Who they support

To promote the third sector by building the capacity of third sector organisations and provide them the necessary support, information and services to enable them to pursue or contribute to any charitable service; promoting volunteering within the sector; organising and facilitating co operation and partnership working between third sector, statutory and other relevant bodies.

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £2 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been 13 years.


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Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1145921
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Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 321 donations have been made totalling £317,108 to 91 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
The National Lottery Community Fund 68% 64%
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport 36% 30%
Garfield Weston Foundation 31% 23%
Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity 30% 14%
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales 30% 23%
Manchester City Council 28% 25%
Co-operative Group 27% 19%
The Henry Smith Charity 18% 14%
Forever Manchester 18% 22%
Sport England 17% 15%
Sole supporter: 27% by number, 16% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
27/05/2022 £1,140 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £80 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £320 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £430 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £1,360 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £240 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
27/05/2022 £2,030 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/05/2022 £147 £172,988 THE MEN'S ROOM Real Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
13/05/2022 £1,070 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £160 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £800 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £80 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £1,030 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £160 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2022 £560 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
12/05/2022 £1,000 £55,547 MANCHESTER CITY OF SANCTUARY To put some much needed resources into those organisations and capture stories which will raise awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the work which is being done to provide support, safety and welcome
12/05/2022 £1,000 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN (THE EAST MANCHESTER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION) To put some much needed resources into those organisations and capture stories which will raise awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the work which is being done to provide support, safety and welcome
12/05/2022 £1,000 £213,195 REVIVE CIO To put some much needed resources into those organisations and capture stories which will raise awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the work which is being done to provide support, safety and welcome
12/05/2022 £1,000 £716,411 THE BOAZ TRUST To put some much needed resources into those organisations and capture stories which will raise awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the work which is being done to provide support, safety and welcome
12/05/2022 £1,000 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER To put some much needed resources into those organisations and capture stories which will raise awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the work which is being done to provide support, safety and welcome
02/05/2022 £1,140 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/05/2022 £360 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/05/2022 £390 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/05/2022 £1,120 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/05/2022 £140 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/05/2022 £1,790 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/04/2022 £800 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/04/2022 £160 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/04/2022 £560 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/04/2022 £160 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/04/2022 £560 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £980 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £1,490 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £240 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £160 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £320 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/04/2022 £1,920 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/03/2022 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/03/2022 £800 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/03/2022 £440 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/03/2022 £80 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/03/2022 £960 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £1,140 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £160 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £640 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/03/2022 £1,760 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
03/03/2022 £280 £3,416,543 LGBT FOUNDATION To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
21/02/2022 £140 £791,502 MANCHESTER ACTION ON STREET HEALTH To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
18/02/2022 £1,230 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2022 £160 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2022 £800 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2022 £1,200 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2022 £160 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2022 £240 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/02/2022 £3,760 £272,571 TRINITY HOUSE COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
07/02/2022 £70 £356,207 LIFESHARE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
03/02/2022 £1,980 £73,698 CONNECT SUPPORT To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
03/02/2022 £100 £228,751 TALBOT HOUSE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
03/02/2022 £160 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/02/2022 £80 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/02/2022 £360 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
26/01/2022 £260 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
26/01/2022 £80 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
26/01/2022 £310 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
26/01/2022 £1,760 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £820 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £80 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £880 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £80 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £230 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £130 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £640 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £80 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
21/01/2022 £240 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/01/2022 £10,940 £404,300 THE TREE OF LIFE CENTRE WYTHENSHAWE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
14/01/2022 £5,000 £2,454,203 GADDUM (CARERS MANCHESTER CONTACT POINT) To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
10/01/2022 £3,500 £945,509 JUSTLIFE FOUNDATION To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
10/01/2022 £200 £55,547 MANCHESTER CITY OF SANCTUARY To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
07/01/2022 £1,180 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £80 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £80 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £640 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £80 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £240 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
07/01/2022 £720 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Real Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
06/01/2022 £2,520 £3,019,911 CARITAS SALFORD To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
06/01/2022 £2,440 £836,807 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
04/01/2022 £20,830 £334,231 CHEETHAM HILL ADVICE CENTRE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
29/12/2021 £470 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
28/12/2021 £560 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Real Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
26/12/2021 £480 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
22/12/2021 £630 WYTHENSHAWE GOOD NEIGHBOURS To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
21/12/2021 £3,430 £270,539 AFRICAN CARIBBEAN CARE GROUP To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
