Grant criteria

It is through funding the main Gaelic organisations and other agreed contractors that the Bòrd carries out the majority of the work for which it is responsible. However, sometimes the Bòrd will award contracts to relevant individuals and organisations in order to accomplish a specific strategic goal, and the Bòrd also funds initiatives in partnership with other organisations. Bòrd na Gàidhlig distributes funding to public bodies who are drafting and implementing Gaelic language plans.

Analysis of Grants Made
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  • In this period 909 donations have been made totalling £19,156,179 to 294 organisations
  • This grant maker is prepared to support unregistered organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
  • Average annual spending of registered grantees: £32,790,689
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Individual Grants Made
When Amount/
Recipient To be used for
20/08/2024 £6,000
CLANN TRANG CILLE BHRìDE AN EAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Cille Bhrìde an Ear / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in East Kilbride
20/08/2024 £2,700
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Ìle / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Islay
20/08/2024 £2,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT (NàISEANTA) A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean anns an Àird Ruighe / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Airdrie
20/08/2024 £1,100
PàRANT IS PàISTE SRUIGHLEA A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Sruighlea / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Stirling
13/08/2024 £4,500
CEUMAN BEAGA INBHIR NIS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Inbhir Nis / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
13/08/2024 £2,550
RIONNAGAN BEAGA BISHOPBRIGGS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Drochaid an Easbaig / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Bishopbriggs
13/08/2024 £1,100
PàRANT IS PàISTE NA PùBALLAN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean anns na Pùballan / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Peebles
13/08/2024 £2,750
COMANN NAM PàRANT (NàISEANTA) A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Pàislig / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Paisley
13/08/2024 £5,000
COWAL GàIDHLIG PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Dun Omhainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Dunoon
06/08/2024 £20,000
ASTAR MEDIA A' cumail taic ri bhùithtean-obrach cruthachadh filmichean a dh' ionnsaigh co-fharpais film FilmG / Supporting filmmaking workshops towards the FilmG competition
06/08/2024 £5,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail taic ri cho-fharpais deasbaid do sgoilearan àrd-sgoil / Supporting a debating competition for secondary school pupils
06/08/2024 £18,300
IOMAIRT NA GàIDHEALTACHD 'S NAN EILEAN Bidh Tionnsgalachd Gàidhlig na phrògram pìleat dian-aireachde thaic do ghnìomhachasan a tha airson fhàs agus/no a’ chuid as fheàrr a dhèanamh de na gnìomhan agus cothroman Gàidhlig aca. A’ togail bho phrògraman leithid Coimhearsnachdan air thoiseach ann an Turasachd, Impact30 agus Pathfinder bho HIE agus Ceannardan Òga na Gàidhlig bho SEA, a bharrachd air leasanan a chaidh ionnsachadh, bheir am Prògram taic do luchd-gnìomhachais gus na gnìomhachasan aca a sgaradh agus cothroman agus slighean riatanach airson leasachadh is fàs a lorg. Bidh e ann an Gàidhlig, a’ leudachadh ann an Gàidhlig agus troimh Gàidhlig.
06/08/2024 £5,940
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU Taic eadar-amail airson ionnsachadh Gàidhlig do dh' inbhich, na h-ealain Gàidhlig is poileasaidh corporra / Interim support for Gaelic learning for adults, Gaelic arts and corporate policy
06/08/2024 £3,300
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN Taic eadar-amail airson Capital Gaelic / Interim support for Capital Gaelic
06/08/2024 £12,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD Taic eadar-amail airson na tràth-bhliadhnaichean, ionnsachadh inbhich is obair òigridh Gàidhlig / Interim support for Gaelic early years, adult learning and Gaelic youth work
06/08/2024 £7,500
NORTH AYRSHIRE GAELIC BABY & TODDLER GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Àird Rosain agus Cille Bhrìde an Iar / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ardrossan and West Kilbride
06/08/2024 £3,500
CRòILEAGAN AN ATH LEATHAINN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean san Ath Leathainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Broadford
06/08/2024 £7,500
COTHROM LEARNING CENTRE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Uibhist / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Uist
06/08/2024 £2,100
CASAN BEAGA BAILE DHUBHTHAICH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Baile Dhubhthaich / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Tain
06/08/2024 £15,000
FàS MòR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Slèite / Delivery Gaelic early years sessions in Sleat
06/08/2024 £1,500
BUIDHEANN PàISDEAN INBHIR NARAINN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Inbhir Narainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Nairn
06/08/2024 £15,000
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean sa Ghearasdan / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Fort William
06/08/2024 £3,000
KINLOCHLOVIN' A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Baile a' Chaolais / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ballachulish
06/08/2024 £2,250
CRòILEAGAN GàIDHLIG ULAPUL A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Ulapuil / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ullapool
06/08/2024 £2,400
CORRAGAN BEAGA MALLAIG A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Mallaig / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Mallaig
06/08/2024 £4,600
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Obar Dheathain / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Aberdeen
06/08/2024 £2,000
AN CEARCALL A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Ath Tharracail / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Acharacle
06/08/2024 £2,000
CRòILEAGAN CHILL MHEARNAIG A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Cille Mhearnaig / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Kilmarnock
06/08/2024 £4,000
PàRANT IS PàISTE POLLOKSHIELDS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Pollokshields, Glaschu / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Pollokshields, Glasgow
06/08/2024 £1,920
PàRANT IS PàISTE SIORRACHD RINN FRIù AN EAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Baile Ùr na Maoirne / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Newton Mearns
06/08/2024 £2,300
PàRANT IS PàISTE AN ÒBAIN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean anns an Òbain / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Oban
06/08/2024 £3,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT (NàISEANTA) A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Farfar / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Forfar
05/06/2024 £2,000
MORAY GAELIC GROUP A' ruith clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann am Moireibh / Running Gaelic classes and events in Moray
05/06/2024 £7,000
YOUNG SCOT A' cur iomairtean meadhanan sòisealta is air-loidhne air dòigh airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh am measg an òigridh / Arranging social media and online campaigns to support Gaelic usage among young people
05/06/2024 £15,000
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur tachartasan trèanaidh air dòigh do dh' oifigearan leasachaidh Gàidhlig / Arranging training events for Gaelic development officers
05/06/2024 £2,000
EAGLAIS NA H-ALBA A' cumail taic ri iris Gàidhlig Eaglais na h-Alba / Supporting the Church of Scotland's Gaelic magazine
05/06/2024 £20,000
COMHAIRLE DùN PHRìS IS GALL-GHàIDHEALAIBH Following the completion of a Gaelic Heritage Value study undertaken during 2023 and the expansion of the Dumfries & Galloway Council Gaelic Language Plan Implementation Group, it has been identified with lead community partner Gàidhlig Dumgal the need for a Part-Time Gaelic Development Officer post to help add capacity and take forward a number of Gaelic related opportunities/ideas identified and which are discussed later in this application.Through this post we hope to raise the profile of Gaelic within Dumfries and Galloway and also increase awareness around the rich Gaelic Heritage within the region and progress opportunities linked to Gaelic related tourism. The project will benefit existing speakers of Gaelic and aims to increase the number of speakers within the region.A key priority of the Project will be to work with a range of cultural and tourism related partners to understand, recognise and take forward opportunities to promote and develop Gaelic.
05/06/2024 £10,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR The role of West Dunbartonshire's Gaelic Development Officer this financial year will be to develop the WDC Gaelic Plan 2025-2030. The remit continues to grow and develop through the years in West Dunbartonshire.  Funding is vital to see the growth and continuation of Gaelic Learning opportunities from cradle to grave. The cost of living crisis impacts all but especially areas of high deprivation and funding is vital for our authority to continue to provide opportunities for all no matter their circumstance. Mhairi McCarte, WDC’s Gaelic Development Officer is the strategic lead for WDC and will continue to promote Gaelic usage by ensuring: •  Gaelic Bookbug Provision• Early Years Gaelic Learner Education Provision•  BGE Gaelic Learner Education Provision in Primary• BGE Gaelic Learner Education Provision in Secondary• Senior Phase Gaelic Learner Education Provision• Adult Learning Gaelic Learner Education Provision•  Accountable and responsible for reporting to Education Committee WDC Council• Accountable and responsible for reporting to WDC Council•  Accountable and responsible for funding applications and monitoring of projects•  Liaise/Lead with new partnership opportunities• Accountable and responsible for Quality Assurance of Gaelic Learner Education in WDC•  Accountable and responsible for creation of and monitoring of WDC’s Gaelic Language Plan 2020-2025• Accountable and responsible for finance of projects• Attending GLAN, GLPS, West Partnership Network meetings and any other relevant Meetings• Accountable and responsible for creation of and monitoring of WDC’s Gaelic Language Plan 2025-2030
05/06/2024 £1,550
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN Dè The project is a series of 6 x 1 hour Gaelic Lunchtime concerts and pre-concert talks. The concerts are an introduction to Gaelic through music and song in a relaxed informal setting of the Marryat Hall, from September to March. The aim is to present an accessible programme of Gaelic music concerts and strengthen and support the Dundee Gaelic society and choir as well as developing and advancing Gaelic through music by showcasing new and emerging Gaelic artists and increasing the audience for Gaelic in Dundee.The project has benefited all sections of the wider Dundee community. With growing links to the Dundee Gaelic Conversation Group and  Gaelic Choirs in the surrounding areas. We have a well-established core of audience members who have either had parents or family members who spoke Gaelic as well as members of a newly formed Dundee Gaelic conversation group utilising the concerts as an opportunity to hear Gaelic speakers and practise speaking the language. We will continue to employ a Gaelic translator to translate publicity material into Gaelic and to organise a 30 Minute Gaelic Conversation Group before the final concert of the Season.
05/06/2024 £6,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN Dè This project will build on the success of the Gaelic classes which are currently being funded in Dundee, and will consist of a programme of classes at different levels,  including a new guided conversation class, which will address the growing demand for Gaelic learning in Dundee, including for those who are now looking to take their learning on to a more advanced level.
05/06/2024 £18,440
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN The University of Aberdeen is applying to the Gaelic Plans Fund to fund the continuation of the Gaelic Language Development Officer.
05/06/2024 £22,000
UHI A TUATH, AN IAR IS INNSE GALL Thairis air an dà bhliadhna bho dheireadh tha UHI Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall (UHI TIIG) air a bhith ag obair ann an co-bhoinn le Cothrom Ionnsachaidh Innse Gall (CLH) gus taghadh farsaing de chùrsaichean Gàidhlig a thabhann an dà chuid sna coimhearsnachdan (aghaidh-ri-aghaidh agus air-loidhne).  Ri linn a’ mhaoineachaidh seo, bha e comasach dhuinn clasaichean a thabhann an-asgaidh do luchd-obrach an dà bhuidhinn cho math ri Bòrd-Slàinte Innse Gall, agus do pharantan/luchd-curaim clann FtMG.  Am bliadhna sa thathar an dùil cùrsa air-leth a thabhann do phàrantan.  Bidh seo na chuideachadh dhuibh gus taic a chumail rin cuid chloinne agus thathar an dùil gum brosnaich seo pàrantan eile clàradh airson FtMG.Ann an 2024-25 ged a bhios CLH a’ sireadh maoineachadh bhon Sgeama Ro-innleachdain anns a bheil CnES mar phàirt, bidh an dà bhuidheann fhathast a’ co-obrachadh le bhith a’ leantainn oirnne a' sanasachd nan cùrsaichean againn ann an co-bhoinn.  Bidh seo a’ ciallachadh gum bi e comasach dhuinn barrachd sùbailteachd a thabhann a thaobh làithean is uairean nan clasaichean.  Bidh am pròiseact seo ag amas air a bhith a’ tabhann prògram de chùrsaichean a leigeas le daoine Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus sgilean litreachaidh a mhisneachadh bho ìre fhìor neach-tòiseachaidh gu ìrean adhartach. Bidh UHI TIIG a’ tabhann nan cùrsaichean a leanas: SpeakGaelic, Gaelic Conversation, Gaelic for Work Purposes, Ulpan, Sgilean Gàidhlig do Phàrantan agus Sgilean Cànain do dh’Fhileantaich.Cuideachd, thèid barrachd luchd-oide fhastadh ann an tuilleadh choimhearsnachdan gus ionnsachadh cànain a stèidheachadh ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh nan Eilean.  Mar sin, thathar a’ sireadh taic gus barrachd oidean coimhearsnachd fhastadh agus a thrèanadh. Leanaidh clasaichean air-loidhne cuideachd don fheadhainn leis an fheàrr an dòigh-ionnsachaidh seo no a tha a’ fuireach ann an coimhearsnachdan far nach eil iarrtas gu leòr ann airson clas a stèidheachadh.
05/06/2024 £4,000
UHI A TUATH, AN IAR IS INNSE GALL SIRFA is run inpartnership with local authority archaeologists at Comhairle nan EileanSiar, Orkney Islands Council and Shetland Amenity Trust, supported by theSociety of Antiquaries of Scotland and funded by Historic Environment forScotland. The final output, to be published online as part of the nationalframework ScARF, will establish key research gaps and researchquestions for archaeologists working across Scotland’s islands. Theproject has been structured around symposia events in eacharchipelago, providing opportunities for local stakeholders to contribute tothe framework alongside researchers and the wider heritage sector. Crucially, the project been coordinated in the islands, for theislands and with island communities as key stakeholders. For the OuterHebrides, a key outcome of local consultation was a clear message fromHebridean communities that Gaelic language, culture and heritage need tobe better acknowledge and understood by archaeological researchers, and adesire for Gaelic to be embedded in the framework, includedand fully acknowledged as a research tool, incorporated into the researchgaps and questions for the region. Consequently, the framework formally identifiesinterdisciplinary Gaelic and archaeological research as a keyresearch gap and highlights research questions relating to the islands’ Gaelicheritage.To further our inclusion and acknowledgement of Gaelic in thisimportant document, we are applying for additional project funds from BnGto  commission: - Gaelic translations for key sections ofthe Outer Hebrides Framework - A best practice guide on how to use Gaelicplace and sites name in archaeological research. - A list of Gaelic resources for archaeological researchers Making Gaelic highly visible in the published framework andencouraging the inclusion of Gaelic in archaeological research will benefitGaelic speaking communities across Scotland as well as enriching andenhancing archaeological research for all audiences.
05/06/2024 £1,200
UHI A TUATH, AN IAR IS INNSE GALL As Lews Castle College UHI and UHI Outer Hebrides, we have previously delivered a mentoring scheme for advanced learners of Gaelic.  The pilot scheme, in 2016-17, was run in conjunction with CnES, and started off with ten mentors and mentees.  A subsequent project in 2019-20 was adversely affected by lockdown, and subsequent complications arising from Covid restrictions, but an extension was granted and four mentees completed the programme.As a result of the merger of UHI North Highland, UHI West Highland and UHI Outer Hebrides to form UHI North, West and Hebrides, we now have an opportunity to expand the mentoring scheme to a much wider area.  As part of the UHI NWH Gaelic Plan, we have committed to enable and encourage the usage of Gaelic throughout the region.  Our strategic priorities include expanding Gaelic learning and usage, and supporting and encouraging latent speakers/adult returners to fluency, and the mentoring scheme will support these aims.  It will act as a confidence-builder both for learners of Gaelic and latent speakers, while encouraging use of Gaelic outside of a classroom setting.
05/06/2024 £2,450
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS Là Fèis – we hope to organise a day of activities which celebrate Scottish music and culture with activities. This would be a joint venture between Angus Council and Comann nam Pàrant Aonghais (set up in February 2023). This small group of parents has organised an event each term for families with children in GME (or who will be going into GME) since then. We would like to build on this momentum by planning a larger scale one day Fèis event jointly with ourselves i.e. Angus Council, which will be really exciting for children, and will provide another opportunity for families to create links with other people in the Gaelic community (local families, families from Gaelic medium classes in other areas e.g. Aberdeen, adult learners). We are particularly aiming to appeal to older primary aged children and children in secondary school as numbers have been low from this age group at previous events.It is proposed that there will be 7 tutors (5 running  5 sessions each, 2 running 2 sessions) catering for 4 age groups from babies to adults. Activities may include Games or crafts in Gaelic, clàrsach, fiddle, Gaelic singing. We would endeavour to use tutors who are fluent in Gaelic.We are proposing to follow this up with having a coffee and cake session in a local hall, with singing and fiddle music.
05/06/2024 £20,000
TAIGHEAN-TASGAIDH NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA The Scottish collections of National Museums Scotland strongly reflect the material heritage of the Gàidhealtachd, and many of what came to be perceived as the ‘national treasures’ originated there. The collecting and interpretation of these objects within a national story has had a disproportionate impact in shaping what is popularly understood to be the distinctive material history of Scotland. And yet, this national view was developed in material research that was detached from Gaelic scholarship, which was historically more focused on literature and folklore, and sometimes also disconnected from the Gaelic language and worldview.We will reappraise these collections, within the context of Gaelic language, communities, and culture.  We will engage a freelance researcher who will undertake a review of key objects from the Gàidhealtachd – with an emphasis on material dating from the eighteenth century onward, as well as late medieval collections. Gaelic knowledge and language will be reintegrated into our records, via detailed research and community workshops. In so doing, the project will help ensure our collections are representative of Gaelic culture and communities.The project will increase the profile of Gaelic in the context of Scotland’s history and culture and provide opportunities for using and developing Gaelic through knowledge exchange workshops in the community. We will reinforce Gaelic as an integral part of Scotland’s heritage and encourage wider understanding and appreciation among our visitors via displays and digital media channels. Our audiences, the Gaelic communities of Skye and Lewis, together with project partners will all directly benefit.
05/06/2024 £16,250
LEABHARLANN NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA To cement a soon-to-be-launched Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Library of Scotland and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and to further the delivery of our Gaelic Language Plans, we are seeking funding for a series of student internships and staff placements.This project will offer students from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig  paid internships at NLS, providing practical experience in a professional setting in delivering Gaelic public programming and in promoting the use of Gaelic. Joining the public programmes team, they will input into the planning of our Gaelic programming and gain hands-on experience of delivering community events, curating a display of Gaelic books and producing digital Gaelic content.  They will meet curators and have access to the Library’s wide-ranging Gaelic collections, including film, sound, maps and manuscripts. They will be supported and encouraged to explore this material, learning and understanding how to create engaging interpretation to share on digital platforms and public events.  They will also advise on and help plan the Library’s participation in the Mòd and/or World Gaelic Week.  Networking and inputting into planning will be a key feature, participating in meetings with Library staff and the Capital Gaelic network.  As the Library is currently developing its next five-year strategy they will also have opportunities to feed into its development from a Gaelic perspective. We want the project to be an exchange so Library Collections staff will also visit Sabhal Mòr Ostaig  to both work with students there and learn from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig  collections and outreach colleagues.
05/06/2024 £4,000
COILLTEARACHD AGUS FEARANN ALBA We will promote free online learning resources to staff but would also like to provide other relevant learning opportunities that emphasise the connection between Gaelic and the environment in the context of the land we manage and the work we do.  Project Description:Commencing this financial year we want to provide an introductory Gaelic awareness learning opportunity for staff focused around place names and Gaelic in the Landscape.  The course will be delivered by an external provider bespoke to FLS requirements - we are currently working to procure a external provider.Who will benefit:Staff across FLS where Gaelic is relevant to their work.  This is a 'wide net' as it will include staff who engage with the public as well as national and regional office based staff involved in managing the land.  Numbers will be confirmed via a Gaelic Capacity Audit to be carried out in May/June 24What we hope to achieve:  • Support re-establishment of Gaelic relevant learning opportunities in FLS • Emphasise the connection between Gaelic and the environment in the context of the land we manage and the work we do  • Develop Gaelic skills internally which will in turn help staff in the promotion of Gaelic externally and normalisation of Gaelic• Support delivery of the aims of our GLP 
05/06/2024 £16,260
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD RINN FRIù AN EAR Our intention is to create a shared Gaelic Development Officer post for East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire, at 0.5FTE in each authority.  This role will focus on the key priorities of increasing the use of Gaelic, increasing the learning of Gaelic and promoting a positive image of Gaelic in line with the national Gaelic Language Plan.This role will present an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to work with colleagues across a range of Council services to meet the aims of our respective Gaelic Language Plans.  We believe the creation of this post and an officer dedicated to taking forward the actions within our Gaelic Language Plans will lead to more strategic and sustainable approaches to improving outcomes for Gaelic across our Council communities, where we have a history of collaborating to support Gaelic.The successful candidate for this position will focus on delivering the aims of East Renfrewshire's Gaelic Language Plans in a variety of ways including: • sourcing/providing opportunities to learn Gaelic for staff, families and wider communities in partnership with Council Services and external organisations• sourcing/providing training for those who are keen to deliver Gaelic as L3• raising awareness of existing opportunities to access Gaelic learning across including promoting our G.M.E provisions, organising and delivering a programme of events for children, families and learners and highlighting services offered by both Council departments and partners• undertaking ongoing consultation with all relevant parties to ensure our work is informed by the views of our staff, pupils and the communities we serve• liaising with school-based staff to support school and community activities aimed at increasing the uptake of GMPS, which is newly established in East Renfrewshire.
07/05/2024 £30,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cumail taic ri tidsear gus cùrsa bogaidh Ghàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh dreuchd ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting a teacher to take a Gaelic immersion course working towards a position in Gaelic-medium education
07/05/2024 £45,000
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' cumail taic ri tidsear gus cùrsa bogaidh Ghàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh dreuchd ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting a teacher to take a Gaelic immersion course working towards a position in Gaelic-medium education
26/04/2024 £17,737
THE SHIELING PROJECT A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de chùrsaichean is clasaichean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a' leasachadh is lìbhrigeadh tro obair na buidhne air a' bhlàr-a-muigh / Hiring an officer to develop and deliver a series of outdoor courses and classes through the medium of Gaelic
26/04/2024 £4,387
TAIGH CHEARSABHAGH A' fastadh Manaidsear Gàidhlig agus Conaltraidh agus Cuidiche-Conaltraidh Gàidhlig
26/04/2024 £8,160
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR Bhiodh an grant gu h-iomlann air a chleachdadh son Aonghas Moireach (Manaidsear pròiseact Druim nan Linntean/The Skye Ecomuseum) a chumail na dhreuchd airson bliadhna eile gus pròiseactan le Gàidhlig mar phrìomhachas a leasachadh agus a lìbhrigeadh.
26/04/2024 £10,027
AN TAIGH CèILIDH An Taigh Cèilidh is a Gaelic community and cultural centre based in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis. As a social enterprise, An Taigh Cèilidh operates as a commercial business generating income to support its social impact objectives. The business includes coffee shop, gift shop, book shop, and ticketed events, while the social impact is to foster a place of cultural expression, transmission, and maintenance, which will address issues such as language shift and social isolation. The Centre Manager is responsible for managing An Taigh Cèilidh operations, and provides leadership in strategic and operational planning. The manager leads the development of initiatives, and improvements for effective delivery of programmes and services. The manager also drives the development of procedures, standards, and risk management frameworks to ensure quality events, services, staff well-being, and delivery of social impact objectives. The manager oversees staff professional development and manpower requirements for An Taigh Cèilidh.
26/04/2024 £9,222
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH NIS CEN is seeking funding for continuation of the Community Archive Coordinator post.    The post holder has already added a wealth of bilingual material to the CEN website but there is still a lot of rich cultural information we would like to add. The postholder, a native Gaelic speaker,  is often the first point of contact people have with CEN.  She works closely with volunteers, mostly Gaelic speakers themselves, coordinating their ongoing assistance with the archive work.  The CEN archive provides opportunities for volunteers to engage in speaking and writing Gaelic as they assist with further research and digitising files. Visitors to the archive can hear the Gaelic language spoken at the heart of the community and  it makes an ideal environment for Gaelic learners.  The postholder also assists other CEN staff in delivering heritage related activities to service users along with a lunch and weekly telephone call in Gaelic.In-house publications such as our village booklets, Criomagan and other information booklets are produced by the postholder and she also creates all the Gaelic content for our social media channels and deals with the many enquiries we receive in regard to genealogy and local culture.She is also coordinating a major project on emigration which will run over 3 years from 2023-2025, working closely with local people, researching those who emigrated from the north Lewis area, where they went and what they did.
26/04/2024 £5,580
SEALL - SKYE EVENTS FOR ALL A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ris na h-ealain Gàidhlig air an Eilean Sgitheanaich / Hiring an officer to support Gaelic arts on Skye
26/04/2024 £4,412
URRAS CEANN A TUATH NA HEARADH Tha Urras Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh airson seirbheis mhaoir-dhùthcha Ghàidhlig a chumail a' dol sa sgìre. Cuiridh am maor-dùthcha cuairtean, òraidean,cothroman airson saor-thoilich ’s eile air dòigh, agus bheir e taic ri pròiseactan is tachartasan ionadail eile, mar eisimpleir sna sgoiltean. Bidh am maor-dùthcha a’ cur an cèill agus a’ mìneachadh dualchas agus dùthchas na Hearadh.Tha am maor-dùthcha againn ag obair gu dlùth leis a’ choimhearsnachd fad na bliadhna. Tha Gàidhlig fhathast an teis meadhan beatha làitheil na Hearadh, agus obraichidh am maor-dùthcha cuide ri sgoiltean agus muinntir an àite a h-uile latha. Bidh e a' cur fàilte air muinntir an àite san oifis againn, agus a' cur air dòigh tachartasan dhan luchd-tadhail agus dhan coimhearsnachd. Bidh e cuideachd a' cuideachadh buidhnean mar oileanaich agus Comunn na Gàidhlig nuair a chuireas iadsan tachartasan air dòigh san eilean. Bidh e na amas dha gun tèid daoine anns a’ choimhearsneachd a-mach air an dùthaich mun cuairt oirnn beagan a bharrachd, agus gun tog daoine ceanglaichean ùra leis an dùthchas aca tron Ghàidhlig. Bu toil leinn an suidheachadh seo a bhrosnachadh agus a leudachadh.Air a' cheann thall, tha am maor-dùthcha a' cruthachadh bileagan, a' sgrìobhadh sanasan, agus a' dèiligeadh ri na meadhanan. Tha Gàidhlig air a bhith gu h-àraidh cudromach dhan obair oir chaidh tòrr dhiubh seo an dèanamh tro meadhan na Gàidhlig, agus tha sinn an dùil gun tachair barrachd sa chànan an 2023-24.
26/04/2024 £6,301
FC SONAS FC Sonas is applying in partnership with the ICT Community trust for a Football development officer to operate and deliver Football based activity through the medium of Gaelic from the new Community Football Hub facility in Inverness. Located directly adjacent to Sgoil Àraich, Bun-Sgoil Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis and the Inverness Royal Academy the potential for the development of  grassroots and football pathways through the medium of Gaelic for the local community is vast.Forming a inspirational base for not only children and young people but also for multigenerational football activities such as: walking football, disability football, 5-a-side etc. Furthermore, this officer will support Inverness Caledonian Thistle as the club seeks to embrace the Gaelic language and culture as part of their identity, becoming the first ever professional football club to commit to writing a voluntary Gaelic language plan to ensure accountability. Lastly, this position will be responsible for the overall operation and growth of FC Sonas as an independent organisation, nationally and internationally,  that seeks to harness the power of football to establish a pyramid system of new opportunities through the medium of Gaelic. 
26/04/2024 £10,438
URRAS CHILLE MHOIRE A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de chlasaichean is tachartasan a chur air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dhaoine de gach aois / Hiring an officer to arrange a series of classes and events through the medium of Gaelic for those of all ages
26/04/2024 £13,644
EDEN COURT A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ri iomairtean is tachartasan an lùib cur an gnìomh plana Gàidhlig na buidhne / Hiring an officer to support the campaigns and activities involved in the organisation's Gaelic language plan
26/04/2024 £2,647
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de thachartasan is cothroman còmhraidh a chur air dòigh / Hiring an officer to arrange a series of events and conversation opportunities
26/04/2024 £7,562
CNOC SOILLEIR 1.      To move Lead Officer for CS Ltd with overall responsibility of managing legal and financial obligations of both the company and charity, with direct responsibility reporting to the board. from Implementation to Operations team.2. This reflects one the outcome of the transition from implementation to operations and also ensures that lead officer responsibility sits with the Gaelic speaking operations team. 3.      This is facilitated by an uplift in the current centre co-ordinator role to Centre Manager and a continuation of a realigned Communications and Administration Role to work alongside the centre manager to manage the building and develop the objectives and goals within the vision of the business plan, with an emphasis on strong Gaelic Communications within the building, locally in the community and outwith both nationally and internationally.4.      Both posts are currently filled with individuals with fluent day to day spoken and written Gaelic and this proposal supports their personal development and retains and enhances two posts embedded in the community.
26/04/2024 £2,548
COMANN COIMHEARSNACHD CHàRLABHAIGH A' fastadh oifigear gus plana Ghàidhlig sgrìobhadh dhan bhuidheann is Gàidhlig àbhaisteachadh tro obair an ionad choimhearsnachd / Hiring an officer to write a Gaelic plan for the organisation and to normalise Gaelic within the work of the community centre
26/04/2024 £2,661
CULTURE, HERITAGE AND ARTS ASSEMBLY ARGYLL AND ISLES (CHARTS) The post will build on work to date and deliver on the Gaelic Culture Strategy for Argyll and Bute, currentlyvbeing developed in collaboration with Argyll and Bute Council. This will continue to embed Gaelic services across the region via the CHARTS cultural network and potentially contribute to a Cultural Strategy for Argyll and Bute during 2024.
26/04/2024 £5,096
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' cumail taic ri Mòdan ionadail air feadh na dùthcha / Supporting local Mòds across the country
26/04/2024 £3,279
FèIS ROIS A' fastadh oifigear Gàidhlig gus obair Gàidhlig na buidhne a chur an gnìomh / Hiring a Gaelic officer to implement the organisation's Gaelic work
26/04/2024 £3,151
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN Bidh an Co-òrdanaiche Foghlaim ag obair còmhla ri buill eile de sgioba CNL, agus le riochdairean bhuidhnean eile, gus amasan na Roi-innleachd Leughaidh a thoirt air adhart, agus gus taic a chumail ri Leugh is Seinn le Linda, cùrsaichean sgilean sgrìobhaidh agus eileamaidean eile den phrògram againn.Prìomh amasan obrach(amasan 1 gu 4 ma tha iad ag obair pàirt-ùine, amasan 1 gu 6 airson obair làn-ùine)1.       Iomairtean Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean, agus iomairtean ann an compàirteachas le diofar bhuidhnean eile, a co-òrdanachadh gus amasan na Roi-innleachd Leughaidh a thoirt gu buil.2.       Dàimhean a thogail leis na leughadairean a leanas:·       buidhnean leughaidh, buidhnean ionnsachaidh inbheach agus buidhnean coimhearsnachd eile·       sgoiltean agus tidsearan·       buidhnean pàrant-is-pàiste, croileagan, luchd-lìbhrigidh Bookbug agus daoine eile ag obair le clann fo aois sgoil3.       Rianachd a cho-òrdanachadh airson Leugh is Seinn le Linda, a’ conaltradh le sgoiltean is buidhnean eile, a’ cur sheiseanan air dòigh agus cumail smachd air a’ chlàr-ama, buidseat agus teachd-a-steach.4.       Cothroman a lorg a bhith a’ reic leabhraichean aig tachartasan fo amasan 1, 2 agus 3 gu h-àrd.Agus ma tha an neach seo ag obair làn-ùine:5.       Cursaichean sgilean sgrìobhaidh (cùrsaichean Ruairidh MhicIlleathain) a shanasachadh gu margaidhean ùra, gu h-àraid tidsearan gus ùghdarrasan ionadail.6.       Rannsachadh a dhèanamh am measg nan diofar bhuidhnean gu h-àrd gus beachdan a thrusadh air cleachdaidhean leughaidh, dè tha a’ còrdadh ri daoine agus dè tha a dhìth orra.A rèir nan diofar sgilean agus neartan pearsanta a bhiodh aig gach tagraiche, is dòcha gun gabhadh na h-amasan seo atharrachadh.Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh san tionndadh den tuairisgeul obrach a tha an cois nam pàipearan taic. 
22/03/2024 £11,000
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE Iomain Cholmcille XV.  'S e seo an coigeamh ruith deug den cho-fharpais agus tha sinn ag amas air an fharpais a chumail ann an Siabost, dachaigh Chamanachd Leòdhais airson a' chiad uair. Bidh farpais fad latha ann leis na riaghailtean co-rèitichie eadar sia sgiobaidhean iomain bho Eirinn is Alba, fir agus boireannaich. Bidh farpais òigridh do chloinn Ghàidhlig anns na h-Eileanan Siar a' tachairt cuideachd agus cuirmean agus seirbhisean Gàidhlig a'dol Dihaoine, Disathairne agus Didòmhnaich. Bidh Taisbeanadh sònraichte de dhealbhan Iomain - An-diugh, An-dè, A-màireach le Izzy Law mar phàirt dheth cuideachd. Bidh an tachartas cliùiteach Ceilteach a'dol air adhart aig cridhe coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig anns na h-Eileanan an Iar. 'S e seo an tachartas spòrs as cudromaiche is as cliùitiche a chaidh a chumail riamh ann an Innse Gall. Bidh sinn an dùil gun toir e spionnadh do choimhearnsachdan Gàidhlig anns na h-Eileanan an cànan a leasachadh tro spòrs. Bheir e buannachd mhòr dhan choimhearsnachd sa bheil e ga chluich, le buaidh air cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ann an spòrs anns na h-Eileanan an Iar mar amas againn. Bidh e cuideachd na bhuannachd mhòr do choimhearsnachdan is lìonraidhean Gàidhealach ann an saoghal na h-iomain ann an Èirinn is Alba, a' cruthachadh, a' leasachadh agus a' neartachadh cheanglaichean is càirdeas taobh a-staigh agus eadar an dà dhùthaich. Cuiridh sinn air dòigh cothroman coinneachaidh eadar oifigearan Gàidhlig is Gaeilge mar phàirt dheth. Bheir e buaidh eaconamach 50k do choimhearsnachd Ghàidhealach.
22/03/2024 £8,500
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL Following a very successful cultural exchange project delivered in partnership with Údarás na Gaeltachta in 2023/24, we are seeking support to continue our Turas project which will give up to twelve Gaelic speaking musicians aged between 14 and 16 the opportunity to participate in a unique cultural experience.  As before, Turas will not include any element of formal performance, therefore reducing the pressure on participants, allowing them the space to develop their skills, explore their shared heritage and culture in a relaxed an meaningful way.  The aim of the project is to connect young Gaelic speakers with their peer group in Ireland, enhancing their language skills and their understanding and appreciation of each others communities and culture. 
22/03/2024 £8,000
EALAIN IS CULTAR TRAIDISEANTA ALBA The Òrain is Sgeulachdan na Fèinne project is a trilingual, multidisciplinary, traditional arts project which aims to share the songs and stories of the Fianna in an accessible way with a modern day audience.  The Finn Cycle stories and songs have been passed down through generations with some collected as field recordings by the School of Scottish Studies in the 1950s and 1960s, while others were preserved in printed collections in Scotland and Ireland, although few still survive in modern oral tradition.  The stories and songs are not as well known in Scotland in the present day as they are in Ireland, and this project aims to highlight the riches of the shared Gaelic traditions to a wider audience, in Scotland, Ireland and further afield. This is a continuing project involving collaboration between three Gaelic speaking artists and two Gaeilge speaking artists who have been studying the songs and stories of the Fianna together for the past two years and who have created an hour long trilingual performance of some of this material, entitled An Ceòl air Feadh na Fèinne. We would like to take the An Ceòl air Feadh na Fèinne performance on tour to some of the Gaelic speaking communities in the Scottish islands.  As part of the tour, the group will also hold workshops in Gaelic medium schools, further exploring and sharing the songs, stories, languages and resources with students of different ages. We aim to highlight the importance of these songs and stories in the shared Gaelic traditions of Scotland and Ireland and to bring them back to Gaelic speaking communities in their languages of origin.  The performance and workshops will be trilingual, and as such are also accessible to people who do not speak Gaelic or Gaeilge and therefore may be unaware of this shared Finn tradition of songs and stories. We also aim to explore the similarities and difference between the Scottish and Irish Gaelic languages, and to enable the Scottish Gaelic speaking communities to accses the songs and stories through the medium of Gaeilge, as well as Gaelic.
22/03/2024 £5,750
ALBA PC The International Pan Celtic Festival takes place annually in Ireland. The high-profile festival provides is well recognised as the premier international platform providing the ability to showcase the language, culture an artistic talent of six Celtic countries including Ireland and Scotland. The festival includes workshops, competitions, showcase events, exhibitions, language and literature promotion events amongst a number of other programme events. This project supports and facilitates the participation of representatives who are fluent Gaelic speakers attending and participating at the festival to ensure that Scotland is well represented and has the ability to compete in the international competitions; take part in the programme events; host introductory and participatory workshops in Gaelic and exhibition events promoting and showcasing other Gaelic language and cultural events. We are seeking support for Gaelic speaking attendees at the festival to be held this year for a second year-in-a-row in Carlow Town, Co. Carlow from Tuesday 2nd April to Sunday 7th April 2024. The project will include the delivery of a series of workshops and performances throughout the week. This will be the 50th anniversary of the festival with a particular focus on the contribution of each of the Celtic nations, their language, culture, music and song. It is hugely important to ensure that Alba is well represented at the 50th anniversary festival given its participation at every year since the early years of the festival. Representation from Alba over the years has achieved considerable success with Na h-Òganaich being one of the first international groups participating, and winning, in the early 1970s. It is hoped to have representation from Na h-Òganaich as part of the Alba participation at this years’ festival. Throughout the 5-day festival, building on the success of the representation from the Pan Celtic Alba team in 2023, our representatives will host and facilitate workshops in their own speciality including Gaelic song - comparing Scottish & Irish Gaelic songs; language - a taster session touching on the similarities and differences between Scottish & Irish Gaelic; Highland & Ceilidh Dance - an in depth look at the stories behind the dances and comparing to Irish dance; Place-names and Poetry. Daily music sessions will take place sharing stories, songs and tunes. In partnership with An Comunn Gaidhealach, the project this year will facilitate the attendance of Traditional Gold Medallists – the premier award for singing in the traditional style of Gaelic singing at the Royal National Mòd. They will represent Scotland in competition. At the end of the week, a daytime ceilidh with Gaelic and Irish artistes will take place showcasing our shared culture. Alba will host the final night of the festival on Saturday of the festival week. The artistes travelling to the Pan Celtic Festival 2024 will develop their performance skills through various events from intimate gatherings to well attended concert halls and competition venues. This will be beneficial as they learn to adapt to the different types of performance required, gaining confidence and experience. The project aims to continue the legacy of promoting and strengthening Scotland’s place within the Celtic nations through language, culture, music and song. The host nation of Ireland has a strong international bond with Scotland. The project will deliver events shared between the nations that will showcase the strength of bond and the close linguistic relationship that exists between the two nations at the festival. The project will provide opportunity for information exchange amongst the nations and the encouragement of Inter-Celtic tourism, trade and commerce.
22/03/2024 £5,500
SRADAG PRODUCTIONS We are applying for funding to research, develop, record and promote the third series of ‘A-nunn ‘s anall’ - a bilingual and biweekly podcast series, presented by Joy Dunlop and Edel Nì Churraoin, through the medium of Scottish and Irish Gaelic. In this series, the duo will build the success of the first two series and discuss a range of issues appropriate to modern language speakers – from cultural identity, to modern day social etiquette and in particular, language transference in a digital world. Whilst both Joy and Edel are fluent in their own language, they are still learning each other’s and through the podcast, they explore the trials and tribulations of this particular language navigation - without turning to English. The aim of the project is to promote, strengthen and develop the language communities of both Scotland and Ireland, whilst also bringing progressive, new audiences to our native cultures. It is free and available online to a global audience, although the podcast particularly targets the 18-35 age group. Often these adults are the missed generation in language revitalisation projects and a podcast is a quick and simple way for them to access material relevant to them; particularly as it’s utilising a resource that most already use. Joy and Edel would like to extend the podcast by creating eight further episodes; with a specific subjects for each one, featuring a range of Gàidhlig and Irish speaking guests. They would also like to create a strategic marketing plan for these episodes, and produce a suite of bilingual (Gàidhlig and Gaeilge) or possibly, trilingual (Gàidhlig, Gaeilge and English) materials to support this. In addition to these 8 episodes, they are hoping to produce two extra stand-alone episodes about their summer language learning experiences. (Joy in Gleann Colm Cille learning undertaking an Irish course through Oideas Gael, and Edel in the Isle of Skye learning Gaelic at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig). This will be separately funded.
22/03/2024 £5,500
MONIACK MHòR (Renamed to Co-chànan/ Comhtheanga)Deirfiúr/Piuthar is a hybrid digital/physical residency for a published Irish Gaelic writer and a published Scottish Gaelic writer, working in poetry, fiction, non-fiction, playwriting or songwriting.  The selected writers will come together to share their work and discuss their creative practice, language, and culture, to enrich each other’s practice, explore new perspectives on their sister languages, and to engage with Irish and Gaelic speaking communities through a series of events. They will also benefit from sharing residency space with writers from Ukraine and Scotland who are focusing on translation practice, a New Zealand writer working on the theme of coasts and islands, and Moniack Mhor’s Jessie Kesson Fellow.The writers will be invited to meet online prior to the physical residency in September 2024, to share their work and explore collaborative themes that they will then build on and develop into a joint-workshop and two public events around the 2-week residency at Moniack Mhor.The writers would facilitate the following engagement programme:·      A joint workshop for Gaelic speaking young people from a Highland school, with an equivalent group of Irish speaking young people in Ireland joining the workshop via Zoom.·      Participate in a live public reading event at Moniack Mhor with the international writers-in-residence.·      Deliver an online reading/discussion event following the physical residency to audiences in Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic communities. This event will be ticketed on a pay-as-you-can basis to allow greater access.The selection process for the writers will be by application, with Bórd na Gàidhlig and Foras na Gaeilge invited to the judging panel.
22/03/2024 £5,000
ÀRD-SGOIL PHORT RìGH Airson a' phròiseact seo, thèid sgoilearan bho Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh a Gaelcholáiste Dhoire ann an Èirinn a tuath, far an coinnich iad ri daoine òga Gaeilge agus a ghabhas iad pàirt ann an tachartasan cultarail. Bidh prìomhachas ga thoirt dha sgoilearan a chluicheas ionnsramaidean ciùil airson 's gum bi cothrom aca cluich leis na sgoilearan Gaeilge.  Gabhaidh 10-12 sgoilear pàirt, a mhòr-chuid bho ÀS2/ÀS3 ach bidh cothrom airson dithis neo triùir nas sìne a ghabhail pàirt gus cuideachadh a thoirt dhan sgoilearan nas òige. Tha mi an dòchas gum bi seo a' toiseachadh ceangal màireannach eadarainn agus gum bi cothrom dha na sgoilearan bho Doire a' tighinn dhan Eilean Sgitheanach.  Tha sinn air a bhith air strì bhon àm Covid, le bhith feuchainn ri na sgoilearan a bhrosnachadh leis an Gàidhlig agus, gu mì-fhortanach, tha a' mhòr chuid dhiubh fhathast a' cleachdadh a' Bheurla còmhla ri chèile cha mhòr fad na h-ùine. Ach tha ùidh mhòr aig feadhainn ann an ceòl tradiseanta, iomain, agus an cultar Gàidhlig, is mar sin, tha sinn an dòchas gur e slighe a-steach a th' ann an sin. Sa chiad dol a-mach, bheireadh an turas seo cothrom do na sgoilearan a' Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn ri chèile fad seachdainn slàn agus an dàimh ri chèile a neartachadh sa Ghàidhlig. A bharrachd air sin, bhiodh cothrom aca faicinn sgoilearan eile dà-chànanach, agus ciamar a tha iadsan a' cleachadh an cànain. 
22/03/2024 £1,720
IONAD GàIDHLIG DHùN ÈIDEANN Tha sinn airson seiminear fiosrachaidh a chur air dòigh a shealltainn don choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann sealladh fhaighinn air mar a tha mòr-ionadan Gàidhlig/Gaeilge ag obair ann an àiteachan eile. Chluinneamaid bho riochdairean ionad Gaeilge ann an Èirinn a Tuath (Aonach Mhacha, tha sinn an dòchas), Cultarlann Inbhir Nis agus An Lòchran ann an Glaschu. Chuidicheadh an tachartas sinn ann a bhith a' brosnachadh buill de choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann a bhith a' smaoineachadh gu fiosrach agus gu tuigseach mu na cothroman a th' againn mòr-ionad a stèidheachadh ann an Dùn Èideann, agus cuideachd mu na diofar dhùbhlan a bhiodh romhainn. Bhiodh an tachartas feumail cuideachd ann a bhith a' brosnachadh dhaoine gus pàirt a ghabhail anns an t-suirbhidh coimhearsnachd a tha sinn an dùil sgaoileadh anns an Ògmhios 2024 air prìomhachasan dhan ionad a tha fa-near dhuinn ann an Dùn Èideann. 'S e tachartas aon fheasgair a tha fa-near dhuinn, mu 3 uairean a thìde, agus tha sinn an dòchas gun tig mu 25-40 daoine ga fhrithealadh. Tha e follaiseach gu bheil Èirinn (agus gu h-àraidh Èirinn a Tuath) fada air thoiseach air Alba ann a bhith a' stèidheachadh mhòr-ionadan agus gu bheil tòrr ri ionnsachadh bhon fheadhainn a tha an sàs anns na cultarlannan thall. Bhiodh tabhartas bho sgeama Colmcille gu math iomchaidh airson iomlaid fiosrachaidh is eòlais mun obair leasachaidh seo a chur an gnìomh. Thèid na prìomh thaisbeanaidhean bho riochdairean nan diofar aonadan a thoirt seachad anns a' Ghaeilge/Ghàidhlig gu ìre mhòr mhòr, agus tha sinn an dùil gum bi a' mhòr-chuid den deasbad nan cois anns a' Ghàidhlig (agus gu ìre a' Ghaeilge) cuideachd. 
21/03/2024 £44,000
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH NIS A' fastadh oifigear gus plana Gàidhlig ionadail ullachadh airson sgìre Iar-Thuath Leòdhais / Hiring an officer to develop a local Gaelic plan for North-west Lewis
21/03/2024 £18,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' toirt seachad oideachadh ceòl, cultar is Gàidhlig do sgoilearan air thòiseach air Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2024 san Òbain / Providing music, culture and Gaelic tuition to pupils ahead of the 2024 Royal National Mòd in Oban
21/03/2024 £13,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur seachdain air dòigh gus teaghlaichean a thoirt còmhla gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh is ionnsachadh / Arranging a week of activities for families to use and learn Gaelic together
21/03/2024 £4,500
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur cùrsa air dòigh do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile gus fios a thoirt dhaibh a thaobh dreuchdan teagaisg Gàidhlig / Arranging a course for secondary school pupils to inform them about Gaelic teaching jobs
21/03/2024 £22,000
AN LòCHRAN A' cumail tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an ionad Gàidhlig an Lèanag ann an Glaschu / Holding Gaelic events in the An Lèanag Gaelic centre in Glasgow
07/03/2024 £300,000
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' dealbhachadh is deasachadh goireasan foghlaim Gàidhlig is a' cur taic ri leasachadh phroifeasanta do thidsearan / Designign and developing Gaelic education resources and supporting professional development for teachers
07/03/2024 £100,000
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig is a' ruith ionad is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Ìle / Delivering Gaelic classes and running a Gaelic centre and events in Islay
07/03/2024 £1,005,000
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri lìonra de dh' oifigearan Iomairt air feadh na dùthcha a bhios cur taic ri òigridh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh taobh a-muigh na sgoile, ann an suidheachaidhean spòrsail agus airson taic a chumail ri phàrantan a thaobh FtMG / Supporting a network of Iomairtean officers across the country that support young people to use Gaelic outside of school, in fun situations and to support parents in relation to GME
07/03/2024 £133,250
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' lìbhrigeadh am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2023 ann am Pàislig is cumail taic ri Mòdan ionadail air feadh na h-Alba / Delivering the Royal National Mòd 2023 in Paisley and supporting local Mòds across Scotland
07/03/2024 £230,000
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is seiseanan ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig tro Fèis Sgoil is deasachadh fèisean is tachartasan tro Fèis Blas is eile airson Gàidhlig a riochdachadh sna h-ealain tradiseanta / Delvering activities and sessions through the medium of Gaelic through Fèis Sgoil and producing festivals and events through Fèis Blas and others to represent Gaelic in the traditional arts
07/03/2024 £193,150
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn litreachais na Gàidhlig, a' toirt seachad tabhartasan airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig ullachadh/foillseachadh is a' cur tachartasan is iomairtean air dòigh airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig a mhargaidheachd / Providing strategic leadership for the Gaelic publishing sector, providing grants to develop/publish Gaelic books and arranging events and campaigns to market Gaelic books
07/03/2024 £85,560
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas is làrach-lìn mar stòr-dàta ùghdarrasach air ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an Alba / Developing a resource and website as an authoritative database of Gaelic place-names in Scotland
07/03/2024 £82,340
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leudachadh is foillseachadh innteartan ann am Faclair na Gàidhlig, faclair eachdraidheil de chànan na Gàidhlig / Expanding and publishing entries of Faclair na Gàidhlig, a historical dictionary of the Gaelic language
07/03/2024 £42,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas dualchais air-loidhne le clàraidhean fuaim is bhideo Gàidhlig is a' ruith tachartasan airson an goireas a bhrosnachadh / Developing the online heritage resources of Gaelic audio and video recordings and running events to promote the resources
07/03/2024 £80,000
CEòLAS UIBHIST A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Deas / Delivering Gaelic classes and events in South Uist
07/03/2024 £61,500
ACAIR A' foillseachadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig ùra aig sàr àrd-ìre / Publishing new high-quality Gaelic books
07/03/2024 £62,000
THEATRE GU LEòR A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn dràma na Gàidhlig is a' toirt seachad trèanadh is comhairle do luchd-ealain / Providing strategic leadership to the Gaelic drama sector and providing training and support to artists
21/02/2024 £9,000
GàIDHLIG DUMGAL Our audience continues to be adults taking their first steps in learning Gaelic or those wishing to improve existing skills. During 2024/26 we will continue to re-engage with our core learners and where possible attract new learners. • We will provide Gaelic language classes for adults across Dumfries and Galloway at both beginner and improver levels . (We are aware from our current work that no alternative provision exists locally.) • Relevance and familiarity with Gaelic will be improved through raising the profile of the language across Dumfries and Galloway. • We will develop the skills of our tutors and work towards increasing their number. • We will work in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council to support and enhance their Gaelic Language Plan. • We will work in partnership with the Robert Burns Film Centre Theatre to promote Gaelic language film. • We will continue to seek opportunities to promote Galloway’s Gaelic history working in partnership with the University of Glasgow and Dumfries and Galloway Council. • We will maintain our efforts towards a sustainable future for Gaelic learning for adults throughout the region.
21/02/2024 £8,500
FèIS GHàIDHLIG GHLASCHU Fèis Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu provides opportunities for young people and families from various backgrounds to participate in Gaelic language, music and culture events, fostering new connections, friendships and skills. We currently run two events annually – Fèis week and Fèis nan Deugairean. Costs across the board are increasing and we need additional support to build capacity at these events as well as offering more Gaelic language opportunities via a block of weekly sessions. Our Fèis week is four full days of tuition, culminating in a celebratory concert. Participants choose different options relating to traditional music, culture and song. We cater for a range of pupils by offering Sport, Art & Circus skills options as well. It’s mainly aimed at P1 – P7 pupils but we offer provision for children aged 0-5 through Fèis Bheag and try-out sessions for adults. In 2023 we ran a successful pilot of Fèis nan Deugairean in partnership with Glasgow Life. High school pupils took part in a weekend of tuition from established Gaelic musicians and attended gigs in the evening, enabling them to get an immersive experience of Celtic Connections. We are running this event again in 2024. With support from the fund, in 2024 and 2025, Feis Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu will also run an additional series of classes in September and October. These classes will be open to P4-P7 pupils and will be across three disciplines. To be confirmed, but probably Gaelic singing, Fiddle and Clarsach. For all of our events, we employ freelance tutors who deliver their sessions entirely through the medium of Gaelic, ensuring a high level of immersion outside of school hours. The events are open to pupils who are in Gaelic Medium education, with participants mainly coming from schools within Glasgow City Council. However, in 2023, we had several pupils coming from Glasgow’s surrounding council areas and further afield.
