will raise the bar for their life aspirations. It’s difficult for children to aspire to be true athletes when their experience is a run around the streets of Beeston on a cold Thursday night. We want to reward these dedicated youngsters by providing them. with the right environment in which to flourish.
01/12/2021 £9,840 £21,213 LEEDS POWERCHAIR FOOTBALL CLUB To develop players who could represent their country in the 2030 Powerchair World Cup.
30/11/2021 £2,500 THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT Help with more long-term switch to putting activities online which could reduce operating costs which in turn could be more attractive to potential new funders.
30/11/2021 £2,500 THE ROMANI FOUNDATION The funding will help dedicate time to: purpose; awareness; being financially and operationally fit; effective leadership; being well-networked; impact of organisation.
30/11/2021 £2,500 £42,300 NEIGHBOURHOOD RESOURCE CENTRE We want to develop a new service model and programme which is focused towards helping local people recover from the pandemic and grow our organisation.
30/11/2021 £2,450 2TSHIRTGANG CIC Our aim is to build an infrastructure that is able to support and generate income for us to operate and become self-sufficient.
30/11/2021 £2,460 £27,103 ALL SAINTS LANDMARK CENTRE We hope to better align and integrate the distinct programmes within our project, and better build in capacity for our staff and volunteers to recognise their part in the whole person and whole family support we seek to offer.
30/11/2021 £2,015 £63,134 DISPLACE YOURSELF THEATRE We have a pressing need to develop our online presence and social media activity.
30/11/2021 £2,250 HAPPY HEALTHY YOU BRADFORD & BEYOND To develop into CIC and pay for costs such as organisation advertising, insurance, registering officially our organisation, consultations etc, something that we really believe will help us get our name out their and help us as board, to understand our roles.
26/11/2021 £2,500 £364,578 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED A weekly group for young people in a disadvantaged community in Bradford, to come together to plan and carry out social action projects in their community, giving young people positive opportunities with which to fill their free time, improving their wellbeing and their personal skills and helping to make their community a better and safer place in which to live.
26/11/2021 £2,500 ADVANCEMENT OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT (CIC) To positively engage vulnerable South Asian young people in Calderdale away from Crime and Antisocial behaviour.
26/11/2021 £2,500 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Table Tennis coaching and in house tournaments to be delivered alongside our established youth work provision, giving young people the opportunity to engage in physical activity sessions, receive guidance from an experienced coach, and develop leadership skills in a safe and positive space.
26/11/2021 £2,500 £1,073,010 BHT EARLY EDUCATION & TRAINING The project will support children 5-11 years to develop skills in the outdoors in a safe environment, building on their mental and physical well being, reducing stress and aggression, supporting emotional intelligence, resilience, self esteem, confidence, morals and values, encouraging cognitive development, concentration, independence, creativity and the ability to make informed decisions.
26/11/2021 £2,500 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES The Rise Up Young Leader’s Academy and recreational football is a sports project providing a group of young people with a young leader’s sports award, life skills and mentoring to develop their growth and confidence as well as providing an alternative to criminal activities and exploitation.
26/11/2021 £2,500 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION To reduce knife crime via education and the use of sport and football sessions as an incentive to attend sessions.
26/11/2021 £2,200 £49,697 KUMON Y'ALL Empowering young people to work with West Yorkshire police to tackle the issue of burglaries and educating the community to better safeguard themselves from burglars.
26/11/2021 £2,340 £154,860 MANNINGHAM MILLS SPORTS AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Tackling Knife Crime and Intolerance using Boxing to Knock Sense into our Young People
26/11/2021 £2,490 2TSHIRTGANG CIC Educational functional health to develop good physical health, mental health and life skills.
26/11/2021 £2,497 £987,552 JOINT ACTIVITIES & MOTOR EDUCATION SERVICE (J.A.M.E.S) Supporting young people with unmet needs to become mentors, including supporting a motor vehicle youth club for other young people, including those with disabilities
26/11/2021 £2,240 £228,626 THE SANGAT CENTRE We will bring young people together in activities that allow them to express themselves and teach them to share, support and work as a team to build each others confidence.
26/11/2021 £2,470 £428,250 ONE IN A MILLION A pilot to deliver a Consequences of Crime Programme in our Shipley Community Hub in order to roll out the programme to our other 4 hubs to educate and deter our young people from a life of crime.
26/11/2021 £2,400 BURMANTOFTS ABC Provide accesible , affordable opportunity to take part in community exercise and socialising.
26/11/2021 £1,800 £17,400 COUGAR FOUNDATION The primary goal of our project is to provide children with a safe and secure space in which they are encouraged to express their emotional voice through healthy lifestyle activities
26/11/2021 £1,750 CALDER COMMUNITY SQUASH Squash, cooking and nutrition classes aiming to give young people in Calderdale a safe place to go, and an alternative to crime and anti social behaviour in some of the most deprived areas.
17/11/2021 £9,625 £488,757 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE A Gypsy and Traveller led Bradford youth project that builds the skills and confidence of young people through a programme of activities, one-to-one work and by connecting them to opportunities. Sessions will include; confidence building, making connections to peers and wider networks, sex education, criminal vulnerabilities, healthy eating and other areas as directed by the group.
17/11/2021 £7,332 £465,492 MERIDIAN CENTRE Sunday 4 Learning will offer 2 X 2 hour drop in sessions open to children in Primary School who are struggling to complete their homework in their home environment and access the information they need via electronic or printed means.
17/11/2021 £9,988 IMPACT HUB BRADFORD To inspire 1000 young people (13 - 16 year olds) to raise their aspirations, build their motivation and confidence to succeed through the exploration of social entrepreneurship as a career option through a programme of schools-based interactive workshops.
17/11/2021 £10,000 MARY MAGDALENE CIC We will provide Young people from BAME & non Bame backgrounds 13 – 19 yrs the opportunity to take part in Duke Edinburgh’s Awards (DofE). The Duke of Edinburgh Awards is the world’s best known & most respected kite mark of Youth Achievement. No Other activity offers such a rounded programme of personal development. We will register young people to deliver Bronze & Silver Award
17/11/2021 £10,000 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION Rise Up is a social action project which includes both social and physical activities to help increase confidence, self esteem, resilience and of 125 + young people to enable them to raise aspirations and move into positive social action. Mental health key barrier to progression will be tackled to allow children/young people (04-21+) to grow and prosper in society to improve their educational and working opportunity to break cycle of poverty and deprivation.
17/11/2021 £8,600 £139,914 THE VALLEY PROJECT The Valley Project will use a range of practical skills-based training programmes, supporting the children and young people to undertake a varied range of tasks, starting with basics such as health and safety moving through various stages of practical hands-on learning to ultimately achieve their ‘tool licence’. Equipping them with practical, transferable skills for life (and future employability), increasing their confidence, resilience, attainment and aspirations to reach their true potential.
17/11/2021 £9,965 £168,486 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE This project works with 50 women aged 13–18 at risk of underachieving and 25 family members . Based on recommendations from previous STEM programmes, it supports BAME females to aim higher, broaden their horizons, achieve in education and make choices that lead to prosperous employment sectors, including STEM subjects. It delivers 2, 20-week programmes, plus 1-1 support. Each programme works with 25 participants and their mothers/big sisters, challenging conventional stereotypes about suitable careers for Asian women
17/11/2021 £10,000 FLOURISHED MINDS LTD Individual coaching for children to be their best selves, have healthy, positive minds, develop their confidence, resilience and life skills, realise their aspirations and have tools to support them to increase their educational attainment and live the fulfilled lives they deserve.
17/11/2021 £10,000 CAFé WEST - HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Facilities and support to all for educational, employment and advice support to allow people to develop and achieve their utmost with an inspirational mindset and tailored support.
17/11/2021 £9,802 £217,224 PARTICIPATE PROJECTS The Venturists puts young people in charge, empowering them through real project based learning experiences to develop and deliver their ideas for social change - taking young people who face the most challenging circumstances and moulding an inclusive generation of young leaders who take an active role in the issues that affect them and their communities.
17/11/2021 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING To support children and young people to increase their oracy, digital skills, confidence, and self esteem, widen their life chances, aspirations and educational outcomes through becoming radio broadcasters, producing radio programmes and audio content for broadcast on BCB Radio.
16/11/2021 £500 CITY OF LEEDS PIPE BAND The provision of the sound and spectacle of a Scottish Pipes and Drums band at various events throughout the Leeds area and beyond.
16/11/2021 £500 SOUTH LEEDS VALKYRIES A friendly weekly women’s only basketball session for women of all ages and abilities, taking place at Cross Flatts Park in the summer and at the John Charles Centre in the winter.
11/11/2021 £2,948 £360,853 SIMON ON THE STREETS Outreach support work
11/11/2021 £2,948 £173,314 JOANNA LEEDS THE JOANNA PROJECT Purchase & distribute practical items to support vulnerably housed women and those in poverty.
11/11/2021 £2,948 £126,638 FOCUS4HOPE We will be feeding and supporting the homeless in Leeds by providing hot food, refreshments and handing out underwear/socks packs along with hygiene packs.
09/11/2021 £5,000 THINK LIKE A PONY CIC We will use this grant to empower young people through our online learning programme, further enhancing the educational experience of vulnerable young people at our centre and at other equine therapy centres nationwide and helping them to thrive in all areas of life.
04/11/2021 £5,000 £7,689,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS We will work with the Child Friendly Leeds team to provide 10 fun days out in nature to support the wellbeing of children from the Leeds Fostering service.
04/11/2021 £5,000 £87,998 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS Expanding Horizons takes on significant post-lockdown challenges faced by the poorest in our communities through mentoring for children focused on social and emotional learning and family cookery clubs focused on overcoming poor nutrition and food poverty, whilst incorporating fun and effective budgeting in all groups to improve financial literacy.
04/11/2021 £5,000 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Care Connected is an extension of our 'Roots and She Cares' project. The project will work with looked after children, children in Kinship care, children with special guardianship order and care experienced young people to equip them to live healthy, independent lives and to promote positive relationships within their community.
04/11/2021 £5,000 GIPSIL A programme of positive activities for Children Looked After aged 14-16 living in Leeds
03/11/2021 £9,785 £660,542 PRISM YOUTH PROJECT 3.5 hours per week 48 sessions per year Average hours per participant per year 168 hours 2 year project average hours per Participant 336 hours
01/11/2021 £19,850 DREAM TIME CREATIVE CIC We would like to help women break the cycle of unhealthy default thinking and behaviours. We would like, through gentle psycho-educational sessions to provide a series of creative courses that explore how our own thoughts and thinking affects: our minds; our self-awareness; our emotional states; our physical bodies; our actions; our behaviours; our communications; our relationships with the people that are in our lives
01/11/2021 £4,270 £91,729 LEEDS BABY BANK We have a vision to purchase, put together, and distribute Safe Sleeping and Wellbeing bundles for the most vulnerable families in Leeds including a bed, mattress, and support children and parents via a wellbeing pack and follow up call.
01/11/2021 £20,000 £25,201 ACAP (AFRICAN CARIBBEAN ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT) Two year Therapeutic Arts & Crafts project for parents suffering from depression and poor mental health. The project will use woodworking, art, sewing and gardening to help reduce mental health and depression in people from African and Caribbean (predominantly, but not exclusively) backgrounds and support those who are experiencing difficulties brought about through the pandemic, to access new support networks, training, volunteering opportunities and also mainstream health services that they currently have no contact with.
01/11/2021 £20,000 £189,997 ARTLINK WEST YORKSHIRE Working in partnership with Aspire CBS, this two-year creative arts project will support at least 30 adults with learning disabilities who have been isolated by the pandemic to feel safe and confident in returning to their day centres, many of whom have been away for 18 months, whilst also increasing their mental wellbeing to overcome the fear and anxiety they have experienced during this time
01/11/2021 £19,888 HUMANS BEING Women Supporting Women will run and evaluate twelve, six week peer-led mental wellbeing courses and three facilitation training courses for at least 100 women over two years to improve our mental wellbeing, resilience, connections and skills, and find ways to rebuild our lives post-lockdown.
01/11/2021 £19,850 £255,493 HOME-START LEEDS Supporting, encouraging Dads to share their feelings, to be involved from pregnancy with their babies development, which supports family well being and develops more inclusive services for all parents during the perinatal period, all of which contributes to prevention and supports the 'left shift'.
01/11/2021 £19,772 £259,705 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING Connect Digital Health and Wellbeing Project aims to improve access to digital health for members of the local community. This includes telemedicine, digital health tools and self care support by facilitating and encouraging the use of free digital apps, websites, resources available to improve mental and physical health and wellbeing, alongside signposting to local support groups.
01/11/2021 £17,580 INSPIRING COMMUNITY CIC Looking after each other and building a better community
01/11/2021 £12,660 MISSING PEACE WELLBEING + SUPPORT To provide peer support groups for men who primarily have suffered sexual abuse in childhood, to support their mental health and wellbeing, provide connection and a network of support and reduce social isolation.
01/11/2021 £19,340 ARTWORKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES Artworks Creative Communities invites poverty experienced adults, who would like to improve their mental health and wellbeing, and who are feeling lonely to join us for a series of creative adventures; structured courses at our friendly, accessible city centre base and much more – it’s a great way to feel better and discover ways to make your money go further.
01/11/2021 £20,000 CLOTH CAT STUDIOS LTD Beat the Blues will provide health and wellbeing support for in-patients in Leeds NHS mental health facilities that will positively improve their experience of clinical interventions by providing a series of musical workshops, fun activities, interactive musical performances and a pathway to community based musical activities after hospital.
01/11/2021 £20,000 £37,039 DIAL LEEDS LTD Healthy! Connected! Supported! is a new DIAL LEEDS mental health peer support empowerment project to holistically address the concerns and wellbeing needs of individuals with impairments and long-term conditions alongside any particular social welfare issues causing disadvantage, financial hardship or other barriers to better health.
01/11/2021 £20,000 £25,875 WORDS FOR WELLBEING Facilitating 2 bibliotherapy groups over 2 years in Airedale and Lupset to counteract the negative effects of loneliness, isolation and mental health issues which have become more common due to Covid-19; ensuring sustainability beyond the project through the training of volunteers and staff and mentoring volunteers to deliver groups.
01/11/2021 £18,715 CREATIVE FRAME Man About Town will deliver mens group activities chosen and scheduled by its members, activities offered include the vinyl picnic, walking group, 'Tech troubles' sessions, Music groups (singing, guitar, ukulele) Photography/Film, Sporting Activities, Virtual Reality (exercise, game play, meditation) in a variety of group settings, reducing social isolation, initiating friendships and reigniting a spark for music and digital arts.
01/11/2021 £19,891 £112,364 ZARACH The Thrive programme helps disadvantaged families to achieve financial independence, a safe home and children engaging at school.
01/11/2021 £19,067 £168,853 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST The project will address the increase in the number of residents in the Royds Ward of Bradford with mental health problems arising from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their social and economic situations
01/11/2021 £20,000 £168,486 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE The project focuses on Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women who are new to the UK (migrated within the last 3 year) and have diagnosed low- moderate levels mental health problems such as low confidence and self-esteem low mood, depression and anxiety.
01/11/2021 £19,116 APPLE BOX COMPANY LTD. A 2 year project that will work alongside mainstream mental health services to support those living in and around Chapeltown to a) increase understanding of poor mental health and general wellbeing b). Provide a safe meeting space while addressing any cultural specific needs and c) act as a cultural "sounding board" for other services (We do not intend to duplicate but to act as a route or bridge to other services)
26/10/2021 £4,000 £1,190,611 LEEDS OLDER PEOPLE'S FORUM “Men’s Health Unlocked”, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund Covid Emergency Response Fund, has created a city-wide network for men’s health.
26/10/2021 £5,000 NIFTY SUSTAINABILITY CIC Working with Volition/Forum Central to develop a scope and proposal for co-production of a Third Sector led asset map which will collate and share our understanding of third sector health and care related assets across Leeds.
13/10/2021 £1,159 CITY OF WAKEFIELD SWIMMING CLUB We would like to use a top up grant to further support our members. We have recently lost our Head Coach and have brought in specialist support from interim coaches such as Russ Barber Olympic squad coach but this comes at a cost and so we are limited to how much we can utilise his skills and use him as aspiration for kids with training sessions. Also at a cost is the slow build up of members ensuring we are not making a loss anymore as we have to fill lanes back up to even break even, an increase in our marketing budget would mean we could do this faster to become self sufficient. We would like to consider more coaching courses for our new coaches as well as younger up and coming swimmers/coaches. If we had the top up grant this would allow us to pass on further savings to our members as well as provide incentives for the swimmers. We would finally be able to use the money some way towards back boards for backstroke and we may even be able to subsidise a much needed new kit.
13/10/2021 £1,159 WOODLANDS CRICKET CLUB Facilities have been improved that have benefitted the community, from picnic tables and outdoor seating which has been enjoyed by many over the summer months. These have been used by many different people of different ages which has helped bring the community together, helping older people and lonely people interact with different people. Additional seating areas outside. Continued improvement of the facilities providing better social interaction between the age groups
13/10/2021 £1,159 HAREHILLS PARK CROWN GREEN BOWLING CLUB Our winter season starts from October through to March. We have some funding for shelters and and have been lucky enough to have support from the National Lottery to fund £10,000 to resurface the paths that currently are unsafe. The council have committed to completing the works wc 27th September with shelters being erected from 8th October. It would be amazing for us to be able to put in some additional seating to go with the increased numbers now using the greens. The winter green has just 3 benches that seat approx 12 people very close together. We would be hoping to purchase at least an additional 3 benches and revamp the current ones we have and also if funds allow purchase a portable wagon on wheels to transport the Bowls and equipment down to the winter greens to make it easier and safer to play. We will be hosting round Robins at least twice weekly during the week with junior bolwing on a weekend. As it gets darker in the winter we are unable to bowl on an evening and the park gets pitch black with no lighting at all (that will hopefully be actioned at a not so distance date in the future).
13/10/2021 £1,159 TRAINING CAVE CLUB LTD We applied for sporting equipment to be used within the gym that allowed for social distancing and new Covid-secure measures, such as 'no sharing' etc. To be able to sustain the numbers we previously had prior to lockdown, we needed additional items to be used by children and young people. This included helmets, gloves, gum shields, pads, additional heavy bags as well as PPE for strict cleansing and sanitising of gear; before, during and after each session. We would like to use this as a contribution towards our ongoing core costs. Like many organisations, we have to source funding to be able to operate our day to day work. This has been challenging during the pandemic and successful funding would be greatly appreciated.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £33,227 LEEDS POWERCHAIR FOOTBALL CLUB If we were successful we would use the remaining funds to offset the huge increase in hall hire costs at our training facility. Also returning to play competitive games requires us to hire 2 halls, one for playing, one for social distancing an equipment storing of day chairs, hoists etc.
13/10/2021 £1,159 KICKING FOR GRASSROOTS CIC We purchased multisport equipment to facilitate our youth work to ensure no young person missed out due to the new 'no share' rules and regulations as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has allowed us to engage with more young people and allow participation in sport for all. We would like to use this as a contribution towards our ongoing core costs.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £23,547 UNITY ACADEMY We would like to do something similar. however this time we will target young girls at risk of CSE and grooming providing them with similar opportunities to engage and develop awareness
13/10/2021 £1,159 £61,419 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL If we got the top up grant we would use it to continue to build our wall to the full 40ft Bouldering Wall that we are wanting to build. Building a larger wall would mean we could include more young people at any one time in the activity and give a greater challenge to older young people by building up greater challenges and length for them to complete which would help to give more time to young people working in partnership, by teamworking and through leadership. A longer wall would also create a greater physical activity for our young people making them work out muscles through twists and bends they would not normally do in normal day to day activities. This in turn would help to build up physical stamina and fitness in young people. A longer wall would also give a young people more opportunities to take differing routes and make the activity different every time they wanted to use it. A longer wall would also mean we could introduce different games that require a longer bouldering wall to play especially with older children who would require more space to play.
13/10/2021 £1,159 YORKSHIRE ACADEMY OF CREATIVE ARTS & DANCE The top up grant would allow us to continue to provide participants with free provision. The top-up would also allow us to continue working on a community performance which aims to explore and challenge the publics perception of troubled youths. The company wants to allow the pupils to put on a performance in a public space, open to be watched by the community. The unique opportunity will allow participants to explore these topics creatively through performance. The enriching programme will help promote good mental and physical health and wellbeing, alongside being an enriching experience which will drive the development of young people's key interpersonal skills. This development will positively influence their future. To summarise, the top-up will be spent on: - Further free provisions for participants. - Putting on a community performance. - Staff costs including appropriately apportioned management time.
13/10/2021 £1,159 NIGERIAN YORKSHIRE COMMUNITIES NETWORK UK CIC This is a an excellent opportunity for us to be able to complete the activities for young people with families within our communities, part of the remaining activities within this project will be concentrating on completing the Young people and families bowling, snooker games and swimming, we want to be able to allow families to enjoy more sporting outdoor activities such as go karting, paint ball with COVID-19 measure still put in place as we are not out of the wood yet, also we would be looking at additional recruitment of volunteers and more training such as DBS checked, safeguarding, miscellaneous expenses to support organising the above activities. In addition organise event games for children, young ones, families toward the Christmas period and activities etc
13/10/2021 £1,159 WAKEFIELD TRINITY ABC With the top up grant we have identified a commercial indoor bike, this bike will give our attendees another option or way of getting fit and healthy with low impact on their joints.
13/10/2021 £1,159 HARTSHEAD MOOR CC Potentially, we will use a top up grant to help purchase a bowling machine (although we would need to raise additional funding to purchase). The benefit of the bowling machine would be that it allows batters to receive specific balls to try and hit. ie It delivers balls consistently without the batter receiving wayward deliveries form erratic bowlers, we can therefore deliver specific types of balls that can be focused on the batter improving his technique on deliveries that he struggles with. The bowling machine will be used in conjunction with the previously purchased roll on roll off net.
13/10/2021 £1,159 2TSHIRTGANG CIC We have been able to continue to offer our Educational Functional Fitness,Health & Well-Being sessions to the youth in our community. We also support offer our Sports Specific service to our youth. We have developed further relationships with parents where their children leave school and access our services as an after school club. One of our youth contacted our team directly from young offenders and asked to join our educational training programme, currently they are with us and regularly attend, we have been working close with their probation team and family to ensure this continues.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £150,894 SPRINGFIELD YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE We will use the additional top-up grant to contrubute towards the cost of supporting the training and development of another young person to achive a coaching award and other certificals such as First Aid, Mental Health First Aid and Safeguarding. This will mean we will have a team of three young leaders working alongside professionally qualified coaches and youth workers who have demonstarted their competence to work with young people who have low rates of participation.
13/10/2021 £1,159 LEEDS PHOENIX LIFE SAVING CLUB We have successfully been able to maintain, but actually lower and make our membership rates more affordable - which has led to a huge boom in interest and new members joining the club. We were also able to offer a "first month free trial" over August due to some of the funding and this sparked lots of interest and have had significant people then committing to learning and training with the club. With the increase in members that we were hoping for, we also ended up buying some additional equipment to enable us to train these members well. The current membership rate has increased by 25% since this investment and we are eternally grateful.
13/10/2021 £1,159 GREAT HORTON PARK CHAPEL CRICKET CLUB We were also fortunate to benefit from a return to cricket grant from the ECB and a re-opening hospitality grant from Bradford Council. This helped us provide an outside seating area in front of the clubhouse with tables and seating. Our clubhouse is many years old, built on a slope and does not have any level access. We were able to install a ramped access to the seating area so it could be enjoyed by all. We have subsequently been successful in gaining a capital grant for disabled facilities, to enable us to install a patio door off the seating area to allow level access to the clubhouse for wheelchair users directly in to the clubhouse. This is to be installed in November this year and involves the removal of an existing window, breaking through and removing and relocating an existing radiator inside. The decorations inside are somewhat dated and rather than making good around the new patio door we are seeking to redecorate the clubhouse throughout to make it more modern and family friendly. We would use a top-up grant to help us achieve this. We are organising a children's Halloween party and a Christmas party and are actively promoting the clubhouse in the local community for use for birthday parties etc.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £35,836 CASTLEFORD COMMUNITY PADDLESPORTS CLUB/CHARITY One of the areas we have discovered we need to invest some more money in is our leadership pipeline. We are in need to grow and develop more coaches through the club who can deliver sessions at different times/days. We managed to get through summer but at times was a struggle with our small pool of volunteers. The top up will enable us to train at least 4 new coaches in British Canoeing qualifications inc paddle explore, Foundation safety and rescue training, sheltered water SUP and Paddlesport Leader. These new coaches will put is in a very good position as we look to offer more sessions to more people.
13/10/2021 £1,159 STANLEY RANGERS ARLFC The additional top up would enable us to be able to block book winter facilities for all the teams , This would help us all as we don't have the funds this season within the teams like previous years due to no rugby activity for nearly a year meaning team subs weren't paid. We have over the past two months started to establish a women's team which is for girls from 16 years old plus. Their season runs through the winter period and training will be important for this team over this period more so and offers some security that come the bad weather and pitches being closed they can still offer the opportunity for this team to train and expand.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £93,246 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH/ LOVING COMMUNITY We would love to be able to buy A football kit, do some more advertising and give more youth & young adults more opportunities to grow and develop in the area of football.
13/10/2021 £1,159 HUNSLET NELSON CRICKET CLUB The top up grant will be used to provide October half term holiday camps at the club and continue the good work from the summer camps. The camps will feature all the previous activities in the summer as we had excellent feedback.
13/10/2021 £1,159 BOWLING BAPTIST CRICKET CLUB The original grant allowed the club to gain a foothold of sustainability after the Covid19 lockdowns by contributing to core costs in continued absence of catering income. This platform then allowed us to to provide a wider range of cricketing activity for young people at reduced cost as we continue to grow the club. Examples of activities this summer were training more level 1 coaches through the YCB/ECB, providing summer holiday children's cricket, mixed gender community cricket friendlies plus the core activities of running 3 league cricket teams with the Saturday second team providing the dedicated space for the development of young adults
13/10/2021 £1,159 1IN12 CRICKET CLUB 1in12 have secured a booking every Thursday throughout the winter to run a community indoor cricket league at the Bilal Sports Centre in Harehills. This league will be mixed gendered and for all abilities and ages. Any additional funding will help cover the cost of hiring the sports hall, the purchase of specialist equipment and the opportunity to offer concessionary match fees (as discussed above) for students, the unemployed/low waged and refugees. Funding would also be used to pay for outdoor ground hire and specialist equipment in order to offer free children’s cricket taster sessions prior to the start of the season in April 2022. We are also looking into the potential for crèche provision during these sessions with the aim of widening community participation.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £20,514 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD The top up grant will be used for the following 1) Volunteer training - health and safety, . This will be 4 young people aged between 18 -24 yrs old 2) Targeting BAME Young women and girls to participate in the sports programme. Holding Open day for women to come and see what we are doing - encouraging participation. 3) Designing a bike ride route planner- this will include bike ride routes in the local green spaces and surrounding areas. This will be done by volunteers ,and local community members who will research which bike routes will be accessible . 4) Community Family Bike Ride Celebrations Day - We hope to invite families in the area to come and watch a film about cycling , have a coffee ,cake and we want to get people to join our group and encourage people to take up cycling as a way to keep fit ,meet people and form friendships. We will also get young people to come and take part. This event will take place in the All Saints Church Hall , Highfield Lane
13/10/2021 £1,159 FRICKLEY ATHLETIC SAINTS We want to spend the grant on promotional materials, transport & coaching equipment appropriate to pop-up sessions across our area. To fund alongside other potential funding streams & partnerships. Our intention is not to build the sport, but to offer other young people the same opportunities & encouragement of positive values that we have shared with other participants. With additional funding for promotional material & for transportation we can look to engage more young people from across the area. Our area is made up of a series of towns & villages with limited public transport connections. We are looking to set up "roadshow" or touring open participant sessions across the area, working in conjunction with organisations & schools across our area. The focus for these sessions would be participation with some, but not a high priority, of healthy competition. Activities would involve basic movement skills, fundamental techniques (passing & catching) and with a fun participation game. There is a version of American Football ideal for this, known as "Flag Football". This version is non-contact, does not require full playing equipment and focuses on the basics of the game. It is ideal for an open participation or introductory approach. The funding would go towards promotional material for this project, travel costs across the area & equipment (flag belts, appropriate footballs & coaching materials)
13/10/2021 £1,159 OAKWORTH JUNIORS FOOTBALL CLUB The additional grant will help with our ground maintenance and also go towards repairing the steps going up to the changing room. This will ensure that football is as available as possible to our 200 children within the club.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £232,000 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD Thanks to your generous initial grant of £2021, we have been able to continue to develop our junior football teams and now have and two mixed gender under 12s teams and an under 9s mixed team all playing in local leagues. With your funding we've been able to purchase new equipment for all our 3 teams, each in sizes appropriate to their ages and abilities. This includes balls and nets as well as practise and training equipment. As we are based at a community centre, we share much of our gear with a local youth programme, meaning that equipment has a shorter than normal lifespan. Your funding is also helping us work towards increased financial stability for our club through greater local awareness which helps attract small donations from local sources.
13/10/2021 £1,159 £6,763 WAKEFIELD AUTISM LEISURE CLUB We would love a top up grant to help us purchase more new equipment for us to use in sessions. Athletes have really enjoyed trying new things out and there are some more things that we are interested in purchasing.
13/10/2021 £1,159 WAKEFIELD WHIRLWINDS WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL CLUB On the weekend of 11th and 12th September, Whirlwinds hosted a Paralympic Legacy Event where our Junior Club and U-15's held 'open sessions' on the Saturday and then Development players would train alongside club players on the Sunday. Two new members came on the Saturday which was brilliant but, in addition, four of the U-15's were 'promoted' from the Saturday session and came and trained alongside the first and second team players on the Sunday. We would very much like to make this a regular rather than just a 'one-off'.
06/10/2021 £2,500 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Winter Warmer is a series of health and wellbeing support and activities focused on building resilience and supporting older people during the challenging winter months, reducing isolation amongst vulnerable and frail older people in Holbeck and encouraging them to go out and making new and maintaining social connections after 2 years of the affects of being predominantly home-based due to shielding or reluctance to go out as a result of this.
06/10/2021 £2,500 £236,811,000 MHA COMMUNITIES SOUTH LEEDS A 'Welcoming Wednesday' social group providing lunch and activities, advice and support and digital help during the Winter months of January, February & March 2022 which will reduce social isolation & loneliness during the bleakest, coldest time of the year and help our members to stay active and in touch
06/10/2021 £2,500 £77,966 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO Our project will support the older age population of Burmantofts to stay well and healthy this winter, checking on mental and physical health with drop-in coffee morning sessions for in person support where people can get help with finance and family issues, telephone support for wellbeing checks and referral work. And winter packs to help give people essential items to continue keeping well, the project will be open to communities and cultures in the area.
06/10/2021 £3,600 £707,424 BASIS YORKSHIRE By offering tailored activities and winter warmth facilities for women who sex work and who are sexually exploited we will improve their physical and mental health during winter through improved access to health services and reduced isolation and participation in life skills workshops and other wellbeing activities.
