27/08/2024 |
£18,480 |
The Here 4 you App is a mobile app for remote support and supervision of people at risk of overdose. To help prevent overdose death in Aberdeen, the Here 4 U APP will run a 6-month partnership to perform services that will engage with people at risk of overdose in Aberdeen, understand the needs of people who use drugs and all other relevant stakeholders to invite their participation in the co-design process through conversation, co-design workshops, and hands-on experience with the Here 4 U. People currently using our services and who would benefit from using the app will be targeted. Some people have their own devices and will be supported to download the app and use it while others will be supplied with a mobile phone and data and supported to use the device and the app.We have previous experience of supporting device use and wider digital inclusion work through our service provision during covid where all recovery services were moved online and our team supported service users to access. We have processes in place to manage distrubution and monitoring of devices including monitoring any losses.We have funding in place to manage this project and have volunteers drafted to manage service delivery and support (3rd year pharmacy student and paramedic) who will be supported by our staff team.People taking part in this project will be onboarded using a one to one needs based approach to ensure they understand the 6 month test for the app and are able to engage over that period and are aware of services available to them after the 6 month period.We have applications pending to fund the work going forward with alternative plans to either build an app inhouse or deliver the service reverting to our current 7 day a week phone helpline if funding is unsuccessful.Part of this project is testing whether or not this approach works for the user group and we intend to deliver an interim report at 3 months to potentially support funding applications if the app is successfully meeting needs.We are solely requesting devices from Digital Lifelines to enable us to provide those as part of the project. All other costs are met elsewhere. |
27/08/2024 |
£35,260 |
The project that we delivered with the last round of funding from the Digital Lifelines program, took a very different approach to the traditional method of delivery and this is something we aim to continue by applying for the follow on fund due to the success of the project to date. Our initial Digital Lifelines project was incorporated into our Assertive Recovery Outreach service, which aims to target individuals who are most at risk of drug related harms, due to either non engagement with services, limited engagement or previous engagement which has since ceased. This was done by distributing devices, in a slightly different way, at one of our outreach drop-in hubs, which operates in a deprived area where people have limited access to support and services. The devices were used to incentivise attendance at the hub, and people who engaged were told that if they consistently attended, and learned how to operate the device at the hub, they would get to keep the device. It was an effective method for increasing and sustaining engagement with our own service. Additionally, the attendance at the drop in, attracted other services. This approach was a marked departure from our previous delivery of connectivity, which focused on distributing devices via a referral based approach. This was successful in the fact that it offered access to devices to people who may be digitally excluded, but it did not necessarily facilitate their engagement with services. The larger success is that the ownership of the device became a secondary motivator, as people put more value on the relationships that they were building at the drop in hub. The symbolic nature of the device made it more valuable for those who received one, and to date, no devices have been lost. This approach will be our blueprint for executing the next Digital Lifelines project. We have developed an additional drop in hub, which will focus on the delivery of one to one support in this hub by using our volunteers, and staff to work with people to develop their skills and confidence with devices, and to get them connected to wider services. Volunteers and the supporting staff member in the hub, will be trained as digital champions to help focus on the development of not only the people they will support but also their own. When a person has been identified as being suitable for support, by a member of the Outreach team, the person will be invited to attend the hub on a weekly basis, paired with a volunteer, with a view to have enhanced support from a digital inclusion officer, in order to use their device in a way that is meaningful to them. If they cannot attend the hub, they will be offered support in an environment that is suited to them. However, the aim is to introduce people to a community based setting. However, this is flexible, and after a period of engagement, whether that be hub or individual based, where the supported person feels that they are confident with their device, they will then be able to take the device away with them.Inspiring Communities, an organisation who are based in Stirling, have also expressed interest in supporting the people we work with, in order to offer employability skills, welfare and benefit advice, and access to health care information and support. They will be looking to take referrals from us, and may operate out of our hub. This has yet to be finalized.For this project, we aim to recruit a part-time digital inclusion officer, who as mentioned, will support the delivery of our project alongside the volunteers in the community. If the funding for a digital inclusion worker cannot be awarded, we will rely on our staff, volunteers and the surplus from the previous round of funding, which is £10,000 to contribute towards a worker, even if this will be a reduction on the part time hours. We would still like to be considered for the costs associated with this post. |
27/08/2024 |
£16,000 |
We will commission a digital intervention programme, aimed at supporting individuals who use psychoactive substances. The platform will be app-based and will provide behaviour change advice and support to individuals and their families. We are aware of one such platform specifically for substance use - "Breaking free Online", and are in the process of researching the market. We are also hoping to replicate the success that has been demonstrated in Tayside with the Beating the Blues/Silvercloud digital intervention for mental health support. Using this type of approach will extend the reach of support beyond face-to-face support, and will make this available at a time that suits the individual. we would expect this to support the engagement of individuals who either, do not see themselves as requiring face-to-face support, or because of stigma do not wish to access substance use-based services. we would also expect this type of support to appeal to concerned friends and family members. We would be able to provide basic Smartphones and data packages to individuals who may be excluded from accessing the programme if they do not have the means to provide these themselves. |
27/08/2024 |
£5,375 |
We will provide a digital inclusion case support worker for 2.5 days per week to work alongside our advice worker already working on a DDTF project engaging hard to reach individuals who are not yet working with recovery services. Their role would be to assist and support individuals to access and better understand how to use digital resources to reduce hardship and to support them towards financial stability. We anticipate that some of this work will include helping people to set up UC accounts, setting up email accounts, making council tax reduction and housing benefit claims online, Scottish Welfare fund applications and other online grant/trust applications. Due to the high level of support and assistance that this client group can require we also anticipate that this role will also support people to ensure they gather all the correct information and evidence required for many of these applications in a timely manner and help to open bank accounts.We currently work with people with drug misuse issues to help stabilise their finances and hopefully help them to engage more with services, consolidate recovery and prevent relapse. We frequently see people who experience a change in their benefits, which they are unable to navigate the digital resource to resolve, and the stress of this can lead to relapse.Often this client group have a lack of digital skills and other issues such as learning disabilities and mental health issues, which impedes their ability to effectively manage their personal affairs. Additional support will allow the case worker to focus on the more complex aspects of case work whilst the individuals have additional help to manage their affairs.We have a worker identified who is finishing a project end of September and can start beginning of October. We anticipate providing this support within 2 outreach homeless centres where we are providing outreach income maximisation to people at risk of drug deaths. The people who will directly benefit will be those who require assistance with online access to benefits and other income maximisation support. However, the community resources that we are based in will also benefit as it will free up time for their workers to focus more on drug support and recovery work. This work will also support our adviser to be able to complete more complex income maximisation work as the client can be supported by the digital inclusion case support worker for aspects related to digital inclusion and support work which often is more of a priority to the client at that time. We expect to see that people will be more confident as they will be getting support to access and understand how to manage their own financial affairs. We expect to see that people will relapse less as they will have more financial stability in their life and less stress as they will have had the support they need to resolve financial and benefit issues and therefore be more able to engage with other services which can support their wellbeing. |
27/08/2024 |
£6,250 |
We would like to be able to provide people who engage with our drug death task force project with appropriate devices and connectivity so that they can engage with services and benefits online and so that they are more connected to the digital world. We will do this by identifying individuals who engage with our DDTF project that would benefit from a device (phone or tablet) and/or connectivity so that they can feel more connected, engage with online services, and increase their digital skills.Our case adviser working on the income maximisation project funding by DDTF on hard-to-reach individuals at risk of drug death will help to identify individuals who would benefit from a device and/or connectivity. We have also submitted another application to get a digital inclusion case support worker to support this work and if this is successful, we would anticipate that this worker will also identify individuals who would benefit and assist to administer this. To ensure this is administered properly we will endeavour to enlist the help of a volunteer as well to support the smooth running of this project. We will also hope to find similar projects which are giving basic digital training for individuals and hopefully link these clients to this training if they need it.Individuals who are receiving help from our DDTF funded project will benefit as they will be more able to connect digitally with friends, family and with services. We expect that they will be more able to keep in touch with the adviser about their benefit issues and therefore we should be able to resolve benefit issues faster and therefore have more financial stability. This would lead to reduction of stress which can result in individuals being more able to engage with services which could lead to greater well being. |
27/08/2024 |
£10,000 |
Individuals in the most rural and remote areas of East Ayrshire have significant challenges in accessing services (Dalmellington for example is a 2 hour bus journey away from Kilmarnock). One of the benefits however of lockdown was the development of more innovative and creative ways of working with and engaging with more isolated people such as web chats, facetime, Zoom meetings and even simple regular voice calling. By utilising this technology, individuals are therefore spared a potential 4 hour bus journey for a 30-45 minute appointment. Furthermore, given the stigma surrounding drug use in small villages, it is often not appropriate to meet individuals in local community venues (where these exist). It is proposed therefore to utilise our community peer outreach workers in order to identify the most vulnerable and isolated and equip them with the technology required in order that they can access online resources and support.With work undertaken during the pandemic illustrating that the biggest challenge for people was not the virus itself but the feelings of isolation and loneliness encountered, by equipping individuals with appropriate technology, we anticipate that not only will individuals have better access to helping services such as online fellowship meetings or web chat meetings but that individuals will also have access to local information such as community groups and/or organisations providing more holistic/social activity |
27/08/2024 |
£13,980 |
Increasing Access/Retention to Treatment/Support & RecoveryHomelessness - People experiencing homelessness have additional challenges for accessing support/treatment/recovery. Services lack the capacity - not the willingness - to be as responsive as needed to meet the people?s needs who are living in temporary accommodation and there is a disproportionate equity of access. This has been further exacerbated during lockdown with locality/home visits still not fully possible. The new Kirkcaldy Rapid Access Clinic (TOC DDTF funded) offers a next-day appointment to speed-up stabilisation onto ORT for early recovery from opioid dependence from one site but early analysis has indicated that inclusivity could be improved to retain very vulnerable people. Clinical time can be wasted with travel, so Near Me technology will be used, via laptops with dongles (not costed but two required) or a wifi box being installed within temporary accommodation. The wifi box will belong to the person moving with them to permanent housing. Laptop use will be supported in person by FrontlineFife and assistance given to aid the assessment of their suitability/titration for ORT. Numbers should increase into treatment from the homeless sector in Kirkcaldy and will measure this as a baseline and at 3, 6 & 12 month intervals either all patients/sample size/case studies. Non-Fatal Overdose - Fife ADP has developed a service to respond assertively to NFOs to reduce the DRD risk. With 3rd sector partners ADAPT, and the SAS (compliant with DDTF/MAT 3), the service has reached several hundred people over a two-year period. During lockdown, the service continued to assertively outreach but not everyone consents to long term treatment/support. Providing people with a basic mobile phone (150 pa do not have one) will allow for continued contact, improve their access to this service (if they should change their mind/wish to engage later) and enable reissues of HR support including THN, IEP exchange and BBV testing, all evidence based interventions (protective factors preventing DRDs).Young People and those accessing grassroot support are some of our most at risk groups as young people (lack funds) and those older adults who are on the hard edges of poverty and social/service deprivation/exclusion (for this service, women). Before and during lockdown, there were emerging new routes into service for these groups and technology provided new means of delivering support to them. This has included social media, online keyworking and groups. A recent LEP COVID review conducted by people in recovery indicated that blended types technology-based support has allowed connection even when location/personal circumstances/mental health creates barriers and prevents access. ADP third sector (Clued Up & Restoration) require smartphones and/or tablets (zoom meetings) with data top ups to provide vulnerable service users who are literally hard to reach, a means of staying in touch so that access to universal provision (housing, benefits, education/primary care) can occur, all of which support recovery and prevention of DRDs. Expectation are to see the number of young people/women accessing support increase, time engaged increase and progression on recovery/life goals including substance use, MH, housing improve. |
27/08/2024 |
£14,796 |
My Support Day are finding the online sessions being very much wanted by family members it can and would be an enhancement to our service to deliver, Naloxone training, Drug awareness sessions and C.R.A.F.T training online to the community. This would be an enhancement to our service, and it will allow us to break down boundaries that some may come across to get the support that they very much need. We will offer drug and alcohol awareness sessions online and would be linking in with Landed, South Lanarkshire Outreach workers with Turning point and we have close working network with Ross Millar from the Harm reduction team. As provision holder and distributors of Naloxone we have identified that it is not always easy for families and loved ones to come to face to face sessions. To break down the barrier of families not being able to come to training, for reasons such as, homelife, work commitments, childcare, travel. We want to make it as accessible for them to still to receive this so our option would be to deliver those sessions online. MSD are part of the National Whole Family Approach/ Family Inclusive Practice Working Group was established in 2020, with the support of the Scottish Government, to review current practice in relation to families affected by alcohol and drug use. We collated all the information and a vitual tour of our finds was posted online at Ask The Family - SFAD. Some of MSD people who access the service quoted;?Knowledge is Power??Break down the barrier no pill will fix this.?(Quotes from MSD Family members)MSD has their own inhouse editing package which they used to create ?A Toolbelt For Families? video (also found on Ask The Family - SFAD). This highlights the importance of C.R.A.F.T and how it helps families take back control of their own life. Two of the points that families were looking for were ?Access to Services? and ?Options and Choices?.With MSD being able to deliver the techniques to use C.R.A.F.T and being able to give the option to reach out to those families and loved ones that perhaps can?t make it to inhouse sessions, rather than giving them nothing there would be an option to attend structured sessions around using the 7 Components of Effective Communication online. ?Family Recovery should be visible. Shame needs to be removed and Support put in place.?(Quote from MSD Family Member)What we are identifying that we would deliver online sessions for families and loved ones that have been affected by someone else?s substance use 18+. These sessions will include;. Alcohol and Drug awareness session. Naloxone Training (Weekly/Fortnightly). Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (focusing on 7 Components of Effective Communication)This proposal will work under the ROSC Model by imbedding family inclusive practice within recovery services in South Lanarkshire. ?I found it difficult to get help. It was like a postcode lottery for support.?(Quote for MSD family member.) |
27/08/2024 |
£15,000 |
Our plan is to work with the Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership(EADP) andpartners to provide digital inclusion to drug/alcohol users. The project is intended tobe a developmental partnership between People Know how(who bring expertise indigital inclusion)and the EADP services who understand the needs of the populationsin need. There will be focussed work to reduce drug deaths. The key strategic goalsknown needs of the EADP which the project will seek to address: 1) maximisingretention in support for who are most vulnerable, including those who have recentlyhad NFO or other indicators of high-risk crises 2) minimising social isolation andproviding meaningful activity, particularly for those who are homeless and / or athigh risk of drug and alcohol related harm. 3) sustaining recovery by linking peopleto recovery communities and other social supports To achieve these goals, the projectwill allocate a combination of resources from People Know How: 1) devices(preloaded with good support information including our local ARC app and harmreduction services and mutual aid information and contact details for their workers2) data access 3) know how and coaching These would include: 1) Those who haverecently had an NFO or who are otherwise part of the anticipatory care process(as perMAT 3/ DDTF key strategy2 );devices and coaching would be made available throughthe network of assertive outreach workers who follow up. `This builds on some workin early lockdown when the ADP provided phones to many people who were vulnerableand hard to reach; workers experience was that providing cheap phones had asignificant impact in improving contact and enabling follow up). We aim to take amore systematic approach to this provision and develop a clear evaluation of its valueand effect. 2) Those who are identified as socially isolated and/or lacking meaningfulactivity. These would include those in temporary accommodation,(a known high risksituation for relapse/escalation drug and alcohol user) in patient detox or interimcare and those identified by services or by self-referral as struggling with isolation.This is a common(and high-risk)scenario for those in long term treatment and accessto digital resources has significant potential to obviate barriers to engagement withsocial and leisure activities (internal and external stigma, practical and financialproblems, and anxiety). 3) Those who are moving into recovery and who are seekingto form new patterns of social activity and identity. This would include those who arepassing through residential rehab, early recovery services, detox, specialistemployability services etc as part of a recovery journey. The task would be to ensurethat people have access to the many online sources of support(much of the mutualaid activity has moved online during the pandemic and this is a rich resource)as wellas opportunities to develop new skills and networks. The project would fund adedicated worker to develop each of these work streams through liaison with theorganisations involved and consultation with those with lived/living experience ofsubstance use and recovery. |
27/08/2024 |
£15,000 |
At the beginning of the pandemic, when many frontline services were in effective lockdown, the Recovery Community was one of the first sectors to move their support online. In effect occupying a space that left may people vulnerable when they were unable to access more traditional support services. On 7th April 2020, Scottish Government created a one off grant of £30,000 awarded to Scottish Recovery Consortium, the main objective of this fund was to support Recovery Communities and people at risk to stay connected when access to the usual means of support is limited. The funding was used to create the Staying Connected Scotland Fund with guidance that eligibility of funding was for recovery groups or individuals purchasing: ? Tablets; ? Mobile phones? Pay as you go unlimited data SIM cards? One year only subscriptions for remote conferencing services? Volunteer expenses ONLY for those involved in local ORT delivery SRC advertised the this fund through our website and social media channels directly to Recovery Communities, the Recoverist Network along with the National Recovery Advocacy Network (NRAN) and Lived Experience Recovery Network (LERN) contacts. Between 6th and 15th April, the total reach across social media was 12,300 and the total engagement was 1,202. The application process was to directly contact staff members by phone or email and this was extremely helpful in determining the needs and authenticity of the applicant. It also enabled us to assess how to best proceed with their application, offer any additional support in completing the application template and ensuring that they received the most cost effective means of staying connected. Submitted applications were then reviewed by a group of 3 staff members and all applications were individually reviewed based on the application criteria and the impact that the request would have for the specific recipients. A total of 42 applications were received, 31 recovery groups and 11 individuals, from 18 ADP areas across Scotland. The applications received were largely for purchasing mobile phones or for SIM/data top ups. The largest grant awarded was for £3,037.99, which was a collaboration of 5 recovery groups from across Glasgow requesting a total of 32 mobile phones with £25 SIM card top ups. The lowest amount awarded was £24 for a SIM top up to an individual. SRC began accepting and processing applications on Tuesday 7th April and closed on Wednesday 15th April as we had disbursed all our funds ? reflecting our ability to respond at speed, directly reach individuals at risk and the huge level of demand for access to digital support. We would like to build on the learning from this project by replicating this fund - but with a focus on digitally supporting individuals that Recovery Communities and grassroots organisations identify as at particular risk. The difference we would expect to see would be similar to the feedback gathered from the initial project i.e. that digital access reduces risk of disconnection and ultimately the risk of overdose. |
01/07/2024 |
£27,387 |
The Project will build on the issues we have identified throughout our work with our vulnerable service user group and identified in further detail during our digital pioneers programme. Many areas of our work fill the gap in connection between the mainstream service providers and policy makers on the one hand and our multiply marginalised service user group on the other. Saheliya communicates the ‘unknown unknowns’ to both sides enabling mainstream service providers to fine-tune services to meet the needs of marginalised and vulnerable women in Scotland’s racialised communities so that their additional and specific needs are met. The Project is based on the success of our work around female genital mutilation (FGM): in 2010 we provided information to key agencies of the likely numbers in Scotland of women surviving FGM and therefore needing specialist healthcare, and the related probable number of babies, girls, and young women at risk, based on the size of affected communities in Scotland and the prevalence of FGM in those communities. The mainstream understanding was that if Saheliya’s extrapolations were correct, the health services and schools would be identifying and reporting the problems; we gathered a more formal body of evidence through specialist case work operating as community action research which demonstrated why statistics on FGM survivors and those at risk in Scotland were not being effectively gathered or identified at all. We actually demonstrated that the number of survivors and those at risk was several times larger than the level of our initial extrapolations. We have gathered similar evidence on other issues, developing and demonstrating best practise solutions, for example, on positive parenting, challenging the stigma of mental health and children’s additional support needs, and dementia.The situation with Digital Inclusion is similar in that ‘one size fits all’ solutions do not make a significant difference for our service user group. While short-term or low-key interventions enable women with a good basic grasp of English, literacy skills (in any language), and a personal history of formal learning, most of the women we support do not fall into these categories. These barriers were thrown into even clearer focus by the COVID lockdown when methods of overcoming the practical challenges of remote services were almost entirely digital. The reliance on digital access to services has remained and grown since the end of lockdown, unsurprising during challenging economic times when remote services are seen to be the best value for money. In Mind the Gap our Glasgow case workers (through their advocacy and support) and the Skills Development Team (through workshops), working in key first languages will:• gather evidence of the barriers our service users are facing when trying to, or needing to, access digital health services• gather evidence on how barriers affect use of health services, e.g. presenting at Accident and Emergency rather than going to the GP• identify whether some services using more flexible approaches in areas where there are larger digital marginalised racialised communities • identify whether there are any community-based patterns to the barriers• demonstrate how such barriers are overcome at Saheliya through advocacy• identify whether there are any community-based patterns to the solutionsThe information will be collated and disseminated through our key health service and policy links including through training. This will include our partners, the Health Improvement Leads, at Glasgow City Health and Social Care, and the Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities.Mind the Gap’s aims are to improve the health of women and children in marginalised racialised communities by • growing mainstream understanding of the extent and impact of the barriers to health services marginalised women from racialised communities face • highlight any community-specific patterns to improve any future targeted support• build our service user group’s motivation to gain specific digital skills• demonstrate best practise solutions for improving and increasing health service access for our service user group • providing ‘back of envelope’ style cost benefit analysis case studies (the cost of effective solutions versus the cost of not having solutions in place)Case workers will dedicate an average of 18 hours per week for six months to Mind the Gap, and the Skills Development Team 10 hours average per week. First languages will include Arabic, Swahili, and Tigrinya. The Glasgow Manager and CEO will dedicate a combined average of five hours per week to support and supervision of Mind the Gap, to safeguarding, and to the sharing and dissemination of the collated findings. |
01/07/2024 |
£19,700 |
Broadly: Mhor could identify and engage a new member of staff who meets the protected characteristics needed by the organisations. She would be engaged on-site for 15 hours per week to provide embedded support to help Saheliya develop their digital inclusion approach across services, skilling up staff and specifically supporting those staff who are engaged in delivery of Digital Pioneers, developing and delivering a slower, more intensive digital champion programme. Her engagement with Mhor would mean that she is not caught up in the essential work of the service, but able to walk alongside those who are, and develop support accordingly to meet need. Key outputs • Baselining essential digital skills across the whole organisation• Intensive essential skills workshops, to ensure potential DC’s have the very basic digital skills before progressing (email accounts, password security, google use)• Co-designing, developing and delivering an intensive digital champion programme, with extensive face to face delivery, underpinned by a digital champion handbook, designed specifically for Saheliya• 1:1 support for each of the women identified as potential DCs (this needs capped at 5)• 1:1 Mentorship for the Digital Champions as work is rolled out• At board level: Introduction to digital inclusion work for all board members to support the longevity and sustainability of the organisation• Regular reporting with insights/reflections and qualitative data Proposed TimelineThe original fund timeline is 1st July – 1st January 2025 but given the complexities of working with the women Saheliya support who have additional barriers around language, safe access and autonomy in digital spaces there is a justified need for more intensive and prolonged support.• Saheliya research proposal delivered 1st July- 1st January 2025• Mhor recruitment and DI involvement in the research work 1st July – September 2024• Mhor developing DI approach – September- 31st March 2025 |
12/06/2024 |
£27,450 |
The support work we carry out with young people relies heavily on digital devices and access to internet. As with wider society, people often struggle to get help or access information without an internet connection, and a suitable digital device. This is the case with regards to financial capability, employability, education etc. But most importantly, this also includes health and wellbeing. It has become clear that along-side the loan scheme we introduced nearly a year ago, we also need the facility to also gift devices where appropriate. While we will continue to use the devices from the initial funding in the ongoing loan scheme, we would also like to have a pool of devices which can be gifted to support those young people using our service. Some will be entering education or employability activities others will be moving to their first homes after a period of homelessness. This pool would support those who are on a health and wellbeing journey to better their lives in a long term in many different ways:*We currently do and will continue to support young people to access advice and support from Social Security Scotland and this also includes providing support with online Adult Disability Payment (ADP) applications.*Applying for various benefits and grants where people require financial help – which forms a base for a young person’s wellbeing as well as their financial survival. This is where we can begin to alleviate the stress around debt, financial uncertainty, and homelessness. Applying for benefits as well as logging various activities on their Universal Credit journal requires access to devices (often a large screen device with regards to filling out online forms) and an internet connection. When we support the application of grants, we apply for online along with Service Users, on their own device. Until the initiation of the loan scheme, this was often a difficult process with unreliable technology and little or no internet connection causing frustration, an increase in stress levels, and potential disengagement by the young person. *Online applications for household items when they move to their first homes. This includes large items (for example Edinburgh Trust, Community Care Grant), as well as small items and emergency support (Crisis Grants, utility crisis help). This contributes to learning how to sustain a tenancy, improve life skills, and home-making.*During support we will work with the young people we support to have awareness of digital health and care services. We will support young people to look at and navigate online services such as NHS Inform, where they can access information about finding a GP, Dentist, Sexual health clinics, hospitals, and opticians.*Supporting Young people to register with GPs and help them with accessing services like eConsult and Near Me. This is particularly helpful with young people we support who have physical and mental health disabilities and are unable to attend in-person appointments.*Supporting young people to look at and use a range of online mental health resources including Breathing Space, Headspace and Feeling Good who all offer a range of online services to support those to better manage their mental health.*Some of our service users will use specific devices to engage in art therapy. Tablets can be especially useful in this process.It is very important to acknowledge that support offered needs to be tailored to each person’s unique needs. This, in itself, positively impacts mental wellbeing, demonstrating to the service user that they are being treated with dignity and respect.Although we encourage it, and some people will be happy to attend the Edinburgh Young Persons Service (EYPS) Independent Living Skills courses where they explore digital and wellbeing support in a group setting, others only want to meet with their Support Worker on a one-to-one basis. In both scenarios, as the service user gains knowledge and improves their digital skills, it is important for service users to then be able to take the lead (while still supported) in their development of living skills and pursuing dedicated health and wellbeing services. We ensure that our more digitally capable staff are matched with people who require more intensive support with digital skills. Our Digital Skills Project Worker will take the lead in these situations.We work with young people all over Edinburgh who have many different health and wellbeing needs we are supporting them with. Referrals go both ways:• Some young people are referred to us by health professionals, many through NHS channels. A good example are referrals by Health Visitors. They have an involvement with young parents who often have housing support needs, which is something that we can help with. At times they also refer to us for a supported accommodation which we provide. • At the same time, we refer a lot of our young people to other health and wellbeing organisations, to suit their individual needs. This is done directly (an example would be one of our courses for young people affected by severe Trauma – Steps to Resilience, facilitated by Link’s Practice and Participation Service) or through supporting a young person to attend GP appointments, where they can be referred for NHS services such as Thrive. Young people would often not be able to do it themselves.When we start any support relationship, we carry out a thorough assessment of all the young person’s needs including health and wellbeing, as well as digital needs. This is done by one of the Team Leaders who then introduces the person to their Support Worker. If a digital need is identified at this stage, they can connect a young person in need of digital help with our Digital Inclusion Officer. If the need is identified later, a Support Worker can refer to them at that point. The Digital Inclusion Officer checks in what way we could support a young person in exploring digital resources to meet their needs. They do this with the young person and their Support worker who provides ongoing support. |
12/06/2024 |
£27,500 |
While Aberdeen Foyer has vast experience in supporting people with health and care needs, the digital offer across our services may not be as present as we would like it to be. This six months will give us the space to explore a few different ways of further embedding Digital Inclusion (DI) support across more of our services linking to health and care, aiding us on our mission to roll out DI support across as many of our services/projects as possible.We will leverage the knowledge and connections already gained through the Community of Learning to further enrich and expand this project. By tapping into the expertise and networks within this existing community, we can enhance the quality and breadth of our offer, ensuring it remains relevant and impactful.Over six months we will explore the following themes and opportunities:Integrating Digital Inclusion Support into Existing Services: We will trial weaving DI support through our existing programmes that link with health and care services/supports. This includes• Outreach in GP surgeries and Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service. We are already established within these settings to provide information to patients about the wide range of services available through Foyer and we will build on these relationships to offer DI support. We will provide a safe space within these settings for individuals to express worries or concerns about accessing digital services and discuss how best to overcome them. This will involve assessing existing knowledge and feelings surrounding accessing support digitally, tailoring our support to address any barriers or apprehensions.• Foyer Self-management Programmes. Drawing on over 10 years’ experience delivering services to support self-management, we are well-positioned to integrate DI into these programmes to explore digital access for self-management of long term conditions. This will include providing guidance and practical support on using digital tools for monitoring health metrics, trailing online classes e.g. yoga and mindfulness, receiving reminders for medication or appointments and connecting with healthcare professionals remotely for consultations or advice.• Collaborating with Foyer personal development programmes to integrate digital health and care tools into existing activities. We already deliver Living Life To The Full online CBT resource focused on mental health and resilience and we will build on participant feedback to explore and try out other resources with them.• Exploring VR. Within our Foyer Futures and Supported Housing services we are already looking at how VR can help young people to engage with services. We have secured funding and purchased VR headsets. We will build on this work to explore how VR can be used to create interactive experiences aimed at promoting healthy behaviours and lifestyle choices among young people and also try out virtual appointments with healthcare providers.• Health and Care themed digital cafes. Maximising our offer to those participating in our weekly digital café sessions and leveraging food and social connections to create a welcoming environment where participants feel supported, engaged, and motivated to explore the digital world.We recognise that while not all Foyer services are directly tied to health, the health and well-being of participants remain paramount across all programmes. Our Employability and Financial Inclusion programmes for example will also benefit from integrating DI to provide support for individuals with long-term conditions, facilitating their transition into the workforce.Staff Upskilling: We will develop training programmes and resources to improve our staff's knowledge and understanding of digital health and care services and resources, as well as their DI support skills. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, our teams will gain insights into a diverse range of digital health tools and resources, as well as learn the most efficient methods for connecting participants with these services. We will also create knowledge-sharing opportunities among staff members providing a platform on Teams for them to share insights, experiences and best practices for referring individuals to digital health and care services. Broadening Understanding: We will make space and time for our staff to engage with health and care services to understand what digital supports/services they want to see people engaging with, and any improvements to referral routes (both ways).Testing and Reviewing: We will test the above approaches with a small number of participants and our staff/volunteers, continuously reviewing and refining our strategies based on their effectiveness.Improving Referral Pathways. Collaborating closely with our network of health and care partners, particularly GP surgeries, is crucial in establishing streamlined referral pathways. We will schedule regular meetings with practitioners at GP surgeries to discuss and review referral processes. These meetings will provide opportunities to exchange insights, address any challenges and ensure alignment in facilitating referrals to digital health services. We are already discussing opportunities for collaborative workshops where practitioners and our team can jointly explore digital health solutions and discuss best practices for referral |
12/06/2024 |
£26,897 |
This project seeks to empower people to access healthcare through the existing expertise and infrastructure established with Get Digital, and frontline relational support work. The digital pioneers funding has so far demonstrated that people who are in crisis, and need to access emergency housing, have inadequate access to digital resources. Simon Community Scotland, in partnership with The Access Place and Edinburgh University Health Inclusion and Homelessness Research practitioners, interviewed 100 people who are excluded from health services. The research gathered data on health, housing and sociodemographic characteristics of 100 people experiencing homelessness in Edinburgh, UK: 71% of people had a mental health concern, and 47% described their mental health as poor or extremely poor. Additionally 65% had a physical health concern, and 41% described their physical health as poor or extremely poor. People were willing to engage in studies to improve access to digital, emotional, mental, social, nutritional, psychological, and physical health resources. People are digitally excluded for a variety of reasons, with over 80% citing affordability to maintaining an appropriate device. Connectivity consistency can also be a barrier. Our experience through our Get Connected project has shown that if people can only afford small amounts of data, they will often run out halfway through the month. As a result, people are denied access to resources, particularly those designed to help their mental health. Activities that most of us take for granted, like listening to music, watching videos, and looking at pictures, can be supportive in times of need. A key component of the project would be the role of a frontline worker. Maintaining a relationship with a vulnerable person is crucial to supporting them throughout their journey. All too often, the person is constantly changing their number as they are always looking for cheaper PAYG deals. This can profoundly impact the frontline worker if they cannot contact the person and are concerned for their well-being. Digital access and ongoing support become integral parts of the relationship.Based on this learning from the Pioneers in Housing Fund, we want to focus on 25 people who are known to us through our ‘Creating Safer Communities’ project. Creating Safer Communities (CSC) seeks to address challenges associated with antisocial behaviour, street drinking, substance use, begging and homelessness, by adopting a holistic and community-centric approach. The project recognises the underlying issues faced by individuals engaging in harmful street activities and intends to foster community inclusion, improve health and well-being, and reduce the negative impact on both individuals and the community. The project aims to make it easier for people to avoid, resolve and recover from the harmful impact of street lifestyles.Initially, we will ensure that these people are set up to access digital services by using our Get Connected Model. This will include providing an appropriate device, 12 months of unlimited data, calls, and texts, and person-centred support from a frontline worker trained as a digital champion, who in some cases is already working with them. We will ensure that digital resources that are crucial, such as apps, links, reading emails, and booking appointments, are added to their devices, and they know how to access them.A key aspect of this project is understanding the impact that becoming digitally included has on all aspects of health and well-being over time. We are particularly interested in how people who are street-focused and face a range of challenges linked to homelessness access crucial services to support their physical and mental health. We believe that there is a lack of studies in this area, making it critical to learn more about these challenges.The second element of the project is to collaborate with health practitioners at TAP and in the community to provide a pathway to appropriate health and well-being services. Some of the services include GP access, harm reduction interventions, wound care, and mental health support through CPNs and social work. We work inclusively with TAP and healthcare providers through our Integrated Support Network (ISN), ensuring the person gets the right support for them.We will recruit (via a secondment) a digital health link worker to coordinate the support and to closely monitor the participants’ progress through the 6 months of the project. They will liaise closely with all of the agencies that participate in the pathways to care, both the primary functions at TAP and secondary services that they may be referred on to in the community. At the conclusion of the project, the digital health link worker will produce a report illustrating the participants' journeys along the pathway, demonstrating the role digital access has played in improving their health and well-being. |
12/06/2024 |
£27,462 |
Moray Wellbeing Hub would like to expand on the initial digital pioneers work from phase 1 by Offer of training sessions and workshops for both statutory and third sector HSC organisations by delivering a minimum of 1 online and 1 roadshow stop per month embedding and developing the digital health and wellbeing training modules created in the original project to boost digital confidence and knowledge for wellbeing and health services. This will also take learning and links from our work delivering in partnership with See Me around their HSC inclusion sessions. Whilst these are stigma focused the process and approach is similar – aiming to influence change in behaviour and confidence in staff. We would also aim to continue to grow our partnership and collaboration by offering regularly bespoke training to ward 4 inpatients from the psychiatric residential ward and SACRO who support individuals who are homeless and experience other life challenges to transition to independent living. We would aim to cover a session per week between workshops and training sessions to both individuals and the workforce to continue legacy of the workforce having better awareness knowledge and understanding to support others but also their own self-management. Identified groups of frontline workers include primary care staff, care workers, pharmacy, addictions, justice. Supporting the test of change led by Health and Social Care Moray on self-management, social prescribing and community connections in Moray, by offering peer-led signposting and supports to digital health and social care services where community members feel most comfortable to access these. We would achieve this by building on our offering of digital drop-ins and 1:2:1 supports both in community and primary care settings in the East (in partnership with Forres GPs) and West localities in Moray. Approximately by offering 1 per week across 4 localities in Moray. The current self-management HSCM working group has promising opportunities for digital HSC inclusion, but much more can be done through use of this funding. We will look to make the most of links here to deliver this outreach aspect and recruit for training practitioners, especially in primary care.Continue to grow the offer of 1:2:1 support to empower citizens of Moray to access devices and connectivity and the awareness, knowledge and skills to access online health and social care services with confidence. Professionals are able to sign post to digital tools and resources but often are time limited to support the individual with accessing and learning, this would reduce the pressure knowing that support is available within each locality for upskilling and navigation. We would aim to support a minimum of 1 1:2:1 support each week dependent on demand. Device distribution As with the original project we would request a modest budget for device purchase to focus on project activity and ensuring the removal of digital access as a barrier to digital health and social care. We will continue to work alongside national and local partners such as National data bank, Ability Net and Reboot in Forres to make the most of the national and local resources available. Create materials and resources to support the legacy of the project such as mini printable versions of the training modules and upload these to our webpage for easy download and sharing with partners. We will ensure we also promote using social media platforms sharing promotions of events and useful/helpful tips with a minimum of 6 paid for promotions to increase reach. Through partnership with HSCM and others to create a Digital Champion project legacy: MWH will continue to build on current relationships with HSCM and third sector and include private sector organisations working in health and social care on growing a digital buddy/champion space ensuring legacy of project by offering the workforce training on access and what is available to ensure they can support those who need it most with their increased knowledge and understanding. MWH will continue training our team linking with external organisations to further increase knowledge and confidence in digital inclusion building. We can then use this and the feedback from the community around digital pathways, into local forums and strategic meetings including the Strategic Commissioning Group for the IJB. Aiming to support with the creation and input of a digital enabled Moray alongside digital inclusion partners in Moray such as DHI on their Community Connection emerging tool. Example includes linking with motivational interviewing approaches and training the ADP are investing in. |
12/06/2024 |
£25,298 |
During the 6 months of this project, we plan to continue delivering the digital inclusion activities which have been running in our communities for the past year, thanks to funding from SCVO Digital Pioneers Funding. These have seen a slow and steady build in participation over the months and have been a necessary lifeline for many people living in our communities. The learning we will go on to gather during the life of this new funding will enhance the current offer of digital inclusion sessions while also directly influencing the new sessions we plan to offer as detailed below. By working with the local health centre, pharmacies and our own internal wellbeing teams, we will gain a better understanding of the issues people in our communities face in connecting with these services online. We know that these services offer various ways for people to engage with them; phone calls, walk-ins, websites, apps etc. We also know that some of these ways can be much more effective than others. Long wait times on phone calls, unhelpful opening times for walk-ins and often over complicated digital sign-ups and log-ins can make connecting with your health practitioner seemingly impossible. This project will aim to simplify the process for our tenants of connecting with these services by training our digital champions to better understand and support our tenants in the initial “set-up” of their digital health profile. We will help them access the correct websites and apps, create necessary online accounts and support their digital journey into health and social care using the same model of digital inclusion we have championed for 10+ years. Using trusted sources such as NHS Near Me and NHS Inform as a starting point, we will help tenants to safely explore online avenues of digital health support and information. Improving their confidence to explore various digital health and care tools safely will not only improve their knowledge but will also improve our knowledge of what is available and reliable for our tenants. In a digital world where these offerings can change daily, providing our tenants with the confidence to safely explore and recognise impartial, trusted advice online will be key to improving their knowledge and general health. Our sessional staff team, working in the Digital Inclusion project will take referrals from our local health practitioners to offer their patients guided digital inclusion support. By expanding the frequency and locations of our current drop-ins to include a new facility which is located between the local health centre and nearby pharmacy, we will offer referral specific digital support 2 days per week along with the ongoing digital drop-in sessions across our whole area of operation. This new facility (owned and operated by QCHA) would offer an extremely convenient location for referral based learning opportunities for patients and likewise, would offer our sessional staff the ability to support the tenants to visit the health centre on the occasion where a digital approach is not possible. These referrals (along with the surveys mentioned above) will give us a better understanding of the needs of our community with respect to digital health care. Official referrals back into health and social care services will mostly be limited to referring tenants and community members to our own wellbeing teams along with using the aforementioned trusted websites and apps. This will ensure qualified members of staff are able to give the correct advice and information as well as referring on to the appropriate health care professionals. Our partner organisation (Wonconnect) who runs our Digital Café classes began incorporating basic mental and physical health apps into their curriculum during the initial Digital pioneers project, for the next run of classes we would expand on these to include practical advice for connecting with local health organisations, joining online meetings (I.e - online GPs appointments, mindfulness and yoga classes) and ordering repeat prescriptions online. This learning will be especially helpful in these classes, largely attended by our older and less mobile tenants, many of whom received their first device during the initial Digital Pioneers project. The local health centre has multiple GP practices as well as District Nurses, pharmacy services, day care for children and older people and Drug and Alcohol services amongst others. However, their digital offer is still extremely limited, only promoting in person and telephone as ways to make contact with their services or email to order repeat prescriptions. No mention of other helpful online services such as NHS near me, NHS Inform etc. Providing Digital Inclusion support and training to the staff working in these departments would have a dramatic effect on their understanding of the difficulties many of their patients experience as well as their ability to help these patients by incorporating more digital means to engage with their crucial services online. Discussions between QCHA and Woodside Health Centre regarding Social Prescribing began earlier in 2024. QCHA already provide social activities based around; Digital Inclusion, Health and Wellbeing, Youth Work and Wellbeing for 60+ as ongoing projects in the local community. We began exploring the benefits of the health centre referring into these activities where appropriate and this relationship will set us up to continue working together in a more directed approach regarding digital health and social care. Opening new pathways and referral routes to better support our tenants and their patients. |
12/06/2024 |
£26,940 |
“Shettleston Does Digital” already has a strong health focus, both in terms of direct content of the sessions we deliver with people and in terms of the intrinsic health benefits that arise from greater digital inclusion. The project helps digitally excluded adults to make the most of the digital world so that they can engage with others digitally, access services effectively, and make effective use of digital resources. We have already found that health services are a key element of this and the continuation of funding will allow for this to be further developed and embedded in the project. “Shettleston Does Digital” is a free digital skills training project that we established in December 2020, alongside Fuse Youth Café as our delivery partner. It is a skills-focused project, which helps digitally excluded adults to build the basic skills they need to make the most of the digital world. Support is closely aligned to the Essential Digital Skills Framework, covering the key themes of: communicating; handling information and content; transacting; problem solving; and, being safe and legal online. The content we deliver includes the basic foundation skills that are required by those either not using digital technology currently or doing so in very limited ways. In practice, this digital skills training helps our tenants and others in the community to undertake fundamental digital tasks such as: • Using search engines• Producing and sending emails• Buying and/or installing Apps• Buying things online• Applying for things (like Universal Credit or a housing move)• Booking things online (like housing repairs)• Using and commenting on social media• Using video conferencing tools such as Zoom• Using passwords and answering security questions.Our approach is learner-led and adapt our approach to each individual’s interests and needs. This already includes specific health-focused digital tasks such as booking GP appointments and ordering prescriptions. As we develop the project further, there is the potential to use other health-related tasks including:• Self-care for minor ailments• Self-management of long-term conditions• Appropriate access to online health information• Accessing and using digital health tools and services (such as Smartphone Apps, wearable devices such as Step Trackers and telehealth services).Our dedicated one-to-one support firstly helps to raise awareness of such options but is also focused on helping people to develop the confidence and skills to make appropriate use of them. These tasks are not only of direct relevance and benefit to individuals but engaging in them enhances their digital skills more generally and therefore has a wider impact on their ability to live and connect with others in the digital world.We are open to everyone in the local area including our own tenants (who have represented a significant proportion of clients) plus private tenants and homeowners in the area. Much of our client base has comprised older people, including both those of working age who are currently economically inactive and in need of digital skills, and retired people. The issues of access to health services, improved self-care, and improved self-management of longer term conditions are of particular importance to these groups.The project is delivered by a small core team within our delivery partner Fuse and is overseen by their Chief Operating Officer. Staff benefit from ongoing training and a significant element of peer support. The intention will be to have as a key element of this ongoing support a development programme that builds staff awareness and understanding of key elements including: access routes for various health and care services; online solutions; wider digital health care solutions. We hope to engage local healthcare professionals as part of this support and there will be a particular emphasis on ensuring that they have an understanding of the appropriate use of such tools.“Shettleston Does Digital” is already a proven concept with a strong health focus and health outcomes. Digital Pioneers funding will allow for further development of this focus within the framework of the overall programme both in terms of reaching the people that can best benefit in health terms from greater digital inclusion, and through enhanced focus on health activities as part of participants’ learning process. |
12/06/2024 |
£25,903 |
Our Digital Pioneers project, Connected Lives, worked alongside Carr Gomm’s Glasgow Integrated services to support people living with moderate-to-severe enduring mental health conditions to get online in a safe and meaningful way. Through this project, people we support were provided with a device and connectivity, person-centred support to build their digital confidence, and the option to meet new people via our peer-led network. Over the course of Connected Lives, we developed learning on how people’s attitudes were essential to their continued engagement and progress with digital inclusion support. People we support were highly motivated in using the internet to manage their urgent needs (e.g., arranging benefits and housing), explore their hobbies and interests, and connect with others. However, Digital Ambassadors (upskilled Support Practitioners) reported that motivation to use digital to support health and wellbeing was low. Although Digital Ambassadors were upskilled to open good conversations about the different ways digital could be used to support wellbeing (e.g., NHS Near Me, walking apps, and free workout videos on YouTube) – this was rarely found to be a strong enough ‘hook’ for people we support. This was particularly the case for those at the beginning of their digital journey, who faced the challenge of building their foundational skills. Similarly, via our peer-led network, members stated that they did not wish to explicitly explore physical and mental wellbeing and instead preferred to focus on fun and creative activities such as quizzes, puzzles, and painting sessions. These findings have been echoed in various support settings across Carr Gomm via our Digital Inclusion Development Project, including long-term supported living services for adults with learning disabilities and home care services for older adults. In summary, our findings suggest that further research is required to better understand attitudes towards utilising digital health and care options. Bridge or Barrier? is therefore a research proposal which seeks to learn more about vulnerable adults’ lived experience and perceptions of managing their health and wellbeing via digital. This project will work alongside adults accessing social care support and frontline Carr Gomm staff via focus groups and one-to-one conversations. In focus groups, people we support – who are digitally included but not currently engaged with digital health and care – will be supported to take part in a facilitated discussion exploring their current experience and perceptions of using digital to support their wellbeing. As part of this discussion, people we support will be shown demonstrations of digital platforms (e.g., NHS Near Me, NHS Fitness Studio, and the Daylight app) and will be asked to share their views on each platform and how likely they may be to use it in their own lives. In one-to-one conversations, frontline Carr Gomm staff will explore relevant digital health and care platforms with individuals in order to raise awareness of available tools and gather information on people’s attitudes towards using digital to support their wellbeing. Frontline Carr Gomm staff will also be interviewed to learn more about their experience of supporting people to explore their health and wellbeing online, and what they view as aids or barriers to this process. Through this process, we aim to involve 30 people we support in focus groups and one-to-one interviews and collaborate directly with 8 members of Carr Gomm staff.This approach will develop our understanding of the potential for good conversations with peers, in comparison to trusted frontline staff, to drive attitudinal change. This learning will directly shape practice guidance on having informed, motivational conversations about digital health and care options. In addition, we will generate learning capable of influencing the design and delivery of digital services to ensure that they are accessible and meaningful to adults accessing social care support. |
12/06/2024 |
£26,387 |
Through our Digital Pioneers fund, SAMH have supported staff and service users via two main pillars of activity - providing service users (who all have a range of diagnoses within severe and enduring mental health problems) with tablets and data packs and support to access digital resources/activity aligned to their personal goals/interests - and pilot services with staff tablets to build a more inclusive approach to co-production of digital support plans via our care planning software, Access Care Planning (ACP). Through the Progress Fund, we'll primarily continue to work with the same staff and service user cohorts to introduce digital self care plans (DSCP). SAMH have developed DSCPs which include functionality such as a mood tracker, resource library, quick-links to bookmark useful sources of advice/support and self-assessment wellbeing scores. For those service users who have become more confident in accessing digital resources via the Pioneers Fund, DSCPs are the next stage in moving towards ensuring our service users will have increased awareness of digital options for self-care, self-management approaches and community supports and connections that can benefit their health and care needs. Staff will support service users to access, register and complete/update their DSCPs - whilst we will focus on using the SAMH DSCP, there is no obligation for service users to use our version if they find an alternative which they prefer - and our newly developed 'Outcomes and Goals' and 'Activities' functions within ACP, with specific categories for Digital Inclusion, to record and report on their engagement. For example, recording mood tracker data or how specific digital care/support resources have contributed to a service user's goal/outcome. This will also feed in to overall outcomes data for service users on ACP and will further enable SAMH to report accurate, real-time data to contribute learning to better understand the value of digital inclusion in supporting access to mental health/health and social care services/supports and the impacts for individuals and services/organisation.As we develop and explore a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) model specific to mental health services, we will also look to develop links between TEC, ACP and DSCPs to take a proactive approach to mental health support - for example, if TEC identifies changes in a service user's behaviour, this can be mapped to mood tracker data from DSCPs to identify potential causes/triggers and support can be tailored accordingly - all of which will be recorded within service user's support plan via ACP.To realise this project of work, SAMH will recruit an ACP Co-Ordinator responsible for supporting staff within the identified services via:-Delivery of training on the use of ACP and continued developments of the software (eg introduction of activities function; use of ACP to track use of TEC etc.);-Shadowing support workers, where appropriate, to identify training gaps and offer advice and guidance 'on the job' - it has proved challenging to deliver training to service teams due to the nature of providing continuity of delivery of vital care and support, therefore this new approach will bridge the gap between continuous development and frontline delivery;-Creation of resources to be hosted on our eLearning platform, LearnPro, related to digital inclusion and the use of ACP and DSCPs, ensuring these resources are accessible and available to all SAMH staff, thereby continuing to contribute to our organisational priority of advancing digital inclusion within mental health care and support.The training, upskilling and capacity building offered by the ACP Coordinator will ensure SAMH staff and services are better equipped to connect with health and social care services through digital inclusion support, building our understanding of referral routes and pathways into digital health and care services/supports; understanding digital inclusion models specific to mental health services and the people supported; and building partnerships with health and care services to support awareness and prioritisation of digital inclusion in service/organisational policy. |
12/06/2024 |
£19,354 |
We will use the same principles established during the first phase of Link Up: active referral processes, supported engagement, initial one to one sessions within the person’s home or at a local venue, and individualised learning built around the participant’s interests. We feel that these are key building blocks to help increase confidence and enable people to feel that they can learn. A common theme for Link Up participants over this year has been a belief that they cannot learn, and an anxiety that their digital requirements are too basic. Engagement is most successful when they are supported by a person they trust through the initial referral, and at the first session. Based on our Link Up learning, the project will be mindful that people with low confidence learn more effectively if they start with the “hook”, something that interests them and that encourages them to develop skills and confidence on something they enjoy. Over the sessions, as the participant grows in confidence, WHALE’s Digital Lead will build in a focus on using digital health and social care tools. Link Up will offer one to one sessions in familiar venues, with an initial session in the participants’ home if that is where they feel most comfortable. The project will also offer drop-in sessions, with one of the drop ins moving to The Healthy Living Centre so that there is a venue that is already familiar to people being referred through the GP Practice and The Health Agency. They will also be able to attend the WHALE and Clovenstone drop ins if these are better for them. The project will also offer tablets and connectivity if these are barriers to digital inclusion. The project will work with the GP Practice on areas they have identified they would like to develop greater digital uptake. For this 6-month period, they have suggested targeting patients with diabetes, and those needing chronic disease management. Their Practice Manager has been working on supporting patients to access eConsult and Link Up will include this where this is identified as part of the referral process. We will also work with the GP Practice staff to identify other digital health and care tools that they think would support their patients. We currently use SCVO’s Basic Digital Skills questionnaire to identify areas the person is interested in learning and to construct sessions around. We will add in a section around health and social care, asking about knowledge and confidence around self-management apps, digital care plans etc. The project has not specifically had this focus before, and WHALE’s Digital Inclusion Lead will liaise with the GP Practice’s eHealth lead, and with the Practice Manager to increase knowledge around digital health and care tools and services that can be applied to the project. Link Up is expanding its referral pathways to include the GP Practice and The Health Agency. The project is building on long established relationships, with WHALE, Prospect and The Health Agency sharing partnership experience over several joint projects. But this will be the first time Prospect and WHALE have worked in this way with the GP Practice. The Health Agency project staff have a key role in the process as they will act as the trusted referrer for patients that they support from the GP Practice. Working in small groups, or one to one, project staff provide nonclinical support using a person-centred approach to build confidence levels and enable patients to access services and activities that support improving their health and wellbeing. This can include managing a healthy diet, developing fitness levels, support with mental health, and reducing social isolation. This enables staff to build up trusted relationships. Discussions about digital skills support will be built into these sessions with digital confidence a goal for those who are not online or who have low levels of skills. The Health Agency project staff will also identify what sort of support each participant needs and help them in accessing their initial session.We have identified the GP Practice, and The Health Agency to develop referral pathways with. During the lifetime of the project we will also explore what other health and care services are interested in the Link Up approach. Prospect, WHALE, The Health Agency and the GP Practice are part of Living Well Wester Hailes, a cross sector health focused network. We will offer to share how the Link Up model is working with this network and discuss what other potential referral routes could be set up through other Living Well partners. |
12/06/2024 |
£27,199 |
We’re excited about the prospect of expanding out current Digital Pioneers projects to focus more on the health and care services as it’s something that we have begun to work on but this project would enable the team to be more confident and provide our clients with more benefits from their journey to digital literacy. Self-care Our clients are all living with historical trauma and this has impacted on their mental health in a variety of ways. Most of our clients come to us in a state of crisis with their mental health and our work is often to help them stabilise their situation, to put them on a more even keel and remove the barriers that are stopping them to progress. However, we feel that there is more that we could do, and learn, about supporting clients to sustain their improved mental health once they’ve stopped working with us and believe that utilising online self-help support could be a vital way or enabling clients to maintain their position. By supporting individuals to self-manage their mental health conditions with access to quality self-management and psychological self-help information we would aim to leave our clients better prepared to look after their own mental health and have less need to access health and care services or, indeed, to come back to Cyrenians for further support. We have begun to support clients towards online self-help through NHS resources such as Every Mind Matters self-help guides and tools and the Overcoming website but we would be keen to build on this knowledge by having some time to review and research other resources that could be useful in this area. We would also investigate, and learn from other Digital Pioneers Progress Fund providers to identify training in the online self-help area for our digital trainers to be able to share this with our clients. Accessing Health and Care benefits through digitalWe know that supporting someone to be comfortable and confident in the digital space can have many benefits towards their health and care. As well as mental health self-care, we will also support individuals to find and access appropriate service where they need them. The benefits can include: Access to information – health information online including resources on various conditions, treatment options and preventive measures, empowering people to make informed decisions about their health and care Health tracking and Management Convenience and efficiency – allowing clients to consult GPs and other healthcare professionals remotely Appointment scheduling and prescription refills – allows clients to schedule appointments with GPs, Physiotherapists, Counsellors and other healthcare providers and request prescription refills online, streamlining admin and reducing the need for in-person visits Social support and community engagement – helps clients access online support groups, forums and social networks connecting with others facing similar health challenges Reducing health inequalities – supporting currently underserved communities such as many of our clients who face barriers to traditional healthcare access. Empowerment and engagement – by enabling digital inclusion our clients are able to take an active role in managing their health and care needs. |
17/05/2024 |
£28,797 |
The project will be delivered in the brand-new Y Innovate Multimedia Suite. This is located within the Y Centre, a state-of-the-art Youth Centre for Perth and Kinross. Delivery will also happen within the Famous Grouse Idea Centre in Partnership with Culture PK. Both are Maker Spaces which serve the wider community in Perth and Kinross. We will also be taking devices into access deprived areas to ensure rural young people also get a chance to use the equipment. Delivery Structure & Existing Support:We will be opening our Y Innovate suite during the week for young people to come in and make use of the devices we offer along with the support of our staff and volunteers. Our team is trained in various fields such as: Digital Inclusion Support; Essential Skills for Digital Champions; Internet Safety; Video Editing; Graphic Art and Design; Sound Editing; Web Development; Programming; 3D modelling and much more. Young people who access our services will have support to gain valuable unique skills in a variety of fields that would otherwise not be available to them outside of further education or employment. We offer access to a multitude of different devices which ensure that Young people have access to industry standard equipment in order for them to create real aspirations to following careers in the tech industry. Our partnership with Culture PK enhances the resources and expertise we have in order to support people accessing the project. Equipping a Community Hub:YMCA Tayside is the leading digital youth work provider in Perth and Kinross. The Y Innovate suite aspires to be the leading location for digital youth work. Our Aim is for it to be a safe, welcoming space that is accessible to all. Whilst we have many devices for the community to use, there are gaps in our provision that we wish to fill. By equipping our suite with the remaining devices needed we will be able to cater to any young person no matter what their digital need is. It will allow us to have equipment that caters to young people with physical disabilities. Our suite will be wheelchair accessible and the furniture we have will also support this. We aim to have accessible input devices for those who have physical disabilities as well. Provision of ‘assistive technology’ to help people with disabilities is a new avenue we are embarking on and one that there is very little provision for in Perth and Kinross. Improving Connectivity Infrastructure:Although we have a brand-new centre and access to internet we are still to install a full high-quality Wi-Fi mesh network for our service users. We aim to provide a safe protected network for young people, partner organisation professionals and staff to use throughout the building. Although we have moved into our new centre, it is still in the final stages of development, and changes in costs due to unforeseen circumstances has meant we need to find funding for the installation of this new network to replace our existing temporary solution. We will be seeking a professional IT company to support us with the configuration of the network. A professional network installation will greatly improve our connectivity infrastructure and enable us to be a safe accessible space for young people and members of the public.Partners:In both cases above, the wider reach of our project is that by equipping our new Hub you also equip us to improve the device provision and connectivity of our partner organisations. In partnering with Culture PK we have ensured that the equipment we off and what they offer does not overlap so that we are providing the broadest access to devices. Furthermore, when our hub is not available, we will support people access Culture Pk’s maker Space. We will be also taking our devices into rural areas. |
16/05/2024 |
£37,487 |
The project will be a key element of The Grantown Society’s offer, based in the new Grantown Hub 2,4 high Street. The Society takes a broad view of social and digital inclusion as a basis for our work. Our national partners include the Mhor Collective and Transmitair, providing us with gigabit broadband through “Strathspey Now” and public WiFi as well as expertise and advice. Already through “Strathspey Now” we are providing highly valued access to the internet for over 100 customers. In the Hub we shall have a 24/7 ATM.Our digital improvement project will also work with 3 High Street partners. Whilst the project is in its infancy it is already achieving recognition and additional support.Fiona’s Wholefoods, open all day 6 days a week, is a wholefood shop, refillery and café. It is a dynamic organisation with a strong social conscience and links particularly with the LGBT community. It is encouraging digital access to resources for various users. We are working directly with the shop and through the Mhor Collective. Not only will the Hub promote the work of the café, it will continue to develop and build strong working links.The Grantown YM Community Centre, open at various times for youth clubs, a community café, cinema, a Men’s Shed, clubs and classes has a very active management team with a long history of working with young people especially those who are disadvantaged. Thus it provides a point of contact for many who might be digitally excluded: perhaps their first opportunity to access the internet independently. It will be a focus for our digital lending library. Building on work already initiated, in the Centre and café, Brigitte Vallance from the Collective writes:“The YMCA/Fiona Wholefood Café initially, could potentially be a ‘drop in’ to assess needs, ….and ….. tailor the support around what is immediately required. E.g. many mothers seem to struggle to add lunch money to their children’s account, also, privacy & security for parents whose children may be getting their first phone…” The Remakery is a charity for assisting young people to get into work through work skills development. To complement the practical skills developed through the Remakery, The Hub, in partnership, is able to develop the digital skills. We have partnered the Remakery for several years with fund applications such as from Circular Communities Scotland just awarded.The Grantown Hub, amongst other activities, will provide support for partners’ activities with quality internet access and easy to use technology of a high standard. The hub will be equipped with state of the art broadband and a network of devices. This will link with the other organisations and provide space and learning opportunities. It will also provide guided and mentored access to health, wellbeing and finance information. It will provide a video conference room for private discussions eg Near Me. The Hub will also provide access to copiers printers and other support technologies. From a gradual part time start of 4 mornings per week only, ultimately the Hub will be open daily from 8.30 to 3.00 with some evening hours. It will also provide 24/7 secure access to key members. Thus with our partners we shall be able to provide a full day time service with some evening, out of hours and remote support. This will enable guided digital skill development, support and access to local information and services. By developing a lending library of tablets and laptops these organisations can encourage their use and distribute as needed for use in those premises and at homes. |
16/05/2024 |
£39,999 |
Our initiative is to establish a safe and secure online network designed by women with women-led values in mind. Unlike the broader internet, our platform, akin to an 'intranet,' will prioritise safety and inclusivity, providing a supportive and abuse-free environment for collaboration and learning. The aim is to have a physical and virtual digital infrastructure for a wide network of women that is not extractive and exploitative. To enable writing together, publishing and learning new skills without prejudice or judgement. Like a vibrant digital living room, it allows connection, support, and sharing of knowledge and can highlight what a digital space could be like. Promoting digital access and literacy but in a way that also promotes inclusion once connected. In order to do this we need to increase the connectivity infrastructure of a community hub and increase our hardware capacity. Over a two-year period, we will deliver scheduled training workshops once a week, alongside the hub being open for drop in sessions. Resources relating to the project will also be available remotely, giving access to the wider community. The project will be delivered in a re-purposed high street shop in Dundee City Centre shared by NEoN and Cake or Dice, creating the first and only accessible community-driven digital provision on the high street.Why?The internet, as we know it today, is not a gender safe space. It was built by men for men and coded with conscience and unconscious bias, making it already flawed as an inclusive digital space. As it stands, the internet is marred by abuse, misinformation, and misogyny.Driven by a quest for connection and information, those that can get online can access the boundless opportunities that the internet presents. Unfortunately, digital spaces also open up a whole world of abuse, false information, and misogyny. The abuse is often towards women, violent and nearly always frightening, and it gets worse when women raise their voices, share their opinions or belong to minority groups including those that are disabled, Black or identify as LGBTIQ+. Rather than being free and empowered to express themselves online, women are often harassed, abused and driven from online spaces, which is dis-empowering women and girls every day. In 2020, Plan International’s report on girls' and young women's experiences of online harassment found that 58% of girls are being silenced online by toxic levels of harassment. They surveyed 26,000 young women from 26 countries and 1 in 4 felt less confident to share their views and 46% of girls felt sad, depressed, stressed, worried or anxious. There was no single online source identified that the majority actually trusted. (https://plan-international.org/publications/free-to-be-online/) What can we do?Inspired by platforms like FIRN (Feminist Internet Research Network) and the Feminist Internet project, we aim to make a virtual platform that will serve as an internal alternative to the internet, offering Dundee-based women a trusted space to connect, share resources, and engage in meaningful activities online. A digital space that is built, owned, and maintained by a network of women around valued-based needs. It will be a training space in which women can feel safe to learn digital skills and express their views before navigating the WWW.Once a physical (hardware) infrastructure has been built on-site, we will bring together our partners and experts to outline a manifesto or group agreement on governance or code of conduct based on our known lived experiences and group work with women. Followed by working with Ingrid, NEoN will build the virtual infrastructure and platform architecture.What will it do?The virtual platform will consist of a variety of tools for self-publishing and sharing knowledge. Just like the internet, videos or live streams can be watched, shared, and archived. It will have an internal social network where users can hang out and share aspects of their everyday lives or work with one another, but also publish parts of it to a wider audience if they choose to. Alongside this is a chat room that can also be used for meetings via video call. For the publication of long-form texts, there will be a shared notebook for writing, discussing, editing, and improving collective documentation. There will also be a digital library to read and exchange literature by and for the network. Finally, a shared server space where documents and files can be stored locally and cloud based. While most of these tools are private, it is possible to selectively publish material to a wider audience from them. This infrastructure will allow for private, semi-public, and public communication. An on-site training programme will be built around these tools, teaching practical skills of navigation, self-publishing, file management, uploading/downloading, filling out forms, file sharing. This will be complimented by training on virtual security, password management, using VPN’s, spotting scams, and gaining the confidence and empowerment to be vocal yet safe online. Training materials will also be available remotely. Dundee Physical Programme Team Cake or Dice - a community board game cafe will provide pastoral support and referral service for the project. Scottish Refugee Council (Dundee) - SRC will provide a referral service for the project, and help raise awareness about the project within the wider community and advocate for refugee rights and integration. Scrap Antics – they will connect the project to their communities and provide insights into the challenges faced by their users. Abertay University, Lecturer Clare Brennan (Computer Arts) – will offer expert guidance on effectively engaging young people, emphasising the importance of using inclusive language that avoids gender stereotypes.Digital Infrastructure Team Ingrid - They will oversee the building, designing, publishing, tool-making, prototyping, and administration of the project's virtual infrastructure. FibreCast – independent Dundee based fibre service provider. They will provide the physical infrastructure required for the project. Existing resources and infrastructure· Human Resources: staff, volunteers, and members who will contribute skills, expertise, and labour to advance the project.· Programming in Digital Inclusion: NEoN has over 14 years experience of providing accessible events and activities in digital and technology driven art and science, including workshops on digital up-skilling, digital detox, digital climate action and is also a digital champion. · Financial Resources: core funding that will pay for the staff. · Partnerships and Collaborations: existing relationships with other organisations, institutions, and local stakeholders that will contribute resources, expertise, or support mutual projects.· Knowledge and Expertise: intellectual capital, research findings, best practices, and accumulated knowledge.· Community and Stakeholder Engagement: existing connections and engagement with the community, beneficiaries, stakeholders, and target audience.· Operational Processes and Systems: established safeguarding policies, insurance, procedures, protocols, and quality assurance measures.· Online Presence: substantial engagement via websites, social media platforms, and digital communication channels. |
16/05/2024 |
£39,311 |
As the lead applicant, YMCA Scotland is applying to develop a device lending library in partnership with four other YMCAs across two local authorities. We also seek funding to upgrade the digital infrastructure of the four YMCA operating in these two local authorities by upgrading and improving connectivity infrastructure through this fund as a result of the newly acquired resource. The place-based digital project will be managed by YMCA Scotland providing back office support, training, evaluation etc. so that the four YMCAs can focus on front line digital activity. YMCAs located in North Lanarkshire and Dumfries and Galloway will provide devices and connectivity to families, young people and the unemployed through the digital lending library. Similtatiosly, communities will have access one day a week to each of the four hubs with their own device or one leaded to them to access a wide range of digital skill programmes, giving people the option to learn in a 121 or group setting in person as well as online through the lending library scheme. Local YMCAs have already completed community assessments identifying digital exclusion challenges through baseline assessments with participants in conjunction with the SCVO Essential Digital Skills framework. As a result of the above it has been concluded that by providing devices and connectivity solutions tailored to each community's needs, i.e. involving the distributing of lending laptops, tablets or other devices, alongside our digital inclusion hubs will offer a two pronged approach that combines training and support programs to enhance digital literacy skills, empowering individuals to fully utilise hub services and online. The program in each hub will be slightly different to take account the unique landscape of community needs for example, Wishaw YMCA based in North Lanarkshire have a large E-Sports gaming community and creative digital media hub for young people, Dumfries YMCA located in Dumfries and Galloway have a thriving community cafe supporting digital wellbeing and sensory activities for families and people over 65. Although each YMCA has its own unique approach to digital inclusion, all four YMCAs deliver the following core activities: Basic Digital Skills Workshops: Sessions focused on fundamental digital skills such as using email, web browsing, online safety, and using common software applications like word processors and spreadsheets.Device Assistance Programs: Assistance with setting up and using digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, including support with basic troubleshooting, installing software/apps, and connecting to the internet.Digital Literacy Classes: Structured classes in person and online covering a range of digital literacy topics, including understanding digital terminology, navigating social media, evaluating online information, and using online resources for education and personal development.Confidence Building Workshops: Support groups specifically aimed at boosting individuals' confidence in using digital technologies. Through interactive activities, discussions, and practical exercises designed to help participants overcome fears or anxieties about using the internet and digital devices.Online Safety Training: Informational activity sessions that focus on topics such as how to create strong passwords, recognizing and avoiding online scams and phishing attempts, protecting personal information online. Our aim is to develop meaningful digital inclusion activities that are both practical, creative and safe for the individual, which is why we have taken the approach to offer online support to those with mobility or transport issues, who may live rurally and can not access in person support and at the same time offer 121 and social group activities in person at each hub, combined provide four days a week provision over two years. |
16/05/2024 |
£39,241 |
We are applying for funding to equip a communal area within The George Steven Community Hub, Kilbirnie, with devices to create a community multimedia studio hub. The multimedia studio will support community learning and development within Kilbirnie and The Garnock Valley area and will be partnered with CEIS, North Ayrshire Council, North Ayrshire Libraries and Ayrshire Film Company. We want to create a multimedia studio hub to support training and development for those who want to become more digitally included and improve their digital literacy. The multimedia studio hub will also act as a lending library and a social access point. Access to technology and connectivity is crucial for participation in education, employment, and social activities. However, many people living in our community lack access to these essential resources, creating a digital divide. The multimedia studio will be equipped with laptops, iPads, a printer, headphones, USB charging stations, microphones, projector screen and accessories. All the devices will be stored and used in the hub. All equipment will be available to be used by partners around North Ayrshire. As each partner will bring a specialist area of training knowledge to the hub, there will be no overlap in the delivery of training knowledge from each partner. Rather, the hub will benefit from each partner's specialist area of knowledge. The project will deliver different skills training, including employability, digital inclusion, work-based training, and reduced social isolation to those living in the community. The lending library enables community members to access essential digital devices, including laptops and tablets. Borrowing devices from the lending library will work similarly to borrowing books from a traditional library, allowing individuals to borrow devices for a specific period. We will use 5 laptop devices and 5 iPads to form the lending library that people would be able to borrow. This initiative will empower people to access online resources, complete assignments, and engage in remote learning or work. We have kept the number of devices for the lending library down to a minimum so that the project is manageable by the staff at the Hub. However there will look to expand the number of devices that form the lending library should we feel that we need to. The social activity space will be equipped with gaming devices that are more accessible for those with support needs. We will create a social space equipped with gaming accessories such as a TV, PlayStation, Nintendo console, arcade machine, VR headsets, games table, amazon echos with an additional smartphone to control the echos. Our goal is to encourage younger individuals who have disengaged from formal education to come to the hub, where we can provide them with the necessary support and training to help them re-engage. With the help of VR headsets, our clients with disabilities can experience a range of motion that they might not otherwise be able to achieve and have experiences that they may not be able to afford due to their disability or financial constraints. This technology could benefit many of the people living in our community. Gaming can have a therapeutic effect and can serve as a tool for reducing stress, especially during difficult times. We understand that gaming can be a positive way to take care of your mental health, as it provides a space to relax and unwind. However, the cost of gaming equipment can be expensive. The social activity space will be open to all, serving as a fun and engaging way to connect with others and develop social skills.We feel this will enhance the social inclusion at the community hub. It will also benefit our clients with physical and learning disabilities and promote their overall well-being. Additionally, we plan to provide additional support such as noise-cancellation headphones within our popular sensory room, which is frequently used by those suffering from additional support needs and clients who have fled conflict.The Multimedia Studio hub will also act as an access point for people who lack internet access at their homes or need support in utilising digital technologies. We aim to create inclusive spaces by providing devices and connectivity in community hubs, enabling individuals to access digital resources and drop-in support to receive assistance from trained staff or volunteers.The Salvation Army Music Man facility will deliver an Introduction to Sound Production - A course aimed towards individuals within the community looking for the opportunity to learn the basics of working Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). This course will focus on teaching the basics of how to operate and navigate Logic Pro X (Known as a DAW) and teach how to use built-in effects, mix tracks and learn about various Mic placements that can be used to record the student's chosen acoustic instrument. At the end of the course, the student will have gained enough knowledge and skills to advance onto a college course that is based within a sound production setting. This course will be taught by our music facilitator, who has experience in this field through studies at UWS, gaining a BA Hons in music and sound production. The Library Services plans to use the devices to create a series of podcasts to promote its offerings. These podcasts will include capturing the journey of children and families into literacy, such as Bookbug, class visits, storytelling sessions, digital sessions, and a variety of activities for adults, including sewing workshops and book groups. Additionally, Library Services will promote the health and wellbeing support that is available to the public, such as access to information, signposting to local and national services, and a friendly listening ear. The podcasts will be made available on Library Services' YouTube channel: NA Libraries - Vision - YouTube. The community hub will be used by the other partners to facilitate various programs. CEIS will deliver accredited training specific to industries which will increase training opportunities for the local community, especially in rural areas. They will also provide employment services as the lead employability partner for North Ayrshire council. Clients will have volunteering opportunities within the safe space of the community hub.Ayrshire Film Company will contribute to the community hub by sharing its knowledge of the media industry and provide valuable resources for the partners and projects.North Ayrshire CLD will create podcast and sound production content specifically for youth groups to develop their technical skills and enhance their core skills and confidence.In addition, we have digital champions in place to deliver digital training from CEIS, North Ayrshire Council Community Learning and Development, and The Salvation Army Employment Plus service. Our digital champions will also be available for drop-in support. Our collective aim through the community hub is to embed digital inclusion in relevant learning contexts, resulting in multiple impacts which include: increased confidence in the use of digital technology among older people increased use of new digital skills for other activities, e.g., job searching and accessing further community information increased confidence in using digital skills, resulting in clients having a desire to share their knowledge with other group members and with the wider public increased digital literacy, with an increased production of learner-generated digital content, including podcasts and sound production. Inclusion of disengaged school leavers to create new learning opportunities and support into employment. |
25/03/2024 |
£30,000 |
Shine is a national women’s mentoring service that supports individuals on release from short-term prison sentences (less than 4 years), on remand, or serving community orders. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Shine has been committed to providing access to devices and connectivity to support individuals to get connected to support services, such as Shine, as well as to increase their broader digital inclusion. Our project involves distributing devices to people when a need has been identified, at the point they need it most. For the population we support, this would typically be at the point of release from prison when they are reintegrating to their community and are often cut off or excluded in a myriad of ways. By providing a phone, the individual is empowered to make contact with their mentor when they need support, to schedule and diarise appointment (increasing engagement) and to get online to access other services such as benefits or online recovery communities. They are also able to make contact with their social support network or access entertainment to help with their general wellbeing and positive reintegration. Devices would be distributed by mentors directly to the individual they have established a relationship with. This ensures a need has been identified and this can be captured in our impact surveys. For the remand population, Shine’s prison-based champions will distribute devices n their liberation packs, helping to ensure people have access to a means of communication when liberated from court, as this can be a particularly vulnerable and overwhelming time. Additionally, Shine will provide more advanced devices such as laptops and tablets when a particular need has been identified. Given the population we support, this is likely to be further into someone’s journey of reintegration and rehabilitation – for example when working towards employment or education. |
18/03/2024 |
£53,444 |
As a new project, partners involved will create a collaborative steering group which will develop and support the project over the year. This will include design and delivery, data gathering along with monitoring and evaluation of processes. A key aspect of this project will be the mapping of digital and mental health resources in collaboration with partners in South and East Ayrshire. The steering group will aim to meet on a regular basis and co-create a communication plan to ensure the project is widely promoted across mental health services. Employing a full-time Project Co-ordinator will enable us to provide adequate time to recruit, manage and train volunteers on an ongoing basis. The Co-ordinator will also be part of the Steering Group and will attend all meetings, as well as weekly visits to Woodland View. The weekly visits are an opportunity to supervise and provide ongoing support to the volunteers but also build and develop relationships with Woodland View staff. We have budgeted to enable three volunteers per day, Monday to Friday for fifty-two weeks of the year. This will give anything between 15 and 30 hours of either one to one or group work support for all in-patients every week. Mapping of digital and mental health resources will be led by the Project Co-ordinator in collaboration with the Steering Group. Compiling and providing a comprehensive list of resources for all patients once discharged from hospital. The idea is to encourage individuals to access and utilise a wide range of services within their local community which will allow them to continue to improve their digital skills and confidence and have better awareness of digital options for self-care and manage their health and care needs whilst using community supports and building connections. The ambition and potential impact of this project is that people will have access to devices if digitally excluded and, feel better able to use equipment. Furthermore, individuals will feel more confident to access and use self-management tools to maintain and improve their wellbeing, improve digital safety and facilitate improved connections with other people including friends and family. We recognise not every patient will require a device, therefore we have only budgeted for 20 devices in total, 10 tablets and 10 phones as these are the main devices used. We will ensure we are aware of other local and national routes of support to access devices and encourage uptake where possible.Support sessions will be negotiated with individuals recruited to the project utilising a person-centred approach utilising the most suitable space available. The use of the Beehive and Honeycomb area within Woodland View has been identified as an appropriate base for this proposed project. The majority of support will be offered between Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm.Activities delivered will include bespoke sessions delivered and supported by the volunteers either on a one to one basis or group setting. These will be delivered as often as required during an inpatient stay. Duration will vary depending on individual need. The long term aim of this project is to ensure digital support is continued post discharge in their local community throughout Ayrshire. To ensure adequate supervision of volunteers an allocated named clinical contact will be made available on support days for all volunteers to ensure a debrief and ongoing support. A core strength of The Ayrshire Community Trust is their ability to have a collective view of services and supports available across the Community and Voluntary sector. This project will further develop the mapping and ongoing collaborative work with partners across Ayrshire. Over the year the Steering Group will develop pathways to support digital inclusion and sustainability within inpatient services. This will include the SCVO Digital Champion Training for staff and volunteers and engagement with the community of learning.Over the year the project will aim to build a knowledge base of local resources to provide an increased awareness of digital options for self-care, self-management and community supports that can benefit and support their health and care. |
18/03/2024 |
£72,566 |