21/02/2024 £5,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH GLASCHU A DEAS The Gàidhlig san Dachaigh courses were established primarily to provide Gaelic education in support of parents and grandparents with children in Gaelic education. This is still a major aim but we now have a much wider range of adult students of all ages. Most people attend the classes in person but as we now provide a "Room and Zoom" model, a substantial number also attend online, (seven regularly and others as required). This has proved very beneficial to people who live further away, including two who live in England, and to those unable to attend in person due to ill-health, transport difficulties or care commitments. It provides a Gaelic connection with people who may otherwise not be able to keep up their language skills. We have several students with Highland connections or who were raised in Gaelic speaking environments who wish to reconnect with their roots. This is a highly motivated group, who make good progress with the language. The teaching covers not just grammar and conversation but also highlights many aspects of Gaelic history and culture. Students recognise that they gain more than language skills but also a real insight into an area of Scottish life that some of them previously had little awareness of.  Every year the students eagerly participate in individual research on a specific topic related to the language and/or culture, prepare a talk and present it to the other students. This has proven to be very worthwhile to each individual in terms of language knowledge and confidence and also benefits all students in all three classes as these project presentations are made available for all in both Gaelic and English. A list of all the projects presented in November 2023 is appended, together with the full text of three projects, one from each class. Our beginner group, in addition to attending classes, meet regularly in a local cafe to practise speaking Gaelic and our intermediate group set up a chat group to encourage one another in their learning. Our main aims are listed below: ·        Teaching Gaelic to adults in regular weekly classes ·        Involvement in and promotion of Gaelic cultural heritage ·        Raising awareness of the Gaelic language and culture through home and social                   contacts ·        Participating in Gaelic cultural events ·        Preparing and presenting aspects of Gaelic culture
21/02/2024 £6,000
ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND - ACTION ON DEMENTIA With the support of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, we have been delivering groups and activities for Gaelic speakers for three years now.  The project has been very successful in engaging Gaelic speakers from the West Highland area and beyond. The funding we have received so far has enabled us to developing our Gaelic Conversations online project and Gaelic events in the community.  We have been able to pay for experienced Gaelic speakers and musicians to engage with people through conversation, music and song.   We have already gained recognition by winning the Community Award at the Gaelic Awards in 2021 thanks to the support of our amazing Gaelic speakers. We want to keep up the momentum by engaging with people living with dementia and their carers, family and friends, including Gaelic primary schools; this has been a well-received option for people both online and in the community.  We are expanding our online presence with Alzheimer Scotland's Virtual Dementia Resource Centre starting in January 2024. This means that the online group will be much more widely available to Gaelic speakers who may no longer live in the Highlands and may be isolated from other speakers.   Our monthly event at the Cuillin HIlls Hotel is very popular and has been an excellent opportunity to engage people in the community for both Gaelic speakers and those with no knowledge of Gaelic.  By bringing these two groups together we have managed to bring Gaelic back into the community, giving the non Gaelic speakers the opportunity to hear the language and songs and experience the Gaelic culture and at the same time give the Gaelic speakers that are there an opportunity to see the language being used and take pride in their culture taking 'centre stage'. We also have just been given the opportunity to develop our in person Gaelic provision in the south end of the island by using a venue in An Acarsaid Care Home in Broadford.  With funding from Bòrd Na Gàidhlig we could have events with Gaelic conversation and song there that would benefit the Gaelic speaking residents of the home and also people in the wider community there. Our continued engagement with local schools to bring GME children along to the groups and encourage intergenerational use of the language in the community is an incredible opportunity for both people living with dementia and carers to share their knowledge and language with a younger generation and to offer the children more opportunities to speak Gaelic with native speakers in an organic setting.  
21/02/2024 £5,000
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL Tha sinn ag iarraidh prògram de thachartasan fad bliadhna a libhrigeadh aig Grinneabhat le Gàidhlig an teis mheadhan gach gnìomh, airson cothrom a thoirt do mhuinntir an àite leis a’ chànan bruidhinn ri cheile ann an suidheachadh spòrsail, agus cothrom don fheadhainn a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig cànan na coimhearsnachd a chluinntinn agus a chleachdadh.  Bidh feadhainn de na tachartasan a’ dol air adhairt gach seachdain, agus feadhainn eile gach mios.  Bidh cleasan ann airson gach aois agus gnìomhan eadar-ghinealach.  Tro theirm na sgoile tha sinn ag iarraidh leughadh agus cuideachadh obair-dachaigh a dhèanamh le cloinn bho aois sgoile agus suas gu C3, gu h-àraidh airson teaghlaich far nach eil Gàidhlig aig na pàrantan.  Bidh ar seann daoine a’ frithealadh rudan mar a’ mhadainn cofaidh agus ‘darns and yarns’, ach cuideachd oigridh aig amannan agus daoine a tha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig bhon sgìre agus luchd-turais.  Tha iomadh tachartas, bho bhuain na monadh gu cèilidhean, airson gach aois. Tha gnìomhan ann cuideachd a tha ag amas air luchd ionnsachaidh, mar chlasaichean Speak Gaelic agus Latha Bogaidh.  ’S e na prìomh dhaoine a bhios an sàs ann an lìbhrigeadh Gàidhlig aig Grinneabhat dìthis de na h-Urrasairean aig UCBA, Christine agus Catriona, agus an Iar-Mhanaisdear Peigi Ann.
21/02/2024 £8,300
BOTHAN DHùN ÈIDEANN Tha Bothan air cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh tro chuirmean ciùil/ ealain ann an Dùn Èideann airson 21 bliadhna le luchd-obrach saor-thoileach agus luchd-ealain pàighte, air àrd-ùrlaran taighean-seinnse ‘in-kind’. Bheir luchd-frithealaidh tabhartas de £7 (le roghainn faighinn a-steach an-asgaidh). Ann an 2024-2026, bidh sinn a’ cumail oirnn cha mhòr a h-uile mìos le cuirmean cudromach gu tur tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.   Ri linn ceannas ùr, fhuaras maoineachadh susbainteach bho Alba Chruthachail gus cuid de na cosgaisean eagrachaidh a chòmhdach. Mairidh am maoineachadh chun an fhoghair, agus aig an àm sin cuiridh sinn plana den aon seòrsa ri chèile a-rithist. Mar sin, ann an 2024, cuidichidh an Sgioba Co-òrdanachaidh pàighte ùr againn ar bòrd saor-thoileach gus na tachartasan mìosail a chur air dòigh. Bheir seo ùine don bhòrd a bhith ag obair air leasachadh Governance, com-pàirteachasan agus ‘smaointinn aonaichte’ (‘joined up thinking’) ann an co-theacs ceòl beò Dhùn Èideann agus saoghal na Gàidhlig.  Tha suidheachadh thaighean-seinnse duilich an-dràsta agus is dòcha gun lorg sinn àite ùr ann an 2024-26 no gun cruthaich sinn dòigh ùr air obrachadh le ionadan. Chì sinn gu bheil na Caley Sample Rooms càirdeil rinn; tha Comann Oileanaich Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann a’ tabhann àite dhuinn.  Tha ceannas Jeni Flannigan air a bhith glè chudromach bho 2022 agus bu mhath leinn a cumail - ged a tha i ag ràdh gun leig i dhith a dreuchd, a rèir a’ phròiseis àbhaistich, aig a’ Choinneamh Bhliadhnail as t-fhoghar. Tha Jeni air sealltainn gu bheil a dìlseachd san àite cheart: is i a-nis an aon neach sa phrìomh sgioba nach eil a’ faighinn pàigheadh, agus tha i an dùil a dhol air cùrsa bogaidh Ghlaschu an ath-bhliadhna. Bidh i a’ stiùireadh a h-uile càil (gach mìos) agus bha i deatamach airson na h-obrach com-pàirteachais a rinn sinn o chionn ghoirid le Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, An Comunn Gàidhealach agus Comann Tir nam Beann. Tha i dèanamh tòrr a bharrachd na cathraiche àbhaisteach. Bu mhath leinn a pàigheadh airson 5 uairean den ùine aice gach seachdain. Ma/nuair a dh’fhalbhas i, cleachdaidh sinn an t-airgead seo gus pàigheadh ge bith cò a thig gu bhith na phrìomh ‘line manager’.  Tha sealladh in-ghabhaltach againn air a’ Ghàidhlig - bidh sinn a’ toirt mòran bhuidhnean còmhla - agus, air an dòigh sin, tha mòran dhaoine a' faighinn buannachd: luchd-ciùil, luchd-ionnsachaidh, fileantaich, daoine aig a bheil ùidh ann an rannsachadh , eachdraidh dhùthchasach agus cruthachalachd, daoine òga a tha an sàs ann am foghlam tron Ghàidhlig, daoine le dualchas Gàidhealach, am BBC agus FilmG, agus luchd-tadhail eadar-nàiseanta. Anns an ath dhà bhliadhna nì sinn cinnteach gu bheil Bothan làn seasmhach agus na mhodail de in-ghabhaltachd, ùr-ghnàthachadh, agus deagh chleachdadh aig ìre nàiseanta. Tha sinn den bheachd gur e seo a tha riatanach airson prìomh bhaile na h-Alba agus gun neartaich e lìonraidhean air feadh na dùthcha.
21/02/2024 £4,000
AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH - MEUR INBHIR NIS Meur Inbhirnis is a voluntary, locally formed organisation, which is run independently, under the auspices of An Comunn Gaidhealach. The Meur's main priorities are to arrange and run a Local Inverness Provincial Mod (MOD Ionadail Inbhir Nis), and to encourage participation by children, and adults, in entering, and competing, in this event, which strongly promotes many aspects of our Gaelic heritage and culture.. Each participant has the opportunity to further their knowledge of our Gaelic language, music and song, and overall culture, through their initial learning phase, and at competition stage.  Last year, we achieved 436 entries, mostly children, and we anticipate entries increasing further, as we now move away from the restrictive Covid times, and as Schools open up/increase their Gaelic tuition times, supported through our Local Mod syllabus, which we would hope to distribute by mid-February. 
21/02/2024 £2,000
INVERCLYDE GAELIC LEARNERS GROUP The main aim of the group is to encourage the acquisition and use of the Gaelic language in the community of Inverclyde and beyond. We aim to assist adult (post 16) learners to achieve a working knowledge of the spoken language as well as gaining skills in reading and writing for those so interested. We encourage the attendance and participation in Gaelic cultural events and have focussed particularly on the unique Gaelic history of Inverclyde. 
21/02/2024 £1,500
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) We intend this project to reach communities around Glasgow’s GME establishments, including parents, grandparents and carers of children in GME, and also other learners in and around Glasgow who are at a more advanced level and for whom there are limited other opportunities available to develop their fluency. We will hold weekly Gaelic classes for adult learners, on-line and at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu, on Wednesday evenings. One class will be at Advanced level, focusing on Gaelic conversation and culture; this class will be held on-line. We will run an Intermediate class, focusing on grammar and vocabulary and based on Robertson and Taylor’s Gaelic: A Complete Course for Beginners, with the aim of recruiting new participants who have completed Beginners classes elsewhere. This class will be held at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Both classes will be conducted primarily in Gaelic but with some of the more technical points of grammar explained in English when required to aid understanding.  The classes aim to further develop and enrich learners' everyday, idiomatic Gaelic on their way to becoming a more proficient, natural-sounding and confident speaker.
21/02/2024 £10,000
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE Bidh Camanachd na h-Alba na phròiseact ioma-ghnìomhach thar-ghinealaich a bhios a' leasachadh Gàidhlig tro iomain ann an iomadh coimhearsnachd air feadh na h-Alba. Tro fharpaisean oigridh, cothroman coidsidh, tachartasan comhraidh, campaichean treanaidh agus clasaichean Gaidhlig a' sonrachadh air iomain, bidh na ceudan de dhaoine aig gach aois a' faighinn buannachd as a' Ghaidhlig. Gheibh iad misneachd, tlachd agus deagh shunnd is slainte bho bhith a' cur eolas air geama nan Gaidheal tro chanan nan Gaidheal. Bidh e a' neartachadh gu mor iomhaigh agus inbhe na Gaidhlig ann an saoghal na camanachd. Thig Gaidhlig beo tro iomain agus iomain beo tron Ghaidhlig.
21/02/2024 £5,000
CULTARLANN INBHIR NIS Tha Cultarlann Inbhir Nis gu bhith a' gluasad a-staigh gu ar dachaigh ùr, Eaglais an Ear, tràth ann an 2024. Nar dachaigh ùr, sa chiad dol a-mach tha sinn airson tachartas cunbhalach a stèidheachadh airson an coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig a thoirt còmhla. Bidh Cofaidh is Cabadaich a' tachairt feasgar Disathairne bho 2 - 4f dà thuras sa mhìos. Bidh an tachartas seo ag amas air fileantaich agus luchd-ionnsachaidh, sean is òg, a' toirt còmhla ann an àite cofhurtail far am bi Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn gu nàdarra. Tha sinn airson fastadh cuideigin òg (aois 18 - 26) airson ga chur air dòigh (le taic bhon bhòrd) gus cothrom a thoirt dhaibh an cuid Gàidhlig a' cur gu feum agus gus am bi daoine òga aig crìdhe na tha dol aig Cultarlann Inbhir Nis. Bidh srùpag is bonnaich ri fhaighinn, ceòl bho luchd-ciùil òga, òrain bhon Fonn Fonn Fonn (buidheann seinn Cultarlann), gnìomhan ealain agus sgeulachdan do chloinn (air a lìbhrigeadh le cuideigin òg), leabhraichean Gàidhlig ri cheannach, Scrabble Gàidhlig ri chluich is eile. Bidh luchd saor-thoilich a' toirt cuideachadh dhuinn, le cothrom do dh'inbhich a tha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig an cuid Gàidhlig a' cur gu feum. Tha buidheann againn mar thà a tha deiseil is deònach seo a dhèanamh dhuinn. Bidh an tachartas ag amas air a' chòimhearsnachd Gàidhlig a neartachadh, ceanglaichean a thogail eadar sean is òg, cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine òga an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh, cothrom a thoirt do luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig a bhrudhinn agus a chluinntinn ann an àrainneachd cofhurtail, taiceil. Tha sinn air tachartasan coltach ri seo a dhèanamh roimhe a bha gu math soirbheachail is tha sinn a-nis airson a' togail air seo agus barrachd dhaoine fhaighinn an-sàs ann. Chuir Iomairt Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis aig Comunn na Gàidhlig agus Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd taic thugainn le seo agus tha sinn uabhasach taingeil gu bheil iad deònach taic a chumail rinn le Cofaidh is Cabadaich bho thaobh cuideigin a bhith an làthair aig na tachartasan agus bho thaobh sanasachd. Cuideachd, tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal agus Fèis na h-Òige deònach cuideachadh a thoirt dhuinn luchd-ciùil òga a lorg. Bidh fàilte air a h-uile duine le ùidh sa Ghàidhlig aig na tachartasan seo. 
21/02/2024 £8,000
ÀRD-SGOIL GREENFAULDS Turas a bheir cothrom dha sgoilearan bho Comar-nan-Allt an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an suidheachadh bogaidh ann an coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig agus cothrom fhaighinn co-obrachadh le sgoilearan eile ann an sgìre air a' Ghaidhealtachd.  Cuiridh sinn seachad ceithir oidhcheanan gach bliadhna ann an ionad Flodigarry anns an Eilean Sgitheanach agus nì sinn ceangal leis an sgoil, Sabhal Mòrs Ostaig, agus a’ choimhearsnachd anns an sgìre. Bheir am pròiseact cothrom do 52 sgoilearan FMG an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh agus a leasachadh a-measg coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig. A bharrachd air ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn na sgìre, an cultar agus cothrom pàirt a ghabhail ann an spòrs taobh a-muigh, thathar an dòchas gum brosnaich an cùrsa na sgoilearan an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an dòigh nàdarra. Gheibh na h-inbhich a tha gu bhidh le na sgoilearan cothrom an sgilean Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh cuideachd.  Gach bliadhna gheibh dithis luchd-ionnsachaidh an cothrom a dhol ann agus gheibh iadsan cothrom an cuid Gàidhlig a thoirt air adhart le bhith am bogadh ann an suidheachadh far a bheil Gàidhlig ga cleachdadh fad an latha airson còig làithean.  Tha seo a’ cur ri plana leasachaidh an ùghdarras ionadail agus iad a’ tabhan barrachd chothroman don luchd-obrach gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh.
21/02/2024 £7,300
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH 100 Sheisean de Chlub Sradagan BSGPR a ruithe AGUS Dà Chuairt air falbh, gus na h-Amasan aig CnaG agus aig a) gu g) gu h-ìosal a choilionadh: a) àrainneachd sàbhailte is glan - a' leanntainn na riaghailtean a thaobh Dìon-Choinne agus priomhachas mun àrainneachd - a thoirt dhan òigridh far am faighear spòrs a-miugh is a-staigh + togail + brosnachadh + misneachd;   b) sgilean-chànain an òigridh a neartachadh, agus aire is pròis mun Ghàidhlig is mun dualchas a dheanamh nas làidire;  c) taic a chumail ri amasan BSGPR + ChnmPPR, ChnaG + BhnaG agus planaichean Gàidhlig nàiseanta iomchaidh a choilionadh aig an aon àm;  d) teaghlaichean + coimhearsnachd na sgoile a neartachadh;  e) inbhich is iùlaichean òga a bhrosnachadh sa chànain agus ann an dreuchdan oifigearan-leasachaidh, gus am bithear nas dealasaiche mun chànan agus nas comasaiche san dreuchd agus; f) teachd a-steach ceangailte ris a' Ghàidhlig a thathairnn air inbhich òga; g) planaichean nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a chur an gniomh tro spòrs agus dealas-chànain Cuin? Bho 1.4.24 gu 31.3.26 - Gach feasgar Dihaoine troimh teirm na sgoile, bho 1.00 f gu 3.30 f  Agus a thuilleadh air a sin, Air làithean eadar-dhealaichte tron saor-làithean (Càisg; Samhradh; Dàmhair) Cò dha? Sgoilearan BSGPR - Aois P4 gu P7 Càite? Aig BSGPR fhèin (a-muigh agus a-staigh, a' gabhail brath air am Mugga; raon-cluiche; goireasan gheamaichean is msaa) Cò bhuannaicheas? Na Stakeholders gu lèir (mar a lorgar aig a gu g gu h-àrd) Cia mheud seisean uile gu lèir? 50 gach bliadhna: 100 gu lèir, eadar dà bhliadhna Uairean-lìbhrigidh? Gach seisean - 2.5 x 100 = 250 uair ri thathairnn uile gu lèir thar dà bhliadhna Agus Dà Chuairt (fear gach samhradh) air Meanbh-bus gu Uibhist.  Freagraidh clàr-ama Dihaoine Chal Mac air seo, far am faighear 13 uair a thìde san latha.  Rinn sinn seo roimhe, agus chòrd e gu mòr ris an òigridh a bhith ann an àrainneachd eadar-dhealaichte.  Is e annas MGR a bh'ann a bhith ruithe air an tràigh agus dràibheadh tarsainn chabhsairean, is eòlas a chur air dualchas nàdar is chultaireil Uibhist.
21/02/2024 £9,000
LAIRG & DISTRICT LEARNING CENTRE Through Growing Gaelic we will provide opportunites for people to engage with, use and learn Gaelic in Sutherland.  The project will include:- • In person and online Gaelic classes for adults. • Intergenerational conversation sessions in communities across Sutherland. • Coisich is Cabadaich sessions enabling participants to use their Gaelic skills while participating in walks, engage with the local environment and support mental health and wellbeing. • Gaelic History & Archaeology sessions for adults that will introduce participants to the role Gaelic plays in the areas culture, heritage and identity. These are aimed at those who have no previous experience of Gaelic as a form of Gaelic awareness but are open to Gaelic speakers of all abilities too. • An Immersive Adult Learning Weekend in Lairg bringing participants who have participated in online sessions together to use their language skills on location in an immersive setting. These will be open to participants from across the wider Highlands as well as those residing in Sutherland.  Regular online classes also be open to participants from across the world, providing Gaelic learners with a unique opportunity to learn with Gaelic tutors and learners living in Scotland.  The project supports the National Gaelic Language Plan's aims to increasing Gaelic usage, increasing the learning of Gaelic and promoting a positive image of Gaelic. It also supports Highland Council's GLP commitment to provide opportunities to encourage and increase the use of Gaelic in the community.
21/02/2024 £8,000
COMUNN NA DRàMA Bu toigh leinn leantainn oirnn gus taic agus brosnachadh a thoirt do bhuidhnean dràma Gàidhlig ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh Alba agus feum a dhèanamh den chothrom air taic-airgid thairis air dà bhliadhna, airson obair leasachaidh leantainneach. Tha feum againn air taic-airigid airson farpais nàiseanta dràma coimhearsnachd do dh’inbhich a chur air dòigh, tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, le britheamh a bheir stiùireadh dhaibh.   Tha sinn a’ lorg taic-airgid a thèid a thoirt seachad do na sgiobaidhean dràma airson tighinn ri chèile airson taisbeanadh dràma air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd.  ’S e oidhche dràma Chomunn na Dràma aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta am prìomh taisbeanadh dràma coimhearsnachd sa Ghàidhlig, agus ’s e an oidhche seo a tha a’ brosnachadh na sgiobaidhean airson coinneachadh tron bhliadhna.  Bha fìor dheagh oidhche againn ann an 2023, le trì sgiobaidhean.  Bu toigh leinn sin àrdachadh gu 4 sgiobaidhean.   Tha e dèanamh feum mhòr do na sgiobaidhean tighinn ri chèile, na dealbhan-chluich aig càch a chèile fhaicinn, breithneachadh fhaighinn bho bhritheamh tuigseach, agus cuideachd an cothrom na sgilean aca fhèin a shealltainn air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd.  ’S e gnothach gu math sòisealta, spòrsail a th’ ann, agus buannachdan ann airson daoine aig gach aois is ìre. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ feuchainn ri àrdachadh àireamhan luchd-èisteachd.  Bha tòrr a’ bruidhinn air cho math sa bha farpais 2023 agus tha dùil againn gun tig barrachd a choimhead air an ath fharpais. A bharrachd air an fharpais nàiseanta, bu toigh leinn na sgiobaidhean a chuideachadh gus na dealbhan-chluich a shealltainn sa choimhearsnachd, agus sùim a thabhann dhaibh mu choinneamh màl talla airson oidhche dràma aca fhèin. Tha e riatanach gun tig àrdachadh air an àireamh dhaoine a tha a’ gabhail pàirt cuideachd.  Thairis nam bliadhnaichean tha sinn air a bhith a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gus sgiobaidhean a thoirt ri chèile ann an sgìrean eile, chan ann dìreach airson na farpais nàiseanta, ach airson an toil fhèin.  Bu toigh leinn togail air a seo thairis air an dà bhliadhna ri thighinn, a’ coinneachadh ri daoine, a’ tabhann taic is comhairle, bùthan-obrach, taic le goireasan agus dad eile a nì feum dhaibh. Bu toigh leinn cuideachd taic-airgid a thabhann airson sgrìobhadh sgrioptaichean ùra, airson leasachadh sgilean nan sgrìobhadairean agus gus am bi barrachd sgrioptaichean rim faighinn san àm ri teachd. Bidh an obair seo na bhuannachd do chleasaichean agus luchd-taic, luchd-èisteachd aig gach aois, sgrìobhadairean, luchd-ionnsachaidh agus coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig.
21/02/2024 £2,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT INBHIR NARAINN Due to the pandemic, the opportunities for us to promote Gaelic in our community have reduced. Thanks to funding from BnG in 2022, we were able to restart promoting GME through an increased online presence and flyers/banners in the community. Our toddler and preschool early years leaders have played a vital role in attracting new families to become part of GME in Nairn and numbers are rising again. However, the opportunities for us to come together and for parents to learn the language, have not fully returned.  We would like to organise monthly weekend gatherings for pre-school and P1-3 parents. In these sessions, we would provide informal language lessons (helping parents learn a few key phrases to use at home; support on pronunciation; some grammar basics etc). We will have a small Gaelic library for families to borrow books, along with links to SoundCloud. We will have guests such as local Gaelic musicians, Bookbug, artists,  etc to support with activities for the children. We believe this will be a vital way to support families with children at the start of their GME journey while building a stronger community feeling. To further support GME families in using Gaelic outside the classroom we would like to run a shinty summer camp for the benefit of all GME children (P2-S6) and support the weekly Gaelic afterschool club for P1-7, where we would bring in local Gaelic artists, filmmakers, drama teachers, etc plus two events with Spòrs Gaidhlig - orienteering (P1-S6) + paddleboarding (P5-S6).
21/02/2024 £4,000
FC SONAS We are applying for funding to support with the creation of a 'Satellite Centre' for Multigenerational Gaelic Language Based Football Activity in Glasgow. FC Sonas is establishing an operational base in Inverness due to its involvement in the ICT Trust Community Football Hub Facility but also outlined in our strategic plan is our ambition to create 'Satellite Centres' in specific Gaelic speaking communities. We have chosen the Glasgow Gaelic community for our application as we have already successfully built up partnerships with the football social project Gàidheal Ghlaschu alongside the professional football club Partick Thistle FC. We would like to move with the momentum in the city and bring these different Gaelic football initiatives together in a collaborative approach. The aim is to empower the community with new opportunities to simultaneously combine the positive benefits of sporting activity with the cognitive gains of active bilingual practice. Producing leadership qualities through playing participation, but also focusing on coach development to grow confidence, nurture self-esteem and build a sense of pride in community identity. These specific benefits are all vital for cultural rehabilitation and minority language growth, but are also direct byproducts of team sports and football activity.
21/02/2024 £7,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT CHOMHGHALL We are applying for funding to enable our group to leading Gaelic in Cowal. We work with the Gaelic Toddler Group, Sandbank Gaelic Nursery and GMU, Dunoon Grammar GMU as well as the Cowal Conversation Circle and Gaelic Choir. We always encourage new learners and aim to grow Gaelic in Cowal across the ages. 
21/02/2024 £7,250
TAIGH-TASGAIDH GHEàRRLOCH We will set up a weekly Cearcall Còmhraidh Gàidhlig, encouraging people in the community to come together to speak the language freely. We want to encourage use of Gaelic in a social setting and envisage spoken Gaelic to become a standing part of the museum experience. We will therefore transform part of our Am Bàrd cafe into a Gaelic hub where Cearcall Còmhraidh sessions will take place. Cearcall Còmhraidh will encourage greater appreciation and regular use of the rich Gaelic resources that form part of the museum collections and local intangible heritage. The museum's Gaelic archive and library collections, and Ceòl is Criomagan recordings from the local radio station will be available to Cearcall Còmhraidh, but also to the general public as part of the Gaelic hub.  The hub will offer an immersive experience of Gaelic culture and language, including occasional performances by local talent and nurturing discussions around Gaelic-inspired artwork that forms part of our temporary exhibitions. Most importantly, the project will give the opportunity for people to connect with each other through Gaelic, and the group will also be open to non-Gaelic speakers who want to surround themselves with the language. The museum has identified 20 people who are interested in attending, and set up a steering group of local Gaelic speakers who will be involved in general planning and promotion of the project. Another strand to the project will be regular events connected to Gaelic language and culture. The museum already hosts a well-attended ceilidh house evening, but we will build a regular events programme based on the Gaelic cultural calendar, which will be aimed at visitors. Events on a more intimate scale such as storytelling will take place through the Cearcall Còmhraidh during the winter.
21/02/2024 £7,500
GLASGOW COMMUNITY CIRCUS CIC Tha sinn airson clasichean siorcais a thabhainn tro mheadhean na Gàidhlig airson 1.5 uair a thìde gach seachdain, a’ toirt cothroman do dhaoine eadar 6 gu 16 pàirt a’ gabhail ann an rudan a tha spòrsail, fiosagach, agus brosnachail a thaobh na Gàidhlig. Biodh sinn a’ tabhainn trampoline, lùth-cleasachd, sgilean san adhar,a leithid trapeze, tissu agus lyra, agus sgilean siorcas tradiseanta, a leithid caisreabhachd (juggling), aon-rothair (unicycle) agus ròpa teann. Bidh iad a’ toirt cothrom do chloinn aig diofar aoisean agus sgoiltean a thighinn ri chèile gach seachdain ann an àireanneachd gu tur eadar dhealaichte bhon sgoil, gus rudan spòrsail a dhèanamh agus geamannan a chluich tro mhèadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha iad a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh nan cuid sgìlean,ann an dà thaobh siorcas agus Gàidhlig shealltain air beulaibh an t-sluaigh aig tachartasan. Cuideachd,tha e a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil Gàidhlig ri faicinn sa talla againn fad na h-ùine,leis na goireasan agus soidhneachan Gàidhlig a tha suas fad an t-siubhal. Tha sinn airson 12 sèiseanan siorcais de 1.5 uair airson inbhich a libhrigeadh gach bliadhna tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, airson pàrantan, tidsearan agus duine sam bith eile aig a bheil ùidh. Cuideachd, tha sinn airson cothrom a chur air dòigh gach bliadhna airson buill Siorcas Na h-Òigridh againn a bhith a’ coinneachadh le daoine òga a bhios a’ frithealadh na sèiseanan Siorcas Gàidhlig aig Comman nam Pàrant Sruighlea gus sgìlean ùra ionnsachadh agus sealltainn ri chèile tro mhèadhan na Gàidhlig airson 2 uair a thìde. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bidh am pròiseact seo a’ toirt iomadh cothrom do dhaoine òga  bho diofar sgìrean tighinn ri chèile, gum bidh e a’ togail iomhaidh na Gàidhlig ann am Pàislig, agus gum bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh coimhearsneachd Gàidhlig a tha farsaing agus a’ dol eadar diofar ginealaichean. .
21/02/2024 £1,000
LEVERBURGH SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL Ann an co-obrachadh leis an oifigear iomairt CNAG againn tha sinn an dòchas Prògram Samhraidh de ghnìomhachdan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh airson clann agus daoine òga nar sgìre. Bhiodh seo airson clann aois bun-sgoile agus àrd-sgoile. Tha sinn airson feum a dhèanamh de ghnìomhachasan ionadail airson cur-seachadan a chur air dòigh leithid tursan bàta le luchd na Gàidhlig, còcairean gus leasanan còcaireachd a thoirt seachad sa Ghàidhlig agus cur-seachadan a-muigh leithid caidheagadh cuideachd.
21/02/2024 £2,500
FèIS A' BHAILE The focus of Gàidhlig Gu Lore is children and families without Gaelic but who have an interested in the language and culture. GGL will enhance Gaelic usage at Fèis a'Bhaile events, through a multi-pronged approach that fosters intergenerational engagement, celebrates the language in everyday life, and promotes its well-being benefits of learning Gaelic.  Who benefits? • Young learners: They will find a supportive peer network to practice their new language outside educational settings, boosting confidence and fostering a sense of belonging. • Families: They will be encouragement to incorporate Gaelic into their home life, strengthening intergenerational bonds and cultural identity. • Adults: The will gain accessible opportunities to learn or rekindle their Gaelic through workshops or attending events, enriching their cultural experience and contributing to the language's revival. Key Gaelic Enhancement Initiatives across all events: • Bespoke tutor training aimed at encouraging non-Gaelic speakers and learners to increase confidence in the language • Gaelic at cross-age activities: Tutors and volunteers will have the knowledge to easy every day Gaelic at workshops, ceilidhs, and social gatherings • To encourage Ceilidh culture at home, introducing performances and sharing Gaelic heritage with family. Gaelic Day - new event We will run a new Gàidhlig Gu Leor day for learners of all ages to come and try Gaelic language activities including:  • Gaelic storytelling and singing circles: Pairing young and old to share traditional tales and songs, fostering mutual appreciation and language practice. • Gaelic games and activities: From ceilidhs with traditional dances to board game nights in Gaelic, providing fun and informal platforms for conversation and language use. • Nature walks and outdoor activities in Gaelic: Connecting with the natural world and using Gaelic to describe and appreciate its beauty, promoting a sense of peace and grounding in the present moment. These activities will be evaluated to see if there is interest in future activities or to sign post to other organisations and Fèisean.
21/02/2024 £2,500
FèIS LOCHABAIR -Dà thachartas - Fèis airson deugairean mar a rinn sinn an-uiridh agus Fèis airson inbhich agus deugairean le clsaichean dannsa-ceum agus Gàidhlig Fèis Spòrs Lochabair - Fèis airson suas gu 12 deugairean eadar S1-6 ann an Loch Abar, le bùthan-obrach ciùil le oidean ciùil agus cur-seachadan le Spòrs Gàidhlig a-muigh. Thairis 3 làithean (aig àm saor-laithean na sgoiltean neo làithean inservice). Clasaichean/bùthan-obrach ciùil gach madainn agus tachartasan a-muigh le Spòrs Gàidhlig gach feasgar(m.e. bòrd-seasamh, claiseachd, sligheadaireachd, sreap, baidhseagal is eile). 'S e tachartas ùr, tarraingeach a bhios seo do dh'òigridh Loch Abar anns na saor-làithean, le deagh mheasgachadh de chur-seachadan a bhios a' còrdadh ri iomadh seòrsa dhaoine.  Seo na tha sinn an dùil:- Òigridh a' tighinn ri chèile le caraidean agus a' cur eòlas air daoine ùra, a' cruthachadh ceanglaichean tron Ghàidhlig. A' leasachadh sgilean sòisealta, misneachd agus a' gabhail spòrs ri chèile. - An òigridh a' leasachadh na sgilean ciùil a th'aca mar-tha; an cluiche aca fhèin agus cuideachd ag obair annan buidheann ri chèile le daoine/ionnsramaidean eadar-dhealaichte. - An òigridh ag ionnsachadh no a' leasachadh sgilean taobh a-muigh le Spòrs Gàidhlig. A' togail misneachd,sgilean conaltraidh agus a' togail luach annta airson na cur-seachadan spòrsail, fallain a tha seo agus a' brosnachadh a bhith air a' bhlàr a-muigh san sgìre aca fhèin. A' cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus a' gabhail spòrs fad an t-siubhail! - A' fàgail buaidh luachmhor is deagh chuimhne leis an òigridh, a' neartachadh deagh ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig anns a' ghinealach sin agus anns an sgìre. -Cuiridh sinn cèilidh air dòigh cuideachd airson a' choimhearsnachd agus bidh sin a' toirt dhuinn cothrom ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig a thogail leis na teaghlaichean air fad bho paiste gu deugairen gu inbhich. Fèis Dannsa-Ceum -Fèis le clasaichean dannsa-ceum airson daoine aig diofar ìrean. Tha sinn an dùil clasaichean a' ruith tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus clasaichean dà-chànanach cuideachd ma bhos feum. -Tha sinn ag amas air inbhich agus clann a' toirt comhla agus cuideachd luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig agus luchd-ionnsachadh comhla aig an aon àm. -Tha sinn an dùil luchd-oide ionadail a' cleachdadh airson "an carbon footprint' againn a' cumail sìos. Current proposed Dates 15th - 17th September for Fèis Spòrs Lochabair (inservice days at na h-àrd-sggoiltean Fhathast ri dearbhadh airson Fèis Dannsa-Ceum
21/02/2024 £2,700
COMANN CEILTEACH OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN Tha An Comann Ceilteach a’ cuir air dòigh turas dhan t-Eilean Sgitheanach airson buill a Chomainn. Bidh fichead neach a’ falbh air an turas. Bidh sinn a’ siubhal à Dùn Èideann air 15/04/24 agus a’ tilleadh a Dhùn Èideann air 19/04/24. Fuirichidh sinn anns am Flora MacDonald Hostel ann an Slèite agus siubhlaidh sinn air busaichean phoblach agus aon chàr. Bidh clasaichean Gàidhlig againn anns a’ mhadainn far am bidh leasanan Gàidhlig ann airson na luchd-ionnsachaidh agus bruidhinnidh na fileantaich ri daoine bhon sgìre. Tha sinn cuideachd air tursan a chuir air dòigh airson gun ionnsaich na buill barrachd mun àite. Nì sinn caidheagadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig, turas gu taigh-staile agus ceum faisg air Slèite. Cuideachd bidh cèilidh againn còmhla ri oileanaich an t-Sabhail Mòr. Bidh na buill air am bogadh ann an Gàidhlig fad còig latha, agus bheir seo barrachd misneachd dhaibh a bhith a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann agus aig an dachaigh. Cuideachd, ionnsaichidh iad mu chultar na Gàidhealtachd, gu h-àraid cultar an Eilean Sgitheanaich. Bidh daoine de gach ìre fileantachd a’ tighinn air an turas seo. Bheir seo an cothrom do luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhith a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ri daoine a tha nas fhileanta ann an suidheachadh neo-fhoirmeil. Cuideachd, bruidhinnidh sinn ri daoine à coimhearsnachd an eilein, is mar sin, gheibh na fileantaich an cothrom ionnsachadh mun àite agus ionnsachadh faclan à dualchainnt eile. ‘S e prìomh amas an turais neartachadh sgilean Gàidhlig agus togail ùidh is misneachd sa chànan, agus gun ionnsaich na buill mu chultar na Gàidhealtachd, gu h-àraid cultar an t-Eilean Sgitheanach.
21/02/2024 £3,600
THE LANGUAGE HUB C.I.C. Based in Partick, in the heart of a partly Gaelic-speaking community, our project strives to reinvigorate and encourage the active use of Gaelic. As a language and cultural centre, it is our mission to support different language communities and their heritage. The successful application will raise 55% toward the total costs of this project. It will enable us to host a series of cultural events, Gaelic language learning opportunities, and informal meetups for up to over 800 Gaelic-speaking and Gaelic-interested individuals over almost two years (August 2024 - June 2026); the remaining 45% of costs will be covered through ticket sales, fee contributions and our organisation's venue and staff. This project will address and support the well-being of Gaelic speakers, will encourage engagement between generations while speaking Gaelic in socialising situations, will provide Gaelic speaking opportunities for young people outside formal educational settings, and will offer non-speakers of Gaelic the opportunity to learn and embrace the language. To achieve this, we will host social meetups including creative sessions, traditional Gaelic song singing sessions, board game playing, conversational after-school sessions, film screenings, poetry readings, live music gigs, and beginner and intermediate-level short courses for yet non-speakers/post-beginner learners. We very much welcome the opportunity of a more long-term project so there will be more consistency and personal development possible for the individuals. We believe we can encourage more speakers and learners of Gaelic to actively use their language skills more within the community and hope to strengthen people's confidence and enjoyment.
21/02/2024 £5,000
STòRAS UIBHIST Continuing the success of Fèis Ghasaigh 2023, Stòras Uibhist aims to host this annual event for our local community and beyond in August 2024 and 2025. The weekend-long event will celebrate the richness of our culture and heritage featuring music, song, dance, talks, food & drink, Uist Shopping Experience, traditional craft demonstrations, water-based activities and a spiritual aspect within a seafaring theme. Fèis Ghasaigh will be run through the medium of Gàidhlig, drawing on the rich expertise available in South Uist. It will be an opportunity to showcase our community as a place where the language is strong and exists as part of a way of life. The Gàidhlig language is widely recognised as an integral part of Uist life and Fèis Ghasaigh will provide local people and visitors of all ages the opportunity to immerse themselves in a natural, informative and entertaining Gàidhlig environment.  Each year, Fèis Ghasaigh will focus on a particular relevant local theme. Previously, Stòras Uibhist have worked in partnership with Ceòlas Uibhist and this year we aim to strengthen that partnership by working with each others event calendars. Last year’s theme was focused on Hebridean Homecoming celebrations and this year, as Ceòlas Uibhist finish their symposium event for 2024, we will follow on and expand on their theme to celebrate our abandoned villages within our communities. 
21/02/2024 £2,250
BUN-SGOIL TAOBH NA PàIRCE Tha am pròiseact againn ag amas air maoineachadh fhaighinn gus clasaichean Gàidhlig a ruith do phàrantan aig a bheil clann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus cuideachd do luchd-obrach na sgoile a tha airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Dè nì sinn? S e amas a’ phròiseict againn sgilean còmhraidh a thoirt do phàrantan gus taic a thoirt dhaibh Gàidhlig a chleachdadh aig an taigh, is mar sin gu bheil a chlann aca a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig taobh a-muigh na sgoille. Tha sinn ag amas air 2-3 clasaichean a ruith gach seachdain ann am blocaichean de 6 gus an ruig sinn sinn nas urrainn dhuinn de pàrantan (an-dràsta  tha 439 sgoilearan againn aig Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce).  'S e an dàrna amas aig a' phròiseact againn, sgilean còmhraidh luchd-obrach na sgoille a' leasachadh, gu sònraichte an luchd-obrach a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh/a tha dìreach air tòiseachadh ionnsachadh. 
21/02/2024 £2,500
IONAD GàIDHLIG DHùN ÈIDEANN Tha sinn airson Latha Gàidhlig a chumail do choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, a' tabhann measgachadh de thachartasan Gàidhlig de dhiofar sheòrsachan tron latha agus an uair sin cèilidh coimhearsnachd air an fheasgar. Bheir seo cothrom do dhiofar phàirtean do choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig ann Dhùn Èideann tighinn cruinn còmhla - rud nach tachair ach ainneamh - ach cuideachd bheir e cothrom do Ionad Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann blasad a thoirt dhaibh air na dh'fhaodadh ionad Gàidhlig a thabhann dhaibh anns an àm ri teachd. Tha sinn an dùil an latha Gàidhlig a chumail aig anns a’ Ghiblean/Cèitean air neo anns an t-Samhain. Chan eil clàr an tachartais stèidhichte fhathast ach tha sinn an dùil na leanas a chur air dòigh: • seisean sgeulachdan is òrain do chloinn òg • seisean do chloinn is inbhich air òrain Ghàidhlig • seisean 'Keep Fit sa Ghàidhlig' • seisean(an) air sgilean pragtaigeach tron Ghàidhlig (fighe, bèicearachd m.s.a.a.) • seisean air na meadhanan didsiteach (bhideothan goirid, stuth airson nam meadhanan sòisealta m.s.a.a.) • seisean air sgeulachdan traidiseanta • seisean air filmichean Cinema Sgire • taisbeanadh air ainmean-àite Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann • taisbeanadh air litreachas Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann • clas Gàidhlig do phàrantan, a’ cur cuideam air Gàidhlig anns an dachaigh • seisean air gràmar na Gàidhlig • cearcallan còmhraidh (aig diofar ìrean) • cèilidh coimhearsnachd Tha dreachd clàr-ama ceangailte ris an tagradh seo. Bhiodh cafaidh a’ ruith tron latha, agus bhiodh bùird ann aig diofar bhuidhnean, a’ toirt cothrom fiosrachadh a sgaoileadh, leabhraichean a reic m.s.a.a.
21/02/2024 £7,500
SRàDAGAN SGìRE ÙIGE Tha sinn airson diofar pròiseactan a tha a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig tro spòrs agus fealladh dha a thoirt don sgìre againn - Uig agus Breascleit. ‘S e am prìomh amas againn gum bidh òigridh na sgìre a’ faicinn, a cluinntinn, a’ cleachdadh agus a faighinn barrachd tuigse air àr canan agus cho cudromach ‘s a tha e. Ged a tha fòcas air an òigridh tha sinn airson gum bidh tòrr cothroman aig a’ choimhearsnachd gu lèir pàirt a ghabhail anns na tachartasan. Tron a phròiseact seo tha sinn airson na rudan gu h-ìosal a chur air dòigh, leis am prìomh amas gum bidh an òigridh a’ cleachdadh is a leasachadh na sgilean Gàidhlig aca tro thachartasan tharraingeach, spòrsail: Club samhraidh airson òigridh – le kayaking, sreap, ealain, turas gu Air an Lot, geamannan, spòrs agus còcaireachd. Cothrom air lèith airson sgilean ur ionnsachadh agus eòlas nas fheàrr fhaighinn air a chèile Turas bata gu na h-Eileannan Flannach agus cothrom iasgach Cuairt Coimhearsnachd ann an Uig agus Breascleit le bbq agus cothrom barrachd Gaidhlig a bhruidhinn Ceilidh ceol traidiseanta airson gach coimhearsnachd a thoirt comhla – cothrom cuideachd do òigridh a bhith a cluich ceol san sgìre aca fhèin air an àrd-ùrlar Turas gu tir-mòr airson deugairean  
21/02/2024 £4,000
COMANN EACHDRAIDH SGIRE A' BHAC Strengthening Sgìre a' Bhac as a Gaelic speaking community through an engagement programme with our heritage collection.  BACKGROUND Back is a Gaelic speaking community on the outskirts of Stornoway.  Although it's a relatively small area, it offers a microcosm of Gaelic history, with stories of Land Wars, Clearance, landlords and emigration; but also a deeply rooted Gaelic society still actively crofting and with Gaelic still the daily language for most.   Comann Eachdraidh Sgìre a' Bhac (Cebac) was re-established in 2018 to record the people and the history, folklore and traditions of the district.  Our work is mainly in Gaelic (with English translation where appropriate) and our long term strategy to to become a cultural and economic driver in the area. We work with groups across all age groups, and offer learners the relatively rare opportunity to engage with a Gaelic crofting community. We are currently building a community archive, to create a rich resource reflecting the history of our community and its members.  We are working to recover as much as possible of the previous archive (the earlier incarnation of Cebac ceased in the 1980s), including irreplaceable audio and visual recordings. Our research indicates there is additional material held in personal collections locally, and we plan to augment this by collecting oral history with current generations, through individual and collective interviews. This funding request is to support a community engagement programme, marrying supporting Gaelic as a community language and our efforts to engage people with our Gaelic heritage.  1. Rolling events programme informal weekly drop-in sessions to contribute archive, connect with other community members.  This will be led in Gaelic and others encouraged to try a few words or practise their Gaelic. There will be 50 sessions/year comprising 30 weeks, open to all10 weeks, focussed on younger members of our community.10 weeks, focussed on newer members of the community and learners We hope that targeted sessions will act as a bridge to encourage participate in wider CE events Oidhche Bhaile: Monthly participative sessions featuring recent archive discoveries or curated on local themes, e.g. weaving, transhumance, fishing, Loch a'Tuath, important calendar days such as Latha Buidhe Bealltainn.   These will usually be led by Coinneach MacIomhair or Margaret Stewart, both experienced in drawing out stories and leading events. Some will be guided walks around local areas of interest, or activity days - like a day in the peats or at the àirigh   These events will in turn contribute to the archive, and material for our website and social media channels. 10 sessions/year, offering curated content and social/conversational opportunity 2.  marketing and communications support. We would like funding to create a communications/ marketing programme to encourage community participation in these collection efforts and events. This will be a test and learn programme, centred on local press, local mailshots, leaflets & posters, social media outreach, creating email lists. The communications mix will be refined as we continue to test efficacy and response rates.  As our collection broadens, we will be able to engage more through editorial content on our social media channels and email targeting. At later stages, our targeting can broaden to the wider Gaelic interest groups, researchers and academia. 3. training two participants in collecting oral history with the Oral History Society This will improve the quality of material, and ensure robust processes are in place to make material accessible to the community, as well as wider community of researchers and academics. We are keenly aware that we are quickly losing those with the deep relationship with the land and customs of our district, and that we need urgent action to make this knowledge available to future generations.  We will engage the younger members of our community to take part in the collection, through collecting family memories and working with the interviewers.
21/02/2024 £8,000
CO-ROINN GHàIDHLIG MHUILE AGUS IDHE Tha Co-roinn Ghàidhlig Mhuile is Idhe airson prògram de thachartasan agus chlasaichean a chur air dòigh thairis air dà bhliadhna gus cothroman is neartachadh a thoirt don choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig a tha sinn air a bhith a’ stèidheachadh agus a’ leasachadh o chionn ghoirid. Tha sinn mothachail gu bheil FMG a’ fàs air an eilean, ach gu bheil beàrnan fhathast ann agus mar sin, ’s e prìomh amas a’ phròiseict, gum bi sinn a’ freagairt air na tha a dhìth sa choimhearsnachd taobh a-muigh na sgoile. Tha sinn airson ’s gum bi a’ Ghàidhlig aig cridhe na coimhearsnachd agus ri cluinntinn aig tachartasan ionadach. Leis a sin, tha sinn ag amas air luchd labhairt na Gàidhlig de dhiofar aoisean is ìrean fileantachd agus airson an toirt còmhla ann an dòighean àbhaisteach is suidheachaidhean sòisealta gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh agus ionnsachadh. A’ leantainn air a’ phròiseact mu dheireadh againn, tha clasaichean Gàidhlig a bharrachd san amharc dhuinn ann an Tobar Mhoire (luchd-tòiseachaidh agus eadar-mheadhanaich) is iarrtas mòr ann air an son. Thèid na clasaichean seo a ruith aghaidh ri aghaidh le oide ionadach. Tha sinn cuideachd airson sreath ùr de chlasaichean a stèidheachadh, airson taic a thoirt do dhaoine aig a bheil buntainneas don Ghàidhlig o thùs san Ros Mhuileach agus sa cheann a tuath is iad airson togail air na sgilean agus na dàimhean a th’ aca don chànan mar-thà. Tha iarrtas mòr ann airson nan clasaichean seo, gu h-àraidh am measg phàrantan a thàinig thugainn gus iarraidh oirnn clasaichean fa leth a chur air dòigh dhaibh, is tòrr dhaoine air gluasad air ais don eilean ’s iad a’ strì le dìth-mhisneachd. Bhiodh seo gu mòr a’ cur taic ri cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san dachaigh agus a’ cruthachadh àrainneachd Ghàidhlig don chloinn taobh a-muigh na sgoile. Tha e cuideachd a’ cur dragh oirnn nach eil cròileagan ann an Tobar Mhoire a’ ruith tuilleadh agus mar sin tha sinn gu bhith ruith sheiseanan coltach ri Leugh is Seinn le nighean ionadail, Bethan Sexton, gus taic a chumail ri teaghlaichean is clann aois 0-3. Thèid na seiseanan seo a chumail gach 6 seachdainean san Ros agus sa cheann a tuath le measgachadh de cheòl, seinn is sgeulachdan Gàidhlig. A thaobh prògram de thachartasan, tha prìomhachas gu bhith air sunnd agus a’ bhlàr a-muigh is sinn an dùil sia chuairtean (no sreap) a chur air dòigh thairis air dà bhliadhna, gu diofar àiteachan ann am Muile, Idhe is Ulbha. Thèid na cuairtean seo a stiùireadh le Ross Christie às an Òban (ceanglaichean aige do Mhuile), aig a bheil teisteanas ann an coiseachd nam beann, agus bidh ainmean-àite cuideachd nam pàirt mòr de na cuairtean seo (le taic bho Alasdair MacIlleBhàin). Tha sinn an dùil na làithean seo a chumail an-asgaidh don phoblach gus am bi cothrom aig duine sam bith a thighinn ann. Tha sinn cuideachd am beachd gum bi na cuairtean fìor mhath do shunnd is slàinte-inntinn dhaoine a bhith a-muigh agus a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig ’s iad a’ cruthachadh suidheachadh nàdarra agus coibhneil gus an cànan a chleachdadh. A bharrachd air a sin, tha sinn airson measgachadh de bhùthan-obrach a chur air dòigh m.e dràma, filmeadaireachd, còcaireachd, seinn, eacarsaich is obair ealain. Tha sinn am beachd gum bi còig thachartasan no bhùthan-obrach eile ann gach bliadhna, gach fear dhiubh eadar-dhealaichte agus ag amas air sunnd, misneachd, coimhearsnachd, cultar, slàinte agus cleachdadh na Gàidhlig.
21/02/2024 £7,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS Urras Ionad Thròndairnis will host a series of weekend short courses exploring different aspects of the language, environment and unique cultural heritage of the Trotternish peninsula, and building on work established by its Guthan na Tìre and other Gaelic language projects. The courses aim to comprise the following or similar sessions; Gàidhlig san Dachaigh, for families with children in GM- songs, games, cuairtean, Gaelic for parents to use practically in the home; Òrain Sgìre Thròndairnis, an overview of the  many genres of Gaelic song known in the district, including songs from local lore and archives; Ainmean-àite Thròndairnis, exploring the general meanings of placenames, stories/songs connected with local places, mapping, features of land/sea/croft culture; Beartais 'sa Coimhearsnachd, in collaboration with Tobar an Dualchais, exploring local recordings from archive/written archives pre-audio, as well as oral histories and fieldwork training; Mapadh Cruthachail, community mapping and looking at creative ways to record local knowledge of place; and Eachdraidh nan Daoine, talks/conversations/presentations focusing on the lives/achievements of people from the area, both historical and contemporary.  These courses will be aimed at local residents, enabling them not only to broaden their Gaelic language skills and vocabulary but also further their understanding and of the unique and precious aspects and cultural heritage of their local area. Some sessions will make it a priority to be learning in the outdoor environment, promoting understanding about the changing climate, cultural landscape and use of land. Historical land-use and tangible cultural heritage are important features of the Trotternish peninsula and the physical aspects of this landscape are what brings visitors here in vast numbers- educating local people about it is crucial for sustainability.  Promoting the intangible cultural heritage of the area is another focus, and sharing stories, songs and history and memory of place is an important whole-community connection to nurture and value across generations.
21/02/2024 £3,800
STRATHNAIRN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Although the last native Gaelic speaker in Strathnairn died in 1984, there is a significant number of Strathnairn people who are now learning or completely fluent in the language and there has been quite an exceptional uptake of Gaelic-medium education from younger Strathnairners. However, the GME schools are in Inverness and until now there have been no communal opportunities to speak or learn Gaelic in the glen. As part of the global Seachdain na Gàidhlig /Gaelic Week 2024, a series of events are being organised locally here in Strathnairn to introduce residents to the history, role and future of Gaelic in this community, and we aim to build upon this over the coming years. All events in Seachdain na Gàidhlig are free and open to all, and will inform and gauge support for developing provision further in Strathnairn. This proposal to Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd - 2024-26 will take forward these activities by encouraging all generations to come together to use Gaelic in conversation cafés and around the community, to hear about our Gaelic culture and heritage, to meet other speakers and learners, to use their Gaelic however little or fluent. Younger people will be engaged through Bookbug sessions introducing them to Gaelic before formal GME; local flora and fauna materials in Gaelic will be prepared for older children, for locals and for visitors to Strathnairn. Older residents will be encouraged to share memories and experiences with all.  We hope to begin to re-establish Strathnairn as a community where people are comfortable using Gaelic as an everyday language. 
