Maudsley Charity

Who they support

We support patients and families, clinical care teams and scientists who are working towards the common goal of improving mental health. We are the hospital charity for South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM). We fundraise and support projects across SLaM, King's College London, our local community and nationally. We back better care, recovery and prevention of mental illness.

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £729,721
  • The average age of charities supported has been 5 years.



Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1175877
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Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 58 donations have been made totalling £4,172,798 to 16 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
The National Lottery Heritage Fund 8% 6%
The National Lottery Community Fund 3% 38%
Co-operative Group 2% 31%
City Bridge Trust 2% 25%
Mercers' Charitable Foundation 1% 13%
DCMS 1% 19%
The Henry Smith Charity 1% 13%
The Tudor Trust 1% 13%
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales 1% 13%
Garfield Weston Foundation 1% 13%
Sole supporter: 38% by number, 88% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
14/10/2020 £8,823 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Implementing Individual Placement and Support focusing on both Education and Employment goals within SLaM Early Detection for Psychosis services. The main goal is to reduce social and functional impairment that characterises this client group. This project will generate new evidence base and improve service delivery, and respond to COVID-19 restrictions.
01/10/2020 £10,000 £1,570,908 CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH Project to address entrenched fragmentation of mental health research and ongoing tension across the sector, particularly regarding what constitutes evidence, who has it and what should be used to inform both policy and practice. Pilot phase funding awarded to initiate the project concept, undertake the scoping work required and to test the membership profile of the Mental Health Research Group. This phase will create the evidence required for developing a robust funding proposal to engage key research funders for the remainder of the work. The Group will harness the expertise and experience across the sector, including, research funding agencies; researchers; people with lived experience; and all those providing support and services to understand: 1. How to build a cross sector view on priorities for mental health informed by wealth of data and evidence from across and beyond the sector; 2. How the mental health sector has and is responding to the needs of the most vulnerable and where the gaps are in research to support/help those in the greatest need; 3. Create a model of collaborative working that can be built upon for the future of mental health research.
24/09/2020 £10,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST A project to ensure that DISCOVER programmes remain in tune with the lived experiences of teenagers in 2020, now that they have experienced the impact of COVID-19. This will include updating the four DISCOVER film characters and the therapeutic vignettes that form the backbone of the DISCOVER workshop. The film materials were designed to convey the realistic life concerns of teenagers, and offer peer-led, therapeutic solutions. Current film materials will be adapted to reference the contextual personal, academic and social challenges which COVID has created for older teenagers, as they adjust to 'new normal' in their lives.
18/09/2020 £5,000 BETHLEM GALLERY PROJECTS LTD Bethlem Gallery to commission, prepare & install an artwork to mark the 1st International Year of the Nurse & Midwife in SLaM. The artwork will be displayed in the foyer at Maudsley Hospital – an image of the finished art work will be presented on a postcard and sent to all the current nurses in SLaM. Postcards will have a message to thank SLaM nurses for their contributions during this challenging year.
03/09/2020 £3,000 £11,028 BESSTEL CHILD AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY FOUNDATION This project is intended to support people from Black African descent in South London with mental and emotional health difficulties through the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ongoing Outreach work has highlighted the exacerbation of existing stress and conduct disorders among vulnerable families. These include anxiety, depression,self-harm drug and substance misuse among older service users. Within the younger cohort, there is evidence of the prevalence of eating disorders and associated weight management problems and disconduct such as bullying, opppositional and aggressive behaviour. This project will also support a basic food supply programme to mitigate economic pressures.
21/08/2020 £2,000 £11,217 THE CAMBERWELL SOCIETY A new entrance is being built at Denmark Hill station and it will have an art piece mounted on a large centrally located plinth. The commissioned art will become a landmark for people travelling to Camberwell whether that be to visit the area or to attend or work at the hospitals.
31/07/2020 £15,000 £47,956 LEWISHAM, GREENWICH AND SOUTHWARK SAMARITANS Rebuild and strengthen all aspects of the outreach programme following suspension during the COVID 19 crisis and its after-effects. The service will provide direct emotional support to vulnerable groups including the homeless, those with mental ill-health, children and young people. The project will build the skills and capacity of partner organisations to respond to the emotional support needs of their clients, and play an active part in the cross-sector response to local needs and gaps in mental health service provision through participation in multi-agency Suicide Prevention Groups in each Borough. The Outreach programme not only raises awareness of the services available through the Samaritans, but also upskills their partners to facilitate conversations and promote positivity around mental health.
