Analysis of Grants Made
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  • In this period 12,597 donations have been made (only 3,000 donations processed on this page)
  • The average age of charities supported has been 24 years.

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
  • Average annual spending of registered grantees: £30,414,057
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Individual Grants Made
When Amount/
Recipient To be used for
13/11/2023 £13,437
MMO This round of funding will trial replacement engines in the Small-Scale Coastal Fleet to support the modernisation of the fleet. It will gather data and evidence to explore how we can create a more sustainable and efficient fleet, which is safer, more reliable, uses less fuel and emits fewer greenhouse gas emissions. The findings from this round will help inform future funding.
05/04/2023 £500,000
FSD AFRICA ODA - FSD AfricaThis programme will provide practical support to governments, businesses, and financial institutions in low and lower-middle income countries to integrate nature into their economic and financial decision-making, understand and manage nature-related risks, and capitalise on growing opportunities to invest in their natural assets.
31/03/2023 £7,240
BOMARIS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
31/03/2023 £11,023
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
31/03/2023 £21,596
NEWBIGGIN SHELLFISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
31/03/2023 £1,367
GO-FOR-IT FISHING CO LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/03/2023 £70,000
ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) Funding to support OECD's work stream on improving indicators and metrics to support quantification of climate risk and track sector progress on climate adaptation in the UK.
30/03/2023 £100,000
WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE UK contribution to High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
30/03/2023 £12,000
LARRY'S FISHCAKES The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
29/03/2023 £21,742
DEVON AND SEVERN INSHORE FISHERIES AND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
29/03/2023 £11,664
NORTH DEVON SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
29/03/2023 £37,093
PORTLAND SHELLFISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/03/2023 £12,180
MCB SEAFOODS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £44,400
OECD Defra contribution to Policy Scenario Analysis to eliminate plastic leakage to the environment by 2040. Findings to be presented at INC3
27/03/2023 £50,000
WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE UK contribution to High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC)
27/03/2023 £73,555
SUBZERO (GRIMSBY) LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £64,313
THE SHELLFISH ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £2,550
A PASSION FOR SEAFOOD LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £17,976
S & P TRAWLERS (JACABEN) LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £5,423
HARTLEPOOL FISH CO. LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £16,840
COOMBE FISHERIES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/03/2023 £1,149
HAXBEY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/03/2023 £103,142
THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON Continuation of previous grant award to further expand badger TB Vaccination in Cornwall
23/03/2023 £28,732
SILVEROAKS FORESTRY LTD The tree health pilot (THP) scheme will test different ways of slowing the spread of pests and diseases affecting trees in England. It expands on support already available through the Countryside Stewardship woodland tree health grant. The results of the pilot, which runs from August 2021 to 2024, will help develop the future funding policy for tree health schemes.
22/03/2023 £67,040
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR AREAS OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY Funding towards establishment of a new partnership to implement reforms following the governments response to the 2019 Landscapes Review of National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and National Trails.
22/03/2023 £33,896
NATIONAL PARKS PARTNERSHIPS Funding towards establishment of a new partnership to implement reforms following the governments response to the 2019 Landscapes Review of National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and National Trails.
22/03/2023 £200,000
STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY The investment is designed to leverage incentivising private and blended finance into coastal natural capital and coastal resilience.
20/03/2023 £84,585
INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR IMPACT EVALUATION Understanding what works in conservation, climate and development interventions, why, for whom, under what circumstances and at what cost is critical to ensuring effective evidence-based decision making.
17/03/2023 £80,000
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (IIED) Nature Finance for Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities
17/03/2023 £23,998
C&S CROSBIE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
17/03/2023 £30,358
EAST SUSSEX SMALLHOLDERS LTD The tree health pilot (THP) scheme will test different ways of slowing the spread of pests and diseases affecting trees in England. It expands on support already available through the Countryside Stewardship woodland tree health grant. The results of the pilot, which runs from August 2021 to 2024, will help develop the future funding policy for tree health schemes.
13/03/2023 £812,700
LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS LLP Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) - Local Partnerships
13/03/2023 £6,561
SOLE OF DISCRETION CIC The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/03/2023 £2,428
FLATT MARINE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/03/2023 £11,971
FLATT MARINE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/03/2023 £16,288
ALAN STEAD LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/03/2023 £1,002
S AND P FISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/03/2023 £68,914
FISHING INTO THE FUTURE The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/03/2023 £9,129
PYSK LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/03/2023 £14,696
SIMPERS SILVER HARVEST LLP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/03/2023 £6,990
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/03/2023 £27,430
SELSEA FISH AND LOBSTER The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/03/2023 £49,999
LAKE DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Capital funding to enable the coast to coast path establishment as a national trail
06/03/2023 £15,047
YORKSHIRE DALES NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Capital funding to enable the coast to coast path establishment as a national trail
06/03/2023 £10,339
NORTH YORK MOORS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Capital funding to enable the coast to coast path establishment as a national trail
06/03/2023 £71,987
THE SHELLFISH ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/03/2023 £3,519
CAS PAR CAS SCOTLAND LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/03/2023 £20,000
LEAF 9LINKING ENVIRONMENT AND FARMING) LEAF Open Farm SundayOpen Farm Sunday is an event where members of the public visit farms and learn about agriculture and the environment.
01/03/2023 £9,272
COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LONDON The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.Defra has awarded c.£231k to Common Council of the City of London as par
01/03/2023 £9,994
SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE INNOVATION CENTRE The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.Defra has awarded c.£250k to the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Cent
01/03/2023 £5,409
SEAFOOD CORNWALL TRAINING LIMITED UKSF Round 1 Skills and Training - Seafood Cornwall Training Limited
01/03/2023 £7,457
SHETLAND UHI The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.Defra has awarded c.£186k to UHI Shetland as part of a c.£249k project t
01/03/2023 £1,554
SRUC The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.Defra has awarded c.£38.8k to SRUC as part of a c.£58.2k project in part
01/03/2023 £822
TEC PARTNERSHIP The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.Defra has awarded c.£20.5k to TEC Partnership as part of their c.£27.4k
01/03/2023 £75,000
GREEN FINANCE INSTITUTE LTD To contribute to a partnership with the Bank of England, the Green Finance Institute, Oxford University, UN WCMC, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the European Climate Fund to produce and publish a foundational report that assesses the extent to which UK financial flows are exposed to nature risk. The aim is to make the case for financial regulators (mainly the Bank of England and FCA) to weave nature into policy and regulatory risk architecture, so that ultimately capital allocation decision better reflect nature related considerations.
01/03/2023 £9,933
UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN The UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) Skills and Training Scheme funds projects that improve the quality of training in the catching, processing, aquaculture and recreational angling sectors.
01/03/2023 £14,194
COOMBE FISHERIES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/03/2023 £35,059
WING OF ST MAWES LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/02/2023 £45,435
JNS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/02/2023 £5,168
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/02/2023 £23,399
HEMSLEY HYDRO LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/02/2023 £8,448
SIMPERS SILVER HARVEST LLP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/02/2023 £144,877
HARTLEPOOL FISH CO. LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £40,880
FLATT MARINE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £7,808
COUNCIL OF THE ISLES OF SCILLY The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £59,968
SHIP TO SHORE FISH MERCHANTS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £13,010
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £18,627
JOVERN MARINE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/02/2023 £95,696
JOVERN MARINE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/02/2023 £40,000
GHANA POULTRY NETWORK ODA - Ghana Poultry Network (GAPNET)The training of community animal health workers and vaccination campaigns against ppr small ruminants and Newcastle Disease in rural poultry
13/02/2023 £9,600
PYSK LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
10/02/2023 £11,447
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
10/02/2023 £11,250
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
10/02/2023 £11,741
WEST COUNTRY MUSSELS OF FOWEY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
10/02/2023 £43,807
ISLAND FISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/02/2023 £68,000
FUTURE HOMES HUB LIMITED Future Homes Hub (FHH) which is an industry-led initiative to support housebuilders in England to deliver net zero and the broader environmental objectives being introduced through national policy, including planning reforms and the Environment Bill.
08/02/2023 £192,993
OXFORD CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £223,500
LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £573,701
BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £170,645
LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £278,347
DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £148,902
SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £129,000
MALDON DISTRICT COUNCIL  To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £36,332
BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £113,071
BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £120,309
BCP COUNCIL  To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £23,520
EMMANUEL FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/02/2023 £24,042
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/02/2023 £28,323
BRISTOL CHANNEL CHARTERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/02/2023 £120,000
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £101,375
CITY OF YORK COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £62,160
CORNWALL COUNCIL  To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £126,408
EAST HERTS COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £310,770
COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £454,576
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £367,428
EXETER CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £470,546
BRENT COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £282,680
ISLINGTON LONDON BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £65,127
LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVEIRNG To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £248,021
LEWISHAM COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £323,774
LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £58,180
LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £277,950
LONDON BOROUGH OF HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £35,139
LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVEIRNG To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £327,000
READING BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £279,533
MEDWAY COUNCIL- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEAM To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £171,545
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £248,198
SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £53,244
SOUTH RIBBLE BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £201,005
SOUTH TYNESIDE COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £405,227
ST HELENS BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £256,285
SOUTHEND ON SEA CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £12,280
SURREY HEATH BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £175,675
TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £220,457
WEST YORKSHIRE COMBINED AUTHORITY To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £918,531
WEST MIDLANDS COMBINED AUTHORITY To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £292,378
WEST NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £213,332
WOKINGHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £72,521
WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £1,000,000
WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £171,200
WIRRAL COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £248,400
WORCESTERSHIRE REGULATORY SERVICES To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
08/02/2023 £147,615
TELFORD AND WREKIN COUNCIL To help deliver compliance in areas in current and projected exceedance of UK air pollution targets in the shortest possible time; To support innovative projects that can improve local air quality, especially in relation to delivering effective air pollutant emissions reduction measures, and to share this best practice.
07/02/2023 £4,324
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/02/2023 £28,000
CORDIO EAST AFRICA Science Briefs for COP 15These briefs will be highly relevant to the targets being negotiated and will bring together relevant and robust pieces of the evidence base. The briefs will be presented to Parties ahead of COP15 to aid negotiation and implementation of the relevant targets, helping to ensure that they are science-based, and ambitious enough to support the Frameworks overall goals.
06/02/2023 £11,312
BRIDLINGTON SHELLFISH CO. LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £2,016
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £2,224
HAXBY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £5,850
EDFA SEATON & AXMOUTH BRANCH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £22,717
LANGDON FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £23,999
EMMA LOUISE FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £67,600
MIRAGE II LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £74,638
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £22,000
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £12,705
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £19,840
VERMEER FISHING COMPANY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £19,884
TASTY MAC PAC LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/02/2023 £17,382
TASTY MAC PAC LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/02/2023 £581,249
FALKLANDS CONSERVATION This will deliver scientifically robust data to improve our understanding of Falkland peatland GHG emissions and reporting into the GHG Inventory. It will also establish accurate carbon sequestration rates for the peatlands, enabling a feasibility study for a carbon offsetting scheme with the long-term aim of financing peatland restoration.
01/02/2023 £27,771
NORTH DEVON SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
31/01/2023 £220,677
GLOUCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The rationale for this project is to contribute to the delivery of Gloucestershire NRN and GWTs 2030 nature recovery strategy for restoring and re-creating habitats within a priority landscape.
30/01/2023 £23,996
HARVEY FISHINGLTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/01/2023 £3,358
CITYPARKS BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL Coastal Path ConstructionEnable as manypeople as possible toenjoy a wide varietyof walking and ridingexperiences alongNational Trails andthrough the English landscape.
27/01/2023 £23,996
AMETHYST FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/01/2023 £28,400
JEFFREY GILLARD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £23,999
JNS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £32,100
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £17,997
SPIRITED TRAWLERS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £7,192
BOMARIS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £23,344
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £1,776
TREWARTHA FISHING The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/01/2023 £20,796
M G FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
25/01/2023 £499,000
COOL EARTH ACTION The projects will set out to plant thousands of trees and hedgerows across England and to record these trees on the digital QGC map, so they become part of the living legacy to her Majestys life and reign.
20/01/2023 £14,721
LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS LLP Provision of external support to Local Authorities developing plans under the NO2 Programme
20/01/2023 £253,295
NATIONAL TRUST The project will create new and improved areas of wood pasture, broadleaf woodland, species rich grassland, wetland, and heathland.
20/01/2023 £198,494
DERBYSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST Activities will facilitate habitat creation and restoration in the Derwent Catchment project area, through rewilding and nature-based solutions.
20/01/2023 £101,107
FRESHWATER HABITATS TRUST The overall aim of the scheme is to focus on freshwater wetland habitats which, other than woodland creation, generally have the greatest potential for carbon sequestration in the typical mixed landscape of the lowland English countryside.
20/01/2023 £52,421
GROUNDWORK NORTH EAST & CUMBRIA Wansbeck Restoration for Climate Change (WRCC) will work with 3 landowners and 10 partners to restore 6 different habitat types in a 6,303 ha area of the river Wansbeck Catchment in Northumberland.
19/01/2023 £31,394
THE BLUE SEA FOOD COMPANY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
17/01/2023 £50,196
LYMINGTON HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/01/2023 £59,533
KIMO UK The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/01/2023 £2,729
POSEIDON TRAWLERSLTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/01/2023 £6,000
SOUTHWEST SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/01/2023 £9,898
W STEVENSON AND SONS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/01/2023 £146,761
NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL Coastal Path constructionMake constant improvement tothe Trail and its associated routes.Contribute to the enhancement ofthe landscape, nature and historicfeatures within the trail corridor.
13/01/2023 £58,229
KENT COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY AND ACCESS SERVICE G-SE-RGW_2002 Ramsgate to WhitstableEnable as many people as possible to enjoy a wide variety of walking and riding experiences along National Trails and through the English landscape.
10/01/2023 £436,206
SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE NETWORK The research seeks to best identify how to restore biodiversity, improve carbon-efficiency, and build sustainable coffee landscapes in Colombia using a participatory approach to project design and implementation
01/01/2023 £1,850,262
ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £13,922
BOURNEMOUTH CHRISTCHURCH & POOLE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £50,590
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £285,725
CITY OF LONDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £143,751
EAST SUFFOLK COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £9,718
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £12,525
LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £54,589
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £94,746
LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £12,624
NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £90,521
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £3,428
REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/01/2023 £1,769,721
DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
23/12/2022 £11,520
TWO BROTHERS II - G M & J M STATHAM T/A The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £17,219
NEWLYN PIER & HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £140,613
NORTH SUNDERLAND HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £79,850
NORTH SUNDERLAND HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £15,687
FOWEY SHELLFISH COMPANY The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £3,600
ROLAND KELLY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £2,400
ROLAND KELLY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/12/2022 £7,200
ROLAND KELLY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
22/12/2022 £7,040
FISHING ANIMATEUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
22/12/2022 £26,499
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
22/12/2022 £19,339
COOMBE FISHERIES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/12/2022 £3,708
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/12/2022 £1,194
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/12/2022 £13,999
CORNISH FISH PRODUCERS ORGANISATION The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/12/2022 £61,960
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/12/2022 £35,980
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
19/12/2022 £10,580
HILARY RUSSELL GROUP LTD EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
16/12/2022 £27,889
SEAFISH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/12/2022 £54,115
55 FISHERIES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/12/2022 £8,887
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/12/2022 £2,610
NORTH DEVON SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/12/2022 £11,250
CRYSTAL SEA FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
13/12/2022 £50,145
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL North Norfolk: Wilder, Wetter, Better for Nature - Landscape Recovery
13/12/2022 £13,626
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Three Dales Project - Landscape Recovery
12/12/2022 £98,041
ALBANWISE ENVIRONMENT LIMITED Leven Carrs Wetland Project - Landscape Recovery
08/12/2022 £1,039
LAWS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £3,220
HARRISON MARINE SERVICES The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £9,650
ROWSE FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £15,013
DOWNEY FISHING CO LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £14,760
WEST COUNTRY MUSSELS OF FOWEY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £17,074
BARNES OFFSHORE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/12/2022 £53,500
ROTHERHAM METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
08/12/2022 £74,809
SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
08/12/2022 £72,260
CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
07/12/2022 £73,416
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/12/2022 £17,370
ATLANTIC FISH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/12/2022 £19,795
SAMWAYS FISH MERCHANTS & INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTERS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/12/2022 £73,206
LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
07/12/2022 £74,905
PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
07/12/2022 £44,146
CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
07/12/2022 £75,000
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
07/12/2022 £25,657
THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS An upland project in the Lake District National Park working with farmers to restore a mosaic of meadows, heathland, wood pasture, scrub, woodland and blanket bog. It will focus on tree pipit and globeflower and will conduct feasibility studies for the recovery of pine marten and water vole. The project will restore exceptional water quality through river and stream re-naturalisation along with improving soil health and sequestering carbon.
06/12/2022 £28,419
CORNWALLCOUNCIL The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/12/2022 £74,966
NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,923
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £73,558
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £67,744
ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £73,760
SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,608
SOLIHULL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £148,474
SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,500
ST HELENS COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £27,666
THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF CALDERDALE Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,356
THE LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £73,961
WAKEFIELD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,812
WALSALL COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,869
WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £149,869
WEST OF ENGLAND COMBINED AUTHORITY Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £147,400
WILTSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,854
WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £72,389
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £150,000
CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £70,014
CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
CITY OF BRADFORD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,900
CITY OF YORK COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £149,238
DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £69,054
DONCASTER COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £73,943
GATESHEAD COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,927
GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,201
HALTON BOROUGH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £44,148
HARINGEY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,250
HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £149,821
KENT COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £40,262
KIRKLEES COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £75,000
KNOWSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £71,012
LAMBETH COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £148,940
LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £62,588
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,789
LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £141,694
LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £50,000
LONDON BOROUGH OF BARNET Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £72,021
LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £74,113
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £149,500
TEES VALLEY COMBINED AUTHORITY Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £42,637
WIRRAL COUNCIL Section 31 Competed Grant Scheme for funding resource to further tree planting and woodland creation by Local Authorities. FC & Defra NCF scheme. MoU contains Grant Determination Letter.
06/12/2022 £149,940
CITY OF TREES Affiliated with s31 grants in same project
05/12/2022 £53,865
ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS The Lake District Eastern Fells - Landscape Recovery
30/11/2022 £62,107
WILDFOWL AND WETLANDS TRUST The goal of the Landscape Recovery scheme is to enhance landscapes and support ecosystem recovery through long-term, large-scale, land use change and habitat restoration projects. it focuses on recovering and restoring Englands threatened native species.
30/11/2022 £68,724
THE LANCASHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LTD An upland project in the Lake District National Park working with farmers to restore a mosaic of meadows, heathland, wood pasture, scrub, woodland and blanket bog. It will focus on tree pipit and globeflower and will conduct feasibility studies for the recovery of pine marten and water vole. The project will restore exceptional water quality through river and stream re-naturalisation along with improving soil health and sequestering carbon.
29/11/2022 £39,987
UNIVERSITY OF EXETER The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £38,476
THAMES ESTUARY PARTNERSHIP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £62,493
CARTERS CORNISH SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £22,498
WARKWORTH HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £74,250
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £69,883
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/11/2022 £19,178
SARAH JANE FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
25/11/2022 £102,503
BOOTHBY WILDLAND LIMITED The goal of the Landscape Recovery scheme is to enhance landscapes and support ecosystem recovery through long-term, large-scale, land use change and habitat restoration projects. it focuses on recovering and restoring Englands threatened native species.