06/10/2021 £4,845 £1,193,358 PEOPLE IN ACTION We will provide a dedicated project worker to support our learning-disabled members to maximise their understanding of how to be well this winter through triaging need, providing accessible information, practical support and winter warmth items and referring on to appropriate agencies.
06/10/2021 £2,800 BEETEY DIN We would like to encourage elderly women from south Leeds to be active and safe during winter.
06/10/2021 £3,848 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE We would plan to to deliver over 100 Winter Warmer Packs and co-ordinate a befriending service (including digital support) to those who have been restricted with contact with other people due to lockdowns, shielding and social isolation.
06/10/2021 £2,500 £236,811,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH Members will be personally handed an insulated lidded mug, together with a sachet of soup or hot chocolate to provide a comforting warm drink, available for future use and additionally there will be a leaflet containing important winter information all wrapped up in cellophane with a personalised label.
06/10/2021 £1,765 £253,592 HOME-START LEEDS Please provide a one sentence summary of your project Supporting babies and children's physical, mental well-being and development by using the fund to provide warm, comfortable clothing, bedding to stay 'cosy' both in and outside their homes.
06/10/2021 £1,925 £70,153 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Help to access a safe drop-in and group activities for refugees and asylum seekers in which they can access short and long term support in the form of food, clothing, computer access, sports activities, English classes, skills based activities/learning, volunteering opportunities, the opportunity to work on an allotment, receive support and advocacy, social togetherness and a feeling of purpose and belonging - for individuals and families
06/10/2021 £2,120 £234,060 MOOR ALLERTON ELDERLY CARE Targeting older people with multiple vulnerabilities such as housebound due to poor health or disability, limited social contacts, or low income, who need additional support to help them live well through the winter, we will arrange transport where needed tobring them to our centre once a week for a new Winter Breakfast Club, accompanied by social interaction, health and wellbeing information and direct referrals on for support services.
06/10/2021 £2,495 £34,601 DIAL LEEDS LTD Well This Winter 2021-22 is the DIAL LEEDS personally tailored holistically focused peer support programme for disabled people and individuals with long-term conditions including mental health issues to meet the person’s own specific social, emotional and practical needs this winter through building community connections, support networks, coping strategies and resilience which in turn, boosts confidence, self-esteem and physical and mental wellbeing.
06/10/2021 £2,497 £4,842,338 BID SERVICES We plan to deliver an arts and crafts project for older adults living in Leeds with sensory impairments delivering activities to them within their homes, working with them to complete the activities and addressing any wider support needs they may have; our project aims to reduce social isolation, provide social connections and encourage people to be engaged in services and activities, especially over the cold winter months.
06/10/2021 £1,983 £548,449 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE A range of inclusive weekly activities and resources to target those people with multiple vulnerabilities or disadvantages who are most at risk of becoming unwell over winter, due to cold and severe weather, as well as low income and education.
06/10/2021 £2,477 £4,138,506 LEEDS JEWISH WELFARE BOARD Building on our community Covid-19 response to support the most vulnerable people in our community, in particular, people with learning disabilities and those people who are older or frail, and brighten their winter, by providing additional and enhanced services to reduce loneliness, support their mental and physical wellbeing, and help them flourish throughout the darkest months of the year.
06/10/2021 £2,312 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT This project will support MHA Communities Rothwell to deliver a programme of trips throughout the winter months which will ensure service users are able to stay active and socialise with others.
06/10/2021 £2,150 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Volunteers and staff will provide winter welfare checks during the delivery of' 'Craic Packs' containing Irish food fare, a winter warmth thermal gift and public health information to older vulnerable members of the Irish and wider community.
06/10/2021 £2,496 £771,799 FEEL GOOD FACTOR This will be an intergenerational project aimed at children and families and those over the age of 60 who are socially isolated. The purpose is to help reduce loneliness and social isolation over the winter period. Creating cohesive communities and bridging the generation gap
06/10/2021 £1,750 LEEDS LGBT+ COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM C/O PROJECT FREEDOM (PRIDE OF PLACE) The project is an inter-generational initiative with a dual focus namely, on-line activities covering a wide range of topics, with an emphasis upon promoting health and wellbeing and improving digital literacy supplemented by physical activities such as drop in's, meet up's, cook and eat sessions, walks and leisure activities suggested by the membership.
06/10/2021 £2,475 £125,635 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON To offer an increased portfolio of group activities over the Winter period encompassing exercise, therapeutic and social support sessions that are, where possible, accessed in person or via digital means and which will involve training for staff, volunteers and members in becoming more attuned to different methods of delivering and receiving services and the possibilities this provides for innovation and self-reliance
06/10/2021 £2,493 £233,003,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY The Winter friends club, will aim to support local older people, many of who are isolated and vulnerable, through telephone calls, face to face befriending, and shopping support, over the winter period.
29/09/2021 £14,960 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING We are looking to progress a previously piloted programme called 'The Skill Tree'. The project offers free training in carpentry, empowering people to learn to build products for our shop via peer-on-peer learning methods. Building confidence, community, independence and employability skills.
29/09/2021 £14,893 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Mindfulness for All: building capacity to deliver responsive community-based mindfulness training to support health, wellbeing and quality of life for people in Leeds
29/09/2021 £4,000 SEASON WELL CIC To develop the Full Circle- Season Well Edible Garden to enable us to provide food growing for wellbeing activities for older people, people with disabilities and people suffering ill-health.
29/09/2021 £3,988 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Social Enterprise Café and catering company with a difference, giving opportunity for people who need added help to develop and learn skills towards employment and volunteering placements.
21/09/2021 £2,850 £420,245 HARROGATE AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY ACTION (HADCA) We will reach ‘under the radar’ individuals with information and education about energy efficiency, the Priority Services Register and carbon monoxide poisoning when visiting their homes to undertake practical jobs, and via mailshots to clients who are struggling to access this information online
21/09/2021 £4,625 £24,928 PARKER TRUST Delivery of a STEM ((Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education programme to inspire creativity and spark critical thinking for the benefit of disadvantaged young people.
21/09/2021 £4,915 £248,426 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ORGANISATION OF SUNDERLAND (ICOS) The project will focus on encouraging interest, raising awareness and improving women’s skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (SETM) sector among BME women. We will deliver needs tailored, one-to-one advice and support with employability and progress into STEM roles/ careers and we will deliver a series of workshops relating to STEM sector and BME women’s underrepresentation within these jobs, we will invite STEM ambassadors and motivational speakers to these workshops.
21/09/2021 £5,430 CITY OF HULL SPORT AND COMMUNITY GROUP CIC ‘Switch On’ will empower 100 vulnerable individuals affected by poverty and inequality to come together to participate in local, accessible education opportunities which alleviate hardship associated with fuel poverty, raise awareness of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, provide tips on reducing consumption of energy, and promote use of the Priority Services Register.
21/09/2021 £5,000 £23,294 DEAF AWARENESS: NE Our project will bring together deaf and hard of hearing people, along with their hearing counterparts, in a weekly get-together, to discuss, debate and decide on effective uses of energy within their own homes and their broader communities.
21/09/2021 £10,000 £132,130 NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Supporting migrants to the UK in understanding the concept of energy in their home, how to use it safely, how to conserve energy and avoid fuel debt, as many migrants don’t understand energy consumption, metering and bills, and language barriers increase the issues that they face making it more likely that they will end up in fuel debt without any intervention - we will provide practical support to assist them in understanding and accessing relevant support.
21/09/2021 £3,180 RACKETS CUBED We partner with schools and “aspirational host sites” e.g. universities and private clubs in areas of high disadvantage to offer a weekly, school year long, integrated racket sports, STEM education and nutrition programme at the aspirational host site.
21/09/2021 £2,500 £47,708 CARLISLE SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND Awareness raising amongst people with sight loss about the priority register scheme.
21/09/2021 £6,000 £25,201 ACAP (AFRICAN CARIBBEAN ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT) STEM 4 All is a new project that provides weekly STEM education in the form of 1-1 tutoring, group work and workshops to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project deepens young peoples’ engagement with STEM using hands-on learning activities, informational books and stories infused with science, technology, engineering and mathematical concepts. Young people will learn valuable skills integrating reading, writing, spelling, grammar, critical thinking, scientific methodology, maths, statistics and much more.
21/09/2021 £2,694 £1,209 STEPPING STONES BABY BANK To provide safe sleeping equipment to babies and children and safety equipment to keep little ones safe.
21/09/2021 £1,500 SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL (SVP), MOTHER OF UNFAILING HELP, LEEDS​ To enable our local SVP organisation to purchase essential household items (furniture, white goods) for those in need on a case by case basis
21/09/2021 £473 TANGRAM HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE Reducing flue poverty and providing communal washing facilities.
20/09/2021 £3,200 £1,073 FRIENDS OF DOROTHY To bring together older LGBTQ+ people in West Yorkshire to design, plan and deliver a programme of social, health and wellbeing activities to reduce isolation and foster a sense of connectedness to improve mental and emotional health.
20/09/2021 £3,000 LEEDS ANIMATION WORKSHOP A short series of creative workshops with older isolated LGBT people (who come from all over the city of Leeds), culminating in a short animated film which will then be screened at a group event.
20/09/2021 £1,250 LEEDS LGBT+ COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM C/O PROJECT FREEDOM (PRIDE OF PLACE) The focus is upon improving participation by recruiting and training both older and younger LGBT+ people, with a particular emphasis upon those housebound through poor health or disability, to carry out a range of activities essential to the day to day functioning and long term development of the Leeds LGBT+ Community Consortium (LLCC).
20/09/2021 £2,400 £1,488,083 YORKSHIRE MESMAC Loneliness and isolation among older members of the LGBTQ+ community in Leeds remains high, even as we drift out of COVID, and knowledge of and access to services like SAGE are still less than ideal, so this project will spend six months developing new/lasting referral pathways to ensure an increased number of people in need are referred to us, and other organisations in our network, widening our reach and strengthening our effectiveness
20/09/2021 £1,800 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC A program of mindfulness for wellbeing to support mental and physical health, build connections and community and reduce social isolation amongst older LGBT+ people in Leeds.
14/09/2021 £5,000 THE SOCIAL MOBILITY FOUNDATION The Neil Stevens Residential Programme provides support to students across the UK. Participants are provided with a mentor from the fellowship, university application support (including trips to universities and help with writing the personal statement, aptitude tests and interviews), skills workshops and a placement facilitated by Neil Stevens with participating partner organisations including Zoopla, Not on the High Street and Apple Retail,
13/09/2021 £10,000 MAPA BRADFORD Each participant will receive 2.5 hours engagement time .
13/09/2021 £6,517 £323,819 STEP 2 YOUNG PEOPLE'S HEALTH PROJECT A supportive small group for young people who do not fit into the youth group, and who prefer a quieter session, offering positive activities, new experiences and an opportunity to form new friendships.
13/09/2021 £5,000 MIZKAST - THEATRE AND MULTI MEDIA ARTS The 12 month project will work with a group of LGBTQIA+ young people in consultation sessions to discuss issues and themes which affect their community and look for creative solutions and project ideas which will empower and give a voice to young people. Young people who are part of this project will take the role of Youth Ambassador for our organisation and provide voices of social action.
13/09/2021 £9,870 £136,529 BRADFORD BULLS FOUNDATION ‘Raise Your Game’ is a two-year intervention that will work with local secondary school partners and West Yorkshire Police to engage forty young people (twenty per year) aged 13 – 16 who have been identified based on intelligence around risk taking behaviour (specifically drugs) in a targeted, sport inspired youth programme that empowers leadership development, healthy lifestyle awareness, and local social action.
23/08/2021 £10,000 £353,140 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
23/08/2021 £8,959 £138,819 DOWN SYNDROME TRAINING & SUPPORT SERVICE LTD Grant to Down Syndrome Training & Support Service Ltd
23/08/2021 £10,000 IMPACT NORTH LTD Grant to IMPACT North Ltd
23/08/2021 £9,900 £253,528 HUNSLET INITIATIVE Grant to Hunslet Initiative
23/08/2021 £9,930 £95,848 ST CHRISTOPHER'S FAMILY CENTRE Grant to St Christopher's Family Centre
23/08/2021 £9,952 £14,649 16-2-25 ADVICE ADVOCACY ACTION Grant to 16-2-25 advice advocacy action
23/08/2021 £10,000 £114,376 ROOTED IN Grant to Rooted In
23/08/2021 £9,985 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE Grant to Keighley Association for Women and Children Centre
23/08/2021 £10,000 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
23/08/2021 £40,000 £403,927 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
17/08/2021 £500 HIDDEN OWLS Grant to Hidden Owls
17/08/2021 £500 READ EASY LEEDS Grant to Read Easy Leeds
13/07/2021 £4,405 £3,895,580 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE Our project is to rejuvenate the existing clapped out and very uninviting Hill Top Playground at the Beckhills Estate in the Miles Hill area of Leeds, by removing the existing life-expired play equipment and safety surfacing and installing modern and exciting play equipment, plus some informal play features.
07/07/2021 £10,590 £109,000 GIPTON TOGETHER We are planning on running Holiday Camp for up to 70 children/young people aged 5yrs to 18yrs which will be run throughout the day in the Summer.
07/07/2021 £7,000 PINGPONG4U To provide a wide range of fun, stimulating and engaging table tennis activities. We have a wide range of games that everyone will love. We have excellent equipment that we will bring along to each session. We have a "play on line contingency plan" if COVID restrictions are re imposed.
07/07/2021 £7,000 £479,092 SPACE2 LEEDS Fun and healthy activities with nutritious food for young people and families across East North East Leeds, delivered by organisations within the Orion consortium (Space2, Zest and Feel Good Factor)
07/07/2021 £12,000 BRAVE WORDS CIC Fun and exciting drama and creative arts activities across three disadvantaged areas of Leeds where we work regularly during term time; providing a space where children can have fun, play, socialise, make theatre, grow confidence and find their creative voice, ending with a performance sharing for parents and families.
07/07/2021 £8,250 LEEDS CHILDREN'S CHARITY Activity breaks, with food and transport for the most in need young people from the city of Leeds. The charity is working in partnership with the local authority and also a number of other VCS organisations - details of which can be found below.
07/07/2021 £12,000 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC A youth-led activity programme delivered over the summer and Christmas holidays for children aged 5-16 years old based in Burmantofts, providing a wide range of fun activities and hot nutritious food for children who would like to come along to make new friends, meet our team and have fun.
07/07/2021 £6,420 £325 TEAM DANIEL TeamDaniel will work in partnership with Bee Happy Kids to deliver a camp during the Summer and Christmas holidays providing a range of fun and enriching activities including arts, crafts and sports coupled with access to nutritious meals for children and young people eligible for free school meals in Yeadon.
07/07/2021 £11,173 CREATIVE FRAME Build and animate a fun character out of fruit and veg, record your own voice to make it talk, and eat healthy snacks as you create!
07/07/2021 £5,990 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL To provide activities for young people during the Summer & Christmas holidays to provide stimulation and learning, and give respite to parents and carers.
07/07/2021 £7,000 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES RSTS is an exciting summer programme for young people aged 11-16 in Beeston Hill. Throughout the summer holidays on a Tuesday-Friday at St Luke's Church we will run a wide range of activities including sports, crafts, cooking and trips and provide a nutrious lunch each day.
07/07/2021 £10,500 £262,817 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS The renovated Chapel FM Arts Centre, which now includes an on-site professional kitchen and Community Cafe will offer a free, month-long immersive radio, music and creative writing summer camp and shorter Christmas period camp for up to 55 young people age 11-18 from largely underprivileged families in East Leeds.
07/07/2021 £6,940 SEASON WELL CIC We are offering acitivites only sessions for other groups to provide food growing and cooking activities for their Healthy Holiday programmes working across venues throughout Leeds.
07/07/2021 £9,373 £1,221,695 LEEDS RHINOS FOUNDATION A free package of high-quality summer camp provision for children receiving free school meals in venues across Leeds, combining inclusive, engaging sports activities, interactive healthy workshops, and free nutritious packed lunches; opening communication and support channels between local community venues, rugby league clubs and families living within these communities.
07/07/2021 £3,984 CHAMPIONS COMMUNITY SPORT AND HEALTH CIC To provide young people, particularly those in receipt of free school meals, who live in LS9, LS10 and LS11 postcodes, aged 11-16, with a structured, fun and engaging activity in the summer holidays, which includes a nutritious meal, reducing anti social behaviour/gang culture and improving mental health.
07/07/2021 £6,684 £225,035 THE ZONE Summer 2021 will bring joy back to young peoples lives with an activity filled summer at The Zone. Our programme will incorporate activities and projects around our weekly themes; Media week, Summer vibes week, Creative week, Water week and rounding off summer with a Carnival week.
07/07/2021 £11,986 STITCH-UP CIC We will deliver a fun and enriching 4 week Summer & 1 wk Christmas Craft School including a programme of exciting craft and design workshops at both our Little London and Meanwood Studios for children aged 5-18 which will include healthy snacks, drinks and a hot meal for lunch
07/07/2021 £6,930 £424,975 LS-TEN The project will tackle holiday hunger and inactivity by providing opportunities to partake in new and exciting wheeled sports with the help of our experienced coaches, while also providing healthy meals through our partners the Real Junk Food Project all based at LS-TEN Indoor Skatepark.
07/07/2021 £9,900 LET'S DO MORE CIC Brilliant basketball sessions and food provision for young people of Beeston, Chapeltown and surrounding areas.
01/07/2021 £30,000 £103,789 THE GOOD SHEPHERD CENTRE Our ambition is to establish a Wellbeing Cafe that offers an inclusive, informal, safe and supportive environment which aims to encourage social interaction, tackle loneliness, promote resilience and provide health information and educational opportunities for the wider community. We would like to carry the work of the Keith Thomson Centre.
01/07/2021 £14,904 £66,500 FRIENDS OF SILSDEN TOWN HALL The aim of the project is to support older Silsden residents to get better connected using IT, become more independent, reduce loneliness and improve confidence and wellbeing.
01/07/2021 £15,000 GET OUT MORE CIC Nature Hub will establish a green social prescribing group in Keighley which offers an accessible programme of regular outdoor sessions that improve physical and mental wellbeing through connecting with nature.
01/07/2021 £14,220 £65,754 KEIGHLEY CREATIVE CIO Developed as a evidence-based, social prescribing tool for change, we will run weekly dementia friendly art, story and well-being sessions as a mixed on-line and face-to-face offer for our local communities.
01/07/2021 £14,753 MISSING PEACE WELLBEING + SUPPORT To progress peer support in the community by training volunteers and working towards sustainable sources of funding and income to meet the rising demand and referrals from Primary Care, NHS Services and Social Prescribers for accessible mental health support.
01/07/2021 £30,000 £1,436,876 CELLAR TRUST We will employ a Peer Support Worker with lived mental health experience to provide much needed mental health and signposting support to people accessing Project 6’s The Third Place initiative, where people often experience multiple disadvantages, including poor mental health and drug/alcohol problems which create barriers to accessing statutory services.
01/07/2021 £30,000 £94,469 BANGLADESHI COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BRADFORD The local community has a wide range of identifiable health inequalities and we will provide health and well being support, particularly in accessing activities to the Bangladeshi community in Keighley and Airedale, to reduce some of these inequalities.
01/07/2021 £3,550 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD "To Empower , Enable ,Encourage Communities to participate actively in their Personal ,Family and Communities Health and Well Being".
01/07/2021 £4,000 £6,478 SCAR COVER UP FREEDOM FUND We want to provide a practical group workshop to provide people with the tools and support to stop self-harming, as well as deliver more self-harm crisis management training courses.
01/07/2021 £4,000 £40,665 BRACKEN BANK & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION The opening of our Health Hub is aimed at abating Loneliness & Helping Working through "Well-being" Issues:. As well as offering assistance to getting back to work :Running a Job Club:
01/07/2021 £3,073 £218,783 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING A feasibility study to investigate the needs and support required in relation to heart conditions and how people would like to access community support. Engaging with GPs and social prescribers we aim to better understand how they want to refer patients.
01/07/2021 £4,000 POSITIVE STRENGTH TRAINING CIC Staying Steady project delivering evidence based strength and balance groups and education for older people in Keighley.
01/07/2021 £4,000 SPACE TO INSPIRE We want to work with local social prescribers and patients to research the activities we can offer that will most benefit local patients who are in need of opportunities for support, education & connection.
01/07/2021 £4,000 STC - SAFEGUARDING THROUGH COMMUNITIES C.I.C. Our project is to primarily promote the integration of health and community in efforts to make Keighley a better town.
08/06/2021 £142,500 £198,416 LS14 TRUST The creation of 15000 activity packs to be distributed across the city to encourage young people to stay active and creatively engaged during a summer restricted by Covid.
08/06/2021 £2,021 OAKWORTH JUNIORS FOOTBALL CLUB We welcome children of all ages, abilities, gender from across the region to engage in football activities and training. This gets the children outdoors in a warm environment giving them chance to mix with their current friends and also to meet other from different schools. We promote positive values, sportsmanship and friendship that crosses all barriers boosting life skills and life values that will help them develop as human beings in the future.
08/06/2021 £2,021 LEEDS DYNAMITE DANCE For us, dancing is more than just dancing! We love the physical aspect of our sport, creating routines, building fitness, watching all of the dancers develop their styles, skills and how much they enjoy it, or the looks on their faces when they have learnt something new - there's no doubt about that! However, we know our group is more than "just dancing" we strive to ensure that dance is a safe place for our children and young people, an escape, a place to meet with and socialise with peers and build new friendships, a place most have described as their "happy place." Dance and physical activity is proven to positively impact and improve a person's mental health, it is a way to express and feel emotions through movement and the endorphins released during this positively impacts a persons mental health. Dance also encourages participation and inclusion in a team. Dancers are able to physically do something they enjoy whilst also meeting with peers and build friendships that usually progress outside of dance classes too. We are based in Middleton, once of the most deprived areas in Leeds. Without community groups like ours there is a risk some of these children would end up falling into crime and anti-social behaviour, often because there is little to do in our area rather than this being their choice. We have been able to work with hundreds of children and young people to ensure their involvement in antisocial behaviour and crime is reduced, that they have an interest and a hobby which discourages them from partaking in antisocial behaviour. We have a great group of volunteer coaches and junior coaches (aged 14-18) who are themselves, dancers within our group but have worked hard and built up to becoming coaches and role models for our younger generations. Some of these coaches have also, as a result of their time dancing with the group continued in their education and studies to apply for specialist dance colleges, a level courses and some have progressed to University to study dance as something they want to take seriously as their career path. Attendance at our classes and being a part of our team instills skills and values which are transferrable through to both life and employability - examples include time keeping and time management, organization and reliability - all are evidenced through a dancers commitment to attending classes, ensuring they are arriving prepared and on time and also through their involvement in local and national dance competitions. They are encouraged to be respectful and demonstrated good sportsmanship to other teams and have built up great relationships through doing this. Dancing with us as part of team, we work with individuals to build up their confidence and self esteem through support, guidance and praise with the end goal of each dancer taking part in a performance, show or competition - encouraging them to overcome their fears and believe that they are capable of achieving their goals.
08/06/2021 £2,021 HAREHILLS PARK CROWN GREEN BOWLING CLUB Crown Green Bowling is predominantly known as an old mans game - in actual fact this is far from the truth, there is a thriving junior league but numbers are diminishing as access particularly across Leeds is difficult, greens are closed when members aren't playing due to historically having issues with anti social behaviour. The public and many children dont know theres a bowling green (x2) even when visiting the park and playing in the playground some 20 metres away due to them being shielding by heavy hedging and fencing. As children get older and have their freedom it is when the curiosity gets to them, a little like the forbidden fruit. They just want to go and this is deemed anti social, therefor creating animosity, older players feeling intimidated by a group of youths walking into the grounds while they are playing so has over the years resulted in a vicious cycle of closing greens but then as sadly older members pass the younger generations havent been exposed to the games and numbers dwindle, our goal is to bring young people and families to the sport, encourage youngsters to come and try the game and in turn not only increase memberships which will help sustain the club for existing members and generations to come but to build stronger relations ships between generations and communities. Many bowlers start bowls when they retire around 60/65 years and all bowlers who start at this age wish they had taken it up many years previously. This is one sport that older people can actually play and age is no barrier, an 11 year old can play a 90 year old and they both have the same chance of winning. For many older bowlers the social aspect is quite literally what keeps them going, as spouses pass on they are often lonely and bowls is their life line. The mental health of our members old and young has been tested this last 12 months more than ever and together as a community everyone can help each other live in peace and harmony, respect one another and have some good, old fashioned competetive fun. Our ultimate goal for young people of Harehills where 70% are from the BAME backgrounds is to ensure they have a safe place to come and learn a new skill that literally can last a lifetime, there's no other sport where you can play until you are in your 90s - so this is a skill worth having. This will reduce anti social behaviour by giving them somewhere to go, to be part of a team, to build relationships and help within the club to improve the space we play and live, they will respect their neighbourhood and ofcourse will provide life experience to improve their employability once of working age Many bowlers
08/06/2021 £2,021 KICKING FOR GRASSROOTS CIC Our aim as a CIC is to improve the lives of those we work with via sport. We have hosted many youth projects with the sole purpose of developing skills, improving mental health/ physical fitness and motivating children and young people to become actively engaged in sport. We work towards developing life skills by facilitating sessions where leadership is key. We encourage young people to develop peer to peer sessions, being central to devising, planning and delivering sport based activities as well as talking workshops where they address current issues, all of which have come from young people consultations and feedback. We provide sessions around self-control, perspective taking, communication, making connections, critical thinking, engaged learning and taking on challenges. Our work as a CIC, at its core, is to build stronger communities and encourage ownership and positive change. We utilise sport to bring people together and form relationships and lasting change through the associated benefits of physical activity. Our programmes often have a social action element and we encourage our children and young people to become involved in projects within the local area, either with ourselves or signposting partner organisations. In the past, we have been involved with many fundraising activities for various local causes, championing young people participation and often training our young people as active leaders, going onto volunteer in assorted capacities. We improve mental health by motivating and re-energising our young people, giving them purpose and supported access to activities perhaps previously unavailable. Our work is centred around inclusivity and positivity, and all of our sessions have been designed to bring about not just improved mental health, but improved aspirations also. We help develop employability skills by hosting personal development/ leadership programmes. We have previously trained young people to become volunteers, actively leading peer to peer work, utilising skills learnt and being able to practice their new competencies. This type of work experience is vital in CV building and of course confidence building to enter the work arena. Our work always includes workshops around youth offending, crime and anti-social behaviour. Our core message is positive actions for positive results. We try to imbibe a sense of community cohesion/ ownership through our social action projects and show young people the effects their actions, both positive and negative, can have on not just themselves, but those around them. We work closely with local authorities and other partner organisations to try to target those who would benefit most from our work, this often involves those who are involved in crimes/ anti-social behaviour or those at risk of being so.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £47,873 UNITY ACADEMY In Summer 2019 we ran a summer camp at the gym the camp was organised as a diversionary activity for young people and aimed to support those are at risk of getting involved in ASB and crime we worked with partners from Education, Police to Youth Offending, Bradford Hate Crime Alliance and Social Housing Providers to have a range of referral routes and also to bring in professionals to speak to young and advise them on life choices and the dangers of criminal and anti social activity. this was really successful and if not for the Pandemic and Coivid 19, we would have run a similar programme in 2020. Imran Khan the MP for the area wrote to us and thanked us for the contribution we were making in the area and we have a letter sent on Government Headed paper. In addition this was hailed as being an innovative project amongst area coordinators in the City
08/06/2021 £2,021 WOODLANDS CRICKET CLUB Woodlands CC is an ECB Clubmark accredited club with 2 senior teams playing in the Bradford Premier Cricket League and junior teams ranging from U9s to U15s. We also run an AllStars programme. The club was established in 1894 and is situated in the inner city of Bradford and is surrounded by a number of multi-cultural communities. Bradford is considered an area of deprivation. Developing life skills: The club is run on a voluntary basis and has been a hub of the community for a long period of time. From the age of 5 children learn and develop from being involved with the club. Building strong communities: We pride ourselves in being a diverse and inclusive cricket club and an active part of the local community, providing a safe and friendly environment for all. e are located on one of the most deprived areas of the country that has some of the worst sports and community facilities. On top of this we have one of the highest BAME populations in the UK, many residents are isolate, lonely and are inactive due to there being no where to exercise. The project will create sustainable community meeting the diverse needs of existing and future residents, creating a community space that will promote cohesion, improve health and wellbeing, equality and diversity, provide volunteering, job opportunities, improve the environment, and provide a high quality of life. Our junior teams comprise of both girls and boys of all ages and abilities. Our junior training night regularly attracts over 60 children and is led by our head junior coach, Mohammed Salim. West Yorkshire Girls Cricket use our club as a base and run all of their training from it. Developing employability and reducing anti social behaviour:This project is critical so that those opportunities are available and a time, location that is within the community. By reducing social isolation the project will pull the community together, we will engage community members so that they will get involved and contribute. People will have opportunities to volunteer; clubs and new groups will be established. Residents will have the opportunity to gain new skills, helping the local economy and employment. The ground will become a focus for the community, an attractive and safe environment for residents to access. The area will benefit from understanding, better community relations and positive attitudes for BME communities. This project will encourage and sustain the local community to do more physical activity. Schools will use the facility more often during the daytime, when the facility isn't used. Our aim is to leave a long-term legacy, which allows everyone to participate for generations to come.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £35,836 CASTLEFORD COMMUNITY PADDLESPORTS CLUB/CHARITY Aims to promote a healthy mind set to developing courage and a sense of adventure to try something new and completley different. To become aware of how their local area has so much to offer out in nature which they can enjoy and interact with the wild life which is on offer helping to promote a happier mind set. Developing so many social life skills and helping to become part of their local community and gain a respect and a sense of belonging to where they live. Improving mental health through playing out in nature and remember what it was like to just play. Being on the water can be relaxing but can also be very anxiety driven so being supported to over come fears that are holding people back from really enjoying who they are and with others too. Creating a new set of friends and feeling they are contributing to their community and living in a are of such natural beauty will encourage people of the community to look after their neighbourhoods and help litter picking, garding a long the canal side. The club will be a source of activity for the local community and will help reduce the anti social behaviour that is apparent by providing activities within a budget the local community and enjoy
08/06/2021 £2,021 HARTSHEAD MOOR CC We accept any child regardless of financial consideration, skill level ,sex, disability. We have had children that fit into the above description develop and play for our senior teams, we also had a girl who went on to play for England ladies. Our juniors like to spend their free time practicing their skills under their own steam (as well as organised practice), this helps to reduce crime and anti social behaviour in the local community. They also have respect for the ground that they are playing on, so less likely to cause damage to it and other similar areas. Being part of a team gives important life skills and ultimately makes youngsters more employable. As an employer i always prefer to see potential employees who play (or have played) team sports. Being out on the field improves the individuals mental health, physical condition and being part of a team gives the individual a sense of belonging. All much better than stopping at home playing computer games etc.