21/02/2024 £6,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT SRUIGHLEA Building on previous years, this is a two-year programme of activity that aims to encourage the use of Gaelic outside the school environment, promote intergenerational connections through cultural, sporting and entertainment opportunities and connect Gaelic learners with Gaelic activities outside the local area. We seek to provide young Gaelic speakers with the opportunity to use Gaelic in a variety of different settings and interact with a wider range of community groups that use the language, as there are currently few such opportunities in the Stirling area. This programme will bring new activities as well as build on those we have run before in previous programmes (21/22 & 22/23).  Whilst the main focus will be on activities for young Gaelic speakers, primarily those within GME at Bun Sgoil Taobh na h-Aibhne & Ard-sgoil Uallais, we also will incorporate intergenerational activity, to promote the use of Gaelic between speakers of different ages, and connect learners with communities in Paisley and Glasgow.  This will bring the wider community of native Gaelic speakers, Gaelic learners and the families of those in GME together.
21/02/2024 £7,250
CEòL IS CRAIC Club Film a chuireas 12 tachartasan air dòigh thairis air dà bhliadhna. Thèid filmichean ùra adhartach fhoillseachadh agus nan cois bidh na leanas: seiseanan ceist is freagairt le stiùirichean/cleasaichean; seinn/ceòl a’ buntainn ris na filmichean/cuspairean; cothroman còmhraidh neo-fhoirmeil ro na tachartasan air fad. ’S e cleachdadh is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig am measg an dà chuid fileantaich is luchd-ionnsachaidh sa choimhearsnachd ann an Glaschu ar prìomh amasan is sinn ag amas gu h-àraid air: taic a chumail ri cleachdadh is ionnsachadh sa choimhearsnachd ann an Glaschu; taic a chumail ri gnìomhachasan cruthachail nam film agus a’ chiùil; agus ionnsachadh inbheach. ’S iad seo na chuireas sinn air dòigh thairis air an dà bhliadhna: 12 film air sgàilean; 12 seiseanan ceist is freagairt; 6 seinneadairean/ceòladairean aig na tachartasan. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ cuimseachadh air daoine aig nach robh buntainneas ris a’ Ghàidhlig a-riamh a thàladh don chànan leis na tachartasan le bhith a’ foillseachadh filmichean ùra nach deach a shealltainn ann an Alba romhaid. Tha sinn air cliù a chosnadh ann an Glaschu airson a leithid is sinn airson togail air na tha sinn air coileanadh a-cheana le bhith a’ cur tachartasan air dòigh ann an ionad ealain ann am meadhan a’ bhaile anns am bi tachartasan cruthachail adhartach eile gan cumail: an CCA. Tha sinn a’ cur romhainn a’ Ghàidhlig a chur air aghaidh mar phàirt de chomharrachaidhean agus tachartasan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta leis an t-sreath thachartasan seo leithid Celtic Connections, FilmG is Seachdain na Gàidhlig.
21/02/2024 £9,500
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND Across the two years, the Ceòl agus Ceilidh project will look to deliver a total of 81 workshops across 3 Gaelic medium nursery groups within Drumnadrochit, Dingwall and Tain which rank high within the SIMD Index for deprivation.   The nurseries will learn how to effectively include Gaelic music and arts based activity within the Gaelic medium curriculum, helping to introduce, practice and consolidate Gaelic learning.  This will include in-house training for the nursery staff, helping early years practitioners to sing, play instruments and move with young children.   The programme will be delivered by Gaelic speaking music specialists and will include Gaelic songs, musical games and activities.  Before each term we will liaise with nursery staff in helping meet the children’s language and literacy outcomes.    Every child receives a certificate upon completion of the workshops.  We will also be able to continue delivering our successful  “Wee Ceilidhs” for 16 mainstream nursery groups (both years) of children, staff, children's families and carers. This will involve two/three musicians to give the children, and often their families, their first experience of Gaelic and a family ceilidh. A Gaelic song and the Gaelic language will be spoken and taught at each Wee Ceilidh.
21/02/2024 £6,000
TIREE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Tha Urras Thiriodh - mar bhuidhinn a stèidhicheadh le muinntir an eilein do mhuinntir an eilein - airson pròiseact a stèidheachadh a tha ceangal cothroman còmhla do dheifir ghinealaich san eilean feuch misneachd is toileachas a leasachadh a-thaobh leughaidh, sgrìobhaidh is labhairt Gàidhlig. Tha sinn a’ leasachadh chothroman aig deifir ìrean an-dràsta do dheifir eilemaidean dhen choimhearsnachd a-rèir feum is iarrtais, ach tha feum ann air daoine a tharraing còmhla gus spòrs fhaighinn agus tlachd is taic a bhrosnachadh eatorra. A-measg na tha ga thoirt air adhart aig an ìresa tha amas air na tràth aoisean tro sheiseanan seinn, cluich is leughaidh (treànadh Bookbug air fàire do mhuinntir an eilein ach tha seo pìos air falbh fhathast air sgàths a bhi feitheamh air SBT); air aoisean-sgoile tro phròiseactan cruthachail taobh a-muigh na sgoile; air pàrantan a tha airson taic a thoirt dhan cuid chloinne agus airson an sgilean fhèin a thoirt air adhart le seiseanan-taic; agus air na ginealaich as sine le bhi gam brosnachadh gus a bhi toirt taic is a’ gabhail pàirt ann an deifir thachartasan. Tha Leugh! mar sin mar phàirt de phrògram nas fharsainge de phròiseactan do dheifir ìrean is ùidhean (Moit is Misneachd) gu sònraichte ag amas air coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig an eilein – iadsan a thogadh le Gàidhlig san dachaigh no a dh’ionnsaich i/ a tha ga h-ionnsachadh – ach fosgailte dhan uile. Tha sinn ag amas air misneachd a dhùsgadh ann an deifir eileamaidean dhen choimhearsnachd nan comasan Gàidhlig fhèin, feuch am bidh iad deònach a cleachdadh nas trice agus ann an deifir suidhichean làitheil; air teaghlaichean a chuideachadh gus obair-sgoile aig an taigh a thoirt gu buil còmhla – gu seachd àraid leughadh; agus airson deifir ghinealaichean a tharraing còmhla, ann an teaghlaichean agus anns a’ choimhearsnachd nas fharsainge, feuch an tèid na deifir earrainnean dhen choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig san eilean a thoirt nas dlùithe gus taic a chumail ri chèile agus moit is misneachd a bhrosnachadh eatorra.
21/02/2024 £10,000
FèIS ROIS Fèis Rois is applying for support towards the cost of running six residential weekends aimed at young people from P7 to S6. These weekends will take place over two years between April 2024 and March 2026, and they will provide a vital opportunity for young people to use Gaelic in a non formal setting in a community outside of school There will be four weekends for young fluent Gaelic speakers and two weekends for young Gaelic learners. We also plan to include a training day for Gaelic tutors who will be engaged to work on this project. The project will promote the Gaelic language by creating an immersion experience for young people and give them an opportunity to hear, use and interact with Gaelic in a social environment outside of the classroom.
21/02/2024 £6,000
MOUNT CAMERON PRIMARY SCHOOL Gaelic Family Support: The following project plans will encourage and support families to use Gaelic at home, create opportunities for adults to learn Gaelic and for those families who are already fluent to use their Gaelic in a family-setting as well as provide young Gaelic speakers with the opportunity to use the language out with school as their families will feel more confident and comfortable. -       Gaelic Lending Library of books and related story sacks of puppets, flashcards, etc. to be sent back and forth to families to practise Gaelic reading at home with access to QR codes of videos recorded by staff who are paid to work the extra hours this task would require. -       Gaelic Promotional Material to highlight the opportunities for Gaelic-medium education in South Lanarkshire Council to those who are not yet aware or who are considering GME. -       Gaelic Classes for Adults, Youth Club for Children and Family-engagement Sessions to support our families with learning Gaelic to use the language at home. -       Home Support/Gaelic Literacy Resources for Parents/Families to use at home (resources, Padlet, website, etc.) Below are more of our ideas on how to grow Gaelic across our local community: Gaelic Blasad: We would like to become a part of the Gaelic Blasad program which we believe is run by Feisgoil; however, if this is not possible due to their area remit, we would love to be able to pay a Gaelic-speaker to come in and teach our mainstream classes some Gaelic – even as part of a block of the year, such as for one term on a weekly basis.  Although it could be argued that we could staff this ourselves, it would mean tricky timetabling and often leaving Gaelic-medium classes without a Gaelic-speaking teacher to allow for Gaelic-speaking staff to teach English classes as we are unable to apply for supply and there are no Gaelic supply teachers in the area anyway. It would be a wonderful way for Gaelic to become part of our whole school’s ethos and would help us work towards and be a good stepping stone to changing our 1+2 language model to include Gaelic for Learners in addition to French, in place of Spanish/German. This would then result in children of the mainstream unit also speaking Gaelic outwith school and potentially finding a language which they are particularly interested in learning long-time.  Gaelic Outreach Project (inter-generational) and Partnership with ‘Clann Trang’ - our local Gaelic playgroup: As part of the wonderful community cèilidh opportunities happening at Calderglen High School on a monthly basis, we would love to be able to run an inter-generational project with older Gaelic-speaking members of the community and provide some opportunities for the elderly generation to visit us in school and do some projects together, from the Gaelic playgroup and sgoil-àraich through to primary 7. This would be a wonderful way for the children to see Gaelic spoken outwith their classroom environment. Expressive Arts: Music, Dance, Drama and Art – We would love to get some specialist tutors in to teach our second level children a musical instrument and allow them access to their Scottish culture and introduce them to the wonders of the Gaelic trad music scene. It would be great to pay a specialist tutor to visit, or get on to the YMI scheme. It would also be even better to purchase some instruments of our own eventually – such as fiddles, chanters or clàrsachs. It would be a wonderful way for the children to get involved in using Gaelic past the boundaries of a classroom/curriculum. Spòrs Gaidhlig: As our children are motivated and engaged when moving and being involved in active styles of teaching, we believe Spòrs Gàidhlig would be a wonderful addition to our annual calendar to support us with the delivery of Outdoor Education and Sporting opportunities in our local area, in Gaelic. This would also capture the interest of our older pupils who are often less engaged in youth clubs and family-engagement sessions which seem to be more suitable and attractive to younger members of our school body. It would be a wonderful way for the children to get involved in using Gaelic past the boundaries of a classroom/curriculum.  Gaelic Playground Markings: In order to encourage the children to use Gaelic in the playground and to support our Outdoor Education plan, it would be wonderful to get some Gaelic playground markings outside that will stand the test of time and be permanent fixtures to the whole-school. We would love to get a Gaelic alphabet or phonics-based sound mat, as well as some colour, shape and number vocabulary – for example.
24/01/2024 £8,000
RIAGHALTAS NA H-ALBANN NUAIDHE A' cumail taic ri 4 neach bho Alba Nuadh gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh ann an co-bhonn le Sabhal Mòr Ostaig / Supporting 4 people from Nova Scotia to learn Gaelic in association with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
24/01/2024 £10,000
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' cumail taic ri chosgaisean ruith ionad Ghrinneabhat / Supporting runinng costs of the Grinneabhat centre
24/01/2024 £2,500
CASAN BEAGA BAILE DHUBHTHAICH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Baile Dhubhthaich, Rois an Ear / Delivering early years sessions in Tain, Easter Ross
24/11/2023 £10,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR ’S e fèis thairis air 4-5 latha a th’ ann an Luach, a ghabhas àite as t-Earrach ann an Lèodhas agus Na Hearadh. 'S e "Luach" ainm na fèise air sgàth 's gu bheilear a' comharrachadh luach na Gàidhlig ann am beathannan dhaoine sna coimhearsnachdan againn. Mar a bhios an t-sanasachd airson na fèise ag ràdh, "Tha luach eaconamach, sòisealta agus cultarail aig cultar is cànan na Gàidhlig air a’ choimhearsnachd againn - nach dèan sinn fèill air?" Dh’fhaodadh tachartas sam bith a bhith na phàirt de Luach, cho fad ’s a tha e ga chumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig no co-dhiù a’ toirt prìomhachais don chànan. Mar sin, chan eilear ag amas air aois shònraichte no air daoine aig a bheil ùidh ann an cuspair sònraichte, ach a’ dèanamh fèill air a’ Ghàidhlig ann am farsaingeachd de shuidheachaidhean is coimhearsnachdan.
24/11/2023 £11,850
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID Building on the success of previous Gatherings this event will celebrate and promote Gaelic across the region. It will be an opportunity to reflect on the outcomes of previous Gatherings and look to the future needs of the Gaelic Language Community. The theme is to be decided but already ideas are flowing in the Argyll Gaelic Gathering Action Points Working Group and we expect the theme to be decided in collaboration with Gaelic Policy Lead and the Working Group.The one day in person event will mainly be for those with a vested interest in Argyll Gaelic – the communities, officers, policy makers and educators. The event will foster collaboration between communities, partners and pull together a set of actions to continue to grow Gaelic in Argyll and Bute. We are looking at a variety of ways to engage so that our young people with Gaelic are also able to contribute and participate.We expect to include youth specific events in the run up to the Gathering as happened in 2022 such as the popular art competition which engaged with over 90 children and the online multi-schools event.
24/11/2023 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Anns an t-seisean mu dheireadh, chaidh còmhraidhean a chumail le oileanaich bho SMO, OGE, Oilthigh Ghlaschu, Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann & RCS is chaidh tachartas a chumail sa Mhàirt le 50 oileanach bho air feadh Alba. Chaidh bùithtean-obrach soirbheachail agus beòthail a chumail le oileanaich a’ deasbad na bha a dhìth bho Comann Nàiseanta nan Oileanach, is mar a bheireadh seo buaidh is piseach air a' Ghàidhlig. Bha na h-oileanaich gu mòr airson cùisean a chumail gu math neo-fhoirmeil sa chiad bhliadhna de CNnO le fòcas air tachartasan sòisealta is a’ togail ceanglaichean, com-pàirteachas is càirdeas eadar na diofar Colaistean is Oilthighean ann an Alba.Chaidh seirbheis aoigheachd aig prìs gu math ìseal a thabhainn do na h-oileanaich CNnO airson am brosnachadh pàirt a ghabhail sa chiad tachartas CNnO. Chaidh coinneamhan, fòcas groups is deasbadan a chumail tron deireadh-sheachdain, a bharrachd air gnothaichean sòisealta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, a’ gabhail a-steach cuairt coiseachd san sgìre, buidheann seinn le Christine Primrose agus cèilidh. A-rèir na foirmichean luachaidh, chord an tachartas gu mòr ris na h-oileanaich a bha an làthair is bha spionnadh unnta a-thaobh na Gàidhlig is a-thaobh a bhith ag obair còmhla airson math na Gàidhlig.
24/11/2023 £8,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU s the number of children and young people with Gaelic continues to increase in Glasgow, there is an increased need to engage them in interesting out of school Gaelic activities. There's a long tradition and connection between Gaelic, sport and outdoor activities but opportunities in Glasgow to combine them have been limited in recent years because of COVID. The pandemic was also a major barrier to the fulfilment of the legacy commitments from Mòd Ghlaschu 2019 and also the development and delivery of the Aon Ghlaschu partnership.This project would seek to redress that situation and aim to create a more sustainable framework and delivery mechanism for Gaelic in sport, connecting young people in GME, Further and Higher Education and adults of working age, with practical, weekly interventions and increased participation in sport groups such as the Glasgow Gaels, Gàidheil Ghlaschu, FC Sonas, Spòrs Ghlaschu and Spòrs Gàidhlig.It would provide opportunities for individuals to use Gaelic more, increase participation in sport, learn new skills, and increase personal confidence in the use of Gaelic in a non-academic environment. It also would be an opportunity to re-engage and revive the annual Fèis Spòrs previously held at the end of each school year with the council, parent groups and the council's culture and leisure provider, Glasgow Life, joining forces to provide a fun and entertaining Gaelic day of sport.This project would also bring the Gaelic community in Glasgow back together after COVID in a smart, efficient but also fun and engaging way. Many of the clubs and participants suffered as a result of the pandemic and it is important to restore what was lost to them.The benefits to health and wellbeing of sports and leisure activities are evidenced in health and sport research findings but also in economic reports such as the Gaelic Economy in Glasgow (2021). This project would help refocus attention on the health and wellbeing benefits of Gaelic within sport as well as the language's wider skills and career development benefits.
24/11/2023 £990
COMHAIRLE SRUIGHLEA Stirling Council Learning and Employability and Stirling libraries would like to make a joint bid for funding to support us to develop a new Gaelic book group as part of our commitment to our current statutory Gaelic Language Plan 2022-2027.We are looking to introduce a book group for Gaelic speakers/readers at Stirling Libraries. We have purchased 5 Gaelic book titles already which are available in a sets 10. We are looking for funding to help us pay for 7 new sets of Gaelic books, so that we can support the group to run for a one year pilot. The funding we are bidding for would pay for a Gaelic tutor to support 10 monthly meeting of the Gaelic book group in one of our Stirling Library venues.
24/11/2023 £7,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU This project will implement some of the key research recommendations for the business community from the Gaelic Economy in Glasgow report (2021) funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Glasgow City Council. It will focus primarily on Message 3: supporting the application and use of Gaelic in business, social and community activities across Glasgow.The council's Gaelic Development Officer and Economic Development Managers will convene a group of business and economic development colleagues to review the research recommendations and produce a Gaelic business and economy action plan. As the research was completed during COVID, there is a need to review and update the information gathered about Glasgow's businesses.We will produce and distribute a survey of businesses across the city, focusing on key sectors like the creative industries, hospitality and tourism. This will promote awareness and interest and help us determine their use of Gaelic and their Gaelic language skills. The survey will identify businesses with an existing Gaelic identity, determine interest in a Gaelic Glasgow business “brand”, a Gaelic business club, and an SME business Gaelic fund for Gaelic language signage, promotional materials and Gaelic skills training.The project will target a range of businesses across the city to enhance their awareness and knowledge of Gaelic. By working with business focused colleagues within the council, we will raise their awareness of the council's Gaelic Language Plan commitments, and using their databases and business links we will have an updated record of those businesses with an interest in Gaelic and a plan to deliver Gaelic products and services.
24/11/2023 £15,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD Gaelic Digital Social Media, Gaelic in the Work-Place courses, simultaneous translation services.Achieve the following:a) increase and maximise the use of, and raise the profile of Gaelic on the Highland Council's (THC) social media platforms and the THC website this will require social media training for Communication, ICT and Gaelic Teams within the authority and following on from this social media campaigns.b) create digital downloadable Gaelic coursesc) create opportunities for to use simultaneous translations at THC meetings this will require training and the purchasing of appropriate equipment.
24/11/2023 £2,800
GLASCHU BEò Gaelic Development will enable us to invest in our highly skilled team of tutors and improve the current Gaelic learning offer we provide to our Gaelic community.CPD – Tutor DevelopmentAs we continue to invest in Speak Gaelic courses, it is vital for tutors to become involved to ensure the ongoing success of this. Demand for classes at a variety of levels is growing, in order for tutors to be comfortable and confident in delivery further investment is required in Speak Gaelic and learning materials. Feedback from existing learners has been very positive and we would like to upskill our tutors through regular meetings to discuss best practice and peer support. This will also allow more experienced tutors to support new members of our team, allowing us to strengthen the capacity of Gaelic tutors citywide. Our ultimate aim is to invest in our team which will improve the quality and quantity of our Gaelic learning offer to our Gaelic community.
24/11/2023 £5,000
COMHAIRLE MOIREIBH The project will benefit all Gaelic stakeholders across Moray from people interested in learning the language and fluent speakers to those interested more of the cultural side.A series of Gaelic author inputs, the monthly strupag class and hopefully a conversation class for beginners should build confidence in using the language.Celebratory events of the children's films and fun days will highlight what can be done if people work with partners to deliver opportunities.Overall the project hopes to boost numbers participating in Moray Gaelic Group and the Feis so that there is a stronger infrastructure in Moray which currently is fragile.
24/11/2023 £5,000
UHI A TUATH, AN IAR IS INNSE GALL Tha am pròiseact seo ag amas air a bhith a’ togail air a’ bhunait a th’ againn sna h-Eileanan an Iar de luchd-labhairt ionadail, le bhith a’ toirt daoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig cruinn còmhla ri feadhainn a tha ag iarraidh a’ chànan ionnsachadh. Mar sin, tha an Sgoil Choimhearsnachd dol a neartachadh bhannan choimhearsnachd, dol a dh’ aithneachadh comasan muinntir an àite, agus dol a thogail ùidh ann an cànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig ann an co-theacs nàdarrach.Bidh an Sgoil Coimhearsnachd stèidhichteann an sgìre Bharabhais agus Bhrù ann an Leòdhas. Bidh e ag amas airdaoine a tha a’ fuireach anns na h-Eileanan mar-thà cho math ri luchd-tadhail.A bharrachd air a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig, gheibhear cothromanGàidhlig a chluinntinn agus a chleachdadh ann an suidhichidhean àbhaisteach, a’daingneachadh gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig fhathast na cànan coimhearsnachd.Bidh am pròiseact cuideachd a'togail air obair leasachaidh a chaidh a dhèanamh ann am Barabhas ri linn maoineachadhBhòrd na Gàidhlig na bu tràithe sa bhliadhna nuair afhuair luchd-ionnsachaidh ionadail cothrom clasaichean SpeakGaelic achaidh a chur air dòigh le UHI Innse Gall a fhrithealadh. Bhiodh an Sgoil Choimhearsnachd seo a' toirt cothrom do na h-oileanaichsin cumail a' dol leis an ionnsachadh aca.Bidh a' choimhearsnachd agus UHI Innse Gall ag obrachadh còmhla gus clasaichean fhoirmeil a lìbhrigeadh sa choimhearsnachd. Bidh UHI Innse Gall a’ solar nan stuthan-teagaisg a bhios oileanaich na Sgoil Coimhearsnachd a’ faighinn. Bidh UHI Innse Gall ann an co-bhuin leis a' choimhearsnachd a' dealbh agus a lìbhrigeadh clasaichean agus a’ cur thachartasan cultarail air dòigh‘S e prìomh amas a’ phròiseict gun tèid inbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail, an dà-chuid gu h-ionadail agus am measg dhaoine a tha a’ tadhail air a’ choimhearsnachd. Mar sin, thathar a’ sùileachadh gum faighear co-dhiù deichnear a’ clàradh air an Sgoil Choimhearsnachd gu lèir agus deich air fhichead airson nan tachartasan fa leth.
24/11/2023 £5,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN Dè Dundee’s Gaelic/Gàidhlig Dhùn Dè will be a series of classes and resources which will be delivered to grow the use and understanding of Gaelic in Dundee. The project aims not only to deliver Gaelic language classes and events to increase the use of Gaelic, but to set that in the context of why Gaelic is important to Dundee and Dundonians and that Gaelic has been an integral part of our city’s culture from the beginning of Gaelic in Scotland up until modern times.The main outputs and outcomes of the project will be to:· Deliver the SpeakGaelic programme to the public in Dundee, targeting people living in areas of multiple-deprivation who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend pay classes.· Deliver Gaelic awareness raising sessions to Dundee City Council staff and Elected Members, to enhance the status and profile of Gaelic within the local authority.· Create a booklet and webpage on Gaelic in Dundee, for both Dundee residents and visitors to the city; including place name information, history of Gaelic migration and cultural input to the city, and how people can interact with Gaelic in Dundee today.· Deliver Guided Walks around Dundee highlighting all of the above.
25/10/2023 £1,000
PERTHSHIRE MUSICAL (COMPETITION) FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION A' cur co-fharpaisean seinn Ghàidhlig air dòigh / Arranging Gaelic singing competitions
25/10/2023 £3,200
BARRA CHILDREN'S CENTRE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann anm Barraigh / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Barra
25/10/2023 £3,200
CRòILEAGAN AN ATH LEATHAINN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig anns an Ath Leathainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Broadford, Skye
25/10/2023 £2,200
PàRANT IS PàISTE SIORRACHD RINN FRIù AN EAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig anns am Baile Ùr na Maoirne / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Newton Mearns
25/10/2023 £1,500
PàRANT IS PàISTE PHARTAIG A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann am Partaig, Glaschu / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Partick, Glasgow
25/10/2023 £590
PàRANT IS PàISTE NA PùBALLAN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig anns Na Pùballan / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Peebles
25/10/2023 £1,300
COMANN NAM PàRANT (NàISEANTA) A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann am Pàislig/ Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Paisley
10/10/2023 £42,452
AN LòCHRAN A' cumail taic ris An Lòchran is ionad an Lèanag mar ionad Ghàidhlig ann am Partaig, Glaschu / Supporting An Lòchran and An Lèanag as a Gaelic centre in Partick, Glasgow
10/10/2023 £5,927
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD RINN FRIù A' cur taic ri clasaichean ciùil Gàidhlig do sgoiltean air thòiseach air am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail / Supporting Gaelic music classes in advance of the Royal National Mòd
27/09/2023 £2,000
AN LòCHRAN A' cumail taic eadar-amail ris An Lòchan / Providing interim support to An Lòchran
05/09/2023 £60,000
HANDS UP FOR TRAD A' cur sreath de thachartasan agus sgeama taic-airgid air dòigh gus brosnachadh na Gàidhlig air feadh Alba is gu h-eadar-nàiseanta / Holding a series of events and running a grants scheme to promote Gaelic across Scotland and internationally
05/09/2023 £45,000
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri Spòrs Gàidhlig airson Sultain 23 - Màrt 24 / Supporting Spòrs Gàidhlig for September 23 - March 24
22/08/2023 £5,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur taic ris an co-fharpais deasbaid Gàidhlig do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile bho air feadh Alba / Supporting the Gaelic debating competition for secondary pupils across Scotland
22/08/2023 £2,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur tachartasan Spòrs Gàidhlig air cuibhle a chur air dòigh do sgoilearan ann an Dùn Èideann is Glaschu / Arranging Spòrs Gàidhlig cycling activities for pupils in Edinburgh and Glasgow
22/08/2023 £1,999
UHI INNSE GALL A' dèanamh eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig air leabhar a tha mar ghoireas air arc-eòlais ann an Uibhist / Translating a book as a resource for archaeology in Uist
22/08/2023 £6,000
COWAL GàIDHLIG PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Omhainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Dunoon
22/08/2023 £2,200
COTHROM LEARNING CENTRE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Deas / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in South Uist
22/08/2023 £3,000
KINLOCHLOVIN' A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann am Baile a' Chaoilais / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ballachulish
22/08/2023 £7,500
NORTH AYRSHIRE GAELIC BABY & TODDLER GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Àird Rosain / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ardrossan
22/08/2023 £15,000
FàS MòR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Slèite / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Sleat
22/08/2023 £2,600
CORRAGAN BEAGA MALLAIG A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann am Mallaig / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Mallaig
22/08/2023 £765
BRòGAN BEAGA ULAPUIL A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Ulapuil / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Ullapool
22/08/2023 £2,995
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Ìle / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Islay
22/08/2023 £6,500
CLANN TRANG CILLE BHRìDE AN EAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Cille Bhrìde an Ear / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in East Kilbride
22/08/2023 £3,600
PàRANT IS PàISTE POLLOKSHIELDS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Glaschu
22/08/2023 £2,390
AN CEARCALL A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Ath Tharracail / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Acharacle
22/08/2023 £2,000
CEUMAN BEAGA INBHIR NIS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
22/08/2023 £3,750
BARVAS AND BRUE COMMUNITY CENTRE A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Barabhais / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Barvas
22/08/2023 £2,325
RIONNAGAN BEAGA BISHOPBRIGGS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Comar nan Allt / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Cumbernauld
22/08/2023 £1,500
PàRANT IS PàISTE SRUIGHLEA A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Sruighlea / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Stirling
22/08/2023 £15,000
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an An Gearasdan / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Fort William
22/08/2023 £3,100
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Obair Dheathain / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Aberdeen
22/08/2023 £1,235
BUIDHEANN PàISDEAN INBHIR NARAINN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Inbhir Narainn / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Nairn
22/08/2023 £15,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig ann an Port Rìgh / Delivering Gaelic early years sessions in Portree
17/08/2023 £50,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD This project continues the work in the 0 to 3 sector which has been undertaken by a partnership of Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Highland Council over a number of years. It has proved to be crucial in maintaining and supporting the 0 to 3 sector and ensuring that each community where GME is available, has the opportunity to access Gaelic language play opportunities for the very youngest children in our communities. It has contributed to the growth of GME by promoting and engaging with parents and babies/toddlers who attend the Gaelic Toddler groups and supporting them to transition into GME.Two FTE staff members will be recruited to travel around area. One part-time member will be based in Lochaber and cover Ballachulish, Acharacle, Mallaig, Roybridge and Fort William. A second part-time post will be based in the West area. The full time post will be based in Inverness and cover the Moray Firth area and up to Tain.
02/08/2023 £22,748
GIGLETS EARRANTA A' dèanamh measadh air goireasan ri fhaighinn do sgoilearan ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig mar chànan L3 is cruthachadh molaidhean airson leasachadh / Evaluating resources available for pupils learning Gaelic as an L3 and creating recommendations for development
20/07/2023 £2,000
EILEAN DORCHA FESTIVAL LTD A' cur taic ri bhùithtean-obrach ciùil Ghàidhlig mar phàirt de Fèis Eilean Dhorcha / Supporting Gaelic music workshops as part of the Eilean Dorcha Festival
18/07/2023 £1,640
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh do phàrantan ann an Obar Dheathain / Arranging Gaelic classes for parents in Aberdeen
18/07/2023 £5,000
FàS MòR A' cur taic ri leasachadh seasmhachd na buidhne cùram-cloinne / Supporting the childcare organisation's resilience planning
18/07/2023 £12,000
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur prògram ceannardais air dòigh do thidsearan Gàidhlig / Arranging a leadership programme for Gaelic teachers
18/07/2023 £25,000
ASTAR MEDIA A' cur sreath de bhùithtean-obrach air dòigh gus sgilean craolaidh a thoirt seachad, gu sònraichte do dheugairean is inbhich òga, a dh' ionnsaigh co-fharpais FilmG / Running a series of workshops to provide skills training, especially for teenagers and young people, working towards the FilmG competition
18/07/2023 £5,000
COMANN LUCHD-TEAGAISG ÀRD-SGOILTEAN A' cur co-labhairt is taic meantoradh air dòigh do thidsearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Arranging a conference and mentoring support for Gaelic-medium teachers
22/06/2023 £150,750
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt anns na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an co-bhann le Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar / Supporting Iomairtean officers in the Western Isles in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
22/06/2023 £15,966
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt ann am Muile ann an co-bhann le Chomhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid / Supporting Iomairtean officer in Mull in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council
22/06/2023 £16,380
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt ann an Dùn Èideann ann an co-bhann le Chomhairle Baile Dhùn Èideann/ Supporting Iomairtean officers in the Edinburgh in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council
22/06/2023 £16,380
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt ann an Glaschu ann an co-bhann le Chomhairle Baile Ghlaschu / Supporting Iomairtean officer Glasgow in partnership with Glasgow City Council
20/06/2023 £15,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR The role of West Dunbartonshire's Gaelic Development Officer has grown exponentially over the years in West Dunbartonshire.  Funding is vital to see the growth and continuation of Gaelic Learning opportunities from cradle to grave.  The cost of living crisis impacts all but especially areas of high deprivation and funding is vital for our authority to continue to provide opportunities for all no matter their circumstance. Mhairi McCarte, WDC’s Gaelic Development Officer is the strategic lead for WDC and will continue to promote Gaelic usage by ensuring: •  Early Years Gaelic Learner Education Provision •  BGE Gaelic Learner Education Provision • Senior Phase Gaelic Learner Education Provision • Adult Learning Gaelic Learner Education Provision •  Accountable and responsible for reporting to Education Committee WDC Council • Accountable and responsible for reporting to WDC Council •  Accountable and responsible for funding applications and monitoring of projects •  Liaise Lead with new partnership opportunities • Accountable and responsible for Quality Assurance of Gaelic Learner Education in WDC •  Accountable and responsible for creation of and monitoring of WDC’s Gaelic Language Plan 2020-2025 • Accountable and responsible for finance of projects • Attending GLAN , GLPS, West Partnership Network meetings and any other relevant Meetings
20/06/2023 £23,000
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN The University of Aberdeen is applying for the Gaelic Plans Fund for funding for the continuation of the Gaelic Language Development Officer role – the postholder commenced her role in February 2023 following agreement from Bòrd na Gàidhlig. The post holder would continue to be based within the Organisational Development team and “hot desk” in the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture. Additionally, the role will involve working closely with a number of other departments including External Relations, Planning and the School of Education. The Gaelic Language Development Officer has already made tremendous efforts towards coordinating the progress of the commitments within our Gaelic Language Plan. Through continuation of this position, the University would be able to continue to support the learning, use and awareness of the Gaelic language through Gaelic awareness and language classes, bilingual press releases, social media posts, and collaboration with other Gaelic Development Officers. The University is keen to maintain the momentum and energy created by the role. Further to discussions with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the University is also applying for additional funding to support key projects the Gaelic Language Development Officer will be responsible for delivering. This would drive the progression of the professional translation of appropriate sections of the University prospectus and a number of webpages. The additional funding would also be used to deliver targeted awareness training to the University Court and organise a workshop and a public reception for the ‘Seinn Spioradail’ exhibition planned in January 2025.
20/06/2023 £1,440
LEISURE & CULTURE DUNDEE The project is a series of 6 x 1 hour Gaelic Lunchtime concerts and pre-concert talks. The concerts are an introduction to Gaelic through music and song in a relaxed informal setting of the Marryat Hall, from September to March. The aim is to present an accessible programme of Gaelic music concerts and strengthen and support the Dundee Gaelic society and choir as well as developing and advancing Gaelic through music by showcasing new and emerging Gaelic artists and increasing the audience for Gaelic in Dundee. The project has benefited all sections of the wider Dundee community. With a number of disabled members of the audience attending several concerts, as well as families and students coming along to hear Gaelic for the first time. We have a well-established core of audience members who have either had parents or family members who spoke Gaelic as well as members of a newly formed Dundee Gaelic conversation group utilising the concerts as an opportunity to hear Gaelic speakers and practise speaking the language. There is also, a number of people who are keen to learn more about Gaelic and this is a gateway to increase their knowledge of Gaelic classes and organisations in the wider area.
20/06/2023 £19,400
LEABHARLANN NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA This application is for funding for a one-year residency: a “Gaelic Story-Maker in Residence” or Neach-Sgeulaiche Gàidhlig air Mhuinntireas. This will create a prestigious opportunity for a Gaelic-speaker in the creative industries, based in a respected national organisation.  The National Library of Scotland’s main exhibition for 2023/2024 is “Sgeul | Story: Folktales from the Scottish Highlands”. As the Library’s first fully dual language exhibition, this is a landmark for the Library’s promotion of Gaelic. The Gaelic Story-Maker Residency will run for a year (1 September 2023 – 31 August 2024) concurrently with the exhibition and after it, increasing the number of events that we can offer in the public programming around the exhibition, and raising the profile of the Library’s Gaelic offering, (the exhibition, events and our Gaelic collections).  The brief for the Gaelic Story-Maker in Residence will be deliberately open, allowing freedom to the post-holder to use the time creatively, and to put their personal stamp on the role. The Library will suggest a division of time of 50/50 between public engagement and their own creative work activities, and a vision of combining the telling of old stories with the writing of new ones.  The creation of this role recognises the value of the Arts in providing opportunities for participation and for the pursuit of excellence in Gaelic. A Gaelic Story-Maker at national level will promote language attachment and loyalty among Gaelic speakers, and enhance the appeal of Gaelic culture, in Scotland and beyond. 
20/06/2023 £12,000
UHI INNSE GALL In order to make an increased number of language learning opportunities available to learners and latent speakers and to build on partnership working in support of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Gaelic First policy, UHI Outer Hebrides intend to develop and deliver a range of Gaelic for…(Gaelic for Early years, Gaelic for Social Care and Gaelic for Speech Therapy as ASN.   UHI Outer Hebrides is committed to delivering a quality language learning experience to our students and recognise the importance of ensuring that standards in teaching and learning are maintained. To that end, UHI Outer Hebrides will utilise the expertise of Gaelic-speaking professionals to develop bespoke short courses for practitioners in the areas of Early Years, Social Care and ASN/Teaching Assistants who wish to upskill, whether they be a Gaelic language learneror a latent-speaker. These bespoke short courses will also be offered to students undertaking Early Years, Childhood Development and Care courses. 
20/06/2023 £31,000
UHI INNSE GALL Ann an 2022-23, chaidh leudachadh air co-obrachadh eadar UHI Innse Gall agus roinn Ionnsachadh Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (Community Learning Hebrides) Comhairle nan Eilean Siar gus an tairgse de chlasaichean Gàidhlig a bh’ aig an dà bhuidheann a leudachadh. Tron cho-obrachadh seo tha e air a bhith comasach barrachd chùrsaichean a tabhann, a fhreagair air barrachd choimhearsnachdan (aghaidh-ri-aghaidh agus air-loidhne) agus barrachd sùbailteachd a thabhann a thaobh làithean is uairean. Cha robh cosgais ann do luchd-obrach an dà bhuidhinn cho math ri Bòrd-Slàinte Innse Gall, no do pharantan/luchd-curaim clann FtMG.   Bha seo na chuideachadh do phàrantan taic a chumail rin cuid chloinne agus bhrosnaich e pàrantan eile chlàradh airson FMG. Airson 2023-24 thathar airson an co-obrachadh eadar UHI Innse Gall agus CLH a chumail a’ dol agus leantainn oirnne a' tabhann roghainn fharsaing de chùrsaichean.  Cuideachd, leis gu bheilear a’ coimhead ri co-aonadh colaistean UHI Innse Gall, UHI Gàidhealtachd an Iar agus UHI Gàidhealtachd a Tuath thèid cùrsaichean a thabhann an-asgaidh do luchd-obrach nan trì colaistean.  Bidh am pròiseact seo ag amas air a bhith a’ tabhann prògram de chùrsaichean a leigeas le daoine Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus sgilean litreachaidh a mhisneachadh bho ìre fhìor neach-tòiseachaidh gu ìrean adhartach. Bithear a’ tabhann nan cùrsaichean a leanas: SpeakGaelic (CLH & UHI OH), Gaelic Conversation (UHI IG), Cothrom Cabadaich (CLH), Gaelic for Work Purposes (UHI OH), Ulpan (UHI OH) agus Sgilean Cànain (UHI OH).   Cuideachd, thèid barrachd luchd-oide fhastadh ann an tuilleadh choimhearsnachdan gus ionnsachadh cànain a stèidheachadh ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh nan Eilean. Mar sin, thathar cuideachd a’ sireadh taic gus barrachd oidean coimhearsnachd fhastadh agus a thrèanadh.  Leanaidh clasaichean air-loidhne cuideachd don fheadhainn leis an fheàrr an dòigh-ionnsachaidh seo no a tha a’ fuireach ann an coimhearsnachdan far nach eil iarrtas gu leòr ann airson clas a stèidheachadh.
20/06/2023 £9,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD The Clann, Coimhearsnachd Comhla project will comprise of Gaelic Community and Youth initiatives within the Dunvegan and Portree communities, and delivered in partnership with Gaelic medium school staff, parents, pupils, Gaelic organisations and Highlife Highland. The project will be vital for the growth of GME and for increasing Gaelic usage amongst young people, and for raising the profile of Gaelic within these communities. The project will focus on: Organising two community Gaelic cultural events, in Dunvegan and Portree.  The events will raise the profile of Gaelic medium education and strengthen the Gaelic language and culture in the community. Developing Gaelic Community Learning and Development plans for Dunvegan, BSGPR and Portree High school for the academic year 2023/24. Creating Gaelic extra-curricular opportunities for both GM secondary and primary pupils, to increase their Gaelic usage in a community setting.  The project will benefit the following: New Gaelic medium and existing parents in the Dunvegan and Portree ASG's. Dunvegan, BSGPR and Portree Gaelic medium schools, departments and staff. Gaelic medium pupils attending Dunvegan, BSGPR and Portree High School. Gaelic organisations, key partners and community groups. The project aims to achieve the following: Increase the profile and strengthen the Gaelic language and Culture in the Dunvegan and Portree areas. Inform new parents of the benefits if bilingualism and Gaelic medium education. Deliver a local Gaelic development plan for Dunvegan, BSGPR and Portree High school. Expand the opportunities available to GM young people to participate in a range of  activities through the medium of Gaelic Encourage Gaelic peer youth work through transition activities.
20/06/2023 £23,150
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD The project aims to provide Gaelic adult learning opportunities to adult learners  in Highland Council areas primarily where Gaelic Medium Education is available. These classes support parents and others in these communities to learn Gaelic and to create a foundation for further progression . Some of these classes will take place online which enables us to provide a Gaelic learning opportunity in the more isolated rural areas.  Face-to-face classes will be held in areas where tutors are available. All adult learners  who either have children in GME or are employed by Highland Council  will benefit in receiving a 50% discount rate. We aspire to achieve  an increased uptake among parents in particular, and to raise awareness by opening a window into Gaelic for those who may not have had prior knowledge of the language.  
20/06/2023 £6,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID This project is designed to create Gaelic language learning opportunities for Argyll and Bute Council employees. It complements existing online learning resources, is informed by a recent survey, works with our Gaelic Gathering Group and is tailored to the typs of work we do.
20/06/2023 £22,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A continuation of the Gaelic Development Worker role hosted by Argyll and Bute Council. Through work to date there continues to be a need for this role. Specifically to continue to: - support Gaelic Hub development. Which continues to be a priority of the communities in Argyll and Bute. - co-ordinate the Argyll Gaelic Gathering Action Points Working Group. - promote and increase the reach of communications about Gaelic in Argyll and Bute (newsletter, Facebook forum, Council webpages) - support and advise other Council colleagues and community partners around the Gaelic Language and best practice as part of the one Council approach - collaborate to develop opportunities to maximise the economic impact of Gaelic. Via support to CHARTS and also participation in the Business Working Group for Oban Mòd 2024 which will benefit attendees, local businesses and residents. - deliver the ‘Celebrating Gaelic In Argyll and Bute’ project. This includes five events (one online). Planned start, August 2023 and expected finish July 2024. Supporting information on project attached. Beneficiaries: Celebrating Gaelic and Hubs Project Estimated 250 beneficiaries - community members, organisations and groups. It will also bring people into the Argyll Gaelic Gathering 2024 and Oban Mòd 2024. It will support development of Gaelic Community Hubs, a need identified by the community. Action Points Working Group The group, celebrated by the Scottish Government, has led to greater collaboration, co-ordination and better use of resources including increased promotion between Gaelic specific and non-Gaelic specific organisations and community groups to deliver on the actions.
20/06/2023 £25,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN The continuation of a Development Officer post to coordinate development and expansion of 0-5’s GME provision, within our Gaelic Education Improvement Plan. The potholder supports our improvement strategy by increasing collaboration and improving alignment of Cròileagan groups with Oganan, Sgoil-àraich and EY at TnaP. Areas of focus  include improving support for families, taking forward partnership work and promoting awareness of 0-5 GME provision in Edinburgh.  This benefits families already involved in GME at various stages, through increased support and greater cohesion within the service. It also contributes to our expansion by encouraging new families to choose a GME pathway for their children and supporting them with their engagement with Gaelic language. We hope to increase capacity within our EY teams in order to achieve an improved 0-5 service structure. This will support our aims to increase engagement with Gaelic and GME across our communities and support sustainability of GME in Edinburgh. The one year pilot for this post has been very successful and we foresee this as a long-term role to support future vision.
20/06/2023 £20,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN This application for funding is to continue the Capital Gaelic project in Edinburgh for a further period, by extending the contract of the Capital Gaelic Development Officer (CGDO) until the end of March 2024 (it may be possible to extend this slightly, depending on funding decisions from further Capital Gaelic partners). The CGDO would lead ongoing work to establish the foundations for a sustainable Capital Gaelic approach - a co-ordinated and creative partnership approach to embedding Gaelic as a vibrant part of life in Edinburgh for the benefit of all citizens and visitors.  A key aim of the partnership is to build a bridge between learning in a classroom setting to meaningful and sustainable opportunities to use the language in employment and socially, across generations.  This positioning of partnership and stakeholder collaboration as crucial to improving learner experience aligns with expectations of HMIE and expressed in the recent OECD report on Curriculum for Excellence, and the subsequent response from Professor Kenneth Muir, commissioned by the Scottish Government. To achieve these aims, and for Gaelic to have a sustainable future in Edinburgh, we need:  1.       Meaningful opportunities to use Gaelic beyond classroom settings, particularly for young people where the development of youth employment opportunities for Gaelic speakers is crucial. 2.       Wider knowledge, understanding and respect for Gaelic among the general population for Gaelic to truly flourish. As lead partners, the Council and the National Library of Scotland (NLS) initiated and continue to support a multi-agency group to identify opportunities, share knowledge, expertise and resources, and collaborate to energise the delivery and embedding of Gaelic as an integral part of life in the city.  In this next phase, we aim to build momentum, and expand the Capital Gaelic Network to include new member organisations (the Scottish Parliament, the Royal Botanic Garden and Historic Environment Scotland); and to develop wider opportunities through the National Officer Network with the aim of increasing collaborative work amongst Gaelic Officers throughout Scotland.
20/06/2023 £7,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG 'S e amas a' phròiseict seo a bhith a' neartachadh Gàidhlig sa choimhearsnachd timcheall na colaiste, a bharrachd air ceanglaichean eadar a' cholaiste is a' choimhearsnachd nas fharsainge. Bheir am pròiseact seo cothrom do dhaoine san sgìre na sgilean cànain aca a leasachadh aig clasaichean cànain na colaiste, agus an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh tro thachartasan mì-fhoirmeil am measg luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig eile. Togaidh is neartaichidh seo lionra eadar oileanaich, luchd-obrach na colaiste, is muinntir an àite gus coimhearsnachd làidir na Gàidhlig a dhaingneachadh gu h-ionadail. Bidh na clasaichean ag amas air daoine aig diofar ìrean, an dà chuid luchd-ionnsachaidh agus fileantaich, is air an lìbhrigeadh le Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. A bharrachd air dìreach luchd-tòiseachaidh is eadar-mheadhanach, bidh cothrom ann clasaichean a chur air dòigh do dhaoine aig ìrean nas àirde, a tha fileanta (no an ìre mhath) mar-tha, air cuspairean sònraichte leithid beartas-chainnt, sgilean sgrìobhaidh msaa. A bharrachd air cothroman ionnsachaidh, tha sinn airson tuilleadh chothroman cleachaidh a chruthachadh agus com-pàirteachas a bhrosnachadh eadar a' cholaiste is a' choimhearsnachd. Thèid cothroman airson còmhradh is tighinn cruinn còmhla a chur air dòigh timcheall Shlèite is an Eilein Sgitheanaich, ann an com-pàirteachas le buidhnean is gnìomhachasan ionadail. Bidh seo a' gabhail a-steach cearcallan còmhraidh stèidhichte aig diofar ìrean ann an sgìrean air feadh an eilein, a' togail air soirbheachas "Abair Thusa" (cearcall còmhraidh a tha a' dol air làrach na colaiste mar-tha). Thèid tachartasan mì-fhoirmeil a chur air dòigh, tron latha aig a' cholaiste fhèin, le lioft ri fhaotainn dhan cholaiste sa mheanbh-bus, gus muinntir an t-Sabhail Mhòir is muinntir na sgìre a tharraing còmhla tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.
20/06/2023 £720
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD RINN FRIù AN EAR We intend to provide Gaelic Awareness Training for key staff within the organisation. This will be provided by Feisean nan Gaidheal. Staff will have the option between two separate sessions and this will hopefully set the scene of the story of Gaelic in Scotland, help staff understand how our Gaelic Language Plan is a part of their own working lives and environment and the significant impact on communities that we serve and are part of and how Gaelic interlinks with the other aims and objectives within East Renfrewshire Council. As noted in the National Gaelic Language Plan, local authorities have a key role with both the priority areas and key commitments outlined in the Plan. The funding sought here will support us to take forward our own Gaelic Language Plan for East Renfrewshire, thereby contributing to the progression of the key national priorities set out in the national plan.
20/06/2023 £3,400
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS This project is aimed at both staff and community members, and increasing their learning of Gaelic through weekly tutor support, monthly seminars and face-to-face singing/culture awareness. We are already committed to running the Speak Gaelic A1 programme for beginners in Angus, but we have far more interested beginners than we can support through a single class.  It isn’t practical or affordable to run more classes, and we know that the classes being free is a major pull in the current financial climate, so we would like to provide further support to Gaelic learners in Angus in a cost-effective way. In order to support the large number of Angus people who are very keen to learn Gaelic, we propose to set up a Speak Gaelic virtual hub in Angus to facilitate independent learning via the Speak Gaelic A1 programme.  We have found that people who start learning Gaelic independently, even if they are quite strongly motivated, can feel quite isolated, and struggle to maintain momentum when they hit problems.  The project would address this by tackling just one A1 topic per month, to give people the chance to really get to grips with each topic, practice what they have learned, and make use of as many of the resources as they can.  This would be achieved via weekly emails with suggestions for what to work on and including links to the radio, TV and other resources.  Once a month we would hold an online support seminar for the topic, where learners can get tips on the tricky parts as well as real-time support.  A closed Facebook group would be used to provide a safe environment for the learners to ask questions and use their Gaelic together, as well as through some face-to-face delivery.
20/06/2023 £12,250
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR ’S e pròiseact Sgeama Greis Gnìomhachais Gàidhlig a tha seo, far am bi oileanaich le sgilean Gàidhlig aig diofar ìrean a’ faighinn cothrom cosnaidh le buidheann Gàidhlig thairis air 10 seachdainean den t-samhradh eadar Ògmhios agus Lùnastal aig ìre Tuarastal Bith-beò Dhà-rìribh, (Real Living Wage 2023: £10.90 gach uair). Bidh iad ag obair 30 uairean a thìde gach seachdain ann an dreuchdan làn-ùine le buidhnean far a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig na cànan obraich làitheil, a' gabhail a-steach, m.e. buidhnean ag obair sna h-ealain, ann am foghlam, buidhnean leasachaidh, comainn eachdraidh agus na meadhanan Gàidhlig.  Tha seo an dà chuid a’ neartachadh nan sgilean cànain aca, agus a’ leudachadh an comasan san àite-obraich.  Tha buidhnean is oileanaich air a bhith a’ moladh an Sgeama a thaobh èifeachdas gach bliadhna bhon a thòisich a’ Chomhairle an Sgeama a ruith ann an 2015, le eadar 10-15 buidhnean agus oileanaich a’ sealltainn ùidh san Sgeama mar as àbhaist gach bliadhna.  Chan fheumar a bhith fileanta sa Ghàidhlig, ach feumaidh co-dhiù beagan sgilean labhairt, sgrìobhaidh agus leughaidh Gàidhlig a bhith aig na h-oileanaich. Mar sin, tha an Sgeama fosgailte do dh’oileanaich le diofar ìrean de sgilean sa chànan. Feumaidh iad cuideachd a bhith a’ leantainn cùrsa oilthighe/colaiste, ge-tà, (le dùil gum bi iad a’ dol air ais a dh’ oilthigh/colaiste as t-foghar), agus feumaidh iad a bhith a’ fuireach anns na h-Eileanan an Iar rè an t-samhraidh. Bìthear a’ pàigheadh 50% de chosgaisean nam buidhnean fon Sgeama airson tuarastal nan oileanach, agus bidh na buidhnean fhèin a tha san Sgeama a’ pàigheadh an 50% eile.