As part of this approach, Connect Fife will work in partnership with The Housing Plus Team to facilitate and manage the roll out of the LifeCurve across all Fife Council Sheltered Housing, in addition to individuals accessing the Independent Living Advice Hub and Connect Fife’s existing Digital Inclusion Hub. Connect Fife (CF) is a project in Fife supporting individuals to become digitally engaged. (Please see attached document for description of CF). CF will recruit a staff member who will be dedicated to the LifeCurve project and supporting residents to access health and wellbeing services online/digitally to support independent living and improved health and wellbeing. This 12 month project will be developed using a phased approach. The first phase will involve Connect Fife assessing the existing provisions within all complexes for internet (surveying mobile strength and broadband availability) and access to devices. In addition, they will ascertain the digital skills of Sheltered Housing staff and residents engaging in the LifeCurve providing support where required to enable them to feel digitally confident. The Housing Plus Team with Connect Fife will regularly meet with Sheltered Housing Managers to provide updates. In addition, a serious of events will be arranged to promote the LifeCurve. This will start in Glenrothes and be phased across the remaining 6 areas in Fife. Residents taking part will be on a voluntary basis. The Housing Plus Team will provide the link with Sheltered Housing Managers and Connect Fife to remove any barriers and promote engagement. Early meetings have taken place with Sheltered Housing Managers who understand the benefits of the LifeCurve and building digital skills, knowledge and confidence with residents and staff to create an opportunity for residents to improve their health and wellbeing. Customer Surveys and recording of interventions will be key for this project. A structure has been developed and is available now to record this information and for capturing survey feedback. As well as the above, Connect Fife will enable individuals to access other digital offerings, some examples include: Activity demonstrations Setting and using timers to remind residents of tasks including activities through the LifeCurve to improve health and wellbeing Motivate individuals to engage with the LifeCurve and self-assessment process enabling them to access online health and wellbeing services. Accessibility options within phone settings (magnification, screen reader, change font sizes and colours, dexterity) Near Me – a video calling platform used in Health and Social Care sector, this can be used for regular video calling with individuals in the project Be My Eyes / Seeing AI – Connect Fife has a collaboration with a Fife wide organisation who supports individuals with visual impairments – Connect Fife supported an individual who was colour blind to use their device to detect colours RNID Hearing Checker / Connecting Hearing Aids to devices via Bluetooth / Live Captions functions Supporting residents to access online repairs rather than costs for calling Contact Centre Online Classes (Connect Fife recently supported an individual through its Digital Inclusion Hub to access an online seated yoga class) Operate and run a device lending library to support individuals to engage with the LifeCurve (using the existing expertise Connect Fife has in running device loan libraries) Connect Fife will research: The current IT provisions within complexes, and the provisions of individual residents The digital skills of staff and of residents who wish to engage with the service Explore and assess the potential impact of the LifeCurve within homeless organisations across Fife Explore and assess the potential use of Well locations (Fife Health & Social Care Partnership) across Fife to provide a drop-in service for individuals in sheltered housing in Fife (to provide ongoing support to individuals beyond the initial 12 months Connect Fife in partnership with the Housing Plus team and sheltered housing staff will: Develop a LifeCurve Champions programme to embed this into core service delivery – where group of residents can use lived experience to support others using the LifeCurve Link with the Independent Living Advice Hub to support individuals accessing the LifeCurve Support individuals to access the LifeCurve through its Digital Inclusion Hub in Methil Share the learning to help support the increasing resource gap between the demand for service and capacity across health and social care Meet regularly with The Housing Plus Team Business Change Manager to provide regular updates and review progress Feedback to local Anti-Poverty and Welfare Reform groups of work carried – link in with other services Engaging with the Community of Learning |
18/03/2024 |
£80,000 |
AdvoCard will collaborate with local health services and third Sector organisations to deliver this project and will use the additional funding to employ a part time engagement officer, part time Volunteer Coordinator and two part time advocacy workers. We know that, since the Covid Pandemic, local Social Work departments, Community Mental Health Teams and GP surgeries have faced a substantial increase in referrals and appointment requests. In response, many have adopted online appointment options through Near Me and Teams as part of a strategy to mitigate wait times, thereby accommodating a larger number of referrals each day. However, it has become clear that these digital appointments pose considerable challenges for individuals with mental health conditions, preventing the widespread adoption of digital appointment systems by Health and Social Care professionals and leaving many mental health patients with longer wait times for in person appointments. Extended wait times have been demonstrated to substantially elevate the likelihood of individuals experiencing a decline in their mental health, potentially leading to crisis intervention or hospitalisation. Our project seeks to address these challenges by assisting individuals with mental health conditions in accessing and engaging with online appointments. Our approach aims to minimise the necessity for in-person appointments, thereby alleviating pressure on health and social care settings and reducing wait times. Our Outreach Engagement worker will collaborate with Locality Teams, Support Organisations, GP surgeries, and Community Mental Health Teams. Together, they will establish robust referral pathways for individuals with mental health conditions, ensuring they receive the necessary support to attend online appointments and access digital services. Equipped with devices featuring essential media apps, our trained Mental Health Outreach advocacy workers will offer support at home for the individuals who have been offered online appointments. They will facilitate appointment setups, provide advocacy support during calls, and ensure individuals effectively engage and express their views. Additionally, our workers will support individuals to explore available online support organisations and assist in completing relevant online referrals, for services that meet their specific needs. For individuals currently hospitalised, engaging with them at the point of discharge is crucial. Extended wait times for in-person appointments may cause individuals to disengage from services, potentially resulting in them falling off the radar. This scenario often culminates in readmission. Our advocacy workers will actively participate in discharge meetings to ensure the individual is offered digital services. Following discharge, our team will visit them to provide support in navigating and engaging with these services. By offering assistance at the point of discharge, we aim to prevent patients from losing touch with essential services and minimise the likelihood of readmission. In addition to one-to-one support in the home, our Volunteer Coordinator will recruit and train volunteer advocacy workers who will conduct daily drop-ins at our community office. This will accommodate those who prefer accessing services outside their homes. Attendees with online appointments will find ready-to-use devices, with volunteer advocacy workers on hand to provide advocacy support during appointments and to assist with the completion of necessary online forms or referrals. Furthermore, our advocacy workers will play a crucial role in providing feedback to health and social care professionals from individuals transitioning to online appointments. The primary goal is to eliminate the initial obstacles preventing people with mental health conditions from accessing digital services. Once the individual has been supported to engage with online services, our advocacy workers will work with individuals to build confidence in using the services unsupported. Once this confidence is established, our workers will facilitate referrals to a local digital agency in order for the person to acquire a device if necessary. For individuals with more complex mental health conditions, who may consistently face difficulties engaging independently, we will continue to offer support through our volunteer delivered service. Ultimately, our service aims to significantly enhance access to digital health services for individuals with mental health conditions, while also increasing awareness of available support. With enhanced participation in digital health services, health and social care teams will be enabled to offer a greater number of online appointments. Consequently, there will be a decrease in the necessity for in-person appointments, leading to shorter wait times for individuals seeking appointments. It is hoped that access to digital appointments will facilitate quicker access to care, thereby aiding in the maintenance of mental health and ultimately resulting in improved health outcomes for those utilising the service. Additionally, this project aims to provide valuable insights regarding the effectiveness of digital services through increased feedback from supported individuals. This feedback will allow services to adapt their digital services and mental health services will become better equipped to meet the needs of their communities. |
18/03/2024 |
£79,733 |
The Digital Links Worker (DLW) will be bridging existing ALLIANCE activity which is being delivered by the Community Links Workers Programme (CLWP) and the Digital Hub, enhancing the efforts to improve the mental health of citizens who are registered in deep-end practices in Glasgow, partnered with Discover Digital’s (project within the Digital Hub) aim of increasing citizens' knowledge and access to digital health and social care tools which can support individuals in improving and self managing their mental health and well-being. The DLW’s post will have six main objectives: Mental Health Services/ Support Scope and map existing local mental health support/ third sector organisations and support them in claiming their services on ALISS, so CLW’s are readily able to find existing community resources. Liaise with support service providers and link them with our Discover Digital Programme- which will provide free, bespoke training to both front line staff and service users on digital health and social care tools, improving their confidence and skills. Work closely with Discover Digital (DD), allowing the DD Development Officer to a) create and provide bespoke workshops in partnership with CLW’s to support citizens to utilise digital options linked to each GP Practices such as online booking systems, digital dispensing and Near Me b) utilise the local networks created by the DLW to build a ‘Peer Network’, creating a consortium approach to delivering our existing DD activity, widely sharing our digital knowledge and learning. Digital Inclusion Scope and map existing local digital skills/training/adult learning and support them in claiming their services on ALISS, so CLW’s can readily find existing digital skills/ support services. Liaise and inform digital inclusion networks of the gap/ need this programme identifies and sought for a long-term local solution to supporting digital inclusion, working with the networks and key stakeholders this programme will create. Individuals Work with the CLW and the individuals identified to participate in the programme and provide access to a range/ mixture of services to meet their needs, including: devices, data, digital skills training and digital personal goals setting. Our Community Links Workers already offer support to those with mild-moderate mental health problems, signposting them to existing local activities which promote well-being as well as offering them one to one support in addressing specific issues which are creating anxiety, stress and depression. They will be able to identify people for this project, who would benefit from accessing digital health and social care services. The DLW will be able to provide direct one to one support, links to digital skills services, provide devices and data and support the ongoing use of digital health and social care tools to improve and maintain good mental health and well-being.The post will work closely with our Discover Digital Development Officer who is knowledgeable of the array of existing digital tools to support mental health and well being, who can advise on appropriate and trustworthy digital tools. Discover Digital can also be called upon to provide essential training and information session to small groups of individuals, primary care staff and front line support workers to ensure there is a collective increase in knowledge and confidence of digital tools- so not only is ‘no one left behind’, the journey to digital inclusion is both supportive and shared. The impact of this programme is three dimensional: An individual with mild-moderate mental health issues will be supported to use digital devices to access digital health and social care tools to improve their health and well-being, gaining access to a device and data as well as digital skills training. The individual will be introduced to trustworthy tools and will be encouraged to use them to self manage their condition. The local mental health support networks/ organisations will have increased knowledge and confidence in supporting people to access digital health and social care tools via support from our Discover Digital project and will be encouraged to work collectively as a Discover Digital ‘Peer Network’ ensuring the impact of this programme continues, with a consortium to digital inclusion. The CLW’s and practices will be able to learn how to better support people to access services digitally as they develop their digital ‘business as usual’ services. ALISS will also be populated with local mental health and digital skills services so CLWs will have increased scope and access to support mechanisms for individuals as a long-term positive impact of this programme. |
18/03/2024 |
£79,907 |
Scottish Government has recently provided new funding to support the development of clinician-led Digital Therapies Teams (DTTs) in each health board, to better integrate the delivery of digital therapies, supported by new service delivery models. At the outset of this development in Fife, we would like to engage in a learning program / pilot project to help us develop and test a DI-based service delivery model for the NHS Fife Digital Therapies Team. In doing so, this project has the potential to significantly improve access to effective psychological treatments, increase service efficiency, and provide working models for and transferable learning for DI-based digital therapies as this becomes an increasingly important national priority. Our project aims to support people facing mental health challenges to develop the skills and confidence necessary to access online digital therapies, thereby increasing the scope of support available to them and reducing the time spent waiting for treatment.Our project is a partnership between LinkLiving, who have substantial peer-support and digital inclusion project experience, and the newly-formed NHS Fife Psychology Service Digital Therapies Team (DTT), who have mental health and digital therapy expertise.The project aims to build on learning from a similar one-year improvement project delivered on the Isle of Wight (IoW) which focused on understanding DI needs in people with severe mental illness, with one area of interest being increasing access to mental health services. The lead for the IoW project will provide consultation, supporting the extension of their model to understand the specific DI needs of mental health service users accessing digital therapies.The project aims to develop a model of DI in digital therapies through the recruitment of two part-time ‘Peer Digital Inclusion Workers’ (PDIWs). The LinkLiving PDIWs will be individuals with personal experience of mental health services, the value of which is highlighted by learning from the IoW study. The PDIWs will not provide any direct mental health support, rather they will provide DI support to NHS patients identified by the DTT as being at risk of digital exclusion. They will be supported to improve their digital knowledge and skills to better engage in digital therapies through the provision of 4-6 individual sessions and / or groupwork sessions. It is anticipated that sessions will last approximately 1-2 hours and will be delivered weekly, with the flexibility to increase / decrease in frequency and duration depending on individual needs. These sessions will take place either in the individual’s own home or in a local community venue to further remove barriers to engagement. Core activities of the PDIWs will include:• Direct provision of DI support (skills and confidence coaching, provision of devices and connectivity) to a ‘caseload’ of service users of the DTT identified as being at risk for DE.• Engagement support (identification of motivation barriers and enablers (DI and MH-related), explanation of relevance of digital therapies)• Mapping and networking with wider DI support organisations and services who can provide broader DI activities. • Curating DI materials and support pathways based on learning from direct support work and identified needs. • Training to NHS and relevant LinkLiving staff in DI approaches. • Supportive activities linked to knowledge generation (e.g. supporting a mixed-method research project of service users’ outcomes and experiences from PDIW intervention). We will utilise quality improvement methods to learn from the activities of the PDIWs to help develop a DI-based service delivery model for digital therapies. The final output will be a service delivery model that will reduce digital exclusion barriers and increase access to digital psychological therapies.Both organisations will take responsibility for developing and supporting the PDIWs in role. PDIWs as well as staff from LinkLiving and the DTT will attend regular multi-agency project review meetings which will support the implementation of the project.The PDIWs will be recruited and managed by LinkLiving who will focus on the provision of peer-support and DI expertise and training, utilising their experience and learning from previous and concurrent DI and peer-support projects. The PDIWs will participate in the SCVO Digital Champion (online) training as well as LinkLiving’s internal training programmes – which include digital safety – delivered by Link Academy. LinkLiving will also provide and manage a device gifting scheme to support provision of devices and connectivity to patients. The PDIWs will be further supported by staff of the DTT who will provide training and support regarding the relevance, use and benefits of digital therapies which will ensure that they are able to maximise engagement of service users with this provision.PDIWs and DTT staff will also work to develop DI training materials for NHS staff who might refer for digital therapies. DTT staff will assist LinkLiving and the PDIW to collate the learning from PDIWs activities into a DI-informed service delivery model for digital therapies. |
18/03/2024 |
£79,025 |
We intend to offer informal confidence building activities and some accredited development opportunities, focused on digital skills to our core participants who are disabled people and unpaid carers in Aberdeen City and South Aberdeenshire so that they will be able to actively contribute to their own health self-management, their communities, and improve their own lives. We will also work with our cohort to offer accessible online service design awareness and feedback to the organisations who support our core participants or who offer relevant online services. Our solution will be to tailor support to individuals and groups as per their self-defined needs. We will take participants on a progressive journey through confidence-building enabling activities and sustaining growth activities. Group work and support will take place in community centres in the form of planned learning sessions and ad-hoc drop-in digital/online support for specific challenges. Our support will include:• In-person support, in the learner’s home where required and graduating to community delivery as part of the process of confidence-building and community engagement.• Support to develop a learner action plan suited to the learner’s self-defined outcomes.• Assistive technology assessment where appropriate.• Core digital skills activities with cyber safety awareness.• Online confidence building – digital enabling skills including getting online, safety, digital agility, inclusion, accessibility, and enhanced connectedness. Essential as many services accessed by our community for which digital skills are required are also exclusively online services.• One to one support for parallel accredited outcomes as appropriate including Adult Achievement Awards - SCQF levels 2, 3, 4 and 6 and our Community Action Leadership Award levels 3 & 5.• Group learning sessions in the community, centred on community and learning centres.• Drop-in sessions to support immediate, acute digital or online challenges with a solution focus supported by rapid skill development for specific challenges.• ICT device loan, device familiarisation in group settings with Lead Scotland devices, and support to either secure funding to buy devices or to access devices/data through the National Device/Data banks or alternatives.• Encourage the development of disabled person or unpaid carer community champions to recognise, understand, and communicate inclusive practice in terms of service accessibility in the provision of online services by housing and health providers.• Seek development and engagement of disabled people and unpaid carers as sessional workers to support online delivery nationally of digital accessibility sessions for service providers and for other, supported community groups beyond the above two areas.• Development of a resource for self-guided learning on the above approach to be hosted on our online learning platform in terms of sustainability of provision beyond the funding. The above activities are designed specifically to include people who experience barriers in accessing community-based adult learning. Based on our experience with providing digital skills supported learning in Scotland over the last 20 years or so and specifically in Aberdeen City and Shire, we will use the following routes to engagement with our learners:• Engagement with community groups, community centres, and neighbourhood networks to raise awareness of our offer in the context of these networks and their members.• Engagement with participants using awareness raising sessions with the DWP; in-office diary dates mediated by DWP; telephone and email updates.• Engagement with existing referral partners in the LEP, authority social work teams, housing contacts, NHS, CHSS, to identify direct referrals and to identify potential beneficiaries who have potentially not engaged with online services.• Direct and indirect engagement of beneficiaries and referral organisations though publicity material, social media activity, community networking, and video engagement. Wider marketing to the family and professional support of our potential beneficiaries.Disabled people and carers can experience significant multi-layered barriers, and this leads to a need for extended, bespoke support, often in the learner’s home, for them to initially engage, stay motivated, overcome those barriers, and achieve their stated outcomes. Delivery at home will be in accordance with both the Scottish Government’s guidance to transitioning out of pandemic restrictions and the Scottish Government’s guidance for the CLD sector. Lead Scotland operates its own risk-assessed processes for its staff for each type of potential in-person engagement.We anticipate the impact will encompass the following overall outcomes:Increasing the number of disabled people and carers who have the skills to regularly access online services associated with health self-management.Reduce disabled people and unpaid carers’ digital and online anxiety and improve their ability to communicate and prompt action to resolve accessibility challenges.Specific outcomes are presented later in this document. |
18/03/2024 |
£67,440 |
The partnership between Centred and Mhor Collective in implementing a digital inclusion program holds the potential for significant positive impact:Creating referral pathways: A primary output of the work would be to establish clear defined and implemented referral pathways with NHS colleagues to offer digital support to those in need. Expanded Access to Mental Health Support: By addressing digital inequality, the partnership will ensure that individuals facing barriers to technology and digital literacy can access mental health resources and support offered by Centred. This expanded access has the potential to reach marginalised communities who may otherwise struggle to access such services. Digital Inclusion Strategy: The unique geography of the Highlands means a tailored, targeted strategy is required, informed by the broad ranging, geographically spread partners and clientele.With a dedicated staff member from Mhor embedded within Centred, a comprehensive digital inclusion strategy focusing on mental health and well-being can be developed. This strategy will be specifically tailored to the needs of Centred's clientele, ensuring it effectively addresses the challenges they face in accessing digital support. Improved Service Provision: The action plan developed as part of the partnership will enable Centred to embed digital practices across its core service provision. This integration of digital tools and resources into their services will enhance the overall effectiveness and reach of their support programs, benefiting individuals seeking mental health assistance.Empowered Peer Network: Through the training provided to digital champions across Centred's peer network, individuals within the community will be empowered to support others in navigating digital platforms and resources related to mental health. This peer-to-peer support model can foster a sense of community and solidarity among individuals facing similar challenges.Accessible Support Services: The establishment of regular digital drop-ins and remote support services ensures that individuals can receive 1:1 assistance in both physical and virtual spaces. This flexibility accommodates varying levels of comfort with technology and ensures that support is accessible to all, regardless of location or mobility.Device Library: The provision of a device library further reduces barriers to access by providing individuals with the necessary tools to engage with digital resources. This resource ensures that lack of access to technology is not a hindrance to receiving mental health support.Device and Data bank: The provision of personalised, individual devices and data packages to ensure those most in need can access digital tools and service when they most need it.The dedicated team member will also provide digital champion support and training for partner organisations further expanding the legacy and sustainability of digital inclusion across the diverse Highland region.Overall, the partnership between Centred , Mhor Collective and the NHS to implement a digital inclusion program has the potential to greatly enhance access to mental health support, empower individuals within the community, and improve the effectiveness of service provision. Although mental health support and improved access will be the focus of the project, it has potential to also improve all aspects of health, with access to a range of health tools and services being activated via digital access. Our timeline(Months 1-3):Planning and Stakeholder Engagement: Conduct meetings with Centred staff, Mhor Collective, and community stakeholders to establish project goals, timelines, and roles. Develop a participatory action research framework collaboratively.Baseline Assessment: Begin data collection for baseline assessment of digital literacy, access to mental health support, and participant needs and preferences.Program Development: Based on baseline assessment findings, design digital inclusion strategies, training modules for digital champions, and plans for digital drop-ins and remote support services.Staff Training: Train Centred staff and Mhor Collective members on participatory action research methods and data collection procedures.(Months 3-9):Full Kick-off: Launch digital inclusion program at Centred. Begin offering training sessions for digital champions and establish regular digital drop-in sessions.Data Collection: Commence data collection for mid-term assessment of program effectiveness and participant experiences.January - March 2025 (Months 10-12):Mid-term Evaluation: Analyse mid-term assessment data and conduct focus groups or interviews with participants to gather qualitative feedback on program impact.Adaptation and Scaling: Based on mid-term evaluation findings, make adjustments to program strategies and services as needed. Develop plans for scaling up program beyond initial implementation phase.Throughout the 12-month period, ongoing communication, collaboration, and reflection will be prioritised to ensure the project remains responsive to the needs and experiences of participants and stakeholders. |
19/12/2023 |
£6,180 |
We would like to set up a device lending library for young people experiencing homelessness, to dovetail in with our existing services of Craigshill Accommodation Project- our ten bedroom hostel for young people aged 16 -25, our Supported Flats Service of ten one and two bedroom flats for young people, and our Community Outreach Service, which provides a range of holistic support services including employment and skills, financial inclusion and support with housing issues, health and wellbeing to over one hundred young people per year.Young People experiencing homelessness often do not have the money to be able to buy their own lap tops or access the internet. We would like to be able to assist them with access to lap tops and wifi when living in our accommodation or when supported by our Community Outreach Service- particularly in relation to education and employment. We are currently setting up as a Scottish Qualification Assessment Centre to enable young people to complete accredited courses and having access to lap tops would be extremely beneficial.Young people would also be able to use the lap tops for other purposes, ensuring they are digitally included. Examples would include searching for a job, longer term accommodation, information on healthcare, accessing social security and assistance and other services of benefit to them.The project will operate out of our head office which is within a local library where we already facilitate workshops and courses and is an ideal environment for encouraging learning and development. |
19/12/2023 |
£5,170 |
Connect Fife (CF) is combating digital exclusion in Fife through a series of homeless prevention and anti-poverty measures. Currently CF: • Provides a free digital support to individuals who are homeless or in crisis in Glenrothes and Levenmouth • Supports 18 charities/organisations spanning the whole of Fife• Supports 5 people per day with digital skills/support and/or connectivity• Over 300 people have received a free SIM card• Has eliminated involuntary digital poverty among its 58 residents at YMCA Glenrothes supported accommodation The lending library will support our work in the community; anti-poverty and homeless prevention work to reduce inequalities and provide opportunities for individuals to become digitally included. This support provided varies with the needs of the individual and the limited resources we operate with. Support can range from:• Affordability• Connectivity• Access to device• Skills• Finding the best deals / Social Tariffs• Making a device more accessibleThese devices will be utilised for those entering their own tenancies, as transitional digital support. This action will provide individuals with support to ensure all their digital needs are met with their own tenancies. This will reduce the chance of people failing in their tenancies, because of lack of communication, support and engagement, thus reducing repeat homelessness. |
13/12/2023 |
£5,000 |
Our research and consultation shows that a significant amount our community remain digitally excluded due to lacking the relevant skills, access, affordable data, lack of devices and confidence. This can lead to people not being aware of the numerous health and well-being initiatives available online. This project will bridge that gap by supporting people to have greater access to and raise awareness of digital services. We will partner with People Know How, (PKH) the UK Ambassadors for the Good Things Foundation and a trusted digital partner which has been delivering digital community digital in Edinburgh since 2022. PKH will engage communities within Leith and North Edinburgh from various community venues and determine the required support needs for our customers. Support sessions will either be in group or on individual settings depending on the scenario. The PKH model will be to take a relational approach when working with our customers building on their strengths to produce a plan of digital support. Our delivery model will: • Provide community engagement activities to consult with local people and raise awareness of the initiative • Consult with existing Places for People support teams (Housing, Digital Inclusion, Social Value Coordinators) and use in-house data to identify people that have already reached out as requiring digital inclusion support • Connect people within local community hubs to bring digital and wellbeing support directly to the grassroots of communities through delivering free weekly drop-in sessions within Leith and north Edinburgh • Provide digital training opportunities (courses, accreditations etc) • Provide a network of digital champions (Tech Befriender volunteers) who will be supported to help increase digital connectivity within their communities • Engage communities through digitally trained People Know How staff and identify the relevant support required (devices, connectivity plans, training/qualification opportunities) • Offer the Scottish SCVO national helpline number for people to contact People Know How’s digital support staff |
11/12/2023 |
£8,945 |
Adaptive to Change Project - is a collaboration with WEA (Workers Educational Association) to bring adult education within reach of everyone who needs it. Unfortunately in our society there is still a belief that education is only available to those who can afford it and too many are missing out on the opportunity to identify with there own potential and academic brilliance. Working in partnership with the WEA will allow us to engage and widen the support that we can offer, whether this be for those who are socially isolated, vulnerable due to age, sex, disability or are a victim of domestic abuse. We will look to encourage and promote learning as an entitlement for all and reduce any barriers or myths along the way, anyone can have a dream but it takes commitment and hard work to believe in yourself enough to make this a reality. Our plan is to support those who want to be open to believing there own potential and encourage others to do so too. There are various courses on offer all supported through the WEA who provide experienced tutors that tailor their approach to the exact needs and interests of their learners. Integrated within this partnership there is scope for learners to develop a fantastic learning network and informal support safety net that on many occasions are with them for life. The courses we are focusing on for the inception of the project are - Science for a Successful Scotland and Supporting Children's Numeracy (this is focused for parents who struggle to help children with there homework) Both courses will run alongside each other and commitment will be 2hrs per week over an 8 week period. We hope that enrolment will be high and we can approach other local community networks to be a host for these course and others that we plan to offer such as journaling for mental health, arts, crafts, history groups and green issues. |
11/12/2023 |
£7,532 |
The project aims to build on the success of earlier bids to Connecting Scotland and the Lintel Trust's Community Wellbeing Fund which saw a number of wi-fi enabled i-Pads deployed for communal tenant use. We aspire to reach out to more of our tenants to expand digital capacity across the service. |
11/12/2023 |
£4,920 |
In November 2022 we secured funding to deliver a new STEM loan kit project. Our Digital Champions delivered 4 familiarisation sessions using emerging technologies for 8 targeted parents/carers of children aged 3-7, and loaned those families STEM kit boxes (including an IPad set up with the required Apps) that supported early years STEM and intergenerational learning at home. Parents were able to develop their digital skills and build confidence in a supportive environment, ensuring they were better able to support and encourage their children’s STEM learning. Feedback from the pilot project was very positive and we have rolled the kit boxes out to some of our branch libraries. However demand continues to exceed capacity. We have sufficient STEM resources to expand the offer, but we do not have additional IPads required. This new service offering meets our national and local priorities regarding bridging the digital divide, reducing the attainment gap, building a better future for our children and young people and tackling the cost of living crisis. The project also provides an opportunity for parents to connect with other parents, tackling social isolation and loneliness, building stronger connections and positively impacting mental health and social wellbeing. |
08/12/2023 |
£8,391 |
Housing are developing an Independent Living Advice Hub in Kirkcaldy linking with many organisations, services and voluntary organisations providing an open door for the community and wider community to access services. The project is linking with Community OT's, Seescape (Fife Society for the Blind) Disabled Persons Housing Service, Community Social Work, Putting People First, Fife, Health and Social Care, Adaptations Services, Fife Cares, and more to deliver a no wrong door approach to accessing services. As part of this approach there will be room pods enabling OT's to carry out assessments for adaptations and offer advice around prevention. We would love to link a tech library to this approach which would provide the opportunity for services to coach and mentor service users to use the devices/tech and discuss the benefits. |
08/12/2023 |
£9,371 |
The idea we have for our project would be to supply a few devices to our Retirement Living Complexes, with many of those tenants being over the age of 65. Statistically speaking, this can be the hardest to reach group in terms of digital inclusion. By providing this service, it would provide the means for these tenants to improve their digital skills. It could also help make life more convenient for them, in terms of how they could communicate with family and friends, access services (such as healthcare), banking and finance and getting involved with Riverside Scotland - to name a few. This would allow them the opportunity to improve their digital skills and become more digitally connected. We have two Retirement Living Complexes, with communal areas where tenants can socialise - this is where we would have devices available for their use. It is hoped that as tenants make use of the devices, that it would also help with socialising within the complexes. As well as this, we would like to offer devices out for loan to tenants who again may be digitally excluded. This would be a massive support to some of our tenants, as we have a Housing First for Families Service which provides wrap around support to families who face challenges sustaining their tenancy. As well as this, many of our mainstream tenants would benefit from this service. It could help with education, searching for work and getting involved with Riverside Scotland - to name just a few benefits. Many of our tenants are housed through the homeless route, with many not having the means to afford access to devices and internet connectivity, this then becomes a further barrier this group faces to improving their lives, either by going into education or securing employment. As well as this, these devices could also assist them with keeping in touch with any support networks they may have, through having internet access. The potential benefits of this service would be massive for so many of our tenants. Riverside Scotland is committed to transforming lives and improving neighbourhoods, by offering a service like this, it would help us achieve these aims. In this day and age, most things can be done online, with it now being the preferred method of carrying out transactions and communicating with many organisations. By providing these devices to households that may previously not have had access to devices and the internet, it opens up so many possibilities for them. This could allow them to improve their digital skills, building skills for tenants to take with them into work, education or just for day to day life. |
08/12/2023 |
£4,994 |
This project will serve to build upon a previous project undertaken by the library service to address three priorities: Tackling Social Isolation, Bridging the Digital Divide, and Addressing economic wellbeing. This previous project, named Making IT real aimed to work alongside community partners such as CLD and local sheltered housing units to provide, within the library, appropriate IT training and support. With additional funding to procure lendable technology, we would expand on these priorities and provide access to devices in Inverclyde Libraries.An expansion of our previous IT project; delivering lendable devices for the community, supports priorities set out in our service’s development plan. We aim to bridge the learning divide in our communities through providing access to a varied and appropriate learning offer and supplementing that learning offer with non-traditional lending collections held in branch. We are pleased to have been the recipient of Scottish Library Information Council funding to develop a catalogue of borrowable toys and games in the library. Through funding by the John Lewis circular economy fund we became one of nine library services to provide a Lend and Mend hub in one of our branches, encouraging users to repair, reuse, and upcycle with the hopes that different items will be kept in use for longer. |
08/12/2023 |
£4,836 |
Versus our aims : During the pandemic, we were one of a handful of UK coding clubs that kept going throughout because we could loan out our laptops and we had on-line video meeting capability. Coding and code clubs failed all over the UK because they were run out of libraries or schools which were shut. We loaned out laptops and equipment throughout that period.We still run the only publicly accessible, regular, reliable coding clubs for young people in Aberdeenshire or Aberdeen. It is why we run with a large fleet of our own machines, but we can only loan these out during school holidays. We currently have one machine loaned on a more permanent basis, as the child concerned cannot access our on-line club otherwise and was a regular until recently.We have a strong belief in inclusivity, it is why we do not charge for our services and provided a quality science club for the home educated. There are enough blocks to children learning these vital digital skills, without money being the cause. (See section on impact for details). |
06/12/2023 |
£10,000 |
We want to enhance existing provision and increase the capacity of local projects and groups, to address poverty, social isolation, and inequality by providing digital inclusion support. Having delivered a successful digital inclusion project, we have extensive experience of how beneficial digital support can be. We understand the importance of digital inclusion to ensure access to essential services, improving quality of life, reducing isolation, and improving financial hardship. The pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis has exacerbated this need and with this grant, we aim to improve digital skills and confidence to ensure participants can utilise digital in a way that will improve their lives. By engaging with participants who are already involved with other activities, we will introduce how digital could enhance these projects. Our experience demonstrates that this approach will spark an interest to learn more about how digital may benefit other areas of participants lives, for example: connecting with friends/family. We work with many groups and organisations across our communities, and with the support of a Digital Inclusion Community Worker, we will reduce social isolation and increase economic prospects. We would seek to employ a community worker with advanced digital skills and knowledge. This will ensure the support will take a community development approach, meaning participants will take the lead in their own learning, and the Digital Inclusion Community Worker can adapt their support to suit the individual. The Worker will Support existing services, and partners to offer additional support, this will be done in two ways: one to one learning and community-based learning.One to one learning will provide tailored support that will build the confidence and skills of those who are more vulnerable, to access services that will benefit them financially and in civic participation e.g. utilising My Glasgow app. The support that individuals could receive include: Accessing and using price comparison sites e.g. car insurance Support to utilise online services such as: energy apps, housing apps, reporting apps Support to use online banking services Support to set up and use online accounts e.g. mygov.comThis approach will support our Energy Advice and Financial Inclusion projects, who will work alongside the Digital Inclusion Community Worker to ensure the individual receives a holistic service. Community based learning will encourage involvement in community activity, reducing isolation and improving quality of life. The support individuals could receive include: Learn new skills by using tutorial apps/websites e.g. YouTube Accessing information and books e.g. Glasgow Library app, TED talks Connecting with family and friends e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp Support to complete online applications and manage employability account Connect with the local communityThis approach will support participants who access our digital hubs in Calton Heritage and Learning Centre, Netherholm Community Hall, our partners at Cranhill Development Trust and Molendinar Community Centre, and our older persons service at Tureen Street hub (all with digital access). We also have a small bank of devices including laptops and I-pads for participants to use. |
05/12/2023 |
£8,624 |
The main aim of this project is to establish a lending library of digital devices across our three sites in Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow. The Veterans that we support are either homeless, at risk of homelessness or in need, and the vast majority have limited means and therefore limited access to digital devices and technology. In the past couple of years, since recruiting an IT manager, we have placed strategic emphasis on Digital Inclusion. Having digitised our organisational systems and processes, we now wish to extend our digital offering further, directly to our residents. We know from working 1-to-1 with our residents that many would be keen to have greater access to digital tools and skills. Some feel socially isolated and live and have complex support needs, and by providing them with better access to digital devices, we feel this will can complement their overall support plan. Our ethos is to enable Veterans to live as independently as they are able, and by giving them better access to iPads and laptops, we feel this can assist and upskill them in a number of ways. Providing Veterans with access to devices in a safe, secure space will enable them to interact better with friends and family, research training and employment opportunities, access other essential support services when necessary, and improve their awareness of events and interests in the community.It would be our intention to provide additional digital support and training where required, and to increase the users’ confidence in navigating online resources. We would also educate users on the importance of security and safe usage. |
05/12/2023 |
£9,025 |
We would like to establish a device lending library for our customers and those in our communities who are digitally excluded (at no cost to them). We aim to develop the library in partnership with TGS in Selkirk. We will aim to match Eildon customers with devices and support, initially focusing on three sheltered developments (one in Galashiels, and two in Hawick), generating opportunities for residents who live there, using the shared spaces in those developments to deliver ‘Computer Clinics’ (delivered by TGS and/or Eildon’s trained Digital Champions) in relaxed café or coffee morning settings. We would look to quickly establish these clinics with residents and then offer this support to the wider 65+ community to come together from our general needs and elderly amenity housing.Additional reach will be achieved by utilising and promoting to tenants the existing ‘Computer Clinic’ based at TGS in Selkirk.Loan length will be person-specific, based on their needs but adhering to the 6-month maximum. |
05/12/2023 |
£6,026 |
We are applying for funding to equip two communal areas and a hub with devices. The devices will be used by clients receiving support from our Homelessness Services in Glasgow. This includes residents living in our two Glasgow Lifehouses (temporary accommodation) who want to become more digitally included and improve their digital literacy. In addition, three devices will be used to support our Housing First clients (people living in more permanent housing but who require support to live independently) at our Salvation Army Corps in Glasgow. This project aims to further enhance existing work delivered by our Employment Plus team in partnership with our Homelessness Services Division to support people who are digitally excluded. Our Employment Plus teams in Glasgow consists of two members of staff who deliver high-quality one-to-one and group support to people seeking employment or seeking to further their existing employment opportunities. Our Homelessness Services Division provides accommodation for people who are experiencing homelessness as well as offering a range of group and individual support aimed at helping people move forward positively and breaking the cycle of homelessness.Ten of the devices will be split between our two Lifehouses (five to Wallace of Campsie & five to William Hunter House), and the other three will be kept with our two Glasgow-based Employment Development Co-ordinators (part of our Employment Plus team) to use on a floating basis with our Housing First clients. The devices at the Lifehouses will be readily available each day (7 days a week) for all to use but locked away safely at night by staff. The majority of our Homelessness Services clients, because of low income, do not have access to digital services, and many, because they have experienced homelessness for a while, have been digitally excluded for some time. Our Employment Plus team have developed an excellent digital inclusion programme for their clients, which they will expand to our Homelessness Services clients. The digital inclusion programme includes all aspects of digital literacy. We start with Digital Foundation skills, moving to Skills for Life and Additional Skills for Work as each participant develops their digital competence. The pace of the course delivery can be adapted to meet the individual needs of our clients, so they don’t feel rushed to progress. In the two Lifehouses, Employment Plus staff will provide weekly group training sessions in communal areas to encourage maximum participation. They will also offer one-to-one sessions to help with bespoke learning needs. Residents will be encouraged to use the devices throughout the week to support their continued learning and to complete required tasks (e.g. job centre check-in and mandatory job searches). Housing First clients will be encouraged to connect with the Employment Plus staff at our Glasgow City Corps (church and community hub) close to the city centre. Employment Plus already runs a service from this location, and Housing First clients seeking out and attending local services is part of their support plan. Wi-Fi connectivity is available at all locations. |
05/12/2023 |
£4,986 |
We currently run a digital drop in suite and lending library where the local community members can access laptops to be used within our premises or as part of a rental scheme to be used in the individuals own home for a period of up to 6 months. Our existing laptops are several years old now and are no longer fit for purpose so this fund would allow us to replace them.The devices allow our community the ability to access support for digital learning (staff support either one on one or as part of a group setting), they can also use the devices on their own either within the centre or at home. Examples of the benefits of this service include the use of laptops to attend NHS appointments, applications to DVLA, job hunting, training courses and general upskilling.Newmains is in the top 5% of the SIMD 2020, with nearby areas in the top 1%. This can cause implications for households in terms of affording laptops and/or internet at home and having fair representation in the job market. Our drop in suite and lending library assists in preventing digital exclusion within the community. |
05/12/2023 |
£3,382 |
As part of our core ethos, we support the community through accessible, inclusive and high-quality arts education. In line with this commitment, we founded Stills School in 2018, our year-round, innovative photography school designed for young people aged 16-25 facing barriers to the arts (i.e. poverty, exclusion, chronic health, stigma). While we receive referrals from community partners in Edinburgh's deprived areas (i.e. Young Carers, Skills Development Scotland, Multicultural Family Base, Barnardo’s, Thistle Foundation), we know there are still challenges for vulnerable youth to engage with these groups. To address this, we piloted School-in-a-Box this year, which serves as a remote version for those unable to attend in-person, as well as an accessible entry point before formally applying.Partnering with Midlothian Young People's Advice Service for the pilot, School-in-a-Box has gained popularity, but limited resources pose a constraint. Currently, we have one iPad available for lending short-term, hindering widespread participation. An iPad or iPhone is essential for the box. Acquiring additional iPads and Mifi dongles will significantly enhance our capacity to deliver this programme. It will also provide in-person School participants with devices to access independent learning at home between classes (the original purpose of the iPad over the last approx 5 years). |
05/12/2023 |
£4,992 |
The GDA Connects project is a fully accessible digital inclusion project, which to date has supported hundreds of disabled people to receive significant digital equipment (iPads, tablets, laptops, computers, smartphones), internet access, and phone coaching to learn to use their device with confidence. We have supplied a further 300 digital accessories to support access, such as Bluetooth speakers, headphones, Eyegaze software, Apple Pencils, styluses, external keyboards, mice, cables, webcams, and wheelchair clamps. We have had in-depth conversations about the digital needs of almost 1,000 disabled people, and supported many others to learn to use their existing technology. Hundreds of members have been, and continue to be, assisted to join our weekly online learning classes on Zoom.The Connects project contributes towards GDA’s aims by developing disabled people’s confidence, connection and ability to contribute. Enabling members to access Mi-Fi devices, and therefore the internet, means that disabled people are able to stay in touch with others and local services, and participate in GDA activities even if they can’t leave the house. Many members are unable to afford the cost of broadband, so supplying data enables them to stay connected with friends, family, their local community and wider society. |
05/12/2023 |
£4,963 |
Device lending currently supports our aims by ensuring that in an ever-increasing digital world and economy that no-one where possible falls through the gaps and cracks for support in tackling and mitigating against the challenges and barriers of digital exclusion and isolation to support those identified in needing help to access equipment and the internet, which our clients are unable to afford. We have rolled out our online learning centre across the region so that those most in need can benefit, highlighting the need for digital inclusion and supporting the development of digital skills utilising our digital champions to ensure devices are set-up and tailored to meet the needs of the individuals currently using these and that any support is person-centred. Full training is provided to those that require support and we utilise the many programmes and tools we can access as a Microsoft Partner and across our networks linking and providing support across a range of topics including money guiders, money worries and financial management / budgeting, benefits / social security, training whether basic, general or advanced to meet the needs of the individual, employment and employability, wellbeing, support services, digital services to support equality and quality of life. |
04/12/2023 |
£4,885 |
High Life Highland Adult Learning provides a range of learning activities in communities across Highland which include help with everyday life skills such as reading, writing, using numbers, English as a second language and digital literacy. Digital skills are vitally important for many aspects of everyday life and include: communicating using digital technology, handling information digitally and online, problem solving with digital technology and transacting online. Living in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly dependent on the use of digital technologies such as the internet, social media and personal mobile devices, is making digital literacy skills essential. Individuals with low digital literacy skills are at a higher risk of being left behind in society in ways that compromise their quality of life, and even their basic health and safety. HLH Adult Learning supports learners to take their first steps in digital skills learning and progress towards competency in digital skills for everyday life contexts. Learners can choose to participate in dedicated digital skills short courses or to embed digital skills learning to advance their learning in other areas such as literacy, numeracy and language. This project will also support the delivery of a new Digital Skills Partnership between HLH Libraries, Adult Learning services and Mhor Collective with a view to ensuring equitable access to digital devices for all communities. The partnerships will also work with HLH Leadership colleagues to develop opportunities for young leaders, linking with secondary schools. HLH Libraries staff will be offered Digital Champions training by Mhor Collective so that front line staff feel more confident answering customer questions and signposting them to learning. |
04/12/2023 |
£2,460 |
Lack of access to up-to-date technology is one of the many barriers that children and young people from low-income homes face in trying to fully access their education. VTO's Home Tuition service provides a dedicated volunteer tutor to each young person who is behind their peers in school and who is unable to afford to pay for private tutoring. Around 60% of this tutoring is provided online; VTO maintains a commitment to supporting our pupils who need online tuition by ensuring that lack of a suitable device or internet connection is not a barrier to accessing tutoring from us. Since online tutoring began with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, VTO has been operating a device loan scheme to provide access for our young people to equipment such as laptops, tablets and drawing tablets wherever they are needed. The demand for devices remains high, and is exacerbated by the cost of living crisis. This funding will ensure that we can maintain adequate stocks of devices for new referrals to our service. |
04/12/2023 |
£4,860 |
Our current Digital Inclusion Programme offers tenants access to tablets, connectivity and providing 1:1 tuition. This funding bid supports the heart of PKCs Digital Strategy ‘People have access, within easy to reach community spaces, to internet-enabled devices, connectivity and help to get online’ as digitalisation is an essential social function. • Tenancy Sustainment – Provides knowledge, skills and guidance to manage online bills, access online financial support, access to benefit portals and PKC self service app to manage rent and arrears payments. • Tackling Poverty – building digital skills and confidence has allowed tenants to explore different employment, training and volunteering opportunities as well as offering a financial break through access to devices and connectivity. • Health & Wellbeing – PKC offer a range of Health & Wellbeing services and activities for all ages which are promoted online. Offering digital access allows tenants to identify suitable resources as well as providing the skills to reduce social isolation and increased connectivity to family and community. • Education – by offering digital devices to families this supports PKCs Raising the Attainment strategy to ensure all children and families reach their potential, improve health & wellbeing and employability skills on leaving school through accessing online schoolwork and enhanced word processing skills. |
04/12/2023 |
£10,000 |
We will support local people dropping into our click and connect Learning Centre weekdays Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm. We have staff based in the Learning centre throughout these hours. LC has 16 pcs and access to the printer and paper.Run Skills Academy course for 10 participants 3 times per year [2 hrs X 10 sessions X 3 times per year]The skills academy topics include these 10 sessions although we can tailor to the needs of new groups e.g. some people have asked for more sessions from Life Links• IT skills - CDT• Employability session - CDT• Welfare session - CDT• First Aid – Glasgow Kelvin College• Personal safety – Police Scotland• Fire safety – Fire and Rescue• Mental health – Life Links• Cooking session – CDT• Addictions – Scottish Drugs Forum• Housing – local housing associationsAll subsequent Skills Academy courses will have peer support volunteers working alongside the main tutors.Building on the above course we will run a weekly 'Roll and Scroll' session for participants who have already completed the Skills Academy course. [2 hours X 8 participants per weekly session. These sessions have come about following the pilot skills academy where participants didn’t want the programme to end and so we have agreed to provide continued support in the learning centre supported by a member of our team. We will provide a roll from the café and supported access to pcsNew weekly beginners IT class – [6 participants X 2 hours X ongoing while there is demand] in partnership with Glasgow LifePhone connections - Over the past 12 months we have issued 198 sims to 158 people – 6 months unlimited calls – 40GB data monthly. We will continue to provide this service to those who need it throughout the funded period.Through a partnership with West of Scotland Housing Association we can provide those in need with access to refurbished phones. We can also provide support to anyone who needs help using a phone and have provided our older adults with phones with large button for ease of use.Depending on need we can work in group sessions but also provide 1-1 support if required. |
04/12/2023 |
£10,000 |
For this project Budding Engineers CIC will look to deliver an essential digital skills training programme which consists of several workshops offering the following skillsThe introduction to using digital technologies, such as using a browser, how to connect to the internet, and keeping passwords secure. Highlighting the importance of security online Emails and importance of being scammed, looking out for scams, what to do and what not to do. Raising awareness of the dangers of the internet. Understanding that not everything online is reliable and secure. Basic ICT Skills, word processing, spreadsheets, a simple introduction to using an office suite such as LibreOffice. Creating adaptable creative digital lessons in 3D Design and Digital technology, teaching, and explaining what we are doing and why, so that they are understanding the processes and not just following a series of clicks.We want to develop, help, and enhance the strengths and skills to both Young People. Our programme has been made, making it engage, fun and a real benefit to those attending. It will be creative, inclusive, and designed for the interests, abilities, and learning styles and address digital exclusion.Many of the groups we are looking to offer these workshops too, don’t have much social interaction, they also lack employment opportunities due to their high anxiety and therefore such struggle to get a job. We would like to see if we can break this barrier by introducing new skills that will hopefully help them obtain the digital skills need, also build their self-confidence, and enhance their problem-solving skills.We will also look to deliver a digital skills training programme which consists of several workshops introducing 3D Design, 3DPrinting and teaching some transferable skills using 3D design software applications, especially an introduction to Rhino 3D which is used by many Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Footwear Designers, Marine Engineers and much more, therefore teaching them real work skills that is used widely in Industry and Manufacturing. We will also be working in a visual programming environment. |
04/12/2023 |
£10,000 |
Cosgrove Care would like to deliver 4 blocks of a 10 week programme for adults with learning disabilities , autism and additional needs to develop their skills, confidence and connectivity around digital skills. These groups will help us embed digital skills for people we support improving their abilities to connect with the other groups and activities they attend and participate in. The focus will be to help people connect with others and with their local community to reduce isolation and loneliness and improve connections and networks safely within their local community. We want to ensure that supported people develop the skills to improve their digital skills safely and to connect with other supported people that form part of the the network of groups and activities that Cosgrove currently provides. We know that those with learning disabilities, autism and additional needs face many challenges associated with loneliness and isolation- including an increased risk of mental health issues and poor physical health outcomes and that many also live on reduced incomes with less opportunities for engaging with others. Through the pandemic, we saw the benefit of moving activities online, creating closed facebook groups and helping people with additional needs access equipment. Digital Champions will build on the successes of this work and enhance skills further, building and sustaining friendships and helping people we support to connect with services and support locally safely. We will focus on safety, building confidence and helping those we support access extra help and resources to support them through the cost of living crisis. We will connect our groups- art, drama, yoga and wellbeing online so that those who access support and services can keep connected, share their experiences, work and ideas. This approach worked well during lockdown and Digital Champions will build on that by providing a 10 week, weekly programme for up to 20 people which we will run four times, giving 80 people the opportunity to increase their skills, confidence and connections. Digital Champions will be delivered at our newly created digital zone space in Giffnock and we will provide support to get to/from the group. We will engage a digital tutor and connect in sessional staff and volunteers to support this work. The group will take the form of a combination of group and 1:1 support with each participant. The group will last two hours and focus on email, using apps safely, using and understanding social media, connecting with Cosgrove's groups and local services, and staying safe online. |
30/11/2023 |
£53,407 |
The Alcohol and Drug Problem Solving Court (ADPSC) service is a new and unique pilot project and is supported by the Corra Foundation, South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) and South Lanarkshire Council. The ADPSC will go live in November 2023 with the Alcohol and Drug Problem Solving Court Peer Mentor Service starting in early 2024. Both services are aligned with the public health approach to justice delivery plan with overarching principles of early intervention and prevention. The ADPSC will start incrementally in November 2023 with expectation of of a fortnightly dedicated structured deferred sentence court operating from February 2024. Individuals that meet the following criteria will be considered for inclusion in the pilot:• aged between 21-55 years,• previously been subject to a CPO / custody / diversion from prosecution or are at risk of custody,• have a drug use dependency or regular use that contributes to offending (this can include alcohol but not solely), • are motivated to engage with a structured deferred sentence for between 3-6 months but in some cases it may be extended to 9 months (length of deferment is set by the Sheriff) and undertake an appropriate treatment plan.Integration into recovery communities will be facilitated by commissioned Peer Mentors who will also work in collaboration with Recovery Oriented Services with lived experience such as the Beacons, Liber8, Turning Point, The GIVIT and My Support Day. Participants will be asked to engage with counselling, treatment, regular supervision and attend monthly review hearings before the Sheriff. The Recovery Oriented Justice Service (ROJS) will support delivery of the ADPSC in South Lanarkshire. This team will comprise 0.5 Team Leader, 2 Social Workers, 0.8 Band 6 nurse and 3.5 peer mentors (from third sector). The overall implementation of this project will be coordinated and supervised by the dedicated operations manager to ensure all partners work closely to deliver agreed aims and objectives of ADPSC. Currently Justice Social Work Reports requested by the court are completed by locality social workers. Where individuals are identified as suitable for Structured Deferred Sentence (SDS) they will be transferred to the ADPSC and a court review set for two weeks. Peer mentors will meet the individual at court and take them directly to the centralised ROJS based in High Patrick Street for work on the ADPSC SDS to commence on the same day. The intention is that a care plan and case management plan will be agreed with the individual and available for their first court review, with update/progress reports being provided at subsequent reviews. Additional opportunities will also be provided to the families of individuals appearing in the ADPSC for them to seek support from the dedicated ROJS which will work in partnership with ADP commissioned services. This is another unique feature of this service provision and will promote the ethos of whole system approach within SLC. In terms of digital inclusion it is envisaged that peer mentors will be best placed to support the practicalities of this aspect, whilst the social worker will have the responsibility to ensure that a digital package (based on the individual’s needs and situation) is part of the overall treatment and support plan. We would expect the team leader, social workers and peer mentors, admin support, nurse, partnership workers to be trained as Digital Champions. The day-to-day coordination of the digital inclusion work will be managed by the dedicated admin support worker to maintain records of distributed items to individuals and log of their usage and ongoing training and support needs. As the project develops, we would anticipate that the skills in respect of digital inclusion from a relapse prevention perspective would be shared with other justice teams such as the Drug Treatment and Testing Order Team, and Justice Throughcare.Peer Mentor core responsibilities include: • one to one practical support and evidence-based interventions to establish routines and build links with community and other services • maintain contact with individuals during the period of their SDS• build connections with family and link with other relevant services • provide welfare and lapse management support• complete Outcome Star or similar• keep accurate case records• contribute to/attend meetings and provide progress updates• attend court as and when required to support individuals• escort individuals to the court and treatment locations Digital inclusion would be embedded into the work of peer mentors to support integration into recovery communities, promote access to and engagement with services such as DWP to reduce risk of benefits being suspended, access to health information and services to promote health and wellbeing, and access to education/training/employability services. All these duties carried out by the ROJS will be in line with the harm reduction approach and will promote social inclusion, welfare work, prompt access to treatment and reduction in reoffending. Most importantly the monthly court reviews will add additional dimension to keep individuals motivated whilst on SDS and assist them to make positive life-style changes. |
29/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
Digibite is a project which promotes connectedness through technology and exploring digital technology. The project is an expansion on our exiting range of digital learning opportunities but will have a specific focus on meeting the needs of local families from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds living in the North Glasgow Communities whilst using Technology as a means of connecting families and community members together. Our project will be a community led project aimed at families and individuals in the community to enhance their digital skills and connectivity through range of digital equipment such as: laptops, mobile devices, tablets, cameras and AI generated tech. Our project will be operated from our existing IT facility and promote digital learning development for parents, grand parents, children and young people in an effort to connect parents with their children during process of learning. In addition to promoting inter family connection/relations in response to community need, this project will use the technology to strengthen connectedness amongst families and community members in society reducing isolation. Through the promotion of connected communities and collaborative learning we are actively promoting the foundation for long term community resilience and problem solving. In addition, by upskilling members of the community across a range of age and demographics, we are promoting confidence, self esteem, improving mental health, language & social skills and employability all of which are fundamentals to securing long term employment and volunteering roles within the community reducing which challenges poverty. The project will run twice per week and will be supported by our IT tutor and support staff/volunteers to provide support, guidance and structure to the learning opportunities. The project will also include a meal for children and families recognising the time of the delivery and in response to food poverty as one of the top reasons for non-engagement. Each session will last for 1.5 hours. |
29/11/2023 |
£9,850 |
The objective of this project will be to empower parents with the necessary digital skills and tools to support their children's homework and learning. Within Renfrew children's homework is delivered through an app called seesaw where children and families are expected to complete a minimum of three online topics per week in relation to English, Mathematics and Problem Solving. The families that we work with have identified significant barriers due to digital skills gaps in being able to support their children in completing their homework which has lead to their children being given into trouble for incomplete homework. Families also can't afford the necessary equipment, a tablet is required to undertake this homework successfully. Our project will work in partnership with the schools where workers will be given access to the online homework that is going to be delivered throughout the year. Workers will deliver workshops for parents on how to use a tablet, how to download the app, how to navigate their way around the app and any other resources that coincide with that, i.e. YouTube, children's gaming apps etc. We want to provide digital literacy training sessions for parents to improve their skills and knowledge. We also want to create a supportive and welcoming environment for parents to use technology and build their confidence in using it. We will run 60 minute workshops twice a week and also provide one to one support. |
29/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
YMCA Glenrothes started digital inclusion work in August 2020, by operating a tablet loan programme for all residents. In July 2022, through the local Public Service Partnership, YMCA Glenrothes received funds to trial a project for digital inclusion to reduce and prevent homelessness. This project supported 4 homeless organisations. Success of this year long trial (The Fife Digital Support Trial) led to a renewal of funding for 2023-2024. The initial phase of YMCA Glenrothes digital inclusion work was focussed on access. A large barrier for clients was lack of internet access and no mobile phone. By April 2023, YMCA Glenrothes had eliminated involuntary digital poverty for all residents who call the accommodation home. Every resident has access to fast Wi-Fi, a device, and digital support. The themes of our digital skills support cover two categories, hobbies/interests, life digital skills. Some examples below, cover some of the work we carry out or have carried out in the past, which we can integrate a digital element to. We encourage all residents and staff to get involved in sessions. Life digital skills themes include: Using a device Money management [e.g. online banking, paying bills] Internet safety and security Emails CV writing Health and Wellbeing Social MediaHobbies/Interests: Researching [e.g. family trees, history, sports] Gaming Blogging/Vlogging Podcasts Photography Cooking Gardening Fitness Woodwork MoviesResidents at YMCA Glenrothes have the choice on how they want to be supported, whether this is 1-2-1, group sessions, or peer networks. A large proportion of our current and previous work has focused on access to the digital world, and 1-2-1 support on those who have identified needs. We hope to encourage our residents to move from 1-2-1 support to group sessions when they feel comfortable, so they can meet other residents and form connections with individuals experiencing similar life events; to make the experience less daunting and lonely.Individuals needing digital support can access it in an area they feel comfortable. This could be in a communal area, a local community centre, over the phone [through video, emails, texts, calls], or if they have been moved to one of our YMCA shared flats in the community, at home. We limit sessions to 1 hour at a time (unless there is a serious digital issue that needs addressing e.g. scams), and we deliver them weekly. For more formal digital skills sessions we hope to engage the individual in sessions for 6 months. At the end of a 6 month period, the individual should feel confident with their digital skills and at a stage where they could volunteer their time to support others with digital skills if they so wished. |
28/11/2023 |
£9,960 |
Our ‘ICT for All’ project delivers tailored training and support in the use of accessible technology and digital devices to those living with serious sight and/or hearing loss or impairment – whether they were born deaf or blind, have lost all their sight or hearing, have developed serious vision or hearing problems, or are losing their sight and/or hearing. In all cases, finding ways to effectively self-manage life with a sensory impairment, personal to each individual, is vital for their emotional and physical wellbeing and to ensure they can participate in society. It should be noted that we were previously awarded funding in support of one aspect of this service – the launch of our ICT training for sensory impaired people in Dundee in February 2017. Please note that this application is for our entire ‘ICT for All’ project, which is now available to people living with serious sight and/or hearing loss living in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Dundee, Angus and Moray. This application also covers the vital role which this project plays in supporting sensory impaired people of working age who are engaging with our NESS Employment Service, and need digital skills, training and support to enable them to complete job searches, compile CVs, and complete online job applications. We therefore believe that this application is for an extension of the work which was previously funded. Our ICT training and support is delivered on a one-to-one basis, and is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Assessment and training are delivered from our accessible Resource Centres (in Aberdeen, Dundee and Elgin), at venues used for our social and activity groups and by our Employment Service, and in individuals’ own homes – of particular benefit to the elderly, and others with restricted mobility. The aim of our ‘ICT for All’ Project is to increase independence, economic security and inclusion in people living with serious sight and/or hearing loss or impairment.As with all our services, our ‘ICT for All’ project is person-centred; each individual has different training needs and therefore will have a unique experience of the service, with outcomes personal to them. However, our overall aim and objectives are:Overall aim: Service users will sustain and improve their level of independence through the use of digital technology devices.Objectives: People with sensory loss will increase their knowledge of technology and digital devices. People with sensory loss will make use of technology to address communication and lifestyle issues. People with sensory loss will do more things independently as a result of using technology. |
28/11/2023 |
£9,850 |
During lockdown in covid, Milan as a leading organisation in delivering vital and registered Health Care services was permitted to visit both older people and unpaid carers in their homes to eliminate isolation as well as deliver digital participation projects.We delivered around 200 devices and our digital champions supported people to become digitally active and get connected online. This came to an end when lockdown finished, and services reopened and leaving a gap in this work. We have identified a much bigger need for digital skills within the South Asian communities, especially older people and unpaid carers to be digitally active and confident for the digital world. This is due to lack of awareness due to language and poor literacy barriers and lack of confidence, knowing only the bare minimum. We are aware of the barriers that effect our community from coming forward to access support and have the resources to overcome this and support people in their community languages without them feeling insecure.We aim to deliver much needed work to ensure that people whose first language is not English are supported. We actively work and deliver services to people regardless of age, faith, disability as often these are people most in need and at risk of slipping the net for support.Milan has an excellent link with the wider community and has built a good trustable relationship through the work we deliver. We are well placed to do this project to ensure our communities are digitally active without feeling stigmatised due to age, disability and lack of knowledge.Through this project we will deliver group work and one to one support for those that require that extra help to get online and be digitally connected. We will deliver the following basic topics and progress to what people want to learn as they become confident to get online. Getting to know your device or smartphone Getting started with email How to stay in touch with family near and far How to make video calls Access the news in English and community languages Access and navigate channels like YouTube, Facebook etcHow to set up online banking and remain safe How to shop online or book travel tickets and holidays for better deals How to connect to what’s happening near and around you, ie events, etc How to order online prescriptions and manage health online How to order online groceries How to pay bills online How to access public services and government websites how to make claims online to promote income maximisation How to make or update CV’s How to apply for jobs and volunteering opportunities How to download apps safely We will do competitions and quizzes to see progress in a fun and interactive way |
28/11/2023 |
£9,322 |
GGG's digital inclusion cafes will support 150 older people (55+) to navigate one of the most challenging economic crises in recent memory. The pandemic showed us that access to digital forms of communication wasn't available or accessible to everyone. Since 2022, our digital inclusion team has delivered a programme of digital cafes at our two day centres across the city, supporting older people to get online and use smartphones and/or tablets. The team demonstrate how to search online for energy advice, advise on financial scams, how to find the best energy deals, and set up email so that they can receive newsletters, such as Martin Lewis. Volunteers from Scottish Power Energy Network and Sky will visit the cafes to give talks and meet 1-1 with the older people. Members of the GGG welfare team will also visit the cafes regularly to ensure that attendees are aware of the latest benefits guidance and offer 1-1 benefits assessment to each attendee. At the end of each café, a warm bowl of soup and sandwiches are served. As well as learning new skills, older people will be able to socialize, build new friendships and feel part of a community once again. With your support, we will deliver the following:90 digital cafes at the Sky Hub, Fred Paton Centre.Each block lasts for 12 weeks and 3 - 6 older people will attend each block.Each group session will last for one hour and will be delivered by a GGG Digital Inclusion Officer, supported by a network of corporate volunteers (Sky, SPEN, Lloyds). All attendees will be at different skill levels with regards to their digital capability. As such, the programme delivery is led by attendees. At the start of each session attendees are asked what they would like to learn/discuss. Recent sessions have included how to keep safe online, setting up email, using iPlayer. Although blocks last roughly 12 weeks, participants are welcome to continue to attend the digital cafes to further develop their skills.45 digital cafes at the David Cargill Centre.Each block lasts for 12 weeks and 10 - 15 older people will attend each block.Each group session will last for one hour and will be delivered by a GGG Digital Inclusion Officer, supported by a network of corporate volunteers (Sky, SPEN, Lloyds). As with the digital cafes at the Sky Hub, attendees are welcome to continue with the class after 12 weeks to further develop their skills.90 drop-in sessions at the Sky Up Hub, Fred Paton Centre.1 - 3 older people will benefit from 1-1 support in each drop-in session.Older people are welcome to drop in to the Sky Hub with any problems they may be having, for example, help setting up a new mobile phone or problems accessing email.52 weekly online ‘blethers’ (virtual chat).A weekly Zoom call with older people, facilitated by a member of GGG support staff. The 'blether' was set up during the pandemic and the participants have continued to benefit from weekly catch ups. Friendships have been forged and the group met for the first time in person at the Sky Hub in 2022.6 welfare advice sessions delivered at the Sky Hub, Fred Paton Centre.6 welfare advice sessions delivered at the David Cargill Centre |
28/11/2023 |
£9,589 |
DigiPals project aims to increase social connectivity and improve the wellbeing of deafblind people most of whom live with progressive sight/hearing loss and people with single sensory loss at risk of second sensory loss through support for digital technology skills development. It will increase participants’ understanding/confidence in using digital technology enabling them to make the most of their existing technology devices, try out other recommended devices and increase their abilities to access information important to them.Our Right to Dream Strategy has 7 priorities with cross-cutting theme of Growing Peer Leadership. One of the strongest themes is supporting people early in transition to a second sensory loss. People have recounted harrowing stories of finding their way through transitions on their own. Having modified Deafblind Scotland’s (DbS) Governing documents to include people with a single sensory loss at risk of a second sensory loss, DbS proactively reached out to people at risk of a second sensory loss alongside deafblind people. The central aim of DbS transitional work is to support people emotionally through what can be a distressing experience whilst providing practical assistance to find new coping strategies and adjusted living skills; making it possible to continue to experience a vibrant life of choice.The DigiPals project will complement our SensAble Project - Improving Transitions for people acquiring a second sensory loss. This project provides an early intervention focus helping people to retain as much of their existing coping strategies, skills, and support networks as possible but also to adapt and learn new ways of navigating the world. A key part of SensAble is to facilitate access to peer mentors that can walk alongside people as they transition into and through second sensory losses, helping them to imagine a hopeful future. The DigiPals Project will deliver skills development digital cafes and one-to-one peer digital sessions. This will enable people transitioning through dual sensory loss to maximise the benefits of digital technology including helpful/useful apps. Digitally competent members will support fellow members to improve their technology skills/knowledge. They will provide advice, practical support and sharing knowledge on digital technology for members who prefer a one-to-one approach. Where members live in more remote areas or where more appropriate sessions can be provided by upskilled Guide Communicators staff members. In skills development digital cafes, participants will be supported by their peers sharing tips and advice to ensure they are getting the most out of any existing devices. They will also be introduced to other devices recommended by their peers that may suit their needs. Participants will have access to our technology lending library to try out different technology devices. Participants will be made aware/increase their understanding of helpful/useful apps including:- • Be My Eyes: App that connects blind people with sighted volunteers who can help them with tasks in real-time.• OneStep Reader App: App that reads virtually any text aloud.• TapTapSee: App that identifies objects through photos.• Cash Reader: App that identifies money.• Lazarillo App: App that provides navigation assistance. |
28/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
Last year Options in Life purchased a large building in Fife which is being renovated and opening as an Education and Training Centre for people with learning disabilities and their families. The building is on three floors, inside will be a training kitchen, a cafeteria, an IT classroom, a classroom set up for mixed activity, a sensory room, a social room, activity/event space and the car park to the rear of the building is being partially converted into a learning garden. The IT classroom is currently being refurbished and will be set up to teach IT literacy and multi-media. The Charity already owns a wide range of digital equipment including Laptops, desktop computers, i-pads, printers/scanners, digital cameras and a SMART board. The refurbishment of the IT room is expected to complete by November/December 2023 and classes will begin in January 2024. It is a priority of the Charity to improve the digital skills of our users and that is a critical part of our strategy to support their independence. In a world with an ever growing reliance on technology it is vitally important that our beneficiaries become capable users of digital devices and applications. For that reason, we intend to use digital equipment heavily across all classes. Each week we will be running the following classes: • 4x IT/multimedia workshops per week (10 attending each workshop)• 7x mixed classes per week (art/photography/music/life-skills/craft..etc) (15 attending each class)• 5x cookery classes per week (10 attending each class)• 3x gardening based activities per week during spring/summer (10 attending each class)Our IT workshops will train our beneficiaries to become confident and competent with the digital devices used in all classes, also with their devices at home and will support inclusive digital participation in the community. We are asking the Digital Participation Charter Fund to contribute towards the cost of running our IT workshops in 2024. There will be 4 workshops each week, run on different days and will teach different content relevant to the ability levels of each class. The project supports social inclusion, independence and active community participation by teaching a wide range of digital skills that are commonly called upon to fulfil each of these outcomes. The content will cover a range of subject matter to meet this objective and we will regularly invite external professionals in to contribute to the content. Some examples of the topics we will cover include, identifying fraudsters online, keeping personal details safe, ordering groceries online, social media, online chat websites safety, using QR codes, paying for goods with a bankcard, mobile applications, using self-service screens in fast food stores/supermarkets, using Office software (to create CVs, writing job and housing applications etc) and much more. We will also be involving our users in the creation of an easy to understand “how to guide” that will help anyone to navigate the online world and digital services. The guide will be in various formats, written, picture instructions and videos. |
28/11/2023 |
£9,840 |
Our Click and Connect project is aligned with the focus of this fund, which aims to enhance Rosewell Development Trusts capacity to integrate digital skills support into our day-to-day services. The activities we will implement complement our existing support and promote digital skills development. Here are the details regarding the type of digital activities, training, support, delivery methods, and how this expands on our current delivery:Click and Connect provides a structured programme covering essential digital skills, including using Microsoft Word, internet browsing, sending and receiving emails, use of Apps and online communication platforms such as ZOOM. Participants have the opportunity to learn about online research, access local news and events, Job Search and explore online shopping. The training is designed to cater to participants with varying levels of experience, ensuring that it is accessible to both beginners and those looking to enhance their existing skills.Digital Engagement and Skill Development:Click and Connect will meet the following objectives:• Provide pre-employment assistance and ongoing support for individuals already in the workforce to help them maintain their employment.• Enhance opportunities for gaining qualifications and improving skill sets.• Support in accessing job opportunities or apprenticeship programmes.• Deliver employability support, including assistance with CVs and cover letters, sector-specific guidance, application and interview support, job search techniques, and support for improving communication and digital literacy.Delivery Approach:Click and Connect sessions are held weekly and consist of both group sessions and one-on-one support. Group sessions cover core topics, while one-on-one support allows for personalised assistance and skills development. The use of four laptops and three tablets, in addition to our existing community computer and tablet resources, will ensure that participants have hands-on access to technology during training sessions. |
28/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
We have recently created a new Creative Digital Collaborative Space in our building. We want to deliver a new Digital and Enterprise Support Programme in this new facility to support residents to learn digital skills and develop enterprise opportunities. We want to run two, 2-hour drop-in sessions for 40 weeks in our Digital Collaborative Space. Sessions will be delivered by our Digital Inclusion Lead and pen to anyone who wants to improve their digital skills and increase their confidence using digital technologies. We will also provide additional support to people who are interested in starting their own business but who lack the digital skills or know-how to do so. The sessions will be run in small groups on a drop-in basis. Sessions will be tailored to learning outcomes which meet participants’ individual requirements rather than based on a set curriculum. Previous participants have told us that they prefer this model of learning as it reduces the pressure which they can feel in more formal educational settings. This approach will make the sessions more relevant to individual needs, more applicable to the knowledge and skills of the participants and lead to a more satisfying learning experience. It is not possible to confirm at this stage which topics will be included in the programme as the syllabus will be directed by participants, but from previous digital projects we anticipate topics will range from basic digital skills, setting up an email, how to use equipment, dealing with errors and broken equipment, job seeking, filling out online forms such as benefit applications and updating journals, cloud storage technologies, social media and more. This would be supported by a 2-hour outreach session once a week at Clovenstone Community Centre. Outreach sessions will focus on basic digital skills with the aim of encouraging participants to attend the sessions based in our building where they can access more in-depth support. Delivering outreach sessions in different venues across Wester Hailes which are used and trusted by the local community will reduce barriers to access and help people who are digitally excluded feel comfortable and relaxed. Sessions will use WHALE’s own equipment as we are aware that many of our participants lack access to digital equipment, relying on their smart phones which are not always suitable for more formal work-related tasks. We would also like to hold two expert led sessions where a professional will work with the participants who are most interested in developing their business ideas, for instance helping them to design a logo for marketing or information on creating a website. |
28/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
We wish to expand upon our Digital Inclusion Service (DIS) work by extending our support to deaf people (with any level of deafness) living across the Central Belt, which will help improve their digital skills for work and life. The experiences of the pandemic highlighted the digital divide for deaf people and reinforced how crucial digital skills are to empowering them to achieve their full potential and be active citizens. Our DIS currently focuses on supporting deaf clients in Edinburgh and the Lothians to develop essential digital skills. This project will broaden our services to cater to deaf people across the Central Belt including Glasgow, where we have seen increasing referrals and demand. While our main focus has been on digital skills for employability, there is also need for one-to-one support and group sessions for long-term learners who are not necessarily seeking employment, but benefit from digital learning to reduce social isolation and acquire practical skills. Our clients often experience poverty or social isolation, while some need ongoing tuition to support them through college, work, or other learning. Our clients often learn through rote memorisation of apps and symbols, making their learning process different from those who can hear. The internet primarily relies on written language, which can be challenging for individuals with limited English proficiency (e.g. English-speaking deaf people who often have large vocabulary gaps). Young adults and older clients have distinct learning needs, requiring repetitive support over time. Given the specific learning and communication needs of our clients, our Digital Inclusion Officer (DIO) will mainly provide one-to-one tuition with some group sessions for goal-orientated upskilling. Drop-in slots will be available, offering ad hoc informal learning support for general upskilling. We have offices in both Edinburgh and Glasgow to provide in-person support.As clients have varying levels of need, we do not expect to work with every client for the same amount of time. The minimum duration of support for each client will usually be 3 months. Due to the various challenges deaf people face, we typically see fewer clients however more intensively. Having many longer-term clients, our focus is on quality of outcome, rather than quantity of support.Our project will offer clients:*Essential digital skills aligned with government standards*An adapted version of the SCVO questionnaire for goal tracking*Utilisation of Learn My Way*Tailored instruction based on individual work readiness, including specific digital skills for employment (e.g. online job searches, word processing, Outlook, BrightHR)With our specialist knowledge we are also best-placed to develop skills for using specialised deaf applications/adaptions to technology, such as:*Relay UK (text relay)*Contact Scotland*SignVideo*EmergencySMS*Text-to-Speech Relay apps*BSL TV online through BSL Zone*Apps that allow smart phones to function as a remote control for hearing aidsAs many of our clients have low digital literacy, they may not be ready to learn digital skills for work. Instead, we can provide support on topics such as email, social media, WhatsApp, Microsoft/Apple UIs, videocalling, online event booking, scam awareness, password management, and mobile banking safety. |
23/11/2023 |
£50,000 |
Our project addresses the problem of very low English literacy in the homeless population (50%+) using digital devices and software to also improve their digital inclusion and digital literacy skills. Without such basic reading and writing skills, digital inclusion and digital literacy is not possible for a very large part of this group. Improving both basic literacy and digital skills for this group has been widely acknowledged as building confidence, improving employability, providing skills necessary to be able to interact in work and their personal life (which can have a knock-on effect in ending feelings of social exclusion), and ability to access services and remain connected to their network of support. These benefits all play a key role in supporting harm reduction. The project will be delivered in The Marie Trust ICafe, with 10 iPad stations. We use food as a means of engagement providing a healthy living café which has recently been adapted to an ICafe to widen access to digital skills and accessibility with over 60 people each day accessing the café, widening access to crisis intervention and wider Marie Trust Services. We will do this by employing a full-time Digital Literacy Worker, who will be working with the Citizen Literacy CIC non-profit company that specialise in adult literacy education, they are based and registered in Scotland (Company number SC671958) https://citizenliteracy.com/ and implementing the digital literacy program, working one to one to engage with people in the café who present or have been identified by the wider team or observed to be at risk of drug-related harm to develop literacy skills through the app to improve digital access.Citizen Literacy has created an adult literacy development program and tutor training resources supported by a revolutionary web app that also improves digital literacy and confidence amongst low literacy learners – see https://citizenliteracy.com/learner-app/. The work of the company in the field of adult literacy has been recognised by UNESCO who are currently adding a case study of their work to the UNESCO Institution of Lifelong Learning.The app is specifically designed for low / no literacy learners. It is free to use, does not require user registration, has no adverts, no in-app purchases, and takes no personal information. Featuring a voice-driven interface suitable for low literacy learners with two virtual teachers that provide instruction and instant personalised feedback. It keeps track of each learner’s progress anonymously to provide feedback. Importantly, the design avoids looking like a children’s learning resource – a strongly demotivating factor for adult learners. There is multimedia interactivity and gameplay, together with voice and handwriting recognition. Enabling some of the first online independent learning opportunities for low literacy learners. From a standing start, by the end of lesson 2, learners are beginning to read and write simple sentences. The app can be accessed directly at this web link: https://citizenliteracy.com/app/ As well as the app, the Citizen Literacy company will supply training and a printed tutor handbook to our digital literacy worker and printed learning resources to use with our learners.We expect this program will be challenging but extremely worthwhile for the people who we are targeting. We know the first level of engagement and introducing the service in the first month will involve the digital worker simply being there in the cafe, visible and engaging with people to use the IPads and get online, building conversations around how people use the internet, what they need help with and introducing literacy and the service into conversations, treading carefully, offering one to one support and ‘keeping the door open’ if people do not turn up for appointments or drop in sessions, and supporting people to develop their skills and confidence, not making judgement on their addiction. The digital literacy worker will work alongside the intervention and volunteer teams who are based in the café, both of whom will refer into the service and act as an introduction to the service to people they are working with who present for housing and welfare support. They will be supported by the Education Curriculum Manager to help implement the program and oversee monitoring and evaluation. Our wider team and the Hospital Outreach Worker will introduce literacy as part of their assessment when working with people who are at risk of drug-related harm to start planting the seed of opportunity. Our approach is that the more the teams and volunteers are aware, the word can spread if everyone is onside and conversations can be more organic. The service sees high levels of people presenting in emotional distress, under the influence, not prioritizing their own needs and health because of addiction and co-dependent relationships. This project will support a drug-related harm approach whilst raising awareness of IEP service available at The Marie Trust, naloxone, and drug-related harm online training via SDF to educate and reduce the effects of drug-related harm to themselves and others. We estimate that 4-6 months of engagement would be ideal for literacy, using the app with support. and taking into consideration that people will have different levels of literacy and be at different stages of engagement. |
15/11/2023 |
£10,000 |
We support people in rural and urban areas affected by substance use. This covers those of all walks of life that can and are affected by the negative impact of drugs and alcohol in areas such as mental wellbeing and homelessness.We intend upgrading 4 laptops for volunteers as the ones we have are quite low spec, for using design software etc.we have given out more phones than anything, 100 phones, 10 tablets, 20 mifi are projected figures. The price varies depending on supply between £50 and £70 each this will increase or decrease the amount of phones we are able to buy.We distribute vodaphone sims with 20 gig and unlimited texts and calls for 6 months and the number under connectivity is for mifis. |
15/11/2023 |
£15,659 |
We will deliver all in-person activities from Irvine Community Sports Club and the surrounding areas, which are ideally situated at the heart of the town. All online and telephone services will be completed online or via telephone. All services will be managed by our project manager, who will also deliver training, as well as other activities. Working alongside our project manager will be a team of 5 volunteers who currently undertake support roles within our TimeToTalk project, supporting users who are vulnerable and in need of mental health assistance. The team has a vast array of experience from dealing with light touch users who require outreach support, to people who are in the process of risk to end of life. This project aims to provide connections and skills that will promote positive lasting change in users’ mentality and attitude to risks involved with accidental and purposeful overdose. To embed skills, and motivations and alleviate barriers, both mental and physical, which previously allowed for reliance on drugs. It is strongly documented that social isolation increases the levels of depression and negative mental health in people. Additional stress from physical issues, financial situations, social inequality, or perception leads to a greater risk to those who are repeat users.All users who participate will be provided with a 6-month free-of-charge Vodafone sim plan to utilize, and 25 mobile phones and 15 mobile-connected tablet devices for the participants who have barriers due to the affordability of an internet-capable device will be provided with a Smartphone or tablet device to utilize their sim plan. |