08/06/2021 £2,021 FRICKLEY ATHLETIC SAINTS We are an inclusive sports program for boys & girls 8-18yrs in the SEWakefield (ward 14) area. Developing Life Skills – we create an environment to develop team-work, tolerance, dealing with adversity, leadership, accountability, healthy competition & many other life skills. Building Stronger Communities – we instil pride in the community through promoting our representation of it when playing tournaments, as well as fostering serving the community through the voluntary hours each of our participants are called to do. Improving Mental Health – the pandemic has affirmed the need for our regular physical activity, the benefits of peer social interaction & a sense of self-development that is an integral part of what we do. Developing Employability Skills – we encourage participants to consider their long-term goals as they learn many skills that are readily transferable to employment & good citizenship. Reducing Crime & ASB – as well as a distraction activity, we look to foster the role of good citizenship in the community that runs counter to a criminal or ASB ethos. Our contract system allows us to monitor this progress with achievable focus for the participant. We work with organisations through referrals for young people that would benefit from this work. Many of our participants come from low income households, as generally reflected in our community, so we do not charge fees. Something given for nothing can often be perceived as no value, so our participants must earn their spot on & off the field. Participants sign an agreement that they will meet academic, behavioural or school attendance (one or a combination) standards agreed by the participant, us & the parent/guardian. Penalties for not meeting standards are in the form of missing gametime, though we continue to keep them engaged at training. We have found participants quickly buckle down to their studies. We have had numerous successful case studies where are our young people have re-engaged with society & turned their back on criminal activities (one early success has just passed out & is now in the Royal Navy). On top of this agreement, the participants must take part in an agreed number of voluntary hours in the community & the fundraising activities. Just before the first lockdown we took over 40 young people to a self-funded residential weekend boot camp in N Yorkshire. Though over the course of this year we have lost a number of our older participants, who are now too old to play for the club. By having tailored visits to universities (Last year we visited Leeds Beckett University, where I coached for 6 years) we look to inspire participants to think about their futures. Subsequently of the 11 young people leaving us; 6 are going to university (several of which had not considered it previously) & 4 are doing vocational training or an apprenticeship. We do not seek to grow the sport of American Football, but as a means of engaging & helping those not engaged with traditional sports.
08/06/2021 £2,021 2TSHIRTGANG CIC Educational Functional Fitness and Well-Being Training Our aim is to keep our community active and offer purpose through Educational Functional Fitness and Well-Being Training. Throughout our educational functional fitness and well-being training, our community will gain an understanding of how the body works. We also aim to support them in gaining health/nutritional discipline and direction, offering the right tools to make healthy choices. Our educational training informs/guides on how to work out correctly either in the gym or in the comfort of the home, will give members in our community the ownership to stay active. There is much scientific evidence that supports the benefits of exercise in supporting mental health. Our aim is to use exercise as a catalyst to tackle/develop poor mental health. This will support members of our community to take control over their mental health and well-being, work productively and build stronger communities. Our community will also have the opportunity to attend educational fitness training sessions with professional personal trainers. Prior to our training, members will take part in a consultation, this is where we can identify individual needs and create a personalised educational functional fitness and well-being training programme. Here are many benefits of why our youth should exercise daily: • Helps keep their mental state of mind healthy • Help strengthen their bones and muscles • Increases self-confidence and belief • Teaches them the importance of exercise • Tackles obesity • Exercise will reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes • Have better outlook on life • Making new friends • Leadership skills • Positive behaviour • Trying out new sports and activities • Learning new skills • Positive attitude
08/06/2021 £2,021 TRAINING CAVE CLUB LTD Based in Birstall, West Yorkshire. The Training Cave is a boxing club that is affiliated with England Boxing. Our coaches are also licensed by the British Boxing Board of Control. We use boxing as a vehicle and we strive to make a positive impact. Through work with local estates, parks and partnerships with council teams, we create a boxing environment that benefits the wider community. Through our affiliation with the Fight for Peace Organisation, we work with local schools and other charities such as the Huddersfield Town Foundation to ensure we reach those, through boxing, from a variety of different backgrounds. The culture within the Training Cave has been shaped over time by its core values. These are an articulation of how the team behaves, the decisions it makes, and the energy that drives it when it’s at its best. Courage, Fun, Unity, Excellence and Leadership are the core values that drive us. The Training Cave understands that culture is not determined by its philosophy, but rather by an outsider’s point of view including those that take part in our outreach work, the local community, sports officials and people walking into the gym for the first time. For this to be achievable, our core values have been, and are still lived by, talked about, and built into everything that the Training Cave does. We help develop life skills through mentoring, teaching and supporting our young people through our youth projects and various initiatives. We build stronger communities through our outreach work and social action projects. We encourage young people and help facilitate volunteering and leadership roles via our various programmes. Improving mental health is at the centre of all of our activities. The benefits of physical activity, learning, group work, community work and target setting/ reaching has proven positive changes in improving people's mental health. We have had countless young people discuss with us the benefits of our endeavours at the Training Cave. We help develop employability skills for young people by hosting various sessions on confidence building, CV writing, interview techniques, communication skills, self-awareness and many other attributes. We also host volunteer training programmes and have helped 100's of young people volunteer for various organisations, including our own, to gain experience and be able to demonstrate skills learnt. We help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour by providing a safe and inclusive space for personal development and physical fitness, led and supported by trusted role models. We have previously hosted programmes for young offenders and work with local authorities to gain referrals for those who would benefit from our work the most.
08/06/2021 £2,021 LEEDS PHOENIX LIFE SAVING CLUB Our Lifesaving club is open to everybody as that has a basic level of swimming capability. We are a Lifesaving club that helps athletes by providing the following: * theory and practical first aid training, both land and water based - this is an essential life skill which we fully believe everybody should know. * swim and sport fitness - we use a lot of pool time to help develop fitness levels in athletes as well as helping them to work towards competitions - this level of physical education really help improve mental health, a sense of belonging, and the building of relationships across all members. * being part of any group or sports team helps people to learn to work together and team work is at the hear of everything that we do. These skills naturally transfer into employability and a lot of our members go on to get jobs in the Leisure industry. * Finally - all the parents and family members have an enormous sense of being part of a family too, either at training, competitions or our awards and social events - it's not just the kids that benefit.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £93,246 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH/ LOVING COMMUNITY In offering the opportunity for children to receive free food, sports activities and have fun. They get to interact with other children there age, other cultures and learn to grow together as a local community. The parents get to interact with other parents which helps them develop relationships that easy anxiety, loneliness and give them better well-being. Interaction amongst other children helps them with there mental health. Building community is key to lasting relationship. Offering help and a listening ear is always vital to individuals.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £28,453 THE LION STRENGTH AND FITNESS ACADEMY The Lion Gym was originally set up as my work with West Yorkshire Police brought me into contact with some of the most deprived communities in the City. I saw first-hand the struggles which many residents of all ages were facing. Children were hanging around on the street corners and getting into trouble, they were not engaging in anything and were easily preyed up on by drug dealers and criminals. I commissioned a report into the deprivation in local areas and although the areas were all different, the reasons for hopelessness were the same. I also worked with the local rehab centres to find out why so many people in the area were getting hooked on drugs and the reasons were the same whatever the person’s background. I started working with local schools, colleges, and community centres to deliver a programme of empowerment and to teach youths about the consequences of crime. I soon came to find it would be better to have a base where all this work could be done. This is how The Lion Gym was born. The aim of The Lion Gym is to engage young people and adults into physical fitness, but we also develop members life skills and employability skills through vocational training opportunities and mentoring support. We offer work placements to people whether they want to work as a personal trainer or just want general admin experience to add to their CVs and to increase their chances of employment. The Club works with local schools to provide health and nutrition training and we teach children about healthy eating. The Club also has a satellite boxing club at the charity Centrepoint, where we promote health and wellbeing to 16 to 25-year-old homeless individuals, who also benefit from our boxing sessions. The Lion Gym uses the power of the sport to reduce anti-social behaviour and to build stronger communities through teaching young people about drugs, alcohol awareness and the dangers of weapons. We work closely with West Yorkshire Police and police chiefs come to the club to talk to the young people about crime prevention and anti-social behaviour. We do this to enable the youths to see themselves as full participants in their communities. The club also offers Yoga, Pilates and female-only boxing so that there is something on offer for everybody in the local community. Families often all attend the club together, some will join the boxing sessions, whilst others will attend the Pilates classes or use the gym equipment. The Lion Gym is not only about keeping youngsters off the streets. Some of the children are showing true talent and winning tournaments. We want young people and adults to not necessarily be champions in boxing but to be champions in life. We give them the tools they need to get the most they can out of life and know that they can achieve and make something of themselves. If we can help one person, then this gym will have fulfilled its purpose
08/06/2021 £2,021 HUNSLET NELSON CRICKET CLUB We have run successful holidays camps for the children in the area for over a decade now. These have helped reduce petty nuisance crime in the area by keeping the local young people occupied and busy during the holidays. We have involved full families in the club and given them a something to take pride in within there community and all join to make it a better place.
08/06/2021 £2,021 YORKSHIRE ACADEMY OF CREATIVE ARTS & DANCE Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts and Dance is dedicated to bringing quality creative arts and dance training to Yorkshire where participants can expand their knowledge of creative arts and dance. We provide a safe, active, creative space where participants can freely express themselves. The Academy promotes positive factors of a healthy lifestyle looking specifically at both mental and physical activity by emphasising education through the form of creative arts and dance. To advance life by improving mental and physical health for all ages within the Bradford District through: -The provision of creative art and dance activities provided in the interest of social welfare designed to improve conditions of life. -Providing support both mentally and physically through activities, which aims to develop skill set, and emotional well-being. To act as a resource for socially/economically disadvantaged communities by providing activities within the Bradford district through: -Providing educational advice and assistance. -Advancing in life and helping the community by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals; -Advancing education -Provide opportunities to gain recognised qualifications for those under the age of 25 years by developing their mental, physical and moral capabilities through creative activities. -Relieving unemployment through a training scheme. -Providing recreational and leisure time activity in the interests of social welfare for people living in the area of deprivation with a view to improving the conditions of life. -Raising hopes and aspirations/life goals. To promote social inclusion by giving the public access to creative activities that: -Prevent people from becoming socially excluded through -Assist those suffering from social isolation to integrate into society through early interventions.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £33,227 LEEDS POWERCHAIR FOOTBALL CLUB Leeds Powerchair FC (LPFC) has been in existence since October 2012 and was formed as a direct result of the 2012 London Games. A group of parents/carers decided to build and develop a platform for people with complex physical disabilities to access the “Beautiful Game” In a very short space of time the club has grown to provide coaching, training and competitive playing opportunities for 25+ players. The sport is the only one which offers a fast paced, highly skilled game which provides a huge adrenaline rush to those with complex motor or cognitive skills. The Club has players ranging from 6 through to mid 50’s with a mix of gender, but mainly male. Players have conditions such as Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, SMA, Spina Bifida, Brain Injuries and Brittle bones. LPFC can offer football to anyone, at a level that suits them. We have local league teams who play at a Development level, Regional leagues for improving players and National leagues for those elite players. LPFC are actively involved in the promotion and development of the game providing taster sessions and demos in schools, colleges and is continually working with Disability sports officers across the whole Yorkshire area.
08/06/2021 £2,021 NIGERIAN YORKSHIRE COMMUNITIES NETWORK UK CIC NYCN since its creation according to its visions to the communities have recognised the need for local diverse communities to access regular sport and physical activity opportunities with likeminded people, attracting and providing for participants from across Leeds. NYCN work in some of the most deprived communities, where access to opportunity is challenging and for some people from the black communities, BAME and other ethnics backgrounds, especially young people and females appears unobtainable. NYCN aims to make sport accessible for these local people, creating a community feel and sense of belonging, taking a holistic and person centred approach to address multifaceted issues. Mirroring national trends, female and BME participation levels are lower and there a number of specific barriers affecting participation including language, self-confidence, the perceived rigidity of sports infrastructure and stereotyping, however on the ground consultation identifies a latent demand. As part of our organisation objectives our aim is to utilise sporting activities to build a strong diverse community where health inequalities are greater than the national average. Majority of our sport activities will take place in areas of multiple deprivation, where young black, BAME, other communities, especially females face a multitude of difficulties including living in poverty, obesity, life expectancy, educational attainment, drug and alcohol misuse and smoking. Life expectancy for both males and females is worse than the England average, reducing by 10.8 years for males and 8.5 years for females in deprived communities (Health Profile 2015). In developing this project, NYCN has undertaken consultation through communities regular meetings,forums - formal and informal, supported by partners to understand the needs of local people. NYCN has a post session evaluation tool that helps to shape existing provision and to help develop new programmes based on local needs, Informal conversations are had across networks and through outreach work and is used to assess existing levels of participation and seeks to measure latent demand, which activities would be most appealing, along with identifying the right time, place, price and style. In addition NYCN have utilised various online forum session's especially during the CONVID-19 to support metal health victims, loneliness, also the use of session through career expert to educate and advise our communities on career training programmes on zoom.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £61,419 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL One of the key strategies of the Scout Association is teaching our young people Skills for Life. Through our general programme we teach young people from the age of 6 all about healthy eating, first aid and environmental conservation, to name a just few skills. Each young person has to complete a number of different challenge badges suitable for their age, where they learn and demonstrate a number of Skills for life. For example, a young person in our Cub Section (8-10 years) has to complete the following challenges: The Adventure Challenge shows and teaches adventurous activities where they take part in different activities such as cycling or hiking by learning about walking and personal stamina. The Outdoor Challenge which teaches young people the skills about being in and looking after the natural environment. The Skills Challenge teaches young people about taking part in sports, about healthy eating and exercise, learning household skills like cooking a meal or maintaining a bicycle. This challenge also teaches young people about problem solving. The World Challenge teaches young people about the local community that they live in and what they can do to help the community. It also teaches the young people about different faiths and cultures. Furthermore, this challenge teaches young people about different countries and the differences between countries. The Teamwork Challenge teaches our young people all about working together as a team through practical exercises and games. The Team Leader Challenge teaches young people about being able to teach and help your peers to learn new skills and to share the experience they have previously learned with others. The Scout Association likes likes to teach young people through activities and adventure skills that they can use throughout their life. For example, we have had young people first aid skills with us and then use them years later in adult life.
08/06/2021 £2,021 CITY OF WAKEFIELD SWIMMING CLUB City of Wakefield Swimming Club is seeking funds to rebuild not only into the club we were before the pandemic but to grow beyond that to new heights. During the different periods of lockdown we made the decision to suspend our training fees. With this and the inability to host galas our reserves have significantly reduced and therefore, we would like to raise funds to provide for our return to pool activities for the local community, we would like to offer places for more children who need opportunity, offer concessionary places to those perhaps hit financially by Covid 19, support our current members and widen the scope of our offer to provide for those with special needs. It is a difficult time financially for many parents this is hitting them mentally and often it is the children who then are not offered the same opportunities which has a knock on affect on their mental health and their improvement of life skills. By being able to offer concessionary places and in some cases scholarships and sibling rates this will help improve mental well being through support, encouragement of children to take care of their health and well being. Socially as well parents have the opportunity and meet other parents through the club social events and galas, which builds strong communities. We are lucky to have enthusiastic kids who love and support their club and the younger generation, who volunteer and coach in the club in their own time. We want to invest more in our older teams to develop their coaching skills too by offering them a development plan which gains them coaching qualifications, employability skills and supports them in their education and secures our coaches of the future who lead by example and mentor our younger swimmers. We have numerous examples of young coaches who have gone on to gain employment in sport and as swimming teachers by developing through our club.
08/06/2021 £2,021 THE SPEAK IN CLUB C.I.C The Speak In Club is focused on providing support to people in Bradford who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing. We provide a safe and confidential space for men, women and young people to come together to talk about the issues that are affecting them and to take part in sport, physical and social activities. Our staff and volunteers have lived experience of mental health struggles and combine this with mental health awareness qualifications and up to date knowledge and strategies to help each individual become more resilient and better able to deal with stress, anxiety and setbacks in their daily lives. We are focused on supporting people living in some of the most deprived areas of Bradford, areas which have been hit hardest by the impact of COVID-19 and the various lockdowns. There are huge health inequalities within Bradford as evidenced by the fact that life expectancy is 9.1 years lower for men and 8.0 years lower for women living in the most deprived areas of Bradford when compared to those living in the least deprived areas.
08/06/2021 £2,021 NORTH OF ENGLAND ACTIVITIES AND TRAINING Throughout our existence (since 2004), we have provided outdoor activities for young people from Bradford. These activities encourage life skills such as Teamwork, Problem-solving, Resilience and Use of Initiative. By using minibus transport, we avoid any issues of territorialism, so young people get to meet and peers from other areas and communities, thereby building social cohesion and stronger communities. This approach also supports safeguarding, giving parents/carers the reasurance that their offspring will be safe and supervised from pick up to drop off, door to door. Because of our emphasis on outdoor activities, participants gain access to the natural environment, which they would not manage otherwise. We ran an 18-month ECOMinds project, supported by MIND, and our next outdoor leader training programme will include 24 candidates taking Mental Health First Aid. Outdoor Leadership qualifications have been in very short supply (our last course was 2011), because of both expense and labyrinthine requirements. However, we now have an offer from a national training body of 48 places, whch will be 80% funded by that body. Our candidates will be almost all from minority etnic communities and will be evenly split, 24 female, 24 male. When they gain their qualifications, they will have opportunities for freelance work. An expansion in adventurous outdoor activities will have a long-term effect on anti-social behaviour, by enabling young people to have legitimate challenge activities instead of organising their own illegitimate challenges, such as vandalism, arson, joy-riding. American research showed the need for challenge within young people's personal development.
08/06/2021 £2,021 SHAMROCK ABC At Shamrock ABC our main aim is to provide a safe environment for children and adults to learn the art of boxing whilst developing life skills. Our aim is to provide individual development and development as a team. We focus on strengths and weaknesses with emphases on self-esteem, confidence building and self-worth. These personal skills then assist with other areas such as motivation, self-awareness and social skills which then leads to overall improved life skills, resilience, mental health and physical health. We are the first and only Amateur Boxing Club in our town, which is a crucial and integral part of the community. That said because of how we work as a club and as coaches, we have members who travel far and wide to train with us, coming from Scotland right down London and including local areas. Because boxing as a sport is not one of the most money – oriented arts this allows it to be more available to areas of deprivation (and more affordable) and because we are right on the local train line it makes our club very accessible to everyone. We pride ourselves on the fact that our club is open to all, including BAEM groups, disabled participants, and those with long term health conditions. As a family run business, we class our members as our extended family which makes it very easy for people to come along and train without feeling distant or not belonging. The sessions held at our club are for all ages and abilities with mixed classes and women’s only. All our sessions assist individuals with developing fitness but also with improving mental health. Members do not have to be an elite athlete to train with us, we want members to set themselves achievable goals. Whether that is to lose weight and get fit, become carded, learn a self-defence sport, improve their overall wellbeing, improve confidence and be part of a club that is growing and pushing boundaries constantly. We work with many children who have learning difficulties or behavioural issues. We ensure we work closely with their parents to ensure that they get the support they need and the right type of coaching. This gives parents piece of mind but also gives both parties goals to works towards. Most of the coaches at the club are volunteers (except me). They coach because they love the club, the members, the close family feeling, and they love the sport of boxing. Shamrock also offers various ‘free’ self-defence courses which started in 2019. We ran a women’s only self-defence class, for women 14+ where they learnt basic self-defence moves. They were given a personal alarm, various apps to download onto their phone and a leaflet explaining everything they had learnt. It was our intention prior to COVID to run other similar courses such as ‘beat the bully’ for children and a parent/child course too. These are very popular, and it gives us the chance to build stronger relationships within the community.
08/06/2021 £2,021 BOWLING BAPTIST CRICKET CLUB The key principle of Bowling Baptist Cricket Club since its move to the iconic Manningham Mills ground in the heart of BD9 was to have a multi ethnic club that everyone could be proud of. Last September, during the short window in the pandemic in which a semblance of cricket normality returned, the annual charity day at the ground was held. The beneficiary of the day was the Rohingya sports charity set up by cricketer Jasmin Akter https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jasminakter19?utm_term=v3Kb2A3ep. The event featured two multi ethic, mixed gender cricket games that brought some kind of normalcy back to the old mill ground right in the middle of the pandemic. That day it was palpable how central the cricket club is to that part of the Toller Lane/Infirmary area and was a window into the potential the club and ground have against the backdrop of the years in the early 2010s before Bowling Baptist took on the tenancy when it was unused for cricket.
08/06/2021 £2,021 1IN12 CRICKET CLUB In the spring of 2019 we were approached by the Children's Society who had been made aware that the club was actively involved in working alongside and supporting vulnerable groups. We were asked if we could involve a young Afghan boy who loved cricket but had nowhere to play, no equipment and few contacts. As a result, we arranged to meet him alongside a representative from the Children Society and it was agreed that we would support and facilitate his involvement within the club including covering match fees, cost of kit, transport and other social activity including tickets to a match to watch Afghanistan play the West Indies at Headingley during the 2019 Cricket World Cup. He quickly became a valued member of the team with mutually beneficial results, he has been able to practice his English alongside his cricket whilst extending his social and support network. As a club it has helped us focus on how we can best support asylum seekers and refugees and as a result plans were being made to play cricket with a team of refugees based in France this summer, unfortunately this was curtailed due to the Covid pandemic, however we have maintained contact with the Afghani team member who we welcomed back to net practice in April.
08/06/2021 £2,021 WHITE ROSE AMATEUR BOXING CLUB In addition to the daily programmed mainstream sessions which cater for competitive boxers and general fitness sessions. The club works in partnership with several local schools and colleges many of which work with youths not in mainstream education due to behavioral problems or special needs. in addition to these specialist classes we also work in partnership with the Council anti social behaviour team, the local Neighbourhood Police Team, Liason & Diversion, and St Georges community Centre to provide sessions for youths involved or at risk of becoming involved in anti social behaviour. Feedback from partners has shown a significant reduction in youth nuisance in the local area.
08/06/2021 £2,021 WAKEFIELD TRINITY ABC Enabling the acquisitions of values and skills • Mental strength, Mental Health, control, focus and an ability to take personal responsibility • Manage aggression • Community- many have had difficult upbringings and boxing clubs can create a sense of family or community.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £20,514 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD We use sport to bring people together ,develop life skills ,Reduce Crime and Anti -social behaviour and build stronger communities. We have used sport as bridge to promote community cohesion ,get young people trained up ,participate, learn ,created volunteer opportunities. for young people. The best example which we can share in which we can demonstrate how we use sport to achieve certain outcomes such as Developing life Skills , Build Stronger Communities. Case Study- Liz and Terry Bramell Project Client A is 19 yrs. old male who lives in the Highfield area. He is from a low-income family and left school with no qualifications. Initially he came to see what the sessions were about, at the start he seemed not interested. As the weeks went by, we started having conversations with this young person and we got to know him and by talking and LISTENING, we realised what issues were affecting this young person. By working closely with him, over the duration of the project, he opened and talked about what he wanted to do and was passionate about cycling to getting more fitter and a good way to meet people. At the end of the project, he became a volunteer at Inspire Highfield. As a result of participating in this project, he has been the lead in getting Inspire Highfield Registered as a community cycling club with Cycling Uk. This case study shows how we used sport to inspire change ,inspire participation and encouraged learning new skills. Sport is a way to change peoples way of thinking ,Build a stronger communities and we have done that through our past work. We find sport is the most accessible vehicle for change when it comes to working with young people. We provide the equipment and the guidance and we let young people develop the project ,i.e. planning sessions ,setting up meetings ,liaising with organisations and working with other organisations to maximise their involvement in the project. We are keen to encourage our young participants to develop life skills through sport , this could be learning about how to work as part of a team ,leadership skills ,time management ,and working on their own initiative.
08/06/2021 £2,021 WEST BOWLING ARLFC CIC We are a community Rugby League club with over 50 years of experience and history. We run a number of open-age teams and multiple age-group teams for children and young people. We are committed to growing the game of rugby league to ensure that our club reflects the diverse community in which we are based and to ensure that we provide equality of opportunity for all. Alongside our sporting ambitions we want to play an important part in ensuring that young people in our area have positive activities to get involved with and positive role models to look up to so that we can play an active role in helping children and young people to stay safe and take pride in their local area. We work hard to put us in a strong position to play an increasingly active role with regards community sports participation and 'sport for good' opportunities whilst continuing to develop and expand our existing provision with a particular focus on growing the women and girls game and developing more opportunities for disabled participants. We also play a positive role with regards to bringing diverse communities together through rugby league to build community cohesion and encourage people to be proud of Bradford and the unique multi-cultural city that it is. Across all our work and teams we have a focus on developing the personal skills and confidence of each participants, using the unique character of rugby league to help develop teamwork, fair play, respect and resilience in our players and teams - knowing that these life skills will stay with them and have a hugely positive impact on them long after they have finished playing the game. We also run a range of diversionary activities aimed at keeping young people safe and out of trouble, again using sport and rugby league in particular as the hook and once we have them engaged our coaches are adept at helping young people to develop positive character traits.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £150,894 SPRINGFIELD YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE The Springfield Centre has used physical activity (not organised sport in the recent past) to improve the physical health and well-being of young people attending the Youth Centre. It has a sports hall and outside multi-use games area and football pitch all of which prior to the pandemic have been used both formally through hire to a local football club or informally through open access. For the last five years we have run a Summer Transition Camp based on three themes Respect, Resillient and Ready which has helped in excess of a 100 young people develop life skills sufficient to help them transition succesfully to Secondary School. The project included a residential based entirely on outdoor activities. Throughout the pandemic we have continued to support over 150 young people on the doorsteps with food, some craft activity and two physical challenges. The Youth centre has a track record of working with young people since the 1960's. We have a current programme with a vision is to help all our children and young people to explore, to dream, to believe and to achieve. Our mission is to provide the space and opportunity for inclusive recreational, educational, cultural, work readiness, sporting programmes and services, to improve the physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of children and young people living in and around the BD10/2 areas of Bradford by working in partnership to raise the attainment of children at risk from the impacts of low attainment, poverty and criminal activity. Our strategy is to ensure that young people can participate in a range of activities that ensure they are ‘literate for life’ by arranging our programme around 5 key themes. Play and Move, Learn, Think and Feel, Live and Lead and Explore. In the light of the impact of the pandemic and having to rebuild our finances we are currently reviewing our current offer though reserach and consultation with children and young people, our neighbours, other professionals and organisations that come into contact with the centre. This reseach has led us to apply for funding to rebuild our programme with more emphasis on physical activity. We have been succesful with a lottery bid for Springfield Fit Kids. The overall programme (both the exsisting and the work being done to revise it post-Covid) is designed to work towards helping young people to develop thier life skills and their fitness to improve thier mental health and well-being. All our contact with all young people purposefully enages them with the aim of helping them to understand where their behaviour becomes anti-social and diverting them from activities that put them at risk of being drawn into criminal activity. We are currently under-performing in helping young people into work. Our Springfield Fit Kids programme creates the opportunity for training to be a coach and a first aider. The centre also offers volunteering experinces for young people as one mechanism to develop employability skills.
08/06/2021 £2,021 £232,000 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD As a community football club, building strong communities is a key priority of ours. Our club was formed out of a local need to support families on our estate with a team that had capacity for everyone to come and enjoy football no matter their ability or availability. Local families and parents have responded really positively to this mind set of prioritising play over competition and enjoying the game over success at all costs. With this purpose as the guiding principle of our club, we’ve seen our numbers skyrocket. Since forming, we now over 50 regular players who attend weekly sessions, split between our under 11 teams and our under 8 team. In addition, we are about to launch training sessions for under 6’s as there has been increased desire from this age group to play. Further than this we take our responsibility as a coaching staff really seriously. This involves supporting our players both on and off the pitch, and with both their physical health, mental health, and general wellbeing. One young person, Toby (not his real name), has been a team member since we launched our club and attends training sessions and games every week. Toby is a typical fun-loving and quite active child, however, when the national lockdown came into force early in 2020, he responded really negatively and seemed to slump both emotionally and physically. Our football coaches, who are also both trained youth workers, would visit his house every few weeks to check in on him and provide various activity resources to encourage him to engage in active play, but it was clear these were having little effect. After a couple of months, Toby’s parents got in contact with us as they were concerned with how moody and non-responsive, he had become. We spoke with them about how changes in activity and diet can cause significant changes in temperament. Due to lockdown, we were unable to run football sessions or any group activities, but there was the opportunity to deliver 121 support. We made it clear to Toby and the others who wanted to engage in 121 fitness sessions, that this was a holistic programme that also incorporated diet, and wellbeing, meaning Toby and his peers would have to also take part in the cook and eat at home programme provided in partnership with The Life Centre. Within weeks it was clear that the combined programme was having a positive effect, both from how he was interacting with us and from feedback from his parents as to his temperament at home. Since then, Toby continues to play for our under 11s team and trains with us at every opportunity. He also continues to enjoy a more balanced diet and is happy to talk about health and understand more about nutrition and the impact it can have on athletes.
08/06/2021 £2,021 WAKEFIELD WHIRLWINDS WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL CLUB The community that is those who have a physical disability or has someone in the family who has a physical disability and rely on having to use a sports wheelchair in order to exercise and/or take part in wheelchair activities either for social, leisure or competition, have been particularly hard hit during the pandemic. People have become isolated, children have not been able to be with their friends. The sports centres, the only suitable places where wheelchair activities can take place, have been closed. This has had a tremendous impact on the mental health of these people and the families. We have tried to stay active through the use of social media and have even set up on-line wheelchair basketball sessions. But, now we're back. Things aren't quite the same though and we have to limit the number of participants and the length of session. We are only a couple of weeks into being able to use sports halls and have had to increase our three sessions (as before the pandemic) to five. This obviously has implications for the cost of hiring the venue. We anticipate that our venue costs will be double they were before the pandemic. In addition, so many, if not all, our junior members have grown! They've grown out of their chairs and suddenly we're desperate for a new stock of club chairs. We do try to 'recycle' chairs as much as we can but this is not always possible. We estimate that we're going to have to purchase at least six new chairs (£6,000) in order to ensure that all our members, and any new members, have a chair that is suitable for them. Our community, that is those with physical disabilities as opposed to geographical or other criteria, is having to do an awful lot of 'catching up' and we almost need to hit the ground running (or pushing! Sorry!)
08/06/2021 £2,021 £6,763 WAKEFIELD AUTISM LEISURE CLUB Our club sessions main aim is to build social skills using sport as a tool. Therefore, our athletes develop lasting life skills that they can take forward with them in other situations. They are able to meet new people and make new friends. Some of our athletes started with our club back in 1998, and still attend now having become the best of friends. We also welcome many new athletes to our club at all times. It's amazing to see our members transform over time with us. Many of our athletes also can suffer from isolation, with our club being one of their only activities of the week. Therefore, we believe our club has a positive effect on the mental health of many of our athletes.
