
Who they support

People, organisations and churches within the London Borough of Islington

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £6 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.

Grant criteria

Through our health grants programme we give grants to address physical and mental health issues and financial hardship. We give small grants to Islington residents who have health problems, or who are disabled and in financial need, and also fund organisations and projects that support them. Our church grants programme supports the Church of England churches in Islington, helping to repair the buildings and maintain services within them. We work closely with other local funders and are one of the core partners of Islington Giving.

Grant details

Typically £10-70,000


Office 1.1

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 205959
Charity Commission for England and Wales
Analysis of Grants Made
Filter on keywords: ?

In this period 428 donations have been made totalling £7,327,522 to 78 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
The National Lottery Community Fund 42% 46%
City Bridge Trust 37% 37%
Cripplegate Foundation 36% 41%
DCMS 28% 24%
London Catalyst 25% 18%
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales 23% 17%
Garfield Weston Foundation 19% 22%
The Henry Smith Charity 19% 13%
Comic Relief 15% 6%
The Clothworkers Foundation 15% 9%
Sole supporter: 31% by number, 26% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
21/12/2023 £6,500 £331,776 ST STEPHEN'S CANONBURY Urgent repair grant towards roof repairs
06/12/2023 £105,000 £507,119 THE MAYA CENTRE Principal Grant Round 1 renewal
06/12/2023 £105,000 £331,776 THE MANNA Principal Grant Round 1 renewal
21/11/2023 £65,000 £171,535 ST GEORGE'S TUFNELL PARK Replacing roof lights and installing an access hatch and safety system to the roof
21/11/2023 £22,000 £1,541,897 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) Feasibility study to explore the potential of King's House to provide additional seating capacity
21/11/2023 £15,000 £260,498 ST LUKE'S WEST HOLLOWAY Professional fees and a fire safety review for the glazed doors, and the feasibility study for the new toilet
21/11/2023 £5,000 ST SILAS PENTONVILLE Architects' fees as preparation for repairs to the South Clerestory
21/11/2023 £6,600 £162,909 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK towards architect fees for four specific tasks for the preparation work for the church roof and facades repairs and access audit in order to plan for the next phase of renovation/redevelopment.
21/11/2023 £65,000 £298,521 ST MARY MAGDALENE Drainage works to redirect foul water
21/11/2023 £8,750 £331,776 ST STEPHEN'S CANONBURY Replace leaking roof in area affecting Sunday School and after-church refreshments
21/11/2023 £10,000 £113,361 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER, CLERKENWELL Access Fund - The installation of a new sound system to address significant barriers to the accessibility of services and other activities
21/11/2023 £65,000 £361,687 ST ANDREW'S THORNHILL SQUARE Stonework repairs, foul drainage works, a Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) consultation and associated surveys
21/11/2023 £49,700 £237,600 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY Redecoration of several rooms and offices in the church building, inc. any repair work related to the decoration. Replacement of carpets in several rooms.
21/11/2023 £15,400 £490,961 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Repair of steps to the South East Entrance of the Church
21/11/2023 £21,000 £113,361 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER, CLERKENWELL The installation of a new sound system at Holy Redeemer to address siginificant barriers to the accessibility of our services and other activities.
21/11/2023 £15,800 £800,202 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL Purchase of kitchen equipment and chairs, in addition to graining repairs to damaged surfaces and repair of a downpipe.
21/11/2023 £6,900 £73,782 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE FINSBURY PARK 1. Enabling the main church door to be opened from the outside by installing a new locking mechanism. 2. Making adjustments to the specification for the speaker system funded by Cloudesley.
21/11/2023 £25,500 £506,104 ST MARY ISLINGTON towards the installation of sliding panels of secondary glazing on the crypt level windows.
21/11/2023 £13,000 £191,762 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Maintenance works towards electric and repairs required for worship
21/11/2023 £9,800 ST JUDE AND ST PAUL'S CHURCH Kitchen Refurbishment and toilet repairs
21/11/2023 £11,390 ST JUDE AND ST PAUL'S CHURCH Urgent repairs to the church pillars
21/11/2023 £10,000 £298,521 ST MARY MAGDALENE Urgent repair grant towards dry rot investigations
21/11/2023 £5,000 £624,180 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
21/11/2023 £2,500 £1,030,218 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
27/10/2023 £4,830 ST CLEMENT'S CHURCH, KING SQUARE Urgent repair grant towards roof repairs
24/10/2023 £4,000 £1,520,830 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
23/10/2023 £2,000 £1,846,575 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
23/10/2023 £5,000 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
23/10/2023 £1,000 THE MARGINS PROJECT Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
19/10/2023 £1,500 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
13/10/2023 £5,000 £1,030,218 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
19/09/2023 £2,500 £2,157,793 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
19/09/2023 £4,000 £624,180 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
19/09/2023 £5,000 £2,157,793 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023-24
19/09/2023 £9,000 £1,659,895 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £4,000 £102,145 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £12,000 £7,504,448 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £10,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £6,000 £126,239,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £15,000 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £6,000 £15,257,322 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £10,000 £1,659,895 AGE UK ISLINGTON Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £10,000 £126,239,000 ST MUNGO'S Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £10,000 £15,257,322 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £10,000 £1,030,218 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £15,000 £1,520,830 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £6,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £4,000 LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £3,000 £3,468,165 CITIZENS ADVICE ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £10,000 £2,218,107 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £5,000 £2,218,107 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £10,000 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS Catalyst Funding for 2024-25
19/09/2023 £5,000 £123,959 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £8,000 £1,846,575 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £15,000 £1,030,218 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £6,000 £2,157,793 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £12,000 £624,180 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £5,000 £331,776 THE MANNA Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
19/09/2023 £2,000 THE MARGINS PROJECT Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2024
10/08/2023 £5,000 £1,520,830 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
10/08/2023 £5,000 £2,218,107 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
10/08/2023 £5,000 £7,504,448 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
22/06/2023 £3,000 £3,241,071 CITIZENS ADVICE ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
06/06/2023 £65,000 £331,776 ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH, CANONBURY Electric heating system for church and halls to replace existing gas boiler. The project in 2 phases - 1 upgrading power supply, design for heating controls, installing power to heating panels - 2 supply + install heating panels
06/06/2023 £30,000 £324,093 ST SAVIOUR'S Drainage project
06/06/2023 £43,000 £361,687 ST ANDREW'S, THORNHILL SQUARE The east window is in urgent need of repair and stabilisation works to prevent further deterioration and damage to the stained glass. Urgent repairs are needed to the Spire following an indepth survey in February and ongoing monitoring is required.