15/11/2023 |
£10,275 |
This project aims to plug an identified gap in digital inclusion services here in the Highlands, that is to supply smartphones and connectivity to people at rusk of drug harm. Our partner in this project will be Apex Highland, who work with people affected by the criminal justice system, and who will deliver harm reduction support to the recipients of the smartphones and connectivity. Apex will refer people to us who will receive a new smartphone and a 6 month data and calls sim card (we partner with the National Databank via GoodThings). They will also receive support to use the device and have access to digital skills assessments and free training. This training will consist of the building blocks individuals require to become digitally included and a digital citizen and will cover areas such as how to use a mobile phone, online safety, managing information, communicating online and using apps to maintain their wellbeing and access online self-management tools.Apex will then support the individual with their harm reduction service and will complete baseline and impact surveys for the project. |
15/11/2023 |
£15,910 |
Our Building Digital Support (BuDS) for recovery project helps to increase digital inclusion for individuals affected by alcohol or drugs, including individuals undergoing transitions e.g. leaving hospital, residential rehabilitation, prison or affected by homelessness. The provision of phones allows people to be connected to local services and supports, including the recovery community, and to stay connected to their family and friends, all of which reduce social isolation and promote connections which support recovery. Through our pilot BuDS project we have strengthened our collaborative working with a wide range of services, including alcohol and drug services, justice services, homeless services and other recovery communities, embedding referral pathways to identify and support people to access phones. We have 4 staff / volunteers are have become digital champions and will meet with each person to supply the phone, supporting people to download useful apps and provide training in using the phone (as required).During the pilot, to allow is to increase our understanding of the demand for devices, we limited the referral routes to specific services and plan to roll the model out further, in particular strengthening our links and the referral pathway from hospital based services. We would also like to expand BuDS to supply phones to affected family members (as required) to allow them to be connected to their loved ones. |
03/11/2023 |
£48,898 |
Liber8 Lanarkshire is a South Lanarkshire grassroots organisation which began as a Local Council on Alcohol (2004). We are a limited company by guarantee and have charitable status. Liber8 delivers a range of services: our initial work of was to provide a proactive and reactive approach to tackling alcohol and substance use problems, this has expanded into providing a diverse range of community-based services. Our mission is to improve the mental health, wellbeing and the quality of people's lives, with a particular regard to reducing the negative impact of alcohol and substance use on individuals, families and communities. Our aims are to Improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and families. Identify and implement the most appropriate evidence-based interventions. Limit the harm associated by all types of alcohol and substance use. Offer earlier interventions to prevent escalating health problems. Reduce the negative impact of alcohol/substance use on the individual, families and communities. Provide support which promotes positive change and minimises the impact of addiction. Remain responsive to and reflective of the diversity among individuals, families and communities. Practice a positive recovery focused ethos, challenging stereotype and reducing stigma. Provide outcome focused services reflective of the needs of individuals and families |
03/11/2023 |
£31,122 |
Transform Forth Valley started the Housing First Service in 2021 due to a gap in service in Falkirk for vulnerable adults with substance use and complex needs who were homeless, and in general were not involved in any other services due to their chaotic and complex needs. These individuals presented a higher risk of death due to substance use and health co-morbidities. We also knew from partner organisations, especially services which support people with higher tariff needs, that there was a demand for a project which could meet people’s complex needs such as trauma, substance use and mental health issues while supporting them to access and maintain permanent housing. Falkirk Council commissioned Transform Forth Vally to run this service in the area. We aim to deliver this project as per below:• Delivery will be on a one-to-one basis.• Delivery will take place in people’s homes, hostels, or supported accommodation, whichever is the most comfortable and safest for them at the time. • In the Housing First service, the worker meets each person several times per week and one of these visits will be a digital harm reduction session. This will become embedded into our service by ensuring that as time goes on, refresher sessions and peer support are offered as needed. • Support will last how long the person requires until they are comfortable using the devices independently. In Housing First people receive support for a minimum of 3 years and longer if required. This funding is for 12 months but the workers will be trained and can provide support ongoing. To ensure that the delivery of the project is effective and inclusive we will ensure the below:• Transform Forth Valley workers will attend the digital harm reduction training course for guidance and information to assist them with ensuring they deliver effective digital training to everyone.• Each person will get a tailored support package that suits their needs depending on their baseline of knowledge for IT Devices.• Consideration will be given for people with known learning difficulties and Transform Forth Valley workers will adapt to their learning needs and styles. We aim to deliver the training and information in plain language so that people can understand. Our approach to harm reduction is that:• We see harm reduction as being information and informal discussion at the persons pace and level of understanding. We offer this advice naturally without shame, judgement, or dismissal.• From supporting these individuals firsthand for over 2 years, we now know the need in Falkirk, and from this experience, and the knowledge of partners, we have also noticed an increase in need following the Covid-19 pandemic and due to the current cost of living crisis. The individuals we support are mostly living alone, isolated from family, friends, and the community they live in, have poor health/mental health, cannot communicate effectively with services without support, and have no internet or mobile device to access appointments. Being digitally included will mean that individuals will have better access to support services and appointments that could improve their physical and mental health, nutrition, access to financial benefits and the opportunity to connect better with others.• As part of the Housing First service, we also offer people honest advice, education, and awareness of the substances they use and other related issues. We offer advice on all safe routes of administration, how to use safely, resources for advice, offer referral to treatment services and recovery communities alike, all at the persons pace and following their lead. We will utilise the devices to enhance the people we support’s knowledge of harm reduction to keep them safe from drug and /or alcohol use, overdose and ultimately drug related deaths. We currently offer overdose awareness training and dispense naloxone kits; we offer blood borne virus testing and injecting equipment provision in people’s homes. We feel with digital access we can show people national resources available, sign them up to drugs alerts such as RADAR, mutual aid online supports, SDF’s YouTube Channel and other videos etc. Also, with the safer injecting techniques and online resources this is something a lot of people have never seen that can be very useful and informative. |
03/11/2023 |
£34,340 |
AI are funded through Corra Drugs Mission to provide Education; Training and Employability support to residents of Dundee who are in recovery from Alcohol and Substance misuse. The project aims to work with people who are returning to Dundee City following ‘out of area’ residential rehab. It will also support people who have completed the community rehab programme delivered by We are With You in Dundee and those who do not attend rehab but are on their own recovery pathway. Our Project began in August 2023 so is still in the setting up stage. Our service is delivered on an outreach basis across the City of Dundee. It is co-located with partners of the Dundee Pathway. The caseworker navigates wider opportunities in the area to ensure that each individual client has access to what they need - be that training, education or other health and wellbeing services. The project supports the ultimate aim of the Scottish Drugs Mission in helping reduce drug deaths through activity that sustains engagement and recovery.Through one to one caseworker support we build a therapeutic relationship with our clients individually and work with them to enable them to grow stronger in their recovery; build a Recovery Orientated System of Care and gain recovery capital. Building resilience and a life free of alcohol and substance misuse. The Caseworker, alongside one to one support, provides skills based and wellbeing activity. Progression into learning, training, continued education and jobs cannot be in isolation from continued support of recovery and wellbeing. This means the caseworker provides holistic support to address any emerging challenges to sustain recovery. We know from experience that whatever presenting issue that is concerning someone, unless that is addressed then the person cannot give their attention to building employability skills, and that can lead to relapse. Our caseworker is trained to provide support on issues including housing; finance; benefits; access to healthcare and access to wider welfare advice. We work in a trauma informed and person centred delivery model that will enable people to recover and grow. Whilst our caseworker does not support the wider family, they will support their client in managing relationships with their wider family. We would look to provide our clients with technology and connectivity to enable them to learn digital skills and how to use digital technology and become confident in accessing to help improve their health and wellbeing alongside their future progression into employment and/or education. A laptop with connectivity is envisaged to be the most appropriate device for our clients’ stage in recovery and for the activity that they are likely to access requiring, as they will, the need to access learning and upskill in their own digital skills, including the option for Microsoft packages. The caseworker will be trained to deliver basic ICT support and will attend Digital Harm Reduction training. This will enable them to set the individual up with their laptop and deliver basic i.e. safety online training. They can initially show the benefits of being online through connectivity such as Zoom/Teams with friends and family, and that they can access music and video through their laptops. This ‘leisure’ aspect of the laptop will be used as the hook to engagement and this will then be built to include using it to access services/information, education and ultimately employment opportunities. A specialist tutor will deliver ICT classes to enable skills in Microsoft which in turn will enable the technical skills in presentation of CV, personal statement, disclosure letter writing. We have experience in East Lothian of training a recovery peer to deliver digital taster sessions for clients around accessing digital platforms, job searching and joining employer recruitment sites and how to upload and attach documents to an email. We would use this learning to develop a peer trainer in Dundee who will work alongside the caseworker. The peer will learn skills and then cascade learning. This will include keeping safe online, creating email addresses, creating and storing sensitive data and passwords.Clients can access learning remotely too, with support from their caseworker. It will depend on the level of requirement and needs of clients. Having our clients accessing digital technology will improve their ability to engage in skills based learning and they can connect to wider AI training that is delivered online.Our service takes a harm reduction approach to working with clients as we will support all people in recovery from alcohol and substance use regardless of their recovery path. We will work with people who are abstinent, on and opiate replacement therapy - Methadone or Buprenorphine. Clients will engage with their caseworker 2-3 times per week and our service is not time-limited and will not limit the times an individual re-engages with the project. |
03/11/2023 |
£50,000 |
We have delivered a recovery programme for over 20 years supporting Inverclyde residents to gain early intervention and relapse prevention for problematic substance misuse. As mentioned previously, Inverclyde is the most deprived area in Scotland and has seen some disappointing statistics in terms of both drug and alcohol deaths. The recent drug statistics report Overall – deaths in Scotland have decreased from 1330 in 2021 to 1051 in 2022 a total of 279. A reduction of 21%• However. in Inverclyde we have increased drug related deaths from 16 in 2021 to 29 in 2022 – an increase of 13 or 81%Deaths amongst males in Scotland have decreased from 933 in 2021 to 692 in 2022. A reduction of 26%.• However, in Inverclyde this has increased from 13 in 2021 to 16 in 2022 – an increase of 3 or 23%Deaths amongst females in Scotland have decreased from 397 in 2021 to 359 in 2022. A reduction of 9%.• However, in Inverclyde this has increased from 3 in 2021 to 13 in 2022 – an increase of 10 or 333%Inverclyde still have the highest rate of drug deaths behind Glasgow and Dundee per 100K people.• Although the drugs deaths have reduced, they are still much higher than the lowest rate in 1996 when records began. • People aged 35 – 54 were more likely to die from drug use which is higher than 2000 when it was under 35.• People living in areas of deprivation are 16 times more likely to die from drug misuse. And this association is much higher than any other cause of death.• Overall – men are more likely to die from drug misuse than females• Opiates/Opiods were implicated in 82% of all deathsIn 79% of all drug misuse deaths in 2022, more than one drug was implicated in the death. Of all drug misuse deaths in 2022, the following substances were implicated :• opiates/opioids (such as heroin/morphine and methadone) – 867 deaths (82% of the total)• benzodiazepines (such as diazepam and etizolam) – 601 (57%)• gabapentin and/or pregabalin – 367 (35%) • cocaine – 371 (35%)Our project will expand on our current work so we are able to support more people, more quickly and provide them help to gain connectivity and digital access to family and support services. In turn this will allow them a higher chance of overcoming their problematic substance misuse through a greater provision of ongoing provision. Having spoken to agencies we work closely with, I have mapped the provision needs locally and through this fund will be able to do the following.• Working closely with The Haven, Jericho House, and the Kershaw Unit, we will be able to begin working with those leaving residential rehab more quickly. By providing access to digital connections, we can ensure they begin building relationships with Project Workers and Peer led support ahead of leaving. This enables the transition to us, closing the referral risk of non-engagement as a relationship has been made. We have a close relationship with Inverclyde ADRS and I attend their allocations meetings twice a week for referrals from them to us. They have close links to the Kershaw unit and speak to those ahead of discharge about next steps. This is where we could look to engage with those ahead of discharge with the use of laptops etc and begin the process of early intervention, recovery support and relapse prevention ahead of them joining us on programme using laptops etc. It also means we can look to create an online SMART Recovery Meeting where people can access this ahead of joining programme, so they already have the beginnings of peer led support. The Haven and Jericho House – we are keen to offer those leaving, access to our phase three part of our programme. Phase 3 is all about the next steps for recovery. What is the person going to do now e.g is this job searching, volunteering, education etc and with the added benefit of access to digital items – this will be enhanced. They will also be able to join our follow-on support and access SMART recovery meetings or AA if that’s what they have become accustomed to using online methods. • We are working within HMP Greenock to support those through the SMART InsideOut programme. On release those living in Inverclyde can join our main programme and will need more support through digital connections – for many the connectivity aspect has made huge leaps since they were last living in the community. Outside of this, I have spoken to the Community Justice Lead Officer Inverclyde HSCP (we are working on the Community InsideOut Programme with his team) to see if we can build more on those being liberated from all Scottish prisons back to Inverclyde as they have access to the list of those being released ahead of time. Our proposal is that we can support them with all aspects of their return to the community such as relapse prevention and reoffending prevention as well as providing them the lifelines through digital means to connect with all services, family, and areas of support to enable a complete all round supported provision. His thoughts were “Given the barriers for people with lived experience of justice I’d really welcome this as it could be transformational for some of our people”. This is a high-risk time for many leaving custody and to have a support plan in place with external agencies plays a massive part to how successful this is.• Finally – our community justice aspect looks to support those at risk of prison sentencing through offending led by problematic substance misuse. Our programme will look to address all areas within recovery, offending and next steps. This will be greatly enhanced through access to digital connectivity, as with the rehabilitation support, we will encourage next steps and community integration to help reshape their futures.Overall, we look to provide digital lifelines to 44 people as a minimum through these areas, but realistically, it will be more. And digital harm reduction will play a key role. We will also provide access to Software Training Scotland’s Digital Skills course, so they are able to get the most from the equipment they are provided. Of course, we want them to use this for recovery needs and connections for services, but there is also the need to have access to friends and family through social media and calls, as well as personal needs such as access to music, reading, internet and more. This training through digital skills will ensure they are all capable of doing this, with guidance and best practice. |
03/11/2023 |
£50,000 |
Harbour Ayrshire have quickly become established for providing approaches tailored to the needs of the participants in our programmes and this has a mix of both one to one and group work support on an ongoing basis.For the delivery of this project, we will adopt an intensive one to one support which supports the most vulnerable individuals who are most at risk of drug and alcohol related death. Your funding would be used to employ a full-time Digital Support Champion (DSC) to deliver this support through provision of phones, tablets and laptops depending on the individual’s needs. The aim of the project will be to support those coming out of residential rehab, prison leavers and individuals who were admitted to hospital after near fatal overdose (NFO) to provide them with digital support to meet their need and this would include any or all the following: Support to get back connected/keep in contact with family and friends. Making Doctor/hospital/addiction appointments Making appointments with DWP and other regulatory agencies Maintaining support from our Digital support Champion and any Buddy’s Job searches and CV preparation Allowing attendance at online meetings, where transport, childcare and related issues can prove to be an obstacle. Each person receiving support will be added to our what’s app groups (when ready) and this will enable us to introduce them to additional people and support.Our DSC will build positive, trusting relationships with those he/she supports, providing whatever level of support to help improve their digital skills and confidence. As the Charity operate throughout Ayrshire either face to face support or calls, depending on the persons needs will be organised and scheduled appropriately on a geographic basis, allowing 4-5 appointments to be carried out daily, the support will continue for as long as necessary. The funding would also allow time and support to be extended into rural areas where accessibility to support is an issue, making it more difficult for our target group, due to poverty, lack of transport. The digital support can provide a major lifeline and as well as improving skills, would allow access wider support much easier and quicker and thus genuinely improving lives.Our DSC will have “lived experience” therefor vital awareness of the effects and causes of addiction and experience of navigating the relevant services. Together with their primary role, the DSC will take on the role of a Buddy which is our programme designed to help offer intensive 1:1 daily support to overcome any barriers to recovery as per the person’s needs and supporting them to a better quality of life and hopefully accessing voluntary, education and employment opportunities.The Charity has grown rapidly in its first year of operation and supports more than 200 people and so far, 33 people have been referred to residential rehabilitation, which we envisage growing to around 50 over the course of the next year. In addition, we are receiving on average 1-2 referrals p.w from Medics against Violence and the Navigator project based in Crosshouse Hospital. The group and 1:1 support provided is key to all participants, but the added benefit of this additional funding would enable Harbour to significantly enhance its delivery by embedding digital inclusion work within our service and give the added support needed to keep people connected, upskill, and improve confidence and self-esteem. The access and availability of digital support together with the provision of devices will also enable the Charity to increase our reach to people it might not otherwise reach, owing to the additional level of support.In addition, we have been establishing links with Bowhouse and Barlinnie prisons and will be able to support individuals being released from custody, but we very much envisage our priority areas of delivery being those coming out residential rehabilitation and hospital.Our staff and volunteers all have received training from the Scottish Drugs Forum and the Scottish Recovery consortium in relation to digital harm reduction and together with this our DSC will encourage all those to receive your training to become Digital Harm reduction champions and ensure the highest level of support is provided to everyone who receives digital support, ensuring all action possible is taken to avoid temptations. |
03/11/2023 |
£69,840 |
We will take a harm reduction approach to delivering digital inclusion across two of our projects. These projects currently provide 1:1 support to people in transition from institutions. The two projects are:our Visitor Centre at HMP Addiewell which sees approximately 250 liberations per year. The prison itself is a ‘learning’ prison accommodating approximately 800 adult tried and unconvicted men. At least 50% of the prison population have or have had addication issues. 94% have suffered trauma and have had adverse early experienceds (ACEs) which significantly increase the likelihood of addictions in later life. -our Hospital In-reach project which prevents people from being discharged from hospital in Edinburgh into homelessness. This service supports around 200 people per year. 77.5% of those supported by this project are known to have an addication. Both leaving prison and leaving hospital have been identified as transition points where people are particulalry vulnerable. This critical transition often results in individuals being left to ‘sink or swim’ – with ‘sinking’ being almost inevitable if those transitioning have become isolated from friends, family, the wider community and support services, have no home or support structures to return to and are digitally excluded. This is also a critical period in which the significant proportion of those we support who use drugs are more likely to resume or increase their usage in order to cope with the anxiety, uncertainty and adversity of trying to navigate their way through support services that can feel hostile, unreceptive and triggering.Both of these services aim to connect those in transition to the support they need using a person-centred, trauma informed and harm reduction approach. Although access to digital devices and the connectivity this affords is an important element of the transition supported by both projects, we have only tentatively begun to develop this aspect. We currently give out free Vodafone SIM cards (via their Charities Connected scheme) and basic (not smart) phones when we can. (We have given out 478 SIMs in the past 18 months). We are excited by the prospect of working with Digital Lifelines to increase our learning around how to improve people’s connectivity in a more substantial way and by so doing improve their life chances. Johann Hari’s statement that the opposite of addication is not sobriety but connection is relevant to all of our relationship-based approach. We are really keen to be part of a pilot that explores how increased resources to provide better digital connectivity can enhance the support we offer. If successful, we would offer Addiewell participants 2-3 sessions whilst in prison to familiarise them with the technology and to work with them to identify what needs it could help them meet. On liberation, we would offer 2-3 follow up sessions, in person or remotely, enabling us to help them trouble-shoot and enabling the collection of evaluation information during the course of the 12 month project.Similarly with Hospital In-reach, we would offer 1-3 introductory support sessions in hospital and 3-6 sessions in the community again enabling us to trouble-shoot and collect evaluation information over the 12 month period.All of our work incorporates the principles of a harm reduction approach. Harm reduction is grounded in justice and human rights. We focus on positive change and working with people without judgement, coercion, discrimination, or requiring that people stop using drugs as a precondition of support. And we ensure that people with a history of using drugs have a real voice in designing the types and frequency of support we offer. |
03/11/2023 |
£56,724 |
Blue Triangle deliver 1-2-1 support in a trauma informed and person-centred approach across our services. We use personal support plans and encompass risk assessments to support people, while maximising CHIME (Connections, Hope, Identity, Meaning, and Empowerment) outcomes, and connect people into communities of Place, Shared Experience, and Interest (Creative, Active, Learning, Therapeutic, Volunteering, Employability, Faith). We are building Connected Communities and invest in lived experience as we see the power of Changed People, Changing People. Our biggest barrier to fulfilling our connected communities’ ambitions, is providing equipment, connectivity, and skills, so that our supported can begin developing an interest in the digital world for hobbies, education, work, to become part of the local, national, and global digital wellbeing networks. The Connected Recovery project is expected to be delivered from January 2023, until November 2024. We have identified 5 Intensive Support Workers plus relief worker, to cover the 4 local authority areas, providing up to a MAX of 250 hours (total figure) of digital support to a range of supported people, referred to Blue Triangle through our Corra funded intensive outreach services for people experiencing addiction, and those within our/partners residential services. Identifying the exact number of beneficiaries per aim group can be difficult, as we do not know exactly who will be referred over the next year, but going on recent data collected, they are likely to cross over the categories of experiencing homelessness, in ours or partners residential services, and/or recently released from custody, some of which can tick all 3 boxes within a short timeframe.The delivery approach aim is 1-2-1 in-person sessions, moving towards online when skills are developed to host and attend regular sessions, as this fits within our person-centred support plans, perhaps coming together as groups on occasion. Skills training by our IFSW will be a staged approach, starting with operating the chosen device, setting up login for emails, online video calls (Zoom), supporting the connection from worker to supported person, then identify the necessary apps and platforms that our supported person needs and wants on a personal level. This enhances engagement in the project early on, while the person begins to realise the importance of keeping the phone safe, charged, and used, as they begin to feel the benefit of being connected. The next phase is crucial as we want to teach the supported person how to map and connect to hobbies, interests, and public and voluntary services that meet their personal needs. This can be as simple as adding favourites to search engines, so they have direct access to critical services, without having to be distracted by the enormous information on the internet. If these services operate apps, then guidance will be provided on how to download and use the apps.We want to highlight that the device identified suitable for each supported person, will reflect their support needs, which is captured in our bespoke outcome planning and monitoring system – Sharp. IFSW can create personalised support plans in the system, but we use general headers to guide this work, covering employment and meaningful activities, health (physical & mental), social & economic wellbeing, safety and security, and accommodation (suitability & security). We will add additional indicators and digital lifelines outcomes to the personal plans, so that we can track the digital progress in relation to the mutually agreed outcomes with the supported person. This will help Digital Lifelines have an overview of digital progress, but more importantly, has the exposure to the digital device, connectivity, and training, impacted on all other areas of the outcome planning. If we can identify this progress, then we have a firm case to embed this approach to digital and harm reduction across all our services. |
01/11/2023 |
£8,148 |
We are currently forming strong relationships with other agencies in our communities where we have housing stock. This includes working with One Parent Families Scotland and the Community Empowerment Team (Dundee City Council). We aim to assist those that are most deprived in our communities offering 'drop-in' digital sessions for a range of subjects.This will be aimed at those unemployed, both for job seeking and accessing information on benefits, homework clubs/assistance for those families unable to afford their own device. For our older tenants keeping in touch with loved ones and overall anyone needing access to a device or digital assistance in general. |
01/11/2023 |
£4,515 |
EdIndex is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and 17 housing associations and co-operatives in the city. This partnership enables social housing applicants to apply for housing with all the partnership landlords by completing a single application form on Key to Choice, a Choice based lettings system.We are introducing an online application form and housing options checker in early 2024. Applicants will have to work through the online checker to reach the city’s social housing application form. The housing options checker will provide applicants with tailored housing advice and signposting to other services, e.g., debt, domestic abuse, benefits, foodbanks and heating websites.We aim to create a device lending library so that applicants unable to get online can complete the checker. We also plan to have two tablets in each of our four local housing offices that prospective applicants could come in to use to use the housing options checker, access advice websites and complete their social housing application form. They will also be able to use these tablets to place their bids for properties.Digital champions in the locality offices will provide training and support where required. |
31/10/2023 |
£9,913 |
Our project will be to provide digital access and connectivity to those individuals that we support within our hostels and as part of our homelessness prevention service. Within our hostels, devices will be used to allow individuals to access the internet to apply for jobs, complete training and learning, update and complete job centre related activity as well as set up accounts for things like housing benefit and PIP. Additionally, a key focus for those who are within our hostels will be to develop digital literacy skills, that will support individuals to become more independent and ready for there own tenancy. The project will also be hugely important in helping some of the individuals we currently have to access emails and forms of communication. Within, our homelessness prevention service, the devices and connectivity will be used to to undertake work with people when we are going out to there home. In particular, to allow people to log in to online systems. |
31/10/2023 |
£4,708 |
Connect Online has been running for nearly 10 years and supports older people to use technology. We run group sessions at venues across Midlothian and change venues at times to cover more areas. We also do home visits for people who are housebound or are carers. We currently offer devices on loan plus mifi and sims via National Databank for people with no internet access but would like to be able to offer more up to date equipment. We also are part of a project in Penicuik where refurbished devices such as smartphones are given out to people in need. There is a weekly session for jobseekers where we would like to make laptops available for people to use. We run the sessions and home visits with the help of a dedicated and long serving band of volunteers who have a lot of digital experience and are always keen to learn more. |
31/10/2023 |
£4,104 |
Our existing Loan 2 Learn project, which lends laptops and MiFi devices to jobseekers in Renfrewshire, supports OneRen’s aim of addressing inequalities and improving life chances for the people of Renfrewshire. Additional devices will allow us to extend the Loan 2 Learn service to people in low-income households and people over 65. The increased number of devices means we will be able to promote this service both within our own service and also to partners, rather than using a referral system. |
31/10/2023 |
£4,824 |
We lend tablet computers. Digital support, especially for the disadvantaged, is a priority. We support people to use PCs in the library and since 2020 have loaned tablet computers which has given a better outreach/flexible element to this. This is important in a scattered rural community. We have assisted people to get their own devices through Connecting Scotland, but this is not always helpful if they lack support. By lending devices we keep the library link – they always know where to ask for help and do not need an ‘assigned’ person. It is also more sustainable to share and maintain communal devices.Lending tablets has assisted users in various ways - as temporary replacements, try-outs, extra devices etc. This is for a variety of purposes including training, home learning, local history, health appointments, joining online events and meetings, travel arrangements, communicating with family. |
31/10/2023 |
£4,400 |
Our project, Connecting Our Community, with the assistance of this funding will allow us to reach a greater number of members of our community and surounding areas who struggle with accessing IT equipment and internet access. We shall add to our lending library of chromebooks which are currently well utilised. Our lending Library helps us meet the outcomes we aim to achieve through NLC Local Outcome Improvement plan where digital inclusion is a high priority, to engage with local people especially those with seldom heard voices. Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre is also invovled with the Driving Digital Locally sub-group where we meet with organisations from other areas and share information and ideas, with a focus on those who have difficulty accessing or using digital equipment, whether this is due to a disability or language barrier for example. |
31/10/2023 |
£4,953 |
We have provided I.T. support to our tenants since 1995, via various funding grants. Our Digital Inclusion Service has evolved organically over the years in response to socio-economic factors.We have 5 large screen tablet devices and a smart board, to help tutor those with additional support needs. We run a weekly I.T. Class where people can get 1:1 advice where they need support. Through previous funding we helped over 100 people secure laptops and tablet devices, as well as accessing free mobile phones, free SIMs and Mi-Fi units to ensure digital connection during and post Pandemic, and to help boost their expendable income. Our lending library consists of 30 tablets and 20 Mobile WiFi devices. We also have an I.T. suite in our office, where tenants can access free wi-fi, printing facilities and receive additional help and advice. The areas that we are based in are in the lowest 5% of the SIMD index and have been hit with the cost of living crisis. Many households are advising us that they can no longer afford broadband due to the energy crisis and there is huge demand for our free mifi to help them. |
26/10/2023 |
£9,925 |
As those entering our services are homeless, they often have no device to communicate on, whether this is a tablet or phone. This cuts them off from friends and family, society and the wider community, making it difficult for them to establish connections and opportunities for development. 5% of admissions to our supported housing were referred from prison; 4% were sleeping rough and 13% were fleeing violence. Many of those entering our services have no qualifications, which creates barriers for education and work opportunities. Due to the situations that our supporting people are being admitted from, it is essential that we provide them with ways to communicate and engage in support. We would create a library of tablets and laptops, hosted at our Central Support office. Staff would be able to sign out the devices for supported people: for those studying or those needing to access further education opportunities such as night classes/apprenticeships; those trying to get into work and those trying to access health and finance services. We would also offer mifi dongles to those who are struggling to connect to the internet, for example in our scatter flats.We also have many supported people who need to access their benefits, deal with medical appointments including mental health referrals, and devices can give them the ability to deal with these privately in their own room. They are also more likely to attend regular online meetings if they have their own device.Many of our supported people are attempting to rebuild relationships with family, and these devices can allow them to keep in touch and hopefully attempt reconciliation.We also support people in the community via our outreach work, and staff could use these devices with people when out and about to help those who are socially isolated and struggling to access services and networks such as recovery groups.This fund would allow us to provide more devices to our supported people, improving their outcomes, which we map via our internal programme SHARP. Blue Triangle successfully assists our young people and adults into higher education, modern apprenticeships and jobs – however access to these devices would dramatically increase the chances our supported people have at succeeding and moving from education into work.We would create loan agreements with our supported people and these would be agreed on a case by case basis with their key worker based on their specific needs. In the case of damage or loss, Blue Triangle would cover the cost, as our supported people would not afford to replace them, and this could deter them from using them.Our Learning and Development Manager would be available to offer staff training and field any questions supported people may have via our staff teams. We are also starting a Digital Champions group, who would benefit from the training this fund could provide. |
26/10/2023 |
£9,083 |
The Whiteinch Centre is a vibrant community hub, delivering activities improving peoples’ lives through employability; training; health and wellbeing activities: empowering local people. We are seeking funding towards developing a device lending library and further equipping the Whiteinch Centre with devices for community use. The centre hosts a range of activities based around increasing access to services and opportunities for the local community. We wish to provide access to devices and connectivity for local people of all backgrounds and cultures who are experiencing digital exclusion to be able to use in a setting of their choice. For some, this will be in their own homes, for others, in the social space provided by the Whiteinch Centre. Our request therefore consists of two elements: Device lending library: In recent years it has become very clear that households need to have access to good quality internet and appropriate devices. Research published this year by University of Birmingham finds that internet access must become human right, or we risk ever-widening inequality. We propose to offer the following: Loan of a laptop or tablet (following a discussion of need to ascertain the right device) to households. We anticipate that these loans would be for a three -month period, and recipients would be supported by volunteers and encouraged to attend the IT sessions held in the centre. Loan of a Mi-Fi device and unlimited data for a six-month period. These could be in tandem with a loaned laptop or tablet, or can be standalone, dependant on assessed need. Again, recipients would be offered support by volunteers. Community space where devices and connectivity are available: There is an existing weekly IT session where participants use a combination of personal, borrowed and centre owned devices. This session is at capacity in terms of devices available at the centre, and additional laptops and tablets would help to overcome this. A community consultation (attached) earlier in 2023 indicates that the community want more activities for children and young people. This funding would allow the centre to operate a family homework space, offering a warm, friendly environment with access to drinks and food, where parents can bring their children after school, to use devices and be connected, both to the internet and peers. Laptops and tablets will be made available for booking by groups using the centre (as per the weekly timetable linked above). ESOL learners and those seeking employability support will be able to consolidate their learning, and those in receipt of means tested benefits will be able to meet their claimant obligations. We are an NHS vaccination centre, and devices would be available for on-site use by local people on an adhoc basis. As a centre we are going through a period of transition, however average footfall through the centre (year to date) remains high at over 900 individuals a month, and we anticipate that this will rise as we move into the winter months, as colder temperatures impact further on people's abilities to heat their homes and feed themselves. The centre is seen locally as a warm, safe place to come together, and we will be offering a range of drop ins, sessions and opportunities for dignified food provision and the provision of devices and connectivity will underpin these efforts. The estimated number of people supported by this project is based on 50% of the devices being on loan 8 times over 24 months (10x8 =80), and a 10% percentage of average footfall into the centre (90 x 24 = 2160). |
26/10/2023 |
£9,907 |
Developing a device lending library: managed by our library service, part of Housing and Communities division within Falkirk Council, this programme would allow us to address digital inequality by allowing Council housing tenants and individuals in receipt of social housing to borrow digital devices that they would otherwise be unable to afford. We will work actively with colleagues across housing and particularly our Housing Needs department which is co-located within our central library. We will use existing networks with external partners to promote signposting and generate referrals from individuals that are Council or social housing tenants. Our partner service, Fairer Falkirk, has received funding to increase connectivity among individuals identified as impacted by poverty through the distribution of Vodafone SIM cards and funded VirginMedia home broadband. We propose receiving direct referrals from Fairer Falkirk to loan digital devices to those individuals who meet the housing criteria and are in receipt of SIM cards or home broadband but who may not have their own digital device. Falkirk Council Priorities1.Supporting stronger and healthier communities:By providing a digital platform with which people can participate in their digital community, participants would become more active and empowered in a society moving to digital by default. As well as experience in lending resources and providing public computer and internet access, library staff are trained digital champions, having all completed the SCVO Digital Champion training in the last 12 months. This would allow us to provide people with the devices for loan and the skills and basic technical support needed to use them. 2.Promoting opportunities and educational attainment and reducing inequalities:The Connected Falkirk Initiative provides a digital device for all Primary 6 to Secondary 6 school pupils in the Falkirk Area, however not all pupils have access to the internet at home. Being able to lend MiFi devices would help address this issue and in doing so reduce the inequalities they face. This equity of access would boost their chance of achieving educational attainment on a par with their peers.Evaluation of the addition of Wi-Fi into supported accommodation highlighted that people required online access to enable them to search for and bid on properties, supporting them to move on from temporary accommodation into a more permanent home. This lending library would support this for people without access to WiFi and devices in their current homes. 3.Supporting a thriving economy and green transition:A device lending library programme supplemented by skills support delivered by the library service would allow people to develop digital skills that could help them continue with lifelong learning, develop their current job role or to maybe move into a new role. Most recruitment is online, so access to a device, the Internet and a developing the skills to use these are essential to contributing to a thriving economy. Being able to use digital skills and devices contributes to the green transition by allowing individuals to reduce their carbon footprint by accessing things online rather than on paper. |
26/10/2023 |
£4,244 |
We would like to acquire a bank of laptops and iPad that our Cadets and volunteers can borrow when required. The Sea Cadet Experience consists of various elements including a mix of theory and hands-on practical activity. As a result, a large portion of our time is spent in the classroom learning different aspects of our Cadet Training Programme. Due to the types of learners that we tend to attract, we have found that they benefit greatly from utilising digital technologies. Consequently, we actively promote that they bring their own mobile devices to aid their training. They are then able to link up to our Wi-Fi to access the internet if required and enjoy interactive and engaging learning. Cadets and volunteers will be able to borrow a device to aid their classes as well as book them (inc Mi-Fi if needed) out for up to two weeks to aid them in their own lives. Although beneficial for some self learning journeys or to progress with their syllabus independently, borrowing will not be restricted to Sea Cadet activity. |
26/10/2023 |
£4,456 |
We currently provide a Digital Lending Library and 3 community digital drop ins and we would like to us this funding to expand the equipment that we can offer out to our customers, namely laptops and mifi devices, as currently we do not have these items in our lending library. Our current lending library can provide digital devices (14 chromebooks and 4 tablets). We take a holistic approach to digital inclusion working in the most deprived areas of Barrhead, through community drop ins, we target both practical barriers like accessibility to devices as well as barriers such as knowledge/skills, motivation and confidence. Our people-led sessions are relaxed and friendly, so that participants can build skills and confidence in the areas that are most important and relevant to them, using familiar devices they can use at home. We also will promote the lending library (both the equipment and digital support) to our newest customers who have experienced homelessness who often have little access to materials and funds to purchase household items |
26/10/2023 |
£4,669 |
Since November 2022, 66 tablets and MiFis are available to borrow from all 17 of our branches across the Stirling Council area and our two mobile libraries. We are dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for everyone in our communities. The tablet lending project was initiated as a response to the widening digital divide that became more apparent during the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the pandemic and the rise of living costs, many people have been unable to afford a suitable device and/or connectivity. We hope that we can help alleviate some of the stresses that people may face due to being digitally excluded. Borrowers receive a waterproof bag which contains:A Samsung A8 tablet with charger and protective caseA MiFi with unlimited and free dataA step-by-step guide and feedback formAnyone can borrow a tablet and MiFi but customers must be 16 years old or over and be a member of Stirling Council Libraries. If someone is not a member of the library they can easily join at their local branch. Customers must read and sign a User Agreement which sets out acceptable use. These signed documents are retained on file, and are destroyed after 6 months, in accordance with Stirling Council’s joining policy. The tablet lending service works exactly the same way as book lending, once a customer borrows a tablet, they have the tablet for a minimum of 3 weeks and have free, unlimited data that is provided via a MiFi device. The tablet can be automatically renewed for up to 12 weeks if it has not been requested by another user. All of our devices and MiFis are marked with a unique barcode number and are issued and returned using our collection management system. If a customer has not returned the tablet after the 12 week period, an auto-generated email and letter is sent requesting its return.In order to adhere to GDPR, tablets are returned to factory settings after every loan. Borrowers are therefore required to set up the device but a detailed step-by-step booklet is included in the pack. If anyone does not feel confident doing this, I.T. & ME sessions are available with 14 dedicated digital volunteers in branches. For those who live in more rural areas or who require employment related digital help 1-2-1 appointments are available with the Digital Inclusion Officer. From November 2022 to August 2023 there have been 409 tablet loans. By potentially adding more devices and connectivity we hope to expand our digital inclusion provision to allow a reduction in digital inequalities. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,830 |
Our proposed project would be to create an educational space within the Tech Hub - "The Knowledge Zone". By incorporating these innovative tools, we can increase our delivery to youths in the community to engage in beginner-level classes that encompass a variety of subjects. These subjects include but are not limited to: introductory courses on game design, cyber security, employment possibilities in the tech industry, fostering female participation in gaming, and coding fundamentals. The laptops would allow participants to take part in activities and work towards certifications and the introduction of an interactive whiteboard will allow for engaging lessons and offer students active participation. We would use the VR headsets to enhance group communication skills by providing immersive scenarios for collaborative problem-solving and decision-making. Through VR activities participants practice effective communication, active listening, and coordination, leading to improved teamwork and interpersonal interactions in real-world settings. |
25/10/2023 |
£3,255 |
Our project, Stand Up and Stand Out is a 6-8 week creative programme that aims to create a unique safe space for young Black people as they navigate through life, The objective is to empower young Black people, through improving their emotional resilience and confidence whilst providing a supportive network and community to both participants and their families, As a charity whose mission is to reduce the stigma and isolation that mental health problems present, we are acutely aware of the ways in which racism affects mental wellbeing. Therefore, in response, at Baba Yangu we have recognised the need for a spaces curated specifically and exclusively for young Black people in Scotland to feel connected, heard and supported away from systems of harm. This project is for 20 young Black people (aged 10-16) to create, and record a podcast episode documenting their process of designing and producing a mural celebrating Black culture and history. Each session will work as a different component to celebrate and champion Black culture, history and joy. At Baba Yangu we want to make a difference for young people experiencing racism now. We believe that providing young Black people with a safe space curated for them, in which they can form a sense of connection, confidence whilst celebrating and learning about their own cultures and histories will support their navigation through the school system. We want to use creative activities to foster connection, and community and provide a space that focuses on joy and enjoyment. |
25/10/2023 |
£3,132 |
We are seeking funding to purchase 8 laptops and 1 projector, to aid the delivery of our SQA project. We are in the process of becoming an SQA accredited centre, allowing us to deliver 3 SQA qualifications to the parents we support. These qualifications will be the Personal Development Award, Mental Health and Wellbeing Award, and Employability Award. This will enable us to further expand the range of support we offer to disadvantaged families by offering educational opportunities that will improve their employability skills. We decided to pursue SQA accreditation to further support the disadvantaged families we work with by improving their employability prospects. We have been working with disadvantaged families for 16 years, so we know in depth what challenges they face and what barriers exist to their full inclusion in society. That is why after researching the qualifications offered by the SQA, we have selected 3 that we believe will help alleviate these challenges and give our parents the support and confidence they need to overcome negative circumstances that they may face. We chose the Employability Award to help our parents who wish to return to employment but may lack the confidence and skills to do so. This may be due to returning to the job market after starting a family, lack of work experience, or just general anxieties about applying for work. This course helps candidates improve their employability skills, reflect on what they want to get from work, and supports them with skills such as writing CVs and completing application forms. The Mental Health and Wellbeing award was chosen as we are aware of the impact that disadvantage can have on mental health, and we have addressed this by introducing new mindfulness groups, such as our wild swimming group. This Award will give candidates the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of mental health and dispel the myths and stigma surrounding it. It will also teach coping strategies, to not only help the candidates with their own wellbeing but also to share this with others.Finally, we selected the Personal Development Award to help the confidence of our parents and develop their skills to contribute to their community. Transferrable life skills such as planning, teamwork, and evaluation will aid our candidates in their personal and professional lives. The flexibility of this course allows us to adapt it to the needs of every individual candidate. Building personal relationships with all our families is at the core of what we do, and through the roll out of this course we can address the problems that may be holding them back.The laptops will be used by learners in our centre, allowing them to access course materials, complete assessments, and work on employability based work such as CVs and job application forms. We also need a projector to help improve our teaching, and facilitate any presentations that learners need to do as part of their qualifications. |
25/10/2023 |
£8,610 |
We work with young people who have ASN, providing well-being sessions in a local woodland environment. The sessions are held 3x per week, providing a place and opportunity for our young people and their families to learn, engage, and discover more about our natural world. The sessions provide an alternative learning environment for our young people, allowing them to reach their potential away from the school environment. Groups are small to provide support from UTT staff, and are designed to be led by the young people, with achievable tasks. We would like to ask for iPads to allow our learners to engage with the natural environment. We have chosen iPads as our young people are most familiar with them, and they can be synced to their classroom work. The ipads provide a wide range of tools to support our young people who have ASN (a great network of apps exists on CALL Scotland), as well as providing tools and support for UTT staff to further support our young people at sessions - the opportunity to create resources to aid their outdoor learning experience, the opportunity to open up communication via Text-speech apps. We want to make our sessions as inclusive as possible and the iPads would help open sessions up to more young people with ASN. |
25/10/2023 |
£10,000 |
We would like to support 40 disadvantaged young people in Edinburgh and Glasgow to improve their employability skills:• 15 young people engaging with our mentoring programme will be supported to identify and work towards their goals and improve their employability.• 20 young people will pass their Driving Theory Tests through our Driver Employability Training Scheme • 5 young people will gain their Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Green Card, and associated SQA in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment, through our Move On Wood Recycling Employability Programme. Young people engaging with our mentoring programme are supported to identify and work towards personal goals. A dedicated Key Worker helps them to work on their CVs and job applications, search for employment and educational opportunities, work on personal statements and college applications, and access and complete important online paperwork including for receiving government support. Through our Driving Employability Training Programme (DETS), we work with 20 young people in Glasgow per year to become safe and qualified drivers who are competent and trained to drive vans. Driving is a vital employability skill and young people from low-income families face huge barriers in gaining this qualification. The project targets 20–25-year-olds with an aspiration to drive for a living who are lacking confidence and employment skills, facing significant barriers, are unemployed and not qualified drivers. The tablets and laptops will be used by young people engaging with our employability programmes to practice for their Driving Theory Tests. Our Move On Wood Recycling (MOWR) Employability Programme supports young people to improve their employability skills and gain practical work experience. The programme is open to young people aged 16-26 who are struggling to access and engage with employment, education and training opportunities, or who are facing personal challenges including mental health problems, care experience, homelessness, and experience with the criminal justice system. The course offers a mix of employability skills and practical work experience. Young people gain practical work experience and wood working skills at our MOWR social enterprise and are supported to gain their CSCS cards, a certification which enables you to work on construction sites. The certification and exam cover construction site H&S regulations, policies and procedures. Participants are supported to gain SQAs in ‘Health and Safety in a Construction Environment’, ‘Employability’ and ‘Core Skills’, as well as CV building and interview practice.Currently, we have a limited number of laptops for young people to use when working with us, which are old and will not support the next Microsoft update. The purchase of 10 laptops and 4 tablets will ensure we are able to support 40 young people over the year to improve their employability skills and gain recognised certifications. |
25/10/2023 |
£5,100 |
We are keen to provide an innovative service aimed at addressing the digital divide within our community. Sunny Govan Community Radio has a strong commitment to serving all members of our society, including older adults and disadvantaged individuals. With the support of this fund we aim to provide comprehensive IT support to enhance digital inclusion and literacy skills among these underserved populations. Project Overview:Our project seeks to empower older adults and disadvantaged individuals by providing a series of workshops, equipping them with essential digital skills. Through structured workshops, personalised training, and ongoing technical assistance, we intend to bridge the digital gap, enabling participants to confidently access online resources, communicate with loved ones, and utilise digital and online services. By imparting digital literacy skills, our project will directly address the challenges faced by older adults and disadvantaged individuals in today's increasingly digital society. We envision fostering a sense of empowerment, independence, and social engagement among participants, ultimately contributing to their improved quality of life.Our project will encompass a range of activities, including:• Interactive workshops covering basic computer / Tablet . device skills, internet navigation, and online security.• One-on-one coaching sessions tailored to participants' learning needs and pace.• Access to online resources and tutorials for continuous learning.• Technical support helpline to assist with troubleshooting and addressing questions.We are committed to ensuring our project is inclusive and accessible. Materials will be designed with various literacy levels in mind. We will offer flexible training schedules to accommodate participants' availability and any mobility challenges they may face. Additionally, we will work closely with community centres and local organisations to identify participants and address specific needs.We have established collaborations with local older person groups, community libraries, and organisations supporting disadvantaged individuals. These partnerships will allow us to maximise our reach and ensure that our project aligns closely with the needs of our target audience.We aim to measure our success through:• The number of participants trained in digital literacy skills• Pre- and post-training assessments of participants' digital competency• Participant feedback and testimonials highlighting their improved digital abilitiesTo ensure the sustainability of our project, we plan to establish a volunteer network of digital mentors who will continue to provide support for participants We will also explore opportunities for collaboration with local businesses and tech organisations to secure ongoing resources.Sunny Govan Community Radio is committed to making a tangible impact on the lives of older adults and disadvantaged individuals through this project. By providing crucial IT support and promoting digital inclusion, we aspire to empower individuals and foster a more connected and informed community. |
25/10/2023 |
£10,837 |
If granted the funding to buy technical equipment to support our education provision we would build on our current activities with both children and young people and those wanting to explore a change in career path. This would allow us to expand our offer and make sure our learners are able to compete in the textiles marketplace which is becoming increasingly technologically innovative. We currently have great links with local secondary and primary schools which allow us to run interactive sessions that introduce students to the range of opportunities available in the industry and the skills needed to qualify for such roles. We would like to purchase a bank of tablets to be used within schools and community venues. Many of these venues do not have an in situ IT setup available to us so this would allow more flexibility in where we could host our sessions. This may help us provide more accessible sessions to our rural community which may also be more cost effective for the organisation. We have done digital print design at After School Club in the past using a staff member's personal tablet but not having enough equipment really limited the time the young people got to spend designing. We'd like to be able to bring this activity to the youth club and make it a regular opportunity at our after school club. We would also like to purchase some good quality cameras. A large proportion of the career opportunities that exist within the textiles industry involve digital media and this makes up a large proportion of our in school teaching sessions. We would use the camera’s to enable learners to practise, fashion photography, website development, E commerce and digital marketing. This range of skills opens up the industry to those that may not have previously matched their skills and interests with the textiles industry. Alongside this the Mac PC will be used to upload photos, allowing students the access to the full Adobe creative suite programmes including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign - which are transferable skills in the textiles industry. These IT support will benefit the following groups; Young people at our after school club Young people at Youth groupsYoung people doing training programmes with Creation MillParticipants of Digital design workshopsCommunity members at our drop in open studio sessions Volunteers Following the Covid - 19 pandemic many of the training modules are courses available to young people and job seekers are hosted on line and many of our learners do not have access to their own IT equipment. Being able to have an IT station set up in our open studio space would allow our participants to access such training opportunities without barriers or stigma. It also removes the financial burden of maintaining such equipment for our participants. Although our training provision is based around the textiles industry there are lots of soft skills that can be developed whilst working with Creation Mill. For example, use of these devices by our Volunteers who may be working with us as part of a jobseekers programme can improve overall digital literacy making them confident and capable potential employees to a whole range of employers. |
25/10/2023 |
£11,300 |
Toonspeak is asking for your support towards our Connectors, a team of young people, aged from 16 to 25, who are paid in a freelance capacity by Toonspeak to capture and share compelling youth-led content that showcases the profound impact of Toonspeak. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that we actively listen to the input and perspectives of our participants, enabling their voices to be heard and valued. However, Connectors programme goes beyond being a simple paid training opportunity. It is a unique entry-level opportunity that sets itself apart from traditional programmes in its design and approach. We not only offer paid work but also prioritise the personal and professional development of the young individuals involved. To enable Connectors to excel in their role, we offer comprehensive training, guidance, and mentorship. This includes specialised training in photography, marketing, media and digital fields, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively document and promote our work. By investing in the growth and development of Connectors, we not only empower them to contribute meaningfully to Toonspeak's mission but also enhance their own prospects for future careers. Our project has made significant strides in achieving its goals; however, we currently face specific challenges related to the digital infrastructure necessary for our participants to fully benefit from our programmes. One of the most pressing issues is the sharing of laptops among our participants, which hinders their efficiency and productivity. We believe that individual access to digital devices is essential for them to engage effectively in our various activities. Another significant challenge relates to child protection and GDPR processes and protocol. Capturing images of our Toonspeak classes is crucial for documenting our work and showcasing our participants' achievements. However, due to our policies and procedures, we are unable to use personal devices for this purpose. Therefore, we request your support in providing a camera and iPad to address this issue. Furthermore, to expand our offerings and provide more comprehensive training, we require essential digital tools such as a projector and screen. These resources are instrumental in teaching marketing and digital design skills, which are increasingly vital for our participants' personal and professional growth. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,450 |
Project Title: DigiHub: Bridging the Digital Divide The proposed project, “DigiHub," aims to bridge the digital divide, ensuring everyone, regardless of their socio-economic background or abilities, can navigate the digital world with confidence and efficiency. 4-week E-Commerce CPD Course:12 courses of 4 weeks duration, each accommodating 9 individuals (12 x 9 = 108 individuals).24-week E-Commerce CPD Course:2 x 24 weeks, each accommodating 9 individuals (2 x 9 = 18 individuals). These modules allow for a more in-depth learning experience and one-to-one support. Some participants may require up to 1 year to complete the CPD due to varying capabilities and the need for extensive personalised assistance.Objective 1: Digital Skill DevelopmentThe Continuous Professional Development (CPD) modules we've designed stand as a testament to our commitment to holistic education. From understanding the nuances of e-commerce, mastering the art of digital photography, using AI applications to remove cluttered background and description texts, to seamlessly participating in virtual team meetings or drafting professional emails – these modules cover a spectrum of skills. For those who might find a complete CPD challenging, we've taken steps to segment the learning process, ensuring that the content is both digestible and adaptable to individual needs.Objective 2: Building Soft SkillsBeyond the technical, we recognise the immense value of soft skills. Our initiative promotes enhanced communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. It's one thing to operate a device; it's another to leverage it for effective interpersonal interactions, which is a focal point of our training.Objective 3: Real-world ApplicationWhat sets our project apart is the emphasis on real-world application. Learners will have the opportunity to engage in live e-commerce activities. They'll witness the thrill of photographing an item, listing it, and then experiencing the joy when that item either finds a new home or benefits another in need. This hands-on approach solidifies their learning, translating abstract concepts into tangible actions.Objective 4: Inclusivity and AccessibilityInclusivity is our mantra. We're striving to create a learning environment where everyone feels welcome. For individuals with learning difficulties, we've customised our approach, breaking down complex concepts and ensuring they too can benefit from the digital revolution and perhaps a new found hobby in digital photography.Monitoring & EvaluationTo measure our project's impact, we've incorporated feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and self-reflection tools. These instruments will provide insights into the learners' journeys, gauging both their skill-based and emotional growth. We will also use digit QR codes (Quick Response codes) barcodes to provide insights into learners' growth while enhancing their digital skills and encourage reviews.Community OutreachAt its core, our project is about community. We're not just imparting skills; we're fostering connections, encouraging collaborations, and building a digitally-empowered community. In Fife, a rural community facing significant levels of deprivation, we are committed to ensuring that digital learning extends its benefits to every corner of our community as we have learning sites in two distinct areas, Glenrothes and Cupar. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,600 |
RUTS has delivered Employability training across Edinburgh/Lothians for over 10 years and wider vocational training for over 40 years to disadvantaged young people, many of whom have been excluded from education. RUTS has a training facility based in Penicuik however this proposed project is to create a mobile digital community learning hub to enable RUTS to deliver an out-reach, flexible, place based, innovative service and support more young people across rural communities and areas of deprivation to achieve qualifications and progress into employment, apprenticeships or FE/HE. It is intended to use the mobile unit to deliver F2F group sessions to young people aged 16-24 who have barriers such as low/no qualifications, low self esteem, learning disabilities and would benefit from employability skills training and/ or by gaining an accredited qualification, with a view to entering the world of work. The sessions will be delivered by RUTS Trainers and the learners will be fully supported throughout their learning experience. This project will address the following criteria: • To provide pre-employment support or support to those in work to sustain employment • Increase qualifications and skills • Support to enter employment or an apprenticeship• To provide employability support e.g. CV/cover letters, sector advice, application/interview support, job searching, communication or digital literacy support.The following milestones will be measured through this project: • The number of young people engaging with employability support and vocational training by local authority, age groups and by protected characteristics.• Qualifications or sector certifications achieved• The progression of young people towards education, training or employment• The number of people achieving sustainable outcomesThe activities and services will be delivered on a face-to-face basis either from the RUTS workshop/employability classrooms in Penicuik or in the community using mobile equipment.• Intensive employability support and training, including delivery of accredited qualifications such as SQA Personal Development Award (Level 3, 4 or 5)• Sector specific qualifications/training, in line with participants training plans and career aspirations, including (but not limited to) CSCS cards, RLSS NPLQ’s, Customer Service, Food Hygiene Certification, 1st Aid and Manual Handling. • Accredited (SQA/SCQF) vocational training to support the development of skills for work and skills for life, including any of RUTS existing motorbike, bicycle and boxing/fitness themed RUTS assess each participants goals and support needs shortly after engaging them, collaboratively setting clear goals which are linked to their aspirations and interests. A personalised individual training plan (ITP) is also formed based on each person’s goals which address short to long term needs, such as increasing their self- esteem and resilience and their medium-term needs such as achievement of accredited qualifications, through to longer term support and relative to gaining employment. |
25/10/2023 |
£4,320 |
We are excited to introduce our new project aimed at fostering digital literacy and accessibility within our community. The Chromebook Lending Library and Support Project seeks to bridge the digital divide by providing individuals with the opportunity to explore and experience digital devices (chromebooks and mobile WiFi hotspot), ultimately empowering them with the knowledge and resources needed for the digital age. We will also offer 1-1 and group support sessions at our digital hub to help recipients get set up and learn basic digital skills. We plan to purchase 6 new chromebooks for use in our digital hub, and 12 new chromebooks for the lending library. WE will also purchase 12 mifi units to be paired with the lending library chromebooks to ensure that lack of connectivity at home is not a barrier to people wishing to participate in the scheme. Red Chair will provide sim cards for these mifi units. The devices for the hub will be utilised by hub users and learners and we will introduce new open access sessions for the general public to access a device, wifi and printing facilities.We have recently had experience of older people looking to purchase their first device but due to anxiety, nerves and lack of experience they asked if they could trial chromebooks for a while before committing to purchasing one themselves. We accommodate these requests but are only able to do so for a very short few days, but we have seen the significant benefit of allowing someone a trial period of a device in terms of increased confidence in their subsequent purchase. We facilitate purchase of devices for people who do not fit into funded programmes and have established that forming a lending library of chromebooks is an unmet need currently amongst our service users and community. Loan period will be up to 6 weeks, longer terms can be negotiated on an individual basis. At the end of the lending term we will offer recipients the chance to purchase a similar refurbished chromebook at cost price from a stock obtained from a local refurbishment centre (ILM Highland). This is a great opportunity for those that are a little fearful of tech and the internet, giving recipients the opportunity to trial a device and get acquainted with its features and capabilities before committing to owning a device. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,975 |
Our core mission is to help refugees and asylum seekers who are aged 18 years old and over to access higher education, online accredited training, mentoring and employment.One of our key projects is to close the digital gap by sourcing second hand laptops, tablets, smartphones, and donating them to all those who need them to further their education. We also have a partnership with Vodafone and we donate Vodafone SIM cards with internet and unlimited calls to our beneficiaries. At present demand vastly outstrips supply. This grant will allow us to purchase 25 brand new laptops. We aim to lend directly 20 laptops within a year, supporting in this way at least 30 clients during the first year. This will enable our clients to attend online courses or to complete assigments for their face to face degrees. This impact will be reiterated year after year, as we will be able to lend directly to at least 30 clients every year. At the moment we are giving our clients second-hand laptops, so their remaining life span is quite limited. New laptops will ensure the long term sustainability of our project. We aim to keep the other 5 laptops in our office for clients to use on site. We have received far more applications than we can support, so by having 5 laptops in our office available on demand for temporary needs will increase our reach and help us meet the demand. We aim to support at least 20 additional clients in this way during the first year. |
25/10/2023 |
£15,000 |
We would like to secure funding to provide 20 laptops and 25 chromebooks across Dumfries and Galloway to ensure our learners have the devices they require to enhance their skills e.g. to gain employment, volunteering roles, reduce social isolation and loneliness, therefore improving their mental health and wellbeing, access courses, research online courses, attend Teams/zoom meetings as appropriate and any other learning that will help them in the future. Most learners nowadays have a phone, however a laptop/chromebook is much more appropriate for them to do courses, create CVs, write applications, attend online meetings. We will advertise, that we have these devices to loan out, on our social media platforms. Lifelong Learning also provide digital courses across Dumfries and Galloway that our learners can access for free. Having access to a device can improve peoples mental health and wellbeing giving them them the freedom and access to broaden their skills. This project will be in partnership with Lifelong Learning, who have agreed to fund Tutors for any online courses that take place. |
25/10/2023 |
£10,760 |
The grant will support 50 older people aged between 65 and over, many who live alone, to become more digitally aware. We will provide our member with access to the internet via tablets, which will give them the opportunity to interact with each other to video chat with friends and to do online activities to provide much needed support. We believe that they will feel more confident in using the tablet and other digital devices. We will set up the digital devices in Chinese to give them a better understanding of what needs to be done during the sessions. Our programme will consist of 10 lessons, but some of the lessons will be repeated if need be due to different learning abilities. A handbook will be provided so they can make notes during the lessons. Explain the use of a digital device and how it can help you access various information as well as guide them on how to start, setup and sign out and basic functions. Continue learning about basic functions and what is the internet/WiFi? GDPR, how to identify online scams, and how to protect your personal information and who to report to if one becomes a victim. Repeat lesson 3 What are apps and learn how to install/delete apps and what to look for – are you willing to pay for an app? Why would it be important to have, will it improve/make life easier? Setup an email account Introduction to social media and to set up accounts if they like one. How to use audio and video apps (podcasts, audio books, videos) How to make a video calls Through the feedback will answer questions and/schedule recaps of a lesson they would like to redo.After each session, we’ll get verbal feedback from our service users and implement those changes into the programme for the next group of learners. |
25/10/2023 |
£1,699 |
We are successfully running a Tech Drop In which allows young people to learn and experience various forms of technology on a weekly basis. The response to this project has been tremendous and we are oversubscribed every week. We would like to expand our provision in order to meet the demand for access to these devices. By acquiring more devices, we will be able to cater to more individuals and offer a wider variety of activities that enhance what young people are able to come and take part in. Tech Drop In Expansion:Young people are able to attend weekly and access professional equipment and software enabling them to learn about programming, Graphic Design, photography, film production, 3D modelling, laser cutting & engraving and merchandise printing. CLD Devices fund would allow us to expand provision so that we can add sound editing and music production to the list of services we offer. we would also aim to add programmable drones so that young people can take part in digital activities outdoors as well which will make digital learning more diverse. Employability & Digital Literacy Support:Even though we are very passionate about STEM learning and offer a wide range of services in that regard, we do not neglect the simple needs of young people which still require access to devices. We will be offering job search support; CV Creation; access and support to online courses; basic computer literacy support. We aim to ensure young people have as much access as they require to our full range of laptops and tablets. STEM Girls:We are tackling the gender disparity in the Scotland digital industry by creating a space where disadvantaged young girls can have fair & safe access to STEM education, practical skills development, confidence-building, and more. We will have sessions which are 'Girls Only' so that they can access our devices and learn without feeling intimidated or inferior to the boys who can often outnumber them in our Tech Drop Ins. Innovation Suite at the Y Centre:In December 2023 we will be moving into a brand new state-of-the-art Youth Centre. Construction will be complete this year and the new Multimedia Suite that will be the home of all our Digital Devices. We would like it to be a place where young people can meet each and every one of their digital learning needs and desires. We would like to offer a 'Farmbot' (https://www.youtube.com/@farmbot), which will be a raised plant bed operated by a programmable machine. This will be a way for young people to learn programming as well as grow sustainable foods and learn about the environment. You can find out more about our new Centre here: https://www.ymcatayside.com/y-centre/ Support:We have trained staff and volunteers available to help young people access and learn from every device we have on offer. We have extensive experience in delivering STEM learning support and continuously upskill our staff and volunteers with up to date training. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,845 |
Leap Leisure and Learning - Now operating over 31 years, this project has expanded and continues to expand across the urban areas of South Lanarkshire, offering older people co-designed leisure and learning opportunities. We run around 30 distinct learning activities a week and currently have a waiting list for many of these.We offer learner led opportunities such as IT, which focusses on digital inclusion and introduces topics such as using a tablet / smart phone, using the internet and shopping on line; Spanish; arts and crafts; badminton; photography; tai chi and a fortnightly walking group.The demand for our classes increases every year as does the demand for equipment to support them.We wish to continue to develop, expand and sustain Leap's Leisure and Learning Project and the devices we are requesting will assist us in continuing to support our older people through the existing classes and additional class provision.Our project targets older people 50 years plus to help them face the challenges of getting older and becoming more resilient in their retirement years.The project offers a comprehensive range of learning and health opportunities to build networks and friendships, reduce isolation and loneliness, support people back into the community following the pandemic, the loss of a partner, discharge from hospital, ill health, retirement / unemployment and the pr4otion of life long learning and active ageing.We wish to continue to enhance the lives of older people by improving their health and wellbeing, whilst creating a platform for people to share their skills, knowledge and life experiences, thus creating a sense of ownership and purpose amongst the older population in South Lanarkshire.As a community organisation , we do and will continue to get older people within the community more active, supporting their mental and physical wellbeing whilst assisting them to connect with their community, building an inclusive community, promoting independence and supporting individuals to live actively for longer.We propose to augment our existing supply of devices to increase the number of learning opportunities available, supporting a greater number of older people.We also propose to replace some existing devices which are old, under constant repair and no longer fit for purpose. |
25/10/2023 |
£6,000 |
Through our Haiver Community Podcast - We’re shining a light on the cultural, human and natural wealth, history and diversity of communities across North East Fife. We have recently teamed up with St Andrews Heritage Museum and Garden as audio archive and podcast partners in their loan box project and with Balmerino, Gauldry, Kilmany and Logie Community Council alongside ON Fife Libraries and Archives and The National Trust for Scotland around a Community Celebration of a 500-year-old Spanish Chestnut Tree which is planted in the gardens of Balmarino Abbey. Both community projects share themes around rebuilding connections and celebrating community, a sense of place, intangible heritage, history, cultures of care and preservation. Our role is to work as key partners in the projects, developing training and encouraging people to become community correspondents using digital field recorders and sound editing equipment to capture a community sound archive and producing entertaining podcasts, blending memories, oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts. Both projects will progress over the next twelve months and aim to drive wider participation and, social cohesion, intergenerational relationships. They will also feature local arts collectives, teachers, artists, writers, and musicians in supporting workshops, walks and talks and delivering artwork outcomes from sculpture to environmental installations and clootie dumplings. |
25/10/2023 |
£5,249 |
Burray Community Association has a successful ongoing community technology education programme called "Tea and Tech". This has been funded by two successive bids to WHP Telecom’s S4GI Community Benefit Fund, the first for £1440 in 2022, and the second (recognising the success of the initial sessions) for £1736 in 2023. The programme involves a local experienced Peer Technology Mentor providing drop in sessions at Burray Community Hall, offering light refreshments and an opportunity in a group or 1-1 setting for local people to receive advice and support in using digital technology. At the time of writing (Sept 2023) there are a further 12 sessions planned on a roughly fortnightly basis through to March 2024. The sessions delivered in 2022 and 2023 attracted a mostly older group of residents, with around 15 from an island population of around 400 people having taken advantage of the offer so far. Feedback has been very positive. The Device Funding will enable, for instance, provision of online/outreach participation in the "Tea and Tech" sessions remotely from people's own homes, (Webcam, Conference Speaker, TV & Stand), and PCs to provide an opportunity for those who do not have such a device (many are limited at present to their smart phones) to practice on, and understand the potential benefits of interaction via PC. The TV and Stand will also allow for more flexible delivery of "Tea and Tech" within the community hall eg smaller groups at different stages of learning in different rooms. |
25/10/2023 |
£5,143 |
Working with people with disabilities for 6 years we identified a learning gap when it came to everyday digital skills, in particular people having the knowledge to create and access emails, fill in online forms, use zoom, access and use internet banking, place online orders and have the confidence to grow these skills. Two members of our staff have recently completed Digital Champion training and we have a small team of volunteers who are able to help them run a digital workshop project we have titled Digital Lives. We currently offer one to one sessions with a digital champion as we have 1 tablet but feel that a group environment with a mix of devices would be more beneficial for people depending on what skills they would like to learn. These workshops will take place weekly and be quiet, patient, informative sessions with no pressure or judgement. The aim would be to grow these workshops and create different classes based on level, amount of support needed and topics requested. Each participant would identify what they would like to learn and have their learning tailored around that. Certificates would be issued at the end of each level of learning and everyone will be encouraged to move on to the next level and continue to expand their skills and knowledge. We have a good relationship with our local college and would meet with them regarding getting people ready for further education or completing their online courses with the support of our project. Our project is aimed at people with disabilities, their carers, elderly people and people who may not have access to digital devices due to financial or social disadvantage. |
25/10/2023 |
£9,584 |
On Rousay, we are just about to create our own Trust Offices in a central location, and would like it to be a Hub that can be accessed by the community and visitors. As part of the Hub we want to offer access to desk-based computers, free WIFI and a printer/scanner, which will be used by those who do not have access to these sorts of facilities. We also would like to set up a digital device 'lending library' for our islands.The office will be manned at least 3 days a week, and staff will be on hand to help people use the equipment. We also aim to go further and offer 1-2-1 support and 'digital drop in' sessions, to help anyone who is less confident with devices. They have the opportunity to take devices away for a period (we envisage up to three months) to hone their skills. We aim to put on training in conjunction with the Orkney Island Council 'Community Development ' programme, who aim to build community capacity and promote learning for all ages.On the two smaller islands (Egilsay & Wyre), we would like to set up an internet connected PC with a printer/scanner at each of the community venues, which will ensure residents and visitors alike have access to digital services. Both would have video connections to allow those to interact with online meetings and events.Finally, we would like to create a cross island 'book club' which will be using e-readers (Kindles), as we have only limited access to library services. This will help with digital confidence, promote reading and increase social interaction between our islands. |
25/10/2023 |
£5,665 |
We would like to use the devices to support an Employability and Skills programme for 50 young people (aged 11-19) in Kinross and the surrounding rural villages. The programme will include Workshops, Dynamic Youth Awards, PX2 Training and a Job Club. The iPad pros will be used by young people to evaluate their workshops, take part in the PX2 programme and for Job Club (applying for jobs, CV writing and applications). KYTHE will offer workshops enabling young people to take part in Dynamic Youth Awards, which are formally recognised across Scotland. KYTHE will also train 2 members of staff on the PX2 Training programme. The PX2 programme is designed to engage young people that are struggling with mainstream education. It incorporates short video bursts, group activity discussion and personal reflection. The aim of the programme is to build positive attitudes, habits and expectations, develop effective thinking skills and aspirations, equipping young people with the knowledge to change their thinking and generate motivation and optimism. The youth workers will then be able to train young people in the programme at a cost of £72 per workbook (KYTHE will cover the costs of this along with the PX2 Training for the youth workers) but the work will take place on the iPad devices that we are applying for through this fund. A Job Club for young people age 16+ will also support young people with CV writing, job hunting, applications and interview preparation and young people will be able to use the devices at the Youth Hub for this. The devices will be set up taking into account privacy and cyber security, by our youth worth worker who has had previous experience of this within the charity. |
25/10/2023 |
£13,680 |
DIGITAL SKILLS FOR OUR OLDER FOLK - REDUCING ISOLATION AND ENHANCING DIGITAL USAGEEday is one of the smaller isles in Orkney and one of the most remote and fragile in Scotland. There are limited services and facilities and long journey times to connect the community with the main island in Orkney. The current population is around 130, having declined from 160 in 2011. The proportion of folk aged 65 and over has increased from 27% to 33% and many of these are aged 80 or over. There is a high proportion of residents on Eday with no qualifications at 29% (2011). Census data highlights that Eday has a significantly high proportion of residents in poor health or that are limited on a day-to-day basis by illness. 15% of the population in 2011 suffered from poor or bad health – compared to only 5% at Scotland level and 4% across Scotland’s isles.There are high levels of social isolation on the island, with limited facilities and many people with no family connections on the island. As everything moves to 'digital' our older folk are being left behind. This project involves a number of key activities and outcomes:Task 1: Distribution of tablets to persons aged over 65 or those with reduced mobility who do not have access to a tablet or computer, for a one year period. Task 2: Teach and enable users to set up video conference / facetime connections so that they can make contact with friends and family who do not live on the island, but also with those on the island.Task 3: Teach and enable users to set up various accounts digitally: e.g. bank, telephone, other utilities.Task 4: Teach and enable users to utilise other software, programmes or Apps that might be of benefit to them - for example email.it is envisaged that the tablets can also be used for medical and other appointments.The Wellbeing Team will facilitate the distribution and usage of the tablets.A Board Member with the appropriate IT skills will set up a security policy and protocol. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,700 |
Our project involves the acquisition of laptops that will serve as essential tools for empowering and supporting our learners, who are clients and service users participating in various support services, learning courses, drop-in sessions, and outreach programmes. These laptops will play a pivotal role in fostering digital confidence among our learners and enabling them to become more independent and resilient individuals.Learners will use the devices in-house at our buildings and sites across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, and off-site at outreach groups and venues within the local community.Here are the key ways in which these laptops will support our learners and enhance their overall experience:• Employability Group Sessions: Our learners will use the laptops to engage in employability group sessions. These sessions are crucial for developing essential life and work skills. Laptops will enable them to complete activities while also honing their digital skills, which are increasingly essential in today's job market.• CSCS Tests and Exams: The laptops will be invaluable for learners preparing for CSCS tests and exams. This is a practical example of how digital resources can be used to help learners achieve specific qualifications, enhancing their employability prospects.• Personal Tasks and Goals: Learners will have the opportunity to use these laptops for personal tasks and goals. This includes completing college assignments, staying connected with friends and family, enjoying recreational activities and developing their digital literacy through self-directed learning.• Digital Skills Development: The laptops will grant access to a wide range of online resources aimed at digital skills development. These resources, including Learn My Way, MyLead, Google Interland, SCVO's Essential Digital Skills Check-up and Connecting Scotland resources, will empower our learners to become digitally proficient.• Access to Essential Services: In an increasingly digital world, access to essential services such as healthcare and local authority services often relies on digital platforms. These laptops will ensure that our learners can access these vital services without barriers.• Qualifications and Accreditation: Our learners will use these laptops for researching, evidence gathering and completing City and Guild units to achieve accredited qualifications. This can be done both independently, in group sessions and during one-on-one coaching sessions.• Digital Support: We understand the importance of not only providing digital equipment but also offering ongoing digital support. Our learning courses and coaches will be available to assist learners, ensuring that digital skills are never a barrier to their engagement in our services.• Digital Inclusion Services: We provide digital equipment and internet access in tandem with digital support and skills coaching, in-line with the Minimum Digital Living Standard. Our learning courses and our coaches provide digital support to ensure digital is never a barrier to engaging in our services. Additionally, our Digital Inclusion Service offers specific digital support through 1:1 coaching, our Digital Café which is an open-to-all digital support and discovery drop in, providing digital support at an outreach Job Club and IT classes for our service users delivered in partnership with North East Scotland College with aims for attendees to complete their EDCL. |
25/10/2023 |
£8,760 |
Through the creation of an IT training hub, we aim to strengthen our organisation to be sustainable in the longer term whilst addressing the needs of community members in relation to developing their IT skills.Last year we successful in securing funding to purchase podcast equipment to deliver training for young people at schools and youth groups, allowing them to gain new skills including speaking, researching and report writing skills Currently we are delivering 2 projects: - “Jumpstart” a youth project funded through Robertson trust, we are supporting young people with developing their confidence and, in turn, achieve their goals in the world of education and word. The programme provides intensive 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to young people so that they can achieve positive outcomes and overcome the barriers routinely faced by ethnic minority young people in their lives when it comes to obtaining positive outcomes in relation to employment or accessing opportunities. “Springboard project” funded through, Glasgow City Council and Lottery fund to support minority ethnic women’s Health and well-being - through the provision of advice, cycling and fitness classes as well as increasing their civic participation and visibility in local decision making - to minority ethnic community members through the provision of bespoke training around communication, confidence building and public speaking.Through our work with the clients in both projects, we have found that a high number of them did not have acess to commputers or they don’t have the relevent skills to use this equipment. This is especially prevalent with the south asian women that we have spoken to.Our proposal, if we are successful in securing funding from the Community Learning & Development Fund, is to establish an IT Training Hub aimed at empowering young people and South Asian women in our community. The goal of this project is to bridge the digital divide, promote digital inclusion, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of our organization while addressing critical needs in our community. We aim to do this by: - Digital Empowerment of clients accessing this support: By providing IT training to young people and South Asian women, equipping them with essential computer skills, internet literacy, and digital communication skills.Improving the Health and Well-being of participants: By using the IT Training Hub to promote health and well-being by facilitating access to online health resources and telehealth consultations for our participants.Encouraging participants with their Career Development: Through assisting young people in developing job-related skills such as resume building, job searching, and online job application submissions.Fostering improved Community Engagement: By Increasing civic participation among minority ethnic community members by offering training in communication, confidence building, and public speaking.Organisational Sustainability: Strengthening our organisation's long-term sustainability by enhancing our community impact and attracting continued support and partnerships |
25/10/2023 |
£6,484 |
ACE IT Scotland has provided digital skills coaching to people aged over 50 in Edinburgh (and now Midlothian) for over 18 years. Digital exclusion has been proven to lead to poorer health outcomes, negative financial impacts and poorer social connections. Our feedback gathering tells us that ACE IT's work has a positive impact across each of these areas of life for over 900 learners this past year. In line with our strategy to increase the output and impact of our services, with a particular focus on lower socioeconomic areas, the charity has significantly increased it's resources by employing an additional two community outreach workers and increasing the working hours of existing staff in able to offer our services at 10 new outreach locations. We have identified a need to invest in new equipment to be used by our learners across all of our projects - this equipment cost is not currently funded in our current agreements. The equipment will be set up and managed by our current ACE IT staff and our IT support contractor.Much of our work focusses on providing motivational one-to-one coaching sessions to educate individuals how digital devices and online services can have a positive impact on their lives and teach them how. Many people come to us wary of technology and worried about online safety so this forms an integral part of our teaching. New devices purchased using CLD funding will be used by learners under guidance from our trained volunteers and staff. Together, they can learn basic to intermediate level digital skills and how to stay safe online. Many of our learners have a visual impairment. To enable us to meet this growing demand, we now require to purchase new large screen 14'' tablets and 17'' laptops plus smartphones, projector equipment and a smart speaker. Several of the locations where we deliver community outreach work suffer from very poor (or none) broadband connection. To alleviate this and to provide a reliable, secure connection we require 3 portable MiFi devices.To educate on online safety, we deliver 'Shut Out Scammers' work and online safety workshops to inform over 250 people per year how to stay safe online. To do this, we need to invest in projector equipment to allow delivery to a large group of people of up to 50 at a time.Smart speakers can be hugely beneficial to older people, particularly those living with a disability. We frequently get asked how these devices work and whether they are suitable for a person's needs. In order to deliver taster session on how smart speakers work, we will purchase a device to demonstrate the benefits of such equipment and let people try for themselves. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,104 |
The DigiAble project aims to increase the social connectivity and improve the wellbeing of people at risk of acquiring a second sensory loss/deafblind people via assistive technology.Excitingly last year, we launched our new 5-year strategy, the Right to Dream. This strategy, developed and led by deafblind people, centres on deafblind people’s ‘dreams’ for the future where their ‘rights’ to a more equal and meaningful life are realised. Our Strategy has 7 priorities with the cross-cutting theme of Growing Peer Leadership. One of the strongest themes is supporting people early in their transition to a second sensory loss. Our members have recounted harrowing stories of finding their way through transitions on their own. Having modified Deafblind Scotland’s (DbS) Governing documents to include people with a single sensory loss at risk of a second sensory loss, DbS proactively reached out to people at risk of a second sensory loss. The central aim of DbS transitional work is to support people emotionally through what can be a distressing experience whilst providing practical assistance to find new coping strategies and adjusted living skills; making it possible to continue to experience a vibrant life of choice.Our SensAble Project - Improving Transitions for people acquiring a second sensory loss provides an early intervention focus helping people to retain as much of their existing coping strategies, skills, and support networks as possible but also to adapt and learn new ways of navigating the world. Part of this project includes digital cafes – many deafblind people lack the skills/confidence to use assistive technology to support them in their everyday information needs. Over the past 2 -3 years, we have supported almost 90 deafblind people to get online. The skills development digital cafes enable peer to peer support and specialist support so deafblind people can maximise the benefits of assistive technology. Participants have access to our technology lending library to try out different assistive technology devices. The DigiAble project will complement our SensAble project and have 2 aspects, firstly a long-term lending library for high tech equipment, and secondly to update/increase equipment within our lending library to allow more members to try out new devices/technology. Long term loans of equipment will be available to members as required.Please note, the devices will be available to all DbS members including SensAble participants.This technology will be available on-site from our Learning and Development Centre, Kirkintilloch; however, we can arrange for devices to be couriered/delivered to members throughout Scotland. Loaning equipment/devices will give members the opportunity to try online courses and classes and broaden their horizons, and also try out equipment to make sure it fits their needs before making a purchase. The various magnifiers allow members to receive printed material/paperwork. These devices allow members to maintain independence and follow any coursework or written material. The iPads/iPhones have accessible settings including voice over, typing feedback, audio descriptions and magnifier making this technology life-changing for our members.We will actively advertise/promote the lending library to DbS members through our newsletters/website. |