08/06/2021 £2,021 GREAT HORTON PARK CHAPEL CRICKET CLUB The club is primarily cricket based, (running 3 senior weekend league teams and an evening league team), but also has a social club, open to membership from the local community and is also the base for a snooker club playing in local leagues in the cricket off season. It is also open to bookings from the local community for use for functions such as children’s birthday parties, anniversary functions, funeral teas and any other appropriate community use. We are actively developing junior cricket and have sponsored members to become trained coaches with this in mind. This year we are participating in the ECB All Stars programme, (postponed from 2020), to introduce children to the sport by running an 8 week course for local boys and girls from 5-8 years old. We have worked with local schools and reached out to the community through social media and advertising to encourage young people to come forward and have achieved over 50 expressions of interest. The course will be running through June and July 2021. We hope to build on this in the future by organising more junior cricket activities and it is also our aim to introduce ladies cricket to the club. We have already introduced women's soft ball training from 15 April in partnership with Bradford Park Avenue Ladies Cricket and are hosting a women's only cricket first aid course in conjunction with the Yorkshire Cricket Board on Monday 17 May. We are currently working on submitting bids to the ECB to improve our changing, showering and toilet facilities to help facilitate both young people and women in to cricket.
08/06/2021 £2,021 STANLEY RANGERS ARLFC Even before the Covid Pandemic we knew of the benefits playing a sport had. These being the obvious of fitness/exercise but the other benefits are so much more, these being learning life skills of interacting with people of all ages, learning manners and to respect everyone inclusively because once you are on the field playing a match you are team mates. This also spills into after the matches as you make friends for life and become an extended family and this is where becoming each others support network comes in, there are highs and lows in sports just like life but at Stanley Rangers we pride ourselves on being there for each and every member as well as the wider community.
08/06/2021 £2,021 TRUE BOXING GYM True boxing gym is based in an IMD 1 area and caters for a wide range of different members, mainly those from low socio-economic groups. The club was originally set up to take youngsters off the streets and to put them in a safe environment where they could have a future. The club take ordinary boys and girls who could be on the streets getting involved in gang and knife crime and turns them in to amateur boxers and pro boxers if they wish to do so. The aim of Lights Out Boxing Academy is to engage young people and adults into physical fitness, but we also aim to develop members life skills which will ultimately improve the life chances of the young people we work with and help’s them become better people when they leave the academy. All the coaching we do, in the fitness classes and boxing classes aims to improve individual’s decision making, communication, creative/ critical thinking, self-awareness, self-control and resilience. A lot of our young people struggle in school therefore we use the power of boxing to help them do better and be better people. To help us do this we also work closely with the young people’s parents and in some cases the schools which they attend. We also use the power of boxing to reduce anti-social behaviour within our area and to make our community stronger. If Lights Out Boxing Academy were not here, the majority of our young people would be on the streets and would be soon to be preyed upon by criminals, gangs and become involved in drug use. We are open in the evenings when the young people finish school and we are open at weekends, therefore we are always available for the members. We work with many members of the community and focus on bridging divides between groups of people. Our membership includes, children, females, black and ethnic minorities, disabled people, older adults, and those with mental health issues. Our club welcomes everybody and we encourage integration, anybody who walks through our door is family. We build our training programme to meet the needs of our members for example offering female only boxing and fitness classes to provide an opportunity for those women who cannot or do not feel comfortable training with males. We also deliver one-to-one sessions for disabled members, and those who suffer from long term health conditions. The Academy is not only about keeping youngsters off the streets, we offer something for everybody. A lot of the children, girls and boys, have found a sport they are great at and some are going on to winning competitions. Promo video for our club- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZJdez7vpsQ Video about one of our youngest Asian female boxers- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrKu4luI6qM
03/06/2021 £10,000 £231,934 CONNECTING CROSSGATES We will connect people with mental health problems, social isolation and/or disabilities, with both paid and voluntary work through out various projects which address wellbeing . The idea is to get people engaged in making a difference for others. In so doing, they'll see that putting back into the community makes a difference for others and themselves, bringing fresh capacity and new ideas to our projects.
03/06/2021 £9,859 EAST LEEDS PROJECT KIOSK is a mobile makerspace that will deliver free and bespoke, artist-led workshops to participants in East Leeds through 2021-23 in order to spread joy and improve individuals' health and wellbeing through collective experiences of hands-on making.
03/06/2021 £9,800 THAT NAME WOMAN We plan to contribute to our community by connecting some African Families with their present community thereby promoting social inclusion, by bringing awareness about the opportunities in their communities, helping to curb poverty, reduce isolation and thereby improve their mental health and well being.
03/06/2021 £10,000 £64,796 HALTON MOOR AND OSMONDTHORPE PROJECT FOR ELDERS (HOPE) We want to support our service users and mitigate the long-term impacts of lockdown life on their health, the service users who have spent much of the last year confined to life within the four walls of their homes. We will focus on prevention and wellbeing by addressing health inequalities emerging from the covid-19 pandemic and build on their assets, their strengths to improve their lives.
03/06/2021 £6,504 £29,233 LEEDS DESTITUTE ASYLUM-SEEKERS SUPPORT - LEDAS At this stage in the overall housing project, we have identified a real need for the development of healthy life-style activities with the residents, which this specific project can fulfill if resourced.
03/06/2021 £5,000 £1,246 BABY WEEK Seeking £5000 to accelerate the work of Baby Week over the last five years by obtaining a website design consultancy to provide a platform to reach a wider local and national audience.
03/06/2021 £10,000 £11,605 NAYA SAVERA A project on empowering participants suffering from poor health and isolation during lockdown, focusing and raising awareness on improving their mental health and physical well being. Our aim is to remove stigma around mental health issues and let people take small steps to prevent poor health and well being and talking about it using remote ways such as phone, video calls and zoom etc until we are safe to return to our normal lives.
03/06/2021 £10,000 £33,489 PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT To augment our food provision and children's clothes provision with a holistic support structure for the most vulnerable households in our local community, especially those who have been most isolated due to the pandemic and most affected by its ongoing effects.
03/06/2021 £4,980 SHINE BRIGHT (NS) LTD (NOT FOR PROFIT) That's a WRAP! is a 12-week wellness peer support programme which helps children, young people and families be well and stay well for longer, despite adversity. In taking control of their own health they will build resilience, learn to self-care, prevent crisis and become safer towards themselves and others. The 12-week programme will open up to further support through an ongoing peer support group and the opportunity to become a volunteer trained peer facilitator
03/06/2021 £5,000 NOWELLS COMMUNITY GROUP To establish the recently extended Nowell Mount Community Centre as a venue for the community to come together and get involved in activities which support health and wellbeing.
03/06/2021 £4,206 £101,338 SPEAK WITH IT The project will take the Leeds aphasia café through a transitional period, focusing on becoming more needs led, person centered and include carer support.
03/06/2021 £1,950 RECREATE A programme of 12 sessions delivered by our two artists, Shaeron Caton Rose and Linda Baines, focusing on creative and art-based activities, meditations and reflections for strength and encouragement in difficult times: This course is based on the premise that creative activities can help to bring balance and wholeness to our overstretched minds, insights and ideas we didn't know were there, and to offer mindfulness techniques that create coping skills for everyday life.
14/05/2021 £5,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION To develop intergenerational chair based exercise sessions in our local community for the elderly and school age children (junior and secondary).
14/05/2021 £5,000 WHITE ROSE EDUCATION & COACHING SOLUTIONS CIC Walking sports (cricket, rugby, and football) to target intergenerational approaches and bridge the intergenerational divide that has been widened by the Covid-19 response.
14/05/2021 £5,000 £66,277 LEEDS IRISH ARTS FOUNDATION Starting in early-June 2021, 'Fair play to you !... ' is a six-month Leeds-based citywide intergenerational project of live and online Irish music and spoken word performance and participatory workshop activities and events. Venues across the city will include Chapel FM in Seacroft-for live and online intergenerational activities -,Seven Arts in Chapel Allerton. Left Bank in Hyde Park ,Headingley Enterprise & Arts Centre (HEART), Armley Library & Community Hub for live intergenerational activities.
14/05/2021 £4,939 £2,978,708 LEEDS MIND Our project will deliver 2 creative courses of 10 weeks each, pairing 20 individuals (5 over 50 and 5 under 25 per course) to collaborate in discussions and workshops around climate change, the environment, and the planet, ultimately ending in a collaborative art piece that will be displayed at a month-long exhibition at Inkwell Arts.
14/05/2021 £5,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Local older and younger people forming friendships through letter writing. These letters will be the inspiration for an intergenerational performance that the Pen Pals and members of the community will create. This will be performed in local community venues alongside a meal.
14/05/2021 £4,982 YOUR BACK YARD CIC To reduce social isolation amongst younger and older adults through establishing buddy relationships built around getting together online to socialise and exercise.
14/05/2021 £5,000 £245,876 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME This project will support and introduce our older members to the benefits of using IT, reducing the fear of going online, through running relaxed sessions, where members can find out more over coffee and a chat and interact with younger volunteer's.
14/05/2021 £5,000 LEEDS LGBT+ COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM C/O PROJECT FREEDOM (PRIDE OF PLACE) The project has a dual focus namely, on-line activities covering a range of topics and designed to improve digital literacy supplemented by face to face activities including drop in’s, meet up's, discussion groups, self-help sessions, walking groups, crafting and sports thus enabling older, disabled and restricted LGBT+ people to build connections, to foster wellness, to find common purpose and cope with change.
14/05/2021 £4,980 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Building on cross-generational links and experience established during 2020 as part of our Covid response, the project will deliver a programme of seven community events between July and November using a 'younger & older buddies' model of informal befriending.
14/05/2021 £4,770 PINGPONG4U We want to bring young and older people together - ranging from 16 to 95 year olds, by playing some exciting, fun filled games of adapted ping pong that will bring people of all ages together, breaking down social isolation, challenging ageism, whilst at the same time improving the mental and physical well being of everyone who takes part.
14/04/2021 £23,400 £40,288 BATTLE SCARS Grant to Battle Scars
14/04/2021 £24,415 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
14/04/2021 £7,709 £1,264,871 LEEDS OLDER PEOPLE'S FORUM Grant to Leeds Older People's Forum
14/04/2021 £4,994 COMMUNITY CABIN FOUNDATION CIC Grant to Community Cabin Foundation CIC
07/04/2021 £3,175 £236,164,000 MHA COMMUNITIES – ROTHWELL & DISTRICT Grant to MHA Communities – Rothwell & District
07/04/2021 £3,175 £236,164,000 MHA COMMUNITIES FARSLEY Grant to MHA Communities Farsley
07/04/2021 £3,175 £236,164,000 ST ANDREW'S METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to St Andrew's Methodist Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £3,175 ST JOHN'S LUNCH CLUB (STANNINGLEY) Grant to St John's Lunch Club (Stanningley)
07/04/2021 £3,175 £187,966 KENTMERE AVENUE LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Kentmere Avenue Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £3,175 £236,164,000 MHA COMMUNITIES HORSFORTH Grant to MHA Communities Horsforth
07/04/2021 £3,175 £236,164,000 SOUPER MONDAY Grant to Souper Monday
07/04/2021 £2,778 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
07/04/2021 £2,778 £6,142 COMMUNITY UNITY Grant to Community Unity
07/04/2021 £2,778 £189,104 OTLEY ACTION WESTON FRIENDSHIP CLUB Grant to Otley Action Weston Friendship Club
07/04/2021 £3,175 £94,296 SWARCLIFFE GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £2,778 POLISH DAY CENTRE Grant to Polish Day Centre
07/04/2021 £2,778 RVS ST JAMES LUNCH CLUB Grant to RVS St James Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £3,175 £183,034 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
07/04/2021 £3,175 £291,536 OPAL LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to OPAL Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £3,175 DAMASQ LUNCH CLUB Grant to DAMASQ LUNCH CLUB
07/04/2021 £2,778 MEMORY LANE CAFE Grant to Memory Lane Cafe
07/04/2021 £3,175 £245,876 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
07/04/2021 £2,778 £49,246 THE CIARAN BINGHAM FOUNDATION TRUST Grant to The Ciaran Bingham Foundation Trust
07/04/2021 £1,984 BHI - EAT TOGETHER GROW TOGETHER Grant to BHI - Eat Together Grow Together
07/04/2021 £2,381 MOORTOWN BAPTIST DAY CENTRE Grant to Moortown Baptist Day Centre
07/04/2021 £1,984 MOORSIDE TARA COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Moorside Tara Community Centre
07/04/2021 £2,381 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
07/04/2021 £2,381 £509,593 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
07/04/2021 £2,381 £20,823 NAYA SAVERA Grant to Naya Savera
07/04/2021 £2,381 £233,003,000 FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB - PUDSEY LIVE AT HOME Grant to Friday Lunch Club - Pudsey Live at Home
07/04/2021 £1,190 ANNAPURNA ORGANISATION Grant to Annapurna Organisation
07/04/2021 £2,381 £224,687 SEACROFT FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS Grant to Seacroft Friends and Neighbours
07/04/2021 £1,984 £1,251,091 HAMARA ELDERLY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Hamara Elderly Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 SUMANGAL GROUP Grant to Sumangal Group
07/04/2021 £1,984 SAWAN VIHAR Grant to Sawan Vihar
07/04/2021 £2,381 £233,003,000 COTTINGLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Cottingley Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 £575,226 ALL HALLOWS LUNCH CLUB Grant to All Hallows Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 INTERNATIONAL CARIBBEAN LUNCH CLUB Grant to International Caribbean Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 £233,003,000 ST MARY'S LUNCH CLUB Grant to St Mary's Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 £233,003,000 HUNSLET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Hunslet Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 ST JOHN'S LUNCH CLUB (MOORTOWN) Grant to St John's Lunch Club (Moortown)
07/04/2021 £2,381 £221,666 OTLEY ACTION TUESDAY CLUB Grant to Otley Action Tuesday Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 NAMASTE Grant to Namaste
07/04/2021 £1,984 £245,834 MIDDLETON ELDERLY AID LUNCH CLUB Grant to Middleton Elderly Aid Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 £97,425 HOPS - MONDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Monday Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,388 HEADINGLEY METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Headingley Methodist Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £1,964 CHRIST CHURCH HALTON LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Christ Church Halton Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £2,026 CHAPEL ALLERTON TOWN STREET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Chapel Allerton Town Street Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 £226,745,000 LEEDS WEST HUNSLET SALVATION ARMY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Leeds West Hunslet Salvation Army Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 £7,834 STAINBECK DAY CENTRE Grant to Stainbeck Day Centre
07/04/2021 £1,984 £233,003,000 CALVERLEY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Calverley Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 £39,356,000 COFFEE POT MEMORY CAFE Grant to Coffee Pot Memory cafe
07/04/2021 £1,964 £161,481 MEA LUNCH CLUB Grant to Mea Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,945 £161,481 THE GROVE LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to The Grove Luncheon Club
07/04/2021 £1,945 £161,481 THE SMILE PROJECT Grant to The SMILE Project
07/04/2021 £2,381 £262,938 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME CIO - T DAYS LUNCH CLUB Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours Scheme CIO - T Days Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 BRAMLEY LUNCH CLUB (BASED AT BRAMLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE) Grant to Bramley Lunch Club (based at Bramley Community Centre)
07/04/2021 £2,381 £80,545 BURMANTOFTS LUNCH CLUB Grant to Burmantofts Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 £161,856 LEEDS BLACK ELDERS ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Black Elders Association
07/04/2021 £1,984 £97,425 HOPS - THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Thursday Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
07/04/2021 £1,984 £97,425 HOPS - FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Friday Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £1,984 £583,111 SHANTONA LUNCH CLUB Grant to Shantona Lunch Club
07/04/2021 £2,381 ALWOODLEY PARK LUNCH CLUB Grant to Alwoodley Park Lunch Club
17/03/2021 £30,000 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Grant to The Old Fire Station
17/03/2021 £30,000 £87,998 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS Grant to Flourishing Families Leeds
17/03/2021 £30,000 DJ SCHOOL UK Grant to DJ School UK
17/03/2021 £30,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE Grant to Hyde Park Source
17/03/2021 £30,000 £243,123 PYRAMID OF ARTS Grant to Pyramid of Arts
17/03/2021 £30,000 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING Grant to Leeds Wood Recycling
17/03/2021 £30,000 £103,722 PUDSEY WELLBEING CHARITY Grant to Pudsey Wellbeing Charity
17/03/2021 £30,000 £228,303 HOME-START LEEDS Grant to Home-Start Leeds
17/03/2021 £30,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
17/03/2021 £30,000 £208,363 CHAPELTOWN COMMUNITY NURSERY Grant to Chapeltown Community Nursery
17/03/2021 £30,000 RETHINK FOOD Grant to Rethink Food
17/03/2021 £30,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
17/03/2021 £30,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
17/03/2021 £30,000 £178,058 SKIPPKO ARTS TEAM Grant to Skippko Arts Team
17/03/2021 £30,000 £298,639 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
17/03/2021 £30,000 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
17/03/2021 £30,000 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
17/03/2021 £30,000 IMPACT NORTH LTD Grant to IMPACT North Ltd
11/03/2021 £5,000 STITCH-UP CIC To provide a variety of quality craft kits and food hampers for eligible school children in Little London and Woodhouse, Moortown and Meanwood to help children learn new craft skills, engage in fun activities and have access to healthy food in the holidays.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £60,402 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) The provision of food and family activities that can be done at home, for refugee and asylum seeking families to collect on site at Christ Church, or through deliveries.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH We will run creative art & activity days for 7-to-18 years olds from Beeston, Holbeck & Hunslet. Breaking the days down into 3 different sessions for 3 different groups a day. Ensuring those involved eat well and are also given food hamper to take home for their broader families.
11/03/2021 £25,000 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE We would like to provide healthy food for families that would otherwise go without and also activities for children . In normal times, the activities would take place at the centre, however if this is not possible due to Covid restrictions we will provide activity packs to take home.
11/03/2021 £22,500 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE The development of Seacroft Sociable Folk - capacity building groups of families in six specific areas by providing opportunities to eat, play and learn together while supporting each other to find local solutions.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £205,530 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS We will provide a fun pack Easter program of activities including dance, Multisport (Online & Outdoors) healthy eating and cooking sessions (online). We will deliver food parcels to families in need and those who access free school meal provision, these parcels will also include activity packs & online resources.
11/03/2021 £22,500 £253,528 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Doorstep delivery of lunch packs and activity packs to 50 primary school aged children on four days of the week which will include crafts and outside activities, and will provide opportunities for doorstep conversations with the children and their families, so reducing isolation and providing opportunity to voice any concerns.
11/03/2021 £25,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Subject to the prevailing Covid19 restrictions we will provide eight or possibly nine days of varied sport and craft based activities for eligible children that would include the provision of food for them and their families be it on site or in take-away form as appropriate.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £403,927 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Our Easter programme provides food parcels and recipe suggestions at street level, using COVID-secure methods to reach the most vulnerable. The programme will be supported by our young community ambassadors from Halton Moor and will be based in the Temple Newsam and BRH wards.
11/03/2021 £22,500 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL To engage children and young people through online taster cooking, zoom based groups for dance and music, distribution of activity packs, seed planters and food bags for breakfast and lunch during easter holiday period particularly for families on low income and families affected by Covid'19.
11/03/2021 £22,500 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Working in partnership with local people and organisations to deliver a programme of digital and in-person activities to support good health and wellbeing for families and young people during the school holidays, combatting the intersecting challenges exacerbated by the CV19 crisis.
11/03/2021 £22,500 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Easter Activity packs to encourage activity and interaction, children share creations and we create a message/share window to combat feelings of isolation and also a Painted Rock Treasure Hunt to encourage families to exercise together. Grab bags of food will be provided with the activity packs to combat hunger
11/03/2021 £20,000 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Leeds United Foundation will utilise the power of the brand and of sport to engage with vulnerable young people in Halton Moor and Burmantofts & Richmond Hill. Working with key partners to build relationships with families to improve physical, social, emotional and psychological wellbeing through various face-to-face and virtual activities.
11/03/2021 £25,000 £2,388,046 GROUNDWORK YORKSHIRE We are offering free fun outdoor activity sessions this Easter, including a free healthy packed lunch aimed at alleviating holiday hunger and inactivity and reducing social and emotional isolation by encouraging families to get out of the house and be physically active this Easter.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £1,043,623 LEEDS MENCAP We will use the Easter Healthy Holidays scheme to forward plan for 2021.
11/03/2021 £20,000 GIPSIL Provision of 'Spring into Action' Food Hampers containing healthy food and activities for children and young people alongside delivery of two 'Activity Walks' for young people aged 11-16.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS TCV Skelton Grange staff and volunteer team will deliver 4 days of outdoor experiential sessions with children, engaging them in social outdoor play and activities to interact with the natural environment and have fun! Participants will be given healthy meals, as well as food and activity packs to take away.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £949,280 PHOENIX DANCE THEATRE Dance for Health is a free holiday scheme, delivered by Phoenix Dance Theatre at Burley St Matthias Primary School. Through a tailored creative dance programme, PDT will deliver a provision with focus on supporting primary children, in terms of their social and emotional needs, alongside their physical and mental wellbeing.
11/03/2021 £24,800 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Promoting fun educational activities, with an emphasis on making healthy choices, for parents and children to engage in together whilst reducing food povery and the isolation that has hit Kirkstall families hard during austerity and the Covid pandemic
11/03/2021 £22,500 £682,134 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS We would like to use the Easter period to plan ahead.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £343,596 GETAWAY GIRLS Summer Scheme for young women in Harehills/ Gipton aged 11- 17 with fun sports, dance and creative activities
11/03/2021 £25,000 £337,446 LS14 TRUST The development of Seacroft Sociable Folk - capacity building groups of families in six specific areas by providing opportunities to eat, play and learn together while supporting each other to find local solutions.
11/03/2021 £20,000 HYDE PARK SOURCE We will employ a Healthy Holidays Coordinator who will plan and coordinate our activity for the Summer and Winter school holidays based on The Rosebank, where we will offer outdoor activities including food growing, cooking and eating.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £7,104 CROSS GREEN GROWING TOGETHER We will employ a Healthy Holidays Coordinator - who will plan and coordinate our activity for the Summer and Winter school holidays - based at our Community Hub and Allotment in Cross Green where we will offer outdoor activities including food growing, cooking and eating.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £214,650 CATCH LEEDS CATCH will provide limited on-site activities for children/young people providing snack packs for attendees following National Youth Agency guidance and deliver food parcels/activity packs for children to households via door-step drop offs.
11/03/2021 £25,000 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To provide 100 Breakfast hampers & Easter Activity packs for the children, young people focusing on 'starting your day right' and linked to eggs etc. we will also hold a family bubble Easter Hunt on the local greenspace week commencing 12th April following government guidelines if we can.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £507,678 ST. PAUL'S, IRELAND WOOD We will provide Zoom art sessions 2 days a week along with a kit for participating families, these will be delivered by a local artist (https://www.gigicreativebee.co.uk). We will also deliver zoom pizza making sessions again with a kit of ingredients going to families.
11/03/2021 £25,000 LEFT BANK LEEDS Healthy Holidays at Left Bank will provide fun, safe activities and learning indoors and out this Easter. Week One will be outdoor fun in line with Gov guidance, Week Two will be will be allowed inside too! Focussing on seasonal art, stories, games and making healthy food fun.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £4,362,262 BARCA LEEDS We will be delivering a range of face to face and online activities underpinned by the 5 ways to Wellbeing - supporting children, young people and families to Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Learn and Give.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
11/03/2021 £5,000 LEMON BALM THERAPEUTIC HORTICULTURE CIC We will provide ingredient and recipe boxes to be collected from Meanwood Community Centre followed up with an online cooking tutorial for kids to cook along at home as well as outdoor activity kits, healthy snacks and lunches in grab bags.
11/03/2021 £23,220 £141,854 INVOLVE To offer a range of activities , including supplies needed, to engage families positively and improve emotional well-being following the isolation and impact of Covid -19.
11/03/2021 £20,000 £549,879 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE On-site provision of activities and food for local children and young people in Harehills, Chapeltown and surrounding areas, who are at risk of food poverty and who have been negatively impacted physically, mentally and socially by Covid-19
11/03/2021 £20,000 £750,822 HUNSLET CLUB The project will target and engage children and young people identified as being at risk of holiday hunger in an innovative school holiday programme that includes children and young people eating breakfast, preparing and eating a nutritious dinner and taking part in a multi activity programme of arts and sports.
10/03/2021 £12,850 £183,162 OBLONG Grant to Oblong
10/03/2021 £12,850 £11,605 NAYA SAVERA Grant to Naya Savera
09/03/2021 £19,560 £233,208 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
04/03/2021 £15,743 IMPACT NORTH LTD Grant to IMPACT North Ltd
04/03/2021 £19,752 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
04/03/2021 £19,982 CALM AND CENTRED C.I.C. Grant to Calm and Centred C.I.C.
04/03/2021 £15,743 FLOURISHED MINDS LTD Grant to Flourished Minds Ltd
04/03/2021 £19,919 £104,983 THE GERALDINE CONNOR FOUNDATION Grant to The Geraldine Connor Foundation
04/03/2021 £18,790 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
04/03/2021 £15,958 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
04/03/2021 £16,040 £49,613 GIVE A GIFT Grant to Give A Gift
04/03/2021 £20,000 HOPE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT CIC Grant to HOPE Bereavement Support CIC
04/03/2021 £8,460 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC Grant to Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative CiC
04/03/2021 £20,000 £251,725 CHAPELTOWN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (CYDC) Grant to Chapeltown Youth Development Centre (CYDC)
03/03/2021 £12,106 £208,363 CHAPELTOWN COMMUNITY NURSERY Grant to Chapeltown Community Nursery
03/03/2021 £19,996 £215,996 LEEDS WEEKEND CARE ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Weekend Care Association
03/03/2021 £20,000 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds United Foundation
03/03/2021 £19,972 £1,222,426 PEOPLE IN ACTION Grant to People in Action
03/03/2021 £16,959 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
03/03/2021 £12,999 £147,911 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
03/03/2021 £19,508 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
03/03/2021 £18,100 £1,563,940 LEEDS MENCAP Grant to Leeds Mencap
03/03/2021 £500 OAK TREE SUSTAINABLE LIVING CENTRE Grant to Oak Tree Sustainable Living Centre
19/02/2021 £41,000 £2,328,002 CITIZENS ADVICE BRADFORD & AIREDALE AND BRADFORD LAW CENTRE Grant to Citizens Advice Bradford & Airedale and Bradford Law Centre
22/01/2021 £8,900 D DANCE THEATRE C.I.C The project is an expansion of our successful Oulton Group and will provide weekly, Dance, Fun, well being to seniors, technical support and social opportunities to reduce loneliness and isolation for over 50s in Leeds (LS15), giving them an opportunity to participate, learn and acquire new skills in a Bollywood setting.
22/01/2021 £2,500 £350,207 TUTTI FRUTTI THEATRE Grant to tutti frutti theatre
22/01/2021 £8,800 £205,530 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
22/01/2021 £8,942 BALBIR SINGH DANCE COMPANY (BSDC) Grant to Balbir Singh Dance Company (BSDC)
21/01/2021 £4,030 SPRINGFIELD ALLOTMENT COMMUNITY KLUB (SACK) Grant to Springfield Allotment Community Klub (SACK)
14/01/2021 £10,000 £206,559 MUSIC AND ARTS PRODUCTION LEEDS Grant to Music and Arts Production Leeds
14/01/2021 £9,319 £136,290 RJC DANCE Grant to RJC Dance
14/01/2021 £18,000 £739,705 VOLUNTARY ARTS NETWORK (OPERATING AS VOLUNTARY ARTS) Grant to Voluntary Arts Network (operating as Voluntary Arts)
14/01/2021 £9,190 £233,208 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
14/01/2021 £30,000 £479,092 SPACE2 LEEDS Grant to Space2 Leeds
14/01/2021 £29,409 £243,123 PYRAMID OF ARTS Grant to Pyramid of Arts
08/01/2021 £2,500 MARY MAGDALENE CIC Grant to Mary Magdalene CIC
08/01/2021 £2,500 £219,825 WAKEFIELD TRINITY COMMUNITY TRUST Grant to Wakefield Trinity Community Trust
08/01/2021 £2,500 ISPACE5 CIC Grant to iSpace5 CIC
08/01/2021 £2,500 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
08/01/2021 £2,500 £27,380 GRASSROOTS ENTERPRISE FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION AND POVERTY RELIEF Grant to Grassroots Enterprise for Social Inclusion and Poverty Relief
08/01/2021 £2,500 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
08/01/2021 £1,500 VULNERABLE CITIZEN SUPPORT Grant to Vulnerable Citizen Support
08/01/2021 £1,067 £669,874 LS-TEN Grant to LS-TEN
22/12/2020 £964 £267,502 OPEN COUNTRY Grant to Open Country
22/12/2020 £5,000 UPTON AND NORTH ELMSALL FOODBANK FOOD FOR YOU Grant to Upton and North Elmsall Foodbank Food for You
21/12/2020 £12,500 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ‘Urban task Force' is An outdoor Community & environmental project to tackle issues of loneliness and isolation, learn new knowledge and skills, form friendships and boost confidence and self-esteem within individuals and the community. The project will enhance & promote local partnerships with health Centers, retirement/care homes & accommodation and rehabilitation Centres within the New Wortley and Armley area’.
18/12/2020 £2,600 £36,436 OUTWOOD MEMORIAL HALL AND COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Outwood Memorial Hall and Community Centre
18/12/2020 £3,400 £160,281 DISABILITY SPORT YORKSHIRE Grant to Disability Sport Yorkshire
16/12/2020 £2,000 £18,383 LEEDS BABY BANK Grant to Leeds Baby Bank
16/12/2020 £1,800 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
16/12/2020 £2,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
16/12/2020 £1,636 £172,801 NELL BANK CHARITABLE TRUST Grant to Nell Bank Charitable Trust
16/12/2020 £2,000 £38,168 ASCENDANCE REP Grant to Ascendance Rep
16/12/2020 £3,810 £36,358 KIDZ AWARE Grant to Kidz Aware
16/12/2020 £5,000 YOUNG PEOPLE’S EMPOWERMENT PROJECT CIC Grant to Young People’s Empowerment Project CIC
15/12/2020 £5,100 £174,723 STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE Grant to Stand Against Violence
15/12/2020 £8,206 GET TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER CIC Grant to Get Technology Together CIC
11/12/2020 £4,830 £59,256 BANGLADESHI YOUTH ORGANISATION (BYO) Grant to Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
11/12/2020 £4,871 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
11/12/2020 £3,530 £156,487 SHINE (WEST BOWLING) Grant to Shine (West Bowling)
11/12/2020 £4,738 £21,335 ALL SAINTS LANDMARK TRUST Grant to All saints Landmark Trust
11/12/2020 £5,000 £150,383 DOWN SYNDROME TRAINING & SUPPORT SERVICE LTD Grant to Down Syndrome Training & Support Service Ltd
11/12/2020 £4,794 £190,900 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Sandale Community Development Trust
11/12/2020 £3,792 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Grant to Scholemoor Beacon
11/12/2020 £4,888 BRADFORD MOOR PLAY AND SUPPORT SERVICE Grant to Bradford Moor Play And Support Service
08/12/2020 £3,141 £43,966 WAKEFIELD SCOUTS The purchase of pioneering equipment that will be used to teach Young People about Engineering and Technology.