31/07/2020 £25,000 £153,668 HEAR US Funding to expert advice and guidance to support people with severe and enduring mental health conditions to apply for benefits and other entitlements. Project provides peer navigators, delivering a holistic, wrap around Welfare Surgeries Project to tackle immediate crisis, empower beneficiaries to become less socially isolated and support skill development so they can reach their goals.
31/07/2020 £25,000 £332,948 SYDENHAM GARDEN Sydenham Garden enables people to improve their quality of life, social interaction and physical and mental health in a supportive community environment. Maudsley Charity funding is enabling the Lewisham based project called the Transition Pathway to become established as a new service following a successful pilot. The Transition Pathway service will be offered to people after they have completed the Growing Lives Project, a one-year programme that helps people to learn about horticulture, healthy eating and increase social inclusion whilst developing transferrable skills and working towards a qualification. The service works with people as they make the transition from being supported in the garden to undertake work, volunteering or educational placements and plan their next steps.
31/07/2020 £20,095 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Women in Prison’s services offer safe and homely spaces for women who have had contact with criminal justice services to access gender-specialist support services. Funding will develop their Croydon hub service to offer more structured community activities for women in Croydon following hospital admission.
31/07/2020 £24,600 SPORTING RECOVERY CIC Sporting Recovery is a Peckham-based not for profit Community Interest Company, providing opportunities for social interaction through physical activity and a Wellness Café. Sport is used as a vehicle for recovery, for those with mental health issues, or a history of substance abuse, long-term unemployment and ex-offenders.The ‘Widening Participation’ project, funded by the Maudsley Charity, will use physical activity and social interaction to raise self-esteem, reduce social isolation and promote the wellbeing of people experiencing mental distress and those recovering from more serious mental illnesses.
31/07/2020 £24,948 ARTS NETWORK Arts Network is a charity that provides an inspirational and understanding environment for people diagnosed with mental health support needs, and challenges the stigma of mental health. The organisation has been active in Lewisham since 1996. The charity supports people to achieve their personal goals through creative activities, exhibitions, and events that enable participants to learn new skills, increase self-confidence, and develop relationships. In 2020 Maudsley Charity supported Arts Network with a Community and Connection funding award to deliver additional services in Lambeth and Southwark which will enable an additional 200 people to take part in arts and creativity.
31/07/2020 £24,900 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Re:Surface is a therapeutic vocational arts project which supports individuals to gain a better sense of identity through the art of craft. With a specific focus on surface design and the transferability of printmaking to ceramics, participants will use imagery from their recovery stories to adorn a vibrant collection of ceramic wares, showcasing their ability and skills.
31/07/2020 £24,604 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Digi Inclusion is a community programme working with service users in Lambeth to address exclusionary challenges and lack of access to digital resources in today’s online and digital world. With a focus on education and vocational skills, the project offers group workshops, and one-to-one support, with access to I pads. Benefits are wide ranging and include better employment prospects, independence, connectedness and self-confidence. Digi Inclusion is led by peers that are confident in digital problem solving and teaching in a way that is responsive to people’s mental health and well being.
31/07/2020 £25,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST The Men’s Shed is a woodworking group run by the Bethlem Royal Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Department and supported by the Maudsley Charity. It provides a regular, welcoming space where men can socialise, learn woodworking skills and manage their mental health. The group, called the ‘Shedders’ meet regularly and work on practical and personal projects, from trellises, bird boxes and planters for the Bethlem Occupational Therapy Garden, to decorative boxes inspired by the history of the psychiatric hospital.
31/07/2020 £15,900 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Parents and carers of young people with emotion dysregulation and related risk behaviours experience high levels of stress, burnout and challenges in their relationships with their children. High quality, specialist, evidence-based education and skills training are rarely available for parents and carers within SLaM outside of the Tier 4 DBT Service, and parents and carers have frequently highlighted the need for this earlier in their CAMHS journey. The current project seeks to deliver and evaluate an innovative, accessible format for delivering that much needed information and skills support for parents and carers at an earlier point in their CAMHS journey.
31/07/2020 £20,698 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON The project will support young adults living in Lambeth and Southwark who are suffering their first episode of psychosis and currently using cannabis. It will develop and run regular peer group sessions facilitated by mentors with lived experience of both psychosis and cannabis use, to support people to achieve a significant reduction/cessation of their cannabis use. Evidence shows that reducing or stopping cannabis use leads to a significant improvement not only in symptoms, but also in social functioning, helping people to return to education or and employment.
30/07/2020 £4,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Funding to provide emergency food boxes for service users identified as unable to shop, order or pay for food during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic until Local Authorities had operationalised this service, and on an exceptional basis for those assessed as vulnerable by their care worker but who were not receiveing help from their Local Authority.