25/10/2023 |
£4,500 |
Our ask: Fresh Start is asking for a grant to support the development of our ESOL activities programme. The programme aims to support the social integration of new Scots and Refugees living in the Northwest locality and encompasses elements focusing on:(1) developing language skills(2) empowering and helping service users access further support (3) making new connections. Based on feedback from participants in our ESOL pilot programme and from the Ukrainian groups which have approached us we want to expand and strengthen the programme by enhancing learning opportunities through the use of digital devices. These will also allow us to support better the needs of participants with regards processing benefits requests, job applications and so on. The feedback given during our pilot programme has been positive - classes have been useful in helping people develop their language skills but it also highlighted the need to promote the social integration of new Scots and Refugees living in the Northwest locality by focusing on (1) developing language skills, (2) empowering and helping service users access support and on (3) making new connections. We feel the use of digital devices would help us achieve this better. Specifically the ESOL programme:1 – provides 2 weekly teaching classes targeting non-English speakers/beginners to Improvers and ran by qualified ESOL teachers. Each programme last 12 weeks and happen three to four times over the year depending on funding allocation.2 – provides opportunity to develop English conversational skills outside of the classroom and allow for socialising and meeting new people by setting classes linked to our cooking and growing programmes. 3 – visits from external specialists to provide targeted advice to the group(s) and covering topics such as Housing rights, Benefits, School system, Employability Services for example.4 – assess participants for support and refer them to other services when required, these could be provided by Fresh Start (Community Pantry, Hit Squad, Starter Packs) and/or other local Partners.5 – Volunteering opportunities within our range of services to further develop conversational and professional English skills. These volunteering roles could be in our warehouse where we receive donations and organise starter packs for distribution; or in our Pantry helping with customer service; or in our gardens/allotments.6/ Conversational Café to encourage further practice and socialisation. The café is also open to people not participating in classes which allow us to increase our reach and connect with future participants and above all identify people who might need support. |
25/10/2023 |
£8,500 |
We are looking to establish devices for young people to use where they can gain qualifications on and use this to support learning in other places. At the beginning of October, we are moving to a new premises at 1A Loch Road Tranent. This will give us an opportunity for a space to create a learning environment for our young people. From doing this, we will be able to offer young people opportunity to do SCQF qualifications through the dynamic youth awards and youth achievement awards, whilst also offering alternative community based qualifications such as the SCQF level 5 participatory budgeting, as well as saltire Awards. These devices would also be accessible to young people at Recharge activities so they can further their school or further education learning within the building, and get support around this from staff. These devices would also allow us to deliver STEM activities as well as online learning as part of our core activities. As part of this project, we will also be targeting young people from rural villages and low-income households, who have limited broadband access, and this will allow them the opportunity to access the internet for learning and employment opportunities/support. The devices will also be used for young people to access support and information on health and well-being and contact other organisations around this when required. |
25/10/2023 |
£6,938 |
We are seeking fund to buy devices to support learners on two of our Projects. We are seeking funding for 10 Chromebooks to support our Homework Club and update our IT suit in our Community Flat. We have increasing demand from our older students for Homework Club. Access to a computer is often essential for them to complete their homework and with ten devices we can support up to ten young people every week at our homework club session. We are also seeking funding for 10 devices and mi-fi dongles for our ESOL project. We currently have 5 laptops for lending. However this year we have increased our classes and with increased promotion our class sizes have been larger. We can support 15 learners per class so with 10 more devices and mi-fi dongles we can support 10 further learners each week to access classes and use devices to practice and study English at home between classes. This year our ESOL class will also be Piloting an IT skills share exchange as part of our programme. With increased devices we can continue these sessions in the future and people can apply what they have learned. |
25/10/2023 |
£5,876 |
We are looking to enhance and improve the learning experiences of individuals undertaking British Sign Language, Lipreading, BSL/Deaf Culture Awareness and Deaf and sensory Awareness training at Deaf Links. Through the project we wish to purchase two 75” touchscreen view boards, two laptops and two video cameras, one of each for our two training rooms. The laptops and view boards will be used by our tutors to deliver interactive and engaging learning with the option of hybrid learning for those who may not be able to attend in person. Individuals learning BSL range from: family members of Deaf people; Deaf young people wanting qualification in their own language; members of the community wishing to improve interactions with Deaf people; service provision staff wanting to be able to communicate with Deaf people; to members of the public wishing to improve their employability skills and career options.Lipreading classes are attended by deafened and hard of hearing people (often new acquired) who are struggling to come-to-terms with their hearing loss and for whom the rehabilitation, peer support and essential communication skills learning is vital for their personal, social and working lives. Those attending Awareness training are from a wide range of statutory, third and private sector agencies, who wish to make their services and interactions with Deaf and sensory impaired people more inclusive, accessible and appropriate.The view boards will enable tutors to bring more interactive material into learning sessions which will engage learners and also to access a wider range of BSL from online content, which enables learners to improve their skills in receiving BSL being produced by others, and understanding it. The laptops will be used by tutors to prepare and plan lessons, develop presentations and then to cast to the view boards during lessons. The video cameras will be used to film learners learning BSL, so they can improve their sign, production, placement, facial expression and boy language. They will also be used to film BSL assessments between learner and student which will then be sent to the external examining body for marking. Learning will take place in groups and pairs. The devices will be always kept on Deaf Links premises, in secure, locked rooms. A member of Deaf Links staff, highly skilled and qualified in IT will support our tutors in becoming competent in using these devices and to help troubleshoot as required. |
25/10/2023 |
£6,400 |
SWSA's Young Instructor Programme was designed to improve employability and to encourage young people to gain leadership skills and experiences, whilst gaining water sports qualifications the skills associated with these qualifications will help the young people to gain confidence, improve self-esteem but more importantly the qualifications will provide participants with a career opportunity that is accepted across the water sports industry in UK and Europe. In order to enhance the experience for participants more access to digital learning and the development of skills as they progress through their training programme is required. Part of the training is class room-based Desk top PC and monitors will help the participants to RYA safe and fun safeguarding certificates, practical experience in creating professional social media posts for SWSA, and will help continuous development with their water sports instructor knowledge with British Canoeing e learning modules. The participants will be able to plan online sessions and update them regularly as they develop their instructor skills. We would like to purchase other teaching aids would benefit the young instructors as they develop their water based skills and reach industry standards VHF radios are another essential teaching tool, they are a crucial way to stay in communication when delivering sessions the water With RYA Powerboat courses, it would be great to be able to give all students a VHF to simulate how you would contact the correct vessels in the event of an emergency. Our instructors programme, requires, requires everyone on the beach in close regular communication. Our operating area spans 3.5 miles over water and a vhf is the quickest most efficient way to keep everyone in contact. This is a vital lesson to all young instructors as without effective communication sessions can't be run to their full potential. Another asset for our young people would be to learn to use video drones, more water sports centres are starting to use video footage to review performance out on the water more effectively. These drones are the easiest way to overcome the obstacle of water on lenses and allows for close up footage. Performance review sessions to any student looking to develop their skills to the next level. Weather is something that should always be considered before going afloat. This weather station would transmit the exact conditions to the classroom, this would allow instructors to clearer understand what the weather is and has been doing, but also a great teaching aid to demonstrate to all student's methods of sourcing weather. Weather can be a very complicated subject with air pressure, synoptic charts and wind strengths and direction which this device would clearly advertise in the main office, and finally the purchase of an underwater thermometer and a live camera would assist the young people to understand when it is safe to go into the water and the type of equipment that is required. The thermometer would allow the young people to understand the water temperatures correctly, be able to relay this information to groups and individuals and advise on what would be best to wear before getting afloat ie , wet suit or not. The live camera would offer an explanation as to why sessions need to be cancelled and show different wind strengths and directions that can be a guide to how and which location in the sea to operate. Learning to use these vital pieces of equipment will allow the young instructors to have a better understanding of sea conditions and safety decisions. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,760 |
Friends of Al-Amal Project is a new Scots' refugee and friends' led community group in Aberdeenshire, working closely with Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan and Palestinian families, unaccompanied children, volunteers and the Aberdeenshire Refugee Resettlement Team. Currently we are providing the following services: · Weekly Ladies' Group (approximately 15 ladies attend each)- at the moment we are focussing on employability, with input from the Aberdeenshire Council Resettlement Employability Team. Some Friends of Amal Project volunteers also provide one-to-one English support for individuals requiring extra support – these are identified by WEA staff who run the formal English classes. There are currently 69 families who have been relocated to Aberdeenshire via UNHCR schemes. Many families have basic literacy or limited English and need devices to access ESOL classes (they are currently all online). Friends of Amal also help to run a community garden in Inverurie, and facilitate various events such as storytelling, poetry, fundraising events and are currently setting up an ESOL conversation cafe in Inverurie, due to launch in November '23. Friends work not exclusively, but mainly with women, who are often particularly marginalised due to their sex, leading to language, literacy and employment skills being less developed compared to male counterparts when they arrive in Scotland. |
25/10/2023 |
£2,350 |
We already have iPads for three of our groups. They have been a great success and we would like to roll them out to more groups. Devices to be purchased: We will buy 4 iPads with cases. They will be used by:2 Kelso Groups (Children’s and Youth)3 Peebles Adult Groups (Motivators, Make That and Green Wanderers)1 Roxburgh Adult Group (Growing Interests Newsroom Group)2 Central Borders Adult Groups (Selkirk Evening Classes) They will be used in our befriending groups to support the learning and development of children, young people and adults with learning disabilities through:• Accessing the internet to help develop group activity ideas and implement them. E.g. for a climate awareness art project there would be online exploration of the subject to help decide the theme. When doing the project, online sources would stimulate development of individual artworks. Finished artwork would be uploaded to our website or vimeo directly from iPads.• The newsroom group will use a newspaper app to produce a publication.• Film and animation productions (see https://www.interestlink.org.uk/gallery/) e.g.: o Filming music and drama productions e.g. Central Borders and Roxburgh Pantoso Photography projects e.g. I See Meo Reports on trips e.g. Amsterdam and KeilderGroup sessions meet at our premises, in hired venues and in the community. Not all locations have wifi, and two of the iPads will be able to use data SIMs. Project staff and volunteers will always be present and will assist members with learning disabilities in the use of devices. We have several Connecting Scotland Digital Champions and are used to deploying devices both in our groups and (though not relevant for this project) to individuals at home. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,270 |
We have recently launched a numeracy project that is accessible for all abilities in a supported setting that is familiar to local people. We would like to use digital devices to enhance the user experience and encourage the use of digital devices to help with all aspects of day to day living along with reducing digital exclusion which is faced by many families in our community. The project consists of Tutor led workshops based on using numeracy on digital platforms and the practical application of improved numeracy and IT skills. This is to help people to shop online, buy tickets, calculate prices, check bus timetables, work out budgets, online banking, applying for benefits or maintaining/updating digital benefits platforms.Help users gain confidence when assisting their child with school homework, using BBC Bitesize, school learning platforms or to communicate with the school via email. Sessions/classes will offer up to 4hrs of learning per week, whilst we will not be delivering any formal qualifications, we have a well-established learning pathway that has seen several local people go on to access college at Glasgow Kelvin College through participation in previous projects. Offering a lending library style model to 75% of the digital devices to participants will allow and encourage them to use these devices at home and continue their learning in a practical home setting. The remainder of the devices will be available for use within the Residents Centre as a drop in service, where the user may have the skills and knowledge to use the device but has no access to a device or internet at home.We will encourage an open-door policy to learners who want to make use of our IT suite at the Resident’s Centre. This is to allow them to practice their skills out with the formal learning sessions and to build on their learning through all aspects of online digital skills. We would also identify potential volunteer mentors who will support them with their continued learning experience. |
25/10/2023 |
£13,980 |
We would like to purchase laptops that will enhance our programme delivery and help participants to fully utilise bespoke resources developed for our programmes. Our programmes are designed to improve the digital skills as well as improve literacy and numeracy skills. In addition our programmme is aimed at developing the personal and core skills necessary for our participants to move closer to gaining and sustaining employment. We also teach what can broadly described as lifeskills. We develop self esteem, boost confidence and develop skills to run your life including money skills, living on a budget etc. We also will deliver training and support for Participants to achieve a digital skills qualification that will help potential employers recognise their achievement and potential. We deliver using laptops a comprehensive employability programme. We also incorporate mental health support and training and through the use of these laptops will be able to access the many online support and resources that are available as well as utilizing our own resources. Access to these laptops will ensure all participants will have the tools to do so.We have developed an on line cloud based education platform called Neve. We have done this with support and development skills from a company called This is Milk ( www.thisismilk.co.uk )Neve Learning is a cloud-based ed-tech platform developed by This is Milk, designed to help training providers and organisations manage and deliver learning in a way that includes neurodiversity and is aligned with a future-focused education framework. This allows our customers with neurodivergent conditions like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia and other conditions being fully inclusive and from fully benefitting from our training materials and resources. Neurodivergent conditions can have varying effects on the development of literacy and numeracy skills in adults, depending on the specific condition and the individual.Basic approaches are taken to ensure the best user experience, such as breaking down content into manageable chunks and providing accessibility features like screen readers and keyboard-only navigation. Right Track offers a flipped classroom approach for learners to train at their own pace and access a variety of content types all in one place. Designed to support lived experiences and is fully responsive, making it an ideal solution for remote learning.Participants will be working both in groups and one to one in our Training Centres with skilled staff with experience of delivering our programme. We are also fully supported in the technical support side with partner organisations (Kite I.T. and This is Milk) providing back up. We have ongoing service level agreements with these organisations. |
25/10/2023 |
£4,828 |
The COVID-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have highlighted the scale and severity of digital poverty in our local community. We discovered that many young people we support lack internet at home and/or IT equipment and rely on our services for access to devices and get online. We have an internet connection at our premises, the Community Flat, but we need new IT devices - the few we have are outdated and also used by staff - to enable us to meaningfully address these issues, accommodate for the volume of young people we engage, and so we can support young people with their learning and employability. There are three key strands to our project - young people accessing IT devices to gain new skills by directly supporting our work; using IT to enhance young people’s participation in group-based informal learning that improves their digital skills, online safety, and health and wellbeing; and supporting unemployed young people to access IT to develop their work skills, gain awards/certificates, and for one-to-one and group-work employability support. We want to purchase two desktop computers, two laptops, three iPads, two monitors and mouse/keyboard setups. Devices will be, in the main, retained by About Youth and provided for young people to use at our premises as part of their engagement across all our youth work provision. Two devices will be available for young people to “borrow” using a lending library approach, typically for a maximum of one week, specifically when young people require devices to progress their employability. Young people will use the devices every week during our youth groups to research healthy recipes they can cook with youth workers to aid our food provision efforts and to seek out ideas for new games and activities they can participate in together. The devices will strengthen our youth leadership initiatives via young people using them to contact leisure/activity providers to cost/plan school holiday activity programmes, help us develop new provision, design posters for projects, input into our social media, and support us with our fundraising efforts. Our youth volunteers will regularly use the devices to participate in online training and reflective exercises we provide them to improve their learning and experience. Large numbers of young people undertake youth awards with our support, and the devices will be used to help young people complete logs and evidence their achievements. We routinely deliver issue-based sessions on topics young people tell us impact their lives, such as drugs/alcohol, smoking/vaping, and mental health. The devices will enhance those sessions by enabling young people to use the internet to find information independently that they can discuss with each other and youth workers. We will use the devices to deliver regular dedicated group work sessions on keeping safe online and improving digital skills.The devices will help us to provide unemployed young people with direct access to IT to research potential careers, seek employment, make CVs/job applications, and apply for training courses or further education. We will run weekly employability workshops using the devices that will often involve young people using them to participate in accredited training opportunities.Our youth work staff are all IT literate and enthusiastic about supporting young people to maximise their use of technology. Several staff have completed training in online safety and basic digital skills and hold qualifications in digital learning and design. We have strong community partnerships with organisations specialising in IT training who have offered and agreed to support our work. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,736 |
or this project Budding Engineers CIC will look to deliver a digital skills training programme which consists of several workshops introducing 3D Design, 3DPrinting and Basic Jewellery Design and teaching some transferable skills using some 3D design software applications. This will be delivered to local schools, community groups and carers across Lanarkshire, Lothians, Glasgow, Scottish Borders and D & G. We want to develop, help, and enhance the strengths and skills to both Young People and Carers. Our programme has been made, making it engaging, fun and a real benefit to those attending. It will be creative, inclusive, and designed for the interests, abilities, and learning styles and address digital exclusion. Budding Engineers have been working with many groups in central Scotland.. The feedback we received back from our Tech4Tots & Teens Project and our recycling project has shown that there is a high demand for our project proposal, and we could make a big impact on some of these forgotten families. We will be looking to take these devices on-site to deliver the training, they are portable and easily managed so over 120 different people will be able to benefit from this type of training.We have chosen to purchase MacBooks for this project. The reason for this is for the security and privacy for the user. With a windows device the telemetry data flows freely from the device to Microsoft, and there is no way to stop this happening. MacBooks are industry standard when it comes to any media work. They hold their value for longer than almost any other tech. They are much safer online and less prone to virus attacks. The permissions are much easier to set up. Network security and end to end encryption make personal information much safer.Budding Engineers will deliver workshops and community-based learning covering the following digital skills.Building Self Esteem and Confidence • Problem Solving and hands on activities • Computational Thinking • Vital Digital and Real Work Skills • Preparing for the Future • Numeracy Skills • Communication Skills • To pursue a path in a STEAM related career opportunity • 3D Printing.SoftwareIntroduction to softwareIntroduction to word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and other open source applications we currently use.Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)Training on word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation softwareCreating, saving, copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files using the file managerAn Introduction to BlocksCADThe first session will introduce the trainees to the User Interface, the various tabs, and the tools within them. Building on this the trainees will use tools to add and subtract simple and complex shapes from each other (Boolean Operations). Create their first 3D model using BlocksCAD. In subsequent sessions they will be introduced to new blocks and reinforce the various blocks from previous sessions. Export a model from BlocksCAD to a suitable file format in preparation to 3D print.Introduction to Rhinoceros (Rhino) 3D SoftwareAn introduction to the Rhino User Interface.Building on the BlocksCAD learning trainees can transfer to Rhino to further develop their skills.Learn new ways to create the same models as BlocksCAD using different methods in Rhino.Introduction to modelling some basic items such as jewellery.Use 3D printer to make prototypes and understand technology being used.All participants of our training sessions will be encouraged to explore employment and volunteering opportunities in STEAM. |
25/10/2023 |
£2,916 |
This project will purchase three laptops to expand the support our Voluntary Action Training staff can offer individuals to identify employment opportunities, and build the skills to apply in the digital format that many employers now prefer. The devices will be used in a combination of training sessions on our premises and a lending library of the devices should the service user need to work on an application statement or CV in more detail at home, needs will be assessed on a case by case basis. The current team of two social employment advisors work closely with individuals facing multiple barriers to employment, each advisor currently uses their own laptop to train individuals in digital skills, demonstrating how to open, compose and send e-mails, attach files such as CV’s and download and edit employment Application forms. This addition of three more devices, will enable the team to deliver group training sessions – as we have identified a need for this service from working with individuals believing themselves to be the only ones who lack digital skills, therefore group training could remove the stigma, and enhance confidence and digital skills of those struggling to find employment in our remote island community. |
25/10/2023 |
£12,500 |
Our, Access to Industry’s (AI), project is to deliver wellbeing and core skills training in an environment which gives our unemployed clients the best possible experience of learning. This is important as this is often the first time our clients have returned to learning since leaving school, we want to make this a positive experience both in what they learn but also the tools they will use to learn. Tutors can deliver in a professional classroom where their focus can be on delivery rather than glitches with various technology and managing the classroom resources. Funding will purchase 20 computers and one interactive whiteboard. The clients for the project are from AI’s client groups of people in recovery; experience of justice; accommodation issues; and parents. Funding would enable development of our ‘Community College’ within our Edinburgh premises. We have 3 rooms that we use exclusively for delivering wellbeing, core skills and vocational training to our unemployed clients. Two of these are IT rooms with 25 computers that were last replaced in 2016 (a few of these - 5 - are older) and have begun to fail. We have started to replace parts within these but have been advised by our external IT support company, that renewal, rather than repair, would be the ideal. Our other room is a general training room, it has no technology other than a faint and failing data projector - an interactive whiteboard would mean that we can ‘retire’ this projector and install a modern system that could open up new learning delivery techniques (and on wheels could be portable to an IT room). Learning is central to the AI delivery model. It complements the holistic one-to-one support we provide and enables continued meaningful engagement with our clients. We are at an exciting junction in our delivery of learning in that we achieved, in August 2023, SQA learning centre status - with initial approval to deliver two qualifications, Information Communication Technology (SCQF level 4&5) and the Employability Award (SCQF level 3 & 4). This project, of providing a professional environment to deliver these will enhance the client (student) experience from the outset. Clients will be supported through the ICT classes to have the basic skills using a computer. We run 4 ICT classes a week. We will also run workshops and drop-ins on other basic skills aspects such as setting up an email; cyber security; and using search engines. AI will provide software for computers and the ongoing support through our IT company.ICT will be about learning basic skills, the classrooms and computers will be used on a daily basis for other courses we deliver, including Employability Skills, Data Skills Photography and Digital Media (in partnership with Edinburgh College*), Creative Writing and one-to-one support in i.e., CV writing, jobsearch.Courses not reliant on computers will be enhanced through use of an interactive whiteboard, including our wellbeing classes.*AI have a partnership with Edinburgh College who provide lecturers and accreditation for some courses but are unable to provide any equipment/technology. |
25/10/2023 |
£8,109 |
Dundee has the lowest level of engagement in Scotland from young people in any provision (education, training, employment). We see first hand how growing up in poverty can create lifelong consequences. They present dealing with multiple challenges rooted in poverty, homelessness, care experience, family dysfunction, mental health problems, substance misuse and crime. The most vulnerable have experienced trauma, adverse childhood experiences, living in a dysfunctional and/or jobless households. Some are involved in risk-taking activities including drug and alcohol misuse, anti-social activities and at risk of offending. Without support, these challenges make it extremely difficult for young people to engage in learning and employment. Hopelessness pervades their thinking, the young people we support believe that no matter how hard they try, their life will amount to nothing. Unfortunately, this is often the place we are starting from to build their confidence that they can succeed. 4 in 5 roles require digital skills and 92% of employers expect basic digital skills. However, their lack of digital access, skills and confidence is a key barrier to entry to the world of work and our objective is to reduce as many barriers as we can. The pandemic and cost of living crisis has widened the inequality we have seen in this area. Whilst many have phones, they may not have internet at home or don’t have enough data to do more than chat with friends. Accessing training opportunities online or looking for jobs is not possible. They also tell us they don’t have the confidence to walk into a library by themselves to get digital access/support. We will utilise the laptops, phones and tablets to enable every service that we deliver for young people. As part of our employability training sessions, they will use laptops to create cvs, to search and to apply for learning/apprentice opportunities and jobs and complete qualifications. As part of life skills training, they learn about internet usage and safety, how to budget and communicating online. In our housing project, our staff support care experienced young people to contact government agencies (DWP, etc), Health providers, Utilities companies, Local Authorities and to apply for relevant grants and funding/emergency support. Whilst some of this can be done face to face/on calls it also requires an understanding how to find information online and to complete forms digitally. The phones and spheros will be used for specific digital skills lessons. On the phones they will learn how to take and edit photos and videos on apps. With the spheros they will be introduced to coding, programming and robotics.Even where the majority of their experience may be practical learning there are digital requirements. Our vocational learning centre garage Helm Autocare has a dedicated microsite for customer bookings. Using the tablets young people will learn how tomanage bookings digitally, manage the calendar, undertake customer service/admin tasks, service walk arounds, inspections and record customer car details and actions. All the learning on these devices will be vital for accessing future opportunities. |
25/10/2023 |
£9,114 |
YMCA Scotland is leading on a project called Tek Care which seeks to develop a national network of digital maker spaces for young people with care-experience. Delivered in partnership with the Scottish Tech Army, Youthlink Scotland, Mhor Collective, Renfrewshire Council and Barnados, Tek Care is working with delivery partners around Scotland to identify physical spaces that can host young people aged 16 – 30+. Within these spaces, the service users can access kit, lessons from technicians, creative project briefs and online learning support. In 2022, YMCA Scotland appointed a paid board of consultants made of individuals aged 16 – 27, with lived care experience, to direct this project. This approach to co-design has allowed YCMA Scotland to develop a series of manifestos for opening the digital maker spaces. Out of a conversation about the roll out of the project, the consultants asked YMCA Scotland to procure a mobile maker space kit, to be used as a tool for engaging with young people through pop-up maker spaces. Furthermore, the consultants indicated that the mobile maker space kit should focus on filmmaking, photography and podcasting. This mobile maker space is the focus of this grant application. YMCA Scotland will identify groups of individuals with care-experience from Scotland and deliver the mobile maker space to them. The mobile maker space will be delivered by one of the 28 federated branches of the YMCA in Scotland or a member of the Youthlink Scotland network. The mobile maker spaces will be loaned for a three-month programme, overseen by the Tek Care partnership and supported by YMCA Scotland youth workers. Over the three months, the service users will be led through a programme of film, photography and podcasting experimenting, with a focus on thinking about future pathways; Education, Entrepreneurship and Employment. |
25/10/2023 |
£12,700 |
This project will improve the digital inclusion for traumatised, marginalised women in New Scots (asylum seeking and refugee) communities. The primary objective of this project is to improve digital skills and literacy among asylum-seeking and refugee women and girls by providing them with essential digital devices to remove barriers that limits their inclusion and access to essential services as well as provide them with opportunities for further education employment. The project will further educate and raise their awareness of online safety. This project is also essential for providing digital equipment for Saheliya’s service users who are currently benefiting from the Digital Pioneers Mental Health Fund. The project aims to: • Provide laptops, tablets, Cameras and other digital devices to asylum-seeking and refugee women and girls to support their learning, employability and integration• Deliver training programs tailored to the specific needs and challenges of this demographic, ensuring they can effectively use digital tools including blogs, apps, emails; educational programmes such as distance learning IT and ESOL, and empowerment• Enhance access to online resources, educational platforms, job search and support networks to boost their confidence and self-sufficiency The use devices will take place in Saheliya’s trusted, women-only space where women will also be supported with first language to maximise uptake and engagement. Saheliya staff and tutors who have experience of delivering digital inclusion activities and ESOL classes will oversee the use of the equipment and support the digital inclusion program. Saheliya service users will be encouraged to use the equipment for specific practical tasks such as emails, making appointments and applying for services based on needs. This project will also introduce the use of cameras as learning tools while they develop digital skills. IT will be used to support visual learning, which can help enhance their English Language learning as well as introduce photographing and filming to document, projects and special events. |
25/10/2023 |
£11,621 |
We are seeking digital devices (tablets, IPADs, laptops and cameras) to support learning and skills development for young people and adults with communication support needs associated with complex and sensory disabilities in our TouchBase Glasgow day centre. In particular the project would support the following:Learning Hub-Launched in August 2023, our Learning Hub offers school leavers with complex additional support needs at risk of not entering a positive destination a three-year individualised programme, based on their learning style, interests, ability and long term goals.Adults group service, a day service for young people and adults which brings all the benefits of social inclusion, skills development, and friendships of being part of a group. Skills development is a real focus through which people we support develop independent living, decision making and communication and social skills, as well as specific skills in areas of interest or to support progress towards future goals. In addition to learning during everyday activities, we have the following educational programmes, open to learners from the Learning Hub and members of the group service where access to these devices would be very beneficial: • ASDAN qualifications-to develop and recognise skills development in everything from independent living to arts, history and geography; practicing tasks for everyday life such as using transport, shopping and meal preparation • Duke of Edinburgh Award-In April 2023 we became an accredited Duke of Edinburgh Award Centre and will be offering groups of young people aged 14-24 the opportunity to work towards the 3 levels of award, developing skills, increasing fitness, helping the community/environment and completing an expedition in the process. Running parallel to this programme is the Sense Scotland Award for adults aged 25+, which launches in late 2023 and will recognise the individual and team achievements of people we support as they gain new experiences and skills. We would like to make these devices available to both groups of learners to support them in developing skills and achieving their learning goals across a wide variety of areas. The devices would be used on both a group and one to one basis depending on activities |
25/10/2023 |
£5,898 |
FVA has recently secured funding to recruit a Ukrainian Project Officer who will work in partnership with Fife Council and others to identify Ukranians currently in Fife, establish their needs and work with partners to try and meet those needs. We will prioritise those in greatest need and work hard to try and get them access to appropriate, local services. We know some families have access to technology and other resources, but some do not. We plan on providing a device and internet connectivity to those who need it, providing support to make best (and safe) use of the technology, helping them to access language and other skills training, how to communicate with those still in Ukraine or dispersed elsewhere to improve wellbeing and so on. Our existing partnership activity around employability support for Ukranians has identified language and conversion of qualifications as a key barrier to sustaining employment (and leading to improved mental health and wellbeing, sense of purpose and contribution to the community they now live in). Availability of ESOL tutors and funding to support this has resulted in dwindling opportunities and technology has a crucial role to play in augmenting this. Some learners will do exceptionally well with just the online resources, others will be supported by in-person tutors and support as part of our approach.We have our own IT training suite in one of our buildings, and access to some other community IT training suites in partner facilities, so will organise group sessions and drop-in sessions to introduce opportunities for socialising, peer-support and keeping in touch at a human level. We will also promote ESOL and computer training opportunities to participants to maximise learning opportunities and reinforce the support offerings available.FVA has dedicated, qualified IT expertise in-house and is able to provide high quality support. We have access to Ukranian and Russian language support and, as the TSI and lead third sector organisation co-ordinating refugee and asylum programmes in Fife, an array of other connections and resources across the public and third sectors to lever in additional support to support those in greatest need.We will record all engagements, track devices and evaluate usage and impact, learning as we go and sharing this with local partners to ensure we are making the most of the resources available to us and maximising the impact on Ukranians in Fife. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,981 |
Street League are asking the Scottish Government for a grant of £14,981 through the Community Learning Development Fund for new IT equipment as we support young people in achieving qualifications and gaining employment, further education or training opportunities. Your support will help us run two of our programmes: Structured Academy programmeOur Sport and Employability Academy programme is designed for disadvantaged young people who are furthest from the job market, with the greatest barriers holding them back from fulfilling their potential. We run four Academy programmes per region per year, with our next one starting in January 2024. Young people will join our Academy for 10-weeks, taking part in a structured timetable from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday each week. Each day will follow two hours of employability workshops, two hours of achieving their qualifications and one hour of sport. Each Academy is run by two members of staff: Our Progressions Coordinator who delivers the employability focussed sessions, qualifications and initial assessments to identify their challenges. Our Youth and Community Coach who delivers daily multi-sport sessions.Young people will take part in daily group and one-to-one sessions focusing on:• Employability skills such as CV writing and interview techniques as well as workplace behaviours, teamwork and communication.• Accredited qualifications in Employability (Level 3 & 4), Customer Services (Level 4) and Wellbeing (Level 3) – all recognised awards by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. • Healthy living workshops including diet and nutrition, relationships and money management etc. • Personal development sessions run by expert partners based on the needs of each group, such as gambling awareness and alcohol and cannabis harm.• Sport – from football and badminton to basketball and dance – to embed the essential skills learnt in the classroom and promote the benefits of physical activity.• Links with our established employer and further education network, both locally and nationally, for introductions to work.Job clubOur Progressions Coordinator in each region will run a drop-in job club once a week throughout the year to give unemployed young people the opportunity to gain free employability support. Our job club programme is aimed at young people who are closer to the job market, don’t require further qualifications to achieve their aspirations and need lighter touch, one-to-one support to help them move into employment – such as help to develop their CV, search for local vacancies, tailor a cover letter to fit a specific employer or prepare for an interview.To ensure we have the widest reach and largest impact possible, we work with local referral partners including job centres, educational services, councils, probation services and hostels to support the young people who need us most. We are seeking new laptops and tablets to replace our outdated and slow devices that we currently have. We are also seeking Wi-Fi dongles for Academy programmes that are in rural areas where there is poor Wi-Fi signal. All of which will help us support young people more effectively and efficiently in gaining employment, education or training opportunities. |
25/10/2023 |
£2,000 |
Our project is centered around empowering young New Scots with refugee experiences to access further education by providing them with laptops and essential digital skills training. Here is a concise overview of what we intend to do: Laptop Provision: We plan to purchase laptops that will be distributed to young New Scots who are pursuing further education. These laptops will be a critical resource for their academic endeavours, enabling them to access online courses, conduct research, and complete assignments. Digital Literacy Workshops: Our project will include weekly digital literacy workshops held at a community center where we already have a presence. These workshops will focus on teaching participants how to use laptops and essential software applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other tools required for their courses. The workshops will provide hands-on training to ensure that participants can confidently navigate digital platforms.Peer Support: To complement the technical training, we will engage Community Learning and Development (CLD) workers, as well as existing Digital Champions volunteers, who will serve as mentors and provide peer support. These mentors will work closely with the learners, offering guidance and assistance tailored to their individual needs. The peer support network will create a sense of community and provide ongoing assistance throughout their educational journey.Drop-in Sessions: In addition to structured workshops, we will organize drop-in sessions where young people can bring their laptops and seek help on specific issues they encounter while using them. These sessions offer flexibility and personalized support, ensuring that participants can address their unique challenges.Needs Analysis: We will conduct a thorough needs analysis of individuals receiving laptops to identify their specific requirements and challenges.Tailored Sessions: Based on the outcomes of the needs analysis, we will adapt our sessions to be needs-led, ensuring that we address the specific digital literacy gaps and preferences of our participants.Feedback and Continuous Improvement: We are committed to a process of continuous improvement. We will gather feedback from participants through surveys and feedback sessions to ensure that our project remains responsive to their evolving needs. This feedback will inform the development of future workshops and support initiativesDigital Champions: We already have Digital Champions volunteers, and we will actively involve them in the project to provide guidance and support to our participants.Peer-Volunteer Training: We plan to train additional peer-volunteers who can assist individuals with digital skills development and provide ongoing support.Multilingual Support: To make information accessible to a diverse group of participants, we will engage community members who speak different languages, ensuring that language is not a barrier to learning.Online Safety Training: As part of our digital literacy support, we will incorporate training on online safety. This training will be pitched at a level suitable for the participants we are working with, ensuring they have the knowledge to stay safe online.Software Training: We will focus on providing training for software applications commonly used in further education, including creating presentations with PowerPoint, using Word documents for assignments, and working with spreadsheets.Enhancing Study Skills: We recognise the importance of study skills and how computers can enhance them. Therefore, we plan to conduct sessions that incorporate study skills and demonstrate how computers can aid in this, including tools for individuals whose first language is not English. We will cover topics such as using online dictionaries effectively and accessing free online learning materials.By implementing these initiatives, we aim to break down the barriers that hinder the academic progress of young New Scots with refugee experiences. Our project seeks to provide them with the resources and knowledge needed to thrive in their educational pursuits, regardless of their background. We believe that education is a key pathway to integration and empowerment, and we are committed to supporting these young learners on their journey to a brighter future. |
25/10/2023 |
£3,000 |
Digital inequality is a recognised exclusion experienced by Gypsy/Travellers (1) and is a frequently raised concern in Article 12 in Scotland’s work with the community, partner organisations, and Scottish Government. COVID-19 restrictions have also highlighted the digital exclusion experienced by the Gypsy/Traveller community and the need to address this disadvantage (2).With this funding, we would purchase 10 Chromebooks and accessories (case, mouse, dongle) for a group of young Gypsy/Travellers who are currently engaged with our learning support in Falkirk. This is an established group who meet weekly for learning support in core skills, community engagement, and employability. With access to digital devices, we can improve the scope of their learning and include digital skills in the programme. Training will be provided during weekly meetings and the young people will be able to check out the devices for home practice during the course. Citations: Joe Scadding and Sarah Sweeney [2018] Digital Exclusion in Gypsy and Traveller communities in the United Kingdom. Online at: Digital-Inclusion-in-Gypsy-and-Traveller-communities-FINAL-1.pdf (gypsy-traveller.org) Lynne Tammi [2020] Across the Great Divide: The impact of digital inequality on Scotland’s Gypsy/Traveller children and young people during the COVID-19 emergency. International Journal of Roma Studies, 2(2), 52-65. Online at: https://hipatiapress.com/hpjournals/index.php/ijrs/article/download/6301/3183 |
25/10/2023 |
£12,510 |
The projects undertaken by IWG (International Women's Group) are aimed at empowering the diverse BEM women through education and skills development. For this proposal, in particular, IWG offers ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes to women from various cultural backgrounds. The primary objective of this project is to enhance the English language proficiency of these women, thereby improving their overall communication skills, employability, and integration into the community. IWG, as part of our English classes’ programs, have identified a gap in women’s digital / IT skills and the opportunity to pair English learning with digital competency. This not only will enhance and maximise women language skills but also advance their digital literacy as part of their empowerment.Thus, the proposed aims at supporting our multicultural women (including refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants) in Glasgow and the wider surrounding areas: multicultural women experiencing isolation, language barriers, digital literacy, poverty, mental health issues, isolation, survivors of abuse, etc.In brief, the project's aims at stimulating and increasing Women’s resilience via English classes while advancing their digital / IT literacy where English can be taught via computers. English classes / IT classes twice weekly with 20 women participating at a course.This will assist to facilitate their active participation via, for example, advancing language skills and digital literacy upskilling their knowledge and abilities, which in turn will enhance their integration and employability skills and participation in social, enhancing their social bonding and connections, participation and empowerment, etc., while fully promoting their independence.The fund will be utilised to purchase computers for use in English learning and digital / IT skills with evidenced maximalisation of their resilience and empowerment:• The fund will be used purchase 15 laptops to manage the English learning program via Digital / IT support.• Based on direct input from the diverse Women, we continue to see that addressing digital competency and language is a key dynamic to empowering women’s resilience. The fund will support our English learning courses: Minimum 20 diverse women will be supported weekly with over estimated 120 women benefiting yearly. The IT equipment will remain as resources for IWG where they will be fully used in support of advancing the women’ IT skills and learning. |
25/10/2023 |
£7,572 |
TD1 Youth Hub will support young people aged 11-25 years, through access and skills development with digital equipment being requested, supporting them to participate in learning, education, seeking employment and obtaining benefits and support that have been identified.School Learners – referred young people receiving learning, study, college, future employment support as alternative school attendance.Young Parents’ Group – supported access to computers and digital equipment to access housing advice and officers; income support / benefits; online college courses learning.Open Access Youth Work and 1-2-1 sessions – drop-ins and streetwork youth workers and 1-2-1 support sessions, increasing young people’s skills, learning, confidence with school, homework and college work; access and support for driving theory tests; access and support to online Inspire Borders Learning Initiative.Young people have indicated, through research carried out by TD1, the need for support with regards digital literacy, access to equipment and support towards gaining knowledge, support for learning, and access to benefits, employment, college applications, and wider communicationregarding housing and their rights.This fund will support and increase young people’s access, involvement, inclusion and personal skills development of the digital world, equipment and use. We hold significant evidence that although young people, through mobile phones, have knowledge and access to the internet, social media and certain aspects of the digital world, they feel isolated, excluded and lacking skills with regards computers, communication and online access to the online world and expressing themselves effectively and clearly. |
25/10/2023 |
£6,878 |
Our Digital Learning Project will see local refugees and asylum seekers (New Scots) and other members of the Ethnic Minority community upgrade their skills and digital knowledge by having access to Chromebooks at CSREC’s main premises in Falkirk, and our outreach offices in Stirling and Alloa. These devices will be used as part of our Employability for New Scots service which supports and upskills New Scots to enable them to understand how the local employment market works, what is required to successfully apply for a job, how to tackle and overcome common barriers, and how to utilise the skills they already have. These devices will be used to enhance the learning and development of digital skills that are essential to increasing knowledge and gaining suitable employment. Service users will also be able to utilise our drop-in service to use the devices to assist with learning for a course they are undertaking, job research, and / or come along to one of our digital workshops to enhance their digital skills. The devices will also be utilised during our weekly Language and Entrepreneurship Cafés to aid in English language skills, learning, and digital literacy. Making these devices available to people in our community who do not have access to such technology, will enable them to increase their learning and understanding of the uses of technology in everyday life.Twice-weekly drop-in sessions will provide users with the freedom to use the digital devices as they wish (within CSREC’s safety guidelines) to develop their skills and learn independently. There will always be a member of staff available during these sessions to help and answer any questions users may have or resolve any technical problems should they arise.To ensure that users are upskilled with appropriate knowledge we will also offer monthly digital skills workshops on:• Using technology in the workplace • Using technology in education• Understanding MS Office• Basic digital skills• Cyber security and staying safe online |
25/10/2023 |
£15,000 |
We would like to establish a ‘Device Lending Library of tablets and laptops that can be used by our nine services. We use a combination of groupwork and 1:1 settings to deliver a wide variety of learning opportunities for our young people for example:• The GIVIT Youth Recovery Service for young people with problematic alcohol and substance use who are being liberated from prison must complete online DWP & Housing Forms, apply for employment, training or educational opportunities. Having accessible devices to up-skill our client base in using appropriate digital resources to fulfil their social, economic, environment needs and their recovery journey whilst attending The GIVIT would contribute to better outcomes for this target group. • Participants of GoTo Mental Health Service will benefit from rapid access to digital platforms to support improvements to their mental health and well-being in group and at home whilst undertaking 6wk courses on Anxiety & Mood or working with their CBT Counsellor.• Volunteers undertaking accredited online trauma-informed training courses. • Young people attending youth club and groups will be able to access wider learning and help with homework and studying for those who are working toward exams. All areas of our service will be able to use the lending library therefore the period of time they can be borrowed for will depend on the need of the participant. |
25/10/2023 |
£2,822 |
In 2022 169 young people attended our rural-skills programmes, 1162 free lunches were provided to children experiencing financial hardship, we accommodated 17 school visits and 8 community groups, ran 192 events, two young people took on job placements, one a rural apprenticeship, 43 volunteered, 334 attend workshops, 727 attended our nature activities and we ran 35 tots sessions.We work with large numbers of disadvantaged young people each year and we have a great facility, programmes and staff to support them towards their goals. On site the trust has offices, a classroom, staff kitchen, workshop and storage facilities. The workshop stores the tools and equipment for students and larger equipment like the ride on mower and RTV. There are workbenches and a saw mill. There are also tools for making wooden goods and to carry out repairs on the estate on things like fence posts, benches and shelters. We are well set-up to deliver a high quality educational provision but we currently have an insufficiency of digital devices needed to fully support this undertaking. The equipment we wish to purchase with this grant will significantly improve the educational outcomes achieved through our service and this is something that is extremely valuable to young people living in the local area.In the coming years the Regional Skills Assessment for Tayside forecasts a growth of 1900 jobs in agriculture, forestry and fishing, 400 of which will require a qualification of SCQF 7-10. The rural education programmes offered at Murton are therefore extremely important to local young people. They need these experiences, skills and qualifications to successfully enter a range of local employment opportunities. The local schools do not have the means to deliver these courses due to the mandatory practical elements such as animal care or landscaping. Therefore, we need to ensure that we are fully equipped at Murton to take on that responsibility for our local youth and support them with everything they need to successfully progress towards these positive destinations. The devices we wish to purchase will support the delivery of our classroom activity including presentations via a projector and our outdoor practical experiences with the use of camera and video capture to record and document learning experiences. The equipment will also help assist our early learning provision and the work we do with primary school children which introduces and encourages interests in rural skills with basic learning and understanding of the opportunities available locally. |
25/10/2023 |
£14,680 |
GGG's digital cafes have been running since 2021. Recently we received funding from Sky to upgrade a room at the Fred Paton Centre into a Sky Up Hub. The Sky up Hub provides free Digital Cafes and free Digital Drop-in support for older adults in Glasgow. At digital cafes, older adults can learn how to use their smartphone/tablet for basic tasks such as using Google, emailing, and connecting with friends/family online through video calls. Each session is put together with the older people's needs in mind, giving them skills to take home with them. At digital drop-ins, older adults can come along and receive bespoke help. For example, help with setting up a new phone, submitting meter readings online, or support with online shopping. Two digital officers and a network of volunteers provide support to 150 digitally-excluded older people each year. Sky initially provided money to buy ipads, tablets and mifis. As we reach the end of the funding period, we have identified the need for more tablets and iPads for the older people to use in the cafes, as more people become aware of the support offered at the hub. They will also be able to borrow the devices to practice their skills at home. The older people will be able to borrow the devices for as long as they are engaged with our service. This could be for a matter of weeks or months. Older people will be taught how to search the internet to access energy and financial advice; for example, the best energy deals, cheapest garages for fuel, latest Govt advice. Our welfare team will visit the cafes during each block (approximately ten weeks) to give talks and advice on benefits and grants available too older people and offer one-to-one assessments. Online safety workshops are also hosted regularly in the digital cafes, giving older adults the latest advice on staying safe online, creating strong passwords, and how to spot scam texts, emails and calls.All attendees will be at different skill levels with regards to their digital capability. As such, the programme delivery is led by attendees. During phase one the digital team had a prescribed programme of delivery; however, we listened to feedback and realised that the format should be flexible and responsive to the needs of the attendees. Topics which were covered include sending an email, using iPlayer and STV Player, using Whatsapp, online security, online scams, downloading apps. During initial stages of the project we found that accessing iPlayer and STV Player made a huge difference to may service users. Most service users have Freeview TV and are not able to record programmes; being able to watch their TV programmes when they want was a revelation for many of them. Being able to digitally connect with family, particularly during lockdown, had a huge impact. At the start of each digital café there is a short quiz based on what’s in the news or a theme such as gardening or sports. Google is used for research, then answers are emailed to the tutor. Another way of increasing their digital capability, while keeping things interesting and engaging.Not only do they learn about using their device, but it also gives them the opportunity to socialise, make friends and receive peer to peer support. Our welfare team will work closely with the digital team to ensure that all attendees have improved access to digital and financial literacy and by gaining digital and financial skills have more confidence applying these skills on their own. |
25/10/2023 |
£13,480 |
Our project aims to democratise access to digital learning and skills development within our community. The modern reliance on technology for learning, education, and job opportunities, means it is crucial to bridge the digital divide. We intend to purchase a range of devices to be utilised within our learning and volunteer programs, from accredited training to informal learning settings, further enhancing the experiential, hands-on focus of Beith Trust. We plan to purchase a mix of laptops and tablets, selected for their utility in different learning scenarios. Laptops are ideal for work placements and accredited training, where complex software may be needed. Tablets are excellent for more interactive, hands-on learning, especially for our younger participants in our after-school projects. We will adopt a hybrid approach. Devices will be available for use on our premises during specific projects or classes. Additionally, we will institute a small lending library, allowing members to borrow devices for extended at-home learning.Learners will be able to borrow devices for periods of two weeks, with the option for extension upon review. This ensures equitable access to as many community members as possible while allowing for meaningful periods of usage.Devices will serve multi-faceted roles: job searches, completing online courses, participating in virtual community events, or meetngs ,and aiding in creative and technical projects that come up within our many community programs. The aim is to offer a comprehensive toolkit for modern skill-building and personal development.Yes, we will offer a robust support system. Technical support will be available during regular hours, both in-person and via phone. Additionally, we will facilitate digital skills workshops available in both group settings and one-on-one, to help community members become more comfortable and proficient with their devices.This approach ensures that we are not merely providing tools but are also equipping and empowering our community to use them effectively, in line with Beith Trust's ethos of lifelong learning and sustainable development. |
02/08/2023 |
£26,354 |
*Tell us about your project. (500 words) |
21/06/2023 |
£54,229 |
Through the lifespan of this project, we are aiming to address mental health inequalities, intersectionality and digital inclusion through the following initiatives Onsite easy access Counselling Service - our organisation is working with research partner Abertay University Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. The scope of the research is to establish how the third sector can influence and positively impact mental health assessments for people living in poverty, and offer a route to potential reduction in waiting times for people who are in a mental health crisis. Over the 12 month project , we will offer 16 counselling sessions per week by working with 2x Abertay University student placements as well as our accredited counsellor. Adult Digital Literacy - Just Bee will offer 40 x digital literacy workshops in partnership with Dundee City Council’s (DCC) Adult Literacy Team. On a daily basis our support workers assist people who are unable to get online or use technology to progress with housing issues, online banking, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) assessments and job applications. Our current partnership with DCC is merely a referral scheme however with the support of Digital Pioneers fund we will invest in ipads and laptops which will allow the charity to offer digital literacy training on site.Mental Health Podcast - we have received £3.3k from NHS Community Innovation Fund to help people articulate their mental health success stories, discuss the challenges they have faced and inspire other people who are struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction and trauma. The driving principle of the project is to facilitate peer mentoring in a digital capacity. E-Cafe & Games RoomOur charity provides free hot meals to 150 people per week. A large portion of our one-to-one support work progresses through addressing food insecurity. One of the common barriers single parents face when addressing social issues is that they are unable to have their children looked after during counselling sessions or support work. We aim to provide an internet cafe and e-games room within our premises that offers access to Ipads and 2 x Xbox and 2 x Playstation. This aspect of the project is designed to reduce barriers for parents to access practical support and makes our service more wide reaching.Isolation in CrisisPurchase of 25 mobile phones to distribute to people in crisis. We have received some sim cards from Vodafone which we are able to distribute to people who do not have any means of contact. By providing mobile phones to clients in crisis they will be less isolated from their family, friends and community networks when they are navigating mental health issues. |
21/06/2023 |
£51,270 |
This programme will expand and build on current digital inclusion activity, formalising our current approach, with staff and service users recognising the digital inclusion activities they are already undertaking. This recognition will build an evidence base and contribute to best practice for people with severe and enduring mental health problems. The project will enable staff to support individuals in three ways: • It will support staff and service users to engage better with our current care management system Access Care Planning (ACP) which we use within all our services across Scotland, allowing service users greater control and participation in their own care plans such as support planning, achievement of goals and feedback/evaluation of service quality on the system. In turn building capacity for wider digital participation. • It will expand existing IT services at our Redhall Walled Garden to more individuals, using technology to engage in employability activity such as job searches and online applications and using the therapeutic horticulture activities as the motivation to increase online activity i.e. research plants, find gardening tips. Mobile technology/devices will allow this to happen physically in the garden rather than the IT suite, where participants have to arrange dedicated time/classes to access desktop computers. We will also provide access to our existing online therapeutic supports such as Time For You, Qwell and other NHS offers supporting greater self-management and self-care.• Within services we have experience of supporting service users to engage with digital. We will take this learning to our new supported living services in Glasgow and Perth which supports people discharged from hospital into a 3 year recovery pathway before moving on to their own tenancy. This will read across the 5 pillars of the national Digital Inclusion Programme, enabling service users to increase skills, have greater choice and support independence when they move on from the service. We will also explore the option to include Digital Inclusion activity as a specific support outcome within care planning via ACP – this would enable us to demonstrate the level of need our service users face in relation to digital accessibility, with the ability to include reporting and analytics relating to specific services and/or types of diagnoses. This would further enhance our understanding of where to target future digital inclusion initiatives as well as informing work at a local and national strategic level.Staff will be upskilled by undertaking specific training to increase confidence to support others around digital activities. SAMH service-based staff previously undertook the SCVO Digital Champions training and we will explore a refresh and enhancement of this course to ensure staff are competent and confident in supporting service users to access digital.Dedicated development support will be provided by our ACP Coordinator to improve access to systems to allow individuals and staff to engage. This will be supported by an additional two days per week of ACP Administrator support to respond to helpdesk/system queries and support requests. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,773 |
The Project will demonstrate an effective model for supporting digital inclusion for traumatised, marginalised women in New Scots (asylum seeking and refugee) communities. The learning programme will be tailored to the service users’ specific needs rather than being an ‘off-the-peg’ programme. Learning will take place in a familiar, trusted, women-only environment, with first language support, childcare and travel costs to maximise uptake and engagement. Saheliya staff are culturally-knowledgeable, trauma-informed and have mental health qualifications. Our senior case workers are qualified therapists. The Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator will work two-six hour days in Glasgow and one 5.5 hour day in Edinburgh, reflecting the size of service user footfall in our two premises. She will work with the language support team and with tutors from our partner agency, the WEA, to run two-hour Digital Inclusion sessions in Glasgow and one two-hour session in Edinburgh. The tutors will have experience of delivering digital inclusion activities and ESOL classes – and therefore of working with people in our service user group. Individual learning needs will be assessed and provided with language support as required. Tutors will support groups of at least 8 women each class, each term = 24 women per term in total, 72 women reached during the project.Learning will be targeted at specific practical tasks such as email and form filling, getting a health e.g. maternity appointment, applying for housing, making a college application, according to learner needs. There will be an additional hour in each of our premises for learners to practice what they have learned, supported by language support workers. The Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator will liaise with other tutors – ESOL and numeracy – so learners attending more than one subject area can have their digital skills and related language reinforced.Learners will be referred to the Digital Inclusion project by case and group workers. Referrals will also be made from our accredited childcare employment pathway which includes work experience placements in our childcare social enterprises – lack of IT skills or confidence often causes women to drop out of childcare and language support training and work experience placements.Tutors will liaise with the Project lead to flag-up additional learning needs, also if women appear too depressed or too anxious to engage, or if they become agitated, angry, or upset. The Project lead will immediately report according to our stringent safeguarding policy and practice; lead safeguarding officers are the Glasgow Manager in Glasgow and the CEO in Edinburgh. Learners will receive mental health support and / or risk reduction support from other staff teams. If language support staff identify risk to women or children, for example, forced marriage or FGM, they will notify the Project lead and the safeguarding leads immediately. Language support workers will phone learners initially to assess transport, childcare, and other needs, liaising with the Project lead and childcare, finance, and administration staff to ensure support is in place. They will phone learners regularly to encourage consistent attendance and to identify and solve barriers to engagement early. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,667 |
Our project aims to build on learning from DIRP’s previous work in delivering person-centred digital inclusion support by establishing a facilitated, online peer network across all three Glasgow Integrated Services as a means for people to support their mental wellbeing through meaningful community connections. In 2021, Glasgow South took part in the pilot phase of DIRP and successfully provided tablets, connectivity, and in-depth digital upskilling support to five people during a three-month pilot period. In 2022, Glasgow North East established a device and connectivity bank which enabled the team to provide each person accessing the service with the choice and opportunity to get online; with 15 people meaningfully engaging with digital inclusion support in a 6-month period. Through DIRP, people we support have expressed an interest in accessing secure online spaces where they can meet new people, keep well, and learn new things. As a result, this project aims to scale digital inclusion support across all three Glasgow Integrated Services and enhance our impact by providing the opportunity for people to take part in a safe online peer network. The network will provide a space for people we support to connect with others, look after their wellbeing, and explore new activities in a way that is right for them. This could include arts and crafts, emotional support, and gentle movement. We will explore the feasibility of various available platforms (e.g., Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp) to create safe spaces which can continue to support connection and wellbeing once a person moves on from formal support at Carr Gomm. Our online peer network will be built upon our three established foundations of person-centred digital inclusion support: • Digital Ambassadors: DIRP offers Digital Ambassador training to staff which focuses on the importance of digital inclusion in social care, the role of the digital hook, how to support someone to develop foundational and essential digital skills, and how to keep safe and well online. In addition to Digital Ambassador training, Support Practitioners will be signposted towards Learn My Way’s range of free e-learning modules which staff can use to enhance their own foundational and essential digital skills, if required. Through this upskilling, Support Practitioners will have the resources they need to support people to get online in a safe and meaningful way• Good Conversations: When working with a person to set agreed personal outcomes, Support Practitioners will use their existing skills in good conversations to explore each person’s unique digital hook and consider how digital can be used as a tool to enable a person to reach their health and wellbeing outcomes. Support Practitioners will use SCVO’s Essential Digital Skills Toolkit to determine a person’s current level of digital confidence and the level of support they may require to reach their outcomes through digital • Device and Connectivity Bank: Services will be provided with a batch of tablets and suitable connectivity which can be loaned to a person for an agreed period, or given to them to keep (depending on the individuals’ preference). |
21/06/2023 |
£36,244 |
We’re looking to build upon an existing project which, since 2019, supports clients from our Foundations to Employment services to improve their digital skills and confidence in using computers. Our clients have either been recently released from prison or living with historical trauma and aren’t able to cope with group sessions. We found that one-to-one support was the only way that they would engage and actually develop their skills. Our support is person-centred and targeted at the needs of the individuals but has included: • Keyboard/mouse skills/navigating equipment • Basic online browsing and searching• Using email – sending and reading messages and attaching documents• Completing online forms• Uploading documents• Online banking and finances (paying bills etc.)• Online shopping and ordering prescriptions• Social media and keeping safe online• Job searches, CVs and help with DWP online activity We deliver this support at our offices for six sessions per person weekly, but can be flexible depending on the needs of the individuals. This digital inclusion programme has been running at a low level since 2019 – 35 people over that time have been supported – but with more funding we could help more people and provide them with a device to use the skills that they’re learning. There’s a real need for more support as we’re seeing more and more digitally isolated clients. 20 Foundations clients could benefit from this support over a year. We are also looking to extend this digital inclusion support to our clients living at two of our Communities. For our four Crighton Place residents this would include the digital inclusion content detailed above along with more lifestyle support teaching them how to access music and films online and how to use a mobile phone for emergency contacts. We would aim to provide a laptop and mifi for each client who receives one-to-one support so that they can use the skills and confidence that they have developed. We would aim to run 6 workshops over the year for our residents at the farm, providing them with ideas and strategies to help them maintain a positive and creative online presence when entering the work-place and adult life. Along with the basic IT skills around job applications, using email and internet etc. these workshops would also cover online safety including digital footprints, online literacy, body image, internet dating, data harvesting and the myriad issues, complex and simple, they will face in their adult lives whilst online. One issue at our residential farm is the lack of internet access residents. We aim to create an IT Hub, converting a small room and putting in a desk, chairs and IT connection points and setting up two laptops for the residents to use. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,982 |
Moray Wellbeing Hub is involved in a test of change led by HSCM focused on self-management, social prescribing, and community connection this includes drop-ins at GP practices. Our role as a partner in this TOC links to our leadership in strategic mental health partnership Making Recovery Real in Moray, for which one key deliverable is the ‘Discover Pathways to Wellbeing’ online signposting tool. As part of this, MWH has an ambition to ensure that no citizens of Moray are excluded either from the design of these services and supports or from their access. This project “Creating a Digital Mental Health Capacity Building Hub” aims to create the conditions that are necessary for the successful adoption and continued use of digital supports specifically for mental health. This will include the delivery of two core work streams, described below, which will be delivered at the intersection between social inclusion and digitalisation, and will be based on activities designed to be flexible and to offer agile delivery. Existing partners will also be leveraged to maximise reach, and to create a pipeline of “referrals”. Access to digital services, and in particular online supports for mental health and wellbeing is still a problem in many rural areas like Moray. As individuals struggle to access services such as peer support opportunities, wellness apps, tools for managing aspects related to mental health (for example tools for managing finances, tasks etc)their mental wellbeing is further impacted.Work streamsCommunity Capacity building: Digital access and digital motivationAddressing the skills challenge to ensure that citizens of Moray are able to participate in digital mental health services and more general digital access, based on individual user needs following a baseline assessment.Activity 1-2-1 support / digital wellbeing reviews (reach 40) 12 community training sessions Digital device provision (2 per month)Increasing social connections: Digital social inclusionEnsuring that users are able to use digital tools effectively to network, create social connections, nurture contacts and move towards self-empowerment by connecting with like-minded peers and facilitating “digital cooperation” and “partnership” among such individuals. Weekly drop-in peer support: online and in-person.Ensuring sustainability: MWH & partners capacity building Training: The MWH team will also have additional external training to increase their knowledge and confidence in digital inclusion building which they will cascade to partners via fora such as the health and wellbeing forum. Resource creation: promotional materials such as community banners, Facebook adverts for existing digital tools and project support, plus upgrading our wellness college for access as feedback through the project is gathered.Device distribution- The modest budget for device purchases is to focus the project activity on social connection element of digital inclusion rather than become a hardware ’food bank’ or create dependence. There are other local and national partners (such as the National Databank) that we will work with to make best use of our shared resources. We anticipate our resources will grow thorough the community of learning in this project. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,867 |
Digital inclusion has been embedded in Foyer services for a number of years through our learning programmes and partnerships with North East Scotland College. During the pandemic we provided our tenants and clients with digital access/support to continue engaging in our services. While navigating the post-covid landscape we have continued to offer this digital support and access throughout our services. In September 2022 we scaled up our work to develop a digital specific role and service arm within our organisation.Our digital inclusion programme to date includes:• Conducting digital needs assessments with tenants to identify their motivation for being digitally active (e.g. access to music, gaming, connecting with family), their digital needs and barriers including rural connectivity, access to housing support/wider services supporting health and wellbeing. The assessment uses tools including conversations, surveys and SCVO’s Essential Digital Skills check-up to establish needs and interests and discover skills and talents in-line with our Advantage Thinking approach. • Creating personalised plans and person-centred approach to digital support.• Providing ongoing support to help tenants continue developing their digital skills and access support services, training programmes, hobbies/leisure, products etc. This includes creating online communities, hosting regular workshops/events, providing 1:1 coaching.• Ensuring tenants have access to the technology/connectivity needed to participate in digital training programmes and access support services - including providing devices/sim cards/dongle.• Providing staff training to effectively engage with tenants and support them in achieving digital inclusion, while also ensuring staff are equipped with the necessary digital skills and confidence.• Regularly evaluating the impact of the programme to identify areas for improvement/innovation and adjusting as needed.While continuing to provide the activities and support outlined above we would also like to:• Co design/develop creative, engaging digital training programmes with tenants tailored to their needs/skill levels making use of gaming, VR kit, interactive content, topics relevant to young people.• Create online community for tenants in rural areas that re-creates the camaraderie and support between tenants of our city-based accommodation and support tenants to use this community in its final digital form. Through regular use this will increase digital skills, confidence, communication skills, independence, access to resources/support.• Expand our partnerships/collaboration with local organisations e.g. community centres, libraries, other support services providing digital access/support. Collating this information into a library of resources for tenants as part of their tenant handbook.• Involve inhouse Educational Psychologist to help tenants understand how their brain works and that it is never too late for them to learn digital skills.• Create a group of volunteer digital champions to facilitate intergenerational support across the organisation• Creating trauma informed environments and opportunities for tenants to engage with and practice their communication skills. The pandemic put a huge strain on many young people who were already struggling. They have missed the opportunity to learn social skills at a critical time in their personal development, resulting in difficulty picking up on social cues, following social rules, making conversation and sustaining positive relationships. Effective communication requires more than just technical proficiency; it also requires the ability to understand and navigate cultural and social differences, to empathise with others and to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue. |
21/06/2023 |
£42,753 |
We have been running digital inclusion activities for approximately 8 years at QCHA. Our dedicated Digital Inclusion coordinator is responsible for organising a weekly schedule of 10 digital based sessions which cover a range of activities such as digital skills for employability, universal credit and online form filling. We deliver coding for young people, digital cafés for older people with structured course content provided by Wonconnect as well as online Mindfulness and ESOL. We offer general drop-in sessions which anyone can attend to receive guided help to suit their needs, these sessions cover intermediate skills and help to build understanding and self-confidence along the way. All our drop-in sessions allow people to use the devices and free WiFi on their own terms and in their own time. We have a skilled team of sessional workers who deliver our sessions, we run sessions over 2 hours to give people enough time to get the help they require and familiarise themselves with how each device works. Free tea, coffee and light refreshments or free lunches (digital café) in a warm space have been a staple of our digital inclusion activities in recent years. This format, we find, helps to break down the usual barriers to engagement, offering a relaxed, inviting community space to learn and socialise. We have 4 community facilities from which we run our activities as well as the local Glasgow Life - Woodside Library. The Courtyard – Westercommon/Hamiltonhill Dundasvale Residents Hall Windsor Community Hall The Hub - 472 Maryhill Rd Across these facilities, we offer free WiFi, access to devices and knowledgable staff support every week from Cowcaddens area in the city centre all the way up Maryhill rd to Westercommon/Hamiltonhill. These activities are aimed at tenants but are free and open to anyone in our communities who requires support. Over the years we have, where funding has allowed, offered devices and connections to our tenants. Through a partnership with Hyperoptic we arranged to provide 50 households with fibre broadband (and a device) who had never previously had internet. We have delivered laptops, mobile phones and tablets along with free data SIM cards from the National Databank. This work has helped many of our tenants access QCHA online services, connect with housing officers and our Financial Inclusion team and has seen an increase in attendance at our digital activities as a whole. The project has slowly scaled up to meet demand since things re-opened after the pandemic, adding more drop-in sessions, coding for young people and the older persons digital cafe has seen a wider cross section of our communities engaged. However, this also coincided with the end of some of our external funding which paid for digital skills activities. Funding from SCVO would enable us to continue our targeted digital inclusion service delivery for our tenants in our communities and would allow us to continue to support people to develop their digital skills and continue on their digital journey. |
21/06/2023 |
£31,310 |
Link Up will support 70 digitally excluded and isolated tenants to connect to information, groups and networks that improve their wellbeing. The project will use the development of digital skills and online confidence to encourage people to feel connected online, but also help them to develop broader self confidence to physically attend drop ins, groups and local activities again, providing devices and data where required. Link Up will be aimed at older tenants and those with a disability/ long term health condition. Prospect will work in partnership with WHALE Arts in this project’s delivery. Prospect and WHALE have worked in partnership extensively over the years on a range of successful projects. Most recently, both partners were in Wester Hailes Connects, a digital inclusion partnership community project that ran for 18 months and was in operation throughout the pandemic supporting tenants and local residents to get online and learn digital skills with a focus on employability. Prospect continues to refer tenants to WHALE’s Digital Drop Ins and works closely with the Digital Inclusion Lead. We have used learning from Wester Hailes Connects to shape this project, building on what worked and what enabled digitally excluded participants to progress. Recognising the need to start from where the tenant feels most comfortable, we will offer initial one to one sessions either in their home, or at a familiar venue. WHALE’s Digital Inclusion Lead will provide support with setting up and learning to use new devices and data or help the tenant learn how to use the device they own more effectively as well as identifying their interests. Together they will tie these interests to digital opportunities and ways to connect with others who share these interests online such as forums, subreddits, discord groups and using communication software like Zoom. As participants’ confidence improves, they will be encouraged and supported to attend drop-in sessions where they can meet other local people and visit community venues.The project will hold 3 weekly drop ins in local venues. These will have no set curriculum, focused rather on the interests of those attending. The drop-ins will therefore try to tie in digital skills to specific hooks and participants’ communities of interest, using feedback and suggestions from current and potential participants to inform topics. Past projects and discussions with local residents suggest that this could include troubleshooting phones and other devices, creating and using email and social media, writing stories and sharing experiences. Whilst we have not been delivering the same level of digital skills support as during Wester Hailes Connects, we have continued to support tenants to develop basic digital skills. Link Up would give us the opportunity to expand provision again, targeting specific tenant groups we know are most likely to be digitally excluded. We feel that digital skills have a vital role in tenancy sustainment, enabling tenants to feel connected to key services and their surrounding community. We are therefore keen to use the learning and opportunities generated through this project to inform future work. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,980 |
Our project is for the continuation and expansion of the existing “Shettleston Does Digital” project, which helps digitally excluded adults to make the most of our digital world; demand for the service has been growing, especially amongst our tenants, and its expansion will allow us to greatly enhance the number of people that the service can reach. “Shettleston Does Digital” is a free digital skills training project that we established in December 2020, alongside Fuse Youth Café as our delivery partner. It is a skills-focused project, which helps digitally excluded adults to build the basic skills they need to make the most of the digital world. Support is closely aligned to the Essential Digital Skills Framework, covering the key themes of: communicating; handling information and content; transacting; problem solving; and, being safe and legal online. The content we deliver includes the basic foundation skills that are required by those either not using digital technology currently, or doing so in very limited ways. In practice, this digital skills training helps our tenants and others in the community to undertake tasks such as: • Using search engines• Producing and sending emails• Buying and/or installing Apps• Buying things online• Applying for things (like Universal Credit or a housing move)• Reporting things (like repairs)• Using and commenting on social media• Using video conferencing tools such as Zoom• Using passwords and answering security questions.Our approach is learner-led and adapt our approach to each individual’s interests and needs. From paying rent or reporting repairs, connecting to others online, to digital art, job searching, and accessing Universal Credit, we support learners to reach their personal goals. We are open to everyone in the local area including our own tenants (who have represented a significant proportion of clients) plus private tenants and homeowners in the area. Much of our client base has comprised older people, including both those of working age who are currently economically inactive and in need of digital skills, and retired people.The service is delivered currently from the centrally-located Shettleston Hub shopfront premises between 10am to 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with learners being able to book appointments for one-to-one support at these times as well as drop-in support being provided. Digital Pioneers funding will allow us to expand the service offer significantly, allowing us to extend opening hours on these days to 9am to 5pm, thus increasing our contact time by 60%; the service will be available 48 weeks per year with a team of 3 staff delivering.A formal external evaluation of the initial phase of Shettleston Does Digital, conducted in late-2021, showed that:• 98% of participants were satisfied with their experience.• 90% reported improved confidence and motivation in using digital skills.• 84% reported a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing.• 84% also reported a positive impact on their being connected to other people.“Shettleston Does Digital” is a proven concept and Digital Pioneers funding will allow it to be expanded further to meet the obvious need for it. |
21/06/2023 |
£55,000 |
In 2022 Abbeyfield Scotland became part of Blackwood with 76 employees and 131 tenants living across 14 supported living homes throughout Scotland. Blackwood has provided digital skills training, connectivity and devices to tenants for several years with wide scale adoption across our customer base. As such we diversified the role of our Digital Skills Coaches to be part of our wider IT team, focusing on our longer term digital transformation strategy. Abbeyfield Scotland employees and tenants have little experience of technology so are not yet able to fully utilise alot of the technology that Blackwood employees and customers have been familiar with for several years now. This project seeks to provide digital skills training and support to the 132 ex-Abbeyfield Scotland tenants that live in our supported living properties to allow them to use not only Blackwood specific digital tools to manage and engage with the service they receive from us, but also to access wider benefits of using technology such as reducing isolation, more options to access healthcare services, improvised independence and reduced isolation, efficiency and costs savings. Their average age is over 65 and 90% of them have little experience of using the internet or technology, and these developments are in rural areas. From our previous experience of delivering digital skills training we know that face to face, 'hand holding' support is key for adoption and confidence building. We have a network of Digital Champions established within Blackwood that support our employees and we plan to offer 1.5 secondment opportunities to that network to deliver our Digital Buddies role. The Digital Buddies will regularly visit each location and develop relationships with tenants, being available, in person to support them using technology, as well as supporting employees to, widening the circle of knowledge to enable them to continue supporting tenants long term. Blackwood provides internet connectivity across our housing developments as free at the point of use, and 'baked in' to our tenancy offer. We will be installing WiFi as a capital investment programme across the 14 ex-Abbeyfield Scotland properties over the coming 2 years. To provide aa solution on an interim basis and speed up tenants ability to access the internet we will provide MiFi connectivity for tenants. Blackwood will purchase and buy the devices for tenants. |
21/06/2023 |
£50,268 |
This project will address several areas directly but expects to also have a wider impact across the 2 services involved. The first is connectivity. We plan to install and commit to an 18 month internet contract in 19 of the flats managed by the EYPS. At a special rate negotiated with Origin Broadband, not only will this give the connectivity necessary to those currently living in the flats, but also to those who will come after. We also plan to provide 40 MiFi units, powered by vouchers from the National Databank, to those who may be in accommodation with no fixed line internet connection. The second is device access. With a bank of 40 Chromebooks, packaged up with a mouse in a laptop bag, we will be able to loan large screen devices to those who need them the most. Although most of these will be loaned on a short-term 6 month basis, for those who need them for longer to assist with college work, or other development opportunities, loans will be extended for the duration of the course.The third is engagement. With a visiting Project Worker, working either one-to-one with our young people, or in the case of the EMHS service users, in group settings and with an additional external trainer, we will be able to foster engagement and build trust around the use of technology and online services. We plan to replicate the success of VR headset use that we have seen at our Link Academy facility, in particular with the EMHS service users and with our young people who have the most challenges.The fourth is digital skills development. The Project Worker will work one-to-one where required and in group settings to deliver digital skills development opportunities. Using the Good Things Foundation ‘Learn My Way’ online courses, as well as other training resources developed in-house, we will be able to provide the most appropriate training for the skills level of the service user. For those who receive a device on loan, part of the loan agreement will be time spent with the Project Worker, ensuring safe use of the device is understood and how to navigate the best of the internet while staying safe online.The fifth is communication. With 20 mobile phones, again powered by vouchers from the National Databank, we will provide the means for service users to keep in touch with family and friends, and be able to make or receive calls from other supporting agencies. At the end of the project period, if the assessment shows that there is spare capacity, the service will be extended to the Private Sector Leasing (PSL) contract tenants. With service delivery by Link Living, PSL provides homes for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. |
21/06/2023 |
£54,982 |
This project will embed our existing digital inclusion approach within our Housing First & Housing Support Services within Edinburgh by connecting 130 people experiencing homelessness to the digital world using our Get Connected Model. We will provide each person with a digital device, unlimited connectivity, support from a trained digital champion based around a learning framework of digital skills (Simon Community’s Get Connected Framework). Our previous Get Connected projects have delivered truly life changing outcomes for the people we support. We strongly believe that we can further improve outcomes for people accessing support through our Housing First service by ensuring they are digitally connected and we want to capture evidence to prove this concept. The digital inclusion work will be underpinned by the Get Connected App which will be pre-installed onto the person’s phone to enable learning alongside their digital champion and self directed learning.The framework within the Get Connected App covers five key categories:www.getconnected.simonscotland.orgCommunicating - (email, chat, social media and video calls) Enables participants to connect with people and services in their lives. This will help to reduce social isolation and increase access to support (especially useful for people moving into a new tenancy).Finding information - (Google maps, local community projects, local authority website). People will be given the skills and tools to find the information that they need. For example, finding out about recycling collections, to pay council tax, or to apply for a blue badge or join a local walking group.Money matters - (online banking, food & fuel, benefits, shopping and budgeting tools) When people can budget, control their money and live within their means it leads to an increase in wellbeing.Entertainment and learning (Youtube, Spotify, podcasts)- People can access entertainment and learning content. Having access to music or movies can help to improve wellbeing and health.Health and wellbeing (NHS Inform website, meditation apps to support mindfulness, calorie counters, healthy recipes and excercise apps). We will support people to have a healthy lifestyle, improved wellbeing and to access digitised health services (ordering prescriptions or booking a GP appointment).As detailed above, the Get Connected App contains a wide range of digital skills, links to useful tools, apps, websites and content. The framework was informed by the people we support.We will continue to have the people we support and our digital champions (housing support staff trained in digital inclusion) at the heart of our programme by co-designing the digital champion training and reviewing the GC frameworkThis is to ensure the programme focuses on the areas which will be most useful, relevant and create the biggest impact within a housing setting. This will be embedded through out our digital champion training, the framework and the delivery of the programme. Examples may include finding the best utility prices, finding repair companies, bidding on tenancies, purchasing social broadband, finding local communities to engage with and working with local housing providers - but will be informed by the key stakeholders. The project enables digital champions to explore the opportunities and possibilities available to participants within the digital world. It is a guide and a conversation starter, with support being person-centred - each individual can choose to explore what is important, relevant and interesting to them.Digital Champion training will build confidence and skills in engaging with the people that they support. Our key learning from previous projects tells us that the relationship between the frontline worker and the person they are supporting is critical to successful digital inclusion. Support is more powerful and impactful when delivered by a familiar person with a trusting relationship. This helps to build confidence, digital skills and motivation which increased digital capability and leads to independence, autonomy and self worth. Our skilled staff will work alongside the people we support with kindness and compassion with digital embedded into the core of our services to ensure we can deliver maximum impact in the programme. This approach will help people to sustain their home and thrive.We have seen a huge improvement in staff skills and confidence, not only in delivering digital inclusion within our services, but also the digital skills and confidence of our staff. As they explore digital opportunities with the people we support, there is an opportunity for their own personal development and learning.If our bid is successful, we look forward to sharing our learning, knowledge, experience and expertise with the learning community to contribute towards a collective digital inclusion approach in Scotland within a housing setting. We couldn’t be more excited. |
20/06/2023 |
£65,000 |