06/06/2023 £30,512 £490,961 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY To complete the fourth and final round of Pinnacles and to carry out Stoneworks
06/06/2023 £50,000 £171,535 ST GEORGE AND ALL SAINTS, TUFNELL PARK The church's fascia, which is zinc-clad, requires total replacement.
16/05/2023 £19,176 EMMANUEL HORNSEY ROAD Lighting works that will replace flourescent lighting tubes in main meeting rooms & add lighting to areas that currently aren't sufficiently lit.
16/05/2023 £5,900 £334,204 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Survey of the roof and walls in order to plan for the next phase of renovation/redevelopment
16/05/2023 £15,400 £260,498 ST LUKE'S WEST HOLLOWAY Roof repairs
16/05/2023 £60,000 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY Exterior stonework repairs to specific parts of the building
16/05/2023 £28,000 £361,687 CHURCH ON THE CORNER Refurbishment of the roof entailing removal of the two slate pitches and replacement with an insulated flat roof.
16/05/2023 £25,500 ST SILAS South Side Subsidence : Associated Works
16/05/2023 £9,000 £1,304,426 AGE UK ISLINGTON ICC grant towards work with older people in Islington
16/05/2023 £70,000 £160,430 STUART LOW TRUST PGF Round 2 Extension Funding - Core Costs Arts, Nature and Wellbeing Programme
16/05/2023 £70,000 £381,019 HOLLOWAY NEIGHBOURHOOD GROUP PGF Round 2 Extension Funding - HNG Improving Mental Health & Wellbeing
16/05/2023 £70,000 £2,157,793 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST PGF Round 2 Extension Funding - St Luke?s Helping Hands
16/05/2023 £70,000 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) PGF Round 2 Extension Funding - Support Service
16/05/2023 £70,000 £234,640 THE MARGINS PROJECT PGF Round 2 Extension Funding - Margins Plus
16/05/2023 £5,000 £1,304,426 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living 2023
16/05/2023 £2,100 £7,022 SOUTH ISLINGTON STROKE CLUB ICC grant towards work with older people and /or those with a disability in Islington
16/05/2023 £9,000 £2,157,793 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST ICC grant towards work with older people in Islington
09/05/2023 £3,249 £247,753 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Top-up grant towards the additional costs of netting.
11/04/2023 £10,000 £324,093 ST SAVIOUR'S Urgent repair grant towards the removal of pigeon guano from the loft space in the nave roof
17/03/2023 £6,150 URBAN FOREST TRIBE CIC SEN Forest School Home Education Program
17/03/2023 £10,000 £222,359 SCARABEUS AERIAL THEATRE Take Flight
17/03/2023 £5,000 £36,856 ANGEL COMMUNITY CANALBOAT TRUST (ACCT) Summer Scheme 2023
17/03/2023 £3,640 READ EASY ISLINGTON First New Readers for Read Easy Islington
17/03/2023 £4,400 BUBBLE AND SPEAK C.I.C. Bubble & Speak in Islington
17/03/2023 £8,600 £358,504 HEALTHPROM Open Doors Project - CHANGED to Youth Club for young Ukrainian refugees in Islington
21/02/2023 £6,500 £138,091 ARTBOX LONDON SEN and Mindfulness Practitioner Role
21/02/2023 £7,500 £150,810 MINORITY MATTERS LTD Special Somali Mums Support Plus
21/02/2023 £7,600 £179,944 ISLINGTON BANGLADESH ASSOCIATION Islington Bangladeshi Community Health Project
21/02/2023 £8,600 FAMILIES IN HARMONY Harmony Grows Therapeutic Parenting Programme
21/02/2023 £6,000 £121,170 ANGEL SHED THEATRE Support and training for young people with disabilities
21/02/2023 £9,780 £155,705 MAHADEVI YOGA CENTRE Wellbeing activities for children and young people with disabilities and special needs
21/02/2023 £9,560 MEMORY GARDENS Hand and Sky Project
21/02/2023 £10,000 £85,432 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Helping Hand
21/02/2023 £10,000 £556,215 THE GARDEN CLASSROOM Bringing nature to the children at Samuel Rhodes School
21/02/2023 £10,000 £337,667 PROSPEX Prospex Listens and Cares (PLC)
21/02/2023 £10,000 £88,204 ISLINGTON SOMALI COMMUNITY ISC Connect
21/02/2023 £10,000 £403,922 THE ELFRIDA SOCIETY LD Access to Health
14/02/2023 £10,000 £260,498 ST LUKE'S WEST HOLLOWAY Top-up grant towards the roof works due to rising costs
02/02/2023 £4,350 £334,204 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Urgent repair grant towards urgent repairs to the crucifix
20/12/2022 £2,000 £1,304,426 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
13/12/2022 £2,500 £450,778 ST STEPHEN CANONBURY Urgent repair grant towards a temporary heating solution
07/12/2022 £7,500 £106,634 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H2505
07/12/2022 £5,000 £410,556 THE MAYA CENTRE Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H9506
07/12/2022 £2,500 £16,927,412 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H8119
07/12/2022 £5,000 £450,778 THE MANNA Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H9313
07/12/2022 £5,000 £6,757,620 CENTRE 404 Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H1620
07/12/2022 £7,500 £2,011,908 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H6015
07/12/2022 £7,500 £1,465,286 ISLINGTON MIND Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H5117
05/12/2022 £1,500 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
22/11/2022 £11,000 £79,856 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE FINSBURY PARK Further additions to AV system to add amplification in the church building, along with further upgrades to existing system.
22/11/2022 £40,000 ST CLEMENT'S CHURCH, KING SQUARE Organ repairs and conservation
22/11/2022 £65,000 £234,549 ST SAVIOUR'S Audio Visual Upgrade Phase 1
22/11/2022 £11,000 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Emergency Lighting, Supply and Installation of Small Power, Vestry Lighting
22/11/2022 £12,000 £1,331,202 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) New, permanent flooring for King's House entrance and Upper Room
22/11/2022 £65,000 £154,839 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Energy efficient lighting in church, including rewiring