30/07/2020 £40,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 150 iPads for patients in isolation across SLaM wards. They will be used for patients to be able to keep in contact with friends and family whilst they are in wards and getting fewer visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
23/07/2020 £15,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Heather Close is an inpatient rehabilitation unit that supports patients with complex needs, but there are no on-site exercise facilities. This funding for outdoor gym facilities at the ward will increase the opportunities for patients to engage in physical exercise.
11/06/2020 £49,961 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON This project will use innovative methods to collect in-depth information about the day-to-day experiences of disadvantaged, marginalised, and vulnerable young people in Lambeth and Southwark during the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged social restrictions, including school and community centre closures. Findings will inform local responses to supporting disadvantaged, marginalised, and vulnerable youth through this evolving crisis.
04/06/2020 £3,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Funding for gift vouchers to show appreciation to SLaM Volunteers and their contribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic over 50 Volunteers were matched with service users and provided regular telephone calls to support service users with their mental health.
21/05/2020 £26,943 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON The COVID-19 outbreak has produced sudden and unexpected pressures on NHS staff and disrupted treatment programs. Clinicians and service users are being forced to adapt to this new situation rapidly and needing to find new ways to support patients via virtual platforms. We don't know how the move to virtual working is impacting on clinicians and service users. This research will capture experiences of this new way of working in an in-depth study using qualitative and quantitative methods, which will develop our understanding of the impact of virtual working and inform Trust policy.
14/05/2020 £5,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Florence Nightingale Foundation has support from the NHS Charities Together to provide the Nightingale Frontline NHS Leadership Support Service. A leadership support service to support nursing and midwifery leadership during the pandemic to maintain balanced and positive staff mental health.
08/05/2020 £2,559 £273,108 MENTAL FIGHT CLUB To fund training to develop safeguarding skills for online activities for The Virtual Dragon Cafe Team. This is needed so that Mental Fight Club can ensure safe and supportive online experiences for vulnerable adults to support their wellbeing during COVID 19 restrictions of social distancing and lockdown.
08/05/2020 £3,150 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST A CUES-Ed COVID-19 response for primary age children at home during the pandemic. The project will adapt existing home learning package developed for paediatrics for primary school children. The resources will be offered free to all primary schools via the CUES-Ed website.
20/03/2020 £50,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CUES-Ed offers non-stigmatising universal education about mental health issues - teaching children how to look after themselves emotionally and developing a shared language that enables children, teachers and parents to talk about psychological well-being. With this grant from the Monday Charitable Trust, CUES-ED will be able to: Extend its reach to schools in areas of high deprivation and disadvantage; and enhance the flexibility and scope of delivery by improving access to those with Autistic Spectrum disorder.
17/02/2020 £419,800 £440,499 BETHLEM ART AND HISTORY COLLECTIONS TRUST Bethlem Museum of the Mind tells the history of mental healthcare through an internationally renowned collection of archives, art and historic objects. Based on the site of the UK’s oldest residential psychiatric hospital, Bethlem Royal Hospital, it destigmatises mental illness through its challenging displays, exhibitions and extensive educational programme.
17/02/2020 £238,318 BETHLEM GALLERY PROJECTS LTD Providing professional opportunities for artistic practice for current and former SLaM service users. Bethlem Gallery is a subsidiary of the Maudsley Charity. The core funding provided by the charity supports the gallery’s programme and artists. The programme includes collaborations with Bethlem Museum of the Mind, artists-in-residence, interdisciplinary research and partnerships with arts organisations across the UK and beyond. The Gallery campaigns for access to the arts in healthcare environments and engage audiences in learning and debate around mental health and artistic practice.
17/02/2020 £330,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) Recovery College is jointly funded by Maudsley Charity and SLaM, with the greater proportion of funding coming from the charity. The college enables staff and peer recovery trainers to work together to deliver a unique and collaborative form of training. The training is delivered to mixed groups of staff, service users and their supporters, enabling mental health professionals and service users to gain an insight into their different perspectives.
17/02/2020 £96,958 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Funding from the Maudsley Charity and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) supports volunteering services across the trust’s many different sites in South and South East London.
17/02/2020 £35,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Supporting 1000 hospital inpatients every year to make their hospital stay more comfortable. Maudsley Charity has funded inpatient hospital welfare services for more than 20 years. The project ensures that patients don’t experience unnecessary hardship whilst receiving hospital inpatient care. The project extends across our main hospital inpatient sites.