21/12/2021 £2,760 £878,436 MANCHESTER SETTLEMENT To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
21/12/2021 £1,390 £499,969 BARLOW MOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION LTD To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
21/12/2021 £140 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
18/12/2021 £400 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
17/12/2021 £1,980 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE To help vulnerable people and families cover the cost of essentials with a one-off gift payment of either £100 (for households/families with dependent children aged under 19) or £70 (for households/single-occupants with no children)
17/12/2021 £980 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £160 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £80 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £800 £836,807 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £310 £836,807 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £80 £836,807 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £720 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/12/2021 £1,760 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
15/12/2021 £920 £63,371 AFROCATS To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £31,106 BETTER THINGS To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £65,188 COMMUNITIES FOR ALL To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £108,209 HUMANS MCR To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £178,783 LADYBARN COMMUNITY HUB To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 LITD CIC To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £26,607 LOUISE DA-COCODIA EDUCATION TRUST To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 MAKE A DIFFERENCE To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 MANCHESTER YOUNG COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £27,486 MINERS COMMUNITY ARTS AND MUSIC CENTRE To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 MUMS MART To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 NO BORDERS MCR To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 READEASY MANCHESTER CENTRAL & NORTH (MCN) To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 SOCIO ECONOMIC REGENERATION CIC To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £53,991 SOMALI ADULT SOCIAL CARE AGENCY To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 THE BIKE HIVE To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
15/12/2021 £920 £70,887 WIDOWS EMPOWERMENT TRUST To help cover the cost of volunteers’ expenses of grassroots organisations in the city of Manchester
03/12/2021 £320 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
03/12/2021 £80 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
03/12/2021 £210 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/11/2021 £3,166 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
30/11/2021 £1,847 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
25/11/2021 £750 ARAWAK WALTON HOUSING ASSOCIATION Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £499,969 BARLOW MOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £499,969 BARLOW MOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £31,106 BETTER THINGS Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £52,694 CEEBEE GOLD FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £65,188 COMMUNITIES FOR ALL CIO Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 GAYDIO CIC Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 GREATER MANCHESTER MENTAL HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £5,610,091 GROUNDWORK GM Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £5,610,091 GROUNDWORK GM Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £173,914 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £27,486 MINERS COMMUNITY ARTS AND MUSIC CENTRE Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 SANGHA Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 PRESS CLUB OF PAKISTAN UK Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/11/2021 £750 £178,088 WONDERFULLY MADE WOMAN Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
19/11/2021 £1,050 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £160 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £800 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £80 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £310 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £720 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/11/2021 £1,520 £70,293 CARING & SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/11/2021 £700 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
29/10/2021 £2,900 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
27/10/2021 £1,288 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
19/10/2021 £240 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
14/10/2021 £800 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
04/10/2021 £704 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
24/09/2021 £1,511 £916,787 THE BOOTH CENTRE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
08/09/2021 £4,086 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
03/09/2021 £6,540 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
31/08/2021 £704 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
25/08/2021 £120 £791,502 MANCHESTER ACTION ON STREET HEALTH Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
24/08/2021 £1,288 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
23/08/2021 £170 £69,070,922 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
17/08/2021 £290 URBAN VILLAGE MEDICAL PRACTICE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
07/08/2021 £600 ON THE OUT CIC Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
06/08/2021 £560 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
26/07/2021 £1,288 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
12/07/2021 £108 £791,502 MANCHESTER ACTION ON STREET HEALTH Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
09/07/2021 £240 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £1,160 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £1,120 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £360 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £240 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £140 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/07/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
01/07/2021 £1,066 £198,681 THE MEN'S ROOM Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
30/06/2021 £1,288 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
28/06/2021 £704 £732,987 BARNABUS Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
25/06/2021 £240 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
25/06/2021 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
25/06/2021 £1,600 NIGERIA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
25/06/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
25/06/2021 £500 £499,969 BARLOW MOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (FAMILIES, VOLUNTEERS AND OLDER PEOPLE) Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £499,969 BARLOW MOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (YOUTH + PLAY) Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £31,106 BETTER THINGS Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £210,205 DIMOBI CHILDREN DISABILITY TRUST Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £135,671 ETHNIC HEALTH FORUM Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 FUTURE DIRECTIONS CIC Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 KEEPING IT REAL 24-7 COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL CHALLENGING HATE FORUM Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £930,361 MANCHESTER DEAF CENTRE Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £122,970 MANCHESTER PEOPLE FIRST Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £997,292 MANCHESTER SETTLEMENT Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £997,292 MANCHESTER SETTLEMENT Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £1,005,248 MANCHESTER YOUNG LIVES Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 MOSS SIDE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 SANGHA Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
25/06/2021 £500 £38,030 WYTHENSHAWE WOLVES EXPLORER SCOUT UNIT Event(s) to raise awareness and increase the reporting of hate crime
23/06/2021 £1,917 £1,090,267 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
22/06/2021 £4,169 £360,131 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
11/06/2021 £1,100 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
11/06/2021 £360 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
11/06/2021 £200 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
11/06/2021 £80 £690,260 THE BOAZ TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
11/06/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
09/06/2021 £246 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
07/06/2021 £284 £69,070,922 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