20/06/2023 £22,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR This project aims to take a strategic approach to Gaelic skills training for Comhairle staff, and is in two parts. 1)       The main part of the project would essentially be an enhancement of the current Ùlpan provision offered to apprentices within the Comhairle. This would ensure that they receive specific tuition to meet the requirements of their individual work-settings, to make Gaelic learning even more relevant. The implementation of this project will further encourage all Comhairle apprentices to progress, and increase their use of Gaelic, (both verbal and written), in their everyday work-setting. This part of the  project focusses mainly on the following areas, where demand is greatest: ·         Child Care – focusing on Gaelic-essential recruitment; - The result of a recent in house survey has shown we have 120 that have an identified need to go through Gaelic tuition at beginners and intermediate level.  Due the challenges in recruitment to Gaelic specific posts the additional training request has been identified to upskill those working in the English provision to support the Gaelic provision.  This need is a high priority as we see a real increase in children entering pre-school education through the medium of Gaelic.  ·         School-based Gaelic Language Assistants; with the sharp rise in those entering into Gaelic medium education the requirement has arisen for addition Gaelic essential recruitment, again a huge challenge as we fail in this area and are looking to offer existing staff the opportunity to gain and improve their Gaelic language skills.  ·         Social Care – a large number of elderly Social Care Service users are more comfortable conversing in Gaelic, and the language is also very important as part of reminiscence therapy; ·         Media – evidence shows a lack of Gaelic speaking workers currently within the industry as a whole. This project represents an opportunity to create a Gaelic centre of excellence, using the model we are running currently with Mac TV and MG Alba, contextualised to the needs of the industry;  With the highest cohort entering into Creative Digital Framework within the Foundation Apprenticeship, progression onto the Modern Apprenticeship will need to have a strong Gaelic training plan to meet the needs of the industry. ·         Generic Apprentices – more support for generic apprenticeships in requires a more bespoke models of training to meet the diversity of the frameworks. The second part involves the delivery of Gaelic tuition for Comhairle staff who are not able to attend formal Gaelic learning during the course of their working day. This would take the form of online Gaelic tutorials held in the early evening, with the aim of encouraging staff to progress to Nat 5/Higher level. There would therefore be no lost class time for tutors. This is a project which aims to provide an increased range of Gaelic language training opportunities for the Comhairle. The Comhairle’s Training and Skills section ensure that all Comhairle apprentices that sign up to the Gaelic learning programme, get the opportunity to learn, develop and improve their Gaelic language skills.  All such apprenticeship Gaelic tuition, which is now successfully embedded as Comhairle practice in terms of its Bilingual Policy and Gaelic Language Plan, is delivered with an emphasis on the needs of the learner, and how this will support both their Gaelic skills in the workplace, and in the community as a whole. This project aims to build on this success, to create more bespoke training for apprentices, which is directly relevant to their jobs, and increase training opportunities for other Comhairle staff who are not able to attend classes during work hours.
20/06/2023 £7,500
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH North Lanarkshire Council seek funding to deliver a Gaelic creative conference. This is to promote the Gaelic language and culture to all education establishments in the authority. It is hoped that by sharing information, resources and showcasing the support available for Gaelic teaching, Head teachers and education professionals will be encouraged to use and promote the language within their establishments. Whilst the conference will benefit current GME provision, the primary aim will be to promote Gaelic to education professionals and council staff that have yet to engage with the Gaelic language. We wish to provide cultural workshops as part of this project to inspire pupils, teachers, staff and parents to become involved. This will increase their knowledge and awareness of Gaelic. We want to end the conference by providing the community with the opportunity to listen to traditional Gaelic music performed by top quality musicians – it is hoped that this will inspire young people and residents to consider the option for Gaelic involvement amongst their families and friends. As a result of the conference, we intend to achieve higher engagement in Gaelic across all council sectors but particularly within English medium primary schools. It is hoped that by promoting the resources, support and opportunities available to schools that there will be an increase in the uptake of Gaelic as part of the MLPS 1 + 2 offering across the authority. We also hope to increase awareness of the link between North Lanarkshire and the Gaelic language. We aim to share information on all aspects of Gaelic with inclusion from a range of stakeholders in the Gaelic community. Our hope is that by hearing from individuals and organisations that are passionate about and committed to the Gaelic language and culture, we will create enthusiasm, excitement and a willingness to become involved in an essential aspect of Scottish culture and heritage.
20/06/2023 £4,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH This application from North Lanarkshire Council is to enhance the provision of Gaelic Language classes to adult learners across the authority. There are currently over 50 requests to join Gaelic classes and if successful, this project will provide provision to meet this demand as well as future requests. North Lanarkshire council aims to support the Faster Rate of Progress initiative and firmly believes that by increasing the number of Gaelic speakers within our authority this will in turn benefit and promote the Gaelic language workforce across the authority and across Scotland. Gaelic Language class provision  will create a higher level of community engagement leading to increased productivity of Gaelic agencies allowing learners to upskill to achieve fluency and finally lead to the creation of a new Gaelic speaking workforce. In accordance with North Lanarkshire’s Gaelic Language Plan, the provision of Gaelic language classes and the promotion of the language is expected to have a number of positive effects within North Lanarkshire and ties in with the priorities and ambition of inclusive growth and prosperity. • An increase in the number of parents sending their children to Gaelic Medium Education. • An increase in the number of learners that further their language skills through immersion courses offered by partner agencies. • Increases levels of attendees at Gaelic community events. • Promotion of Gaelic provision and opportunities within the wider community. • Gaelic learners will be encouraged to use their skills within their place of work. • Gaelic learners will be encouraged to take up work within the Gaelic sector and North Lanarkshire Council will provide opportunities for this when available. • Guidance and support will be offered by North Lanarkshire council for any Gaelic speakers that wish to take part in Gaelic events offered by Gaelic agencies.
20/06/2023 £5,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU This project will continue to deliver Gaelic classes for staff in Glasgow City Council and arms-length organisations.  We have delivered Gaelic classes to 250 members of staff in the last three years with Fèisean nan Gàidheal. The 2022 Gaelic staff audit indicated that over 60% were interested in developing their Gaelic skills so these classes help us meet some of that demand.  We aim to develop and promote classes across all Services and encourage more and more of our staff to learn and use Gaelic. We receive very positive feedback with staff being grateful for the opportunity to learn. For some there is an added benefit in that they can begin to use Gaelic more within their everyday work, including two who have joined the council's Gaelic Officers Group that oversees delivery of our Gaelic Language Plan.  Classes are coordinated through the Gaelic Development Officer in the Chief Executive's Department. He liaises with colleagues in Corporate communications who help promote the classes through Staff News/Announcements and also with Service communication teams. Fèisean nan Gàidheal provide the administration of tutor and learner recruitment, and delivery of classes online on three separate evenings, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Due to budget restraints, the last block of classes was for six weeks only but we would aim to have longer sessions for future classes. 
20/06/2023 £22,500
GLASCHU BEò The Gaelic Arts Strategy (2018-22: now extended to 2024) is designed to enhance the creative opportunities for Gaelic in Glasgow, and to create work of the highest artistic quality that appeals to a growing and diverse audience. Delivery of the Strategy enriches the life of the city, and the lives of the many Gaelic speakers who live in and visit Glasgow. In 2023/24, with Gaelic Plans Fund support, we propose to write the next GAS 24-28 in line with Glasgow City Council draft Gaelic Plan https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=43876&p=0 and we will deliver year 6 of the current GAS continuing to deliver and develop: ·       GUIR! - 3 Gaelic Artist Residencies; ·       The Gaelic Sector steering group to create a new community model for Glaschu.net; ·       Gaelic Content within the city’s major festivals. The programme for 23/24 so far includes: UCI Championships Cultural Programme, Celtic Connections (incl.Fèis nan Deugairean & Story of Gaelic Glasgow); Aye Write Gaelic programme; Mela (2-3 Gaelic Artists); Glasgow International Gaelic Development; and Merchant City Festival, Gaelic Song Trail; ·       MOD 2019 legacy projects: Gaelic Drama Community Group; Litir gu Glaschu creative writing competition; (and projects like Bard Baille Ghlaschu and Sandy Moffatt painting); ·       Fèis Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu and Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu offering opportunities for young people developing Gaelic music; ·       Gaelic strands within mainstream Arts programme including the next iteration of the Artist-in-Communities programme and Family Cèilidh’s Community Touring across venues in the East, South and North of the city. ·       Trainnee Gaelic speaking producer
20/06/2023 £15,000
GLASCHU BEò Conversation Plus will build on the highly successful Còmhradh is Ceistean session utilising the strengths of the online learning offer to allow learners to consolidate their language skills with additional support in between classes.  Through these sessions the project aims resolve that issue which we have found improves their Gaelic skills. Another feature that we would like to include is guest speakers to provide sessions on a wide range of topics chosen by our learners to encourage them to improve their language skills and further explore Gaelic culture, both traditional and contemporary aspects. Finally, for our adult learners, we would like to provide 4 larger scale learning events this year.  Using our online learning platforms, learners can come together to explore their language skills with tutors from a variety of regions.  Allowing them to discover the depth and richness to the Gaelic language through differing dialects. Also, we hope to widen access to Gaelic learning for the next generation.  Through this project our Gaelic Bookbug sessions would allow us to support parents and pre5 learners to begin their Gaelic journey.  To support our family learning, we hope to provide language classes for parents of children joining Gaelic Primary Schools across Glasgow (P1).  Securing and increasing the Gaelic community for years to come. In line with our commitment to bring a CLD approach to Gaelic learning, we would look for funding for 20 individuals to take part in a level across the year. These places would be allocated to those meeting any one of the following criteria: ·         Adults living within the most deprived areas in Glasgow (most deprived 10% as recorded by the SIMD) ·         Adults from Minority Ethnic communities ·         Young adults that meet the criteria for Young People’s Guarantee ·         Young adult that are care experienced Funding would allow those participating the opportunity to complete SpeakGaelic A1 Part 1 and 2.  This is an innovative element of Conversation Plus to widen access to Gaelic learning to communities in Glasgow that may experience barriers to engaging with our programmes.  By eliminating financial barriers, especially during the cost of living crisis and proactively recruiting from underrepresented communities we strive for inclusivity within our Gaelic learning programmes. In addition to this, we would like to deliver taster sessions in community venues across Glasgow. Tutors would provide informal learning in a warm and relaxed atmosphere to give an insight into the Gaelic language and encourage interest in our formalised learning programmes and the Gaelic community as a whole. Còmhradh is Ceistean has proven that we can attract and retain increasing audiences both in Scotland and internationally, this established online community would be the backbone of project and we would hope that the experienced learners would support the new learners.  With a view to increase their language skills and foster a love of Gaelic community and culture.
20/06/2023 £13,500
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU Bidh sinn a' sireadh taic mhaoineachaidh airson 4 pròiseactan a bhios ag obair a chum leasachadh a thoirt air ro-innleachd is buaidh UofG Gàidhlig: tro leudachadh pròiseactan a tha soirbheachail mu thràth, agus a' tòiseachadh air co-chomhairleachadh airson is a' leasachadh phròiseactan is thachartasan ùra a bhios ag adhartachadh cor na Gàidhlig tron Oilthigh is a' choimhearsnachd timcheall oirnn ann an dòighean cruthachail is in-ghabhalachd. 'S e Sgeama Taigh na Gàidhlig, Turas-Claisneachd tron Oilthigh, ath bhranndadh is margaideachd UofG Gàidhlig agus tachartasan sòisealta air na bhios sinn ana amas dhuinn leasachadh le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.  Le seo, bidh sinn ag amas air oileanaich, luchd-obrach agus a' choimhearsnachd de luchd-labhairt is ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a tha co-cheangailte ri Oilthigh Ghlaschu agus daoine le ùidh sa Ghàidhlig tha ann mar phàirt de choimhearsnachd bhaile Ghlaschu san fharsaingeachd. Bidh sinn an dùil gum bi na pròiseactan so a' neartachadh so-ruigsinneachd buaidh UofG Gàidhlig le bhith a' tabhann chothroman ùra is cruthachail dha na com-pàirtichean - gu h-àraidh oileanaich is òigridh - los gum bi iad misneachail mu chleachdadh na Gàidhlig sa bheatha shòisealta agus obrach. Bho na leasachaidhean seo cuideachd gum bi inbhe UofG Gàidhlig air àrdachadh am measg na luchd-amais mar sheirbhis a tha adhartach agus buaidhmhor a thaobh piseach a thoirt air cor na Gàidhlig san àm ri teachd. 
07/06/2023 £35,000
CEòLAS UIBHIST A' fastadh oifigear gus Plana Ghàidhlig a chur air dòigh airson Uibhist is ag obair le luchd-ùidh gus seo a chur an gnìomh / Hiring an officer to create a Gaelic Plan for Uist and working with stakeholders to action this
07/06/2023 £15,000
IONAD GàIDHLIG DHùN ÈIDEANN A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh gus iomairt airson ionad Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann a thogail is conaltradh a dhèanamh le luchd-ùidh / Hiring a development officer to build on the campaign for a Gaelic hub in Edinburgh and to communicate with stakeholders
07/06/2023 £6,900
OPEN BOOK We are now seeking funding to continue to provide this programme of shared reading and creative writing sessions in Gaelic over the next two years, as part of our overall community programme from October 2023 - September 2025. The consistency of continued delivery will further develop our Gaelic language programme within Open Book and also the wider Scottish community.
07/06/2023 £4,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT CHOMHGHALL We are seeking funding for our Gaelic in Cowal project, which incudes a Gaelic Play Scheme, attending the Oban MoD, updating our website and creating a videe to promote Gaelic in Cowal.
28/04/2023 £8,400
STòRAS UIBHIST Stòras Uibhist aims to host a new Gàidhlig event, “Fèis Ghasaigh” as part of the Hebridean Year of Homecoming 2023. This weekend long, community event, will commemorate the centenary of the SS Marloch leaving South Uist. The Gàidhlig language is widely recognised as an integral part of Uist life and Fèis Ghasaigh will provide local people and visitors of all ages the opportunity to immerse themselves in a natural, informative and entertaining Gàidhlig environment.
29/03/2023 £15,500
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur co-labhairt air dòigh aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig air cuspairean an fhoghlaim gus 50 bliadhna de SMO a chomharrachadh / Arranging a conference at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on education topics to commemorate SMO's 50 year anniversary
29/03/2023 £49,926
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri Spòrs Gàidhlig airson Gilbean-Iuchar 2023 / Supporting Spòrs Gàidhlig for April to July 2023
14/03/2023 £5,000
WESTERN ISLES COMMUNITY SOCIETY 2023 is an Historic Year as it is the Centenary of the departure of 1500 Hebrideans to Canada, from Lochboisdale and Stornoway, on three Ships , the Metagama, the Marloch, and the Canada. 15th April 23,Lochboisdale Marloch, 21st April 23 Stornoway Metagama, 29th March 24 Lochboisdale Marloch, 26th April 24 Stornoway Marloch, and 17th May 24 Stornoway ,Canada. The Exhibition will explain the Story of Hebridean Emigration from 1700's leading up the the departure these 5 Ships, which are still well remembered in the Islands; many many Hebrideans left before these departures though and it is important this year to remember that too. The Tattoo will include the 78th Fraser Highlanders from Toronto; this is particularly appropriate as most of the Settlers went to Toronto on their way to final destinations in Montana, Alberta, Quebec, Montreal , Cape Breton, Nova Scotia... I have organised two previous Tattoos in 2009 and 2014; both were a showcase for Gaelic Singing and Gaelic Culture; this third Tattoo will be no different , indeed this one given it's Historical importance will hopefully be larger and very symbolic.
14/03/2023 £2,500
THE BIRKS CINEMA TRUST The Birks Cinema is an established community hub in Aberfeldy. Since 2017 we have been actively promoting the Gaelic language, and the cultural heritage of Highland Perthshire, with a variety of activities and events happening all year. We would like to build on the Gaelic element of this hub by continuing to proactively promote both awareness and use of Gaelic in our community delivering the following: • Monthly Gaelic Café - meet with others to practice Gaelic language in an informal relaxed way over a cup of coffee. All welcome on the understanding that the purpose is to speak Gaelic or listen and not to switch the conversation to English. • Speakers programme in our cinema auditorium - The format would be to start each speaker session with a 15 mins networking with audience and speaker, then 45 a minute bilingual talk on a topic of Gaelic interest, in order to encourage those with limited or no Gaelic but an interest in Gaelic culture to come along. After a short break the second 45 mins would be an informal chat in our mezzanine space with the speaker facilitating in Gaelic only to enable practice among participants. We propose to have 8 different speakers and would invite them along at the same time as our monthly Gaelic Café. • Gaelic related screenings - After discussion with those who regularly attend our programme we would like to either rescreen Iorram and/or Dùthchas and/or another Gaelic film. Each screening would be followed by a bi-lingual Q&A session. We would also like to try children's screenings again - in collaboration with the Fèis Thatha. • 6 week course, with the help of Speak Gaelic resources, on Gaelic language.  In June 2023, Perthshire and Angus Provincial Mod celebrates its 100th birthday and as part of these celebrations, we plan to have some additional screenings of film with Gaelic content, as well as a speaker on a relevant topic and also a Gaelic games afternoon/evening. Beneficiaries:  Existing speakers and learners of Gaelic who live within the Aberfeldy community area. Gaelic speaking visitors and learners from among members of adjacent communities with whom the project aims to foster mutual links. Outcomes: A supportive learning environment for intermediate speakers. Create a visible focus for our existing Gaelic community  (GM education, Fèis, Gaelic Choir, Gaelic Playgroup, Mod) with the potential to draw people from a wider network as Abair Thusa in Perth does. Raising the profile of the Gaelic in Aberfeldy
14/03/2023 £22,780
TIREE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST This new post will form part of a wider community projects team, delivering our Community Development Plan, but will have a specific focus as part of the post on Gaelic development work, and supporting the inclusion of Gaelic across our wider community development work. They will take on a varying portfolio of projects work relating to ongoing delivery of the Plan, which will include delivery of Gaelic-focused work as the primary priority of the post. This will initially focus on resuming our previous work, but will also include supporting a working group to develop a more ambitious wider approach to addressing the threat to Gaelic as a living community language in Tiree, building from our Gaelic Plan, developed in 2020.
14/03/2023 £49,280
MG ALBA A' fastadh oifigear gus sanasachd is stiùireadh branndaichean LearnGaelic is SpeakGaelic air-loidhne / Employing an officer to market and co-ordinate the online brands of LearnGaelic and SpeakGaelic
14/03/2023 £5,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS Tha sinn dol a ruith cùrsa do cearcall comhràidh Gàidhlig Baile Átha Cliath. Bidh deichnear a tighinn gu sgìre Thròndairnis airson cùrsa Gàidhlig. Tha a mhòr chuid den a chearcall fileanta ann an Gàidhlig agus Gàidhlig na Èirinn. Bheir an cùrsa seo cothrom dhaibh Gàidhlig a chluinntinn ann an suidheachadh nàdarra. Ged a tha an cearcall gu math fileanta chan eil iad a fhaighinn mòran cothrom Gàidhlig a chluinntinn.
14/03/2023 £10,000
NORTH WEST HIGHLANDS GEOPARK We wish to partner with Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark on a Gaelic and Irish project, celebrating our two cultures, sharing our similarities, and strengthening our relationship as UNESCO Global Geoparks.   The Colmcille scheme is perfect for cooperation between our regions. Scottish Gaelic and Irish are registered as ‘definitely endangered’ on UNESCO’s languages in danger list. Our two Geoparks share a limestone karst landscape, Celtic heritage, pastoral traditions and North Atlantic coastlines. Colmcille was a diplomat as well as a missionary - he wanted to create a safe environment for peaceful travel, and this aligns well with our shared UNESCO values.    We want to research and explore these themes with academic and creative partners to strengthen knowledge and links between our two regions, support our endangered languages for future generations, and gain insights into how landscape influences cultural development.   We will: • Map Gaelic/Irish placenames, poetry and songs that describe geological and landscape features. • Share our findings with a drop in event and evening ceilidh at a local village hall. • Host a school and community event in each region to document and learn more about place names and songs, teaching young people and sharing best practice. • Swap a set of placename/poem/song gazetteer influenced by our local traditions with the other region.  To allow the Geopark communities to lead the process, attendees will decide how to share findings perhaps through future exchange visits or other creative means.  As part of our wider “ACT Geopark” (Access, Connect, Take-part) this work will feed into developing a Sense of Place toolkit with Artists in Residence and contribute to the programme outcome: more people enjoy and understand the landscape and its stories in ways which engage communities and support the local economy.
14/03/2023 £5,000
ALBA PC We are seeking support for Gaelic speaking attendees at the International Pan Celtic Festival to be held in Carlow in April 2023 where we will be running a series of workshops and performances Throughout the 5-day festival, artistes will facilitate workshops in their own speciality – Gaelic song - comparing Scottish & Irish Gaelic songs; language - a taster session touching on the similarities and differences between Scottish & Irish Gaelic ;  Highland & Ceilidh Dance - an in depth look at the stories behind the dances and comparing to Irish dance; Placenames and Poetry. Daily music sessions will take place sharing stories, songs and tunes    At the end of the week, a daytime ceilidh with Gaelic and Irish artistes will take place showcasing our shared culture. The final session is the Scottish night where all the artistes will perform. The artistes travelling to the Pan Celtic Festival 2023 will develop their performance skills through various events from intimate gatherings to packed concert halls.  This will be beneficial as they learn to adapt to the different types of performance required, gaining confidence and experience.  We aim to promote and strengthen Scotland’s place within the Celtic nations through language, culture, music and song.  The opportunity for information exchange amongst the nations and the encouragement of Inter-Celtic tourism, trade and commerce.
14/03/2023 £10,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR We want to put on a concert and workshop series on the Western Isles and Ireland to share the stories and celebrate the lives of the 300 and more who died during the disaster of the full-rigged ship, the "Annie Jane", off Vatersay, Barra, September 1853. The concerts and workshops will consist of traditional music, song and dance, combined with new material relating to the stories from the Annie Jane, including voice and field recordings, new music and new songs composed in Gaelic and Gaeilge. By sharing the traditions that bring these communities together, the emigrant songs, music and dance which might have been witnessed on the Annie Jane, we highlight this lesser-known tragedy and strengthen the relationship between affected communities - gaining a better understanding of each other via our shared history and experience, with the hope that future exchanges can occur. On board, the Annie Jane were about 450 passengers and crew, most of whom were sailing from Liverpool to Quebec to begin a new and better life in the New World. These included labourers, blacksmiths, joiners, and rope-makers from Glasgow, Inverness, Aberdeen, Dornoch, Granton-on-Spey, Exeter, London and Liverpool going to work on the new Canadian railways. Protestant missionaries from Switzerland, Holland and France, whose goal was to teach the Roman Catholic French about 'the great doctrines of the reformed faith.' Seamen from Quebec and Newfoundland hungry to earn a living. Young boys from London's 'Ragged Schools' looking to find what more Canada can offer them, and young mothers with children, including a young mother from Barvas, Lewis, travelling to join their successful husbands. But most of the passengers were from every corner of Ireland. The dead were buried together, just above Vatersay beach, where they perished, far from their families and homes.  This year the "Hebridean Homecoming" marks the centenary of the departure of emigrants from Stornoway on the Metagama and Lochboisdale on the Marloch heading for Montreal. The Stornoway Historical Society (SHS) is putting a lot of work into finding where emigrants' families settled and connecting descendants to their genealogy and history. In addition to this, and because no commemoration has taken place, the SHS would like to remember these 300 emigrants and crew of the Annie Jane who didn't make it to the New World and whose lives ended on our shores. 
14/03/2023 £7,200
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL Following a visit to Conemara last September to attend the Ár gConair event organised by the British Irish Council,  Fèisean nan Gàidheal would like to use the connections made to establish a new cultural exchange project for fluent Gaelic and Irish speaking young people. Recognising that both groups face a reduction in participant numbers in the 12 - 16 age group, the project will involve the two organisations working together to create a new project which will give those participants a unique cultural experience. Building on the experience from previous exchange projects, the aim of Turas is to take away any element of formal performance therefore reducing the pressure on participants and allowing them the space to develop their skills, explore their shared heritage and culture in a relaxed an meaningful way. 
14/03/2023 £8,500
BLAS FESTIVAL Tha sinn a sireadh taic-airgid airson sreath de cheitheir chuirmean sònraichte agus bùithtean-obrach a chur air dòigh mar phàirt de Fèis Bhlas 2023. Bu mhath leinn Séamus agus Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta, a tha nan seinneadairean Gaeilge is luchd-ciùil, a thoirt a-null don Ghàidhealtachd airson a bhith mar phàirt de na chuirmean seo cuide ri Peigi is Donaidh Barker a tha nan seinneadairean Gàidhlig is luchd-ciùil. Tha sinn an dùil gun cur an ceathrar a tha seo consart ri chèile a bhios a’ sealltain an dàimh a tha eadar Alba is Èirinn, ar cànain, ar ceòl agus ar dualchas tro na h-òrain is puirt a bhios mar phàirt de na taisbeanaidhean. Gheibh luchd-frithealaidh Blas an cothrom èisteachd ri ceòl is òrain na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge air a thaisbeanadh le sàr luchd-ciùil òga na h-Alba is Èirinn, a bhios a’ togail inbhe na cànain ‘s ar dualchas co-roinnte . Tha sinn an dùil gum bi e tarraingeach do sgoilearan a bhith a’ faighinn taisbeanadh is bùth-obrach as na sgoiltean aca airson ceòl is òrain ionnsachadh agus barrachd mu Ghaeilge agus eachdraidh na ceangalan a tha eadar an dà dhùthaich. A bharrachd air an ceathrar a bhios a’ nochdadh air steidse, bidh dithis air fhastadh mar phàirt de sgioba teicnigeach airson deiligeadh ri fuaim is solais. Bidh triùir air fhastadh airson aon dha na cuirmean a sruthadh beò.  Thèid a’ phròiseact air fad a cho-òrdnachadh le sgioba-stiùiridh Blas.
14/03/2023 £10,000
FC SONAS FC Sonas is applying to the Colmcille funding stream in the hope of organising a cultural football festival to act as an opening event for the new community football hub facility in Inverness scheduled to open in August 2023. Inspired by St Columba’s historical presence in the Inverness area and the famous tale of the Loch Ness monster – located 15 minutes away from the Community Hub venue – the football festival will celebrate our shared connected culture to Ireland. During the  week 7th to the 13th of August we would like to host a 7aside football festival featuring Gaelic and Gaeilge speaking teams for both girls and boys aged S1 to S2. The week long event will feature a string of football games against various opposition, cultural activities in collaboration with Cultarlann Inbhir Nis, Gaelic & Gaeilge learning opportunities and support with football based activity from our partnership with Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC. For the first time football based cultural and language connections would be established which we hope can turn into an annual event with the opportunity for the venue to rotate from year to year between both Scotland and Ireland. Establishing footballing pathways between the two countries can build relationships and friendships where shared best practice can support language development. Alongside inspiring young people and providing an incentive to be involved in language based football activity, a platform can be created to build towards CONIFA international participation (The Confederation of Independent Football Associations) where Irish and Scottish Gaels can support their respective organisational development. Furthermore, opportunities will be provided for aspiring developing coaches to take up leadership opportunities and form a supportive network of shared language based objectives through he medium of football.
14/03/2023 £10,500
CULTURE, HERITAGE AND ARTS ASSEMBLY ARGYLL AND ISLES (CHARTS) CHARTS is applying for funding support to facilitate the growth of Gaelic language and culture partnership between Argyll and Ireland through the development of Cuairt Chaluim Chille / Colmcille exhibition tour, with associated language and arts events/forums, across Argyll at five exhibition venues. Gaelic artists, speakers and learners from Argyll and Ireland will be offered opportunities for partnership working and will be invited to celebrate language and culture around Colmcille arts & heritage themes, including through an arts and heritage awards scheme to support participation. The exhibition venues will act as conversation hubs, bringing together Gaelic artists and communities, to explore the influence and journey of Colmcille in Argyll. This application is based on extensive research to date across Argyll and Bute, showing the desire of key cultural practitioners to further build relationships with Gaelic speakers in Ireland and aims to take up the Colmcille exhibition tour offer made to CHARTS by Judith McCarthy, Donegal County Museum and Bernadette Walsh, Tower Museum, Derry, to support partnership development.  This project builds on potential development discussions to date with Foras na Gaeilge and Bòrd na Gàidhlig, aiming to further grow relationships from joint activities during Colmcille 1500. This project also aims to capitalise on the recent positioning of a Gaelic Culture Officer funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig in Argyll and Bute; located within CHARTS, this staff continues to build networks to promote Gaelic Language and Culture, is developing Gaelic Strategy for the region and assists to inform regular report to the Argyll and Bute Council Gaelic Policy Lead Group. 
14/03/2023 £10,000
EALAIN IS CULTAR TRAIDISEANTA ALBA This ‘Scotland’s Year of Stories’ aligned project re-tells tales of Fionn MacCumhaill and other Celtic heroes through songs, stories and music.  The Finn Cycle stories and songs have been passed down through generations with some collected as field recordings by the School of Scottish Studies and The National Folklore Collection, and others being collected by folklorists for manuscript and print publications.  The stories and songs are not as well known in Scotland in the present day as they are in Ireland, and this project will highlight the riches of the shared traditions to a wide audience, in Scotland, throughout the UK and Ireland and potentially further afield.  This project will involve a residency collaboration between singers, musicians and storytellers, recreating the tales for a modern audience.  The residency will be situated either in the Republic of Ireland or in Northern Ireland, bringing together Scottish and Irish artists to consolidate on material recorded during the first phase of the project, enabling further performance pieces to be selected, and providing a space for rehearsal of the pieces prior to public performances.  The residential will also provide an opportunity for the artists to work together on content for workshops for Gaelic and Gaeilge medium pupils. This project will include three artists from Scotland and two artists from Ireland and the songs and stories will be performed in Gaelic and Gaeilge.   The performance of the wider collection will be in Scotland at storytelling, cultural and music festivals e.g. Blas Festival, Celtic Connections, and the Scottish International Storytelling Festival.  It is also hoped there will be performance opportunities in Ireland, interest in the project has been shown by the Féile Imram and it may also be possible to hold performances at Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich in Belfast and other locations such as Donegal.   Other proposed outreach work tying into public performances would be workshops at local Gaelic or Gaeilge medium schools close to where the performances will be held.  Within the project team, there are 3 fluent speakers of Gaelic and 2 fluent speakers of Gaeilge.  Several of the project team members have skills in both languages, and the workshops could be held entirely through the medium of Gaelic or Gaeilge, or bilingually depending on the situation.  The language skills within the project team will also be beneficial in developing workshop content e.g. a feature of the workshops and performances will also involve explaining words and phrases which are different in the opposite languages to speakers of the other language.   
14/03/2023 £4,280
MOUNT CAMERON PRIMARY SCHOOL This project will allow children in Gaelic Medium Education in Mount Cameron Primary, East Kilbride, Scotland and children in Gaelscoil Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche in Castelwellan, Northern Ireland to develop their Gaelic languages through traditional stories, drama and song with a view to sharing their progress through film clips and ongoing correspondence between teachers in the two schools. 4 artists (two in Northern Ireland and two in Scotland) will support the drama and music elements of the project. The 4 artists, 2 teacher and 2 depute head teachers will have an inital meeting to plan the project and agree timescales and outcomes.  The artists will have 4 visits each to their respective school over the period of time supporting the development of the project. The project will be shared within the two school communities. The children will become familiar with traditional stories and with wider connections between different Gaelic languages.  
14/03/2023 £11,000
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE Bidh Iomain Cholmcille 14 na fharpais iomain eadar-naiseanta. Bidh e a' toirt Gaidheil a Alba is Eirinn comhla, fir, boireannaich agus clann airson geamannan eadar-naiseanta co-reitichte air an cluich tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig/Gaeilge. 'S e meadhan deatamach airson daoine oga a bhith a' coinneachadh ri Gaidheil eile agus a' cleachdadh a' chanain ann an suidheachadh neo-fhoirmeil, fallainn, sporsail. Bheir e misneachd, inbhe agus speis do chorr is ceud gu leth duine gach bliadhna, agus bidh e a' cur ri inbhe na Gaidhlig anns gach coimhearsnachd a bhios e a' tachairt, agus far am bi na cluicheadairean fhein steidhichte. Bidh an da choimhearsnachd ag ionnsachadh bho cheile, agus tha sinn an duil gun lean an t-ionnsachadh le tachartas soirbheachail eile ann an 2023. Bidh e a' neartachadh 
14/03/2023 £9,500
EAGLAIS NA H-ALBA An Nollaig, an-uiridh chaidh an Lego Video Animation a leanas, eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus Beurla le blas Albannach. Chaidh a thoirt seachad an-asgaidh don chloinn, pàrantan agus sgoiltean uile air feadh Alba. https://gochattervideos.com/lego-christmas-story-church-of scotland/?fbclid=IwAR1k3AvKgwXsaYwddpWtM9viHrOLWpi5h5_DJpI2RYZK-gTWbyzRttgLMt8 B’ e cothrom fadalach a bh’ ann. Air tòiseachadh, seachdain gu leth ron Nollaig. A dh'aindeoin sinn, bha toraidhean suirbhidh a chaidh a dhèanamh às dèidh làimh glè mhisneachail(an cois seo). Mar thoradh air an sin, thathas a’ moladh 6 beòthachaidhean bhidio Lego eile a thoirt gu buil, am-bliadhna: Iosa a’ slànachadh an duine leis am pairilis (Marc 2: 1-12) An Samaritanach Math (Lucas 10:25-37) Am Bonn Caillte (Lucas 15: 8-10)  Ionah Daibhidh & Golia Rut   A bharrachd air an sin, tha Bhidio Beothachaidh Lego na Caisge air ullachadh an-dràsta.  Gus an fheum as fheàrr a dhèanamh de na bhidio’s tha sinn an dùil  an cois gach bhidio lgum bi nota tidseir agus / no duilleag-obrach (ean) [ann an daimh ri Comhairle nan Eilean Siar] agus sgeama (an cois seo)  Lego airson a’ chlann a chur ri cheile, le sealladh bhon bheòthalachd leis.   Tha sinn den bheachd gun gabh na bhideothan Lego seo air an cleachdadh san sgoil, san eaglais agus aig an taigh. Agus faodaidh e a bhith air a’ chleachdadh le pàrantan, sean-phàrantan, seaplain sgoile agus ministearan agus luchd-obrach òigridh.
14/03/2023 £2,000
MòD ÀIRD NAM MURCHAN To enable Mrs. Riona Whyte to tutor Gaelic singing in the five Primary schools of the Ardnamurchan peninsulas and Ardnamurchan High School in order for individuals and choirs to compete in Mod Aird nam Murchan on Friday 16th June 2023.  The application includes transport and ferry costs.  All of the peninsulas' Primary schools' children are involved in the Mod, and some of the High School pupils. Their numbers currently are: Ardgour Primary: 23 pupils, Acharacle Primary: 50 pupils, Kilchoan Primary: 12 pupils, Lochaline Primary: 13 pupils  and Strontian Primary: 20 pupils (118 Primary school children in total) plus the High School: approximately 10 of their pupils.  Ardgour, Lochaline, Kilchoan and Strontian Primaries have had very little exposure to Gaelic.  Acharacle School has 36 pupils in their GM Unit, and Ardnamurchan High School offers GM education. All the schools have welcomed Mrs. Whyte in to tutor over the last four years.  Her aim is to give non-Gaelic speakers involvement in Gaelic poems, music and song, as well as to encourage GM pupils. The Mod is therefore giving all Primary pupils a confidence in Gaelic song and music which they will carry forward into the High School.
14/03/2023 £1,250
HELENSBURGH GAELIC CLUB To provide Gaelic Language and culture lessons in the Helensburgh area for Gaelic learners of all ages. To provide continuity to an established Gaelic learners group which has operated continually since 1997. This is the only opportunity for adults to learn Gaelic in the Helensburgh & Lomond Area of Argyll & Bute. Gaelic classes exist in Dumbarton but are only available to residents in West Dunbartonshire. The group regularly fails to get financial support from Argyll & Bute Council .
09/03/2023 £325,265
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' dealbhachadh is deasachadh goireasan foghlaim Gàidhlig is a' cur taic ri leasachadh phroifeasanta do thidsearan / Designign and developing Gaelic education resources and supporting professional development for teachers
09/03/2023 £108,775
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig is a' ruith ionad is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Ìle / Delivering Gaelic classes and running a Gaelic centre and events in Islay
09/03/2023 £632,570
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri lìonra de dh' oifigearan Iomairt air feadh na dùthcha a bhios cur taic ri òigridh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh taobh a-muigh na sgoile, ann an suidheachaidhean spòrsail agus airson taic a chumail ri phàrantan a thaobh FtMG / Supporting a network of Iomairtean officers across the country that support young people to use Gaelic outside of school, in fun situations and to support parents in relation to GME
09/03/2023 £128,250
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' lìbhrigeadh am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2023 ann am Pàislig is cumail taic ri Mòdan ionadail air feadh na h-Alba / Delivering the Royal National Mòd 2023 in Paisley and supporting local Mòds across Scotland
09/03/2023 £185,350
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is seiseanan ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig tro Fèis Sgoil is deasachadh fèisean is tachartasan tro Fèis Blas is eile airson Gàidhlig a riochdachadh sna h-ealain tradiseanta / Delvering activities and sessions through the medium of Gaelic through Fèis Sgoil and producing festivals and events through Fèis Blas and others to represent Gaelic in the traditional arts
09/03/2023 £193,150
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn litreachais na Gàidhlig, a' toirt seachad tabhartasan airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig ullachadh/foillseachadh is a' cur tachartasan is iomairtean air dòigh airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig a mhargaidheachd / Providing strategic leadership for the Gaelic publishing sector, providing grants to develop/publish Gaelic books and arranging events and campaigns to market Gaelic books
09/03/2023 £85,680
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas is làrach-lìn mar stòr-dàta ùghdarrasach air ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an Alba / Developing a resource and website as an authoritative database of Gaelic place-names in Scotland
09/03/2023 £84,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leudachadh is foillseachadh innteartan ann am Faclair na Gàidhlig, faclair eachdraidheil de chànan na Gàidhlig / Expanding and publishing entries of Faclair na Gàidhlig, a historical dictionary of the Gaelic language
09/03/2023 £42,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas dualchais air-loidhne le clàraidhean fuaim is bhideo Gàidhlig is a' ruith tachartasan airson an goireas a bhrosnachadh / Developing the online heritage resources of Gaelic audio and video recordings and running events to promote the resources
09/03/2023 £59,485
CEòLAS UIBHIST A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Deas / Delivering Gaelic classes and events in South Uist
09/03/2023 £61,500
ACAIR A' foillseachadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig ùra aig sàr àrd-ìre / Publishing new high-quality Gaelic books
09/03/2023 £58,090
THEATRE GU LEòR A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn dràma na Gàidhlig is a' toirt seachad trèanadh is comhairle do luchd-ealain / Providing strategic leadership to the Gaelic drama sector and providing training and support to artists
09/03/2023 £130,000
MG ALBA A' cruthachadh stuthan-teagaisg airson cùrsa SpeakGaelic aig ìrean B1 & B2 air sgèile FICE / Creating teaching materials for the SpeakGaelic course at B1 & B2 levels on the CEFR scale
15/02/2023 £13,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur seachdain-còmhnaidh air dòigh airson teaghlaichean a thoirt còmhla gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh / Arranging a week-long residential for families to use Gaelic together
15/02/2023 £30,000
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' lìbhrigheadh sgeama taic-airgid do luchd-ealain Gàidhlig ann an co-bhonn le Alba Chruthachail / Running a funding scheme for Gaelic artists in co-operation with Creative Scotland
15/02/2023 £4,000
LINGO FLAMINGO We would like to deliver 6 SQA Gaelic certificated language projects to older adults and people living with dementia in care homes and day centres across the central belt of Scotland over the next year. The courses take place every week and last one hour each. Each course lasts 12 weeks in total. So that will be a total of 72 language lessons across 6 different care homes over the one-year period. The purpose of the courses is fourfold. Firstly, to create meaningful and cognitive boosting activities for older adults as research has shown that language learning is a great way of keeping the brain fit and active, as well as being able to delay the effects of dementia. Secondly, we want to promote the Gaelic language and give participants who are marginalised the opportunity to learn about both the Gaelic language and culture. Thirdly, through our work, we seek to increase the mental-wellbeing, sense of purpose and self-perception of older learners showing that it is never too later to learn something new. Lastly, we would like to incorporate a SQA National 2 Gaelic unit as part of our offerings so that learners can receive a formal qualification in Gaelic which helps them to accomplish a sense of achievement later in life.
15/02/2023 £4,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Tha luchd-obrach ann am Foghlam Thidsearan SMO airson cùrsa a lìbhrigeadh do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile eadar Bliadhna 4 agus Bliadhna 6 aig a bheil ùidh ann an teagasg Gàidhlig/tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.  Tha cruaidh fheum air tidsearan aig gach ìre de dh’fhoghlam Gàidhlig. Bheireadh an cùrsa seo cothrom agus brosnachadh do sgoilearan beachdachadh air cùrsa teagaisg nuair a dh’fhàgas iad an sgoil, air an obair a bhiodh romhpa, na dh’fheumadh iad de theisteanasan agus de dh’fheartan agus sgilean airson cùrsa teagaisg a dhèanamh agus dreuchd ann an teagasg a ghabhail os làimh. Bheireadh e cothrom dhaibh cuideachd na sgilean cànain agus conaltraidh aca a leasachadh, a bhith a’ fàs ann am misneachd, beagan eòlais fhaighinn air beatha colaiste agus beagan tuigse fhaighinn air gnothaichean proifeiseanta a thaobh teagasg. Bidh an cothrom aca Gàidhlig a chleachdadh gu cunbhalach tron chùrsa agus ann an suidheachaidhean sòisealta nuair a tha iad a' fuireach air làrach na colaiste. 
15/02/2023 £3,500
GàIDHLIG DUMGAL • Our audience continues to be adults taking their first steps in learning Gaelic or those wishing to improve existing skills. During 2023/24 we will continue to provide quality Gaelic language leaning for adults, our core learners and where possible attract new learners.  • We will provide Gaelic language classes for adults across Dumfries and Galloway at both beginner and improver levels . (We are aware from our current work that no alternative provision exists locally.)  • Relevance and familiarity with Gaelic will be improved through raising the profile of the language across Dumfries and Galloway.  • We will develop the skills of our tutors and work towards increasing their number. • We will work in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council to support and enhance their Gaelic Language Plan. • We will work in partnership with the Robert Burns Film Centre Theatre to promote Gaelic language film. • We will continue to seek opportunities to promote Galloway’s Gaelic history working in partnership with the University of Glasgow and Dumfries and Galloway Council. • We will maintain our efforts towards a sustainable future for Gaelic learning for adults throughout the region.
15/02/2023 £3,500
BOTHAN DHùN ÈIDEANN We run monthly music events in Kilderkin pub, Edinburgh. These are ticketed by suggested donation of £7. Tha Bothan ag amas air brosnachadh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig sna ealainean agus am measg buill coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann; ’s e iadsan cho math ri luchd-ciùil Gàidhlig a gheibh buannachd às. Bidh comataidh Bhothain a’ cur air dòigh gach tachartas agus tha a’ chomataidh o chionn ghoirid air obrachadh gu fìor mhath mar sgioba. Tha proifeiseantaich againn le sgilean ann am margaidheachd, dealbhadh grafaigeach agus eagrachadh thachartasan. Tha triùir no ceathrar againn a’ tuigsinn mar a chuireas teicneòlas fuaim gu feum. Tha dàimhean fìor mhath againn le Kilderkin, an t-ionad far am bi na tachartasan againn a’ gabhail àite, agus le luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig sa bhaile. Tha sealladh in-ghabhaltach againn air a’ Ghàidhlig - bidh sinn a’ toirt mòran bhuidhnean còmhla. Is e seo (2024) ar ceann-bliadhna. Tha sinn air a bhith air siùl airson 20 bliadhna. Mar sin, bu toil leinn Fèis a chur air dòigh a chomharrachadh na clach-mhìle seo. Tha daoine gu math ainmeil air innse dhuinn gum bu toil leotha pàirt a ghabhail innte.Buannachdan: - Bidh luchd-ciùil agus cleasaichean Gàidhlig a’ tighinn don phrìomh bhaile airson an saothair a cho-roinn airson deagh ìre phàighidh (a rèir sgèile Aonadh Luchd-ciùil na Rìoghachd Aonaiche). - Tha luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig air an toirt a-steach ann an coimhearsnachd còmhla ri fileantaich - Faodaidh fileantaich a dhol an sàs anns a’ chultar aca fhèin nan cànan fhèin agus dh’fhaodadh gun toir e foghlaim dhaibh cuideachd - Faodar dualchainntean a riochdachadh - Thèid beul-aithris a chumail suas agus a leasachadh - Thathar a’ toirt a-mach cruthan ùra de dh’eòlas cultarach - Tha a h-uile duine a’ faireachdainn gu bheil iad ann an coimhearsnachd, a tha math airson slàinte - Faodaidh daoine òga agus teaghlaichean aig na sgoiltean Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann pàirt a ghabhail ann an coimhearsnachd nas fharsainge - Faodaidh luchd-èisteachd ceangal a dhèanamh ri fìor sgeulachdan + cultar na Gàidhealtachd
15/02/2023 £3,700
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH GLASCHU A DEAS The Gaidhlig san Dachaidh courses were established primarily to provide Gaelic education in support of parents and grandparents with children in Gaelic education. This is still an important component of the courses run in Glaschu Deas but our remit has broadened both in the range of pupils we accept and the scope of our teaching. We put considerable emphasis on involvement with and exposure to Gaelic culture and history through active participation and specific projects.  Our activities comprise: ·         Teaching Gaelic to adults in regular weekly classes ·         Involvement in and promotion of Gaelic cultural heritage ·         Raising awareness of the Gaelic language and culture through home and social contacts ·         Participating in Gaelic cultural events ·         Preparing and presenting aspects of Gaelic culture
15/02/2023 £3,000
MUNLOCHY GAELIC GROUP Tha sinn a’ sireadh taic-airgid gus leasanan Gàidhlig a ruith.  Tha ceithir clasaichean againn an-dràsta (air-loidhne) agus tha sinn airson fear eile, aghaidh ri aghaidh le seinneadairean ionadail, a thòiseachadh airson luchd-tòiseachaidh nar coimhearsnachd.  Tha MGG gu fìor-ghnìomhach ag adhartachadh na Gàidhlig gu coimhearsnachdan Mhunlochy, a’ Chnuic Bhàin agus na paraistean faisg air làimh san Eilean Dubh gus luach gnèitheach a’ chànain do Eachdraidh, Litreachas agus Cruinn-eòlas an Eilein Duibh a chumail suas agus àrdachadh.
15/02/2023 £3,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) We intend this project to reach communities around Glasgow’s GME establishments, including parents, grandparents and carers of children in GME, and also other learners in and around Glasgow who are at intermediate and advanced levels and for whom there are limited other opportunities available to develop their fluency. We will hold weekly Gaelic classes for adult learners, either on-line or at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (SGG), on Wednesday evenings. One class will be at Advanced level, focusing on Gaelic conversation and culture; and the other at Intermediate Level, focusing on grammar and vocabulary and based on Robertson and Taylor’s Gaelic: A Complete Course for Beginners, with the aim of recruiting new participants who have completed Beginners classes elsewhere. In the 2022/23 session we resumed in-person classes at SGG for the Intermediate Level.  The Advanced class continued through the medium of Zoom following feedback from participants, for reasons such as jugging child care and poor public transport in the late evening.  We propose to continue these arrangement in the 2023 session if it continues to suit the majority of our learners.  Both classes will be conducted primarily in Gaelic but with some of the more technical points of grammar explained in English when required to aid understanding.  The classes aim to further develop and enrich learners' everyday, idiomatic Gaelic on their way to becoming a more proficient, natural-sounding and confident speaker.
15/02/2023 £4,000
ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND - ACTION ON DEMENTIA Developing on from our Còmhraidhean sa Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Conversations project. We want to deliver Fàs na Gàidhlig. This includes hiring venues in the community that give people self-worth and confidence in the public eye. This will help to break down the isolation that can go hand in hand with dementia and will promote self-worth for people living with dementia and their carers and families. We have already gained recognition by winning the Duais Coimhearsnachd at the Scottish Gaelic Awards in 2021. We want to keep up the momentum by engaging with people living with dementia and their carers family, and friends and to build on the intergenerational links created with the Gaelic primary schools in Skye, Lochaber, and Wester Ross which have been well-received by all.   We will continue with a mix of in-person, online, and blended events to ensure that as many people as possible can take part. This has been working very well and we do not want to lose the momentum with this due to lack of funding. Some of our events will be focussed on Gaelic speakers and Gaelic will be the main language used and others will be using a mix of Gaelic and English to raise awareness of the language and to encourage Gaelic to be used in more settings and encourage more people to learn some Gaelic. Diane Smith, our Community Activities Organiser, has been working hard on building her Gaelic language skills and has completed SpeakGaelic A1 last year through an online course from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, and also attended one of their online short summer courses. She is currently attending weekly night classes run by Highland Council to revise SpeakGaelic A1. An essential part of the future development of this project is for Diane to continue to learn and develop her Gaelic skills.  This will enable her to build relationships directly with the Gaelic speakers we are supporting as well as teaching and sharing her knowledge with others.  She has enrolled for An Cùrsa Inntrigidh online with Sabhal Mòr and begins on January 16th 2023.  Funds from last year’s grant are covering Earrann 1 and if successful with this application, she will be able to continue on and do Earrann 2 and Earrann 3.
15/02/2023 £4,000
DòRLACH Tha am pròiseact seo ag amas air Oifigear Duiditeach fhastadh pàirt-ùine. Bidh an t-oifigear ag amas air cruthachadh, leasachadh, agus làimhseachadh obraichean Dhòrlaich air loidhne. Bidh an t-oifigear ag obair gu h-àraidh air The BLAS Rm, làrach-lìn a bhios na stòras agus na ghoireas-ionnsachaidh airson dualchainntean na Gàidhlig. Bidh an t-oifigear an cois meadhanan-sòisealta na buidhne cuideachd, agus a' làimhseachadh ghnothaichean teicneòlas, leithid foillseachadh bhidiothan. A thuilleadh air sin, bidh cothrom aig an oifigear obraichean-làraich a dhèanamh còmhla ri luchd-clàrachaidh Dhòrlaich airson bhidiothan, clàraidhean, facail 's seanchas a thogail agus barrachd a dhèanamh. Tha sinn an dòchas an dreuchd pàirt-ùine a tha seo a thabhann do chuideigin òg aig a bheil Gàidhlig, leithid oileanach. Le sin, bheireamaid cothrom dhaibh an cuid chomasan a leasachadh a bhios feumail dhaibh sa bheatha phearsanta agus proifeiseanta aca. B' urrainn don phròiseact seo a bhith mar inntearnas pàighte.
15/02/2023 £4,480
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL Tha Grinneabhat ann am Bràdhagair air Taobh Siar Leòdhas air a’ ruith le Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhràdhagair agus Àrnoil (UCBA) agus bho 2020 tha UCBA air a bhith a cur prògraman tachartasan air doigh le measgachadh de thachartasan airson muinntir a’ choimhearsnachd ionadail ach cuideachd tachartasan a bhios tarraingeach do dhaoine eile bho na h-Eileanan agus cuideachd do luchd-turais a bhios a’ tighinn bho air feadh an t-saoghal chun na sgìre agus a’ fuireach ann an Grinneabhat no a bhios a’ cleachdadh na goireasan. Le bhith a’ cur na diofair tachartasan air dòigh gach bliadhna tha UCBA air prìomhachas a’ chur air a’ Ghàidhlig mar am prìomh canan aig a mhòr-chuid de na tachartasan agus tha sinn air a bhith ag amas air tachartasan airson gach aois anns a choimhearsnachd.  Tro Grinneabhat2324 bith UCBA a’ tabhainn measgachadh de chuirmean-ciùil, cothroman ionnsachaidh, cothroman còmhraidh, Grinneabhat Sessions, Seachdain Coimhearsnachd, Tachartasan na Nollaig 2023, agus a’ gabhail pàirt ann an fèisean mar LUACH 2023, Dark Skies Festival, Fèis Fiadh-Bheatha nan Eilean agus Dìleab 2023 ann com-pàirteachais le buidhnean coimhearsmachd, ionadail agus nàiseanta mar CnaG, Sgeulachdan Siarach is eile.
15/02/2023 £3,000
EAST AYRSHIRE GAELIC FORUM A conversation Day would be held, normally in October, which would provide tutored groups from Absolute Beginners to Advanced Speakers.  The day would start at 9.30 and end at 3.30 with a break for lunch.  (Tutors 4, Participants 40-50) Books from the Gaelic Book Council may be available to purchase and there would be advice on the range of book levels available.  The event is open to adults of all ages and to secondary school pupils. A Song Workshop would usually be held in April and would involve two native speakers and singers as tutors eg Gillibride McMillan and his sister Mairi.  They each lead a class separately and swap class for the afternoon session. (Tutors 2, Participants 35-45) A short cultural history of the songs would also be provided with help given to those with a limited knowledge of Gaelic pronunciation.  This may encourage the participants to explore the variety of Gaelic song and music.  Hopefully by encouraging adults and pupils in both events, some will experience the pleasure of identifying Gaelic day to day in council and town signage.  They may also be able to enjoy de-anglicizing place names into their Gaelic origins and enjoy cultural and historical aspects of Gaelic Song. It is hoped to identify tutors soon for both the Conversation Day and the Song Workshop for the 2023-2024 session. Weekly conversation/language class.  (Tutor 1, 30 sessions over three terms, Participants 7)
15/02/2023 £4,500
LAIRG & DISTRICT LEARNING CENTRE Ionnsaich! will provide opportunities for adults to learn Gaelic and use their Gaelic language in person and online. This includes a mix of beginners classes, intermediate classes, conversation classes and Gaelic heritage classes delivered online and in person at Lairg & District Learning Centre and outreach venues across Sutherland.  The project will support people to develop new and existing Gaelic skills, provide them with an opportunities to use Gaelic more often and improve wellbeing.  These will be open to participants from across the wider Highlands as well as those residing in Sutherland.  Regular online classes also be open to participants from across the world, providing Gaelic learners with a unique opportunity to learn with Gaelic tutors and learners living in Scotland.  The project supports the National Gaelic Language Plan's aims to increasing Gaelic usage, increasing the learning of Gaelic and promoting a positive image of Gaelic. It also supports Highland Council's GLP commitment to provide opportunities to encourage and increase the use of Gaelic in the community.