As a throughcare support service we have provided a comprehensive digital inclusion programme over the last twelve months, supporting 215 people, distributing digital devices along with connectivity and upskilling people in the use of digital technology. While we have impacted the lives of so many people, we know that given the correct resources we will be able to have an even greater impact. Our aim will be to increase staffing within the project to two staff members, one Project Leader working full time and a part time Project Assistant working two days per week. Working between HMP Kilmarnock, HMP Barlinnie and liaising with our Visitors Centre and Community Hub Project Leaders the Digital Inclusion team will work with their colleagues to provide a comprehensive prison-based pre-release digital skills development programme with support continuing once released. Our aim will be to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to access support services, maintain contact with family, enhance their employability, reintegrate into society, and reduce the likelihood of reoffending with the goal being to empower individuals with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves and their families on release. The team will work alongside the community based and visitor centre teams to support the families of those in custody, people experiencing homelessness along with those in hospital and residential care, as stated before they will look at tailored support plans, providing one to one support sessions to ensure that needs of individuals are being met. Securing additional funding will allow us to increase access to digital devices, providing more computers, tablets, other devices, and connectivity for people to access. Providing personalised support plans for each participant will enhance the effectiveness of the digital inclusion project. Plans will be tailored to the individual needs, taking into consideration existing skills, interests, and educational background. This will allow for a more targeted and impactful approach, ensuring that people receive the specific training and support they require to succeed. As well as recruiting two staff members we will incorporate a mentoring and peer support programme to provide additional guidance and motivation. We will aim to have mentors from the technology industry along with individuals who have successfully transitioned from prison and who have been part of our previous digital inclusion project. Peer support will encourage collaboration, learning and mutual accountability among participants. We have excellent working relationships with partner organisations, and this will assist us greatly in enhancing our project. Collaborating with our partners, employers and educational institutions will provide us access to expertise, resources, and employment opportunities. If we are successful, the follow-on fund will allow us to provide a higher number of digital devices to people engaging with our programme however after liaising with HMP Kilmarnock and HMP Barlinnie we have identified that there are currently 520 people scheduled to be liberated between 1st July 2023 and 31st July 2024 to the Ayrshire area. We have estimated that our service will engage with 490 people over the three themes identified. We will implement a comprehensive needs assessment to identify individuals who will benefit from receiving digital equipment. This assessment will include factors such as the length of their sentence, release date, access to technology prior to and during incarceration, digital literacy skills, vocational or educational goals, and individual circumstances that may impact their reintegration. We will ensure transparency and fairness throughout the identification process, communicating clearly with individuals about the criteria and selection process, and providing appropriate feedback or alternatives to those who may not be eligible for immediate equipment provision. As an enhanced digital inclusion project, we have embraced the cultural of continual improvement. We will regularly seek feedback from participants, staff, and other stakeholders to provide valuable insights to identify areas for refinement and enhancement. By being responsive to feedback and adapting program components based on lessons learned, we will continually evolve to better meet the needs of participants. |
20/06/2023 |
£75,723 |
This project will extend on the last round of successful funding we were awarded which has helped us to provide devices, connectivity and digital support opportunities to those we are working with in our substance use services. This funding will allow us to widen our partnership approach whereby support workers, peer workers and volunteers are or will be trained to support those in receipt of a device. We will work alongside all our partners to ensure sustainability and consistency of the project. This includes third sector, Justice, Housing and Communities Services. We will work one-to-one and offer additional support through group settings that are already set up through the Adult Learning service. We will offer digital support on an outreach basis in recovery and support services and in informal education settings. From previous funding allocations, Angus ADP have provided 25 devices and free access to the Breaking Free Online Recovery Program over the last 12 months to enable people that would possibly be reluctant to access treatment services to benefit from an evidence based recovery programme and it has also helped people in their recovery any time they need it rather than having to rely on the opening times of local services. Angus ADP have invested significantly in harm reduction services over the last 5 years and the rural nature of Angus requires much of this to be delivered on an outreach basis. Increasing people's access to digital devices and training will greatly increase their ability to access harm reduction services and supports e.g. ordering of injecting equipment and naloxone via postal services and being to able to access credible information about drugs and safer use. Those leaving custody and the homeless population often feel excluded from services and their communities. This funding would allow us a unique opportunity to engage with them and provide information about all of the recovery activities and supports that they can access online and in person. |
20/06/2023 |
£99,438 |
This project will support and build capacity for our current digital inclusion and harm reduction programme which aims to reduce drug related harms and deaths through digital connection, skills and access to information, services and life saving technology. We will be connecting 140 people experiencing homelessness to the digital world using the Get Connected model. We include 10% replacement devices for lost, stolen or broken devices. An additional 150 people will also be connected through funding received from the early adopters programme where progress is ongoing (This will be delivered before September). We will provide each person with:a suitable digital device unlimited connectivity support from a staff member trained as a digital harm reduction champion. a learning framework of digital skills, tools and apps (the Get Connected Framework)access to our award winning By My Side App.We will work alongside the person to ensure they have the digital skills and confidence to access information, advice and support using our Get Connected framework. This will be underpinned by a harm reduction approach that meets people where they are at without judgement and creates safe and supported spaces to explore what is going on in a person’s life. The work of our digital harm reduction champions will be reinforced and supported by our Get Connected and By My Side Apps.This will give people access to the digital world, a range of digital skills tools, apps and websites as per the Get Connected Framework. The key categories are based around digital health and harm reduction, connecting with friends and family, accessing services, managing finances, entertainment, learning and tackling social isolation.In addition to this, participants will be supported by trained Digital Harm Reduction Champions on use of the By My Side App meaning that people can access up to date, evidence based harm reduction information to ensure they are informed around best practice, access local services and use the ‘Check on Me’ feature to reduce risk of fatal overdose and increase the chance of someone receiving life saving support.We will deliver Digital Harm Reduction workshops quarterly using a conversation cafe model to ensure the ambitions of this project are being effectively implemented. We are committed to taking a rights based approach and this project will ensure that people are aware of and know how to enact their rights through the Medical Assisted Treatment Standards. This will support the upcoming work of the National Collaborative to ensure that the rights of people that use substances are at the centre of service design and delivery. |
20/06/2023 |
£32,414 |
‘GCP Digital Citizens’ will build on the success of the past year to further embed digital connectivity and inclusion within GCP’s existing community asset-based approach to supporting our members. We access the skills, expertise and lived experience of our members to deliver person-centred support in a trauma-informed environment which assists people to identify and reach their own tailored support network and meet their practical and social needs. Digital connectivity is a tool to be embedded at every stage of this support journey as it offers unique opportunities for individuals to overcome barriers and meet their needs through enhanced choice, independence, and access to rights and services and through connection to family, friends, peers and organisations. We are informed by a social pedagogical approach that forefronts supporting people’s connections to themselves and others; providing practical support and wellbeing activities and using reflective skills that draws on the knowledge of our members, volunteers and staff to support people at whatever stage they are at informed by our principles of equality, harm reduction and anti-oppressive practice. Over the past year we provided a blended approach of 200 hours of IT skills workshops in our dedicated IT hub, online learning and laptop use combined with 1:1 appointments for 16 members identified as high-risk to assess their digital needs and provide tailored support, reaching 68 direct and 128 indirect beneficiaries. Members have been supported to use smartphones, tablets and laptops for a range of purposes including accessing emails, applying for jobs and volunteering, skills learning, creative writing, accessing EdIndex. This second phase will expand on our learning in Phase 1 to work with individuals in 1:1, 1:2 and group sessions (max 1:4) over a minimum 8-week/session period. Phase 1 found that those deemed most at risk of drug-related harm amongst our members due to insecure housing/homelessness, prison or hospital release had additional barriers to engaging in a group setting or taking part in our employment and skills focused workshops ‘Got the Flow’. Digital Citizens will prioritise new members to the programme via one of two pathways. Firstly, though our partners at Streetwork, Cyrenians and Royal Edinburgh hospital. These organisations will identify people at risk of drug-related harm due to their insecure housing status, or hospital release and who experience digital exclusion. Participants will initially be receiving ongoing support from the referral organisation, with the intention to reduce support or discharge from support long-term through inclusion in GCP’s Digital Citizens and wider membership programme. The second pathway will be self-referral or prompted service engagement at our Open Door Meals on Wednesday’s. These meals are primarily for people experiencing homelessness, rough sleeping or insecure housing and is a safe and non-judgemental place for people who present under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. All participants will undergo a 1:1 Induction with the Digital Engagement Coordinator. These are undertaken for all new members, with the intention to meet people where they are without stigma and to establish what practical and social barriers they are facing including drug use, housing insecurity, social isolation. Digital Citizens will expand on Phase 1 to pilot formally embedding digital connectivity as part of this induction for those most at risk of drug-related harm. Members will identify issues or barriers they face and consider how digital technology might be used as a tool to overcome these. Members will identify a suitable digital device with the Engagement Coordinator which they will work with each week as well as an appointment plan that suits their situation. Participants will attend 4 x 1:1 sessions following which they will transition into 1:2 or group settings to provide tailored support over a 8-week/session period. Following the end of tailored support, participants will be invited to attend one of our 4 weekly IT sessions and to expand their engagement with the other services available at GCP such as our benefit/housing advice, wellbeing activities and group work, community cinema and counselling https://grassmarket.org/members-in-person-programme/. Digital connectivity is a vehicle to connect with people, services and activities. Over the 8 weeks, participants will be encouraged to explore aspects of digital connectivity that relate to their lives or the issues they are facing with the support of the Digital Engagement Coordinator, volunteers, other members and Digital Champions including: information on accessing healthcare, drug-specific support services locally, communication with friends, family and services, finding wellbeing activities, travel and personal administration as well as more ‘fun’ approaches such as photography and games on a smartphone. |
20/06/2023 |
£69,630 |
Current Delivery: Reconnect offers support to adults and families in Edinburgh and the Lothians to help them improve their wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion. We use a three-faceted approach to digital inclusion, providing support through digital drop-ins, one-to-one, and the Connecting Scotland digital support helpline. Collaborating at grassroots communities, digital support sessions (usually 2 hours am or pm) are set up in local community hubs as free drop-ins, no booking required. Individuals attend one or multiple sessions. Sometimes a person may feel they only need help to solve one issue, but after initial discussions, we intend to encourage them to tell us more about issues they currently face in life, and we then help them solve these issues via using various Apps and internet sites, encouraging them to return to the drop-in for a further 3 to 6 sessions. Some people have been returning for support for over a year now. Delivering one-to-one digital skills learning:• Using devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers• Connecting to the internet• Navigating the web and social media• Completing everyday tasks online• Connecting with the community, family, and friends• Managing finances, paying bills, and saving money online• Reducing costs (energy providers, data plans, shopping, etc.)• Finding opportunities for education and employment• Feeling less isolated and having someone to talk toOur harm reduction approach:• Partner with East Lothian Council (MELDAP to identify specific recovery venues in different locations across the local authority)• Build a relationship with each individual accessing recovery support, identify their specific needs, and agree on a support plan on how that person could use and afford a digital device data package• Train staff and volunteers to provide a person-centered support tailored to the individual needs of each recipient• Model bespoke support on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, using digital to address each of these needs allowing supported self-management• All devices provided will be under a mobile management system, so each device has apps that are relevant to their recovery journey/current state of health and wellbeing• Supply of a variety of devices, including Desk Top computers to Local Hubs that can’t be removed or damaged easily; smartphones and tablets• Assess the appropriate Apps to share, such as ARC App; Homeless Support; Cost of Living; Foodbanks; Free places to Eat; and other online community groups for mutual aid and support via Social Media Groups.• Continue to assess the needs of each individual over a time frame of 12 to 24 months, to allow the Reconnect Team to tailor appropriate support over a short and long-time frameFree telephone support:• People Know How has been operating Connecting Scotland’s Digital Helpline since 2020, Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm, mainly managing calls from people provided with a Connecting Scotland digital device during the pandemic. • Since opening the helpline to referrals from our Reconnect service and partners, the number of calls from throughout Scotland are increasing, particularly due to the cost of broadband packages and repairing/buying new devices• Save People Know How’s Digital Support Helpline number on each person’s device for easy access to support to answer any digital concerns/issues. From the feedback from people we’ve worked with previously, we envisage offering remote support via phone and/or video regularly. This means that our support can be more flexible, not requiring anyone to turn up for an appointment or to a new location to meet new people. The team managing the Helpdesk is also very proactive and can phone people themselves to follow up on an initial lead and/or initial call. We don’t leave them alone, thinking that one call is enough.Sharing People Know How’s growing community of digital support centres:• Flexible support. Many people told us during the last project that they didn’t want to come to drug/alcohol services/hubs for our help. We can meet people where they want to be met – we are running 10+ groups now citywide, and they can come to one of them – we can also meet them at drug/alcohol services/hubs should they want. This will also offer the individual an opportunity to meet new people, again reducing issues of isolation and loneliness. People don't spontaneously find alternative groups in different places. But they may consider joining another mainstream group if/when they get to know and trust the Reconnect staff. Using digital tech to link people up to other groups. • As a National Ambassador with Good Things Foundation, People Know How has access to Free data that we can access from VirginMedia/O2. We have a constant supply of SIM cards for mobile phone and/or MiFi units we can supply. |
04/04/2023 |
£220,722 |
A Digital Approach to Harm Reduction combines digital inclusion, harm reduction and co production alongside women who use substances to reduce drug related harms and deaths. Building on the Get Digital framework of connectivity, device and digital champion support we have combined this with our progressive harm reduction approach to ensure women have access to evidence based information, support and advice to reduce harm, promote safety and self agency. The voices, experiences and expertise of people with living experience is central to this approach and we will continue to work alongside women to create resources and information which is relevant to their experiences using substances in Scotland today. As part of this model we adopt a co production approach which pays women for their time and expertise, valuing their living experience and building broader skills which improve women’s self confidence, self belief and promotes equal partnership in the design and delivery of this project. The next phase of the project will - ● Continuation of salary for Women’s Digital Coordinator over 24 months● Co-production budget - development of resources alongside women who use substances, paid participation and facilitation of design labs● Co-creating and co-designing harm reduction content alongside people with lived and living experience● Development of By My Side to allow us to bring it to scale○ National digital training programme - embedding digital inclusion and harm reduction.○ Working alongside statutory and third sector partner organisations to embed By My Side○ Embedding By My Side as a training tool for teams○ Supporting ADP’s to introduce By My Side in their area■ Building on ‘Local Services’ for across Scotland including ‘virtual hello’s’■ Work alongside each Local Authority area to develop the ‘Local Services’ section to represent each area.● Development of By My Side Internationally - WHRIN, National and European networks● Embed the Medical Assisted Treatment Standards into the By My Side app - ensuring a human rights based approach and accessibility to people that use substances across Scotland. (and influence the delivery of these standards nationally)● Continue to embed and promote a gendered approach to digital inclusion and harm reductionAs part of this next phase of the project we will work alongside organisations nationally to take the By My Side app to scale, working alongside third sector and statutory partners to embed this tool into practice both for people they support and also the workforce. Through the Early Adopters programme we made links with partners interested in adopting By My Side and have approached Alcohol and Drug Partnerships in North Lanarkshire, Perth and Edinburgh to demonstrate how you can incorporate digital tools and digital inclusion into local strategic plans to reduce drug related harms and deaths. Simon Community Scotland are committed to the principles of harm reduction and a high tolerant approach which promotes people’s rights and ensures people that use substances are safe and treated with dignity, respect and compassion. This is not only central to our practice but aligns with Scotland's National mission and the National Collaborative work to embed human rights into practice. Alongside our experience in digital inclusion, By My Side adopts non stigmatising language, imagery and promotes best practice in the field. We will use the training and toolkit to promote this amongst partner agencies. As part of Digital Lifelines phase we have been working alongside Women’s Harm Reduction International Network to create two harm reduction animations - one both self injecting and groin injecting - these resources will be relevant to an international audience of women who use substances and will promote best practice in the field.In May 2021, The Scottish Government launched the Medical Assisted Treatment Standards which aims to improve care and treatment for people who use substances across Scotland. Ensuring that, regardless of where you live and how you access care, you will receive evidence based, equitable care and support. Our Digital Approach to Harm Reduction has offered us the opportunity to explore the ways in which digital inclusion work allows forcomplimentary work to implement the MAT Standards. As part of this project we will include the MAT Standards within the By My Side app - exploring the standards through a gendered lens alongside women who are currently using substances and accessing treatment. Using our experience of creating animations and already established partnerships we will create animations for each standard to be hosted on the By My Side app - to ensure that the standards are known and accessible to people who are trying to navigate the system and access care and support. We know from Get Digital 100 and A Digital Approach to Harm Reduction that people prefer to engage with video and audio content over written text and these animations will ensure that the MAT Standards are accessible, understood and, importantly, known and actionable to people who use substances.See Files for Strategic Deliverables. |
11/03/2023 |
£15,000 |
*Tell us about your project |
24/01/2023 |
£30,000 |
We want to expand our well-established IT classes from one day per week to three, providing 6 two-hour long classes targeted at Edinburgh’s homeless, most vulnerable and at risk adults led by trained and experienced tutors – many of whom have lived experience as well as qualifications in social work, community education, Occupational Therapy and adult education as well as being confident in IT skills and making IT more accessible and the core skills more obtainable. Current work: Building on previous pilot schemes and our successful DIG-IT programme (its funding recently ended) we want to continue to offer a high-quality service in which members can access new IT skills at any level; ranging from novice to advanced, working towards SQA accredited courses such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Each training stream is personally tailored to match the digital needs of each member in a fun and engaging way, individuals can work at their own pace with support provided by our trained tutors or tech competent volunteers. Individual learning allows furthering of other key skills such as problem solving, time management and asking for help and relieves the stress of keeping pace with other learners. Individuals learn both vital basic computer skills and internet safety so they can feel confident, competent, and safe whilst online. Furthermore, many of our members do not have a personal way to access online, our permanent, purpose-built, modern IT suite allows members the opportunity to use computers for important personal use (emails, online banking, online studies, job applications, benefit support) so that they have an opportunity to connect online in a welcoming environment. During the Pandemic we partnered with the Edinburgh Remakery to collect and refurbish a dozen laptops/PC Systems which were subsequently gifted to our members, whose digitally isolation had been compounded by the pandemic. Not only did this benefit people who were in digital poverty but upcycling the 12 devices also proved environmentally advantageous as it reduced landfill waste and the local carbon footprint, we would like to continue and expand this partnership. We are proud that this partnership, as well as the hard work from our Tutors, staff, volunteers and IT support who provided a full online activity programme, and IT support to those who needed it most and had it least. This was acknowledged through the BFI/Cinema For All UK Film Society and Community Cinema Awards awarding us ‘Best Digital Engagement Award 2021’ and Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Awards awarding us ‘Highly Commended’ in the Responsible Business Award category 2022. Want to expand: Devices: We would want to provide 15 individual use laptops, which will be given to individuals who regularly attend GCP and would greatly benefit from having a personal device which they can use to access online. Each laptop shall be fitted with remote access software which would allow us to address any potential technological problems remotely. Laptops will be gifted as renting can cause difficulties if the laptop is damaged or lost. Individuals may feel a deep sense of fear and panic around these events which could result in a non-attendance to GCP which could be catastrophic and in a worse case scenario lead to sudden loss of supports, suicide or a rapid deterioration of mental health. We do not want a laptop to be a reason someone does not engage with those that care about them. A further 4 laptops will be available at GCP for members attending in person activities who want to have access to a computer as well as 12 PC’s). This will increase spaces and opportunities at our IT classes and reduce the need for Members to bring in highly valuable belongings to the GCP. Days: Our IT Classes have been running for over 9 years have consistently remained one of the most highly subscribed to activity provided by GCP. We would like to extend these classes from 2 classes per week to 6, due to current interest in IT and member’s want to be digitally engaged (which has increased since the pandemic left many completely isolated) we think this extension of our current programme will be welcomed by members. Volunteer/ tutor training: GCP is grateful to have a strong dedicated team of 195 enthusiastic volunteers who volunteer with our activities, Open Door Meals and excursions. Due to the high-quality service we provide in the IT classes we want to ensure our volunteers are adequately trained to help members with tech issues and more advanced online skills. To expand our current services we must invest in our volunteers and tutors through comprehensive and up to date training. Including Trauma Informed Practice, adult-teaching skills, thorough use and confidence in the most common applications and tools as well as importantly cyber security, privacy, data-protection and group management. Engagement: In conjunction to our member’s activity programme, GCP delivers a weekly Open-Door Night connecting with Edinburgh’s wider homeless and vulnerably housed community through providing a 2 course meal, and other essential services ( vet clinics, haircuts, benefit support). This service has been running for over a decade and is well established within one of the most isolated communities. Using this weekly event to connect those who are homeless and vulnerably housed with our IT classes will help to expand our digital inclusion initiatives and provide a connection into the GCP community which can further provide extra support and a strong sense of community. The four laptops will be available for short term free hire at this facility for 1 ½ hours a week for people who are roughsleeping or have no recourse to public funds, are destitute and would benefit from a 20-30 minute slot on a laptop to check emails or social media – message people who may be concerned about their welfare or whereabouts. |
24/01/2023 |
£47,110 |
We are an innovative organisation with a social conscience, working with people at the grassroots, advocating and empowering inclusion, and tackling social issues. We have achieved excellent outcomes to date, actively connecting and working alongside groups and communities utilising lived experience as a key asset. We have been integral to delivering a range of co-produced recovery projects; driving the shift towards prevention, tackling inequalities through less siloed working, and creating service approaches around people’s needs and aspirations. We are driven to supporting people achieving their full potential.Part of our community hub and spoke model involves providing support to prisoners pre and post release from HMP Kilmarnock with issues including housing, benefits, finances, health and wellbeing, addictions, not registered with GP surgery, and not having a bank account. In order to access many of these supports/services people need to be digitally aware. The Recovery Enterprises Scotland team is supporting people being released from custody becoming digitally inclusive. This is done by using digital champions within the team to help and support people to develop the skills required to use technology more confidently, the champions provide training sessions as and when required and are always on hand to provide advice and guidance. Affording data costs can also pose as a barrier to people accessing the internet so as an organisation, we provide free wi-fi. By offering access to laptops within our premises we take away the worry of not being able to access the internet due to being unable to afford the technology required to do so.As an organisation we are delivering prison in-reach without any additional resources or payment to support this work. We recognise the need of being far more preventative through engaging with people prior to liberation and not responding to a crisis when people's needs are not being met. Our more formal prison engagement will allow the development of positive and meaningful relationships, including engagement with people being admitted to the prison where we will consider the circumstances of community needs based on the sentence received or if on remand. Such as 12 week thresholds of housing rent being managed appropriately preventing arrears being accrued, or liaising with family members who may require making single claims and ensuring they are aware of entitlements whilst looking at ways we can support the family in their own right and also offering to support families maintaining contact with their loved one during the sentence. This could involve team members undertaking home visits with electronic devices to enable access to a range of accounts, liaising with services, transporting family members to the prison, accompanying to prison visits where may be the bridge with loved one, working towards sustaining relationships during and post release, reducing the level of stress and knowing they can turn to supports opposed to feeling isolated where they become overwhelmed and matters not being addressed.Following recent discussions with prison management, we have now arranged more formal engagement with staff recently completing all the required prison core training. We are being issued with keys where we can access all areas of the prison, enhancing the level and nature of support being provided. From mid-March we will be present at the prison 2 days a week as a minimum, offering individual and groupwork support. This will allow us developing positive relationships with a range of partners reflective of needs being identified where we could quickly address matters arising, mainly housing, DWP, and healthcare with needs being met with limited delay and reducing the impact of transitions to or from the prison. We will actively engage with a range of prison departments including reception, residential, link centre, and visits staff to enhance the nature of support offered. |
24/01/2023 |
£30,000 |
At the moment the digital inclusion activities that we are delivering comprise of two computer drop ins every week. These are in Leith and Stenhouse. They are accompanied by one-to-ones for people looking for more intensive or confidential support with a staff member. We are able to do this as we own our own Learning Centre in Leith with ten laptops. We then take these laptops to Stenhouse where a church there allows us to use their hall to run the group and they actively promote this in the area for us. People are welcomed to participate at the group at any stage in their digital journey with an emphasis on addressing digital exclusion by auditing how digitally aware they would like to be and where they currently see themselves in relation to this. Existing worksheets will continue to be used by staff and volunteers to guide participants through accessing health and wellbeing resources online and other digital skills. The hope would be that we would have continued funding through this programme to provide individuals without their own device a laptop and a data top up to support them in their digital journey. Such provision would be made once the individual has grasped an understanding of what is possible digitally such as accessing health services and websites like https://www.aliss.org/ , https://www.nhsinform.scot/ and https://ithriveedinburgh.org.uk/. Part of the introductory process to a new device would also be to support the individual to use web searches to manage conditions and use their GP website to order repeat prescriptions and use video functions for such things as Attend Anywhere consultancy. If participants wish, they can bring their own device to the group to aid their confidence while learning new skills.Some of the individuals attending the group will have internet access at home in the form of a prepaid dongle or hotspot. Others will have smart phones or tablets but with limited internet connection due to insufficient funds for the necessary data or unreliable connectivity due to the area in which they live. Many people we support found the closure of libraries due to Covid restrictions had an enormous impact on their wellbeing and connections to digital communities.As well as distributing more devices and data we would like to be able to offer the opportunity to participants to complete a Computer Driving License qualification with us if they would like to and for the principal staff member running the group to be trained as a Digital Champion. |
24/01/2023 |
£85,000 |
Funding will allow us to train and hire a full time equivalent (1 FT or 2 PT) Specialist Support Worker (SSW) who will support people with digital engagement The SSW will work with clients to increase use of digital devices to those who experience digital poverty, by providing devices such as smartphones , access to mobile internet data and hands on support to develop skills around using technology, installing and using messenger and video call apps. |
24/01/2023 |
£22,800 |
Our Urban department in our Glasgow-based City Centre Project runs 2 accredited Computer Skills classes per week, which are taught by a tutor from City of Glasgow college. Our current roster of students includes 8 asylum seekers who have experienced homelessness on arrival in the UK and are all currently in Home Office accommodation, including hotels. There are also 2 refugees who had a similar experience before they were granted Leave to Remain. A further 2 students are Scottish and, although settled in tenancies now, have experience of homelessness in the UK. The class is informal as well as educational, with a focus on learning about each other as well as about computer skills. Guests are able to share with each other stories and traditions from their individual cultures, building their confidence in making connections as well as in their ability to use computers. I recently partnered with an organisation called Community Calling, which has provided Glasgow City Mission with refurbished smartphones and data packages. I personally spend time with those who receive phones, helping them learn how to use the phones and set them up. This can take up a lot of my time and I can only fit in one appointment per week. I have 26 phones to still give out. If we had a dedicated Digital Hub with a member of staff on site, we could potentially give out 4 or more per week.We sometimes support people who have problems with their own technology and this is entirely dependent on the individual ability of the staff on duty. It would be so helpful to have a drop-in tech surgery run by someone with appropriate knowledge and skills. Our Rehab Pathways team supports those at risk of death by drug overdose. The team will meet people with addictions, support them with healthcare appointments, and advocate on their behalf in order for them to access rehabilitation services. This work often includes appointments and referrals that require access to a smartphone or computer. Most of our guests do not own their own devices and so, even if they are otherwise capable of attending the appointment or completing the task on their own, this requires staff support. We also have a limited number of computers staff can access - if the guest brought their own smartphone or tablet, this would eliminate multiple barriers. |
24/01/2023 |
£59,830 |
A Digital Approach to Harm Reduction is a project aimed at supporting women experiencing homelessness who have unique experiences and challenges that men don’t often face. The project will actively engage and involve women who often don’t feel they have a voice in developing and accessing digital harm reduction resources that are up to date, relevant and evidence based. Funding by the Scottish Government through CORRA Innovation fund has allowed us to develop and implement a successful program of digital harm reduction by women for women. With support from Digital Lifelines we can embed this approach reaching 50 women within our services and support the expansion of the mobile app with other organisations to reach a further 200 women in Scotland. We bring significant experience and a track record of digital inclusion. Our learning from our National Get Connected 100 project has evidenced the life changing impact that having access to a digital device, data and support can have on people’s lives and we are able to bring that learning to this project.Alongside digital inclusion, harm reduction is an evidence based, human rights based approach at supporting people who use drugs to be informed, safe and included. Women who use drugs often face additional stigma and discrimination which can make it difficult to access services and support. Additionally, many women engaging in Simon Community Services have and continue to experience enduring relational and complex trauma which makes it challenging to build trust and relationships which we know is integral to interventions aimed at reducing harm and drug related deaths.A Digital Approach to Harm Reduction project involved getting women connected and directed towards relevant harm reduction resources online. However, central to the approach is working alongside women using a co production model to design and create harm reduction resources which are meaningful and of value to them. From earlier research and exploration, we identified that there was a void of harm reduction materials aimed at women who use drugs internationally. Many of the resources are non-gender specific or aimed at professionals. We have connected with partners nationally and internationally, including the Women Harm Reduction International Network to begin to create resources designed for women that use drugs, by women that use drugs. We have built in, from learning from delivering the project so far, funding to allow us to pay women the £10 per hour to take part in a series of design labs, valuing and appreciating the range of experience, knowledge and insight they bring into these spaces. The co-production aspect of this project is central to the design and we have learned that when you give women an opportunity to have their voices and stories heard in a safe and supportive way, they feel empowered and enabled to activate their rights and access relevant information to keep safe.Over the last 6 months we have developed a harm reduction app alongside our digital partners AND Digital called ‘By My Side’. The App is currently being road tested and we are looking to officially launch and share the app in the summer of 2022.The app was codesigned with women in our services bringing together existing evidence based harm reduction information, videos and tools as well as offering a range of interactive tools, including Check on Me which creates a self generating text message to ask someone to make sure a woman is safe. The app covers a wide range of harms often experienced by women including around sexual health, mental health and alcohol and other drug use. The resources being designed and developed by women will also be hosted in the app (alongside other existing resources) and, through our digital inclusion project, will be pre installed onto women’s phones. Through funding from Digital Lifelines we will continue to embed and evaluate the effectiveness of this app, as well as continue to develop resources to be hosted within this space. We will also provide direct training and support for up to 20 partners organisations across the sector on how to best embed the app into their practice for the people they support. Through this we hope to reach a further 200 women.We have full control over the app and can continually update it with new content and resources being developed as part of this project. We are working alongside partners such as NHSGGC, Sandyford Sexual Health Service and Waverley Care to add to this bank of resources, alongside women. Women have told us they feel a real sense of purpose and empowerment by being involved, building skills using their experiences to support other women. We see this project providing a platform for women to move on in their lives, providing opportunities to build confidence, self worth and ambition. We only think we know the challenges women have endured and experience today. During the course of the last year we have been continually taken aback by the resilience, creativity and endurance of the women we support. We are learning from them every day on how they have been forced to adapt to threats, stigma, exclusion and shame and just how isolated they have been. We’re beginning to change that and this project, much more than digital, gives women a voice and a confidence they haven’t felt in a very long time.We are committed to 'no decision being made about people without people' and that the voices of lived experience are at the centre of service design and delivery. This project will evidence how we can bring women into this space through digital inclusion, harm reduction and co-production to reduce drug related harm and deaths.This project will continue to build evidence that by having a digital device and the right support women can be more connected, more included in decisions that are being made in their lives and more informed through having access to evidence based and reliable information around their drug use and health. |
24/01/2023 |
£25,000 |
We are looking to get people connected and therefore able to seek support and mutual aid from substance use issues as well as life in general. Life is pretty much online and these groups that we work with are particularily isolated due to lack of technology, technological capabilities and location. Forth Valley has a vast area of rural people struggling with substance use who are unable to access support due to their locations. We are and want to continue to be able to offer a lifeline and opportunity for them to get connected and find recovery from addiction no matter where they live or what their back ground is. But also help them to be able to use online services and websites to make their lives better and more manageable. |
24/01/2023 |
£85,000 |
Shine Women's Mentoring is a national Public Social Partnership, providing mentoring support to women in the justice system, including those serving a short term prison sentence or a period on remand. Shine was first established in 2013 and has developed extensive knowledge, understanding and experience of supporting this group of particularly vulnerable women. The needs of women leaving custody are complex and specific, with women facing many risks on liberation. Through experience, Shine recognises how crucial the first 48 hours on release from prison are, in particularly the risk of fatal overdose. These critical hours are fuelled by anxiety and isolation for many women, which increases their risk of harm even further. Prior to the pandemic, Shine provided a "gate pick up" service, which collected women on the day of release, supporting them to link in with key services such as housing, GP and addictions. This was a fundamental part of Shine service delivery and when the pandemic put a stop to this, Shine recognised the importance of adapting rapidly. Very quickly Shine developed Liberation Packs for all women leaving prison. These packs were placed in their belongings for the day of release and included essential service information, basic hygiene products and crucially they contained a charged mobile phone with data. This allowed women to receive support from their mentor as soon as they stepped through the gate. Women quickly referred to the provision of a smart phone as a lifeline. Having technology allowed women to access Shine support, as well as other key services. It also reduced isolation by giving women a means to stay in contact with social support mechanisms, increasing their overall wellbeing and feeling of connection. |
24/01/2023 |
£4,000 |
Digital Inclusion project takes the form of a 10 week employability course to BME communities in addition to a digital drop in and communal access to laptops at a hotel for refugees and asylum seekers. Project worker embeds digital learning, ESOL and finding "the hook" in the digital course, but the drop in is a mix of case work, essential digital skills work and building trusted relationships. |
24/01/2023 |
£4,000 |
GGG work with a range of older people across different parts of Glasgow, including operating day centres and digital cafes. Their service focuses on 1:1 support, having supported 180 clients through Connecting Scotland and the development of a bespoke app. They have exciting developments ongoing with Sky, as Scotland's first 'Sky Up Hub' providing connectivity support through provision of superfast broadband. |
24/01/2023 |
£4,000 |
Leuchie House support a range of people with disabilities to gain independence by introducing them to Tech Enabled Care. They use mass-market consumer tech like Amazon Echo to demonstrate how people with physical impairments can stay in their own homes for longer. They are partnered with Ability Net to help users learn and troubleshoot with devices after they leave the respite centre. |
24/01/2023 |
£4,000 |
The Hub D&G provide a series of four digital up-skilling workshops that focus on the Essential Digital Skills framework. These workshops are part of services that the Hub offer as a community information and resource point. |
24/01/2023 |
£4,000 |
Include Me 2 run a range of social clubs for people of all ages. These clubs are a mix of targeted activity (employability-focused, for example) and general social events. There are a mix of online and IRL activities. As part of these services, Include Me 2 are interested in supporting service users to better understand the wider use of devices beyond social media and help to engage learners in productive internet use. The programme would continue the current provision of clubs to all ages, which a specific focus on online behaviours. |
21/12/2022 |
£10,000 |
We are developing a Starfish Way PKDofE digital and community hub where young people can access digital support/information/training in a warm fully accessible hub which will enable them to access the support they need, self manage, build networks of like communities for peer support and advocacy (to have a voice and influence policy and service provision). They can achieve awards gained digitally as well as through outdoors activity. We daily extend our digital learning hub and these facilities will be open to everyone but especially needed for young people who are digitally excluded, are homeless, living in poverty. We have a body of staff and volunteers who will support each young person to develop, thrive and achieve. We also plan to have cooking on a budget, nutrition, how to make budgets go further, microwave/soup makers/slow cookers/pressure cookers which are all relatively cheap to run and will not only provide hot food made by young people but also help them develop skills to help them live independently once they have a tenancy. Also a social hub to share experiences, meeting people and make friends, keep warm, feel included and know each person has something special to give and talents to grow. This will help them recover from addiction and build their physical and mental health and wellbeing. |
21/12/2022 |
£10,000 |
As part of our project, we distribute refurbished equipment to people in the community who are digitally excluded usually due to financial constraints e.g. people in low incomes, unemployed, people living in isolation, people with long term conditions particularly mental health problems, people being released from custody or hospitalisation, people with addiction issues, etc. We liaise with fellow Third Sector Organisations, community support services, Family Support services etc. We provide telephone digital support for anyone who needs assistance remotely. As part of our project, we provide IT assistance, repairs and support for the community. In January we will be providing basic computer classes for the community from centres throughout North Ayrshire. |
21/12/2022 |
£9,949 |
This project aims to plug an identified gap in digital inclusion services here in the Highlands, that is to supply smartphones and connectivity to people in crisis, especially affected by homelessness, criminal justice system and substance use. Our key partners for this project will be:Homelessness - Inverness Foodstuffs (Inverness local foodbank), Cafe 1668, Highland Council Housing Department, Community Mental Health Team, Women’s Aid, RASASH, New Start HighlandCustody - Criminal Justice Services, Custody Link Workers, Social WorkHospital - Medical Centre Community Link Workers, Community Mental Health Team, Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service We have close working relationships already in place with these referral organisations.People referred to us by our partners will receive a new smartphone and a 6 month data and calls sim card (we partner with the National Databank via GoodThings). They will also receive support to use the device and have access to digital skills assessments and free training. This training will consist of the building blocks individuals require to become digitally included and a digital citizen and will cover areas such as how to use a mobile phone, online safety, managing information, communicating online and using apps to maintain their wellbeing and access online self-management tools.These activities will be delivered via a hybrid method; at our Digital Hub in Inverness, outreach community locations e.g. foodbanks, community cafes / centres and via remote support systems such as phone calls and emails.Service support in these forms will be delivered when the recipient receives their device and will be on-going weekly and as and when they require any additional assistance. There is no deadline to how long they can access support and will continue beyond the life of this project. |
21/12/2022 |
£10,000 |
Up For It will enable volunteer peer educators who are already delivering Zone Out’s SQA peer education programmes [both virtual and in person] across East Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh and North Lanarkshire to further enhance their learning, personal development, self-management skills and social connectedness by developing their digital knowledge, skills and confidence. The project will achieve this employing a part time Digital Skills Coach who will work alongside existing and new peer educators to support them to develop their skills in delivering virtual training by Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc to ensure that the peer mentor training they provide is interactive, high quality and inclusive. Peer mentors are young people and adults who have experienced significant social and economic disadvantage including homelessness , mental ill health and substance misuse Over the last 12 months peer mentors trainers have reported that they have struggled in providing virtual peer mentor training identifying numerous barriers: e.g. unable to allow people access to their sessions, unsure how to do on line real time surveys during their sessions, unable to effectively manage their group to allow all to have equal opportunities to have their say, restricted in making effective presentations and limited in allowing participants to share screen times.The Digital Skills coach will provide training and support to the peer mentors and equip them with the skills to deliver more professional training whilst at the same time assisting them in some of the technical aspects of their peer education delivery e.g. using video and vlogs, utilising tik-toc and other platforms |
21/12/2022 |
£8,000 |
Target group pathway partners.The Building Digital Support (BuDS) for recovery project would help to address digital poverty for those undergoing transition points in their life when support is most needed. Recovery Ayr (RA) already has excellent working relationships with the organisations and institutions discharging or supporting the target groups for this fund across South Ayrshire - the area which RA serves. These are:• Rehabilitation units: Abbeycare Scotland - Erskine, Calderglen House Residential Rehabilitation - Blantyre, Rainbow House - Glasgow, Turnaround Residential Unit - Paisley• Hospitals: Douglas Grant Rehabilitation Centre at Ayrshire Central Hospital in Irvine (Cross House Hospital), Wards 7A and 7B at Woodland View, Ayr Hospital and Lochranza Ward at Ailsa Hospital rehabilitation wards, and Ward 5 Woodland View (Ayr Hospital) residential facility.• The Roads Out of Recovery Alcohol and Drug Support (ROADS) Team support people to consider, prepare for and access long term Residential Rehabilitation in Scotland, and will also provide people with continued support when they return to the community. The team provide support to ensure long term residential rehabilitation is the right choice, and to consider areas such as housing and benefits. The ROADS Team can also offer support to families, carers and children of individuals who are going to long term residential rehabilitation. As part of this multi-disciplinary team RA employ a dedicated Peer Worker who provides support for people preparing for residential, during and aftercare support for a period of up to 12 months.• Prisons: HM Prison Kilmarnock Bowhouse, HM Prison Barlinnie- a prison navigator service is provided by close partner in We Are With You - Ayr who will be project partners and stakeholders on the BuDs initiative. RA has established a sound partnership working with the local Justice Services that support the Peoples Involvement Networking Group (PING) a peer-led group for anyone with current or past involvement with the justice services.• Local Authority Homeless Service: South Ayrshire Council (SAC). RA is collocated with the SA ADP in SAC offices and collaborates closely with the Homeless or at risk service. Using these trusted pathways RA is already supporting groups from all three groups identified by the Digital Lifelines fund. To better understand the specific needs of each target group the project will allocate 20 phones to eligible individuals from each pathway throughout the lifetime of the project – based upon the assessment of their support worker. Experience from operating a phone donation scheme to the broader recovery community during Covid suggests that around 25% of the handsets provided may be lost, broken, stolen or sold. Recovery workers operate person-centred support and will determine whether it is appropriate or not to issue a replacement handset. As part of the project a ‘contract’ will be drafted that everyone receiving a handset must sign. They must also undergo a short training session with their recovery worker who will also be a digital champion. At this session it will be reinforced how vital a piece of kit this is – a lifeline to support services, but also friends and family, entertainment, and many other uses besides. Handset and preloaded apps and weblinksWith the support of the fund RA will be able to provide each participant with a handset. SA IT colleagues will set up a digital profile for each beneficiary including a personal email account and preloaded with: • South Ayrshire Lifeline including their IT briefing with details of online and local IT training, materials and support (linked also to digital champions and resources they profile to improve IT skills - Learn My Way ,BT Skills for Tomorrow, • NHS Inform with a range of pages and resources felt to be of most use gathered together by the Info for Me including Mind to Mind other mental health support options including: Get help with mental health and TogetherAll. • Digital Unite, Everyday computer skills: a beginner's guide to computers, tablets, mobile phones and accessibility from LEAD Scotland on Open Learn Create (Open University) – including Government Services• ALISS - A Local Information System for Scotland, is a web-based system for finding and sharing information about community assets across Scotland.• Bookmarks will be inserted for the main national fellowships – South West Scotland Region AA, CA Scotland and UKNA.• Whatsapp• Sykpe• ZoomIt will also come preloaded with a data allowance. Initial support in using the phones will be provided by the Digital Champions - ADP staff who are providing ongoing support to them as they transition back into the community. Details of where to find online and local IT training will be made available.They will be encouraged to work towards improving their skills and to build confidence as they begin to use their handset, they will be encouraged to look at the SCVO Essential Digital Skills check-ups. During Covid RA had problems with the bulk purchase of handsets and will reach out through the networks identified in this proposal to investigate a best-value, bulk provider of handsets. Undoubtedly the opportunity to receive publicity for supporting an initiative of this nature will be an added incentive for any potential supplier.Publicity and digital social mediaTo launch the BuDs project a flyer – physical and digital versions – will be circulated widely across the recovery community in South Ayrshire. Free handsets will only be available to the three eligible groups but the cluster of weblinks and apps which have been identified as being relevant and essential for those in recovery will be shared widely across all comms channels. The RA Facebook has 2,500 followers. The SA ADP has just launched a new website and material that this project will help to gather and test for usefulness will be shared on the new resources page. SA ADP has just published its Change Story one result of which is more than 100 individuals and organisations working alongside individuals, families and communities to help reduce the impact of alcohol and drugs on the population of South Ayrshire. This network will be used to disseminate materials gathered and learning generated. We estimate that the indirect beneficiaries of this work, shared via the ADP network would be significantly in excess of 5,000 individuals.Working in the open: networking and collaborationAs part of the preparation for this project one of the Trustees with an interest in digital (Calum Murdoch) will begin to establish links with a range networks and potential best practice partners to help with shortcuts, learning and problem solving. He is part of the Digital Leaders Network and attended their Innovation Week (14-18 November) and joined the Digital Poverty Alliance and will reach out to the their new partnership initiative with Intel and Trailblazers to gain early insights from Tech4PrisonLeavers. He has also completed to the Working in the Open and Reuse Course run by Third Sector Lab (for more on the benefits of working in the open see: Catalyst What is working in the open for charities?).A core networking partner will of course be the Digital Lifelines programme and the evaluation being led by Drugs Research Network Scotland (DRNS).Coproduction/peer feedback sessionsThe project budget allows for the project to pay a modest fee for a researcher to help us best prepare for coproduction/peer feedback sessions. This will be based upon:• Relationships, Collaboration and Openness: a blueprint for those working in alcohol and drug services, SA ADP 2022• the Scottish Approach to Service Design: supporting and empowering service users to actively participate in the definition, design and delivery of their public services. There will be three structured meetings throughout the lifetime of the project where a range of stakeholders will meet to review progress on developing a digital support infrastructure for recovery in South Ayrshire.To incentivise attendance at these meetings, and by way of thanks, a Scotland Loves Local Gift Card with £10 preloaded on it will be given to each beneficiary attending each session.Outputs from the meetings will include:• Review of the handset distributiono Any technical issueso Data / access issueso Review of apps and links included • Qualitative feedback from:o Digital Championso Support Workerso Service Participants• Other perspectives:o Originating service providero Social media perspectiveo IT training provider• Review of session including:o Lessons emerging – how they might be tackled o Suggestions for further improvementsThe opportunity will also be taken to film short ‘to camera’ interviews with stakeholders with the aim of producing a set of short podcasts which can be used across social media platforms to best explain the impact of the project. |
21/12/2022 |
£9,500 |
We estimate that around 60 additional hours of staff time will be required to provide this additional support. Our supply/delivery model has already been inserted into our operations due to our involvement with previous initiatives and would not have to increase capacity too much. We do have new staff who would need training on the current system, as increasing our access to devices would mean a heightened level of staff involvement for IT support. People in the community generally walk in to our café’s, lowering distribution requirements. We deliver four ‘Recovery Café’s’ per week, where people can collect devices, get IT support and bring their device back to learn more. We also offer a home set up service and this is tiered depending on the IT literacy needs. We have refined the process over time so people have choices about where to access. We already have good links with Homeless Liasion and Criminal Justice. Often in those circumstances they initially only require a phone and a top up to get them started, with additional needs being met a little further down the line. Right now we have 10 people waiting for devices (phones/laptop/tablet/MiFi). We tend to capture people coming out of rehab who are naturally transitioning to our recovery community in order to maintain their recovery.Often requests do come in ad hoc, but over the course of a year, we estimate reaching up to 70 people in total. |
21/12/2022 |
£10,000 |
We will deliver the following digital inclusion activities: Mentored digital skills training and upskilling – Homeless – 25 people Release from Custody – 25 people Release from Hospital – 25 peopleOnline, in-person support services– Homeless – 25 people Release from Custody – 25 people Release from the hospital – 25 peopleFamily support sessions Homeless – 25 people Release from Custody – 25 people Release from Hospital – 25 peopleBudgeting and benefits advice drop-in sessions - 48 sessionsCall back service for users who are at risk of self-harm or end-of-life dangerGuided social fitness activities – 48 sessionsFollow-up sessions in digital skills, budgeting, and benefit advice sessions - 24 sessionsWe will deliver all in-person activities from Irvine Community Sports Club and the surrounding areas, which is ideally situated at the heart of the town. All online and telephone services will be completed online or via telephone.All services will be managed by our project manager, who will also deliver training, as well as other activities. Working alongside our project manager will be a team of 3 volunteers who currently undertake support roles within our TimeToTalk project, supporting users who are vulnerable and in need of mental health assistance. The team has a vast array of experience from dealing with light touch users who require outreach support, to people who are in process of risk to end of life.This project aims to provide connections and skills which will promote positive lasting change in users’ mentality and attitude to risks involved with accidental and purposeful overdose. To embed skills, and motivations and alleviate barriers, both mental and physical, which previously allowed for reliance on drugs. It is strongly documented that social isolation, increases the levels of depression and negative mental health in people. Additional stress from physical issues, financial situations or social inequality, or perception leads to a greater risk to those who are repeat users. All users who participate will be provided with a 6-month free-of-charge Vodafone sim plan to utilize, and 50 of the participants who do not have barriers due to the affordability of an internet-capable device will be provided with a Smartphone to utilize their sim plan. |
21/12/2022 |
£9,500 |
We support people in rural and urban areas affected by substance use. This covers those of all walks of life that can and are affected by the negative impact of drugs and alcohol in areas such as mental wellbeing and homelessness |
19/10/2022 |
£7,930 |
The project will offer bespoke meal packs, recipes and live and recorded cooking demonstrations for all families that CFF supports, specifically tailored to the foods we offer referred families and taking into account their dietary needs. This project will remove barriers to eating healthily. It comes at a time when ipads are being rolled out by the Scottish Government to all the children within the schools we support so technology access will not be a barrier. We are proposing a year long pilot where families will receive 1 meal pack per week for a year. This will contain all the ingredients they need to make the meal together with the recipe card. They will also have access to a dedicated bespoke online website area where they can access further recipes, live cooking demonstrations or pre-recorded cooking demonstrations to further develop their skills and knowledge. Families do not have to feel concerned or under pressure if they have to buy additional ingredients. All ingredients will be provided in line with the types of foods we currently offer. We are aware that our small team of volunteers do not have the knowledge or expertise to offer recipes or cooking skills. This is a need we have identified and will sit alongside our existing services and complement what we offer by adding even more value to families in need. We have carefully selected an external organisation who are willing to offer this tailored service at a reduced rate for us. This year long programme will give the opportunity to our families to build 4 new recipes per month for a year enabling skills for life as well as versatile meals all from the same set of basic ingredients, using minimal kitchen equipment. As the cost of living crisis unfolds our families will welcome the knowledge to make new recipes from basic food ingredients which are also nutritious and tailored to their dietary needs. |
19/10/2022 |
£13,744 |
The aim of our project is to tackle poverty and social inequality that the BAME community are experiencing by extending our services delivery to the community in a way that is easily accessible to large number of people. We plan to carry out two types of activities: The first activity is designed to provide a drop in clinic for the BAME community where they can get direct support and/or be signed posted to various services that available to them across the city. Through our engagement with this community during the lockdown period, we were able to identify that the BAME community were disproportionately affected due to factors such as digital exclusion and language barriers. Many of them were unaware or did not know how to access the various governmental and non-governmental supports that was available to them. Unfortunately this problem is still persisting. Through this activity, individuals and families from BAME community can be supported with things like how to apply for benefit and be signed posted to services provided by other partnering organisation that can be of benefit to them. We want to take a community-based approach by holding our drop in clinic in places that are frequently visited by the community such as the Local Shopping Centre, Local Supermarket like Tesco (Including BAME Shops) and Local Libraries. We have already been granted access to Springburn Shopping Centre and Springburn Library to run the clinic and are in talk with Tesco to secure a spot. We believe this partnership approach of working will make us more visible to people that needs our support and speedily raise awareness of many other services that are across the city. The second activity will run a virtual Afro-Scot fusion cooking class for the BAME families. As the cost of living continue to rise, the BAME families are hit the most because they rely heavily on exported food that come from their country of origin. Unfortunately these foods cost two or three times more than local produced and the fact that most of these families are already living in poverty, rising prices of exported foods are making life even more difficult for them. The aim of this cooking class is to teach these families how they can be creative with their cooking using local produced to make their home country dishes. We believe that the class will help them to cut down on spending by buying food that are locally produced and still be able to enjoy their home country meals. The class will hold virtually to enable many people, regardless of their locality, to be able to join. The participants will receive by post food basket and cooking recipe cards that will provide step by step guide on how to make by themselves what they have learned in the class. |
19/10/2022 |
£14,650 |
One of the main aims of the organisation is to equip our learners with the skills, confidence and experience which will enable them to move on from The Learning Tree and ‘Branch Out’ into other opportunities. We have been achieving this with a small number of our learners and some have already moved on to volunteering, further education or employment.For others, however, the Learning Tree has become a safe space where they are comfortable and, although we encourage it, it is much harder for some people to move on. We have recognised over the past few years that some people with a learning disability will require that extra bit of support to help them take the next step and move on to be more independent. As an organisation we also need to make connections, develop relationships and look at ways to work in partnership with other organisations and businesses in Angus. This is vital if we want to develop pathways for our learners so that they can take the learning and skills that they have gained and put them to practical use elsewhere. We want to pilot a project where we work intensively with a small number of our learners, working closely with them and supporting them throughout the process of moving on from The Learning Tree Partnership. We want to provide support during the moving on process until learners are at a stage where they can carry on independently and we can take a step back. Included within this work would be support with CV building and interview skills with a wider group of our learners.This pilot project will help to inform our work moving forward because we have recognised that we can only grow and develop as an organisation if we have the pathways and processes in place to allow people to confidently leave The Learning Tree. |
03/10/2022 |
£8,156 |
Learners will have the opportunity to engage and interact with remote training services and other learners through the use of the Video Conferencing facilities, laptops and iPads. We are currently establishing a new Youth Advisory Group to support and develop volunteering in the Western Isles are ensure their voices are at the centre of service development, in line with new Scottish Government Youth Volunteering Guidelines and #YouthVIP recommendations.https://www.gov.scot/publications/youth-volunteering-guidelines/https://youngscot.net/news-database/youthvip-2021 Due to the geographic spread of the Western Isles, it is expensive and impractical to get these service users together face to face more than once or twice a year. However, in order to adopt these recommendations and engage meaningfully with young service users, we need youth services from Barra to Lewis to work together as a cohesive group. Clear communication through technology is to key to this. We do no currently have adequate VC facilities and booking it in partner / statutory orgs is tricky and not always available at the time young people can manage, e.g. Fri afternoons and after school. The identified solution is to use our offices across the 4 island bases but we do not have the budget to support this cost at present and it is causing us problems and putting up a barrier to the group. Our current laptops have microphones and webcams but the sound quality is poor and we cannot see everyone in the room due to the old style built in webcams. Having up to date and adequate IT to support service users would enable us to get this group together at times that suit them and support them to engage long term. The new laptops would be used in our Barra and Harris offices and the main VC facilities in Stornoway. We aim to have 4 participants in Stornoway and 2 in each office in Harris, Uist and Barra. Uist does not currently require a new laptop. The IPads will be used by young people during our new Youth Volunteering Drop in sessions in local schools, which we hold in partnership with our CLD colleagues. We hold joint Duke of Edin and Saltire drop in sessions as part of our newly agreed youth volunteering pathway for young people in the areas. We are responsible for delivering Saltire youth volunteer awards in the Western Isles and this has now changed to an online system to sign up and add their hours/ download certificates. Youth service users are expected to sign themselves up for the awards, but we have gone from delivering over 540 awards in 2019 to 150 last year. This is mainly due to COVID but service users are reporting they are getting stuck signing themselves up and adding their hours to their accounts. We also have service users with additional support needs who require support to sign up and add hours. Service users are asking for support so we are working with CLD colleagues to hold new volunteering drop in sessions. However, we are currently working off old laptops. A large Ipad at each drop session will allow us to have easy sign up and clear visual display to easily see the information during this process. We will hold drop in sessions in the 4 high schools across the Western Isles in Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra. It has long been recognised that the use of emergent and mainstream technology can enhance the learning and engagement experience particularly, where learners are familiar with technology in their day to day lives. The application of this technology will enable our service users in the Western Isles to engage with our services, have access to materials and Saltire Award scheme and access to peers and trainers/teachers by removing geographical boundaries and ensuring materials are easy to see and understand. |
03/10/2022 |
£6,252 |
The project aims to increase vulnerable and isolated deafblind people’s social connectivity and improve their wellbeing and via assistive technology. This technology will enable Deafblind Scotland members to independently access learning and development programmes to gain new skills and take part in classes which without the technology would be impossible to access.The project will have 2 aspects, firstly a long-term lending library for high tech equipment, and secondly to update equipment within our lending library to allow members to try out new devices and technology.We are aware of 2 Deafblind Scotland members who require specific technology to provide them an opportunity to access learning opportunities. This technology has a high price tag but will be vital in ensuring these members can independently access and attend further education. These members are currently/ hoping to start university courses. The Laptop with Dolphin Guide screen reader technology will enable these members to further their education confidently using technology which is specific to their needs. The second aspect of the project will be to update the technology in DbS Lending Library to allow members to try out new devices and technology. This technology will be available on-site from our Learning and Development Centre in Kirkintilloch; however, we will be able to arrange for this to be couriered/ delivered to members throughout Scotland. Loaning equipment and devices will give members the opportunity to try online courses and classes and broaden their horizons, and also try out equipment to make sure it fits their needs before making a purchase. The ruby magnifiers allow members to receive printed material and paperwork. These devices allow members to maintain independence and follow any coursework or written material. Again, for our members these would be a considerable expense so it is important it would work for the individual before making a purchase.The I-pads have accessible settings which makes this technology life-changing for our members. We have applied for I-pads for many members through the Connecting Scotland scheme, but this has now closed and for new members it would be wonderful to be able to demonstrate and allow members the chance to test out the technology and see how they can use it to expand their learnings.We will also work with our Welfare Rights department who are involved in the Digitally Savvy Project encouraging members to access home-based/ café training sessions on completing benefit forms as well as having the ability to shop around for facilities that will decrease their outgoings such as better interest rates, lower energy rates etc. This will reduce the financial inequalities that many Deafblind people encounter through lack of access to information and choice. By loaning the hardware required to access such choices members will be able to gain skills, confidence, and knowledge to claim for benefits for which they may be entitled, or lower cost deals giving them independence in accessing information and challenging the stigma that so often blocks older people and people with sensory loss accessing a better quality of life.Alexa is a piece of technology which can make a tremendous difference to the lives of deafblind people, especially in terms of learning and development. Alexa makes learning accessible by voice command, translating materials, research and calculations, spell check and dictionary, and play podcasts. This is something which would be wonderful to introduce to our members through our lending library.We will actively advertise and promote the lending library to DbS members through our newsletters and website. |
03/10/2022 |
£15,000 |
As a newly accredited SQA Centre New Start Highland is now able to offer accreditation to learners, alongside their work placement activities, on employability training programmes. Laptops are needed to enable leaners to build online portfolios, access formative assessments and achieve an ICT Core Skill. A significant proportion of the 2021 intake of school leavers did not have any ICT qualifications and little or no knowledge and skill of ICT in a work context (use of Office suite etc). The vast majority could not afford a laptop and relied entirely on their mobile devices for their ICT needs. New Start Highland does have a few old desktops that are not fit for purpose. The laptops will be used in classroom sessions in the training room, or for Job Club activities and assessment meetings in the Job Club room, both of which are located at the New Start Highland premises on Carsegate Road Inverness. The headsets and headphones will be needed for group online assessments and to role play 'virtual' interview techniques. The USB sticks will be issued to each learner to save their portfolio work and Job Club activities, CV's etc, which they can take away with them on leaving. |
03/10/2022 |
£9,717 |
As an adult learning organisation delivering literacy, employability and community based adult learning, we increasingly rely on online services and activities to support our learners. We will purchase devies to upgrade some of our very out of date equipment and create a new training facility. The equipment will significantly improve our access to adult learning activities, CBAL, Health and well being and access for employability requirements including completing my world of work, job applications, and accessing appointments.We increasingly use laptops in sessions for activities such as Zumba dance, using and promoting wellbeing apps, digital literacy skills training, historical memories projects. The provision of additional laptops will allow us to increase our digital outreach work for example providing a pop up for census completion. |
03/10/2022 |
£4,497 |
We would like to purchase laptops which will be made available to the learners who are undertaking their ASDAN Employability qualification with us. The laptops will be allocated to individual learners for the duration of their training but will remain at The Learning Tree Partnership. The laptop will be used to complete some elements of the work involved in the qualification, and it will also be used as a learning tool, giving learners valuable experience of working with digital devices. The laptops will be linked to a digital printer which will enable them to print off documents for their portfolios. A laptop will also be made available to learners who are involved in our proposed employability programme; this will be used to complete CV's, write letters and to search for volunteering and employment opportunities. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,260 |
Glasgow ESOL Forum works with marginalised adults learning English, or ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). This project will provide tablets with protective screens and cases and headphones to enable non-native English speakers to participate in online ESOL classes, engage in digital activity in-person classes and be able to have access to online learning and administration to support accredited learning. During the pandemic, we delivered a successful digital ESOL project, supplying over 200 learners with devices from Connecting Scotland and our own devices on a loan basis. The proposed package has been tried and tested for both learners’ needs and cost-effectiveness. Most learners worked well with a Galaxy Tablet A8 or A7 and it could do everything the learners required to participate fully in class. Learners in our accredited classes with no access to IT devices at home will have the option of borrowing a device from us to complete their homework. We use Google classroom as a means of tutors and learners communicating; sharing learning resources and coursework; administration and handing in assignments. This system was developed during the pandemic and is a really efficient way of managing the courses and giving learners a reason to develop digital skills. We currently have 4 accredited classes of 10-15 people, with each class having 6-8 learners requiring IT support. They will be able to use WiFi in our classroom, out with class time to catch up on homework. Learners will also be shown other ways of using their devices to improve their English either through independent study skills or listening to or watching English speaking content. Volunteers teaching online and volunteers attending our accredited Introduction to Teaching ESOL course, without a digital device, will also be able to borrow a device. This allows us to be more inclusive of volunteers from diverse backgrounds. These volunteers will use the devices to complete their course, develop teaching and learning materials and work with vulnerable learners online. We will retain a class set of tablets which will be used in the community. ESOL teachers have been become accustomed to working online and returning to community teaching means less access to digital means. This will give individuals or groups of learners access to digital ESOL learning resources. |
03/10/2022 |
£13,794 |
Digital Learning on the move:Our Y Media project is all about breaking down the barriers that exist between young people and unique digital learning experiences. We currently have a Media suite through which young people are able to access a multitude of digital devices and opportunities to learn but it is not portable. This project will allow us to take almost everything we have to offer out into communities where young people are otherwise socially or rurally isolated. Rather than being exclusively based at our centre we will be able to enhance the digital skills & connectivity of the wider Perth and Kinross area, Highland Perthshire & the Ardler area of Dundee. Young people accessing the devices will be supported by our staff and volunteers to get the most out of their learning. Through their involvement in our services they will be supported to learn basic digital literacy; experience VR learning; Edit film and photography and programme interactive STEM devices. How will devices be used:The primary focus of our project is to be able to take these devices, activities and learning opportunities out into communities which suffer from ‘digital poverty’ and ‘access deprivation’ when it comes to accessing quality devices. Rather than lending expensive equipment out we will be working in partnership with local schools and community groups to provide remote learning opportunities. Young people who access our centre and media suite will still be able to do so and have more on offer to them thus increasing the learning opportunities we offer from our location. We are not replacing existing equipment. We are using these new devices to enhance our current provision of digital learning experiences and access to devices for young people. What will Devices be used for:Young people will be able to use the devices with the support of our staff and volunteers for activities that include: Job Search; CV Creation; Research and online Learning; sculpting in VR and 3D printing their creations; Creating films about subjects they feel passionate about; Learning to programme. All of these activities are in line with Scotland’s ambitions as part of the national Digital Strategy. |
03/10/2022 |
£4,221 |
I am requesting twenty six laptops and three monitor screens; the reason for this is that I would like to be able to provide these devices to our three Resource Centres within the Highlands. At present we only have four laptops within the three Centres and all are Windows 7 and are over ten years old. The groups have a maximum capacity of eight people therefore we are having to refuse people onto the course unless they have their own laptop. The new devices will allow us to hold the computer courses in all three Centres, the groups will have up to date devices that can perform the tasks that the longer and accredited SQA courses will require. The TV monitors will also allow us to assist with group presentations during the courses. We plan to have them at the Resource Centres for the purposes of the computer course and the participants in the course will use them during the group. The equipment will stay locked and secured within the Resource Centre, when the devises are in use they will be signed out and signed in at the beginning and at the end of each group session. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,500 |
We work with young people and adults to ensure disadvantaged learners furthest from the labour market have the support and motivation to learn new skills, develop different attitudes, and access the labour market confident that they can make a valuable contribution. We offer a staged approach to training and employment support:Personal development & barrier removalVocational activities Employer engagement & partnership workingIn work & after care support Our history of working with learners whose life is unpredictable and often in cyclical crisis puts us in a strong position to provide support that is not limited to employment. Courses are individualised as much as possible to provide the best learning outcomes and qualifications for the individual participant. The main objective of any training we provide is to promote formal and non-formal education as a tool for personal and professional development, and support the integration into society of all those who have experienced social and economic exclusion. Our programme of support and learning is holistic and works with the learner to address their current lived experience e.g., homelessness, problematic drug and alcohol misuse, enduring poor mental health, criminality, domestic violence and poverty. Our model of support covers a spectrum of socio-emotional support as well as focusing on improving the learner’s resilience and coping skills. Currently our learners can struggle with continuing engaging with their course work due to to a number of factors:Lack of access to computers. Currently we have 3 computers to service up to 20 people at a time Lack of internet access . Many of those we work with are on very limited budget and so struggle with any additional cost relating to extended internet access.Lack of support out with the learning Hub. Currently learners are able to accelerate their learning whilst in the formal environment of the learning hub. Access to mobile tablet (which can be allocated to individuals) for specific period of times allows them to continue to study on their own time.With a high proportionate of learns struggling with literacy (the average literacy for our adult learners 10 / 11 years old) then lesson presentation is important to ensure optimal engagement with the learner. The projector will enable lesson to be delivered with simplicityWith access to computers and the digital world we expect that this increased access will see a greater number of job applications being submitted and will improve the chances of people securing successful employment opportunities. |
03/10/2022 |
£8,630 |
We are applying for funding to buy 2 Digital Screens, I-pads and other digital equipment to support Square Go, a brand new, highly supportive enterprise learning project for disadvantaged young people at the YE Scotland Rouken Glen Park Training Centre in Glasgow. The new project will provide, free of charge, a physical space as well as targeted enterprise support to allow disadvantaged young people to have a ‘Square Go’ at bringing their business idea to life. 5 young entrepreneurs will take up residence in the new Square Go entrepreneurial hub and receive support in the first year to set up a business. We have already secured capital funding from East Renfrewshire Council to build the unique ‘Square Go’ ‘village square’ enterprise hub, which will provide each young entrepreneur with their own pod space to learn and to develop and grow their business. The build is currently underway and due to be complete by end of September 2022.The young entrepreneurs will benefit from 1-2-1 mentoring from the YE Scotland team and our wider network of business volunteers who will help them to undertake training courses and to develop their practical and personal skills. They will also be supported with well-being to help them successfully navigate the challenges of a first year in business. ‘Square Go’ has been set up in recognition of the barriers that young people from the most disadvantaged backgrounds face in starting a business. Schools, teachers, and young people themselves have told us that there can be barriers to accessing the more traditional avenues for business support for those from the most disadvantaged groups. There is a need for a more nurturing project which offers early-stage enterprise idea support alongside practical, employability and life-skills learning support.The project will also support an additional 20 young people per week to take part in practical employability/enterprise learning sessions, taking inspiration from the young entrepreneurs in residence. The Digital screens will provide an essential part of the young people’s training, integrating with the I-Pads and existing laptops we have. This will provide a state-of-the-art digital experience which is essential to gain their engagement. Demonstrating the capabilities they have at their fingertips digitally will help inspire them to learn and engage with further education. Young people will also be able to use the new equipment to gain the accredited qualifications that we offer – either an SCQF Level 3 Enterprise qualification or SQA Employability qualification.The new equipment, will also be widely used by local community groups and local schools who regularly visit and use our inspiring environment to teach. With the new Square Go premises, we expect this community usage to increase further in the coming months.The digital smart boards will be installed in the new Square Go premises and all other devices will also remain at our Training Centre and be available as part of a suite of learning resources for our young people and the wider local community to use for years to come. They will remain the property of YE Scotland. |
03/10/2022 |
£9,000 |
The funding will help Fresh Start to equip our new training room in our Community Hub with an up to date IT suite which will support our Refresh training program; service users looking for advice and information on a range of issues; and providing the local community with improved access to digital facilities.Fresh Start's Community Hub is based in Pilton, North Edinburgh, an area of multiple deprivation where many people have limited or no access to digital devices. With many welfare assessments and government support moving online it can leave many of the most vulnerable in our society facing digital exclusion and missing out on vital services and support. Fresh Start would like to create an IT suite within the training room of our Community Hub which will enable Fresh Start service users and members of the local community access to laptops and tablets with internet access. The devices will also be used to support Fresh Start's training program, Refresh, which supports people who have been long term unemployed to gain SQA qualifications, skills and experience to get back into employment. Trainees are offered bespoke employability support which will be enhanced through improved access to digital devices and help them build their confidence in using devices which will increase their employability prospects.Fresh Start are requesting £9,000 of funding to equip the IT suite with 8 new laptops, 4 tablets and one large smart board that will provide inclusive access for our trainees, service users and people within the local community to access online advice and information about welfare and a supportive environment to complete benefit, job and housing applications. Our Training Officer will work with trainees on a one to one basis and in group sessions by delivering training via the interactive white board. Trainees will be able to access a laptop or tablet each to complete SQA course work, work on their CVs and search and apply for jobs. Our Hub Team Leader will promote the IT suite through our twice weekly drop in sessions in the Community Hub and coordinate with partner organisations to use the space to provide welfare support for service users. We also plan to host bespoke digital sessions for people in the local community where they can gain training on digital devices, helping to reduce digital isolation and enhance their employability prospects and overall wellbeing. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,763 |
We work with refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women, many of whom have experienced gender-based violence. We run courses to help women who have experienced trauma and are feeling isolated. One of the courses we plan to run is 'Computing' in partnership with Clyde College Glasgow. We plan to run 'basic', 'intermediate' and 'advanced'. Most of the women don't have access to devices and the college don't have enough resources to provide them for everyone, we want to provide these devices for women to learn computing at various levels. We would like to be able to offer three courses per year, with 37 devices in total we would to be able to reach 111 women per year. This number would increase as when we are not running the courses we would give the devices out on loan to help further support their own studies, we estimate that we would be able to support at least a further 50 women throughout the year. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,040 |
Better Lives Partnership (BLP) aims to develop and deliver a range of opportunities for children and young people with autism and related disabilities as well as their families. Our flagship project is the Bridge to Employment (B2E) Programme. We now have B2E sites across D&G based in Castle Douglas (Stewartry), Stranraer (Wigtownshire) and Dumfries (Nithsdale & Annandale). We cater for almost 70 young people across our sites and have 23 referrals at the moment in the pipeline. The majority of young people (40) attend our B2E site in Wigtownshire which means we need to provide more laptops in Stranraer to suppport their learning.The B2E Programme is a success offering young people a Programme comprising of 5 inter-linked strands which are delivered in a person-centered way to give them the best opportunity for transition to work, further education, training, self-employment. Our Programme is not career focussed or time limited, however, we expect young people will have moved on within 2 years. We deliver ASDAN courses which give young people a recognised accredited qualification. For some of our young people they have not been able to achieve qualifications whilst in mainstream education. Our core courses are Employability SQA/ASDAN, Independent Living ASDAN, Enterprise ASDAN, Environment ASDAN. In addition we find the young person a work experience placement in a career of their choice. We support the young person and the employer to ensure the experience is positive for all concerned. We also offer Independent Tasks which can be whatever the young person needs to achieve their outcome ie some have achieved online Open University Courses, Skills accreditation Programme with Borders College online while others require support with independent travel. Our programme is very person-centered we have a structure and a timetable but it is flexible with young people attending for the parts of the Programme that will benefit them. Some attend 5 days a week while others attend 2/3 days a week combining the B2E Programme with a College Course or work placement.We need laptops for our young people to use within our sites to support their learning. In Stranraer we need to expand the number of laptops we currently have and in Dumfries, our newest site, numbers of young people are increasing with 17 attending and several referrals in the pipeline. These 2 sites will benefit from laptops purchased if we are successful with this funding bid. We find this a constant struggle to source suitable equipment at an affordable price to provide for the ever growing number of young people. We have purchased a number of new laptops ourselves and have been gifted Natural Power laptops when they were upgrading their stock. We paid to have these checked over and re-purposed but are finding in reality they are not performing adequately ie they are 'old' and break down regularly. Having the funding to purchase 18 new laptops to spread across our sites would make a huge difference to the learning of our young autistic people. |
03/10/2022 |
£4,485 |
If successful LAYC would purchase 15 iPads to be used primarily within two core service areas of LAYC: training and youth participation. The devices would be used within LAYC's training programme to engage participants in online and interactive learning activities, for example within the accredited learning and wider achievement youth awards participants must create an evidence portfolio which includes photographic evidence. Currently we rely on participants having their own device to do this within LAYC training or staff are using work mobile phones to undertake this on behalf of young people. Having access to devices as a standard part of LAYC training would not only provide the opportunity to increase IT skills and literacy but it would remove any barriers to engaging as a result of digital poverty, empowering learners to be in control of their own learning and recording of this, in the case of youth awards. Having access to digital devices owned by LAYC to be used within training sessions would also widen the range of activities we are currently able to incorporate. Providing digital learning exercises and activities would engage those who prefer that learning style from other more traditional methods. It would also modernise the learning opportunities LAYC are able to provide as a CLD organisation, preparing participants for the workforce and use of digital/technology within roles. Having access to devices as a standard part of LAYC’s youth participation programme would increase the opportunities available as part of these sessions, more learning and engagement could be done using interactive and digital learning. For example, many consultations are delivered using online surveys, which currently LAYC needs to find a way round for the youth participation group to be involved in. Access to devices would also have an environmental impact, currently in both training and youth participation sessions there is a reliance on printing materials and paper based exercises, the use of digital devices would significantly reduce this.Devices will be used within LAYC premises or within LAYC led sessions at other premises, we do not envisage a lending library arrangement given the context we would plan to use these devices and enabling as many learners as possible engaged with LAYC services to access them. |
03/10/2022 |
£5,492 |
through the creation of IT training hub, we will meet the following aim "strengthenorganization to be sustainable in the longer term."with our previous projects we developed a culturally and socially accessible ResourceFacility was created in the Awaz FM offices where information on climate change,recycling, waste management and fuel poverty could be accessed in English, Punjabi,Urdu and Hindi. We felt that having an in-house facility such as this would helpcontribute towards a low carbon lifestyle and give people the opportunity to discuss theissue of climate change in a culturally appropriate environment. The concept of thisfacility was recommended by the vast majority of South Asian women who wereinvolved with the project. The resource facility not only acted as a means ofeducating the local Asian community on issues relating to the problem of climate changebut also doubled up as a good meeting place to meet others and address the problem ofsocial isolation.it was highlighted that people wanting to learn how to use computers.therefore we would like to apply for funding which will make a difference and it meetsone of the fund's objective "To purchase equipment to ensure your organisation has the hardware required tocontinue to deliver services effectively."the new IT suite will help to meet such issues that have been exacerbeted by Covid-19and disproportionately affected BAME/South Asian community in southside of Glasgow.the project will target member of BAME communities who have recently becomeunemployed due to the pandemic and young people leaving school with noqualifications.as unemployment will have long term impacts both for individual and for wide society , itcould lead to a depreciation of skills, forgone work experience. They will be able to usethe IT suite to access vacancies , prepare CVs complete application forms etc.Improve IT literacyRecognising this issue, we found that mainstream services were offering IT and literacy,however, they were not addressing cultural and linguistic barriers and employingbilingual staff and volunteers. especially with the elderly group it is found that a high number of them are totallyisolated due to lack of skills to use computers . therefore with creating IT hub we allow people to get basic upskilling on how to set up e mails, access internet, set up face book etc. , this will assist in the reduction of isolation and loneliness.COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted that there is a high numberpeople from suffering from depression, isolation and other health issues . we will providesupport for the ongoing needs of vulnerable people to ensure their health and wellbeingis maintained.The Podcast equipment will allow young people to use them at our IT Training Hub , we will also work closely with schools and youth projects where we will take the Podcast equipment to allow young people to use them which will give young people new skills such as speaking skills , researching, report writing, interviewing skills , recording and editing.this will make them more confident and will assist them in their education. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,705 |
To tackle inequalities using fun, non-traditional creative engagement, Impact Arts focuses on working with four different participatory groups: Children, Young People, Older People and Communities. Key programmes currently offered by Impact Arts which will benefit from the purchasing of new digital devices to support Community Learning and Development activities include:• Creative Pathways – Impact Arts’ flagship creative employability programme aimed at young people aged 16-26 not in education, employment of training.• Impactful Starts – aimed at removing barriers towards progressing to positive destinations, particularly barriers relating to health and wellbeing and low core and essential employabity skills• CashBack to the Future – Funded through CashBack for Communities, CashBack to the Future is aimed at 14-19 year olds, focusing on wellbeing and creative workshops including visual art, music, creative writing, and digital arts.• Craft Café – Impact Arts works with older people in Govan, Glasgow and at Viewpoint Care Home in Edinburgh to help them learn new skills, renew social networks and reconnect with their communities through artistic and creative expression.• Art Therapy – offering a safe, relaxed space for children to express themselves through creativity and play, available for children aged 5-12 years old. Impact Arts offers one-to-one therapy; parent/carer-child therapy as well as therapeutic group work.• Make it Your Own - working with young people in Renfrewshire to help them to sustain their tenancies, including being taught a variety of creative skills in planning and designing what they would like to do their home.• Creative Play – outdoor creative play designed to encourage children to develop creative skills, confidence outdoors and help them make new friends. Can involve a wide range of activities such as sculpture, treasure hunts, storytelling and painting.• COCO - The COCO (Care and Opportunity, Celebration and Outcomes) project gives young people with care experience in HMYOI Polmont near Falkirk the opportunity to engage in creative activities, develop new skills and confidence and create, exhibit or perform art that tells their story. All devices detailed below will be used in our premises only.The iMacs will be used in our youth employability programmes at our permanent bases in Glasgow, Edinburgh and/or North Ayrshire by young people for completing modules and paperwork associated with our SQA accredited delivery as well as to create impactful digital art and editing films on a high-resolution computer. This creative activity is central to their learning and development as well as successful accreditation. Currently our programmes have been using older tablets with small screens – creating digital art and especially editing photographs and filmmaking on an iMac gives them far better and relevant industry experience and gives them access to a wider range of tools used in education and employment-related environments. The iPads (together with the Crayon and smart keyboard accessories) will be used by a wide range of participants from across a number of local authorities who are engaging on our learning programmes. Not only will the devices provide better access to creative software (including video and music) and give them industry and employment relevant experience; it will also support those who are neurodivergent and/or have additional literacy/language barriers (over 85% of our participants) as this kind of tablet is proven to be more accessible and responsive to their needs. The mobility of these devices means that we can easily transport them to different projects/locations and ensure they are utilised by a wide range of participants- including those in Polmont Young Offenders Prison, those at risk of homelessness and engaging in our Tenancy Sustainment projects and more.Four of the Dell laptops and associated monitors will be used by all young people we work with in Glasgow for completing employability tasks such as applying for college, creating CVs, completing job applications, searching for jobs and preparing for interviews. Currently this is undertaken on their own hand-held devices which results in significant learning/engagement barriers and does not reflect the tools utilised by Job Centre Plus (and others), or the employment marketplace.The DLSR cameras will be used by participants across multiple projects and multiple local authorities in order to take part in photography-related activities and workshops. We have a limited number of lower specification cameras currently which are not enough to meet demand across our services. Two of the Dell laptops will be used by young people in our youth employability programmes outwith our permanent locations (such as North and South Lanarkshire and East Ayrshire) to support them to complete SQA paperwork as well as to access progression opportunities and to complete application forms, search for jobs and other employability-related tasks. These programmes are delivered through community/partner premises which means we do not have access to the same level of IT equipment and digital devices.The interactive whiteboard and touchscreen will be used in our Glasgow premises by young people. We currently connect a laptop to a projector via an HMDI or VGA port, but through use of an interactive whiteboard and touchscreen young people will be able to use the touchscreen when participating in learning activities instead. For example, they may work together on a creative project or artwork, with the added benefit of integrating and accommodating various different learning styles into one experience. |
03/10/2022 |