04/06/2021 £500 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £920 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £80 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £80 £55,547 MANCHESTER CITY OF SANCTUARY Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £1,280 NIGERIA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £160 £348,018 SUPPORT AND ACTION FOR WOMEN’S NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
04/06/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/06/2021 £193 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
31/05/2021 £30 £307,502 SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN NEED (SPIN) Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
25/05/2021 £1,639 £1,090,267 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
24/05/2021 £456 £69,070,922 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
14/05/2021 £130 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £1,070 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £440 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £160 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £360 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £50 £690,260 THE BOAZ TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
14/05/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/05/2021 £1,976 £1,090,267 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
11/05/2021 £457 £1,093,733 JUSTLIFE FOUNDATION Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
11/05/2021 £200 VICTORIA HOUSE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
07/05/2021 £290 £69,070,922 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
30/04/2021 £400 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £80 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £80 £55,547 MANCHESTER CITY OF SANCTUARY Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £80 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £80 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £720 NIGERIA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £60 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
30/04/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/04/2021 £239 £69,070,922 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
22/04/2021 £437 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
16/04/2021 £310 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
16/04/2021 £960 £76,943 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
16/04/2021 £1,070 £43,403 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
16/04/2021 £300 £342,832 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
16/04/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
13/04/2021 £157 £198,681 THE MEN'S ROOM Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
02/04/2021 £80 £70,293 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/04/2021 £490 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/04/2021 £160 £1,771,198 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/04/2021 £34 £690,260 THE BOAZ TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/04/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
29/03/2021 £111 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
22/03/2021 £234 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
19/03/2021 £480 £77,232 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/03/2021 £320 £659,596 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/03/2021 £1,150 £31,301 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/03/2021 £560 NIGERIA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/03/2021 £700 £310,266 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/03/2021 £820 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
17/03/2021 £170 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
16/03/2021 £190 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
12/03/2021 £216 £62,126,416 HUMANKIND Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
05/03/2021 £2,150 £53,455 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
05/03/2021 £80 £888,512 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
05/03/2021 £440 £343,537 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
05/03/2021 £80 £1,540,177 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
05/03/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
02/03/2021 £99 ON THE OUT CIC Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
19/02/2021 £80 £888,512 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/02/2021 £1,150 £31,301 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/02/2021 £210 £343,537 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/02/2021 £80 £1,540,177 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/02/2021 £700 £310,266 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
19/02/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
18/02/2021 £972 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
12/02/2021 £225 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
12/02/2021 £1,000 £53,455 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
12/02/2021 £1,000 ST CROSS CHURCH FOODBANK No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
11/02/2021 £486 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
10/02/2021 £1,000 £24,585 CHRYSALIS MANCHESTER No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
10/02/2021 £1,000 £38,113,000 FAMILY ACTION No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
10/02/2021 £1,000 KNOW AFRICA FOUNDATION No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
10/02/2021 £1,000 £178,088 WONDERFULLY MADE WOMAN No Child Should Go Hungry project supporting emergency food providers working with BAME families and children to help sustain existing food services and support increased food provision
05/02/2021 £400 £77,232 CARING AND SHARING ROCHDALE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
05/02/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £80 £888,512 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £80 £31,301 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £360 £343,537 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £160 £1,540,177 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £560 £310,266 RAINBOW HAVEN Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £80 £654,437 THE BOAZ TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
22/01/2021 £640 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £2,390 £53,455 EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £1,150 £31,301 GROWING TOGETHER LEVENSHULME Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £80 £66,399 MANCHESTER CITY OF SANCTUARY Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £130 £343,537 MANCHESTER REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £80 £1,540,177 MUSTARD TREE Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £80 £97,717 SUPPORT FOR WIGAN ARRIVALS PROJECT Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £59 £654,437 THE BOAZ TRUST Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
08/01/2021 £480 THE EAGLE'S WING Migrant Destitution Fund GM, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations of up to £80 on behalf of individual destitute migrants and other people with no recourse to public funds
06/01/2021 £125 RIVERSIDE HOUSING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
05/01/2021 £1,885 £1,006,161 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
29/09/2020 £5,332 £360,131 SSG SUSTAINABLE LIVING Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
14/07/2020 £3,586 £1,138,182 THE BOOTH CENTRE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
22/05/2020 £2,979 £72,560,000 SHELTER Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
27/04/2020 £3,080 £1,138,182 THE BOOTH CENTRE Big Change MCR, awards to pre-vetted applicant organisations on behalf of individual people escaping homelessness
05/09/2019 £5,000 £2,352,090 GROUNDWORK MANCHESTER SALFORD STOCKPORT TAMESIDE AND TRAFFORD Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 £1,495,148 THE MUSTARD TREE Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 £25,326 BETTER THINGS Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 £3,361,550 ACTIVE COMMUNITIES NETWORK LIMITED Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 £256,968 NORTHMOOR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 AL-HILAL REGENERATION ENTERPRISE CIC Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 ENJOY ARTS Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 MANCHESTER YOUNG COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS CIC Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 REFLECTEEN HUB ORGANISATION Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
05/09/2019 £5,000 SOW THE CITY Project aimed at keeping people safe and/or reducing harm and offending and/or strengthening communities and places
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Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£2,979 SHELTER
£1,250 SANGHA
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Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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