15/02/2023 £4,000
DòCHAS DANCERS Dochas Dancers would  aim to provide four Dannsa is Dèanadais sessions hrough the medium of Gaelic, in 4 different island venues and also two evening sessions hosted by local ceilidh dancing organisations open to all age groups.  In our regular classes we have recently started  "babyballet" sessions which cater for children aged 6 months to 6 years and in our workshops last year, for the first time,  we included this age group using Gaelic language for songs and activities.  Also for the first time we invited local country/old time dancing groups to provide tuition in ceilidh dancing at our workshops using Gaelic language and "buddying" type tuition with adults partnering children.  All the sessions were very successful and greatly enjoyed by all and resultantly we would like to repeat this format instead of the original week long series of summer workshops which we have been supported by the board for over 10 years. The workshops instead of just catering for schoolchildren could include anyone aged 6 months upwards.   Mums of under 3 year olds with any level of Gaelic  would require to take part with their little ones and participate in songs and games.  They would benefit from the social interaction and opportunity to take part in fun activities through the  medium of Gaelic.  All interested in ceilidh dancing would also benefit from attending the evening ceilidh sessions which would be open to all age groups.  Elderly people even if not dancing could come to watch, have tea and interact wth participants.   Through bringing a large range of age groups together we'd hope to encourage the use of Gaelic in people who are interested in it or lacking in confidence to use the language. 60
15/02/2023 £4,000
MEUR LOCH ABAR Post covid -19 Meur Loch Abar seeks to re-establish it local Mod tuition programme back to a more traditional in person tuition programme supplemented with some online teaching in an hybrid model, we are looking to engage with our partners to encourage uptake of the in-person and online teaching opportunities on offer. Additional funding would allow us to continue the teaching activities and help children develop their Gaelic development skills through the medium of song, poem and conversation, this would coincide with the school term dates until the summer of 2023 to catch the local mod dates and thereafter we wish to extend the teaching programme to encourage uptake in the Royal National Mod in October, lessons will be offered to all schools within the Lochaber Area and in the past take up locally has been positive with schools around Lochaber engaging.
15/02/2023 £2,500
FRIENDS OF THE ELPHINSTONE INSTITUTE The project is a year-long touring exhibition with audio-visual material including a digital archive, 15 minute film and website to be launched in January 2024 in Stornoway. While I have funding from the British Academy to produce the touring exhibition and website, my funding falls short of what is needed and I am applying for additional funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig to cover the costs of translating the entirety of the exhibition, website and film into Gaelic/English so that the exhibition is fully bi-lingual.  Seinn Spioradail is the result of a Carnegie Trust and British Academy-funded research project led by ethnomusicologist Frances Wilkins between 2018-2023. The project explores the spiritual song traditions of the West Highlands and Western Isles and is timely in that much these traditions, including Gaelic psalmody and spiritual singing, are in decline in their traditional contexts. The aim of the project has been to explore the traditions both past and present and their places in Hebridean culture and society today to increase understanding of singing as cultural and religious expression in the region. The research includes over 80 recorded interviews with singers and 40 field recordings of musical events in the region. Beneficiaries include Gaelic speakers and members of the public in the region and visitors to the islands in 2024. Scholars of Gaelic song, religion, folklore and music will benefit, and the material will be available worldwide through the website to an international audience. The material will also be of benefit to musicians and singers who might want to delve into the archive as inspiration for their own work. 
15/02/2023 £3,000
TRADITIONAL DANCE FORUM OF SCOTLAND The Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd award will enable us at the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland to curate Tha D airson Dannsa / D is for Dance – traditional artists-in-residency programme within Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Edinburgh's dedicated Gaelic medium primary school from April 2023 until March 2024.  Our artists-in-residence programme will deliver a series of after-school Scottish step dance workshops to students primarily through the medium of Gaelic. The dance workshops will be supported by local Gaelic singers providing puirt à beul tuition and accompaniment. In addition, Tha D airson Dannsa / D is for Dance will be celebrated through a number of public engagement events, including square dance ceilidhs and afternoon teas for the local Gaelic speaking community. Our programme will also be incorporated as part of the current school-wide drama project in partnership with Edinburgh's Royal Lyceum Theatre.  The residency will explore the relationship between Gaelic song and dance covering strathspeys, reels, jigs and puirt à beul. The workshops will provide space for the young people to learn and practice Gaelic song and dance whilst the supplementary events will engage a wider demographic, encouraging engagement with Gaelic in social contexts.  The intended aims and outcomes are to: • Increase knowledge and skills in both step dance and puirt à beul among young people • Encourage their use of Gaelic in informal social contexts • Connect, strengthen and grow the Gaelic speaking community in the Lothians • Provide professional opportunities for Gaelic artists in the region • Establish an on-going partnership between Traditional Dance Forum of Scotlandand Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce • Increase awareness of the history of Scottish step dancing and social dancing • Ensure outreach of the rich cultural connection between Scotland and Cape Breton • Provide free-of-charge and consistent (not one-off) opportunity for the children to meet other people in Edinburgh/Lothians outwith school who speak Gaelic Ultimately, Tha D airson Dannsa / D is for Dance project will assert the importance of step dance as an integral part of Gaelic culture hand in hand with puirt and thus support and encourage wider participation in this traditional dance form. Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland Established in 2014, we are a national cultural organisation registered as a charity and run by a board of voluntary trustees. We are set around a growing membership base of individual dance artists, practitioners and groups committed to cultural activities using world dance as a socially-engaged practice. We are affiliated with the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage – an opportunity to seek further advocacy and recognition, including for participatory traditional step dance and Gaelic song. Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce is Edinburgh's only dedicated Gaelic medium primary school. With over 400 children in attendance, the school fosters a learning environment of the highest quality, with Gaelic language and culture at its heart. This will be the first partnership between Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland and Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce building on the success of our ongoing partnership with Edinburgh's primary school through the C is for Ceilidh Dance Club: https://www.tdfs.org/news-post/newsid/24501-c-is-for-ceilidh/ Please note that a letter of support towards Tha D airson Dannsa / D is for Dance project from Sarah Moore, Principal Teacher of Expressive Artsat Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, is available upon request
15/02/2023 £3,800
BUN SGOILTEAN CHILLE MHOIRE AGUS STAFAINN The project will continue to work in partnership with the Highland Council Gaelic team and local Gaelic agencies to deliver a Gaelic medium support programme for pupils attending GME at Kilmuir and Staffin primaries The project will continue to focus on supporting and developing the language acquisition skills of pupils thus promoting and increasing the use of Gaelic by young people.  As many young people live in households where Gaelic is not the first language it is vital that we continue to promote and encourage Gaelic usage for pupils and through the project, in partnership with local Gaelic organisations, will continue to offer a programme of extra-curricular activities to take place out with the school day .
15/02/2023 £3,000
FèIS AIR AN OIR Fèis Air an Oir will once again be running a Fèis week in July and we would like to apply for funding to cover the costs of employing four fluent Gaelic speaking tutors for the week (One Fèis Bheag tutor, one Gaelic Song tutor and two instrumental tutors) to ensure that we can offer Gaelic-speaking main Fèis participants and our Fèis Bheag participants the opportunity to use and advance their Gaelic language skills. We would also like to offer our adult participants the opportunity to participate in Gaelic singing workshops.  As a new development this summer, we will also be running a Cèilidh Trail which will promote the Gaelic culture of the North Coast to locals and visitors alike during the months of July to September. Participants will be selected by audition and following some local training days, they will join other established Cèilidh Trails at the Fèisean nan Gàidheal annual training event Fèis Alba where they will receive Gaelic language training amongst other things. When out on tour, the group will incorporate Gaelic song and language into their performances, promoting the unique culture of the North Coast. 
15/02/2023 £3,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH AN ÒBAIN The Project is called Mòd Acadamaidh an Òbain  - the aim of Mòd Acadamaidh an Òbain is to continue to further develop all aspects of the Gaelic language. Both the local children and the local residents and surrounding communities will benefit from this Project as we aim to encourage the local children to both sing and converse in Gaelic at every opportunity..Before Christmas this year one of the Mòd Acadamaidh children was very keen to learn a gaelic carol so that she would be able to surprise her grandmother (who was coming from Harris) on Christmas morning. We will be tutoring children from pre-school up to the age of 18 in both gaelic singing and orals. The children will all be entering Provincial Mods and the National in Paisley this year. They will also be featuring at Ceilidhs etc. throughout the year.   
15/02/2023 £4,000
COMHAIRLE NAM PàRANT BUN-SGOIL GHàIDHLIG GHLEANN DàIL Our project is to promote the use of Gaelic principally amongst children and also families in our school community through the continued growth of our Gaelic choir.  Throughout the year we would like to continue the Còisir Ghàidhlig (which we are very grateful is currently funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig). This would be an extra-curricular club for children at our Bunsgoil so that they can benefit from Gaelic usage outside of the classroom and learn more about Gaelic culture through song and the stories that songs tell. A wonderful benefit so far has been seeing children across different age groups using Gaelic together.  Wider families benefit from our Còisir Ghàidhlig through the sharing of song lyrcis and recordings and choir performances at events, both at school and within the wider community. We hope to achieve the following:Children benefit from being part of the choir, introducing singing as a way to learn and celebrate our culture and to normalise using our Gaelic language beyond the classroom. This will increase Gaelic usage in a new setting and promote a positive image of Gaelic as children learn the language through song. GME families benefit from the opportunity to hear, use & celebrate Gaelic beyond the school gates. They’ll also learn more about Gaelic culture and heritage through learning songs and hearing stories from Gaelic speakers. This will meet the national aims of increasing Gaelic usage by giving new situations for people to hear and speak Gaelic. 
15/02/2023 £2,500
EAST KILBRIDE GAELIC GROUP The East Kilbride Gaelic Group was conceived to offer an Intermediate, and in time, an advanced Community based teaching resource for all members of the community to further their knowledge and experience of the Gaelic language. It is expected that most attendees will have either learned some basic Gaelic from School, home or by attending beginners classes in Gaelic. The new intermediate 'classes' are intended to give members of the community who have a basic understanding of Gaelic a forum to continue their learning and experience of the Gaelic language and culture through class based tuition, books and film.  We also plan further immersion for Gaelic Culture of language, poetry and arts in the South Lanarkshire area. We wish to widen our membership to people of all ages to promote learning as well as mental health and wellbeing. We also plan to develop a website for broader community reach as well as developing social media channels. We also wish to get rent larger premises to increase the number of possible attendees to circa 30 per class
15/02/2023 £2,500
BISHOPBRIGGS GAELIC GROUP Conversation Gaelic coffee morning led by fluent Gaelic tutor in an informal setting normally but at present classes are online over zoom. there are 3 levels - beginners, improvers and advanced each level duration is 1 hour with many members get involved in 2 levels. Our members vary in age from parents and grand parents of children attending GME locally to members at 80 years of age just keen to keep their heritage alive. topics discussed are planned in advance from members or tutor discusses current affairs.
15/02/2023 £3,500
KINGOLDRUM VILLAGE HALL The Project aims to bring Gaelicback to an area of Scotland where it was always spoken.  Kingoldrum (Ceann Coilldruim) is in a rural part of Angus in which Gaelic is very much present if not recognised or understood.  The project will benefit the local community by providing face to face Gaelic classes with a nominal cost to the students.  This will enable members of the community to bring Gaelic back to the village along with gaining insight into the history of Gaelic use in the immediate surroundings and wider glens. If this project is successful, we aim to create a Gaelic hub in the Angus Glens (Gaelic in the Glens) with a focus on promoting Gaelic learning, community and transfer of knowledge including song, crafts and history.  We will weave Gaelic into events already held in the village such as the bi-annual bothy nights which currently include traditional music, storytelling and song. 
15/02/2023 £4,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT BAILE DHUBHTHAICH We will support children and young people in Tain who are fluent Gaelic speakers to attend GM social opportunities by providing transport from the Tain area to events held within reasonable (up to around 1 hour travelling time) distance.  We recognise that our children are growing up as Gaelic speakers in an area where opportunities to socialise together in Gaelic are limited.  Providing transport to GM activities currently available in Inverness, Dingwall, Golspie etc, allows children and young people the opportunity to socialise in Gaelic together on the way to and from events, build up a friendship network with other young Gaels from towns around Tain, and gives families who may not have time or resources to take children to events, such as  Fèisean, music events, sports etc, the opportunity to take part.  We envisage this will afford opportunities to many more young Gaelic speakers in the Tain area  to use their Gaelic outside the classroom in informal contexts, develop their identities as Gaels, improve the resilience of the community of young Gaelic speakers by giving them motivation and encouragement to use Gaelic as their everyday language of communication between one another and by role modelling the use of Gaelic in social settings.  We will work with partner organisations including, but not limited to Fèis na h-Oige, Fèis Rois, Fèis Cataibh, Fèisean Nan Gàidheal, Eden Court, other Comman Nam Pàrant organisations in the Highland area, local sporting organisations etc to identify opportunities for young Gaelic speakers to attend social, arts, cultural, or sports activities being delivered by organisations in the Highlands through the medium of Gaelic, ensure that parents and carers of young Gaelic speakers are made aware of the opportunites, and arrange and subsidise escorted public transport, minibus or bus transport to and from these events dependant on location, accessibility and demand, with fluent Gaelic speaking adult volunteers acting as escorts wherever possible for children and young people.  It is foreseen that escorts will be parents or grandparent volunteers, and we will ensure PVG checks are carried out for all volunteers.
15/02/2023 £3,750
KNOYDART FOUNDATION This project will deliver Gaelic classes and workshops for the Knoydart community as part of a partnership between the Knoydart Foundation and the Gaelic college, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. A pilot session of two taster Gaelic classes was trialled successfully in December 2022, with plans to continue with an introductory series of beginners classes in early 2023. This project will expand on this with a 2nd and 3rd block of classes and additional Gaelic-related events taking place over the course of 2023. These Gaelic classes will take place each week (1.5 hr each) via a blended learning model. The tutor will deliver the class remotely, online via Zoom, and participants will come together in Knoydart Community Hall, using the hall's technology (screen, speakers etc) for group class delivery. Those unable to come to the hall will also have the option of taking part online from their own homes. Each block as part of this project will contain 10 classes (20 classes total) with a break over the busy summer season. In addition to the Gaelic language classes, we hope to enrich the language learning experience by delivering a series of in-person Gaelic-related workshops alongside the classes, with workshop leaders visiting from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. We expect to have 3 workshops per block (6 total) including conversation classes and other topics such as Gaelic song, music, place names etc. Participation in these classes and workshops will be open to anyone and will be by donation. This is made possible subject to funding support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
15/02/2023 £4,000
CEòL IS CRAIC ’S e ‘Ginealach Ùr 2023-24’ am pròiseact eadar-ghinealach againn gus ionnsachadh/cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus dualchas na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh. Bidh Ceòl is Craic a’ cur seo an gnìomh le prògram de cheòl, film, rèidio, bùithtean-obrach agus cearcaill còmhraidh – leis gach nì a bhios sinn a’ dèanadh – ach tha sinn a’ sìreadh maoineachadh gu sònraichte san tagradh seo do na rudan seo leanas:  1. Sgoilearan: Pròiseact oideachaidh ciùil do sgoilearan ann an Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (SGG) air a stiùireadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le dithist cheòladairean a bha uair nan sgoilearan san sgoil: Zach Ronan agus Moilidh NicGriogair. 4 bùithtean-obrach uile gu lèir. Nithear film agus clàraidhean fuaim anns na bùithtean-obrach seo a thèid a thaisbeanadh sna tachartasan-ciùil/-film againn. 2. Oileanaich: Cuiridh sinn ceòladair òg aithnichte a bhuineas do Ghlaschu (Zach Ronan) agus a tha cuideachd na bhall bùird againn do dh'Oilthigh Ghlaschu (An Comunn Oiseanach) agus Conservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba gus na tachartasan-ciùil againn a mholadh do dh’oileanaich aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig. Bidh prìsean oileanach ann (£5) do na tachartasan air fad againn. 3. Inbhich: 6 cearcaill còmhraidh sòisealta saor an-asgaidh do luchd-ionnsachaidh inbheach aig Club Film Ceòl is Craic ann an Taigh-Dhealbh an CCA. Bidh buill a’ bhùird – tidsearan is luchd-ionnsachaidh fileanta nam measg – a’ còmhradh riutha mun tòisich gach film. Oileanaich is Inbhich: Sreath fad bliadhna de phrògraman rèidio coimhearsnachd (Ceòl is Craic @ Celtic Music Radio) air a libhrigeadh gach seachdain le preasantair òg, Seumaidh MacDhòmhnaill, agus DJ/ neach-ionnsachaidh (An Dr Raibeart). Leanaidh Seumaidh adhartas nam pròiseactan oideachaidh againn gu h-àrd ann an agallamhan leis na h-oidean agus luchd-ciùil eile.
15/02/2023 £2,750
GLASGOW COMMUNITY CIRCUS CIC Bidh am pròiseact seo a' tabhainn clasaichean siorcais de 1.5 uair a thìde gach seachdain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do òigridh eadar sia bliadhna a dh'aois suas gu ochd bliadhna deug. Bidh seo a' toirt a-steach sgilean san adhar, a leithid trapeze, tissu agus lyra, sgilean lùth-cleasachd, agus sgilean eile mar chaisreabhachd (juggling), aon-rothair (unicycle) is mòran eile. Bidh taisbeanaidhean ann aig deireadh gach teirm, fosgailte do theaghlaichean agus caraidean gus na sgilean seo a shealltainn, agus tha sinn an dòchas gum bidh cothroman eile gus sgilean na h-òigridh a thaisbeanadh aig tachartasan ionadail Bidh am pròiseact seo a' toirt buannachdan dhan òigridh, a thaobh misneachd, sgilean ùra ionnsachadh agus cothrom an cuid Gàidhlig a cleachdach air taobh a-muigh na sgoile.  Tha sinn a' chur fàilte air pàrantan agus clann beaga san togalach, agus bidh taghadh ann de leabhraichean Gàidhlig airson cloinne beaga ma bhios iad a' feitheamh ann fhad' sa bhios clasaichean a' dol.  Cuideachd, bidh am pròiseact a' toirt buannachdan dhan sgioba againn. Bheir e cothrom dhan luchd-obrach aig a bheil Gàidhlig, no a tha ga ionnsachadh nan comasan seo a chleachdach. Bidh buannachdan an luib airson na sgìre oir bidh àite ann far am bi Gàidhlig ga brosnachadh agus bidh fàilte air daoine ga bruidhinn. Tha sinn ag amas a bhith nar àite airson a' choimhearsnachd, agus a bhith a' brosnachadh a' Ghàidhlig an-seo, is daoine a' faicinn Gàidhlig am measg na rudan spòrsail a th' againn.
15/02/2023 £2,500
SRàDAGAN SGìRE ÙIGE Tha sinn airson seiseanan òigridh a ruith thairis air na bliadhna agus na saor làithean. Tha Sràdagan Sgìre Ùige buidheann ùr agus tha sinn ag obair gu dluth ri UCCA (Ionad Choimhearsnachd Ùige) agus CnaG, agus Fèill Seanchas (a th' air ruith le Studio Fir Chlis (a ruith pròiseactan fiolmaidh, ealain, is drama) agus Sruth-mara riochdaire Fèill Seanchas)Tha sinn airson rudan gu h-ìosal a ruith:a)     Sèiseanan spòrsail, ealantachail is inntineach gach seachainn anns an Ionad Choimearsnachd Sgìre Ùigeb)     A dèanamh sreath de fiolmaichean ghoirid  ris (agus le) daoine òga airson Fiolm Gc)     A' toirt Spòrs Gàidhlig a-staigh gus caithir seaseanan a ruith tháiris air na bliadhna. Àiteachean saora airson chlann na Sgìre Ùige aig campa sgithidh Spòrs Gàidhlig.d)     Campa Bushcraft ùr a ruith mar Sgoil shamhraidh ann an Sgìre Ùigee)     Leasanan ùr ann am marcadh air na h-eich le Laura Cameron Lewis   f)     Seiseanan seòlaidh air bataichean Còmhairle nan Eilean Siar ann an Bhaltos.g)     a chuir dealbhan-cluiche rí chèile airson Fèill Seanchas Ùige (iarrtas fa leth le Sruth-mara agus Studio Fir Chlis)Tha amasan againn gus Gàidhlig a togail anns a choimhearsnachd againn air sgàth 's chan eil cothroman gu leòr againn airson Gàidhlig a' chleachdadh anns a' choimhearsnachd againn. Tha bearn mòr ann eadar na cloinne aig a' bhùn sgoile, feadhainn aig a bheil ann am meadhan na Gàidhlig (22) agus a' chlann air nach robh cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh (3). Chan eil mórán Gàidhlig aig an taigh airson a mhór chuid den a' chloinne sa choimhearsnachd. Chan eil mórán Gàidhlig gu farsaigneachd sa choimhearsnachd tuilleadh. Cha robh Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Sgìr’ Ùige fad còrr is deich bliadhna agus cha do dh’fhosgail an sreath Gàidhlig a-rithist ach còig bliadhna air ais.  Mar sin, chaidh a' Ghàidhlig a gearradh a-mach à cridhe fhèin na coimhearsnachd, bha a' Ghàidhlig fhèin air a gearradh a-mach as a' chrìdhe den choimhearsnachd. Tha torr obair againn ri dhèanamh gus slànachadh na a th' air chall.
15/02/2023 £3,000
EDINBURGH NAPIER UNIVERSITY In summer 2022, Army at the Fringe (run by the British Army in Scotland) presented an event devised by Gillebride MacIllemhaoil that explored Gaelic Culture through the lens of our shared military history. This event was produced by Harry Ross, who is a member of the Army Reserve and a Gaelic learner artist. The Director of the Centre for Military Research, Education and Public Engagement, Edinburgh University, Dr Gerri Matthews Smith spent an extended period on the Western Isles and the Highlands researching the experience of veterans who had settled there in 2022.As a result of these two activities we want to formalise an Armed Forces Gaelic Speakers and Learners Network. This will give serving members of the armed forces and veterans a chance to connect through informal zoom and in-person conversation and cultural heritage sessions.  We also hope to: raise the profile of the Gaelic Language in the Armed Forces, and signpost opportunities to learn Gaelic outwith this initial project, utilising the Army's Standard and Enhanced Learning Credits.  connect our Gaelic speakers and learners of different ages with experience of the armed forces to help their wellbeing, produce a public event in Gaelic at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe that builds on last years success This application is for costs towards: Language lessons for serving and retired service people. Monthly Gaelic Culture sessions (delivered in Gaelic and supported in English) for serving and retired service people.  A contribution toward one Gaelic Language event at the 2023 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
15/02/2023 £3,750
CLYDESDALE COMMUNITY GAELIC INITIATIVE We are a democratic voluntary organisation. Now in our 8th year of operation &  we  have a management team elected from the membership body. Our established aim is to promote awareness and use of the Gaelic language in the Clydesdale area of South Lanarkshire by delivering courses at beginner, intermediate & advanced level and via promotional events & exhibitions within other community groups, at festivals & in public community facilities. We also work with local businesses who are supportive of our aims to include Gaelic in aspects of their business trading. We are most active in the two main population centres of Lanark & Carluke, although have many participants from nearby Biggar and the many smaller villages & communities throughout the Clydesdale area. We attend local events within the wider rural community and we plan to continue that strategy with the addition of ‘pop-up’ exhibitions, promotional literature & merchandise. We also are focusing on children & young people by establishing contact with schools & the teaching community to foster initiatives that incorporate Gaelic in their curriculum. Inclusion of individuals, otherwise restricted due to economic, disability or social barriers is an important priority for us  and we operate a discrete and supportive approach in managing such challenges with support from our sister group, "Friends of Clydesdale Gaelic".
15/02/2023 £4,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS The Photovoice project is an extension to the ongoing Guthan na Tìre project, currently receiving funding from BnaG.  Through Guthan na Tìre, communities in Trottenrish are documenting and transmitting their Gaelic language and culture through three main activities; community mapping/placenames, collecting oral histories and the creation of a digital archive. The Photovoice project will augment the existing project by adding a new fourth strand of activity.   Photovoice is a tried-and-tested method of using photography to help people articulate what a place means to them and how they experience it. After initial training in photovoice methods, participants will photograph places in their local community which are associated with aspects of local culture/heritage and which have particular meaning for them – e.g. places associated with locally-known stories, histories, songs or poems, with aspects of crofting heritage and so on. They will then come together to share their images, discuss why these places matter and communicate this information by writing and/or audio recording their knowledge and thoughts.   The resulting photos, texts and audio will be included in the Guthan na Tìre digital archive and used to produce creative outputs such as a print publication.   The project will also involve and deliver sessions with local primary schools’ Gaelic and English medium classes, to widen community inclusion and also provide opportunities for Gaelic learners. We will design a version of the photovoice activities for use by teachers with their classes, both in school and as part of outdoor learning.
15/02/2023 £3,000
FèIS CHATAIBH The aim of Fèis Chataibh is to offer access to, and participation by young people, in top-quality Gaelic arts tuition and performance throughout Sutherland and Caithness but particularly East Sutherland. This is mainly through a programme of community-based traditional music tuition, with Gaelic language and culture at the heart of activities. We are seeking funding for our Summer Fèis week to take place in July 2023. Our Fèis week will deliver bilingual arts, drama, games and music sessions to children from Primary 1 to Primary 3, and bilingual or Gaelic Medium music tuition, group work sessions, Gaelic games, and Gaelic song to children from Primary 4 to S6.   Fèis Chataibh is a small, but formerly very well supported Fèis normally held in Golspie.  Unfortunately the pressures of the Corona Virus epidemic and subsequent recovery have meant that the Fèis has not now been run for the past three years. The recently re-established organising committee has been working hard since Autumn 2022 to re-establish the Fèis as it is recognised it provides an important and unique opportunity for children and young people in the East Sutherland area to take part in cultural activities and learn or develop Gaelic language skills.   The Fèis plans to attract children and young people from across the local area, and give them an opportunity to learn about their Gaelic heritage and culture, particularly that unique to the East Sutherland area, learn or develop their skills in singing or playing traditional instruments, develop their Gaelic language skills through participation in Gaelic Medium or bilingual music and drama classes appropriate to the level of Gaelic they currently have, and through participation in Gaelic for All games and language sessions.   For children fluent in Gaelic we will support opportunities to use their Gaelic in an informal, social and fun environment with other children and young people from across the area.  Although there is no current GM Education provision in the area, we are aware that many previous and prospective attendees from East Sutherland attend or have attended GM Education provision in Tain, and that others have Gaelic aquired within their family home. We feel strongly that these children and young people should have opportunities to engage with their language and culture, and are committed to the delivery of our programme in Gaelic wherever possible, and bilingually where Gaelic provision is not appropriate.
15/02/2023 £5,000
ÀRD-SGOIL PHORT RìGH Tha sinn a' riochdachadh agus a' toirt taic do choimhearsnachd luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh. Tha 487 san sgoil uile gu lèir 135 ann an clasaichean Gàidhlig do dh'fhileantaich an dràsta agus feadhainn a-bharrachd a tha faighinn pàirt dhen fhoghlam aca tron a' Ghàidhlig. Tha sinn a' tabhann deich cuspairean a tha air an lìbhrigeadh tron Ghàidhlig. Tha 135 de sgoilearan cuideachd a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig aig ìrean eadar-dhealaichte. Tha grunn dhen luchd-obrach a-bharrachd air tidsearan san sgoil aig a bheil a' Ghàidhlig agus a th ro-dheònach ga cleachdadh san àite obrach. Se ar gnothach ann a bhith a' cur an tagradh seo ri chèile a bhith a' neartachadh na coimhearsnachd seo; a' leasachadh sgilean, a' fàs misneachd ann a bhith ag obair còmhla tron Ghàidhlig am broinn agus air taobh a-muigh na sgoile agus a' brosnachadh ceanglaichean le muinntir na Gàidhlig air an dùthaich againn. Tha droch bhuaidh air a bhith air an òigridh againn tro na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh far an fheumadh iad a bhith ag obair aig astar o chèile. Cha robh aca na cothroman a bhith coinneachadh ri daoine cho tric neo a dhol an sàs ann an gnìomhan a bhiodh a'toirt togail dha slàinte inntinn neo sgilean cànain.  Se tha fainear dhuinn seo na gnìomhan sin an toirt am follais a-rithist gus am bi misneachd mar a a tha còir  aig a ghinealach-sa  anns a chànan is cultar aca fhèin.
15/02/2023 £3,250
URRAS AN TAIGHE MHòIR AGUS COMUNN EACHDRAIDH LOCH RòG AN EAR Tha Urras an Taighe Mhòir (UATM ) agus ar coimhearsnachd  a’ coimhead ris an ath cheum de phròiseact rannsachaidh, a’ stèidhicheas tasglann a tha a’ gabhail a steach gach cuid eachdraidh agus cultar ar sgìre, sgeulachd na h-Eileanan Flannach agus cuideachd clàr de beatha dhaoine san latha an diugh . Ag obair còmhla ri Comann Eachdraidh Loch Ròg an Ear (CELRAE) agus buidheanan a tha ag obair saor thoileach ‘san sgìre, bi an obair seo ri fhaotainn air loidhne, leis an duil gum bi e stèidhte aig a cheann thall ‘san ‘Taigh Mòr’, togalach air leth eachdraidheil dhan eilean, a bha bho thus na stèisean agus dachaigh do fir glèidhidh na h-Eileanan Flannach.  Mar pàirt dhan obair seo theid fiosrachadh agus sgeulachdan a’ chruinneachadh agus a chlàradh as ùr bho buidheanan air feadh ar coimhearsnachd tro agallamhan agus tro tachartasan a chuireas UATM agus CELRAE air adhart. Leis na tha aig na buidheanan sin a thaobh dealbhan agus fiosrachadh, bi cothroman ann tarraing air measgachadh de dhaoine agus aoisean, a leudaicheas a mach na tha sinn air a dheanamh gu ruige seo agus a ni cinnteach gum bith am pròiseact seasmhach. Le bhith a’claradh as ùr seanachas agus comhraidhean air iomadh cuspair, bi sinn a toirt sealladh ùr cruthachail air beatha daoine san sgìre, an dè agus an diugh. Bidh an obair seo cuideachd na dhearbhadh air cho cudthromach sa tha canan nar bailtean, do bhuidheanan de gach seorsa agus aoisean, a tha ag obair saor thoileach nar miosg. Le pròiseact ‘ An Taigh Mòr’ a-nis a tighinn chun an ìre gu bheil obair air an togalach aig RIBA 4 – bhiodh seo a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn clàr a chumail den obair seo cuideachd.
15/02/2023 £3,000
BUN-SGOIL BEINN CHAMSHRòIN Chaidh hub Gàidhlig a’ stèidheachadh ann an Àrd-sgoil Calderglen airson a bhith air a chleachdadh le coimhearsneachd Ghàidhlig na sgìre.  Tha sinn air buidheann pàrantan a tharraing ri chèile agus tha sinn a-nisd a’ coimhead ri tachartasan a chuir air adhart gus cothrom do theaghlaichean tron Ghàidhlig a chruthachadh. Tha sinn air bruidhinn ri pàrantan agus ris a’ chloinn feuch de bhiodh feumail dhaibh.  Tha sinn an dùil leantail le clasaichean Gàidhlig seachdainneach air loidhne; cothrom gach teirm do na clasaichean tighinn còmhla anns an hub; aon cèilidh gach teirm le clann agus aon bhuidhean ciùil/ceoladair/seinneadair a bhith air clàr; tachartasan 6 seachdainn airson clann agus parantan a bhith ag ionnsachadh/cleachdadh na Gàidhlig còmhla e.g. a’ còcaireachd, a’ peantadh m.s.a.a ‘S e cothrom a bhitheas ann inbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail anns an sgoil agus ann ann coimhearsneachd na sgoile.  Tron phroiseact leasachaidh bith feum air taic airgead le tuarasdail oidean, pàigheadh airson ‘let’ an togalaich anns a bheil an hub, agus cosgais airson luchd-ciùil a thoirt do gach cèilidh. 
15/02/2023 £3,850
COMUNN NA DRàMA Bu toigh leinn leantainn oirnn a’ toirt taic is brosnachadh do sgiobaidhean dràma coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig, airson am misneachadh cumail a’ dol a’ coinneachadh agus a’ cur deilbh-cluich ri chèile, agus an toirt còmhla airson taisbeanadh dràma Ghàidhlig. Tha sinn a’ lorg taic-airgid a thèid a roinn gu na sgiobaidhean mar thaic airson na cosgaisean aca, agus airson farpais a chur air dòigh aig Mòd Nàiseanta Phàislig.   ’S e oidhche dràma Chomunn na Dràma aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta a’ phrìomh thaisbeanadh dràma coimhearsnachd sa Ghàidhlig agus seo a tha brosnachadh na sgiobaidhean airson coinneachadh tron bhliadhna. Tha an fharpais a’ toirt cothrom do sgiobaidhean na deilbh-cluich aca fhèin a’ leasachadh gach bliadhna, sgrìobhadh sgrioptaichean ùra agus a’ cur oidhcheanan dràma air dòigh sna sgìrean aca fhèin. Tha feum aig na sgiobaidhean air taic-airgid gus an urrain dhaibh a bhith an làthair aig an oidhche dràma.  Tha sinn an-dràsta a’ brosnachadh 5 diofar sgiobaidhean ann an Alba, eadar na h-eileanan agus na bailtean mòra, agus a’ coimhead airson barrachd luchd-ùidh agus luchd-taic. Thug bliadhnaichean Covid droch bhuaidh air sgiobaidhean is cothroman coinneachaidh mar seo air an casg, agus air iomadh adhbhar eadar-dhealaichte, cha robh na h-uimhir a sgiobaidhean aig Mòd Nàiseanta an-uiridh. Tha sinn ag iarraidh leantainn leis an taic againn do sgiobaidhean le dùil is dòchas gum bi barrachd bhuidhnean deiseil airson gabhail pàirt am-bliadhna, agus spionnadh as ùr a thoirt air dràma coimhearsnachd.  Tron phròiseact seo, bidh suas ri 5 buidhnean a’ coinneachadh san sgìre aca fhèin tron bhliadhna airson gabhail pàirt ann an cur-seachad sòisealta sa Ghàidhlig, agus a’ tabhann deagh oidhche dràma don luchd-amhairc.   Bhon nach robh na h-uimhir a sgiobaidhean aig Mòd Pheairt 2022, tha beagan de thaic-airgid an-uiridh againn air fhàgail fhathast airson an obair leasachaidh eile againn (tuilleadh fios gu h-ìosal). Mar sin 's ann dìreach airson cosgaisean na sgiobaidhean agus an fharpais a tha an iarrtas againn am-bliadhna. 
15/02/2023 £3,500
CALDERGLEN HIGH SCHOOL GME pupils in the Central Belt, and particularly within our particular cohort in South Lanarkshire, are missing one major element of their exploration of what is special and what shapes their identity as Gaels; this is a physical connection and personal experience of actually being in places such as The Isle of Skye or The Western Isles.  Further to this, they cannot hope to imagine their future pathways unless they can witness real life situations such as the working environment within the Gaelic Department at BBC Scotland or campus life at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.What we can teach through texts, despite the accessibility that the internet affords, cannot replicate physically being in Ness, for example, breathing in peat smoke, evaluating the landscape through one’s own eyes and hearing the language you speak shared by generations of a large community.Our project aims to provide distinct experiences, for all stages of our secondary cohort, to be at the heart of Gaelic events and environments, which will enrich their sense of identity and strengthen their ability to connect with our heritage.  This is a distinct missing link for pupils who have not grown up in a traditional Gaelic heartland and can only solidify pupil commitment to the use of Gaelic in social settings, and moreover a Gaelic speaking future.
15/02/2023 £4,500
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND Through the Ceòl agus Ceilidh project we look to deliver a total of 39 workshops across 3 Gaelic medium nursery groups within Drumnadrochit, Dingwall and Tain which rank high within the SIMD Index for deprivation.   The nurseries will learn how to effectively include Gaelic music based activity in within the Gaelic medium curriculum, helping to introduce, practice and consolidate Gaelic learning.  This will include inhouse training for the nursery staff helping early years practitioners to sing, play instruments and move with young children.   The programme will be delivered by Gaelic speaking music specialists and will include Gaelic songs, musical games and activities, liaising with nursery staff in helping meet the children’s language and literacy outcomes.   Guest Artists, a class concert and a certificate for each of the participants is also included as part of the programme. Through the continued support Bòrd na Gàidhlig funding we will be able to continue delivering our successful  “Wee Ceilidhs” for 16 mainstream nursery groups of children and staff, and inviting the children's families and carers. This will involve three musicians, including at least one Gaelic speaker, to give the children and often their families, their first experience of Gaelic and a family ceilidh. A Gaelic song and the Gaelic language will be spoken and taught at each ceilidh.
15/02/2023 £3,000
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR Còig làithean Ghàidhlig air falbh dhan Òigridh (Aois 8-15) a bhuineas dha ceann a-tuath An Eilein Sgitheanaich agus a bhios a' frithealadh FTMG. Ag amas air: Dà Chuairt gu Uibhist a-tuath (a' togail oirnn air aiseag Ùige tràth, agus a' tilleadh air an oidhche anmoch - a' tadhal air tràighean is a' mhachair; Baile Raghnail; Na Ceallan. cabhsairean - a' cuir suim agus ag oideachadh an òigridh ann an dualchas nàdarra is cultaireil fad na tìde) Trì Chuairtean gu Làraich shamhlachail An Eilein Sgitheanaich, Loch Aillse is Ràtharsair (Loch Coruisg; Slighe nan Dròbhairean; Rathad Chaluim - mar eiseimplir) - a' cuir suim agus gan oideachadh ann an dualchas nàdarra is chultaireil fad na tìde   
15/02/2023 £3,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH MUILE We are applying to continue our tuition work with children aged 5 - 18 years old, in Gaelic songs and poems, and helping them to attend and compete at local Mòds and the National Mòd.   Helping them to understand the cultural importance of the Gaelic language while learning the meaning of and the origins of the songs and poems they are learning.  Our membership is open to all children aged 5 to 18 years old, regardless of whether they are fluent, in Gaelic Medium Education or still learning.  Members are given the opportunity for individual tuition and as a group.  We find that group work really helps encourages them to share their learning and often they learn many additional phrases and even whole songs this way! To supplement the weekly term time tuition, we have applied to the Calmac Community Fund to enable us to provide three one day workshops, bringing all our members of all ages and across different locations together to share their Gaelic learning journeys. 
15/02/2023 £3,850
SRUTH-MARA Tha sinn airson an dàrna Fèill Seanchas Sgìre Ùige a ruith. An-uiridh, ruith Studio Fir Chlis a' phriomh Fèill (Taic BnG 2223/4042) gu soirbheachdail mar pàirt Fèis Eadar-nàiseanta Innse Sgeulachdan na h-Alba, a' chiad Fèill Seanchas anns a' Ghàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail.  Tha sinn airson a' togail air na a bha a' tachairt aig an Fhèill an-uiridh, agus a chuir dealbhan cluiche pròifeaseanta, buthtean-obrach agus tachartasan air an àrd-urlar airson an dàrna trup. An uiridh bha sgeulachdan thairis air seachdain 3-8mh An Dàimhir agus sgeulachdan bho: Dolina MacLennan, Ian Stephen, Magaidh Smith, Alis Ballance, Laura Flòraidh Cameron-Lewis, Pàdraig MacAoidh, Jayalaksmi Garrabost, Sam Haddow, Malcolm MacLean, Anna MacKinnon, Fin Morrison agus a h-uile chlann aig Sgòil Ùige a' gabhail pàirt, le sgeulachdan is cèilidhean bho Uigich cuideachd. Tha sinn airson Gàidhlig is cùltar nan Gàidheal a thàisbeanadh air seachdain am bliadhna.  Tha amasan againn gus Gàidhlig a togail anns a choimhearsnachd againn air sgàth 's chan eil cothroman gu leòr againn airson Gàidhlig a' chleachdadh anns a' choimhearsnachd againn. Tha bearn mòr ann eadar na cloinne aig a' bhùn sgoile, feadhainn aig a bheil ann am meadhan na Gàidhlig agus a' mhòr chuid den a inbhich òga air nach robh cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh nuair a bha iad aig a' bhùn sgoil.  Tha torr obair againn ri dhèanamh gus slànachadh na a th' air chall.
15/02/2023 £30,000
CNOC SOILLEIR 1.      To move Lead Officer for CS Ltd with overall responsibility of managing legal and financial obligations of both the company and charity, with direct responsibility reporting to the board. from Implementation to Operations team. 2. This reflects one the outcome of the transition from implementation to operations and also ensures that lead officer responsibility sits with the Gaelic speaking operations team.  3.      This is facilitated by an uplift in the current centre co-ordinator role to Centre Manager and a continuation of a realigned Communications and Administration Role to work alongside the centre manager to manage the building and develop the objectives and goals within the vision of the business plan, with an emphasis on strong Gaelic Communications within the building, locally in the community and outwith both nationally and internationally. 4.      Both posts are currently filled with individuals with fluent day to day spoken and written Gaelic and this proposal supports their personal development and retains and enhances two posts embedded in the community.
15/02/2023 £13,200
URRAS CEANN A TUATH NA HEARADH Tha Urras Ceann a Tuath na Hearadh airson seirbheis mhaoir-dhùthcha Ghàidhlig a chumail a' dol sa sgìre. Cuiridh am maor-dùthcha cuairtean, òraidean,cothroman airson saor-thoilich ’s eile air dòigh, agus bheir e taic ri pròiseactan is tachartasan ionadail eile, mar eisimpleir sna sgoiltean. Bidh am maor-dùthcha a’ cur an cèill agus a’ mìneachadh dualchas agus dùthchas na Hearadh. Tha am maor-dùthcha againn ag obair gu dlùth leis a’ choimhearsnachd fad na bliadhna. Tha Gàidhlig fhathast an teis meadhan beatha làitheil na Hearadh, agus obraichidh am maor-dùthcha cuide ri sgoiltean agus muinntir an àite a h-uile latha. Bidh e a' cur fàilte air muinntir an àite san oifis againn, agus a' cur air dòigh tachartasan dhan luchd-tadhail agus dhan coimhearsnachd. Bidh e cuideachd a' cuideachadh buidhnean mar oileanaich agus Comunn na Gàidhlig nuair a chuireas iadsan tachartasan air dòigh san eilean. Bidh e na amas dha gun tèid daoine anns a’ choimhearsneachd a-mach air an dùthaich mun cuairt oirnn beagan a bharrachd, agus gun tog daoine ceanglaichean ùra leis an dùthchas aca tron Ghàidhlig. Bu toil leinn an suidheachadh seo a bhrosnachadh agus a leudachadh. Air a' cheann thall, tha am maor-dùthcha a' cruthachadh bileagan, a' sgrìobhadh sanasan, agus a' dèiligeadh ri na meadhanan. Tha Gàidhlig air a bhith gu h-àraidh cudromach dhan obair oir chaidh tòrr dhiubh seo an dèanamh tro meadhan na Gàidhlig, agus tha sinn an dùil gun tachair barrachd sa chànan an 2023-24.
15/02/2023 £31,500
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS Tha na t-Urras mothachail den fheum a rinn  an taic airgid a fhuair iad bho Bhòrd na Gaidhlig sa bhliadhna ionmhais seo airson an t-oifigear Gàidhlig a chumail na dreuchd. Bu mhath leinn gum faigheamaid taic airson na bliadhna a tha tighinn 'son 's gun urrainn dhuinn a cumail san obair agus ar planaichean a leudachadh.  Bidh an t-oifigear ag obair gu dìcheallach gus ar prìomh amas a choileanadh agus 'se sinn àite cultarail, coimhearsnachd a stèidheachadh san sgìre le 'Ionad Thròndairnis' mar ainm. Bidh e mar dhleastanas air an oifigear a bhith a' co-obrachadh leis na h-Urrasairean agus raoin fharsaing de bhuidhnean, planaichean a chur ri chèile,  Bidh an t-oifigear, na dreuchd, a' brosnachadh, a' cur air chois agus a' lìbhrigeadh gnìomhan, iomairtean agus tachartasan a nì leasachadh air suidheachadh na Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Thròndairnis san fharsaingeachd. A bharrachd air a bhith brosnachadh na Gàidhlig san sgìre bidh an t-oifigear a sireadh maoin airson an togalaich san urrainn dhan Urras cothroman agus inbhe na Gàidhlig a' neartachadh.
15/02/2023 £27,000
UIST COUNCIL OF VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS The Community Reporter will research, write and promote Gaelic news stories and feature content for Am Pàipear’s print and digital editions. This work will include film and audio content for the paper's digital news service. Outputs will include: creating bespoke Gaelic news and feature content across all Am Pàipear’s platforms; establishing a Gaelic learner column for the paper; partnering with established Gaelic education brands to encourage learners in Uist and across Am Pàipear’s national and international readership. The Community Reporter will develop content that targets all levels of Gaelic language skill, from beginners to fluent speakers - using the medium of news to draw readers in and expand their Gaelic vocabulary. The aim will be to meet the needs of a wide a range of readers as possible, from fluent Gaelic speakers to learners (and potential learners); from older readers to young children and their parents. 
15/02/2023 £20,000
AN TAIGH CèILIDH An Taigh Cèilidh is a Gaelic community and cultural centre based in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis. As a social enterprise, An Taigh Cèilidh operates as a commercial business generating income to support its social impact objectives. The business includes coffee shop, gift shop, book shop, and ticketed events, while the social impact is to foster a place of cultural expression, transmission, and maintenance, which will address issues such as language shift and social isolation. The Centre Manager is responsible for managing An Taigh Cèilidh operations, and provides leadership in strategic and operational planning. The manager leads the development of initiatives, and improvements for effective delivery of programmes and services. The manager also drives the development of procedures, standards, and risk management frameworks to ensure quality events, services, staff well-being, and delivery of social impact objectives. The manager oversees staff professional development and manpower requirements for An Taigh Cèilidh.
15/02/2023 £30,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH Thathas a' sireadh taic-airgid airson dreuchd Oifigear nam Mòdan Ionadail a stèidheachadh. 'S e prìomh dhleastanasan agus gnìomhan na dreuchd seo: • Bidh an neach san dreuchd  seo a’ cumail taic ris a' Chomunn Ghàidhealach agus an lìonradh de Mhòdan Ionadail, a’ toirt air adhart leasachaidhean a-rèir rùn nam Mòdan agus an sàs ann an iomairtean gus cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh anns na coimhearsnachdan far a bheil na Mòdan stèidhichte. • A’ lìbhrigeadh sheirbheisean do na 18 Mòdan Ionadail a bhios a' ruith air feadh na dùthcha. • A’ brosnachadh obair airson deugairean a chumail an-sàs ann an tachartasan nam Mòdan. • Ag obair le comataidhean nam Mòdan gus na planaichean leasachaidh aca fhèin a chur ri chèile agus an uair sin an cur an gnìomh. • A’ toirt taic do chomataidhean nam Mòdan ann an co-bhann ri luchd-rianachd ionadail. • Taic le margaideachd obair nam Mòdan ann an co-bhann ri luchd-obrach eile. • A’ brosnachadh com-pàirt anns na Mòdan san sgìre gu h-àraidh tro na sgoiltean ionadail. • A' toirt taic ann a bhith a' lorg taic-airgid neo a' togail airigid sna sgìrean airson clann oideachadh agus a dheasachadh airson pàirt a ghabhail sna Mòdan. • A’ sireadh taic-airgid, gu h-àraidh bho thaobh a-muigh na sgìre airson obair àbhaisteach nam Mòdan, agus pròiseactan ùra a chur an gnìomh. • A' fàs agus a' leudachadh lìonradh nam Mòdan Ionadail le bhith ag amas air Mòdan ùra a stèidheachadh ann an sgìrean far nach eil Mòdan Ionadail. • A' frithealadh nam Mòdan uile, a-rèir ùine, agus a' roinn ùine eatirra gu cothromach. • A’ toirt taic le trèanadh iomchaidh a chur air dòigh do luchd-eagrachaidh agus luchd-rianachd nam Mòdan Iondail. • A’ toirt taic le Poileasaidh Gàidhlig na buidhne a chur an gnìomh aig ìre ionadail. • A’ cur air dòigh thachartasan tron bhliadhna airson obair nam Mòdan a leantainn agus a leudachadh, airson nan sgilean a tha air ionnsachadh anns na Mòdan bliadhnail a neartachadh. • Pàirt a ghabhail ann an obair-deasachaidh agus a' frithealadh a' Mhòid Nàiseanta, a-rèir ùine, comas agus dleastanasan obair nam Mòdan Ionadail.
15/02/2023 £22,000
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH NIS CEN is seeking funding for continuation of the Community Archive Coordinator post.    The post holder has already added a wealth of bilingual material to the CEN website but there is still a lot of rich cultural information we would like to add. The postholder, a native Gaelic speaker,  is often the first point of contact people have with CEN.  She works closely with volunteers, mostly Gaelic speakers themselves, coordinating their ongoing assistance with the archive work.  The CEN archive provides opportunities for volunteers to engage in speaking and writing Gaelic as they assist with further research and digitising files. Visitors to the archive can hear the Gaelic language spoken at the heart of the community and  it makes an ideal environment for Gaelic learners.  The postholder also assists other CEN staff in delivering heritage related activities to service users along with a lunch and weekly telephone call in Gaelic. In-house publications such as our village booklets, Criomagan and other information booklets are produced by the postholder and she also creates all the Gaelic content for our social media channels and deals with the many enquiries we receive in regard to genealogy and local culture. She is also coordinating a major project on emigration which will run over 3 years from 2023-2025, working closely with local people, researching those who emigrated from the north Lewis area, where they went and what they did.
15/02/2023 £25,000
FC SONAS FC Sonas is applying in partnership with the ICT Community trust for a Football development officer to operate and deliver Football based activity through the medium of Gaelic from the new Community Football Hub facility in Inverness. Located directly adjacent to Sgoil Àraich, Bun-Sgoil Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis and the Inverness Royal Academy the potential for the development of  grassroots and football pathways through the medium of Gaelic for the local community is vast. Forming a inspirational base for not only children and young people but also for multigenerational football activities such as: walking football, disability football, 5-a-side etc. Furthermore, this officer will support Inverness Caledonian Thistle as the club seeks to embrace the Gaelic language and culture as part of their identity, becoming the first ever professional football club to commit to writing a voluntary Gaelic language plan to ensure accountability.  Lastly, this position will be responsible for the overall operation and growth of FC Sonas as an independent organisation, nationally and internationally,  that seeks to harness the power of football to establish a pyramid system of new opportunities through the medium of Gaelic. 
15/02/2023 £27,500
KINLOCH HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Officer will take the lead as we seek to embed and develop the use of Gaelic across all our activities. To date we have done bilingual signage and recently undertook a project to put bilingual interpretation into the museum rooms. This post will enable the Society to promote further the use of the Gaidhlig language, encourage people who are interested in the language, whatever their age. We have recently hosted a number of school visits but the lack of reading and writing skills has not allowed us to be as involved as we would like. In discussion with teachers, we have identified the need to provide more Gaelic interpretation. Presently we provide a wide range of pamphlets and books that relate to the heritage and culture of Kinloch but at present these are all in English. Similarly, we have had individual and groups within Kinloch who have expressed an interest in conversational Gaelic or reminiscence. This fits neatly with the ethos of the Society to gather folklore, proverbs or stories told in the native tongue by people from the area. It is interesting to note that Gaelic was not allowed as the language of the classroom in Balallan School until the early 1990’s and locals who have gone through their primary education in the building instinctively revert to English when they come into the school. Because of our location, midway between Tarbert and Stornoway on the main inter island tourist route, we get many visitors, both individual and tour groups, and this post will give us the opportunity to highlight the importance of the Gaelic language to  a wide range of people from Scotland and beyond.
