Who they support

EAL Programme The programme seeks to improve the educational outcomes of children in the UK who use English as an Additional Language in order to benefit the individual child and society as a whole. ESOL Programme The programme seeks to enable young people to develop their English language skills as a means to achieving their social, educational and/or employment goals. Criminal Justice Programme The programme seeks to break down the language barrier to accessing justice and rehabilitation for individuals in contact with the criminal justice system for whom English is an Additional Language. Language for Results International Language for Results International is a product aimed at enabling the international education sector to develop and embed EAL provision and expertise within their school and improve the educational outcomes of children using English as an Additional Language.

Grant criteria

The Bell Foundation is a charity which aims to overcome exclusion through language education by working with partners on innovation, research, training and practical interventions.

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: -311585
Charity Commission for England and Wales
Analysis of Grants Made
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  • In this period 32 donations have been made totalling £1,957,164 to 16 organisations
  • This grant maker is prepared to support unregistered organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
  • Average annual spending of registered grantees: £6,453,204
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
AB Charitable Trust 84% 63%
National Lottery Community Fund 73% 69%
City Bridge Trust 65% 44%
Esmee Fairbairn 57% 44%
Lloyds Bank Foundation 57% 38%
Trust for London 49% 25%
Paul Hamlyn Foundation 37% 31%
BBC Children in Need 36% 38%
Access to Justice Foundation 34% 31%
Tudor Trust 33% 38%
Sole supporter: 25% by number, 10% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount/
Recipient To be used for
18/10/2023 £48,426
SUFFOLK LAW CENTRE Suffolk Law Centre and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality are jointly working on a project that aims to address poorer legal outcomes, criminal and civil, in the interaction with the criminal justice system for poor migrants, especially Eastern European Roma in Suffolk.
23/01/2023 £5,261
HIBISCUS INITIATIVES An unrestricted one off payment to grant funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £2,811
GREATER MANCHESTER LAW CENTRE A one off payment of unrestricted funds to help grant partners during the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £3,911
HARROW LAW CENTRE An unrestricted one-off payment to grant-funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £1,000
KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK An unrestricted one off payment to grant funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £1,082
LAW CENTRES NETWORK An unrestricted one-off payment to grant-funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £3,786
REFUGEE ACTION An unrestricted one off payment to grant funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
01/01/2023 £3,102
REFUGEE EDUCATION UK An unrestricted one-off payment to grant-funded partners to help respond to the cost of living crisis.
30/11/2022 £34,003
EAST OF ENGLAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION East of England Local Government Association delivers Phase 2 of the WW4RI project by embedding learning and implementing the framework developed in Phase 1 of the project. They will do this by training partner organisations to implement the framework and provide improved assistance to refugees and asylum seekers.
17/11/2022 £8,715
REFUGEE EDUCATION UK A research project examining what is happening across the UK with regards to education provision for young people who arrive late in the education system, at the upper-secondary or college level (from year 9 onwards), and identifying promising practice.
05/10/2022 £10,815
LAW CENTRES NETWORK Law Centres Network through this project facilitates learning & provides evidence for improved practice across Law Centres. They develop strategies based on a human-rights approach to address structural discrimination of victims of crime with EAL by centring the victims' needs and voices.
05/10/2022 £47,444
PRISON ADVICE AND CARE TRUST Building Bridges is a project that will seek to address the underrepresentation of prisoners that speak English as a second or additional language amongst the thousands of learners that access the Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact) relationship, parenting, social & emotional education courses in prisons each year.
05/10/2022 £44,408
PRISON ADVICE AND CARE TRUST Building Bridges is a project that will seek to address the underrepresentation of prisoners that speak English as a second or additional language amongst the thousands of learners that access the Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact) relationship, parenting, social & emotional education courses in prisons each year.
29/06/2022 £28,110
GREATER MANCHESTER LAW CENTRE GMLC provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in Greater Manchester. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second language, focused on domestic violence.
29/06/2022 £29,176
GREATER MANCHESTER LAW CENTRE GMLC provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in Greater Manchester. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second language, focused on domestic violence.