22/11/2022 £30,000 £392,504 ST ANDREW'S, THORNHILL SQUARE Fundraising and Project Management Consultant to prepare and deliver a Fundraising Strategy
22/11/2022 £5,530 £217,676 ST MARKS CHURCH Replacement of out dated computer equipment and software
22/11/2022 £41,000 £139,257 ST GEORGE AND ALL SAINTS, TUFNELL PARK The next stage of the roof covering and fascia replacement project; support from a fundraising coordinator
22/11/2022 £26,000 £283,733 ST MARY MAGDALENE Continuing investigations and assessments of St Mary Magdalene's structural and fabric challenges, in relation to water ingress, with particular focus on the challenges regarding drainage and water ingress and progression of cracking in the fabric.
22/11/2022 £65,000 £490,961 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Refurbishment of the church Organ
22/11/2022 £23,630 £247,753 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Netting for the Tower
22/11/2022 £9,850 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Top-up grant towards increased costs of lighting project
22/11/2022 £7,780 £656,824 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL To pay for fundraising consultant fees for a fundraising feasibility study and prospects research
09/11/2022 £5,300 £392,504 CHURCH ON THE CORNER Small urgent repair grant towards the roof works including a contingency figure towards any additional roof works identified
04/11/2022 £9,711 £334,204 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Top-up grant towards increased costs and additional works due to a change of specification regarding the access ramp
24/10/2022 £5,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
24/10/2022 £2,000 £2,011,908 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
24/10/2022 £2,000 £1,738,939 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
20/10/2022 £3,000 £97,527 ISLINGTON BAMER ADVICE ALLIANCE Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
18/10/2022 £2,000 £118,798,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
18/10/2022 £2,000 £112,465 ST MARK CLERKENWELL Urgent Repair Grant towards the repair of the handrails alongside the ramp to the church
17/10/2022 £2,000 £16,927,412 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
10/10/2022 £3,000 £1,465,286 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
27/09/2022 £12,000 £597,036 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £1,465,286 ISLINGTON MIND Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H5117
27/09/2022 £5,000 £160,430 STUART LOW TRUST Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H8703
27/09/2022 £15,000 £1,465,286 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £3,000 £3,241,071 CITIZENS ADVICE ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £110,000 £2,521,919 ISLINGTON GIVING Strategic Grant (awarded September 2022)
27/09/2022 £2,500 £450,778 THE MANNA Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H9313
27/09/2022 £2,500 £410,556 THE MAYA CENTRE Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H9506
27/09/2022 £12,000 £6,757,620 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £15,000 £945,965 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £15,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £106,634 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £2,500 £6,757,620 CENTRE 404 Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H1620
27/09/2022 £6,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £381,019 HOLLOWAY NEIGHBOURHOOD GROUP Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H3904
27/09/2022 £130,000 £1,738,939 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Three Advice Project, including the form filling clinic - funding for Jan 2023 to Dec 2024
27/09/2022 £83,000 £945,965 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Connect Service - funding for Jan 2023 to Dec 2024
27/09/2022 £5,000 £106,634 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H2505
27/09/2022 £8,000 £1,304,426 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £2,011,908 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H6015
27/09/2022 £5,000 £1,884,412 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H8305
27/09/2022 £5,000 £234,640 THE MARGINS PROJECT Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H9407
27/09/2022 £6,000 £1,884,412 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H4715
27/09/2022 £5,000 £1,304,426 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner top-up grant - cost of living
27/09/2022 £6,000 £16,927,412 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £6,000 £118,798,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £450,778 THE MANNA Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £8,000 £1,738,939 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £5,000 £2,011,908 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £4,000 £85,432 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
27/09/2022 £1,250 £16,927,412 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Principal Grant - cost of living uplift. Related grant: 360G-Cloudesley-H8119
27/09/2022 £2,000 £234,640 THE MARGINS PROJECT Cloudesley Partner welfare grant 2023
09/09/2022 £3,000 £106,634 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner top-up grant for 2022
27/07/2022 £1,560 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Additional grant towards a monitoring and evaluation system
20/07/2022 £7,400 £186,659 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Remedial works needed to the lightning conductor and urgent electrical repairs
13/06/2022 £10,000 £331,235 ST ANDREW'S CHURCH THORNHILL SQUARE Replacement netting for the tower
07/06/2022 £3,600 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Two extensions to the Church AV System, Asbestos survey and asbestos works
07/06/2022 £54,000 ST CLEMENT'S CHURCH, KING SQUARE Repair and renewal of spire stonework, replacement of iron cramps.