17/02/2020 £69,200 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST The Bethlem Walled Garden / Food Growing Project provides horticultural therapy and food growing opportunities to all service users on the Bethlem site through a comprehensive programme of gardening activities including vocational and work preparation workshops. The project provides much needed outdoor healthy physical activities for service users while producing fresh produce for the benefit of patients, staff and the local community. It has opened up the gardens, orchards and nature trails to the public to help break down barriers and promote the therapeutic benefits of horticulture and nature for mental well-being.
31/01/2020 £8,262 BETHLEM GALLERY PROJECTS LTD Maternity cover for key role at Bethlem Gallery.
31/01/2020 £309,232 £440,499 BETHLEM ART AND HISTORY COLLECTIONS TRUST Bethlem Museum of the Mind tells the history of mental healthcare through an internationally renowned collection of archives, art and historic objects. Based on the site of the UK’s oldest residential psychiatric hospital, Bethlem Royal Hospital, it destigmatises mental illness through its challenging displays, exhibitions and extensive educational programme.
31/01/2020 £59,649 BETHLEM GALLERY PROJECTS LTD This is a supplementary grant application as agreed with Maudsley Charity to cover additional costs for FY2019/20
31/01/2020 £36,784 BETHLEM GALLERY PROJECTS LTD This is an additional grant resulting from an agreement between Maudsley Charity and Bethlem Gallery to cover salary and other additional staff and rent costs for FY2019/20
31/01/2020 £15,851 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON The King’s Health Partners Staff Development Fund is designed to help eligible individuals meet the cost of professional development opportunities such as attending conferences or undertaking short courses. One of King’s Health Partners’ primary aims is to address the challenges of working at the interface between mental and physical healthcare. The Mind and Body Programme has been set up specifically to aid this and applications to the Staff Development Fund must address a mind/body issue.
02/12/2019 £224,574 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Developing tailored treatment for patients with a diagnosis of Autism and an eating disorder. Working together with NHS patients, staff from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, will develop accessible and tailored treatment for patients with a diagnosis of autism and an eating disorder, improving clinical outcomes and developing national guidance for NHS practice, as there are currently no guidelines for this patient group.
02/12/2019 £314,365 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Further development of an app to help autistic people manage anxiety. A clinical team led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, working with the research charity  Autistica, will enable further development of a mobile app to support autistic people manage anxiety. This is the most common treatable  mental health condition in autism, experienced by 40% of the 700,000 autistic  people in the UK. (source: NAS)
02/12/2019 £60,872 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Body worn cameras allow NHS staff and patients on inpatient wards to request a situation to be filmed. The use of body worn cameras is being trialled in a number of mental health trusts in the UK. This project, led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London and clinicians at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust will undertake the largest study to date of NHS staff and patient attitudes to the potential use of body worn cameras and explore the ethical and therapeutic considerations of their use in NHS healthcare settings.
02/12/2019 £458,000 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON In 25% of patients with psychosis, standard treatment with antipsychotic medication is ineffective. The only treatment that can help these patients is a medication called Clozapine. However, there is often a delay of several years before patients can access Clozapine treatment. Funding this project will enable clinicians at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London to evaluate a new approach designed to substantially reduce this delay, allowing patients to access effective treatment sooner. If successful, this approach is likely to change the way that people with ‘treatment resistant’ psychosis are treated.
02/12/2019 £180,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Pilot and evaluate an adapted version of DISCOVER, created in 2018, for the particular needs of Looked After young people and Care Leavers aged 16-19 who experience anxiety, low mood and high stress levels in Lambeth and in Croydon.
28/10/2019 £210,000 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Around 80,000* young people in the UK have epilepsy, and have disproportionately more mental health problems than other young people. This project led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, working with NHS clinicians across South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, will develop new interventions to screen young people with epilepsy for mental health conditions, and provide them with better care. (*
30/09/2019 £345,074 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Part funded by the Maudsley Charity, CogStack assists clinical decision-making with best-of-breed text analytics. CogStack is an information retrieval and extraction platform developed by researchers at the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre. It implements enterprise search, natural language processing, analytics and visualisation technologies to unlock the health record and assist in clinical decision making and research.
25/09/2019 £30,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of SLaM staff.
20/08/2019 £2,000 £11,028 BESSTEL CHILD AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY FOUNDATION Project supports members of BAME communities from Black African backgrounds in South London with mental and emotional health difficulties. It aims at improving levels of literacy around the early signs of mental and emotional ill health and providing appropriate early intervention and preventative support. Among the target population already suffering ill health, the project will provide non-clinical support through a programme of community outreach, individual and group support sessions as well as crisis support in emergencies.