23/11/2022 £10,003
BOSTY FIELDS LTD EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
22/11/2022 £295,000
WCMC ODA - GCBC - Nature Transition Support Programme Phase 2: Country Assessments
18/11/2022 £2,000,000
UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ODA - Global Ocean Accounts Partnership Yr2-4
15/11/2022 £34,975
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/11/2022 £57,704
KIMO UK The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
11/11/2022 £2,433
SAILORS CREEK SHELLFISH LLP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
11/11/2022 £31,910
SOUTHWEST SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
11/11/2022 £32,079
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/11/2022 £23,416
VERMEER FISHING COMPANY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/11/2022 £23,775
PENTIRE FISHING The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
08/11/2022 £23,995
DOWNEY FISHING CO LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £4,426
BEER FISHERIES LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £29,227
THE PISHED FISH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £5,400
CORNISH FISH PRODUCERS ORGANISATION The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £23,686
MATTHEWS SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £2,040
MATTHEW STEVENS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
07/11/2022 £13,014
RAE OF HOPE FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
04/11/2022 £46,928
THORNEYCROFT FARMS LTD. EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
03/11/2022 £47,500
THE FARMING COMMUNITY NETWORK Farming Community Network support to Bovine TB-affected farming families and bus
01/11/2022 £8,811
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/11/2022 £30,766
SIDMOUTH FISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/11/2022 £10,516
CAZADORA LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/11/2022 £23,431
PAUL A DORNOM LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
31/10/2022 £23,650
THE REAL CORNISH CRAB COMPANY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £23,995
NEWQUAY ROD AND LINE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £64,925
TRANSPORT FOR LONDON Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
27/10/2022 £16,001
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £3,982
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £14,674
TREWARTHA FISHING The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £43,088
JOHN HUNKIN LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £18,000
JOHN HUNKIN LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/10/2022 £38,034
BRIXHAM TRAWLER AGENTS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/10/2022 £53,878
VENTURE SEAFOODS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
24/10/2022 £1,182,311
NORTH DOWNS WAY C/0 KENT DOWNS AONB UNIT The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
21/10/2022 £11,909
TILHILL  The tree health pilot (THP) scheme will test different ways of slowing the spread of pests and diseases affecting trees in England. It expands on support already available through the Countryside Stewardship woodland tree health grant. The results of the pilot, which runs from August 2021 to 2024, will help develop the future funding policy for tree health schemes.
21/10/2022 £2,075
CAMEL FISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/10/2022 £16,250
COQUET ISLAND SHELLFISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/10/2022 £52,389
LONDON BOROUGH OF SUTTON Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
18/10/2022 £40,059
MEVAGISSEY HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
18/10/2022 £98,540
DONCASTER COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
18/10/2022 £38,878
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
17/10/2022 £23,952
C&S CROSBIE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
17/10/2022 £119,000
LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVERING Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
17/10/2022 £21,995
TREWARTHA FISHING The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/10/2022 £18,750
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL (REGEN AND FUNDING) The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/10/2022 £7,119
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/10/2022 £14,976
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/10/2022 £69,956
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/10/2022 £26,744
ST AGNES QUAY FISHERMANS ASSOCIATION The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/10/2022 £65,312
ENFIELD COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
14/10/2022 £125,967
SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
13/10/2022 £19,712
WOODLAND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED The tree health pilot (THP) scheme will test different ways of slowing the spread of pests and diseases affecting trees in England. It expands on support already available through the Countryside Stewardship woodland tree health grant. The results of the pilot, which runs from August 2021 to 2024, will help develop the future funding policy for tree health schemes.
13/10/2022 £55,458
LONDON BOROUGH OF LAMBETH Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
12/10/2022 £4,506
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/10/2022 £15,578
ZEUS FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/10/2022 £18,750
MEDWAY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £121,339
SHIP TO SHORE FISH MERCHANTS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
11/10/2022 £74,113
DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £110,625
EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £97,815
ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £14,112
LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £15,480
LONDON BOROUGH OF BARNET Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £96,200
LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £33,748
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
11/10/2022 £58,745
WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
10/10/2022 £103,108
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
10/10/2022 £297,450
LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
10/10/2022 £87,215
NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
07/10/2022 £18,931
BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
07/10/2022 £169,348
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
07/10/2022 £170,835
PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
06/10/2022 £37,525
CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
06/10/2022 £35,223
HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
06/10/2022 £24,898
STOCKTON-ON-TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
06/10/2022 £59,122
MENDIP DISTRICT COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
05/10/2022 £52,903
THURROCK COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
04/10/2022 £28,000
BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
04/10/2022 £44,996
CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
04/10/2022 £58,713
KENT COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
03/10/2022 £124,805
PORTHILLY SHELLFISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
03/10/2022 £175,300
LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
03/10/2022 £57,460
HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
01/10/2022 £129,474
UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/10/2022 £17,115
BAS - BRITISH ANTARCTIC SURVEY Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/10/2022 £9,293
ENALIA PHYSIS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/10/2022 £983,424
ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £13,782
BOURNEMOUTH CHRISTCHURCH & POOLE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £26,190
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £403,500
CITY OF LONDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £341,531
EAST SUFFOLK COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £11,842
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £20,025
LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £73,441
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £215,759
LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £10,130
NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £83,607
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £35,287
REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/10/2022 £1,437,428
DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
30/09/2022 £3,689
SAILORS CREEK SHELLFISH LLP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/09/2022 £3,840
A & J FRESH FISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/09/2022 £15,898
FOLKESTONE TRAWLERS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/09/2022 £9,050
VICTORIA GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/09/2022 £10,270
T G WOOD LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
30/09/2022 £30,654
BARNES OFFSHORE LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
29/09/2022 £121,796
GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Round two (funded NCF) increase tree planting and natural regeneration in non-woodland areas. The LATF provides funding for the establishment of trees in non-woodland settings. These may include parks, riparian zones, copses and shelterbelts, as well as green lanes, small linear woodlands alongside roads and footpaths, and vacant and disused community spaces.
23/09/2022 £63,329
NATIONAL TRUST The National Trust in the Peak District owns and manages a total of 11,355 ha of land in the Dark Peak 'Site of Special Scientific Interest' (SSSI). This is a remote area, largely comprising moorland (including blanket bog), habitats of special interest a
23/09/2022 £124,804
THE LANCASHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LTD Northern Lowland Peatland Coalition (NLPC) vision is to bring about a massive and urgent step change in protecting and restoring a significant area of Englands lowland peatlands in the north of England and develop a sustainable model for acquiring, rest
23/09/2022 £146,678
GRIMSBY FISH DOCK ENTERPRISES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/09/2022 £149,000
WEST COUNTRY MUSSELS OF FOWEY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
23/09/2022 £33,109
DERBYSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED Lowland Derbyshire Peatland Discovery Project, Many of the peatlands of Derbyshire are well understood, forming the blanket bogs of the Peak District and part of the South Pennine Moors SAC. These are subject to significant restoration activities, through the Peak District National Park led Moors for the Future Partnership and the works of various private land owners.
23/09/2022 £180,438
NORTH PENNINES AONB PARTNERSHIP Project Name: NED: North of England DiscoveryAMBITIONThe North Pennines AONB Partnership (NPAP) has been operating its Peatland Programme since 2006 and is a national and international leader in this field of work. The North Pennines AONB has over 90,000 ha (900 km2) of upland peat making it the largest contiguous bog in England. With 61,000 ha of SSSI and almost 30% of England's Blanket Bog there is a need to restore all of the AONBs Blanket Bog back to a functioning ecosystem
23/09/2022 £41,461
WIMBLEDON AND PUTNEY COMMONS This project will discover the hydrological integrity of Wimbledon Common (SSSI) and Putney Heath and will establish the extent and condition of peatland habitats and its potential for restoration. 
22/09/2022 £9,073
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
22/09/2022 £8,204
CAMEL FISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/09/2022 £446,890
NATIONAL TRUST The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £132,636
PEAK DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £580,002
RIDGE CARBON CAPTURE The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £117,656
SOMERSET WILDLIFE TRUST The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £185,085
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £494,698
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme: Restoration Grant 2022 (round 2 of the restoration scheme) will set 35,000 ha of degraded peatland in England on a path to restoration by March 2025 and reduce emissions from peat by 9 million tonnes carbon di
21/09/2022 £24,920
WEST COUNTRY MUSSELS OF FOWEY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/09/2022 £14,916
BLYTH FISH LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
20/09/2022 £17,069
HASTINGS FISHMARKET ENTERPRISES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/09/2022 £14,400
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/09/2022 £610,017
CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £11,154
CRAVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £45,000
TUNBRIDGE WELLS To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £105,120
CITY OF BRADFORD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £84,107
DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £31,893
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £65,976
EAST STAFFORDSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £90,963
FOREST OF DEAN DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £14,892
GEDLING BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £36,891
HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £588,473
HEREFORDSHIRE COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £151,747
KIRKLEES COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £12,952
LICHFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £72,656
MALVERN HILLS DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £24,545
NEWARK AND SHERWOOD DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £7,344
NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £28,229
PENDLE BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £72,430
ROSSENDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £35,980
RUSHCLIFFE BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £18,803
SELBY DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £379,683
SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £75,175
SOUTH DERBYSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £4,331
SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £54,866
TELFORD & WREKIN COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £11,644
WORCESTER CITY COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £176,907
WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
15/09/2022 £27,616
CHARNWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL To enabled flooded properties to withstand future flooding
14/09/2022 £197,698
HARPER ADAMS UNIVERSITY Harper Adams University FFCP New Entrants Pilots
13/09/2022 £38,500
ROYAL SOCIETY OF WILDLIFE TRUSTS Funding for resource to support the capacity and delivery of the peatland code
12/09/2022 £5,032
SJ & MF NOWELL FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
09/09/2022 £34,938
S.G.WADE LIMITED EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
07/09/2022 £112,265
NEWLYN PIER & HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/09/2022 £601,583
MOWI SCOTLAND LIMITED Strengthen the seafood supply chain through investment in infrastructure projects. The scheme will bring social and economic benefits, while reducing the seafood industrys impact on the environment.
06/09/2022 £264,674
FALFISH LIMITED Strengthen the seafood supply chain through investment in infrastructure projects. The scheme will bring social and economic benefits, while reducing the seafood industrys impact on the environment.
06/09/2022 £1,335,650
DENHOLM SEAFOODS LIMITED Strengthen the seafood supply chain through investment in infrastructure projects. The scheme will bring social and economic benefits, while reducing the seafood industrys impact on the environment.
06/09/2022 £92,266
SEAFISH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/09/2022 £9,600
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/09/2022 £13,153
SEAFOOD AND EAT IT LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
02/09/2022 £9,719
MATTHEW STEVENS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
02/09/2022 £51,967
FILLET FISH T/A PRIME PROCESSORS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/09/2022 £3,081
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL. Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
01/09/2022 £32,732
KENT COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY AND ACCESS SERVICE Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Kent County Council.Ramsgate to Whitstable, Whitstable to Iwade, Iwade to Grain, Isle of SheppeyStaff salaries/costsTravel, accommodation, and subsistenc
01/09/2022 £214,032
ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL Establishment - Coastal Path construction: Isle of Wight 4 and 5 G-S-IOW_2022 - IOW Council
25/08/2022 £132,394
SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS School for Social Entrepreneurs FFCP New Entrants Pilots
25/08/2022 £133,507
SHARED ASSETS Shared Assets FFCP New Entrants PilotsThe award will fund a pilot to inform the overarching New Entrants Support Scheme by providing evidence on the best means of supporting a target group of new entrants to develop innovative land-based business models that deliver both public and private benefits with increased productivity, resilience, and customer focus. The pilot will generate evidence for Defra to decide how government could best design new entrant support in the future.
25/08/2022 £133,144
SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS The School for Social Entrepreneurs FFCP New Entrants Pilot
25/08/2022 £102,096
LANDWORKERS ALLIANCE Landworkers Alliance FFCP New Entrants Pilots
25/08/2022 £8,578
THE BLUE SEA FOOD COMPANY LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
25/08/2022 £67,125
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Coastal Path construction: East Head to Shoreham-by-Sea G-S-EHS_2022 (first grant - caveat on page 3 added due to pending permissions)
24/08/2022 £313,936
CORNWALL COUNCIL Establishment - Coastal Path construction: St Mawes to Cremyll (G-SW-SMC_2022) Cornwall County Council
24/08/2022 £342,159
CORNWALL COUNCIL Establishment - Coastal Path construction: Marsland to Newquay (G-SW-MNQ_2022) Cornwall CC
24/08/2022 £108,340
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL Establishment - Coastal Path construction: Gretna to Allonby (G-NW-GAL_2022) Cumbria CC
24/08/2022 £14,950
SOUTH DEVON AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY PARTNERSHIP Establishment - Coastal Path construction: Cremyl to Kingswear - G-SW-CKW_2022) South Devon AONB
24/08/2022 £2,629
HURST POINT FISHERIES LTD. The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
24/08/2022 £20,688
BLACKMOOR ESTATE EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
24/08/2022 £22,934
KENT COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY AND ACCESS SERVICE Coastal Path construction: Isle of Sheppey / Iwade to Grain / Whitstable to Iwade
22/08/2022 £15,941
MATT HAGUE AGRI-BUSINESS To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
22/08/2022 £52,220
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Coastal Path construction: East Head to Shoreham-by-Sea G-S-EHS_2022(2)
19/08/2022 £33,326
NEWLYN PIER & HARBOUR The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
19/08/2022 £74,875
OCEANIC DRIFTER LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
19/08/2022 £3,010
SEAFOOD CORNWALL TRAINING LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
16/08/2022 £41,752
OTHNIEL OYSTERS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
15/08/2022 £400,116
NORFOLK COAST (AONB) PARTNERSHIP support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
12/08/2022 £37,882
SOIL ASSOCIATION To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
12/08/2022 £3,031
HAXBY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/08/2022 £946
HAXBY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/08/2022 £10,814
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/08/2022 £18,290
COOMBE FISHERIES LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
12/08/2022 £231,558
COUNCIL OF THE ISLES OF SCILLY support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
12/08/2022 £377,229
DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
11/08/2022 £11,450
MIRAGE II LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
11/08/2022 £9,280
TWO BROTHERS FISHING LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
09/08/2022 £11,184
SMS SEAFOODS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
09/08/2022 £8,778
MATTHEW STEVENS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
09/08/2022 £266,198
WILTSHIRE COUNCIL support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
05/08/2022 £1,188
HAXBY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
05/08/2022 £644,700
LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
03/08/2022 £534,580
SOUTH HAMS DISTRICT COUNCIL support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
02/08/2022 £1,151,595
THE PRINCE'S COUNTRYSIDE FUND To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
02/08/2022 £600
CAVALIER DIVING LLP The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
01/08/2022 £432,779
HEREFORDSHIRE COUNCIL / WYE VALLEY AONB The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
01/08/2022 £522,900
TAMAR VALLEY AONB The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
01/08/2022 £881,224
ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £9,282
BOURNEMOUTH CHRISTCHURCH & POOLE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £43,913
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £302,500
CITY OF LONDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £346,586
EAST SUFFOLK COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £6,255
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £38,400
LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £58,075
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £190,648
LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £6,844
NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £164,785
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £54,929
REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £1,478,724
DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/08/2022 £461,727
HIGH WEALD AONB PARTNERSHIP support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
01/08/2022 £802,739
SURREY HILLS AONB support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to: meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties and Support them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
29/07/2022 £1,461,553
RICARDO-AEA LTD To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
29/07/2022 £11,750
PORTLAND SHELLFISH LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/07/2022 £33,058
POSEIDON TRAWLERSLTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/07/2022 £18,575
POSEIDON TRAWLERSLTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/07/2022 £19,672
OSBORNE & SONS (SHELLFISH) LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/07/2022 £19,848
THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL This project will aim to investigate the possibility of a Lithodes maja fishery (subsequently referred to as stone crab) in the northeast of England. The aim is to Investigate catchability and catch dynamics whilst also assessing the population dynamics of the species. This is an emerging fishery with little understanding of the population size and is not a species considered for inclusion in future Fisheries Management Plans under the draft Joint Fisheries Statement. As with many non-quota species, the scientific understanding to adequately assess stock size and structure is lacking. There is a clear evidence gap for this emerging fishery that needs addressing prior to commercial effort targeting the species being undertaken.Stone crab has been caught as bycatch in fisheries along the east coast. Until recently their occurrence has been low with little to no economic value attributed to the fishery in UK waters. Stone crabs are currently landed in Norway and have an overall value of around £22500. There have been recent sales of 212 kg of stone crab reported in the UK media generating high value which has generated interest from fishers in the northeast in prosecuting this previously unfished species. Stone crab can be seen as a potential species to aid static gear fishers in diversifying from traditionally targeted species such as lobster and brown crab that are species that Cefas have assessed as heavily exploited in the region. This addresses the sustainability objective of the Fisheries Act by aiming to encourage static gear fishers into diversifying from the species targeted in the area, thus reducing effort on heavily exploited stocks whilst being able to use the same capture technology. This also encourages the static gear fleet to diversify into a potentially lucrative market, aiding in securing economic viability in fisheries that support coastal communities and future food security, further supporting the sustainability objective of the Fisheries Act.
27/07/2022 £48,917
DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £137,195
CERES RURAL LLP To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £40,626
LAURENCE GOULD PARTNERSHIP LIMITED To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £95,439
NATURAL ENTERPRISE LTD To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £893,555
NIAB To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £1,127,394
PROMAR INTERNATIONAL To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £107,228
RSK ADAS LIMITED To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £41,583
WILSON WRAIGHT To provide resilience support to farmers and land managers to help them prepare for, and adjust to, the Agricultural Transition by addressing the opportunities it presents and the impacts it could have. The project will also monitor the impact and value for money of this resilience support.This project will deliver direct benefits to the farmers and land managers who are the beneficiaries of this project by enabling them to:i. Fully understand the changes that are about to happen;ii. Identify how, where and when they may need to adapt their business model andresilience as a result;iii. Access tailored support to address these changes in a timely fashion;
26/07/2022 £5,190
WEYMOUTH HARBOUR, DORSET COUNCIL The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/07/2022 £10,304
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/07/2022 £51,500
PASSMORE FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
26/07/2022 £299,476
CORNWALL AONB UNIT Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
26/07/2022 £404,505
EAST DEVON AONB PARTNERSHIP (EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL) Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
26/07/2022 £1,471,827
LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
26/07/2022 £300,580
SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
25/07/2022 £34,599
SEAFOOD AND EAT IT LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
25/07/2022 £200,995
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
22/07/2022 £724,786
WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE (WRI) ODA-GCBC-Transparency & Traceability of Forest - Risk Commodities
22/07/2022 £427,688
DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
22/07/2022 £411,803
HOWARDIAN HILLS AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
22/07/2022 £1,393,213
NORTH PENNINES AONB The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
22/07/2022 £336,577
SOLWAY COAST AONB The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties undersection 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
22/07/2022 £463,299
MALVERN HILLS AONB UNIT Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
21/07/2022 £9,938
MIRAGE II LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/07/2022 £3,934
THE REAL CORNISH CRAB COMPANY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/07/2022 £350,487
CHICHESTER HARBOUR CONSERVANCY Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
19/07/2022 £480,634
MENDIP HILLS AONB The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
19/07/2022 £1,032,240
SHROPSHIRE HILLS AONB PARTNERSHIP (SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL) The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
19/07/2022 £1,175,123
WILTSHIRE COUNCIL The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
19/07/2022 £411,173
ISLE OF WIGHT AONB Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
19/07/2022 £783,801
NIDDERDALE AONB Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
19/07/2022 £512,707
SUFFOLK COAST & HEATHS AONB Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
18/07/2022 £15,191
E.W. GILL AND SONS LIMITED EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive over £10,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.