06/05/2022 £39,104
HARROW LAW CENTRE Harrow Law Centre provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in the London Borough of Harrow. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second or additional language.
30/03/2022 £109,653
HIBISCUS INITIATIVES Hibiscus Initiatives is a leading organisation supporting foreign nationals and black, minority ethnic and refugee (BMER) individuals involved in the criminal justice system in the UK. The Bell Foundation funded this one year project to develop a model to provide support for foreign national victims of trafficking and modern slavery through cultural language mediation.
08/06/2021 £47,004
HARROW LAW CENTRE Harrow Law Centre provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in the London Borough of Harrow. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second language in four main areas: Hate Crime, Trafficking, Modern Day Slavery, and Domestic Violence.
08/06/2021 £87,643
REFUGEE EDUCATION UK REUK works with young refugees aged 14-25 years old. They mentor the young people and provide education and wellbeing support. REUK is working in partnership with The Bell Foundation to develop an impact framework to understand the impact of ESOL learning on the education outcomes of young refugees.
08/06/2021 £25,003
GREATER MANCHESTER LAW CENTRE GMLC provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in Greater Manchester. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second language, with a focus on victims of domestic abuse.
08/06/2021 £55,626
WHY ME? Why me? are a national charity delivering and promoting Restorative Justice for everyone affected by crime and conflict. The Bell Foundation is funding Why Me?'s Project Articulate, aiming to widen access to Restorative Justice for people with English as an Additional Language (EAL) by building the capacity of services working with EAL and to deliver Restorative Justice, and building the capacity of Restorative Justice services to become more accessible to people with EAL.
08/06/2021 £110,463
REFUGEE ACTION Refugee Action has formed a partnership with The Bell Foundation to develop a digital ESOL for employment course, and mentoring for refugees with corporate partners, delivery and evaluate the impact.
08/06/2021 £130,237
HARROW LAW CENTRE Harrow Law Centre provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in the London Borough of Harrow. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second or additional language.
08/06/2021 £48,009
WHY ME? Why me? are a national charity delivering and promoting Restorative Justice for everyone affected by crime and conflict. The Bell Foundation is funding Why Me?'s Project Articulate, aiming to widen access to Restorative Justice for people with English as a second or additional language.
25/03/2021 £50,000
HIBISCUS INITIATIVES Hibiscus Initiatives is a leading organisation supporting foreign nationals and black, minority ethnic and refugee (BMER) individuals involved in the criminal justice system in the UK. The Bell Foundation funded this one year project to develop a model of Cultural Mediation for victims of human trafficking and modern slavery.
25/03/2021 £43,503
EAST OF ENGLAND STRATEGIC MIGRATION PARTNERSHIP EESMP have been funded to deliver a Wellbeing and Work for Refugee Integration project. The Bell Foundation is funding a formal academic evaluation of the project.
25/03/2021 £20,704
KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK KRAN works with young refugees and UASC with their wellbeing, cultural awareness and education, including ESOL. The Bell Foundation is funding KRAN to review the KRAN ESOL curriculum, make recommendations to improve this, then train other volunteers in delivering the curriculum.
10/12/2020 £340,000
SHANNON TRUST Shannon Trust is a national charity supporting thousands of prisoners a year to transform their lives by unlocking the power of reading. The Bell Foundation funded Shannon Trust to adapt their reading system to be more accessible to people who speak English as a second/additional language.
05/05/2020 £310,881
HIBISCUS INITIATIVES £6000.000 for covid 19 response
25/03/2020 £74,971
VICTIM SUPPORT Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting people affected by crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. The Bell Foundation funded this work with South Asian Heritage victims in East Lancashire, to co-produce support materials tailored to the community's needs.
20/03/2020 £130,237
HARROW LAW CENTRE Harrow Law Centre provides a free and independent legal advice service to people who live or work in the London Borough of Harrow. The Bell Foundation is funding this work to provide advice and representation to victims of crime who speak English as a second or additional language.
13/02/2020 £62,076
UCL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION UCL Institute of Education had funding to conduct a literature review into young people, education, employment and ESOL and quantitative analysis to understand the education and employment outcomes of young people who speak languages other than English.
Show more rows
Cumulative Grants
Amount Recipient
£340,000 SHANNON TRUST Education & Employment: Ex-offenders
£103,635 WHY ME?
£21,704 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK Fighting Poverty: Refugees

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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