07/06/2022 £28,160 £1,339,725 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) King's House Auditorium - PA and Lighting Installation - Final Stage Works
07/06/2022 £60,000 £138,995 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER The rewiring and relighting of the church
07/06/2022 £11,864 £334,204 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Upgrade AV equipment, installation of hearing loop
07/06/2022 £22,838 £217,676 ST MARK'S CHURCH, TOLLINGTON PARK Repairs of Stonework and full building survey
07/06/2022 £5,040 ST SILAS Bird protection and electrical works
07/06/2022 £34,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Organ room phase two (including accessible toilet and access)
07/06/2022 £80,000 £154,839 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK 1) Additional lighting in Main Church. 2) Repairs to Tower 3) Remaining cost of prepatory work and architects fees for Tower works 4) Redecoration of Church Lobby and Lounge
17/05/2022 £3,000 £3,555,829 CITIZENS ADVICE ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner Grant 2022 - awarded May 2022
17/05/2022 £3,000 £92,266 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner grant 2022 - Awarded May 2022
17/05/2022 £5,000 LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner grant for distribution via the RSS team for people with no recourse to public funds - 2022
17/05/2022 £25,785 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Two extensions to the Church AV System, Asbestos survey and asbestos works
17/05/2022 £50,000 £195,798 ST GEORGE AND ALL SAINTS Replace the church's roof and fascia, replace chairs
17/05/2022 £3,615 EMMANUEL HORNSEY ROAD Works to increase the health and safety compliance of the church building
17/05/2022 £29,500 £151,650 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Additional grant for an air source heat pump; PV solar panels; elements of the associated professional fees
17/05/2022 £11,000 £362,148 ST MARY MAGDALENE To fund the installation of energy efficient lighting in the main worship space at St Mary Magdalene
17/05/2022 £16,837 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY The upgrade of the whole kitchen situated within the church space
09/03/2022 £90,000 £92,266 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Principal Grant Rd 3 - Complex Caseworker
09/03/2022 £90,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Principal Grant Rd 3 - Connecting for Health
09/03/2022 £90,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND Principal Grant Rd 3 - Islington Mind Talking Therapies Clinic
28/02/2022 £5,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Pilot Grant - On behalf of Octopus Community Network - For the period 28/02/2022 to 31/12/2022
22/02/2022 £30,000 £15,592,165 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID PGF Round 1 Extension Funding - Towards the counselling service for survivors of sexual violence 1 July 22 - 30 June 24
22/02/2022 £30,000 £599,152 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Development Fund - towards a new approach to providing welfare benefits in partnership with Manor Gardens
22/02/2022 £18,000 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL To cover the additional costs of making the church balcony health and safety compliant
22/02/2022 £10,000 £1,335,580 AGE UK ISLINGTON Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
08/12/2021 £50,000 ST SILAS Prioritised Restoration of our Historic Organ
08/12/2021 £60,000 £410,556 THE MAYA CENTRE PGF Round 1 Extension Funding - 1:1 and group counselling for Black Women's Therapy Group
08/12/2021 £60,000 £6,757,620 CENTRE 404 PGF Round 1 Extension Funding - Supporting Families Core Work
08/12/2021 £60,000 £450,778 THE MANNA PGF Round 1 Extension Funding - Tackling health inequalities among marginalised people
25/11/2021 £3,000 £179,764 STUART LOW TRUST Lamplight set up costs
25/11/2021 £2,050 £78,520 ONE TRUE VOICE Grants Support Fund - for the FSI monitoring and evaluation support package
25/11/2021 £2,050 £28,848 LIFE CHANCES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH AFLAH Grants Support Fund - for the FSI monitoring and evaluation support package
23/11/2021 £20,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Repairs to church hall to enable continued provision of children's worship services & community engagement.