15/07/2022 £20,843
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL The Grant is made to assist the Grant Recipient in performing its statutory duties under section 89 and 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
15/07/2022 £38,973
SJ & MF NOWELL FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/07/2022 £1,199
HETTIE HARVELL FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/07/2022 £4,162
W STEVENSON AND SONS LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
14/07/2022 £466,494
CANNOCK CHASE AONB PARTNERSHIP Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
14/07/2022 £362,256
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
14/07/2022 £17,981
UNIVERSITY OF THE HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS The research proposal will focus on firstly using fisher information and evidence to make an initial quantification of the scale to which high ling abundances are a problem within the mixed demersal fishery. Secondly, to identify from existing literature where the knowledge and data gaps are, being data limited, there will be opportunities around life history parameters. Thirdly, the partnership will combine fisher observation and knowledge gap analysis to co-develop a research proposal where research topics and data collection are prioritised to maximise the utility and benefit of what could be achievable within a FISP Part B - Fisheries Data Collection (Lot 1) project. The benefits of co-developing the proposal are that expectations of both the science and industry partners will be managed in terms of what is required of each in terms of input and commitment, and of what could realistically be achieved from project outcomes.Value of undertaking research on this topicThis proposal aligns to the FISP Lot B objectives around addressing data and knowledge gaps, particularly for data-limited stocks and will contribute to the proposed FMP for northern shelf Ling. The proposal supports the following Fisheries Act 2020 objectives:
13/07/2022 £4,929
EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Minehead to Combe Martin, Exmoor National Park Authority
13/07/2022 £36,633
CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Stretch 8 Birkenhead to the Welsh Border (BHW3) Cheshire West and Chester Council
13/07/2022 £12,877
ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Six Stretches of Coastline, Essex County CouncilAmended (CCN001) to 8 Stretches of Coastline:· Tilbury to Southend· Southend to Wallase
13/07/2022 £8,304
SOUTH WEST COAST PATH ASSOCIATION Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Four Stretches (Marsland Mouth to Newquay, Newquay to Penzance, Penzance to St Mawes, St Mawes to Cremyll), South West Coast Path Association (SWCPA)
13/07/2022 £76,221
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Highcliffe to Calshot, Calshot to Gosport, Gosport to Portsmouth, Portsmouth to South Hayling, South Hayling to East Head, Hampshire County Council
13/07/2022 £5,404
SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL, STREETCARE Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Aust to Brean Down, South Gloucestershire Council
13/07/2022 £7,246
NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Aust to Brean Down, North Somerset Council
13/07/2022 £7,193
WIRRAL BOROUGH COUNCIL. Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council, Birkenhead to the Welsh Border.Staff salaries/costsTravel, accommodation, and subsistence
13/07/2022 £5,537
LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Lancashire County Council, Cleveleys to Pier Head (CPH).Staff salaries/costsTravel, accommodation, and subsistence
13/07/2022 £8,419
SEFTON COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Cleveleys to Pier Head, Sefton Council
13/07/2022 £4,537
EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Cleveleys to Pier Head, Sefton Council
13/07/2022 £48,424
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £30,426
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £23,276
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £21,193
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £1,271
NEW FOREST NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £6,863
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £93,633
ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Eastbourne to Camber (EBC), East Sussex County Council
13/07/2022 £19,386
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Bamburgh to the Scottish Border (including Holy Island) Northumberland Couny Council
13/07/2022 £45,866
CORNWALL COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Marsland Mouth to Newquay, Newquay to Penzance, Penzance to St Mawes, St Mawes to Cremyll, Cornwall Council
13/07/2022 £6,635
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Cumbria county Council, Silecroft to Silverdale.Staff salaries/costsTravel, accommodation, and subsistence
13/07/2022 £55,659
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL Grant funding 2022-23 for Planning costs relating to the development of the England Coast Path - Cumbria county Council, Silecroft to Silverdale.Staff salaries/costsTravel, accommodation, and subsistence
11/07/2022 £836,463
DORSET AONB PARTNERSHIP Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
07/07/2022 £31,346
PORTHLEVEN HARBOUR & DOCK COMPANY The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/07/2022 £14,759
NATIONAL TRUST ecm 65075 G-SW-NQP_2022 Newquay to Penzance/ St Mawes to Cremyll - National Trust
06/07/2022 £19,203
ALLIANCE FISH The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/07/2022 £22,500
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/07/2022 £26,250
WATERDANCE LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
06/07/2022 £22,592
WEST SOLENT FISHING LIMITED The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
05/07/2022 £4,994
SJ & MF NOWELL FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
05/07/2022 £20,000
ROLAND KELLY LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
05/07/2022 £19,834
HOLDERNESS FISHING INDUSTRY GROUP This projects aims and objectives are to develop focused program to address impact of lost shellfishing gear (LSG) from ambitious list of industrydesires including:1) putting UK shellfishers contribution of lost gear in global perspective,2) modelling mortality of target and non-target species caused by LSG (ghostfishing),3) revealing LSGs hidden financial impacts,4) determining flux of plastic pollution from LSG and potential for environmental harm,5) identifying practices affecting chances of losing gear and communicate those back to fishers to reduceloss, and6) trialling community-owned multibeam echosounder to aid in intelligent recovery of missing gear.ActionsMeet with University of Hull (UoH) to create list of investigations related to aims.Meet with fishers of Holderness Coast for additional ideas and prioritising questions.Determine methods for research questions and identify knowledge/skills/resource gaps.Expand consortium to include partners to resolve knowledge/skills/resource gaps.Budget for addressing research questions.Sea-trials using UoHs echosounder and FIFISH ROV for resolving strings of creels.Deliver public outreach and crowdfunding campaigns using marketing specialist.Prepare and submit Part B proposal.Expected Outcomes:Identify practices that reduce LSG.Assess hidden costs (lost revenue potential) to industry and individuals.Assess regional contribution to global problem of LSG.Model target and non-target species mortalities associated with LSG.Model movement of creels in storm events.Qualify contribution of LSG to marine pollution, especially microplastics.Inform and engage both stakeholders and interested public in ghostfishing.Create community-level gear location service.Create industry-led initiative addressing lost shellfishing gear.
05/07/2022 £18,768
EBBSFLEET DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION funding to enable preparations for biodiversity net gain new burdens
04/07/2022 £120,000
NATIONAL TRAILS UK Funding to assist in the accelerated establishment of National Trails UK charity to enable effective representation of the individual National Trails in the creation of the National Landscapes Partnership
04/07/2022 £95,792
BROWN & CO Brown & Co - Farm Resilience Fund - Scale Up
04/07/2022 £35,079
THE RURAL BUSINESS LTD DJM Consulting - Farm Resilience Fund - Scale Up - Now known as The Rural Business LTD
04/07/2022 £4,869
BERRYS Berrys - Farm Resilience Fund - Scale Up
04/07/2022 £135,071
GSC GRAYS LTD GSC GRAYS LTD - Farm Resilience Fund - Scale Up
04/07/2022 £80,246
JH AGRI CONSULTANCY JH Agri Consultancy - Farm Resilience Fund - Scale Up
04/07/2022 £19,976
UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH Sustainable management of wild capture fisheries, i.e. meeting the Sustainability objective of the Fisheries Act (2020) requires data on the biology, ecology and population structure of species. However, for many targeted in the UK appropriate data to make evidence-based management decisions are limited. This leads to outdated estimates of sustainable biomasses extracted, unreliable local and national quotas and, ultimately, an unsustainable catch. Many fisheries also target species that have an elevated conservation status (e.g. elasmobranchs) or the fisheries occur in areas designated as marine protected areas (MPAs). The lack of data is, therefore, also a highly significant gap in species and habitat conservation management, thus preventing a fishery from achieving the Ecosystem objective of the Fisheries Act (i.e. ecosystem-based management).Collecting ecological data requires significant investment of people, time and money. This is especially challenging in fisheries science as resources available for stock assessments are extremely limited. One increasingly popular approach for collecting data relatively cheaply is citizen science (Kullenberg and Kasperowski, 2016). The ability of citizen scientists (members of the public) to generate large quantities of ecological data over broad spatial and temporal scales has been demonstrated repeatedly (e.g. Vye et al., 2020). Recreational sea fishing is a globally popular activity, with Cisneros-Montemayor and Sumaila (2010) estimating that 0.9% of the worlds population are recreational sea anglers (RSAs), whilst Monkman et al. (2015) estimate there are over 880,000 in England. Thus, RSAs make a substantial group of highly motivated and engaged potential citizen scientists.
04/07/2022 £70,000
GLOBAL ACTION PLAN contribution to support programme activity to enable delivery of Clean Air Day
04/07/2022 £16,316
SEASCOPE FISHERIES RESEARCH LIMITED This project aligns primarily with Lot 1 Fisheries Data Collection. The project will be collecting full stock survey data for a data deficient stock where no data has been collected for over 7 years. In addition, it will be investigating re-laying methods for improving the state of the stock and potentially lead to a re-opening of an important local, national and international fishery and an increase in processing/exporting business. It will improve data collection for data limited bivalve species, provide a tool to help rebuild a depleted stock, and improve confidence between fishers, scientists and managers by providing robust transparent data sets.
01/07/2022 £777
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL. Coastal Path construction from Gosport to Portsmouth 3 - G-S-GPM_2022(2) - Portchester Castle to Port Solent - Portsmouth CC
01/07/2022 £467,745
EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Coastal Path construction: Easington to Filey Brigg
01/07/2022 £53,840
LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. Coastal Path construction: Cleveleys to Pier Head S4
01/07/2022 £17,986
INSTITUTE OF BIODIVERSITY, ANIMAL HEALTH AND COMPARATIVE MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/07/2022 £65,050
ASCENSION ISLAND GOVERNMENT Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/07/2022 £60,526
UKCEH - WALLINGFORD Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/07/2022 £85,000
YAYASAN PLANET INDONESIA Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £201,032
CHEETAH CONSERVATION FUND Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £81,830
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS KEW Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £50,025
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY (WCS) Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £205,044
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY (WCS) Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £181,556
BASEL INSTITUTE ON GOVERNANCE (INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ASSET RECOVERY) Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £200,145
WILD CHIMPANZEE FOUNDATION Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £41,409
WCS - CAMBODIA Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £95,892
TRAFFIC INTERNATIONAL Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £84,650
FUNDACION NATURA BOLIVIA Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £90,634
FREE THE BEARS UK Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £130,000
SOUTHERN TANZANIA ELEPHANT PROGRAM Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £66,641
RISING PHOENIX CO. LTD Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £29,730
RENCTAS - BRAZILIAN NETWORK TO FIGHT THE TRAFFICKING OF WILD ANIMALS Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £71,000
FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £44,209
WCS - VIETNAM PROGRAMME Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £60,144
ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY UK Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £79,688
FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £50,072
PCI MEDIA IMPACT Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £21,060
WORLD ANIMAL PROTECTION Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £197,560
SAVE VIETNAM'S WILDLIFE Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £26,740
BIOSFERA Providing support to projects around the world that are tackling the illegal wildlife trade
01/07/2022 £88,367
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/07/2022 £78,354
CABI A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/07/2022 £11,751
CANARI - CARIBBEAN NATURAL RESOURCES INSTITUTE A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/07/2022 £82,326
ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/07/2022 £454,906
ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £14,956
BOURNEMOUTH CHRISTCHURCH & POOLE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £23,127
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £151,500
CITY OF LONDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £214,449
EAST SUFFOLK COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £5,861
LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £19,200
LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £8,448
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £100,351
LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £25,897
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £4,390
NORTH TYNESIDE COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £3,422
NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £13,541
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £80,618
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £46,230
REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £792,971
DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grant is to provide local authorities in England with the funding they require to deliver new sanitary checks on imports of animal products from territories subject to special transitional import arrangements (EEA states, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Switzerland).
01/07/2022 £19,954
SCOTTISH PELAGIC FISHERMEN'S ASSOCIATION LIMITED The identified area of research, evidence gap or scientific challenge which your research proposal(s) will focus on (I.e., what will your research proposal(s) be about)Lack of traceability in fisheries is a problem that can undermine market access and prices when buyers and consumers do not have confidence in the sustainability credentials of fisheries. It is also a wasted opportunity to gather relevant information that can be useful to science and business alike.While pelagic fisheries are generally considered data rich, there are gaps between the flow of information between the catching and processing sector that result in missed opportunities to enhance the value of information for use in both scientific and business applications. For example, detailed information on the location of fishing and related biological and environmental information gets left behind as soon as pelagic fish are landed to factories because processors require less detailed information than is available from the vessels. In addition, while processors collect incredibly detailed information of food quality as part of their routine quality control checks, its value to scientific research on pelagic stocks goes largely ignored. Worse still, the data can be destroyed and lost forever because processors often only need to retain product information on fish batches they hold in storage, which is typically up to 2 years.This scoping study will develop a research proposal to integrate fishery, biological and food quality data from pelagic fisheries in order to follow the fish from catch to batch. Applying principles of block-chain and quality assurance processes, the study will pinpoint the data transfer gaps and outline potential options for connecting and maintaining them in the future.
29/06/2022 £6,836
J M M FISHERIES LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
29/06/2022 £48,289
FRANK_GREENSLADE_LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
28/06/2022 £78,718
HAXBY FISHING LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
27/06/2022 £19,927
MARFISHECO FISHERIES CONSULTANTS Project Topic: The Gear Trials Partnership Project (GTPP) aims to develop a research proposal to improve gear selectivity to reduce bycatch in Nephrop trawl fisheries, one of the most valuable fisheries in the UK. Using a co-design approach, collaborating with a broad geographic range of fishers, the project will develop a rigorous, iterative gear trial approach that will incorporate cost-benefit analyses that look at both the ecological and economic success of modified Nephrops trawl gears. This will help us better understand the most viable solutions to bycatch, which presents a challenge to many Nephrops trawl operations in the UK.-The project will also clarify which gear modifications really show promise and investigate more recent modifications that are yet to be trialled accurately.-This project will involve industry-wide engagement to ensure we are reaching industry needs and not duplicating any prior work.-The research resulting from this proposal, will determine which gear modifications are most suitable for different UK Nephrops fisheries and fishing situations (local IFCA laws / byelaws, vessel types / operations and geographic differences in bycatch portfolios) and will lead to working with the MMO, Marine Scotland and DAERA to understand how the results can realistically be implemented / operationalised to improve the sustainability of Nephrops trawl operations, ecologically and economically.
24/06/2022 £3,600,621
NORTHUMBERLAND NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Grant Funding to assist National Parks to undertake statutory obligations
21/06/2022 £5,912
LEEDALE TRAWLERS LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
21/06/2022 £4,704,225
DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Grant Funding to assist National Parks to undertake statutory obligations
16/06/2022 £1,118,160
CHILTERNS CONSERVATION BOARD Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
15/06/2022 £47,491
OSBORNE & SONS (SHELLFISH) LTD The FaSS will provide financial assistance for projects that support sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and enhance the marine environment
10/06/2022 £368,000
POLICE & CRIME COMMISSONER FOR HAMPSHIRE Grant contribution toward operating costs of National Wildlife Crime Unit and addition funding to further Defra Objectives in relation to Hare Coursing, Raptor Persecution and INNS.
09/06/2022 £31,000
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Grant 2022-23
01/06/2022 £20,813
SOUTHEND ON SEA CITY COUNCIL G-EX-TSE_2022 Tilbury to Southend - Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
01/06/2022 £152,698
SAERI - SOUTH ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/06/2022 £41,270
KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/06/2022 £108,020
UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £129,299
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £155,837
UNIVERSITY OF EXETER A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £219,050
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £138,853
THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £165,176
CABI The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £199,675
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £57,240
MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £64,139
CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY RESEARCH The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £79,024
BIRD CONSERVATION NEPAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £159,589
BRITISH ASIAN TRUST The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £120,435
UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £132,824
BEES FOR DEVELOPMENT The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £167,897
WWF - UK The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £62,623
SNOW LEOPARD FOUNDATION The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £92,551
BRISTOL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £181,840
GLOBAL CROP DIVERSITY TRUST (CROP TRUST) The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £79,814
C3 PHILIPPINES INC The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £74,969
LOISABA COMMUNITY TRUST The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £101,673
FOREST ACTION NEPAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £57,931
MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £145,218
RHINO ARK KENYA CHARITABLE TRUST The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £139,039
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £114,243
BOTANIC GARDENS CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £167,029
UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £185,239
YAYASAN KONSERVASI ALAM NUSANTARA The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £113,473
FAUNA AND FLORA INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £188,319
BOTANIC GARDENS CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £171,469
BOTANIC GARDENS CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £207,184
FAUNA AND FLORA INTERNATIONAL A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £40,964
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £189,313
DURRELL WILDLIFE CONSERVATION TRUST A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £65,999
FAUNA AND FLORA INTERNATIONAL The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/06/2022 £61,478
ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/06/2022 £8,598,091
PEAK DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Grant Funding to assist National Parks to undertake statutory obligations
31/05/2022 £3,395,229
EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £4,026,554
NEW FOREST NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £8,961,896
SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK TRUST National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £4,366,189
BROADS AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £6,810,253
YORKSHIRE DALES NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £7,322,076
LAKE DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £4,629,438
NORTH YORK MOORS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY National Park grant funding FY2022 - 23The purpose of this grant is to support local planning authorities in their preparations for the introduction of mandatory BNG. Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a measurably better state than before. This means protecting existing habitats and ensuring that lost or degraded habitats are compensated for by enhancing or creating habitats that are of greater value to wildlife and people.
31/05/2022 £8,022,097
THE WASTE AND RESOURCES ACTION PROGRAMME For WRAP to work with businesses, civil society organisations, local authorities and consumers to help them achieve savings that can be made annually through the better use of food and materials, the production of less waste and better use of energy and water.
23/05/2022 £13,232
LONDON LEGACY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Biodiversity Net Gain New Burdens Grant - London Legacy Development Corporation
23/05/2022 £27,900
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Coastal Path construction from Fareham to Port Solent.
15/05/2022 £121,899
CENTRAL CARIBBEAN MARINE INSTITUTE Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
10/05/2022 £1,490,930
COTSWOLDS CONSERVATION BOARD Support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
09/05/2022 £274,172
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR AREAS OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY support the delivery of AONB statutory purposes, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, to:meet their statutory conservation and enhancement duties andSupport them in their work which contributes directly to Defra's 25 Year Environment Plan
01/05/2022 £86,005
UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £182,546
NATIONAL TRUST FOR THE CAYMAN ISLANDS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £198,579
THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £115,970
FALKLANDS CONSERVATION Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £169,692
OXFORD UNIVERSITY- CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £147,376
THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £26,302
MARINE CONSERVATION SOCIETY Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £65,417
NATIONAL PARKS TRUST OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Projects that aim to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories
01/05/2022 £55,090
PERKUMPULAN TAKA The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/05/2022 £43,617
ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES A UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
20/04/2022 £76,183
THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.