£6,680 |
We would like to purchase laptops to provide internet access and learning support to the refugees and asylum seekers we work with, supporting their English language development, job search and work readiness, and wellbeing through communication with loved ones in their country of origin and access to information. Service users will have access to the web-based supplementary material which accompanies our book-based curriculum, access college course work, complete online certifications to increase their empolyability, conduct job searches, create CVs and submit applications. There will be tutor support available for all of these aspects from 10am to 7pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm on weekends. In addition, we would like to purchase two camcorders to deliver new project-based English language learning programmes, with students creating short videos around specific language themes as the outcome, which will provide an engaging learning format and sense of achievement. The camcorders will also be used by students on our Cultural Learning Trips, creating videos which can then be shared with other learners, promoting sense of belonging, purpose and language development. We would also like to purchase 4 keyboards and mice for desktops which were donated, but with keyboards and mice lacking. All devices will remain on premises. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,111 |
LDLC would like to purchase a number of laptops, tablets and accessories to support learners in our communities with learning both in the learning centre and at home. These devices will enable LDLC to the following learning opportunities within the Learning Centre and outreach venues across Sutherland (Dornoch Hub, Lairg Community Centre, etc):- • IT Support Classes – how to use devices, how to get online, exploring what you can do with a device.• Digital Skills Classes – from basic introduction to IT to core skills such as Word, Excel to video editing, photo editing, music making, digital storytelling, website design, marketing, graphic design. Higher Spec Laptops will have capacity to run creative software).• Digital Skills Club for Young People• Employability Skills – CV Writing, Job searches, job applications, etc.• Creating Writing Classes • Journaling Classes• Creative Arts Workshops – using graphic design software.• Language Learning Classes – to access online and digital resources. • Family History Classes• Accessing Virtual Learning Academy and SQA platforms (accredited learning)This list is not exhaustive this of all learning that will be delivered using these devices as more may happen as things develop. Devices will also be used in the centre for participants to come in and join in online learning opportunities being delivered by tutors elsewhere in the country or online learning opportunities being delivered in partner providers. The learning centre is a safe space for learning and learners may wish to access this space to reduce their energy costs where possible amidst the rising energy costs . Having devices in the centre will enable all learners to participate in learning opportunities using high quality devices set up for their learning needs. Accessories such as an ergonomic mouse and large font keyboard will support learners with mobility issues and visual impairments. Noise cancelling headphones will enable learners to attend online classes or work on their projects (e.g video or sound editing) without being interrupted by others. Access to a device within our classes (of all kinds) may support speakers of other languages who are not fluent in English to do participate in learning opportunities and communicate with others through using translation resources. Installing a Smartboard in the LDLC IT Room would provide opportunities for tutors to display learning materials on the screen, changing the sizes to support those who may have any visual impairment or difficulty reading smaller fonts. Learners would also be able to share their work on screen. A Smartboard facility will also enable further opportunities for joint participative learning, online and blended learning. Device Library In an age where a large number of things are only accessible online these (train timetables, banking, home delivery food shopping, job searches, training opportunities, forms for accessing services, some medical appointments) there are still a large number of people in our communities who do not have access to devices and/or internet connectivity. A device library would support digital inclusion in the area and provide individuals with the opportunity to borrow a device. LDLC is also one of the centres administering free data sim cards via the National Databank. Purchasing empty Wifi Dongles would enable us to provide those who are digitally excluded and experiencing digital poverty with a device and way of accessing the internet at home. This would also enable learners to attend LDLC’s online learning opportunities and support participation in classes during periods of adverse weather when travel to the centre was disrupted. |
03/10/2022 |
£11,037 |
Our work is open to all self-identifying women and girls, but we have a track record of working with women and girls from marginalised communities and groups, whose voices are underrepresented: refugees and asylum seekers, survivors of domestic violence/abuse, women recovering from addictions, women who have experienced homelessness, women on low incomes, care-experienced women, mothers and care givers, women from minority ethnic backgrounds, women with disabilities and mental health support needs, LGBTQI women, and women from rural or disadvantaged communities. The focus of our Glasgow Centre is to support self-identifying women to recognise gender inequality, the impact this has on their life, choices and opportunities and to take this learning with them to support their journey. Through engaging in our programmes and services delivered from our Glasgow Centre, women will be supported to learn new skills, engage with peers in community learning and fulfil their potential. Through community based learning, we will provide a platform for their voices to be heard. Participants have a number of pathways to engage and access our services – through programmes delivered from our Glasgow Centre in the east End of Glasgow, our community outreach partnerships, our digital learning platforms, our research, our bloggers network, our social platforms and our newly developed Glasgow Centre Advisory Panel. We have many courses that this funding for devices will support, and the devices are a vital element to increasing women's skills, participation and future achievements. All of the programmes we provide are either solely IT based, or have a strong element of research and online learning. The devices would be available to women accessing our programmes, and would remain in the IT Suite in our Glasgow Centre for use of all participants engaging in our services.Empowering Pathways for Women (EPW) is a 10-week programme which empowers women to become leaders in their own lives. We developed it in response to the needs of women who are overcoming complex issues and experiencing multiple obstacles to re-building their lives. It aims to: provide a feminist framework to understand experiences and overcome barriers create a space for reflection and the sharing of personal journeys build relationships and sense of belonging increase participation in the local community, democracy and citizenship build confidence of women to challenge barriers to equality and be leaders in their own lives. The programme includes the following modules and elements: Empowering Women: mapping intersectional barriers, leadership and self-esteem, identifying and challenging gender inequality through an intersectional lens, women's inequality at a local, national and global level, gender pay gap and workplace inequality Lifebooks: creatively setting goals and impacting the positive support systems in participants lives It's Your Glasgow: understanding local communities, knowledge and confidence to engage in its culture and civic life It's Your Parliament: developing confidence to engage in democratic processes and understanding our political system and processes Each year we support 36+ self-identifying women by delivering 3 EPW programmes to some of the most disadvantaged women in Glasgow to support their participation in civic life and to become changemakers within their own lives and communities. EPW graduates can also participate in the Next Steps programme to explore their options for further studies, employment and volunteering opportunities and/or Succeed in Learning programme, delivered in collaboration with our partners, which complement the core EPW programme by providing routes to formal education and community learning, and key qualifications for employment, increasing their ability to compete for and sustain employment. Each year we support 160+ women in our Succeed in Learning programme which includes a range of accredited courses delivered within our Glasgow Centre in partnership with Glasgow Colleges and are flexible depending on the learning needs identified by our participants: ESOL: beginners, pre-intermediate, intermediate National 4 Care Units (accredited) SCQF L4 Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing ICT courses: various levels offered throughout the year SCQF Core Skills Level 3 & 4 The devices we currently have are outdated and are no longer fit to support the women and encourage their IT skills. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,794 |
We are applying for the purchase of 8 new iMac desktop computers (exact details in budget). These will replace the 8 iMac desktop computers that are currently used for delivering Stills School and are essential to the programme’s curriculum. The current computers were purchased in 2007, with a warrant expiring in 2010. They no longer support any system updates, which includes updates for web browsers, Microsoft office packages and importantly, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite – the software used to carry out all teaching within the school (i.e. photo editing, design). The Stills technical team expects that these desktop computers will be fully obsolete and unusable within the next 2 years maximum. Stills is a registered charity that relies on government funding (i.e. Creative Scotland) for core operational support, as well as trusts and foundations for project-based funding. We currently do not have funding allocated to support this important upgrade of tech equipment for the school.Through Stills School we aim to create space and time for young people to experiment, learn new skills and express themselves. we prioritise places for those who face multiple and/or significant barriers and have a number of key indicators to measure this (i.e. people who are living in an area of multiple deprivation according to SIMD, people who are currently not in education/employment, people living with long term health conditions). We frequently receive referrals from our wide partner network, including Edinburgh Young Carers, Skills Development Scotland and the Multicultural Family base.Our iMac devices are the primary tool for learners taking part in all three stages of Stills School: Contact – an 8-week introductory photography course for small groups of 8 people, delivered at Stills by an experienced team of artist-tutors. We deliver over 100 hours of taught activity per course (4 courses a year), of which approx 50% of this time is on iMacs. Academy – a 12 week course (6-8 people) focused on developing an artistic practice and personal portfolio, which culminates with an exhibition at Stills. We deliver 80 taught hours and 40 self-led hours per course (2 courses a year), of which approx 60% of this time minimum is on iMacs. The Graduate Scheme – additional ad-hoc support to Academy graduates needed to pursue their next step (e.g. support for art school or job applications, interview practice, help with funding applications to develop their own creative projects). The Stills School is free and all stages include access to materials and equipment. We remove all associated expenses for people taking part, covering the cost of travel and refreshments. Our Stills School classes are small, allowing for individual attention and to encourage confidence, leading participating young people to think ‘maybe I can do more’. We have received positive feedback from participants for taking this open, person-centred approach. For some it’s what attracted them to the programme:“Stills School allowed me to be seen and valued as an individual rather than being defined by my barriers. By not placing labels upon us the group and I were given a rare sense of privacy and equality. I applied to Stills School because it did not publicly place me within a category of circumstances that continued to separate me from society but rather focused upon supporting my individual needs whilst providing equal and accessible opportunity within the Arts and Education.” – Past ParticipantWhile the challenges participants face are often very different, we find the model we have developed tends to work for most people who sign up. We work in small groups of up to 8 people and deliver the sessions in a relaxed learning environment. We know many young people are anxious about accessing a gallery space, so our learning spaces are set up more like living rooms, with comfortable seating and refreshments. We also offer informal tours around Stills before the programme starts, so young people can meet staff and explore the building in advance.Young people participating in Stills School complete the course with knowledge of design programmes like Lightroom and Photoshop (Adobe Creative Cloud on iMac). These programmes are widely used across the creative industries and iMacs are considered industry standard in the sector due to their capacity for handling large file formats and intensive processing. Learners also complete the programme competent in digital and analogue photography. Importantly, skills obtained increase the employability of young people looking to pursue many different paths. This includes computer literacy skills and a new-found sense of confidence that being on the programme inspires. We celebrate the work made by young people in an annual Stills School exhibition held in Stills’ renowned city centre gallery. This is a further opportunity for young people to come together and work as a team to produce a high-quality exhibition that celebrates their experience. This is part of Stills’ wider public programme and is attended by Stills Friends, professionals for other arts organisations, board members and other key stakeholders as well as footfall from the general public. *More widely, the devices will also be used by learners of other short-term community engagement progammes such as our recent project in partnership with Access to Industry (8-week course), working with vulnerable adults over 25 facing language barriers, trauma and anxiety (14 members).The project focussed on using photography for wellbeing. Additionally, the devices will also be used by learners in year-round photography courses through the Stills Assisted Places scheme. This scheme offers fully-funded places on our courses to anyone, of any age, facing financial barriers. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,150 |
Through the exceptional times faced as a result of COVID – 19, it became apparent that there was a lack of digital inclusion within the community due to the extreme poverty within the area. As a response to combat this, CCH set up a Digital Tree project to provide support on the use of digital technology, by providing guidance and one-to-one support in accessing training opportunities and job support. The initial work started on our Digital Tree concept in June 2020, for which we obtained funding through the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund. This project was set up to help to reduce the digital divide and provide training and job support for individuals who needed it the most. The support was provided through one-to-one zoom meetings and phone calls, by providing opportunities through the lending of tablets for individuals to access training opportunities and assist in job searching skills and job coaching support. For each individual that accessed our project we provided a person-centred approach with a clear emphasis on helping people to mobilise and connect. The devices that we look to purchase through this fund, will include laptops, desktops, keyboards and headsets, which will give us the opportunity to expand what support we provide and allow us to provide additional resources for individuals as well as our staff team, many of whom live within the area we operate within, by us being able to provide various mediums of digital technology for those excluded. Before this period as a community organisation, we have and continue to actively be involved in providing development and training opportunities and job searching support skills. This support has been provided through several projects for the target groups of young people, young adults and adults, and support is provided through our Job Club, Princess Trust, our Brighter Futures Project and GECCO employment project. The emergence of Digital Tree came as an outcome of the pandemic and although this was a short term funded project for two months, the demand far exceeded what we anticipated. Within this project, we would provide digital technology solutions for those excluded “on loan like a lending library”. The technology inputs would allow skill-building and job support for individuals – direct training and support through our Employment support project, devices to use in our base for our Princess Trust programme and Breakthrough youth provisions to assist with homework and training. It would also provide an additional staffing resource to access online training opportunities for our staff team.Some of the outputs achieved through the digital support over the last 6 months has included 18 Kickstart recruits have accessed the tablets to complete induction training as well as some of them now having access to these for job searching as many did not have there own devices at home. Through our partnership GECCO employment project, 7 individuals who were accessing our ‘Into Childcare’ course were provided tablets whilst on training. 3 tablets have been given out to individuals in the community on a lending basis to support learning, job searching and application.With this funding we are looking to continue the initial work started through the Digital Tree project and reduce the digital divide by providing continued and enhanced support options, as well as training on digital awareness, various development and training support, as well as supporting individuals to be job ready and assist in job searching, which will assist them in being more active citizens within their communities as well as to mobilise them to help their communities economically in the long run. |
03/10/2022 |
£9,511 |
The Reach Employability Project builds on the current training that CTG provides (MIDAS, D1, and CPC). The project provides individuals who face barriers to employment, with the opportunity to gain skills, qualifications and real work experience that are required to gain employment within the bus sector. The Reach Employability Officer along with the CTG Trainers will support participants throughout the process. The project aims to encourge individuals to come forward into the Community Transport and to provide career opportunities within the bus industry. Individuals will gain the driving experience, skills and confidence to consider a career in the bus industry. We will assist drivers in obtaining a provisional driving licence and theory test prior to the bus compnay providing PCV training. Will provide links between the Community Transport Sector, the Driver and the Bus Companies. |
03/10/2022 |
£12,025 |
As part of Opportunities Fife No One Left Behind we are commissioned to deliver a Pre-Academy to migrants and refugees in Fife. The academy champions migrants’ rights and welfare through access to learning English, helping them develop communication skills, we educate, and encourage participants to develop foundation skills employers are looking for. Our aim is to empower individuals with language, explore personal skills and strengths, helping them understand employers’ expectations, improve migrants’ employment prospects, in how to become a successful employee. Equipping them with the knowledge and tools to move on to a bespoke academy or further support them in their employment journey. The pre- academy is person-centred and nurtures aspiration to meet opportunity. Within the pre-academy we use learning journals and deliver 12 modules over a period of 6 weeks, and this is then followed by a 4-week work placement. At present all of documents are hard copy and when they go to ESOL classes, SDS (Skills Development Scotland) and on placement they transport their learning journals. We would like to have Chromebooks for the participants these would be left in the classroom however all their data can be kept on a USB flash drive. The participants who attend the academy range from 16 yrs. to 60 yrs. of age the criteria being they must be unemployed. Many migrants and particularly refugees have no recourse to public funds or indeed are on benefits and cannot afford any digital equipment. We are a people led organisation and given our cultural diversity we have found that individual and community participation in the design, development, delivery, and the evaluation process are key to successful projects. Engaging migrant communities in a positive way has also built respect, trust, and a sense of accomplishment among all those involved in the process. Our experience is individuals/communities have helped shape our project vision, ensuring we are responding to local needs, and have helped build support for our development ideas. The other equipment – laptops and headsets are for migrants (people who use our services) who sit on strategic and collaborative partnership groups as part of co-design and co-production. This equipment would allow them to fully participate as an equal team member. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,271 |
We are looking to purchase an innovative piece of equipment Magic Mirror™ which can support a wide range of accessible learning content and deliver personalised learning opportunities where content can be optimised for individual needs. Magic Mirror™ opens up a new mode of interactive game play and allows people that use mixed access technologies to play and communicate together in fun activities. Create engaging communication apps and bring people together. Participants can use iPads and Windows computers to create innovative learning games, to further their digital literacy. Using the magic mirror and ipads participants with mobility issues will be able to fully immerse themselves in coding skills, to work informally on education and do active play within their ability range using the state of the art equipment. We will use this equipment to teach participants how to build games, in app developments, search the web, learning digital Skills Development : Capturing, creating, editing and combining images, text, sound, animation, video, data and code participants will collaborate in pairs and larger groups, to search, research, synthesising and present information.We are also wanting to get Magic Eye FX software which has been designed to develop access and communication skills through creative play and gaming. The software supports eye gaze, speech, switching, touch, game controllers, mouse and keyboard inputs and offers 100s of thoughtfully designed activities. To go with the Magic Eye FX software we are looking to get a specific laptop tray that allows for us to connect the eve tracking software to the laptop that we received from the COP26 SCVO and Microsoft donations, this will allow for individuals with only eye movements to be able to not just use the magic room, but also be able to create programs, type documents and do other basica things with computers that would require the use of movement of limbs. The devices will remain in the Renfrew YMCA building however, these will be accessible for use for the young people we work with as well as other memes of the community, we have great links with the local schools. The local ASN school utilises our space frequently and with this technology we will be able to offer greater support to young people with additional needs. |
03/10/2022 |
£15,000 |
As part of our ongoing digital inclusion work, we have started building a learning library of devices. We currently have one device each of the following: an Android smart phone, an Apple iphone smart phone, an Android tablet including smart pen, an Apple ipad including pencil, a google Chromebook and a Windows Laptop. We are developing fully accessible training materials which include all of the accessibility features. During the first phase of this work, it became apparent that people would like to borrow devices to be able to try them out for a period of time. This will enable them to make a decision as to which device best suits their individual needs, especially giving them an opportunity to try out the variety of different accessibility features. We would like to purchase 6 additional devices of each type to create this lending library. The existing devices are our display devices as part of the learning and training sessions and the additional devices can be borrowed by people with a variety of disabilities to try in their own time, with the support of our digital champions. As every person is different, each person will thereby get the opportunity to try and test the device to their own personal needs and use them for the purposes that best match their requirements. |
03/10/2022 |
£9,378 |
During the pandemic we appointed a Digital & Literacies Coordinator to develop our established literacy classes which have been running for 4 years. We support the Roma migrant population, many of whom come to the project with little or no literacy skills. Thus, we DONOT start with ESOL – we deliver nursery level education to adults in a dignified manner. We stream beneficiaries, most of whom are young women, into beginners (starts with penmanship), intermediate (basic alphabet, simple word formation), and advanced learners (primary school level and onto ESOL). Our advanced learners are engaging in ESOL which is delivered by City of Glasgow College at the project. In the past year we have now supported 7 women into college, 4 from the Roma community and 3 were refugees. We have applied for 2 different types of devices to be used by two different groups of beneficiaries. The iPAD AIR devices are highly recommended for students and thus those we have enabled to start college both this year and previously will be able to attend the project Monday – Friday during office hours to work on any college work at the project and receive support from the staff and volunteers (most of whom are retired teachers). We are also developing an IT suite which will hold the iPAD Air devices and people attending the project for other support will be able to use them (the devices will be fixed to the worktop area). This area will be open to anyone. In addition, we aim to encourage and support those who request help to take the lead in completing online forms e.g., application for clothing grant. The staff/volunteers will work alongside people to build confidence when using the devices and to develop their level of skill. The 10 iPADS will be used as part of the literacy classes of which 3 run each week and the Coordinator will use the iPADS as a teaching tool to develop penmanship, written and spoken English, numeracy, and knowledge and understanding of life skills and about Scotland as well as developing their digital confidence. The large monitor will be a valuable tool for class lessons, such as letter formation. |
03/10/2022 |
£10,813 |
We wish to establish a ‘No Limits’ community digital creative hub allowing young people - and the wider community - to access a range of digital, creative devices to support their learning. The overriding aim of our ‘No Limits’ project is to support the skills development and wellbeing of the young people we work with. We moved into our own premises on the High Street earlier this year and have a fully accessible building right in the heart of the community that lends itself to being a community hub. We work in a rural area, free access to creative digital technology is not easily available; the digital skills required for the world of work are always changing and this is particularly the case within the creative and gaming industries - two areas where Scotland is excelling! Local schools do not cater to these types of learning, although all pupils will have chrome books by the end of this year as part of a key Scottish Government policy, deepening their skills base and knowledge of all things digital and in particular digital skills specific to creative industries is still a learning gap. Engagement in such activities supports positive mental health and emotional wellbeing, giving young people a sense of purpose, a safe space to be, new social networks and positive relationships with the adult workers who will support them in their learning. We will offer ‘Skills Swap’ sessions where young people and members of the wider community can share digital creative skills, learning from each other. As with all our services we offer a warm and welcoming safe space in the community for young people taking part in this project, they can undertake accreditation for their participation if they wish; we always provide food and we can arrange transport if needed. Our project will focus on 4 key areas of. creative digital technology skills with regular group sessions delivered from our own premises, and some outreach work in the community; devices have been ‘bundled’ into each of these areas:Content Creation - making and editing videos, creating content that amplifies youth voice in relation to the issues facing society - climate change, the cost-of-living crisis, mental health and anything that young people feel is important to them. We already run several creative arts programmes and clubs but do not use digital technology in these settings as we only have access to one iPad. Having multiple cameras will allow groups to work collaboratively to film their creative output. Using professional standard cameras, Mac Minis* and editing equipment to not only convey their message but to build vital skills through experiential (hands-on) learning. These skills support future careers in technical theatre, drama, media, and marketing. (See also Digital Making below)eSports – developing our offer from basic ‘Game On’ sessions we have run using borrowed kit, to a proper community-based eSports offer creates opportunities for young people to develop their skills in the burgeoning eSports movement. eSports are recognised as helping develop transferable skills like teamwork, leadership, communication, strategic thinking, problem solving, decision making, analytical skills etc. With a proper eSports set up we can offer eSports Casting which supports cognitive development, helping students to be able to speak under pressure and develop valuable public speaking skills. Developing skills through eSports supports pathways into tech industries and more general marketing, media and design type pathways.Podcasting - we have worked with young people on a few podcasts using basic phone recording. For young people who do not want to be on camera, a podcast is a great alternative; this equipment will allow for skills development to a professional standard and ties to the growing popularity of podcasts post lockdown.Digital Making - we have piloted digital making this year using 2 Cricut digital printers and this has proved to be very popular. We want to expand this offer with Wacom One tablets which allow design without coding using digital pens. We are being gifted raspberry Pi’s, HD displays and keyboards by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The combination of Cricut, Wacom, Raspberry Pi and the mac Mini’s detailed in bundle 1 allows a comprehensive digital making platform that has accessibility for all levels to develop their skills. |
03/10/2022 |
£10,960 |
We would like to create a Digital Skills suite where young people can learn new skills such as video editing, sound production, web design, graphic design and podcasting. We intend to purchase iMacs which are of a high enough standard that they will be able to deliver all that our Digital Skills Lab hopes to provide. We are also purchasing headphones so that the learners can have privacy and also ensure that multiple learners can engage at the same time. These will compliment our existing programmes being delivered to young people who are disengaged from education, employment or training which are delivered Monday to Friday from 9am to 3.30pm.We will also create digital skills labs where young people who are attending school can attend our large youth work space in the Howgate Shopping Centre after school (3 times per week) and get support to create new media.The machines will also be used to support young people to complete CVs, apply for jobs and gain qualifications.The machines will be retained by GYT and will not be distributed. |
03/10/2022 |
£3,300 |
Currently we teach foreign languages through a mixture of materials, including workbooks, sheets, sensory materials and accessible aids. In our classes, we normally have around 5-6 participants. Usually, one or two of the participants in our care home projects struggle with using workbooks or sheets. As a consequence of this, over the last 10 months we have incorporated our exercises on to an online portal. We therefore seek funding for 10 Ipads which would help to make our lessons more accessible for some of our participants who struggle with using workbooks. Furthermore, we have recently started to run SQA certified courses where participants can gain a national 2-unit qualification for completing our courses. As part of the requirements, we need to collect evidence to show that our students have met the required outcomes. We would therefore also like to use the Ipads for our tutors to collect organic social impact and to gather evidence which can be fed back to the SQA. The Ipads would therefore help our capacity to teach, to collect and showcase our social impact, as well as evidencing that SQA outcomes have been met. |
03/10/2022 |
£12,750 |
We help women with little or no experience of using computers to learn the basics. Those who already have some knowledge can learn more about the specific things they want to (eg Word, Excel etc). There is a specific weekly class for this, butwe also use the computers in other classes, for example when women are looking for employment, or studying towards the SQA Employability Award they will do online personal assessments, job searches and applications as well as producing their own CV. Our Discover Dundee class helps women who are new to the city to explore and research. When they are not out and about visiting new places, they will have the chance to find out about the city's history online. English language learners use the PCs for researching information for project work and exhibitions, for instance the history of different countries, when women where given the vote there and so on.Other learners can use the PCs when there isn't a class on to study or browse the internet. We are very keen to encourage women to use DIWC as a safe space during the winter to keep their energy bills down.We would also like to provide a printer to be linked up to the PCs so that women can print out their work if necessary.All of the PCs and the Printer will remain in the Centre. We are also asking to buy encrypted USB sticks so that women who are working on the PCs can save what they've been doing and take it home with them. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,449 |
We would like to buy 11 mac book pro's to support our EDI Employability Training programme working with young unemployed adults, from socially deprived areas, who have no formal qualifications. These laptops will support our tutor to deliver high quality media access training to up to 10 participants at a time. This will enable them to learn new media editing skills, develop impact campaigns and promote the value of participatory training in communities. The training will take place at our premises at The Portal, embedded in the Govan community, and will be delivered by professional tutors who are expert in using these devices. |
03/10/2022 |
£5,094 |
LEAP Sports runs a series of health, wellbeing and activist programmes for community members to actively participate in developmental work which improves their skills, confidence and wellbeing. Many of the learners in our community network have barriers to undertaking some parts or all of some programmes owing to lack of digital skills or knowledge. This can be due to lack of access to equipment, chaotic lives, or just a lack of transferability between different digital environments as we learned strongly during covid-19 when accessing computers for some community members. This project will give learners the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge and importantly to work specifically on transferrable skills in a learning environment that supports their individual needs. We currently have set up a “Digital Suite” but which has only 2 laptops and a desktop, all of which are older. We intend to dispose of the desktop computer and to repurpose the laptops for lending out. We’d therefore like to purchase 5 new standard laptops plus 1 higher-spec laptop; and some ancillary equipment such as screens, cameras and microphones to create our learning community Digital Suite in a more useable way. We will also have one larger screen to wall-mount for teaching plus a mobile camera and microphone that can be moved around and used in skills training. We will run Digital Skills training sessions for LGBTIQ+ adult learners using the World Economic Forum competence framework to address the 8 key competence areas which includes Digital Identity, Digital Rights, Digital Literacy, Digital Safety and so on. Learners can opt for training over 2 longer sessions or 6 shorter sessions. Training workbooks will take learners through what their competence development, but they will use examples and work in real time depending what programmes or projects they are part of. For example we have a Rainbow Audio-Visual Literacy project supporting community members to tell their stories in digital formats, and a Digital Activism project supporting learners to engage more safely in online spaces amongst other projects. Where appropriate, learners will undertake some of their work from those projects as examples when fulfilling aspects of Digital Skills training. In addition to the training sessions, there will be drop-in facility for learners to come in and continue developing their work. We have a long established pathway into community sport for refugees and asylum seekers as well as community members who are digitally isolated. A target for the forthcoming year is to improve activity amongst the older LGBTIQ+ population. This all means that we regularly have folks dropping in to our office for support with digital issues whether it's just getting signed up for events or managing facebook groups or meetups for their community groups - our digital suite also services their needs in this more targeted manner. |
03/10/2022 |
£13,900 |
In 2020 the unemployment rate of 16-24’s in Angus rose to 15.7%, up from 8.4% in 2019, significantly higher than the Scottish average. In Angus we have high numbers of unemployed young people and even higher numbers in poor quality employment as a result of underachievement’s during school years, over twice the Scottish average of full-time employees in Angus are earning less than the living wage. The current cost of living crisis is making things extremely difficult for the disproportionately high number of low earning young people and families in our area. We are creating more opportunities for the high proportion of young people in Angus who are falling behind in education, struggling to enter employment, experiencing inopportunity and are under-supported in their effort to overcome these circumstances. Our work places these individuals in a position where they can work towards reaching more positive goals. Our activity helps them develop new skills, interests and earn qualifications that are relevant to local employment, enterprise opportunities or further education courses. On the whole there is a great need for increased investment in these areas and we currently looking for that investment so that we can provide our students with the most up to date and relevant technologies to support their education. The educational outcomes to be obtained from the equipment we wish to purchase aligns with specific skill deficits as identified by the SDS regional skills assessment for Tayside area. The new equipment will support teaching a wide range of STEM based activity including 3D Computer Aided Design and Manufacture, 3D scanning, IT, Robotics, coding and Digital Manufacture using 3D printers and 2D laser cutters. We keep our workshops interesting and engaging with team activities, competitions and set up role play jobs that reflect local industry, working with our industry mentors and STEM ambassadors. This enables participants to develop their skills, acquire additional accreditation on top of what they achieve in school and gain valuable employability skills as they go. The Virtual Reality (VR) equipment will transform our project space into a virtual and augmented reality workshop, using VR headsets to transport our young people to places across the globe (and beyond!) and give them a ‘next to real’ STEM experience that they would not otherwise have the opportunity to explore. The “ClassVR” headset is a ground breaking new technology designed to help raise engagement and increase knowledge retention for students of all ages.Typical experiences include:• VR Tours of museums with augmented reality hyperlinks to data on the viewedartefacts• VR tours to the pyramids , Eiffel tour and other landmarks• Factory tour of cape canaveral , the moon and Mars!• Tours of modern technology like wind turbines and engines looking at how they work.• Looking at machining processes like wood turning and welding to enhance craft skillsThe equipment will be used 3 afternoons per week (after school) and will be used for 40 week of the year. The impact of Covid-19 has reinforced the need to introduce more disadvantaged young people to the opportunities that a STEM education can provide. The recovery of the Angus economy will likely be a long, transformational process, particularly as Angus is an area comprised of many already struggling rural businesses. Industry that was declining prior to the pandemic has far less chance of making a full recovery post pandemic. Businesses, traditional practices and work environments are disappearing, more people are working from home, reliance on technologies is increasing, there will be greater need to develop new technologies to keep up with the changes and a greater need to prepare future workers to become efficient in using these technologies. Careers in STEM are growing at a rate far higher than the average industry, a trend inversely correlating the decline in “traditional” rural employment. Gross weekly pay for full-time workers in Angus is significantly less than the Scottish average whilst STEM workers earn on average 26% more than those without a STEM background. Not enough is being done to steer more young people in our area towards these subjects and we believe that is a significant shortcoming in the effort to lead these disadvantaged youngsters toward more positive destinations. The equipment we wish to purchase will help us to do just that and as a result we will be able to provide disadvantaged young people in our community a fair chance at success. |
03/10/2022 |
£13,745 |
We see a variety of learners as a result of the services we provide in collaboration with our partners, from our youth work sessions to our employability programs, as well as our training coffee shop. These devices would be available during all sessions and mostly used on-site to improve the support provided. With the use of these new devices, we can now provide digital employability support. We will be able to provide experience with cover letters, skills development, and job searches. These tools will also be used to help our learners advance their IT-related knowledge and abilities. The devices will also allow learners to take part in online training opportunities and enable access to advice for example poverty, housings, and career. We will offer learners further knowledge in the digital disciplines of marketing, music production, and graphic design using the most advanced technology. This will introduce our learners to a brand-new, crucial skill area that they may not have experienced previously.We are submitting our application for a variety of devices, so we will be able to provide our students with a lending library so they can improve their knowledge and abilities at home before returning to class to demonstrate their accomplishments. During sessions with our staff, volunteers, and others who use these devices with keyworkers, work coaches, and many others, learners. In our social enterprise, we provide IT, training classes. This application would improve the services and enables individuals to build their confidence and broaden their horizons through meaning full learning. |
03/10/2022 |
£11,051 |
WSREC were based in offices on Napiershall Street, Glasgow for over 20 years, where we had an established base and an IT suite for our service users. This was used for training, job club and other capacity building support. We were advised of the closure of the building in 2020 and over the last two years have been refurbishing a new office nearby which we have a longstanding lease for. Staff have been working from home during the pandemic and beyond and our aim is to be in the offices by mid-September 2022. Over the last 18 months, we have raised over £100k in capital and refurbishment grants and this has included approximately £39k in matched funding from the Digital Boost Fund which has enabled us to secure data cabling for our new premises and new PCs for staff. The devices will assist us in transforming on of our rooms into a training hub and education and learning centre. The devices will be used to support WSREC staff to deliver on-premises training sessions, workshops and one-to-ones to service users. Training and education includes ESOL classes, employability, SQA accreditation, skills building and gain access to mental health and wellbeing opportunities, as well as link into wider services. The majority of the devices (10 laptops, 10 headphones, and 1 monitor) will be allocated to the upstairs training room for ongoing training and workshops. The headphones will be used in sessions, when showing tutorials and videos, meaning that service users can listen without disrupting others. The monitor will be fixed to the wall to assist in delivery of sessions, allowing us to show presentation and demonstrations. As well as this, a drop-in job club will be setup in the future on the ground floor with 3 laptops, where service users can use the devices to search for employment and other opportunities. These will also be used in our private meeting rooms for one-to-one sessions. When not in use, staff can sign out the devices to deliver off-premises sessions, on-site one-to-ones and smaller group sessions. The cameras will be managed by the admin team, where a lending system will be used, allowing staff to sign out devices as needed. These will be used to assist with the delivery of garden initiatives and foraging sessions, where elements of photography and media training are included.Cameras will be used as a means of supporting future applications which relate to community support from an arts, cultural or environmental perspective – for example, we foresee that having access to these devices will help bolster future funding applications relating to photography and nature workshops, as part of any climate change related funding bids that we will be going for. The cameras will be used in conjunction with service users’ smartphones, and individuals who do not have smartphones will have priority access to the cameras, which will help make sessions more inclusive and accessible for all. Other examples of planned bids will focus on using photography and creative expression, in general, as a way of addressing mental and physical health issues and, again, having this resource, to hand, will only serve to improve our chances of success and helping vulnerable communities. We have strong links with well-established photography projects (such as OpenAye) who engage with our own service users to deliver sessions. Again, having this resource will help any of those freelancers/external photographers, that we work with, to be safe in the knowledge that we have the appropriate equipment to engage communities with We have a wide range of projects at WSREC, which often involve trips to various parts of the country – we will encourage the use of cameras during these trips. |
03/10/2022 |
£15,000 |
The aim is to purchase an 86-inch smart screen alongside iPads in order to deliver educational, motivational and lifestyle services to individuals who will access the Marie Trust hub in Albion Street. There are many barriers to learning and making informed lifestyle decisions, including a lack of IT access and awareness and curiosity. Having both the smart screen and iPads to allow users to become more confident with the notion of using IT in a number of ways, including to enhance their lives e.g., access to emails, learning how to navigate the web to access online services and Universal Credit Journals to communicate with advisors, this itself will give people more control over their lives, as well as when accessing SQA education courses delivered by the Trust and partners. The use of the devices will be wide and varied, from; accessing the internet for services (many users of the facility have no access to the internet due to poverty and exclusion, which can then affect the speed in which they can access help or benefits such as Universal Credit and to simply hold an email account to allow for speedy contact and messaging) creating visual CVs and using Skills development Scotland My World of World sites. completing application forms and college enrolments, getting used to online forms and what is required ie National Insurance numbers. creative applications such as reading, viewing visual materials creating visual and audio materials (photographic, graphic design, video, podcasts, radio etc.) short course delivery to allow integrated learning to occur between the smart screen and the users on the iPads (will allow the sharing and viewing of work and ultimately to move them on to accredited courses and further education/employment). For example our photography course could use a smart board to show their work, get it peer assessed and deliver presentations as part of their coursework. This in turn will raise the user’s confidence and IT literacy as they progress as learners with the aim that these skills are carried on into their everyday lives with transitions into education and employment. The IT curiosity of the smart board will also include having the ability to utilise the smart screen to present material and simply explore using advanced technology, something that many learners from the Trust’s cohort do not have access to. The devices will be permanently based in the café learning site at our Albion Street hub. Here there will be 80+ people using the devices on a daily basis. The devices will allow tactile learning and discovery and for an inclusive experience for those with disabilities including wheelchair access using the height adjustable stand on the smart screen, the opportunity to zoom in to specific areas of the screen for the visually impaired as well as simply allowing learners and café users’ confidence to increase by touching the screens as they use them. We want to instil learning and when someone comes into the hub for a meal, they will see the smart screen and be curious, be able to touch it and have a IT experience they realise they were going to have – but lead to other learning! The screen and the iPads will be permanently based in the café learning suite and will not be available on a loan basis. We currently have a laptop lending scheme for learners but will use the iPads specifically for internet café experience. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,625 |
These devices will be used to provide further training opportunities as currently, we own 6 basic laptops which are used to deliver training courses on, although these devices are slow and old, meaning that delivery of training is restricted to not power intensive courses. New devices will mean that training in photoshop, web design, accounting software, budgeting tools, health and safety, and environmental policies can all be done through group training sessions with no system issues causing delays to delivery.We plan to purchase 15 Microsoft Surface Pro laptops with the most up-to-date and soon-to-be standard operating system, intel core i5 processor to keep up with our training sessions, wired headsets for training delivery, and 1 large TV Screen for training delivery display, 15 keyboards, and mice. Learners will be able to use these devices on-premises, throughout their course, and during drop-in sessions on a weekly basis.With the new devices we will be able to expand the training on offer and as always will interact with our local community on a quarterly basis to ensure that we are offering training that is required and helpful to their personal circumstances and struggles. |
03/10/2022 |
£10,820 |
Options in Life has recently purchased a building in Fife which will be opening as a centre for young people with learning disabilities and families later this year. The building will have a café, a training kitchen, social space, classrooms and a learning garden situated on grounds to the rear of the building. The classrooms are currently undergoing refurbishment and will soon be ready for use. When the refurbishment of the classrooms is complete (estimated mid-October 2022) we will require various items of IT equipment to run the classes/workshops. There will be classes running for groups of up to 20 young people with learning disabilities at a time, several days each week throughout the year. In some of those classes the digital equipment will be central to the learning content such as web design, digital art, photography and IT literacy. Other classes that are not specific to the technology, such as horticulture, science & nature, climate action, cookery and music will also make full use of the digital equipment as they are used to search data, videos, music, type notes, produce project plans, evaluations, summaries with charts, graphics and text and presentations. The main item we wish to acquire is an interactive Smart Board which is excellent for the group learning sessions we run, it’s an ideal piece of digital equipment for encouraging teamworking exercises, improving IT literacy, project work and communication which are all things we want to help our beneficiaries progress with. The Smart Board is also excellent for presentation work which can be used by the classroom tutor when delivering lessons or by the pupils when presenting their project work. The Smart Board is very interactive and intuitive which supports some of the learning challenges our beneficiaries face and it also has many unique features which will enhance teaching and learning capabilities. We would also like to purchase several laptops, tablets and cameras. The laptops will again be used in the classroom, supporting small groups, providing internet access to look up information, software to write up findings and produce reports, posters, power point presentations…etc. The tablets will serve a similar purpose but will offer the additional benefit of portability which will allow pupils to take them to other locations in the building and outside to our learning garden where they can use the tablets to look up plant species, document growth and management of the fruit and vegetables in the garden, identify and monitor bug species…etc. The cameras will directly enable our photography workshops but as with the rest of the equipment they will also be utilised in other areas. The photographs taken will be uploaded to laptops for use as images accompanying project findings in presentations and write-ups. |
03/10/2022 |
£15,000 |
In December 2021, we distributed a small number of digital devices. We received 300+ applications and now have a client database with information regarding their need level and digital skills proficiency. We identified the pressing need for digital skills training and device/Wi-Fi distribution throughout these communities and subsequently hired a dedicated Digital Skills Officer to carry out this project. This project will connect our digitally excluded beneficiaries to the internet and provide them with the necessary digital skills to access the internet’s many benefits and services. The project has three strands: Supplying devices and internet access on a 6 to 12-month loan basis to previously completely unconnected households. Providing 1-1 Digital Skills sessions to digitally illiterate clients. Provide a short course every quarter for clients looking to expand their digital skills, focusing on demonstrating how digital skills can be used to understand their rights and leverage their talents to break down barriers.Learners will use the digital devices (specifically laptops and tablets) on our premises during workshops, and they will also be lent out using a long-term lending library approach. We will retain ownership and all clients will need to sign a loan contract. Overall, this focused initiative will help marginalised people break out of the poverty cycle and improve their long-term stability and quality of life. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,931 |
Used within premises across several geographies as follows: ENABLE Works Glasgow (8) ENABLE Works Highland (6) ENABLE Works Moray (6 ENABLE PALs West Dunbartonshire (7) The devices will be used in Enable premises or in local community settings. ENABLE Works Services will use the devices to support clients to increase digital confidence and allow access to our new state-of-the-art career development platform (Prospects). This platform is designed to offer a 24/7 service to our clients. It is the system of choice for all the large prime employability providers in Scotland and the UK and is further utilised by a FE, HE and local authorities across the UK. We utilise to facilitate the delivery of our employability programmes and associated qualifications. ENABLE Prospects’ tools are designed to support individuals to feel more confident and in control of their career. It has more than 5000 resources, it is updated monthly and provides a dedicated and private environment for our clients to work on their personal career development. Clients work with their assigned worker to identify the activities that are right for them and there are tools that can be used to track their progress. ENABLE’s PALS service in West Dunbartonshire tackles the poverty of opportunities available for children and young people with learning disabilities. The service provides the opportunity to participate in a variety of exciting activities, play, engage, interact and mix with peers, whilst having fun and achieving set individual outcomes. Access to technology will help support the development of an interactive model of feedback, helping the individual understand, reflect and express their views in a manner that meets their needs. |
03/10/2022 |
£14,250 |
CEMVO Scotland currently delivers the Young, Connected, Confident (YCC) programme and Steps into Employment programme. The YCC programme works intensively with ethnic minority young people between the ages of 18-25 to set and build their confidence and achieve their goals in the world of education and work. The YCC programme provides intensive 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to beneficiaries so that they can achieve positive outcomes and overcome the barriers routinely faced by ethnic minority young people in their lives when it comes to obtaining gainful employment or accessing opportunities to build on their capacity. The Steps into Employment programme works closely with ethnic minority women from all over Scotland by guiding them into employment and developing their careers through the provision of intensive support and training.In addition to the above, CEMVO Scotland has also recently gained SQA Centre status and will be commencing the delivery of the Employability Award at the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework for levels 3 and 4.With this funding we would like to create a space for beneficiaries of both programmes mentioned above, as well as the candidates participating in the accredited SQA Employability award, to access an IT area in the CEMVO Scotland office so that they can access a safe space that caters to their respective learning needs in a culturally sensitive manner. 7 laptops will be available for all participants to use in this space. The space will also have a printer allowing project beneficiaries to be able to create hard copies of vital information such as CV's, job application forms, further education application forms etc. In addition, we also propose to have 2 laptops available (one for each project) for use in a lending library format so participants in the programme that are unable to travel to our premises can still benefit from access to equipment that they can utilise to develop their capacity. |
03/10/2022 |
£1,760 |
We will purchase 8 laptops which shall be used by learners attending our CAP Job Club (https://thenewwell.org/job-club/)The Job Club is an 8-week course comprising of weekly workshops to develop employability skills (skill building, CV writing, interview preparing) additionally we provide a free lunch and an optional Drop-in service where learners have access to computers and additional mentorship. We have secured funding to facilitate 3 Job Clubs in 2021 for up to 8 attendees each course and now seek funding for devices that can be used within the drop-in session. Last year the team used our personal laptops to run a small pilot drop-in after each Job Club workshop. This drop-in proved invaluable to the successes of our attendees, as each were able to benefit from further one-to-one mentoring from trained volunteer Job Club Coaches, access to computers (which many did not have access to at home), and additional personalised support with CV writing and online job hunting. We are developing good supportive relationships with the local Foodbank, CAP Debt Centre, Access2 Employment, Advice Shop and the Job Centres in Bathgate, Livingston, Falkirk and Grangemouth for both referrals to us and to signpost our attendees to other wider support. 7 out of 8 of our attendees have since found and sustained employment, with the 7th in a consistent volunteering position which suits and supports their needs. We are so proud of this success rate, and acknowledge it was only possible due to our additional mentorship and online access during our drop-ins. Our drop-ins were so successful local charities (Linlithgow Young Peoples Project and 1st Step Addiction Recovery) have approached us to run similar drop-ins in their organisations. We want to expand this service and need devices to facilitate this. These 8 requested laptops will be stored in our central premises, which is based on our local high street, and will be used during the drop-in sessions. We want to ensure each person feels valued during the drop-in, one way to do this is to ensure nobody feels rushed whilst using a laptop, and can use the devices for as long as they need during the drop-in. Learners will use the devices to build on skills learnt and developed in the classes and will have a chance to practically use the knowledge gained from the course to search for jobs online using the laptops. We also request a phone which shall be used by primarily by the job club manager to connect with those attending our classes, but it shall also be available during the drop-ins for attendees to phone employers. Our Job Club works with the most vulnerable and hard to reach people in our communities- those who lack employability skills and struggle with mental health, poverty, debt issues, learning disabilities, illiteracy, or health issues. This phone shall be used to contact potential attendees, encourage them to engage and consistently attend the course. Some do not have access to personal devices or cannot afford to keep them topped up, so during Job Club sessions, this phone will be a vital tool for attendees to contact potential employers or benefits services overcoming a barrier to job-seeking. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Poverty in Scotland is an issue that has increasingly come under the focus of politicians and development institutions. TFB has never addressed this issue directly, even though BMEs are among the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in the UK and Scotland. To combat poverty, first, we need to improve our capacity to do so. Hence, a sessional worker will be recruited to gather knowledge about poverty among BMEs and its causes. This could be done by consulting research, academic fields, and specialised organisations such as The Poverty Alliance. Then, s/he will develop course material to raise the community's awareness about poverty. We will run eight courses, three sessions each and for ten participants in the first year. The course will cover the different dimensions of poverty and its relevance to the community. It will also discuss the reasons for poverty in the community and how to eradicate/avoid it. Thereafter, we will focus on one poverty dimension each year. Hence, the following year will be about poverty and education. We will run ten workshops, each for ten participants, to educate parents about the education system in Scotland and how it varies from that of the home country. It will also motivate parents to engage in children’s education and schooling. We will also run supplementary education classes once a week for 30 weeks. This day, primary school pupils will receive extra education in English and Mathematics as the essential subjects for their success. This will be for 30 pupils, ten at a time. Bilingual teachers will run the classes. Having bilingual teachers will ease communication and understanding of the subjects. |
21/09/2022 |
£6,980 |
We're developing a collaborative approach between Duns Foodbank and A Heart for Duns for a pilot to start in September 2022 aiming for an October launch for a six month period, to provide food and company for those affected by food and fuel poverty, and those affected by the prevailing economic circumstances. We’ll do this by providing access to additional services including heat, refreshments, wifi and social contact, and external partnered advice, and use this as a means to engage and support people using all of our food distribution services. On site advice will vary over the weeks of the pilot and include information and professional input on energy use, parenting, finance, health and wellbeing, and will be offered through networking aided by the Berwickshire Alliance and BAVS and statutory services. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,944 |
What we will do and how this will tackle poverty and social inequalityOur Gracemount will engage with children, young people and families to build confidence, skills and knowledge regarding growing, cooking and eating food together, in order to reduce social isolation and address the growing issue of poverty, particularly food poverty, that we know is getting worse as part of the current cost of living crisis. This project will work with those who are and will increasingly be adversely affected by poverty, particularly food and fuel poverty, to develop skills and access resources that can mitigate some of the adverse effects. These will include saving money by increasing access to free food via recycled food via Fare Share sources and food grown on site, as well as support to grow and cook tasty nutritious food that saves money, with others in the community garden and at home. Paid workers and volunteers from Transition Edinburgh South (TES) and Scran Academy, supported by Dunedin Canmore Youth Projects, will engage with local children, young people and parents/carers and offer these activities during weekdays, evenings and weekends, as well as via public community events held at the Gracemount community garden and surrounding greenspaces. These activities will take place in Gracemount Community Garden and surrounding greenspaces, at the site known locally as the Mansion (formerly Gracemount Youth and Community Centre, which was closed on safety grounds in 2018). The project will also engage with these groups to find out more about what activities and services they would like to see delivered at the site, and contribute these and design ideas for the buildings and greenspaces on site that are currently part of an application to City of Edinburgh Council for a Community Asset Transfer, supported by TES and led by the Friends of the Mansion and Mansion Development Trust (which is currently applying to become a charity). This will build on the activities and recommendations of the first phase of the Our Gracemount project, which ran in 2021 - see the report uploaded below.Tackling poverty and social inequalityWe know from our current and previous engagement that poverty and social inequality is affecting an increasing number of children, young people and families we work with, as evidenced below. By engaging them in welcoming activities, we can build stronger relationships with them and support them to tackle the challenges they face due to poverty, such as the costs of food and fuel, indebtedness, low-paid work etc. As well as what we will offer directly, we can signpost people to other local services delivered by our partners, such as the Grab and Go food bank offered weekly outside the community garden, local community pantry, buggy walks offered by Edinburgh and Lothian Greenspace Trust, courses at Bridgend Farmhouse etc, and other more specialist services eg support re money management, substance use and mental health issues. We have engaged with family members who are refugees, have a disability, long-term conditions, are carers or part of black and ethnic minority communities, and plan to do so as part of this project in order to support them and others with the social and health inequalities they may be affected by.Working with partners to promote and deliver the projectThe project will be delivered in partnership with Dunedin Canmore Youth Projects and Scran Academy, who we have established a positive partnership with over the past year to deliver events and a small pilot with some young people of S4 age attending Gracemount High School.We will work closely with a range of voluntary organisations and statutory services, that we have good relationships with, to promote the project eg Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust, Trees and Seas Outdoor Adventures, Bridgend Farmhouse, Valley Park and Gilmerton Community Centres and Gilmerton Library, local schools, the Young Adult Disability Team and The Listening Space, a mental health project based at Gilmerton Community Centre. These services have in the past referred children and/or family members affected by poverty and with additional support needs to our programmes offered in the community garden on three weekdays. We have two primaries, a special school and Gracemount High School within a very short walk of where we are based, and many of them use the community garden and greenspaces on a regular basis, as well as promoting programmes and public events that we offer on site.What is new about this projectAs part of this project we wish to widen the age group we work with to include children in P5 - S3 age range, who are affected by poverty, trauma and other issues such as additional support needs/disability/social isolation. We also plan to engage with their parents/carers and other friends and family members where appropriate. We will be flexible about when we deliver the programmes, but this will be determined by what works for participants, and will include some evenings/weekends, which has not been the case up to now. We know that the young people we engage with are often short of learning and recreational opportunities in out of school hours and have on occasions taken part in anti-social behaviour at the site.How will this project be used to pilot work that might be funded in future?We wish to use this pilot project to involve children, young people and family members in the design and development of activities, services, buildings and greenspaces on site, including a range of volunteer opportunities. This will enable them to develop a long-term relationship with and play a leadership role in design, development and delivery of the services and programmes being delivered on site. It will also provide strong evidence to include in applications for multi year grants and other income streams in order to sustain and develop the project beyond September 2024. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We would like to apply for funding to recruit a training kitchen supervisor and a food larder manager. This person will be responsible for training trainee's who have barriers to employment. This post would allow us to expand the work we do in supporting these young people and those at risk of reaching crisis point do to the cost of living crisis and other factors. Our training kitchen will target those facing barriers to employment due to various reasons. Disadvantaged people includes those whose life experiences or environment have so far denied them opportunities to develop the skills to support themselves and contribute positively to society, those living with learning disabilities, mental ill health. These barriers to employment also include lack of qualifications or coming from a care background. We will work alongside partners such as East Ayrshire Council supported employment who work alongside young adults who have support needs when trying to find employment. We will also work with other partners such as The Job Centre Plus, Enable, Youth Interventions and Skills Development Scotland for referrals for trainee's for this project.The targeted trainee's for this project will be people who require help and support to improve their vocational, hospitality and life skills. This is in order to improve their chances at full time employment, increase their self esteem and improving their lives. where and when will it take placeThis project will take place Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm per day.This project will be overseen by the Training Kitchen and Food Larder Manager who will provide on the job training and direct supervision to these trainee's and volunteers. The overall operation of the community centre will still be overseen by The Centre Development manager who will work alongside the supervisor to make sure the project is running effectively. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Our School Uniform Pack offers pupils living in Perthshire 3 shirts, 3 bottoms, 2 jumpers, 2 days of PE kit including a PE hoodie, and a school bag. Our packs are made up of pre-loved and new clothing and delivered straight to people's doors across Perthshire. We offer referrals through our partners (such as HomeStart, Trussle Trust Foodbank, Community link workers in Education, Social Workers and community groups) however we also accept self referral ensuring any family can apply to our project. We do not seek proof of need as we know, through lived experience, many families are living month to month despite earning a wage too high for benefit or council support. At Social Flock we want to ensure that there are as few barriers to access as possible and by removing proof of poverty, we promote trust in our community, mutual respect and reduce the indignity of having to explain why someone needs support to have their basic human rights met. We understand that sometimes the burden of shopping, travel costs, crowds, upfront cash, and the dangers of pay-day loans and instalment payments, mental health, physical disabilities, can all reduce the capacity parents and care givers have at being able to shop. In our 2021 evaluation form we received requests for additional items such as shoes, stationary, lunch boxes, socks. We are always looking to create partnerships for us to offer additional items such as stationary – which we usually have donated through our local Poundland customers. Shoes, which we managed to provide for 2/3s of our applications this year through a partnership with a local shoe shop Petit Pas who repaired and reconditioned pre-loved shoes for us, and through a local charity 10 Percent, who donated money for shoe vouchers. In 2023 we hope to be able to continue to increase our contents. Although our written evaluation is not fully submitted, which we will heavily influence our 2023 offering, verbal feedback we have received is asking for more of each item to be included to help reduce the need for washing through the week, additional PE kit items for students who take PE as an elective subject and other back to school needs such as haircuts. We are starting research now to see how we could provide this service and include these in some format for our 2023 School Uniform Bank, and specifically as part of our Pop Up Shops. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We would like to employ a Work Placement Facilitator in the cafe to enable the cafe to take school aged pupils on placement. Over the 14 years that we have been involved in community work in Possil we have felt there is a need to help young people have aspirations for their life and that this is needed before they leave school as after can sometimes be too late. We would like to offer young people a chance to not only get barista trained and be able to put it into practice but also to get a chance to work on developing the cafe themselves and helping them to develop skills in digital marketing, baking, design, customer service. All of these skills would be valuable to them when entering the world of work whether that was a Saturday job whilst studying or a full-time job when they leave school. As the cafe develops more and takings increase then we hope to be able to get to a position where we could continue the work without further funding.We plan to work in partnership with Bethany Christian Trust, the local secondary schools and Glasgow Virtual schools. We have discussed our plans with them they are all keen for this project to go ahead |
21/09/2022 |
£14,700 |
ESOLperth would like to run a series of workshops to refugees and asylum seekers in Perth & Kinross, who arrive in Scotland with no access to income. The workshops will support participants in learning about nutritious food preparation on a minimal budget, while also developing essential language acquisition around the themes of food, nutrition and cooking. This will be a collaborative project with All Strong Scotland CIC, who provide fitness & wellbeing programmes supporting the improvement and self-management of mental health. Together we will create illustrated recipe cards suitable for begginer-level English, complete lesson plan and supporting learning material. We will involve our service users from various countries to provide input for the recipe cards, bringing in a strong community element and cross-cultural learning. Each participant will receive a comprehensive starter kit which will include essential ingredients, multivatims (including children's vitamins for families) as well as a herb growing kit, which will allow our service users, none of whom have access to gardens, to grow their own healthy herbs at home. The workshops themselves, along with the provision of ingredients and herb grow kits, will deliver English language intruction in an innovative and engaging way, highlighting the role of good nutrition in wellbeing and enabling participants to feed themselves and their families on very low or zero incomes. We have previously provided English lessons through wellbeing activities such as arts & crafts and cultural outings, to great benefit and feedback, but this project would be a new initiative with a significant practical element to support learning and wellbeing, and the evidence and feedback gathered from it's success would then be used to attract further funding to support it in the longterm. We will ask participants to take pictures of the meals they have created as well as the progress of the herbs they will be growing, which will then be shared on our social media and website, promoting the project to others as well as the organisation as a whole. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
This CCRF proposal is a new development dealing with veterans of the armed services, with PTS, who are currently offenders in prison. We have just formally confirmed an agreement with the SPS to develop services to this group as soon as resources permit and a two-year award now would allow us to start immediately. Many of our clients, before we engaged with them, were at risk of reaching the level of a criminal charge and imprisonment for any one of the individual forms of anti-social behaviour which commonly develop as a means of trying to suppress the cause of PTS and developed behaviours of incremental alcohol and drugs abuse, violence, crime and even suicide, all developed, because veterans denied and tried to suppress, rather than resolve the cause of their stress. We have successfully turned that around by helping peer groups of veterans with PTS work together to recognise, reveal and release their stress. We recognise that while the symptoms are largely the same there are significant differences between those who are in prison and those whom we have conventionally dealt with, who have not got that far.Our beneficiaries also include the families involved, given that they also face severe stress in being denied understanding of the cause but their involvement also adds solutions for them and the veterans in resolving relationships and understanding. We create peer groups (veterans, spouses, children, siblings, parents, with separate support from us and we develop family groups with and without veterans as circumstances prescribe.This work will be significantly more complex given that we will have to work in Scottish prisons and create ways of managing our service in a prison environment. Compared to our past work there will be restrictive rules of engagement and entirely different peer influences in relation to other prisoners (i.e. without PTS, but nevertheless convicted under the same criminal charges). We will also have to resolve significant challenges in incorporating input and support from and to families along with engaging effective community members in our overall process in developing closure of both the family and wider circumstancesOur work with the Scottish Prison Service, in identifying this group, confirms that there are more veterans in prison than we can serve with this project and who by the SPS’s assessment do not convey the signals and background history that marks them as conventional offenders who are directly in prison for violence, alcohol and/or drug abuse, and other crimes (whereas these are symptoms of escape and the results of denial for those with PTS).Our work will start in Perth Prison, however the Governor of Perth Prison also as responsibility for all veterans in all Scottish Prisons. This will allow us to develop the service across Scotland in due course.While developing and delivering services for offenders with PTS will be the first and dominant work in the first two years, we will be working with the SPS to develop methods of service to provide support to and input from families and to that end, during this project, we will also be developing working relationships with other service providers, not least those in the third sector who deal with offenders and their families.We use theatre skills to encourage Veterans and their families affected by Post-Traumatic Stress to open up suppressed communication, emotions and social interaction and counter the adverse reactions created by attempts to deny the PTS. These are commonly evaded by veterans interpreting the stress as a passing or temporary issue related to any, but normally many, other causes than trauma.We run weekly workshops with peer groups of veterans developing those, in time, to family groups as circumstances dictate. |
21/09/2022 |
£12,000 |
We are hoping that this application will allow us to take forward a number of initiatives and projects: at first these might appear disparate but they have all been designed to tackle issues of poverty and inequality. There has been no directly targeted work previously undertaken by the Trust on these issues, so this is new territory. This means that some of this work is exploratory in nature, piloting new initiatives that have yet to be formally stress tested. The Trust employ the services of a Development & Support Officer (DSO) who is responsible for taking project work forward in the community. However, we are proposing to design and deliver this work in partnership with the Community Engagement Worker (CEW) at Kirkmichael Session House. The CEW inhabits a particularly important central role in the heart of the community which places them in a perfect position to help reach the widest cross section of residents. Between them, the DSO and CEW provide the ideal vehicle through which to tackle the issues that this application supports. Both the DSO and CEW are externally funded for core hours that enable them to take forward projects and delivery. However, both of them are classic examples of a model so commonly found where the actual hours worked and levels of application and dedication given go way beyond what is formally funded. If this application is successful it would allow for a much-needed increase in capacity for both post holders so that the following proposals could be delivered.Although the DSO and CEW had some joint involvement in a mapping project earlier this year, this will be the first time that the Trust and Session House have formally entered into a project delivery proposal rather than working in relative isolation from each other. As a result, this will be the first time that a truly community-based approach to delivery has been formally attempted. |
21/09/2022 |
£13,000 |
In consultation with families we have put together a 16 week pilot additional support programme proposed to run as a rolling programme throughout the year. We want to offer more than vouchers and practical support. We plan to host a themed activity/event each week covering different topics to add a social/educational/fun element to families visits whilst offering advice, support, information on relevant topics in areas of need. It is through engagement at these events where we will distribute the vouchers, fuel top ups, food packages, activity packs, and wellbeing/personal care packages. For example when distributing fuel top up vouchers, we will have information and support around heating your home, energy saving advice, how to manage, minimise and sometimes get fuel debt written off, provided by the WISE Group. Working with our partners we can also help families access additional practical and support advice. When distributing food parcels we will have a 'Healthy Eating on a Budget' session and include quick, easy recipes with all of the ingredients required to make the meal in the package. These events will also help build on our relationships with both existing and new partner organisations thereby further extending the knowledge and values we work with to support more families and affect change in attitudes to help break down barriers and reduce stigma. We plan to host the following events over the 16 week period e.g. • Alcohol & Drug interventions • Gambling • Wellbeing & Self care• Kids Activities • Arts & Crafts • Housing & Homelessness• Benefits & Fuel Poverty • Parenting Skills• Quick & Cheap Meals (recipes & ingredients bag) • Routes to employment• Peer Support & mentoringThese sessions will also help us to engage with visitor groups to reduce stigma and isolation whilst building self-confidence and resilience.These sessions will be delivered by internal staff and a variety of support organisations within the community (see below): We will also deliver some of the sessions in the community, at a partner organisations base in Ruchazie. This will allow us to reach some families who are nervous about visiting prison and encourage them to consider visiting, as well as making sure they receive the same support. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We provide sexual, emotional and mental health services for young people in Edinburgh. We are currently funded by a range of funders, including City of Edinburgh Council to deliver community mental health services. We offer one-to-ones, drop-ins, yoga, music and outdoor activities.We would love to employ a worker to run some food-based activities for young people. We are in the process of setting up as a community pantry through the Cyrenians. We have just completed a design project which has transformed our premises into a trauma responsive space. We have a small inside space, linked to a patio area outside where we are building a community garden. We are growing flowers, herbs and vegetables which we can use to teach young people about cooking. This space offers great potential for us to to open a small café project for local young people but we currently just don’t have enough staff/volunteer capacity to set this up and maintain it. We are based in Craigmillar (Edinburgh) which is an area that is in the top 5% of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation so we know there is a need to help redress food poverty that so many in our local area are experiencing.The activities we are proposing include:• Supporting young people to learn about cooking and nutrition, • Providing placements and work experience for young people in the café in partnership with local schools,• A café could raise some small amounts of income for Let’s Talk,• We could offer free coffee/sandwiches/soup etc for the most vulnerable,• A café provides a social space which welcomes young people. By using these approaches we connect and build relationships, we provide learning opportunities for young people and we help them learn about the importance of food for mental health and fresh, healthy food for local young people that they can also have a part in growing. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We will establish a new bursary scheme that will provide free places to young people and adults so that they can take part in sport without any financial barriers. Participants will benefit from a full package: they will join one of Inch Park CSC’s core sports clubs (football, rugby or cricket), have full access to the club and the clubhouse facilities, get all the kit they need, two training sessions each week, matches at the weekend, an average of four hours of sports participation every week, with all costs covered including travel. They will have access to counselling services that are provided free to club members. This grant will support 21 fully funded places each year for two years, spread across the three sports clubs. The bursary scheme will fund sporting participation for adults and young people and adults who (or whose families) would otherwise not be able to afford to pay for this. We will work with our network of contacts, coaches, schools and community groups to identify people who might benefit from this, who face disadvantage because of their background. Your support for this initiative will enable us to kickstart a bursary scheme that we will publicise and fundraise for on an ongoing basis, with the aim of securing regular philanthropic donations to fund future places to continue a hardship fund year on year. Alongside this, we will offer support to participants’ families. They will have full access to our clubhouse facilities including social events and our free wellbeing café with peer support and counselling services. Our partners Edinburgh Vineyard Church will run Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Managing your Money courses, to help families better manage their household expenditure. This free training teaches budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that works. It equips participants to get to grips with their finances so they can budget, save and prevent debt.This will be a joined-up approach representing good value for money. Our delivery partners for this project are our three core sports clubs and Edinburgh Vineyard Church. LISMORE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB (registered charity no. SC043329) uses rugby as a vehicle to increase access to sport and physical activity. They field teams of all ages and genders, with a focus on youth work in sport and increasing access in groups who may not traditionally have access to rugby facilities.EDINBURGH SOUTH COMMUNITY FOOTBALL CLUB (registered charity no. SC048866) is an accredited SFA Platinum Quality Mark Community Club. They run 70 teams including children's football, girls, women’s, amateurs and a senior side. They represent more than 800 players and around 180 volunteer coaches and officials. Their inclusion policy means they take on anyone who wants to play sports regardless of ability, background or financial status.EDINBURGH SOUTH CRICKET CLUB has over 100 members across its senior men’s, junior and women’s sections. They run four teams in the East of Scotland Cricket Association league, plus friendly sides encompassing a wide range of standards. The Wicketz hub in partnership with Cricket Scotland and Lords Taverners bring cricket to young people who struggle to engage with school, have an offending background or are from communities that have barriers to or under-representation in participation.EDINBURGH VINEYARD (registered charity no. SC047480). The Vineyard Movement is a worldwide network of over 2,500 churches committed to seeing each generation reached by the power of the Gospel, with a view to embrace integrity in Christian character. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,000 |
This project is informed by feedback from our current CCRF work, that of our partner organisations and feedback from their service users across the range of activities..The planned project activities are:Repair and renew: volunteers will repair household items, across the west of Argyll drawn from 3 organisations. Donations and exchanges of goods will also be organised to support people across west Argyll.Estimate supporting over 500 people over two yearsGetting Together: bringing new social networks / groups / social activities to the wider area developing the connections between communities and those they support, tackling inequalities as people with differing needs join in activities.Estimate supporting over 200 people over two years, 100 groupsTackling poverty: by providing opportunities for learning – 1) to grow small scale crops helping increase self-sufficiency and resilience. 2) to improve understanding of money management and avoid falling into crisis eg debt escalation or as victim of expensive loans or scams. Both groups will help create cross community peer support utilising the reach of each partner to include those often ‘hidden’ in societies.Estimate supporting over 200 people over two years, 50 activities Introductions: introducing those in need to support groups, sources of information and other help. Our evidence demonstrates this is more effective than offering contact details. Estimate 60 people over two years with in person introductionsResilience: short workshops to increase the coping ability of participants when experiencing low confidence, anxiety and stress; thereby building stronger supportive communities.Estimate 16 workshops and 30 support groups over two years; 300 people This will be the first time all three organisations (The Community Bureau, Developing Potential and Ellie’s Community) have united to pilot work across the wider area of west Argyll. This new approach assists reaching more remote, rural communities, often harder to reach but worse affected by poverty including fuel poverty with rising prices and no choice of heating utilities. This will also reduce travel for any one partner helping build organisational capacity whilst sharing resources and knowledge. Combining the practical steps to prevent and alleviate poverty driven crises with activities which improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities using locality wide support and interventions built on previous feedback and evidenced across partners. It enables those furthest from population centres to engage, and join local communities and networks. Learning together builds knowledge and encourages stronger, more resilient communities. Uniquely, we are sharing our volunteers across organisations , thus maximising the knowledge, skills and talents of a far wider pool than any single group could offer. Co-ordination makes us more effective, responsive, and better able to respond appropriately offering a wider choices of activities and supports. Jointly we can tackle the impacts of poverty, anxiety and socially isolation head on. Working this way we are alleviating and preventing crises with a broader range of measures. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Fairway Fife would like to pilot a new project in partnership with Grow West Fife which will address poverty and social inequality experienced by people with learning disabilities and other disadvantaged young people in our community. Grow West Fife is a community vegetable garden based at Blair Castle near Culross. It was set up by a group of volunteers during lockdown to grow produce for food projects in the West Fife area. Their mission is to get our community growing their own vegetables, supporting positive climate action, community wellbeing and a sustainable means to combat local food insecurity. Fairway Fife and Grow West Fife will work together to engage people with disabilities, who are generally isolated and excluded from community activity, in an education project that promotes gardening for well-being, volunteering, and support for overcoming poverty issues. This new project will run weekly throughout the year with groups of 10-12 people with learning and other disabilities and 4-6 young peer mentors who are experiencing disadvantage. Fairway Fife will aim to give young adults with a disability, and peer mentors, the opportunity to learn within the community garden about food growing, care, harvest and distribution and ensure a better understanding of the connections between what we eat and how it is produced, delivered, and prepared. Participation in the gardening activities will improve wellbeing through increased social contact, physical activity and mitigation of food poverty. The young people we are working with have little or no skills, qualifications or accomplishments but through this project they will build self-esteem in recognising their achievements and creating something of value from their hard work. The garden will act as social hub, serving as a foundation for a more sustainable and healthy way of living, enhancing self-worth and sense of community spirit. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,919 |
With assistance from the Scottish Land Fund SCDC recently purchased a plot of land (The Doctors Park) in Scourie, North West Sutherland for multipurpose community use, the plan includes the building of an exhibition centre to house a gem and rock collection discount purchased from the Shelley family (local connection to Scourie), a communal hub and cafe. Whilst the build/construction element (Scourie Rocks) is at an early stage in it's development, phase one of the overall plan involves screening off from herbivours, part of the site to plant tree saplings supplied FOC by the Woodland Trust to aid biodiversity and wildlife whilst acting as a shelter/buffer zone for the building, in addition we will create a much needed community growing area. Collectively our project helps mitigate the negative effects of climate change, of welfare reform and provides the means to engage a healthier, more active and environmentally better informed community. Activities;Year One;Purchase materials and appoint a contractor to fence off an area 43 x 49 x 43 x 49m from herbivoursPlant and enclose 420 tree saplingsPurchase and build raised beds - purchase compost, seeds, tools and equipment Year Two;Purchase and erect Polycrub and set up a composting scheme, some additional funding may be required to add value to the project e.g. additional tools, shed |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We aim to continue our current level of service provision for young people and those with a learning disability, and to develop a project for the provision of practical learning and support for those suffering from poor Wellbeing or Mental Health.WE have three main partners in this development, Job Centre Plus, Barnardos and Birchwood Highland.JCP who is our main partner, will be the referral agent and we will work closely with Job Coaches to provide a personalised service for each person attending the project. We will work with them to provide individual development goals such as Practical Skill Development, Confidence Building, work and interview readiness and support them to move along the Employability Pipeline towards work readiness and employment. We operate from the principles of Supported Employment to assist individuals back to the workplace and for this project will be concentrating on the first three. Vocational Profiling – Helping individuals to identify their skills and preferences for work. Job matching / Job Finding – Finding out more about the workplace, co-workers and the supports the person might need in that work environment. Job Training / Task Analysis – Identifying the person’s preferred learning methods and finding out more about the workplace, co-workers and the supports the person might need in that work environment. Training Natural Supports – Identifying and implementing ‘just enough’ creative help, information and backup to both employer and employee to ensure success in the job and the development of independence through ‘natural supports’. Ongoing Employer / Client Support – Helping the employee and the employer think about longer term career progression through structured appraisal and development plans.Where appropriate and where the individual is under 25 Barnardos will provide Employability Qualifications and ongoing in work support.Birchwood Highland are available to provide Mental Health support to individuals where required and ongoing support to Remakery Staff in working with individuals whose wellbeing is poor. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,000 |
Traditionally youth work is delivered in-line with the school terms and take place on week days, it is our aim in The WHY Project to become the most regular and consistent youth provision in the city, with delivery every day of the week and enhanced holiday provision.We will develop weekend sessions, which address the following challenges;Less youth work provision and access to safe places for young peopleIncreased hungerMore opportunities for anti-social behaviourThis will be for high school aged young people engaging in anti-social behaviour, at risk of involvement with crime in Wester Hailes and surrounding areas, with a lack of family support particularly over the weekend. We will create safe spaces in a relaxed drop in environment, provide free hot food and opportunities to raise awareness of crime and the consequences, provide information regarding positives choices and sign posting. We will achieve this through the following;Relationship building, Awareness and Signposting: These groups will be held over the weekend in a youth café/drop-in format, with extended hours, young people will be able to relax in a safe and welcoming environment and have the opportunity to chat with trusted adults about challenges they may be facing, periodically we will invite additional support services including; GamTalk, Street Soccer, CREW, Mental Health professionals and have talks with people that have come through the justice system as both perpetrators and victims and engage in open and honest discussions about the appeal, status and reality of crime. Positive Choices: We will provide relevant information to support young people to make positive choices through relationships, friendships, work, health, education and the local community. This will be achieved through workshops both internally and with external practitioners, information sessions and in a fun and engaging manner.Food Provision: Young people will be able to have hot food over the weekend. We will also incorporate activities including cooking, planning, nutrition and healthy diet. |
21/09/2022 |
£9,240 |
We currently provide work experience for Peebles High School pupils who experience social exclusion and inequalities because of learning, physical or mental disabilities. This funding would be used to create a project that extends these young adult’s work experience to support them in attaining an accredited Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) based qualification within the catering industry. Examples of relevant qualifications include: • National 2 Food, Health and Wellbeing • National 3 Health and Food Technology The funding would be primarily used to cover staffing costs needed to deliver a formal education curriculum and a small amount for raw ingredients to cover any food wastage created by the young adults. The project will be in partnership with Peebles High School and Scottish Borders Council and will be delivered through the young adult pupils primarily attending our off-site facility. The young adults will be involved in the preparations of food for: Sheltered Housing – create produce for a weekly food stall held within Sheltered Housing. These weekly stalls will be part of intergenerational social events between the pupils and residents.Royal Voluntary Service Social Centre – 2 course hot lunches to weekly clubs held in Peebles, West Linton and Innerleithen. Food and Friendship Service –weekly 2 course hot lunch delivered by TFF’s volunteers to elderly, socially excluded or individuals who are having difficulty getting out and about. In addition to the food delivery the volunteers also spend some social time with the recipients.The Food Foundations Food Market and Café – in additional to preparing produce they will also be involved in providing customer service to the market and café’s customers. Catering events – planning and food preparation for one off events. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
SiMY has recently taken on an initial 2 year lease of the former Lister Street bowling greens, which we intend to transform into a Community Green Space. We have used this space to work with young people in an ‘ad hoc’ way over the last three years, and now want to initiate a pilot project for how we can develop our work with families, and the wider community, in a sustainable way to create a space which SiMY, and other groups, can use for a range of development activities.The site has two bowling greens and a small building onsite, and our initial plan is as follows: revitalise the lower green as a bowling surface which can be used by both the Townhead bowling club, other bowling groups across north Glasgow who have lost regular access to a playing surface, and become a locus for initiatives to encourage new participants into bowling as a low intensity form of outdoor exercise and opportunity for social interaction. The current constituency will mainly consist of older people, but we are in conversation with Bowls Scotland about how opportunities might be created to attract a wider constituency and develop inter-generational activities. The upper green, and surrounding areas, will be developed as:a.) a growing space where people can take on mini allotments or help with a communal growing area, b.) a grassy meadow area which will be used by SiMY for many of our community development activities, and will also be available for other groups and community events.With a long-term focus on reducing poverty and social inequality, the early stages of this work will involve working with people to build the individual and community resilience required for this to happen. Activities will develop the practical skills and social networks required to create a greater degree of mutual support within the community, particularly between families from different ethnic backgrounds and religions.The on-site activity will link with our programme that involves people in activities such as forest walking and wild swimming as a way of improving their mental and physical wellbeing, and engaging them with the environment in order to encourage reflection, and action, on issues around climate change. One example of how these might link together relates to Lister St’s situation adjacent to a key route on the active travel network. Developing cycling classes, bike maintenance groups and facilities, bike storage and hire would create opportunities for people to utilise cycling for work and recreation, and facilitate interaction between social groups within the community that might not otherwise have much contact.3. The pavilion building will be initially be used as a basic indoor space for groups during the winter months, with a longer term plan to refurbish it as we gain a better understanding of how best to utilise it for the community’s benefit. SiMY has an ongoing commitment to work in partnership wherever possible. Some of our existing local partners are keen to make use of the space as it develops e.g.Mena Trust, St Mungo’s Primary School, St Roch’s Secondary school. We also have existing working relationships with a variety of groups who can bring specialised knowledge and skills to support community activities as our programme develops in response to the community’s expressed priorities. These include groups such as Music Broth, Endura Lifecycle Trust, East End Flatpack Meals, Bike for Good, Scottish Bowls, Proturf, GCC Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability team. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We will deliver an 8-week start-up support program per year for 12 women per program in Govan and surrounding areas to develop and start-up a business, social enterprise, charity or community group, targeting 50% of participants from BMAE/refugee/ asylum seeker communities. Following completion of the 8-week program, 6 participants per program who have an established idea/product or service and are ready to start their ideas will be provided with a further 6-weeks of intensive 1-1 support from business specialists as well as from partner community groups and business/community mentors. This will allow those individuals to develop their ideas into fruition to start a business/social enterprise/community group or charity that helps inspire them to reach their full potential, whilst providing solutions to tackling issues in the community as well as contributing to a circular economy. For those participants needing further support we will link them into other statutory and community support projects such as Business Gateway, CEMVO Scotland, GCVS, Firstport, etc to continue developing their ideas.This innovative pilot project will allow us to provide support, information & opportunities that inspire and empower women in our community experiencing financial deprivation, isolation/depression, etc to develop community led business ideas, social enterprise, community groups or a charity through learning and sharing practical skills/experience and knowledge that support community integration and collaboration and helps themselves and the community to thrive, reducing the effects of poverty and social inequality.We have arranged a start-up information session to consult with the women in our community about the type of business support they need and will set-up a steering group to continue the dialogue with our community to ensure needs are met.Gilded Lily have a high profile in Govan and will work with partners to link women in to these groups to help develop business/community project ideas such as • marketing through Sunny Govan Radio, community facebook groups such as Good about Govan, Govan Thriving Places, Govan Housing Association, etc• testing the market through selling products/ promoting activities and services at community events• training opportunities through GCVS, SCVO, Govan Housing, Business Gateway, Firstport, Jobs & Business Glasgow, etc• Mentoring support and guidance from inspiring businesswomen/community project leaders• Sign-posting for funding and further support to Firstport, School for Social Enterprise, CEMVO Scotland, National Lottery, community funders, etc.Draft outline program :Week 1 – Introductions, sharing business/community project ideas/Vision & MissionWeek 2 – Where to start/Case studies/Sharing Good Examples• Inspirational speaker (business woman/community leader)Week 3 – Organisational/business structures/what you need to know• Speaker with professional expertise from GCVS/CEMVO Scotland/Senscot/ FirstportWeek 4 – Business PlansWeek 5 – Targeting your Customers/community & Market research• Guest speaker Week 6 – Product/Service Branding & Development• Guest speaker with expertise in Branding and promotionWeek 7 – Pricing & Marketing • Guest speaker with expertise in sales/marketing - Little Gems, Hygeme, others??Week 8 – Business/Community Project Development – Next Steps• Inspirational speakerIntensive 1-1 Support programWeek 1 - Business Planning - Research into their Product/Service, Competitor Analysis = 1 hourWeek 2 - Requirements for their Business – Covering Operations (the who, what, why, where and when); Business Running Costs for e.g. equipment, property, refurbishment etc; Links to other Support AgenciesWeek 3 - MS Teams Group Session: MarketingWeek 4 - Business Plan review - Seasonal impacts/variations, Marketing StrategyWeek 5 - MS Teams Group Session: FinanceWeek 6 - Review of Cash flow, Balance sheet and Personal Survival Budget Extra support - Completion of Business Plan; HMRC & Starting to Trade requirements Celebration/Certificate Presentation event in the local community to showcase achievements, share successes with stake holders, family, friends and invited guests. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,922 |