19/07/2019 £24,232 £729,811 BLACKFRIARS SETTLEMENT The Switched-On project aims to help improve life opportunities and support the transition into education, volunteering and work, through regular, informal digital support in a friendly and sociable weekly club. Digital access and skills are vital in successfully navigating day to day online activities/interactions (benefits, housing, online security, medical and other appointments etc) but which can prove overwhelming for those with mental health conditions.
19/07/2019 £24,850 £3,914,094 BROMLEY, LEWISHAM AND GREENWICH MIND A project that will provide peer support groups for individuals in BAME communities who are experiencing serious, enduring mental health problems but are reluctant to access secondary services, often for cultural reasons. In addition to offering safe places where people can participate in structured group work alongside their peers, this programme will empower participants to shape the course structure and take control of their mental health. Subsequently, people will be signposted to other relevant services where they’ll continue to receive appropriate support. The project will also open up the debate around mental health issues and how they present in different communities.
19/07/2019 £24,960 £2,391,345 KAIROS COMMUNITY TRUST Kairos Community Trust provides hostel accommodation and treatment services primarily in Southwark, and supported housing for people with drug and alcohol problems and severe lifestyle challenges, in the wider South London community. The Maudsley Charity have funded two part-time ‘Inreach’ workers to support residents in their transition from Kairos houses into independent living.
19/07/2019 £24,956 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Project to improve the transition from child to adult services for young people with learning disabilities in Lambeth, and to improve referrals between services working with young adults. Project to offer direct support for transitions, improve information available, and improved pathways between services, thereby improving quality of life and reducing distress and carer burnout at this important time.
19/07/2019 £24,284 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST A project to develop a group to advocate for and consult on the needs of adults with autism who use SLAM services. The group will offer consultancy for services on how they can meet the needs of the disproportionately high number of adults accessing mental health services who also have autism. Project aims to make services more accessible and effective for people with autism, a group who have often fallen through the gaps in (mental) health and social care provision.
19/07/2019 £24,606 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST This project aims to reduce relapse and recurrence of depression and anxiety in vulnerable adolescents, by providing a novel mindfulness intervention. Mindfulness for Adolescents and Carers (MAC) is a new group intervention, specifically designed to support vulnerable adolescents with a history of depression and anxiety who are at the point of discharge or transition from community CAMHS services.
19/07/2019 £25,000 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST This project aims to reduce stigma and help young people from BAME communities to access treatment for Bulimia Nervosa. Through outreach to communities, and working with schools and parents, it will address the low rates of referral for Bulimia Nervosa from BAME communities in south east London. The project is based in Lewisham working through South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust’s – Child and Adolescent services and social services.
19/07/2019 £12,500 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST The Men’s Shed is a woodworking group run by the Bethlem Royal Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Department and supported by the Maudsley Charity. It provides a regular, welcoming space where men can socialise, learn woodworking skills and manage their mental health. The group, called the ‘Shedders’ meet regularly and work on practical and personal projects, from trellises, bird boxes and planters for the Bethlem Occupational Therapy Garden, to decorative boxes inspired by the history of the psychiatric hospital.
19/07/2019 £12,500 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST The Bethlem Handmade Enterprise is a social enterprise project funded by the Maudsley Charity, based at Bethlem Royal Hospital, where patients have been making ceramic and craft objects to sell to the public in the Maker’s Space shop. People from a range of inpatient and community services are taught vocational and craft skills while exploring their creative potential and keeping well. As well as an element of ceramic work, the project will focus on some of the other creative occupational departments within the hospital focusing on further developing new arts/craft based handmade project work, such as simple forms of printing and glass slumping.
19/07/2019 £22,250 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST A project to develop new online parenting programmes and train supporting professionals to increase engagement in effective parenting work among disadvantaged, hard-to-reach families. The new technology, including videos and therapy that can be accessed at home, will tackle inconsistent, harsh parenting. This is the main contributor to challenging behaviour in children, the commonest mental health problem, which often leads to drug misuse, underachievement, violence and criminality.
19/07/2019 £24,540 SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Narrative therapy workshops to promote recovery and improve relationships between service users and staff. ‘Tree of Life’ is a type of narrative therapy that originated in Zimbabwe when counsellors were working in heavily trauma-stricken communities. Instead of asking the affected person to discuss and revisit a problem which can be traumatising in itself, they were asked to talk about the positive aspects of their life first through the metaphor of a tree. Funding provided to undertake a pilot of Tree of Life across two male and one female medium secure admission wards at River House, Bethlem Royal Hosptial, making it the first time the methodology has been implemented in a forensic setting.
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Cumulative Grants
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£25,000 HEAR US

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