KPMG Foundation

Who they support

We make grants to organisations who work with vulnerable children, in families, in the community and in schools, including those in the care system or on the edge of care

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £6 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.


K P M G Foundation
E14 5GL

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1194474
Charity Commission for England and Wales
Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 22 donations have been made totalling £3,690,575 to 20 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
The Dulverton Trust 30% 25%
The National Lottery Community Fund 30% 50%
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation 26% 30%
Paul Hamlyn Foundation 25% 35%
Garfield Weston Foundation 24% 30%
BBC Children in Need 23% 40%
City Bridge Trust 22% 35%
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales 18% 25%
The Clothworkers Foundation 18% 20%
Comic Relief 18% 25%
Sole supporter: 35% by number, 48% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
14/11/2023 £225,000 FAMILY RIGHTS GROUP Lifelong Links builds and strengthens relationships for children in care, helps young people safely discover family members and find out more about their life story. It has been shown to be effective and this project is to test and adapt it with an older age group of care leavers in London.
04/09/2023 £51,190 £1,414,054 EDUCATION POLICY INSTITUTE Research project aimed at reducing food poverty in the under 5's, looking at risk factors, policies and priorities. Bringing evidence of effective interventions from across the UK and beyond, to share and spread good practice
05/07/2023 £65,000 £451,762 HAPPY BABY COMMUNITY Supporting women fleeing violence and trafficking, pregnant or with babies. This research in collaboartion with UCL will address serious and urgent concerns about enabling these babies and young children to thrive, considering their asylum accommodation - overcrowded, cramped hotel rooms and hostels. it will deveop a set of evidenced interventions, train and develop community members and share learning
05/07/2023 £200,000 £172,569 WHY NOT TRUST Supporting young care experienced people as they become young parents themselves. The Village has evolved from listening to what young people want and need, into a virtual peer support model across Scoltand, using a strengths based approach, and intervening early to prevent care proceedings where possible
23/03/2023 £145,000 COHEN TRUST Delivering trauma-informed early interventions to vulnerable and struggling families in Middlesbrough. The Seen Heard Believed approach is in partnership with Middlesbrough Council and with some local schools aims to support families enagaging with the Early Help teams in their area.
08/11/2022 £150,000 £392,247 SISTER SYSTEM Bridging the gap between care-affected girls and mainstream society by working to ensure that those girls and young women have the same opportunities as everyone else.
08/11/2022 £60,000 £45,509 PROJECT CHANGE (SCOTLAND) Project Change aims for a positive difference in the lives of care experienced people, where they lead the change, across Scotland. It is a bridge between lived experiences and organisations, focused on making the care system, and communities, more equitable by ensuring it’s representative of those it serves.
14/09/2022 £200,000 £616,716 WILD YOUNG PARENTS Core Funding: to scale effective approaches with young parents and babies, and influence policy and practice in and beyond Cornwall
14/09/2022 £63,300 £6,816,281 THE FOSTERING NETWORK Research into foster carer recruitment, retention and diversity in England, to fill gaps in current knowledge, and help support some of the recommendations of the recent Care Review
04/07/2022 £450,000 FOSTERING NETWORK Step Up Step Down is a programme to help prevent children who are on the periphery of the care system from being taken into care, and instead supporting them to stay within their own homes. This initiative in Wales will be built on and adapted from a successful programme in N.Ireland. SUSD provides a programme of holistic and needs led support, with a family support foster carer, meeting regularly with parents in a mentoring role, alongside providing short breaks. The initial plan is to develop work with one local authority in N. Wales and one in S. Wales
04/07/2022 £200,000 £1,901,830 KINSHIP There is very little research about the profile and needs of this group of carers in the UK. However, they provide vital support to thousands of children, but are often overlooked and cannot access the same financial support as foster carers. This is a research grant with an academic partner and the findings will be widely shared with practitioners, policy makers, local authorities and the voluntary sector. It is a very timely piece of research and will reflect some of the key aspirations of the Independent Review of Children's Social Care published in May 2022
16/03/2022 £25,000 £24,237,000 TACT (FOR CARE EXPERIENCED MOVEMENT) A Start Up grant for a new intergenerational, intersectional 'movement' of Care Experienced activists and advocates. A contribution towards their first year running costs and to help them plan for the future. They are being supported by TACT with finance, governance and back-office support who hold the grant as a 'restricted fund'