01/04/2022 £2,416
EAST AVERCOMBE FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,155
RE AND S BALDWIN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,009
NORTHUMBERLAND WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,011
COLLACOMBE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,662
GROVE BROS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,223
R M & S C JENKINSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,356
TALLENTIRE HILL FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £58,994
KINGSDOWN FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,108
STOKE FRUIT FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £45,803
BOWLDOWN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £63,559
SMITH FARMS (CLACTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,899
EASTBURY ESTATES (1955) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,747
COOMBES MANOR FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,651
INKERSALL INVESTMENTS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,441
G & R HOUSE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,199
R WRINCH LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £64,132
COURTYARD FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,643
COLBAN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,885
HAROLD JONES FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,163
B C MITCHAM FARMS (BURWELL) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,126
AYLESBY MANOR FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,840
R & E KINGMAN & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,253
J SPRAKE & PARTNERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £77,293
LOWER BURYTOWN FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,428
J D ALSTON (ESTATES) The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £49,274
R A GIBSON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £43,827
L S POW & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,658
JAMES H TENNANT LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £41,498
P J LEE & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,923
LAVENHAM FEN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £32,490
C HORRELL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £227,541
G A GREEN AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,696
LANGOLD ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,689
CLAYLANDS HOLDINGS LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,744
MANOR FARM DAIRY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,319
GRANGE FARM (ALDEBY) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,905
M B & J GOODWIN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £109,075
JOYCE & SONS LTD J H The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,322
BRYAN READ LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,518
ELLISCOMBE FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,945
HOSIER BROS. LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,721
GOODE SITE SERVICES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,704
RAMPISHAM MANOR FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,194
P E KING (BRISTOL) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,732
SM & DM TURNER & SM & DM TURNER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,607
FARRINGTON'S FARM SHOP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,094
DEVICHOYS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,184
M HOOPER & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,493
C G & D HEAL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,408
A E MARSHALL & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,788
EDF ENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,810
KINGS RIPTON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,753
DAVID HART (SALTWAY) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,217
ATAGHAN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,984
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,440
GREENING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,910
OWEN & YABSLEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £167,613
KNIGHTWOOD TRUST FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,562
NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £34,447
RORY KEMP LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,108
BOWE DAIRY FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,195
CHESHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,717
ST PENDLEBURY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £694
REDHAM FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,230
GESTINGTHORPE FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,288
ILCHESTER ESTATE NO.2 ACCOUNT LITTLE PARK FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,621
TARMAC CEMENT AND LIME LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,513
BROOKLYN FARM PRODUCTS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,395
R NEEDHAM & SON (RYELANDS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £669
HOLGATE CARAVAN PARKS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,045
HEATHERVILLE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,822
DEWHIRST HOLYWELL ENTERPRISES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,448
RANCHES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £68,003
T C & N TAYLOR LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,846
RIDOUT PARTNERSHIP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £902
ARNSIDE & SILVERDALE LANDSCAPE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,363
R F TOWERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,970
M G WHITWELL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,453
STUBBS PARTNERS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,054
T BROWN & SON (COVINGTON) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,392
CLAREMONT PROPERTIES NEWCASTLE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,797
R A JELLEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,258
JOHN PARKER LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £55,929
MAWTHORPE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,405
D R & A HIGGINS & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £952
J.W.FRANKLIN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,523
ASH OAKS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,743
N D DIBBEN FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,280
FRIENDSHIP ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £69,529
EMMETT OF DRAYTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,571
LODESTONE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,619
C H & P C CORBETT LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,145
ANGLOFLORA FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,161
A F MONK (ROOKLEY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,306
HAMPRESTON MANOR FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,492
OWEN FARMS (WESTBURY LTD) The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £87,438
ASCOTT FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,098
CJ FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,518
FINESEASON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £85,589
D CHENNELLS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,960
BURTON FIELDS FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £66,392
H & D MURRAY WELLS, NESS HALL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,499
ROBERT LINDLEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,683
RENISHAW ESTATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £49,858
HAWKES FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,134
PJ SOUTHGATE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,912
T. E. & P. W. ECKERSLEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,708
DR CANTRILL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,421
LEGGETTS FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,501
T L CARLISLE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £74,183
LOCKWOOD ESTATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £49,818
N.E.SALMON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,571
PETER STRAWSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,268
POLEHANGER FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,675
HABTON FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,068
CLAN FARMS LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,909
MACECHERN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,144
MR & AS CHALLINOR LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £178,621
BLAGDON FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,935
EA & JA HISCOCK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,300
HOLLINGS HILL FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,485
S J WRIGHT & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £129,820
CHALDEAN ESTATE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £44,964
SUCHNOON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,138
J & JH HALL (WELTON) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,301
NORFOLK ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,871
MYTHE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,649
HEXGREAVE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,668
MUNDEN ESTATE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £84,541
GREAT OAKLEY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,810
ROSSINGTON PRODUCE COMPANY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £36,657
MC MARSHALL FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £51,990
PEGASI MANAGEMENT CO LTD T/A MACES FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,246
LEYFIELDS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,903
L J RILEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,403
J A & M BOYES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,088
J H MCCLOY & CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,296
HARGRAVE FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,295
A.W. SQUIER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,290
MP FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,586
GOODIES FARM SHOP LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,478
RURAL PARTNERS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,075
RAC FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,792
PEMBERTON FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,638
EVENING HILL FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,729
BEDFORDIA FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,027
D A ASHCROFT & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £109,218
NEEDHAMS OF ELMLEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,880
W C EMMETT & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,369
THURLOW ESTATE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,131
TOTTINGWORTH FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,144
W ROBSON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,467
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,254
W F WESTERN FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,469
WOX AGRI SERVICES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,727
WORSTEAD FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,711
YORK KING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,247
YOULDEN FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,156
WR CURNICK LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £39,197
SPRINGFIELD FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £69,448
J S FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,685
MILLIGAN-MANBY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,564
LONGHORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,116
T W FEARNALL AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,369
BANK FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,644
G.B. HOLMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,909
VELCOURT LTD/TIPNO LTD PARTNERSHIP The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,275
GH RICHARDS(CHILBRIDGE FARM)LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,039
GRAHAM WARD FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £92,266
G R BLETCHER & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £583
HOMEFARM ORGANICS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,366
CARR HOUSE FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £142,604
J E TABOR FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £51,901
HARROWDEN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,883
HILLSIDE ANIMAL SANCTUARY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,499
STANCER BROTHERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,899
GCL STEPHENSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,718
JOHN WATSON (WALPOLE) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,532
BEDINGFIELD HALL FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,656
HIGHLANDS END FARM CARAVAN PARK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,262
W ALLISON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,463
ROLLESTON HALL ESTATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,366
M J & D A JOHNSON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,540
PITTENDRIGH FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £34,210
GIBSON & GIBSON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,044
D.J. SNELL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,296
HUNTS FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,421
J.W. NICHOLS (POULTRY) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,471
WALTER SMITH (GOSBERTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,820
ATACAMA TEXTILES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,471
R.CAUDWELL(PRODUCE)LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £35,116
CIRENCESTER PARK FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,721
WR HENMAN & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,286
APT FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,385
D3 FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,696
JOHN SHEARD (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,255
EAST HAYS FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,552
P & S MITCHELL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,924
HEVINGHAM FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,335
HORSFIELDS (CHURCH FARM) 1984 LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,216
FERRY LANE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,273
NOKEN FARM LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,628
L.G.MAPLETHORPE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,606
R H MOUNTIFIELD (BRANTINGHAM) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £519
TOLLGATE FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,280
GARRETT LTD RA & KM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,625
PIKERACE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £63,904
MAPLE FARMS (BILLINGHAY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £673,966
BUCKMINSTER FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,138
MARCOMBE VALLEY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,721
M H POSKITT LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,053
CLARKE FARMS (ISLEHAM) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,123
WEST ASHBY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,268
J.A.TAYLOR (FORDHAM) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,125
D E NICKOLS AND SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,491
T BADDILEY & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £37,206
JB & J KAY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,672
FLEETBANK FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,681
L. PARDOE & SON (IVERLEY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,761
O'SULLIVAN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,879
LITTLE ELLINGHAM PAROCHIAL CHARITY TRUSTEES The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,563
DAVID BLACK & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £63,007
GILL-SHAW FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,066
HISTORICAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,399
EAST STOKE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,484
A A READ (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,392
JOHN SHARP & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,081
T B BRATLEY & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £48,361
J.J.&D.S.STUBLEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,755
GARROWS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,492
FORT FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,192
RICHARD HARTLEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,364
RJS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,482
AB & JL WILCOX LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,789
G & T COOKE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,137
GEORGE GODDARD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,990
MESSRS STEEL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,124
BOREALIS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,255
FERNMEADOW LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £324,479
OYKEL FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,234
G.R. OXTOBY AND SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,563
M D FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £72,039
CHEESBROUGH & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £40,092
J & W K FISHER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,015
T E RICHARDSON & CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,294
ROBERT LENTON LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,875
CHRYSTAL FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £48,436
NORFOLK ESTATE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,025
AJ WALKER (FARM) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,505
W.A.WEST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,897
CURNASEER LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,610
C.F.BANKS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,110
JOSEPH WHATTOFF & SONS (FARMS) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,294
MERRIJOHN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £41,739
BEECH BARN FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,056
J.B.COOKE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,979
KINGSTONE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,771
R J ROSE & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,048
E & R FULLER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,781
A HEADING & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,140
M.H. PRYOR CONTRACTING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,378
TCF (WILTSHIRE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,106
THE PIPE GREEN TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,848
LEVENS FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,302
P. PAYNE & SON (FARMERS) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,824
COTTAGE FARM BREASTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,693
J H P FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,079
NOBLE FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,276
CARADOC ESTATE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,240
M BAUL & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,274
HOOPERS ELM FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,012
BURTREE FARM T/A AGRI-TEC EDC LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,544
RM & N WAINWRIGHT & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,111
MESSRS COTTAM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,957
KEYES FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £942
NAYLAND WITH WISSINGTON LAND COMPANY The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,258
FORDY FARMS (INGLEBY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,980
M.W. NASH FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,929
PIERSTON MANOR FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,495
NONINGTON FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,684
LOVE HAMBROOK MARSHES CIO The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £640
HIGHTREES FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,668
DR & HM HORSLEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,355
JC WATTS AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,444
DR DAVIES & SONS (COURT FARM LTD) The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,362
BELVOIR FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,813
COOKE FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,931
TG GILBERT (WALCOT) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £732
MC & LM PINCOMBE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,479
M G GROUP ESTATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,553
QUY POORS FEN SSSI TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,911
W M ELLIOT & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,650
I M HODGSON & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,004
BICTON COLLEGE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £85,586
NATIONAL TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £61,488
C J H FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,107
HIGHER HACKNELL FARM PARTNERSHIP The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £28,454
CHARLES WHARTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,575
N B ROBINSON & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,397
ASHCOURT FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,088
M P KEMP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,306
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,560
ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,462
WEST SUSSEX BIODIVERSITY PROJECT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,682
DORSET WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,295
SENTRY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,652
AH WARREN TRUST LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,767
HUMBERSIDE FARMERS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,416
BJ & S WALLIS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £187,128
RSPB The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,651
M KEELING FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,990
D L & M L LEA LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £39,935
THE WILDLIFE TRUST BCN The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,770
JG PORTER LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £58,523
DENSTON HALL FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,736
W.J.BRACEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,722
WHIRLOW HALL FARM TRUST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £152,271
HARTLEY MAIN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £28,649
HOWARD CHAPMAN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,430
BEACON HILL FARM HOLIDAYS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,512
MOO MOO ORGANIC DAIRY FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,199
COURTFIELD FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,965
BIDDENFIELD ESTATE MANAGEMENT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,941
NEWLING & SON LTD J M The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £15,526
MAY (PRIORTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £47,855
SKELTON FARMS (PONTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,196
WB LAMYMAN UNLTD CO The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,567
PROCKTERS FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,917
J K B MEGGINSON & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,598
OLIVIA LANGMEAD FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,353
ELLINGTON FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,659
GRAVEL HILL FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,697
HODGETTS FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,378
ADAMES (FLANSHAM) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,684
PARK HOUSE DAIRY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,657
GAULBY LODGE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,797
RG DENNING & SON/ROWE & CO FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,728
EAST APPLETON FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £45,413
GEORGE LTD F&A The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,065
NEIL ROWE FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,786
P COATES (CUMBRIA) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,004
LANGRIDGE ORGANIC FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,418
CHARLES MUDDLE PROPERTIES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,696
PJF FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,340
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CONSERVATION TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,349
ELMBRIDGE UK LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £61,986
SPRING HILL ESTATE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,550
LANDTECH LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,662
ANGUS BUCHANAN V.C. MEMORIAL RECREATION GROUND TRUST. The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,921
PORTLAND BIRD OBSERVATORY The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,105
C & H FORD FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,141
GRAYS FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,637
CR & G STEPHENSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,877
G.S. CHATTERTON (SHELFORD) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,838
MOORE HOLDINGS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,811
S.C.& J.H.BERRY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,318
CRAPPER & SONS LANDFILL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,356
CS HUNT & SON (ENHAM) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,394
FRITH PARK FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,451
GR HALLIFIELD FARMERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,285
A JACKSON WESTCOTES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,725
J H DORRINGTON & SON (DUNSBY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £35,863
MAURICE CROUCH GROWERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £108,588
HEYGATE FARMS SWAFFHAM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,810
COPYFARM(BLACKMORE)LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,431
DERRYAGE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,449
PETER WATSON JONES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £15,748
HW CLOTHIER MILTON-WESTCOMBE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £91,082
KENT WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,793
NAYLOR PLANT HIRE AND EXCAVATIONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £71,276
THE MANYDOWN COMPANY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £87,931
EARL OF PLYMOUTH ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,854
MALDEN MITCHAM PROPERTIES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,267
FLUSCOPIKE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,508
PAUL HADLEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,360
JOHN DAVIES FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £195,258
OVERMAN SON & CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,335
EAKRING FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,953
QUARRYSIDE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £50,888
J R CRAYSTON & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £35,364
H P COOPER (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,373
L O CLOTHIER & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,168
HALLSWORTH (SOUTH NORFOLK) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £44,982
LIDDELL ENTERPRISES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,148
RAC FARM PARTNERS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £606
DLF SEEDS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £79,445
GH CHENNELLS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,936
CHOLMELEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,799
J S R FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,300
PM ASHBURNER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,125
CLARKE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £61,075
CROWMARSH BATTLE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,454
VISION ENGINEERING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,948
LANGLEY PRIORY FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,785
JR CLARK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,262
IVY FARM (CODDENHAM) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,133
D P & F M DAY & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,779
DAVID ROSE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,961
MACRAE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,390
C N BECK & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £39,179
ORMAN (CARROLL'S FARM) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,765
C.J.NEALE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,417
M C MOUNTAIN & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £85,411
RAYNHAM FARM CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £93,571
DEBEN FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £71,251
CAPES FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,474
FOXCOTE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,946
G W BARKER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,117
BETCHTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,883
GROOBY FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £43,610
IRELANDS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,318
SMALLTHWAITE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,226
LONGMYND FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £44,574
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,281
P.A. BOOTH & CO. The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,229
QUICKPURE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £138,255
JUDDMONTE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,520
CLIFTON CASTLE FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,691
HIGHLAND INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,909
F.G.PIERCE & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,839
J HIND & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £188,701
NEVILL ESTATE COMPANY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,791
GLENTWORTH SCOTTISH FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £44,588
A S HARMAN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,681
J S DAKIN & CO The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £458,312
M.D. HAMILTON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,042
N M GREEN & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,006
F ALBONE & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £41,359
COMPTON MANOR ESTATES LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,379
A NORCROSS & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,201
G W PADLEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,227
GEO. H BOWSER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,226
SANDBURN YORK LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £79,493
F.STRAWSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £131,395
SEFTON MBC The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,123
J.C.M.GLASSFORD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £67,517
BURROUGH COURT ESTATE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £66,754
DECOY FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £51,697
SOUTH WOOTTON ESTATE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,097
VALENCIA WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,198
BIFFA WASTE SERVICES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £46,878
FISHERTON MANOR FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £34,570
FS KNIGHT (STOKE DOYLE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,053
BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,356
HENSON TORKSEY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £413,063
COLLEGE VALLEY ESTATES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £136,969
MINDRUM FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,217
R & A SLACK (COCKLEY BANK) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,572
H.C.C TINSLEY AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £15,830
G H & V DAVIES AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,329
P.M. GARRATT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £51,210
GLOUCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £37,556
CS GENT & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,052
HART DISTRICT COUNCIL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,103
SOUTHS FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,414
JOSEPH CAMM FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,538
MARTIN AINSCOUGH FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,302
THE LANCASHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,008
MANN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,929
A CHANDLER (NORFOLK) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,547
JOHN R KEEBLE & SON BRANTHAM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,184
FJ HUCK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £28,833
BLAKEWAY & SONS LTD, R.H. The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £66,426
DAVISON & CO (BARFORD) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £41,688
J SHERRIFF FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,966
DAVID CROSS & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,610
COUSINS FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,787
ERNEST DOE & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,014
ALDBOROUGH FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,901
MORTON HALL FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,954
F BRUNTON & SONS LTD F The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £43,814
HATTON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £36,676
FOSTER HARRISON FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,142
C W CAVE TERRINGTON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,636
CULLENCROFT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,796
P & H MAYHEW & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,351
GISSING FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,232
SLEEPY SHEEP LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,768
G.H. ALLEN (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,481
AMBERSHIRE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,975
DUFFIELDS HAUTBOIS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £34,309
HARTPURY UNIVERSITY, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,417
DENHAM VICARAGE FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £46,774
ROBINSON FARMS (CARBROOKE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,700
SHEDDEN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £542,281
STRUTT & PARKER (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,840
THIMBLEBY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,724
T CRAWFORD & COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,678
T J WHEATON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,748
WYLYE VALLEY FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,000
SHANAEL FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,752
APLINS FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
SFR FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,053
A R FEARNALL LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,066
M MADDERS FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,454
AR HOOPER AND PARTNERS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,722
FAW BAKERS KINGSTON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,901
SILLS FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,488
SIXTY ACRES FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,413
SKIRWITH HALL FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,457
FINEFARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
FRANK RICHARDSON & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,040
C N & I R ATKIN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,262
A J & W L TURNER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,031
STEANBOW LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,997
STOCKTON HEATH LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,988
TG & K FISHER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £22,174
T H & C L JOHNSON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
MJ & C COCKBURN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,690
BAYS LEAP DAIRY FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,394
GRAHAM FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £19,400
TACK FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G S SHROPSHIRE & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,080
H O CHAMPNEYS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
HALTON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £19,042
N D HARPER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
BOWN & SON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,826
HENLEY GROVE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,823
BROMFIELD FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,880
BYCOTT FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,856
OULTON HOUSE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,001
CASTLESTEADS FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,167
P & S HARRIS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
QT AGRI LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,988
CHILTON HOME FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,200
PARK HOUSE FARMING COMPANY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,216
J & M LEEMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,942
BLAKE DAIRY FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,040
PEASTREE FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £17,114
COMMONWORK ORGANIC FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,200
HOLMES MILL DAIRY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,178
JH & C LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,794
R & S HIGGINS & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,105
R.H. WARD (WELTON) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,120
D.W.HODGES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
RP SAINSBURY & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,088