23/11/2021 £8,000 £98,780 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE FINSBURY PARK Project development for repairs to bell turret, plus temporary bell repair; microphones for loop and online services
23/11/2021 £27,000 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL To develop architectural and structural plans for opening the south east door of the church, and to pay for a project manager for this stage
23/11/2021 £5,000 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Upgrade of the water Supply removing external lead piping
23/11/2021 £30,100 £67,116 ST MARK CLERKENWELL Installation of a new heating system in the church worship space to replace the current aging heating system
23/11/2021 £34,000 £221,562 ST MARK'S CHURCH, TOLLINGTON PARK A) Upgrade of Electrical Supply Capacity / B) Stone Work Repairs
23/11/2021 £50,000 £287,802 ST MARY ISLINGTON Repair of the tower stairs, redecoration of church interior
23/11/2021 £3,000 £138,995 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER Development work for relighting and attendant rewiring of the church worship space.
23/11/2021 £14,400 £150,708 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Tower Survey and Chairs
23/11/2021 £50,000 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Maintenance to front door system to improve day time access and security for services and weekly events and maintenance to main steps into the building
23/11/2021 £45,500 £1,339,725 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) AV and Catering Equipment for King's House
23/11/2021 £17,400 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH New internal doorway to the church hall and part funding of paving works
23/11/2021 £25,635 £362,148 ST MARY MAGDALENE Towards a full building condition survey and electrical test
23/11/2021 £5,000 £1,335,580 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Nov 2021
23/11/2021 £49,300 £276,298 HEALTHWATCH ISLINGTON Development Fund - Towards the proposed new approach to the Digital Champions Initiative
17/11/2021 £1,115 £490,961 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Urgent repair grant for urgent boiler repairs
22/10/2021 £2,000 £118,798,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner top-up for the period 22/10/21 - 31/12/21
22/10/2021 £2,000 £385,442 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner top-up for the period 22/10/21 - 31/12/21
21/10/2021 £2,000 £94,379 ALAG/AUTISM HUB ISLINGTON Grant Support Fund - Towards the inputting of data and other information onto the new case management system and monitoring system
29/09/2021 £3,200 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Grant Support Fund - towards a monitoring and evaluation system
21/09/2021 £10,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £10,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £5,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £6,000 £3,081,629 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £6,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £6,000 £123,181,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £12,000 £6,159,172 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £15,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £10,000 £3,081,629 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £10,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £8,000 £1,607,513 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £15,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £12,000 £599,152 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £10,000 £8,830,965 HUMANKIND/BETTER LIVES/BLENHEIM Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £5,000 £15,592,165 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £10,000 £15,592,165 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £10,000 £123,181,000 ST MUNGO'S Catalyst Funding for 2022 and 2023
21/09/2021 £5,000 £376,268 THE MANNA Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £15,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
21/09/2021 £2,000 £234,640 THE MARGINS PROJECT Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
14/09/2021 £2,000 £3,241,071 CITIZENS ADVICE ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner Pilot Grant for the period 14 September to 31st Dec 2020
08/09/2021 £3,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner top-up for the period 08/09/21 to 31/12/21
03/09/2021 £3,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner top-up for the period 03/09/21 - 31/12/21
03/09/2021 £2,000 £106,634 DISABILITY ACTION IN ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner Pilot Grant for the period 03/09/21 to 31/21/21
01/09/2021 £3,000 £79,181 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2022 - Awarded Sep 2021
17/08/2021 £5,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner top-up for the period 17/08/21 - 31/12/21
26/07/2021 £2,800 ST SILAS Urgent repair grant - internal plasterwork and external stonework repairs
30/06/2021 £5,000 £6,159,172 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 30th June to 31st Dec 2021
18/06/2021 £5,000 £1,335,580 AGE UK ISLINGTON Catalyst Fund Pilot Grant for the period 18/06/21 to 31/12/21
18/06/2021 £5,000 £1,335,580 AGE UK ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner Pilot Grant for the period 18/06/21 to 31/12/21
08/06/2021 £50,000 £151,650 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Repairs to South Aisle roof
18/05/2021 £23,000 £362,148 ST MARY MAGDALENE Remedial works to the West Porch, East Window and North Lobby ceiling
18/05/2021 £32,954 £331,235 ST ANDREW'S CHURCH THORNHILL SQUARE Specialist monitoring and works to East Window and North Transept
18/05/2021 £39,800 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL To make the church balcony health & safety compliant by extending the balustrade, fixing the floorboards and installing a stair handrail.