08/12/2021 £300,000 JUNO CIC We are Juno CIC is a new not for profit company opening high quality residential care homes for children and young people in Liverpool City Region. The model is focused on providing high quality care and support for and with young people at its heart. It will also invest in staff training and development, to ensure children are loved and nurtured within a social pedagogy framework. Local authority support is also central to this model of working differently, in partnership, complementing the co-production with care-leavers. This is a core funding grant.
08/12/2021 £450,000 £376,183 THRIVE AT FIVE Thrive at Five is a new collective impact initiative, aiming to help children in disadvantaged communities achieve improvements in school readiness. Progress against this outcome is measured by the national Early Years Foundation Stage assessment of a child’s physical, social and emotional, and cognitive, development at the end of the Reception Year. The results of the EYFS assessments are collected, monitored, and verified nationally. Thrive at Five has ambitious plans to work across a range of local authorities from an original pilot in Stoke on Trent. This is a core funding grant to help them learn and scale more widely
15/09/2021 £309,528 £3,484,720 LUCY FAITHFULL FOUNDATION There is now overwhelming evidence that mchildren and young people experience harassment and abuse in school - verbal, physical and online. Teachers are struggling to understand and respond adquately to these issues and school leaders are looking for direction on how to deal with and prevent peer-on-peer sexual abuse. This grant is to develop the tools and resources for school leaders - through a three tier approach of Respond, Learn, Prevent - and involving key stakeholders (Dept for Education, OfSted and the Home Office) to ensure effective, nationwide approaches can be developed.
15/06/2021 £100,000 £6,119,000 BUTTLE UK Improving estranged young people's access to support and services in the post pandemic period.
10/03/2021 £190,000 COHEN TRUST Delivering trauma-informed early interventions to vulnerable and struggling families in Middlesbrough. The SHB Project in partnership with Safer Communities and Middlesbrough Council, provides an innovative Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) approach to vulnerable families for as long as is needed, emphasising physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone, to create opportunities for those affected, to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment in their own lives. The success of the project is also due to the independent nature of the practitioners from the voluntary sector.
10/03/2021 £58,104 UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Little research has previously been undertaken into the principles that underpin effective practice for virtual schools. This is despite highly variable educational outcomes for children in care between local authorities, in ways that are not readily explained, suggesting a very strong role for local practice – effective or ineffective. The rationale for this project is to explore and isolate key elements that underpin the effectiveness of virtual schools, and in time, improve the educational outcomes for children in care. NB this grant was initially awarded to the Rees Centre at Oxford University but transferred to the University of Exeter in 2022, following a move by the academic lead
16/06/2020 £150,000 £16,586,927 ANNA FREUD NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES The Reflective Fostering Programme (RFP) is a mentalization based group intervention for foster carers; an adaptation of a programme for parents. The programme is being evaluated in a large-scale RCT to find out whether offering the programme, alongside the usual care provided by local authorities, is helpful, in terms of; improving children’s emotional well-being and behaviour, helping with carer stress and feelings of burnout and crucially in supporting placement stability. The KPMG Foundation is providing some of the RFP support and development costs (NIHR are funding the RCT)
16/06/2020 £50,000 £2,337,689 JUST FOR KIDS LAW This grant enabled JfKL to advocate on behalf of young people in the care system at a time of national crisis. It enabled practical support and modest finance to young people and campaigning for change to the Coronavirus Act of 2020 to ensure Local Authorities continued their statutory responsibiliies to this vulnerable group
31/03/2020 £150,000 FAMILY RIGHTS GROUP Core funding at the end of the Dept for Education innovation grant for Lifelong Links in England, to help organisational capacity and to capitalise on the positive findings from the LL evaluation
16/03/2020 £98,453 £35,810,000 FAMILY ACTION A telephone advice line and befriending service for young people leaving care, during the Covid pandemic 2020-22 and continuing to 2023
Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£335,000 COHEN TRUST
£300,000 JUNO CIC
£200,000 WHY NOT TRUST
£200,000 KINSHIP
£100,000 BUTTLE UK

Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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