15/02/2023 £25,000
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN Bidh an Co-òrdanaiche Foghlaim ag obair còmhla ri buill eile de sgioba CNL, agus le riochdairean bhuidhnean eile, gus amasan na Roi-innleachd Leughaidh a thoirt air adhart, agus gus taic a chumail ri Leugh is Seinn le Linda, cùrsaichean sgilean sgrìobhaidh agus eileamaidean eile den phrògram againn. Prìomh amasan obrach (amasan 1 gu 4 ma tha iad ag obair pàirt-ùine, amasan 1 gu 6 airson obair làn-ùine) 1.       Iomairtean Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean, agus iomairtean ann an compàirteachas le diofar bhuidhnean eile, a co-òrdanachadh gus amasan na Roi-innleachd Leughaidh a thoirt gu buil. 2.       Dàimhean a thogail leis na leughadairean a leanas: ·       buidhnean leughaidh, buidhnean ionnsachaidh inbheach agus buidhnean coimhearsnachd eile ·       sgoiltean agus tidsearan ·       buidhnean pàrant-is-pàiste, croileagan, luchd-lìbhrigidh Bookbug agus daoine eile ag obair le clann fo aois sgoil 3.       Rianachd a cho-òrdanachadh airson Leugh is Seinn le Linda, a’ conaltradh le sgoiltean is buidhnean eile, a’ cur sheiseanan air dòigh agus cumail smachd air a’ chlàr-ama, buidseat agus teachd-a-steach. 4.       Cothroman a lorg a bhith a’ reic leabhraichean aig tachartasan fo amasan 1, 2 agus 3 gu h-àrd. Agus ma tha an neach seo ag obair làn-ùine: 5.       Cursaichean sgilean sgrìobhaidh (cùrsaichean Ruairidh MhicIlleathain) a shanasachadh gu margaidhean ùra, gu h-àraid tidsearan gus ùghdarrasan ionadail. 6.       Rannsachadh a dhèanamh am measg nan diofar bhuidhnean gu h-àrd gus beachdan a thrusadh air cleachdaidhean leughaidh, dè tha a’ còrdadh ri daoine agus dè tha a dhìth orra. A rèir nan diofar sgilean agus neartan pearsanta a bhiodh aig gach tagraiche, is dòcha gun gabhadh na h-amasan seo atharrachadh. Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh san tionndadh den tuairisgeul obrach a tha an cois nam pàipearan taic. 
15/02/2023 £26,250
CULTURE, HERITAGE AND ARTS ASSEMBLY ARGYLL AND ISLES (CHARTS) The post will build on work to date and deliver on the Gaelic Culture Strategy for Argyll and Bute, currentlyvbeing developed in collaboration with Argyll and Bute Council. This will continue to embed Gaelic services across the region via the CHARTS cultural network and potentially contribute to a Cultural Strategy for Argyll and Bute during 2024.
15/02/2023 £16,275
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR Bhiodh an grant gu h-iomlann air a chleachdadh son Aonghas Moireach (Manaidsear pròiseact Druim nan Linntean/The Skye Ecomuseum) a chumail na dhreuchd airson bliadhna eile gus pròiseactan le Gàidhlig mar phrìomhachas a leasachadh agus a lìbhrigeadh.
15/02/2023 £13,965
YOUNG SCOT The development of four organic social media campaigns to be delivered across 2023/24 Continued commitment to delivery of content on social media platforms Maintenance of the Gaelic campaign page (https://young.scot/Gaelic)
15/02/2023 £11,130
SEALL - SKYE EVENTS FOR ALL A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ris na h-ealain Gàidhlig air an Eilean Sgitheanaich / Hiring an officer to support Gaelic arts on Skye
15/02/2023 £39,900
BITH-CHRUINNE ROIS AN IAR A' fastadh oifigear gus ro-innleachd Gàidhlig sgrìobhadh dhan bhuidheann is com-pàirteachaidhean a thogail le buidhnean is sgoiltean ionadail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Hiring an officer to write a Gaelic strategy for the organisation and build partnernships with local groups and schools through the medium of Gaelic
15/02/2023 £15,015
LEABHARLANN BàRDACHD NA H-ALBA A' fastadh oifigear gus ceanglaichean a thogail eadar buidhnean foghlam gus an ghabh goireasan foghlaim bàrdachd Gàidhlig a neartachadh / Hiring an officer to build links between education bodies to strengthen Gaelic educational poetry resources
15/02/2023 £10,500
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de thachartasan is cothroman còmhraidh a chur air dòigh / Hiring an officer to arrange a series of events and conversation opportunities
15/02/2023 £39,900
FèIS ROIS A' fastadh oifigear Gàidhlig gus obair Gàidhlig na buidhne a chur an gnìomh / Hiring a Gaelic officer to implement the organisation's Gaelic work
15/02/2023 £26,250
TAIGH CHEARSABHAGH A' fastadh Manaidsear Gàidhlig agus Conaltraidh agus Cuidiche-Conaltraidh Gàidhlig
15/02/2023 £1,750
WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL Maoineachadh fhaighinn a phàigheadh airson leasanan Gàidhlig do phàrantan aig a bheil clann, ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig no aig a bheil ùidh ann am FTMG / agus luchd-obrach na sgoile a tha airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Dh'fhaodadh seo a bhith air a lìbhreagadh air an làraich le neach-oide ionadail no aig astar tro Shabhal Mòr Ostaig. Tha sinn air a bhith a' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig do sgoilearan FTMB aig a bheil ùidh ann an  Gàidhlig agus dh'fhaodamaid seo fhosgladh dhaibhsan cuideachd.  Maioineachadh a phàigheadh airson cothroman clann FTMG na sgoile an cànan a chleachdadh ann an suidheachadh ùr le bhith ag obair le buidheann eile a leithid Spòrs Gàidhlig.  Nam bheachd-sa, bhitheadh seo gu sònraichte freagarrach is am Mòd gu bhith againn ann am Pàislig agus an t-Aonad Gàidhlig ùr air fhosgladh. 
15/02/2023 £800
DINGWALL PLAYERS Word on the Street is a 3 day arts festival presented in various locations around Dingwall. WotS was the idea of a second hand bookshop owner and although bot a book festival the emphasis was on books, wring and literature. Over the years (this year is our ninth festival) the event has developed to embrace  areas of culture including music, drama, heritage, comedy and dance. This year we would like to include and develop a Gaelic strand by engaging a Gaelic Artist in Residence for the duration of the festival by inviting Marcas Mac an Tuairneir (Mark Spencer Turner) to deliver a programme of workshops and performances. Although still in the planning stage we are looking at a programme that includes:  Workshops in Gaelic nature writing and Gaelic songwriting/Poetry. Live singing on Dingwall High Street. An indoor performance of songs and readings It is our intention to work with Dingwall Academy to create opportunities for young people to learn or develop their Gaelic language schools. We will do this by offering a workshop in school time and linking it to, and encoraging them to participate in, an out of school event.
15/02/2023 £800
THE HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF LONDON The Highland Society of London coordinates a physical exhibition of artworks from around the Highlands and Islands during the same week as the Royal National Mòd, and presents the Highland Art Prize/Duais Ealain na Gàidhealtachd for the best artwork in that exhibition. The exhibition (in Perth in 2022 and planned for Glasgow in 2023) is free for members of the public to visit; entries for the exhibition are sourced from art organisations around the region, with no entry fee for participants. The Society gives a prize of £500 to the winning artist; and a further prize of £500 to the corresponding art organisation, to support grass roots involvement in visual arts. Whilst there is no requirement for participants to be Gaelic-speaking, the purpose of the exhibition and competition is to promote engagement in and awareness of artists in the Highlands and Islands, and to celebrate Gaelic culture as a "fringe" event alongside (and with the cooperation of) the Royal National Mòd. The project for which the Society is applying is to promote the use of Gaelic in all aspects of the presentation and promotion of the 2023 Highland Art Prize, including: • Translation of all new postings to the standalone Highland Art Prize website into Gaelic • Translation of all key Highland Art Prize social media postings into Gaelic • Presentation of all artworks in the exhibition in both Gaelic and English (including guided tour for local GME schools) • Translation of all promotional materials for the exhibition (including posters and invitation to the prize-giving event) into Gaelic • Provision of a Gaelic-speaking host for the prize-giving event
15/02/2023 £1,800
CLANNGàIDHLIG Prior to Covid, Renfrewshire Council ran weekly evening classes at 3 levels in the local authority area. They do not intend to resume this provision at this time. The classes were popular and well-attended. ClannGàidhlig (CG) supplemented this provision by running Làithean Gàidhlig, with classes at several levels, on a regular basis throughout the year. Costs of these events were mostly funded by attendees’ fees. The group plans to continue these events, with the first scheduled for 11th March 2023. This project aims, in the first instance, to offer a weekly class for more advanced learners (where there appears to be most interest). We would also intend to offer "taster sessions" for those new to the language, in the run-up to the National Mòd which is to be held in Paisley during October 2023.  It is hoped that these taster sessions will provoke sufficient interest to justify regular evening classes for beginners starting in January 2024. This could include support for parents whose children attend the newly-opened GMU in Paisley. As we did, prior to Covid, CG would continue to run Làithean Gàidhlig, with classes at different levels, together with social events to promote the language and culture. These events are run without financial support from  any outside body.
15/02/2023 £2,000
TIGHNABRUAICH DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT TRUST Anns a’ phròiseact bidh a’ bhuidheann Ghàidhlig agus a’ bhuidheann Dualchais ag obair còmhla gus bileagan a dhèanamh agus taisbeanadh maireannach de eachdraidh agus brìgh ainmean-àite na sgire , mòran dhiubh le tùs Gàidhlig, a bharrachd air Lochlannais is Beurla bho thùs. Tha sinn an dùil 3 bileagan eadar-dhealaichte a dhèanamh, taisbeanadh maireannach agus clàr didseatach airson ainmean tuineachaidhean, ainmean bheanntan agus feartan uisge is cladaich. Bidh a h-uile stuth ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla.  Thathar an dòchas gun tèid am fiosrachadh a sgrìobhadh ann an Gàidhlig Earra-Ghàidheal Bidh cur air bhog a’ phròiseict air 25 Gearran, mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig, far am bi madainn cofaidh againn, agus cuireadh a thoirt dhan a h-uile duine tighinn agus innsidh sinn dhaibh na tha fios againn mu thràth, agus iarraidh sinn orra innse dhuinn na tha fios aca ( no air cluinntinn no creidsinn) Tha maoineachadh ann mu thràth airson seo. Tha sinn airson eòlas muinntir an àite a ghlacadh, gu sònraichte seann daoine, nach eil air a chlàradh san fharsaingeachd. Tha sinn an dùil a h-uile duine san sgìre a thoirt a-steach don rannsachadh, na sgrìobhainnean agus na dealbhan gus na clàran a thoirt gu buil. Às deidh an fhoillseachadh, thèid latha trèanaidh a chumail le ainm-àite na h-Alba airson a h-uile duine aig a bheil ùidh, gus am bi beagan sgilean agus eòlas aca airson rannsachadh a dhèanamh air ainmean-àite.
15/02/2023 £1,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (DùN BHEAGAIN) This is an on-going project. We are a small group of Gaelic learners from the North West of Skye who wish to improve our knowledge of the Gaelic language through conversation classes tutored by a native fluent gaelic speaker. The classes are held each Wednesday afternoon between September and July with a break for the Christmas and Easter holidays. Classes are open to all members of the local community. The classes last two hours. We use a variety of teaching materials - text books such as "Teach Yourself : Complete Gaelic" and "Everyday Gaelic". We also use various articles in Gaelic from the "West Highland Free Press" as a reading and translation exercise. The course also involves homework to prepare for the weekly classes. The students prepare short conversational presentations in Gaelic. The students have increased their knowledge and fluency in Gaelic and it is hoped that this will continue.
15/02/2023 £2,400
NORTH WEST HIGHLANDS GEOPARK We propose to research and prepare a “Pilgrim’s Trail” for the historic parish of Edrachillies in North West Sutherland. This project will entail an investigation into historical and cultural sites within the parish, hugely influenced by Gaelic heritage, to create resources that encourage residents to get outside and engage more deeply with their local area. As part of this project we will produce a place names gazetteer that will promote the learning and understanding of Gaelic in the landscape. In February 2022, a community talk on place names by University of Glasgow student Gemma Smith was met with an interest in sharing knowledge and learning more on this subject. We propose to work further with Ms Smith to produce the gazetteer. Other outputs will be guided by the community and could include a leaflet and trail markers. Little has been published about the Gaelic heritage of this area. This will be the first time that this specific parish has a professionally presented asset that safeguards their heritage and is available for community use. It will provide local resources for use in schools and other community groups and will contribute to our current programme objective; that “local people are engaged in telling the story of their heritage”. We are confident that following the trail, walking in the landscape, will be beneficial to residents’ wellbeing and provide an opportunity for them to get to know their cultural landscape and learn about the influence and relevance of Gaelic.
15/02/2023 £1,000
INVERCLYDE GAELIC LEARNERS GROUP The Group exists primarily to encourage the acquisition and use of the Gaelic Language in the community of Inverclyde and beyond. Our links to Whinhill Primary School enable us to promote Gaelic usage in the home by offering parents an opportunity to acquire everyday language. We aim to help adult learners achieve a working knowledge of the spoken language, as well as reading and writing for those who wish to pursue skills in these areas. We also encourage participation and attendance at Gaelic cultural events, and focus on the Gaelic history of Inverclyde. Our schools heritage project has centred around this aim.
15/02/2023 £1,750
FèIS LOCHABAIR - Fèis airson suas gu 12 deugairean eadar S1-6 ann an Loch Abar, le bùthan-obrach ciùil le oidean ciùil agus cur-seachadan le Spòrs Gàidhlig a-muigh. - Trì làithean eadar 10mh-12mh Giblean 2023.  - Talla Choimhearsnachd Cill Mhàilidh  - Clasaichean/bùthan-obrach ciùil gach madainn agus tachartasan a-muigh le Spòrs Gàidhlig gach feasgar (m.e. bòrd-seasamh, claiseachd, sligheadaireachd, sreap, baidhseagal is eile). 'S e tachartas ùr, tarraingeach a bhios seo do dh'òigridh Loch Abar anns na saor-làithean, le deagh mheasgachadh de chur-seachadan a bhios a' còrdadh ri iomadh seòrsa dhaoine. Cha do thachair an leithid thachartas mar seo a-riamh ann an Loch Abar, mar sin 's e cothrom air leth a bhios seo airson òigridh ann an iomadh dhòigh. Seo na tha sinn an dùil: - Òigridh a' tighinn ri chèile le caraidean agus a' cur eòlas air daoine ùra, a' cruthachadh ceanglaichean tron Ghàidhlig. A' leasachadh sgilean sòisealta, misneachd agus a' gabhail spòrs ri chèile. - An òigridh a' leasachadh na sgilean ciùil a th'aca mar-tha; an cluiche aca fhèin agus cuideachd ag obair ann an buidheann ri chèile le daoine/ionnsramaidean eadar-dhealaichte. - An òigridh ag ionnsachadh no a' leasachadh sgilean taobh a-muigh le Spòrs Gàidhlig. A' togail misneachd, sgilean conaltraidh agus a' togail luach annta airson na cur-seachadan spòrsail, fallain a tha seo agus a' brosnachadh a bhith air a' bhlàr a-muigh san sgìre aca fhèin. A' cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus a' gabhail spòrs fad an t-siubhail! - A' fàgail buaidh luachmhor is deagh chuimhne leis an òigridh, a' neartachadh deagh ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig anns a' ghinealach sin agus anns an sgìre. 
15/02/2023 £1,500
NORTH WEST TRAINING CENTRE Three blocks of eight sessions for adults to learn Gaelic. Courses will be delivered in a friendly and relaxed manner by an experienced Gaelic tutor and will follow (but not exclusively) the Speaking Our Language programme.  We expect to involve students from across a wide age range. Students will be drawn from across the NW Sutherland area. Some will probably remember Gaelic being spoken at home when they were children. Others may have have had some exposure during their schooling and want to develop upon that. We hope to instill sufficient knowledge and confidence that our students will feel comfortable speaking Gaelic at home, amongst their friends, and out in the wider community.
15/02/2023 £1,000
THORNTON ROAD COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Gaelic classes have been running at the centre for a number of years with the aim of promoting Gaelic speaking in the community. The class is focused on conversation rather than a formal written course.
15/02/2023 £2,000
AIR GHLEUS Air Ghleus is designed to encourage our local children to take part in the local and national Mod. The children are given an opportunity to sing in a choir where they learn both prescribed works, and other local songs and our tutors will assist with action songs that are taught in school. Out tutors also deliver one-to-one tuition in poetry, recitation and solo singing.   We hold weekly workshops in Tobermory church hall and also attend the local  primary schools; Salen, Dervaig and Tobermory. Our singing tutor also visits Kilchoan primary in Ardnamurchan where she leads the choir and gives one-to-one tuition to soloists.  The curriculum of our local schools means that both staff and pupils are extremely busy throughout each term and it is difficult to prioritise time in school to prepare for Mods. The external tuition we provide, allows our local children focused time to use the Gaelic language through song, storytelling and spoken language, building their confidence to use it  outwith the school setting, and to participate confidently in Mods.  The community of Air Ghleus is family orientated and supported, and we are very lucky to have parents who take a very active role in their children's participation and the running of our group, in turn extending their own knowledge and interest in the language. We send sound files to parents and carers, enabling them to actively help children in their learning of their songs, poems etc.
15/02/2023 £1,200
FèIS FHOIRT Fèis Fhoirt has had the support of Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd since 2018 to provide a free Gaelic Singing Class as part of its Saturday morning sessions.  Fèis Fhoirt would also like to continue the singing classes to help build on and develop the participants existing repertoires. Over this period participants developed a shared repertoire of Scots and Gaelic songs that could be performed at fundraising concerts and any other events that the Fèis was asked to perform at. Having a shared song repertoire also leads to a sense of being part of a bigger community for the participants and it can develop their engagement with Scottish traditional culture. Singing with the Fèis Fhoirt song group also helps build the confidence of the participants both on and off stage. Singing has been shown to have a really positive impact on young people’s mental health.
15/02/2023 £940
FèIS OBAR DHEATHAIN Bidh Fèis Obar Dheathain a' cur air dòigh tachartasan airson clann agus teaghlaichean agus 's e aon de na prìomh amasan againn Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Obar Dheathain agus Siorrachd Obar Dheathain.  Bu toil leinn iarrtas a chur a-staigh airson maoineachadh a bheir taic dhuinn seiseanan a ruith do chloinn ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FMG) ann am Bun-Sgoil Gilcomstoun, on a tha iad gann de luchd-teagaisg FMG an-dràsta, agus maoineachadh airson taic a thoirt do luchd-obrach na Fèise a' Ghàidhlig aca a leasachadh gus am bi e comasach dhaibh deagh sgilean Gàidhlig a chleachdadh le luchd com-pàirtiche agus buill a' chomataidh. Pàirt 1:  Tha sin air seiseanan Zoom a chur air dòigh airson clann aois C1-4 ann am Bun-Sgoil Gilcomstoun eadar Am Faoilleach 2023 agus An Giblean 2023.  Thèid na seiseanan a ruith le Anna Wilson, a b'àbhaist a bhith na tidsear FMG sa bhun-sgoil, agus 's e deagh chothrom a bhios ann don chloinn a' Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn, òrain a sheinn agus geamannan beaga cànain a chluich.  Tha sinn airson togail air na seiseanan seo agus airson sreath eile de sia seiseanan a ruith anns a' Chèistean agus Ogmhios 2023.  Pàirt 2: Fhuair sinn Rùnaire agus Ionmhasair ùr an uiridh agus tha iad gu mòr airson a' Ghaidhlig aca a leasachadh.  Tha cuideachd dithis tuitear ionadail againn a tha ag obair air na sgilean Gaidhlig aca.  Bu toil leinn maoineachadh fhaighinn a phàigheas bliadhna de clasaichean Gàidhlig dhaibh gus am bi cothrom aca na sgilean aca a leasachadh airson conaltradh ri clann agus teaghlaichean aig tachartasan fèise.  
15/02/2023 £1,200
CO-ROINN GHàIDHLIG MHUILE AGUS IDHE Tha sinn airson cèilidhean a chur air dòigh ann an diofar àiteannan ann am Muile gach mìos, airson trì mìosan sa gheamhradh, a’ dèanamh fòcas air òrain ionadail às gach àite. Bidh cèilidh ann an Creich san t-Samhain 2023, ann an Tobar Mhoire anns an Fhaoilleach 2024 agus anns An t-Sàilean anns a' Ghearran 2024. Bidh gach cèilidh air a ruith gu dà-chànanach, sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla, ach le prìomhachas air a’ Ghàidhlig. ’S e prìomh amas na cèilidhean gum bi daoine ionadail, sean agus òg, a’ seinn agus a’ cluich na h-òrain ionadail aca, agus ag innse beagan mu dheidhinn gach òran. Bidh seo na bhuannachd do daoine ionadail a bhios a’ tighinn dhan chèilidh, as urrainn ionnsachadh barrachd mu dheidhinn an cultar mun cuairt orra. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi e cuideachd a’ tàladh dhaoine bho diofar àiteannan ann am Muile, a bharrachd air luchd-turais a bhios a’ tadhal air an eilean bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha sinn cuideachd airson clasaichean Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh, ann an Tobar Mhoire agus anns an Ros Mhuileach.  Bhiodh clasaichean Thobar Mhoire anns an Eaglais Shaor, agus bidh clasaichean an Ros Mhuileach ann an Talla Chreich. Bidh na clasaichean a’ maireann dà uair a thìde airson deich seachdainean, eadar deireadh a’ Ghiblean agus deireadh an Ògmhios 2023. Bidh e a’ cosg £50 airson na deich seachdainean. Tha sinn an dùil gum biodh sia-deug neach a' frithealadh na clasaichean seo, ochdnar ann an Tobar Mhoire agus ochdar anns an Ros Mhuileach. Tron ghlasadh sluaigh, chaidh clasaichean Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh air Zoom. Ged a dh’obraich iad seo gu math, chan eil e an aon rud ri bhith ag ionnsachadh aghaidh ri aghaidh. Bu toigh leinn an cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine tighinn còmhla a-rithist airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh aghaidh ri aghaidh.
15/02/2023 £2,200
GLENFINNAN COMMUNITY FACILTIES SCIO • We plan to run ongoing Gaelic classes which will be open to the whole community; young and old mixing together, either exploring a new language which surrounds them or revising old, forgotten language skills. The classes will run weekly and start off at the beginner level. Initial taster sessions undertaken in December & January have been very successful and have demonstrated a clear demand for this level of class. An average of ten people have attended each taster class so far which is about 12.5% of the village population.  • We plan to run five other, less frequent events to promote Gaelic and knowledge of Gaelic culture in the area; these will include Local Gaelic Place Names presentations, Guided Walks and Conversation Circles.  • Although Glenfinnan is a very Gàidhealach area in many ways we have lost a lot of Gaelic speakers in the last twenty years and we are trying to encourage Gaelic in the area for new people that have made Lochaber their home but also for the current families engaging in Gaelic medium education. This will build confidence in language usage and ownership and a better understanding of the environment.   • A class in the local village will also mean that those interested parties don't have to travel the half hour to Fort William where night classes were run pre-Covid. 
15/02/2023 £2,000
CNP MEADOWBURN CnP Meadowburn would like to apply for funding in order for us to provide our GME children and families in East Dunbartonshire Council with a number of opportunities to use, engage with and increase their Gaelic language skills outside of the school environment. CnP Meadowburn support Meadowburn Gaelic Nursery (current role of 13 children aged 3-5), Meadowburn Gaelic Primary School (current role 83 children aged 5-12) as well as secondary pupils attending Bishopbriggs Academy (aged 12-18). We have selected a range of events and celebrations that will be open to all of our GME children and hope that their will be a variety of events that will appeal to all. In delivering this project it is our hope that we will be supporting our children and families well-being through language-based activities. We also hope to improve the Gaelic language skills of our children and families by encouraging them to use Gaelic in a variety of different settings by giving them the opportunity to engage with the language and culture in a meaningful, fun and active way. And most importantly for us, we believe this project will further strengthen our sense of connection and community among our young Gaelic speakers.
15/02/2023 £1,750
ÀRD-SGOIL SHEUMAIS GHILLEASBUIG San Dàmhair 2022, dh'fhosgail Ath-thaigh Darroch ann an Dùn Èideann. Tha an togalach ceangailte ri Àrd-sgoil Sheumais Ghilleasbuig, 's a dh'aona-ghnothaich stèidhichte airson FTMG a thabhann dhaibhsan aig ìre na h-àird-sgoile sa phrìomh bhaile. 
11/01/2023 £8,000
GOVERNMENT OF NOVA SCOTIA A' cumail taic ri muinntir Alba Nuadh airson turas a dhèanamh gu Sabhal Mòr Ostaig gus a' Ghàidhlig aca a thoirt air adhart / Supporting Nova Scotia residents to visit Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to improve their Gaelic
11/01/2023 £28,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' toirt sìneadh air dreuchd a tha co-òrdanchadh is cumail taic ri foghlaim Gàidhlig ro-sgoile ann an Dùn Èideann / Extending the post that is co-ordinating and providing support to pre-school Gaelic education in Edinburgh
11/01/2023 £2,000
EAGLAIS NA H-ALBA A' cumail taic ri earran Gàidhlig mar pàirt de dh' iris Life and Work aig an Eaglais / Supporting the Gaelic section of the Church's Life and Work magazine
23/11/2022 £6,000
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A' cumail taic ri phròiseact a bhios a' comharrachadh eachdraidh strì fearainn ann an sgìre Stafainn / Supporting a project to commemorate land campaigns in Staffin
12/10/2022 £20,000
CULTARLANN INBHIR NIS A' cur air adhart tachartasan is planaichean airson ionad Gàidhlig stèidheachadh ann an Inbhir Nis / Furthering events and plans to create a Gaelic centre in Inverness
12/10/2022 £24,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' fastadh oifigear tràth-ìrean airson taic a chumail ri bhuidhnean sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Hiring an early years officer to support groups in the Western Isles
12/10/2022 £20,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh gus dàimhean a thogail eadar buidhnean Gàidhlig ann an Earra-Ghàidheal / Hiring a development officer to create links between Gaelic organisations in Argyll
12/10/2022 £6,500
CLANN TRANG CILLE BHRìDE AN EAR A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Cille Bhrìde an Ear / Running Gaelic early years sessions in East Kilbride
08/09/2022 £45,000
HANDS UP FOR TRAD A' cur seachdain de thachartasan air dòigh is a' ruith sgeama taic-airgid airson Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh air feadh na h-Alba is an t-saoghal / Arranging a week of events and running a funding scheme to promote Gaelic in Scotland and across the world
08/09/2022 £35,000
AN LòCHRAN A' cumail ionad Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu, fastadh oifigear leasachaidh is a' cur prògram de thachartasan air dòigh / Maintaining a Gaelic centre in Glasgow, employing a development officer and arranging a programme of events
08/09/2022 £25,000
ASTAR MEDIA A' cur bùithtean-obrach air dòigh do dheughairean is inbhich mar phàirt de cho-fharpais FilmG / Arranging workshops for teenagers and adults as part of the FilmG competition
08/09/2022 £10,000
KILTED OTTER INITIATIVE A' cur bùithtean-obrach air dòigh do sgoilearan gus geamaichean Gàidhlig a chruthachadh / Running workshops for pupils to create Gaelic games
08/09/2022 £6,400
COMHAIRLE INBHIR CHLUAIDH A' sgrùdadh cothroman airson FtMG aig ìre àrd-sgoile a chur air dòigh ann an Inbhir Chluaidh / Researching opportunities for GME secondary provision in Inverclyde
08/09/2022 £2,950
SGOIL GHRàMAR DHùN OMHAINN A' cur air dòigh turas do sgoilearan dhan Eilean Sgitheanach is tachartasan spòrsail eile / Arranging a trip for pupils to the Isle of Skye and other sporting activities
08/09/2022 £2,500
BISHOPBRIGGS GAELIC GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig ann an Drochaid an Eabaig / Delivering Gaelic classes and conversation sessions in Bishopbriggs
08/09/2022 £3,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh air-loidhne no aghaidh-ri-aghaidh ann an Glaschu / Arranging online or face-to-face Gaelic classes in Glasgow
08/09/2022 £1,500
CLUICH GAELIC TODDLER GROUP A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
30/08/2022 £60,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' fastadh luchd-obrach ann an co-bhann le CALA gus taic a chumail ri roinn nan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig air a' Ghàidhealtachd / Hiring staff in collaboration with CALA to support the Gaelic early years sector in the Highlands
16/08/2022 £12,000
CRòILEAGAN INBHIR PHEOFHARAIN A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Pheofharain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Dingwall
16/08/2022 £2,800
CEUMAN BEAGA INBHIR NIS A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
16/08/2022 £2,600
CORRAGAN BEAGA MALLAIG A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann am Mallaig / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Mallaig
16/08/2022 £2,500
KINLOCHLOVIN' A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann am Baile a' Chaolais / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Ballachulish
16/08/2022 £6,000
NORTH AYRSHIRE GAELIC BABY & TODDLER GROUP A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Àird Rosain is Baile an t-Salainn / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Ardrossan and Saltcoats
16/08/2022 £2,700
LOCHCARRON 0-5 GAELIC GROUP A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Loch Carann / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Lochcarron
16/08/2022 £3,000
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Ìle / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Islay
16/08/2022 £4,500
CRòILEAGAN AN ATH LEATHAINN A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig anns an Ath Leathainn / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Broadford
16/08/2022 £4,100
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Obar Dheathain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Aherdeen
16/08/2022 £13,330
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann am Port Rìgh / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Portree
16/08/2022 £5,000
COWAL GàIDHLIG PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Dun Omhainn / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Dunoon
16/08/2022 £2,650
LORN TOY LIBRARY A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig anns an Òbain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Oban
16/08/2022 £2,900
RIONNAGAN BEAGA BISHOPBRIGGS A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Drochaid an Easbaig / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Bishopbriggs
16/08/2022 £15,000
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig anns An Gearasdan / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Fort William
16/08/2022 £1,250
AN CEARCALL A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Ath Tharracail / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Acharacle
16/08/2022 £2,100
CASAN BEAGA BAILE DHUBHTHAICH A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann am Baile Dhubhthaich / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Tain
16/08/2022 £2,200
PàRANT IS PàISTE PHARTAIG A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann am Partaig, Glaschu / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Partick, Glasgow
16/08/2022 £2,000
PàRANT IS PàISTE POLLOKSHIELDS A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Glasgow
16/08/2022 £2,400
BUIDHEANN PàISDEAN INBHIR NARAINN A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Narainn / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Nairn
16/08/2022 £550
BRòGAN BEAGA ULAPUIL A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig ann an Ulapuil / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Ullapool
27/07/2022 £25,000
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LENS A' cur taic ri susbaint Gàidhlig mar pàirt de dh' iomairt Uibhist Beò gus cothroman eaconomacach is sòisealta do dh' òigridh a bhrosnachadh ann an Uibhist / Supporting Gaelic content as part of the Uist Beò campaign to promote economic and social opportunities for young people in Uist
27/07/2022 £12,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cumail taic ri neach-rianachd an ionad Furan airson tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh san Òbain / Supporting the administrator of the Furan centre to arrange Gaelic events in Oban
27/07/2022 £1,000
COMANN LUCHD-TEAGAISG ÀRD-SGOILTEAN A' cumail taic ri thidsearan Gàidhlig àrd-sgoile mar chomann proifeasanta / Supporting Gaelic secondary teachers as a professional association
27/06/2022 £5,800
PARTICK THISTLE FOOTBALL CLUB A' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig tro sanasachd is tachartasan aig an stadium ball-coise / Promoting Gaelic through marketing and events at the football stadium
09/06/2022 £10,000
AN LANNTAIR A' cur sreath de thachartasan Gàidhlig ealantach air dòigh air feadh Eilean Leòdhais / Arranginga series of Gaelic arts events across the Isle of Lewis
09/06/2022 £5,750
COMHAIRLE DùN PHRìS IS GALL-GHàIDHEALAIBH A' dèanamh rannsachadh air buaidh aig tachartasan is dualchas na Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Gall-Ghàidhealaibh is mar a dh' fhaodas togail air a seo san àm ri teachd / Researching the impact of Gaelic activity and heritage in Galloway and how to build on this in future
09/06/2022 £20,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' toirt sìneadh air pròiseact a tha ag amas air com-pàirteachasan a thogail eadar buidhnean Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Extending the project looking to build ties between Gaelic organisations in Edinburgh
09/06/2022 £10,000
COLAISTE ABAID A' BHATAIL NUAIDH A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig is cothrom seachdain bogaidh a dhèanamh aig SMO / Offering Gaelic classes and the opportunity for an immersion week at SMO
09/06/2022 £3,000
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig do muinntir na sgìre is luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Offering Gaelic classes to residents of the area and Council staff
09/06/2022 £13,000
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' leudachadh is a' leasachadh goireas faclair Gàidhlig air-loidhne "Am Briathradan" / Expanding and developing the online Gaelic dictionary resource "Am Briathradan"
09/06/2022 £8,000
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' cur taic ri oileanaich gus àrainneachd Gàidhlig a thogail ann an àite-fuirich an Oilthigh / Supporting students to create a Gaelic environment within University accommodation
09/06/2022 £3,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur tachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh do dh' oileanaich, luchd-obrach is daoine fuireach ann an sgìre Sabhal Mòr Ostaig / Arranging Gaelic events for students, staff and nearby residents of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
09/06/2022 £25,000
LEABHARLANN NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA A' fastadh oifigear gus filmichean Cinema Sgìre a chur ann an cruth didseatach / Hiring an officer to digitise Cinema Sgìre films
09/06/2022 £6,000
NàDARALBA A' dèanamh rannsachadh air ainmean-àite ann an trì sgìrean airson ceangal eadar dualchais Gàidhlig is cruth-tìre a thogail / Researching Gaelic placenames in 3 areas to highligh the link between Gaelic heritage and landscape
09/06/2022 £14,000
GLASCHU BEò A' cur air adhart prògram de tachartasan is iomairtean airson na h-ealain Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Glaschu / Promoting a programme of events and campaigns to promote the Gaelic arts in Glasgow
09/06/2022 £5,000
GLASCHU BEò A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan còmhraidh air-loidhne do luchd-ionnsachaidh / Delivering online conversation sessions for Gaelic learners
09/06/2022 £9,000
GLASCHU BEò A' toirt seachad cothroman trèanadh is leasachadh do dh' oidean Gàidhlig / Providing training and development opportunities for Gaelic tutors
09/06/2022 £3,200
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' toirt seachad oideachadh Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Providing Gaelic tuition to staff of the Council
09/06/2022 £7,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' cruthachadh mapa eadar-gnìomhail de Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Developing an interactive map of Gaelic in Glasgow
09/06/2022 £5,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean còmhraidh is gràmair / Delivering conversation and grammar classes
09/06/2022 £12,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' toirt taic do bhuidhnean gus oileanaich fhastadh air greis gnìomhachais thar sàmhraidh gus bogadh fhaighinn ann an àite-obrach Gàidhlig / Supporting organisations to employ placement students over the summer to receive immersion in a Gaelic work environment
09/06/2022 £7,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail fèis LUACH ann an 2023 le tachartasan Gàidhlig feadh Eilean Leòdhais is na Hearadh / Holding the LUACH festival in 2023 with Gaelic events across Lewis & Harris
09/06/2022 £8,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail seiseanan cuimhneachadh ann an dachaighean cùraim agus stèidheachadh tosgaire na Gàidhlig aig dachaigh-chùraim Taigh Shiophòirt / Holding Gaelic reminiscence sessions in care homes and appoiting a Gaelic champion in Taigh Shiphoirt care home
09/06/2022 £20,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' toirt seachad clasaichean Gàidhlig do phreantasan a' Chomhairle / Providing Gaelic classes for Council apprentices
09/06/2022 £12,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh na Gàidhlig airson prògram foghlaim Gàidhlig a' Chomhairle a chur air adhart / Employing a Gaelic Development Officer to implement the Council's Gaelic programme
09/06/2022 £7,500
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' tabhann clasaichean e-Sgoil do luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Providing e-Sgoil Gaelic lessons to Council staff
09/06/2022 £10,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean is Bookbug Gàidhlig, clubaichean obar-dachaigh Gàidhlig is clasaichean Gàidhlig do dh' inbhich / Delivering Gaelic early years and Bookbug sessions, Gaelic homework clubs and Gaelic classes for adults
09/06/2022 £2,500
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' cur bùithtean-obrach air dòigh do sgoilearan gus sgilean obrach a thoirt dhaibh is cumail taic ri sgoilearan gus cothroman cleachdadh na Gàidhlig fhaighinn / Arranging workshops for pupils to develop Gaelic work skills and to provide Gaelic conversation opportunities
09/06/2022 £24,000
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN A' fastadh oifgear Gàidhlig gus taic a chumail ri iomairtean Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh is ann an Obar Dheathain /
09/06/2022 £2,990
COMHAIRLE MOIREIBH A' cumail clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig airson gum faigh daoine cothroman cleachdaidh ann an sgìre Morieibh / Holding Gaelic classes and events to provide usage opportunities in Moray
09/06/2022 £7,000
OILTHIGH NA GàIDHEALTACHD AGUS NAN EILEAN A' leasachadh goireasan ionnsachaidh do luchd-obrach airson mothachadh Gàidhlig is abairtean cumanta sa Ghàidhlig a thoirt seachad dhaibh / Developing learning resources to provide staff with Gaelic awareness and simple phrases in Gaelic
09/06/2022 £12,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH A' cur prògram de thachartasan is clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh do muinntir Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath / Arranging a programme of events and classes for residents of North Lanarkshire
09/06/2022 £5,675
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur prògram de thachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh do chlann is teaglaichean gus foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Arranging a programme of Gaelic activities for children and families to promote Gaelic-medium education
09/06/2022 £30,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig don choimhearsnachd air feadh sgìre na Gàidhealtachd / Providing Gaelic classes to the community across the Highlands
09/06/2022 £6,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur prògram de thachartasan spòrsail air dòigh do sgoilearan a tha frithealadh Bun-sgoil Gàidhlig Phort Rìgh / Arranging a program of fun activities for pupils at Bun-sgoil Gàidhlig Phort Rìgh
09/06/2022 £33,000
UHI INNSE GALL A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig dhan choimhearsnachd tro na h-Eileanan an Iar / Offering Gaelic classes to the community throughout the Western Isles
09/06/2022 £31,820
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH A' cumail taic ri tidsear gus cùrsa bogaidh Ghàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh dreuchd ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting a teacher to take a Gaelic immersion course working towards a position in Gaelic-medium education
09/06/2022 £69,680
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' cumail taic ri 2 thidsear gus cùrsa bogaidh Ghàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh dreuchd ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting 2 teachers to take a Gaelic immersion course working towards a position in Gaelic-medium education
09/06/2022 £1,390
LEISURE & CULTURE DUNDEE A' lìbhrigeadh cuirmean-ciùil is taisbeanaidhean air a' Ghàidhlig airson muinntir Dùn Dè / Delivering concerts and presentations on Gaelic for Dundee residents
09/06/2022 £2,400
CO-CHRUINNEACHADH ÙGHDARRASAN IONADAIL NA H-ALBA Ag eadar-theangachadh siostam maoineachadh com-pàirteach gus an ghabh pàirt a ghabhail tro meadhan na Gàidhlig / Translating a participatory budgeting tool to allow engagement through the use of Gaelic
09/06/2022 £600
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS A' cur air dòigh sreath de coiseachdan Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Aonghais gus dualchais Gàidhlig na sgìre a bhrosnachadh / Arranging a series of Gaelic walks to promote the Gaelic heritage of the area
09/06/2022 £2,400
TRANSGRESSIVE NORTH Ag ùrachadh dà fiolm Ghàidhlig ann an cruth didseatach is le fo-thìotalan / Restoring two Gaelic films in a digital format with subtitles
09/06/2022 £2,400
MUNLOCHY GAELIC GROUP A' cur clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh airson muinntir an Eilein Duibh / Running Gaelic classes and events for residents of the Black Isle
03/05/2022 £5,000
TIREE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST A' cumail taic ri dreuchd oifigear leasachaidh gus tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh ann an Tiriodh / Supporting the development officer post to support Gaelic events and activities in Tiree
03/05/2022 £31,500
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' fastadh oifigear airson goireasan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig na buidhne a' leasachadh is a bhrosnachadh, gu sònraichte ann an co-bhann le sgoiltean / Hiring an officer to develop and promote the organisation's Gaelic learning resources, particularly in partnership with schools
03/05/2022 £28,500
TAIGH-TASGAIDH GHEàRRLOCH A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ri eadar-mhìneachadh Gàidhlig san taigh-tasgaidh is brosnachadh ceanglaichean le taighean-tasgaidh is buidhnean eile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Hiring an officer to support Gaelic interpretation in the museum and develop outreach links with other museums and groups
03/05/2022 £30,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS A' fastadh oifigear gus obair is tachartasan na buidhne a' chò-ordanachadh / Hiring an officer to take forward the work and activities of the organisation
03/05/2022 £39,000
THE SHIELING PROJECT A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de chùrsaichean is clasaichean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a' leasachadh is lìbhrigeadh tro obair na buidhne air a' bhlàr-a-muigh / Hiring an officer to develop and deliver a series of outdoor courses and classes through the medium of Gaelic
03/05/2022 £14,300
LEABHARLANN BàRDACHD NA H-ALBA A' fastadh oifigear gus ceanglaichean a thogail eadar buidhnean foghlam gus an ghabh goireasan foghlaim bàrdachd Gàidhlig a neartachadh / Hiring an officer to build links between education bodies to strengthen Gaelic educational poetry resources
03/05/2022 £14,300
URRAS OIGHREACHD GHABHSAINN A' fastadh oifigear gus tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air adhart is Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh tro obair làitheil na buidhne / Hiring an officer to arrange Gaelic activities and to promote Gaelic through the organisation's daily work
03/05/2022 £39,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH A' fastadh oifigear gus obair leasachaidh na Gàidhlig ann am Pòrt Righ is an Eilean Sgitheanach a thoirt còmhla is tuilleadh taic a chumail ri seirbhisean tràth-bhliadhnaichean is tachartasan coimhearsnachd air an eilean / Hiring an officer to co-ordinate Gaelic development work in Portree and Skye and to provide further support to early years services and community activities on the island
03/05/2022 £24,900
URRAS CHILLE MHOIRE A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de chlasaichean is tachartasan a chur air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dhaoine de gach aois / Hiring an officer to arrange a series of classes and events through the medium of Gaelic for those of all ages
03/05/2022 £16,000
COMANN NA CAMANACHD A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ri seiseanan camanachd a' lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is leasachadh cothroman san spòrs tron chànain / Hiring an officer to deliver shinty sessions through the medium of Gaelic and develop opportunities through the sport in the language
03/05/2022 £30,000
EDEN COURT A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ri iomairtean is tachartasan an lùib cur an gnìomh plana Gàidhlig na buidhne / Hiring an officer to support the campaigns and activities involved in the organisation's Gaelic language plan
03/05/2022 £2,000
EAGLAIS NA H-ALBA ÙIGE A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean seinn, ukelele is clàrsach tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Delivering singing, ukulele and clarsach lessons through the medium of Gaelic
29/03/2022 £40,000
MG ALBA A' foillseachadh leabhraichean airson cur ri ghoireasan cùrsaichean SpeakGaelic / Publishing books to add to the resources for SpeakGaelic courses
29/03/2022 £3,000
DANNSAIREAN MàIRI A' cumail sreath de bhùithtean-obrach dannsa tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Beinn na Fhaoghla, Uibhist a Deas agus Barraigh / Holding a series of dance workshops through the medium of Gaelic in Benbecula, South Uist and Barra
29/03/2022 £1,600
SGOIL SIR E SCOTT A' ruith cafaidh Gàidhlig agus tachartasan Spòrs Gàidhlig airson sgoilearan / Running a Gaelic café and Spòrs Gàidhlig activities for pupils
29/03/2022 £1,700
FORT AUGUSTUS & AREA GAELIC GROUP A' cur air dòigh sreath de chlasaichean is cuirmean Gàidhlig air dòigh is clàradh fiolm air dualchais Gàidhlig Ghleann Moireasdan / Running a series of Gaelic classes and concerts and recording a film of the Gaelic heritage of Glenmoriston
29/03/2022 £2,000
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' cur cuirm air dòigh ann an Dùn Èideann airson comharrachadh 80mh cò-la-brèith Aonghas Dubh MacNeacail / Holding a concert in Edinburgh to commemorate the 80th birthday of Aonghas Dubh MacNeacail
16/03/2022 £8,000
GOVERNMENT OF NOVA SCOTIA A' tabhann bursaraidhean do muinntir Alba Nuadh a tha airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh ann an Alba / Providing bursaries to Nova Scotia residents that wish to learn Gaelic in Scotland
16/03/2022 £10,000
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur prògram trèanaidh air dòigh gus an urrainn buidhnean Gàidhlig is Gaeilge a chleachdadh nas èifeachdaiche tro roinn an turasachd / Arranging a training programme to help organisations use Gaelic and Irish more effectively in the tourism sector
16/03/2022 £8,750
DUMBWORLD A' cur sreath ealain-sùla air dòigh gus togail air fèin-aithne Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Arraning a series of visual arts installations to explore Gaelic and Irish self-identity
16/03/2022 £10,000
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE A' cur air dòigh tachartas iomain eadar cluicheadairean Alba is Èirinn a tha cleachdadh nan cànanan aca / Arranging a shinty event to bring together Scottish and Irish players using their respective languages
16/03/2022 £6,300
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' cur turas iomlaid air dòigh le muinntir Ciarraighe gus eòlas a thogail air cleachdaidhean na dà choimhearsnachdan / Arranging an exchange trip with people from Kerry to share knowledge of customs of the two communities
16/03/2022 £10,750
LEABHARLANN BàRDACHD NA H-ALBA A' ruith pròiseact ioma-mheanach air dòigh stèidhichte air bàrdachd LGDTQ+ sa Ghàidhlig is Gaeilge / Running a multi-artform project based around LGBTQ+ poetry in Gaelic and Irish
16/03/2022 £12,400
EALAIN IS CULTAR TRAIDISEANTA ALBA A' toirt luchd-ealain còmhla gus ath-bheothachadh is ath-nuadhachadh sgeulachdan is òrain na fèinne airson an latha an-diugh / Bringing artists together to revitalise and renew stories and songs of the fianna for today
16/03/2022 £4,200
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A' togail ceanglaichean eadar taighean-tasgaidh an àrainneachd ann an Alba, Èirinn is a' Chuimrigh / Building links between ecomuseums in Scotland, Ireland and Wales
16/03/2022 £10,000
THEATRE GU LEòR A' cur co-labhairt air dòigh a bhios toirt còmhla luchd-ealain theàtar a tha ag obair tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, Gaeilge is Cuimris / Arranging a conference for theatre artists working in the medium of Gaelic, Irish or Welsh
16/03/2022 £5,000
SRADAG PRODUCTIONS A' tòiseachadh sreath ùr de phod-craolaidhean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Starting a new series of podcasts through the medium of Gaelic and Irish
16/03/2022 £10,000
HANDS UP FOR TRAD A' cur air dòigh turas is bùithtean-obrach sgoile a bhios taisbeanadh ceòl Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Arranging a tour and school workshops to showcase Gaelic and Irish song
16/03/2022 £5,000
CEòL IS CRAIC A' cur sreath de chlasaichean ciùil, prògraman-rèidio is cearcallan-còmhraidh air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Arranging a series of music lessons, radio programmes and conversations circles in Gaelic in Glasgow
16/03/2022 £13,300
YOUNG SCOT A' fastadh oifigear gus susbaint bhideo, fuaim is fiosrachadh airson na meadhanan sòisealta a chruthachadh / Hiring an officer to create video, audio and information content for social media
16/03/2022 £10,000
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' fastadh oifigear gus sreath de thachartasan is cothroman còmhraidh a chur air dòigh / Hiring an officer to arrange a series of events and conversation opportunities
16/03/2022 £30,000
COMANN COIMHEARSNACHD CHàRLABHAIGH A' fastadh oifigear gus plana Ghàidhlig sgrìobhadh dhan bhuidheann is Gàidhlig àbhaisteachadh tro obair an ionad choimhearsnachd / Hiring an officer to write a Gaelic plan for the organisation and to normalise Gaelic within the work of the community centre
16/03/2022 £25,000
COIMHEARSNACHD BHARRAIDH AGUS BHATARSAIDH A' fastadh oifigear gus Gàidhlig biathachadh a-steach gu obair leasachaidh coimhearsnachd na buidhne / Hiring an officer to work Gaelic into the community development work of the organisation
16/03/2022 £25,000
TAIGH CHEARSABHAGH A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ris na h-ealain Gàidhlig is ìomhaigh Gàidhlig air-loidhne mar pàirt de obair na buidhne / Hiring an officer to support the Gaelic arts and online Gaelic presence as part of the organisation's work
16/03/2022 £10,600
SEALL - SKYE EVENTS FOR ALL A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ris na h-ealain Gàidhlig air an Eilean Sgitheanaich / Hiring an officer to support Gaelic arts on Skye
16/03/2022 £25,000
CULTURE, HERITAGE AND ARTS ASSEMBLY ARGYLL AND ISLES (CHARTS) A' fastadh oifigear gus prògram is ro-innleachd ealain Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh ann an Earra-Ghàidheal / Hiring an officer to arrange a Gaelic arts programme and strategy in Argyll
16/03/2022 £38,000
BITH-CHRUINNE ROIS AN IAR A' fastadh oifigear gus ro-innleachd Gàidhlig sgrìobhadh dhan bhuidheann is com-pàirteachaidhean a thogail le buidhnean is sgoiltean ionadail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Hiring an officer to write a Gaelic strategy for the organisation and build partnernships with local groups and schools through the medium of Gaelic
16/03/2022 £38,000
FèIS ROIS A' fastadh oifigear gus Gàidhlig neartachadh mar pàirt de ro-innleachd is poileasaidhean na buidhne is lìbhrigeadh oideachadh Gàidhlig / Hiring an officer to strengthen Gaelic as part of the organisation's strategy and policies and delivering Gaelic tuition
16/03/2022 £13,600
IONAD GàIDHLIG DHùN ÈIDEANN A' fastadh oifigear gus stiùir a thoirt air conaltradh is ullachadh stuthan a dh' ionnsaigh ionad Ghàidhlig stèidheachadh ann an Dùn Èideann / Hiring an officer to co-ordinate communications and creation of resources towards the creation of a Gaelic centre in Edinburgh
16/03/2022 £15,500
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A' fastadh oifigear gus prògram thachartasan a lìbhrigeadh tron ionad / Hiring an officer to deliver a programme of events through the centre
02/03/2022 £295,000
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' dealbhachadh is deasachadh goireasan foghlaim Gàidhlig is a' cur taic ri leasachadh phroifeasanta do thidsearan / Designign and developing Gaelic education resources and supporting professional development for teachers
02/03/2022 £95,000
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig is a' ruith ionad is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Ìle / Delivering Gaelic classes and running a Gaelic centre and events in Islay
02/03/2022 £603,400
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri lìonra de dh' oifigearan Iomairt air feadh na dùthcha a bhios cur taic ri òigridh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh taobh a-muigh na sgoile, ann an suidheachaidhean spòrsail agus airson taic a chumail ri phàrantan a thaobh FtMG / Supporting a network of Iomairtean officers across the country that support young people to use Gaelic outside of school, in fun situations and to support parents in relation to GME
02/03/2022 £125,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' lìbhrigeadh am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2022 ann am Peairt is cumail taic ri Mòdan ionadail air feadh na h-Alba / Delivering the Royal National Mòd 2022 in Perth and supporting local Mòds across Scotland
02/03/2022 £182,000
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is seiseanan ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig tro Fèis Sgoil is deasachadh fèisean is tachartasan tro Fèis Blas is eile airson Gàidhlig a riochdachadh sna h-ealain tradiseanta / Delvering activities and sessions through the medium of Gaelic through Fèis Sgoil and producing festivals and events through Fèis Blas and others to represent Gaelic in the traditional arts
02/03/2022 £188,500
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn litreachais na Gàidhlig, a' toirt seachad tabhartasan airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig ullachadh/foillseachadh is a' cur tachartasan is iomairtean air dòigh airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig a mhargaidheachd / Providing strategic leadership for the Gaelic publishing sector, providing grants to develop/publish Gaelic books and arranging events and campaigns to market Gaelic books
02/03/2022 £81,600
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas is làrach-lìn mar stòr-dàta ùghdarrasach air ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an Alba / Developing a resource and website as an authoritative database of Gaelic place-names in Scotland
02/03/2022 £80,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leudachadh is foillseachadh innteartan ann am Faclair na Gàidhlig, faclair eachdraidheil de chànan na Gàidhlig / Expanding and publishing entries of Faclair na Gàidhlig, a historical dictionary of the Gaelic language
02/03/2022 £40,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh goireas dualchais air-loidhne le clàraidhean fuaim is bhideo Gàidhlig is a' ruith tachartasan airson an goireas a bhrosnachadh / Developing the online heritage resources of Gaelic audio and video recordings and running events to promote the resources
02/03/2022 £57,700
CEòLAS UIBHIST A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Deas / Delivering Gaelic classes and events in South Uist
02/03/2022 £60,000
ACAIR A' foillseachadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig ùra aig sàr àrd-ìre / Publishing new high-quality Gaelic books
02/03/2022 £55,870
THEATRE GU LEòR A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn dràma na Gàidhlig is a' toirt seachad trèanadh is comhairle do luchd-ealain / Providing strategic leadership to the Gaelic drama sector and providing training and support to artists
02/03/2022 £143,600
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt Comunn na Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in the Western Isles
02/03/2022 £36,800
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairt Comunn na Gàidhlig anns an Òban is Muile / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in Oban and Mull
02/03/2022 £15,600
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairt Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Edinburgh
02/03/2022 £15,600