18/05/2021 £7,500 £362,148 ST DAVID (HOPE CHURCH ISLINGTON) Heating system repairs, roof investigation
18/05/2021 £50,000 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH To complete lighting project
18/05/2021 £30,738 £1,339,725 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) Chairs for the KXC auditorium at King?s House
18/05/2021 £14,000 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY To repair the three lightwells of the north aisle crypt
18/05/2021 £6,355 £146,238 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Purchase and installation of equipment to enable live streaming of services
18/05/2021 £35,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Repairs to nave roof, installation of insulation; redecoration of organ room
18/05/2021 £25,000 £287,802 ST MARY ISLINGTON Electrical wiring upgrade, external door repairs, new pew cushions, communal rail kneelers
18/05/2021 £8,955 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Roof repairs
18/05/2021 £35,000 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Installation of ramp to the church entrance to enable disabled access
18/05/2021 £2,000 £392,504 CHURCH ON THE CORNER Restoration of exterior signage
18/05/2021 £1,400 ST SILAS Repaint internal doors, air brick replacement, fix South Side hoppers
19/04/2021 £7,500 EMMANUEL CHURCH Urgent repair grant for repairs to the gas pipe and renewal of the supply to the church building
31/03/2021 £5,000 ST CLEMENT'S CHURCH Wifi installation and AV equipment to enable streaming of online services; printing costs; cleaning costs
18/03/2021 £4,600 £138,995 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online services; purchase of cleaning materials and plastic screens; printing costs
02/03/2021 £5,000 £151,650 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online services
23/02/2021 £10,000 £225,307,000 MENCAP ISLINGTON Islington Me Time - Sensory Wild Garden
23/02/2021 £10,000 £342,507 THE ELFRIDA SOCIETY Health advocacy for people with learning disabilities
23/02/2021 £10,000 £599,152 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS IPR KidsSupport
23/02/2021 £10,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND CovidRecovery Enablement
23/02/2021 £10,000 £34,409,884 SINGLE HOMELESS PROJECT Trauma-informed therapy interventions for people experiencing multiple disadvantages in?Islington.
23/02/2021 £10,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Connecting the unconnected
23/02/2021 £10,000 £124,263 HEALTHY GENERATIONS Fit Generations
23/02/2021 £10,000 MER-IT DIGITAL Computers for disadvantaged residents in Islington
23/02/2021 £10,000 £20,465 LIFE CHANCES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH AFLAH Reducing Health Inequalities for Ethiopian and Somali communities in Islington
23/02/2021 £10,000 £276,298 HEALTHWATCH ISLINGTON Keep Connected
23/02/2021 £2,500 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Purchase of AV equipment and new broadband connection to enable more efficient streaming of online services
23/02/2021 £10,000 £39,504 ONE TRUE VOICE Covid Fight Back!
23/02/2021 £10,000 £28,488 ALAG/AUTISM HUB ISLINGTON Partners for Health-Covid Response Project
23/02/2021 £9,500 £283,000 HOME-START CAMDEN AND ISLINGTON Home-Start Family Support Islington
23/02/2021 £10,000 £337,667 PROSPEX Prospex Listens and Cares
23/02/2021 £6,500 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Funding to enable HOYD to undertake an organisational review
18/02/2021 £5,000 £362,148 ST MARY MAGDALENE Purchase of AV equipment to enable more efficient streaming of online services
08/02/2021 £5,000 £98,780 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE FINSBURY PARK Purchase of AV equipment to enable better quality streaming of online services
02/02/2021 £5,000 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL Installation of AV equipment on the church balcony
21/01/2021 £5,000 £1,339,725 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) Purchase of AV equipment to enable better quality streaming of online services
11/01/2021 £5,000 £146,238 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Upgrade internet and wi-fi systems to enable more efficient streaming of online services
11/01/2021 £5,000 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Upgrade internet and wi-fi systems to enable more efficient streaming of online services
21/12/2020 £5,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Purchase of lights and AV equipment to allow better quality streaming of online services
21/12/2020 £5,000 £144,828 ST JAMES' CHURCH, ISLINGTON Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online services
21/12/2020 £5,000 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Purchase of AV equipment to enable better quality streaming of online services
21/12/2020 £5,000 £221,562 ST MARK'S CHURCH, TOLLINGTON PARK Purchase of AV equipment to enable better quality streaming of online services
09/12/2020 £5,000 £150,708 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Chairs
24/11/2020 £15,941 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Electrical works
24/11/2020 £60,000 £376,268 ST STEPHEN CANONBURY Stonework repairs to the spire
24/11/2020 £33,440 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Pinnacle works
24/11/2020 £45,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Repairs to nave roof to prevent water ingress, installation of insulation (phase 2c)
24/11/2020 £30,000 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK To refurbish and repair toilets and kitchen
24/11/2020 £10,000 £331,235 CHURCH ON THE CORNER Phase one of toilet block refurbishment project
24/11/2020 £10,500 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY Stonework repairs
24/11/2020 £35,953 £146,238 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Installing radiant heating panels in Church Hall; Tower Repairs: Preparatory work to obtain statutory consents and contractor tenders for repairs to the Tower.