08/12/2020 £4,300 £172,448 IGNITE IMAGINATIONS Using creativity to promote STEM subjects with disadvantaged young people in Sheffield.
08/12/2020 £4,900 BRADFORD STUDY SUPPORT NETWORK Increasing young people's interest in STEM subjects through raising aspirations, direct interventions, and providing role models.
08/12/2020 £6,125 SELBY BIG LOCAL ‘Fridge to Kitchen’, a project that aims to equip residents with the knowledge and confidence to prepare healthy, nutritious food on a budget, while training a cohort of Energy Champions.
08/12/2020 £8,920 AFFINITY 2020 CIC Training teachers to become highly skilled in understanding STEM-related roles, and providing STEM related-activities to encourage young people's interest in the subjects, with a STEM for Looked After Children booklet to be produced and distributed nationally.
08/12/2020 £8,500 THAT FRIDAY FEELING Reducing social isolation for local people living in south Leeds through an allotment, demonstrating the possibilities and savings that can be made when growing your own vegetables.
08/12/2020 £4,887 GROWING BETTER CIC The development of a set of projects focusing on STEM and based upon experience as vertical farmers, for primary school children.
08/12/2020 £3,225 TANGRAM HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE Providing hands-on educational sessions on how to carry out internal insulation works as well as informing people about energy efficiency, Carbon Monoxide and the Priority Services Register.
08/12/2020 £6,077 ZERO CARBON YORKSHIRE A series of hands-on Zoom and workshop sessions designed for small groups around STEM and the creation of a community energy network.
08/12/2020 £10,000 THE EMPLOYERS FORUM FOR SHARROW, HEELEY AND NORFOLK PARK LTD Addressing the rising demand due to Covid-19 for support, including addressing food and fuel poverty, for vulnerable people primarily from Minority Ethnic communities.
01/12/2020 £9,970 £205,530 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
01/12/2020 £10,000 £489,775 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
01/12/2020 £10,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
01/12/2020 £10,000 £81,098 SUNSHINE AND SMILES - LEEDS DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK Grant to Sunshine and Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network
01/12/2020 £9,550 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
01/12/2020 £9,950 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
01/12/2020 £4,510 £424,975 LS-TEN Grant to LS-TEN
01/12/2020 £4,650 BRAVE WORDS CIC Grant to Brave Words CIC
01/12/2020 £4,990 LET'S DO MORE CIC Grant to Let's Do More CIC
01/12/2020 £5,000 SOCIAL BUSINESS BROKERS GiveLeeds - a web portal Directory of community organisations, their activities and the funding they need which will match them with potential individual and business donors. A guide for the groups to set up a platform for donations and a social media campaign to channel donations to them.
30/11/2020 £4,000 £247,787 YORKSHIRE HEALTH AND SPORT (TRADING AS A1 FOOTBALL FACTORY) Grant to Yorkshire Health and Sport (trading as A1 Football Factory)
30/11/2020 £4,104 BLESS COMMUNITY SERVICES CIC Grant to Bless Community Services CIC
30/11/2020 £4,555 INCREDIBLE EDIBLE WAKEFIELD Grant to Incredible Edible Wakefield
25/11/2020 £25,204 £2,621,710 JAMIE'S FARM Grant to Jamie's Farm
20/11/2020 £6,497 £105,967 BRADFORD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Grant to Bradford Youth Development Partnership
20/11/2020 £2,500 £21,497 BRACKEN BANK & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Bracken Bank & District Community Association
20/11/2020 £3,750 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Grant to Inspire Highfield
20/11/2020 £6,520 £156,487 SHINE (WEST BOWLING) Grant to Shine (West Bowling)
20/11/2020 £7,000 £220,052 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD Grant to Bierley Community Association Ltd
20/11/2020 £5,697 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Grant to Scholemoor Beacon
20/11/2020 £6,783 £248,270 PLAY BRADFORD Grant to Play Bradford
20/11/2020 £24,272 SECOND CHANCE HEADWAY CENTRE Grant to Second Chance Headway Centre
20/11/2020 £3,540 £218,783 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING Grant to Keighley Healthy Living
20/11/2020 £6,850 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
20/11/2020 £6,993 £124,176 PEACEMAKER INTERNATIONAL Grant to Peacemaker International
20/11/2020 £6,969 HORTON COMMUNITY FARM CO-OP LTD Grant to Horton Community Farm Co-op Ltd
20/11/2020 £3,961 GET OUT MORE CIC Grant to Get Out More CIC
18/11/2020 £9,889 £190,958 MUSLIM WOMEN'S COUNCIL Grant to Muslim Women's Council
18/11/2020 £9,875 £287,637 COMMON WEALTH THEATRE LTD Grant to Common Wealth Theatre Ltd
18/11/2020 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING Grant to Bradford Community Broadcasting
18/11/2020 £9,870 PEAK TUITION ACADEMY Grant to Peak Tuition Academy
11/11/2020 £1,000 £3,462 CARING HANDS Leeds Caring Hands is run by patients for patients, and provides a variety of activities to support everyone's emotional, physical, social and mental wellbeing.
03/11/2020 £30,000 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
27/10/2020 £300 £233,208 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Support to provide sandwiches for children in Inner North East Leeds during October 2020 half term.
14/10/2020 £14,980 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER We want to embed the significant expansion and development of our catering service which has transformed in scale and scope during the Covid-19 crisis, pivoting from a predominantly site-based community cafe drop-in/sit-down service to a Meals on Wheels provision serving 120 older people.
14/10/2020 £11,390 UNORTHOBOX C.I.C. Expanding and developing our non-contact boxing sessions for all abilities.
14/10/2020 £7,074 £343,427 PAPERWORKS (HARROGATE) LTD We will design, make, decorate and sell a range of laser cut items from recycled wood to the public and other businesses and in doing so enhance learning and life skills for adults with learning disabilities.
14/10/2020 £13,089 LUV2MEETU Sustainable Luv2meetU will provide friendship and dating opportunities for people with learning disabilities / autism in Leeds, secure the long term financial stability of the project for its members and enable capacity building in the longer term.
14/10/2020 £3,987 £371,587 MEANWOOD VALLEY URBAN FARM Grant to Meanwood Valley Urban Farm
14/10/2020 £4,000 MAE AND MITCHELL BESPOKE MANAGEMENT Grant to Mae and Mitchell Bespoke Management
14/10/2020 £4,000 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES Grant to Leeds Irish Health and Homes
13/10/2020 £5,000 £287,640 SIMON ON THE STREETS Providing bed and breakfast accommodation for clients who no longer meet the suspension of derogation criteria.
13/10/2020 £2,500 £253,100 LEEDS SOUTH AND EAST FOODBANK (FORMERLY LEEDS FOODBANK) To introduce immediate and virtual signposting, and to provide advisory services to our clients.
08/10/2020 £2,000 £231,934 HUNSLET INITIATIVE Grant to Hunslet Initiative
08/10/2020 £2,180 WHITECOTE PRIMARY SCHOOL The Healthy Holiday Club will be run by Evolve, who work in school during terms times and will engage free school meal and vulnerable children with physical activities and nutritional guidance which they will be able to use at home, with daily meals and take home bags also provided.
08/10/2020 £3,500 LEEDS CITY ACADEMY Supporting Leeds City Academy students and their families in our local community in these difficult, ever changing and challenging times.
08/10/2020 £1,900 LITTLE LONDON PRIMARY Deliver food hampers, resources, that is fun for the whole family with access to recipe's and cooking demonstrations via our website, which will promote and demonstrate healthy cooking on a budget using the food in our hampers, together with lots of fun foodie quizzes, completions and cooking equipment.
08/10/2020 £3,500 STANNINGLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Providing activity packs and healthy food to children and their families. Access to Family support to these children and families during the holidays.
08/10/2020 £3,500 VALLEY VIEW COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL Providing healthy food hampers and exciting learning activities for free school meal children and children we know are vulnerable during school holiday times.
08/10/2020 £10,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
08/10/2020 £3,719 UNITY DOES MAATER Grant to Unity Does MAATer
08/10/2020 £1,000 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Grant to St Vincent's Support Centre
08/10/2020 £5,000 £1,527,620 EAST STREET ARTS (ESA) Grant to East Street Arts (ESA)
08/10/2020 £3,420 BRAMLEY PARK ACADEMY We aim to address disadvantage amongst young people in and around our local area.
07/10/2020 £13,591 HUMANS BEING Grant to Humans Being
07/10/2020 £13,366 £150,760 SNAPS (SPECIAL NEEDS AND PARENT SUPPORT) YORKSHIRE CIO Grant to SNAPS (Special Needs And Parent Support) Yorkshire CIO
07/10/2020 £19,996 £744,769 FEEL GOOD FACTOR Grant to Feel Good Factor
07/10/2020 £20,000 £77,850 SPACIOUS PLACES Grant to Spacious Places
07/10/2020 £18,868 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
07/10/2020 £14,346 £19,346 HAREHILLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROJECT (H.E.L.P.) Grant to Harehills English Language Project (H.E.L.P.)
07/10/2020 £19,487 LEEP 1 CIC Grant to Leep 1 CIC
07/10/2020 £20,000 £297,780 BURMANTOFTS COMMUNITY PROJECTS - MONEY BUDDIES Grant to Burmantofts Community Projects - Money Buddies
07/10/2020 £15,000 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
07/10/2020 £7,875 £60,568 PROJECT HOPE LEEDS Grant to Project Hope Leeds
07/10/2020 £14,960 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES Grant to St Luke's Cares
07/10/2020 £19,420 CLOTH CAT STUDIOS LTD Grant to Cloth Cat Studios Ltd
07/10/2020 £2,498 £236,164,000 PUDSEY LIVE AT HOME SCHEME Grant to Pudsey Live at Home Scheme
07/10/2020 £1,725 £126,546 LIGHTHOUSE WEST YORKSHIRE Grant to Lighthouse West Yorkshire
07/10/2020 £2,500 £209,969 AIREBOROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICES TO THE ELDERLY (AVSED) Grant to Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly (AVSED)
07/10/2020 £2,424 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
07/10/2020 £3,934 £35,304 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
07/10/2020 £5,000 VULNERABLE CITIZEN SUPPORT Grant to Vulnerable Citizen Support
07/10/2020 £5,000 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE This project will offer a series of interventions and practical support enabling women sexworkers to address the impact of winter on their health and well being due to being cold and/or isolated.
07/10/2020 £2,349 £228,303 HOME-START LEEDS Grant to Home-Start Leeds
07/10/2020 £2,046 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Grant to The Old Fire Station
07/10/2020 £3,000 £41,133 YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR MUSIC AND SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Grant to Yorkshire Association for Music and Special Educational Needs
07/10/2020 £19,500 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
07/10/2020 £5,625 THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF LEEDS Grant to The Friendship Circle of Leeds
07/10/2020 £19,931 £479,092 SPACE2 LEEDS Grant to Space2 Leeds
07/10/2020 £15,770 £949,280 PHOENIX DANCE THEATRE Grant to Phoenix Dance Theatre
07/10/2020 £20,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Grant to The Conservation Volunteers
07/10/2020 £15,855 £657,477 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS Grant to Learning Partnerships
07/10/2020 £1,500 THE TRIBE YOUTH GROUP Grant to The Tribe Youth Group
07/10/2020 £1,506 £511,080 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE Grant to Zest Health for Life
07/10/2020 £2,500 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
07/10/2020 £2,000 £459,668 COFFEE POT MEMORY CAFE Grant to Coffee Pot Memory cafe
07/10/2020 £749 £183,034 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
07/10/2020 £4,348 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
07/10/2020 £5,000 £283,594 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK To provide equipment to enable LASSN Hosting volunteers to become Covid Secure quarantine hosts - and to support extremely clinically vulnerable asylum seekers who are also destitute to stay with them over winter
07/10/2020 £2,500 £236,164,000 FARSLEY LIVE AT HOME SCHEME Grant to Farsley Live at Home Scheme
07/10/2020 £2,500 £54,468 INTERACT CHURCH AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Grant to InterACT Church and Community Partnership
07/10/2020 £2,496 £254,315 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
07/10/2020 £2,500 £132,359 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON Grant to Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London
01/10/2020 £2,500 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE Support for women who are vulnerable to or experiencing homelessness, exploitation, violence and abuse and isolation including those who are or have a history of sexwork.
29/09/2020 £7,000 BEVAN HEALTHCARE CIC Interactive activities targeted at children, young people and families focused on improving health and mental wellbeing; to have an opportunity, ability and confidence to access a healthy diet, in particularly supporting low-income families.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £20,657 BRADFORD PHAB We would like to engage able bodied and less able youngsters in a autumn sports camp and provide a varied programme of sports and recreational activities. These youngsters have additional needs and life limiting illnesses. They do not get the opportunity to participate in normal sports activities.
29/09/2020 £3,000 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON To provide food and fun to local children with halloween shennanigans and festive cheer and hope to bring children together in February for open access play.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £371,081 INN CHURCHES Cooking at The Storehouse are passionate about teaching nutrition and food skills to all ages, building confidence and essential life skills, we are an integral part of Inn Churches, we provide practical support to people who are vulnerably housed, hungry or cold, helping to make a permanent and lasting change.
29/09/2020 £4,000 £62,619 SUNNAH SPORTS ACADEMY TRUST We will be delivering the John Muir Award during the project.
29/09/2020 £6,200 £195,516 CAFé WEST - HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Fun, informative, healthy, working together as a community, staying safe.
29/09/2020 £4,402 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION The project will provide fun, exciting activities and warm meals for the deprived children of Bradford.
29/09/2020 £6,500 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE To provide healthy food and positive activities for families through school holidays. Delivery model of the project will be determined by legislation and guidelines and will be undertaken in a safe, friendly environment.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £198,416 LS14 TRUST The creation of a sustainable network of families across Seacroft, through the development of six hyperlocal social networks, capacity building groups of families in six specific areas by providing opportunities to eat, play and learn together while supporting each other to find local solutions.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE The creation of a sustainable network of families across Seacroft, through the development of six hyperlocal social networks, capacity building groups of families in six specific areas by providing opportunities to eat, play and learn together while supporting each other to find local solutions.
29/09/2020 £6,394 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Families who are vulnerable will receive weekly parcels containing ingredients and recipes for 5 healthy family meals, supported by online cookery and nutrition tips from HT’s chef, a private WhatsApp peer support group, and a programme of activities/challenges to enjoy at home/in local green spaces.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS CATCH Healthy Holidays will offer off-line and on-site covid-safe activities for children and young people. Each participant will be supplied food parcels for their themselves and their families whilst gently reinforcing some key healthy eating and COVID-19 safety messages.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £42,604 BRADFORD INCLUSIVE DISABILITY SERVICE To provide food and activities to provide relief fun and new experiences during covid.
29/09/2020 £4,038 GET OUT MORE CIC Street Food and Games will incorporate outdoor play and food distribution for families from the Keighley Big Local area (Hainworth, Woodhouse, Stockbridge). Children will work up an appetite at our outdoor play sessions, then take home a food and activity box to create a healthy meal at home
29/09/2020 £6,384 £248,487 BEAP COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Ready Steady Cook is a holiday programme for children aged 5-8 years old and their families. The project will consist of a range of sporting activities led by our qualified coach, who has the expertise and knowledge, to ensure well organised and enjoyable sessions, followed by a nutritional lunch.
29/09/2020 £6,782 £248,270 PLAY BRADFORD Building on the success of the summer PLATTER programme, we will provide a minimum of 4 hot meals and 5 play sessions per week to the most vulnerable children in the Ravenscliffe community, targeting holiday and out of school sessions, using food distribution and fair-share programmes.
29/09/2020 £4,103 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT The Valley Project will deliver fun school holiday play provision, engaging children and young people in adventurous and challenging activities (such as den building, tool use, parkour, messy play, team games, etc.) and supporting them to prepare a healthy camp fire cooked meal and snacks.
29/09/2020 £7,000 £264,425 WOMENZONE COMMUNITY CENTRE A fun, creative and enjoyable holiday activity programme for school aged young people engaging them in a range of activities that focus on improving their overall mental and physical health and wellbeing. As well as sending healthy lifestyle messages we will encourage young people to abide by Government COVID-19 guidelines.
29/09/2020 £2,412 £562,676 OTLEY ROAD AND UNDERCLIFFE COMMUNITY WORKS Provision of an 8 day Playscheme for children aged 5 to 13 from the BD3 area of Bradford, based at Communityworks, offering a wide range of activities including a meal using intercepted food sources.
29/09/2020 £6,248 £252,792 HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Providing 'Happy Times' during the pandemic to children, young people and families' through activities, food, meals, games outdoor, indoor and online sessions
29/09/2020 £3,761 £218,783 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING The sessions which would be at KHL and the Sue Belcher Centre will include a 2hr activity such as forest school or cooking and include a meal; the 6-8 children at each session will also receive a food kit to take home to feed their family.
29/09/2020 £21,000 LEEDS CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY HUBS Packed lunches, hampers and activities will be available to children, through a method of delivery to be agreed. Participants will be children accessing FSM, and targeted lists of children will be produced with schools/social care and other key stakeholders
29/09/2020 £7,000 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE To provide a safe and nurturing environment for young people and families to safely spend time together during the COVID times and to experience, learn and explore whilst making new friends without the financial constraints of holiday poverty which they are facing
29/09/2020 £6,810 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Hamara will provide a play scheme for children aged 5-11 years in the October and February half term and the winter holidays, where they will enjoy a warm healthy meal and structured/unstructured high quality play ensuring that the social distance guidelines are followed.
29/09/2020 £4,792 £750,822 HUNSLET CLUB The project will target and engage children and young people identified as being at risk of holiday hunger in an innovative school holiday programme that includes children and young people eating breakfast, preparing and eating a nutritious dinner and taking part in a multi activity programme of arts and sports.
29/09/2020 £6,960 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To help support local families with food and activity provision across the School holidays
29/09/2020 £30,000 IMPACT HUB BRADFORD We will engage individuals, constitued and unconstituted groups from underserved backgrounds, in particulur those from South Asian and African/Carribean communities to become more resilient and well governed by assessing their needs and providing support to work through their challenges, helping them access mainstream opportunities and amplify their impact.
29/09/2020 £30,000 £1,247,913 COMMUNITY ACTION BRADFORD & DISTRICT Increase the skills and knowledge in BAME frontline organisations to enable them to successfully apply for grants and contracts
29/09/2020 £11,118 £35,274 STAR BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE Support children, young adults (3-25 years) and families across the Wakefield District, affected by the death of a person important to them - parent, carer, friend, sister, step-brother, grandparent…. addressing their needs in ways that are compassionate, comprehensive, and accessible
28/09/2020 £2,500 BEVAN HEALTHCARE CIC The fund will provide extra help for those who are homeless or rough sleeping; ones who are likely to have health problems and vulnerable to getting ill as a result of corona virus.
25/09/2020 £2,500 £36,669 SMART WORKS CHARITY (LEEDS) Smart Works is a volunteer-led charity that dresses and coaches unemployed women for their job interview.
24/09/2020 £15,000 £195,560 WELLSPRINGS TOGETHER Grant to Wellsprings Together
24/09/2020 £20,910 £489,775 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
24/09/2020 £24,965 £653,881 EQUALITY TOGETHER Grant to Equality Together
24/09/2020 £25,000 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
24/09/2020 £19,600 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
24/09/2020 £25,000 £967,167 VOLITION - LEEDS Grant to PSI Volition
24/09/2020 £20,000 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
24/09/2020 £15,589 £298,639 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
24/09/2020 £2,500 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC We will set up a community orchard that our members, who are vulnerable in one way or another, can establish and run, carrying out the grafting and tree care with the support of knowledgeable tutors.
24/09/2020 £24,575 £1,436,876 CELLAR TRUST Grant to Cellar Trust
24/09/2020 £15,013 £1,247,913 COMMUNITY ACTION BRADFORD & DISTRICT Grant to Community Action Bradford & District
24/09/2020 £24,500 BRADFORD VCS ALLIANCE LTD, TRADING AS THE VCS ALLIANCE Grant to Bradford VCS Alliance Ltd, trading as The VCS Alliance
24/09/2020 £24,087 £2,246,466 BRIDGE PROJECT (BRADFORD) Grant to Bridge Project (Bradford)
24/09/2020 £24,845 £283,594 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Grant to Leeds Asylum Seekers' Support Network
24/09/2020 £20,308 £489,775 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
24/09/2020 £23,885 £937,843 VOLUNTARY ACTION LEEDS Grant to Voluntary Action Leeds
24/09/2020 £15,990 £233,208 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Grant to Black Health Initiative
23/09/2020 £2,500 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING We wish to continue our peer on peer training program the 'Skill Tree'
23/09/2020 £2,500 £2,459,387 ST GEORGE'S CRYPT We are delighted to have been invited to apply for unrestricted funding of £2,500 by LCF, on behalf of Victoria Leeds. If granted, the funds would be mindfully used to support some of the most vulnerable people in our city.
21/09/2020 £8,330 £254,315 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Our ambition over the life cycle of the project is to develop the community connection project, which will provide bespoke person centred services to people age 50 plus who have long term condition, mental health and are feeling isolated from the community.
21/09/2020 £2,070 £215,996 LEEDS WEEKEND CARE ASSOCIATION The grant will be used to provide taxi transport to families who would usually travel to our Weekenders Club service by public transport when we resume indoor services.
21/09/2020 £7,000 £34,498 CHAPELTOWN & HAREHILLS LEARNING PROJECT The Chapeltown & Harehills Learning Project offers a variety of training and employment preparation programmes to suit the individual needs of all our beneficiaries.
21/09/2020 £9,991 £491,524 WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS The funding will be spent on salary costs for a Worker for our Snowdrops project, to support the mental health needs of women who’ve experienced domestic violence and other traumatic experiences.
21/09/2020 £2,500 £2,539,450 LEEDS WOMEN'S AID Supporting victims of domestic violence
18/09/2020 £9,994 £1,680,064 GROUNDWORK NEWY Sport Talk is a pilot project that will use sport as the vehicle for providing support and social interaction for men who are at risk of suicide or experiencing bereavement as a result of suicide, with the aim of improving confidence and resilience through the development of sustained friendships.
18/09/2020 £24,771 £849,440 RUGBY LEAGUE CARES Rugby League Cares (RLC) and The Leeds Rhinos Foundation (LRF) are excited to bring to Leeds; ‘Offload’, a men’s mental fitness initiative which has been independently evaluated and proven to improve resilience, coping strategies and wellbeing in men living in deprived areas at risk of poor mental health and suicide.
16/09/2020 £7,500 £219,825 WAKEFIELD TRINITY COMMUNITY TRUST With the support of the Wakefield Resilience Fund, Wakefield Trinity Community Trust will sustain the part time position of a Community Wellbeing Officer who will be responsible for developing and delivering services to communities facing hardship as a result of Covid-19, with a focus on young adults and older people.
16/09/2020 £18,171 £170,525 PONTEFRACT FAMILY CENTRE If we could employ two part time staff we could restart evening activities and also provide new IT equipment to build strength and resilience for the future.
02/09/2020 £18,969 £850,818 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAUX To set up a Covid safe environment in order to allow the reintroduction of face-to-face advice services that have been suspended by the Covid Crisis. The project covers all the facilities now required (for example 18 Perspex screens) and the additional team member required for 7 months.
02/09/2020 £4,500 AGBRIGG & BELLE VUE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To enable the allotment site and facilities to continue to open safely, and to produce an 'Afternoon tea in a box' event.
02/09/2020 £19,552 £168,599 FEATHERSTONE ROVERS FOUNDATION To enable Featherstone Rovers Foundation to continue to operate and deliver our charitable objectives despite being faced with adversity due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We want to support our local community through this tough time by supporting their health and wellbeing.
01/09/2020 £4,650 INSPIRING COMMUNITY CIC The project will allow young people to come up and identify ideas with the guidance from staff to do 2 social actions for young people to deliver within the area.
26/08/2020 £10,000 £224,236 PRIMETIME AT THE VINE Grant to Primetime at The Vine
26/08/2020 £21,000 SOLIDARITECH Grant to Solidaritech
24/08/2020 £20,000 £306,615 EASTMOOR COMMUNITY PROJECT LIMITED Grant to Eastmoor Community Project Limited
18/08/2020 £10,000 £7,729 AFROLATINO Grant to Afrolatino
18/08/2020 £4,167 £34,498 CHAPELTOWN & HAREHILLS LEARNING PROJECT Grant to Chapeltown & Harehills Learning Project
18/08/2020 £5,000 £29,804 CHARLIES-ANGEL-CENTRE FOUNDATION Grant to Charlies-Angel-Centre Foundation
18/08/2020 £7,000 COMPLETE WOMAN CIC Grant to Complete Woman CIC
18/08/2020 £1,100 INVISIBLE PAIN THEATRE COMPANY Grant to Invisible Pain Theatre Company
18/08/2020 £9,850 £145,762 MANNINGHAM PROJECT LTD Grant to Manningham Project Ltd
18/08/2020 £7,858 £45,550 OAKWORTH COMMUNITY TRUST Grant to Oakworth Community Trust
18/08/2020 £9,330 £61,060 SPRINGFIELD BOYS CLUB ( KNOWN AS SPRINGFIELD CENTRE) Grant to Springfield Boys Club ( known as Springfield Centre)
18/08/2020 £9,983 £34,357 SURVIVORS WEST YORKSHIRE Grant to Survivors West Yorkshire
18/08/2020 £10,000 £5,004 BRACKENWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Brackenwood Community Association
18/08/2020 £9,369 BRIGHT SPARKS THEATRE ARTS COMPANY CIC Grant to Bright Sparks Theatre Arts Company CIC
18/08/2020 £10,000 £49,613 GIVE A GIFT Grant to Give A Gift
18/08/2020 £10,000 £64,796 HALTON MOOR AND OSMONDTHORPE PROJECT FOR ELDERS (HOPE) Grant to Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe Project for Elders (HOPE)
18/08/2020 £7,964 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
18/08/2020 £3,700 £3,529 LEEDS CONVERSATION CLUB Grant to Leeds Conversation Club
18/08/2020 £9,900 LIVING POTENTIAL CARE FARMING CIC Grant to Living Potential Care Farming CIC
18/08/2020 £10,000 £59,170 THE HIVE SILSDEN CIO Grant to The Hive Silsden CIO
18/08/2020 £6,000 YOUTH MOVEMENT AGAINST VIOLENCE CIC (YMAV) Grant to Youth Movement Against Violence CIC (YMAV)
17/08/2020 £500 TEAM CREATIVE Grant to TEAM CREATIVE
17/08/2020 £1,020 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
17/08/2020 £7,000 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
17/08/2020 £40,000 LEEDS CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY HUBS Grant to Leeds City Council Community Hubs
14/08/2020 £24,330 £61,054 TRUST LEEDS Growing a network of Self Reliance Groups in Leeds, creating a sustainable framework to address loneliness, self-reliance and financial resilience through purposeful friendship groups.
13/08/2020 £4,922 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
06/08/2020 £25,000 £283,594 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Meet & Connect will be a programme of weekly activities where refugees, asylum seekers and volunteers meet to explore their neighbourhood, identify and record places of interest, and share what they find with others. We will build confidence of asylum seekers and refugees, helping them to get to know their neighbourhood better (the groups & activities on offer) and the opportunities which sometimes feel hidden, invisible or out of reach.
04/08/2020 £10,000 £272,348 ACTION POINT COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Grant to Action Point Community Support Services
04/08/2020 £9,990 £20,190 BERYL BROWNE FOUNDATION Grant to Beryl Browne Foundation
04/08/2020 £9,000 £208,363 CHAPELTOWN COMMUNITY NURSERY Grant to Chapeltown Community Nursery
04/08/2020 £8,200 £56,317 D:SIDE Grant to d:side
04/08/2020 £9,834 EAST LEEDS PROJECT Grant to East Leeds Project
04/08/2020 £9,992 HUMANS BEING Grant to Humans Being
04/08/2020 £10,000 £48,618 ILKLEY & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS Grant to Ilkley & District Good Neighbours
04/08/2020 £10,000 £127,908 IMAGINE IF THEATRE COMPANY Grant to Imagine If Theatre Company
04/08/2020 £8,945 £36,231 KYFFIN PLACE COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Kyffin Place Community Centre
04/08/2020 £10,000 £33,273 MADE WITH MUSIC Grant to Made with Music
04/08/2020 £5,000 MARY MAGDALENE CIC Grant to Mary Magdalene CIC
04/08/2020 £8,000 £11,605 NAYA SAVERA Grant to Naya Savera
04/08/2020 £10,000 RETHINK FOOD Grant to Rethink Food
04/08/2020 £10,000 £43,387 THE GOOD SHEPHERD CENTRE Grant to The Good Shepherd Centre
04/08/2020 £10,000 £220,052 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD Grant to Bierley Community Association Ltd
04/08/2020 £9,887 £195,516 CAFé WEST - HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Café West - Healthy Living Centre
04/08/2020 £10,000 CAPITAL OF CYCLING Grant to Capital of Cycling
04/08/2020 £10,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
04/08/2020 £10,000 £253,100 LEEDS SOUTH AND EAST FOODBANK (FORMERLY LEEDS FOODBANK) Grant to Leeds South and East Foodbank (formerly Leeds Foodbank)
04/08/2020 £9,737 £98,858 LOWER GRANGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Lower Grange Community Association
04/08/2020 £10,000 £438,212 YORKSHIRE'S BRAIN TUMOUR CHARITY Grant to Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity
28/07/2020 £10,000 £168,796 LEEDS FAITH IN SCHOOLS Grant to Leeds Faith in Schools
28/07/2020 £8,500 £17,608 THE SWAN SONG PROJECT Grant to The Swan song Project
28/07/2020 £10,000 £188,230 ARTWORKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES Grant to Artworks Creative Communities
28/07/2020 £9,616 GET OUT MORE CIC Grant to Get Out More CIC
28/07/2020 £10,000 £35,304 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
28/07/2020 £10,000 £213,866 HIVE Grant to Hive
28/07/2020 £10,000 £77,519 THE IMMANUEL PROJECT Grant to The Immanuel Project
28/07/2020 £8,437 £141,854 INVOLVE Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
28/07/2020 £9,570 £252,792 HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
28/07/2020 £8,893 £132,359 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
24/07/2020 £3,000 £545,486 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Private donation to Behind Closed Doors
21/07/2020 £10,000 £302,138 MERCY MISSION UK Grant to Mercy Mission UK
21/07/2020 £9,000 £105,967 BRADFORD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Grant to Bradford Youth Development Partnership
21/07/2020 £9,950 £51,721 COMMUNITY COUGARS FOUNDATION Grant to Community Cougars Foundation
21/07/2020 £9,000 £144,583 THE SANGAT CENTRE Grant to The Sangat Centre
21/07/2020 £9,655 £136,290 RJC DANCE Grant to RJC Dance
21/07/2020 £9,800 £190,958 MUSLIM WOMEN'S COUNCIL Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £9,100 £233,208 BLACK HEALTH INITIATIVE Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £6,000 £21,497 BRACKEN BANK & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £9,340 £20,657 BRADFORD PHAB Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £4,000 £16,406 BRADFORD REFUGEE FORUM Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £10,000 £283,594 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
21/07/2020 £10,000 RADIO ASIAN FEVER CIC Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
15/07/2020 £10,000 £297,780 BURMANTOFTS COMMUNITY PROJECTS - MONEY BUDDIES Grant to Burmantofts Community Projects - Money Buddies
15/07/2020 £9,980 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
15/07/2020 £9,960 £248,487 BEAP COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
15/07/2020 £9,926 £248,270 PLAY BRADFORD Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
15/07/2020 £10,000 £183,162 OBLONG Support for ongoing delivery and adapting operating/funding model.