Community Soup is a community-led food justice based project aiming to respond to the increased need for hot meals for women+ living in poverty. The project has three main elements: Element 1 is a weekly Community Soup session supported by volunteers and the Community Food Worker to cook a hot soup to share together during the session. As we eat, we'll talk about food, ingredients and food justice. Each session will be themed around a topic such as Food for wellness, Low-Energy recipes, Where to buy ingredients, Food support services, understanding ingredients etc. The sessions will be planned by the Community Food Worker in collaboration with volunteers and participants, and we will produce enough food so women+ can take a meal home for their family or wider networks. We also plan to collaborate with local food providers such as Morrisons, food justice orgs and local community gardens for ingredients and co-facilitation of sessions. Element 2 is a Food Justice Consultation to identify the needs within our community. This will be led by a Project Worker who will consult with participants, volunteers and staff as well as women+ not yet accessing Kairos to identify what support is needed. This will be done informally during groups and a survey will also be completed. The aim of this work will be to identify the impact of rising costs of food and energy and what innovative ways local women+ are responding to the crisis in relation to food. We believe that the answers to problems lie in the community, and are particularly keen to build on what women+ are already doing in response to the crisis. For example, women+ might have cost-effective recipes, low-cost ingredients and suppliers, meaningful ways to reduce energy use or they might be providing meals to relatives or friends. Our role will be to bring women+ together to connect, share and organise effectively, offering support and signposting. Element 3 is a Food Justice Group (up to 20 women+) made up of participants, volunteers and the Project Worker to explore ideas for improving Food Justice in Renfrewshire. This element of the project will use the Food Justice Consultation to identify and implement next steps. We'll look at the availability of food within Kairos including snacks and start to innovate the way we work, integrating hot meals into sessions and providing fruit and nutritious snacks for families as well as recipe cards, spices station, herb garden and other community developed ideas. We'll work closely with our Kairos Kitchen (cookery project) to collaborate and learn from key partners to understand food provision and the needs of communities. Services we will visit include The Star Project, Renfrewshire Food Bank, local pantries and health services. This work will culminate in a Food Justice Event planned by the Food Justice Group in 2024, bringing together partners and local people, to continue the work of the pilot project and encourage continued funding. We were a partner in the Food Provision Network in Renfrewshire throughout the pandemic, delivering over 6000 meals to families which means we have pre-existing networks and an understanding of the provision currently available. This project will give power to women+ to influence their local community at a time when isolation and loneliness is high, leading to increased social connections and a sense of fulfilment. Women+ will have access to hot meals, which will extend beyond women+ to their family and wider networks, and they will learn more about food justice and develop ideas to influence change. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
The Leith Pantry is a new project being developed by the Edinburgh North East Foodbank, it is a model that allows us to move away from the crisis model of the foodbank to a preventative and more sustainable approach to reducing food insecurity and poverty.The Leith Pantry is a membership food shop, within a particular neighbourhood (Leith).Pantries stock an abundant and wide range of food, including fresh fruit and veg, frozen and chilled foods, meat/dairy produce, long life, tinned and packaged foods. Members will pay a small fee (£4.50) each week and in return can choose groceries worth £15, allowing for greater income maximisation. Giving members more money for other essential items such as heating and clothing. Pantries are like other shops; in that you choose the foods you want from the shelves, enhancing choice for the member and moving away from dependency of the foodbank.For the Pantry model to be delivered and developed successfully, we will need to increase the capacity of our current staffing, without which we would be unable to deliver the project.This funding will support our employment of a part time coordinator, who will manage and develop the Leith Pantry. The coordinator will be supported with the daily delivery of the pantry by volunteers from the local community, and once the pantry is established, we will be able to offer volunteering opportunities to pantry members.Initially, the Pantry will be open one day per week, however as the membership increases it is planned for the pantry to be open, two days per week in the first year and three days per week in the second year. We will work in partnership with both statutory and voluntary agencies that currently refer service users to the foodbank to establish our initial membership of 25 people. For many of our members, food insecurity may well not be the only issue they have, so it is important that we have a holistic approach to the service we are providing.We will therefore be working in partnership with YMCA Edinburgh, who will provide support to members with additional issues. Through a relaxed and café style approach, members can have conversation with a support worker which will help establish good relationships. Individuals can be supported to manage any additional issues through sign posting to the most appropriate support agency. It is anticipated that with this two-year funding we will have capacity to increase our membership, in year one to 75 members and in year two to 150 members and demonstrate that the Pantry model, with a wraparound approach, has allowed members to be empowered to move forward with their lives and find a more sustainable approach to moving away from food insecurity and poverty. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Refugees/asylum seekers, particularly women, are an excluded group in the UK. Factors like language, faith beliefs or education contribute to exclusions from mainstream society; which then affect their productivity socially or economically. Hardest hit are women from Muslim backgrounds. Social inclusion, empowerment or integration are some of the several moving parts of power relations in society and social outcomes. Who sits at the table when decisions are made is important to social outcomes. To sit at the table, whether invited or earned, people need to have the means to be at the table and influence what happens there. To be invited to the table one needs to know what language is spoken at the table and if everyone has a grasp of it. The Refugees’ Dual-Skill Empowerment Programme, digital and language, is a skills acquisition effort that empowers asylum seekers/refugees for social inclusion. CREEM seeks to empower them with these skills for communication and participation in society (education, work, training, etc.). People from Africa/the Middle East learn by storytelling and experience sharing. It is modelled after this learning approach. Using literature rich in storytelling (especially from personal experiences of people of immigrant backgrounds), we hope to engage refugees’ learning abilities.• Programme requires participants who need to learn English language to learn soft digital skills as well. This prepares them for entrance into labour market and/or engage with larger society. • Some refugees have education in other languages or would want to learn vocational skills while here in the UK and be able to work and earn good income. Some will want to improve their level of earning right now if they could acquire the language that enables them to go for training. The project addresses both desires.• The English classes aims to get people to IELTS level 6 (standard for UK universities’ admission). At this level they can then go onto any vocational training and excel. • With digital skills almost a must in most vocations now, this skills programme is getting dual benefits with one effort. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Cycle Lessons - At present we offer 1-2-1 and group lessons (for up to 4 women) delivered at our premises (or parkland nearby) on our cycles, by fully trained and accredited instructors. We operate two days a week, with morning, afternoon and evening sessions. These are all led by volunteers and some paid sessional staff. We want to increase the number of days, times, instructors offered for these sessions so that we can accommodate as many women as possible as the two days currently offered are not suitable for all. We operate a ‘pay as you can’ model so that cost is not a barrier and the revenue generated will help facilitate lessons for those unable to pay.Led Rides - We provide rides for varying lengths and pace (for up to 8 women) to help riders gain (or regain) confidence in cycling around the city. These rides take an instructional and a social focus, nurturing the enjoyment of cycling as well as the acquisition of necessary cycling skills. At present these sessions are offered two days a week as above and we want to open this up further so that more women can take advantage of our services.Bike Maintenance Classes – We offer these monthly for up to 8 women which are led by fully trained and experienced mechanics, to teach riders how to maintain and care for their bikes, covering topics from roadside repairs such as punctures right through to servicing a bike. Thus far, we have delivered two sessions and can continue providing one session per month by volunteers. We want to increase this to weekly sessions as previous sessions have been booked out within hours of going live. Demand is high and many women have expressed a strong desire to acquire these skills so that they can feel confident when out riding their bike, safe in the knowledge that should they be faced with a bike repair, they would be well-equipped to deal with it independently without having to rely on the mercy of others. We would like to be in a position to offer these sessions in a dedicated workshop space to facilitate greater ease for participants and instructors alike.Bike Loans - We want to launch a ‘bike lending library’ so that we can provide a bike and all related accessories for short-term loan, thereby removing the very significant barrier of transport cost. We will offer a bike and accessories (including helmet, lights, lock, panniers and waterproofs) for up to a month, to trial whether cycling will fit into a client’s lifestyle so that they can make an informed decision before they purchase a bike. At the end of this loan period we would encourage and support women to repair an old bike they may own/acquire with the skills they will have picked up through attending our maintenance classes; to purchase their own bike but we would guide them to opt for a refurbished bike or a new one; a third option would be to register for Glasgow wide bike hire scheme.Bike-Buddy Support – We want to provide support so that women feel able to start travelling from A (home) to B (regular place of work). This support would also include learning and actively practising route planning, map reading and relevant cycling Apps for planning/navigating journeys. Additionally, we would give advice on bike storage solutions as this is a very real barrier particularly for many who live in tenement flats. When a client is ready and able we want to support them in purchasing a bike which is suited to them and advise them on what things they need to consider when making their choice of bike. As an extension of this, we would also advise them on suitable clothing which will help keep them comfortable, dry and above all visible to other road users. Social Event programme:Yearly Cycling Festival in Queens Park to engage with women and their families who are not already aware of Women on Wheels and their services Monthly film nights of inspirational women cyclists. Social Coffee drop in - these will be designed to encourage those on the fence about cycling to pop into chat with staff and volunteers and hopefully alleviate their barriers to get started with cycling.Regular speaker event programme - these will be held throughout the year and will include pioneering, inspirational females who have reduced barriers and increased diversity in cycling for women e.g Aneela McKenna of Mor Diversity.Health and wellbeing events - offering yoga, mindfulness and nutritious food (as well as cycling activities)These events will promote community connections and the social benefits of being part of our hub and particularly focus those on the fence about cycling. In this setting, our clients will be able to relax, enjoy themselves and establish new relationships whilst nurturing existing ones as well as supporting each other in our love for all things cycling. We would also invite other organisations to encourage collaboration and a greater sense of community.These activities are innovative and creative because we will be providing a unique, comprehensive support package designed and led by women which up until now, has not been offered by any other service provider . This package is tailored to help women of all backgrounds to not only overcome the many barriers they face, but to provide continued support, vital to keep them cycling. The activities detailed above do not simply have a practical function but they also nurture a strong sense of peer support and community cohesion.As a cycling focused charity we will work in partnership with women’s community based groups to ensure we reach our target audience. Many of them will be referral partners to ensure we target the most vulnerable women. Not only will this get women cycling but it will offer pathways to volunteering, leadership and employment. This will embed legacy from the onset – ensuring we champion women to develop the skills and training they need to support themselves, their peers and reach more women in the future.Some of the groups we have already started developing partnerships with are:North Lanarkshire Mosque Masjid Al Farooq Pollokshields Development AgencyAl-Meezan unconstitued group of Muslim women in East Renfrewshire Glendale Women's cafe Saheliya South East Integration Network Feel Good Women’s GroupREACH Glasgow Science Centre Glasgow Women's Library Glasgow Central Mosque Glasgow Central Gurdwara We have consulted with and offered taster sessions for women in partnership with many of these groups and know they are keen to get active yet find building physical activity and exercise into their daily routine a real challenge. Cycling is a perfect activity to get into as it is a transport option, a social/recreational activity and a way to improve your fitness – all with little or no impact on your joints – ideal for those who have been inactive for a number of years. All of these in turn will lead towards alleviating transport poverty and providing pathways into freelance and paid employment. In our second year we plan to launch:Teens programme - we will develop a Teens programme using young role models and ambassadors at a pivotal point in young girls lives when many stop cycling due to peer pressure. We will also encourage them to take up cycling as a form of sport if so inclined and alleviate transport costs particularly for struggling families.Family programme - we understand with women come kids so we will have a programme of activities (e.g. mother and toddler sessions, families cycling events, activities for women and toddlers all the way to teens) to get the whole family cycling.Volunteer programme - we will offer volunteer opportunities to up-skill people to become qualified Ride Leaders, Cycle Trainers, First Aider and adept at bike maintenance. This training and support will give them the expertise and confidence to involve their own families and wider social circle in their own passion for all things cycling and ultimately will open up new avenues of employment for them as well. |
21/09/2022 |
£14,400 |
Digital exclusion affects hundreds of people across Inverclyde. Access Technology Scotland and our collaborative partners including - Inverclyde Men's Shed, Moving on Inverclyde, I-fit, Inverclyde Morton Trust and Inverclyde Mental Association are focused on how charities can respond to digitally excluded beneficiaries’ needs and put digital inclusion at the heart of their service delivery - both through leveraging local partnerships, and accessing the support and resources available in local communities. Digital Inverclyde is a collaborative project between (ATS) and local organisations. The project will focus on establishing a network of partners to collaborate on digital challenges and confront problems in areas experiencing poverty and digital exclusion which is fast becoming one of the major challenges in society. From securing work and learning at school to accessing bank details and communicating with friends almost every aspect of life requires at least basic digital skillsTraining will provide participants with an increase in essential digital skills including employability and cyber security skills leading to an accredited SQA award (Digital Skills SCQF3) to recognise their achievements whilst enhancing their opportunities to return to employment or further education. ATS will work with partners to increase their effective digital strategy and increase their skills to sustain their digital engagement.If successful funding will be used to provide- 1:1 support, group and peer support sessions, using clients own devices or through free to use IT provided through Access Technology Scotland. The 1 x 2hr weekly sessions x 36 weeks will introduce beginners to the basics, gaining the skills and confidence they need to get started online (10 participants per session) This covers tutor and assistant costs and will provide a SQA accredited award in digital skills. The aspect of the project will enable better uptake of services and support, engaging ‘harder to reach’ clients and to tackle social inequalities regarding wealth, skills and wellbeing to reduce deprivation in Inverclyde and improve people's lives.1 monthly x 2hr session x 12 months-As part of ATS Net-Zero strategy our new initiative Recycle-Reuse-Reconnect will reduce E-waste and digital poverty across our community. Our Operations Manager will work with all project partners to develop a scheme to enable recycling and reuse of IT equipment to help to address the digital poverty and exclusion which exists in our community, with ambitions to recycle computers and digital devices and divert e-waste from landfill.By upskilling the local community’s digital abilities this project will also help the more households within Inverclyde to go paperless, converting to use of online banking, insurance, benefits etc, thereby reducing their carbon footprint. • Recruiting 10 volunteers per year who are from diverse backgrounds through a robust and transparent recruitment programme.• Coordinate an advisory group where 50% of the participants are beneficiaries of the project.• Assess people’s needs to inclusion including disability access and free access to equipment and wifi. 30 of the most disadvantaged households experiencing challenging circumstances in Inverclyde will benefit from improved access to digital technology to access advice, support and services to improve personal finances and to overcome deprivation.50 Local people have improved access to community based IT learning to enable them to gain skills and confidence.10 Volunteers/staff/participants will be involved in designing evaluation of the project50 local people will increase their awareness to recognise bullying and abusive online behaviour and increase their resilience to develop a safe digital presence.A step by step guidance session to setup technical device and settings. Increase in the number of participants applying for digital skills specific jobs/careers/further educationLeaders will feel confident and motivated about using digital to achieve their organisation’s charitable purpose and goals and to improve its sustainability. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
The aim of this project is using the multilingual information sheets on welfare rights that we developed with previous funding from SCVO’s Community, Capacity and Resilience Fund to provide wider support, information and advice to vulnerable EU nationals in Scotland by organising workshops in different EU languages. The topics explained and covered at these sessions will be based in the factsheets. These are: Access to Benefits, Housing, Maternity Rights, Pensions, Social Security Rights in Scotland, Universal Credit and Working Rights. In terms of languages, as for the info sheets, we will aim to organise events in the EU languages most frequently spoken in Scotland: Bulgarian, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and/or Spanish, as well as English. Our aim is to organise between 16 to 20 workshops in two years, with 5-12 attendees each. We will start by organising and testing these events in some of the main Scottish towns (e.g.: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen, Perth, Inverness) where there is a major concentration of EU migrants. Meanwhile, we will assess interest and potential partnerships and collaboration in smaller towns and rural areas (e.g: Kirkaldy, Motherwell, Ayr, Peterhead, Arbroath, Galashiels, Dumfries, Stirling, Falkirk) where EU migrants tend to be more isolated and therefore more susceptible to discrimination and labour exploitation. We will draw on our previous experience and partnership organising and participating in more than 200 information and drop-in support sessions about the EU Settlement Scheme around Scotland to design the programme of events. We want to create spaces that are easily adaptable to the idiosyncrasy and characteristics of the group. Moreover, participants will feel more comfortable speaking and asking questions and sharing experiences in smaller groups, allowing for more interactions and conversations, especially in those events that require interpretation. Attendees will be able to learn from the speaker, but also from experiences and queries from other attendees. Our aim is not only increasing the knowledge of EU citizens about their rights, but also reduce isolation by knowing other people in their same situation and the fear of migrants to ask for help or navigate a system and a culture that is new to them. We will collaborate with EU Consulates –we have a close relationship with the Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish consulates-, Local Authorities –we have contact with council workers from different Local Authorities who have referred cases to us and have attended many of our information sessions for professionals-, and community groups and third sectors organisations we have work with in the past or that work with migrants. Some examples below: Aberdeen: No Recourse North East Partnership, Shelter, Turning Point, Grampian Regional Equality Council. Dumfries and Galloway: Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association Edinburgh and the Lothians: Oficina Precaria, Feniks, Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC), Edinburgh4Europe. Falkirk: Central Regional Equality Council (CSREC), Fort Valley Migrant Support Network. Glasgow: West Regional Equality Council (WSREC), the Language Hub, The Sikorski Polish Club, The Space, Glasgow4Europe Perth: Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Service Ltd (PKAVS), Perth4Europe. Scottish Borders: The Bridge Third Sector Interface. Stirling: Stirling Voluntary Enterprise. The above organisations can help us by providing speakers, promoting the events and identifying citizens that could benefit from attending the workshops. Other agencies, we may approach to get speakers are NHS Inform, law firms like Drummond Miller and JustRight Scotland (they have both done some pro-bono work for us in the past). In other occasions, our own Outreach Officer may be able to deliver the workshop. When needed, training will be provided. An example of this workshop would be the employment rights training provide by Support@work from UNITE. We have already met to explore a potential collaboration. They provide training courses for small groups on contracts of employment, dealing with discrimination, disciplinary measures, flexible working, grievances, health & safety, holiday pay, job applications and interviews, probation periods, redundancy, sick pay & absence, unfair dismissal, wages and/or terms and conditions. They contacted our organisation due to our access to EU communities in Edinburgh. They would like to offer this training in different EU languages. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
At present our service/community centre is only open on weekdays. This funding would enable us to open at the weekend. This is what is needed for the community and people we support. Funding would allow us to expand our service delivery and pilot a new innovative creative project within a warm safe hub at the weekends. We would provide a warm lunch; soup and sandwich at a small cost. We receive donations from our local Lidl, some of these donations could be used towards making healthy lunches. The Community Centre has 3 rooms which are warm and offer a variety of opportunities. Attendees would have access to free Wi-Fi, digital devices to ‘surf’ their social media accounts, online shop and/or order medication etc., play pool, darts, board games, benefit from our garden with fresh veg and develop gardening skills if they wish. We also have a quiet area, where someone might wish to sit and chill/read but know there are people nearby if they wished company. We would encourage participation from the service users to create the food menu and make the lunches. To involve partners, we will have discussions with all the partners we are already working closely with, NHS, Health Visitors, Housing, Mental Health teams, Social Work, DWP and 3rd sector agencies; Citizens Advice Bureau, Caithness Voluntary Group, Caithness Klics, Care and Learning Alliance, Thurso Youth Club, Fisherman’s Mission and Connecting Carers are a few of the organisations we work closely with. Through consultations and face to face discussions we would seek their views, but most importantly we would seek the views of the people wishing to attend. All plans for the pilot project would be created around the identified needs and wishes of the planned attendees. We will create posters to distribute through statutory and 3rd sector agencies also Schools (they share all our group information through class DOJO). Also share our information/posters to our FB page and other social media pages Here for Caithness, Thurso Community page and Caithness Voluntary Group who have a huge digital mailing list. This enables us to reach a wider audience. This e3xciting project would help when tackling poverty and social inequality, as the attendees could save on energy costs for their home for the period they attend groups. We would support the attendees to access Benefit entitlement sites to ensure they are receiving their full benefits, share with them all new and relevant advice and benefit information received from Housing, DWP and other agencies. We are a referrer to our local Food bank. Encourage people to engage with CAB who have expertise in accessing energy grants and financial support. People already have weekday access to the donations we receive from our local Lidl to open at the weekend would enable us to provide a 7-day access. All of the above is to assist and support people of all ages and abilities to manage the inequality they are experiencing. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
This project will provide a warm, safe and social space, with the benefit of hot nutritious meals and refreshments within the town of Kilwinning. There is no boundary and surrounding communities are welcome. There is a determination by the volunteers and members of the congregation to alleviate the hardships that a large section of our community will face this winter. This need is more acute now than ever before and as an organisation we would like to scale up the services that we can provide, in partnership with other organisations and potential volunteers within the community, such as the local NAC foodbank in Ardrossan, the Eglinton Growers association, and local businesses such as supermarkets and bakery's. We already have direct links with Turning Point Scotland, CA, and Aberlour Childrens Trust, and along with these and others we can further signpost people towards groups that can address the diversity of needs we are facing. We anticipate that once established our project will enjoy a long lifespan and be able to attract future partners and funding to see the work continue. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Cidsin Ceilidhs are community kitchens where community centres and village halls throughout Uist and Benbecula can open their doors to the community providing warmth, meals and company.The Western Isles is one of the areas most deprived in relation to fuel poverty in Scotland already, with 56% of households impacted, the continual rise of energy prices has our communities finding themselves facing the choice of heating or eating. Our project is looking to relieve the pressure faced by households by proving a safe warm place to bring communities together to save on home heating costs, providing meals to alleviate pressure on foodbanks, provide nutrition and tackling social isolation by bringing all members of our community to engage in a variety of activities. We anticipate that e.g. financial advisors, Citizen’s Advice personnel, food bank staff will be in attendance at sessions to offer their services discreetly. In the first few months we will pilot the project in 6 halls covering North Uist, Benbecula and South Uist with regular days of being open to the community offering a hot meal and activities throughout the day. We then plan to expand to other halls reducing the need for users to travel, also utilising our local electric community transport service to bring users to the centres and utilising car sharing to reduce transport costs. And finally, an inclusive outreach programme combining befriending services with meal delivery, enjoying nutritious meals in shared company to those who are housebound. Equipping our community halls for these activities will also allow them to be used as resilience hubs during power outages, when bad weather leads to causeways closures and disrupted ferry travel. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,875 |
We would like to run42 x Batch Cooking Workshops showing people how to meal plan across a week and make use of dried and seasonal foods to avoid waste and make best use of ingredients. We will invite people in for a full day of cooking and learning, providing all ingredients and access to our library of recipes we use for our current recipe kits, a pack of 30 recipe cards to take home and associated herbs and spices required. We will also give practical examples of savings when you buy what you need instead of buying prepackaged in supermarkets and give participants access to our food equipment library (additional pots, graters, pasta makers etc) 19 x Healthy Eating Swaps Workshop helping people make both health, economic and greener decisions about food e.g. Meat Free Mondays, Store Cupboard Herbs for Health and learning about our wider food systems within Scotland, UK, Europe and wider. As an ethical food store we are faced regularly with choices of what and where to buy our food (we stopped stocking bananas for a while due to the impact it was having on workers rights in South America). We would like to share this information for local residents with the aim of them learning more about the impact of food growing across the world, what to consider when buying, how to avoid food waste and most importantly for us to give them the means to connect with ultra local food production in our region. 31 x Site Visits to local growers to volunteer on site and learn where our veg comes from and the issues that market garden growers are facing. We collaborate already with Hub G63 in Drymen/Killearn on a variety of shared projects and we will include them in our site visit plans along with 3 other market gardens we work with. We also work with over 30 local food producers and we will integrate visits to production kitchens into these visits so that participants can learn the links between growing, producing and eating. This element of the project links with a much wider initiative we intend running in 2023 with our local partners to help support, grow and sustain our local food systems. As a social enterprise we are continually checking in with and being responsive to our local community and this takes our zero waste shop into a new realm of work by linking learning directly to how people shop and choices they make. We informally offer education to our customers already (particularly around ultra local food) and this programme will help us solidify this learning as well as connecting food consumers directly to food growers, producers and educators. We already know that there is a 'fear' of how to shop in a zero waste shop with the weighing, measuring and generally people not knowing the quantities in prepackaged items and we hope this will encourage people to engage with confidence in future. We already have a solid foundation of customers who see and support our wider aims and we hope through this project that we can set up a Guid Food advisory group that will be able to inform and guide our future product buying, workshops and initiatives - as they say more heads are better than one! In addition to this fund we will also run a parallel project working with our local youth club to provide recipe kits and talk/film programme to bring together people in a social setting to share and discuss local and global food issues. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
The EMEMIR Project will create a community hub, in Renfrewshire, for minority ethnic men, of all ages, and deliver a range of activities to overcome the impacts of inequality, exacerbated by Covid-19, the rising cost of living and the current refugee crisis, by empowering them with the necessary skills, experience and confidence to facilitate new opportunities for their future, in order to not only help tackle poverty and social inequality but address poor physical and mental health as well as social isolation. We will use an innovative and creative model of delivery to ensure that the needs of our community are met and, if we are successful in our applications for a similar project, focusing on minority ethnic women, then we will combine our learning and findings to create a more holistic service, for all minority ethnic communities, which can then be used as good practice, not only to our advantage for future funding applications, but also as inspiration for some similar work, throughout the country, We have noted our planned activities, over 1 year, and the impact expected. The same activities would be completed in Year 1 and 2, of the project, with a review in place to cater for any required changes – a key focus on taking a community centred approach and working with key stakeholders and partners has been noted here:•36 Weekly Community Café Sessions bringing a diverse range of minority ethnic men together on a regular basis to develop a support network with guidance from key local and national community support initiatives, whom we have built excellent relationships with over the past decade including the Scottish Refugee Council, the West of Scotland Regional Equality Council and Pachedu. Activities will be delivered according to the preference of service users which will seek to develop transferable skills to develop educational and career prospects, hence creating pathways out of poverty and addressing social inequality, particularly with the rising cost of living being predicted to soar further in the coming months. Examples of potential sessions will be focused on: fitness, gardening, IT, reading and health and wellbeing. The impact of this will be improved mental health, less social isolation, increased confidence, improved community cohesion as well as improved mentoring or leadership skills and improved career development opportunities, all of which will address rising social inequalities. •36 Weekly Capacity Building Workshops bringing in local and national partners, particularly those with a focus on working with men, such as Mental Health Foundation and SAMH, to provide support through access to new experiences, skills, mentoring, or other opportunities. Examples will include themed sessions focusing on volunteering, leadership, employability and health and wellbeing. Attendees will be upskilled, more confident and given access to relevant qualifications. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,185 |
As we transition out of the pandemic, we are ramping up our efforts to grow our community and outreach activities to help communities most in need of our support and those disproportionally affected by the pandemic. ‘Building skills for life and learning’ will offer a range of workshops and opportunities for young disabled people from these demographics to design and build practical and often life changing accessibility items specific to their individual needs. Not only will we provide participants with the networks, confidence, knowledge, expertise (and tools) to build practical accessibility items, we will teach them the benefits of sharing everyday resources, including tools, and help them to build community integration whilst mitigating the impact of the climate emergency. Participants will be younger members of the disabled community living in areas of multiple deprivation across Edinburgh. Predominately aged 15-30 years, however we would consider those out with this age range if their needs were not being met elsewhere. These young people will have a range of disabilities including physical disabilities, such as mobility or deafness, to neurodivergence disorders, such as autism and Asperger's syndrome. Workshop numbers will be capped at 10, with up to 6 disabled people plus 2 carer spaces (if required by the individual).‘Building skills for life and learning’ will offer opportunities for young disabled people from low socio-economic backgrounds to access a programme of workshops that they would normally be excluded from. We will lift disabled people onto equal footing and offer workshops that are already available to our wider ETL community. We will ensure income is not a barrier to participation, and engagement with ETL is sustainable, by making workshops free of charge and offering participants free membership to ETL so they can have access to tools, mainstream workshops and our community networks. By increasing accessibility we also hope participants will be encouraged and confident to access our mainstream programme of workshops once this programme has come to an end. We will deliver our projects in a way that isn’t patronising or limiting to their creative ambitions. We will ensure that promotion of the programme is inclusive, for example any pictures used on campaigns are diverse, demonstrating a mix of ages, races and abilities.Workshops are a group affair and will offer opportunities for participants to take part in social activities in a safe and welcoming environment. It is widely acknowledged that people who are socially connected to their communities have fewer mental health problems (Mental Health Foundation, 2021) and over the years we have observed the positive effects on mental health gained from of our community workshops.The programme will provide new skills to help participants move forward with their lives. Woodworking classes will teach practical build skills plus life skills such as team-working and perseverance. These transferable skills will empower people to take more control of their own lives and future careers. Participants will build new social and professional connections outside of their existing networks, helping them to gain confidence to engage in mainstream society and the workforce. We will provide pathways to volunteering at ETL, or via our third sector partner volunteers’ programmes, opportunities which may lead on to future employment.All ETL workshop activity promotes a circular economy, encouraging participants to reduce the number of new items purchased and to use reclaimed or recycled materials.On a practical level, empowering participants to physically change their living environment by building accessible items will boost wellbeing as the home environment can have a huge impact on quality of life. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Boomerang Centre is going through a period of change since our last manager sadly passed away suddenly. We have a new maanger in post and a new board who are looking to develop the centre into a hub for the local area. We are looking to offer a place based Centre where we can build on partnerships in the local area and work with the community to offer what they would like to see in terms of groups and activities. We are looking to develop the hub so that if people are looking for help with benefits or job applications then there is always someone on hand to help them with this. The fund would help us to develop a morning cafe where people could come to get some breakfast free of charge but also access any support that they may need in terms of energy advice, benefit checks etc. They would also be able to access the food larder that we already have running and the well attended lunch club where a hot meal is offered at a low price.We would also like to create a freecycle area where people can donate items that they no longer use such as clothing, books, games, crockery etc and other people who are accesing our breakfast cafe (or the existing larder) would be able to help themselves to anything that they could use.The breakfast cafe would be free of charge and we would provide training to staff and volunteers so that they would be able to provide advice and guidance to anyone. We would also be able to use this breakfast cafe as a way of tackling social isolation, so that people can come along and chat to others in a safe, warm environment. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We would like to be able to offer a post for an evening and weekend ‘Cooking Club’ organiser, this would allow the community to attend as a family, individually or in groups to help improve and develop the community’s knowledge in budgeting and making the best of what they have on a limited budget. As the cost-of-living crisis takes hold our tenants (Lauder Larder, our local volunteer run foodbank) are finding that they are constantly struggling to keep their shelves stocked with items that may seem less convenient (practical store cupboard ingredients). There is also a perceived stigma in needing to come to the Larder for support in helping users families or individuals. The volunteers that run this foodbank have voiced that they would love to be able to offer those that visit the bank knowledge for improving the users basic cooking and budgeting skills while being able to offer them a fun way to engage, learn, reduce isolation while being able to have a hot meal into the bargain. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We want to take a new ‘Whole Family Approach’ to supporting families in Coldstream. We will build stronger links with a range of new and existing partners, and reach out to target families, building trusting relationships with parents and engaging them in the design of a range of support services: we want to do the research with parents and understand more about any financial and social barriers. We will use the relationship with local partnerships such as CLD, Parent Space and so on to establish a pathway for struggling families to access our service. This will benefit all partners as the linking up of services will join the dots, so that trusted gatekeepers can refer and signpost to partner organisations, and families can access a range of support for both parents and children. We hope to fund spaces for families to attend after school club to gain access to the same opportunities as those who can afford such services. These will be identified with our potential partners. The session deliveries from the afterschool club side will be led by the needs of the families, for example if the families are struggling with routine, one of the themes of activities for the children could be about routines and making it fun to support their development at home. We believe that by ensuring there are some funded places for struggling families this will increase our capacity and evidence for future funding for more sustainability. Our pilot will allow us to gain enough evidence. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We have worked hard since the start of 2022 to pilot our Men Only time project aimed at Males suffering the effects of alcohol and drug addiction along with interrelated issues. We have established two men’s support groups targeting residents in KA8 and KA12 two of the most deprived areas as per the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation and where social inequality is at its highest affecting the highest percentage of residents in these communities.The popularity of these groups has created demand and interest for a similar dedicated project for females suffering from the same issues, which is also high in these communities, and we aim to pilot a new project over the course of the next two years. With your funding we would establish our Thrive project which is our Talented, Honest, Resilient, Valued and Empowered programme which can help tackle social inequality and poverty and ultimately deliver change that will improve participants lives. This would be delivered in Ayr, Kilmarnock and Irvine for 40 weeks of the year and deliver programme of group sessions, supported by volunteers with lived experience who can support those most in need. Volunteers will also act as peer mentors for those who require ongoing 1:1 support.The group activities will be open to all and provided free of charge so that no one is excluded based on the ability to pay, full inclusion will be supported in these areas which have rising refugee communities, and will deal directly with core addiction issues and full assessment of needs so that each individual gets all the help they require. This may include help with interrelated issues, help with issues being suffered by other family members, access to services, skills training, support into employment, anything which gives the opportunity to tackle core addiction issues and help improve long term life choices.Your funding would also help with tackling every day problems caused the current cost of living crisis, with highlight on Food poverty. Food would be provided at each session to help fill gaps especially with many going without each day due to prioritising children and their addiction; this will also include lessons on cooking within a budget. With help of other small funding we hope also to provide heating and clothing support. Day Trips would also be organised to help give participants break from their regular routine when otherwise they may not have a chance through poverty.In the communities we propose to target there are some of the worst statistics in Western Europe for drug and alcohol related hospital stays, which is very depressing, and something we are keen to change.With your funding we will work at the very core of our community together with partners such as NHS, Police Scotland, Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous local alcohol and drugs partnerships to establish a referral pathway ensuring that we encourage as wide a level of participation as possible, and this will be supported by our growing number of volunteers.The pilot project will tackle core addiction issues, reduce isolation and give participants the additional support they require, thus directly tackling the effects of poverty and social inequality in these communities and creating the basis of a project that can be upscaled for long term sustainability with the hope that today’s participants become tomorrow’s volunteers. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
This Educational Project will work to reduce the attainment gap by serving children and young people from the Afghan and other diverse communities to overcome multiple barriers to attainment by delivering tailored expert lessons outwith school time to support in-class learning and prepare older pupils for school assessments. The project will use qualified tutors to teach a range of core subjects and will also offer mother language classes and ESOL lessons for pupils for whom English is not their first language. This will support their cultural expression and fluency in written and oral communication. Classes will take on a hybrid model including in-person and online lessons. Classes will first be offered in the Glasgow area before roll-out across Scotland after engagement and relationship-building with Afghan and other families living in other areas. This includes refugees, asylum seekers and newly-arrived households. These groups often experience isolation and multiple deprivation and the project will also create opportunities for peer support networks to help with this. This sustainable and cost-effective project will build on a successful pilot project and take this to a bigger level to benefit more people in more parts of Scotland where services are needed. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Our application relates to the ‘Baile na Cille’ Project within our ‘Hope & Wellbeing’ Hub. For context a little bit of information relating to the Hub is detailed, below: Key projects within the Hub are: ‘Comhla’ – bringing senior citizens and those who are alone together for a simple meal and conversation. Meets monthly in the ‘Little Acorns Room’, Miavaig;. Helping to reduce, social isolation and increase positive mental health; ‘Coibhneas’ – a targeted club for those with dementia but also open to all. Specialist, Art therapy, is provided by a professional artist and the club has the support of NHS Eilean Siar, mental health team. This is presently, fully funded by ‘Community Shout Out Funding’. Meets monthly in the ‘Little Acorns Room’, Miavaig. Aiming to remove stigma associated with Dementia, reduce social isolation and increase positive mental health;‘Baile na Cille Community Gardens’ – to provide growing spaces for those who do not have access to land on which to grow, crops for home use. Meeting, working and learning together, should reduce social isolation, increase positive mental health and enhance community as well as the positive impacts the environment, etc. ; This project will require around £8k grant funding in year 1. The additional, £2.5k funding for year 1 will be donated, through, ‘in-kind’ labour. The land has been identified by the church for the ‘Gardens’. Year 2 is estimated to cost £8,000 in terms of grant funding and again, there will be a £2.5k ‘in-kind’ ‘labour’ contribution’ donated by the applicants. A small management committee will operate, the Gardens for the benefit of the community. A simple schema is attached to this application. https://www.google.com/maps/@58.1956835,7.0222861,206m/data=!3m1!1e3 [The green field, adjacent to the road and to Baile na Cille Hotel is where the gardens are proposed]‘Oisean a’ Chalman Banca Paisde’ [Dove’s Corner Baby Bank] – began at the end of 2019 by a start-up grant of £5k from the Church of Scotland’s, ‘Go For It Fund’. It provides, nappies, baby consumables, baby clothing, blankets, prams, pushchairs, baths, children’s clothing, limited amount of adult clothing, along with vouchers for clothing, fuel, and heating under the Governments Corra Scheme. By the end of June 2002 £9,500 had been distributed to families and ‘vulnerable’ adults, for clothing, fuel and ancillary items in cash and by voucher. Help has been given to families and individuals, in Harris and across Lewis. Even mothers coming up from the Southern Isles on emergency flights to ‘Ospadal nan Eilean’, having necessary clothing and items provided for them. OAC has pick-up points across Lewis and Harris(see attached) and is fully resourced by donations of clothing and finance made by supporters from across Lewis and Harris. The clothing is new or very high quality, ‘pre-loved’. Tell us what activities you are going to undertake to increase your capacity to deliver core services tackling poverty and social inequality. How are these activities innovative and creative in your organisation? BnC Gardens is innovative insofar it has never been done before, in our parish. We hope to have 6 plots to begin with but there is scope within the project to extend, substantially, depending on demand received.A social housing development is presently, being built nearby as well as those staying in Aird, Uig, covered by the Gallan Head Trust who have expressed a keen desire to be involved in this project.Agricultural and crofting skills will be learnt and developed. Socially, and in terms of mental wellbeing the project,brings hope and encourages, social interaction on a regular basis. In the medium term we expect, the project to be self-sustaining. |
21/09/2022 |
£15,550 |
The primary activities of the project are: A Community Café providing reasonably priced refreshments and a free/donation based lunch A holiday Lunch Club for families including games, crafts, food and support Budget Cooking coursesThe project is part of a larger work that involves three local community organisations: Cairncry Community Centre, Cornhill Community Association, and Stockethill Church of Scotland. This particular project, with its three primary activities, is being facilitated by Stockethill Church. The three organisations have worked increasingly well over the last few years, but in 2021 Stockethill Church employed Sharron Forsythe on a year’s contract to work across these organisations and the wider community finding opportunities for connection. This was done as the practical part of a Leadership Development programme that Sharron was undertaking. The church employed Sharron in order to release her to undertake this practical aspect of the course otherwise she would not have been able to afford to do so.Her involvement in these organisations has allowed two embryonic activities to begin: a one day a week Community Café with free/donation based lunch; and a one day a week family Lunch Club this summer. Through her involvement across these organisations she has also been able to be part of the planning for a food bank/pantry in one community centre, a budget cooking class in another (for which she is undergoing training), and a community garden.As well as Sharron, what links these various developments is ‘food’ – growing it, cooking it, providing it and eating it together. Together, as these things develop, they will tackle poverty, social inequality and isolation by meeting immediate need, creating community, and building skills and confidence.Having created the connections and experimented over this past year, from October of this year we would like to begin a three day a week Community Café with free/donation based lunch; a family Lunch Club during the school holidays (both based in Cairncry Community Centre and run in partnership with them) and a budget cooking class (based in Cornhill Community Learning Centre and run in partnership with the Community Association and involving the local primary school). These three activities are clearly connected, and will be even more so if we can employ Sharron to lead in each one. Through these connections we hope that there will be a flow of opportunity for those involved in each one and in the other food based community activities that are being developed.The funding we are seeking is therefore to employ Sharron to build on the work she has done in the final year of her Leadership Development programme.It is this joined up approach and partnership working that is new to us and is innovative in its approach. We hope that by working together in this way we will build a strength to the organisations which will be able to attract funding in the future for the current projects, but also give flexibility for future developments. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
We are applying for funding from the Community Capacity and Resilience Fund as we would like to offer support to young carers and their families who are struggling in the current economic environment. Young carers are more likely than their peers to live in low income families. Many young carers are aware of their family’s financial situation and are profoundly affected by it. The effects of poverty can lead to practical, emotional and educational difficulties that can follow a young carer into later life. Covid had a very detrimental effect on young carers mental health as young carers became more isolated and their caring responsibilities increased. Young carers are now having to deal with the consequences of high fuel and food prices. We would like to offer support to help reduce the poverty and inequality currently being experienced by young carers and their families living in East Lothian. We would like to add to our staff hours to allow us to develop a number of new supports for young carers and their families.We would like to increase the core services we are able to offer to young carers and families by staff completing training in welfare benefits. Once trained staff will be able to advise on welfare benefits and carry out checks to ensure that young carers their families are receiving everything they are entitled to. Staff will be able to assist with benefit applications and provide support with any benefits problems. The project will also address the challenges with fuel and food costs affecting young carers and their families. Project funding will allow us to create an easy to understand information pack detailing all the help available with energy costs, how to access it and help with completing applications. We will create local information sheets with details of local organisations that provide free or discounted food. We will establish links with local supermarkets across East Lothian to access surplus items for distribution to families in need. Staff will support young carers and their parents to access support with energy and food costs.We will produce recipe cards for cheap, easy to make meals. We will email the recipes to families and put them on our app and website. For those families who prefer to have a hard copy we will provide laminated copies. We will provide hints and tips sheets on how to save money and keep warm. We have found that families often do not have the kitchen equipment they need to take advantage of the savings that can be made by home cooking and by making larger quantities of a meal at a time. We will distribute 50 “make and freeze “packs to families each year. The packs will contain a hand blender to help make soup and sauces and reusable freezer bags. Parents and young carers have told us how incidental costs at school can add up quickly when household income is limited. For families who are struggling financially we will contact the school to ask that the young carers situation be considered when planning activities and that help is provided to allow them to take part in activities that incur a cost such as school trips, after school activities and World Book Day. We will put a template letter on our website for parents to use themselves.We will promote the take up of the young carer grant. Many young carers are unaware that from the age of 16 they can apply for the young carers grant. We will create a step by step guide on how to apply for the grant and make it available to young carers on our app, website and as a hard copy we can post out. Many young carers have told us that they are unsure about continuing their studies after school as they are worried about achieving the grades required and are concerned about the costs involved. We want to encourage young carers to fulfil their potential and create a future where they are not living in poverty. Although there is now support for young carers wanting to study at college or university many young carers are unaware of it. We will establish links with colleges and universities throughout Scotland to produce a guide for young carers detailing what support is available to young carers at each institution through widening participation, bursaries, grants and other support.At the end of the project, we plan to have created a bank of practical support and advice we can offer young carers and their families. We will have staff trained in providing benefits advice and a library of information and advice we can continue to distribute to young carers and their families. We hope we can build on the work of the project using the experience we gain and the evaluation and feedback from young carers and their parents. We would like to be able to continue finding ways to try and tackle the problems young carers living in low income families face. We hope to be able to continue to work with local colleges and universities to support young carers to be able to access further and higher education. We plan to work with local organisations and charities to build up a picture of the support available in East Lothian for young carers and their families who are living in poverty. We are looking forward to learning more about what other organisations are providing in East Lothian and hope we make long lasting connections. We will share our finished information packs with all the organisations we have worked with. We will also provide copies to other organisations who work with carers and young carers. |
21/09/2022 |
£16,000 |
Running these programmes in schools or at Bayview Stadium we are going to do exactly what the programme title says: Make - use cost effective ingredients to make a meal with both the adults and their children. This will help the targeted group tackle the cost-of-living crisis by improving budgeting and identifying where to source these ingredients locally. Move – many of the families that will be offered this programme won’t take part in much exercise due to the associated costs. However, we will engage them in activities that are free of charge as well as pointing out free organised activities that exist in the area. This long-term approach to fitness will help combat the health inequalities many people in the area suffer from.Munch – there are a number of children attending local schools that may only get their school meal and no other food for the day. There are also adults how now have to make choices around feeding themselves, their children and putting the heating on. By providing this support we know they are eating a healthy meal, but we also have the opportunity to spark chat around tackling inequalities and bring in outside agencies such a Kingdom Works, benefit advisors and the school leadership teams and help support these families closer.These programmes will run in blocks of 8 weeks and be delivered over 1.5 hours each week. We will work with the schools to open this up to families who would benefit from this type of support to ensure we target people who would gain the most from the programme.By engaging the full or majority of the household this project will engage them all and get buy in around changing eating habits and increasing physical activity. We will also offer the family a chance to attend East Fife games free of charge during the programme something which families can often be priced out of. In years gone by the club has delivered lots of successful programmes but none of them have had this focused family approach.By evaluating this project we feel we will be able to attract funding in the future. |
07/09/2022 |
£9,958 |
We've identified that the South West Glasgow Carer Centre requires the following to help build capacity in our service delivery:A refurbished reception area to accommodate more carer engagement in a welcoming and safe environment and to also act as a flexible working space for staff.Devices to allow staff to deliver remotely more effectively and to reduce their time on retrospective admin.A printer to allow key forms, documents or resources can be printed for staff and on behalf of carers.SMS evaluation tool to allow us to engage more effectively with carers to share key updates and gather feedback to improve services. |
07/09/2022 |
£9,953 |
We've identified that the West Glasgow Carer Centre requires the following to help build capacity in our service delivery:A refurbished reception area to accommodate more carer engagement in a welcoming and safe environment and to also act as a flexible working space for staff.Devices to allow staff to deliver remotely more effectively and to reduce their time on retrospective admin.A Go Pro to allow content creation to share key information via online channels and to capture case studies to demonstrate impact.SMS evaluation tool to allow us to engage more effectively with carers to share key updates and gather feedback to improve services. |
07/09/2022 |
£10,000 |
This funding will enable us to build our capacity by introducing a conference room to use in delivering online sessions with carers as well as hybrid meetings by our geographically spread team. By improving our IT system in this way it will also all outreach staff to connect virtually and more professionally which will improve blended working. The funding will also be used to replace out of date iPads and laptops ensuring that staff can run the most up to date software and have reliable equipment to support them in their work with carers. We plan to convert our existing meeting room into a multi-use combined conference room.We will explore the potential of renting out the conference room when its not in use by us thereby supporting other local organisations and groups and bringing in income for the centre. |
07/09/2022 |
£8,250 |
The project has 2 elements:1 Raising awareness of the service in the local area and linking in with schools and other agencies to identify hidden young carers. Supporting the staff and volunteer team to carry this out with up to date technology and leaflets and posters.This project will ensure that all school aged children, teachers and other key services are fully aware of the services we can provide to young carers.As part of the Highland young carers strategy group, it has been discussed with a group of young carers from across Highland that it is vital to engage with as many organisations as possible to reach out to the 'hidden' young carers including all school aged children.Awareness raising is key to getting the right message out to ensure any potential young carer knows where to access support in a safe environment.The key activities that we will undertake are building relationships with all schools and agencies across Skye & Lochalsh, design presentations and deliver them suited to each age range/agency, provide a key point of contact within our service, provide up to date information leaflets highlighting the key messages and a young carer identification tool kit.2. Improving the technology available for the use of young carers in our centre.TinyTablet smart desk and board will support our work with young carers allowing us to deliver training and employability sessions with touch screen technology and more engaging content.Playstation and games will be used for team building to motivate the young carers to work together and develop their strengths and social skills. |
07/09/2022 |
£9,950 |
NLYC will be moving to new premises within the next month (Enterprise House). We would like to make two new innovative additions to the environment which we feel will enhance our ability to meet the outcomes of our young carers in regard to GIRFEC and the Shanarri outcomes. We wish to deliver two new enhanced environments within our young carers service:• Young carers podcast and recording suite• Young carers virtual reality suite. Young carers podcast and recording suiteWe will build a specialized room within our new service which will contain equipment allowing young carers to record podcasts, films and digitized recordings which will be used to enhance their creative abilities, improve their social media presence and have lots of fund individually and in groups.Young carers virtual reality suite.Our new premises has an additional space which we would like to turn into a Virtual VR studio. This room will allow young carers to play the latest PS5 games but with the enhancement of VR. We will also use this facility to do training with our young carers on First Aid / Fire Safety and Health and wellbeing. VR will allow our young carers to immerse in experiences and perform actions, making it perfect for skills training around their caring roles. From first aid to medicine management and fire safety in the home, Vr will help our young carers cope with their caring role, and even prepare for a future career. |
07/09/2022 |
£9,780 |
The Granton Community Trust has had to wind up the Prentice Centre due to loss of income during and post Covid lockdown. It is on the market to charitable bodies and existing tenants including Capital Carers have to vacate the centre by 30th September. Capital Carers has signed a lease with the Edinburgh Palette a former Corporate main office consisting predominately of large open plan spaces sub divided "plots" without physical divisions. The lease is for sufficient space to set up an office and an adjacent meeting/activity area. |
07/09/2022 |
£10,000 |
We would like to purchase some new equipment to help us increase our capacity and support our carers.Due to increased workloads we have recently recruited a number of new staff. This fund would provide them with up to date IT equipment which they will need to carry out their duties.Finally, part of our current mission is to promote services, advice and support for carers in the area, including signposting to other services, such as benefits or energy advice. To do this we need to upgrade our website the bulk of the funds would be spent in this area. To help with this, we would like to purchase a camera, to help document our work and provide evidence for additional funding as well as provide material for case studies et al which could inspire more people to come forward and request help. |
07/09/2022 |
£9,890 |
In 2019 Action for children took over the South Lanarkshire Young Carers. Recently the service was successful in getting funding to add three staff to the project on a permanent basis. One of our new features will be delivery of presentations and drop-in sessions to all high schools in South Lanarkshire. (We would like to develop VR components to this work) This has never been done before. However, we need to equip the staff with laptops / projectors and VR equipment to make this possible. We also wish to add a Dedicated Apple workstation and PS5 VR compatible suit for young carers within the service itself (Barncluith) The additional workstation & PS5 (VR Comp) will be used by young carers visiting the service. |
07/09/2022 |
£7,750 |
The Care Centre requires the following to help build capacity:Our website needs upgrading to be more streamlined and user friendly (quote for works provided)The upgrade and refurbishment of a back room to provide a flexible working space. This includes drainage works. re-decoration and furniture. (quote for drainage works provided and budget costs for decoration and furnishings)Purchase of 6 iPads for staff and carers to utilise when engaging with the Young Carers App to complete young carers statements and to undertake remote working. (likely to be purchased from online retailer) |
07/09/2022 |
£17,458 |
Both North and South Ayrshire Carer Centres are in need of upgraded IT equipment - laptops and desktops - and the joint website requires an update of content and functionality, including online forums, chat and capturing data that will then feed into our other systems. Total costs are for both carer centres combined: £17,458.40 and would be evenly split: £8,729.20 per service Costs of devices have been provided by our current IT provider and can be viewed here: https://proposal.euro-systems.co.uk//cover.php?ProposalID=0NAVJY17eVNN76IvdOIdhqHtqB44GqxK2VfA-Qe_Xl4&ContactID=rC4Snj26wQJnWi3XJACPAdQ4WxzRDlDgo1HFNPrUeNQ |
31/08/2022 |
£7,445 |
We have been advised that we need to upgrade the server software to Microsoft Azure. We rely on our database and reports produced from the same to make sure we maximise the supports available to Carers.We also want to improve our communications via social media and improve the level and detail of information available in the waiting area of our office. We would like to upgrade our software, purchase a vlogging camera kit, a new monitor for our reception area, a Mac Book and training in social media and iMovie editing. We want to provide more information to Carers via social media and in the Centre to provide Carers with more information on the services we provide and by using film giving new carers a sense of what they might expect when they come to one of our groups. Following the Covid crisis we are aware that there will be many 'Hidden Carers' and that there is a need to let people that the Carers Centre can offer them support and provide breaks from their caring role. |
31/08/2022 |
£9,000 |
We are going to improve our IT system which was put in place at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. |
31/08/2022 |
£9,057 |
we would like to purchase 3 new laptops, head sets & bags, install office 365 to 4 laptops @£9.40 per licence, install security cameras and recording box to secure the property, create a new Caithness KLICS Webpage |
31/08/2022 |
£10,000 |
We would like to make changes to our website which is currently under construction- whereby an option will be given to carers where they can securely update their details that we hold on them via the website. Develop an app similar to the one developed for Young Carers Statements for Adult Carers in the form of a self assessment Staff Training and team building |
26/07/2022 |
£9,092 |
As a result of the pandemic we moved our short breaks events and activities to online provision. We want to continue to offer a range of online options as well as hold hybrid meetings for carers events, staff, trustees and volunteer meetings. We need to expand our office space to set up a Hybrid Meeting room which will be set up permanently for Hybrid meetings as well as being able to be used for face to face group meetings. For this space we are fundraising to support the rent, set up and furnishing for the room. As a result of the pandemic all staff are now working from laptops and we need to reconfigure our main office to become set up for this method of working. We need desk top monitors that link to the laptops and more ergonomic desktop working options, such as ergonomic keyboards, vertical mouses, adjustable monitor stands. This will make a much safer, more comfortable and flexible working environment. It will enable us to set up 4 seperate work stations with the same staff sharing them. |
26/07/2022 |
£9,165 |
Since Covid, EYC have been and intend to continue delivering a “hybrid” service for all young carers referred to us, including face-to-face (F2F) and online support, depending on the young person’s preference. We are doing this in the face of an unprecedented demand for our core services.Most of our services are targeted at very vulnerable YCs who need intensive support with, for example, looking after a parent with alcohol addiction, or multiple school absences. In the last 12 months we have also seen increasing referrals for YCs who, while still needing support, require less intensive intervention at the point of referral. This applies (for example) to YCs needing help with creating a YC statement, or finding a volunteering opportunity, or needing short-term support in school. Currently these young people will be referred automatically to one of our existing services including intensive groups or one-to-one (121) support. This places additional pressure on our services and stretches our capacity to deliver. YCs with a need for intensive support are added to a growing waiting list while those with less complex challenges are on the same waiting list, but may not ultimately need support at the level provided.To address this, we would like to create a new “light touch” service for YCs who need less intensive support, but still very much need to be part of the EYC family. This would take the form of a membership/affiliate programme (with a user-friendly name TBC), allowing us to maintain contact with the young person, checking in with them regularly and providing information on services which might be of interest, including days out or residential breaks. It would also enable us to identify any change in the young person’s situation or support requirement. The scheme would be supplemented by printed and online resources for use by all young carers, their families and -eventually-professionals.We estimate that at least 50 young people a year could directly benefit from this approach, with the indirect benefits being felt by other YCs who will have quicker access to the intensive support they need and to additional advice and information. Without this additional resource, the YCs with lower-level needs may be “lost” and then reappear later with additional challenges. This in turn will place even more pressure on our services, and potentially on statutory services, including CAMHS.To ensure this approach works for all YCs referred to us, we have to ensure our technology is fit for purpose, allowing us to maintain the necessary communication with EYC, irrespective of their needs. We are seeking funding towards this cost, and towards the development costs of the programme, including upgrades to our website and the creation of printed and online resources. Our total funding request includes:• The purchase of laptops for staff members who are being recruited to manage the additional workload resulting from our increased referrals.• Webcams for all existing staff, enabling us to manage effectively implement our “hybrid” approach to service delivery which will be particularly beneficial to the YCs using the “light-touch”service• Upgrade of our website to create a “members only” area including: resources and signposting for YCs on how to find specific support, for example with mental health, employment, volunteering and eventually:• Citywide information for professionals seeking to make referrals (including teachers and social care)• Production of carer ID cards for all the YCs we support, facilitating access to community-based benefits • Two annual “Open Day” events (one in this funding period) to maintain connections and publicise the service. |
26/07/2022 |
£9,700 |
We would like to improve our digital capacity to enable us to improve our connectivity with carers. If it is easier for carers to connect with us, we will have more engagement. Project – ‘Drop-In’ App for Young Carers. Vision – Young Carers and Young Adult Carers will be able to access a ‘drop-in’ session virtually and too engaged with the service within time that is convenient for themselves. Description - Investigate different digital technology platforms to find a way to engage with our YC’s. A ‘drop-in’ app feels more beneficial as it is under one platform. They can use this app to go on our website, social media and get updates. They can book an appointment to chat with a trusted adult and where they can choose with method i.e. video, call, text. There appointments can fit around them within our service times. It can be done discreetly and in the comfort of their own home or at place of work/school. Using this method of communication provides all users accessibility, less travel time, less carbon admissions and less workload (i.e. not travelling to the YCs home or vice versa them travelling to the office for a 30 minute chat). Resources – we have signed up to Microsoft Power App Developers, with the help from our local authority ICT department. Background - our YC&YAC Worker has been accepted on the Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme which is an 8 month programme. She hopes this programme will enlightening herself with more skills and knowledge of digital technologies. Future – if this successful the proposal would be to add it so it can be used for our whole service at Shetland Carers. Hopefully we would be able to link in with other services i.e. Mind Your Head, CAB etc. The staffing costs are for outsourcing any development work from our current web providers, who we have started discussions with about the best way forward whether an App is the way to go or a different platform style. The main digital development costings would also include any other digital developments in the future, eg podcasts or other website developments for example changing over to more digital friendly forms eg JOT forms which people can access more easily through their mobile phones. |
26/07/2022 |
£9,400 |
We would like to re-fresh and improve our website (coel.org.uk) to make it more user-friendly for carers, to introduce some new functionality, and to ensure it is meeting our needs as an organisation. As Carers of East Lothian has grown over the years, our services have expanded, and so have our communication needs, which are now quite different than when the site was first developed in 2014. We have built onto the site, adding additional pages, for example for our Carers' Panel, but now feel it needs a full redesign and development to continue to meet our needs and support us to work with carers more efficiently and effectively. Specifically we would like to:link the website to our CRM system (Charity Log) so that online referrals, evaluation forms, grant application forms, bookings for groups and so on go straight to the database, whereas at the moment they need to be inputted by staff, which takes considerable timeadd in more community and peer support opportunities for carers through the website by creating a discussion forum and exploring other options around thisConsolidate the site navigation, incorporating more recent projects into the design of the site rather than as 'add-ons'work with carers to identify other potential improvements for the site |
26/07/2022 |
£9,767 |
We need to update our technology to enable us to keep pace with increasing and changing services. A new smart board would give us far greater scope to offer training, groups work and meetings to a wider audience, tailored and flexibly. It would also give us another tool when undertaking consultations with carers and stakeholders, giving us a wider reach. Our current card printer is old and it is difficult to get it repaired now. We issue around 200 Carers Emergency Cards a year as part of our emergency and forward planning work. Our franking machine will become obsolete later this year. Franking mail is the most efficient and cost effective means for us to deal with mail. The amount of mail we generate increases as our staff team grows and our reach to the carers in Fife expands. |
26/07/2022 |
£9,338 |
Quarriers Glasgow North West Carers Service seeks your generous support in order to increase the capacity of our volunteer recruitment. We seek funding to recruit a part-time, temporary coordinator post with a focus on volunteer interpreter recruitment and development to support the extremely diverse group of carers we support. This staff post will provide crucial support to our team by leading on developing a sustainable roster of volunteer interpreters. The interpreter service is a vital aspect of mitigating barriers to carers in accessing support from the service. We are applying for the costs related to the staff salary as well as training and insurance costs. We will match fund the post by meeting the costs for our overhead charges as well as equipment required by the Volunteer Coordinator. |
26/07/2022 |
£9,785 |
We seek your generous funding to support our pilot project trialling a new online interactive platform provided by The Viewpoint Organisation. This application will enable us to engage digitally with young carers with report writing and information sharing. The Viewpoint Organisation offers a well-established digital approach which promotes the engagement and participation of children and young people in decisions that affect them. It is used by many Children’s Services Departments in Scotland, as well as elsewhere in the UK. The Viewpoint digital resources for Statements and Support Plans for young carers and young adult carers are provided on an annual licence basis. The resources can be accessed through a device browser or through an app for mobile devices. All information is securely stored online and can be accessed for reporting on the collective views of young carers, identifying common issues and concerns as well as what is going well. The licence includes all setting up costs, updates and there is no restriction on the number of uses or users. In addition to the Viewpoint licence, your support will also enable us to invest in updating the staff team’s laptops as the current models are inhibiting the digital capacity of staff. This is a particular challenge as there is now a significant need for the right technology as the service expands the range of supports available to carers following the pandemic. |
27/06/2022 |
£6,175 |
We seek your generous support to enable us to enhance our newly established ‘Respitality Bureau’ at our Carer Support Service in Aberdeen. Respitality is a concept which creates opportunities for unpaid carers to have meaningful breaks from caring without financial constraints or the stress of planning a break. Local carer organisations in partnership with donors from the hospitality, tourism and leisure sector, co-ordinate and plan all aspects of the break so that carers can relax, enjoy time for themselves. This project will offer transformational benefits to carers who will be able to come in or phone in and be supported through a discussion on taking a break from caring. This break may come either through a holiday or through the purchase of equipment such as hobby materials, exercise equipment or gardening equipment. It is designed to be as flexible to the carer’s needs as possible. Previously the Service has offered this funding through an application process, however, we learned from this experience through feedback from carers, that the application process is a significant barrier for carers and their ability to access a break. This is due to the administration and coordination involved with trying to organise a break with local providers. In addition to this obstacle, the Service also suffered from a lack of capacity to deliver the additional amounts of funding that came to Carers Centre during the pandemic. This meant we were required to seek support from agency staff to help deliver it to ensure carers did not miss out. In reflecting upon what worked well and what didn’t; the Service decided that in order to improve the process for carers and better facilitate access, it needed to expand beyond application forms. Our new feedback-led approach will mean that the administrative side of Respitality will be organised by two dedicated members of staff who will have key expertise in working with Respitality and Time to Live funding. They will then guide the carer through a set of user-friendly questions to find out what type of break would best suit them and help them arrange this. This makes a significant contribution in reducing the burden upon the time and capacity of carers, in addition to the wider Service who can then completely focus on the direct delivery of support. For the service to evolve to this way of providing support, there are office adaptions required to be made to a current meeting room to turn it into the Respitality Bureau office and create a dedicated functional space for the project. These changes include; the purchase of desks, chairs, a filing cabinet, laptops and docking stations, as well as a phone specifically for the bureau. In addition to these changes, we are also applying for funding for a franking machine to increase our capacity in managing our significant posting requirements associated with our very popular newsletter. Our application further includes bespoke training in Charitylog to make the best use of its database functions for our service. |
23/06/2022 |
£10,000 |
We have 58 staff as well as over 50 active (or in recruitment stage) volunteers and make most economical use of our space by having a hotdesking system in the office with 30 fixed desks. Following the COVID restrictions we have found that our use of our central office space has changed and whilst we were fortunate enough to secure funds to adapt our public spaces during the pandemic our priority is now to update our office technology to allow staff to work efficiently and flexibly whilst still supporting carers.During lockdown we were forced to ensure that all staff were provided with a laptop - this was partly due to homeworking requirements but also our staff now work much more in locality areas. This means they spend less time in the office but when they do they are increasingly using their laptops and want to connect that device simply to our network. This also avoids the use of hotdesking and shared equipment which may continue to be a risk in terms of infection control. This means we have less use for some old pc's and want to replace approx 16 of these with new docking stations. This also means the docking stations are more economical to replace on an ongoing basis whilst still keeping our staff laptops up to date and efficient given they work out in locality bases so frequently. As we have meeting space in the same building, it also means staff can work flexibly from these spaces when meeting with carers etc but still access networked services such as printers in the main office more easily by simply relocating to the office space and connecting their laptops. This new way of working means we can provide much more flexible support and advice to carers and young carers at times and locations which are convenient to them rather than being limited to one location but at the same time ensuring that we make most efficient use of staff time.We also need to replace some of our outdated pc’s as, due to inactivity during lockdown, we found they were simply too old to cope with the numerous software updates during that period and our IT support company tell us they are not economically viable to update. This means that although we have 30 hotdesking spaces, we only have approx 24 functioning pc’s. We also would like to make 3 pc’s in the office have dual screen capability as, for staff who routinely office work such as support staff, this is a real benefit.Finally, we also now have a shortage of office chairs and as we remobilise and return to the office in greater numbers this is going to be a problem. The shortage of chairs was caused by allowing those staff who needed these to take them home to ensure they were working safely from home and that we continued to meet our health and safety responsibilities during the pandemic.Whilst we routinely budget for general upgrades and maintenance within our annual budgets, to undertake such a large scale upgrade of equipment at one time would be impossible given current challenges with budgets during a time of escalating costs such as utility costs for the office. |
23/06/2022 |
£7,200 |
We are requesting funding to update our current website and to develop additional pages with Mental Health and wellbeing information, podcasts, and videos for adult and young carers. This will involve the addition of a dedicated Mental Health and Wellbeing tab, which will be split into 3 separate pages covering adult carers, young carers (Age 16 & 17) and young adult carers (Age 18 – 25). This addition to the website will provide accessible information, advice, and support for the community. Each page will incorporate feedback we have received from carers, and we envisage posting videos of our current Zoom relaxation sessions and self-care sessions. By posting this information on our website it provides carers with the opportunity to dip in and out of the sessions. We know that being a carer can be very demanding on their time and even just a quick 5 minutes with relaxation techniques provided by ourselves may make a difference to their day to day caring role. These separate pages will promote recorded bite sized wellbeing sessions, podcasts, relaxation sessions and cover topics such as hope, resilience, self-compassion, self-care, anger management, relaxation, health & wellbeing, palliative care, suicide prevention and domestic violence, with links to other agencies who can help in addition to ourselves. We are also aiming to introduce a staff health and wellbeing section.This funding would enable us to develop mental health and wellbeing information, podcasts, videos, and workshops that will enable people to take control of their own health and wellbeing, hopefully resulting in them being able to remain in good mental and physical health for longer periods of time. We envisage that this easily accessible and up-to-date information and support will also enable carers to feel more confident in their caring role and may even help support the person they care for with their mental health and wellbeing as well. |
23/06/2022 |
£8,860 |
We would like to work with our database provider, IIzuka, to make improvements to our database so that inputting of carer information is more streamlined and user friendly. This will remove redundant processes and reduce bureaucracy, meaning that our carer support workers are required to spend less time on administration and have greater time and capacity to support carers. The creation of new spec and templates will allow us to carry out more effective monitoring and reporting and to extract statistical and carer census data that can map straight into returns. Again this will reduce staff time spent on administrative tasks and free them to focus on carer support. It will help us to collate the monitoring and reporting information we need to ensure and demonstrate that our service is meeting its aims and providing the best possible level of support to carers. Though the focus here is on processes, carers will benefit directly from these improvements because they will allow our team more time to work with carers we already support, and do the vital awareness raising work needed to identify as yet unknown carers. Our administrator who oversees volunteer recruitment and Respitality will see time released to focus on these aspects of her role too. A member of the IIzuka support team will come and spend 2 days with us, first assessing the spec and changes required, and then carrying out the required modifications. They have quoted us £2280 for this work to be completed.We are moving to new, more suitable premises as the building we now occupy does not adequately meet our needs in terms of space or covid safety. It would not be viable to invest in making changes to the current space because the owner, Argyll and Bute Council, has made us aware of their intention to sell the land it stands on for development at some point in the future and we are aware that before the pandemic they had been in discussion with developers regarding this. We have identified a suitable property and are in negotiation with the owner and estate agent to get the lease agreed. The space is ideal as it is open plan at present and therefore a blank canvas for us to create the spaces we want. We would like to create a large open, airy meeting area where we can hold group activities and which is big enough to accommodate social distancing. We will also have 2 smaller, more intimate spaces for use as therapy rooms and for 1:1 work with carers. There will be a staff workroom with breakout space, and a separate office space for the manager and administrator. Ventilation systems will ensure all these spaces are covid-safe environments to meet in. We have been quoted £15000 for the works to put in the stud walls, insulation, additional ventilation and electrics. We have secured £10000 towards the cost of these works. We will also incur costs for decoration and carpeting of the space. The flooring estimate we received is £4942. |
23/06/2022 |
£10,000 |
Our website is outdated and not functioning as well as what it could be and in order for us to adapt and develop in response to what we have learned through the pandemic, we recognise that we have to invest in our essential digital portal of support so that we can survive and thrive. Critically we want to provide information and support for carers that is easily accessible, interactive and available at times to suit carers. We have a well-established relationship with a local company who have designed, developed and currently support with the maintenance of our website. Over the last year we have successfully secured funding for a digital development worker. This has afforded us the opportunity to reflect on the digital supports that we provide and has allowed us to think about how we can develop flexible and accessible digital supports for carers. As a key element of our digital support our developer has suggested that we rebuild the existing website as the current website would not allow for easy advancement of the improvements that we would like to make. A rebuild will allow us to develop: a range of virtual training supports/groups that carers can access from home at times to suit them. This would include, videos of (but not limited to), for example, home-based exercises, meditation, mindfulness, self-massage techniques, and breathing classes. a range of easily accessible, up to date digital information giving carers more choice and flexibilty over the supports that they access 24/7. portals for involvement opportunities and the ability to respond to enquiries quickly and easily meaning carers will have a platform to share their views and influence local decision making. podcasts and carers stories digital information and better connect community support for carers to help prevent isolation. our Carers Card to promote the health and wellbeing of carers and promote short breaks embedded forms to allow us to streamline support pathways, referrals and evaluations a member site so that carers can access and update their information and support plans offer a space for feedback and continual evaluation update language translation options and improve accessibility. |
23/06/2022 |
£8,643 |
We are going to build capacity for our service by: Purchasing more of the equipment and systems that will improve our capacity to deliver carer support by: Developing new administrative processes such as using tablets to write contact records which will allow workers to do this along with the young people in a way that supports capturing their voice in line with The Promise and our commitment to improving the way we write about the young people we support. It will also allow staff to spend more time completing direct work with young carers, Cared For, and their families. Purchasing software upgrades such as Windows 11, TikTok subscription, What’s App Application to use as a free chat tool, Zoom online subscription for delivering training/ group/ 1-1 sessions as part of hybrid working, and Mind your Own App that helps young people communicate their views in a way that suits them. Young carers will be able to create their own account, and this will support positive engagement. It will help workers to communicate more effectively with young carers, cared for, and families. It will also ensure that young carers voices are heard and listened to in relation to our service development that is based on the wishes and views of the people we work with. Purchasing IT equipment including laptop/tablets, for young carers to use when they attend the service will be hugely beneficial when completing individual focused work, group work, and family work. We are a paperless organisation and using technology is a key skill in our practice. Provide mobile phones for volunteers to maintain contact with their matched young carers. Cameras, video cameras, and microphones to set up TikTok videos to share service updates as feedback is that Facebook is no longer used by the majority of young carers and their families and feedback is TikTok is the most popular social platform. We will record videos for assemblies, media uses, and for young carers to create blogs. This will also be used to complete Life Story work and for young carers to create pictorial work/ memories/ life stories. Purchasing new furniture that includes a larger outdoor gazebo to hold our groups and activities outside due to our current risk assessments in the office still adhering to the one metre social distance guidance. Equipment such as mobile oven cookers to use outside and in sessions rooms instead of using the small kitchen where we are unable to socially distance due to the old style of building. These also help deliver our support safely while minimising Covid risk to unpaid cares who still feel vulnerable to the risks presented by COVID. |
23/06/2022 |
£10,000 |
We would like to expand and deliver our current service to reach more carers and to ensure that our staff have access to the technology they require to deliver the service and to increase capacity within the service. We would like to upgrade our case management system, improve our home working provision and upgrade technology. It is imperative that in order to continue to deliver our service and to reach the ever increasing number of carers who require our support that our equipment is future proofed and fit for purpose. Without up to date mobile technology we will be unable to expand our service to reach more carers. |
23/06/2022 |
£9,946 |
We would like to upgrade our website to make it more user friendly and interactive. Carers or professionals will be able to make a referral, apply for a grant or sign up to events. It will allow us to reach more Carers and support more people due to the increase in staff capacity which is currently taken up by doing these tasks manually. We would also like to apply for two laptops which will allow an additional two new members of staff to work from home. |
23/06/2022 |
£9,949 |
We would like to improve/supplement our current IT systems and digital technology in order to ensure the services we provide carers are as efficient and effective as possible. Covid lockdown restrictions expedited our dependence on technology and we adapted successfully to the challenges this brought, however as we continue working remotely our digital needs have evolved. Many carers continue to seek our support remotely as their caring commitments have intensified as a direct result of the pandemic, many of our staff also have caring responsibilities and have adapted their working patterns to reflect this. As a service, hybrid working is now permanently integrated into our organisation and we require additional technology and upgrades to existing devices in order to facilitate this. |
23/06/2022 |
£6,050 |
We will create 5 new work stations for new staff members providing a computer that staff can access to complete applications online, update our databases and record the support we have provided to carers on a face to face basis now we have fully returned to working in our 3 offices in East Ayrshire. We will also purchase web cams and speakers to allow staff to carry out online meetings, zoom/MS Team interviews with carers who are in our rural locations, are wary of going out the house or who prefer this method of contact due to caring responsibilities. We have extra staff members starting beginning of July through additional Carers Act funding we are receiving from our local council as we have a backlog of Adult Carer Support Plans and reviews needing completed due to us being unable to meet carers in person during lockdown and Covid restrictions, we also registered more carers during lockdown due to various government announcements with our yearly figures going up by 130%, we had to produce a shorter version of our registration form to get through these referrals and are looking to get all new referrals into our offices over the coming year to meet them in person. We will be setting up a Short Break Brokerage with a new member of staff, this is due to additional funding from Shared Care Scotland to provide respite breaks to carers and their family, we also got an additional matched funding from our council to run this initiative, we are recruiting for this now and intend to set up a workstation for this person to operate from in our main office in Kilmarnock. We will add an additional work station at our other carer centres in Cumnock and Dalmellington and set up work space for 2 new workers with our young carers service at our Carers Cottage in Kilmarnock. This is to ensure we can return to working out of our offices but also looking at a hybrid model which will allow staff to start up home visits again for those carers who struggle to get into our office due to locality, rurality, transport costs and their caring responsibilities. We have also secured funding to start a new staff member who will work within the hospitals in Ayrshire to identify carers needing support with the hospital discharge process for their loved ones. We ran a pilot for this prior to lockdown which came to an end when we went into lockdown this will be a much needed initiative to support carers and their families moving forward. |
23/06/2022 |
£9,584 |
We would like to invest in replacing Laptop equipment that staff are using in their day to day work lives. Equipment they are currently using was purchased in 2019, and is showing signs of wear and tear. The laptops support every aspect of the organisation’s work, whilst also enabling us to support staff’s worklife balance in a hybrid model of home and office working, and along with other measures, helps us to minimise the risk from Covid-19 in our work lives. Two teams of staff alternate a week of office based working with a week of home working, facilitated by the use of their personal laptops. This model helps staff maintain a work life balance, whilst reducing their travel and it’s environmental impact. It reduces the number of staff in office premises at any one time, assisting in maintaining a health working environment. The use of personal laptops and familiarity with home and agile working allows us to respond quickly and preventatively in regards to any Covid -19 risk amongst staff or their close contacts- being able to revert to a home working set up for groups or individuals, at any given time. This helps maintain continuity of service for Carers, and minimises disruption to the service as a whole. |
23/06/2022 |
£9,276 |
We would like to create an event bolt on to our website which will be directly linked to our database. This will ensure that we control/own all the information therefore meeting GDPR guidelines. Not only will this be GDPR compliant but it will prevent Carers from having to duplicate and re-entering their information when they register for multiple events/training. |
23/06/2022 |
£5,950 |
The grant will help us in two ways:1.To upgrade our IT system, a review has identified that our router is several years old and some of our devices are developing significant efficiency problems simply due to age and use. We have identified a need to purchase more devices and upgrade our router. These are essential to our hybrid model of working and allow the staff to work remotely from home and connect remotely to our main server. We would like to provide our Marketing & Engagement Officer with her own PC which includes additional RAM. 2. To increase the functionality of our data management system which was installed early in 2019 and has already proved very effect in terms of building capacity and efficiency within the team. We would like the funding for the following: 6 x LaptopsX 1 Fujitsu desktop PCX 1 RouterPlus set up costsX Development sessions to add new database functions |
23/06/2022 |
£9,950 |