24/11/2020 £45,000 £287,802 ST MARY ISLINGTON To refurbish the church interior
24/11/2020 £2,500 ST MARK CLERKENWELL Conservation repairs to baptismal font
24/11/2020 £50,000 £138,995 OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER Urgent repairs to the Church roof to prevent chronic water ingress and further loss of historic fabric
24/11/2020 £4,806 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Towards lighting plan design for lighting project
24/11/2020 £20,000 £150,708 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Installation of new sound system
24/11/2020 £8,256 £221,562 ST MARK'S CHURCH, TOLLINGTON PARK The replacement of obsolete and non-compliant electrical switchgear and the replacement and upgrade of the emergency lighting system
02/11/2020 £3,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 2nd November to 31st Dec 2020
02/11/2020 £3,000 £123,181,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 2nd November to 31st Dec 2020
22/09/2020 £12,000 £1,607,513 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £12,000 £599,152 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £5,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 22nd September to 31st Dec 2020
22/09/2020 £8,000 £6,159,172 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £12,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £15,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £5,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 22nd September to 31st Dec 2020
22/09/2020 £3,000 £79,181 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £12,000 £1,407,492 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £6,000 £3,081,629 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £8,000 £15,592,165 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £5,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £5,000 £123,181,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £5,000 £376,268 THE MANNA Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £100,000 £2,637,714 ISLINGTON GIVING Strategic Grant (awarded September 2020)
22/09/2020 £90,000 £179,764 STUART LOW TRUST Core Costs Arts, Nature and Wellbeing Programme
22/09/2020 £90,000 £364,646 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Support Service - Practical support to access health services and tackle multiple disadvantages
22/09/2020 £45,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Connecting for Health
22/09/2020 £5,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant 2021 - Awarded Sep 2020
22/09/2020 £90,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST St Luke?s Helping Hands
22/09/2020 £87,405 £228,820 THE MARGINS PROJECT Margins Plus
22/09/2020 £90,000 £358,501 HOLLOWAY NEIGHBOURHOOD GROUP HNG Improving Mental Health & Wellbeing
15/09/2020 £22,000 £51,429 ISLINGTON REFUGEE AND MIGRANT FORUM (IRMF) Towards the Covid-19 and Delivering Differently Project for the period 15/09/20-31/03/21
18/08/2020 £5,000 £289,078 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner Top-up for the period 18/08-31/12/20
21/07/2020 £5,000 £151,650 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Purchase of AV equipment and software to sustain live streaming of services; purchase of iPads to be loaned to community members
30/06/2020 £3,000 £123,181,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 30th June to 31st Dec 2020
29/06/2020 £5,000 £376,268 ST STEPHEN CANONBURY Purchase of AV equipment to enable live streaming of services
24/06/2020 £5,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for 24th June to 31st Dec 2020
29/05/2020 £5,000 £98,780 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE FINSBURY PARK Purchase of AV equipment and software to enable creation of video content to be uploaded to online platforms; purchase of tablets for loaning to congregation members; creation of a comprehensive congregation list and the re-design of the church's website
27/05/2020 £5,000 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY Purchase of AV equipment to enable online streaming of services both from home and from the church building once it can be accessed
25/05/2020 £4,335 EMMANUEL CHURCH Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online services; purchase of tablet devices to enable members of the church community to access online services
19/05/2020 £33,000 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Repairs to nave roof & south aisle to prevent water ingress, installation of insulation & solar panels to improve energy performance
19/05/2020 £18,000 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY To make substantial repairs to underground (crypt) water drainage system to prevent it from flooding
19/05/2020 £14,500 £150,708 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Maintenance to PA, IT and equipment for Worship and administration
19/05/2020 £29,900 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Flushing and repair of underground drainage/sewer system; construction of a new disability ramp; projectors for worship
19/05/2020 £5,000 ST SILAS Lighting and electrical improvements
19/05/2020 £5,000 £1,825,740 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Top-Up Grant - May to December 2020
19/05/2020 £7,800 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Improvements to the sound system in the worship space and connected hall and lounge
19/05/2020 £14,400 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL Towards the timber beam project (variation of purpose)
19/05/2020 £40,000 £151,650 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Replace broken boiler with a heat pump
19/05/2020 £5,000 £376,268 ST STEPHEN CANONBURY The cost of preliminary works to secure a specification, tenders and DAC permission for essential work to repair the church tower.
19/05/2020 £4,850 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Emergency grant - Purchase of AV equipment to enable online streaming of services both from home and from the church building once it can be accessed
10/05/2020 £4,800 £146,238 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Purchase of audio-visual equipment and software to enable streaming of online services
29/04/2020 £4,950 £195,414 ST SAVIOUR'S Emergency Small Grant - Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online servcies
27/04/2020 £3,700 £362,148 ST MARY MAGDALENE Emergency small grant - AV equipment to enable recording/streaming videos that are shared on online platforms; computer applications that enable creation of visual content and more efficient communication; tablets for those less familiar with technology
27/04/2020 £3,650 £462,204 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Emergency Small Grant - Purchase of AV equipment to enable efficient streaming of online services
24/04/2020 £5,000 £221,562 ST MARK'S CHURCH, TOLLINGTON PARK Emergency small grant - Purchase of AV equipment to enable streaming of online services
24/04/2020 £5,000 £6,159,172 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner Top-up grant for the period 24th April to 31st December 2020
21/04/2020 £5,000 £158,991 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK Emergency small grant - audio-visual equipment to enable streaming of online services; purchase of tablet devices
20/04/2020 £5,000 LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON Cloudesley Partner grant for distribution via the RSS team for people with no recourse to public funds
20/04/2020 £4,300 £150,708 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Emergency small grant - Purchase of AV equipment to enable efficient streaming of online services
10/04/2020 £5,060 £346,191 THE MAYA CENTRE Emergency small grant - Remote working IT set-up and running costs; to provide support calls to those unable to transition to remote counselling during the coronavirus outbreak
10/04/2020 £3,500 £625,814 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL Emergency small grant - purchase of AV equipment to enable the Sunday service team to present online services and some congregation members to contribute towards these.