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairt Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Glasgow
02/03/2022 £125,000
MG ALBA A' cruthachadh stuthan-teagaisg airson cùrsa SpeakGaelic aig ìrean B1 & B2 air sgèile FICE / Creating teaching materials for the SpeakGaelic course at B1 & B2 levels on the CEFR scale
02/03/2022 £25,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh fream-ionnsachaidh FICE ann an co-bhann le Oilthigh Obar Dheathain gus bun-stèidh a thoirt air goireasan SpeakGaelic, is trèanadh oidean airson cùrsaichean A1 & A2 lìbhrigeadh / Developing the CEFR learning framework in partnership with the University of Aberdeen to provide a basis for SpeakGaelic resources, and training tutors to deliver courses at A1 & A2 level
17/02/2022 £4,500
GàIDHLIG DUMGAL A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Phrìs / Delivering Gaelic classes and events in Dumfries
17/02/2022 £3,000
COMANN CEILTEACH OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur turas air dòigh do dh' oileanaich a' Chomunn airson tadhail air a' Ghàidhealtachd / Arranging a trip for society members to visit to the Highlands
17/02/2022 £3,000
AIR GHLEUS A' cur seiseanan air dòigh gus clann ann am Muile is Àird nam Murchan a bhrosnachadh le bhith seinn sa Ghàidhlig / Arranging sessions to support children in Mull and Ardnamurchan to sing in Gaelic
17/02/2022 £3,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH AN ÒBAIN A' lìbhrigeadh leasanan òrain Gàidhlig air dòigh airson sgoilearan ann an sgìre an Òbain / Delivering Gaelic song lessons for pupils in the Oban area
17/02/2022 £3,500
ROYAL SCOTTISH NATIONAL ORCHESTRA Ag ullachadh tionndaidhean Gàidhlig de fiolm, bùithtean-obrach is goireasan teagaisg a tha ag amas air clann sna tràth-ìrean / Developing Gaelic versions of a film, workshops and teaching resources aimed at children in the early years
17/02/2022 £3,960
LAIRG & DISTRICT LEARNING CENTRE A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig do dh' inbhich anns an Luirg (agus air-loidhne) / Delivering Gaelic classes for adults in Lairg (and online)
17/02/2022 £3,000
NORTHWORDS A' foillseachadh bàrdachd is rosg Gàidhlig mar pàirt den iris Northwords / Publishing Gaelic poetry and prose as part of the Northwords magazine
17/02/2022 £3,980
COMHAIRLE NAM PàRANT BUN-SGOIL GHàIDHLIG GHLEANN DàIL A' cur seiseanan còisir Gàidhlig air dòigh airson clann is teaglaichean ann an coimhearsnachd na sgoile ann an Glaschu / Arranging Gaelic choir sessions for children and families in the school community in Glasgow
17/02/2022 £3,000
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A' cur sreath de 5 cuairtean air dòigh airson òigridh dha Loch Coruisg, Na Hearadh no Uibhist a Tuath / Arranging a series of 5 trips for young people to Loch Coruisk, Harris or North Uist
17/02/2022 £3,990
COMANN NAM PàRANT INBHIR NARAINN A' cruthachadh fiolm agus cur tachartasan air dòigh gus Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Inbhir Narainn / Creating a film and arranging events to promote Gaelic in Nairn
17/02/2022 £5,000
CHAMBER MUSIC SCOTLAND A' cur bùithtean-obrach is cuirmean-ciùil air dòigh sa Ghàidhlig ann an co-bhann le sgoiltean air a' Ghàidhealtachd is ann an Dùn Èideann / Arranging workshops on concerts in Gaelic in partnership with schools in the Highlands and Edinburgh
17/02/2022 £4,000
BUN SGOILTEAN CHILLE MHOIRE AGUS STAFAINN A' cur air dòigh Club Gàidhlig is tachartasan Gàidhlig do sgoilearan / Running a Gaelic club and Gaelic activities for pupils
17/02/2022 £5,000
ÀRD-SGOIL SHEUMAIS GHILLEASBUIG A' cur bùithtean-obrach sgeulachd is òrain is tachartasan spòrsail air dòigh ann an co-bhonn leis am Bridge8 Hub / Arranging story and song workshops and sports activities in partnership with the Bridge8 Hub
17/02/2022 £4,000
ATLAS ARTS A' leasachadh planaichean is poileasaidhean Gàidhlig na buidhne is foillseachadh leabhraichean-cloinne Gàidhlig / Developing the Gaelic plans and policies of the organisation and publishing new Gaelic children's books
17/02/2022 £2,800
EAST AYRSHIRE GAELIC FORUM A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig cunbhalach air dòigh is làithean sònraichte airson òrain is còmhraidhean Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Holding regular Gaelic classes and special Gaelic song and conversation days
17/02/2022 £3,500
EARTH IN COMMON A' ruith seiseanan spòrsail air a' bhlàr a-muigh do chloinn gus an urrainn dhaibh ionnsachadh mun àrainneachd is òrain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Running fun outdoor sessions for children to teach them about the environment and song through the medium of Gaelic
17/02/2022 £4,500
LEABHARLANN BàRDACHD NA H-ALBA A' cruthachadh goireas airson nuadh-bhàrdachd Gàidhlig a chruinneachadh is a thaisbeanadh air-loidhne do sgoilearan / Creating a resource to collate and display modern Gaelic poetry for pupils
17/02/2022 £3,500
FèIS AIR AN OIR A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do chlann / Delivering Gaelic arts classes for children
17/02/2022 £5,000
COMUNN NA DRàMA A' lìbhrigeadh bùithtean-obrach dràma Gàidhlig is tachartas aig a' Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann am Peairt / Delivering Gaelic drama workshops and an event at the Royal National Mòd
17/02/2022 £4,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT SRUIGHLEA A' cur tachartasan spòrs is ealain air dòigh do sgoilearan FtMG ann an Sruighlea / Arranging Gaelic sports and arts activities for children in GME in Stirling
17/02/2022 £4,000
ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND - ACTION ON DEMENTIA A' cur seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig air-doigh air-loidhne eadar daoine a tha fulang le seargadh-inntinn is daoine bho ginealachan eile / Arranging Gaelic conversation sessiosn online between people suffering from dementia and those from other generations
17/02/2022 £4,000
THE BIRKS CINEMA TRUST A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is seiseanan òraid Gàidhlig ann an Obar Pheallaidh / Delivering Gaelic classess and speaker sessions in Aberfeldy
17/02/2022 £5,000
STUDIO FIR CHLIS A' cur prògram òigridh Gàidhlig air adhart do chlann ann an sgìre Ùige Leòdhais / Delivering a Gaelic youth programme for children in Ùig, Lewis
17/02/2022 £4,990
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan ceòl Gàidhlig aig buidhnean sgoil-àraich air a' Ghàidhealtachd / Delivering Gaelic music sessions at nursery groups in the Highlands
17/02/2022 £3,900
SEALL - SKYE EVENTS FOR ALL A' ruith pròiseact ealain Gàidhlig a bhios togail air ceanglaichean air òrain, sgeulachd is nìthean bho Alba is Àstralia / Running a Gaelic arts project that builds upon the links of song, story and objects between Scotland and Australia
17/02/2022 £3,750
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE A' cur seiseanan is tachartasan iomain air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air feadh na h-Alba / Arranging shinty sessions and events through the medium of Gaelic across Scotland
17/02/2022 £3,000
BOTHAN DHùN ÈIDEANN A' lìbhrigeadh sreath de thachartasan ciùil tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Arranging a series of music events through the medium of Gaelic in Edinburgh
17/02/2022 £1,200
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig do phàrantan na cloinne a tha frithealadh am buidheann Pàrant is Pàiste / Delivering Gaelic classes for parents of children that attend the Parent & Toddler group
17/02/2022 £1,200
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH GLASCHU A DEAS A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig is brosnachadh cultar na Gàidhlig ann an taobh deas Glaschu / Delivering Gaelic classes and promoting Gaelic in south Glasgow
17/02/2022 £2,400
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS A' cur sreath de thachartasan air dòigh far an tig aoighean bho sgìrean eile gus cèilidh air a' choimhearsnachd is sgeulachdan innse sa Ghàidhlig / Arranging a series of events where guest speakers from other areas attend to tell Gaelic stories
17/02/2022 £1,000
INVERCLYDE GAELIC LEARNERS GROUP A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean Gàidhlig ann an Grianaig / Delivering Gaelic classes in Greenock
17/02/2022 £2,190
TIGHNABRUAICH DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT TRUST A' cur tachartas fad latha air dòigh gus Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh airson daoine de dhiofar aoisean / Arranging a day-long event to promote Gaelic to people of all ages
17/02/2022 £1,200
FèIS FHOIRT A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean seinn sa Ghàidhlig mar pàirt de seiseanan seachdaineil an fhèis / Delivering Gaelic singing lessons as part of the weekly fèis sessions
17/02/2022 £900
COMANN NAM PàRANT INBHIR CHLUAIDH A' cur cèilidh air dòigh gus Gàidhlig is foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Inbhir Chluaidh / Arranging a ceilidh to promote Gaelic and Gaelic-medium education in Inverclyde
17/02/2022 £2,400
DòCHAS DANCERS A' lìbhrigeadh bùithtean-obrach dannsa tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Delivering dance workshops through the medium of Gaelic
17/02/2022 £2,000
FèIS PHàISLIG A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan còisir Gàidhlig do dh' òigridh ann an sgìre Pàislig / Delivering Gaelic choir sessions for young people in the Paisley area
17/02/2022 £1,750
CO-ROINN GHàIDHLIG MHUILE AGUS IDHE A' cur turasan Gàidhlig air dòigh do chlann ann am Muile gus cèilidh air coimhearsnachdan eile timcheall air an sgìre / Arranging Gaelic trips for children in Mull to visit other communities in the area
17/02/2022 £2,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT PEAIRT A' cur air dòigh tachartasan spòrs, ceòl is eile air dòigh do chlann ann am FtMG ann am Peairt / Arranging sports, music and other activities for children in GME in Perth
17/02/2022 £1,480
PARKOUR OUTREACH CIC Ag ullachadh eadar-theangaidhean Gàidhlig de ghoireasan parkour is iad seo a thaisbeanadh do thidsearan FtMG / Developing Gaelic translations of parkour resources and displaying these for GME teachers
17/02/2022 £2,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH MUILE A' cur sreath de bhùithtean-obrach air dòigh do chlann ann am Muile a thaobh sgrìobhadh is innse sgeulachdan sa Ghàidhlig / Arranging a series of workshops for children in Mull about story writing and story telling in Gaelic
17/02/2022 £1,500
CULTARLANN INBHIR NIS A' cur sreath goirid de bùithtean-obrach is tachartasan air dòigh airson ceòl is sgeulachdan Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Arranging a short series of workshops and events to promote Gaelic music and stories
17/02/2022 £1,480
NESSBOOKFEST A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan is tachartasan Gàidhlig mar pàirt de dh' Fhèis Leabhraichean Inbhir Nis / Delivering Gaelic sessions and events as part of the book festival in Inverness
17/02/2022 £1,050
URRAS CEANN A TUATH NA HEARADH A' lìbhrigeadh Duais Iain Muir tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do chlann anns na Hearadh / Delivering the John Muir Award through the medium of Gaelic for children in Harris
17/02/2022 £1,200
HELENSBURGH GAELIC CLUB A' cur clasaichean is seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Baile Eilidh / Arranging Gaelic classes and conversation sessions in Helensburgh
17/02/2022 £600
ACADAMAIDH RìOGHAIL BAILE DHUBHTHAICH A' cur air dòigh tachartasan airson sgoilearan còmhla ri Spòrs Gàidhlig / Arranging activities for pupils along with Spòrs Gàidhlig
17/02/2022 £730
ÀRD-SGOIL MHICNEACAIL A' cur air dòigh tachartasan airson sgoilearan còmhla ri Spòrs Gàidhlig / Arranging activities for pupils along with Spòrs Gàidhlig
16/02/2022 £20,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh siostaman-luirg is goireasan eile air làrach-lìn Tobar an Dualchais / Developing the search systems and other resources on the Tobar an Dualchais website
16/02/2022 £40,000
FOGHLAM ALBA A' toirt sìneadh air dreuchd Oifigear Foghlaim Àrd-sgoile gus taic a chumail ris an roinn / Extending the Secondary Education Officer position to support the sector
16/02/2022 £5,000
OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' dealbhachadh cùrsa airson taic a chumail ri luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig gus misneachd a thogail anns na sgilean labhairteach aca / Developing a course that helps Gaelic learners to build confidence in their speaking abilities
20/01/2022 £6,160
ÙGHDARRAS PàIRC NàISEANTA LOCH LAOMAINN IS NAN TRòISICHEAN Ag ullachadh bhideothan goirid mu dheidhinn eachdraidh is dualchais Gàidhlig Slighe a' Ghàidhealtachd an Iar / Creating short videos about the Gaelic history and heritage of the West Highland Way
20/01/2022 £11,620
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' toirt sìneadh air dreuchd Oifigear Leasachaidh na Gàidhlig aig a' Chomhairle / Providing an extension to the Gaelic Development Officer position at the Council
20/01/2022 £43,361
MG ALBA A' cumail taic ris an dreuchd Deasaiche Didseatach Ionnsachadh Air-loidhne mar pàirt den iomairt LearnGaelic / Supporting the Online Digital Learning Editor position as part of the LearnGaelic initiative
20/01/2022 £1,000
EAGLAIS SAOR STEòRNABHAIGH A' cur taic ri seiseanan eaglais Gàidhlig le uidheamachd airson craoladh air-loidhne / Supporting Gaelic church services with equipment for online streaming
16/12/2021 £5,000
ACTIVE EVENTS A' cur fàilteachas air dòigh do luchd-ciùil Gàidhlig tro thaisbeanadh eadar-nàiseanta mar pàirt de dh' fhèis Celtic Connections / Hosting a reception for Gaelic musicians to showcase their work internationally as part of the Celtic Connections festival
16/12/2021 £5,000
FRIENDS OF THE ARGYLL PAPERS A' cruinneachadh is a' comharrachadh sgeulachdan Gàidhlig bho eilean Tiriodh is gan taisbeanadh tro film, ceòl is òrain / Collecting and celebrating Gaelic stories from Tiree and displaying them through film, music and song
16/12/2021 £1,000
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Bogha Mòr, Ìle / Arranging Gaelic early years sessions in Bowmore, Islay
23/11/2021 £18,725
OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' leasachadh goireas a bhios a' ceartachadh teagsa/cainnt Gàidhlig a-rèir riaghailtean GOC / Developing a resource that can correct Gaelic text/speech in accordance with GOC rules
23/11/2021 £15,000
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' dèanamh rannsachadh air mar a tha luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu a' coinneachadh is cleachdadh na Gàidhlig còmhla ann an diofar àitichean (gu fiosaigeach agus air-loidhne) sa bhaile / Researching how Gaelic speakers in Glasgow meet and use Gaelic together in different spaces (both physically and online) in the city
23/11/2021 £3,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' ruith tachartasan Gàidhlig do dh' oileanaich is luchd-obrach a' Cholaiste / Running Gaelic events for students and staff of the College
23/11/2021 £10,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' toirt seachad ionnsachadh proifeasanta Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach ann an co-bhann le eSgoil / Providing Gaelic professional learning to Council employees through eSgoil
23/11/2021 £10,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan Bookbug is tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig / Delivering Gaelic Bookbug and early years sessions
23/11/2021 £3,900
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig coimhearsnachd anns na h-Eileanan an Iar / Offering community Gaelic classes in the Western Isles
23/11/2021 £4,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur tachartas coimhearsnachd is ionnsachadh teaghlaich Gàidhlig air dòigh ann Geàrrloch / Arranging a two-day Gaelic community and family learning event in Gairloch
23/11/2021 £4,500
COMHAIRLE FìOBHA A' cumail taic ri mothachadh is ionnsachadh Gàidhlig am measg luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Supporting Gaelic awareness and learning among Council staff
23/11/2021 £5,200
COMHAIRLE FìOBHA A' cur sreath de ghoireasan air dòigh a bhios togail aire dhaoine ri ceanglaichean Gàidhlig ri cruth-tìre is coimhearsnachdan Fìobha / Creating a series of resources that will raise awareness of the links between Gaelic and the landscapes and communities of Fife
23/11/2021 £8,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cruthachadh goireasan didseatach Ghàidhlig airson sgoiltean ann an co-bhanntachd leis an iomairt Keep Scotland Beautiful / Creating digital Gaelic resources for schools in partnership with Keep Scotland Beautiful
23/11/2021 £4,000
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' dèanamh rannsachadh air cothroman turasachd Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Peairt is Cheann Rois is cruthachadh goireasan do ghnìomhachasan / Researching Gaelic tourism opportunities in Perth and Kinross and creating resources for businesses
23/11/2021 £8,400
COLAISDE A' CHAISTEIL A' cruthachadh goireas didseatach airson sgeulachdan tradiseanta Gàidhlig a thaisbeanadh / Creating a digital resource to showcase traditional Gaelic stories
23/11/2021 £18,000
OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' fastadh sgrìobhadair air muinntireas aig an Oilthigh airson taic a chur ri tachartasan is brosnachadh bàrdachd is rosg na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Hiring a Gaelic writer in residence to support events and promotion of Gaelic writing and poetry in Edinburgh
23/11/2021 £750
LEABHARLANN BàRDACHD NA H-ALBA A' ruith trì tachartasan airson bàrdachd is òrain Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Running three events to promote Gaelic poetry and song
13/10/2021 £35,000
AN LòCHRAN A' ruith ionad An Lèanag is a' cur prògram de thachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh / Running the An Lèanag centre and arranging a programme of Gaelic events
13/10/2021 £5,000
HIGH LIFE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' fastadh neach-comhairle airson taic a chur ri cleachdadh is cur air adhart na Gàidhlig am measg ath-nuadhachadh de Chaisteil Inbhir Nis / Hiring an advisor to support the usage and promotion of Gaelic as part of the renewal of Inverness Castle
13/10/2021 £8,000
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' cruthachadh app airson gun urrainn luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig is Gaeilge abairtean a thogail sa chànan eile / Creating an app to support speakers of Gaelic and Irish to learn phrases in the other language
13/10/2021 £8,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Ann an co-bhonn le Stòrlann, ag eadar-theangachadh goireasan airson duaisean Diùc Dhùn Èideann agus Iain Muir dhan a' Ghàidhlig agus ga sgaoileadh air-loidhne / In partnership with Stòrlann, translating resources for the Duke of Edinburgh and John Muir awards and making them available online
13/10/2021 £26,000
THE ADHARTAS TRUST A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig do dhaoine a tha ag obair ann an gnìomhachasan eadar-dhealaichte sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Offering Gaelic classes to people working in different industries in the Western Isles
13/10/2021 £14,000
GLASCHU BEò A' cur iomairtean eadar-dhealaichte air dòigh airson na h-ealain Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Glaschu / Furthering different initiatives to enhance the profile of Gaelic arts in Glasgow
13/10/2021 £5,000
COMHAIRLE FìOBHA A' cur taic ri seann dhaoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig is co-labhairt a chur air dòigh air a chuspair "Neadan Cànan" / Supporting elderly people with Gaelic and arranging a conference on the topic of "Language Nests"
13/10/2021 £6,000
COMHAIRLE FìOBHA A' fastadh oifigear pàirt-thìde gus ionnsachadh teaghlaich is tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh / Hiring a part-time officer to arrange Gaelic family learning and events in Fife
13/10/2021 £8,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A' cur tachartasan Gàidhlig as dèidh na sgoile air dòigh is taic ri goireasan GLPS / Arranging Gaelic after-school activities and providing resources for GLPS
06/10/2021 £66,000
MG ALBA A' cruthachadh stuthan-teagaisg airson cùrsa SpeakGaelic aig ìrean B1 & B2 air sgèile FICE / Creating teaching materials for the SpeakGaelic course at B1 & B2 levels on the CEFR scale
06/10/2021 £51,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' leasachadh fream-ionnsachaidh FICE ann an co-bhann le Oilthigh Obar Dheathain gus bun-stèidh a thoirt air goireasan SpeakGaelic, is trèanadh oidean airson cùrsaichean A1 & A2 lìbhrigeadh / Developing the CEFR learning framework in partnership with the University of Aberdeen to provide a basis for SpeakGaelic resources, and training tutors to deliver courses at A1 & A2 level
15/09/2021 £4,000
NàDARALBA A' cur taic ri coimisean ciùil a bhios air an taisbeanadh aig tachartasan mu thimcheall air co-labhairt COP26 / Supporting a music commission that will be showcased at events on the fringe of the COP26 conference
15/09/2021 £3,000
BUIDHEANN DRàMA GREENFAULDS A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan dràma Ghàidhlig do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile / Delivering Gaelic drama sessions for secondary school pupils
15/09/2021 £3,600
BUN-SGOIL GHàIDHLIG LOCH ABAR A' togail ceanglaichean eadar a' Bhun-sgoil is sgoil ann an Èirinn is lìbhrigeadh turas airson co-thuigse a thogail eadar sgoilearan cleachdadh Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Promoting links between the Primary School and a school in Ireland and delivering a trip to develop shared understanding amongst the pupils of Gaelic and Irish
15/09/2021 £3,900
CRòILEAGAN AN ATH LEATHAINN A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh anns An Ath Leathainn / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Broadford
11/08/2021 £4,700
NORTH AYRSHIRE GAELIC BABY & TODDLER GROUP A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Siorrachd Àir a Tuath / Running Gaelic early years sessions in North Ayshire
11/08/2021 £3,000
PàRANT IS PàISTE OBAR DHEATHAIN A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Obar Dheathain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Aberdeen
11/08/2021 £7,000
CRòILEAGAN INBHIR PHEOFHARAIN A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Inbhir Pheofharain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Dingwall
11/08/2021 £5,000
CLANN TRANG CILLE BHRìDE AN EAR A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Cille Bhrìde an Ear / Running Gaelic early years sessions in East Kilbride
11/08/2021 £12,500
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh anns An Gearastan / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Fort William
11/08/2021 £2,800
CORRAGAN BEAGA MALLAIG A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Mallaig / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Mallaig
11/08/2021 £4,000
CRòILEAGAN OBAR PHEALLAIDH A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Obar Pheallaidh / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Aberfeldy
11/08/2021 £7,500
CRòILEAGAN PHEAIRT A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Peairt / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Perth
11/08/2021 £3,300
CEUMAN BEAGA INBHIR NIS A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Inbhir Nis / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
11/08/2021 £14,460
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Port Rìgh / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Portree
11/08/2021 £4,000
COTHROM LEARNING CENTRE A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Uibhist a Deas / Running Gaelic early years sessions in South Uist
11/08/2021 £500
CASAN BEAGA BAILE DHUBHTHAICH A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Baile Dhubhthaich / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Tain
11/08/2021 £1,800
BARRA CHILDREN'S CENTRE A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Barraigh / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Barra
11/08/2021 £2,200
CLUICH GAELIC TODDLER GROUP A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Inbhir Nis / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Inverness
11/08/2021 £2,000
COMHAIRLE PHàRANT SGOIL BHREASCLEIT A' cur seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann am Breascleit / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Breasclete
11/08/2021 £800
CRòILEAGAN DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur taic ri goireasan airson seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air a' bhlàr a-muigh ann an Dùn Èideann / Supporting resources for Gaelic early years sessions outdoors in Edinburgh
14/07/2021 £2,000
COMANN LUCHD-TEAGAISG ÀRD-SGOILTEAN A' cumail taic ri tidsearan Ghàidhlig àrd-sgoile le sgeama treòrachaidh agus cothroman ionnsachaidh is leasachadh proifeasanta / Supporting Gaelic secondary teachers with a mentoring scheme and opportunities for learning and professional development
01/07/2021 £28,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR Ann an com-pàirteachas le Colaisde a' Chaisteil, a' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig Ùlpan sa choimhearsnachd do mhuinntir na h-Eileanan an Iar agus air-loidhne / In partnership with Lews Castle College, delivering Ùlpan Gaelic classes in communities in the Western Isles and online
01/07/2021 £20,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' tabhann clasaichean Gàidhlig do phreantasan agus luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Offering Gaelic classes to Comhairle apprentices and staff
01/07/2021 £3,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur cearcall còmhraidh Gàidhlig air-loidhne air dòigh gach seachdain / Arranging a weekly Gaelic conversation circle online
18/06/2021 £3,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur taisbeanadh dà-chànanach de dealbhan air-dòigh is ceanglaichean a thogail ri sgoiltean Ghàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Arranging a bilingual photo exhibition and building links with Gaelic schools in Edinburgh
18/06/2021 £3,000
OILTHIGH SRATH CHLUAIDH A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan IPFD do thidsearan gus an urrainn dhaibh clasaichean L2 & L3 Gàidhlig a theagaisg / Delivering CLPL sessions for teachers so they can teach Gaelic classes at L2 & L3
18/06/2021 £5,100
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' ruith prògram spòrs samhraidh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Running a summer sports programme through the medium of Gaelic in the Western Isles
18/06/2021 £3,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur fèisean litreachais Faclan Òga air dòigh air a' bhlàr a-muigh do chlann sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Organising outdoor Faclan Òga literacy festivals for children in the Western Isles
18/06/2021 £3,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN Dè A' cur fèis Ghàidhlig air dòigh ann an Dùn Dè le diofar tachartasan do dhaoine aig diofar aoisean / Arranging a Gaelic festival in Dundee with different events for people of all ages
18/06/2021 £15,500
AN LANNTAIR A' cumail taic ri dreuchd Oifigear Gàidhlig agus tachartasan Gàidhlig aig An Lanntair ann an Steòrnabhagh / Supporting the Gaelic officer post and Gaelic events at An Lanntair in Stornoway
18/06/2021 £5,000
LEASACHADH SGILEAN NA H-ALBA A' dealbhachadh goireasan a bhios a' cur taic ri iomairtean gus sgoilearan a bhrosnachadh gus dreuchdan Gàidhlig a thaghadh / Developing resources to support campaigns that encourage pupils to choose Gaelic careers
18/06/2021 £3,000
LOCH LOMOND AND THE TROSSACHS NATIONAL PARK A' cruthachadh dà phannal eadar-mhìneachadh de dualchas Gàidhlig ann an sgìre a' Phàirc Nàiseanta / Creating two interpretation panels of Gaelic heritage in the National Park
18/06/2021 £5,000
COMHAIRLE LODAINN AN IAR A' cur air dòigh tachartasan is clasaichean Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Lodainn an Iar / Arranging Gaelic events and classes in West Lothian
18/06/2021 £5,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cur co-labhairt air dòigh gus beachdachadh air cuspairean Gàidhlig eadar iomadh com-pàirt ann an Earra-Ghàidheal / Holding a conference to discuss Gaelic issues among many partners in Argyll
18/06/2021 £12,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cur taic ri dreuchd co-cheangailte ri bhith ruith an Ionad Fùran san t-Òban / Supporting the position relating to running of the Furan Centre in Oban
18/06/2021 £10,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh do luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Arranging Gaelic classes for Council staff
18/06/2021 £2,600
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' ruith tachartasan is clasaichean Gàidhlig airson daoine ann coimhearsnachd na h-Oilthighe / Running Gaelic events and classes for people in the University community
18/06/2021 £9,400
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' cumail is leasachadh an goireas briathrachais air-loidhne "Briathradan" / Maintaining and expanding the "Briathradan" online terminology system
18/06/2021 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cruthachadh comann nàiseanta airson oileanaich Gàidhlig aig diofar oilthighean is colaistean a thoirt còmhla ann an tachartasan is beachdachadh air cothroman ann dhaibh mar oileanaich le Ghàidhlig / Creating a national association for Gaelic students at different universities and colleges to bring them together for events and to discuss opportunities open to them as students with Gaelic
18/06/2021 £4,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' ruith pròiseact pìleat ann an co-bhonn le sgoiltean air a' Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan an Iar far am bith sgoilearan a chlàradh daoine bho diofar ghinealaichean airson dualchas a' glèidheadh ann an Tobar an Dualchais / Running a pilot project in partnership with schools in the Highlands and Western Isles where pupils record people of different generations to preserve heritage in Tobar an Dualchas
18/06/2021 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cruthachadh cùrsa bogaidh ghoirid do luchd-ionnsachaidh gus an cuideachadh fileantas sa Ghàidhlig a' ruighinn tro bhith a chleachdadh Gàidhlig ann an suidheachaidhean coimhearsnachd nàdarra / Creating a short Gaelic immersion course for learners to help them reach fluency in Gaelic by using Gaelic in natural community settings
18/06/2021 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' ruith tachartasan Gàidhlig aig a' cholaiste do dheugairean / Running Gaelic events at the college for teenagers
18/06/2021 £11,250
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' toirt cothrom do suas ri 15 oileanaich le Gàidhlig greis gnìomhachais thar-samhraidh a dhèanamh ann an dreuchd Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Providing an opportunity for up to 15 Gaelic-speaking students to undertake a summer placement in a Gaelic job position in the Western Isles
18/06/2021 £7,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail fèis Ghàidhlig le tachartasan air feadh na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an com-pàirteachas le bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd / Holding a Gaelic festival with events across the Western Isles in partnership with community groups
18/06/2021 £21,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' fastadh Neach-taic Cruinneachaidhean Gàidhlig agus a' cruthachadh làrach-lìn dà-chànanach ùr do Taigh-tasgaidh is Tasglann nan Eilean / Hiring a Gaelic Collections Assistant and developing a new bilingual website for Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean
18/06/2021 £16,000
HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION A' fastadh Co-òrdanaiche Coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig airson dàimhean a thogail eadar luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a tha nan oileanaich aig colaistean OGE / Hiring a Gaelic Communities Co-ordinator to build links between Gaelic speakers attending UHI colleges
18/06/2021 £20,000
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN A' ruith prògram airson taic a chumail ri daoine nach eil air an cuid Gàidhlig aca a chleachdadh o chionn bliadhnaichean na sgilean is misneachd sa chànan a thogail a-rithist / Running a programme to support Gaelic speakers who have not used the language in a number of years to regain their Gaelic skills and confidence
18/06/2021 £28,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' fastadh Tosgaire Òg na Gàidhlig airson a' Ghàidhealtachd gus Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh am measg òigridh taobh a-staigh agus taobh-a-muigh na sgoile / Hiring a Gaelic Youth Champion for the Highlands to promote Gaelic within and outwith school
18/06/2021 £6,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur tachartasan spòrsail air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do sgoilearan Bhun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh / Arranging fun activities through the medium of Gaelic for Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Righ pupils
18/06/2021 £30,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is seiseanan còmhraidh Ghàidhlig do phàrantan de chlann ann am FtMG agus do dh' inbhich sa choimhearsnachd ann an sgìre a' Ghàidhealtachd / Delivering Gaelic classes and conversation sessions to parents with children in GME and for adults in the community across the Highlands
18/06/2021 £45,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' fastadh 4 oifigearan tràth-bhliadhnaichean pàirt-ùine gus taic a chumail ri bhuidhnean tràth-bhliadhnaichean air a' Ghàidhealtachd / Hiring 4 part-time early years workers to support early years groups in the Highlands
18/06/2021 £3,500
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur bùithtean-obrach ball-coise tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is tachartas aig deireadh na sreath air dòigh do dh' òigridh air a' Ghàidhealtachd / Arranging Gaelic football workshops and an event at the end of the series for young people in the Highlands
18/06/2021 £5,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur tachartasan spòrsail air dòigh taobh a-muigh na sgoile do sgoilearan FtMG taobh tuath a' Ghàidhealtachd / Arranging fun extra-curricular activities for children in GME in the north Highlands
18/06/2021 £20,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' cumail taic ri dreuchd a tha co-òrdanachadh an dàrna bhliadhna den iomairt Aon Ghlaschu gus stiùir a thoirt air leasachadh na Gàidhlig sa bhaile / Supporting the position that co-ordinates the second year of the Aon Ghlaschu project to guide Gaelic development in Glasgow
18/06/2021 £10,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' dealbhachadh cùrsa air-loidhne gus mothachadh àrainneachd a thogail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle is muinntir Ghlaschu air thòiseach air COP26 / Developing an online environmental awareness course through the medium of Gaelic in advance of COP26
18/06/2021 £7,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' lìbhrigeadh clasaichean is seiseanan mothachadh Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Delivering Gaelic classes and awareness sessions to Council staff
18/06/2021 £25,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' fastadh Oifigear Ionnsachaidh Teaghlaich airson taic a chumail gu sònraichte ri phàrantan aig a bheil clann sna tràth-ìrean de FtMG ann an Glaschu / Hiring a Family Learning Officer to specifically support parents of children in the early stages of GME in Glasgow
18/06/2021 £5,000
OILTHIGH NA GàIDHEALTACHD AGUS NAN EILEAN A' cruthachadh modal ionnsachaidh air-loidhne airson mothachadh Gàidhlig / Creating an online learning module for Gaelic awareness
18/06/2021 £10,000
GLASCHU BEò A' toirt seachad leasachadh proifeasanta do dh' oidean Gàidhlig / Delivering professional development for Gaelic tutors
18/06/2021 £6,000
GLASCHU BEò A' tabhann seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig air-loidhne / Offering Gaelic conversation sessions online
18/06/2021 £7,902
POILEAS ALBA Ag eadar-theangachadh is foillseachadh goireasan is teachdaireachdan meadhanan sòisealta sa Ghàidhlig / Translating and publishing resources and social media messages in Gaelic
18/06/2021 £20,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' fastadh oifigear ann an co-bhann le Leabharlannan Nàiseanta na h-Alba gus lìonraidhean Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann a' neartachadh / Hiring an officer in partnership with the National Libraries of Scotland to strengthen Gaelic networks in Edinburgh
18/06/2021 £32,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' fastadh Oifigear Leasachaidh Tràth-bhliadhnaichean gus roinn nan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh sa bhaile / Hiring an Early Years Development officer to promote the Gaelic early years sector in Edinburgh
18/06/2021 £6,500
NàDARALBA A' dèanamh rannsachadh a bharrachd air ceanglaichean eadar a' Ghàidhlig is diofar èiceo-shiostaman agus a' leasachadh goireasan is bhideothan iomchaidh air-loidhne gus barrachd Gàidhlig a chur annta / Researching further the links between Gaelic and different ecosystems and developing appropriate existing resources and videos to include more Gaelic
18/06/2021 £17,100
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' lìbhrigeadh bùithtean-obrach do dh' òigridh is inbhich tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air thòiseach air Mòd Nàiseanta 2022 / Delivering Gaelic workshops for young people and adults in advance of the 2022 Royal National Mòd
18/06/2021 £7,500
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is seiseanan ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig air a' bhlàr a-muigh / Delivering Gaelic events and learning sessions outdoors
18/06/2021 £17,000
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' fastadh oifigear airson ionnsachadh Gàidhlig do dh' inbhich co-òrdanachadh anns an sgìre / Hiring an officer to co-ordinate Gaelic adult learning in the area
18/06/2021 £4,975
COLAISDE A' CHAISTEIL A' cruthachadh cùrsa ghoirid airson trèanadh a thoirt seachad do dh' oidean coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig / Creating a short course to train community Gaelic tutors
18/06/2021 £1,000
COIMISEAN NA CROITEARACHD A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan mothachaidh Gàidhlig agus clasaichean Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach / Delivering Gaelic awareness sessions and Gaelic classes for staff
17/06/2021 £25,000
HANDS UP FOR TRAD A' cur sreath de thachartasan fad seachdain air dòigh airson inbhe na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh air feadh an t-saoghail / Arranging a week of events to promote Gaelic worldwide
17/06/2021 £6,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur tachartasan air-loidhne air dòigh do theaghlaichean airson cleachdadh is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Arranging online events for families to promote Gaelic usage and learning
08/06/2021 £67,640
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cumail taic ri 2 thidsear gus cùrsa bogaidh Ghàidhlig fad-bhliadhna a dhèanamh / Supporting 2 teachers to undertake a year-long Gaelic immersion course
12/05/2021 £3,000
BISHOPBRIGGS GAELIC GROUP A' cur seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig air dòigh do dh' inbhich ann an Drochaid an Easbaig / Running Gaelic conversation sessions for adults in Bishopbriggs
12/05/2021 £5,000
CEòL IS CRAIC A' ruith bùithtean-obrach ceòl tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dh' òigridh is a' lìbhrigeadh prògram rèidio choimhearsnachd Gàidhlig / Running Gaelic music workshops for young people and delivering a Gaelic community radio programme
12/05/2021 £750
LORN TOY LIBRARY A' ruith seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig san Òbain / Running Gaelic early years sessions in Oban
12/05/2021 £2,200
COMHAIRLE NAM PàRANT BUN-SGOIL GHàIDHLIG BAILE A' GHOBHAINN A' ruith pròiseact ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig sa bhun-sgoil airson cuimhneachadh air sgoilear òg / Running an arts project through the medium of Gaelic as a commemoration of a young pupil
12/05/2021 £1,075
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (DùN OMHAINN) A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Dùn Òmhainn / Arranging Gaelic classes in Dunoon
06/05/2021 £74,500
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' fastadh 2 oifigear gus pìleat de seirbheis taic airson buidhnean tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig a lìbhrigeadh ann an sgìrean air feadh na h-Alba / Hiring 2 officers to deliver a pilot of support services to Gaelic early years groups in different areas of Scotland
25/03/2021 £15,000
OILTHIGH OBAR TATHA A' cur taic ri phròiseict a bhios toirt trèanadh do sgoilearan Gàidhlig air sgilean ann a bhith cruthachadh geamaichean, is Gàidhlig a chur an sàs ann an geamaichean bhideo / Supporting a project that will provide training to Gaelic pupils in creating games, and also including Gaelic within video games
25/03/2021 £7,500
CNOC SOILLEIR A' ruith pròiseact ealain a bhios a' cur taic ri ìomhaigh is eadar-mhìneachadh togalach Cnoc Soilleir / Running an arts project that supports the impression and interpretation of the Cnoc Soilleir building
18/03/2021 £172,218
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' fastadh 3.5 FTE de oifigearan Iomairtean ùra & 1 oifigear ùr airson Comann nam Pàrant / Employed 3.5 FTE of new Iomairtean officers and 1 new Comann nam Pàrant officer
18/03/2021 £154,000
FEARANN COIMHEARSNACHD NA H-ALBA A' ruith sgeama taic-airgid airson taic a' chumail ri urrasan choimhearsnachd a bhith cur planaichean Gàidhlig coimhearsnachd an gnìomh / Running a funding scheme to support community trusts to implement community Gaelic language plans
10/03/2021 £40,000
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh anns na h-Eileanan an Iar airson taic a chumail ri Fèisean ionadail san sgìre / Hiring a development officer in the Western Isles to support local Fèisean in the area
10/03/2021 £40,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS A' cur air dòigh pròiseact rannachadh is tasgadh air eòlas coimhearsnachd tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Arranging a research and archiving project on community knowledge through the medium of Gaelic
10/03/2021 £42,210
MG ALBA A' fastadh deasaiche airson obair didseatach LearnGaelic.scot a' stùireadh / Employing an editor to manage LearnGaelic.scot's digital work
10/03/2021 £7,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS A' toirt muinntir Cearcall Còmhraidh Baile Átha Cliath do Thròndairnis airson turas iomlaid Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Bringing members of Dublin Conversation Circle to Trotternish for an exchange visit in Gaelic and Irish
10/03/2021 £6,000
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur prògram ionnsachaidh air dòigh fad seachdain airson taic a chumail ri buidhnean Gàidhlig is Gaeilge brath a ghabhail air chothroman an lùib gnìomhachais turasachd / Creating a week-long learning programme to support Gaelic and Irish groups to take advantage of opportunities related to the tourism industry
10/03/2021 £7,000
URRAS OIGHREACHD GHABHSAINN A' cruthachadh iomairt ealain ionadail a bhios dèanamh ceanglaichean le coimhearsnachd Gaeilge ann an Èirinn / Creating a local arts initiative that will connect with an Irish-speaking community in Ireland
10/03/2021 £12,500
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' toirt oileanaich Gàidhlig is Gaeilge còmhla airson co-labhairt ann an spiorad Cholmcille / Bringing Gaelic and Irish students together for a conference in the spirit of Colmcille
10/03/2021 £3,500
MUSIC BROTH A' cruthachadh òrain is bhideothan ioma-chànanach a bhios brosnachadh obair boireannaich ann a bhith cur ri chultar / Creating multilingual song and videos that will promote the contributions of women to culture
10/03/2021 £4,500
SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY A' cruthachadh fiolm air bàrdachd Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Creating a film on Gaelic and Irish poetry
10/03/2021 £10,000
THEATRE GU LEòR A' cumail co-labhairt airson luchd-ealain thèatar a tha ag obair sa Ghàidhlig, Gaeilge no Cuimris / Holding a conference for theatre artists who work in Gaelic, Irish or Welsh
10/03/2021 £5,575
CONRADH NA GAEILGE A' cur bùithtean-obrach is tachartasan air dòigh gus an tig luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge còmhla / Holding workshops and events to bring speakers of Gaelic and Irish together
10/03/2021 £10,000
THE ARMAGH RHYMERS EDUCATIONAL & CULTURAL ORGANISATION A' cur turas dràma air dòigh timcheall sgoiltean Gàidhlig is taisbeanadh dealbh-cluich dà-chànanach / Running a drama tour to Gaelic schools to showcase a bilingual play
10/03/2021 £8,000
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL A' toirt deugairean bho Alba, Èirinn is Alba Nuadh còmhla air-loidhne gus taisbeanadh sgeulachdan, ceòl is òrain a chur ri chèile / Bringing together teenagers from Scotland, Ireland and Nova Scotia online to showcase stories, music and song
10/03/2021 £4,100
CO-ROINN GHàIDHLIG MHUILE AGUS IDHE A' toirt òigridh Gàidhlig còmhla gus fiolm cruthachadh stèidhichte air ainmean-àite is beul-oideas co-cheangailte ri Naomh Colmcille / Bringing young Gaelic speakers together to create a film based on placenames and oral tradition relating to St Columba
10/03/2021 £3,000
EAGLAIS NA H-ALBA AN T-SRàTHA IS SHLèITE A' cruthachadh fiolm no fiolmaichean-goirid a tha sealltainn na ceanglaichean eadar Naomh Cholmcille is an t-Eilean Sgitheanaich is a' ruith turas a dh' Èirinn / Creating a film or short films that highlight the connections between St Columba and the Isle of Skye and running a trip to Ireland
10/03/2021 £5,500
SRADAG PRODUCTIONS A' cruthachadh pod-craolaidh dà-chànanach a tha togail air cuspairean a tha buntainn ri luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Creating a bilingual podcast that builds upon subjects affecting speakers of Gaelic and Gaeilge
10/03/2021 £7,000
EALANTAS A' cur air dòigh turais do luchd-ealain Gàidhlig gus tadhail air coimhearsnachdan is luchd-ealain Gaeilge is eòlas a cho-roinn / Arranging a trip for Gaelic artists to visit Irish artists and communities and share knowledge
10/03/2021 £3,600
COMANN NAM PàRANT INBHIR NARAINN A' cur cuirm air dòigh a bhios brosnachadh ceanglaichean eadar Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Arranging a concert to promote the links between Gaelic and Irish
10/03/2021 £6,150
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur turas air dòigh do sgoilearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig ìre àrd-sgoil do Dhùn nan Gall / Arranging a trip for Gaelic-medium secondary pupils to Donegal
10/03/2021 £3,900
AN LòCHRAN A' cur symposium is tachartas ealain air dòigh gus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge a thoirt còmhla / Arranging a symposium and arts events to bring speakers of Gaelic and Irish together
10/03/2021 £990
COMUNN NA CLàRSAICH A' cur taic ri eadar-theangachadh de làrach-lìn a' Chomunn / Supporting translation of the Society's website
10/03/2021 £750
CLANN TRANG CILLE BHRìDE AN EAR A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Cille Bhrìde an Ear / Delivering early years sessions in East Kilbride
10/03/2021 £750
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' cur air dòigh bùithtean-obrach Gaeilge / Running Irish workshops
10/03/2021 £1,200
INVERCLYDE GAELIC LEARNERS GROUP A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig ann an Grianaig / Running Gaelic classes in Greenock
24/02/2021 £162,000
GIGLETS EARRANTA A' toirt leudachadh air goireasan leughaidh is sgrìobhaidh do sgoilearan is tidsearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Extending reading and writing resources for Gaelic medium education pupils and teachers
24/02/2021 £314,741
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG Goireasan a chruthachadh agus taic a’ chumail ri sgoilearan, tidsearan agus pàrantan mu thimcheall air foghlam na Gàidhlig / Developing resources and supporting pupils, teachers and parents involved in Gaelic education.
24/02/2021 £104,960
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE Prògram de thachartasan agus clasaichean a’ cur air dòigh airson Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh am measg muinntir Ìle agus Diùra / Delivering a programme of events and classes to promote Gaelic among residents of Islay and Jura
24/02/2021 £463,700
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A’ toirt taic aig ìre coimhearsnachd do dh’ òigridh airson Gàidhlig a chleachdadh agus do phàrantan airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a thaghadh / Providing grassroots support for Gaelic usage among young people and supporting parents in choosing Gaelic-medium education
24/02/2021 £100,850
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH Inbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail tron Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail agus tro Mhòdan Ionadail / Promoting Gaelic through the Royal National Mòd and regional Mòds
24/02/2021 £145,600
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
24/02/2021 £180,770
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn litreachais na Gàidhlig is an àireamh de dhaoine a tha a’ leughadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig a’ cur suas gach bliadhna / Providing strategic guidance to the Gaelic publishing sector and increasing the number of people reading Gaelic books year-on-year
24/02/2021 £81,600
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Seirbheis fiosrachaidh agus rannsachadh a thoirt seachad air ainmean-àite na h-Alba ann an Gàidhlig / Providing an information and research service for Scotland’s place-names in Gaelic
24/02/2021 £76,500
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Ag obair airson Faclair na Gàidhlig a leasachadh am measg goireasan corpais na Gàidhlig / Working to develop Faclair na Gàdihlig and other Gaelic corpus resources
24/02/2021 £19,000
CàNAN GRAPHICS STUDIO A' cur farpais FilmG air dòigh is toirt taic do sgoilearan is coimhearsnachdan tro bhùithtean-obrach / Running the FilmG Gaelic film competition and delivering support and workshops to pupils and communities
24/02/2021 £57,700
CEòLAS UIBHIST Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Uibhist a Deas le bhith a’ cur air dòigh clasaichean agus tachartasan / Promoting Gaelic in South Uist by arranging classes and events
24/02/2021 £57,540
ACAIR A' foillseachadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig ùra aig sàr àrd-ìre / Publishing new high-quality Gaelic books
24/02/2021 £55,870
THEATRE GU LEòR A’ toirt taic proifeasanta do roinn dràma na Gàidhlig / Providing professional support to the Gaelic drama sector
24/02/2021 £95,100
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in the Western Isles
24/02/2021 £34,200
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in Argyll and Bute
24/02/2021 £15,600
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Glasgow
24/02/2021 £15,600
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Edinburgh
18/02/2021 £15,900
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cur air dòigh is lìbhrigeadh modailean teagaisg airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san dachaigh is am measg pàrantan a bhrosnachadh / Developing and delivering teaching modules to promote usage of Gaelic in the home and among parents
10/02/2021 £8,000
GOVERNMENT OF NOVA SCOTIA A' cur taic ri ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig airson muinntir Alba Nuadh / Supporting Gaelic learning for Nova Scotia residents
10/02/2021 £30,000
OILTHIGH SRATH CHLUAIDH A' ruith pìleat de chùrsa airson tidsearan nuadh-chànanan gus teisteanas teagaisg Gàidhlig fhaighinn / Running a pilot course for modern languages teachers to gain a Gaelic teaching qualification
10/02/2021 £10,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur sreath de thachartasan eadar-gnìomhail Gàidhlig air-loidhne air dòigh do sgoilearan tron ghlasadh-sluaigh COVID-19 / Arranging a series of interactive online Gaelic sessions for pupils during the COVID-19 lockdown
10/02/2021 £16,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan spòrsail Gàidhlig air-loidhne do chlann òga tron ghlasadh-sluaigh COVID-19 / Delivering fun online Gaelic sessions through the COVID-19 lockdown
10/02/2021 £3,500
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' cur bhideothan air dòigh airson sgaoileadh air na meadhanan sòisealta is seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig a ruith tron samhradh / Arranging videos to be shared on social media and Gaelic early years sessions to run through the summer
10/02/2021 £5,000
OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur air dòigh seachdain de bhùithtean-obrach is seiminearan airson tidsearan a tha dol a-steach dhan bliadhna-pròbhaidh aca / Arranging a week of workshops and seiminars for teachers entering their probation year
10/02/2021 £3,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH - MEUR LOCH ABAR A' cumail taic ri teagaisg ceòl Ghàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh Mòd ionadail Loch Abar 2021 air-loidhne / Supporting Gaelic music tuition in advanced of the online Lochaber local Mòd 2021
10/02/2021 £10,000
PLAYWRIGHTS' STUDIO SCOTLAND A' cur air dòigh seiseanan is bùithtean-obrach dràma, ceòl is sgeulachdan air dòigh air-loidhne do mhuinntir Uibhist is Èirisgeidh / Arranging drama, music and storytelling sessions and workshops for residents of Uist and Eriskay
10/02/2021 £4,300
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH MUILE A' leantann le seiseanan seinn air-loidhne sa Ghàidhlig, gu sònraichte do dheugairean / Continuing with online Gaelic singing sessions, particularly for teenagers
10/02/2021 £5,000
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND A' leantainn le sreath ùr de bhideothan cruthachail Gàidhlig do clann sna tràth-bhliadhnaichean / Continuing with a new series of creative Gaelic videos for children in the early years
10/02/2021 £6,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur taic air-loidhne air dòigh airson sgoilearan is pàrantan airson obair-dachaigh Gàidhlig / Providing online support to pupils and parents in completing Gaelic homework.
10/02/2021 £14,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH Ag obair gus siostaman IT cunbhalach a chur air dòigh airson Mòdan ionadail agus airson seiseanan soisgeul air-loidhne a chumail do chòisirean Gàidhlig / Working to provide consistent IT systems for local Mòds and delivering gospel sessions online for Gaelic choirs
10/02/2021 £5,000
TAIGH CHEARSABHAGH A' fastadh neach-taic Gàidhlig airson ceangal dlùth a dhèanamh eadar obair Taigh Chearsabhagh air-loidhne agus a' Ghàidhlig / Employing a Gaelic assistant to closely link Gaelic with Taigh Chearsabhagh's online work
10/02/2021 £5,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT (STEòRNABHAGH) A' cur taic ri ghoireasan airson seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air a bhlàr a-muigh / Supporting resources for Gaelic early years sessions outdoors
10/02/2021 £3,000
GàIDHLIG DUMGAL A' cur air dòigh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Phris / Arranging Gaelic classes and events in Dumfries
10/02/2021 £4,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT CHOMHGHALL A' cur prògram tachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh airson sgoilearan is teaghlaichean ann an sgìre Chomhghaill / Arranging a programme of Gaelic events for pupils and families in the Cowal area
10/02/2021 £4,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig airson muinntir Glaschu / Running Gaelic classes for Glasgow residents
10/02/2021 £3,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH AN ÒBAIN A' ruith seiseanan Gàidhlig do dh' òigridh airson ullachadh a dhèanamh airson Mòdan Ionadail is Nàiseanta / Running Gaelic sessions for young people to prepare for local and national Mòds
10/02/2021 £2,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT INBHIR NARAINN A' cur prògram dràma is ealain air dòigh do sgoilearan le Ghàidhlig ann an sgìre Inbhir Narainn / Arranging a programme of drama and arts for pupils with Gaelic in the Nairn area
10/02/2021 £5,000
TIREE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST A' fastadh oifigear leasachaidh airson sgìre Tiriodh airson tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air bhonn / Employing a Gaelic development officer for the Tiree area to promote Gaelic events
10/02/2021 £4,000
KILMARTIN MUSEUM COMPANY LTD. A' lìbhrigeadh prògram a bhios a' cur ri eadar-mhìneachadh Gàidhlig den taigh-tasgaidh / Delivering a programme that will support Gaelic interpretation in the museum
10/02/2021 £3,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT SRUIGHLEA A' ruith tachartasan spòrsail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do sgoilearan tro saor-làithean sgoile ann an Sruighlea / Running fun events through the medium of Gaelic for school pupils in Stirling during school holidays
10/02/2021 £4,725
ULLAPOOL MUSEUM TRUST A' ruith tachartasan Gàidhlig airson sgoilearan agus a' choimhearsnachd co-cheangailte ri obair àrc-eòlas an taigh-tasgaidh / Running Gaelic events for pupils and the community relating to the museum's archaeology project
10/02/2021 £3,900
BOTHAN DHùN ÈIDEANN A' ruith cuirmean-ciùil is tachartasan Gàidhlig air-loidhne no ann an Dùn Èideann / Running Gaelic concerts and events online or in Edinburgh
10/02/2021 £2,550
MEUR CHRUACHAIN A' ruith cèilidhean air-loidhne le ceòl Gàidhlig / Running online ceilidhs with Gaelic music
10/02/2021 £5,000
RURAL NATIONS SCOTLAND CIC A' cruthachadh filmichean goirid a tha taisbeanadh dualchais Gàidhlig is cleachdaidhean ealantach den chànan sna h-Eileanan Siar / Creating short films to showcase Gaelic traditions and artistic uses of the language in the Western Isles
10/02/2021 £3,300
FèIS SPè A' cur tachartas Gàidhlig air dòigh do theaghlaichean gus a' chànan a chleachadh còmhla / Running a Gaelic event to bring families together to use Gaelic
10/02/2021 £3,000
EAST AYRSHIRE GAELIC FORUM A' cur air dòigh clasaichean Gàidhlig agus tachartasan ciùil is còmhraidh do mhuinntir Siorrachd Àir an Ear / Running Gaelic classes and music and conversation events for residents of East Ayrshire
10/02/2021 £3,000
BUIDHEANN LEASACHAIDH THOIRSIADAIR A' cruthachadh mapa de dh' ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Siabost / Creating a map of Gaelic placenames of the Siabost area
10/02/2021 £3,600
THE BIRKS CINEMA TRUST A' cur cafaidh Gàidhlig air dòigh airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Arranging a Gaelic café to promote Gaelic conversation
10/02/2021 £3,000
NORTHWORDS A' foillseachadh bàrdachd is rosg Gàidhlig mar pàirt den iris Tuath / Publishing Gaelic poetry and prose as part of the Tuath magazine
10/02/2021 £3,240
OPEN BOOK A' ruith seiseanan leughaidh Gàidhlig air-loidhne airson luchd-ionnsachaidh / Running online Gaelic reading sessions for beginners
10/02/2021 £775
BUN-SGOIL CHON-DOBHARAIT A' cruthachadh àite air a bhlàr-a-muigh airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig am measg clann na sgoil-àraich / Creating an outdoor space for use by Gaelic nursery pupils.