RED EARTH FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
K SLATER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,054
REUBEN WILSON & SON The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
KILNSTOWN FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
KINGSTON HILL FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,040
S AND SA WEBSTER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
RE AND S BALDWIN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,226
SPRINGHILL FARMS (PERSHORE) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,732
J H & R FROST LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,921
LONGFORD FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,518
HOUSE AND SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
R & E KINGMAN & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,119
JOHN BAGGS (FARMERS) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
R A GIBSON (COLESDEN) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,581
R.H.WATERWORTH LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
JAMES CARGILL (NORTON FARMS) LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,114
L S POW & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,139
JB SHROPSHIRE & SONS The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,696
HOLT FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,318
HOSIER BROS. LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,594
FOSSIL FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,432
P E KING (BRISTOL) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,887
LOWER BAGBER FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,293
EJ BADMAN & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,139
FARRINGTON'S FARM SHOP LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,978
EVERSHOT FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
S TAYLOR FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,942
COLDRENICK FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,714
FOWBERRY FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,064
RG CHURCH LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,942
RAWLINGS & DAVIS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,277
GREENING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
KNIGHTWOOD TRUST FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £19,901
BOWE DAIRY FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,749
JAMES HARRISON FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,995
F M OTTEWELL & SON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,400
RMP FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,877
EXMOOR TREES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
PC PERRETT & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GUITING MANOR FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
CLAYHILL FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,105
FJ LISTER & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,980
KNAPTOFT HALL FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,787
GEE JAY FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,580
R & P WATERFALL LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
K SIMPSON & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,025
T & R SLACK LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,685
LEEDHAM FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,747
J M & S E JACKSON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
JS MEANS (TERRINGTON) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,850
HUDDLESTONE FARMERS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
BILLINGSMOOR FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,154
M & S WHITE & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,293
S H & J E DENNISON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
S T & A L WARD LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £21,959
L & L TROWBRIDGE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,150
J & W DAVIS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,360
BIRCHPIECE FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
R H LEONARD LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ICKE PARTNERS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
ELMDON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £21,160
LATHAM FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,725
A G WRIGHT & SON (FARMS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
CHIVERS FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,400
S T ALLEN & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,821
H.G.TINCKNELL LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,192
J.A. & E. MONTGOMERY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,627
DAWE FARMERS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,939
R F TOWERS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
R.D.RENWICK LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,651
DEANS FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
R A JELLEY FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
FRED WOOD & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,781
D R & A HIGGINS & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,134
F S DANN & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,682
L D HEYWOOD LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,747
R H J FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,518
PJLS FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
HEWISON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,219
FRIENDSHIP ESTATES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,566
J H DORRINGTON & SON (DUNSBY) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,400
HW CLOTHIER MILTON-WESTCOMBE FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,374
LECKFORD ESTATE (WAITROSE LTD) The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
D CHENNELLS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
PENHALLOW FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,028
T. E. & P. W. ECKERSLEY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BODDINGTON ESTATES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,167
T L CARLISLE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,413
LOCKWOOD ESTATES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,940
ROCK FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,662
P.HUGHES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,771
N.E.SALMON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,830
JAMES STOCKDALE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £17,502
EARL OF PLYMOUTH ESTATES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,354
FLUSCOPIKE FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,266
J S & J BUCKLEY The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
L O CLOTHIER & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £19,800
LE MARCHANT FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
JR CLARK LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,080
EA & JA HISCOCK LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,572
HOLLINGS HILL FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ARDEN FARMS OWMBY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,998
BROWNRIGG HALL FARMS The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,147
CHILTON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
HOWARD & CO FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
LEVERTON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,655
PROCTOR BROS LONG SUTTON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G R BEEBY & SON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,273
J W NAYLOR & SONS LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
DOWNTON ESTATES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,348
LONGMYND FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
PENMAR FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
C R ADAMS & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
HOLTON FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,279
DUNTHROP FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,339
AW SMITH & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,949
JACK BUCK (FARMS) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,789
MERRIVALE FARMS LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GEO. H BOWSER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,585
FOXCOMBE FARM (SOMERSET) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,928
BOWER LTD, R J The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GREAT OAKLEY FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,219
MC MARSHALL FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,250
MANN FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,273
JOHN R KEEBLE & SON BRANTHAM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ERNEST DOE & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,901
HATTON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G.H. ALLEN (FARMS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,789
GREEN FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,413
RURAL PARTNERS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,585
EVENING HILL FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
WOODMANCOTE CONTRACTORS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,661
THOMASSON FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,028
TRINITY FARM SEAGRY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £21,457
RICHMOND HALL FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £19,502
W J MASTERS AND SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,560
W P & J JENKIN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,116
W R MOORE & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,480
WALDEGRAVE FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
STRUTT & PARKER (FARMS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GEO GITTUS & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,040
U GODSELL & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,250
WINTERQUAY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,002
W J WATKINS & SON The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,024
WILTSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
W & P E GOSLING & SON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
VELCOURT LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,087
W M HERON & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,396
J & V CASEY & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,840
HAWKING FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,128
THE GOODWOOD ESTATE COMPANY LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
SPEEDGATE ENTERPRISES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TILN FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £21,441
W C LITTLE & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
W.S.FURNIVAL LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,949
WINDRUSH AGRICULTURAL ESTATES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TUSMORE PARK FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £17,719
W SEWARD & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,287
WARDEN FARMING CO LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
THREE COUNTIES FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TRUCKETTS HALL FARM (BOXTED) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,949
STOWELL PARK ESTATE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
WORMINGTON & SON LTD JH The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
SHELTON ESTATES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,020
STAPLETON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
J HOLE & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,654
GEORGE GREEN (BOZEAT) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,293
G & J A CHANDLER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,232
HUNTER WHINS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
A OLORENSHAW LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,330
G BROWN STURTON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,300
LOVETTSWOOD FARM LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
MG AND S HARPER LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,825
CARTERS LODGE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
JOSEPH E SWIERS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,828
BECK HILL FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,637
BUTTON LTD, C P The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,653
OAKLEY FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
FINBOWS (BACTON) 1991 LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,526
R & W GIDLOW LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,151
A.C HULME AND SONS The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
EV HALL (FARMS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,250
LAURENCE KIRKBY (FARMS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ROBERT DAVIDSON & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
LAMPITS FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
EASTERN FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G & B DOBSON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TUTTINGTON FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,721
NEESHAM FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,570
E J FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
PAUL DUCKSBURY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
J W E BANKS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,460
LOWTHER PARK FARMS LIMITED, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
PRIDGEON FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,293
GRAHAM WARD FARMS LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TATHWELL FARMS ( LINCS) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,800
J A DARKE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BEDINGFIELD HALL FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
NEWCOME-BAKER FARMS LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,730
GERRARD HOUSE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,100
QUEX PARK ESTATES CO.LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
G PALLISTER & SON FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
H.G.TUNNARD LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
THRUPP FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
HALLINGTON FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,330
WOODWARDS FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
P & S MITCHELL LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,200
BEST FARMS PARTNERSHIP LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,098
BUCKMINSTER FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,390
M H POSKITT LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
MOXON FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £960
LECONFIELD FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
TG BRUMFIELD & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
D E NICKOLS AND SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GILL-SHAW FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,789
G & T COOKE FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £22,762
MESSRS STEEL The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,040
FERNMEADOW LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,850
JB ADAMS & PARTNERS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
OYKEL FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,789
SCOTTOW FARMS LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
RDG HOWARD, T/A BROOKHOUSE FARMING CO LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,211
ARCHER & SONS FARMERS LTD JE The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G A JENKINSON & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,968
ARLINGTON FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,040
ANGUSWELL LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,069
G F COLE & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £20,580
MERRIJOHN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,737
W A WADE-GERY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ORGA PRODUCTS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,414
P A & C T BARRETT LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,250
CHARLBURY FARMS HINTON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
GJ DUNCANSON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,360
G M STEPHENSON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,740
C & I WADE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
SKELTON FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
BRIARS FARM LTD T/A MH WINSTONE & SON The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GRANGE FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,036
WJ MILLER & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
C H GREENSIT LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,250
CAUDWELL AND SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,340
HOME FARM (NACTON) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,040
TOMLINSON BILSROW LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
G C MOWBRAY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
GLOAG & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
FROLESWORTH FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,286
THORPE TREES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
WHITSTONE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
A R CARLISLE & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
HOLLANDS FARMS BLANDFORD LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,600
COSSINS & SONS LTD, J The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,397
NORMAN HAGUE & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,054
DAN MACKELDEN LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,354
DW BROOK & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
DAVID O JONES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
CRADOCK, RH & IR LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
BRADSHAW FARMING PARTNERSHIP The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,666
HALL & SONS (CASTON) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
NECTON FARMS LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
4G AGRICULTURE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,960
ELLAWAY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,900
M A & E J BENNETT LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
MARTIN & SONS (MARCH) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,678
J DRINKALL LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
RAJ SPINK (MARNHAM) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
FIELD PLACE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BLETSOE BROWN LTD, The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,082
STAYNOR FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,542
JAMIE'S FARM The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,965
AMBIOS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,980
G D STEPHENSON & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,994
YEATMAN & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,993
CHAMBERLAYNE FARMS LTD., The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
SHERWOOD FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,901
D E BYASS AND SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
KIRKHAM FARMS (WARWICK) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,351
J. S. & J. DOWN LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,856
JAS AGRICULTURAL UK LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,220
MESSRS COTTAM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
21ST CENTURY FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,450
TL BALDWIN & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
W.A.CURTIS & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,646
NONINGTON FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,190
WOODTHORPE HALL FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,940
CHESSGROVE WOODCHIP LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,910
MUIR FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,112
MINT AND MUSTARD PRODUCE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BANKS FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,008
OAK VALE FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,620
HOMER FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,488
H.L.STOTT & SONS CONTRACTING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
LBG MACHINERY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,938
OLIVERS PLANTS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,339
TUCKER & SONS LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
P J DAVIDSON HOLDINGS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £7,281
BUMPY LANE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,670
ROBIN BRICE ENTERPRISES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,119
AWSM FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
SCENIC FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BOARSTALL FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BLACKWOOD FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,250
GIRSBY FARM SERVICES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,126
AEOLUS GROUP LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,000
BOWDLER FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
MIKE HARPER LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,949
THOMASSON DAIRY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,236
B & C DODD FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,090
LOWESMOOR LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,190
COVE FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,888
L J WEBBER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
CLOPTON ESTATE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,100
ELTEAM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,558
ARUNDEL WOODLAND PRODUCTS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
KILLIGREW FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
REDBROWN LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,120
THE GRAINARY HARWOOD DALE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,218
CHIPLEY FARM LTD. The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,064
WHISSENDINE FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,565
HAWTHORN FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £6,698
LADYWASH FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,028
FOLLY FARM DAIRY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,866
BELPER SKIP HIRE The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,337
THE LAVENDER FARM LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £18,539
BILLINGTON FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,938
BLOFIELD NURSERIES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
BRETT VALE FARMING COMPANY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
MADDEVER CONTRACTING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,678
WILD & THOMAS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,950
D & D WALLBANK CONTRACTORS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,680
OUT OF THE WOODS FORESTRY SERVICES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
M & D BELL LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,743
MASTERS SPREADING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
NEWTON (HURRELL) FARMS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
V HILL CONTRACTING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £5,958
WMT AGRICULTURE LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,947
SHIPTON LANE DAIRIES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £11,108
CONING FERTILISER LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £22,559
JK CONTRACTING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,834
GNP FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
GROWING ENERGY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £3,408
H & K FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,139
THE GROWER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,488
M. R. J FAULKS & SON LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
T&M COOPER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
H. & H.S. VALE LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £21,459
G R FARMER & SONS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £15,952
R. ROBERTS & SONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
TIDCOMBE FARMING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
WHEATLAND FARMS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,119
METCALFE FARMS (CONTRACTING) LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,000
S & E WHITAKER LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,054
G&T SOLUTIONS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
SJ AND VJ HOWELL AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
HAMBLEDON FORESTRY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £12,719
M J UGLOW LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,907
MARTIN HASKETT AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
GUNMAC TIMBER SERVICES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
BROADMEAD ESTATE SERVICES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £24,882
HUNTHAM FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,585
A AND J SLURRY LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
ROY DAVEY CONTRACTING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £16,079
ALPINE FORESTRY LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
C J BARROW LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
TARGETT LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £10,585
M.C. SIMPSON (PAS) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £25,000
MB FARMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £9,033
N B TREE SERVICES LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £4,000
FERNLEY YEO LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,626
TRAMSPREAD CONTRACTING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £23,985
AMPGREEN ESTATES LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £2,134
IAN CHILDE (AGRICULTURAL SERVICES) LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £14,995
KNAPTON LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £8,354
RICHARD SKELTON CONTRACTING LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £13,180
HOOFTRIMMING LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £36,000
HUDDLESTONE FARMERS LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £77,114
PLEASANTVIEW LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £222,634
HUNTHAM FARM LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £58,568
R & L HOLT LTD The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £114,408
AGRICULTURE INVESTMENT LIMITED The Farming Investment Fund comprises two different sub-schemes. The Farming Equipment and Technology fund will provide lower value grants towards a specified list of items proven to be effective in raising productivity. The Farming Transformation Fund will provide a more flexible model where applicants can seek higher-value investments into more significant infrastructure and equipment.The FIF sits alongside other schemes such as those providing business advice (Resilience Fund), R&D (Farming Innovation Programme), environmental land management and improved animal health and welfare. It will support farmers adapt and change to deliver on Defras vision for the future of the agriculture sector.It will aim to increase farmers confidence to invest in novel technologies and practices, during a time of significant sectoral and macroeconomic uncertainty.It will support capital investment, to maximise returns through employing the latest technologies and practices.It will support the sector in reducing GHG emissions contributing to Net Zero goals. In addition, it will support improvement in water and air quality.It will support investing and improving animal health and welfare by farmers.The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is an evolution of the Countryside Productivity Scheme, following the UKs exit from the EU. The development of the fund has drawn on the experience and evaluation of this predecessor scheme and we have made changes to the design to ensure that it will deliver more effectively an improvement in productivity and the environment in the farming and forestry sectors.
01/04/2022 £38,480
SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £25,375
TAMWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £32,945
CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £39,539
DERBY CITY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £33,025
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £29,828
HEREFORDSHIRE COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £29,591
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £37,955
THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF CALDERDALE The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £48,000
WYRE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £50,000
MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £50,000
HYNDBURN BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £49,550
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £45,000
BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL-PARKS The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £26,058
MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £32,245
STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £26,810
PENDLE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £23,163
STOCKTON ON TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £49,920
LONDON BOROUGH WALTHAM FOREST The Fly-Tipping Intervention Grant will support approaches and interventions to prevent or address fly-tipping.It will provide capital funding for eligible local authorities in England for projects at known fly-tipping hot-spots that have potential to improve infrastructure, raise awareness, and support enforcement activity.We will prioritise projects designed to influence long-term behaviour change, share knowledge and showcase methods used for the reduction of fly-tipping that can be easily replicated or scaled up within the wider sector.
01/04/2022 £111,240
CRANSWICK COUNTRY FOODS PLC The UK Government has put in place support measures for the pig industry to reduce the animal welfare implications of pigs backing up on farms. The current backlog of pigs on farms has been caused by a combination of factors the Covid-19 pandemic, loss of export market to China, CO interruption, and a shortage of labour, especially skilled butchers, in processing plants. The support measures include the approval of up to 800 visas for pork butchers, a Private Storage Aid (PSA) scheme, a Slaughter Incentive Payment (SIP) Scheme to increase the throughput of pigs through processors and, together with Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), working to identify new export markets for pork, particularly lightly processed pork.With the introduction of the SIP scheme, processors can receive a payment of £3 per pig for any pig slaughtered in additional shifts put on by a slaughterhouse. To be eligible for the scheme, shifts must be additional to those already agreed with the Food Standards Agency and be dedicated to the SIP scheme. Additionally, the meat must be cut into 6 bone-in cuts per carcase (2 x legs, 2 x middles, 2 x shoulders) and either be put into the Private Storage Aid scheme in England or exported. The £3 per pig payment is based on a calculation of the costs incurred by processors to put on additional slaughtering shifts and incentivises increased throughput. The payment is not intended to cover all additional costs incurred by processors but rather to act as an incentive to encourage processors to maximise the opportunities offered in the support package.This scheme will run in England only.
01/04/2022 £38,530
NEEROCK LIMITED The UK Government has put in place support measures for the pig industry to reduce the animal welfare implications of pigs backing up on farms. The current backlog of pigs on farms has been caused by a combination of factors the Covid-19 pandemic, loss of export market to China, CO interruption, and a shortage of labour, especially skilled butchers, in processing plants. The support measures include the approval of up to 800 visas for pork butchers, a Private Storage Aid (PSA) scheme, a Slaughter Incentive Payment (SIP) Scheme to increase the throughput of pigs through processors and, together with Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), working to identify new export markets for pork, particularly lightly processed pork.With the introduction of the SIP scheme, processors can receive a payment of £3 per pig for any pig slaughtered in additional shifts put on by a slaughterhouse. To be eligible for the scheme, shifts must be additional to those already agreed with the Food Standards Agency and be dedicated to the SIP scheme. Additionally, the meat must be cut into 6 bone-in cuts per carcase (2 x legs, 2 x middles, 2 x shoulders) and either be put into the Private Storage Aid scheme in England or exported. The £3 per pig payment is based on a calculation of the costs incurred by processors to put on additional slaughtering shifts and incentivises increased throughput. The payment is not intended to cover all additional costs incurred by processors but rather to act as an incentive to encourage processors to maximise the opportunities offered in the support package.This scheme will run in England only.
01/04/2022 £226,340
PILGRIM'S UK LTD. The UK Government has put in place support measures for the pig industry to reduce the animal welfare implications of pigs backing up on farms. The current backlog of pigs on farms has been caused by a combination of factors the Covid-19 pandemic, loss of export market to China, CO interruption, and a shortage of labour, especially skilled butchers, in processing plants. The support measures include the approval of up to 800 visas for pork butchers, a Private Storage Aid (PSA) scheme, a Slaughter Incentive Payment (SIP) Scheme to increase the throughput of pigs through processors and, together with Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), working to identify new export markets for pork, particularly lightly processed pork.With the introduction of the SIP scheme, processors can receive a payment of £3 per pig for any pig slaughtered in additional shifts put on by a slaughterhouse. To be eligible for the scheme, shifts must be additional to those already agreed with the Food Standards Agency and be dedicated to the SIP scheme. Additionally, the meat must be cut into 6 bone-in cuts per carcase (2 x legs, 2 x middles, 2 x shoulders) and either be put into the Private Storage Aid scheme in England or exported. The £3 per pig payment is based on a calculation of the costs incurred by processors to put on additional slaughtering shifts and incentivises increased throughput. The payment is not intended to cover all additional costs incurred by processors but rather to act as an incentive to encourage processors to maximise the opportunities offered in the support package.This scheme will run in England only.
01/04/2022 £1,439
H & F N SMITH (ELLIS LAITHE) LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,868
HILARY RUSSELL GROUP LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £5,411
ROLLFIELDS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £610
CLERVAUX TRUST LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £3,095
WFC DRAYTON FARMING LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,013
GREYHOUND ESTATES LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £610
OLIVERS PLANTS (FARMS) LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,458
FARRANT FARMING LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,294
CARR HILL FARM LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £855
PADFIELD (BROWNINGS) LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,454
J & L MACPHERSON LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,388
W L BEATTIE & SONS LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £3,150
BRAMALL PROPERTIES LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £607
F LYTHGOE LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £5,344
L NETTLETON & SON LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £7,663
HAGUE FARMING LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,007
S.C.& J.H.BERRY LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £2,020
CHEVELEY PARK FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £2,766
LORDS FIELDS FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £830
F WINTER LTD AG DIV The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £2,140
HALLMARK FARMING LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £582
MAKINS ENTERPRISES LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,022
FJ & M MATTINSON & SONS The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,255
T FISHER & CO The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,610
A D & A RICHARDSON LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,256
A R FEARNALL LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £4,611
FIELDS FARM ASHLEY LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,199
BARKERS FARMS LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £593
GR & KA MASON LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £781
GOSNEY LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £5,141
NORTH HILL FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,105
MAGDALEN FARM LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £2,541
CARRON LODGE LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £853
IVAN SLATER LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £3,333
PUCKSHIPTON FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £1,371
DJ & HM CAMP T/A DAYNES FARM LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £6,241
KILNSTOWN FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £3,011
GRAFTON FARMS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £2,191
EASTBURY ESTATES (1955) LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £8,090
LONGFORD FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £9,368
SMITH MEANS LIMITED The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £3,235
G A GREEN AND SON LTD The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £911
FRED CHRISTMAS & COMPANY The aim and objectives of piloting the schemes are set out below and are centred around learning and adapting to optimise the schemes ahead of full roll out.To assess scheme design, approaches and the operability of scheme administration and guidance.