We would like to update our management information system to allow us to hold more accurate information on carers and the support they require.It would also improve our communication with carers by allowing us to identify and communicate specific groups for example carers of someone with dementia, young carers living in G78 postcode.The new system would also allow us to more efficiently and effectively capture the data required by our funders. The staff will continue to work in a blended model only returning to the office for part of the week and the new system can be accessed securely from any location. We were previously awarded funding to purchase laptops to facilitate this and I would like to request funding to upgrade and replace 2 laptops. |
23/06/2022 |
£9,800 |
I would like to be able to purchase expertise to steamline our inhouse computer system which is currently very fragmented and time consuming. Mobile phones for use within work and when out doing visits would be hugely beneficial.I would like to be able to purchase a rostering package to enable effective and efficient coordination. |
23/06/2022 |
£7,648 |
As the Information and Advice service for carers across North Lanarkshire, we currently provide a service to around 3,700 adult carers. We recognise that there an estimated 60,000 carers living in North Lanarkshire and many of them are unknown to services. This, we think, is due to multiple barriers which includes carers living in rural areas, and carers from the BAME and LGBTQIA+ communities. We also recognise that having a centre in one location is not feasible to engage with all carers as many have difficulty with travelling distances to access information and support but still prefer face to face contact rather than telephone or digital means. We would like to build capacity within our organisation with an investment in IT which will enable us to do two things: It will enable us to take information and advice to those communities most excluded by way of a ‘virtual office’ to events and local communities to provide information and advice on carer rights, to make active referrals at the time of meeting with carers, register them live with our information and advice services and allow carers from BAME communities to access information in their chosen first language (including BSL) via access to our Language Line facility, which requires our staff to be in the office currently. Will also help complement our service with IT equipment for events that allow us to capture feedback during and immediately following events, training and meetings. One of the key questions asked of carer centres is the difference we make to carers and having an accessible, touch screen, quick-fire way to capture feedback after one to one or group sessions would be helpful to collate this information. These types of equipment are often seen in conferences or health settings using a touch screen ‘traffic-light’ system. |
23/06/2022 |
£10,000 |
Our Covid Recovery & Wellbeing Project will provide creative solutions for carers as they begin a new life out of lockdown. We provide regular, ongoing breaks from the caring role, delivered via a wellbeing activity breaks programme comprising a broad range of age-appropriate activities and peer groups. Our approach is one of partnership & community, providing breaks that carers and the cared-for person choose. We enable carers, and the person they care for, to engage in meaningful activities; including social and wellbeing opportunities, the chance to reconnect with pastimes and make new supportive friendships. We run training programme for those dealing with Autism to provide coping strategies and provide a better understanding of the condition, as well as a weekly Play Group. We have a sensory room which is used by the cared-for person and is also being utilised by other agencies in our area. Our Information and advise service looks to maximise the income of carers especially in the current economic climate. Additional information provided 21/06: What the IT equipment and software will be and what it will be used for? – The IT equipment has two uses – Firstly we need 2 new laptops for additional staff we are recruiting to meet the increase in demand for our services we have seen especially since the pandemic restrictions have been eased and with the current cost of living crisis. Also we need to replace existing machines that are old and have insufficient memory. When we are processing referrals on our Charity Log system staff are currently faced with a spinning wheel as they wait for the computer to catch up. Software is additional licenses for Office 365 to allow the new staff to function, process applications/ benefits etc for carers• What furniture will be purchased and how is the café space is utilised? - This is small round tables and chairs which will allow us to space carers out more than the existing large tables and chairs allow, without the need to reduce numbers of those attending . Just now – we would need to simply withdraw a table and chairs from the room to create a safe distance , especially now as case numbers of Covid appear to be on the increase• What equipment will be purchased for the sensory room? Bubble tube with seat plinth, sensory wall cascade, bubble table with changing led lights, fibre optic ceiling display |
23/06/2022 |
£5,868 |
The pandemic has created a significant shift in the way that services to carers including young carers have been delivered. As a result we require to accelerate the pace of change in modernising and developing more efficient and effective ways of working through increased use of technology as we move towards a more sustainable hybrid approach. This will require additional investment in technology both hardware and software. The modernization project seeks to transform our engagement with unpaid Carers and to improve the service we provide, building on the experience through the pandemic. A key area of change has been how we communicate with our service users, for example our newsletter which is normally posted out and in hard format, has been recreated into a fortnightly Ebulletin.We are now also planning to improve our existing CRM (Salesforce) to enable us to communicate directly from Salesforce sending out texts and emails generated to specific groups removing the need to post out information. This ensures that we are using as many different communications tools as possible to reach out to our registered carers. This will also include added functionality on our website allowing for digital formfilling directly populating Salesforce with data for registrations, referrals, Short Breaks applications etc.We have also updated our website and have employed a Digital Communications Coordinator with responsibility for delivering our Communications workplan, including to roll out social media campaigns covering Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to reach out to those who are engaging with social media but we know that this does not cover all carers. In 2022 we are reviewing and refreshing our website adding on an Event calendar app and software (such as ReciteMe) to improve accessibility through translation and easy read software.To ensure that staff have access to all tools that they need whilst working from home, we have also identified a need from some to upgrade some hardware, including for laptop risers, monitors, chairs and also headsets. We will also purchase 1 new laptop for a new staff member. Purchasing Laptop risers new equipment will enable a more comfortable working environment and headsets/earphones for laptops will act to block out surrounding sound from home working environments whilst also making phone calls confidential. We will purchase additional licences for Wildex and Salesforce our CRM system to allow all staff to participate in the modernization project to improve the delivery of our services to unpaid carers. |
23/06/2022 |
£4,966 |
The Young Carers Team consists of a Young Carer Coordinator and 7 Young Carer Support Workers. We are responsible for providing and delivering a needs based services for young carers and their families. Services on offer include 121s; group work; training and development; needs based assessments; respite and activities. Much of what we do is done online and by using IT equipment for example to assist young carers by completing Young Carer Statements, help them apply for Young Carer Grant and look for training and employment opportunities. It is important and essential that IT equipment used by the staff is up to date and adequate to use to allow us to continue to deliver this service. |
23/06/2022 |
£3,500 |
We would like to further develop a designated training facility in the Carers Centre, we currently have a small digital hub offering individual and group access to PC's for illness specific information, online applications, e.g. DWP, Blue Badge, Housing, Job Search, College and Further Education applications. We wish to extend this by offering a hybrid model for training and peer support. Some carers will attend in-person, while others will join virtually from home. Training providers will support remote and in-person carers at the same time using online platforms, online exercises and pre-recorded video instruction etc. This will make learning more accessible to a greater number of carers who may otherwise be unable to access training and peer support. |
23/06/2022 |
£6,161 |
We would like to purchase 3 additional Dell Laptops and 11 Dell Docking Stations for new and existing staff. The laptops will be for our newly recruited staff member, reception desk and a current staff member upgrade from an obsolete model. An upgrade to the use of docking stations as opposed to replacing/maintaining our current PCs has many benefits for the staff team, the way in which they work, time saving and personal development, not to mention the cost to the Charity. We will keep our current PC screens to work alongside laptops and docking station as this will allow staff to move between screens increasing productivity. |
23/06/2022 |
£10,000 |
With your generous funding, our team of 23 staff will undertake bespoke training in the Charitylog database system to maximise our knowledge and understanding of its services to ensure we are operating to our optimum capacity. We also seek the following technology to improve service capacity; two laptops to enable us to expand our online counselling service. The laptops will also provide additional benefit to our pilot volunteer befriending project for which we additional mobile phone handsets. In order to accommodate the flexible arrangement of our office and enable staff to provide undisrupted and confidential telephone support to carers, we also require 13 Bluetooth headsets. To further enhance the adaptability, privacy and COVID-aware nature of our office, we will purchase flexible desk screens to provide safety and confidentiality for staff and carers. Further means to make the office COVID-safe include the purchase of air purifiers, as the Carers Centre does not have openable windows. In addition to these office improvements, we will also expand our range of Carer Inclusion resources to increase participation and engagement now that we have resumed the in-person delivery of service. Lastly, we will invest in a year’s licence for “Canva”, a graphic design tool which we will use enhance production of our newsletter and other printed materials. |
23/06/2022 |
£4,147 |
We are seeking your generous funding in order to obtain office and IT equipment which will enhance our ability to offer training and support to parent carers. Our Service supports a broad geographical radius of 150 miles in Dumfries and Galloway and the equipment would allow us to better cover this area, reducing the burden of travel for the people we support. Additionally, our Stranraer office is in need of furnishings to enable it to be a welcoming and functional space for families to come and access support. Furthermore, we are also applying for cameras and the associated accessories to improve our ability to capture evidence of support as well as being able to provide families with photos and videos from activities they may take part in. Our application further includes bespoke training in Charitylog to make the best use of its database functions for our Service. |
23/06/2022 |
£2,280 |
We would like to arrange for our database provider, IIzuka, to come to Helensburgh and Lomond Carers Centre to deliver 2 days’ training to key members of our teams on creating reports from our databases. Both North Argyll Carers Centre and Helensburgh and Lomond Carers Centre use this database and in order to make the project more cost-effective we will work collaboratively. We are each applying for half the costs of the training. |
20/05/2022 |
£9,500 |
There are 3 things we'd like to do. These are1/ We'd like to add an automated booking tab onto our website. This would improve the carers journey when booking on things like complementary therapies, training sessions, carers peer support groups, day trips etc. as rather than have to call/email us they could book their spots direct via our website. This would undoubtedly help the carers centre too as it would reduce the volume of calls and emails we are currently receiving. 2/ We would like to turn an under utilised room at the carers centre( it is currently set up as a Beauty Room) into a drop in space that staff/volunteers and carers could all use. These would be equipped with IT and would be open to all to use. We would also utilise this space to have examples of the TEC that is currently available to carers in Perth & Kinross displayed through working in partnership with PKC TEC dept. 3/ Finally, we would like to turn the largest room space we have at the carers centre into a Conference room that the likes of our unpaid carers forum called Carers Voice as well as our staff teams could use. To do this we would need to put a projector on the ceiling and a retractable screen against one of the walls. |
20/05/2022 |
£10,000 |
We would like to buy more office furniture to allow us to socially distance in the office, this will enable more staff to be in the office together and work collaboratively in a safe manner.We would also like to improve our IT infrastructure including having updated software added to laptops, installing docking stations and upgrading laptops and tablets to ensure we can work with our young carers as effectively as possible. |
20/05/2022 |
£7,824 |
We were very fortunate that prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic with its associated restrictions and lockdowns we had recently invested in a bespoke I-Cloud technology system. This enabled staff to work from home as opposed to being furloughed. The staff were able to use their Laptops to connect to our organisations server and database, their company mobile phones provided vital access to Carers, GPs and other health professionals, Social Work and other pertinent service providers. The office phone was redirected to the mobile phones ensuring that Carers and partner agencies were able to contact us for support. Using the technology, Zoom and facetime along with some creative thinking enabled us to deliver 1:1 emotional and practical support as well as virtual events and activities e. g. cinema nights, baking, quizzes and a Burns night. This experience emphasised beyond any doubt the importance of IT and technology connectivity in maintaining essential and in some instances, life-saving support and services to our unpaid Adult and Young Carers. The Project we are seeking funding for is to allow us to increase our technological equipment which will build on the achievements already made. It will increase our capacity to provide support and services to more carers, to engage effectively with partners, influence local and national policy and promote our services and the plight or Carers. Increased technology will also enable continuity of Hybrid working for staff. COVID imposed home working however, there were very positive aspects to this. A healthy work life balance can be attained and less travel to work will also reduce our carbon footprint. We have already purchased and benefited from an OWL Lab 360 video conferencing system and are seeking funding to purchase a second system which will increase ability in terms of who and where we can reach. The OWL Lab system facilitates Hybrid team meetings, team building events, staff training and Board meetings linking both office and home. Carers can also be linked to the system from home and participate in meetings such as Carers Voice and AGMs. This is particularly beneficial to Carers living in the rural areas of Stirling and those who have difficultly leaving home due to their own health issues and/or unable or wishing to leave their Cared-for alone. In addition to meetings the system also makes it possible to have Break Out rooms offering the ability for seminars and training events. The OWL Lab System integrates with conferencing platforms; Zoom, Teams, GoToMeeting, Webex and BlueJeans so we can have connectivity with any organisation. In addition to a second OWL Lab system we are seeking funding to purchase new up-graded laptops and Bluetooth Headsets for staff. This would make it easier for staff to conduct conversations handsfree while recording information whether on a landline or mobile phone at home or in the office. The headsets can also be connected to other equipment such laptops and computers. Multiple pieces of equipment can be connected to the Bluetooth headset which is very low in energy use. Hybrid working as already stated offers, for many, a healthy work life balance it also reduces the carbon footprint and reduces the cost of travelling into work which is particularly significant during the current cost of living crisis. This additional and optional way of working will benefit every member of staff, Board Members, volunteers, carers and partner organisations. Additionally, should we ever be in the unfortunate position of going into another Lockdown we will be able to respond immediately, efficiently and effectively.The overall impact of the Project will increase the number of Carers we can support, increase Carer involvement, increase the impact we have as partner organisation and benefit staff and volunteers to have the option of effective blended working while at the same time add to their skills baseThe Project also wishes to increase our marketing/promotional materials. Additional Zap Stands promoting our services will allow us to have a presence in several locations at any one time. E.g. Schools, conferences and other events, funding partner premises (DFS and Co-operative) NHS sites |
20/05/2022 |
£9,030 |
VOCAL offers over 450 carer events and support groups per year, attracting 2,000+ carer registrations. The events, run in partnership with a range of agencies across Edinburgh and Midlothian, are a core part of VOCAL’s carer support offer, seeking to provide early interventions with a preventative focus (eg. practical training, emotional support, peer support and social opportunities). Evaluations highlight the positive impact that these events have on carers’ confidence, health and social wellbeing, and caring relationships. Over the last two years events have been primarily digital, but as in-person events increase, there is growing demand for hybrid opportunities which would improve the choice and flexibility for carers and enable them to fit attendance around caring and employment responsibilities. To enable the delivery of high quality, hybrid events for carers, VOCAL is seeking:• 1 x smart screen for our Midlothian Carers Centre (CTOUCH Riva Touchscreen)• 2 x Logictech RoomMate interfaces (for our Edinburgh and Midlothian Carer Centres). The RoomMate devices interface with Jabra Panacasts and touchscreen displays to provide a smooth integration with Microsoft Teams for hybrid meeting spaces.• 2 x Logictech Tap devices (for our Edinburgh and Midlothian Carer Centres). The Logictech Tap devices are small tablet-like devices that can sit on the meeting room table and allow the host or participants to control the remote users’ experience of being at the meeting.This technology would work with three existing Jabra Panacast video cameras in our Edinburgh and Midlothian carer centres, to provide: Intelligent camera technology that can auto-focus on the speaking participant to ensure a more equitable experience for online participants. Wide-angle views to allow online participants to feel as if they are in the room and to have the sense of what is happening in the physical space. Integrated speakers and microphone – easy to set up and bypasses the need for the host and other participants to pass around an additional hand-held microphone for the benefit of online participants.To support the technical aspects of delivering hybrid events, VOCAL’s training team have undertaken external training and written best practice guidance to support staff in the facilitation and management of these events. As a result, if VOCAL was successful with this application, we could progress quickly with this project and the offer of hybrid opportunities to carers from July onwards. Whilst funding is for this financial year, the additional capacity and benefits would extend for many years and have a positive impact on an increased number of carers (N.B. the number of expected carers who will be impacted listed in a previous question is based on an estimate of 1,500 per year for five years, although we would expect this technology to last much longer). |
20/05/2022 |
£9,977 |
WICCF would like to purchase equipment for an additional member of staff. This will enable us to increase capacity of our service. One service we wish to offer our carers is Respitality. |
20/05/2022 |
£7,376 |
We are applying for a Capacity Building grant to allow us to improve our IT systems and to make our office and clubroom space as safe as possible for young carers and staff. We would like to improve our website and integrate it with our app to allow us to reach more young carers and provide them with timely information that is easily accessible on laptops, PCs, tablets, and smart phones. Having an integrated system with information being inputted once and being shared across different platforms will save on staff time, freeing up additional time to support young carers. We will be able to share information about upcoming activities and let young carers know if there are last minute places available. We also hope to have a facility to offer an online meeting service to make booking time with a worker easier for young carers and parents. We would like to purchase zoom licences as we plan to continue to provide online support to young carers and see this continuing over the next twelve months. We currently provide individual support, group activities and tutoring sessions online and would like to be able to continue to provide online activities as we have found over the last couple of years that young carers benefit from support services being delivered in a number of different ways. We would like to update two of our laptop computers to allow us to continue to have a blended approach with staff working from home and in the office. During the pandemic we did not hold young carers activities in our clubroom. We concentrated on providing activities outdoors and online. We would like to be able to resume holding activities in our clubroom again as it will allow us to support more young carers and we have lots of resources and equipment in the clubroom. We know that young carers are concerned about being in a smaller space and we want to make our clubroom and office space as safe as possible to protect everyone using it. With the grant we would like to purchase protective equipment to ensure we are doing everything possible to make our indoor space as Covid safe as possible. With up to twenty people being in our clubroom at one time we want to introduce a number of safety features to reduce the opportunity for the transmission of Covid and other virus’ as much as possible. We have a number of doors in our space some of which are fire doors that cannot be left open. We would like to purchase door handle and door push plate antibacterial covers. The covers can be easily fitted to doors and handles and emit a small amount of hand sanitiser when touched. We would like to purchase a hand sanitiser station for young carers, visitors and staff to use before they enter our office and club space. To ensure young carers do not have to use our small bathrooms to wash their hands after an activity or before eating we would like to purchase a mobile handwashing station for our clubroom. We have poor ventilation in parts of our unit where there are no windows to open. To help improve the air quality in these areas we would like to purchase an air filtration unit. The unit has two Hepa 14 filters and has been used in an NHS trial with positive results. We would also like to purchase sanitising wipes so staff can wipe down all the surfaces after an activity. We would also like to purchase antiviral fog spray to use in areas and on surfaces, such as soft furnishings, we are unable to wipe down. We would like to purchase some reusable face masks as staff still plan to wear masks to reassure carers who are worried about vulnerable family members that we are doing everything we can to keep them as safe as possible. |
20/05/2022 |
£10,000 |
We plan to upgrade IT equipment - bridging the digital divide within the organisation so that all members of staff and our volunteer team are better equipped to engage with and support unpaid carers as we progress with our recovery and remobilisation plans. |
20/05/2022 |
£9,500 |
MAYDS would like to use the Carers Capacity Fund to update its I.T. & entertainment equipment, so we are equipped to carry out a high level of blended working. Future proofing the work MAYDS carries out with its young carers. Updating MAYDS entertainment equipment will allow MAYDS to engage with young people both in the room with sound and pictures, via dance, song, film, etc.. whilst also allowing us to connect with young people at home on the big screen, increasing our ability to stay in touch with our young carers and their families in a number of ways. |
01/04/2022 |
£10,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/02/2022 |
£10,000£109,881 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/01/2022 |
£9,860 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/01/2022 |
£10,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/01/2022 |
£5,634£17,807 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/01/2022 |
£9,916£276,700 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
10/01/2022 |
£9,600£53,115 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
10/01/2022 |
£9,876£49,637 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
10/01/2022 |
£9,899 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
10/01/2022 |
£9,940£42,200 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
07/01/2022 |
£9,639£8,171 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
03/01/2022 |
£10,000£261,791 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/01/2022 |
£9,000£31,776,708 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/01/2022 |
£3,200£31,776,708 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/01/2022 |
£10,000£91,602 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
25/10/2021 |
£5,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
06/09/2021 |
£9,963£301,712 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/09/2021 |
£9,978£9,116 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/09/2021 |
£9,500£2,215,897 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/09/2021 |
£9,500£84,567 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
02/08/2021 |
£9,500£171,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
02/08/2021 |
£15,000£27,393,709 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/08/2021 |
£4,488£436,846 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/08/2021 |
£8,396£420,181 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/08/2021 |
£9,447£738,960 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/08/2021 |
£9,254£183,946 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
12/07/2021 |
£9,627£36,782,363 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
12/07/2021 |
£6,804£157,008,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£10,000£22,603,940 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£9,925£1,373,381 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£9,999£185,565 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£9,500£569,620 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£10,000£257,004 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
05/07/2021 |
£15,000£61,193 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
03/07/2021 |
£7,600£311,098 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
03/07/2021 |
£15,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£10,000£2,384,017 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£8,890£289,283 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,900£744,375 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£10,000£1,031,663 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,880£251,887 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£8,079£29,288 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,805£571,901 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£6,772£2,246,650 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£7,101£256,852 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,680£2,466,518 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,960£897,284 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£9,150£88,662 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£10,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£10,000£816,056 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£14,738£181,533 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£14,997£344,156 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000£318,132 |
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01/07/2021 |
£15,000£65,927 |
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01/07/2021 |
£15,000£87,866 |
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01/07/2021 |
£15,000£100,852 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000£243,050 |
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01/07/2021 |
£15,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000£43,733 |
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01/07/2021 |
£12,980£105,608 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000£246,610 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/07/2021 |
£15,000£167,460 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
31/05/2021 |
£5,000£181,337 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
31/05/2021 |
£5,000£15,103,606 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
31/05/2021 |
£4,939£393,928 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/05/2021 |
£5,000£3,328,414 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/05/2021 |
£5,000£199,832 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/05/2021 |
£4,713£210,964 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/05/2021 |
£4,543£1,897,347 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
21/05/2021 |
£4,600£141,422 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
20/05/2021 |
£4,800£42,226 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,980£841,287 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,978£5,816,301 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,910£350,980 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,615£646,333 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£22,603,940 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£1,726,786 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£272,607 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£3,768£329,269 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£3,380£155,871 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£171,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£304,402 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,943£621,351 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£100,852 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£5,000£697,548 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,500£1,283,339 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£3,242£15,898 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,984£1,017,967 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£4,975£9,751,808 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
17/05/2021 |
£500£28,890,610 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
19/05/2020 |
£9,119£215,408 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
14/05/2020 |
£4,500£147,851,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
14/05/2020 |
£8,514£350,201 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£8,226£130,533 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£9,495£1,580,904 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£4,600£463,083 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£9,993£456,570 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£2,558£1,763,717 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£8,098£344,885 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£9,244£45,714,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£9,539£45,714,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£10,480£45,714,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
01/05/2020 |
£10,531£1,284,367 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£9,752 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£7,473£497,436 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£11,362£679,239 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£9,414£367,262 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£8,190£311,284 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£10,328£1,347,070 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£10,434£1,347,070 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
30/04/2020 |
£2,917 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£9,540£172,989 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£9,635 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£6,900£460,265 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£4,631£541,919 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£10,492£964,644 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£9,945£45,714,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
29/04/2020 |
£7,080£245,808 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
28/04/2020 |
£2,924£190,741 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
28/04/2020 |
£5,730£1,273,175 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
28/04/2020 |
£5,333£1,514,000 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
27/04/2020 |
£3,046£559,980 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
27/04/2020 |
£6,224£961,502 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
24/04/2020 |
£10,320 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
22/04/2020 |
£7,314£609,790 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
22/04/2020 |
£8,720£538,388 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
22/04/2020 |
£6,050£448,474 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
21/04/2020 |
£5,290£320,747 |
Detailed information not yet available. |
18/12/2019 |
£4,630 |
In 2017 in Glasgow North East, the Glasgow North East Food Bank provided over 4,000 food parcels to people in need. It is our aim to assist in reducing food poverty and inequality in our local area. This project is intended to benefit those who are marginalised and face inequalities as a result of welfare reform, providing skills in cooking and budgeting as well as basic equipment for home use. Savvy Sisters is an 8 week introductory cooking and budgeting course for women in the East End of Glasgow who struggle with food insecurity and lack the confidence and skills to cook low cost, nutritious meals. We would be particularly targeting women at risk of social isolation, such as new mums or those in the 55+ age bracket. Currently, we do not have the capacity to support the local community outwith our current offer of low cost meals and paid cookery workshops. We have identified the need for an informal space that welcomes women to learn new cooking skills, receive peer support and create pathways with other services. We have a cafe space which is not being used 3 days of the week and it is our plan to utilise this for other projects and collaborations. In total, we would be able to support 10 women across the 8 sessions within our cafe, which would be used exclusively for the weekly workshops during these hours. This space is fully equipped with industry-standard equipment and has all the functions necessary to run a cookery workshop. Workshops will take place in the early afternoon to accommodate women who may have familial restrictions, such as child care. They will last approximately 2.5 hours. Women would be recruited through networking and linking with other organisations, such as the Glasgow East End Carers Centre, Glasgow North East Food Bank, FARE Scotland and the DWP. The project will be run by a co-ordinator who will be responsible for setting up the project, networking and partnership working, recruiting and supporting participants, supporting the chef, managing the budget, purchasing supplies and monitoring and evaluation. All sessions will be led by one of our chefs, who is from a migrant background. The chef will use their extensive cooking knowledge to lead the session, working alongside the project co-ordinator to create recipes and session plans which meet the needs of the group. At the end of the project, participants will leave with a box of tools which will enable them to continue cooking at home. This will range from kitchen utensils, scales, bowls and tupperware. They will also receive a folder containing recipes as well as a budget planner for future use. Each session will contain a mix of teaching and practical hands-on experience. The plan for each session is as follows: Session 1 - Welcome, induction and an introduction to cooking on a budget Session 2 - Learning how to meal plan and meal prep Session 3 - Chef led cooking session Session 4 - Chef led cooking session Session 5 - Chef led cooking session Session 6 - Chef led cooking session Session 7 - Chef led cooking session Session 8 - Chef led cooking session Project End - Celebratory final meal, inviting family and friends The project overview is stated below. Week 1-6 – Initial set up / course content mapped out, complete lesson plans, gather materials, advertise and network locally Week 7-15 – Deliver programme Week 16-17 - Project reporting and evaluation |
18/12/2019 |
£6,587£85,130 |
We will deliver two Monthly food sharing cafes. One in the community centre in Dumbiedykes and one in the newly opened resident led community hub in the Canongate. The food sharing café will be managed by a sessional worker along with volunteer helpers from the communities they are based in. The volunteers will be trained in hygiene training and healthy cooking to create simple but nutritious meals for the café. The twice monthly event will run a pop up café, serving simple but nutritious food such as soups and salads, created by local volunteers and using food where possible from surplus. A communal sharing area will be created in the café area where people can help themselves to what food they need for their families. This will be stocked by donations from local people and from local surplus food sharing organisations. We work closely in partnership with Womanzone who support woman recovering from trauma in the community and who have many contacts with residents in the Dumbiedykes area. Womanzone have worked with women and families from Dumbiedykes for many years and have built trusting relationships, and understand well the acute need in the area for access to food due to poverty and welfare changes in the area. Womanzone will work with us on this project to support women and families from the area to access and help run the pop up cafes. We work with an organisation called SHRUB that provides surplus bread for our drop in sessions and they are happy to expand our partnership working by providing surplus food for more activities. We are also in discussion with Fareshare and the Cyrenians about using surplus food for activities and for supporting them to distribute food to local residents. Fareshare Edinburgh are also able to provide hygiene training for volunteers. At each pop up café Information will be shared about the various food sharing projects in Edinburgh as well as food sharing apps and local community sharing pages on Facebook etc. Residents using the café will be encouraged and supported to use the food sharing avenues available to them and to develop further sharing and swapping activities in the community for example clothes swaps, and toy swaps. Alongside this project EOTDT will also be running a monthly cooking club where people who visit the café will be welcomed to come along and share or learn skills in cooking on a budget and using surplus or food or left overs where possible. At the end of the cooking club people will be welcome to stay and eat together in the community hub. WHY you want to do it and how you came up with this idea/approach. What makes this innovative/creative? We know from the many conversations we have had with local people and with Womanzone, that Dumbiedykes has no local shops that are both accessible and affordable. Dumbiedykes has no bus service that takes residents to larger supermarkets. The only shop within walking distance is a Tesco metro where everyday products are highly priced. This means access to local nutritious food is very difficult for most families, and in particular for the high elderly population in the area or for anyone with mobility issues. A community shop that was in the area for 3 years, and run with the support of many local volunteers, closed down in October 2018 and will not be replaced, as the land is to be sold for housing. Residents have told us how much this is missed, both as a lifeline as a source of affordable food and also as a place where they could meet their neighbours, have a chat and get involved in community life. We plan to pilot this programme to find out what would really help the residents of Dumbiedykes and the Canongate to mitigate the impact of food poverty the most. By trialling the food sharing and café this gives us an opportunity to work alongside local people and find out from residents themselves what their own ideas are, as well as what the local strengths and assets are that could contribute to future resident led food activities that mitigate poverty in the area. WHO will benefit from the activities/services Local residents and families across the Old Town but mostly from Dumbiedykes and The Canongate will benefit from the great grub share. The events will be open to residents of all ages who want to attend and will be advertised as such. Therefore we anticipate attendance from outside of these areas by other users of the community hub and associated contacts through the various other projects which are run by both the Crannie and by Womanzone. All attendees will benefit from a free meal but those who participate in the creation of the food will take home knowledge of how to recreate this for themselves, learning how to prepare tasty and healthy food both cheaply and easily. The Geographical area is; Edinburgh Old Town, South East Locality, Dumbiedykes and Cannongate |
17/12/2019 |
£7,500£123,819 |
We are seeking funding to pilot a drop-in service in Dunbar that will provide a comprehensive "Income Advice Service" for the community, in particular those struggling to navigate the newly overhauled benefit system with its intensified conditionality and sanctioning regime. We anticipate approx. 30 individuals per month. Our worker will be able to offer support and advice on a wide variety of issues including: • Challenging benefit decisions and providing appeal representation • Providing benefit checks • Income maximisation checks • Completing benefit forms • Assisting individuals to make benefit claims. • Advising on training opportunities within the Ridge and partner organisations • Assisting with digital skills through our digital champion We shall provide a drop-in service (day TBC) at our local library/community centre/medical centre with home visits available on request and subject to availability. The Ridge is very much trusted within the local community and has a proven track record in providing (excellent) support for our clients. Our local knowledge gives us a unique and privileged insight into the lives of the people we work with allowing us to provide independent, tailored support for each individual. It is through our many services and working partnerships with CAB and DWP that we know there is an overwhelming demand for this service. Our Support Team– already over-stretched and beyond capacity are often having to divert energy, time and focus from the needs of other clients to help people who are feeling stressed and insecure – vulnerable to even the tiniest changes in income. Given our grassroots approach that we are known and respected for in Dunbar, we want to bolt this service onto our existing provision and use our solid base to leverage the strong local community trust we enjoy. Providing this hyper-local, flexible approach will break down barriers and reduce the stigmas associated with accessing the benefit system and asking for help to ensure fair treatment by it. The CAB provision that has been in place locally was intermittent at best and is no longer available. The DWP provide a weekly drop in service but are time pressured and not in a position to provide the sort of tailored 1:1 support required and in fact already rely on us to step in here. This is an untenable situation and we need to formalise this offering. Provision of this service within the Medical Centre as well as the Community Centre and Library is both innovative and creative. For many people who are subject to the mercy of the welfare system or facing in-work poverty the detrimental impact on their health and wellbeing leads them time and time again to the GP and whilst GPs clearly have a duty of care here this is not their area of expertise. We can provide direct help and support to those who need it and alleviate pressures on our primary care services. The instability of having no income is punishing. People are living on a cliff edge daily as they make brutal choices between eating and paying for heating. At the Ridge we can offer solidarity, advice and signposting to other services either internally within The Ridge – • Budgeting – Cooking – Nutrition • Essential Digital Skills • Employability Skills • Volunteering for Health and Wellbeing • Opportunities for paid employment within The Ridge Foundations CIC Or we can signpost externally if further support is required that we cannot provide. This benefits system as it stands is failing people because it was never built to help them but at the Ridge, we are built not only to help people with the long and complicated benefits process, but to help move them FROM DEPENDENCY TO CONTRIBUTION. Our worker will be someone who is fully aware of The Ridge and its social ethos and the wrap around support that it can provide so the process of signposting to further services will be a shorter and more personal journey. Dunbar is the fastest growing down in the country and although it does not score 'highly' on SIMD ratings as a community we suffer from the effects of rural isolation. The west end of the county with its larger (for now) population attracts a greater amount of funding that supports provision and services such as we are looking to pilot here. Our clients with their limited financial capability and sometimes chaotic lifestyles are in no position to make the two hour two bus journey trek across the county to ask help from someone unfamiliar with their personal situation. Our services users require accessibility, consistency, hyper local and familiar help. We can offer this and more as we strive to move people on from the aspirational limiting environment of the benefit system to enjoying a secure and meaningful role within their local community. |
17/12/2019 |
£7,500£79,581 |
NCAT will deliver a Community Welfare Champion (and purchase an ICT Tablet with Software) to support all UC claimants and potential claimants via appointments at local community offices (Local Surgeries) or in their own house dwellings (Outreach) within the ex-coalfield rural community of Netherthird. Added value activities such as local money advice campaigns and attendance at community support groups will ensure that the maximum number of residents are aware and engaged with this unique user friendly initiative. Specifically the CWC will offer the following: • Benefit Maximization, • Advice & Guidance, • Advocacy, • Registration and Support for Digital Banking usage • Support Scottish Welfare Fund applicants • Support Crisis Grant applicants • Support with Form Completion and • Sign posting to local Credit Unions. Our CWC service will deliver the following outcomes: • Increase residents' knowledge of the welfare benefits landscape, • Maximize their welfare benefits, • Increase local Credit Union Membership • Increase local usage of Digital Banking facilities • Increase community resilience through knowledge transfer & volunteering and • Deliver a genuine bottom up community service. WHY DWP has now introduced Full Universal Credit for all of East Ayrshire back in October 2017. This means many financial changes and challenges to our resident welfare recipients. One of the big changes is that instead of benefits being paid weekly, they will now be paid monthly in arrears. UC recipients will also be responsible for paying rent directly to landlords, whether they are a Council tenant, in Social Housing, or in a private tenancy. The reality is that this is having a devastating impact on our communities, leading to rent arears, increased debt, benefit sanctions and forcing people to increasingly rely on crisis services to simply put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Rural Bank Branch Closures. Since 2015, bank branches have been closing at an average of 70 closures per month across the UK, with Scotland seeing 403 banks permanently shut during this period. Scotland has been disproportionately hit by these closures; with Citizens Advice Scotland finding that Scotland suffered 12% of branch closures despite only having 8.3% of the population. As well as losing branches some communities are seeing their banks operating reduced hours. Closures mean that individuals are having to travel further to access banking services which is both time-consuming and expensive especially for those more reliant on cash including the elderly and those on low incomes. We heard from Citizens Advice Scotland and Scottish Rural Action that these negative impacts are felt far more greatly in rural areas where there are: fewer branches to start with; less alternative provision such as Post Offices or 24 hour ATM access; accessibility issues due to reduced public transport and weak mobile phone signal and slower broadband speeds making online banking more difficult. Rural communities have reacted negatively to the closure of their local bank which in some cases has led to protests. Finally, our NCAT Development Manager attended the recent DTAS Conference, where he met up with staff from the nearby Auchinleck Development Initiative (ACDI) charity who currently deliver a local Community Welfare Champion service. This was followed up with a learning and knowledge session at ACDI premises to see first-hand the delivery method and activities of a genuine locally led community welfare champion service. WHO During the initial 35 week grant funded delivery period, the Netherrhird CWC will engage and support the following: • Netherthird residents claiming or wishing to claim Universal Credit • Unemployment benefits • Medical benefits • Senior Citizens • Lone Parents • Residents experiencing "in work poverty" • One off payments (Crisis Loans, Community Care Grants, School Clothing Grants) • Long term unemployed • Claimants on transitional benefits (ESA, DLA etc) • Claimants who struggle to maintain Universal Credit commitments; commonly due to; - Low literacy levels - Low IT skills - Lack of understanding of the Benefits System • Residents who are experiencing housing Issues • Claimants who are unable/have difficulty understanding complex forms • Claimants who are going through appeal processes • Residents who have never claimed entitled benefits In addition, 2 volunteers from Netherthird will be mentored over this period to learn and provide Welfare advice beyond the grant funding period. WHERE The Netherthird Community Welfare Champion service will delivered primarily in the ex-coalfield community of Netherthird, located within the rural part of East Ayrshire. (Our service will focus on disadvantaged local Netherthird residents, however, we will NOT discriminate any individual who requires support who may reside out with our community) |
17/12/2019 |
£7,500£10,311 |
We will use the fund to start new pilot project for the Arabic women in Fife. We will deliver a range of support services using the skills and experience of our trained volunteers, mentors and befrienders from previous CCRF projects to address the most critical needs of families and individuals. Unemployment has consistently emerged as a main concern for the Arab and wider Ethnic minority community in all recent scoping studies. Recent figures show that male unemployment in the Fife Arab community is around 15%, compared with 7.7% among the general population of Fife, 8.1% for Scotland and 7.6% for the UK. Equivalent figures for females show 38% unemployed Arab women in Fife, 8.3% among the indigenous population, 6.5% in Scotland, and 6.7% for the UK. Lack of English Language skills and skills development is the biggest barrier to employment and progression. We will utilise the skills of our volunteer, mentors and befrienders in delivering ESOL tuition in homes, community meeting places and in our own Arab community centre in Kirkcaldy. We will build on the success of our skills academy model which was developed for the Syrian community. This model requires intensive one-to-one working with individuals to determine what skills and abilities they have, their level of proficiency in written and spoken English, their familiarity with IT, and the skills development and training that will be needed to help them achieve individual goals. Participants will have access to certified training in ESOL, IT, driving licence, catering and food hygiene. Several of our skills academy graduates are now playing a vital role as befrienders in working with the wider community. We will dedicate resources to empowering Arab women, to reduce their isolation and inequality of access to skills development, employment and training, as well as social, cultural, and leisure opportunities. Women will be encouraged to get engaged in culturally sensitive sporting and leisure activities such as Keep Fit, Swimming and Zumba sessions which will have a positive impact on their health and well-being. We will recruit suitable candidates for accredited VQ training in early years, childcare, and care of the elderly. Our plan is for our community centre to provide nursery, crèche, child care, and day care of the elderly services and activities which will provide a range of full and part-time posts. As a result of these activities we will see: • Clear evidence of the benefits of community led development activities. • An increase in the numbers of people accessing training and employment, and undertaking certificated training. • Higher levels of spoken/written English leading to increased self-confidence and optimism in the Arab women. • Evidence of greater integration between communities. |
17/12/2019 |
£6,100£44,051 |
We plan to develop our successful Community Fridge which runs from Eyemouth Community Centre, to run cooking courses for the local users of the fridge & residents of the Community. We will work with the abundant supply of donated vegetables and other ingredients to run classes to demonstrate how to use these foods to cook and enjoy nutritious meals. We plan to run a weekly 3 hour morning session to prepare and cook a meal in the Community Centre kitchen area. This will then be eaten together with the participants (if they wish) or taken away to enjoy at home with other family members. There will also be a supply of the ingredients and a recipe provided to allow them to replicate this at home. Surplus portions will go into the Fridge for everyone to benefit from. Every 4th week (when the kitchen is unavailable) we will invite along guests representing other groups and agencies who can assist with any issue that the attendees have or to encourage them to join other classes etc – example guests would be Healthy Living Network, Abundant Borders, Citizens Advice, Eyemouth Foodbank, local Chefs etc. We will also use the funding to upskill our volunteers in REHIS Food Hygiene and Welfare Reform Training available through CA so that are able to assist the attendees. Over the 9 months we will run 4 Programmes of 8 weeks duration however participants will be able to continue to attend the new Sessions if they wish to. Our Community Fridge has been running now for 12 months and it is very well used by a cross section of the Community – there are some users who are regularly there every morning and this has allowed us to engage with them – this in turn has led to us referring to our local Food Bank for some of them – The Community Fridge is the main source of referrals for the Food Bank as a result of this. We have spoken to many users and they have all said that this is something they would really benefit from as they are struggling to budget effectively and say that the Fridge is a necessity for them however they don't always make best use of some of the produce as its not 'ready made' Also now that the fridge has been running for a year we know we need to develop this to encourage more people to use it and for it to be a source of more nutritional value to more people and make more use of the vegetables from the supermarket and from donations from Abundant Borders. The Fridge is situated next to the Kitchen in the Community Centre and is in a communal area and we have been offered use of this to help develop the idea We are very fortunate to have an active group of volunteers who run the Fridge – this involves food pick up and delivery and stocking and maintenance of the Fridge – this works very well on a rota system however many of the Volunteers have said they would like to now do more to develop this – 5 of the volunteers have already passed REHIS Food Hygiene Cert as part of this development which we used previous funding for and they now want to be part of a cooking group so that food can be made and put back into the fridge. Some of the regular users who are waiting in the morning are also starting to engage with helping out with stocking and we are keen to recruit more of them to help in the future (one previous user is already a regular volunteer) Our volunteers are keen to learn new skills in cooking too. Although our aim is to help the users of the Fridge who are struggling as a result of welfare reform and who we will target specifically in the beginning we want to create a programme that is open to all and seen as an opportunity for people to learn 'cooking from scratch using what's in the fridge'. We will particularly encourage young and not so young to learn together. This will also assist to reduce isolation as we notice that a large proportion of users are older gentlemen who live alone and we want to encourage the 'eat together' idea where what is cooked that day is eaten together. This Project will be based in Eyemouth Community Centre and will be available to all residents in the locality. |
17/12/2019 |
£7,500£209,685 |
The Young Parents Group will be a pilot for 9 months, running weekly on a Friday 12.30pm - 2.30pm.We envisage a core of 10 parents but accept others may dip in and out. We will look to discover if we have the need that everyone talks about. An example of a young mum a member of staff spoke with explains she had no idea how to make a bottle apart from looking it up in google, she didn't want to appear 'stupid' so never asked questions, didn't attend parent & toddler groups as she always thought they were for older more experienced parents. We've mapped postcodes of our current beneficiaries against the SIMD 2016 rank using a tool on the Scottish Government website and this has confirmed that: • 70% of those we're engaging live in the worst 5% of datazones in Scotland • 91% of those we're engaging live in the worst 10% of datazones in Scotland • 100% of those we're engaging live in the worst 20% of datazones in Scotland Some of our existing parents talk about when they were pregnant "how lonely I felt, especially after I gave up work and was used to seeing people every day, I felt that I never had anyone to talk to", explaining that they felt there was a lack of support groups that they could attend that was about their needs, not just the babies needs and the pressures to feel amazing as they had a new baby and in reality some of them never felt this. Some parents said they would have felt more comfortable attending somewhere that they knew on their doorstep without the additional stress of travelling on 2 buses to get to a service as they felt quite nervous. That was some of our older parents, so we want to make sure that this is not repeated, that there is a service on the doorstep for young parents to ensure that they do not become socially isolated. Many of the parents we will be working with are young and will suffer from ACE's (adverse childhood experiences) and as such need support with their parenting and relationships. Through no fault of their own they have had poor parenting experiences and lack the tools and techniques for them to enjoy their children The group will offer a chance to support young parents when they can be at there most vulnerable. We would like to offer different activities that target various areas to support them as a person and parent. This could include activities addressing positive parenting, healthy eating/cooking ideas/cooking on a budget, children/parent activities - this may involve messy play, Bookbug, cooking on a budget, music sessions, trips - many of the activities that are on offer with other providers have a fee attached, which makes this unaffordable and then their children miss out on that development. It means every parent can access the activities, regardless of their financial status. We would like to train one of our volunteers, possibly a parent if willing to do this, in Baby Massage so that we can run courses as and when required for the community, instead of waiting for a trained person from a partner organisation by which time we have lost the interest of the original group. We would also offer paediatric first aid training and food hygiene training. This programme would encourage bonding with their child, a chance to learn how to play with their child and participate in actitivies to have fun with their children, to develop their skills and confidence as a person. The group would start with lunch, each week staff would lead different activities/ideas/workshops which would be co-designed by the young parents. The two staff members are experienced in youth work and also are parents. They have been on a range of training that would support the young parents, including counselling, mental health first aid for young people, Understanding Perinatal Mood Disorder. They have made many contacts with possible partners who will enhance the programme. On a monthly basis we would look at an outreach creche to come in and support the parents while they possibly have 1:1 advice or participate in self-confidence workshops, the rest of the sessions would involve their children. An idea of the programme could include: Children Activities 1. Play Group Sessions - Baby Sensory 2. Book Bug 3. Healthy Eating/Cooking with parents Parent Support 1. Bonding & Attachment Continuing Education 2. Positive Parenting Education - sleeping, eating etc. 3. Healthy Eating 4. Child Development Education 5. Play session education for parents 6. Trips We would also trial the idea of a 'baby pantry', the pantry would stock essential items and would be accessible by the young parents attending the group if they are running short of items until they receive their payment. Young parents would be allowed to pay £2.50, and receive three items from the baby box, this may include nappies, baby wipes, which may support them if they are struggling financially. The money would be used to restock the baby box. This would mean that people keep their dignity while providing for their child. Through the Family Nurse partnership we would promote our new young parents support programmes and ask them to signpost parents that would benefit from our service ensuring a local organisation is supporting the Governments Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy. We have also recently met with the Smith Croft Secondary School Young Parent Base Coordinator to discuss the idea for our new young parents group, to talk about partnership working, the gaps in provision and signposting young parents who may have left school who do not currently access any support but may still need that support. Other partners may include Health Improvement Team, Citizens Advice Bureau etc. The group will not only be an opportunity for people to develop new skills as a person and a parent, but also to gain new peer support and relationships, which is crucial to ensure that young parents do not become socially isolated, especially those young parents who do not have the family support network. |
17/12/2019 |
£7,430 |
a) What? We intend to employ Financial Inclusion Officer(s) with the remit of doing outreach work to contact people affected by Welfare Reform, particularly those on Universal Credit or likely to be put on it, in order to help them to: • receive their incoming payments, which is an issue for people who do not already have bank accounts; • find the best way to obtain their money in cash, if or when that is what they prefer; • manage online transactions if they wish to do so, including understanding and managing options for bill paying and other money management, particularly for people who are not already familiar with online options and how to use them. The options identified will include those offered by high street banks, the new wave of online banks, and services offered by credit unions such as ourselves - face to face, by phone (not a call centre), by prepaid card, website and app, ordinary savings, Christmas savings and affordable loans; • understand the pros and cons of the various borrowing options that they may be presented with; • know where to go for help. There will be a publicity element in the project to ensure that local residents and organisations have forewarning of what we are doing and that people with whom we come in contact have some information to take away with them including memory-joggers and pointers on how to get in touch with us or other agencies. The where, the why, the how and the uniqueness of this proposal are all closely linked because the project is a response to the nature of the target area, which is both economically disadvantaged and a hostile money management environment for people on low incomes. b) Where? This work will focus on southern East Ayrshire ie Cumnock and environs (Auchinleck, Mauchline, Muirkirk, Catrine, New Cumnock) and the Doon Valley (including Dalmellington, Patna and Drongan). The most recent available information indicates that there are 35,000 people in the target area occupying 16,000 homes, although it may be that this figure has fallen slightly in the interim due to people who are able to do so leaving the area to go to places that offer better economic opportunities. This serves to reduce demand and intensify the loss of economic infrastructure in the local area – bank branches, shops, ATMs, employment opportunities etc. This rural, post-industrial area is deprived in terms of several socio-economic factors and in addition most residents have to contend with isolation and the costs of overcoming distance when carrying out everyday functions. On top of that, social exclusion tends to be related to IT-exclusion and it is our day to day experience that there is a significant section of the community which is not moving seamlessly to internet banking. Some years ago this area had already been identified by the Financial Inclusion Champions project (funded, we believe, by the Scottish Government) as one of the most financially excluded in Scotland. The situation is now worse. The area has lost almost all its bank branches. At time of writing there are only two branches left in the whole area, both of them in Cumnock. According to word of mouth, mobile bank services visiting villages have yet to prove a satisfactory substitute so access to banking services in general and cash in particular is a significant issue. The number of ATMs to provide cash is limited, word of mouth continues to report that they don't always have enough cash to service the demand, some are behind shutters so that when the shop or other building where they are located closes the ATM is inaccessible, and announcements suggest that fewer of them will offer a free service. c) Why? People in our society are currently living through a revolution in financial methods and technology and as with all change, some get left behind and those who do are often those who were disadvantaged to start with. This particularly applies to people affected by Welfare Reform, so this project seeks to address that situation in this particularly disadvantaged area. Our organisation having the social goals described above, we are the organisation based in this particular locality which is most focussed on financial services in the context of the alleviation of poverty. We get up in the morning because we believe in that task and we want to do as much as we can in that respect. Our reasons for wanting to carry out this project are covered in the sections below on how we came up with the idea and how local people were involved, and why the idea is unique, imaginative, innovative and creative. Basically, the project proposal arises from our previous work and our conclusions about going forward. d) How we came up with the idea and how local people were involved This project is a progression from what we have already done under the Capacity & Resilience Fund and uses what we have learned from that work. However, it is a new and separate project. The previous work on which this application builds is as follows: • The project implemented in calendar year 2017 produced and circulated information about money management. The main thrust of this first project in relation to Welfare Reform was to put out the message of 'fixing the roof while the sun shines' i.e. doing things now which may be useful to you if you go onto Universal Credit, particularly joining a credit union. • The project implemented in calendar years 2018 and 2019 involved engaging support work to promote a prepaid card and establish to what extent this technology can help people overcome the challenging local environment if they are given support to access the technology and use it. It sought to promote the card as an entry to IT-based banking for those with no previous experience of it or with an unsatisfactory/non-existent credit rating (the card is available to all regardless of credit rating because there is no overdraft facility). It is therefore particularly appropriate for people on Universal Credit or low incomes in this rural area. The project also included a learning element to increase our own understanding and develop our own responses accordingly. It involved talking to local people at events and by working in partnership with local organisations in order to reach their service users. The project raised awareness of the prepaid card as an option for obtaining cash and as a way to become financially included. Every person who was spoken to agreed that the card is an appropriate response to the situation and feedback showed that use of the card was viewed positively. However, the project also showed up contradictions and stresses between the advantages of an automated system and the barriers it throws up for people who are not yet ready to manage the automation. We also faced hurdles arising from the widespread reluctance to discuss money at the personal level. As we learned from this experience we divided promotion of the prepaid card into two strands – one towards people who are not IT-excluded, mainly via social media; and the other towards people who are IT-excluded, by traditional methods including offering to help them sign up for the card by using outreach work and a laptop. This work highlighted inertia reluctance to engage at a personal level in discussing banking issues. It also found that the people who were taking the prepaid card tended to be under the pressure of immediate 'push' factors – having no bank account and moving on to Universal Credit which is paid by bank transfer. Since the project looked at on the ground experience in this particularly financially excluded area whose circumstances may not be fully appreciated by decision makers, it includes a project report to be compiled with a view to it being suitable for forwarding to policy makers. e) How is this idea unique, imaginative, innovative, creative? To the best of our knowledge this project work is unique because it is endeavouring to mitigate financial exclusion in a largely ignored area of post-industrial blight and rural isolation and is thus particularly interested in the implications of Welfare Reform in this setting. We would argue that this work is imaginative/ innovative/creative because this sort of area seems to be largely forgotten in the design and development of financial inclusion activities. The banks' arguments in favour of branch closures often hinge around online and mobile banking solutions being satisfactory substitutes but local responses suggests that these are only partial solutions. We are trying to find ways to serve the people who are left in banking limbo. This idea is also unique, imaginative, innovative and creative because it builds on our own findings from the previous Capacity & Resilience Fund work (see above). These findings, which will appear in the report to policy makers (see above) are: o people still need to use cash, particularly as a budgeting tool for those on low incomes, although, even for the digitally included, digital banking does not do away with the need for cash; o there are difficulties getting cash – absence of banks and problems with cash machines (not enough of them, often in locations which are inaccessible once shop shutters come down, often running out of money at times of high demand such as long weekends). In addition, small shops and individuals are in competition with each other over an inadequate cash supply and hence use of cashback is not proving to be the solution one might have hoped. Quite simply, the cash supply system doesn't work properly; o inadequate broadband speed and mobile signals are being reported; o people often want to retain their existing bank account even when service is poor or hard to reach or doesn't offer what they want. This is linked to the following point about perception of risk; o it is emerging that the less money people have, the longer it takes them to make a decision and the less likely they are to make a change due to the high impact of a wrong decision, but this leaves them retaining bank accounts that aren't particularly appropriate for them or which cost them money; o people with complex and difficult finances engage with support organisations when they are in crisis but then disengage until there is another crisis. These factors mean that progress in helping people to improve their financial management is slow and there are no quick fixes but we believe that it is important to keep working on it and to try to mitigate 'the devil taking the hindmost'. We will also make creative links as follows: o we suspect that there may be issues for Welfare Reform clients around the additional financial demands of the school summer break and we will investigate through the contacts made by the project, whether there is a demand for a specific summer break saving account similar to our Christmas saving account; o links between unemployment and mental health issues are already recognised and following a recent report by the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute looking at how health professionals can help prevent financial problems associated with mental illness, we will particularly focus on trying to grow partnership work with the health sector. The report highlights, for example, that people with depression and problem debt are over four times more likely to still have depression 18 months later, than those with depression who do not have financial difficulty. f) How will the project be done? The budget shows that over the time-limited funding period it will be possible to provide nearly 400 hours of Financial Inclusion Officer time to make contact with people through partner organisations and to discuss ways in which the financial challenges of Welfare Reform and the attendant life experiences can be managed. Because we already know about the cultural reluctance to engage in discussing money at a personal level, the project will focus on making contact in group situations at partner organisation venues to share group information-giving and discussion on modern money management in the generality and thence to invite/encourage people to move the situation to personal issues if/when they wish to do so. Thus, the project will raise overall awareness within the target area and will also provide a way by which individuals can, if they wish, be helped or signposted to go further. This might be in the form of encouragement to take up other services eg debt advice, help with setting up an online account such as the prepaid card, referral to the Credit Union etc. Whenever this work throws up new information about needs and issues we will look at how we might adjust our service to respond. g) Delivery within a limited funding period. The project can be delivered within a limited funding period because it will have a short lead-in time. Financial Inclusion Officer(s) to work the available hours will be employed on a sessional basis and we already know that there are people based within a reasonable travelling distance of the target area who have appropriate skills. Use of sessional workers means that recruitment can take place quickly and work can start promptly. Similarly, we are aware of local organisations which are likely to be interested in building partnership working and we can do preliminary work in this regard before the sessional worker(s) start. h) Increase partnership working Our previous Capacity & Resilience Fund projects have built links and/or partnerships with local organisations including Auchinleck Community Development Initiative, East Ayrshire Homelessness Network, Community Routes Hub and Buns R Us Cafe as well as making contact with the Health & Social Care Providers Network, the Alcohol & Drugs Prevention Network and the Community Connectors Network. We will use this project both to increase the level of work with these, particularly the mental health-related networks (see above) and to involve other organisations not previously involved in the Capacity & Resilience Fund projects such as the Job Centre. i) Increase our capacity to mitigate the impact of Welfare Reform by providing people with the support and skills they need, promote social inclusion and combat inequality A classic problem for credit unions is that we do not have the marketing and publicity budgets of the commercial finance sector so we cannot reach people or build our services in the way that we would like. This project will increase our capacity to reach more people and thence to help them to know more about their options and choices, to access more personal information if required, and to get more in control of their financial situation. The project will do this more economically and effectively than the private sector can, by working at a face to face level in the local area through local channels of communication and local networks, as described above. |
16/12/2019 |
£6,070£174,560 |
WHAT: We will provide a 3-Tier Approach to Combat the Impact of the Welfare Reform Tier 1) Drop-in Help Desk Tier 2) 121 Meetings Tier 3) Group Workshops HOW: We will employ & train a "Welfare Reform Advisor" to deliver this project. This person will be allocated 2 dedicated volunteers to provide assistance Training undertaken by the Advisor will be: • Introduction to Welfare Rights • Income Maximisation for Families • PIP and Attendance Allowance • Challenging PIP Decisions • Universal Credit – Claimant Responsibilities & Sanctions • Universal Credit – For People with Ill Health & Disabilities And provided by CPAG. TIER 1) Drop-in Help Desk – 2 set hours per week 30 mins will be allocated per session: 4 people per week x 32 weeks = 128 service users ( realistically this could be 100 due to times running over) TIER 2) 121 Meetings – 2 set hours per week It is estimated that 35 of those attending the drop-in desk will need additional 121 assistance, such as: • Providing advice to prevent sanctions • Checking & verifying eligibility • Maximising income • Providing advice on budget planning & debt problems • Accompanying to sanction & other meetings • Signposting to our partners & making introductions 2hrs per week x 32 weeks = 35 service users TIER 3) Group Workshops – 2 set hours per week for a 4-week block with 4 blocks These groups will be kept to a maximum of 10 attendees with some attending all Workshops and some attending individual Workshops depending upon their needs. 10 attendees x 4 weeks = 40 people x 4 blocks = 160 service users Some service users will overlap therefore we estimate we will reach 125 unique individuals Week 1: Family Benefits Workshop • Grants, Child Benefit & Universal Credit • Financial help available from pregnancy to starting school • Financial help for those with school age children • Help with childcare costs • Other support available, including for families still getting tax credits • Q&A Session Week 2: Universal Credit Workshop – How to Make Claims • Universal Credit - help make effective claims, work out entitlement and advise on payments • Q&A Session Week 3: Universal Credit Workshop – Work & Benefits • Universal Credit and Work – how work-related requirements and sanctions operate inc those with a health condition or disability • Other Working-Age Benefits • Q&A Session Week 4: PIP & Attendance Allowance • Who is Entitled to PIP • Who is Entitled to AA • How to Claim • Q&A Session WHY: 1) Formal Food Bank Referral Questionnaires & Casual Conversations: We continue to witness how a person's life experience is heavily influenced by social & economic status resulting in erratic & poor decisions being made which quickly spiral to what then feels out of control. The impact of poverty experienced due to the Welfare Reform is the Number 1 reason identified from our service users. Our service users are very vulnerable, their life experience and circumstance have found them in desperate need for a helping hand due to: - low wages; high unemployment rates; families with several generations out of work; few local work opportunities; young people lacking a work ethos; low educational achievement - lack of understanding on how to budget; high debt levels; reduced payments; delays in payments; and sanctions - lack of awareness or inability to access help due to language barriers, anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of knowledge etc. Adults living in poverty focus on short-term survival, their decision-making ability is rushed and their attention span narrowed, leading to erratic decision makings. Although stated within the "Glasgow Financial Inclusion Strategy 2020 – 2025" that those most effected by the welfare reform are single parents & the BME community and although a high number of our service users fall into this category, we have also identified that: i) Poverty is hereditary to many who do not know how to or can't break the cycle ii) Some have found themselves in debt due to long term illness (eg cancer) or they/their loved one has a long term disability and iii) Adults retiring without adequate pension and no knowledge of the benefits system with many beginning with a short-term financial issue which then snowballed rapidly to crisis point. Adults living in poverty are less confident in their ability to succeed, leading to decreased personal attainment and ill health due to lack of food, depression and anxiety. Negative self-stereo typing is common, believing the media stereotyping that they are fundamentally flawed, with any achievements tempered by lack of confidence and for many self-loathing resulting in social isolation. All this can be exasperated for the BME and Refugee communities with language barriers, faith and dietary restrictions. Child poverty leads to various negative consequences, including weight & height deficiency, low self-esteem, which is a risk factor for mental illness, suicide or poor academic achievement. Our children should have equal rights to obtain the type of diet, participate in activities, opportunities and living conditions that their peers have. 2) CAB - Welfare Reform Officer Since October, CAB have provided a Welfare Reforms Officer to our premises every 2nd Thursday due to the demand from our service users. We arrange for 4 service users to meet with him for a 121 on every visit – the diary is full to the end of January and we have no guarantee that he would be able to return from February onwards. 3) CCG Development Day (attended by Service Users, Volunteers, Staff, Partners & Trustees) On the 20 November, the Impact of the Welfare Reform repeatedly became the topic of conversation and after some brainstorming incorporating the issues where most service users sought help from us and our partners, the 3-Tier Project was drafted. http://myccgblog.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/2019/11/20/Development-Day We know that this project will have a positive impact not only on improving the financial benefits of our service users but their mental and emotional well-being too. We can make a positive impact in breaking the cycle. All will be encouraged to take part in any of our services that could be beneficial to them eg social activities, language classes and the Independence from Foodbank Project (currently funded until 2022 by the Scottish Government) WHO: • A local community individual will receive a contract and will receive invaluable training to become our "Welfare Reform Advisor". • A group of 2 volunteers will be trained by our Welfare Reform Advisor sharing their knowledge obtained from the training courses. These volunteers will then rotate throughout each Tier to help our Welfare Reform Advisor. These volunteers could then go on to further education and / or employment in this field and / or continue to support our service users as volunteers on completion of this project. • Estimated 125 different services users, from age 16+ who are experiencing poverty and social exclusion due to the welfare reform including those lacking awareness or inability to access help. The knowledge and help received will have a domino effect on their dependents and own individual health (financial & emotional). WHERE: All 3 Tiers will take place within Crookston Community Centre (located in Beltrees Road, SIMD stats show Education & Skills ranked as 1, Income, Health, Unemployment & Crime ranked as 2, with Housing at 3). Our service users live within some of the most socially and financially deprived areas including Greater Pollok, Govan, Linn, Newlands / Auldburn, Cardonald, Pollokshields, Langside and Southside Central and we have now branched out due to demand to Dunterlie, East Renfrewshire – we work within many areas within the most deprived 5% on the SIMD. As many of our service users seek support from and are signposted by organisations with branches throughout Glasgow eg. Money Matters, Turning Point, Glasgow Housing Association & Citizens Advice this in-turn has increased the number of individuals approaching us, the needs of the individuals and the geographical spread. Current Services: Throughout the years, our activities & services grow as needs are identified and continue to evolve to meet ever-changing hardships, necessities and currently now include: - Foodshare Drop-in Centre (at our Community Centre, Crookston bridging with Pollok) - Foodshare on Wheels inc emergency parcels (Glasgow Wide and Dunterlie– we have 2 vans) - Foodshare Pop-Ups (Glasgow Wide & Dunterlie) Foodshare includes Food, Toiletries, Toys, Furniture, Clothing and Bedding ie. all hygiene and household necessities etc. Every Wednesday we offer a drop-in service free Sanitary products. Every Wednesday we sell bags of groceries worth between £25/ £30 for £3.50 to help reduce stigma and help with household budgeting. - Children's School Holiday Lunches (local children receive a healthy lunch daily throughout school holidays, funded by Cash for Kids & Glasgow City Council) - Independence from Foodbanks (helps transition frequent users away from their reliance on Foodbanks, funded by the Scottish Government) - Get Yourself Connected (basic IT skills for employment and other economic outcomes) - Adult & Children language classes (4 languages) - Youth Games & Movie Club - Thursday Cook n Chat (cooking & eating together, doing arts & crafts, guest speakers eg Money Matters etc) - General Drop-in / Advocacy Service - Volunteering, Training & Work Placement opportunities. - Multi-Culture Fun Days - Local MP Chris Stevens Surgery every 2nd Friday - Energy Scotland every 2nd Wednesday to offer Fuel Poverty advice - Money Matter, Turning Point & Citizens Advice (alternate) every Thursday to offer general advice Current Partnerships: Food donated by: Aldi, Fare Share, Locavore, Tesco Silverburn, Tesco Barrhead, Asda Mearns, Greggs, Co-op, Eurasia, Glasgow Markets, One stop Shop , Key store Paisley, Local Schools & football teams e.g. Pollok FC, Beith FC, Celtic FC & Rangers FC. Referrals made by: Money Matters, Citizens Advice, Various Medical Practices, Housing & Social Work Departments, Central Mosque, City Mission, Local Councillors & MPs, Turning Point Scotland, Rossdale Housing, Glasgow City Council, Flexible Homelessness, Women's Aid, various Social Work Departments, Learn Direct, Leverndale Hospital, Loretto Care, North East GAMH, Pollok Social Work 80/20 Initiative, SACRO, SAMH, Scottish Prison service, DWP Centre, Urban Roots, Wheatley Group, Woman's Aid & YPeople, Catch Scotland Ltd., Migrant Help UK, Serco UK & Europe, People Plus, Children 1st,Brittish Red Cross, Action for Children, Merry-Go-Round Glasgow, Unity Centre Glasgow, Apex Scotland, Includem, Shelter Scotland, Trussell Trust. |
13/12/2019 |
£5,276£76,870 |
Our Furniture Project provides help entirely freely to individuals and families in particular need of help to set up a first tenancy. These may be people newly granted refugee status, young mothers fleeing violence, someone with a history of of addiction. All our service users face the effects of poverty. We are invited to help at a positive time in a a person's life when they have taken the steps to get a tenancy and come to us for help to settle. This means that we are made aware of other help needed for someone planning for a better future. This has led us as a group of staff and volunteers to develop other supports when our skills and funds allow. Thus we run English classes for parents with young children with very little English and provide child care support for this. Volunteers and service users cook an international meal most weeks allowing people to share their skills and providing a popular drop in for some local socially isolated single men. Many of our English class students have worked with our Community Work student for the last 3 months to identify what they see as the key areas they need to address to improve integration into Scottish society , reduce isolation and prepare for employment. This work has been facilitated by a couple of group members who have better English and by Scottish "peer educators" sharing about cultural issues. The group identified the following 7 priorities: Some of these can be met by our existing services, some will be met within the new mini-courses proposed: others need extra funding' (1) The opportunity to learn English. We already provide ESOL classes and our qualified volunteer will continue to teach. (2)Raising children in a society with different values and expectations. (3)Addressing barriers to cultural integration. (4)Cross cultural learning, (5) Increasing self confidence Much of this will be done by sharing in the new groups. For some of these issues we will use external visitors, such as a social worker who is available to explain Scottish child care laws and expectations. Similarly after 19 years of working with asylum seekers and refugees we have volunteers and friends who are happy to share their journeys with the group. (6) Navigating welfare rights issues, school dinners, Universal credit etc. (7) Accessing employment and CV writing. The group's work identifying need and our general experience of shows a clear need for welfare rights input. We wish to employ a 5 hour a week welfare rights assistant. We also wish to offer two workshops with "Radiant and Brighter" to help prepare CVs and look at realistic routes to employment The group work we have done has been funded out of reserves and one small grant for a workshop with Radiant and Brighter, a pre-employment service for BME people. So we are now applying for funding for two strands of the work we wish to do Firstly we propose to run 3 eight week mini-courses between late February 2020 to mid October 2020. Each "course" would run once a week for the eight weeks, facilitated by our Community Work Assistant. The course will address the priorities identified above and aim for the group to find ways to change. Much of this will be done by sharing in the group. Other issues will use external visitors, such as a social worker who is available to explain Scottish child care laws and expectations. Similarly after 19 years of working with asylum seekers and refugees we have volunteers and friends who are happy to share their journeys with the group. Secondly the groups' work identifying need and our general experience shows a clear need for welfare rights input. We wish to employ a 5 hour a week welfare rights assistant. We already have funding in place for a 5 hour a week "extra support worker" to work alongside families in crisis We would appoint one person to cover these two related remits.. . (Last year we found we had helped 30 families or individuals in need of major support to prevent eviction, deal with family breakdown basically in addition to our administrator's already busy schedule.) |
12/12/2019 |
£7,500£133,630 |
The Well proposes to work in partnership with Southside Housing Association (SHA), paying them directly for a Welfare Rights Specialist to be based in The Well half a day per week to deal with a full range of client cases. The Well would pay SHA for one whole day per week to cover both the surgery and the time dealing with the cases outwith the surgery, for example when preparing for and representing a client at an appeal. For the past five years, a Welfare Rights Specialist from SHA had run a surgery at The Well every Friday morning. This was the Association's most successful outreach surgery with an average of eight appointments every week. In November this year, SHA regretted to inform us that they no longer had the funding to hold any outreach welfare rights surgeries. The Well's volunteer Advisors are trained to be able to give first tier advice and support regarding benefits. This may involve checking eligibility, helping the client through the application process and supporting the client in maintaining their benefits. However, on the occasions that benefits have been refused, they were previously able to refer clients to this specialist surgery. At the specialist surgery clients could be assisted with mandatory reconsideration as well as representation at appeals and tribunals. Without this specialist surgery, The Well can only refer people to their Housing Associations for specialist welfare rights advice. There can be very long waiting lists and the appointments are outwith the familiar culturally-sensitive environment that The Well provides. Furthermore, The Well now has nowhere to refer clients who rent from private landlords, of whom there are many, as the Housing Associations only deal with their own tenants. Private tenants' cases have to be dealt with quickly as private landlords cannot/will not wait for cases to be resolved before demanding rent payment. The only place locally that can help with these cases is Govanhill Law Centre and they generally only deal with the most complex cases and have long waiting lists. This is likely to lead to desperate situations and evictions for some families. The Well would like to re-establish a surgery within its own centre on Albert Road, Govanhill, paying SHA directly for this service. This would provide better, more seamless, accessible care and service for our ethnically-diverse clients, and would crucially allow fast help for those renting from private landlords whose cases, and rent payments, cannot wait. In addition, The Well would like to send two of its committed volunteers on a five-day CPAG Welfare Rights Training Course so that they can work alongside the Welfare Rights Specialist, and expertise among The Well's own Advice Workers is advanced. |
12/12/2019 |
£7,471£154,060 |
• WHAT – Improve the financial literacy, education, employability and digital skills of people impacted by welfare reform. • HOW - Deliver 18 group workshops and up to 20 one to one training sessions as required at our office in Lairg and at outreach locations in East & Central Sutherland. 6 workshops in financial literacy covering the following topics: Basic maths, budgeting, setting financial goals, setting up a bank account or setting up online access to existing accounts, understanding income and outgoings. 6 workshops in employability covering the following topics: Creating and updating a CV, writing a job application, applying for jobs, developing skills for self-employment (referral to business mentor project, Business gateway), support with creating and updating a CV, using Microsoft Office packages, reviewing their online presence & social media presence through the eyes of an employer, basic English 6 workshops in digital skills covering the following topics: Using a computer or electronic device, accessing online banking, accessing benefit journal, using excel to manage a budget, using an app to manage a budget, applying for jobs online, online learning opportunities, using Microsoft Office packages As an SQA approved centre we are able to offer a qualification Core Skills and will offer this to project participants. Overall it is expected that 50 people will engage with the project through attending a group workshop or one-to-one session. Partners and their role: East & Central Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau will raise awareness of the project to their clients, in particular those attending the bureau for their debt service and their Money Talk Team, and will offer direct referrals to the project. Brora Learning Zone has partnered with us on numerous projects and classes, most recently being a major partner for our Climate Challenge Fund project. We will offer sessions and courses in their facility and they will support us with referrals and promotion of the project. Job Centre Plus (Invergordon and Wick) work with us to support people impacted by welfare reform through accessing training and learning opportunities and this project will allow us to build our partnership with the JCPs and to receive direct referrals in for support. Clearview 2020 is an employability service which covers Caithness and part of Sutherland. We refer some of our employability students to them and they do the same for us. Through this project we will strengthen our partnership by being able to offer more for students in the Central & East Sutherland areas and will receive referrals into the project both for group sessions and on-to-one training. WHY - East & Central Sutherland, and in particular Lairg and the surrounding areas, are rural and isolated and the communities have suffered through poor public transport links, poor internet speeds, lack of long term employment opportunities, closure of all banks except for one and other issues which have a major impact on our rural communities. Sutherland does not have a Job Centre Plus, the nearest being in neighbouring counties Caithness and Ross-shire, and also does not have a dedicated foodbank, which further impacts those who have been negatively impacted by welfare reform. The project idea has been shaped through requests from current students, members of the community and partners for workshops and one to one support in various different areas, particularly relating to managing budgets, using IT for employability or benefit maintenance and confidence building. Learning from this project will be used to shape a funding application to the Bank of Scotland Foundation which will enable the project to both continue and expand to support a greater number of people. The organisation used to receive funding to run a weekly job club but this funding was cut. We continue to run it on a voluntary basis but with no paid staff to cover it we are unable to advertise it or to support people on a drop in basis. The project would enable us to build on the weekly work club with regular, tailored support for people impacted by welfare reform. • WHO – the project will be open to anyone who requires support with financial literacy, employability or digital skills and has been impacted by welfare reform. By working with partners we will reach these people. • WHERE – the project will be delivered from our office based in Lairg and will cover areas in East & Central Sutherland. |
12/12/2019 |
£7,497£121,718 |
Our project community was named in a recent report as one of the most deprived community in Scotland. It is the most economically disadvantage community in Scotland and two-thirds of the local population live in a data zone among the 15 per cent most deprived neighbourhood in Scotland. The elderly African community are economically disadvantaged due to the welfare reform and the squeeze in UK Government public spending which has taken its toll on Local Council service provision by reducing funds/budget allocated to the elderly. The elderly in our community have nowhere to go and socialise or take part in any project activity as their counterpart from other indigenous population. They practically have nothing to do, but to sit-out in the house 24 hours a day for those who are currently unable to work due to infirmities (various forms of health issues) or have passed their retirement age. Older African community are particularly vulnerable to social isolation or loneliness owing to loss of friends and family, mobility or income. Social isolation and loneliness impact upon individuals' quality of life and well-being, adversely affecting health and increasing the use of health and social care services. The Elderly from the African community (excluded from mainstream activity) who accompanied their Grandchildren to our activities are sometimes left out, unable to participate in any activity as they specifically tailored for young people. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health: lacking social connections is a comparable risk factor for early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is worse for us than well-known risk factors such as obesity and physical inactivity. Also, research by Voluntary Health Organisation shows that social isolation and poverty are major contributing factors to health inequality in Scotland. A total of 91% of Voluntary Health Organisation taking part in new research for Voluntary Health Scotland said that social isolation was a major issue underpinning health inequality and 71% highlighted poverty as a key issue. From our experience working with young people and their parents shows that having a place to visit, play, relax, meet new people or forget about their worries for a while is vital for the well-being of the participants. The Equal Opportunities Committee, convened by Margaret, published a landmark report on age and social isolation last year, which found evidence that the effects of loneliness in society could be as harmful as smoking. MSPs on the committee called on the Scottish Government to prioritise loneliness and isolation alongside issues such as poverty and poor housing as part of the public health agenda and called for a national social isolation strategy for Scotland. In the last eight (8) months, we received several requests from the elderly population, Parents, young people and volunteers to start a new activity specifically designed for the elderly BME who are increasingly isolated and socially excluded in the communities. We are unable to commence any meaningful activity directed at the elderly population for the lack of organisation capacity. However, early this year, we worked with our older young people to carry out an initial one-off consultation to find out what sort of activities or programme that would meet the need of the adult community. Some of the activities listed were Budgeting, arts & craft, cookery and sewing workshop. This initial consultation is not far reaching enough as they would need to stamp their input in terms of what they want, how long should it be and when would the best time to hold it. The findings from the elderly community will help guide us in our decisions about the suitability of the project activities, what to include and when to hold it. Consequently, we are seeking funding from the Community Resilience and Capacity Fund to enable us trial a new project which will provide sixty (60) isolated and socially excluded African community age 50s and above resident in Glasgow with a variety of activities such as arts & craft, sewing & budgeting and give them the chance to choose the most preferred activities they will like to do going forward. Also, the funding will help increase the capacity of our organisation to handle the elderly project through the training of five volunteers in Safeguarding vulnerable adult, Financial Planning for non-financial managers, Managing & Supervising people and Demonstrating impact and value to funders. Community Inclusion Project seeks to address economic inequality, reduce isolation and loneliness, experienced by older people, and enable them to make a positive lifestyles changes associated with ageing, and ultimately, to bring about a better quality of life for the elderly from the African Communities resident in the target council area. The Community Inclusion Project is an initiative designed to pilot this great new idea so that we can understand and establish how keen the elderly in the African community are to trying activities that are new to them, and to find out which ones they wanted to get involved. The project will focus on three specific activities which came on top during consultation-Arts & Crafts, Sewing and Budgeting. The grant will help pay for two Sessional staffs, Venue hire, Volunteer Expenses, training for 5 volunteers and Community Consultations. The project will focus on three key areas: Piloting and monitoring of the new idea to develop the organisation capacity to meet the demand relating to welfare reform; develop collaboration with carers and other support agencies by developing a new systems to track referrals and progress and aid networking between organisations; develop participant's confidence through budgeting education to prevent themselves from reaching the crisis point. We wanted to reduce the effect of poverty due to welfare reform and isolation for the elderly African community and raise the bar on their aspirations. Coming to a place like ours to participate in an activity they helped to establish will encourage the creation of supportive inter-generational networks that lead to a more cohesive and aware community. By the end of the project activities, the participants will have opportunity to choose through feedback two project activities they feel will improve their mental health and well-being, reduce isolation and improve financial literacy that will help them cope with the welfare reform. ACTIVITIES FRIDAY Activities: Budgeting & Sewing workshop-The activities will run every week for two hours (3.30pm-6.30pm) on Friday for 28 weeks. Budgeting workshop- (budgeting sessions; support with DWP claims; credit check, switching energy suppliers and opening bank accounts, Practical steps to reducing living costs, reducing energy bills by switching providers and being more energy efficient, Shopping about for the best deals). Sewing Workshops- (Sewing patterns and dressmaking patterns-How to make simple curtains, making of cushion covers, bodice a sleeve block pattern and embroidery concept) SATURDAY Activities: Arts & Craft Workshop -The activities will run every week for four hours (3.30pm-6.30pm) on Saturday for 28 weeks. Arts & Craft Workshop- (knitting, crocheting and weaving) SUNDAY Activities: On-going Community Consultation and engagement event (The activities will run once every for two hours (14.30pm-16.30pm) on Saturday for 28 weeks. TRAINING: Five volunteers to attend Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult Training. |
11/12/2019 |
£6,561£89,734 |
Due to local demand via our community volunteer advisers we are seeking funding to pilot a new service in the West Lothian Area that will provide those in the community access to individual money budgeting related assistance and support. Due to the Semi-rural nature and poor transport links some of the area's residents require to travel to the nearest large town, up to 15 miles from some villages, to access national or local advice services i.e. CAB. Providing they can get an appointment and are able to coordinate the public transport links and appointment times. This also has a financial cost which can often be unaffordable for the resident. Our communities of interest experience higher levels of unemployment, fuel and food poverty and high levels of debt. Assistance is often required to complete DWP forms , housing forms but access to internet is sporadic in the rural areas of West Lothain, both in digital coverage and lack of affordability for residents. Recent changes in the welfare and benefit system has had a huge impact in the areas , the areas are slipping down the index of multiple deprivation, mainly due to the welfare and benefit changes , the roll out of Universal credit and the changing method of PIP assessments and awards. Compounding the lack of capacity in handling personal finances and ability to safeguard income. We would deliver one to one session, group sessions and tapping in to specialisms of our local partners, ensuring our participants accessed the correct level of assistance.Form filling assistance would also be available via our trained volunteer advisors. We would work with local community management boards to access local community centres or halls within the communities to make the service accessible to those in the more rural communities. We will be asking participants via surveys and evaluations how we can mould the service to their needs. These services will be available West Lothain Wide in communities of need. |