07/04/2020 £4,400 £1,339,725 KING'S CROSS CHURCH (KXC) Emergency small grant- Purchase of AV equipment to enable better quality streaming of online services
03/04/2020 £10,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Emergency small grant- support for HOYD?s early response to the coronavirus outbreak to help the organisation adapt its services to support vulnerable and isolated people
01/04/2020 £10,000 £6,159,172 CENTRE 404 Emergency small grant - For additional staff hours and to enable the different ways of working that are necessary during the coronavirus outbreak
31/03/2020 £10,000 £376,268 THE MANNA Emergency small grant- Initial additional staff costs plus items to help support vulnerable clients through a period of extended isolation
18/03/2020 £5,000 £2,058,190 ST LUKE'S PAROCHIAL TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for March to Dec 2020
18/03/2020 £5,000 £1,956,756 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Top-up for March to Dec 2020
11/12/2019 £51,530 £476,391 CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY Repairs to the North East and Central East pinnacles and East crossing gable; structural movement monitoring
06/12/2019 £4,050 £154,066 ST MARY'S HORNSEY RISE Urgent repair grant - repairs to the boiler, heating system and related electrics
27/11/2019 £14,700 £197,178 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Upkeep and repair of front doors of the church and signs/noticeboards; installation of handrails; steeplejack survey
27/11/2019 £7,000 £797,395 ST MARY ISLINGTON To improve access between nave and chancel by inserting a ramp
27/11/2019 £6,700 £167,066 ST ANDREW'S WHITEHALL PARK A full and complete coordinated digital survey of the church
27/11/2019 £5,700 £169,830 ST LUKES WEST HOLLOWAY Enabling - Repairs to South Side stonework & roof and the addition of Solar Photovoltaic panels
27/11/2019 £25,000 £719,183 ST JAMES CLERKENWELL Structural engineering services for a church access project
27/11/2019 £24,000 ST SAVIOUR'S Repairs to lower roofs to prevent water ingress
27/11/2019 £31,390 ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST UPPER HOLLOWAY Internal repair and redecoration of main church ceiling and walls
27/11/2019 £18,272 ST JUDE AND ST PAULS CHURCH Repair the roof, masonry and gutters as outlined in a recent Gutter Maintenance Report
27/11/2019 £3,000 £1,956,756 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant PILOT Jan - June 2020
27/11/2019 £5,000 £1,956,756 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Catalyst Funding 2020
27/11/2019 £5,000 £1,956,756 MANOR GARDENS WELFARE TRUST Catalyst Funding 2021
11/11/2019 £4,000 £197,178 ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH, HIGHBURY NEW PARK Urgent grant towards re-securing defective ceiling panels and associated architect's fees
24/09/2019 £3,000 £289,078 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant- Top up for Oct-Dec 2019
24/09/2019 £6,000 ASYLUM AID (NOW CONSONANT) Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £8,000 £5,894,533 CENTRE 404 Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £3,000 £58,983 COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SUPPORT SERVICES Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £12,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £15,000 £289,078 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £12,000 £1,572,829 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £5,000 £467,855 THE MANNA Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £5,000 £108,793,000 ST MUNGO'S Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £6,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £8,000 £11,626,761 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £12,000 £504,285 ISLINGTON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £12,000 £1,379,817 ISLINGTON MIND Cloudesley Partner Welfare Grant Awarded Sep 2019
24/09/2019 £107,000 £1,572,829 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Three Advice Project - funding for January 2020 to December 2022
24/09/2019 £61,000 £1,572,829 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Form Filling Clinic- funding for Janury 2020 to December 2022
24/09/2019 £107,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Connect Service - funding for January 2020 to December 2022
24/09/2019 £50,000 £2,491,620 ISLINGTON GIVING Strategic Grant (awarded Sep 2019)
24/09/2019 £5,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 PETER BEDFORD HOUSING ASSOCIATION Catalyst Funding 2021
24/09/2019 £5,000 £108,793,000 ST MUNGO'S Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 £108,793,000 ST MUNGO'S Catalyst Funding 2021
24/09/2019 £5,000 HUMANKIND/BETTER LIVES/BLENHEIM Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 HUMANKIND/BETTER LIVES/BLENHEIM Catalyst Funding 2021
24/09/2019 £5,000 £289,078 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 £289,078 ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS (ICRM) Catalyst Funding 2021
24/09/2019 £5,000 £11,626,761 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 £11,626,761 SOLACE WOMEN'S AID Catalyst Funding 2021
24/09/2019 £5,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Catalyst Funding 2020
24/09/2019 £5,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Catalyst Funding 2021
10/09/2019 £4,445 EMMANUEL CHURCH SCBP Small Grant (3) Additonal funding towards installation of a Solar PV System
09/09/2019 £27,300 £373,256 ST MARY MAGDALENE Urgent request - Survey and planning for emergency works to building plus initial works
25/07/2019 £50,000 £571,707 ST ANDREW'S CHURCH THORNHILL SQUARE Towards emergency stonework repairs and associated costs
Show more rows
Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£305,950 ST SAVIOUR'S
£144,500 CENTRE 404
£68,000 ST MUNGO'S
£20,000 PROSPEX
Show more rows

Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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