10/07/2020 £8,870 LEEDS LEARNING ALLIANCE Grant to Leeds Learning Alliance
07/07/2020 £10,000 BRAMLEY CLUSTER Grant to Bramley Cluster
07/07/2020 £10,000 EAST LEEDS ACADEMY Grant to East Leeds Academy
07/07/2020 £10,000 WEST SILC Grant to West SILC
07/07/2020 £7,000 PINGPONG4U Grant to Pingpong4u
07/07/2020 £1,100 ST CROSS AMAZING YOUTH CLUB Grant to St Cross Amazing Youth Club
07/07/2020 £6,100 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Grant to The Old Fire Station
07/07/2020 £7,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
07/07/2020 £6,180 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
07/07/2020 £7,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
07/07/2020 £6,980 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
07/07/2020 £6,980 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
07/07/2020 £7,000 £750,822 HUNSLET CLUB Grant to Hunslet Club
07/07/2020 £6,960 LEMON BALM THERAPEUTIC HORTICULTURE CIC Grant to Lemon Balm Therapeutic Horticulture CIC
07/07/2020 £10,000 GRIMES DYKE PRIMARY SCHOOL Grant to Grimes Dyke Primary School
07/07/2020 £10,000 RICHMOND HILL ACADEMY Grant to Richmond Hill Academy
07/07/2020 £120,000 LEEDS CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY HUBS Grant to Leeds City Council Community Hubs
07/07/2020 £7,000 TEAM CREATIVE Grant to TEAM CREATIVE
07/07/2020 £7,000 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
07/07/2020 £3,360 CREATIVE FRAME Grant to Creative Frame
07/07/2020 £6,995 £111,000 GIPTON TOGETHER Grant to Gipton Together
07/07/2020 £7,000 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
07/07/2020 £6,845 INVIZIBLE CIRCLE EDUCATION Grant to Invizible Circle Education
07/07/2020 £6,435 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Kirkstall Valley Development Trust
07/07/2020 £6,980 SEACROFT COMMUNITY ON TOP Grant to Seacroft Community On Top
07/07/2020 £5,034 LET'S DO MORE CIC Grant to Let's Do More CIC
07/07/2020 £4,937 LEFT BANK LEEDS Grant to Left Bank Leeds
07/07/2020 £6,870 GIPSIL Grant to GIPSIL
07/07/2020 £6,095 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
07/07/2020 £8,746 CROSS GATES PRIMARY SCHOOL Grant to Cross Gates Primary School
07/07/2020 £2,500 MOUNT ST MARY'S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL LEEDS Y6-7 transition summer school for vunerable disadvantged students.
07/07/2020 £6,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS TCV Skelton Grange staff and volunteer team will deliver 20 days of environmental themed activities and meal packages, designed to safely broaden the education, play and dietary horizons of children and young people in need during the COVID-19 crisis.
07/07/2020 £6,578 DAMASQ Stressed because of the lock down? Damasq will unlock your talent and feed your taste buds through our art and authentic cooking meals with recipes and materials delivered to your door steps
07/07/2020 £6,200 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE We would like to provide activities for the children and young people of LS9 to actively engage with and provide a healthy breakfast and lunch. Subject to Covid-19 regulations, we are confident we can do this as a takeaway service if required.
07/07/2020 £6,500 £262,817 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS In a summer unlike any other, the young broadcasters, musicians and writers from the Chapel FM Arts Centre will become "roving radio reporters" creating 10 radio documentaries/podcasts about how other Healthy Holiday youth organisations are unlocking the energy and ideas of young people in Leeds emerging from coronavirus lockdown.
07/07/2020 £7,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS CATCH Healthy Holidays will offer outdoor activities for young people in a safe environment. Each participant will be supplied food parcels for their themselves and their families whilst gently reinforcing some key healthy eating and COVID-19 safety messages.
07/07/2020 £6,850 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Program of activities for children and young people during summer holiday period including picnic in the park, zoom based cooking sessions, activity packs, hula hoop, skipping, outdoor multi sports, bicycle trips and walk and talk story times. The activities will benefit local families and families with disabled children.
07/07/2020 £6,880 SEAGULLS RE-USE LTD Mini Playbox is a venture by LS14 Trust, Fall Into Place, Playful Anywhere and Seagulls to distribute boxes of creativity, activity and play to families across Leeds. This project has been very successful in Seacroft (reaching over 1000 families) and in Armley (reaching over 250 families and older people).
07/07/2020 £7,000 CASTLTON PRIMARY SCHOOL To provide a playscheme in each of the holidays (except Christmas) for three days per week. Using the school facilities inc minibuses for transport, mountain bike, bushcraft area and sports pitch we, will provide activities throughout the day and a healthy lunch.
07/07/2020 £5,000 BRAMLEY PARK ACADEMY Holiday club provided for our pupil premium / most deprived children at school
07/07/2020 £3,000 REACH PRIMARY The aim of our healthy holidays club is to offer a safe place for children to attend during the holidays, whilst experiencing activities they may not have the opportunity to within their home lives.
07/07/2020 £9,576 HOVINGHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL The purpose of this project will be to offer our children (Hovingham Primary School) a safe place during the holidays, to carry out activities and exercise at both school and CATCH, as well as provide them with a hot and/or cold meal at lunch time.
07/07/2020 £10,000 WEST OAKS SEN SPECIALIST SCHOOL AND COLLEGE Summer Holiday Playscheme for children with SEN 2-19years.
07/07/2020 £7,000 BROOMFIELD SOUTH SILC We offer 3 weeks of playscheme over the summer holiday for pupils who attend our provision within term-time.
30/06/2020 £1,000 £291,536 OLDER PEOPLE'S ACTION IN THE LOCALITY (OPAL) The costs of digital equipment required to adapt services during covid 19 and beyond.
30/06/2020 £5,000 SOCIAL BUSINESS BROKERS Grant to Social Business Brokers
24/06/2020 £3,260 INSPIRE ARTS GROUP Grant to Inspire Arts Group
19/06/2020 £10,000 £160,281 DISABILITY SPORT YORKSHIRE Grant to Disability Sport Yorkshire
19/06/2020 £7,500 ST PETER’S CHURCH Grant to St Peter’s Church
15/06/2020 £5,000 BEVAN HEALTHCARE CIC Our aim is to provide meaningful occupation (activity) opportunities to people who are homeless during the Covid-19 outbreak.
12/06/2020 £9,842 YOUNG PEOPLE’S EMPOWERMENT PROJECT CIC Grant to Young People’s Empowerment Project CIC
12/06/2020 £9,330 £75,071 STANDBRIDGE LANE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to Standbridge Lane Community Development Trust
12/06/2020 £9,980 COMMUNITY CABIN FOUNDATION CIC Grant to Community Cabin Foundation CIC
12/06/2020 £5,900 UPTON ARLFC Grant to Upton ARLFC
09/06/2020 £3,993 KEIGHLEY CREATIVE CIO Dementia friendly art, craft and well-being sessions run on a weekly basis, linked to social prescribing, and developing partnerships with Dementia Friendly Keighley and other communities of interest.
09/06/2020 £3,995 GET OUT MORE CIC Nature Hub is a programme of nature-based activities including weekly walks, wild art, campfires and forest bathing activities, helping to create a sustainable model of social prescribing to improve health and wellbeing amongst Keighley residents.
09/06/2020 £3,940 MISSING PEACE WELLBEING + SUPPORT Highlighting the power of peer support and Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) for the community of Keighley, offering support, challenging unhelpful behaviour, raising awareness and reducing stigma.
09/06/2020 £3,260 £86,705 FRIENDS OF SILSDEN TOWN HALL Older people will be taught how to use tablets for daily life, with a specific focus video calling in order to make GP appointments more accessible.
09/06/2020 £4,000 £43,387 THE GOOD SHEPHERD CENTRE An open afternoon tea and support group for any member of our wider community suffering from isolation and loneliness, to enable social interaction and develop friendships.
09/06/2020 £2,872 £581,892 PRISM YOUTH PROJECT We will provide an Older People's group and an Autism Support group with a support worker, materials and tools to support them through a eco therapy scheme.
09/06/2020 £29,976 £1,983,095 AIREDALE VOLUNTARY DRUG AND ALCOHOL AGENCY To provide a Health Inclusion Specialist Social Prescriber to work with a specific cohort of dependent alcohol users with multiple and complex needs, engaging them in opportunities to make meaningful and sustainable changes in their lives.
09/06/2020 £29,710 £218,783 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING Leading the development of a comprehensive Lifestyle Change Programme to improve health and wellbeing of people living in Keighley.
09/06/2020 £14,685 £144,583 THE SANGAT CENTRE We want to work in partnership to develop a recognisable Lifestyle Change Programme across Keighley to improve health and wellbeing that also overcomes the cultural barriers and confidence issues that prevent users from accessing these beneficial services.
09/06/2020 £30,000 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE This 2-year Social Prescribing Project uses a social model of healthcare and links with primary care services to give users access to non-clinical interventions. Users will take-up activities based in grass roots settings which improve their physical and mental wellbeing and will become confident in self-managingexisting conditions.
09/06/2020 £29,977 £252,792 HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION To provide a tailor-made healthy lifestyle programme empowering people in particular from Keighley Central to lead a healthier life. Provide a ‘go to’ drop in service, helping to reduce the number of times individuals access GP surgeries and help make positive changes in a holistic way
09/06/2020 £15,000 £136,494 PEOPLE FIRST KEIGHLEY AND CRAVEN Enabling people to take charge of their own health, often the jargon of health professionals is difficult to understand by people with learning disabilities.Educating and empowering people in self care and early intervention. Raising awareness in appropriate ways to use the health system effectively reducing the need for crisis intervention
09/06/2020 £8,110 £19,400 HAINWORTHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE We want to work in partnership to develop a recognisable Lifestyle Change Programme across Keighley to improve health and wellbeing.
28/05/2020 £2,000 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Grant to The Old Fire Station
28/05/2020 £3,700 £205,530 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
28/05/2020 £4,500 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
28/05/2020 £4,500 £1,563,940 LEEDS MENCAP Grant to Leeds Mencap
28/05/2020 £4,500 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
28/05/2020 £4,500 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
28/05/2020 £4,500 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Grant to St Vincent's Support Centre
28/05/2020 £1,000 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
28/05/2020 £4,500 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
28/05/2020 £4,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
28/05/2020 £4,500 £4,362,262 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
28/05/2020 £4,500 £7,104 CROSS GREEN GROWING TOGETHER Grant to Cross Green Growing Together
28/05/2020 £4,500 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
28/05/2020 £4,500 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
28/05/2020 £4,500 £231,934 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Grant to Connecting Crossgates
28/05/2020 £1,768 £6,560 BETHANY HOUSE HEALING CENTRE Grant to Bethany House Healing Centre
28/05/2020 £5,770 £40,053 THE WELL PROJECT Grant to The Well Project
28/05/2020 £10,000 £26,006 WAKEFIELD STREET KITCHEN Grant to Wakefield Street Kitchen
28/05/2020 £1,440 £34,870 SENIOR CITIZENS SUPPORT GROUP Grant to Senior Citizens Support Group
28/05/2020 £2,300 £62,826 COACTIVE ARTS, KNOWN AS COACTIVE Grant to CoActive Arts, known as CoActive
28/05/2020 £6,820 £621,641 THE ART HOUSE Grant to The Art House
28/05/2020 £4,500 £186,051 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
28/05/2020 £4,500 TEAM CREATIVE Grant to TEAM CREATIVE
28/05/2020 £4,500 SEACROFT COMMUNITY ON TOP Grant to Seacroft Community On Top
28/05/2020 £7,272 INSPIRING COMMUNITY CIC Grant to Inspiring Community CIC
26/05/2020 £10,000 £35,304 DIAL LEEDS LTD Grant to Dial Leeds Ltd
26/05/2020 £9,460 £56,761 COMMUNITY MATTERS YORKSHIRE Grant to Community Matters Yorkshire
26/05/2020 £4,892 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
26/05/2020 £9,380 £56,385 LEEDS BEREAVEMENT FORUM Grant to Leeds Bereavement Forum
26/05/2020 £10,000 £76,526 THE LIPPY PEOPLE CHARITABLE TRUST Grant to The Lippy People Charitable Trust
26/05/2020 £9,840 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Our project will provide ongoing support, mentoring and training to community gardening and health walk groups that were initially established by the Leeds city-wide Green Gym programme 2018-20. This will enable at least four groups to complete their journey to independence with a tapered programme over two years.
26/05/2020 £9,889 HUMANS BEING The Well Men Activists (WMA) project is a peer-led programme that will improve self-management amongst men in Gipton, Harehills and Beeston. After an intensive training course, volunteers will support men in their communities to manage their health and wellbeing better by making lifestyle changes and taking up healthy living activities.
26/05/2020 £7,920 YORKSHIRE LIFE AQUATIC CIC Bramley Mermaids Club is an inclusive community-led group for women and girls that runs weekly creative swimming classes combining synchronised swimming techniques and dance moves in the pool for women of all abilities and ages.
26/05/2020 £10,000 LEEDS MINDFULNESS COOPERATIVE CIC This project is firmly connected to local communities and where people live to deliver 8 week courses which teach mindfulness skills and compassion to ease suffering and help develop strategies to cope with, persistent pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression and long term health conditions.
26/05/2020 £8,000 KIRKSTALL VALLEY DEVELOPMENT TRUST A varied events programme; to engage the widest range of local residents enabling us to raise awareness of the organisations working the area, increase community involvement and activity and in this way tackle the isolation and mental health problems of the area
26/05/2020 £9,961 LEEDS BOSOM BUDDIES We would implement a training programme to cascade upskilling at every level of our organisation, from volunteers to those supporting breastfeeding in the Leeds community, in order to work in more geographical areas, especially the 'hard to reach', and become more sustainable.
26/05/2020 £5,000 SING & SHINE Stay Connected is a community lead project with aims to tackle health problems associated with lonliness and retirment. The project is designed and inspired by an existing singing group of local people who hope to help others in the same way they have benefited.
26/05/2020 £10,000 THE TRIBE YOUTH GROUP The I am Me project shows a joined up approach and covers health and fitness and we know that regular physical activity can bring massive benefits to young people in terms of their physical health – but also for mental health and help to reduce social isolation too.
26/05/2020 £10,000 PINGPONG4U We aim to work with deprived communities to deliver regular, fun and engaging Adapted Ping Pong Activities, making a difference to people’s lives through reducing isolation,loneliness and by providing alternative and diversionary activity and celebrating achievements – making "some of the least heard" feel special!
26/05/2020 £4,900 INCUBATING ARTS CIC TRADING AS HATCH Love Arts Local is a pilot project to bring creativity and well-being to three very different areas of Leeds, using Creative Community Connectors to empower and motivate people.
26/05/2020 £9,315 THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT To provide older and vulnerable adults with support in the the development of their digital skills and confidence, enabling them to independently use computers and the internet, connecting them with the wider community and reducing their loneliness and isolation.
26/05/2020 £10,000 SEACROFT COMMUNITY ON TOP SCOT seeks to create and sustain strong social networks for local residents, networks that support people to work together to become more resilient, find solutions together and improve wellbeing.
22/05/2020 £10,000 £155,719 ONE TO ONE DEVELOPMENT TRUST Grant to One to One Development Trust
22/05/2020 £1,538 £800,031 HAMARA ELDERLY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Hamara Elderly Luncheon Club
22/05/2020 £9,600 £247,787 YORKSHIRE HEALTH AND SPORT (TRADING AS A1 FOOTBALL FACTORY) Grant to Yorkshire Health and Sport (trading as A1 Football Factory)
22/05/2020 £9,824 CRAFTING4GOOD CIC Grant to Crafting4Good CIC
22/05/2020 £3,380 5 TOWNS VETERANS SUPPORT HUB CIC Grant to 5 Towns Veterans Support Hub CIC
22/05/2020 £9,955 KINSLEY & FITZWILLIAM LEARNING AND COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Kinsley & Fitzwilliam Learning and Community Centre
22/05/2020 £3,700 INCREDIBLE EDIBLE WAKEFIELD Grant to Incredible Edible Wakefield
19/05/2020 £5,580 £358,162 HULL FC RUGBY COMMUNITY SPORTS AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION Grant to Hull FC Rugby Community Sports and Education Foundation
19/05/2020 £5,000 £873,247 EAGLES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Eagles Community Foundation
19/05/2020 £9,174 £3,253,881 CITIZENS ADVICE COUNTY DURHAM Grant to Citizens Advice County Durham
19/05/2020 £4,890 £137,810 BRADFORD DEAF COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Bradford Deaf Community Association
19/05/2020 £6,835 £107,011 THORNTON LODGE ACTION GROUP NB - cloned from last round (Oct 2019); they has entered the wrong value in the amount requested box and so were declined for requesting less than the minimum when they actually need £6,835 for the project. Agreed with Ibrar (Chair of Trustees) to resubmit with the error fixed and dates updated - AB 04/02/2020
15/05/2020 £6,480 £211,162 THE OLD QUARRY ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND Grant to The Old Quarry Adventure Playground
15/05/2020 £3,595 £149,320 SPECTRUM PEOPLE Grant to Spectrum People
15/05/2020 £6,800 £377,584 BIG ISSUE NORTH Grant to Big Issue North
15/05/2020 £9,994 MJ LANGUAGES-POLISH COMMUNITY CENTRE CIC Grant to MJ Languages-Polish Community Centre CIC
14/05/2020 £9,640 £101,338 SPEAK WITH IT Grant to Speak With IT
14/05/2020 £9,782 NEXT GENERATION WAKEFIELD COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY (C.I.C.) Grant to Next Generation Wakefield Community Interest Company (c.i.c.)
13/05/2020 £6,760 £96,367 EQUITY PARTNERSHIP Grant to Equity Partnership
12/05/2020 £10,000 £230,021 HOPE HOUSING Grant to Hope Housing
12/05/2020 £10,000 £178,387 LIFE CONNECTIONS Grant to Life Connections
12/05/2020 £7,372 £137,810 BRADFORD DEAF COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Bradford Deaf Community Association
12/05/2020 £10,000 £156,487 SHINE (WEST BOWLING) Grant to Shine (West Bowling)
12/05/2020 £9,679 £429,047 RAVENSCLIFFE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Ravenscliffe Community Association
12/05/2020 £5,000 £321,199 ONTRAK COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Grant to OnTrak Community Initiative
12/05/2020 £9,555 £188,230 ARTWORKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES Grant to Artworks Creative Communities
12/05/2020 £10,000 £94,469 BANGLADESHI COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BRADFORD Grant to Bangladeshi Community Association Bradford
12/05/2020 £8,173 £197,855 INNOVATIONS FOR LEARNING Grant to Innovations for Learning
12/05/2020 £10,000 £1,075,776 BRADFORD CITY FC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Bradford City FC Community Foundation
12/05/2020 £9,638 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE Grant to Leeds GATE Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
12/05/2020 £4,994 PEAK TUITION ACADEMY Developing literacy amongst children through guided reading support delivered by trained, parent volunteers under direct supervision of a literacy specialist.
07/05/2020 £3,600 GREEN TRACKS ENTERPRISE LTD Grant to Green Tracks Enterprise Ltd
05/05/2020 £4,171 £2,091,582 THEATRE ROYAL WAKEFIELD Grant to Theatre Royal Wakefield
05/05/2020 £4,000 £93,594 EDGELANDS ARTS Grant to Edgelands Arts
05/05/2020 £3,840 £219,825 WAKEFIELD TRINITY COMMUNITY TRUST Grant to Wakefield Trinity Community Trust
05/05/2020 £2,980 £93,633 HORBURY CHURCHES TOGETHER Grant to Horbury Churches Together
05/05/2020 £4,997 £3,975,805 THE HEPWORTH WAKEFIELD Grant to The Hepworth Wakefield
05/05/2020 £4,997 £65,929 COACTIVE ARTS, KNOWN AS COACTIVE Grant to CoActive Arts, known as CoActive
05/05/2020 £5,128 £267,502 OPEN COUNTRY Grant to Open Country
05/05/2020 £9,590 £126,546 LIGHTHOUSE WEST YORKSHIRE Grant to Lighthouse West Yorkshire
05/05/2020 £2,280 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Grant to Inspire Highfield
05/05/2020 £5,685 SORM STUDIOS (SCHOOL OF ROCK AND MEDIA) Grant to SORM STUDIOS (School of Rock and Media)
05/05/2020 £10,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING Grant to Bradford Community Broadcasting
05/05/2020 £5,000 LONG DIVISION CIC With #IWill support we can run the #YoungTeam Silver level Arts Award (GCSE level qualification) with an aim to graduate 10 young people, improving 2019s work. ACE support will fund the creation of a programme of the lower Discover and Engage levels of Arts Award, beginning to create a "way up" to the core Silver offer, growing our educational / community work. As noted above, ACE support also offers post Silver Arts Award content.
05/05/2020 £4,950 SWY CIC We wish to fill the gap in support with weekly 2 hour, inclusive multi activity sessions that challenge local young people with additional needs and/or disabilities (10-15 ) to develop important key life skills including confidence, resilience, self-motivation and communication skills whilst improving their physical & mental health.
04/05/2020 £834 £236,164,000 SOUPER MONDAY Grant to Souper Monday
04/05/2020 £284 £15,402 STAINBECK DAY CENTRE Grant to Stainbeck Day Centre
04/05/2020 £1,892 £286,621 MIDDLETON ELDERLY AID LUNCH CLUB Grant to Middleton Elderly Aid Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £1,538 £183,034 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Grant to Richmond Hill Elderly Action
04/05/2020 £834 £189,104 OTLEY ACTION WESTON FRIENDSHIP CLUB Grant to Otley Action Weston Friendship Club
04/05/2020 £834 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LUNCH CLUB Grant to New Wortley Community Association Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £834 £245,876 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME CIO - T DAYS LUNCH CLUB Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours Scheme CIO - T Days Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £513 £235,517,000 LEEDS WEST HUNSLET SALVATION ARMY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Leeds West Hunslet Salvation Army Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £834 £245,876 CROSS GATES & DISTRICT GOOD NEIGHBOURS’ SCHEME Grant to Cross Gates & District Good Neighbours’ Scheme
04/05/2020 £834 £236,164,000 FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB - PUDSEY LIVE AT HOME Grant to Friday Lunch Club - Pudsey Live at Home
04/05/2020 £417 £145,096 MEA LUNCH CLUB Grant to Mea Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £1,347 £236,164,000 ROTHWELL & DISTRICT LIVE AT HOME - MHA Grant to Rothwell & District Live at Home - MHA
04/05/2020 £834 £236,164,000 COTTINGLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Cottingley Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £417 £155,892 LEEDS BLACK ELDERS ASSOCIATION Grant to Leeds Black Elders Association
04/05/2020 £1,860 £187,966 KENTMERE AVENUE LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Kentmere Avenue Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £1,347 £187,966 SEACROFT FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS Grant to Seacroft Friends and Neighbours
04/05/2020 £751 £11,605 NAYA SAVERA Grant to Naya Savera
04/05/2020 £154 £49,639,000 COFFEE POT MEMORY CAFE Grant to Coffee Pot Memory cafe
04/05/2020 £1,347 HOPS - MONDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Monday Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £349 £236,459 DOVER STREET LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Dover Street Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £769 £94,296 SWARCLIFFE GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £834 £236,164,000 ST MARY'S LUNCH CLUB Grant to St Mary's Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £436 £145,096 THE SMILE PROJECT Grant to The SMILE Project
04/05/2020 £417 £236,164,000 HUNSLET LUNCH CLUB Grant to Hunslet Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £834 £236,164,000 ST ANDREW'S METHODIST LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to St Andrew's Methodist Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £834 HOPS - THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Thursday Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £710 £189,104 POOL & ARTHINGTON LUNCH CLUB Grant to Pool & Arthington Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £834 £189,104 OTLEY ACTION TUESDAY CLUB Grant to Otley Action Tuesday Club
04/05/2020 £834 £146,769 HOPS - FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB Grant to HOPS - Friday Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £218 £9,768 EAST ARDSLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to East Ardsley Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £417 £49,246 THE CIARAN BINGHAM FOUNDATION TRUST Grant to The Ciaran Bingham Foundation Trust
04/05/2020 £513 £6,142 COMMUNITY UNITY Grant to Community Unity
04/05/2020 £417 £110,452 BURMANTOFTS LUNCH CLUB Grant to Burmantofts Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £1,146 £236,164,000 HORSFORTH LIVE AT HOME SCHEME Grant to Horsforth Live at Home Scheme
04/05/2020 £192 £236,164,000 ROTHWELL & DISTRICT LIVE AT HOME - MHA Grant to Rothwell & District Live at Home - MHA
04/05/2020 £375 £110,452 EBOR GARDENS LUNCH CLUB Grant to Ebor Gardens Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £209 £158,263 BIEWA, TO BELLE ISLE SENIOR ACTION - BISA Grant to BIEWA, to Belle Isle Senior Action - BISA
04/05/2020 £417 £32,189 LEEDS CHINESE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD ELDERLEY LUNCH CLUB Grant to Leeds Chinese Community Association Ltd Elderley Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £1,347 £115,799 STEP SUPPORTING THE ELDERLY PEOPLE Grant to STEP Supporting The Elderly People
04/05/2020 £834 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
04/05/2020 £513 £236,459 HALLIDAY COURT LUNCHEON CLUB - NET Grant to Halliday Court Luncheon Club - NET
04/05/2020 £946 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER LUNCH CLUB Grant to Holbeck Together Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £639 £545,276 ALL HALLOWS LUNCH CLUB Grant to All Hallows Lunch Club
04/05/2020 £513 £236,459 CROSSHILLS COURT LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Crosshills Court Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £410 £236,459 ASTLEY COURT (PRIMROSE) LUNCHEON CLUB NET Grant to Astley Court (Primrose) Luncheon Club NET
04/05/2020 £392 £236,459 CHURCHVILLE (MICKLEFIELD) COMMUNITY CENTRE LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Churchville (Micklefield) Community Centre Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £513 £236,459 WESTBOURNE GARDENS LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Westbourne Gardens Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £305 £236,459 HOLLINS GROVE LUNCH CLUB - NET Grant to Hollins Grove Lunch Club - NET
04/05/2020 £436 £145,096 THE GROVE LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to The Grove Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £349 £236,459 VICTORIA CLOSE LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Victoria Close Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £513 £236,459 DECAFE DEMENTIA LUNCH CLUB NET Grant to Decafe Dementia Lunch Club NET
04/05/2020 £1,025 £254,315 ARMLEY HELPING HANDS Grant to Armley Helping Hands
04/05/2020 £1,892 £277,942 TRINITY NETWORK Grant to Trinity Network
04/05/2020 £1,892 £277,942 TRINITY NETWORK Grant to Trinity Network
04/05/2020 £930 £22,111 AL-KHIDMAT CENTRE Grant to Al-Khidmat Centre
04/05/2020 £769 £45,011 HAMWATTAN LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Hamwattan Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £417 £15,124 FARNLEY LUNCHEON CLUB Grant to Farnley Luncheon Club
04/05/2020 £834 £67,697 NEW FARNLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Farnley Community Association
04/05/2020 £2,210 £126,546 LIGHTHOUSE WEST YORKSHIRE Grant to Lighthouse West Yorkshire
04/05/2020 £2,500 £64,983 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Grant to Christ Church Armley (Meeting Point)
04/05/2020 £5,000 £213,230,000 CHANGE GROW LIVE Grant to Change Grow Live
04/05/2020 £4,000 BASIS YORKSHIRE Grant to Basis Yorkshire
04/05/2020 £2,694 BRAMLEY LUNCH CLUB (BASED AT BRAMLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE) Grant to Bramley Lunch Club (based at Bramley Community Centre)
01/05/2020 £10,000 £35,274 STAR BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE Grant to Star Bereavement Support Service
01/05/2020 £9,451 £92,050 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT CITY OF SANCTUARY Grant to Wakefield District City of Sanctuary
01/05/2020 £5,000 DREAM TIME CREATIVE CIC Grant to Dream Time Creative CIC
30/04/2020 £10,000 £87,998 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS Grant to Flourishing Families Leeds
30/04/2020 £10,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
30/04/2020 £2,370 £806,225 ST LUKES YOUTH CENTRE Grant to St Lukes Youth Centre
28/04/2020 £9,919 £64,983 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Grant to Christ Church Armley (Meeting Point)
28/04/2020 £9,900 THINK LIKE A PONY CIC Grant to Think Like a Pony CIC
28/04/2020 £3,483 YORKSHIRE LIFE AQUATIC CIC Grant to Yorkshire Life Aquatic CIC
27/04/2020 £5,000 £5,157,000 BRATHAY TRUST Grant to Brathay Trust
27/04/2020 £9,260 £56,385 LEEDS BEREAVEMENT FORUM Grant to Leeds Bereavement Forum
27/04/2020 £8,290 £147,911 ASSOCIATION OF BLIND ASIANS Grant to Association of Blind Asians
27/04/2020 £9,600 £54,468 INTERACT CHURCH AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Grant to InterACT Church and Community Partnership
27/04/2020 £3,090 TEA AND TOLERANCE Grant to Tea and Tolerance
24/04/2020 £5,000 £5,237 FAGLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (FCA) Grant to Fagley Community Association (FCA)
24/04/2020 £10,000 £38,168 ASCENDANCE REP Grant to Ascendance Rep
24/04/2020 £10,000 £68,645 LEEDS REFUGEE FORUM Grant to Leeds Refugee Forum
24/04/2020 £2,582 £231,934 LEEDS SPACE NETWORK (LSN) Grant to Leeds Space Network (LSN)
24/04/2020 £9,675 £676,969 CARERS WAKEFIELD AND DISTRICT Grant to Carers Wakefield and District
24/04/2020 £10,000 £71,130 WAKEFIELD DISTRICT SIGHT AID Grant to Wakefield District Sight Aid
24/04/2020 £5,000 £42,604 BRADFORD INCLUSIVE DISABILITY SERVICE Grant to Bradford Inclusive Disability Service
24/04/2020 £10,000 £608,521 WELL WOMEN CENTRE Grant to Well Women Centre
24/04/2020 £3,305 £36,358 KIDZ AWARE Grant to Kidz Aware
24/04/2020 £10,000 TRJFP CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Grant to TRJFP Charitable Foundation
24/04/2020 £5,000 £220,052 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
24/04/2020 £5,000 HORTON COMMUNITY FARM CO-OP LTD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
24/04/2020 £5,000 £154,916 BRADFORD ORGANIC COMMUNITIES SERVICE LTD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
24/04/2020 £5,000 KIDFIT LTD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
24/04/2020 £8,000 MY BRIGHT KITE CIC Grant to My Bright Kite CIC
24/04/2020 £10,000 PINGPONG4U Grant to Pingpong4u
24/04/2020 £6,000 RAINBOW JUNKTION Grant to Rainbow Junktion
24/04/2020 £9,656 ISPACE5 CIC Grant to iSpace5 CIC
21/04/2020 £10,000 £188,884 PHOENIX HEALTH AND WELLBEING Grant to Phoenix Health and Wellbeing
21/04/2020 £10,000 £67,796 THE HOWARTH FOUNDATION Grant to The Howarth Foundation
21/04/2020 £7,013 £19,346 HAREHILLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROJECT (H.E.L.P.) Grant to Harehills English Language Project (H.E.L.P.)