01/04/2022 £38,074
GEOFFREY MASON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £36,813
T W KNAPTON (FARMERS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,709
W.R. BROWN (FARMS) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,760
BISTERNE ESTATE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,171
G.W. COOPER (FARMS) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,114
STOW PARK FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,583
TTC-UK LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,802
PALMVILLE (TPG) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,237
SHAMROCK PARK FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,504
CRANBROOK (ESTATES) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,266
HINCHLIFFE FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,639
GOULCEBY FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,469
SC4FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,417
TANCRED GRAVEL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,157
V WILKINS & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,425
THE GARLIC FARM (I.O.W) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,747
CANNINGTON ENTERPRISES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £34,418
NIGHTLAYER LEEK CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,665
MAKINS ENTERPRISES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,975
LOTTISHAM FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,812
A & G HARDWICK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,662
SCOTTS OF NORTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £623
FJ & M MATTINSON & SONS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,421
T FISHER & CO The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £65,228
A EDGLEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,723
SHEFFIELD WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,915
A R FEARNALL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,445
C N & I R ATKIN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,813
GE SYMMS & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,877
STAFFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,246
G WARREN & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £35,002
STOKE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £743
MESSRS THRELKELD LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,138
MESSRS WHITFIELD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,054
BARKERS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,668
T H & C L JOHNSON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,124
MITFORD ESTATE LLP The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,607
GOSNEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £103,873
BAYFIELD FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £387,002
BAYS LEAP DAIRY FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £965
CROOKLANDS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,925
BIRDLYMES FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £94,015
G S SHROPSHIRE & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,133
HOLSOME PARK LTD-GT & LA LETHBRIDGE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,459
H O CHAMPNEYS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,037
BLANKNEY ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,932
HALTON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,470
N D HARPER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £15,424
FROGMARY FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,910
HENSLEY FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,019
BROMFIELD FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,403
HEREFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,915
E.F.HARROLD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £81,563
ABBOTSLEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,663
SALTCARR FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,479
VENTURES CAPITAL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,871
VENTURES CAPITAL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,109
SUSAN ELLIS CONSULTANCY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,819
BUXBRASS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,865
COLDRENICK FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £50,893
SAKER ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,792
FOWBERRY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £144,883
HEATHPATCH LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,817
AJ & DJ COOK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,643
J & S FARMS TREWIDDEN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,519
NW & M VASEY & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,255
ANP STORES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,587
GRANGE FARMS (WEST ASHBY) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,826
WREKIN SHELL MOULDINGS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £49,956
GUITING MANOR FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,827
CLAYHILL FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,297
SOUTH WIDCOMBE DAIRY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,117
GEE JAY FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,052
R & P WATERFALL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £59,508
BOXWORTH FARMING CO LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,285
FARNDON FIELDS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £96,978
K J WILSON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,699
BASHFARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,830
STARKEY BROTHERS TRADING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,070
HARVEY FARMS (WINTERBOURNE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,724
NENE PARK TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,927
BITHIA LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,919
LEE PROPERTIES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,162
DS MEANS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,932
QUEENSQUARE FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £136,235
J H & F W GREEN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,373
GRACE NATURAL FOODS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £65,062
WORCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £809
BRIAN ALABASTER LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £39,159
LANDTEAM FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,517
ARGRAIN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,895
LOVE FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,016
BOURNE FARM (HALSTEAD) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £32,706
DRAYTON FARMS GROUP LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,446
ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,370
SEAT HILL LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,794
M R TIZZARD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,188
VOUTE SALES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £67,010
J L BRYCE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,895
J CURNICK & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,183
SWINCHURCH FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £861
BOLEY PASTURE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £25,279
H TIMMIS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,740
SILVERWOOD FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,561
BOARD FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,531
B F BLEZARD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,302
GARTON FIELD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £141,532
A G WRIGHT & SON (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,364
LEE (SAXTHORPE) LTD C J C The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,250
JG GORING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,140
KENNETT FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,874
J S GARTON AND SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £49,893
NEALESTONE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,934
I G & P R STEPHENS FARMERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,662
J.A. & E. MONTGOMERY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £41,468
PAGEPOST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,577
DAWE FARMERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,259
BUTTERMERE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,171
NEW HOUSE FARM BODIAM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £165,302
LINDEN FOODS BURRADON LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £172,816
NORTHUMBERLAND CREMATORIUM LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £46,564
LUXURY LIVING HEALTH AND WELLNESS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £36,285
CONCORD PRODUCTS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £89,666
BRAEGATE PRODUCE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £22,000
AVIATION SOUTH WEST LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £97,312
GEORGE & DRAGON INN LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £19,979
ROBUSTRACK LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £48,992
V A WARREN & SON LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £23,591
BETTWS COURT RETREATS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £34,356
ALFIE BLU LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £27,877
SETTLE COAL COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £56,106
LEISUREBENCH LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £118,860
CLARKE MEATS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £103,196
LEADENHAM POLO CLUB LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £10,560
OUBAS KNITWEAR LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £34,640
THE HARBOUR BREWING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £190,270
HARPERS HOME MIX LTD T/A HARPERS FEEDS This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £5,152
NIRRO LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £16,446
ROBINSON MAJOR LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £70,352
THE OLD NEW INN BOURTON LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £35,810
THE AUTHENTIC BREAD COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £58,557
FOREST OF DEAN RECLAMATION AND BUILDING LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £66,801
EQUINE RESOURCES UK LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £101,426
BURGE'S FIELD WINERY CO. LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £7,834
TRELYA This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £84,728
WOGGLE GOGGLE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £18,767
BLAKEMERE CRAFT CENTRE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £27,886
FOSSE GARAGES (LEAMINGTON SPA) LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £26,434
F & E COFFEE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £87,973
LUCY PITTAWAY LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £16,262
ARCHER ENGINEERING LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £37,766
CAWDEN BARN LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £94,025
THE CHEFS KITCHEN LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £4,477
FIELDTECH ENGINEERING LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £76,244
I'ANSON BROS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £53,362
PRIMEPAK FOODS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £91,574
TRAYMOOR LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £12,650
MANNING BREWERS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £53,492
SHARPLEY LEISURE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £145,566
RED HURWORTH LEISURE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £125,317
THE CROFT FARM LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £24,840
WHITE LAKE CHEESES LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £124,239
DIRECT MEATS (KNIGHTS FARM) LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £12,679
AS DESIGN (CUMBRIA) LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £50,200
THE DORSET CHOCOLATE COMPANY LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £33,832
EXMOOR WELDING LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £55,108
BEDWELL BEDDING LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £210,074
FARMHOUSE POTATO BAKERS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £19,633
BELLE VUE FARM SHIRE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £12,298
SCLATER ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £81,635
DAIRY CREST LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £40,118
POLDEN FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,519
BUTLER BROS (AVEBURY) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,885
DINTON & BAVERSTOCK MANOR FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,354
NMD LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,474
CHUDLEIGH FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,871
BAINVALLEY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,991
LUTTON FARMS (STEEPLE) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,513
THE CONSERVATORS THE THERFIELD REGULATION TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,405
SHRUBLANDS ENTERPRISES LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,912
LEO SAWRIJ LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,687
A DEARDEN (FARMING) LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,943
NOBLECASTLE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,132
TOWER HOUSE FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,137
KR LOVERIDGE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,041
PARKSTONE GOLF CLUB This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,004
B & F POTATOES This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,873
TRUSTEES OF RAVENINGHAM ESTATE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,889
TRUSTEES OF PENCARROW MAINTENANCE FUND This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,982
HARRIS & SHELDON GROUP LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,731
DEVON FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £32,174
ANCHOR FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,286
ARC FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,134
PHILIP WAYRE UPLAND TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,195
TREGARGUS TRUST CIO This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,642
STEF'S LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,885
GATECASTLE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,735
EAST KESWICK WILDLIFETRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £44,183
CARDINHAM & RIFLE RANGE COMMONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,850
HETHEL FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,793
FOXBURROW FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £23,089
BENTWATERS PARKS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,956
JESUS COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,711
CHURCH FARM HERSTMONCEUX LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,093
C S SNOWDON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,522
CASELY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,775
COLBERT WALL HOLDINGS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,706
USWAYFORD FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,040
J HAGAR LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,054
BURNET HERITAGE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,669
BELSTONE COMMONERS ASSOCIATION This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £46,992
WASKERLEY PARK LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,526
POOL BRIDGE FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,536
M F & K C STOBART LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £89,695
WESTERNHOPE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,801
GRAIN FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,421
FLASH HOUSE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,265
TAMARISK FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,367
W L BEATTIE & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,229
TOTHILL FARMERS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,715
EAST DEVON HEATHS LAND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,346
WESTERNHOPE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £56,011
KINGSBURY FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,730
FILMER FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,069
APSLEY MANOR FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £547
DYNAMIC RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,091
ANTHONY HARTLEY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,962
L C SMALES & SON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,703
DUGDALE ESTATE (LONGCROFT MOSS) This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,546
N & N HINDMARSH LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,146
CHEVELEY PARK FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,009
FIVE WAYS FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,825
JOHN HOWE FARMING AND CONSERVATION LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £133,314
J M & V J HOWARD LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,887
FRODSHAM & DISTRICT WILDFOWLERS CLUB LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,388
W M GARBUTT LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,453
BARNINGHAM ESTATE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,137
M BAKER (PRODUCE) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £106,095
LINCOLNSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,397
SHEFFIELD WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,417
SHANAEL FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,948
FJ SNOOK & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £33,558
A.R.WILSON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,246
SHROPSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £62,946
SOMERSET WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £49,900
FRENCHBEER FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,396
MATSON GROUND ESTATE COMPANY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £91,912
STAFFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,906
ASKHAM BRYAN COLLEGE COMPANY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £201,037
BLANKNEY ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £174,496
THE HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,991
HARDSTAFF LINBY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,870
BRACKEN BANK LODGE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,074
NORD VUE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £70,125
NORTH HILL FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,824
BRIDGE & IVY FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,290
CHILTON HOME FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,556
COMMONWORK ORGANIC FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,975
JH & C LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £110,087
CORNWALL WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,982
PJR FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,068
R & S HIGGINS & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £56,694
J C LISTER FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,264
RN PADFIELD AND SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £50,891
E & AG STRATTON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,183
DURHAM WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,981
EARTH TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,322
S. SALBSTEIN LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £43,164
N, J & R DODS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £670
CATOR BLACKATON FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £139,352
HOLKHAM FARMING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,773
THE HERTFORDSHIRE AND MIDDLESEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,959
R.M.BANNISTER FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,243
BUTTERWELL FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,619
J R ANGELL FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,397
FARMINGTON NATURAL STONE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £36,005
G COLLINS (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £136,514
THE BENACRE COMPANY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £38,010
ANTAS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,962
C LUMLEY & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,141
CHUTE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,317
E AND E J ANDREWS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,167
FOSSIL FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,489
PJ ROWLAND & SONS (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,161
HORTON HOUSE FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,522
RAY DARLEY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,202
BOYTON FARMS CO. (WILTS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,174
NETHER CERNE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,652
R A DUCKETT & CO LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,876
P H & L C JOWETT LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £54,267
WILDERNESS RESERVE SUFFOLK LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,712
J W FINDING (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £289,269
EVERSHOT FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £28,028
AVON WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £81,557
ALBANWISE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,718
C MAKIN LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,949
LIONLIKE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £36,258
RG CHURCH LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £32,091
EDF ENERGY NUCLEAR GENERATION LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £137,832
NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,833
DARTINGTON HALL TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,753
GRIMSTHORPE & DRUMMOND CASTLE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £94,370
CUMBRIA WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,866
CHESHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,717
PYLEWELL PARK ESTATE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,503
FRESH FACES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £72,011
BRANTHWAITE HALL AGRICULTURAL LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,836
THE CALLALY ESTATES COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £31,248
ROGAM FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £585
TVT WESTROP LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,700
HOLGATE CARAVAN PARKS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,205
ENCOMBE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £77,164
ALSWICK HALL FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,742
A & E COOKE (FARMERS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £32,464
A E & W A FARR LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,776
CG PURCHASE & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,286
BOULTBEE BROOKS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,725
R & S TURNER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,530
HEWISON FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,643
QUAINTON DAIRY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,732
ASHMARDEN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £44,225
A T RICHARDSON & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £191,033
ELTON ESTATES COMPANY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,544
PHR TRADING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,849
HAWKINS FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £32,855
MANOR FARM (BUCKLAND) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,057
PENN CROFT FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,638
G B I FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,007
A E NESBITT FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,368
OXENFORD FARM LTD, The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,703
HV WRIGHT & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,683
WYKHAM PARK FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £83,479
BEALBY & SONS LTD J The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,968
RED KITE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,198
DUNGATES FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £96,212
SALPERTON PARK ESTATE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,936
NEW FARMWEALD LTD & PARTNERS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,812
HUGH LOWE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £775
OLIVER BROS (FARMING) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £16,044
DUNNING FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,872
E.R.EGLINGTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,508
HURST WATER MEADOW TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £53,824
WILLOUGHBY (395) LTD T/A NORTH LODGE FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,966
COLN ST ALDWYN PROPERTIES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £35,335
R M WINSCOM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £29,236
PENMAR FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £71,128
DAVID KEENE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £63,115
BREAMORE ESTATE CO. LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,389
G H SUTTON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,928
C W NASH (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £359,292
LORD RAYLEIGHS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,652
RICHARD JOHNSTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,542
PENTELOW FARMS (ROTHWELL) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £46,514
C R ADAMS & SONS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,632
GLADE ESTATE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,032
THE WOODLAND TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,973
JOHN RICHARDSON & SON (GOSBERTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £67,339
ANDERSON FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £30,895
LEDA PROPERTIES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,166
JCB FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £47,425
PRESTON FARMS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £88,829
GLYMPTON FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,025
DUNTHROP FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,574
L AND C FARMING CO LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,164
J & S DOUGLAS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,073
LEECH'S DAIRY FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £59,889
AW SMITH & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,368
H & S ROE & SONS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £62,115
BURTTS OF DOWSBY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,115
CA STRAWSON FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,912
PETER MOULDS (FARMERS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £132,574
LAMPORT FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,313
ANGLIAN WATER SERVICES LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £48,516
KINGHAM FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,451
CLOVELLY ESTATE COMPANY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,213
MANOR FARM This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,972
M-SPORT LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,463
DYSON FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,600
BASHFARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £682
CHURCH FARM PROPERTIES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,536
NENE PARK TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,516
BITHIA LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,776
QUEENSQUARE FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £160,597
STODY ESTATE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,544
HUDDLESTONE FARMERS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,703
WORCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,746
DARESBURY PROPERTIES LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £106,597
ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,056
ARNSIDE & SILVERDALE LANDSCAPE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,305
SAUNDERS & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,917
THE LAND RESTORATION TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,241
R H LEONARD LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,622
MILLCO FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,272
R K DRURY & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £31,042
LATHAM FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,248
IGGESUND PAPERBOARD (WORKINGTON) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,456
OVERTON LTD CN This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £42,996
BELNOR FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,153
DINELEY FARMING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £46,902
LEE (SAXTHORPE) LTD C J C This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,398
E HOLTBY & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,840
HERRINGSTON FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,318
LEE ABBEY FELLOWSHIP This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,746
FIR FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,279
WATERMILL BROAD NATURE RESERVE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,679
J H & P E NICHOLSON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,980
DEANS FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £38,652
R A JELLEY FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,469
R & J M PLACE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,142
F.P.MOLINEUX LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £23,951
F S DANN & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £42,579
KENNETH SPENCER LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,736
NORTHUMBRIAN WATER LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,321
SULLINGTON MANOR FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,429
C E W SAUNDERS (ODIHAM) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £23,344
PROCTERS FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,681
BRAESTEADS FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £28,549
KENT WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £33,190
EBONY HOLDINGS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,633
SUTCLIFFE FARMERS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,018
ALAN FIRMIN LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,034
A R FOOT LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £71,104
BURGHLEY HOUSE PRESERVATION TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £66,602
DEVON WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £41,804
DERBYSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,644
M J H & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,158
BLACKATON MANOR FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,415
ALFRED DAY & SON (HEADCORN) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £28,542
HARNAGE ESTATES LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £32,973
LT STAUGHTON FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,983
ALVIS BROS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,158
CASTLE HOWARD ESTATE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,347
PYMAN BELL HOLDINGS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,857
NAYLOR PLANT HIRE AND EXCAVATIONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,306
R C TINSLEY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,475
JEFFRIES FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,065
J.G.DRING & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,139
PG RIX (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £53,921
BAWTRY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,130
COUNTRYSIDE REGENERATION TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,366
M.F.MARTIN LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,782
ABBOTS RIPTON FARMING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,698
ROMAN ROADS FARMS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,943
J S R FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,745
WILKINSON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,730
JAJ SAWBRIDGE & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,361
IRNHAM ESTATE CO This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,846
LOW MOOR HOWE FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,681
PORTER & MAKINS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,097
SPRILLERS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,943
FRIEND FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £43,790
POORTVLIET FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,318
PARHAM PARK LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,169
CORNISH (APPLETON) LTD AH This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £54,512
CHILTON FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,539
BADLESMERE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £31,900
CROFTMARSH LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £46,034
HOWARD & CO FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,267
LEVERTON FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,076
PICKED WATTON FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,193
B ELLIOTT FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £640
J & J BLAND LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £81,205
FACCOMBE ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,163
J NORCROSS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £101,166
DOWNTON ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,407
OXTON FARMS TRUST T/A SHERBROOKE FARMS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,694
LEMMINGTON FARMS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,906
QUICKPURE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £53,432
JUDDMONTE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,013
CLARKCO LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £50,711
PENMAR FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,022
C W NASH (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £47,224
FIRLE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,627
ADCOCKS MINORCAS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,220
FROST FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,991
THE WOODLAND TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,241
GLYME FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,784
HANBY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,807
STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TAMWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BABERGH DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
IPSWICH BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
MID SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
EAST SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WEST SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ELMBRIDGE BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
EPSOM AND EWELL BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
GUILDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
MOLE VALLEY DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
REIGATE AND BANSTEAD BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
RUNNYMEDE BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SURREY HEATH BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TANDRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WAVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WOKING BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NUNEATON AND BEDWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
RUGBY BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
STRATFORD-ON-AVON DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WARWICK DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ADUR DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
CRAWLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
MID SUSSEX DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WORTHING BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
WILTSHIRE COUNTY UA The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ISLES OF SCILLY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BOLTON METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BURY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
OLDHAM METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SALFORD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
STOCKPORT METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TRAFFORD METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WIGAN METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
KNOWSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ST HELENS METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SEFTON The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
ROTHERHAM METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
GATESHEAD METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NORTH TYNESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SOUTH TYNESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SUNDERLAND CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
DUDLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SANDWELL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SOLIHULL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WALSALL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WOLVERHAMPTON METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
CITY OF BRADFORD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
KIRKLEES METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WAKEFIELD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
CITY OF LONDON The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
CAMDEN LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
GREENWICH LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
HACKNEY LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
ISLINGTON LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA ROYAL BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
LAMBETH LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
LEWISHAM LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
SOUTHWARK LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
TOWER HAMLETS LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
WANDSWORTH LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BARKING AND DAGENHAM LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
BARNET LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
BEXLEY LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
BRENT LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
BROMLEY LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
CROYDON LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
EALING LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
ENFIELD LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
HARINGEY LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
HARROW LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
HAVERING LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
HILLINGDON LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
HOUNSLOW LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
KINGSTON UPON THAMES ROYAL BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
MERTON LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NEWHAM LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
REDBRIDGE LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
LONDON BOROUGH OF RICHMOND UPON THAMES The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SUTTON LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
WALTHAM FOREST LONDON BOROUGH The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WEST MIDLANDS COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
SHEFFIELD CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NORTH EAST COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
THE WEST YORKSHIRE COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
WEST OF ENGLAND COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TEES VALLEY COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
NORTH OF TYNE COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
MALDON DISTRICT COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
TEST VALLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £43,467
SOUTH NORFOLK COUNCIL The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £26,807
CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND PETERBOROUGH COMBINED AUTHORITY The purpose of the grants is for local planning authorities to expand their capacity, upskill and prepare, with regards planning application assessment and preparation for the introduction of the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement, which is being introduced though the Environment Act 2021 and comes into force in November 2023.
01/04/2022 £999,347
CORNWALL COUNTY UA The overall purpose and aims of this programme are to: Build the capacity, effective governance arrangements and capability of local leaders and partner organisations. This will enable sellers of monetisable ecosystem services to develop a pipeline of investable projects; and local areas to aggregate and direct finance flows to deliver environmental goals; Develop local ecosystem markets and investment vehicles that support the green transition, facilitating cooperation and shared learning between organisations and sectors, directing investment to cost-effective solutions, and generating nature-related revenue flows; Explore and demonstrate the potential for natural capital investment (based on a sound understanding of assets and opportunities). This will contribute significantly to sustainable growth as part of the Levelling Up agenda, in both urban and rural settings; address the priorities for local natural capital improvement identified in Local Nature Recovery Strategies data and evidence; as well as the increasing role of local authorities as place-makers; Develop and showcase a body of learning and evidence to help other local areas to follow suit.
01/04/2022 £999,832
NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL The overall purpose and aims of this programme are to: Build the capacity, effective governance arrangements and capability of local leaders and partner organisations. This will enable sellers of monetisable ecosystem services to develop a pipeline of investable projects; and local areas to aggregate and direct finance flows to deliver environmental goals; Develop local ecosystem markets and investment vehicles that support the green transition, facilitating cooperation and shared learning between organisations and sectors, directing investment to cost-effective solutions, and generating nature-related revenue flows; Explore and demonstrate the potential for natural capital investment (based on a sound understanding of assets and opportunities). This will contribute significantly to sustainable growth as part of the Levelling Up agenda, in both urban and rural settings; address the priorities for local natural capital improvement identified in Local Nature Recovery Strategies data and evidence; as well as the increasing role of local authorities as place-makers; Develop and showcase a body of learning and evidence to help other local areas to follow suit.
01/04/2022 £1,000,000
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY UA The overall purpose and aims of this programme are to: Build the capacity, effective governance arrangements and capability of local leaders and partner organisations. This will enable sellers of monetisable ecosystem services to develop a pipeline of investable projects; and local areas to aggregate and direct finance flows to deliver environmental goals; Develop local ecosystem markets and investment vehicles that support the green transition, facilitating cooperation and shared learning between organisations and sectors, directing investment to cost-effective solutions, and generating nature-related revenue flows; Explore and demonstrate the potential for natural capital investment (based on a sound understanding of assets and opportunities). This will contribute significantly to sustainable growth as part of the Levelling Up agenda, in both urban and rural settings; address the priorities for local natural capital improvement identified in Local Nature Recovery Strategies data and evidence; as well as the increasing role of local authorities as place-makers; Develop and showcase a body of learning and evidence to help other local areas to follow suit.