10/02/2021 £1,760
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air-loidhne air dòigh thar mìosan an t-Samhraidh / Arranging online Gaelic classes through the summer
10/02/2021 £1,000
OILTHIGH SRATH CHLUAIDH A' cur taic ri eadar-theangachadh de ghoireasan is seiseanan mar phàirt de fèis saidheans air-loidhne do sgoilearan / Supporting translation of resources and sessions as part of an online science festival for school pupils
10/02/2021 £1,600
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH GLASCHU A DEAS A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig airson muinntir Glaschu is Siorrachd Rinn Friù an Ear / Running Gaelic classes for Glasgow and East Renfrewshire residents
10/02/2021 £1,500
HELENSBURGH GAELIC CLUB A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig do mhuinntir sgìre Baile Eilidh / Running Gaelic classes for the residents of the Helensburgh area
10/02/2021 £1,950
LAIRG & DISTRICT LEARNING CENTRE A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig do mhuinntir Cataibh / Running Gaelic classes for Caithness residents
10/02/2021 £2,360
ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND - ACTION ON DEMENTIA A' ruith seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig air-loidhne airson taic a chumail ri dhaoine aig a bheil seirgeadh-inntinn / Running online Gaelic conversation sessions to support people living with dementia
10/02/2021 £1,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (EILEAN SGITHEANACH IS LOCH AILLSE) A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig anns an Ath Leathainn / Running Gaelic classes in Broadford
10/02/2021 £1,850
FèIS TAIGH DHONNCHAIDH A' toirt seachad oideachadh seinn tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus a' cur tachartasan taigh-cèilidh air dòigh / Providing Gaelic singing tuition and arranging ceilidh house events
10/02/2021 £1,700
COMHAIRLE NAM PàRANT BUN-SGOIL GHàIDHLIG GHLEANN DàIL A' cur air dòigh còisir Gàidhlig agus fèill Ghàidhlig airson sgoilearan is teaghlaichean co-cheangailte ris a' Bhun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dàil / Creating a Gaelic choir and Gaelic festival for pupils and families relating to Glendale Gaelic Primar School
10/02/2021 £1,000
BùRACH A' cur bùithtean-obrach Gàidhlig air dòigh airson buill a' chòisir / Arranging Gaelic workshops for members of the choir
10/02/2021 £2,100
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A' cruthachadh filmichean Gàidhlig stèidhichte air dualchais sgìre Stafainn / Creating Gaelic films based on heritage of the Staffin area
10/02/2021 £2,000
COMANN CEILTEACH OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cur turas air dòigh do bhall a' Chomunn dhan Gàidhealtachd airson blas fhaighinn air coimhearsnachdan far a bheilear cleachdadh Gàidhlig gu cunbhalachd fhathast / Arranging a trip for Society members to the Highlands to experience communities where Gaelic is still regularly used
10/02/2021 £1,750
MUNLOCHY GAELIC GROUP A' cur clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig air dòigh airson muinntir an Eilein Duibh / Running Gaelic classes and events for residents of the Black Isle
10/02/2021 £675
MòD ÀIRD NAM MURCHAN A' toirt seachad oideachadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne do sgoilearan a tha ag ullachadh airson Mòdan ionadail is nàiseanta / Providing Gaelic tuition online for pupils preparing for local and national Mòds
10/02/2021 £2,200
BUN SGOILTEAN CHILLE MHOIRE AGUS STAFAINN A' cur prògram tachartasan Gàidhlig taobh-a-muigh na sgoile air dòigh do sgoilearan nam bun-sgoiltean / Running a programme of Gaelic out-of-school events for pupils of the primaries
10/02/2021 £1,600
CRòILEAGAN OBAR DHEATHAIN A' ruith clasaichean Gàidhlig do phàrantan ann an Obar Dheathain / Running Gaelic classes for parents in Aberdeen
27/01/2021 £40,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' lìbhrigeadh is leasachadh pròiseact dualchais Gàidhlig de Thobar an Dualchais / Providing and developing the Tobar an Dualchais Gaelic heritage project.
27/01/2021 £10,000
TREES FOR LIFE A' cumail taic ri leasachadh plana eadar-mhìneachadh Gàidhlig airson an Ionad / Supporting the development of a Gaelic interpretation plan for the Centre
27/01/2021 £8,000
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' lìbhrigeadh 10 seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean Gàidhlig air-loidhne / Delivering 10 online sessions for Gaelic early years pupils.
27/01/2021 £4,960
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH UIBHIST A TUATH A' cur taic ri rannsachadh ionadail air òrain Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Tuath / Supporting local research of Gaelic song in North Uist.
27/01/2021 £7,500
CULTARLANN INBHIR NIS A' cur taic ri leasachadh planaichean airson ionad Ghàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis / Supporting further development of plans for an Inverness Gaelic Centre.
16/12/2020 £28,750
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH NIS A' cur taic ri dreuchd a bhios cuideachadh le pìosan bho tasglannan an Urrais a chur ann an cruth didseatach is ruigsinneach / Supporting a post that will allow elements of the Trust's archives to be digitised and made accessible online.
16/12/2020 £3,200
EALANTAS A' cur air dòigh sreath de bhideothan is cèilidhean air-loidhne gus na h-ealain Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Arranginga series of online videos and cèilidhs to promote the Gaelic arts
16/12/2020 £2,500
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' cur farpais-sgrìobhaidh air dòigh airson òigridh is inbhich timcheall air cuspairean Colmcille 1500 / Organising a writing competition for children and adults based around the themes of Colmcille 1500
16/12/2020 £45,000
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cumail taic ri dreuchdan aig a' phròiseict, a bhios a' cur tachartasan spòrs air a bhlàr a-muigh air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting posts for the project, that delivers outdoor sports activities through the medium of Gaelic
04/11/2020 £25,000
CNOC SOILLEIR A' fastadh oifigear airson taic a chumail ri conaltradh ri linn pròiseact Cnoc Soilleir / Creating a job position to support Gaelic communications relating to the Cnoc Soilleir project.
04/11/2020 £15,000
ACTIVE EVENTS A' cur Taisbeanadh na Gàidhlig 2021 air dòigh mar phàirt de Celtic Connections gus obair luchd-ealain Gàidhlig a thaisbeanadh do riochdairean na gnìomhachais / Arranging the 2021 Gaelic Showcase as part of Celtic Connections to highlight the work of Gaelic artists to industry representatives
04/11/2020 £7,600
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH BHARRAIDH AGUS BHATARSAIDH A' fastadh neach-taic Gàidhlig airson obair a dhèanamh gus taglannan na Chomunn Eachdraidh a chur ann an cruth didseatach / Employing a Gaelic assistant to work on digitisation of the Historical Society's archives
04/11/2020 £9,650
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur prògram trèanaidh is goireasan slàinte is sunnd air dòigh airson tidsearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Creating a package of training and wellbeing resources for Gaelic-medium teachers to use.
04/11/2020 £6,000
URRAS DUALCHAIS BLàR PRESTONPANS [1745] A' cur bùithtean-obrach Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an sgìre Lodainn an Ear / Arranging Gaelic workshops in East Lothian
04/11/2020 £3,900
COMANN LUCHD-TEAGAISG ÀRD-SGOILTEAN A' cur prògram air dòigh gus taic a chumail ri tidsearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Arranging a programme to provide help and support to Gaelic-medium teachers.
04/11/2020 £12,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT PORT RìGH A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Port Rìgh / Delivering early years sessions in Portree
02/11/2020 £50,000
FOGHLAM ALBA A’ fastadh oifigear leasachaidh gus stiùir a thoirt air leudachadh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig ìre na h-àrd-sgoile / Hiring a development officer to provide guidance in enhancing Gaelic-medium education at secondary school level
20/10/2020 £3,000
NORTHWORDS A' cur taic ri bàrdachad is rosg sa Ghàidhlig anns an iris saor an-asgaidh Northwords (air-loidhne agus ann an clò) / Supporting Gaelic poetry and prose in the regular free Northwords publication (both online and in print).
20/10/2020 £5,000
SPFL TRUST A' cur taic ri eadar-theangachaidhean Gàidhlig de leabhraichean mar pàirt de dh' iomairt 4-4-2 Dùbhlan Leughaidh airson clann a bhrosnachadh gus a bhith leughadh / Providing Gaelic translations of books as part of the 4-4-2 reading challenge to promote reading among school pupils.
20/10/2020 £2,500
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE Ag obair còmhla ri Thobar an Dualchais airson dualchais Gàidhlig Ìle a thasgadh / Working alongside Tobar and Dualchais to ensure Islay Gaelic heritage is preserved.
20/10/2020 £14,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH Ann an co-bhann le Fèisean nan Gàidheal, a' cur air dòigh seiseanan seinn ann an diofar coimhearsnachdan agus cuideachd a chur air dòigh craoladh beò air-loidhne den Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail / In partnership with Fèisean nan Gàidheal, arranging singing sessions in different communities and also arranging live online broadcasting of the Royal National Mòd
20/10/2020 £15,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' fastadh oifigear airson tùsan faclan rannsachadh airson Faclair na Gàidhlig bho tasglannan Tobar an Dualchais / Employing an officer to help research word sources for Faclair na Gàidhlig from Tobar an Dualchais' collections.
23/09/2020 £45,000
EDEN COURT A' fastadh Oifigear Gàidhlig gus prògram ealain chruthachail a chur air dòigh / Employing a Gaelic officer to deliver a creative arts programme
23/09/2020 £15,000
OILTHIGH HERIOT-WATT A' leudachadh air rannsachadh ann an sgilean leughaidh sgoilearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Continuing research into the reading skills of Gaelic-medium pupils.
23/09/2020 £100,000
MG ALBA A' cur taic ri ghoireasan meadhanan is air-loidhne mar pàirt den iomairt ùr SpeakGaelic / Supporting media and online resources as part of the new SpeakGaelic campaign.
17/09/2020 £6,000
EALAíN NA GAELTACHTA A' cur taic ri luchd-ealain Gàidhlig gus pàirt a ghabhail ann an taisbeanadh ealain ioma-mheadhanach eadar diofar mion-chànanan ann an Èirinn / Supporting Gaelic artists to take part in a multimedia experience of different minority languages taking place in Ireland
01/09/2020 £95,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur taic ri chosgaisean airson 3 tidsearan Comhairle nan Eilean Siar airson cùrsa bogaidh Gàidhlig a dhèanamh a dh' ionnsaigh teagaisg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing costs for 3 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar teachers to undertake Gaelic immersion courses in order to teach in Gaelic-medium education.
24/08/2020 £20,000
TAIGH CHEARSABHAGH A' cur taic ri dreuchd oifigear Gàidhlig aig an ionad ealain / Supporting the creation of a Gaelic officer post at the arts venue.
24/08/2020 £12,800
HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION A' cur taic ri leudachadh air Pròiseact Riochdachaidh na Gàidhlig a tha ag amas air follaiseachd is ruigsinneachd na Gàidhlig àrdachadh airson oileanaich OGE / Supporting the continuation of the Gaelic Representation Project which aims to increase visibility and accessibility of Gaelic for students of UHI.
05/08/2020 £3,350
CEUMAN BEAGA INBHIR NIS A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Inbhir Nis / Delivering early years sessions in Inverness
05/08/2020 £2,500
CLUICH GAELIC TODDLER GROUP A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Inbhir Nis / Delivering early years sessions in Inverness
05/08/2020 £12,250
CRòILEAGAN GRIANACH A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean anns An Gearasdan / Delivering early years sessions in Fort William
05/08/2020 £4,000
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Obar Pheallaidh / Delivering early years sessions in Aberfeldy
05/08/2020 £6,000
COMHAIRLE PHEAIRT IS CHEANN ROIS A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann am Peairt / Delivering early years sessions in Perth
05/08/2020 £3,000
PàRANT IS PàISTE OBAR DHEATHAIN A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Obar Dheathain / Delivering early years sessions in Aberdeen
05/08/2020 £5,800
NAIRN GAELIC PARENT & TODDLER GROUP A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Inbhir Narainn / Delivering early years sessions in Nairn
05/08/2020 £5,000
CRòILEAGAN AN ATH LEATHAINN A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean anns An Ath Leathainn / Delivering early years sessions in Broadford
05/08/2020 £3,600
COWAL GàIDHLIG PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Dùn Omhainn / Delivering early years sessions in Dunoon
05/08/2020 £12,500
ACAIR A' cur taic ri làrach-lìn ùr a dheasachadh dhan bhuidheann / Support towards developing a new website for the organisation
05/08/2020 £6,000
AN LANNTAIR A' clàradh filmichean a tha taisbeanadh ealain de dhiofar meadhanan is air an lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Recording films that display art of different forms and delivered through the medium of Gaelic
05/08/2020 £4,500
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A' cur taic ri diofar tachartasan air-loidhne is air a bhlàr a-muigh airson sgoilearan ann an sgìre Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd / Supporting different online and outdoor activities for pupils in the Highland Council area
05/08/2020 £8,000
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS A' cur taic ri ghoireasan a cheannach a bhios cur ri ionnsachadh Gàidhlig air-loidhne agus seirbheisean cultarachd a' Chomhairle tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting the purchase of resources that will aid online Gaelic learning and access of the Council's cultural services through the medium of Gaelic
05/08/2020 £10,000
URRAS CEANN A TUATH NA HEARADH A' fastadh maor-dùthcha le Gàidhlig dhan Urrais / Employing a Gaelic-speaking ranger for the Trust
05/08/2020 £3,500
BUN-SGOIL BEINN CHAMSHRòIN A' lìbhrigeadh seiseanan Gàidhlig air-loidhne taobh a-muigh uairean sgoile gus taic a chumail ri sgoilearan ann a bhith cleachdadh na Gàidhlig / Delivering Gaelic sessions outside of school-time to support pupils in their Gaelic usage
05/08/2020 £3,000
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND A' cur air dòigh sreath de bhideothan de cheòl Gàidhlig airson clann aig ìre na tràth-bhliadhnaichean / Arranging a series of videos of Gaelic music for early years stage children
05/08/2020 £3,700
SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE A' cur taic ri eadar-theangachadh air bileagan is teachdaireachd sàbhailteachd is teachdaireachdan cunntasan meadhanan sòisealta / Supporting translation of saftey leaflets and social media account content
05/08/2020 £10,000
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A' cur taic ri prògram de thachartasan is cothroman coinneachaidh stèidhichte air ionad Grinneabhat / Supporting a programme of events and meeting opportunties based around the Grinneabhat centre
05/08/2020 £9,000
HANDS UP FOR TRAD A' cur fèis ciùil Gàidhlig air-loidhne fad deireadh-seachdain air dòigh / Arranging a weekend-long Gaelic music festival online.
05/08/2020 £5,000
TAIGH DHONNCHAIDH A' ruith leasanan ciùil is cèilidhean air-loidhne tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is ùrachadh a dhèanamh air làrach-lìn / Running music lessons and ceilidhs online through the medium of Gaelic and renewing the website
05/08/2020 £7,500
PLAYWRIGHTS' STUDIO SCOTLAND A' cur taic ri ceum leasachaidh airson pìos ealain, a' gabhail a-steach agallamhan is bùithtean-obrach tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting the development phase of an art piece, including interviews and workshops through the medium of Gaelic
05/08/2020 £3,000
DANNSAIREAN MàIRI A' ruith ri seiseanan iòga is dannsa air-loidhne tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig airson cloinn / Running dance and yoga sessions online through the medium of Gaelic for children
05/08/2020 £5,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cruthachadh goireas mapa ùr air làrach-lìn airson ainmean-àite Gàidhlig fhaicinn ann an co-theacsa / Developing a new map resource on the website for viewing Gaelic place-names in context
05/08/2020 £9,000
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' cruthachadh làrach-lìn ùr dhan bhuidheann / Developing a new website for the organisation
05/08/2020 £4,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur taic air-loidhne air dòigh airson sgoilearan is pàrantan airson obair-dachaigh Gàidhlig / Providing online support to pupils and parents in completing Gaelic homework.
05/08/2020 £2,500
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cur sreath de chèilidhean Gàidhlig air dòigh air-loidhne / Running a series of Gaelic cèilidhs online.
05/08/2020 £7,500
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A' dèanamh rannsachadh air mar a tha cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air-loidhne air leantainn am measg buidhnean ann an Glaschu tron ghlasadh-sluaigh / Conducting research as to how Gaelic usage online has continued among groups in Glasgow during the coronavirus pandemic.
05/08/2020 £5,000
CEòL IS CRAIC A' cur tachartasan ciùil Gàidhlig air dòigh air-loidhne is cruthachadh sreath de bhideothan cruthachail airson sgaoileadh tro glasadh-sluaigh / Arranging online Gaelic music events and creating a series of creative videos for sharing during lockdown
05/08/2020 £5,000
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' toirt seachadh oideachadh Gàidhlig do bhuill còisirean inbhich / Providing Gaelic tuition to adult choir members
05/08/2020 £8,000
BUIDHEANN LEASACHAIDH THOIRSIADAIR A' fastadh oifigear pròiseact gus taic a chumail ri prògram cothroman sòisealta is cothroman ionnsachaidh air-loidhne no aig astar tro cuingleachaidhean COVID-19 / Employing a project officer to support a programme of social and learning opportunities online or distanced through COVID-19 restrictions
05/08/2020 £5,000
ÀRD-SGOIL PHORT RìGH A’ stèidheachadh goireas airson conaltradh agus foghlam Gàidhlig a neartachadh anns a’choimhearsnachd a’cleachdadh na meadhanan didseatach / Creating a resource for strengthening Gaelic communication and education in the community using digital media
05/08/2020 £4,000
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE A' cur taic ri muinntir Ìle ann a bhith gabhail pàirt ann an clasaichean Gàidhlig air-loidhne agus fiolm a dhealbhachadh airson obair ICCI a thaisbeanadh / Supporting Islay residents to take part in online Gaelic classes and developing a film to showcase the work of ICCI.
05/08/2020 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' fastadh oifigear gus rannsachadh a dhèanamh air tùsan faclan bho tasglannan Tobar an Dualchais airson Faclair na Gàidhlig / Employing an officer to help research word sources for Faclair na Gàidhlig from Tobar an Dualchais' collections.
05/08/2020 £3,000
COMHAIRLE MOIREIBH A' cur seiseanan air-loidhne air dòigh do luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha cleachdadh Duolingo gus an ghabh còmhraidhean a chumail sa Ghàidhlig / Arranging online sessions for learners using Duolingo to allow for conversations in Gaelic
05/08/2020 £7,000
URRAS AN TAIGHE MHòIR AGUS COMUNN EACHDRAIDH LOCH RòG AN EAR A' fastadh neach air inntearnas gus tasglannan a' Chomunn a chur ann an cruth didseatach / Employing an intern to help digitise the archives of the Society
05/08/2020 £10,000
ROBANIS SCIO A' clàradh dealbhan-cluiche fuaim is gan sgaoileadh ann an cruth pod-craolaidh / Recording audio plays and sharing them in podcast format
05/08/2020 £3,000
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A' cur tachartasan spòrs air dòigh do sgoilearan Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu thairis air an t-Samhraidh / Arranging sports activities for Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu pupils over the summer.
05/08/2020 £29,000
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG A' leasachadh cruinneachadh de ghoireasan air-loidhne airson taic a chumail ri sgoilearan foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le ionnsachadh air-loidhne / Developing a collection of online resources to help Gaelic-medium education pupils through online learning.
05/08/2020 £4,500
NORTH AYRSHIRE GAELIC BABY & TODDLER GROUP A' libhrigeadh seiseanan tràth-bhliadhnaichean ann an Cille Bhrìde an Iar / Delivering early years sessions in West Kilbride
08/07/2020 £8,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur seachdainean de thachartasan air-loidhne air dòigh airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig am measg teaghlaichean a bhrosnachadh / Arranging a week of online events to support Gaelic usage among families
08/07/2020 £3,200
ÀRD-SGOIL GREENFAULDS A' cur turas air dòigh do sgoilearan Àrd-sgoil Greenfaulds dhan Eilean Sgitheanach gus am faigh iad cothrom bogaidh fhaighinn ann an coimhearsnachd far a bheil Gàidhlig air an labhairt / Arranging a trip for Greenfaulds High School pupils to Skye to engage with a Gaelic-speaking community.
08/07/2020 £3,536
OILTHIGH NA GàIDHEALTACHD AGUS NAN EILEAN A' cur clasaichean is seiseanan mothachaidh Gàidhlig air dòigh airson luchd-obrach OGE / Arranging Gaelic classes and awareness sessions for UHI staff.
10/06/2020 £3,250
GENERAL TEACHING COUNCIL FOR SCOTLAND A’ ruith sheiseanan conaltraidh le tidsearan is ùghdarrasan ionadail gus cothroman an lùib foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh / Holding engagement sessions with teachers and local authorities to promote opportunities in Gaelic-medium education
10/06/2020 £6,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A’ ruith prògram de thachartasan taobh a-muigh na sgoile do sgoilearan aig Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh / Running a programme of out-of-school events for Bun Sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh pupils
10/06/2020 £3,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A’ cur air dòigh seiseanan coidsidh agus tachartas ball-coise do sgoilearan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Arranging football coaching sessions and an event for school pupils through the medium of Gaelic
10/06/2020 £5,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A’ ruith pròiseact airson sgoilearan gus seann sgeulachdan Gàidhlig ionnsachadh bho bheul-aithris is an uair sin tionndaidhean ùr-nòsach a sgrìobhadh dhaibh fhèin / Running a project for school pupils to learn old Gaelic stories from folklore and then write new modern versions of the stories themselves
10/06/2020 £6,000
LEASACHADH SGILEAN NA H-ALBA Ag ullachadh ghoireasan Gàidhlig airson taic a chumail ri sgoilearan, tidsearan is pàrantan ri linn cothroman-obrach is teisteanasan Gàidhlig / Creating Gaelic resources to support pupils, teachers and parents relating to Gaelic job opportunities and qualifications
10/06/2020 £5,600
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN A’ ruith pìleat de phrògram thar-samhraidh air-loidhne a bhios a’ cur ri bogadh Gàidhlig do dh’oileanaich aig ìre luchd-ionnsachaidh / Running a pilot summer programme online to enhance Gaelic immersion for learner students
10/06/2020 £10,000
ÙGHDARRAS PàIRC NàISEANTA A' MHONAIDH RUAIDH A’ fastadh neach air inntearnas gus goireasan a chruthachadh gus Gàidhlig a chur air adhart tro obair a’ Phàirc Nàiseanta / Hiring an intern to create resources to promote Gaelic through the work of the National Park
10/06/2020 £4,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A’ cruthachadh ghoireasan Gàidhlig airson clasaichean Gàidhlig a thabhann do dhaoine ann an dachaighean-cùraim tron t-seirbhis Lingo Flamingo / Creating Gaelic resources for Gaelic classes offered to people in care homes through the Lingo Flamingo service
10/06/2020 £10,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A’ cur taic ri leasachadh proifeasanta agus ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig airson luchd-obrach na Comhairle / Supporting professional development and Gaelic learning for Council staff
10/06/2020 £7,500
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A’ cur taic ri seiseanan is tachartasan Gàidhlig taobh a-muigh na sgoile airson clann aig diofar aoisean / Supporting Gaelic sessions and events outwith school for children of different ages
10/06/2020 £15,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD DHùN BHREATAINN AN IAR A’ fastadh oifigear pàirt-ùine gus taic a chumail ri leudachadh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig san sgìre / Employing a part-time officer to support expansion of Gaelic medium education in the area
10/06/2020 £2,800
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A’ cur air dòigh tachartasan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dh’oileanaich na colaiste / Arranging Gaelic-medium events for students of the college
10/06/2020 £10,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A’ cur air dòigh tachartasan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dheugairean a tha a’ fuireach ann an sgìre na colaiste agus dhaibhsan a bhios a’ tadhal air a’ cholaiste airson làithean fosgailte / Arranging Gaelic-medium events for teenagers who live near the college and for those attending the college for open days
10/06/2020 £5,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A’ cur air dòigh seachdainean-còmhnaidh ann an coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig do luchd-ionnsachaidh / Arranging residential weeks in Gaelic communities for learners
10/06/2020 £14,000
GLASCHU BEò A’ ruith diofar thachartasan is iomairtean gus na h-ealain Ghàidhlig a chur air adhart ann am baile Ghlaschu / Running different events and campaigns to promote Gaelic arts in Glasgow
10/06/2020 £2,500
GLASCHU BEò A’ cur air dòigh seiseanan còmhraidh air-loidhne ann an co-bhanntachd le Comhairle nan Eilean Siar gus luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig bho dhiofar sgìrean a thoirt còmhla / Arranging online conversation sessions in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to bring Gaelic speakers from different areas together
10/06/2020 £7,200
GLASCHU BEò A’ leudachadh na h-àireimh de dh’oidean Gàidhlig a th’ aig Glaschu Beò agus a’ toirt leasachadh proifeasanta riuthasan a th’ ann a-cheana / Expanding the number of Gaelic tutors available to Glasgow Life and providing professional development to existing tutors
10/06/2020 £11,600
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A’ toirt cothrom do 15-20 oileanaich gus dreuchd thar-samhraidh fhaighinn far am faigh iad cothrom Gàidhlig a chleachdadh san àite-obrach / Providing 15-20 students the opportunity to have a summer job position where they can use Gaelic in the workplace
10/06/2020 £3,000
COLAISDE A' CHAISTEIL A’ ruith chlasaichean is seiseanan blasad Gàidhlig aig HebCelt 2021 / Running Gaelic classes and taster sessions at HebCelt 2021
10/06/2020 £5,500
COMHAIRLE AONGHAIS A’ stèidheachadh chlasaichean Gàidhlig do dh’inbhich agus seisean café Gàidhlig air an fheasgar gus cothroman cleachdaidh a chruthachadh ann an sgìre Aonghais / Establishing Gaelic classes for adults and a Gaelic cafe afternoon to promote Gaelic usage opportunities in Angus
10/06/2020 £12,000
NEWBATTLE ABBEY COLLEGE A’ cur air dòigh clasaichean is tachartasan Gàidhlig airson luchd-obrach na colaiste agus daoine a tha a’ fuireach san sgìre / Arranging Gaelic classes and events for college staff and residents of the area
10/06/2020 £3,100
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH A’ cruthachadh bhidio sanasachd air Gàidhlig ann an Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath gus cothroman cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh/ Creating a new advertisement video about Gaelic in North Lanarkshire to promote Gaelic usage opportunities
10/06/2020 £5,500
NàDARALBA A’ cur ainmean Gàidhlig ri 30 beathaichean no lusan a tha air nochdadh ann an Alba o chionn goirid mar thoradh air buaidh atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde is a’ cruthachadh obair ealain mu thimcheall a’ chuspair seo / Providing Gaelic names for 30 new animals or plants that have appeared in Scotland recently due to the impacts of climate change, and creating artistic works around this theme
10/06/2020 £5,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh airson luchd-obrach a' Chomhairle / Providing Gaelic classes for staff of the Council
09/06/2020 £30,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A’ cumail chlasaichean Gàidhlig do dh’inbhich air feadh na Gàidhealtachd / Holding Gaelic classes for adults across the Highlands
09/06/2020 £16,250
LEABHARLANN NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA A’ fastadh neach air inntearnas gus eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig a dhèanamh air an t-seirbheis lorgaidh airson tasglannan na leabharlainn (is leabharlannan eile) / Hiring an intern to translate a search service into Gaelic for browsing the library (and other libraries’) collections
09/06/2020 £19,000
OILTHIGH GHLASCHU A’ cur air dòigh prògram de thachartasan Gàidhlig, clasaichean do luchd-obrach is sgeama-còmhnaidh Taigh na Gàidhlig / Arranging a Gaelic events programme, classes for staff and the Taigh na Gàidhlig residential scheme
09/06/2020 £16,000
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN A’ cruthachadh goireas ùr do luchd-ionnsachaidh airson na comasan labhairteach Gàidhlig aca a neartachadh / Creating a new online resource for learners to strengthen their Gaelic speaking skills
09/06/2020 £15,000
AN LANNTAIR A' fastadh oifigear gus taic a chumail ris na h-ealain Gàidhlig is cur ri chothroman do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig tro obair An Lanntair / Employing an officer to support the Gaelic arts and enhance opportunities for Gaelic speakers through the work of An Lanntair
09/06/2020 £22,000
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' fastadh oifigear gus stiùir a thoirt air pròiseact com-pàirteachas "Aon Ghlaschu" airson leasachadh na Gàidhlig stiùireadh ann an Glaschu / Employing an officer to direct the “Aon Ghlaschu” partnership project to co-ordinate Gaelic development in Glasgow
09/06/2020 £36,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A’ ruith chlasaichean Ùlpan air feadh nan Eilean Siar, le cothroman ann airson bogadh Gàidhlig mar phàirt den chùrsa cuideachd / Running Ùlpan classes across the Western Isles, also with Gaelic immersion opportunities as part of the course
09/06/2020 £30,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A’ toirt seachad clasaichean is trèanadh Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach is preantasan na Comhairle / Providing Gaelic classes and training to Comhairle staff and apprentices
09/06/2020 £25,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A’ stèidheachadh dà dhreuchd ùr ann an lìonra oifigearan coimhearsnachd nan Iomairtean ann an co-bhanntachd le Comunn na Gàidhlig / Creating two new job positions in the Iomairtean community officer network in partnership with Comunn na Gàidhlig
09/06/2020 £30,000
COMHAIRLE SIORRACHD LANNRAIG A TUATH A’ fastadh oifigear Gàidhlig gus leudachadh a thoirt air cothroman do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig san sgìre is obair air leasachadh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Employing a Gaelic officer to expand the opportunities for Gaelic speakers in the area and to work on developing Gaelic-medium education
09/06/2020 £20,000
NHS EILEANAN SIAR A’ cruthachadh tionndadh Gàidhlig de ghoireas foghlam pearsanta is sòisealta do sgoilearan aig gach aois / Creating a Gaelic version of the personal and social education resource for pupils of all ages
09/06/2020 £15,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A’ ruith ionad Furan airson tachartasan Gàidhlig a chumail san Òban / Running the Furan Centre for holding Gaelic events in Oban
27/05/2020 £14,160
CHARTS (ARGYLL AND ISLES CULTURE HERITAGE AND ARTS ASSEMBLY) A' cur sgeama tabhartasan bheag air dòigh airson luchd-ealain gus pìosan a chruthachadh mar thoradh air cuspairean Colmcille 1500 / Running a small grants scheme for artists to create new pieces inspired by themes of Colmcille 1500.
26/05/2020 £314,741
STòRLANN NàISEANTA NA GàIDHLIG Goireasan a chruthachadh agus taic a’ chumail ri sgoilearan, tidsearan agus pàrantan mu thimcheall air foghlam na Gàidhlig / Developing resources and supporting pupils, teachers and parents involved in Gaelic education.
26/05/2020 £35,000
AN LòCHRAN Gus ionad cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhith ann an Glaschu / To provide a hub for Gaelic usage in Glasgow
26/05/2020 £45,000
COMHAIRLE NA GàIDHEALTACHD A’ cumail taic ri 5 dreuchdan pàirt-ùine ann an co-bhanntachd le CALA gus taic a thoirt do bhuidhnean ro-sgoile sa Ghàidhealtachd / Supporting 5 part-time jobs in association with the Care and Learning Alliance to support pre-school groups in the Highlands
11/03/2020 £2,600
CòISIR GàIDHLIG AN ÒBAIN A' cur turas do dh' Èirinn air dòigh mu thimcheall air Fèis Pan Cheltic / Arranging a trip to Ireland surrounding the Pan Celtic Festival
11/03/2020 £4,175
TAIGH DHONNCHAIDH A' toirt buidheann a-null bho Èirinn gu Nis airson cèilidh air an sgìre mar pàirt de Cheòl Nis / Bringing across a group for Ireland to Ness to visit residents of the area as part of Ceòl Nis
11/03/2020 £5,000
OILTHIGH OBAR DHEATHAIN A' cur symposium eadar-theangachadh air dòigh gus tuigse is ceanglaichean a thogail am measg eadar-theangairean Gàidhlig is Gaeilge / Arranging a translation symposium, particularly to build understanding and links between Gaelic and Irish translators
11/03/2020 £5,000
URRAS NàISEANTA NA H-ALBA A' leasachadh pìos cruthachail ioma-mheadanach ann an co-bhann le luchd-ealain air 2 eileanan bìge aig cridhe na Gàidhealtachd/Gaeltacht / Developing a multimedia creative piece in collaboration with artists on 2 small islands at the hearts of their respective Gàidhealtachd/Gaeltacht
11/03/2020 £10,000
SGOIL SIR E SCOTT A' togail ceanlaichean eadar sgoiltean le litrichean is leasananan Gàidhlig/Gaeilge eadar sgoilearan agus turas do sgoilearan Sir E Scott do Phobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair / Building links between schools with letters and Gaelic/Irish lessons between students before a trip for Sir E Scott pupils to Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair
11/03/2020 £3,000
ÀRD-SGOIL PHORT RìGH A' cur air dòigh bùithtean-obrach cèol is cànan sa Ghàidhlig is Gaeilge do sgoilearan / Arranging music and language workshops in Gaelic and Irish for pupils
11/03/2020 £10,000
THEATRE GU LEòR A' cur taic ri seiseanan leasachaidh airson pìos thèatre sa Ghàidhlig/Gaeilge stèidhichte air cuspair "an taigh cèilidh" (air a mhaoineachadh ann an com-pàirteachas le Foras na Gaeilge) / Supporting development sessions for a new Gaelic/Irish-medium theatre piece based around the concept of the “ceilidh house” (funded in partnership with Foras na Gaeilge)
11/03/2020 £3,200
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' cur taic ri turasan iomlaid eadar oifigearan Tobar an Dualchais is Duchás / Supporting costs for exchange trips between officers of Tobar an Dualchais and Duchás for knowledge exchange
11/03/2020 £4,800
COMANN NAM PàRANT NàISEANTA A' dèanamh rannsachadh air roghainnean airson làraich sgoiltean Gàidhlig ann an Inbhir Nis / Researching options for sites for Gaelic schools in Inverness
11/03/2020 £7,200
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH A' deasachadh pìosan ciùil Gàidhlig a dh' ionnsaigh am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail / Preparing Gaelic pieces of music for the Royal National Mòd
11/03/2020 £10,000
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' ruith co-fharpais deasbad Gàidhlig airson sgoilearan air feadh na dùthcha a tha dèanamh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig san àrd-sgoil / Running a Gaelic debating competition for pupils studying in Gaelic-medium education at secondary schools across the country
11/03/2020 £14,125
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Ag ullachadh mapaichean de dh' ainmean-àite ann an raointean-obrach diofar ùghdarrasan poblaich airson a chleadhadh mar pàirt de phlanaichean Gàidhlig / Preparing maps of placenames in the operation areas of different public authorities for use as part of Gaelic language plans
26/02/2020 £104,960
IONAD CHALUIM CHILLE ÌLE Prògram de thachartasan agus clasaichean a’ cur air dòigh airson Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh am measg muinntir Ìle agus Diùra / Delivering a programme of events and classes to promote Gaelic among residents of Islay and Jura
26/02/2020 £463,700
COMUNN NA GàIDHLIG A’ toirt taic aig ìre coimhearsnachd do dh’ òigridh airson Gàidhlig a chleachdadh agus do phàrantan airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a thaghadh / Providing grassroots support for Gaelic usage among young people and supporting parents in choosing Gaelic-medium education
26/02/2020 £100,850
AN COMUNN GàIDHEALACH Inbhe na Gàidhlig a thogail tron Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail agus tro Mhòdan Ionadail / Promoting Gaelic through the Royal National Mòd and regional Mòds
26/02/2020 £145,600
FèISEAN NAN GàIDHEAL Taic agus leasachadh a thoirt air roinn na nan ealain traidiseanta tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Providing support and development in the traditional arts sector through the medium of Gaelic
26/02/2020 £180,770
COMHAIRLE NAN LEABHRAICHEAN A' toirt stiùir ro-innleachdail air roinn litreachais na Gàidhlig is an àireamh de dhaoine a tha a’ leughadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig a’ cur suas gach bliadhna / Providing strategic guidance to the Gaelic publishing sector and increasing the number of people reading Gaelic books year-on-year
26/02/2020 £81,600
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Seirbheis fiosrachaidh agus rannsachadh a thoirt seachad air ainmean-àite na h-Alba ann an Gàidhlig / Providing an information and research service for Scotland’s place-names in Gaelic
26/02/2020 £76,500
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Ag obair airson Faclair na Gàidhlig a leasachadh am measg goireasan corpais na Gàidhlig / Working to develop Faclair na Gàdihlig and other Gaelic corpus resources
26/02/2020 £19,000
CàNAN GRAPHICS STUDIO A' cur farpais FilmG air dòigh is toirt taic do sgoilearan is coimhearsnachdan tro bhùithtean-obrach / Running the FilmG Gaelic film competition and delivering support and workshops to pupils and communities
26/02/2020 £57,700
CEòLAS UIBHIST Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an Uibhist a Deas le bhith a’ cur air dòigh clasaichean agus tachartasan / Promoting Gaelic in South Uist by arranging classes and events
26/02/2020 £57,540
ACAIR A' foillseachadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig ùra aig sàr àrd-ìre / Publishing new high-quality Gaelic books
26/02/2020 £55,870
THEATRE GU LEòR A’ toirt taic proifeasanta do roinn dràma na Gàidhlig / Providing professional support to the Gaelic drama sector
26/02/2020 £35,400
MG ALBA A' cur taic ri MG ALBA airson brìgh a dhealbhachadh airson LearnGaelic.scot / Supporting MG ALBA in creating engaging content for LearnGaelic.scot.
26/02/2020 £94,300
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan an Iar / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in the Western Isles
26/02/2020 £34,000
COMHAIRLE EARRA-GHàIDHEAL IS BHòID A' cumail taic ri oifigearan Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officers in Argyll and Bute
26/02/2020 £15,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE GHLASCHU A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Glasgow
26/02/2020 £15,500
COMHAIRLE BAILE DHùN ÈIDEANN A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairtean aig Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Edinburgh
26/02/2020 £45,000
IONAD THRòNDAIRNIS A' fastasdh oifigear leasachaidh gus pròiseact Ionad Thròndairnis a thoirt air adhart / Hiring a development officer to take forward the Ionad Thròndairnis project
26/02/2020 £56,600
YOUNG SCOT A' fastadh oifigear Gàidhlig gus taic a chumail ri iomairtean a chuireas taic ri òigridh aig a bheil Gàidhlig / Employing a Gaelic officer to support campaigns that support young Gaelic speakers
26/02/2020 £40,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG A' lìbhrigeadh is leasachadh pròiseact dualchais Gàidhlig de Thobar an Dualchais / Providing and developing the Tobar an Dualchais Gaelic heritage project.
12/02/2020 £5,000
URRAS LEASACHAIDH COIMHEARSNACHD THIRIODH A' leantainn le obair Oifigear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig an Urrais ann a bhith cumail taic ri cothroman cleachdaidh ann an Tiriodh / Continuing the work of the Trust's Gaelic Development Officer in providing Gaelic usage opportunities in Tiree.
12/02/2020 £4,850
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY A' cur prògram tachartasan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air dòigh do sgoilearan gus ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn gnìomhachais / Arranging a programme of Gaelic-medium events to teach students about business
12/02/2020 £2,800
CòISIR ÒG LOCH ÀLAINN A’ cur taic ri seiseanan ionnsachaidh is ullachaidh ciùil tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air thoiseach air Mòdan ionadail is nàiseanta / Supporting music tuition and preparation sessions through the medium of Gaelic in advance of local and national Mòds
12/02/2020 £3,300
GàIDHLIG DUMGAL A’ cur clasaichean Gàidhlig agus seiseanan còmhraidh air dòigh ann an Dùn Phris / Arranging Gaelic classes and conversation sessions in Dumfries
12/02/2020 £3,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT PEAIRT A’ cur tachartasan air dòigh do chloinn ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann am Peairt / Arranging after-school activities for children in Gaelic-medium education in Perth
12/02/2020 £3,000
AIR GHLEUS A’ cur taic ri seiseanan ionnsachaidh is ullachaidh ciùil/bàrdachd tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air thoisesach air Mòdan ionadail is nàiseanta / Supporting music/poetry tuition and preparation sessions through the medium of Gaelic in advance of local and national Mòds
12/02/2020 £3,000
BATTLE OF PRESTONPANS [1745] HERITAGE TRUST A’ cur co-fharpais ealain agus bùithtean-obrach tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air dòigh do dh’òigridh stèidhichte air cuspairean ar-a-mach nan Seumasaich agus Blàr Shliabh a' Chlamhain / Arranging an arts competition and workshops through the medium of Gaelic for children relating to the topics of the Jacobite rebellion and Battle of Prestonpans
12/02/2020 £3,000
URRAS BAILE FHLòDAIGEARRAIDH A’ toirt cothrom do dh’òigridh sgeulachdan Gàidhlig a chlàradh bho mhuinntir sgìre Thròndairnis is iad seo a thaisbeanadh / Providing an opportunity for young people to record Gaelic stories from people of Trotternish and to display these
12/02/2020 £5,000
IOMAIN CHOLMCILLE A’ cur seiseanan trèanaidh is co-fharpaisean iomain air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do dh’òigridh /Arranging shinty training sessions and competitions through the medium of Gaelic for young people
12/02/2020 £3,000
COMUNN GàIDHEALACH AN ÒBAIN A’ cur taic ri seiseanan ionnsachaidh is ullachaidh ciùil tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air thoiseach air Mòdan ionadail is nàiseanta / Supporting music/poetry tuition and preparation sessions through the medium of Gaelic in advance of local and national Mòds
12/02/2020 £3,000
BISHOPBRIGGS GAELIC GROUP A’ cur seiseanan còmhraidh Ghàidhlig air dòigh do dh’inbhich ann an Drochaid an Easbaig / Arranging Gaelic conversation sessions for adults in Bishopbriggs
12/02/2020 £2,500
INBHICH GU FILEANTAS A’ cur clasaichean Gàidhlig agus seiseanan còmhraidh air dòigh ann an Glaschu / Arranging Gaelic classes and conversation sessions in Glasgow
12/02/2020 £2,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT (DùN ÈIDEANN & LODAINN) A’ cur taic ri prògram de thachartasan airson clann agus inbhich gus cothroman cleachdaidh is cur air adhart na Ghàidhlig a chruthachadh ann an sgìre Dhùn Èideann / Supporting a programme of events for children and adults to create Gaelic usage and promotion opportunities in the Edinburgh area
12/02/2020 £2,800
BOTHAN DHùN ÈIDEANN A’ cur taic ri prògram tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann / Supporting a programme of Gaelic events in Edinburgh
12/02/2020 £4,200
ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND A’ cur seiseanan ceòl Gàidhlig eadar-ghnìomhail air dòigh do sgoilearan sna tràth-bhliadhnaichean aig cuid de sgoiltean-àraich air a’ Ghàidhealtachd / Arranging interactive Gaelic song sessions for early years pupils at a selection of nurseries in the Highlands
12/02/2020 £4,000
FèIS THATHA A’ cur pròiseact tèatair air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig stèidhichte air sgeulachdan bho sgìrean Abhainn Tatha / Creating a Gaelic theatre piece with young people and adults about the history of Gaelic in the River Tay area
12/02/2020 £5,000
COMANN NAM PàRANT CHOMHGHALL A’ cur taic ri tachartasan samhraidh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do sgoilearan sgìre Chomhaghall / Supporting Gaelic-medium summer activities for pupils from the Cowal area
12/02/2020 £3,000
COMANN CHOIMHEARSNACHD GHRIOMASAIGH A’ cur taic ri tachartasan mar phàirt de bhliadhna sònraichte aig choimhearsnachd Ghriomasaigh a chomharrachadh dualchas na sgìre co-cheangailte ri mòintean / Supporting events as part of the Grimsay community’s commemorative year of heritage relating to peatlands
12/02/2020 £3,400
URRAS AN TAOBH SEAR A’ cur taic ris a’ chùrsa Àrainneachd, Cànan is Dualchas a tha air ruith ann an sgìre Stafainn (air a ghluasad air sgath COVID) / Supporting the Àrainneachd, Cànan is Dualchas (Environment, Language and Heritage) course that runs in the Staffin area
12/02/2020 £2,500
COMANN NAM PàRANT GHLASCHU A’ cur taic ri prògram thachartasan tron bhliadhna do theaghlaichean le clann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Ghàidhlig / Supporting a programme of events throughout the year for families with children in Gaelic-medium education
12/02/2020 £2,500
URRAS COIMHEARSNACHD BHRàDHAGAIR AGUS ÀRNOIL A’ cur taic ri prògram thachartasan Gàidhlig tron bhliadhna sa choimhearsnachd ann an sgìre Bhràdhagair is Àrnoil / Supporting a Gaelic events programme throughout the year in the Bragar and Arnol area
12/02/2020 £4,500
FèIS NA LINNE A’ cur taic ri prògram de seiseanan chiùil, dràma is ealain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig do sgoilearan / Arranging a programme of music, drama and arts lessons through the medium of Gaelic for pupils
12/02/2020 £2,500
HAMISH MATTERS FESTIVAL A’ cur taic ri seiseanan is bùithtean-obrach Gàidhlig mar phàirt de dh’fhèis a’ comharrachadh beatha Seumas “Mòr” MacEanraig / Supporting Gaelic sessions and workshops as part of the festival commemorating Hamish Henderson
12/02/2020 £5,000
CEòL IS CRAIC A' cur taic ri oideachadh ciùil, prògraman rèidio coimhearsnachd agus tachartasan stèidhichte ann an Ghlaschu is air an lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Supporting music tuition, community radio programmes and events based in Glasgow and delivered through the medium of Gaelic
12/02/2020 £2,500
CLEAS A’ cur taic ri seiseanan Cafè Gàidhlig a ruith do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig san Eilean Sgitheanach / Supporting Gaelic cafè sessions to be held for Gaelic learners in Skye
12/02/2020 £3,000
GàIDHLIG SAN DACHAIGH (GLASCHU) A’ cur taic ri clasaichean is seiseanan còmhraidh Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Supporting Gaelic classes and conversations in Glasgow
12/02/2020 £3,000
CLYDESDALE COMMUNITY GAELIC INITIATIVE A' cur clasaichean Gàidhlig air dòigh ann an Lannraig / Arranging Gaelic classes in Lanark
12/02/2020 £2,500
THEATAR OBRACH GàIDHLIG-INBHICH (TOG-I) A’ cur air dòigh pìos dràma Ghàidhlig ùr ann an co-bhann le sgoilearan Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu / Arranging a new Gaelic drama piece in partnership with Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu pupils
12/02/2020 £12,000
IONAD HIORT A' cur taic ri leasachadh planaichean Gàidhlig airson obair Ionad Hiort ann an iar-thuath Leòdhais / Supporting the development of Gaelic plans for the work of Ionad Hiort in north-west Lewis
12/02/2020 £4,000
TREES FOR LIFE A' tòiseachadh gus planaichean Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh airson cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh mar pàirt de dh' Ionad Ath-fhiadhachadh Dùn Dreagain / Beginning to develop Gaelic plans to promote Gaelic usage as part of the Dundreggan Rewilding Centre
29/01/2020 £8,300
COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR A' dealbhachadh goireasan teagaisg agus tachartasan air a bhlàr a-muigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig / Developing resources and outdoor activities through the medium of Gàidhlig
29/01/2020 £9,000
COMUNN EACHDRAIDH NIS A' cumail taic ri dreuchdan le dlùth cheangal ri cleachdadh na Gàidhlig aig a' Chomunn / Supporting positions closely linked to Gaelic usage at the Society
29/01/2020 £3,000
NàDARALBA A' cruthachadh leabhar le fiosrachadh air na h-ainmean-àite Gàidhlig timcheall air sgìre Inbhir Nis / Creating a book with information on the Gaelic placenames of the Inverness area
29/01/2020 £5,400
GAIRMSCOIL CHU ULAIDH A’ cur ri na ceanglaichean eadar Gairmscoil Chu Ulaidh agus Àrd-sgoil a’ Phluic tro thuras fad seachdain / Strengthening the ties between Gairmscoil Chu Ulaidh and Plockton High School through a week-long trip
28/01/2020 £36,300
NEWBATTLE ABBEY COLLEGE A' ruith cùrsa 2 bhliadhna airson leudachadh sgilean Gàidhlig aig luchd-obrach na tràth-bhliadhnaichean / Running a 2-year course to help develop Gaelic skills among early years workers
28/01/2020 £24,350
OILTHIGH DHùN ÈIDEANN A' rannsachadh is dèanamh deuchainnean air goireasan ùra do chlann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bhios aithneachadh ma tha feumalachdan leasachaidh sònraichte aca agus cumail taic riutha ma tha feumalachdan aca / Researching and testing new resources for children in Gaelic-medium education that will recognise if they have special developmental needs and support them if they do
28/01/2020 £21,250
URRAS OIGHREACHD GHABHSAINN A' cumail taic ri dreuchd oifigear leasachaidh Gàidhlig ann an sgìre Iar-thuath Leòdhais / Supporting a Gaelic development officer in North-west Lewis
28/01/2020 £20,000
SABHAL MòR OSTAIG Ag ùrachadh làrach-lìn a' bhuidheann gus a bheil e seasmhach airson an àm ri teachd / Renewing the group's website to ensure its sustainability for the future
18/12/2019 £4,500
ACTIVE EVENTS A' cur Taisbeanadh na Gàidhlig 2020 air dòigh mar phàirt de Celtic Connections gus obair luchd-ealain Gàidhlig a thaisbeanadh do riochdairean na gnìomhachais / Arranging the 2020 Gaelic Showcase as part of Celtic Connections to highlight the work of Gaelic artists to industry representatives
18/12/2019 £4,000
IRISH PAGES A’ cur air dòigh fèis litreachais ann an Glaschu a tha a’ toirt còmhla sgrìobhadairean agus luchd-ealain bho Èirinn agus Alba / Organising a literary festival in Glasgow bringing together writers and artists from Ireland and Scotland
18/12/2019 £5,400
GAIRMSCOIL CHU ULAIDH A’ cur ri na ceanglaichean eadar Gairmscoil Chu Ulaidh agus Àrd-sgoil a’ Phluic tro thuras fad seachdain / Strengthening the ties between Gairmscoil Chu Ulaidh and Plockton High School through a week-long trip
Show more rows
Cumulative Grants
Amount Recipient
£1,334,005 SABHAL MòR OSTAIG
£631,251 MG ALBA
£317,700 THEATRE GU LEòR
£310,580 ACAIR
£175,352 AN LòCHRAN
£122,000 GLASCHU BEò
£91,179 FèIS ROIS
£90,865 YOUNG SCOT
£88,644 EDEN COURT
£45,301 FC SONAS
£35,000 FàS MòR
£31,250 CEòL IS CRAIC
£25,000 NàDARALBA
£10,750 ALBA PC
£10,200 EALANTAS
£10,140 OPEN BOOK
£6,500 FèIS AIR AN OIR
£4,500 FèIS NA LINNE
£4,000 FèIS THATHA
£4,000 DòRLACH
£3,300 FèIS SPè
£2,500 FèIS A' BHAILE
£2,500 CLEAS
£2,400 FèIS FHOIRT
£2,000 FèIS PHàISLIG
£1,000 BùRACH
Show more rows

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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