21/04/2020 £3,400 £25,201 ACAP (AFRICAN CARIBBEAN ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT) Grant to ACAP (African Caribbean Achievement Project)
21/04/2020 £6,050 £37,925 BETTER ACTION FOR FAMILIES Grant to Better Action for Families
21/04/2020 £5,860 £44,353,000 DRIGHLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH Grant to Drighlington Methodist Church
21/04/2020 £9,905 £60,568 PROJECT HOPE LEEDS Grant to Project Hope Leeds
21/04/2020 £4,875 £81,098 SUNSHINE AND SMILES - LEEDS DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK Grant to Sunshine and Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network
21/04/2020 £7,500 £59,256 BANGLADESHI YOUTH ORGANISATION (BYO) Grant to Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
21/04/2020 £6,990 IMPACT GAMERS C.I.C Grant to Impact Gamers C.I.C
21/04/2020 £4,250 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to Hollings Youth Association
21/04/2020 £4,300 RAVENSCLIFFE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to Ravenscliffe Youth Association
20/04/2020 £9,910 £106,881 GASPED Grant to GASPED
20/04/2020 £10,000 £93,633 HORBURY CHURCHES TOGETHER Grant to Horbury Churches Together
20/04/2020 £9,964 £231,813 RYCROFT LEISURE Grant to Rycroft Leisure
20/04/2020 £10,000 £2,091,582 THEATRE ROYAL WAKEFIELD Grant to Theatre Royal Wakefield
16/04/2020 £9,450 £62,619 SUNNAH SPORTS ACADEMY TRUST Grant to Sunnah Sports Academy Trust
16/04/2020 £5,000 SWY CIC Grant to SWY CIC
15/04/2020 £5,000 £98,858 LOWER GRANGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Lower Grange Community Association
15/04/2020 £5,000 £353,140 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
15/04/2020 £5,000 £264,425 WOMENZONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Womenzone Community Centre
15/04/2020 £5,000 £248,270 ECCLESHILL ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND Grant to Eccleshill Adventure Playground
15/04/2020 £5,000 £94,469 BANGLADESHI COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BRADFORD Grant to Bangladeshi Community Association Bradford
15/04/2020 £5,000 £280,744 NORTH EAST WINDHILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to North East Windhill Community Association
15/04/2020 £5,000 £156,487 SHINE (WEST BOWLING) Grant to Shine (West Bowling)
15/04/2020 £5,000 £369,601 BRADFORD CENTRAL FOODBANK - HOSTED BY THE LIGHT CHURCH Grant to Bradford Central Foodbank - Hosted by The Light Church
15/04/2020 £5,000 £375,005 THORPE EDGE COMMUNITY PROJECT Grant to Thorpe Edge Community Project
15/04/2020 £5,000 £105,967 BRADFORD YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP Grant to Bradford Youth Development Partnership
15/04/2020 £5,000 £87,000 ST CHRISTOPHER'S FAMILY CENTRE Grant to St Christopher's Family Centre
15/04/2020 £5,000 £371,081 INN CHURCHES Grant to Inn Churches
15/04/2020 £5,000 £6,622,752 BRADFORD TRIDENT Grant to Bradford Trident
15/04/2020 £5,000 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON Grant to Scholemoor Beacon
15/04/2020 £5,000 £429,047 RAVENSCLIFFE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Ravenscliffe Community Association
15/04/2020 £5,000 £218,783 KEIGHLEY HEALTHY LIVING Grant to Keighley Healthy Living
15/04/2020 £2,000 £284,420 STEP 2 YOUNG PEOPLES HEALTH PROJECT Grant to Step 2 Young Peoples Health Project
15/04/2020 £5,000 £1,075,776 BRADFORD CITY FC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Bradford City FC Community Foundation
15/04/2020 £5,000 £252,792 HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Highfield Community Association
15/04/2020 £5,000 £562,676 OTLEY ROAD AND UNDERCLIFFE COMMUNITY WORKS Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £20,657 BRADFORD PHAB Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £55,465 MAPA BRADFORD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 GET OUT MORE CIC Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £248,487 BEAP COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 GREAT HORTON CHURCH CRICKET CLUB Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 RAVENSCLIFFE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £637,421 CITY OF BRADFORD YMCA Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £2,500 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 £21,497 BRACKEN BANK & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 HOLLINGS YOUTH ASSOCIATION Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
15/04/2020 £5,000 BEVAN HEALTHCARE CIC Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
14/04/2020 £5,200 LITTLE LONDON ARTS Grant to Little London Arts
14/04/2020 £6,000 £18,383 LEEDS BABY BANK Grant to Leeds Baby Bank
14/04/2020 £3,000 THE MIDDLE TONES COMMUNITY CHOIR Grant to The Middle Tones community choir
14/04/2020 £10,000 LEMON BALM THERAPEUTIC HORTICULTURE CIC Grant to Lemon Balm Therapeutic Horticulture CIC
14/04/2020 £6,580 £42,377 MANNINGHAM MILLS SPORTS AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Manningham Mills Sports and Community Association
14/04/2020 £9,210 AIRE PLACE STUDIOS Grant to Aire Place Studios
14/04/2020 £9,550 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE Grant to Keighley Association for Women and Children Centre
14/04/2020 £8,000 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Grant to The Valley Project
14/04/2020 £4,800 £231,934 UNITY IN POVERTY ACTION (UPA) Grant to Unity in Poverty Action (UPA)
09/04/2020 £7,000 CLOTH CAT STUDIOS LTD Grant to Cloth Cat Studios Ltd
09/04/2020 £5,000 £64,983 CHRIST CHURCH ARMLEY (MEETING POINT) Grant to Christ Church Armley (Meeting Point)
09/04/2020 £5,000 £7,104 CROSS GREEN GROWING TOGETHER Grant to Cross Green Growing Together
09/04/2020 £5,000 £231,934 CONNECTING CROSSGATES Grant to Connecting Crossgates
08/04/2020 £5,000 £800,031 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE Grant to Hamara Healthy Living Centre
08/04/2020 £5,000 £205,530 DANCE ACTION ZONE LEEDS Grant to Dance Action Zone Leeds
08/04/2020 £5,000 £1,563,940 LEEDS MENCAP Grant to Leeds Mencap
08/04/2020 £5,000 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
08/04/2020 £5,000 £1,680,064 GROUNDWORK NEWY Grant to Groundwork NEWY
08/04/2020 £5,000 £75,253 GUISELEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Grant to Guiseley Community Foundation
08/04/2020 £5,000 £4,362,262 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
08/04/2020 £5,000 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
08/04/2020 £5,000 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to New Wortley Community Association
08/04/2020 £5,000 £111,000 GIPTON TOGETHER Grant to Gipton Together
08/04/2020 £5,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
08/04/2020 £5,000 £507,678 ST. PAUL'S, IRELAND WOOD Grant to St. Paul's, Ireland Wood
08/04/2020 £5,000 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Grant to Holbeck Together
08/04/2020 £17,528 CLOTH CAT STUDIOS LTD Grant to Cloth Cat Studios Ltd
08/04/2020 £8,591 £511,080 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE Grant to Zest Health for Life
08/04/2020 £10,000 £29,920 BRACKENWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Grant to Brackenwood Community Association
08/04/2020 £5,000 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
08/04/2020 £5,000 £1,201,783 LEEDS UNITED FOUNDATION Grant to Leeds United Foundation
08/04/2020 £5,000 £198,416 LS14 TRUST Grant to LS14 Trust
08/04/2020 £5,000 £750,822 HUNSLET CLUB Grant to Hunslet Club
08/04/2020 £5,000 £261,808 THE OLD FIRE STATION Grant to The Old Fire Station
08/04/2020 £5,000 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Grant to Health for All
08/04/2020 £5,000 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Grant to St Vincent's Support Centre
08/04/2020 £5,000 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Grant to Getaway Girls
08/04/2020 £20,515 £4,362,262 BARCA LEEDS Grant to BARCA Leeds
08/04/2020 £5,000 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 TEAM CREATIVE Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 PINGPONG4U Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 CREATIVE FRAME Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 RAINBOW JUNKTION Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £5,000 SEACROFT COMMUNITY ON TOP Emergency food and/or activity provision in response to Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown.
08/04/2020 £9,750 THE CANOPY HOUSING PROJECT Mentoring project akin to 'Men in Sheds' that creates a safe welcoming space that brings younger and older men together and provides skills training, confidence building and help towards employment after illness or life events. Rehabilitative, practical community project to reduce isolation and improves the environment and living conditions
08/04/2020 £10,000 HUMANS BEING Survive and Thrive will reduce social isolation and suicide risk factors for at-risk Leeds men by working with foodbank workers and volunteers to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence to act as men’s wellbeing ambassadors, whilst ensuring their own wellbeing is looked after as they volunteer.
06/04/2020 £3,000 £25,875 WORDS FOR WELLBEING Grant to Words For Wellbeing
03/04/2020 £6,200 £72,862 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
03/04/2020 £14,280 FOOD REVIVAL Distribution of food to Healthy Holidays providers for Covid-19 emergency response
03/04/2020 £5,600 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Grant to Fall Into Place Theatre
03/04/2020 £4,000 £39,168 FOR DISABILITY MOBILITY (FDM) Grant to For Disability Mobility (FDM)
31/03/2020 £5,000 TRUST LEEDS Grant to Trust Leeds
31/03/2020 £3,651 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Grant to The Youth Association
31/03/2020 £5,000 REESTABLISH Grant to Reestablish
31/03/2020 £3,118 £298,639 KIDZ KLUB Grant to Kidz Klub
31/03/2020 £5,000 £161,281 LEEDS DEC Grant to Leeds DEC
31/03/2020 £4,790 £117,250 PARTICIPATE PROJECTS Grant to Participate Projects
31/03/2020 £5,000 £353,140 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED Grant to e:merge (UK) Limited
31/03/2020 £5,000 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS Grant to CATCH Leeds
31/03/2020 £3,190 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Grant to Inspire Highfield
31/03/2020 £4,560 RADIO ASIAN FEVER CIC We will spend this grant on employing Broadcasting Trainers to deliver broadcasting opportunities, and short film making skills to young people aged 10 -20 Leeds.
31/03/2020 £5,000 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES Following the success of SLYPTC we will invest in a new group of 12 young people from South Leeds, to speak the truth of their experience of living in South Leeds to public, private and third sector leaders and influencers.
31/03/2020 £5,000 BRADFORD COMMUNITY BROADCASTING The project will recruit 10 young people, predominantly aged 11-15 and from disadvantaged backgrounds, to become volunteers at their community radio station.
31/03/2020 £4,539 £190,900 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Our project will provide and equip young people in building up positive relationships with other peers, staff members and the community by joining in positive activities.
26/03/2020 £10,000 £195,560 WELLSPRINGS TOGETHER Bradford food coordination role
16/03/2020 £24,997 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE The project will work with victims of domestic violence amongst marginalised BME women, who often become socially excluded and lonely after leaving a violent relationship, for many reasons including community pressure, lack of confidence and skills. We will offer a range of group activities to learn new skills and build confidence to break women's fear of loneliness and enable them to lead an independent life.
13/03/2020 £4,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS This pilot will be a step change for Hollybush. Combining café operations with onsite courses or activities for priority groups gives a robust level of weekend staffing for safeguarding and lone working. The café makes Hollybush a safe community space without the stigma of being a “setting for specific groups”. There will be café volunteer opportunities for our priority clients Building profile within the wider community and being “open to all” brings integration benefits of people just coming together. Potential pay as you feel activities and hosting external groups brings income versus time limited grant funded sessions.
13/03/2020 £15,000 STITCH-UP CIC We want to scale up Stitch-Up to reach a wider range of people through regular groups and community courses and open a fully accessible, community craft hub in Meanwood Community centre focused on creativity, connection and wellbeing in addition to our current craft school on Meanwood Road, Leeds.
13/03/2020 £2,855 POSITIVE FUTURES WY CIC Pathways to Employment Project in Leeds, 12 week employability programme for 5 people with learning difficulties and ASD, that encompasses areas of the arts to build confidence and resilience, improve employability skills, and support the student to identify and build on their own unique blend of qualities and skills for employment. Students will also have learned how to apply for job roles, create a CV's and take part in "mock interview" roleplays. Students will be able to identify suitable job roles for themselves, that they would like to gain experience in on the next longer term stage of the employability programme.
13/03/2020 £3,825 12IN12 CIC To provide group sessions to menopausal women creating a safe space to come together weekly to meet to discuss both physical & mental health and well-being whilst participating in walking or running outside, open to all family members & providing women only sessions, determining the requirements of the women before the initial sessions to work out who will be invited to join which sessions.
09/03/2020 £2,400 £104,983 THE GERALDINE CONNOR FOUNDATION Global Collective 2020 is an intensive performing arts and creative media summer programme for children and young people aged between 8-18 years.
09/03/2020 £20,000 £836,787 KARMAND COMMUNITY CENTRE Grant to Karmand Community Centre
09/03/2020 £4,790 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE The project aims to work with young people who have complex needs, learning disabilities or who struggle to engage with the traditional education system, by engaging with dance and physical creative tasks as alternative ways of learning, in order to bridge this potential disconnect.
09/03/2020 £19,935 £264,425 WOMENZONE COMMUNITY CENTRE We plan to deliver a series of weekly sessions, bi monthly workshops and residential weekends for young poeple aged 13-18 years.
09/03/2020 £13,210 £5,157,000 BRATHAY TRUST We’ll work with 12 young people aged from 13 to 19 to broaden their horizons, raise their aspirations and increase their awareness of higher education opportunities.
09/03/2020 £10,233 BRADFORD STUDY SUPPORT NETWORK Introduce range of agreed activities that attract young people and enable them to identify and develop skills required to increase/ facilitate access to Aprenticeships/ FE/HE.
09/03/2020 £4,240 DJ SCHOOL UK Providing places and transport to our inclusive studio-based youth-led DJ Clubs for 16 young people who will benefit most from our activities but who cannot afford them and are not otherwise funded by our main partners. NB the postcode above is for our studio as we recruit across the city
09/03/2020 £3,850 £11,888,000 DIOCESE OF LEEDS MUSIC To subsidise and fully fund choral singing sessions in some of Leeds poorest primary schools over the next academic year, providing life-changing opportunities for over 300 state school children whilst enabling progression through our renowned pyramid of Cathedral Choirs.
21/02/2020 £5,000 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL The Care Collective will bring together Care Experienced Young People to explore their creative and art based talents. Over the last 12 months we have ran the Roots project which has been funded by Fairhurst Fund and the engagement has been fantastic, young people have worked with Michelle Scally Clarke to develop skills in music, spoken word, singing and performance. This project will continue this fantastic work for another 12 months.
21/02/2020 £4,998 LEEDS GATE GYPSY AND TRAVELLER EXCHANGE We will provide a homework club for children from Gypsy and Traveller background, to help them achieve functional skills in literacy and numeracy and inspire them to aim high. Many of our young people are out of education from age 11 due to elective home education or exclusion. We will facilitate visits and inductions to colleges and universities to encourage young people to re-engage withe education, supporting them through this significant transition.
21/02/2020 £5,000 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Experienced Skelton Grange staff and volunteers will improve the confidence & wellbeing of Looked After Children, and children living in poverty, through structured enrichment activities in an outdoor natural environment.
21/02/2020 £5,000 GIPSIL An arts based group work programme to support, educate and empower young people aged 6-16 who have witnessed domestic violence.
21/02/2020 £4,896 HYDE PARK SOURCE Rosebank Rangers; a weekly outdoor session for children aged 6-12 (targeting children living in temporary hostel accommodation and/or living in poverty) encouraging them to get outdoors, be active and improve their health and wellbeing through improving the local environment.
21/02/2020 £4,816 £87,998 FLOURISHING FAMILIES LEEDS The Bigger Horizons Project builds on the success of our Horizons Project and extends financial literacy mentoring into art clubs, family cookery clubs and an art project as well as tackling invisible barriers to educational engagement, longer-term employability and poor health due through activity-based mentoring for vulnerable children, art clubs, family cookery clubs and an arts project where activity costs and financial decision-making will be managed by beneficiaries as they grow in confidence and self-esteem.
21/02/2020 £5,000 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES Shine Bright will employ a specialist "connect worker" to support 15 girls aged 11-18 who are Children Looked After in inner south Leeds (LS10 and LS11) through one to one support and group work, based within the wider network of The Shine Project. The worker will work closely with local high schools to identify referrals.
21/02/2020 £5,000 THINK LIKE A PONY CIC We will be integrating more structured and comprehensive academic support and mentouring into the Think Like a Pony Programme to support re-engagement in education for vulnerable children.
21/02/2020 £5,000 MY BRIGHT KITE CIC A weekly enrichment and skills based project to support young refugees and other international new arrivals to feel safe and welcome, make friends, build new skills, settle and integrate into their school and wider community, have a voice and participate and feel empowered to achieve their goals and aspirations.
14/02/2020 £2,134 £77,519 THE IMMANUEL PROJECT The project will encourage guests who are willing to participate, to engage in physical activities such as walking, swimming and cycling to improve their physical well being.
14/02/2020 £4,800 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Additional activities that promote physical health and healthy lifestyles, including growing our own produce, cooking nutritional meals on our camp fire, providing nutritional advice and encouraging and monitoring physical activities through the use of fitness trackers.
14/02/2020 £4,976 £37,925 BETTER ACTION FOR FAMILIES Improving the health and wellbeing of children/adults with learning diabilities and their familes through targeted and inclusive action to make dreams come true.
14/02/2020 £4,992 BRADFORD MOOR PLAY AND SUPPORT SERVICE The project aims to give a fighting chance to disenfranchised young people known to be at risk of becoming involved with drugs and alcohol misuse. Young people will be recruited onto the project both through referrals and outreach at the local hotspot for antisocial behaviour, Attock Park. It will engage young people onto a programme of boxercise, health, fitness and nutrition sessions delivered by qualified individuals.
14/02/2020 £3,000 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD Improve and inspire participation in being more physically active and understanding the benefits.
14/02/2020 £4,999 £35,304 DIAL LEEDS LTD Actively Better is a DIAL LEEDS peer support programme to empower people with impairments and long-term conditions to eat better, be more active and engaged in taking care of their own physical health and wellbeing.
14/02/2020 £4,960 SWY CIC SWY CIC will work in partnership with The Bridge Project in Bradford to support the health and wellbeing of adults who have suffered from substance misuse by delivering a 24-week programme of activities that produce natural highs such as boxing, yoga, mindfulness and running clubs as part of their journey of recovery.
14/02/2020 £4,000 CORE SKILLS COACHING C.I.C. To give those suffering in pain from osteoarthritis and symptoms relating to Type 2 diabetes, light engaging exercise targeting specifically the knee and hip joints and education on management and prevention associated with both.
14/02/2020 £4,960 £62,619 SUNNAH SPORTS ACADEMY TRUST RACE (Raising Awareness of Crime and Exploitation) is an intervention and prevention programme that will be delivered once per week for 2 hours over 50 weeks to young people aged 5-18 from Manningham. We will be using the power of sport as a tool to engage young people in positive diversionary activities and educating them on the seriousness of substance misuse, criminal and anti-social behaviours and different forms of exploitation they should look out for.
14/02/2020 £4,679 NAFS NUTRITION ADVISE FITNESS SELFCARE NAFS will provide a link with GPs and offer regular taster sessions for people to come and try new activities and workshops to find new ways to improve their health without medicine and get active.Social prescribing is fairly new in Bradford and to get referral from GPs is difficult. Our sessions will provide the bridge from doctor to a familiar and cultural friendly sports activities and raise awareness about Nutrition, substance misuse and improving selfcare.
07/02/2020 £2,454 £49,639,000 DRIGHLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH A one day event/party for people that would alone at Christmas with food and activities that would include using Skype to contact friends or family further afield. This would bring people together to offer a range/menu of options for Summer Holiday activities in August 2020 to look forward to. This could include trips, film, shows and games with food and refreshments.
24/01/2020 £4,887 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION Money from Pears Youth Fund 2019 underspend (£3,019.02) with a top-up from Mohn Westlake money (£1,867.98). This is for a youth consultation and engagement project which will see how youth voice can be best reflected in Pears Youth Fund, and to some extent our work generally. Full proposal and additional clarifications attached - AB 24/01/2020
24/01/2020 £1,920 £248,487 BEAP COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP We aim to educate young people on the harms of crime, drugs and dangerous driving
24/01/2020 £1,000 £99,188 MANNINGHAM MILLS SPORTS AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION We intend to run a 32 session, participation, diversionary and inclusion activities program, using Boxing, Multi Sport and Fitness as the primary delivery agent to bring togeter diverse young people from different backgrounds to learn and develop using the gym as a focal point
24/01/2020 £2,500 ISPACE5 CIC iSpace Youth Intervention Programme is a preventative approach enabling individuals to address issues at the earliest possible stages, through outreach work and diversionary activities. The aim is to reduce the number of y/p entering the criminal justice system or being exploited, as well as empowering y/p to have a safe place to go and a voice that will be heard.
24/01/2020 £2,500 ADVANCEMENT OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT (CIC) To continue to support Asian young people to break the cycle of vulnerability of crime and criminality through positive and developmental engagement activities.
24/01/2020 £2,500 SORM STUDIOS (SCHOOL OF ROCK AND MEDIA) The project will be an outreach project working with professionals from West Yorkshire police and Bradford youth service. The project will work with young people on the streets with the aim of bringing them back to the studio to work on music & video projects that raise awareness around street crime such as drugs, alcohol, gang and knife crime. The project will be hard hitting and target the most at risk.
24/01/2020 £2,500 £1,150,237 TENDER EDUCATION AND ARTS Grant to Tender Education and Arts
24/01/2020 £2,500 £552,754 ST LUKE'S CARES The Holbeck Moor Initiative: Rise Up Academy is a sports project focused around Holbeck Moor where 4 local young people have decided they want to work towards sports leader qualifications and run football sessions and mentoring in their local community - providing 40 young people with valuable diversionary sports activities - with the support of the RISE youth worker team.
22/01/2020 £10,205 £81,714 MOONLIGHT TRUST Grant to Moonlight Trust
22/01/2020 £2,500 £3,720,515 CARERS RESOURCE HARROGATE Grant to Carers Resource Harrogate
22/01/2020 £18,297 £188,230 ARTWORKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES Creative Routes is an exploration involving looked after children living in residential care in Bradford, the staff that look after them, inspirational role models and horizon-broadening experiences.
22/01/2020 £20,000 ISPACE5 CIC The project would take place in 3 different areas, Hemsworth, Castleford Ferry Fryston and Wakefield Central. Each area would receive the following: Community awareness event, showcasing the work of iSpace (including recruiting for this bid), Go Higher and NCOP. Team building activities for youth group Team building activity for parents/carers 8 week Positive psychology course for up to 10 young people 8 week Positive psychology course for up to 10 parents/carers Ambassador training up to 24 youth/adults 3 x planning sessions for adults/youths together to plan the celebration event. AQA unit awards for all Celebration event
22/01/2020 £18,095 RADIO ASIAN FEVER CIC We plan to deliver weekly radio broadcasting workshops to young people aged 13-19 to give them additional skills in editing, script writing, producing and in house software and to produce a audio drama regarding the positives of further education, which will be re aired for others to hear. We will use this opportunity to empower young people to progress in school and into further education by inviting local FE organisations to speak directly with young people regarding their potential. Additionally parents and carers of young people will be invited to speak directly with further education organisations to alleviate any misconceptions.
22/01/2020 £19,763 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE The project engages 100 young men and women and their families on a 15- week intervention programmes, (25 young people per programme) 200 users . It exposes participants to ‘hands-on’ STEM opportunities and BAME role models. It builds a shared excitement and creates the self-belief, educational performance and family/cultural support needed for 80% young participants to aspire to STEM careers.
22/01/2020 £5,760 PHOENIX RADIO To create an inter-generational project based on strengthening families and the community.
22/01/2020 £5,380 £5,237 FAGLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (FCA) To work with parents/carers living on the estate to raise awareness of the opportunities open to young people and to break down perceived barriers to higher education.
22/01/2020 £15,200 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING Grant to Leeds Wood Recycling
06/01/2020 £24,972 £744,769 FEEL GOOD FACTOR Build on existing Manbassadors project for one year, and increase number of working Manbassadors to 30.
19/12/2019 £5,000 £1,983,095 PROJECT 6 Active Citizen is 12-week programme to enable young people who may be at risk or affected by substance misuse or CSE to become more resilient and to take up leadership roles with their communities, based around leadership, collective impact, building communities and innovation.
19/12/2019 £3,633 £114,346 SCHOLEMOOR BEACON This project will promote learning and personal development (growing) through art
19/12/2019 £4,754 £5,157,000 BRATHAY TRUST Our proposal is to target children and young people who regularly go missing from home or care. Our successful residential programme engages young people and their key workers to build rapport and trust, enabling the ‘push and pull’ factors to be addressed, through the development of effective safety and support plans. Through matched funding, we propose offering a complementary community based programme, delivering specialist activity sessions, addressing wider wellbeing issues affecting these vulnerable young people.
19/12/2019 £5,000 £7,100 16-2-25 ADVICE ADVOCACY ACTION providing a free, confidential and proffesional advice service on a drop in basis, designed to address the laws the policies that specifically effect 16 to 25 year olds, led by the needs of young people and based on 12 years experience of succesfully delivering this service and the continuing positive feed back from young people and young peoples services
19/12/2019 £5,000 £124,176 PEACEMAKER INTERNATIONAL Bradford Youth Engagement Project (B-YEP) provides open access to young people in similar situations to come together, offering them informal learning opportunities and information and guidance through a range of activities undertaken in a group in which they feel safe and not stigmatised where they are able to develop their communication, confidence, relationships and ability to manage their feelings, meaning that they are better informed about life choices and opportunities that are available to them.
19/12/2019 £4,960 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION The Community Ambassadors Programme (CAP) is a scheme that increases levels of aspiration, empowerment and social mixing, by taking social action to street level. It takes two community issues (street-gathering and lack of inter-community mixing) and combines them to form an innovative response.
19/12/2019 £4,853 £353,140 E:MERGE (UK) LIMITED To provide positive activities in school holidays for vulnerable, isolated and ‘at risk’ young people in some of the most deprived areas of Bradford that will give experiences to help them to discover new strengths, skills and abilities, improving their health and wellbeing and aspirations for the future.
19/12/2019 £5,000 £190,900 SANDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Your Voice will support local young people to come together, raise their voice and empower them to take action to make positive changes in their community.
19/12/2019 £4,989 £96,367 EQUITY PARTNERSHIP We currently deliver a fortnightly youth group for young people aged 11 - 19 who are Trans or wanting to explore their gender identity and we want to increase the sessions to weekly. In this application when we refer to Trans young people we mean all young people who are Trans or who are unsure and want to explore their gender identity.
19/12/2019 £5,000 £284,420 STEP 2 YOUNG PEOPLES HEALTH PROJECT A weekly group offering positive activities and new experiences to young women from disadvantaged communities.
19/12/2019 £4,975 BRADFORD YOUNG SIGNERS GROUP This project will provide information, advice and guidance in essential life skills for deaf young people, including financial management, mental health awareness, DIY, cooking and nutrition, travel training, police and politics.
19/12/2019 £4,980 £220,052 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD The BASE project provides over 22 hours of tailored youth provision over 6 days each week. We start building relationships with young people from age 5 and continue to support them as they grow, up through high school.
11/12/2019 £5,764 £60,164 DIAL LEEDS LTD We would like to develop a Community Confident! support programme. Through peer support we will use and share our knowledge, skills and life experiences to enable others to be confident, resilient and in control of their finances (incomes and outgoings), health, safety and personal wellbeing.
11/12/2019 £9,860 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE Groups of 12-13 users (BAME young women aged 14-16 years), all at risk of underachieving, engage in a 10-week programme to aim higher, broaden horizons, and aspire to STEM careers.
11/12/2019 £8,724 £65,595 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO To deliver a project called ' Be Warm, Be Safe in Burmantofts ' the aim to address fuel poverty to alleviate hardship for older people living in their own homes and address safety issues in the home.
11/12/2019 £6,159 £2,237,521 GROUNDWORK SOUTH AND NORTH TYNESIDE We wish to expand on our energy advice service and provide a series of 22 community based energy focused drop-ins across the North and South Tyneside region.
11/12/2019 £5,000 £499,366 ZEST HEALTH FOR LIFE To support the delivery of Flavour School training workshops for our Healthy Holidays providers in Leeds in 2020, as part of the Veg Cities campaign.
11/12/2019 £3,375 EFFECTIVE COMMUNITIES We will "co-produce" with a group of adults with learning disabilities materials and a training package around fuel debt awareness/advice, firstly to use with 5 advocacy groups (run by adults with learning disability members) and secondly with 6 inner urban community centre staff and volunteers across Carlisle.
11/12/2019 £9,992 £362,382 THE THORNBURY CENTRE The Street Life Partnership (SLP-E) Project plan covers the development of The E Hub @ the Centre and the creation of SLP E-Team.
11/12/2019 £9,500 DIGITAL VOICE FOR COMMUNITIES 30 children in 2 groups will participate in the project and learn and produce videos about fire safety, carbon monoxide and practical energy saving tips, improving their STEAM knowledge and skills.
10/12/2019 £5,575 £198,606 THE SPORTING MEMORIES FOUNDATION We will establish two new weekly Sporting Memories club in Leeds. The weekly sessions will include an hour of sporting reminiscence and cognitively stimulating games facilitated by trained volunteers supported by memorabilia and resources defined by the participant’s sporting interests and preferences.
10/12/2019 £2,487 £248,692 KIDZ KLUB This grant will go directly to enable us to fund Kidz Klub Leeds's training and administration of our home visiting programme - the grant will fund to train and equip 40 volunteers who will each carry out a weekly visiting round to an average of 46 children's homes.