01/04/2022 £1,000,000
WEST MIDLANDS COMBINED AUTHORITY The overall purpose and aims of this programme are to: Build the capacity, effective governance arrangements and capability of local leaders and partner organisations. This will enable sellers of monetisable ecosystem services to develop a pipeline of investable projects; and local areas to aggregate and direct finance flows to deliver environmental goals; Develop local ecosystem markets and investment vehicles that support the green transition, facilitating cooperation and shared learning between organisations and sectors, directing investment to cost-effective solutions, and generating nature-related revenue flows; Explore and demonstrate the potential for natural capital investment (based on a sound understanding of assets and opportunities). This will contribute significantly to sustainable growth as part of the Levelling Up agenda, in both urban and rural settings; address the priorities for local natural capital improvement identified in Local Nature Recovery Strategies data and evidence; as well as the increasing role of local authorities as place-makers; Develop and showcase a body of learning and evidence to help other local areas to follow suit.
01/04/2022 £50,000
HYNDBURN BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £50,000
MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £49,954
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £49,920
WALTHAM FOREST LONDON BOROUGH Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £49,550
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £48,000
WYRE BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £45,000
BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £39,539
DERBY CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £38,480
SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £37,955
CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £35,187
ROTHERHAM METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £33,025
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY UA Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £32,945
CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £32,245
STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £29,828
HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £29,591
BRISTOL COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £26,810
PENDLE BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £26,058
MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £25,663
DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £25,375
TAMWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £23,163
STOCKTON-ON-TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL Local authorities bid for grant amounts between £25-£50k to cover capital costs for projects to tackle fly-tipping. The following are examples of capital costs that are eligible: Enforcement cameras; CCTV; Sureveillance equipment/technology; off the shelt IT equipment and software that is needed to support the intrvention; permanent signage to support the intervention e.g. signs advising of enforcement; containers/bulking areas that are not solely litter-focused and that form part of a wier capital fly-tipping intervention; small scale costs associated with improving the area such as planting or re-surfacing the area to make it more visually attractive
01/04/2022 £230,000
CORNWALL COUNTY UA The Partnership is LA led with DEFRA and its ALBs Providing oversight and governance for the tree planting project duration. Financial commitment beyond Yr-3 is not guaranteed at this stage, however it is anticipated that funding based on the above formula will continue for a further 2 years.
01/04/2022 £199,160
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY UA The Partnership is LA led with DEFRA and its ALBs Providing oversight and governance for the tree planting project duration. Financial commitment beyond Yr-3 is not guaranteed at this stage, however it is anticipated that funding based on the above formula will continue for a further 2 years.
01/04/2022 £52,622,994
CANAL AND RIVER TRUST Core Grant to Canal and River Trust to enable them to carry out agreed responsiblities.
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
YORKSHIRE DALES RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SURREY WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
GROUNDWORK SOUTH The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WEAR RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
YORKSHIRE DALES RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SEVERN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
CAMBRIDGESHIRE ACRE The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SURREY WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
CRANE VALLEY COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
GROUNDWORK GREATER MANCHESTER The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
DON CATCHMENT RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
DERBYSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THE WELSH DEE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH CUMBRIA RIVERS TRUST LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
ESSEX AND SUFFOLK RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
GROUNDWORK SOUTH The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
GROUNDWORK CHESHIRE LANCAS & MERS The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
DORSET WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
WILD OXFORDSHIRE The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
FWAG SOUTH WEST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
OUSE & ADUR RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
NORTH YORK MOORS NATIONAL PARK TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WESSEX RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
NATURAL ENTERPRISE LTD The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £3,750
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TRENT RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
MERSEY RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WYE & USK FOUNDATION The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WYRE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
FWAG SOUTH WEST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £5,000
SOUTH CUMBRIA RIVERS TRUST LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
STAFFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
FRESHWATER HABITATS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TWEED FORUM The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TYNE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
GROUNDWORK EAST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
GROUNDWORK CHESHIRE LANCAS & MERS The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THAMES21 LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
LINCOLNSHIRE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WELLAND RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
CHESHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
HAMPSHIRE & ISLE OF WIGHT WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WESTCOUNTRY RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WESTCOUNTRY RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
RIBBLE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THE ARUN & ROTHER RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THE AIRE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WEST CUMBRIA RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
FRESHWATER HABITATS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £10,000
WEST CUMBRIA RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
NORFOLK RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
NORFOLK RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
NORFOLK RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
FRESHWATER HABITATS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
MERSEY RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THE LUNE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TRENT RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
LINCOLNSHIRE CHALK STREAMS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
MERSEY RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WEST CUMBRIA RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
CORNWALL WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
BEDFORDSHIRE RURAL COMMUNITIES CHARITY The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TEES RIVERS CHARITABLE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
WEST OF ENGLAND RURAL NETWORK The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
CORNWALL WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
EDEN RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
TRENT RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THE CALDER & COLNE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
COTSWOLDS RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
ACTION FOR THE RIVER KENNET The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
THAMES CHASE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
SOUTH EAST RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £250,000
THE RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
DEVON WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
THE HERTFORDSHIRE AND MIDDLESEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £3,750
THE HERTFORDSHIRE AND MIDDLESEX WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
ESSEX AND SUFFOLK RIVERS TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
DEVON WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
BERKSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE & OXFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £7,500
LINCOLNSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
RIVER NENE REGIONAL PARK CIC The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £15,000
HUMBER NATURE PARTNERSHIP The Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF) grant is to support the maintenance of partnerships across Englands catchments, primarily to deliver a catchment based approach to water, land and flood management. Partnerships need to consider the targets of the 25 year environment plan, including: clean and plentiful water, thriving plants and wildlife, using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change. This focus will include actions to deliver improvements to the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 objectives, climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, flood risk, coastal erosion, growing population, plastics and land management delivered through an integrated catchment approach. Managing the water environment (including rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and the sea) can be very complex and requires balancing the priorities and needs of multiple water users, landowners, and organisations with differing roles and responsibilities considering how to maximise natural capital and net gain. Individual grant values range from £3,250 for sub-catchments to £250,000 for the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) National Support Group (NSG).
01/04/2022 £84,200
THE NATIONAL TRUST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £15,712
LINCOLNSHIRE DEER GROUP ((PAID TO MASONS (RURAL) CO UNLIMITED) The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £66,080
RED SQUIRREL SOUTH WEST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £10,975
THE WOODLAND TRUST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £8,217
THE WOODLAND TRUST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £99,900
THE WOODLAND TRUST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £18,117
EVOLVING FORESTS The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £73,095
LIVING WOODS NORTH EAST CIC The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £17,602
SMALL WOODS ASSOCIATION The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £40,226
CUMBRIA WOODLANDS The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £78,234
CUMBRIA WOODLANDS The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £77,171
EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £14,850
THE WOODLAND TRUST The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £52,018
WOODLAND SAVERS The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £42,365
RSK ADAS LTD. The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £34,086
THE SLIM WOODLANDS CIC (PAID TO THE NATIONAL COPPICE FEDERATION) The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £59,489
GROWN IN BRITAIN LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £96,033
REHEAT LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £39,052
PENFOLD'S WOODLAND MANAGEMENT LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £34,000
ENGLISH WOODLANDS FORESTRY The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £5,216
PRYOR & RICKETT SILVICULTURE LTD. The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £96,454
WSP UK LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £59,598
WECANMAKE The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £45,026
MATERIAL CULTURES The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £32,495
BINDETHICS LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £90,462
GROWN IN BRITAIN LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £46,665
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £99,608
NEW MODEL INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £95,994
BOARD BLOCK TIMBER LIMITED The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £30,200
LITTLE TREAD INDUSTRIES The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £45,779
RHIZOCORE TECHNOLOGIES LTD To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £38,359
MAELOR FOREST NURSERIES To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £53,641
UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £114,198
THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £140,009
THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £13,505
FUTURE TREES TRUST To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £25,236
COVENTRY UNIVERSITY To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £20,433
RBG KEW To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £127,832
UNIVERSITY CENTRE MYERSCOUGH To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £34,959
RSK ADAS LIMITED To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £172,241
SAF WOODLAND MANAGEMENT To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £112,028
SILVIBIO LIMITED To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £191,697
THE CONIFER BREEDING COOP To encourage innovations that will enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of planting stock available for tree planting in England.
01/04/2022 £5,135
YARROW GARDENS To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £9,282
PATT FOUNDATION LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £18,336
ALBA TREES PLC To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £7,400
NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £81,199
R J TREES AND HEDGING LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £134,726
THORPE TREES LIMITED To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £73,293
ELSOMS TREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £26,690
MOOR TREES To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £175,000
TREES PLEASE LIMITED To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £19,368
WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £23,464
ALBANWISE ENVIRONMENT LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £15,293
CHEW VALLEY TREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £39,000
AVELAND TREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £14,180
SHERWOOD FOREST TRUST To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £19,084
PREES HEATH FOREST NURSERIES To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £38,540
OAKOVER NURSERIES LIMITED To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £5,766
LAKEHOUSE FARM To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £89,628
CHEVIOT TREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £170,321
FORESTART LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £7,912
ASHTREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £43,657
HEATHWOOD NURSERIES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £76,424
CUTLERS WOOD LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £31,937
RYMER TREES LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £1,515
RIBBLE RIVERS TRUST To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £17,465
WILD WEST TREES To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £106,648
DORSINGTON FARMS LIMITED To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £9,868
THE GROWER LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £6,850
EMMAUS COMMUNITY TREE NURSERY To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £14,218
TREESOURCE LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £5,654
SAF WOODLAND MANAGEMENT To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £28,228
DEVON OAK LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £2,618
CUMBRIA TREE GROWERS LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £16,504
CONYGAR TREE NURSERY LTD To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £16,483
MORE TREES To provide capital grant support to tree producers and seed suppliers.
01/04/2022 £1,190
WOODLEY GATE ACCOUNT To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £1,000
EARTH TRUST To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £1,750
TREES PLEASE LIMITED To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £5,150
JOHN INNES CENTRE To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £4,363
THE NATIONAL TRUST To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £10,863
FUTURE TREES TRUST To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £15,397
THE WOODLAND TRUST To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £1,975
AVELAND TREES LTD To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £16,420
FORESTART LTD To provide support for activities that enhance the quality, quantity, and diversity of tree seed sources in England.
01/04/2022 £35,913
SMALL WOODS ASSOCIATION The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £91,550
GROWN IN BRITAIN LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £69,754
CLOUDFOREST SUPPLY CHAINS LTD The Woods into Management Forestry Innovation Funds aim to stimulate the development and testing of new ideas that can help improve the ecological condition of woodlands, and their resilience to climate change, via increased demand for wood and increased levels of woodland management.
01/04/2022 £33,221
SAC COMMERCIAL LIMITED This measure will be used in England to raise the level of skills and knowledge in the farming and forestry sectors and develop small rural enterprises in the wider rural economy. This investment will address the weaknesses and opportunities identified in the SWOT on the lack of access to a skilled workforce in the agriculture sector and within small rural businesses as well as the limited application of research knowledge. It will contribute to Europe 2020 and the United Kingdoms strategies for growth by improving business competitiveness. The skills offer will also contribute to our environmental and resource efficiency priorities and complement our agri-environment priorities
01/04/2022 £61,993
SAC COMMERCIAL LIMITED This covers grants made to authorities or bodies selected by a procurement process to deliver advisory services, farm management and farm relief services to farmers / young farmers, other land managers and forest holders operating in rural areas as part of Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. The advice given should support delivery of environmental protection / improvement and climate change and focus on implementing innovative or best practice linked to economic and environmental performance. This measure can also deliver some of the mandatory requirements for establishing / delivering a Farm Advisory System. The bodies being funded will have qualified trained staff with advisory experience relevant to the field of advice. Payment is made per-advice visit and expenses. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,174
WESTPOINT GROUP TRADING LIMITED This covers grants made to authorities or bodies selected by a procurement process to deliver advisory services, farm management and farm relief services to farmers / young farmers, other land managers and forest holders operating in rural areas as part of Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. The advice given should support delivery of environmental protection / improvement and climate change and focus on implementing innovative or best practice linked to economic and environmental performance. This measure can also deliver some of the mandatory requirements for establishing / delivering a Farm Advisory System. The bodies being funded will have qualified trained staff with advisory experience relevant to the field of advice. Payment is made per-advice visit and expenses. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,110
MARTIN FIELD FARMS LIMITED This covers grants made for investments in physical assets made under Countryside Stewardship. The measure supports various farm and forestry investments in particular for businesses investing in innovative business practices and new technologies to make them more sustainable and productive. Investments will support improved resource efficiency or animal health / welfare and contribute to the growth of the wider rural economy and the agri-food supply chain. Applications for support are assessed against a range of criteria in each round of grants offered over the lifetime of the Programme and available to individual applicants or groups and co-operative activity undertaken by operational groups of researchers, farmers and others under the European Innovation Partnership initiative. For the forestry sector the support covers construction and improvement of access infrastructure to woodlands, equipment and machinery to improve the efficiency of the use of energy, water, fertilizer and other direct inputs (i.e. precision farming). RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,886
RSPB This covers grants made for investments in physical assets made under Countryside Stewardship. The measure supports various farm and forestry investments in particular for businesses investing in innovative business practices and new technologies to make them more sustainable and productive. Investments will support improved resource efficiency or animal health / welfare and contribute to the growth of the wider rural economy and the agri-food supply chain. Applications for support are assessed against a range of criteria in each round of grants offered over the lifetime of the Programme and available to individual applicants or groups and co-operative activity undertaken by operational groups of researchers, farmers and others under the European Innovation Partnership initiative. For the forestry sector the support covers construction and improvement of access infrastructure to woodlands, equipment and machinery to improve the efficiency of the use of energy, water, fertilizer and other direct inputs (i.e. precision farming). RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,196
STAFFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This covers grants made for investments in physical assets made under Countryside Stewardship. The measure supports various farm and forestry investments in particular for businesses investing in innovative business practices and new technologies to make them more sustainable and productive. Investments will support improved resource efficiency or animal health / welfare and contribute to the growth of the wider rural economy and the agri-food supply chain. Applications for support are assessed against a range of criteria in each round of grants offered over the lifetime of the Programme and available to individual applicants or groups and co-operative activity undertaken by operational groups of researchers, farmers and others under the European Innovation Partnership initiative. For the forestry sector the support covers construction and improvement of access infrastructure to woodlands, equipment and machinery to improve the efficiency of the use of energy, water, fertilizer and other direct inputs (i.e. precision farming). RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,035
LOW BRAMLEY GRANGE FARM LTD This covers grants made for investments in physical assets made under Countryside Stewardship. The measure supports various farm and forestry investments in particular for businesses investing in innovative business practices and new technologies to make them more sustainable and productive. Investments will support improved resource efficiency or animal health / welfare and contribute to the growth of the wider rural economy and the agri-food supply chain. Applications for support are assessed against a range of criteria in each round of grants offered over the lifetime of the Programme and available to individual applicants or groups and co-operative activity undertaken by operational groups of researchers, farmers and others under the European Innovation Partnership initiative. For the forestry sector the support covers construction and improvement of access infrastructure to woodlands, equipment and machinery to improve the efficiency of the use of energy, water, fertilizer and other direct inputs (i.e. precision farming). RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,912
G.M.HUNTER LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,800
RODLEY NATURE RESERVE TRUST LTD This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,300
TREGARGUS TRUST CIO This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,000
CASELY FARMS LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,923
SOUTH STOCK LTD This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,270
SEAL FAMILY INVESTMENTS LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,401
STOCKCROFT LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,725
STANTON FARMS LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,979
BISTERNE ESTATE TRUST This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,281
EMK CONSTRUCTION LINCS LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,684
FINDON PARK FARM LIMITED This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,145
SOMERSET WILDLIFE TRUST This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £560
MATSON GROUND ESTATE COMPANY LTD This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,872
THE HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT WILDLIFE TRUST This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme. The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change. Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,063
BLACK MOUNTAINS BOTANICALS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £44,152
SIMPLY ICE CREAMS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £87,478
MIKIJOHNS ENTERPRISES LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £26,401
KNIGHTS LODGES OF BRETBY This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £84,841
3 GENERATIONS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £2,150,070
OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £23,561
WESTWELL WINE ESTATES LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £20,506
TANKERVILLE ARMS HOTEL LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £36,507
BERICOTE PARK LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £128,703
BERRY FEED INGREDIENTS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £170,333
DURHAM GIN LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £20,162
WALLOPS WOOD LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £5,191
I DRESS MYSELF LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £45,074
TYRE RENEWALS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £54,903
KUDOS BLENDS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £27,433
THE COSY TREEHOUSE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £64,465
DEVONSPIRE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £164,287
NORTHUMBERLAND COTTAGES LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £12,839
HELMDON SAWMILLS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £33,522
LEN WRIGHT SALADS LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £102,460
OAKLANDS FARM T/A OAKLANDS STUD FARM LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £101,493
LONGMAN'S QUALITY FARM PRODUCE LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £60,695
WORTH FURNISHING LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £58,574
COPELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £30,146
BAILDON TOWN COUNCIL This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £16,895
SOUTH SOMERSET DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,610
SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,961
SANDWELL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,400
FITTLEWORTH PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,947
DERBYSHIRE DALES DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,464
TAMWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £33,103
TORRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,521
EREWASH BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,440
LYNTON & LYNMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £867
ASHFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,627
HYTHE & DIBDEN PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,535
BRIGHTON AND HOVE CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,254
NUN MONKTON PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,571
DERBY CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £64,764
CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,245
SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,835
NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,716
KEMPSEY PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,183
COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,244
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,761
PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,564
ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,706
WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,561
DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,768
CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,242
NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,208
READING BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,765
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,476
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,971
COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,699
LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,885
GLOUCESTER CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £46,464
WESTMORLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,999
WESTMORLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,507
G MONEY & SONS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,906
TICAL INVESTMENTS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £239,838
ISLE OF WIGHT GRAIN STORAGE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £188,789
COASTAL GRAINS LIMITED This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £149,712
NORTH EAST GRAINS STORAGE LTD This measure covers grants for Co-operation under Countryside Productivity, Countryside Stewardship and ESIF Growth Programme to micro and small enterprises, farmers and foresters engaged in cooperative activities. This measure encourages and promotes a r
01/04/2022 £13,141
MIDLAND GLIDING CLUB LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,920
GAIA TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £33,294
TUCK GROUP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,627
HARRIS VENISON & CO LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,903
OAK FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,039
NCPF LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,312
ABBOTTS FARM (EAST HAGBOURNE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £13,843
SEVEN LANDS FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,792
OAK VALE FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,228
M HIGGINS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,010
LOP FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,466
HOMER FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,430
BEN BURGESS HOLDINGS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £31,632
LILLYCOMBE ESTATE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £28,705
YAREAL LLANFORDA LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,753
WESTERN LIFE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,060
ANDREW BOON & ASSOCIATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £548
FERN FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,167
TOWN ESTATES CHARITY The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,524
THE TREE WISE MEN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,867
R.A.&B.A. RIDLEY & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,883
G B CONTRACTS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,233
S FRITH LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,318
JAY'S HILL FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,018
F A GATES & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,078
E & T FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,665
BITTESCOMBE MANOR ESTATE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,524
HALKIN DEVELOPMENT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,550
A H FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,416
FLODGE FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £26,708
HORNS (CASTLE BOLTON) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,784
W O ALDERSON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,015
ZETLAND COUNTRY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,565
SHEFFIELD PARK MANAGEMENT LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £18,292
GOONHILLY EARTH STATION LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,647
WHEN THE CATS AWAY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,823
RECTORY FARM PIRTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £21,233
NEATHAM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £20,683
PJS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,651
LEGGOTT FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,286
SPEYCREST LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,832
STAINSBY HOUSE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,022
THE BROW FARM NORBURY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,916
MAPLE HAYES HOME FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £181,592
CHOLMONDELEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,712
M & R YEATMAN LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,342
EDFORDS CARE FARM COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,135
THE CITY OF SUNDERLAND COLLEGE The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,681
CHILTONS (JLAH) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £85,244
ARTEMIS LAND AND AGRICULTURE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,188
JS SAVAGE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £19,259
REACHSWITCH LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,373
MIDDLE FARM (HG3) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £38,823
WESTBURY FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,513
CHRISTCHURCH ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £721
SOMER VALLEY FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,718
J RUTTER & SON LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £14,338
BGH (NORTH) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,539
KINGSTHORNE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £40,520
CRUSO & WILKIN FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,128
GILL BOTTOM FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,520
DARLINGTONS UK LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,303
FRANCIS FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £17,356
GRANTGANG LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £23,912
BROOKWELL ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,692
FARMPOINT LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,654
GREEN FARMS (WORCESTERSHIRE) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,366
PIKEHALL FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,483
M & J CHEESBROUGH & SON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,194
SLM PERCIVAL LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,414
J.A.NEEDHAM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,582
J H VAUDREY & SON (FARMS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £24,048
O PALMER LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £39,446
LOWESMOOR LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,754
LUDWELL PARTNERS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,564
M & M PARTNERS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,450
MSW FARMING LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £53,868
HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT WILDLIFE TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,662
R PRESTON GARDEN DESIGN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,762
BRIGHT FARMS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £824
YEW TREE FARM The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,607
L C DOBNEY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,110
BECKLEY MEADOWS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,227
CROSSHILLS PIGS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,514
SYLVA FOX LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,479
STORMWARNING The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £27,306
PETER TAYLOR (PRODUCE) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,245
PTC FARMING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,668
INDEGRO LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,067
RALPH TRUSTEES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,263
L J WEBBER LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,373
EMMAUS CORNWALL The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £33,287
TYNEMOUTH DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £904
ARCHE GROUP LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,802
TW FARM LTD T/AS GARE HILL MEADOWS The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,710
HARCOMBE FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,233
SATAGO (TRADING) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,087
HIGHER LAMPETHO LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,394
G ROWORTH AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTING LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,720
HARLASTON (PACKINGTON) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,347
ADLINGTON MEMORIAL PARK LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,780
AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,103
INCE ESTATES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,514
EALA LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £37,821
HOLLINGBOURNE FARM (JA) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,189
LITTLE WILDERNESS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,381
RJ & NJ STRACHAN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,547
BAITWORKS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,021
SAYCELLS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,052
CORNISH CATTLE COMPANY LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,054
WILSON STRUCTURES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,120
OAK PARK FARM (BURGH CASTLE) LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,638
IN ESTATE PROPERTIES LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,777
JAMESRICKARD@BHF LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £22,323
REDBROWN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,036
HFH INVESTMENTS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,803
WRSS ENTERPRISES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,403
G & H PRODUCE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £12,216
ARDEN FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £9,965
ST MILTON LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £89,606
FELDON HERBS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £77,601
POWERQUINN LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £5,994
TOBY FORD LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,526
STONEROCKS FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £11,819
PHEASANTRY FARMS AND BREWERY LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,248
THE NEW FOREST FRUIT CO. LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,403
BOROVERE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,521
EQUIPERFORMANCE LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,064
LAMANVA FARM LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,925
HEWSTOWN FARM LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £7,459
MOUCHE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £6,944
WESTFIELDS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £15,354
LOWE & SIMPSON (DEVELOPMENTS) LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,448
W. R. AGRICULTURE LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £1,762
BRIDGE FARM LIVERY YARD LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £2,137
RUSHTON MEADOWS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,983
LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,626
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,294
WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,262
EASTLEIGH BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £124,472
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £52,600
DORSET COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,139
AMPTHILL TOWN COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,644
BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL-PARKS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £41,638
HASTINGS BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,978
PORTHOS NOMINEES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £8,617
GAIA TRUST The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £4,720
TICAL INVESTMENTS LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,860
GRANVILLE SECURITIES LTD The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £3,352
WOODGATE FARMS LIMITED The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
01/04/2022 £10,862
TARMAC LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,671
G H & V DAVIES AND SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,013
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £49,432
GLOUCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,417
GUILDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,866
D A LADE AND CARGLOW LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,485
CHESTERFIELD BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £50,145
THE LANCASHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,091
NORFOLK ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £38,391
FRED WALTER & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,180
BOUGHTON FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,164
GREAT OAKLEY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,587
ST HELENS BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,859
L SAMPSON & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £44,655
DAVID ALSTON (NORFOLK) LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,284
HIGH CRANE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,432
CLARENDON PARK FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £23,327
TRENTHAM LEISURE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,363
HANSON QUARRY PRODUCTS EUROPE LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,732
AF HIRST(FARMS)LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,311
L SARGENT & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £45,875
RANWORTH FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,501
FRANKLIN & SON FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £41,328
J.E.HARTLEY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £36,152
APPLEBY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,635
MORRELLS FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,566
GREEN FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,671
DENHAM VICARAGE FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £101,524
ROBINSON FARMS (CARBROOKE) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,314
GRESHAM FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,436
J E DALE (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £65,334
NORFOLK FARM PRODUCE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £32,862
LEACH FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,690
NETTLECOMBE ESTATES LTD. FORESTRY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,414
CANNOCK CHASE COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,771
LONDON WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,203
TOLLEMACHE FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £91,350
YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,306
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,313
THE WHITTERN FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,567
STRUTT & PARKER (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,649
THIMBLEBY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £64,542
SCAMPSTON FARMING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,462
TOWN HEAD FARM PRODUCTS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £28,068
GEO GITTUS & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £59,533
TRUMPINGTON FARM COMPANY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £88,206
SUFFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £61,015
HOLKER HOLDINGS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,257
WOKINGHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,978
THREE RIVERS DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £52,451
WILTSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,666
W LAMBOURNE & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,374
TAURUS FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,591
WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,597
THURROCK COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,449
THE WELLCOME TRUST LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £58,978
WAKEFIELD FARMS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,146
SEVERN TRENT WATER LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,115
YORKSHIRE WATER SERVICES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,368
UNWIN ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,446
WISTON FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,943
W M HERON & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £73,718
WEARDALE ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,805
WELWYN HATFIELD COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,005
WALSALL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £46,245
WHERWELL FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,075
THOMAS BEAZLEY & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,683
WYKEHAM FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,537
WITHAM TRADING CO. LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £88,283
W.CUMBER & SON (THEALE) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,781
STOURTON ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,994
WIRRAL COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £57,117
THARROS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £42,345
WIGAN COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,473
W.ALEXANDER (SHOREHAM) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,542
STOKE ON TRENT CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £61,126
WAVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,399
WHALLEY CORNMILL LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,740
SEXTON LTD A E This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,436
THOMAS FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £31,823
SPENCE AND SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £73,534
SHIMPLING PARK FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £81,331
THE BADGWORTHY LAND COMPANY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,522
T HAMMOND FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,901
SKEETE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,031
TRAFALGAR ESTATE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,546
SEAMANS FARMS (BINTRY) LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £97,711
CROSSLEY FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,064
WOLSINGHAM PARK FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,234
SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,948
L D C (BOSTON) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,905
ISAAC BENSON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,415
TENDRING DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,785
EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,374
P A WRIGHT & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £51,613
F G BATTLE & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,651
CHILBOLTON PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,989
W NIXON AND SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,660
MELDON GREEN LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,727
NETHERSTREET ENTERPRISES LTD. This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,997
D J ARCHER LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,424
K N GRANT LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,248
THE WOODLANDS FARM TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,007
A G MEALE AND SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,348
G BROWN STURTON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,039
J CLIFTON AND CO LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,716
YORKSHIRE SCULPTURE PARK This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,728
PANTALL LTD RWW This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £63,854
WATSON SMYTH FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,146
JOSEPH E SWIERS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,412
PEDDARS PIGS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,889
HOPCRAFT LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £26,753
MUNTHAM FARM LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,220
DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £28,502
AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE CONSERVATION TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,148
MULBERRY HOMES UK LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,299
R W FRANKLIN & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,642
J AND J R ALLEN (CULCHETH)LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,808
WELLOW PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,918
JAMES HALL & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £66,960
J & K BARNARD (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,169
AE TEBBS (FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,607
JOHN SAUL LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,985
LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,757
THE BOXMOOR TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,091
LOWER SKIPPET FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £50,389
LOWTHER PARK FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,712
J ATKINSON (EAST MEON) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,735
AYLESTONE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,410
PAMPISFORD ESTATE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,442
C W ANYAN FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,975
D G RICHARDSON & SONS (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,980
STONELEIGH ABBEY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,070
WYRE COMMUNITY LAND TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,678
MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,336
P D JOHNSON FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,995
POTTER OYLER LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £38,025
PASTURES & HABITATS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,054
SINFIELD NATURE CONSERVATION TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £854
CADE FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £42,733
NEWCOME-BAKER FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,473
HESSELDEN BROS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,049
WEST RISE JUNIOR SCHOOL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,925
HALLINGTON FARMING COMPANY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,727
NORFOLK ORNITHOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,810
BADER INTERNATIONAL STUDY CENTRE This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £35,312
R C REED LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,949
PARHAM PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,872
R PARTRIDGE AND SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,372
HINDWEST DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,412
MESSRS STEEL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,531
RUSHLAKE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,219
HALL FARM HINGHAM LTD T/A E.F SHINGFIELD & SONS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,497
SUSSEX WILDLIFE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,280
G S WOODVINE FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,128
NORMAN CALEY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £86,956
WALSHAW MOOR ESTATE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,308
PETER LAMB LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £70,619
A & E G HEADING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,349
SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,469
WILKERSON LTD G C & J C This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,526
HEBDEN PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £9,937
CALEB RAYNER LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £36,457
GJ DUNCANSON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,207
THORNHILL MEADOWS TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,199
ALLERDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,759
BROOMFORD HOLDINGS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,291
J SHEPHARD & SON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £29,378
J H PATCHETT & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,940
SKELTON FARMING LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,418
THE HOUGHTON CLUB LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,393
HILL GROVE FAMILY FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £170,213
THE WILDFOWL AND WETLANDS TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,583
THE DUCKWORTH WORCESTERSHIRE TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,042
WJ MILLER & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,361
K CALVERT LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,932
TEMPORAL LTD W&JS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £37,956
PARADISE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £30,237
G & J CRABTREE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,561
WORCESTER CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,987
THE LYNCHMERE SOCIETY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,119
BAINES ESTATES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,417
C N FLACK & CO LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £7,842
A PEARSON & CO LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £543
THE REV. WILLIAM PAPILLON'S CHARITY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,907
PRIORY HOLDINGS This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,254
R M HADFIELD LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,824
ST NICHOLAS COURT FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,102
HADRAJ LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,606
THE DONKEY SANCTUARY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £39,429
CHANDLER AND DUNN LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,237
V MARSH & SON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £41,780
JOHN COLE FARMS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,004
R P ANDERSON & SON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,597
J & E MEDCALF LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £10,375
JOHN MCNEIL WILSON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £14,177
JOHN WILSON & SONS (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,501
PONTON FARMING CO LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,859
J WARD FARMING This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,322
LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £15,455
JUNCTION 4 PALLETS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,858
BURTON CONSTABLE FOUNDATION This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £12,864
G.S.GRANTHAM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £32,437
T.S ASTELL & WILL TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,545
J R GILMAN & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £126,452
J DRINKALL LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,363
ROCKINGHAM FOREST TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £1,561
MARKET HARBOROUGH & THE BOWDENS CHARITY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,911
THE DAWES TRUST LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,587
R&S SHIRES (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £4,153
CHURCH FARM (BRAILES) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,185
J E CADE & SON LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £78,790
CONHOLT PARK ESTATE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £31,455
EXNING ESTATE COMPANY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,307
M.W CAVE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £88,468
JACK MERRICKS FARMS RYE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,730
RWC TITTLESHALL LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £2,190
SANDWICH BAY BIRD OBSERVATORY TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,059
BANKS FARM (CHESTERBLADE) LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,286
HORNDEAN PARISH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £27,752
W J SMITH & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £40,095
NORBIN FARM LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £8,496
PN & DV ATKIN & DAUGHTERS COMPANY LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £61,816
MESSERS J B & E J PEILE LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £53,613
INGLEBOROUGH COMMONERS ASSOCIATION LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £16,989
HIGH STUDDON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,912
PACKINGTON ESTATE ENTERPRISES LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,675
BRACKNELL FOREST BOROUGH COUNCIL This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,063
J F ROWSON AND SONS (FARMERS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,060
CLARKE & SON (1954)LTD T W H This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £33,899
W J OSBORN AND SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £34,753
BLACKDOWN HILLS TRUST This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £22,903
THE TRUSTEES OF M W A WARDE NORBURY This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £13,183
BOWER LTD G A This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £20,749
CLARKES OF BOWLEY LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £6,857
J P STANSFIELD LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £24,348
F.G.JOHNSON LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £18,662
R H J CROXTON & SON [FARMS] LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £19,372
G D STEPHENSON & SONS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £25,618
R C EVANS (CURDALE FARMS) LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £5,670
PULLIN & SONS LTD F H This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £55,941
R A LATTA FARMS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,176
MOORE BROS THE SHAW LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £21,349
J H P FARMING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £17,208
CJ JERMAN LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £11,979
NANKIVELL & SONS LIMITED This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £41,797
KEVIN WRATHALL LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £3,673
CURTIS PARTNERS LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
01/04/2022 £43,644
MORRISON & KING LTD This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
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Cumulative Grants
Amount Recipient
£1,461,553 RICARDO-AEA LTD
£1,143,225 CITY OF LONDON
£893,555 NIAB
£500,000 FSD AFRICA
£295,000 WCMC
£280,000 THE RIVERS TRUST Environment: Conservation
£243,530 CABI
£226,340 PILGRIM'S UK LTD.
£167,897 WWF - UK
£149,940 CITY OF TREES
£136,235 J H & F W GREEN LTD
£135,071 GSC GRAYS LTD
£131,395 SEFTON MBC
£120,309 BCP COUNCIL 
£120,155 SEAFISH
£117,237 KIMO UK
£109,075 JOYCE & SONS LTD J H
£96,978 K J WILSON LTD
£96,454 WSP UK LTD
£96,033 REHEAT LTD
£95,792 BROWN & CO
£77,411 RMP FARM LTD
£70,619 A & E G HEADING LTD
£69,448 J S FARMS LTD
£68,003 T C & N TAYLOR LTD
£65,228 A EDGLEY LTD
£58,785 JR CLARK LTD
£58,568 R & L HOLT LTD
£49,274 R A GIBSON LTD
£46,742 J S R FARMS LTD
£45,941 L S POW & SONS LTD
£45,413 GEORGE LTD F&A
£44,588 A S HARMAN LTD
£44,400 OECD
£43,164 N, J & R DODS LTD
£42,768 G.H. ALLEN (FARMS) LTD
£41,409 WCS - CAMBODIA
£40,092 J & W K FISHER LTD
£38,905 M B & J GOODWIN LTD
£37,556 CS GENT & SONS LTD
£37,206 JB & J KAY LTD
£35,312 R C REED LTD
£32,464 A E & W A FARR LTD
£30,950 C W NASH (FARMS) LTD
£30,484 A A READ (FARMS) LTD
£30,346 N D HARPER LTD
£30,237 G & J CRABTREE LTD
£29,606 P & S MITCHELL LTD
£29,042 N M GREEN & SONS LTD
£27,740 SEXTON LTD A E
£26,876 P H & L C JOWETT LTD
£26,807 SEFTON
£26,740 BIOSFERA
£26,690 MOOR TREES
£26,434 F & E COFFEE LTD
£26,085 F S DANN & SON LTD
£25,000 T&M COOPER LTD
£25,000 QT AGRI LTD
£25,000 M & D BELL LTD
£25,000 J W E BANKS LTD
£25,000 H. & H.S. VALE LIMITED
£25,000 G & B DOBSON LTD
£24,216 J & M LEEMING LTD
£23,842 T H & C L JOHNSON LTD
£23,747 J M & S E JACKSON LTD
£22,088 M P KEMP LTD
£21,441 W C LITTLE & SON LTD
£21,098 CJ FARMS LTD
£21,078 E & T FARMING LTD
£21,060 CLARKE & SON (1954)LTD T W H
£20,537 GAIA TRUST
£20,433 RBG KEW
£20,398 E HOLTBY & SON LTD
£20,272 R K DRURY & SONS LTD
£20,150 J & W DAVIS LTD
£20,139 PG RIX (FARMS) LTD
£20,116 W R MOORE & SONS LTD
£20,065 J.G.DRING & SON LTD
£18,988 TG & K FISHER LTD
£18,729 PYSK LTD
£18,676 T FISHER & CO
£18,652 R A DUCKETT & CO LTD
£18,526 R & W GIDLOW LTD
£18,236 B & C DODD FARM LTD
£17,839 J HIND & SON LTD
£17,545 J R GILMAN & SON LTD
£16,796 P & H MAYHEW & SON LTD
£16,483 MORE TREES
£16,390 C N BECK & SONS LTD
£16,262 A J & W L TURNER LTD
£16,034 A R FOOT LTD
£15,417 C N FLACK & CO LTD
£15,186 D R & A HIGGINS & SON LTD
£15,153 JH & C LIMITED
£14,940 T. E. & P. W. ECKERSLEY LTD
£14,800 J A DARKE LTD
£14,718 C MAKIN LTD
£14,637 BUTTON LTD, C P
£14,550 A H FARMS LTD
£13,948 L D C (BOSTON) LTD
£13,817 AJ & DJ COOK LTD
£13,437 MMO
£13,424 K N GRANT LTD
£13,281 P.A. BOOTH & CO.
£13,183 BOWER LTD G A
£12,903 L J RILEY LTD
£12,746 FIR FARM LTD
£12,719 M J UGLOW LTD
£12,354 DW BROOK & SON LTD
£12,151 L J WEBBER LTD
£12,054 FINBOWS (BACTON) 1991 LTD,
£12,054 CRADOCK, RH & IR LTD
£11,909 TILHILL 
£11,740 C & I WADE LTD
£11,493 C G & D HEAL LIMITED
£11,075 RAC FARMS
£10,840 R & E KINGMAN & SON LTD
£10,771 R J ROSE & SON LTD
£10,488 M. R. J FAULKS & SON LTD
£10,388 GOSNEY LTD
£10,339 TUCKER & SONS LTD.
£10,302 R F TOWERS LTD
£10,088 J H MCCLOY & CO LTD
£9,834 J HOLE & SONS LTD
£9,818 S.C.& J.H.BERRY LTD
£9,747 R H J FARMS LTD
£9,485 C N & I R ATKIN LTD
£9,416 BJ & S WALLIS
£9,400 S T ALLEN & SON LTD
£9,295 A.W. SQUIER LTD
£9,154 M & S WHITE & SON LTD
£8,644 M J H & SONS LTD
£8,396 J & V CASEY & SON LTD
£8,354 S T & A L WARD LTD
£8,105 C & H FORD FARM LTD
£8,048 E & R FULLER LTD
£7,928 BOWER LTD, R J
£7,834 TRELYA
£7,351 J. S. & J. DOWN LIMITED
£7,002 W J WATKINS & SON
£6,712 M & R YEATMAN LTD
£6,681 J S DAKIN & CO
£6,469 R & J M PLACE LTD
£6,025 T & R SLACK LTD
£5,886 RSPB
£5,570 E J FARMS LTD
£5,441 G & R HOUSE LTD
£5,069 G F COLE & SON LTD
£4,869 BERRYS
£4,732 J H & R FROST LTD
£4,366 M J & D A JOHNSON LTD
£4,184 FJ HUCK LTD
£4,167 P & S HARRIS LTD
£4,164 J & S DOUGLAS LTD
£4,133 D P & F M DAY & SON LTD
£3,725 R & S TURNER LTD
£3,638 G B I FARMS LTD
£3,408 H & K FARMS LTD
£3,307 M.W CAVE LTD
£2,990 D L & M L LEA LIMITED
£2,597 J & E MEDCALF LTD
£2,560 W P & J JENKIN LTD
£2,266 J S & J BUCKLEY
£2,185 J E CADE & SON LTD
£1,642 STEF'S LTD
£1,619 C H & P C CORBETT LTD
£1,554 SRUC
£1,519 NW & M VASEY & SON LTD
£1,403 G & H PRODUCE LTD
£1,010 LOP FARM
£1,004 B & F POTATOES
£640 J & J BLAND LTD
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Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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