10/12/2019 £3,365 £115,799 STEP SUPPORTING THE ELDERLY PEOPLE We plan to offer a digital inclusion project, to include IT support for our members and local older people to improve IT skills.
03/12/2019 £24,650 £491,524 WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS WHM would continue to employ two workers to deliver the Rosebuds project.
03/12/2019 £250 £60,568 PROJECT HOPE LEEDS Grant to Project Hope Leeds
03/12/2019 £250 £512,502 SHANTONA WOMEN AND FAMILY CENTRE Grant to Shantona Women and Family Centre
03/12/2019 £2,500 HYDE PARK SOURCE Our Rosebank! will combine two long-running, successful Hyde Park Source projects - Rosebank Rangers and Our Rosebank. We will engage local people in practical and educational outdoor activities on Rosebank Millennium Green, transforming the area into a more accessible and beautiful place for the community to enjoy.
03/12/2019 £2,500 HALTON IN BLOOM To plant trees to create shade and security for the play area and to assist biodiversity and the affects of climate change
29/11/2019 £150,000 INSPIRED NEIGHBOURHOODS CIC To support the most vulnerable, hard to reach, long term unemployed especially due to health and disability; and those experiencing poverty to be ready to take meaningful employment or self-employment.
22/11/2019 £8,784 £248,487 BEAP COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP We would like to deliver physical activity sessions which include variations of tennis and football for young people aged between 16 and 21 years old who are not in education, employment or training.
22/11/2019 £7,530 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT Similarly, to how a child at school would receive a ‘pen licence’ once they have reached a set standard TVP will award children with a range of ‘tool licences’ when they have shown competencies in set tasks related to tools based around skills used/needed within the playgrounds ‘self-build’ ethos.
22/11/2019 £9,994 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE The project offers users mentoring and homework support, building their skills, interest in and confidence to consider STEM subjects as a career.
22/11/2019 £8,162 IMPACT GAMERS C.I.C We would like to pay for a worker to setup and run the "Manjit Wolstenholme Training Program" for volunteers.
22/11/2019 £5,530 £15,880 INSPIRE HIGHFIELD The project will use film as an educational tool to bring young people together to deepen their understanding of diverse peoples and cultures, and inspire them.
19/11/2019 £2,500 £45,206 FRIENDS OF GLEDHOW VALLEY WOODS Restoration and extension of a heavily silted old pond, including planting with aquatic and marginal species and bank side planting to greatly increase biodiversity, creating increased access for community groups -the work will be carried out by a combination of fgvw volunteers and specialist contractors.
19/11/2019 £2,500 £8,506,000 THE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Wild in the Winter will give classes of school children from disadvantaged areas who don't normally have much contact with the natural environment the chance to enjoy exploring and interacting with nature in winter, a time when many people avoid spending time outdoors, and will provide volunteer leadership opportunities to the people helping to lead the days.
08/11/2019 £7,500 £139,451 CATCH LEEDS The project will increase the degree to which CATCH is a youth-led organisation. CATCH is already volunteer-led: this project would maximise young volunteers involvement in the running, management and direction of CATCH. Young people would also gain skills, knowledge and experiences in order to become effective Youth Community Builders encouraging other youngsters to take part in volunteering, social action projects and supporting public services such as the police, fire and ambulance with key safety messages.
08/11/2019 £3,954 £220,052 BIERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD The BASE Enterprise Challenge is loosely based on the TV series 'The Apprentice' and will comprise of pitching two teams of young people in a head to head competition over several months to design and develop an enterprise idea to help raise funds for a youth weekend away trip.
08/11/2019 £9,984 £367,983 THE YOUTH ASSOCIATION The Community Ambassadors Programme (CAP) is a scheme that increases levels of empowerment and life skills, by taking youth-led advocacy to street level. * Please note: with regards to questions above, the CAP is based in the Halton and Great Horton communities of Leeds and Bradford, where TYA has an existing presence. Post codes are LS15 0ES and BD7 3PF
08/11/2019 £9,727 REESTABLISH To create safe space through which our young people can develop a deeper understanding of who they are, can become courageous decision makers, community activators, confident in their own identity, able to make educated choices for their lives, whilst enriching their broader community. Developing life skills and giving a voice to those who will otherwise not be heard; empowering young people to make positive choices for their lives in the midst of great challenge.
08/11/2019 £9,050 £104,983 THE GERALDINE CONNOR FOUNDATION We will work with 11-16-year-old girls from Gypsy, Roma, Traveller (GRT) heritage through Leeds City Academy, using creative and artistic methodology to raise self-esteem, confidence and aspirations, giving the girls a voice in school and in their community and strengthening the relationship between school and the GRT community.
08/11/2019 £10,000 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS "The Red Kite" is a new podcast produced and broadcast by the Chapel FM Arts Centre in partnership with other third sector organisations in our community, most notably LS14 Trust, that showcases how young people from East Leeds see the world today in unexpected, playful, artistic and socially aware ways. The podcast takes its name from the hawks that have recently returned and now hover over our community, seeing the world from their unique vantage.
08/11/2019 £7,450 £186,962 KEIGHLEY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN CENTRE This project works with 30 vulnerable BME girls aged 14- 16 who are at risk of under achieving. It provides 3, ten-week programmes each working with a different group of 10 users. Each group will designing and delivering an awareness programme to their own community on an environmental issue of their choice to improve the local environment and environmentally responsible behaviours, increasing increase users skills, confidence, opportunities and aspirations
08/11/2019 £6,930 £133,850 THE VALLEY PROJECT The recruitment of Community Champions to take on a leadership role within The Valley Project through confidence building, youth-led community engagement and pro-active change, leading to true participation in decision making and community development.
08/11/2019 £9,206 £96,367 EQUITY PARTNERSHIP Our project will enable young people to learn about gender identity, to explore what their own gender means to them and to celebrate the liberation of non-conformity to stereotypes, and from there to create resources for the development of further youth work
08/11/2019 £7,446 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A Youth Volunteer project lead, developed and designed by young people in New Wortley and Armley aged (13-18 years) focusing on training, employability skills, financial literacy and overall health and wellbeing of young people and learning skills in things such as customer service, retail, catering and enterprise. Overall aim is to build confidence, self esteem in an enterprising and fun way and provide a safe space on a Saturday afternoon with helpful support from others.
08/11/2019 £7,500 COMMON WEALTH THEATRE LTD Speakers Corner is a core project of Common Wealth, a safe space for young women ran by young women - the young women will run a new project called Peaceophobia, a creative project with a series of talks, workshops and culminating in a performance that aim to address, explore and challenge islamophobia and it's effect on young people in an expressive and dynamic way.
08/11/2019 £5,194 £87,000 ST CHRISTOPHER'S FAMILY CENTRE Our Young Leaders Project (YLP) is intended to support young people to rise above the multiple challenges that they face locally, by equipping them to lead sessions amongst their peers, contribute to their community and develop aspirations for themselves, their families and community.
08/11/2019 £9,930 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Our Space- where girls talk is real talk will establish a young women's space in Corpus Christi school where young women can support each other and campaign on issues that matter to girls.
08/11/2019 £5,670 IMPACT GAMERS C.I.C 2 Weekly open access groups to get young people sharing their own message of change for the world through making and publishing a small computer game for others to experience and play.
08/11/2019 £7,440 RAVENSCLIFFE YOUTH ASSOCIATION The project will aim to engage with local young people aged 13-19 who will act as active citizens within the local area and act as a voice for young people locally within the area and they will run and support delivery with other young people from the ages of 8+
06/11/2019 £2,279 £236,164,000 PUDSEY LIVE AT HOME SCHEME This project will try and address frailty in the Pudsey area by enabling staff to do outreach work with our members and potential members enabling them to live independently, referring onto other services where necessary and operate a buddy service with volunteers to enable our members to access our activities.
06/11/2019 £1,717 £54,468 INTERACT CHURCH AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Winter-focused community support, including information sharing and advice, home visits, community cafés, reverse Advent calendars, Christmas dinner and post-Christmas food distribution to people in need.
06/11/2019 £1,304 £236,164,000 ROTHWELL & DISTRICT LIVE AT HOME - MHA To provide direct support to older isolated people in the Rothwell area, by offering regular contact and short term befriending, including emergency provisions, as well as advice on how to keep safe and warm during the winter months, in partnership with Rothwell Fire Station.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £922,564 HAMARA HEALTHY LIVING CENTRE The project will provide befriending service and reduce isolation and loneliness.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £132,359 CARING TOGETHER IN WOODHOUSE AND LITTLE LONDON The project will focus on the tendency for older people to become more isolated during the winter months. It will address the important issue of maintaining older people’s activity levels during this period and monitor their home situation with regard to heating and general levels of coping.
06/11/2019 £2,438 £657,477 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS A new social lunch club offering chat, games and the opportunity to make a hot healthy meal to share and to contribute to a community cookbook.
06/11/2019 £4,630 £283,594 LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS' SUPPORT NETWORK We will provide bus passes and phone credit to destitute asylum seekers, to enable them to take up accommodation with volunteer hosts or to access the nightshelter.
06/11/2019 £1,730 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Winter Wonderers, a project aimed at older people/people with mobility issues. A shopping trip will be provided to the local supermarket with friends and refreshments. The project will help support those who most need in the darker months improving social connectedness and helping with tasks we all take for granted.
06/11/2019 £2,125 £183,034 RICHMOND HILL ELDERLY ACTION Provision of a new, community meal scheme for older people over the winter months.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £236,164,000 SOUTH LEEDS LIVE AT HOME SCHEME A 'Souper Wednesday' lunch group providing a free lunch & activity, advice & support during the Winter months of January, February & March 2020 which will reduce social isolation & loneliness during the bleakest, coldest time of the year.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £11,000,148 ST VINCENT'S SUPPORT CENTRE Ensuring that vulnerable and socially isolated people living locally have somewhere safe and warm to visit where they can have access to a hot meal, some social interaction and a friendly smile. All of this whilst being given information on city wide services that they access( eg flu jabs)
06/11/2019 £2,188 £7,661,567 TOUCHSTONE There are two partnership projects: - A dance workshop course in St Aidan’s church targeting low income women in South and East Leeds struggling with mental health - A wellbeing group at the Young Dementia Hub for people with dementia, their carers and the Cottingley community, and a Festival launch
06/11/2019 £4,980 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE Streetbased and indoor sexworkers in Leeds will be offered practical and emotional support (individvual and group based) to stay warm this winter as well as enabling greater access and engagement with other health serivce providers to prevent and address health and other consequences of wintercold.
06/11/2019 £2,451 £49,667,000 DRIGHLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH Provide a local warm space in Winter where people can get food and refreshment, play games, learn digital skills and socialise.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £357,266 HOLBECK TOGETHER Additional services during the winter months to address winter pressures, including hot nutritious meals, social activities, assisted transport and proactive outreach initiatives.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £11,605 NAYA SAVERA The project name as it suggests is about being together, is all about friendship, peer support, speaking and listening to each other and supporting each other feeling happier and healthier. This project is to promote health and well being and reducing isolation in winter months and supporting each other.
06/11/2019 £4,600 £60,164 DIAL LEEDS LTD A holistically focused user-defined peer support programme to empower disabled people and those with long-term conditions to be resilient and in control of their wellbeing. We will offer any combination of social, emotional and practical support to ensure that individuals have the ability to stay well this winter.
06/11/2019 £4,995 PINGPONG4U Offering an adapted version of the traditional game of table tennis to become accessible for people with mobility issues, disabilities and mental health issues. Supporting staff to enable continued delivery and providing sites with appropriate high quality equipment.
06/11/2019 £2,500 £231,934 SUNFLOWER ESOL Using the setting of an English class and through a series of social activities, excursions and information sharing sessions, equip the group to stay well, healthy and active throughout the winter months.
06/11/2019 £2,500 HYDE PARK SOURCE A Cook and Eat session for the community of Cross Green, many of whom are socially isolated and suffer more during the winter months, a safe place to cook and eat together.
24/10/2019 £1,600 £744,769 FEEL GOOD FACTOR Together will enable older isolated members of the BME communities to come together for a weekend away in the spring and summer at the Northern College (Residential Adult Education), Day trip to and members to plan and deliver an inter generational party in between Christmas and New Year which can be a lonely and a very isolated time for many older people.
24/10/2019 £2,500 DAMASQ Burmantofts is a multi cultural area with people from all over the world are living in the area. The project aims to engage seniors who live in the area with those and share their stories and do a piece of wood hand craft, a crocheting or a drawing, talk about the country while sharing a freshly cooked meal thanking to the fare share donated food.
24/10/2019 £2,500 £3,841,972 LEEDS JEWISH WELFARE BOARD Chanukah is a public festival of light and this project brings light into the lives of older people in our community who are socially isolated or lonely by providing the opportunity to celebrate Chanukah intergenerationally and build connections over early 2020 culminating in summer activities.
24/10/2019 £2,500 LITTLE LONDON ARTS Organising a series of visits for older people aged 50+, bringing individuals together to experience different places for shared interest, mutual support and social benefits, leading to increased confidence and capacity to engage in regular activity together
23/10/2019 £20,000 £332,031 CENTRAL YORKSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Talking to young people at Bramhope, it’s quickly evident that the facilities on offer significantly detract from their experiences on site, so much so that they ranked it as their priority issue in our last Youth Forum; by revitalising our main toilet block we’ll make it fit for the next generations of young people, a modern and safe facility, and get even more young people clamouring to come back to Bramhope and experience life-changing challenge!
23/10/2019 £7,775 £8,174,215 MARTIN HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE We are in need of a 'Castle Therapy Bed' and three 'Spectrum Chairs' for our hospice, to update and enhance our vital care equipment for our children and young people.
23/10/2019 £16,582 £1,776,686 HEALTH FOR ALL Reclamation and refurbishment of a disused local community centre within the heart of a disadvantaged, under resourced community, to deliver a full programme of groups and activities which enhance the health and wellbeing of local people of all ages and ethnicities, so promoting positive health, wellbeing, community cohesion and reducing social isolation for in particular children and young people and elders.
23/10/2019 £2,538 £2,971,281 JANE TOMLINSON APPEAL Improving the accessibility and broadening the reach of the OWLS bereavement service, to support more grieving children within Leeds, by purchasing 2 mobile phone and a laptop, and adding an online chat facility to the website.
23/10/2019 £10,000 £35,054 LEEDS POWERCHAIR FOOTBALL CLUB To provide 4 new powerchairs that have been specifically designed for powerchair football for the players to improve and be able to train and compete at a higher level.
23/10/2019 £6,727 £11,099,910 ST GEMMA'S HOSPICE We will purchase a fully-automated ‘Wellness Nordic Relax Chair’ for use by our patients who are living with terminal illness and multiple and complex issues including dementia and frailty. The chair combines music, tactile stimulation and rocking motion to offer a unique and calming multi-sensory experience. This helps people with cognitive disorders relax through soothing music and cocoon-like security, positively benefiting emotional wellbeing and quality of life.
23/10/2019 £12,124 £228,303 HOME-START LEEDS We need to bring the Home-Start Leeds IT equipment/monitoring systems up to date not only for security reasons but to greatly increase/enable our ability to enhance our service/support to families, volunteers and communities and maintain quality by gathering evidence of the difference we are making, using feedback from parents, children, volunteers and their communities, using an IT system which is more fit for purpose.
23/10/2019 £6,500 £3,905,175 CARING FOR LIFE To enable vulnerable adults with learning disabilities, to learn to launder their work and personal clothing, thus developing an essential lifeskill , which will enable some to live more independently within a supported environment and others to cope better in independent living.
23/10/2019 £9,500 LEEDS IRISH HEALTH AND HOMES The development of a project using IT to improve beneficiaries' confidence and independence and to reach those who are most entrenched with social isolation.
23/10/2019 £3,000 £112,364 ZARACH We have been delivering beds to children in Leeds for over two years, and our goal for the year 2019/20 is to deliver 400 beds to families living in poverty. We are therefore applying to Jimbo’s Fund for funding towards the cost of 220 bed bundles.
23/10/2019 £3,804 £65,595 BURMANTOFTS SENIOR ACTION CIO To provide lunch social clubs at the Anglers Club, the new venue fior BSA, on 3-5 days a week
22/10/2019 £2,500 CONVERSATION CLUB LEEDS To continue to help asylum seekers and refugees (='guests') in the Leeds area, especially by providing a regular (2 hour) weekly space for social interaction and an opportunity to practise English.
22/10/2019 £2,500 £231,934 UNITY IN POVERTY ACTION (UPA) This piece of work will focus on the coordination of one of the key Homeless Charter working groups, which is entilted 'Grass Root Groups / Charities connecting with Commissioned Services' and includes coordination of lots of different activity in and around the city centre to support the homeless community, so they can find secure housing and be sustained in that housing through building friendship and community where vulnerable people live.
22/10/2019 £2,500 DAMASQ With our new complicated and material life, people are suffering from the lack of support from there family members who have to follow their other life commitments. Refugees are coming to a new environment where one sentence, an advise or even a late night meal can make a huge difference. Community members have the duty to deliver as we are sailing in one ship with one piece damaged will affect every one.
22/10/2019 £2,500 COMPASSION AND WELLBEING 2020 Over 100 people have attended our Launch events in 2018 and 2019. This particular part of our project aims to broaden participation in Leeds Festival of Kindness, Compassion and Wellbeing 2020, to include a more diverse range of people, including young people, and those who are hard to reach within our communities. It will help us to ensure that everyone who wants to, can take part, and that our activities are fully accessible.
22/10/2019 £2,500 LITTLE LONDON ARTS Organising a series of visits for older people aged 50+, bringing individuals together to experience different places for shared interest, mutual support and social benefits, leading to increased confidence and capacity to engage in regular activity together
21/10/2019 £5,970 £542,387 PSI VOLITION Grant to PSI Volition
21/10/2019 £5,000 £60,164 DIAL LEEDS LTD Continuation of the Moortown Foodbank project until end April 2020 and Happiness Cafe sessions until Sep (or Dec 20 if get other funding applications successful). Building on the successful outcomes of the Harnessing the Power of Communities grant.
18/10/2019 £9,996 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Get into Youth and Community Work is a Training and Development Scheme for Young Women in Leeds aged 18-25 which will will build on their strengths and equip them with employability skills and the confidence, skills, knowledge, experience, positive attitude as a first step into youth and community.
18/10/2019 £10,000 £657,477 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS Intensive 1-1 support targeted at long term unemployed and economically inactive adults from inner East Leeds’ most deprived areas to engage and inspire individuals to improve their life chances and choices. Individual support plans and interventions will be utilized across an experienced partnership offering a holistic approach to change.
18/10/2019 £6,132 £529,575 THE CARDIGAN CENTRE Funding to enable us provide a crèche service to support disadvantaged adults with childcare needs engage in accredited vocational learning (Childcare Level 2) and a Mindfulness for Wellbeing Course a the Cardigan Centre.
18/10/2019 £9,501 SEAGULLS RE-USE LTD As an important development to our successful volunteer program 'We Grow People' the project will provide bespoke support, training and practical work related activities for disadvantaged and excluded people to gain valuable life skills; building self confidence, self esteem and skill levels, with a focus on developing opportunities and routes to employment, particularly for young adults with learning disability and ex offenders.
18/10/2019 £4,690 £248,692 KIDZ KLUB The project is to run a Kidz Klub Academy supporting 5 individuals, who live in hard to reach communities, seeking to build up their confidence and ease following a period of time not working. The placements will be flexible, tailored to the needs of participants and will build up motivation, social dignity and expertise and improvements in CV’s to facilitate participants into employment. The project will deliver direct work experience hours and training.
18/10/2019 £9,960 THE WREN BAKERY The Wren Bakery will operate as a CIO with its primary purpose being to improve the mental well being and employability of women. We will work with the marginalised women in Leeds likely to have experienced domestic violence, prostitution, criminal records, addictions and poor mental health. The Wren Bakery will provide a safe and supportive much needed first step in this journey to employment,
18/10/2019 £9,996 LEEDS WOOD RECYCLING We are looking to employ a workshop tutor to develop a skill share programme of work. The tutor will be employed one day a week for one year to create a scheme of product ‘jigs’ and ‘how-to guides’ which will be taught to volunteers. The LWR ‘skill tree’ is designed that once the volunteer is comfortable with the product system (as trained by the tutor), they are promoted to become a ‘trainer’ for the product.
11/10/2019 £3,000 £231,934 UNITY IN POVERTY ACTION (UPA) Recruiting, training and supporting 30-50 volunteers to support 50-100 recently homeless people to integrate into local communities where they are housed
10/10/2019 £1,600 £2,157,783 ST GEORGE'S CRYPT Emergency fund to assist residents in our crisis and emergency temporary accommodation, who were previously homeless, to pay for essential items needed to help remove barriers which will then take pressure off the additional problems which are causing stress and anxiety.
10/10/2019 £2,500 £19,143 STREETWISE - LOVE LEEDS Support for adults experiencing homelessness.
10/10/2019 £2,500 £213,230,000 CHANGE GROW LIVE To work with people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or begging through regular assertive outreach and to provide ongoing support and access to a range of additional support services.
10/10/2019 £1,850 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE Offering practical support to sustain and/or improve the living situation of street and indoor sexworkers in Leeds who are either explicitly homeless (on the street) or part of the hidden homeless in Leeds (sofasurfing without access to safe housing or unable escape to coercive and/or violent "relationships")
10/10/2019 £2,200 £231,934 UNITY IN POVERTY ACTION (UPA) This project will enable volunteers to provide a food parcel on a first time visit and additional items to people who are vulnerably housed and will enable DBS checks for new volunteers. This is part of a new Homeless Charter initiative designed to get people offering supported housing through volunteering.
10/10/2019 £2,500 FOCUS4HOPE Our project will enable the homeless to receive essential support, advice and vital items to help them move forward in their lives to progress them to be housed, as well as running activity sessions to bring them off the streets and engage.
10/10/2019 £2,500 £43,311,000 ST ANNES COMMUNITY SERVICES St Anne's Resource Centre is situated in the city centre of Leeds, we offer on open door policy supporting individuals who are rough sleeping or vulnerably housed. We offer basic facilities such as shower, laundry and safe mailing address. We support individuals around benefits, addiction and mental health issues.
08/10/2019 £5,000 £1,436,876 CELLAR TRUST Unrestricted contibution to costs.
07/10/2019 £4,000 BRADFORD DISTRICT CREDIT UNION The projects aims are to decrease poverty, improving financial wellness, build social cohesion, and help people keep themselves and their families safe.
27/09/2019 £82,800 £87,000 ST CHRISTOPHER'S FAMILY CENTRE Towards three years' running costs of a project providing support to disadvantaged families and young people in Holme Wood Estate, Bradford.
27/09/2019 £158,200 £304,023 ANAH PROJECT Towards three years' continuation funding of the salary and on costs of a Project Manager and a Domestic Abuse Support Worker at a charity which provides a refuge service for Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic and Refugee women in Bradford.
25/09/2019 £9,849 RADIO ASIAN FEVER CIC The grant will be spent to employ a part time outreach worker who will research, plan and deliver radio programmes on health.
25/09/2019 £9,838 £286,624 SUPPORT AFTER RAPE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEEDS (SARSVL) If awarded, we will spend the grant to help us sustain our Helpline Services for a calendar year. It will be used to fund the cost of an additional day of staffing of the Helpline Coordinator, the Helpline platform (telephone, email and text support), and Helpline volunteer expenses.
24/09/2019 £47,744 £4,221,322 TREETOPS HOSPICE CARE We will bring hospice support into communities through a network of Compassionate Befrienders, enabling people to live in their own homes for longer by acknowledging end-of-life care as a social issue as well as a medical one.
24/09/2019 £49,833 £631,050 BASIS YORKSHIRE The plan would be to expand our current Housing First service delivery for 12 month to allow us to offer Housing First to some of those currently on our waiting list.
24/09/2019 £36,441 £38,890,000 CENTREPOINT The Centrepoint Works programme will equip homeless and at-risk young people in Bradford with the skills and confidence needed to secure and sustain a tenancy in the long-term.
24/09/2019 £45,398 £695,271 NEWARK EMMAUS TRUST We would allocate a support worker to deliver move on support from helping our residents move out of NET and into their new environment.
24/09/2019 £29,892 £516,497 CALDERDALE SMARTMOVE LIMITED We are seeking funding for 17 additional hours per week for our Volunteer Manager to recruit and support the expanded team and ensure we use their skills to maximum effect.
24/09/2019 £39,092 £29,162,900 PEOPLE POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES T/A P3 Nationwide funding will enable a Housing Links Coach to support clients with complex needs - focussing on up to 12 clients at any one time, with up to 10 hours of support per client per week.
03/09/2019 £15,000 FALL INTO PLACE THEATRE Our project is to continue and grow our drama hub at Kentmere Community Centre. We are working with Leeds Community Spaces and LS14 Trust to bring more art opportunities to Seacroft and provide more creative workshops for older people and people with mental health needs. We are creating a sustainable social enterprise by increasing our profits through trading and becoming less reliant on grant funding.
03/09/2019 £3,400 THE WREN BAKERY The Wren Bakery is a social enterprise and exists to reach women in Leeds who live with multiple disadvantage and oppression. Women who live with violence, prostitution, criminal records, addictions and poor mental health face barriers every day preventing them from participating in the benefits that health and well-being bring. The Wren Bakery exists to reach these women, and other hidden groups in our city who face challenges that have a devastating impact on their lives and their ability to work. We will empower and equip them to hope for a future, and give them the tools to obtain it.
03/09/2019 £3,971 LEMON BALM THERAPEUTIC HORTICULTURE CIC Providing a trained and supported gardener to work alongside an older or disabled person suffering from one or more acute conditions such as Dementia, arthritis, depressions etc, in their own garden, while also providing respite time for their carer.
03/09/2019 £4,000 DAMASQ PANDORA in the Greek mythology means all gifted or all giving. In both meanings, we believe that people are identical in their needs and identical in their talents, and when it become to elderly and disabled people we want to give them the support they need to regain their confidence and self esteem, unleash their hidden power and talent and allow them to enjoy a sociable and smooth life in their homes and within the community they leave in.
03/09/2019 £15,000 LEEP 1 CIC Cafe Leep want to provide more outside catering.
03/09/2019 £15,000 PINGPONG4U I want to use proven Adapted Ping Pong Activities to provide fun, exercise and break down social isolation to a range of people in LS 7,8,9.
03/09/2019 £5,000 THE SOCIAL MOBILITY FOUNDATION Grant to The Social Mobility Foundation
09/08/2019 £3,975 RAINBOW JUNKTION Rainbow Junktion Community Cafe welcomes everyone and aims to fight food poverty with food waste.
09/08/2019 £3,543 LEEDS CITIZENS During the 6-week school holiday, Leeds Citizens will work with groups delivering Healthy Holidays projects to build capacity and relationships through Community Organising.
22/07/2019 £90,000 £525,145 NEW WORTLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Towards three years' running costs of a project providing support to disadvantaged people in New Wortley, Leeds.
22/07/2019 £59,600 £213,866 HIVE For the salary of a Project Co-ordinator and related costs to organise and deliver Flourish; a creative programme to improve representation, access to support services, wellbeing, and build support networks for vulnerable new communities in 3 of the most deprived areas in Bradford.
18/07/2019 £10,000 £178,387 LIFE CONNECTIONS We would like to request funding for the second cohort of the award-winning Spear Programme, currently delivered across London, in order to help 16-24-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds, into work or training in partnership with employers in Leeds.
18/07/2019 £9,756 £680,757 PEOPLE MATTERS (WEST YORKSHIRE) CIO Job Clubs with a difference for adults experiencing significant disadvantage through long term unemployment, mild learning difficulties, autism or mental health issues. These are delivered in community settings over six, three hour sessions with qualified tutors and job coaches. Members will also receive six hours of individual job coaching to find paid work and support in that role for the individual and employer as part of our job match service.
18/07/2019 £9,500 THE CANOPY HOUSING PROJECT Pathways to employment in Harehills, especially in the Bellbrookes area, to residents who need additional support to access employment
18/07/2019 £9,946 £183,162 OBLONG People from our diverse but fragmented community will come together to develop a World Foods catering service which will combat isolation, develop a realistic and needed enterprise initiative, whilst also serving to address recent growth in mistrust and tensions within the local area.
18/07/2019 £9,960 SWY CIC SWY CIC's community-based Nu Futures programme uses the power of exercise to engage and inspire learners to improve their confidence, self-esteem, and physical and mental well-being, alongside employability skills, to enable them to progress into jobs or further learning.
18/07/2019 £9,852 LED COMMUNITY FOUNDATION This project will help those young people furthest from the job market to learn and develop new skills, techniques and communication methods to aid them into finding employment and sustaining that employment through 1:2:1 support, group work sessions, mentoring, careers guidance and work placements.
18/07/2019 £5,500 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS SNAPSHOTT by Getaway Girls is a social enterprise hiring out 2 photo booths for events to raise funding support the work of Getaway Girls. Young women aged 18-25 will have the opportunity to build knowledge skills and practical experience through training and development of the photo booth enterprise with an experience worker.
18/07/2019 £7,710 £587,849 FARESHARE YORKSHIRE Giving unemployed people the tools to move into sustained employment and to alleviate the ongoing need of over 5,000 other residents of Leeds.
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Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£394,969 LS14 TRUST
£201,954 BARCA LEEDS
£153,620 CATCH LEEDS
£134,568 ST LUKE'S CARES
£102,668 PINGPONG4U
£95,644 GIVE A GIFT
£80,796 OBLONG
£72,992 THE ZONE
£72,100 HIVE
£70,515 SPACE2 LEEDS
£69,487 LEEP 1 CIC
£68,188 LEEDS MIND
£66,680 GIPSIL
£55,884 KIDZ KLUB
£50,998 GIPSIL
£49,819 ADVONET
£48,974 RJC DANCE
£48,478 SPACE2 LEEDS
£43,740 INVOLVE
£42,940 KIDZ KLUB
£42,426 ZARACH
£41,910 DJ SCHOOL UK
£41,306 ISPACE5 CIC
£30,000 LS14 TRUST
£26,843 OBLONG
£25,204 JAMIE'S FARM
£24,870 SWY CIC
£20,000 ROOTED IN
£19,739 ADVONET
£18,000 ST CHADS
£17,629 SHORE-UP CIC
£14,975 SELFA
£13,089 LUV2MEETU
£12,507 LS-TEN
£10,000 WEST SILC
£10,000 SNOOP
£10,000 SHAPE-UK LTD
£10,000 ROOTED IN
£9,910 GASPED
£8,920 AFFINITY 2020 CIC
£8,200 D:SIDE
£7,756 NAMASTE
£7,500 BABY WEEK
£6,600 KUMON Y'ALL
£5,951 LS-TEN
£5,000 SING & SHINE
£5,000 PROJECT 6
£5,000 LEEDS DEC
£5,000 GIPSIL
£4,967 MANY HANDS 25 C.I.C.
£3,825 12IN12 CIC
£2,157 IN2OUT
£1,975 HEY MAMA
£1,500 OTLEY 2030
£920 ISSE
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Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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